Obtaining a quota for high-tech medical care. High-tech medical care: features, requirements and types What is a treatment quota

  1. 1. The attending physician of the medical organization where the patient is undergoing examination or treatment (for example, a clinic at the place of residence) determines the indications and draws up a package of documents for issuing a coupon for the provision of high-tech medical care.
  2. Advertisement If the patient is sent to provide high-tech medical care at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, a package of documents is delivered to a medical institution that will provide high-tech medical care (host medical institution).
  3. 3. Submitted documents are reviewed by the Medical Commission of the health authority of the territory or the Medical Commission of the host municipality.
  4. 4. When the commission makes a positive decision, a special accounting form “Coupon for the provision of medical treatment” is issued for the patient. Currently, the “Voucher for the provision of medical treatment” is electronic, which means that all stages of receiving medical treatment by the patient, copies of extracts and examination results are recorded in an electronic account, and the stages of receiving medical treatment can be tracked by specialists on the Internet.
  5. 5. After the commission makes a decision on the date of hospitalization, the health authority of the territory where the patient lives and the patient himself is informed (usually through the institution that referred him for further treatment). When referring patients for the provision of primary care at the expense of the federal budget, if the patient belongs to a preferential category and has not refused the package of social services, he also has the right to free travel to the clinic and back at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. The patient is given a coupon for receiving VMP with the signature of an official.

If a patient directly contacts our clinic without going through all the specified stages, the medical commission of our institution may make a positive decision to provide this patient with medical care within the framework of VMP. This can only happen if our clinic has free places according to the plan for the provision of high-tech medical care in various profiles approved at the beginning of the year. In this case, the patient is sent for a consultation with a specialist in the profile of the disease to obtain a conclusion on the presence of indications and to prepare a package of documents for VMP.

The package of documents for issuing a coupon for VMP (in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 930n) includes:

  • referral to hospitalization for the provision of medical treatment;
  • detailed extract from medical records;
  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (copy of the first page and registration);
  • a copy of the compulsory health insurance policy (CHI);
  • a copy of the certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) - required;
  • patient consent to the processing of personal data

After the documents are completed by specialists, they are delivered either to the territorial health authorities via electronic communication in the specialized information system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (VMP at the expense of the federal budget), or to the department for organizing medical care of our clinic (VMP at the expense of compulsory medical insurance). Within 10 days, a “Voucher for the provision of medical treatment” is issued to the patient.

After issuing a coupon and if there are free volumes for the provision of medical treatment, patients are invited to hospitalization in the order of priority.

Since 2006, MIAC has been working in St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as OMO VMP).

The main activity of the OMO VMP is technical, informational and methodological support for the work of the Health Committee commission on the selection and referral of citizens for the provision of VMP, which is not included in the basic compulsory medical insurance program, improvement and coordination of organizational and methodological work on the provision of VMP. The department employs medical workers, which allows for the necessary assessment of the medical aspects of the accepted documentation for the provision of medical treatment.

More about VMP

High-tech medical care (hereinafter referred to as HTMC) is part of specialized medical care. VMP includes the use of new complex and (or) unique treatment methods, as well as resource-intensive treatment methods with scientifically proven effectiveness, including cellular technologies, robotic technology, information technology and genetic engineering methods, developed based on the achievements of medical science and related industries science and technology.

VMP is provided in accordance with the standards of medical care approved by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in federal and city specialized medical institutions. VPM is financed from the federal budget, the city budget, on the terms of co-financing of the city budget by the federal budget, as well as from compulsory medical insurance funds.

Currently VMP appears in 22 profiles:

  • abdominal surgery (treatment of abdominal organs),
  • obstetrics and gynecology,
  • hematology,
  • combustiology (treatment of severe burn injuries),
  • neurology (neurorehabilitation),
  • neurosurgery,
  • oncology,
  • otorhinolaryngology,
  • ophthalmology,
  • pediatrics,
  • cardiovascular surgery,
  • thoracic surgery (chest surgery),
  • traumatology and orthopedics,
  • organ and tissue transplantation,
  • urology,
  • maxillofacial surgery,
  • endocrinology,
  • pediatric surgery during the neonatal period,
  • neonatology,
  • gastroenterology,
  • dermatovenerology,
  • rheumatology.

Ways to send citizens’ documents for the provision of medical care

1. When providing medical treatment at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, citizens’ documents are sent directly to the medical organization providing medical treatment in one of the following ways:

by the patient personally;

The referring medical organization.

