Regulations on the family reading center in the library. Regulations on the family reading library. Description of some events

  1. Analysis of the work of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 840 for the 2011-2012 academic year


    Implementation principles state... clubs, clubs, etc. Thus, the main task of teachers who carry out extracurricular work, became ... reading and understanding of graphic information, reading and understanding main... performed at Family festival in...

  2. Basic educational program of primary general education

    Explanatory note

    Children through the system clubs, sections, studios... This position became the basis of development... On mostly stage (grades 3-4) main principle is... familyreading, memo on what to do in stressful situations (fire, danger, etc.), memo: rules work ...

  3. The main focus of the school’s work is the program “Development of Education in the City of Moscow for 2012-2016 “Capital Education”


    4 A Sidorenko V.I. Reading Lesson reading+ Russian language K. Paustovsky... work in a team - methodological associations created by principle... 1. "Gonchar" school- family: research, 3 2. ... this club For... Basic shape work in this direction became ...

  4. Youth and science


    And the psychological service of the university); Familyclub, club"Mistress"; New Year's holidays... conducting classes and reading lectures steel apply television technology... get an idea of mainprincipleswork with vector graphics...

  5. Main classification divisions 1 general scientific and interdisciplinary knowledge 2 natural sciences 3 technology technical sciences


    ... reading children. 74.905 Family and community. Help from public organizations in family..., excursion Job, amateur creativity. Basicprinciples and functions... Job. Theory, history, organization and basic directions workclubs. ...

The idea of ​​creating a family club was born long before its opening. From 2003 to 2007, the Dobryansk Central Children's Library worked under the targeted library program “The whole family is friends with books.” During this period, considerable experience was accumulated in organizing family leisure in the library, a fund of psychological and pedagogical literature for parents was formed, and a circle of mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, who were concerned about raising their children, appeared. As a result, in 2008, a project was developed to create a family club “Chitayka”, which received a grant at the III Municipal Competition of Social and Cultural Projects of the Dobryansky District in the nomination “Family as a factor ensuring the social well-being of society.”
The opening of the club took place on June 6, 2008 with a family holiday “Dating Evening”. The evening's program included: a conversation about the need and importance of family readings, the adoption of the Club Charter, approval of the Lesson Program, a fun and fabulous journey “How good is the one who has a smart head and a kind heart.”
Today the club includes 15 families.
Main goals of the club:
combining the efforts of the library and family in the reading development of the child
awakening the intellectual and creative abilities of a little person
support and development of family reading
Club classes are held twice a month and are based on three principles:
1. Attracting the child to the book, forming the foundations of his literary taste. In connection with this principle, there is a rule: when preparing events, only the best examples of children's literature are used, which can teach the little reader to sympathize, empathize, and love.
2. The use of play forms that develop all aspects of the child’s personality: curiosity about the world around him, creativity, perception of modern information, the ability to communicate in the family and with peers.
3. Active participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of events.
A clear example of a club meeting at which all three principles worked could be the educational hour “The Amazing World of Nature.” At the event, parents and children got acquainted with wonderful books about the animal and plant world from the “My First Encyclopedia” series. The librarian's fascinating story about books aroused children's interest and desire to read them at home with their parents. Mothers and grandmothers actively participated in the game quiz “Guess who I am?” The meeting concluded with a practical lesson in making crafts from natural materials, which were exhibited at the exhibition “Are You Weak?”
The literary hour “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter” was no less informative and exciting, one of the main goals of which was to instill in children a love of poetry. Traveling to the “land of Poetry” together with fathers and mothers, getting acquainted with the International Children’s Poetry Festival “Merry Duck” and poems by the best modern authors became unusual for the children. Children and parents received a lot of pleasure and positive emotions by reading their favorite poems, participating in the competition “How to Draw a Man” and the literary game “Girl and Echo”
Within the framework of the club, family holidays were held: “My favorite toy”, “Friendly family”, “Autumn-red-haired friend”, “My mother is the best in the world”. Children and their parents love to attend these holidays. Among them, Mother's Day, according to good tradition, is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, evokes a special response in the soul.
On this day, the event “My Mommy is the Best in the World” was held at the Chitaika club. Fun and humorous competitions were held with the participation of children and adults. Mothers showed their best abilities - they sang lullabies with their children, participated in funny and comic games: “Mom’s Tender Hands”, “Get to Know Your Child”. The children guessed riddles and wrote on the daisy petals about how they help their mothers. The event took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere over a cup of tea. Invited parents communicated and shared their impressions. At the end of the event, the children and their mothers watched the cartoon “Mom for the Baby Mammoth.”
Other club events were also meaningful and effective. Specialists from various city institutions were involved in organizing and conducting some of them. Thus, a psychologist from Children’s Secondary School No. 2 participated in the “Lesson of Mental Insight,” who gave interesting consultations to children and parents, which was in addition to reading and discussing the stories of V. Oseeva and V. Sukhomlinsky. The hour of surprise “The Secret of Favorite Dolls” would not have been so visual and emotional if the conversation had not been accompanied by a display of Russian rag dolls made by craftswomen of the creative association of the city cultural and business center “Orpheus”.
To make every meeting in the library interesting for the children, librarians used elements of theatricality. For example, when teaching parents to use riddles as a method and means of raising and teaching children, fairy-tale characters helped: Parsley, Pinocchio, Cipollino, Grandmother the Riddle.
The club members reflected their creative abilities in the design of the stands: “A kind word - Dobryanka”, “Family club “Reader”, “The amazing world of nature” and exhibitions: “It all starts with the family”, “My mother and I love”, “Library of the future” , “Read before bed.”
In 2013, the plan for the family club “Chitaika” includes such events as: excursion “Let’s get acquainted!” (for new club members), a review of books and magazines “For you, parents!”, a conversation “The first step to a book”, an hour of play “Let’s play, baby!”, a round table with a preschool teacher “First time in kindergarten”, creative workshop “Beautiful creation of kind hands”, exciting activity “Yellow, red, blue”, conversation-dialogue with a psychologist “Time of good communication”, meeting with a pediatrician “How to become a Little Girl”, introduction to the latest children’s literature “The Big World of the Little Reader”.
This year, the “Reader” club in the Central Children’s Library of Dobryanka celebrates its 5th anniversary and plans to continue the tradition of family reading.

