Sexual (hormonal) crisis in newborns: what do you need to know? Photo of hormonal neonatal rash in newborns and its difference from other rashes Sexual crisis in a baby

It is so established by Mother Nature that children among us, representatives of the human race, are born of different sexes. In this regard, most new moms and dads often worry about how different is caring for a newborn girl from how to care for a boy? As for feeding, daily routine or, for example, morning toilet, there are no fundamental differences in the algorithm of actions and the means used. But if we talk about intimate hygiene, then yes, already in the maternity hospital and in the first days after discharge, parents understand that their little princess or a newly born tomboy, due to the characteristic features of the structure of the genital organs, will need to be looked after as something special. Are you expecting to have a daughter? Then it’s time to learn about the intricacies of hygiene procedures for little representatives of the fairer sex.

In the first days

Like most systems in the body of a newborn, his reproductive system is still immature at the time of birth and is in the process of development and formation.

In a girl, this is externally expressed in the fact that the mucous membrane of her genital organs is very thin and delicate, and therefore is it vulnerable to all kinds of damage? which can cause harmful microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria to enter the baby’s body.

For this reason, caring for a newborn girl must be carried out not only carefully and regularly, but also in compliance with certain rules.

Let's start from the very first day after birth. If you notice that your recently born daughter has a creamy or light gray coating on her labia, don’t worry. This - smegma – original lubricant, or rather its remnants.

Previously, vernix was washed off immediately after the birth of the child. Today it is believed that if it is absorbed into the skin, it will only benefit the newborn

Usually the secretion is absorbed into the skin for some time after childbirth. But if there is a lot of lubricant, it must be removed to avoid oxidation of the fats contained in it. They can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic flora and, as a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Your actions: remove smegma with cotton pads or swabs moistened with warm boiled water. The plaque can be very dense and washed off in pellets. In this case, do not rush and clean it in two or three steps. In a couple of days the secret will completely disappear.

But these are not all the features related to gender that can alarm and discourage you in the first days and during the first month after the birth of your baby.

Hormonal crisis

A hormonal crisis in newborns is a transitional state when the baby’s body has not yet established the production of its own hormones, and after birth it no longer receives maternal hormones through the umbilical cord.

During pregnancy, the child, while in the mother's womb, through the umbilical cord, receives from the mother's body all the substances necessary for its growth and development. Including hormones. After separation from the mother, the baby must become completely autonomous, that is, learn to independently produce everything that is needed for the full functioning of his body.

Until this happens, immediately after birth and some time later, the level of hormones in the newborn’s blood rapidly drops. And their lowest content is observed at the end of the first week from the moment the baby is born, which is natural and inevitable, and which may manifest itself in some nonspecific reactions.

In girls, these reactions are often much more pronounced than in boys. They received one common name - hormonal (or sexual) crisis. Although these are several local phenomena, each of which deserves separate consideration.


Use cotton pads for any hygiene procedures, incl. and for removing mucus during vulvovaginitis in newborn girls

The end of the first week after the birth of a girl for her parents may be marked by the discovery of mucous or even bloody discharge from the vagina in their beloved daughter.

And again, do not rush to swallow validol and call the emergency room. This is precisely one of the manifestations of a hormonal crisis in newborns. Within 10–14 days, when the baby’s hormonal levels return to normal, the discharge will stop.

Your actions: If you find it, carefully remove mucus from your daughter’s labia with cotton pads moistened with boiled water, and carefully monitor compliance with all hygiene rules.

Physiological mastopathy

Choose your baby's wardrobe very carefully. There is no place for synthetic fabrics and materials made from artificial fibers.

Evidence of the presence of maternal estrogen in the baby’s body is the redness and swelling of her mammary glands on days 4–7 after birth. For some it is weakly expressed, for others it is stronger. Colostrum may also be released from the breasts. These phenomena are considered normal. In most cases, no intervention is required and everything goes away by the end of the first month of life.

Your actions:

  1. Make sure that the baby's nipples come into contact with clothing as little as possible, which should definitely be made from natural fibers. There should be no seams, fasteners, or embroideries in the chest area.
  2. Under no circumstances rub the girl’s breasts or squeeze colostrum out of it.
  3. If your breasts become very swollen or red, consult your doctor immediately. To relieve the symptoms of physiological mastopathy, he may prescribe treatment of the nipples with a weak solution of furatsilin and compresses with camphor oil.

