Herbal pillow for your own sleep. Secrets of a good sleep - filling your pillow with herbs. Options for herbal collections

Herbal pillows

Sleep is one of the most important parts of our life. At this time, a person regains his strength, so any sleep disturbances affect his mood and performance. What to do when you don't get enough sleep at night? will help you pillow with herbs for sleep and rest. Inside such a herbal pillow, bag or cushion, dried herbs are sewn in a special way; the healthy sleep pillow has a calming and bactericidal effect.

Fragrant sleep pillows with herbs

The fragrant aroma not only pleases the sense of smell, it also has an effect on the central nervous system. Healing buy herbal pillows which are available in our store, are indicated for insomnia, hysteria, migraines, anxiety, neuroses and other conditions when the human brain is unbalanced by stress. Also, such a pad will help with frequent colds, because many herbs have the ability to destroy pathogenic microbes. Different pillows contain different compositions of plants aimed at one or another action, but they all ensure healthy sleep and good health in the morning.

In our store buy pillows for sleeping possible at the best price. At the same time, we monitor the high quality of our products. All plants are grown in environmentally friendly places, collected and dried according to all the rules to maximize the preservation of their beneficial properties. This folk method is much more useful than synthetic drugs, which often have side effects.

  • Before going to bed, shake your pillow or pillow to loosen the herbs inside.
  • Recommended pillows with herbs place it near your head during sleep, or place it under the main pillow.
  • When you are not using the pad, store it in a plastic bag so that the beneficial substances do not evaporate.
  • If you want to fill the whole room with a fragrant smell, place the bag on the radiator.

It often happens that children are capricious, do not want to go to bed on time, or wake up in the middle of the night. This indicates strong stimulation of the nervous system. Helps calm the baby down baby sleep pillow with soothing herbs. It is absolutely harmless and, like all other products, is made from environmentally friendly materials. The composition includes such famous and time-tested plants as sage, lavender, chamomile and others (you can read more on the product page).

Today buy pillows with herbs for sleep can be done easily, quickly and inexpensively. Provide yourself and your loved ones with rest and sweet sleep - the key to a cheerful and fruitful day!

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A pillow with herbs is a little secret to a good child's sleep

Sleep is of great importance to a person. This is not just a vacation, as we think. This is the time when the body works, as if for itself, analyzing, diagnosing, modifying. The human brain does not rest at all during sleep.

There can be many reasons why children sometimes have trouble sleeping at night. Most often, children are worried about teeth, tummy pain, and runny nose. cough, and sometimes the child does not sleep well due to simple overexcitation.

If a child spins in the crib like a spindle, gets up periodically, cries in his sleep, he just needs help to relax.

Most often, mothers give the baby a massage and bathe before bedtime. I read, they turn on lullabies.

And I want to offer another simple and unpretentious way to help your child calm down and sleep well all night.

This method is quite simple - sew a pillow with herbs or purchase a ready-made one.

This summer, we visited a village where my friend's mother showed me a wonderful recipe for homemade honey pie. We also attended a festival with a fair dedicated to folk crafts. That’s where I looked and bought a pillow with herbs for a good child’s sleep.

You can sew such a pillow yourself. You can even make them into small bags that hang on the crib or place next to your baby's pillow while he sleeps. An option is possible when a bag of herbs is sewn into the main baby pillow.

The size of the pillow with herbs can be arbitrary, but it is better to sew it from cotton; simple chintz will also do. Those who love handicrafts can decorate the pillows with embroidery or sew them from colored scraps - a matter of imagination. By the way, not a bad idea for a gift.

Of course, in a pillow with herbs, the external design is not the main thing. The main thing will be what’s inside, and actually the herbs.

Herbs to improve sleep, relieve nervous tension and prevent certain diseases:

    • lavender — lavender essential oils have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the body, have an analgesic and calming effect. Lavender also enhances the positive effects of other plants.
    • verbena - soothes, helps relieve pain, especially headaches and dental pain, is an excellent antiseptic, helps with fever and allergies.
    • hop - helps with nervous tension, severe cough, and also helps with bedwetting.
    • fragrant violet - helps with sleep disorders, calms, relieves pain, is used in the prevention of influenza and ARVI.
    • tea tree - a strong antiseptic, has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, stimulates the immune system, soothes and helps with respiratory diseases, skin lesions (cuts, bites, etc.).
    • chamomile - helps to fall asleep and cope with colic, useful for respiratory diseases and various dermatitis.
  • eucalyptus - has a strong bactericidal effect, stimulates the immune system, helps cope with the runny nose and many infectious diseases.
  • rosemary - helps with nervous tension, headaches, colic, and respiratory diseases.
  • marjoram - helps to relax and calm down, used in the treatment of runny nose, colic and diarrhea.
  • rose petals — rose essential oils have a calming, restorative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing effect.
  • heather - calms the nervous system, has a hypnotic and antibacterial effect. It has a pronounced effect, so it must be used very carefully.
  • laurel - improves sleep, increases immunity and helps with a runny nose.
  • thyme - an excellent antiseptic, helps with coughs, runny nose and has a beneficial effect on sleep, relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Melissa - calms down. refreshes, helps with headaches. toothache and other pains.
  • valerian - has a sedative effect on the nervous system. calms and promotes sound sleep.
  • anise - helps with nightmares, improves intestinal motility.
  • basil - Helps with headaches and colic.
  • conifers (fir, cedar, pine, spruce, juniper) - soothe and help very well with nasal congestion and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, excellent antiseptics.

All herbs can be collected and prepared independently, or purchased in green pharmacies or regular pharmacies. Some herbs can be replaced with ready-made essential oils, because essential oils, for the most part, promote good sleep and relaxation.

You can make a composition for a pillow with herbs from several components, but you need to do this not before bed, but in advance.

When using a pillow first, you should not put a lot of herbs with a pronounced aroma, as this can cause the opposite effect.

Before use, the pad must be thoroughly kneaded.

You should also take breaks from using such a pad.

I really like the pillow I bought for my son. To be honest, I didn’t really notice that our dreams became stronger, but it definitely helps with a runny nose. A stuffy nose causes a lot of inconvenience for a child during sleep. And with a fragrant pine pillow, the child’s breath is clean and calm, and, accordingly, his sleep is much sounder.

The use of natural ingredients contributes to the overall improvement of well-being not only for children, but also for adults. And sometimes it is much simpler and more accessible than medications and visits to doctors.

Herbal sleep pillows are a great help for insomnia and many health problems. The era of rapid technological progress is forced to overstrain our brain with a huge amount of information. And modern man intuitively wants peace and relaxation. All this can be achieved by using herbal pillows in everyday life.

Description and purpose of herbal pads

Our ancestors knew how to make good use of the gifts of nature, for example, medicinal herbs and plants. Grass cushions are an interesting way to use them. This is new to us, but in fact it’s just a well-forgotten old way of improving sleep.

Beneficial properties of herbal pillows for sleep

A sleeping pillow made from herbs is deservedly considered a wonderful remedy for getting rid of many problems, because most medicinal plants act in a complex manner.

  1. Insomnia and sleep disorders. The soporific effect is the main property of herbal pillows. Depending on the plants used, they can simply induce sleep, or they can calm the nervous system, eliminating nightmares.

Contraindications to the use of herbal pillows

Long-term inhalation of the scents of medicinal plants while sleeping on a herbal pillow is real aromatherapy. Naturally, any therapeutic effect has its contraindications.

How to make a herbal pillow for sleeping

Selecting herbs to fill your pillow

By filling your herbal pad with certain plants, you thereby shape its healing properties. But, we repeat, in an effort to make it as useful as possible, do not forget that the smells should be pleasant to you. If the aroma of any herb irritates you, it is better to replace it with another with similar properties.

  • Anise. It will save you from nightmares by dulling your emotions, and will also promote rejuvenation during sleep.

Herbal pillows can be either mono- or polycomponent and contain a set of medicinal plants. The healing effect depends on how skillfully the components of the collection are selected.

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Collection of raw materials for filling the pillow

Where to get herbs to fill the pillow, everyone decides for themselves. You can take the easy route and buy everything at the nearest pharmacy (don't forget about the expiration dates!). Or you can prepare herbs yourself, however, for this you will have to read additional literature, because each herb has its own collection time and harvesting characteristics (where and how to dry), spending a lot of time and effort. But you will be confident in the environmental friendliness and effectiveness of the raw materials.

  1. For mental fatigue: a mixture of equal amounts of tansy, chamomile, black currant and yarrow sprigs.

To solve such a common problem as insomnia, there are many herbal options:

  • Hops, lavender and verbena - in equal quantities, orris root, ground into powder - 1/10 of the amount of hops;

Fabric and decorative elements for making pillows

Making a grass pillow is not difficult at all. The tools you will need are scissors, a ruler, chalk for marking, thread and needle, a paper funnel, a sewing machine (you can do without it, in the old days everything was done by hand).

