Do oils help hair growth? Cosmetic oils for hair growth: which oil is better to choose? Video: Using essential oils for hair growth at home

Dry air, hard water, the use of hair dryers and straighteners - all these factors negatively affect the condition of our hair. They become dull, brittle and weak, sections and fragility appear, and their growth slows down.

Using the most effective oils to strengthen hair and stimulate its growth allows you to solve all these problems.

Many vitamins, minerals, trace elements and nutrients, which are contained in their composition, help maintain health and restore the natural beauty of our curls.

To strengthen hair, thickness and rapid growth, herbal products are increasingly being used and for growth and thickness at home.

Advice. Depending on your hair type, you should choose products that are suitable in terms of oil content and basic properties. They are presented in a wide range and finding and buying the right oil for hair growth at the pharmacy, so choosing your option will not be difficult.

Which oil should you choose?

Have you decided to pamper your curls, but don’t know which oils are effective, which ones are needed to accelerate hair growth, and which is the best oil for hair growth? Then you should listen to the advice of experts in this field.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular and effective hair products according to experienced hairdressers and trichologists and find out which oils stimulate and accelerate hair growth.

Essential oils

They are highly valued in cosmetology due to a whole range of useful properties. They have a complex effect and can not only enhance growth, but also improve the general condition of curls, eliminate dandruff, and reduce excessive oiliness.

What oils help hair growth, are healthy and strengthen it? Active growth stimulants are: cinnamon and cloves, ylang-ylang, citrus oils for hair are also considered the best hair growth activators.

What oil to smear your hair for hair growth - you need to decide, depending on its type and taking into account the influence of the active ingredients.

Attention! It should be remembered that essential oils are not applied in their pure form. A basic vegetable oil is used as a base, to which you need to add only a few drops of essential oil.

Let's consider effective oils that stimulate and accelerate hair growth on the head to strengthen and grow.

Peppermint oil

For hair, it is recommended to use mint oil for hair loss and weak growth: among the properties is strengthening the roots, mint oil also promotes the rapid appearance of new hairs. In addition, mint is good for treating excessive oily hair and scalp.


Flaxseed oil for hair strengthening and growth is a real gift for our curls. It is rich in vitamins A, B, E and F, and also contains unsaturated fatty acids. It not only enhances hair growth, but also makes it manageable, smooth and silky.


Camphor oil for hair growth normalizes blood circulation and stimulates the functioning of hair follicles. Effective in the fight against dandruff and hair loss, helps with brittle and split ends.

Cocoa butter

It contains vitamins A and E, proteins, fatty acids and many useful mineral components. Using cocoa butter on hair activates growth, strengthens hair follicles and gives a healthy shine.


Peach oil for hair growth is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and trace elements. Thanks to this composition, it is an excellent growth stimulator. Peach moisturizes and nourishes damaged strands, making them soft and smooth.


Mustard oil for rapid hair growth contains microelements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on curls. The mineral components contained in the composition, including iron and calcium, strengthen weakened bulbs. Fatty acids give hair strength and volume.


Rosemary is quite effective for hair growth: rosemary oil for hair growth also moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, restores weakened strands, strengthens the roots and eliminates split ends.

Sulsen oil

Vitaminized sulsen oil for strengthening hair roots and growth is also considered an effective aid in the fight against dandruff. It tones and strengthens hair follicles, activates the growth of new strands, reduces hair loss and split ends, and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the scalp.

On our website you can find a huge number of recipes for homemade masks for hair growth: , or , , or , and .

How to use

Hair growth oils can be used in home care in various ways. The most common and effective of them are masks.

What hair growth oil is used in recipes for such masks? To carry out this procedure, you can use only one type or make a mixture of several products.

The resulting mass is rubbed into the scalp with light movements, applied to the roots and distributed evenly along the entire length.

Advice. To enhance the effect when preparing an oil mask for hair growth, it is recommended to preheat the oil slightly in a water bath.