Family Day Off Program

Purpose of the program: creation of a comprehensive system of information, psychological and pedagogical support for families to revive the traditions of family reading as a factor contributing to the strengthening and development of family relationships.

Project objectives:

Studying the information needs of young people on family life issues;

Providing qualified psychological assistance in various spheres of life, in matters of education and early development of children;

Organization of cultural leisure aimed at strengthening the intellectual, spiritual and physical health of the family;

Popularization of literature, introducing families to regular reading and visiting the library;

Establishing fertile ties with families, as well as strengthening intra-family ties.

Target Audience: adults and children, families.

February 14– Day of spontaneous manifestation of kindness “Journey to the Emerald City” - a magical game based on the fairy tale by A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City.

“This is spring day, the day of beautiful ladies” - cozy gatherings on the day of beauty and femininity.

March 21– “Our beloved Little Humpbacked Horse” (Children’s Book Week) - literary and play hour

May 28– “...and there are coincidences: two people share one birthday” - a holiday dedicated to Children’s Day.


“Knowledge is power! Shall we try to measure it against each other?” game meeting-tournament.

“Adults and children surf the Internet” excursion into the world of the Internet with the invitation of a specialist.

“How cozy it is in a family circle!” game based on the book “Grandma on the Apple Tree” by M. Lobe.

November 7– “Give a Child a Smile” campaign - collection of toys for the Gorodets orphanage boarding school “Kapelka” for orphans and disabled children with disabilities

“Santa Claus painted our windows with a white brush” fabulous New Year's Eve meeting.