  1. Fabric for the cover. Naturally, it should only be natural; for example, linen will do. It is quite thin, but strong (2 times stronger than cotton and 4 times stronger than wool), easy to wash, hygroscopic, has a bactericidal effect, and therefore fungus does not linger on it. Cotton is more common, more practical and cheaper than linen. Wool is the most hygroscopic of all fabrics; its ability to absorb moisture remarkably is undoubtedly a big plus, because dampness is strictly contraindicated for filling a pillow with grass.

Instructions for making a herbal pillow

You need to start work in a good mood, and think about something pleasant during the process. All this will enhance the positive energy of the herbal pad. You may, of course, not believe in this, but our ancestors acted exactly like this, starting good deeds with songs and prayers. In any case, a positive attitude will not do any harm.

  • Preparation. First, decide on the parameters of the product. Based on the amount of fabric you have, you determine the size of the pillow and the shape based on its future function. For those who have problems with the neck, for example, osteochondrosis, a pillow in the form of a cushion is suitable. And as a gift for Valentine's Day, you can sew it in the shape of a heart.

Features of decorating a pillow made of herbs

In order for the pillow to delight you not only with its healing properties, but also with its appearance, and also so that you would not be ashamed to give it to someone, it would not be a bad idea to decorate it. It doesn’t have to be complicated, because it’s a functional thing, and sleeping on voluminous embroidery or a bunch of bows is very uncomfortable.

  1. Embroidery. The filling of the product can be individual, intended for a specific family member. Therefore, it would be appropriate to embroider a beautiful script of the owner’s initials in one of its upper corners. The same applies to a pillow intended as a gift. An embroidered bouquet of medicinal plants will also look good. You can embroider with threads, beads or ribbons.

How to use an aromatic pillow correctly

It’s not enough to make a thing, you also need to be able to use it, even if it’s a simple pillow. And if it’s herbal. There are certain rules here:

  • Keep the smell. Use this pillow for a maximum of a week, and then take a break. During this time, it is placed in a bag and tied tightly so that the aroma does not erode.

How to make a grass pad - watch the video:

A DIY herbal pillow is a wonderful folk remedy for many health problems. Filled with the healing power of herbs and charged with the positive energy of good thoughts, it will be an excellent gift for your loved ones and you personally.

Plant materials have long been used to fill pillows. The aroma of summer herbs promotes good sleep, improves health, restores lost strength and lifts your mood. It is not difficult to make such a pillow yourself. And in order for it not only to become a decoration for the sleeping place, but also to have a healing effect, it is necessary to correctly collect and dry the plants with your hands.

How to make a pillow from herbs with your own hands

To fill such a pillow, one type of plant or herbal mixture is used. A fragrant pillow makes you sleep soundly, improves your health and gives you good spirits. But the filler may contain grass that can cause an allergic reaction.

Medicinal herbs for filling the pillow are chosen according to desires and needs

You should like the smell of the herb, and when composing your infusions, you should take into account the compatibility of their aromas.

Which herbs to choose

It is necessary to know the effect of plants on the body and choose certain types:

  • A pillow filled with hop cones will help you calm down and get a good night's sleep. A lavender-scented pillow will also solve problems with falling asleep.

    The smell of lavender has a calming effect and induces sleep.

  • Thyme, rosemary, and chamomile will help you calm down.
  • The aromas of meadow clover and geranium flowers will relieve annoying headaches.

    A pillow filled with the scent of clover will relieve headaches

  • Valerian, lemon balm, and meadowsweet will drive away heavy thoughts and speed up falling asleep.
  • Linden, mint, and motherwort flowers have a calming effect on humans.

    The aromas of natural herbs (linden, motherwort), clean and carefully dried, relax, give a feeling of comfort and coziness.

  • A herbal pillow with the scent of agrimony, which has an antiviral effect, helps increase the body's resistance to infections.
  • Cornflower is recommended to be used for heart disease, and chamomile will bring restful sleep.

The herbs in the pillow quickly cake, so to add volume it is usually filled with straw, heather, sedge, fern and some fragrant plants are added. This also avoids overdose of aromatic substances, which can cause headaches or allergies.

To make it comfortable to lie down and sleep soundly, straw is used for the base of the pillow.

How to properly collect and dry plants

Dry herbs for filling pillows can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared yourself. There is a rule - to collect all medicinal plants by hand. And definitely away from the city and highways.

Choose environmentally friendly places for harvesting herbs

Collection time depends on the type of medicinal raw material. Flowers for medicinal purposes are collected when they fully bloom, herbs - during the flowering period, rhizomes - in early spring or autumn.