Essential oil is not used in its pure form, but you can also enrich hair growth masks with oils and various hair cosmetics. To do this, add a few drops to the shampoo, conditioner or prepared mask.

How else can you speed up hair growth? Gives a good effect aroma combing: a little essential oil is dripped onto a wooden comb and thoroughly combed through the hair from roots to ends.

With regular implementation of this procedure, hair loss decreases, splitting and fragility go away.

Best Oils for Fast Growth

– a unique natural remedy that works real miracles. It contains vitamins, mineral components, beneficial acids and tannins.

Activates blood circulation, strengthens and nourishes hair roots, enhances their growth.

- an equally valuable natural product. It not only stimulates growth, but also has a moisturizing, softening and nourishing effect, makes curls soft and makes them easier to comb.

– has been widely used in cosmetology for a long time.

Thanks to the huge amount of microelements and vitamins contained in the composition, it can restore damaged hair and promote its active growth.

Gradually, recipes can be complicated by adding new ingredients to the oils to enhance growth. At the same time, be sure to monitor the reaction of your curls to each introduced component.


The hair growth-promoting and stimulating effects of oils have been noticed for a long time: they activate blood circulation in the scalp and cause an influx of nutrients to the hair follicles, which ensures rapid hair growth.

Do oils help hair growth? On average, a healthy person's hair grows by about 1.5 centimeters per month.

With regular use of oils, they not only begin to grow faster, but also become stronger, healthier and softer.

As you can see, getting your locks to be long and luxurious is not that difficult. The main thing is to regularly take care of their condition, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or others, return natural color, accelerate growth.

First, a few words about the use of essential oils for hair. It must be remembered that essential oils in their pure form are very rarely used. They are added:

  • into base oils, the choice of which depends on your hair type. Essential oils for hair are added to the base oils at the rate of 7-15 drops per 1 tbsp. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair like a mask: first to the hair roots, then to the entire length. Then put on a plastic cap and towel. Masks with essential oils last for 40-60 minutes. Then just wash your hair as usual. Make masks with essential oils for hair 1-2 times a week. Read below about which base and essential oils are best to use for which hair type.
  • in shampoo. Add up to 5 drops of the selected essential oil per serving of shampoo. This method of using oils is suitable for those with oily hair. It should be noted here that it is best to add essential oils to homemade shampoos. Making your own shampoo is not so difficult; special bases are now sold that will allow you to prepare shampoo according to your own recipe in half an hour, without unnecessary chemicals. You will find several recipes with detailed descriptions in the article.
  • in hair rinse. After washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner, rinse your hair with a pre-prepared mixture. Dilute 10-15 drops of essential oil in warm water or a decoction of herbs (nettle, for example).

Essential oils for hair in its purest form are used for aroma combing. Aroma combing is carried out on clean, dry hair. Apply 2-3 drops of the selected essential oil to a comb and begin combing from the ends of the hair, gradually moving up to the roots. This procedure is useful and pleasant, the natural aromas of essential oils will help relieve tension and fatigue, some of them will give you peace of mind, others will charge you with positivity, invigorate and give strength.

In order for an essential oil to be effective, pay attention to the aroma; it must be pleasant to you.

Multifunctional essential oils to strengthen hair

Essential oils for hair have different compositions, so some are best suited for dry hair, others for oily hair. There are also universal essential oils suitable for all hair types. Due to their universal structure, they help in solving a number of problems. First of all, multifunctional essential oils for hair are suitable for strengthening, prevention and restoration. These essential oils will help you grow healthy, long hair.

Essential oils for all hair types include: ylang-ylang, lavender, neuroli, geranium. Below are more details about each of them.

For masks with essential oils for all hair types, the following base oils are suitable: olive, avocado, coconut, almond, burdock.

Ylang-ylang essential oil will help get rid of almost any problem! It strengthens and restores, eliminates fragility. Ylang-ylang essential oil normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so it is simply ideal for caring for oily hair (masks and aromatherapy). Masks with ylang-ylang help stop hair loss and accelerate new growth. This oil is also highly effective against split ends. It is enough to apply it to the ends of your hair 10-15 minutes before washing your hair.