IIhalf of December

« New Year's Trouble», “It will only strike 12 times...” winter fairy tale performances

Education Department of the Sharypovo City Administration

Priority national project "Education"
in terms of supporting the activities of the class teacher

NOMINATION: Child-adult community as a modern means of organizing educational activities

PROJECT NAME: Family Reading Club« Let's enter the world of books together»

Full name project developer: class teacher of 8th grade Albina Vyacheslavovna Ignashina, t. 8-923-325-15-85

I approve

head teacher


municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

662315 Russia, Krasnoyarsk region, Sharypovo, 2 microdistrict, building 8

School director: Natalya Valerievna Andriyanova, t.22-3-40

« Oh, if I could make you love books

if only I could show you their beauties!”

(From the instructions of an ancient Egyptian official to his son)


We live in an age of knowledge. We can say that we are surrounded by an ocean of information. Politics, science, finance, business, technology, construction, agriculture - not a single branch of life can exist without information. Information is searched, found, stored, protected, transmitted, copied, destroyed. In order not to drown in this ocean of knowledge, scientists around the world are looking for a universal form for storing and retrieving information. At the moment, the book is the most accessible, simple and reliable source of information.

The book is also a very ancient source of information. It is about 2.5 thousand years old. At the beginning of the last century, new sources of information began to appear - cinema, radio television, and people began to read less. Here prophecies appeared that the book was becoming a relic of the past and was about to die. With the advent of the Internet, there are even fewer book lovers; it seems that just a little more and the book will be completely buried. Once during class, I asked my students: “Do you think books are in danger of dying soon?” And if not, why not?

Sample answers from children:

    Cinema, radio and television can provide quick, understandable information. But scientific knowledge will still be disseminated only through books.

    Books will live forever. You can think about the book and read it slowly.

    Books are information that you choose yourself: if you want, you read, if you want, you don’t, but TV imposes information.

    A computer cannot replace a book either. A book can be read by candlelight, but a computer requires electricity, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse.

    If a scientist publishes his work in a book, it will be read even after 1000 years, but information from a computer is constantly lost and spoiled due to viruses and “glitches.”

    You can simply put the book in your pocket and read it wherever you want.

    A modern PDA can also be put in your pocket and read wherever you want.

    What if he runs out of food? And books do not require food.

    All the same, the computer will replace the book - they will come up with new disks, learn to save information, reduce their size and find new power sources. True, this will not happen soon.

    Nowadays it is very fashionable to listen to audiobooks. You drive in the car and listen - and you don’t have to scroll through or damage your eyes. Soon all books will be like this - electronic, on laser discs.

    When everyone learns how to use computers, then maybe they will stop reading books.

Family reading. This was once a glorious tradition. The whole family read the same book together for several evenings. They read, passing the book to each other, sharing their impressions, empathizing with the characters. We selected books for the soul, and not to take up space in walls, cabinets, and, according to the principle, whoever has more. How to choose a time so that several evenings in a row all family members can immediately get together to read?

Books are the true friends of humanity.

Reading is not just a way to obtain information, but also a unique process that can make a person a Personality who can feel, empathize, and think.

Children don't read. This statement can be heard today from teachers, parents and librarians.

Visiting the school and city libraries

Showing interest on the part of parents is an important factor in joint reading activities. For this purpose, the city library conducts a survey of children with their parents “The Most Reading Family” among the middle and senior levels. Based on the results of this year, “The Most Reading Family” among students and their parents, the following statistics were summed up:

28% come to the library;

25% mainly for educational literature;

15% have a small home library;

25% have a positive attitude towards reading;

10% read only what is assigned in literature;

14% read magazines and newspapers.

We can conclude that every year our children read books less and less.

Where did we lose the young book lover? First of all, in the family! The family and cultural relations within it largely determine the child’s path as a reader. Children whose parents love to read are more likely to develop a taste for reading than those whose parents do not read. The problem cannot be solved alone. It is necessary to unite the efforts of schools, families, and libraries to solve this problem. That is why the family reading club “Turn your heart to a book” was developed.

Project idea:

    Cultivate respect for books and knowledge; encourage reading and self-development.