They must be dried in a dry place at a temperature of no more than +30 degrees - this is the only way to preserve aromatic oils. It is best to place the plants on paper in the room, turning them over periodically. Or hang with stems up. The finished plant material becomes brittle and rustles when touched.

Herbs are dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place

Dried aromatic plants are broken or cut into pieces of about 1 cm. Straw and other herbs used as the main filler for volumetric pillows do not need to be chopped.

Video: collecting and drying herbs for a pillow

What should the shape of the pillow be?

The grass cushion can come in different shapes and sizes. Doctors advise doing it in the form of a roller, which helps relax the neck muscles and help you fall asleep better.

The bolster pillow, as if massaging the neck muscles, relaxes them and speeds up falling asleep

You can sew a fragrant pillow in a regular format or make a small one and place it under a large pillow. It is more convenient to have several tiny pads with different scents and use them to solve certain problems. The main thing is that the cover is made of natural and dense materials - linen, cotton.

Herbal pillows can be any size, but must be made from breathable fabrics

After the night, it is better to put the herbal pillow in a plastic bag and tie it tightly - this way the essential oils will evaporate less. Be sure to shake the pillow before use to enhance the aroma.

How to sew a pillow

Having selected a natural material and decided on the shape of the pillow, we begin sewing.

  1. Cut out a square or any other shape.

    Cut 2 squares of the same size

  2. Then they sew the edges from the wrong side, leaving a small gap, and turn them right side out.

    Sew the fabric around the edges, leaving space for filling with grass.

  3. Fill the case with herbs.

    The case is filled with plant materials

  4. The unstitched hole is sewn up and the cover is inserted into a removable pillowcase made of calico or poplin, which can be changed for washing.

    How long can you use a pillow with vegetable filling?

    A scented pillow can be used for no more than a year, and if it becomes damp, it is better to throw it away. And try not to sleep on it all the time, so as not to exceed the norms for the effect of aromatic oils on the human body. It is recommended to alternate: 2 weeks - sleeping on a grass pillow, 2 weeks - on a regular one.

    To ensure that herbal pillows only bring benefits, it is not recommended to sleep on them all the time

    If, when using a herbal pillow, headaches, ailments, or allergic reactions occur, it is necessary to abandon it.

    You can make herbal pillows with a pleasant fragrance with your own hands. Fresh herbs are not suitable - they will quickly spoil. Dry plants are used as filler, taking into account their beneficial properties and contraindications.

Herbal pillows are a way to improve sleep that has come down to us from time immemorial. Most of these sleeping accessories are represented by a bag made of natural textiles and filled with various herbs. As a rule, it is decorated with a beautiful removable pillowcase. The filling and shape can be very diverse. The choice of “insides” and appearance depends on the person’s personal preferences and what the product is intended for.

The aroma emitted by dried plants has a beneficial, healing effect on the nervous system - it gives peace of mind and helps restore strength during sleep. The herbal pillow also has sleep-inducing, aromatherapy and antibacterial effects. During the night, a subtle scent is transferred to the hair. In addition, it perfectly scents the bedroom, simultaneously cleansing it of harmful microbes.

Benefits of herbal pillows

A sleeping accessory filled with medicinal herbs is rightfully considered one of the best remedies for eliminating insomnia and improving sleep quality. However, its beneficial properties do not end there.

Here are some of the most common problems that can be dealt with using these pads:

  • Insomnia and sleep disorders. The main property of a pillow made from medicinal plants is to speed up falling asleep. Depending on what herbs this item is filled with, it can calm frayed nerves and eliminate nightmares.
  • Fatigue and anxiety. Sometimes even after a long sleep you can feel exhausted. Chronic fatigue is common today. With a fragrant pillow, your sleep will be healthy, and your morning will undoubtedly be invigorating. The smells of the medicinal plants inside have a mild effect on the body and are very relaxing.
  • Snore. This scourge can be effectively combated with hop cones. Their aroma can naturally eliminate a problem that is pressing for many.
  • Bronchitis and lung diseases. The use of medicinal plant extracts for inhalation is recognized in traditional medicine. The effect of herbal pads has some similarities with this procedure. The aromas of antibiotic plants perfectly clean the air in the room, help ease the sleeper's breathing and give him sound sleep. In addition, they increase immunity, as a result of which a person recovers faster.
  • Problems with the heart. The smell of some plants can speed up or, conversely, slow down the pulse. If you use them to make a sleeping accessory, you can prevent pressure surges and heart attacks.

Note that a pillow filled with even one medicinal plant can help get rid of a number of ailments.

What fillers help with insomnia?