2. When providing high-tech medical care at the expense of the budget, citizens’ documents are sent to the Commission of the St. Petersburg Health Committee for selecting citizens for the provision of high-tech medical care in one of the following ways:

the patient personally to the City Organizational and Methodological Department for VMP (OMO VMP) (St. Petersburg, Shkapina St., 30, room 216; Baltiyskaya metro station). Documents are accepted on Monday and Friday from 10.00 to 14.00, on Wednesday from 13.00 to 17.00;

Referring medical organization;


through the Portal of state and municipal services St. Petersburg gu.spb.ru:

The procedure for processing documents for VMP

1. Registration by the attending physician extracts from medical records.

2. Registration by the attending physician referrals for hospitalization to provide high-tech medical care.

3. Providing by the patient or his legal representative consent for the processing of personal data of the patient or his legal representative.

4. Providing the sending medical organization with a set of documents within three working days, including through a specialized information system, postal or electronic communication:

– in case of provision of medical care included in the basic compulsory medical insurance program, to a medical organization included in the register of medical organizations operating in the field of compulsory health insurance;

– in the case of the provision of medical care that is not included in the basic compulsory medical insurance program (at the expense of federal and city budget funds), to the VMP department of the St. Petersburg MIAC at:
st. Shkapina, 30, lit. A, room 216 (floor 2).

4.1. The patient or his legal representative has the right to independently submit a completed set of documents to the specified institutions within three working days from the date of referral for hospitalization.

4.2. The patient or his legal representative can submit a package of documents for the provision of medical care not included in the basic compulsory medical insurance program to the medical care department of the St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution MIAC in one of the following ways:
– in person at the address: st. Shkapina, 30, lit. A, room 216 (floor 2);
– in person to the district offices of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in St. Petersburg ();
– in electronic form through the Portal of state and municipal services of St. Petersburg gu.spb.ru.

Packages of documents in the VMP department of the St. Petersburg MIAC are checked, submitted to a meeting of the commission of the Health Committee for the selection and referral of citizens for the provision of VMP, followed by the issuance of a coupon for the provision of VMP in the specialized information system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

5. Review by the Health Committee commission of received documents - within no more than 10 working days from the date of their receipt.

6. Issuance of a “Voucher for the provision of medical treatment” in case of a positive decision.

Voucher for the provision of medical care at the expense of funds federalo and urban budget is drawn up and transmitted electronically to the medical organization performing VMP using a specialized information system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

An issued coupon for the provision of high-tech medical care at the expense of funds federal and urban budget no need to pick it up. The date of hospitalization in the order of the existing queue is communicated to the patient by his contact phone number by a representative of the medical institution in which the patient will be treated.

7. The presence of a coupon for the provision of medical treatment is the basis for the consideration by the commission of the medical organization providing medical treatment of the issue of hospitalization of the patient in accordance with the waiting list and the availability of quotas.

8. Commission medical organization, providing high-tech medical care, makes a decision on the presence (absence) of medical indications for hospitalization of the patient, taking into account the types of high-tech medical care provided by the medical organization, included in the list of types of high-tech medical care, within a period not exceeding 7 working days from the date of issuing a coupon for the provision of high-tech medical care (except in cases provision of emergency, including emergency specialized medical care).

9. The patient can view information about his coupon-referral for the provision of medical treatment by using the number located at the top of the first page of the coupon-referral on the official website of the Ministry of Health of Russia, at the address: talon.rosminzdrav.ru. After the end of the calendar year, in case of failure to provide medical treatment in the current year, the coupon is blocked by the Ministry of Health, since instead of it, a coupon with a new number is created in the order of the existing queue.

Participation of St. Petersburg MIAC in organizing the provision of medical care

Department tasks

– Acceptance of documents for the provision of medical care not included in the basic compulsory medical insurance program (hereinafter - VMP) from patients, from the MFC, medical organizations and the specialized information system for the provision of high medical care (hereinafter - EIS);
– Preparation and presentation of accepted documents for the provision of medical care to the meeting of the Commission of the Health Care Committee for the selection and referral of citizens for the provision of medical care (hereinafter referred to as the Commission);
– Registration of coupons-referrals (Coupon) for the provision of high-tech medical care on the waiting list in the Unified Information System, as well as work with coupons in the Unified Information System at the stages of the provision of high-tech medical care;
– Providing the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Health Care Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) with the necessary statistical reporting on the provision of medical care;
– Communicating to employees of medical organizations (hereinafter referred to as MO) and residents of St. Petersburg the procedure for the provision of VMP on the official website of the Committee, at work meetings of the Committee, seminars on the MIAC plan, at consultations (face-to-face, telephone, e-mail);
– Coordination of the waiting list for types of emergency medical care, taking into account the average time frame for providing emergency medical care in the Moscow Region.