This is what a hormonal rash or bloom looks like

A reddish rash, sometimes with white dots, on the facial skin of a newborn girl is popularly called blooming, but doctors attribute its appearance to hormonal imbalances in the body.

Your actions: This is not an allergy, not an infection or a cold, as some may think, and these pimples do not require treatment. Let the mother not torment herself with a diet, do not swallow antihistamine tablets and do not give syrups of the same content to the baby. In this case, the best doctor is time. 1-2 months later there will be no trace left of the bloom on the little face of your beloved daughter.

Intimate hygiene

Air baths have a beneficial effect on baby's skin

Rule one. And this is not even a rule, but a commandment that every mother of every newborn girl must fulfill. Change diapers often and wash your daughter under running water after each change.


  • Wet sanitary napkins should only be used in extreme cases. They cannot be an alternative to washing.
  • For hygiene of a girl's genitals, only running water is suitable. Washing in a container with water is unacceptable for females, even newborns.

Rule two. An adult must wash their hands thoroughly with soap before washing the baby.

Rule three. When washing, use soap 1-2 times a day, not more often, otherwise you risk drying out the delicate skin of the labia of a newborn girl or disturbing the microflora of the mucous membrane.

The little princess should be washed in the direction from the pubis to the anus, and in no case vice versa

  1. It is very important to wash your little princess correctly. This means that first, from the bottom up towards the tailbone, the perineal area around the anus is soaped and rinsed (this way you will avoid infection in the vagina).
  2. And only then, from the pubis to the vagina, the outer labia are soaped and also rinsed with running water.
  3. You wipe your daughter’s genitals like this: with a soft, ironed towel, first blot the genital area, then the outer labia. There is no need to wipe the internal genital organs to avoid damaging the microflora.
  4. After washing, lubricate the delicate skin of the baby’s outer labia and perineum with baby oil (sterile sunflower, olive) or baby moisturizer.

And one more important point. Several times a day, during diaper changes or before bathing, leave your daughter without clothes for a while. Let her skin, as they say, breathe. Air baths are the best prevention of any skin problems in newborns.


Up to a year old, you need to bathe your baby in the bathtub, and when she gets older, you can do so in the shower.

An infant girl needs to be bathed every day in the bathroom, and it will be enough to use baby soap or foam only 1-2 times a week. On other days, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath - strings, calendula, chamomile, which have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, tonic and disinfectant.

Visit to the gynecologist

All newborn girls undergo a routine preventive examination by a gynecologist when they are 1 month old. But in some cases, it is not worth waiting for the appointed time, but you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Remember, a disease diagnosed in time is easier to treat. Therefore, if you notice any health problems in your daughter, consult a doctor without delay.

Symptoms for which consultation with a gynecologist is necessary:

  • the appearance of purulent vaginal discharge;
  • severe swelling in the area of ​​the mammary glands;
  • noticeable restlessness of the baby during each urination.

These manifestations may be accompanied by an increase in the girl’s body temperature, lethargy, and disturbances in appetite and sleep. And they are a reason not to delay visiting the appropriate specialist.

Video “Girl Hygiene” Komarovsky

Hormonal crisis of newborns (syn. genital or sexual crisis, synkainogenesis, “minor puberty”) is one of the typical transitional (so-called transient) states of a child accompanying its adaptation to life outside the uterus. The main reason for the manifestation of symptoms of “minor puberty” is a sharp drop in the level of female sex hormones in the baby’s body, which begins almost immediately after birth and rapidly progresses during the first week of life. The level of estrogen in the blood of a newborn during this period decreases tens and even hundreds of times, which causes a change in the background secretion of other hormones and a response from a variety of organs and systems of the child.

The most common manifestation of a hormonal crisis is the so-called. physiological mastopathy, which occurs in the vast majority of newborn girls and approximately half of boys. Physiological mastopathy is expressed in engorgement of the mammary glands - an increase in the size of the latter usually begins on the 3-4th day of life, reaches a maximum after a week, after which it gradually regresses, disappearing on average by the end of the first month. The engorgement is always bilateral, occasionally accompanied by slight redness of the skin around the glands. Sometimes, to the great concern of mothers and fathers, mastopathy in a baby is accompanied by light whitish discharge from the nipples (since the Middle Ages, this discharge has been associated with the eerie folklore definition of “witch’s milk”). In its chemical composition, the secretion of the mammary glands of newborns is indeed somewhat reminiscent of female (and not at all witch's :)) colostrum and is a completely physiological symptom of a sexual crisis. Mastopathy does not require therapeutic measures - only with very significant enlargement of the mammary glands is it recommended to use slightly warmed cloth bandages (to prevent mechanical irritation from the vest) and warm compresses.