By infusing your own herbal cushion with plants, you can shape its healing properties. Make several monocomponent accessories for different needs: one will eliminate insomnia, another will speed up falling asleep, the third will calm you down and relieve tension. Or use several components at once to stuff one.

In the process of selecting herbs, you must always remember that their smell should evoke pleasant emotions. If a plant is unpleasant to you, you need to replace it with another with the same properties.

Here is a description of the most popular herbs for pillows.


Even the most prolonged insomnia recedes before the aroma of this natural doctor. True, you can fall asleep so deeply that you oversleep the time you get up for work. As soon as you feel that you are falling asleep, move the intoxicating pillow away from you, or even better, completely throw it on the floor.

Hops are effective in the complex treatment of neuroses, high blood pressure, and angina. It also relieves irritability well.

When using a pillow of hop cones to calm a fussy child before bed, be extremely careful. After all, the rustling of the cones can interest the baby so much that he decides to put them in his mouth. Such an acquaintance will end with vivid symptoms of poisoning.

The optimal time to collect hop cones is autumn.


It has a very pleasant aroma that calms your nerves and gives you a healthy sleep. It is often used as a filler for herbal pillows.

Oregano can be harvested in July and August. You only need to cut the top of the plant. The distance from the root should be at least 20 cm.

Meadow geranium

Do not be confused - under no circumstances is it pelargonium!

Geranium relieves stress well and helps you fall asleep quickly. In addition, it is able to fight viruses, bacteria and improve immunity. Therefore, it is recommended for use in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Geraniums need to be collected when they bloom - from June to September. By the way, almost all types of geraniums are healing.


This herb is included in pillow stuffing as an antidepressant and anti-inflammatory agent. It is advisable to use it to eliminate insomnia, various neuroses, headaches, colds, flu (fights viruses and bacteria) and to facilitate breathing during sleep.

In addition, lemon balm prevents the development of heart diseases and treats existing ones. Harvesting should be done during its flowering period.


This is a healing plant known since ancient times. Its aroma calms the nerves and disinfects the air in the room.

The chamomile pillow treats insomnia, neuroses, heart disease, facilitates breathing, relieves depression, prevents the development of respiratory diseases, and relieves headaches.

To make a sleeping accessory, you need to stock up on flowers or the entire above-ground part of the plant. This should be done during the flowering period - in May, June or July.

How to make a collection to improve sleep

You can collect herbs for your personal pad at your own discretion, guided by your own taste. After all, those sets that are published on the Internet are not the ultimate truth. Therefore, it is not necessary to follow them. By choosing plants according to your preferences, you will receive a unique accessory. At the same time, it is very convenient to use ready-made recipes - they significantly save time spent on choosing components.

Where can I get material for stuffing a pillow? The simplest solution is to buy everything you need at a nearby pharmacy. If you wish, you can prepare your own medicinal plants. Let us immediately note that this will be fraught with some difficulties. You will need to spend time reading relevant literature, taking into account the time of collection of each herb and understanding the nuances of harvesting (where exactly and how to dry it). In return, you will receive confidence in the environmental purity and efficiency of the raw materials collected with your own hands.

Here are some recipe examples of pillow filling that can help get rid of insomnia and improve sleep. So, its filling should consist of:

  • hop cones, verbena, lavender (in equal proportions) and violet root ground to powder (a tenth of the volume of hops);
  • laurel, fern and hop cones;
  • oregano, mint, geranium, immortelle, hop cones, pine needles, laurel and rose petals;
  • hazel, mint, pine needles and oregano;
  • chamomile (flowers), mint, lemon balm, meadowsweet and wormwood (twigs);
  • calendula (flowers), birch (leaves), oregano, hop cones and nettles;
  • tansy and chamomile (flowers), wormwood, sweet clover, meadowsweet and lavender (twigs), laurel, yarrow, lemon balm and mint (leaves), hop cones;
  • valerian (in small quantities), thyme and lemon balm.

There is a recipe for the so-called royal herbal pillow. The British monarch, George III, slept on it. He really enjoyed enjoying the aroma of lavender, primrose, hop cones, shamrock, chamomile, buckthorn, St. John's wort, heather, valerian and peppermint.

It is important to remember: adding jasmine, strawberries, mimosa or oregano to any collection significantly enhances the effect of all other components. In general, jasmine must be handled with extreme caution. Its excess can cause nightmares.


Sleeping on a herbal pillow is an element of aromatherapy. Inhaling the scent of medicinal plants is extremely beneficial. But, unfortunately, not everyone. This method of treating sleep disorders and a number of other diseases has contraindications.

