Subcutaneous lice: truth or myth. Do subcutaneous lice exist on the human body? Are there lice under the skin?

There is a myth that subcutaneous lice in humans are much worse than ordinary lice. But this name is popularly given to completely different creatures, which also worsen the quality of life, causing unpleasant symptoms.


The question of whether there are subcutaneous lice or not has long been resolved: this is what people call the scabies mite, which causes symptoms similar to nit infestation. Under a microscope they look like this:

  1. Size no more than 400 microns.
  2. There are 8 limbs.
  3. Spherical plump body, slightly flattened below.

More often they pay attention to external symptoms and the presence of labyrinths made by subcutaneous lice.

Signs of damage and life cycle


  1. Subcutaneous lice on the head make specific moves: they are palpable under the cover, have the form of thickenings or are swollen with white blisters with liquid.
  2. Severe local itching.
  3. Redness that looks like a rash.
  4. Unlike nits, there are no bite marks.

Ticks live on the following areas of the body: stomach, sides, buttocks, elbows. These areas are hairless, making it easier to access the layers of skin.

An adult is formed after 2 molts - about 15 days. The maternal female lives no more than 1.5 months. The danger of ticks is due to the fact that they are carriers of many pathogens of other diseases. Infections also enter the body through scratched areas and small wounds.

Clinical forms:

  1. Scabies of clean people. With minimal manifestations on the skin, night itching is almost not a concern.
  2. Nodular. Immune reaction, red, inflamed blisters or nodes that are resistant to therapy form under the passages.
  3. Cortical. The most dangerous contagious form. Immunity decreases, the places of appearance are atypical, there are even lice under the scalp. Hair becomes brittle, ashy and dry. The crusts themselves are difficult to remove from the head; touching them causes pain.

Norwegian scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis.

This aggressive form affects the entire body, making it look like the bark of a dried tree. It affects the human scalp and other areas. The number of individuals in advanced cases reaches several thousand or millions. The disease manifests itself in people with reduced immunity.

Treatment methods

The drugs should be prescribed by a dermatologist after tests: examination and general blood screening. Medicines are accessible, comfortable to use, do not have a strong odor and are budget-friendly:

  1. Aerosol "Spregal". Apply to the body once a day, then shower with soap. Course – 4 days.
  2. "Permethrin." Apply before bed and wash off in the morning with soapy water. The course is also about 4 days.
  3. "Ivermectin." More toxic, not recommended for children and pregnant women. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

Additionally, after rinsing, sulfur ointment, benzoic acid or lindane are used. Before using the second one, you should carefully study the dosages. The cortical form is more difficult to overcome. The therapy consists of two stages: treatment of external crusts and general treatment. To understand why the body does not resist the tick, an immune test is performed. People with diabetes are predisposed.

An important stage during treatment is the processing of clothing. All linens, underwear and bedding, are boiled and washed so that the lice die. During the course, a new set is put on each time after treatment.

Routes of infection

Infection occurs through close skin contact with the skin of another person.

An individual parasite needs only 20 minutes to penetrate the top layer. In the air, activity decreases; they live for about 24-36 hours in external conditions. Mostly infection occurs at night. Methods of transmission.

Thus, we can say with confidence that subcutaneous lice as such do not exist in nature.

What are mistaken for subcutaneous lice?

These pathogenic organisms have eight legs, unlike lice, which have only six legs. Scabies are popularly called subcutaneous lice because the symptoms of infection are very similar to lice.

There are special cases when, in the absence of treatment, for example, in tramps, several million mites accumulate, which provokes the development of tissue necrosis. A particularly severe form of the disease also appears - Norwegian or nodular scabies, dermatitis, pyoderma.

As a result, we can conclude that the subcutaneous louse is none other than the scabies mite, which irritates the skin and is very similar in symptoms to lice.

What is the difference between pediculosis and scabies?

When infected with a scabies mite, a person experiences symptoms that resemble those of lice. However, these types of diseases have certain differences.