Quite often, the baby’s skin reacts to changes in hormonal levels - so-called milliae (comedones, or newborn acne) may appear on the child’s face. Millia have nothing in common with the appearance of the “acne” of puberty - the comedones of newborns are tiny in size (1-2 mm) and yellowish-white in color. These miniature formations are the sebaceous glands of the skin overflowing with secretions and most often disappear spontaneously within 10-14 days without any treatment. To prevent the development of inflammation in the area where comedones are located, it is quite enough to regularly cleanse the baby’s skin adequately. Another skin manifestation of a hormonal crisis is an increase in brownish pigmentation in the peripapillary area (and in boys, in the scrotal area). Of course, such hyperpigmentation of the skin does not require treatment at all and does not cause concern for parents - unlike swelling of the external genitalia and transient hydrocele of the testicles (hydrocele), which are also typical symptoms of sexual crisis in newborns. However, in fact, such concern is premature - you should wait 2-3 weeks and it is quite possible that swelling and hydrocele will disappear on their own (i.e., without any medical intervention). Inexperienced parents are even more frightened by reactions from the genitals of newborn girls. Approximately every 10-20th of them have metrorrhagia (bleeding from the vagina) at the end of the first or beginning of the second week of life. However, bleeding is perhaps too strong a word: the amount of blood released normally almost never exceeds 2 ml, while the “micromenstruation” itself lasts only a day or two and does not require treatment. Much more often than metrorrhagia in newborn girls, desquamative vulvovaginitis occurs - hormone-dependent changes in the vaginal mucosa, manifested by grayish-whitish mucous discharge from the genital slit. This vulvovaginitis also goes away completely on its own within a few days.

Despite the fact that sometimes the manifestations of “minor puberty” may look rather “turbulent”, they are not considered a pathology - on the contrary, to simplify somewhat, we can say that the sexual crisis indicates a relatively successful course of the intrauterine period in general and satisfactory functioning of the mother’s placenta in particular. It has been noted that synkainogenesis mainly occurs in large children who adapt well to extrauterine life and is very rare in babies with intrauterine growth retardation or those born prematurely.

A hormonal (or sexual) crisis in newborns occurs as a result of the child’s exposure to mother’s hormones, which enter the newborn’s blood through the placenta during intrauterine life, during childbirth, or subsequently through milk during breastfeeding. This physiological feature occurs in most cases in full-term newborns (both boys and girls); in premature babies, hormonal crises are observed very rarely.

During a hormonal crisis, the following conditions may occur:

Breast engorgement (physiological mastopathy) appears on days 2-4 of life, after 5-8 days it gradually decreases and ends before reaching one month of age. There may also be milky white discharge from the mammary gland, which resembles mother's colostrum. Breast enlargement is more common in girls. In most cases, this condition does not require treatment. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out the secretions of the mammary glands from a newborn, put pressure on the mammary glands or massage them, this can lead to suppuration and, as a consequence, to neonatal mastitis, which can only be treated with surgery. However, with severe engorgement of the mammary glands, doctors recommend using compresses from vegetable or camphor oil, as well as applying a soft bandage under clothing to the child’s chest to prevent additional injury to the delicate skin of the mammary gland by clothing.

In addition to engorgement of the mammary glands, girls may also experience some swelling of the labia, which can last up to two weeks. In boys, hyperpigmentation of the skin around the scrotum and nipples may occur.

In girls, on days 3-6, slight bloody (metrorrhagia) or profuse mucous discharge of a grayish-white color (desquamative vulvovaginitis) may appear from the genital tract. The discharge gradually disappears after 2-3 days. This condition also does not require medical intervention. It is only necessary to wash the newborn girl more often from front to back, then treat the external genitalia with a napkin moistened with a slightly pinkish cool solution of potassium permanganate or sterile vegetable oil. In case of heavy bleeding, it is necessary to consult a doctor to exclude possible pathologies.