Information about medical workers

Full name

Job title

Information from the education document

Information from the specialist certificate

Working hours

JordanopolisNatalya Nikolaevna

Methodist doctor

Higher education. Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute named after. I.I. Mechnikova, 1987. Specialty: sanitation, hygiene and epidemiology. The highest category in the specialty “health care organization and public health”, awarded in December 2015.

Health care organization and public health.
Issued in April 2017 (validity period – 5 years).

9:00 – 17:30

KurchikovAlexander Georgievich

Head of Department

Higher education. Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov, 1980. Specialty: “therapeutic and preventive care.” Primary specialization at St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P. Pavlova with a degree in healthcare organization and public health, 2008. Highest category, awarded in October 2015.

Health care organization and public health.
Issued on September 29, 2018 (validity period - 5 years) FSBEI HE "St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University"

9:00 – 17:30

Lobacheva Marina Valentinovna


Secondary specialized education. Medical School at the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, 1996. Specialty in nursing, qualification – nurse.

Management and economics in health care. Issued in November 2017 (valid for 5 years). Here .

High-tech medical care is a modern type of treatment for complex diseases that minimizes the risk to the life and health of the patient. VMP is provided under compulsory medical insurance programs and at the expense of the federal budget.

What is VMP?

High-tech medical care is care provided to the patient using new technologies in medicine. VMP includes therapeutic and diagnostic procedures; a range of services is provided in specialized medical centers. At the present stage, this type of assistance is provided in 22 areas of treatment and diagnosis. The list includes current types of surgical interventions, as well as otolaryngology, pediatrics, combustiology and other complex diseases that are difficult to treat with traditional methods.

In Russia, the number of hospitals is constantly growing, where modern equipment for treatment using new generation medical technologies is installed. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation annually approves the list of medical organizations that can provide medical care and its volumes.


Initially, high-tech medical care for the population was financed only from the federal budget. Since 2014, the situation began to change and more services began to be financed by the compulsory medical insurance fund system. High-tech medical care is divided into two types.

The division is determined by the list of medical benefits included in the provision of assistance under the compulsory medical insurance system, and the rest of the assistance, which is paid from the federal budget. That is, for citizens, VMP is free, but there are certain conditions and procedures under which it can be obtained.

Directions for the provision of VMP

In 2017, compulsory medical insurance funds finance 136 federal-level medical institutions, where citizens are provided with medical care in addition to the basic insurance program.

Types of high-tech medical care (areas):

  1. Hematology, abdominal surgery, combuhematology.
  2. Obstetrics and gynecology, neurosurgery, oncology.
  3. Gastroenterology, neonatology, traumatology and orthopedics.
  4. Dermatovenerology, pediatric surgery (for newborns).
  5. Otorhinolaryngology, transplantation, rheumatology.
  6. Ophthalmology, heart and vascular surgery, urology.
  7. Thoracic surgery, pediatrics, maxillofacial surgery.

Full service

The full list of high-tech medical care contains a large number of types of services - from medical surgical interventions to diagnostic operations. You can get acquainted with it in any medical institution; the list includes more than 200 items of VMP.

A patient receiving high-tech care in a medical facility does not incur any costs in connection with the procedures performed. All types of services, consumables, medicines, work of doctors and nurses are covered by compulsory medical insurance or federal funds. It is worth remembering that diagnostic procedures performed before receiving an appointment for VMP are not included in the funding of specialized care programs.

After the patient has received the necessary high-tech medical care, he receives a list of recommendations for further actions. This may include rehabilitation measures or further treatment. All recommendations are described in the patient’s medical record.

Who can get VMP?

All citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive VMP. The document that makes it possible to go to a specialized hospital is a referral from the attending physician, which states the patient’s medical indications recommending certain procedures. The attending physician also sends the patient for additional examinations to identify contraindications to VMP. Federally funded assistance takes a little longer to receive.

Having collected the results of all studies, the specialist prepares a package of documents for transmission to the commission involved in the selection of patients for VMP. The commission is obliged to make a decision no later than ten days after the application. It may consist of the patient's approval for assistance, refusal, or referral for additional examination. In case of a positive decision, the patient’s documents and the commission’s conclusion are forwarded to the recommended medical institution that corresponds to the profile of the disease with the required level of medical care. The patient receives a notification, and if the date of the manipulation has already been determined, the patient is given a voucher for VMP.