Ylang-ylang essential oil can be added to any hair mask. Here, for example, is a recipe for a universal mask for hair of all types. Using this mask once a week will significantly strengthen your hair, give it strength and shine.


  • 1 tbsp. burdock oil,
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 15-20 drops ylang-ylang essential oil

All ingredients are mixed and applied to dry hair 40-60 minutes before washing your hair. Using this mask once a week, you will help your hair maintain health and beauty! The same mask is effective for restoring damaged and dull hair.

In addition, ylang-ylang essential oil is an effective aphrodisiac, relieves stress and gives strength, helping to recover after a hard day.

Lavender essential oil for hair is also versatile. This oil is used to restore hair structure, general strengthening, against dandruff and dry scalp, and is effective against split ends. Lavender essential oil is suitable for all hair types. Recipe for strengthening, restoring and caring for hair with lavender essential oil:

  • 1.5 tbsp. burdock oil,
  • 1/2 tsp. liquid vitamin A,
  • 1/2 tsp. liquid vitamin E,
  • 10-15 drops lavender essential oil

Leave a mask with lavender essential oil for hair for 40-60 minutes, apply and rinse off in the usual way.

The aroma of lavender can harmonize any condition. If you are tired, it will cheer you up, if you are worried, it will calm you down. Taking a bath with a few drops of lavender at night will completely relieve stress and anxiety, after which you will be able to sleep well.

No. 3 Neuroli essential oil for hair

Neuroli essential oil is one of the most valuable products for hair. Hair masks with neuroli essential oil will help eliminate any problem. For general strengthening, it is used with burdock oil, and in the fight against dandruff and dry skin - together with castor oil. Neuroli essential oil can be applied to the ends of the hair 5-10 minutes before shampooing.

For general strengthening, hair growth and increasing thickness, you can use the following recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil,
  • 1 tbsp. avocado oils,
  • 10-20 drops neuroli essential oil

The mask is applied to the hair for 40-60 minutes. Wash off in the usual way.

The aroma of neuroli is often taken as the basis for perfume compositions. This oil attracts and is an aphrodisiac. It is used as an antidepressant, it will relieve everyday problems, depression and help you relax and unwind.

No. 4 Geranium essential oil for hair

Geranium essential oil for hair is another versatile remedy. With it you can:

  • stimulate hair growth,
  • stop the loss
  • get rid of dandruff,
  • normalize oily hair

The following composition will help against hair loss caused by stress, fatigue, lack of vitamins and unfavorable external factors:

  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil,
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. pepper tincture or cognac,
  • 15-20 drops of geranium essential oil

Mix all ingredients except coconut oil and apply to hair roots, rub well. Distribute coconut oil over the entire length of the hair. This mask lasts 30-45 minutes. After which it is washed off with regular shampoo.

If severe burning or other unpleasant sensations occur, the mask must be washed off immediately.

Essential oils for dry hair

Oils for dry hair have a thicker, oily structure. Such oils help restore hair structure and retain moisture in skin cells. Essential oils normalize metabolic processes, and cells receive the substances they need. The main thing is that there is a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Essential oils for dry hair are based on base oils such as castor, flaxseed, argan oil, olive and peach oils.

No. 5 Sandalwood essential oil for hair

Sandalwood essential oil is widely used in cosmetology to create face and hair care products. Due to its moisturizing properties, sandalwood essential oil is effective in the fight against wrinkles and fine lines. It is also perfect for caring for dry and damaged hair. Essential oil has regenerating, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and other properties. The following recipe is suitable for caring for dry hair:

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. castor oil,
  • 1 chicken yolk,
  • 10-15 drops of sandalwood essential oil

The yolk is well beaten, all ingredients are mixed. The mask is applied in the usual way for 40-60 minutes. Wash off in the usual way.