Manifestations of a hormonal crisis also include milia - these are whitish-yellow, slightly protruding dots measuring 1-2 mm. They are most often located on the face of a newborn: on the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose, in the forehead and chin, and are very rarely found on the body. Milia resemble acne, sebaceous glands with blocked ducts. The appearance of such dots is observed in about a third of newborns and does not require treatment.

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When a baby appears in the house, the young mother begins to understand how big a responsibility this is. She has to carefully monitor his condition, notice any change and, if necessary, seek advice from a doctor. This is the case when it is better to contact and get a competent explanation from a professional than to wait until the symptoms go away on their own.

Parents are often frightened by the signs of a sexual crisis in their children. Despite the fact that it does not pose any threat to life or health, the symptoms can look quite ominous. Doctors usually tell patients about this, but, taking into account the human factor, it is quite possible that he may forget to do this.


About 70% of children experience this phenomenon. The sexual crisis is also called hormonal, and it occurs due to the fact that the baby adapts to new conditions. The baby grows in the mother’s belly, and female sex hormones do not escape it. Immediately after birth, estrogen levels drop sharply. Of course, the body responds. As a result, we are witnessing a sexual crisis. Despite the scary name, this phenomenon is not outside the norm.


Once again I would like to emphasize that no treatment is required. This is a normal physiological phenomenon that goes away on its own. The sexual crisis is manifested by an enlargement of the mammary glands. In addition, symptoms such as vaginal discharge in girls and testicular swelling in boys are observed. It’s hard to even imagine the state of a young mother when she sees blood on her baby’s diaper. Let's figure out what this or that phenomenon means.


Sexual crisis in newborns is most often manifested by enlarged mammary glands. Around the fourth day, it becomes obvious that the breast nipples are enlarged, darker, and sometimes fluid begins to ooze from them. This is completely normal for boys and girls. They reach their maximum size on the tenth day, after which the swelling subsides.

You don't need to be a doctor to notice swollen nipples. If you press lightly, a drop of liquid appears, similar to colostrum. This is a normal reaction of the body to hormonal imbalance, but there is no need to squeeze anything out.

In boys

Swelling of the genital organs may be observed. It does not occur in everyone; only 10% of newborns experience swelling of the external genitalia. This usually goes away within 2-3 weeks. Sexual crises in children occur only once in a lifetime and do not pose any danger to life or health. As soon as the hormonal levels return to normal, the physiological dropsy will gradually disappear.

Discharge in girls

Every adult woman knows well what vaginitis is. This is a disease that is accompanied by white vaginal discharge. But when they observe a similar phenomenon in their newborn daughter, it is a little shocking. This is how a girl’s sexual crisis manifests itself. About 70% of female newborns experience this. Symptoms develop suddenly and persist for several days.

You don't need to do anything special to alleviate the situation. Treatment requires only hygiene procedures and bathing with running water. Wash from front to back only. The external genitalia should be treated with a cotton swab dipped in sterile oil. The discharge is quite difficult to remove, so you should not be zealous. Just repeat the procedure every day until completely cleansed.

Bloody discharge

If with the previous phenomenon everything is more or less simple, it only causes some confusion for the parents, then the next symptom looks more formidable. This is micromenstruation - this is also how the sexual crisis manifests itself in newborn girls. It does not occur very often, only in 9% of cases. Usually the discharge is not too heavy, and it lasts no more than two days. No specific treatment is required.

Red spots on a boy's diaper

In the first week of life, the parents of a young man may also encounter this phenomenon. The urine becomes cloudy and acquires a reddish-brick hue due to the high concentration of salts. The uric acid effect is associated with the metabolic characteristics of the child in the first days of life. At this time, physiological loss of body weight and dehydration occurs, which causes blood thickening. The kidneys adapt to life outside the womb, which leads to an increase in uric acid levels in the blood.

An additional role is played by the fact that the amount of fluid received in the first days of life is always insufficient. The amount of urine also decreases, and the concentration of salts in it increases. After a few days, the condition evens out and the urine acquires a natural color.

Skin rashes

Sexual crisis in a newborn is also manifested by such a phenomenon as the appearance of tiny acne on the face. They look like spilled millet. Small yellow or white balls actually represent sebaceous glands clogged and overflowing with secretions. There are usually a lot of them on the chin or nose. For some, these rashes are isolated, for others they are abundant. After about two weeks, the rashes completely disappear.