Each person reacts differently to the substances released into the air by medicinal herbs. Some people find the aroma pleasant, others are indifferent to it, others feel nauseous from it, and some may experience a very serious allergic reaction.

Therefore, before you start creating such a product for yourself, a relative or a friend, make sure that its future owner has no allergies or medical contraindications. Nursing mothers and young children are advised to consult a doctor before using this sleeping accessory. And for pregnant women it is better not to risk it at all and refuse it.

If the doctor has given the go-ahead for aromatherapy using a herbal pillow, please note that it should not be given to children. After all, they will immediately want to know what is rustling so interestingly inside. And, of course, taste the contents. If some plants enter a child’s gastrointestinal tract, it can lead to poisoning.

Before sewing a sleeping accessory, you need to smell all the components you have chosen for padding. If the smell of any plant does not suit you, you should not put it inside. Even if it's super useful. Sleeping on a pillow of herbs should only bring pleasure.

Like any product, herbal sleeping gear has an expiration date. You can use it for one year. Then it will have to be replaced - the healing aroma will disappear during this time. If you feel that it has become damp, get rid of it as quickly as possible. In damp conditions, fungi and mold quickly develop, which pose a health hazard.

Sleeping on any pillow stuffed with herbs is allowed for no longer than a week. After this you need to take a break.

Making a pillow with your own hands

First of all, we decide on the size. The grass cushion can be either standard or very tiny. It is recommended to place the most potent and aromatic plants (hop cones, sage or rosemary) in a small one. The shapes of sleeping accessories are square, oval and round. If the future owner of the pillow suffers from cervical osteochondrosis, it is advisable to make it in the form of a cushion and stuff it tightly with plant material.

The main pillowcase (case) should be sewn from natural (which allows air to pass through well) and dense textiles. Linen, cotton or teak are great options. The filler should not come out or crack. In addition to the main one, you will need at least 2 removable pillowcases. To sew them, you can use silk, calico, poplin or cambric. They are put on over the cover and changed periodically.

Unfortunately, dried medicinal herbs cake very quickly and the pillow loses its original appearance. To ensure that the sleeping accessory holds its shape, you need to add straw, heather, sedge or bracken to the main collection of plants. Diluting the healing stuffing with them is also necessary to prevent an overdose.

The risk of overdoing it with the number of medicinal herbs appears when a large pillow is sewn, and the selected herbs are potent (for example, the hop cones, sage and rosemary already mentioned above) and overly aromatic (elderberry, oregano and mint).

You can sew a large grass pillow and replace it with the one you slept on before. An alternative is to make a small one and keep it underneath the regular one. In winter, before going to bed, it is good to place such a pad on the radiator for 10 minutes. The bedroom will be enveloped in a pleasant and healing aroma. Remember that the accessory must be shaken lightly immediately before use.

An important point: prolonged aromatherapy can harm your health. After all, fragrances are a kind of medicine. This means that they must be accepted according to the rules.

And finally

There are many different ways to combat insomnia and improve sleep. But the most pleasant and useful among them are pillows filled with medicinal herbs. They help to calm down, eliminate chronic fatigue, get out of depression and improve the quality of night's rest.

On some interior accessories and on the corners of summer blankets you can see dried petals, inflorescences or twigs, hidden under translucent fabric. Finding them on sale is not so easy. And there is no need. After all, it’s not at all difficult to do the same with your blanket. True, it is best not to remake an already finished item, but to sew a brand new grass pillow.

If you feel uncomfortable sleeping on a pillow stuffed with dried plants, sew a “sleeping bag” instead. Fill it with exactly the same herbs and place it at the head of the bed or under the sheets.

Ancient recipes for herbal remedies for treatment and health promotion were once passed down from generation to generation. The healing power of herbs was used not only for preparing decoctions and infusions. Aromatherapy was also known and widely used. It's time to remember grandma's forgotten secrets.

It is no secret that modern man is almost constantly under the influence of electromagnetic waves, the harmful effects of which have been proven by scientists. Look around! Computers, Wi-Fi, mobile phones, gadgets on the bedside table, an electronic alarm clock blinking its green eyes in the night... All this can lead to a gradual breakdown of health. And the first sign of trouble in the body is poor sleep.

Sleeping pills are addictive and stop helping. And since they can cause various disorders of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, doctors often do not recommend taking them. It is not surprising that recently non-traditional healing methods, such as aromatherapy, have become so popular.

Essential oils and aroma lamps are found in almost every home. Many people drink herbal infusions and herbal teas with mint and lemon balm at night. It's time to remember another ancient way to get a good night's sleep.