Creation of a family reading club “Let’s enter the world of books together”

Tasks :

    show the role of books and reading in the development of a child;

    develop reading interest

    awaken parents' interest in improving the quality of their children's reading;

    revive the traditions of family reading;

    increase the number of students visiting the library and reading books;

    create an initiative group of like-minded parents;

    develop a regulatory framework for the activities of the club

    summarize the experience of the club

Participants, project partners:

    Class teachers and students of grades 8K, 4B, 5C:

    School library librarians

    City library librarians

    Parents taking part in the project

    Editorial staff of the newspapers “Lights of Siberia” and “Your Chance”

    Workers of the Central Committee of Culture and Culture

    Employees of Russian Post

Project implementation timeline:

September-May 2012-2013 academic year.

Implementation mechanism:

    Organizational parent meeting. Opening of the club - September 2012

    Analysis of project implementation - May, 2013.

Expected results

    A family reading club “Let’s enter the world of books together” has been created;

    A regulatory framework for the club’s activities has been developed;

    A database of methodological developments for the activities carried out has been created;

    Increased interest in reading books by 30% (survey)

    The coverage of students in visiting the library and reading books has been increased to 70%

    A presentation about the club's activities has been created.

Performance indicators:

    Improving students' reading technique;

    Coverage of students and their parents with club activities;

    Organization of collective activities;

    Expanding and enriching children's reading experience;

    Increasing the number of families reviving the traditions of home shared readings:

    Deepening knowledge about literary works and their authors;

    Development of children's ability to think independently in the process of discussing what they read;

    Generalization of the experience of the club;


Action plan for project implementation.



Implementation deadlines

1. Organizational parent meeting. Event plan

    Testing class studentslevel of formation of ideas about the book as a source of information


2. Project implementation.

    Conversation “Respect for the book” (stories about the creation of the book). Drawing competition.

October 2012

    Participation in the regional project “Let's give the book to good hands”

    Excursion to the city library

    Conversation “How books can help.”

November 2012

    Excursion to the printing house

    Visit to the Central Committee of Culture and Culture. Game program “Book Heroes”

    Visit to the city theater. Meeting with his actors

    Introduction to the first book of Rus'

    Excursion to the post office. Meet the post office employees. Guardians of the books


    Self-composed poetry competition “How to be able to read well...”

    Librarian's work. Class hour "Profession of a librarian"

January 2013

    Watch the video “How a book is created”


    “The best book is a baby” in collaboration with 4Bkl.


Let's sing about the book in ditties. Family competition

    Conversations on the topic “Caring for books.” Repair of books in the school library.


    A trip to the Linevsky coast. Relax and read

    Presentation competition

    Introduction to family libraries

    KVN from books.


    Watching a feature film based on a read work

3. Analysis of project implementation.

    Final gathering of parents and children members

    Final survey

    Feedback from project participants.

    Presentation of a slide album about the activities of the club

    Based on the analysis, conclusions, and performance indicators, a decision will be made on further work in this direction.



1. Methodological literature: Voskoboynikov V.M. How to identify and develop a child's abilities. – 1996.

Derekleeva N.I. Parent meetings. – M.: Vako, 2004.

Streltsova O. Nurturing children’s interest in reading // Elementary school - First of September.

2. Personnel: Class teachers and students of grades 8K, 4B, 5C; school library librarians, city library librarians, parents taking part in the project; editorial staff of the newspapers “Lights of Siberia” and “Your Chance”; Central Control Commission employees; employees of Russian Post.

3.Material and technical: projector, computer, interactive whiteboard.

4. Didactic: Questionnaires, tests, cards with game tasks.

Appendix 1

Regulations on the Family Reading Club "Let's enter the world of books together""

1. General provisions.

"Family Reading Club" is a continuation of the system of cooperation between teachers and parents of students; creating an environment conducive to the development of the child’s individuality in a common school-family home.

"Family Reading Club" is aimed at improving the educational process through the implementation of the principles:

Systematicity (creation of a literary space based on interaction and integration of various forms of additional education);

Aesthetic (constant communication of schoolchildren with the best examples of children's literature);

Emotionality (development of emotional responsiveness, empathy for the feelings of the characters);

Value-oriented (use of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities for independent work);

Continuity (connection of literary education with the surrounding world, art, etc.).