If certain symptoms of infection are detected, you should definitely consult your doctor to find out the exact diagnosis.

If infection occurs, all family members who are exposed to the infection should be treated. The medications prescribed by the doctor are rubbed in with your hands; you do not need to wear gloves.

It is also necessary to disinfect clothes, bedding and belongings. To treat scabies mites, clothes are covered with detergent and thoroughly boiled for ten minutes.

Alternatively, place all clothing in a plastic bag and hang it out in the fresh air. Things must hang outside for at least five days. During this period, scabies mites begin to starve and look for a source of food, crawling from the laundry, this is exactly what happens.

Treatment for scabies

Scabies is considered a curable disease. Today, modern medicine offers a huge selection of all kinds of medicines. Depending on the drug, the skin is treated from two to seven times. To completely treat one person, 50 ml of medicine is required.

The most famous and effective remedy is the drug Benzyl benzoate. It is produced in the form of ointments or emulsions. The medicine has the ability to be well absorbed into the skin and not leave marks on clothes. This is a fairly cheap product; the cost of one 150 ml bottle is about 75 rubles.

Therapy consists of two treatments with a three-day break.

After three days, the treatment is repeated to eliminate the young larvae hatching from the eggs.

Permethrin, which is available in the form of a cream, is considered an equally effective drug. However, its cost exceeds the price of benzyl benzoate. Therapy consists of two treatments. Before you start using the drug, you should consult a dermatologist. It is also important to carefully follow the included instructions.

A well-known medicine that has been used to treat scabies for many years is sulfur ointment. It is rubbed into the affected skin for seven days. Unlike special medications, this medicine has a very unpleasant odor, is poorly absorbed into the skin and can stain laundry. For this reason, such a remedy has been rarely used in recent years. Elena Malysheva will tell you in detail about scabies in the video in this article.

Such insects are more often found in people living in difficult living conditions without the ability to maintain personal hygiene. All three types of lice do not interact with each other in any way; each has its own characteristics, except that they cause a disease in humans called pediculosis. Treatment depends on the type of insect that affects it.

Later, in places of numerous bites - behind the ears, in the temporal, occipital region - wounds form. If dirt gets into them, pus is formed - pyoderma, the affected areas become covered with crusts. Against the background of pyoderma, swelling of the lymph nodes is possible. Without proper hygiene care, symptoms become more obvious:

  1. A specific unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the head.
  2. Hair becomes very tangled.

The symptoms of lice pubis are also not noticeable at the very beginning. Once on the human body, the pubic louse does not make itself known for a whole month, during which time the incubation period passes. Afterwards, symptoms begin to appear, the main of which is itching. Most often, the groin area itches, less often, with abundant hair on the body, the area of ​​​​the thighs, legs, abdomen, mustache and beard. The pubic louse does not live on the head. Itching can have varying intensity - from very weak, unnoticeable to a person, to unbearable, especially at night. Scratching itchy bites leads to additional symptoms:

  1. Irritated, hyperemic areas of the skin.
  2. Eczema.
  3. Risk of secondary infection through the resulting damage.

Clothes lice (linen lice) is characterized by the absence of symptoms at the initial stage, but salivary secretion leads to redness and blistering on the body. At the sites of bites, subcutaneous nodules and blisters appear, with a hemorrhagic crust in the center. Scratching causes streak-like marks to appear on the skin. Body lice are carriers of dangerous infections, which become infected 6–7 days after contact with the skin. In this case, other serious symptoms appear.

Pediculosis therapy

It is worth noting that it is possible to get rid of lice of any type, and the earlier treatment is started, the easier it is. Treatment for lice pubis is local. This type affects the adult population and mainly through sexual contact, so it would be a good idea to undergo screening for sexually transmitted diseases.