The aroma of sandalwood essential oil gently soothes and balances. It will help cope with insomnia and bad thoughts if inhaled before bed. Throughout the day, the aroma of sandalwood will create a creative boost and inspire you to solve almost any issue.

No. 6 Jasmine essential oil for hair

Jasmine essential oil is suitable for gentle care for sensitive skin, dry and damaged hair. It delicately moisturizes, restores and gives strength. It is ideal for easy care.

The following composition will restore the hair structure and relieve dryness and brittleness:

  • 2 tbsp. argan oils,
  • 1 tsp castor oil,
  • 2 drops of liquid vitamins A and E,
  • 10-15 drops jasmine essential oil

Mix everything and apply from roots to ends of hair. Massage the scalp for a few minutes, then put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask on for 40-60 minutes and wash off as usual.

Jasmine essential oil will gently soothe, give strength and relieve stress. This oil can lift your spirits and set you up for optimism. The light and pleasant aroma of jasmine allows you to use it for aromatherapy with benefits for the soul and body.

No. 7 Pine essential oil for hair

Pine essential oil is widely used for hair care. It strengthens, restores, prevents hair loss, makes hair more manageable and eliminates excessive dryness of hair and scalp. Pine essential oil normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so it is suitable not only for dry, but also for oily hair. To eliminate excessive dryness and brittleness of hair, use the following composition:

  • 1 tbsp. castor oil,
  • 1 tsp burdock oil,
  • 10 drops pine essential oil

The composition is applied for 40-60 minutes in the usual way.

The aroma of pine will invigorate, give strength, awaken optimism and eliminate aggression. Pine essential oil clears the mind and releases reserve forces. This oil is ideal for aromatherapy at the beginning of the day.

No. 8 Juniper essential oil for hair

Juniper essential oil for hair is very beneficial! It will restore shine and strength to your hair, help eliminate dry skin and get rid of dandruff. Juniper essential oil is best suited for dry hair, but can be used for other hair types as well. Juniper essential oil is suitable for sensitive scalp, as it acts very softly and delicately. A universal recipe for hair with juniper oil looks like this:

  • 1-2 tbsp. linseed oil,
  • 7-10 drops of juniper essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and apply first to the hair roots, then to the entire length of the hair. Keep the mask on for 30-45 minutes, then wash off as usual.

You can also add 1 tbsp to the recipe. decoction of juniper berries. For the decoction, add 1/4 cup of dry berries to 1/2 cup of hot water.

The aroma of juniper invigorates, sets you up for positivity and productive work.

Essential oils for oily hair

Essential oils for oily hair have a higher content of components that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Using the same oils will help your hair maintain its freshness and neat appearance longer. Essential oils for oily hair will also strengthen, restore and make hair more manageable.

No. 9 Grapefruit essential oil for hair

The effect of grapefruit essential oil will be noticeable after just a few uses. Grapefruit essential oil is used to eliminate excessive dryness and oiliness, as a remedy for split ends and as an aid in the fight against hair loss.

Mask with grapefruit essential oil for oily hair

  • 1 tbsp. grape seed oils,
  • 1 tsp cognac,
  • 10-15 drops grapefruit essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and apply first to the hair roots and rub well, then to the entire length of the hair. Leave for 30-45 minutes, then wash off as usual.

Anti-dandruff mask with grapefruit essential oil

  • 1 tbsp. apricot kernel oils,
  • 3 drops grapefruit essential oil,
  • 3 drops ylang-ylang essential oil,
  • 3 drops tea tree essential oil

Mix all ingredients and apply to scalp for 30-40 minutes. Then wash off in the usual way. For severe seborrhea, the mask is made before each hair wash for 2 weeks. For prevention - once a week.

Grapefruit essential oil is contraindicated for people with allergies to citrus fruits.