Methodical work"Family Reading Club" ensures advancement in the literary development of all students and each individual.

2. Organization of activities.

"Family Reading Club" created on the basis of cooperation between students and their parents, teachers, school libraries and the city children's library.

Basic principles of the Family Reading Club:

    voluntariness and sufficient independence in choosing a work of art;

    compliance of the selected literature with the age characteristics and interests of schoolchildren;

    lack of strict time regulations;

    relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the library;

    supporting the reading activity of schoolchildren in literature lessons.

Organized structure of student co-government in the classroom

« Family Reading Club»




School library

City Children's Library

Characteristics of a children's group at this stage of development

Development tasks

Teacher's position

Management style

New developments in the student body

Internal cohesion.

The desire to be together is expressed.

They value the honor of the children's team.

Unity of values ​​and approaches to the educational process.



Leading style: collegial, consulting


Development of initiative and activity of everyone.

Creation of a single team “children-parents-teacher”.

Independence and cohesion.

The need for personal

of self-improvement.

Value-based unity.

Established self-government.

Club meeting plan

    Election of the club composition.

    Development of the Club’s regulatory framework (Regulations or Charter)

    Drawing up a work plan for the year.

    “Let's get acquainted!” Introduction to the school library.

    Development and implementation of a survey of parents and children “Book in the Family”.

    "Our home library." Conversation about the formation of a home library.

    Introduction of the tradition “Family living room “Dad, Mom, Me - a reading family”

    Organization of a mobile library in the club. Design of the “Reading Screen”

    Watching a feature film based on a read work. Exchange of views.

    Family quiz “Do we know the heroes of the works well?”

    Cooperation with the media, city library, Central Committee of Culture and Culture.

Summing up is carried out at the end of the school year: all participants - children and parents - are awarded with certificates and souvenirs in the following categories:

    Best photo with a book

    Best Reading Diary

    Reading record holder

    The most attentive reader

    The best book expert

    Best Library Reader

    Book Doctor

    Dedicated library reader

    Reading Master

Appendix 1.

Family reading algorithm

The goal is to instill an interest in reading, raising a literate reader.

1. Before reading, remove distracting objects from the table and ventilate the room.

2. When getting acquainted with a new book, first look at the cover, read the author’s last name and first name, and the title of the book.

3. Read aloud with your child for at least 10-15 minutes a day. (Work in pairs)

4. Find out difficult words before or while reading.

5. After reading, ask the child if he liked the work, why?

6. Ask him to talk about the main character, the main event.

7. What words and expressions do you remember and what did the book teach you?

8. Invite your child to draw a picture for an episode he likes, to memorize a passage if it is a poem.

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for children

    What do you love more?

    Listen to adults reading

    Watch TV

    How do your parents behave while you read?

    They praise you

    They scold

    Does your family read books aloud?


    They don't read

    Can you name a book you recently read?



    Are you enrolled in the school library?



Appendix 3.

Questionnaire for adults

    What does your child most often prefer?

    Listen to adults reading

    Watch TV

    What do you do when your child reads?


    You scold

    Is it common to read aloud in your family?



    Can you name a book your child has recently read?



Buguruslan centralized regional library system

Starouzelinskaya rural library

family reading club

Starouzelinskaya Library

Maslovskaya A. I.

Address: With. Staroe Uzeli, st. Zarechnaya, 6, Starouzelinskaya library

On the basis of which institution was created: Starouzelinsky library-branch of the CRBS.

Year of creation: 2009

Where are the meetings held? : in the library.

The nature of the association : family reading.

Goals of the association: formation of a family reading circle; creating space for dialogue between a child and an adult; organization of family leisure.

Traditions: joint celebration of birthdays of all club members.

Regularity of classes : 1 time per month.

Number of participants : 25 people.

Last name, first name, patronymic: Maslovskaya Alena Ivanovna.

Year of birth: 1960.

Place of main work : Starouzeli Library

Position held : librarian.

Education : secondary special (pedagogical).

Goals and objectives of the club:

    Involving the entire family in systematic reading;

    Creating a space for dialogue between a child and an adult, organizing family leisure;

    Information support for families;

    Providing advisory assistance in the field of children's literature, children's reading;

    Getting to know the works of writers;

    Expand children's horizons through reading.