Assistance under compulsory medical insurance does not require the doctor to contact the commission; the package of documents is immediately sent to the center, where there is the appropriate equipment and personnel. If the hospital is ready to accept the patient, then the institution itself opens a coupon for him, notifying the referring institution.

Failure Cases

High-tech medical care is provided by each institution in a certain volume (according to quotas). If all the necessary assistance has been exhausted in a particular institution, the patient is added to a waiting list, which can be tracked online on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Sometimes the federal medical center, after considering the patient’s problem, diagnosis and research results, refuses to perform VMP. Motivation varies: for example, specialists may consider that the risk of surgery or treatment is too high, and the procedures may lead to an undesirable outcome. In this case, recommendations for conservative treatment will be given.

Refusal may be motivated by the fact that the effect of the proposed treatment will be completely opposite and will lead to complications that require greater effort to maintain health than before the VMP intervention. If the patient does not agree with the refusal to provide him with VMP, he can file a complaint with the health authorities - local or territorial surveillance services (Roszdravnadzor).

Emergency cases and VMP

An important issue for many patients is the provision of assistance in emergency cases, when “delay is like death.” In such situations, the patient receives the necessary treatment, for example, stenting of the coronary vessels. But we are talking about carrying out VMP for one area under the compulsory medical insurance policy, and not about full-fledged medical care.

To further receive assistance, the patient draws up a package of documents; in this case, it will be planned. Experts say that the largest number of requests for high-tech help occurs for cardiovascular diseases (about 60%).


Patients are often interested in this type of surgery, such as replacing the lens of the eye. This type of VMP is provided under the compulsory medical insurance system if the patient is implanted with a domestically produced lens. If there is a desire to install an imported lens, then this operation is fully financed by the patient himself. The list of types of high-tech medical care includes 272 types of procedures in 20 main medical fields.

Providing VMP most often requires hospitalization several days before the procedures. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to find out from the receiving organization what preparatory steps are necessary. These may include stopping certain medications, dieting, or taking medications to help your treatment work better.

Where is VMP provided?

Since 2015, a procedure has been established according to which the patient is provided with high-tech medical care (order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 930n). You can get VMP in almost all major cities of Russia. There are now more than 200 specialized hospitals and centers providing the necessary range of services.

The organization of high-tech medical care consists of several points:

  1. Medical facility. VMP is provided in a hospital setting with round-the-clock monitoring of the patient or in a day hospital if there is no need for constant monitoring of the patient’s condition.
  2. Financing of the VMP program. The provision of types of high-tech medical care is carried out in accordance with the approved list. It includes the types of assistance provided under the basic compulsory medical insurance program, a list of medical care provided at the expense of the federal budget.
  3. Patient referral. Hospitalization of a patient occurs at the request and signed by the attending physician, as well as the head of the medical institution on the letterhead of the sending organization. The referral is accompanied by a package of documents: an extract from the medical record indicating the diagnosis, disease code, results of studies confirming the diagnosis; copies of documents: passport or birth certificate, health insurance policy.
  4. Logistics. A complete set of necessary documents is sent within three days to the organization where specialized high-tech medical care is provided under the compulsory medical insurance system or to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Distribution occurs in accordance with the list, which indicates who finances this type of assistance.

High-tech medical care involves the use of complex, knowledge-intensive, expensive medical technologies to diagnose diseases and treat patients.

List of types of high-tech medical care determined by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated December 29, 2014.
No. 930n “On approval of the Procedure for organizing the provision of high-tech medical care using a specialized information system.” (Full version of the order)

"National Medical Research Center for Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky" provides high-tech medical care in the following areas:

  • Abdominal surgery
  • Arrhythmology
  • Combustiology
  • Oncology
  • X-ray endovascular surgery
  • Cardiovascular surgery
  • Thoracic surgery
  • Traumatology and arthrology (endoprosthetics)
  • Urology
  • Endocrinology

The procedure for referring patients from regions of the Russian Federation to receive high-tech medical care is determined by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 1689n dated December 28, 2011 - https://www.rosminzdrav.ru/documents/6966-prikaz-

To obtain a referral coupon (quota) to receive high-tech medical care at the FBGU National Medical Research Center for Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky, the patient must contact the regional health authority with the following documents:

  • extract from the protocol of the decision of the medical commission
  • a written statement from the patient (his legal representative, proxy), containing the following information about the patient:
    1. last name, first name, patronymic
    2. information about place of residence and/or place of stay
    3. details of the document proving identity and citizenship
    4. mailing address for sending written responses and notifications
    5. contact phone number
    6. email address (if available)
  • consent to the processing of personal data of a citizen (patient)
  • copies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; the patient's compulsory medical insurance policy (if available); certificates of state pension insurance (if available).
  • An extract from the patient’s medical records must contain information about the state of his health, the examination and treatment performed, recommendations on the need to provide medical treatment, and the results of clinical diagnostic studies on the profile of the disease.

In case the region of the Russian Federation does not have quotas for referring patients for treatment to the National Medical Research Center for Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky, a citizen has the right to contact the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Rakhmanovsky Lane, 3, Department of High-Tech Medical Care).

Residents of Moscow should apply for a quota to the city Department of Health (Moscow, 2nd Shchemilovsky lane, 4 A, building 4). Opening hours: Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 17.30, Friday from 9.00 to 16.30 (lunch break from 13.30 to 14.30).

You must have the following documents with you:

  • conclusion of the commission of the medical institution
  • passport of the person for whom the referral coupon is issued
  • photocopy of passport (2.3 pages + registration)
  • photocopy of the compulsory health insurance policy
  • photocopy of the state pension insurance certificate
  • a photocopy of the disability certificate (if any).

High-tech medical care (HTMC) is medical care performed using complex and unique medical technologies based on the most modern achievements of science and technology, provided by highly qualified specialists.

The list of types of medical care is determined by the Program of State Guarantees for the free provision of medical care to citizens for each calendar year:

  • At the expense of compulsory medical insurance - Section I of the State Guarantee Program;
  • At the expense of the funds of the state assignment for the provision of primary care, annually allocated in a strictly defined amount for each group of primary care to a medical institution (commonly called “quota”) - Section II of the State Guarantee Program.

How to get VMP at the Pirogov Center?

Step 1. Submit documents for a quota

This can be done in two ways (choose the most convenient for you):

  1. ContactHealth authority of your region(department of health care, regional ministry of health, etc.) to make a decision on the provision of high-tech medical care at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Clinical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The healthcare authority will send the patient’s medical documents to the Pirogov Center for consideration by the Medical Commission of the Pirogov Center. An extract from the protocol of the Medical Commission will be sent to the sending health authority. If the Medical Commission makes a positive decision, the healthcare management body will issue a coupon-referral to receive VMP at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Clinical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov" of the Russian Ministry of Health.
  2. Contact directly to the Pirogov Center to receive an in-person consultation with a specialized specialist to resolve the issue of the need to provide VMP (the initial appointment is carried out on a paid basis). During a face-to-face consultation directly on the day of treatment, if the necessary list of studies is available, an advisory opinion is drawn up and submitted to the Medical Commission of the Pirogov Center, which makes a decision on the possibility of providing VMP (documented in a protocol). In the absence of any studies, the patient has the opportunity to perform them in the conditions of the Pirogov Center for a fee or at his place of residence.

Pay attention! When a patient applies independently, the decision of the Medical Commission of the Pirogov Center is drawn up on the day of application and an extract from the protocol is given to the patient for submission to the health care authority at the place of residence.

Step 2. Receive a Referral Coupon

To receive a referral coupon To provide VMT, the patient (or his legal representative) must contact the health authority of his region with the following documents:

  • Extract from the protocol of the decision of the Medical Commission of the Pirogov Center.
  • Written statement from the patient (his legal representative, proxy) - containing the following information about the patient:
  1. Last name, first name and patronymic;
  2. Data on place of residence and/or place of stay;
  3. Details of the document proving identity and citizenship;
  4. Postal address for sending written responses and notifications;
  5. Contact phone number;
  6. Email address (if available).
  • Consent to the processing of personal data of a citizen (patient).
  • Copies of the following documents:
    1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    2. Compulsory medical insurance policy for the patient (if available);
    3. State pension insurance of the patient (if available).
  • An extract from the patient’s medical documentation, which should contain information about the patient’s health status, examination and treatment performed, recommendations on the need to provide VMP, the results of clinical diagnostic studies on the profile of the patient’s disease, carried out in preparing the patient for referral to medical institutions for the purpose of providing VMP.
  • Step 3. Come to the Pirogov Center for hospitalization on the appointed day