Treating clothing is also necessary to get rid of body lice, but this will require boiling or steaming. They will be followed by a long, at least a week, airing of the clothes. Head lice mainly affects children, so a particularly careful approach is required. Treatment will not work if the source of the infection is not identified. To do this, you will have to inform the school or kindergarten about the discovered illness. In this case, all children are checked by a medical professional for the presence of head lice.

Treatment can be carried out without the use of drugs. This is especially important if the child suffers from allergic reactions to medications. This will require good eyesight, a fine comb and a lot of patience. The hair on the head is divided into strands and methodically combed. In the process, detected insects and their eggs - nits - are destroyed by crushing. This is much easier to do on short hair.

For treatment to be effective, several treatments will be required over several days. Drug treatment can also be used. The pharmacy sells many products for eliminating head lice to help get rid of the symptoms of head lice. When choosing, it is worth clarifying their effect, since there are drugs that kill only adult individuals. In this case, the removal of lice eggs should be done manually.

Are you familiar with the situation when your body itches and you get the feeling that there are insects under the outer covering? Some say with complete confidence: these are subcutaneous lice, while others laugh at such a statement.

  1. The insect is very small, therefore it is difficult to notice it on the head. Having bitten through the dermis, the reptiles can easily get inside and enjoy an inexhaustible source of blood.
  2. The symptoms of diseases in which everything itches, as well as redness and irritation, are similar to classic lice. It is difficult to see them in the hair and not associate the fact of their appearance with general scabies.
  3. Without a microscope, it is impossible to determine at first glance what causes scabies. As a result, the people found their own description and justification for the appearance of the blood-sucking creature.

Now medicine is well developed and the literature describes in detail the development and fight against unbearable itching.

We will level out all erroneous statements and explain why their existence under the dermis layer is just a persistent myth.

Elena: “I had lice as a child. These abominations crawled through my hair, body and even inside. I experienced terrible itching, especially at night. Grandmother first took out the outside inhabitants, and then smeared me with ointment, which helped get rid of subcutaneous insects. I haven’t had any more problems like this.”

Biological side of the issue

Due to lack of information, many people tend to invent various diseases for themselves. This happens when subcutaneous lice seem real to someone.

Symptoms of one disease are transferred to another, leading to erroneous independent conclusions.

In order not to consider all similar ailments separately, let’s study the biology of lice: their lifestyle, methods of appearance and existence.

Often isolated as a separate species. During the process of evolution, the head individual migrated to clothing, but still feeds on human blood. She, similarly, needs oxygen, and it must always be close to the body.

Scientists have proven that lice need hair to live comfortably. This explains the fighting methods in which the braids are completely cut off.

In addition, there are concerns about the continued existence of pubes as a species. Depilation of the bikini area and improved hygienic conditions lead the species to extinction.

Who lives under the skin?

But if subcutaneous lice are a myth, then who provokes the unbearable desire to itch?

It is popularly called scabies mite or itch. Mostly belongs to the family of arachnids and encephalitis, and not to lice.

A tick, unlike a louse, has eight legs. And only the symptoms of irritation are similar to each other: unbearable itching, blisters, and the invisibility of insects due to their miniature size.

In the presence of scabies, scabies appears as a result of bites and damage to the skin for free access to blood. The peculiarity is this: the female specifically penetrates inside in order to lay eggs.

Usually the number of mites on a person does not exceed fifteen, because even one insect causes such severe scabies that the victim rushes to the clinic for help.

In special cases, for example, among tramps, total infection is possible. It leads to tissue death. The most complex forms of the disease develop - pyoderma, nodular and rare Norwegian scabies.

The presence of a scabies mite can only be determined by the presence of a small dark dot at the site of the bite. But without magnifying devices it is impossible to see it.

Therefore, we can safely say: the “lice” that people periodically discover under the skin is nothing more than scabies mites.

Other symptoms of subcutaneous mites:

Yulia, 32 years old: “My mother always scared me: “If I pet homeless animals and make friends with children from a boarding school, you will get lice. They will get inside and drink all your blood." I had little faith in such a death, but only in high school after biology lessons did I stop being afraid of such a fate, because... it is impossible."