    Instilling the need for varied and systematic reading.

Club laws:

    The law of a good word.

    The law of caring for books.

    The law of treating each other with respect.

    Law of justice.

Rights and obligations of club members:

    Joint planning of the club’s work and participation in preparation for meetings;

    Regular attendance at classes;

    Participation in various library events.

Club management:

    The head is librarian Alena Ivanovna Maslovskaya.

Club attributes: emblem

Explanatory note

This program was developed using elements of bibliotherapy for children from 4 to 10 years old. The program is based on elements of bibliotherapy, such genres of children's literature that give the greatest effect and have a beneficial effect on the souls of children.

    Poetry –relieves aggressive agitation;

    Funny pictures and books –meet the urgent needs of the child’s soul;

    In fairy tales, a child experiences emotional states that he lacks in real life;

    Books about nature and animals relieve tension and anxiety.

Contents of activity: the program lasts 4 years. Each year of the program is held under the motto:

    1st year: First steps in the culture of reading “Journey into folklore”;

    2nd year: “The best books - the best heroes”;

    3rd year: “With a book through centuries and countries”;

    4th year: “You will not know the world without knowing your land.”

Club interaction within the program

Basic forms of club work

Literary tournaments

family gatherings

Folklore holidays

game and competition programs

loud reading and discussion of what was read

creative competitions

Expected results:

    Increasing the number of reading families;

    Competent guidance of children's reading;

    Raising the level of reading culture.

1st year “First steps in a reading culture”


Event name

Form of conduct


Hello, Knizhkin House.

Oral induction creativity

"Books for kids."

Let's play a fairy tale

Russian folk tales

"Fairytale Kaleidoscope"

Knizhkina hospital

Visit for summer

"We play and sing"

"My Favorite Poems"

“Sharpen your pencils and draw,

damn it, write!”

Readers' birthday

Snow Maiden and her friends

Loud readings


game with element-

we are a storyteller.

Travel game



living room.



Family benefits



Family gatherings

Fairytale performance














2nd year “The best books - the best heroes.”

Name of events

carrying out


"Hello, hello

Book House."

“How beautiful these fairy tales are!”

(K.I. Chukovsky)

Favorite poems

Ural fairy tales

Through the pages of your favorites

Moneybox of knowledge

Travel to the country

funny rhymes.

Hut of Russian fairy tales

How the spikelets were grown

to grind flour?

Fabulous journey

Loud readings


Reading competition


Drawing competition

Game - travel

Literary –


Exhibition of books.

loud readings

and discussions




October -









RCH, school



RCH, school


3rd year “With a book through centuries and countries.”

Event names

carrying out


"With a book through the centuries and

Folklore is the people's cradle.

Travel to the island

Symphony of nature's tales

"Magic night in the bookstore"

shop." (C. Perrault).

"Blue Bird"

"The Little Prince".

"Fairy Tales Told to Children"

Cool classic

“We draw and sing - it’s fun

A fairy tale come to life at Christmas."

Game - travel

Loud readings

and discussions



living room

Exhibition of one

Loud readings

and discussions

Family gatherings

Loud readings and discussion





October -











RCH, school


4th year “You will not know the world without knowing your land”

Name of events

carrying out


“A good book is my companion, my friend.”

Symphony of Russian colors

nature. (Winter).

"Spring has come, wake up

Symphony of Russian colors

nature. (Spring).

Colorful pages

(literature about native

"Guys, let's live

together!” (about creativity

Valery Levanovsky)

Symphony of Russian colors

nature. (Summer).

Travel to the country


Russian writers for children.

Symphony of Russian nature.

“My beloved land, I am for you

I dedicate..."

“Past Buyan Island...

Snow Maiden and her friends

visiting for 12 months.

Musically –


Family gatherings

Musically –


Merry hour

A Lesson in Politeness

Musically –


The game is a fantasy.

Loud readings,

musically -






Literary –











school, RDCH.


RCH, school





RCH, school