No. 10 Cedar essential oil for hair

Cedarwood essential oil is effective against hair loss. Hair receives more nutrition and gradually falls out less. To stop hair loss, you can use the following recipe: to 1 tbsp. olive, peach or burdock oil, add 10-15 drops of cedar essential oil. Apply, leave for 40 minutes and wash off as usual. A mask with a large number of ingredients is also effective:

  • 1 chicken yolk,
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. liquid honey,
  • 10 drops of cedar essential oil,
  • 10 drops rosemary essential oil

Honey must be liquid. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair roots and entire length for 40 minutes. Then the mask is washed off as usual.

No. 11 Melissa essential oil for hair

Melissa essential oil is great for oily hair and will be a faithful assistant in the fight against dandruff. By adding this essential oil to your shampoo every time you wash your hair, you can get rid of dandruff within a few months.

Mask for strengthening oily hair with lemon balm oil

  • 1 tbsp. balm for oily hair,
  • 1 tsp grape seed oils,
  • 10-15 drops lemon balm essential oil

Keep this mask for 10-20 minutes. Then they simply wash their hair, you don’t need to use the balm at the end, the hair will already be sufficiently moisturized.

No. 12 Patchouli essential oil for hair

Patchouli essential oil improves hair appearance and health, promotes hair growth and thickness. To strengthen your hair, it is useful to massage your head with essential patchouli. For this you need 1 tbsp. base oil (macadamia, apricot or grape seed) and 7-15 drops of patchouli essential oil. The mixture is applied to the hair roots and rubbed well for 3-5 minutes. Then leave the composition on the hair for another 10-25 minutes and rinse off in the usual way. Patchouli essential oil also tones and strengthens hair roots. To strengthen hair at the roots, use this recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil,
  • 1 chicken yolk,
  • 10-15 drops patchouli essential oil

Mix everything and apply to the hair roots. You can separately apply coconut oil and patchouli essential oil to your hair along the entire length and to the ends. Keep the mask on for up to 60 minutes, then wash off as usual.

The aroma of patchouli is rich in woody notes. It will calm you down and set you up for creativity and creativity in any situation. This oil provides energy and is often used as an aphrodisiac.

Essential oils are also suitable for oily hair geranium and juniper.

Essential oils for hair loss

Hair loss is a very delicate topic, since the causes of this phenomenon can be very diverse: from banal vitamin deficiency and stress to autoimmune diseases. With a lack of vitamins, stress and external unfavorable factors, essential oils for hair will become effective helpers.

If natural masks for hair loss do not bring results, you must look for the cause and you need to do this with specialists, because only qualified specialists can save not only your hairstyle, but also your health, and maybe even your life.

The most effective against hair loss are essential oils of tea tree, thyme, petitgrain, chamomile, myrrh and nutmeg.

No. 12 Tea tree essential oil for hair

One of the reasons for hair loss can be dandruff. Tea tree essential oil is one of the most famous antiseptics. It is used in natural cosmetology to get rid of various types of bacteria and fungi. As you know, dandruff is often caused by them. Anti-dandruff, irritation, lice, this recipe will help:

  • 2 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 7 drops tea tree essential oil,
  • 3 drops lavender essential oil,
  • 3 drops rosemary essential oil

The mixture is applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements for 10 minutes. After that, you need to insulate your head with polyethylene and a towel and keep the mask on for 20-25 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual.

No. 13 Thyme essential oil for hair

Thyme essential oil helps restore severely damaged curls, for example, after perming, curling or dyeing. To do this, you can add 5 drops of thyme essential oil to a portion of shampoo once a week. For hair loss, the following recipe is highly effective:

  • 2 tbsp. base oil (linseed, olive or coconut),
  • 7 drops thyme essential oil,
  • 3 drops lemon essential oil

Essential oils for hair greatly enhance the effect of base oils. In case of hair loss, apply the mask 2 times a week for 1-1.5 months.

No. 14 Petitgrain essential oil for hair

Petitgrain essential oil helps fight dandruff and stimulates hair growth. Against hair loss, it is enough to use it once a week as part of a mask with honey:

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. liquid honey,
  • 10-15 drops of liquid vitamins A, E, B,
  • 5-10 drops petitgrain essential oil

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair roots and to the entire length of the hair for 30-40 minutes. The mask is washed off in the usual way.