Good or bad

Of course, a young mother is concerned about whether her child is developing normally. And in light of the topic under discussion, aren’t sexual crises in children evidence of retardation or pathology? Usually the opposite is true; such phenomena indicate a successful pregnancy and good placental function. That is, everything is fine with the baby, his hormonal system adapts to working offline and will very soon regulate all processes.

The cause of the sexual crisis in newborns is the child’s adaptation to new conditions. A striking manifestation is observed in large, physically strong children. They quickly rebuild and develop into a big life. Almost never the symptoms listed above occur in children who are weakened, premature, or have intrauterine growth retardation. Therefore, the mother should not be upset, but be happy that her baby is doing well.

It's worth being vigilant

The described phenomena are among adaptation measures and do not pose a threat to the child’s life, but still require attention from parents. There is no need to panic, the baby’s body will soon adjust all processes, and by the beginning of the second month of life, all symptoms will be a thing of the past. But we are talking only about those cases where there are no accompanying symptoms. Itching, high temperature, increased anxiety in the child, severe redness of the skin indicate the need to contact a specialist who will examine and prescribe treatment. Most likely, we are talking about a concomitant disease.

The fact is that when a baby is just born, it is very difficult to determine whether all his organs are completely healthy. And only by starting to work in autonomous mode, the body shows how viable it is. Therefore, it is now important to consult a doctor on every issue. Timely correction can help solve almost any problem, taking into account the achievements of modern medicine.

Who is better to contact?

Of course, the ideal assistant would be a neonatologist. Treatment of sexual crisis under normal physiological conditions is not required. After about two weeks, hormonal levels return to normal, and all symptoms disappear without a trace. The only thing that is required from parents is to maintain hygiene, bathe the baby every day and monitor the quality of clothing. It should be completely natural, washed with baby soap and rinsed well. In addition, outfits should be quite loose. A child's skin is very delicate and responds with irritation to every violation of these rules.

If you use diapers, they must be of high quality, from a trusted manufacturer. Poor quality material used as fillers also leads to swelling, irritation and redness in the genital area. The likelihood of this should be minimized.

is a series of transient conditions that occur in the first days and weeks of extrauterine life when the level of maternal estrogens in the child’s body decreases. Accompanied by engorgement of the mammary glands, bloody and mucous vaginal discharge, the appearance of skin pigmentation and rash, and swelling of the genitals. Diagnosed by a neonatologist in a maternity hospital, or by a local pediatrician during patronage based on characteristic visual signs. It does not require specific treatment and does not pose a danger to the child’s life. It goes away spontaneously in the 2-4th week of life without medical intervention.


P83 P83.4

General information

Sexual crisis (syncainogenesis, genital crisis, hormonal crisis, minor puberty) is a transitional state of the newborn period, representing puberty in miniature. It develops on the 3rd-5th day of life and persists for up to three weeks. The most pronounced manifestations of a hormonal crisis are observed on days 5-15. Occurs in 75% of all newborns. According to statistics, synkainogenesis is more often detected in girls. The appearance of symptoms of a sexual crisis does not mean that the child is sick. They indicate the normal development of the baby and indicate that his body is successfully adapting to extrauterine life.


Sexual crisis is a physiological reaction of the newborn’s body to changes in the level of maternal estrogen in the blood. Normally, during gestation, the concentration of estrogen in the fetus increases. Moreover, the amount of hormones does not depend on the gender of the baby: a sufficient level of estrogen is necessary for the full formation of the genital organs, both boys and girls.

Estrogens are produced mainly in the follicular apparatus of a pregnant woman's ovaries, less so in the adrenal cortex. At 14-16 weeks of gestation, estradiol synthesis also occurs in the placenta. The concentration of hormones increases towards the due date. Estrogens cross the placenta, influencing the development of the fetal genital organs. After childbirth, maternal hormones stop entering the baby's blood. The concentration of estrogen in newborns decreases sharply, and a sexual crisis develops - a natural result of a drop in hormone levels.

Synkainogenesis does not develop in all newborns. Small puberty is detected in 3/4 of children in the first month of life. Transient hormonal changes are more common in girls. This is explained by the presence of target organs (uterus, ovaries, vagina) that respond to changes in estrogen concentrations. On the maternal side, the following factors contribute to the development of sexual crisis in newborns:

  • Threat of miscarriage. To prolong gestation, maintenance drugs from the group of gestagens are usually prescribed. They change the natural hormonal background and increase the likelihood of a sexual crisis in a newborn.
  • Preeclampsia. Clinical studies show that with severe late toxicosis, the likelihood of developing synkainogenesis increases. Preeclampsia occurs when a woman’s body’s adaptation to pregnancy is disrupted. At the same time, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, and the level of estrogen in the blood of the mother and child increases. The difference between prenatal and postnatal estrogen concentrations is so significant that it causes a hormonal crisis.