What is a grass cushion?

Anyone who has ever slept in the fresh air on a summer night, inhaling the aromas of herbs and flowers, knows how sound sleep can be in such conditions. Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers were, of course, closer to nature, they knew how to use its gifts and help their health. They knew how to preserve the aromas of herbs and increase their power with the help of herbal pillows. At all times, they were considered good helpers for insomnia and other health problems.

In the old days, ordinary pillows were stuffed with down, feather, wool or hay. If mint, sage, lily of the valley, lemon balm, and catnip were added to the hay, then such a pillow filled the whole house with spicy aromas.

Grass pillows were made not only to sleep on. It is more pleasant to sleep on the softest down pillow. Special bags of different shapes were filled with herbs and placed at the head of the bed. But the fact is that when such a pillow heats up from the warmth of the human body and wrinkles with the movements of the sleeper, the aroma is much stronger.

Herbal pillows can perform different tasks: relieve fatigue, soothe, relax, improve heart function, ease breathing, help with snoring. When choosing, do not forget to study not only the indications, but also contraindications, and also listen to your body: you should like the smell of the grass.

Choosing herbs for the pillow

Various herbs for stuffing were collected and used depending on their properties. The medicinal properties of the grass filler determine the purpose of the pillow.

Yarrow added to the pillow to prevent influenza, viral and respiratory diseases during the off-season, and strengthen the immune system. Yarrow phytoncides have bactericidal and immunostimulating properties and are a natural antibiotic. Yarrow is harvested during flowering, cutting off the top of the stem, 15 cm long.

St. John's wort It was used back in Ancient Rome, and it is not for nothing that it is still considered a miracle against 99 ailments. This miracle herb has antibacterial, antiseptic, immunostimulating properties, it improves heart function, blood circulation, and is an effective antidepressant. A pillow with St. John's wort will strengthen the immune system, help with colds and flu, and make breathing easier during sleep. St. John's wort is harvested during the flowering period, cutting off the top part 20 cm long. Dry herb retains the balsamic aroma of the plant.

Thyme(“Bogorodskaya grass”, thyme) ancient people considered it a divine herb that restores health and life. Modern medicine recognizes thyme as a powerful antiseptic, mild sleeping pill, natural analgesic and antibiotic. With its help, apathy and depression are treated, and the immune system is strengthened. A pillow with thyme will help with colds, it will make breathing easier, and help stop the inflammatory process. It is good to use it as a prevention of respiratory and viral diseases. In the old days, people liked to add thyme to children's mattresses and pillows so that the children would calm down and have sweet dreams. Collected during full flowering, cutting off the entire above-ground part of the grass.

Common hop. Even long-term and persistent insomnia can recede before this fragrant healer. If you are afraid of oversleeping for work, then when falling asleep, move the hop pillow away, or better yet, throw it on the floor. Hops also help with angina pectoris, hypertension, neuroses and irritability. If you are using hop pillows to soothe children of an inquisitive age before bed, then be very vigilant: the rustling of hop cones can arouse interest and a desire to taste them (babies put everything in their mouths!). And this is fraught with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. The best time to collect hop cones is in the fall.

Oregano ordinary has an amazing aroma that calms the nerves and promotes healthy sleep. The grass is harvested in July–August. To do this, cut off the upper parts of the plant, retreating 20-30 cm from the root.

Salvia officinalis has a strong sedative effect and strengthens the immune system. It is good to use sage pad during colds, during inflammatory processes, as a prevention of viral and respiratory diseases. The entire above-ground part of the sage is harvested during the flowering period.

Meadow geranium(not to be confused with pelargonium) is recommended for colds, flu, and otitis media. It has an antibacterial and antiviral effect, strengthens the body's resistance to various infections. A pillow with geranium is very calming and helps you sleep. Geraniums are collected during the flowering season: from June to September. Moreover, medicinal properties are inherent in almost all types of geranium (meadow, blood-red, forest, etc.).

Clover(“porridge”, red clover) have been used in aromatherapy since ancient times. It has antiviral, antibacterial, stimulating properties. Useful for headaches, especially migraines, hypertension, eases breathing when coughing, and asthma. To fill the pillow, flowering heads of the plant are used, which are collected in June - September.

Peppermint improves cardiac and brain activity, calms during stress, depression, relieves excessive excitement, tones up in a depressed state. A pillow with mint is especially useful for hypertensive patients; it is used to prevent myocardial infarction. All types of mint have medicinal properties. Collect leaves and flowering tops of mint during flowering (from late June to September), preferably in the first half of the day.

