Why does Navalny have such eyes? Alexey Navalny – Medical and criminal report

So many people ask “how is your eye?” and “what about the investigation?”, so let me answer everyone at once.

1. Many thanks to everyone who is worried/sympathizes/suggests a good doctor. I am now being treated by one of the best ophthalmologists in Moscow, everything is fine with me.

2. The eye itself is not so good, unfortunately. The doctor thinks that they threw greenery mixed with something else in my face, because you can’t just burn your eye with greenery that badly. I am inclined to agree with her: from a rubber bulb it stung and cut a lot, but after 10 minutes I could see normally, my eyes did not swell, the whites remained white, etc.

3. Now for the third day I have been putting drops into my eyes every 15 minutes, for the second day I am giving injections and we are fighting to keep the eye clear. Well, if it doesn’t work out (there is a possibility, alas), then Russia will have a president with a stylish white eye.

Something like this, but on one eye and without glow (unfortunately):

It’s unpleasant, of course, but nothing can be done. This is Russia 2017, and instead of election debates, they just constantly throw some caustic rubbish in your face.

The methods of political struggle of old man Putin and his administration are such that closer to election day I may well look something like this:

After all, I've always said that my favorite movie is Terminator 2, so it's all my own fault. Peskov will say that I myself subconsciously strived.

4. Of course, there will be no investigation. Look, a criminal case has not yet been opened. No one even questioned me, even though a statement was written right away.

I do not doubt for a second, and my confidence is based on the facts, that the attack was organized by the presidential administration. Yes, all sorts of NOD members are running around with glasses of green tea, but they always have accurate data about my movements, hotels, tickets, departures/arrivals. Where I will go, where I will come out. It is clear that intelligence services supply them with data from databases and surveillance data. They also guarantee immunity, “non-working cameras” and the reluctance of the police to investigate.

5. It is clear that such an investigation will establish: the perpetrators were activists of an organization headed by a United Russia deputy. The office of this organization is located opposite the AP. The data was provided to them by the FSB on the instructions of the AP. Funding is provided by the AP. The police and the Investigative Committee did not conduct investigations on the instructions of the AP.

Does anyone need such results? Therefore, nothing will happen, as in the case of the attack on FBK in Anapa. If, as the pro-Kremlin media shouted, they were just “local hooligans,” then who would stop them from finding them and at least bringing them into administration?

But you can’t find it, then there’s too much that can’t be hidden. So it is here.

6. In the beautiful Russia of the future, splashing green liquid, acid and other rubbish at people will be prohibited. The police will investigate such cases and imprison the perpetrators.
Officials accused of corruption will answer public questions. And if, instead of answering, it occurs to some of them to intimidate critics and throw green paint at them, then for this they will generally throw them into the asphalt.

Alexei Navalny was attacked by an unknown person near the World Trade Center in Moscow. The man splashed the oppositionist with brilliant green in the face and injured his eye. Navalny had to call an ambulance: brilliant green stained his right eye.

Navalny said that the treatment of a chemical burn to the eye, which was diagnosed after the attack, is being treated by “one of the best ophthalmologists in Moscow.”

The doctor thinks that they threw some brilliant green mixed with something else in my face, because you can’t just burn your eye with brilliant green. I am inclined to agree with her: in Barnaul they sprayed brilliant green directly into my eyes from a rubber bulb - it burned and cut very much, but after 10 minutes I saw normally, my eyes did not swell, the whites remained white,”

Navalny said.

There is a danger that it will not be possible to cure a chemical burn to the eye, the politician added.

Now I’ve been putting drops into my eyes every 15 minutes for the third day, I’m giving injections for the second day, and we’re fighting to keep the eye clear,”

Navalny noted.

Navalny has his own point of view about who could have organized the attack on him.

I don’t doubt for a second, and my confidence is based on the facts, that the attack was organized by the presidential administration,”

Navalny said.

According to him, “all sorts of NOD members are running around with glasses of brilliant green,” but the intelligence services “supply them” with information about Navalny’s movements.

They guarantee immunity, “non-working cameras” and the reluctance of the police to investigate,”

the oppositionist is confident.

He also expressed confidence that no criminal case would be opened over the attack and that those who threw green paint in his face would remain unpunished.

Meanwhile, the Russian presidential administration has not yet commented on these statements by Navalny.

After the attack, Navalny wrote a statement to the police. They said they were conducting an investigation. The presidential administration issued instructions to regional authorities to stop attacks on oppositionists.

The decision is due to the fact that acts of aggression towards activists “actually only lead to their promotion.” Sources in the Kremlin reported this to Gazeta.ru. Law enforcement agencies in the regions will be instructed to bring those responsible for the attacks to justice and in the future to suppress acts of aggression against opposition politicians.

The publication's source clarified that regional governors, as a rule, do not take initiative in such matters and prefer to entrust decisions to senior management.

The Kremlin denies any involvement in attacks on oppositionists.

Another source noted that the administration may not have actually given the order to attack Navalny or other politicians. According to him, there was an attitude to “show them so that they understand everything,” which each performer understood in his own way. The source added that acts of aggression could be planned by independent activists and provocateurs “out of very sincere motives.”

The doctor believes that the brilliant green contained some kind of caustic additive

An ophthalmologist consulting with opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who received a chemical burn to his eye as a result of an attack with brilliant green, believes that some kind of caustic liquid was added to the antiseptic solution to enhance the effect. This is what led to such an injury, as a result of which the restoration of the vision of the head of the FBK Foundation is in question.

Alexey Navalny. Still from the Navalny LIVE program.

Alexey Navalny reported on his website that he is being treated by one of the best ophthalmologists in Moscow. At the same time, he cannot boast of an improvement in the condition of his eye.

“The doctor thinks that they splashed greenery mixed with something else in my face, because you can’t just burn your eyes with greenery that badly. I’m inclined to agree with her,” the oppositionist wrote.

He remembered that earlier in Barnaul they had sprayed brilliant green in his face, but the burning and stinging sensation lasted only 10 minutes and the whites of his eyes remained white and he did not lose his vision.

“Now I’ve been putting drops into my eyes every 15 minutes for the third day, I’m giving injections for the second day and we are fighting to keep the eye clear,” he wrote.

Navalny accused the current authorities of attacks on oppositionists using chemical liquids and wrote that he does not believe in the investigation. “Look, a criminal case has not yet been opened. No one even questioned me, even though a statement was immediately written,” the oppositionist’s message says.

Let us recall that the attack on Navalny occurred on April 27, when he was leaving the office of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. The ambulance then took the oppositionist to the hospital, where he...

The next day, an attack occurred on Yabloko activist Natalya Fedorova, who was protesting against plans to expand a wallpaper store on Nakhimovsky Prospekt. An unknown person splashed a chemical liquid in her face, causing her to lose her vision.

Today, a member of the political committee of the Yabloko party, Sergei Mitrokhin, said on his Twitter that Fedorova still cannot see in one eye.