How to distinguish pediculosis from mite infestation?

But there are clear differences that justify insects living on hair.

  1. Scabies mites infect and damage the skin joints of the fingers, elbows, abdominal folds, and armpits. In rare cases, they appear in the back of the neck or under the chin in children.
  2. Scabies causes a small rash.
  3. While examining the affected areas, you can feel the tick passages with your finger.

Remember: home diagnostics are not always correct. In order to avoid the occurrence of a number of dangerous diseases, consult a professional dermatologist or your doctor. Self-treatment can lead to negative consequences.

What's behind the myth?

The emergence of the belief about the existence and active activity of subcutaneous lice is associated with a period when those suffering from scabies could not explain its occurrence.

In Italy, the idea of ​​microorganisms causing disease was popular during the Renaissance. Then the doctors could not find other reasons. Moreover, the obvious similarity with pediculosis gave reason to think that the disease was caused by the same pathogens.

Subsequently, false diagnoses became widespread in folk medicine. Treatment was often carried out by sorceresses without special education, who were unable to explain many things from a scientific point of view.

Therefore, unscrupulous impostor doctors scare people with stories about huge bumps on the body. If you cut them, small insects called lice scatter from there.

Another frightening fact is that people still believe in the spontaneous birth of bloodsuckers. They believe in origin from dirt, as well as their activation caused by stress.

By the way, regarding the last one.

Noticed: lice appear as a result of constant mental disorders, nerves and experiences. But there is an explanation for this too. Small insects can live in hair for a long time without attracting attention.

But during constant irritation, a person’s sweating increases and other pheromones are released.

This leads to anxiety among the hair inhabitants, the nits quickly turn into adults, and the population is difficult to miss.

Irina: “I recently broke up with my boyfriend, after which I was very worried. I had little contact with other people and was mostly at home all the time. Therefore, infection from another person is excluded. Some time after another self-flagellation, I discovered white dots on my comb. I thought it was dandruff, but I read on the Internet: nits. Now I’m sure they arise from stress.”

Medicine does not stand still, and today every self-respecting doctor will confidently refute the myth about subcutaneous lice and their appearance out of nowhere.

To the question “are there subcutaneous lice,” the doctor is guaranteed to answer in the negative.

When the majority stop trusting dubious sources of information, scabies and other skin diseases will be treated in a timely manner without causing discomfort.

Lice do not exist under the skin.

The appearance of unpleasant insects that feed on blood does not depend either on the cleanliness of a person or on his position in society. You can become infected with them quite easily in public places, such as swimming pools, preschool and school institutions, clubs, hotels, recreation centers, pioneer camps and others.

Symptoms of subcutaneous lice on the human body

  • interdigital area on the hands and feet;
  • armpits and wrists;
  • area of ​​folds in the groin;
  • lower abdomen;
  • sides of the chest.

Subcutaneous lice on the head - symptoms

Where do subcutaneous lice come from?

The reason for the appearance of subcutaneous lice is primarily associated with close contact between a sick person and a healthy person. The most common routes of infection are:

  • strong handshakes;
  • through handrails in public transport;
  • use of shared bed and towels;
  • sexual contact with strangers.

It all depends on the sensitivity and perception of the insect’s excrement and saliva by the body. After all, not every adult experiences an allergic skin reaction that can alert him so much that he thinks he has scabies.

Can nerve lice be subcutaneous?

How to treat subcutaneous lice in humans?

With proper diagnosis, it is necessary to choose an effective treatment aimed at destroying insects in the body. The most common drugs for treating this disease are:

  • sulfur ointment - rubbed thoroughly into the skin damaged by the passages;
  • benzyl benzoate - used strictly according to instructions;
  • Spregal aerosol - sprayed first on the affected areas of the skin, then throughout the body.