Birch leaves have antibacterial properties and strengthen the immune system. A pillow with birch leaves is an excellent prevention of colds and helps with headaches. It is best to harvest leaves in May when the tree is flowering.

Black elderberry flowers Even primitive people used it for treatment. Different peoples attributed directly opposite magical properties to this plant. Black elderberry phytoncides have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A pillow with elderberry will help with colds, flu, ease breathing, and relieve headaches. The inflorescences are collected at the time of flowering.

Melissa(lemon mint) has unique medicinal properties: antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidepressant. A pillow with lemon balm strengthens the immune system. It is good for insomnia, neuroses, headaches, colds, flu, as a prevention and treatment of heart disease, and makes breathing easier during sleep. Melissa is collected during the flowering period.

Chamomile- an ancient medicinal plant, has sedative, antiseptic, antibacterial properties. A pillow with chamomile is used for insomnia, neurosis, depression, heart disease, as a prevention of colds, facilitates breathing during sleep, and eliminates headaches and other pains. Flower heads or the entire above-ground part of chamomile are collected for pillows during flowering from May to July.

Common wormwood(chernobyl) is the oldest medicinal plant. It is an anti-inflammatory agent, strengthens the immune system, restores performance, calms the nervous system, and facilitates breathing during sleep. A pillow with wormwood will help with insomnia, neurasthenia, depression, seizures, and headaches. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases. Collect the tops of the plant, about 20 cm long, during flowering; the stems should not be thicker than 5 mm.

Lavender Angustifolia is one of the oldest medicinal herbs. Researchers discovered it in Tutankhamun's sealed incense urn; lavender has retained its scent for three millennia! Lavender is a powerful antiseptic, natural antibiotic, analgesic. A pillow with lavender will improve heart function, relieve headaches, strengthen immunity and physical endurance, improve mental performance, calm nerves, and help cope with depression and insomnia. The flowering tops of the plant, about 12 cm long, are harvested in late June - early July. Lavender collected on Ivan Kupala Day is considered the most healing.

Motherwort Tibetan and Chinese medicine has been using cardiac medicine for more than 2000 years. “There is no better herb to make the soul cheerful, vigorous and happy!” This is how a medieval physician describes the properties of motherwort. A pillow with motherwort will improve cardiac activity, normalize metabolism, strengthen the immune system, stimulate the nervous system, and help cope with insomnia. The same recipe for restoring mental balance is also suitable for adults. Motherwort is harvested at the beginning of flowering (June-August). Cut off the buds and flowering tops about 40 cm long; the stem should be no thicker than 5 mm.

Options for herbal collections

To fill the pillow, you can use one herb or mix it with others. Herbalists recommend mixing plants that can enhance and complement each other’s effects.

  • Mint, lemon balm, meadowsweet, sweet clover, tansy, hops - 1 part each, wormwood, yarrow - 2 parts each, lavender, laurel, chamomile - half a part.
  • Lavender, verbena, hops - 150 g each, 2 tablespoons of violet root.
  • 1 part each of sweet clover and tansy, half part of lavender.
  • Wormwood - 2 parts, lemon balm, meadowsweet and peppermint - 1 part each, chamomile - half a part.
  • Yarrow and chamomile - 1 part each, rosemary - 3 parts.

You can prepare herbs yourself. In this case, you will be confident in their quality, shelf life, and originality. The downside will be the expenditure of time and effort. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity or desire to take a walk in nature to combine relaxation with a useful activity.

An easier and faster way to stock up on herbs is to go to the pharmacy, since the range of pharmaceutical herbs is huge! When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date.

How to make your own grass pillow

The pillow can have different sizes: from regular to tiny. The more aromatic and active the plant (rosemary, sage, hop cones), the smaller the pad should be. Your imagination will tell you the shape: round, square, oval. If you have cervical osteochondrosis, a roller shape is preferable; fill it more tightly with herbs.

For the main pillowcase (case or pillowcase), only natural (“breathable”) and dense fabrics (cotton, linen, teak) are used so that the fillers do not leak through and do not prick the face and neck.

Sew a couple of removable pillowcases from cambric, poplin, calico, or silk. They can be worn over the cover and changed for washing.

The peculiarity and disadvantage of the aromatic pillow is the rapid caking of herbs. To avoid this, use grasses that hold their shape - sedge, heather, bracken, straw. Adding these herbs also helps to avoid overdose when you want to have a big pillow, and the selected herbs are strong (rosemary, sage, hop cones) and strong-smelling (mint, oregano, elderberry).