After childbirth, the level of estrogen in the baby’s blood drops tenfold. This leads to natural changes in target organs. In conditions of a sharp decrease in estriol in girls, endometrial rejection occurs with the development of short-term vaginal bleeding. Exposure to prolactin leads to enlargement of the mammary glands in children and the appearance of colostrum-like secretion. Swelling of the genital organs occurs, and a change in the nature of the secretion of the mucous membranes occurs. After 2-3 weeks, the body adapts to the level of sex hormones, and the manifestations of the crisis subside.

Hormonal crisis is practically not recorded in premature babies or children with intrauterine growth retardation. It is formed in healthy newborns who are able to quickly adapt to new living conditions. Syncainogenesis plays a significant role in the development of the hypothalamus and further differentiation of the brain. Observations show that children with a pronounced hormonal crisis are less likely to be diagnosed with transient jaundice, and they are less susceptible to infectious diseases.

Symptoms of sexual crisis

Synkainogenesis manifests itself in various forms. Some symptoms occur only in girls or boys, while others occur in children of both sexes. The severity of symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The appearance of all existing signs or only one of them is considered normal.

Physiological mastopathy

Manifested by thickening of the mammary glands. Occurs in newborns of both sexes. Occurs on the 4th day of life, reaches a peak on the 7-10th day. Completely disappears two weeks after birth. It is characterized by symmetrical thickening and enlargement of the mammary glands up to 2 cm. The skin of the breast is unchanged or slightly hyperemic. Upon palpation, a grayish-white secretion may be released from the nipple, similar in composition to maternal colostrum.

Desquamative vulvovaginitis

Occurs in 60% of all newborn girls. It is characterized by the appearance of abundant grayish or whitish secretion (leucorrhoea) from the genital tract. There is no unpleasant smell. Vulvovaginitis develops in the first two days of life and disappears spontaneously on the 5th day.



The diagnosis is made based on typical manifestations. The clinical symptoms of a hormonal crisis are determined by a neonatologist during a follow-up examination of a newborn in the maternity hospital or by a pediatrician in nursing care within the prescribed time frame. No special examination is required. In practical pediatrics, differential diagnosis is carried out with similar diseases. Physiological engorgement of the mammary glands should be distinguished from purulent mastitis. Milia must be differentiated from an infectious skin lesion. It is important to distinguish metrorrhagia in girls from hemorrhagic disease.

Treatment of sexual crisis in newborns

There is no special therapy for transient phenomena. If the symptoms fall within the accepted norm, treatment is not prescribed. Clinical manifestations of synkainogenesis resolve spontaneously within 2-4 weeks without consequences. All that is required is observation of the baby and regular examinations by a pediatrician. To prevent the development of complications, it is recommended to strictly follow the rules of child care. It is necessary to keep the skin clean by bathing the newborn in warm water every day. When milia appears, no additional skin treatment is required. Do not squeeze out acne - this can lead to purulent complications.

Newborn girls who experience transient mucous or bloody discharge should be washed daily with warm water. If there is excessive discharge, you should additionally wipe the genitals with a soft cotton pad. There is no need to try to wash off all the secretion - this can damage the mucous membrane of the vulva. It is important to change the diaper regularly and prevent skin contamination.

Physiological mastopathy does not require special care. In case of severe engorgement of the mammary glands, a sterile bandage is applied to prevent purulent infection of the tissues. You cannot massage the mammary glands or squeeze out secretions. When mastitis develops, antibacterial therapy is prescribed taking into account the possible causative agent of the disease.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for sexual crisis in newborns is favorable. The transient condition passes without consequences during the first month. In most children, the manifestations of a hormonal crisis subside after 1-2 weeks. In the future, synkainogenesis does not have a negative impact on the development of the baby. When infectious complications occur, the prognosis depends on their severity and timeliness of medical care provided. Prevention has not been developed - synkainogenesis is not a disease, and it is impossible to prevent its occurrence.