Contraindicated for those who are allergic to citrus fruits.

Phototoxic. Do not use before going out into the sun, especially when combing with aromas.

No. 15 Chamomile essential oil for hair

Chamomile is an amazingly useful medicinal plant. Chamomile essential oil helps cope with brittle and dry hair. This oil will eliminate dandruff and make your hair beautiful, strong and strong. You can use it as part of a simple mask with a base oil or, to enhance the effect, together with other ingredients in the following mask:

  • 2 tbsp. l. olive, castor, burdock or almond oil,
  • 10 drops chamomile essential oil,
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil,
  • 5 drops liquid vitamin E

The mask is applied and washed off in the usual way. Lasts 30-45 minutes. For severe damage and hair loss, apply this mask 2 times a week for 6-8 weeks.

No. 16 Myrrh essential oil for hair

This oil fights bacteria, inflammation and wounds. Myrrh essential oil enhances the nutrition of the roots, hair falls out less, and with prolonged use it becomes thicker and stronger.

Hair mask with myrrh essential oil against hair loss:

  • 1 tbsp. castor oil,
  • 1 tbsp. burdock oil,
  • 15 drops myrrh essential oil

The composition is slightly heated in a water bath, first applied to the roots and thoroughly rubbed into them, then distributed over the entire length. Keep the mask on for up to 60 minutes, then wash off as usual.

No. 17 Nutmeg essential oil for hair

Nutmeg essential oil helps stop hair loss. To do this, you can add it to shampoos or make masks.

Be careful, as nutmeg essential oil has a rather specific smell that not everyone will like. In addition, it excites the nervous system and falling asleep after using it will be quite problematic. Moreover, it is considered one of the most effective essential oils in hair care.

Essential oils also help with hair loss rosemary, pine, juniper and neuroli.

Essential oils for hair growth

It is enough to use essential oils for hair growth as part of masks once a week for the entire time you are growing your hair. Or before each use for 6-8 weeks. Then you need to take a break so as not to become addictive. After 2 weeks, the use of hair growth oils can be resumed. For active growth, hair needs vitamins A, E, B, fatty acids and collagen. Essential oils for hair contain some of these vitamins and help the active substances of other mask components penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. To provide your hair with the necessary amount of collagen, add to masks oil avocado, coconut oil, flaxseed. And also use citrus essential oils, as they contain a large amount of antioxidants, which also help accelerate growth.

No. 18 Essential oil of orange, lemon and tangerine for hair

Orange essential oil is incredibly beneficial for the scalp. It nourishes and eliminates dryness, nourishes hair follicles. Lemon oil for hair has a wide range of uses; it restores, strengthens, brightens, and accelerates hair growth. Tangerine essential oil, in addition to accelerating growth, restores shine and radiance. Using all these oils together, you prepare a nourishing cocktail for your hair that will allow you to quickly grow healthy and strong hair.

Citrus cocktail for hair growth:

  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil,
  • 7 drops orange essential oil,
  • 7 drops lemon essential oil,
  • 7 drops mandarin essential oil

Apply the mask in the usual way, massage the roots for 3-5 minutes. The mask lasts for 40-60 minutes, then is washed off in the usual way.

No. 19 Rosewood essential oil for hair

Rosewood essential oil helps to significantly accelerate hair growth even with very slow growth. Use this recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. sweet almond oil,
  • 15 drops rosewood essential oil

If desired, you can add another 1/2 tsp to this composition. honey Mix everything, apply for 40-60 minutes, and wash off in the usual way.

Rosewood essential oil is one of the best antidepressant and harmonizing oils.

No. 20 Cinnamon essential oil for hair

Cinnamon essential oil has a valuable composition; it contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for hair growth. Read more about what vitamins are needed for hair. The following recipe can be used effectively with cinnamon oil:

  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil,
  • 1 tbsp. macadamia oils,
  • 15 drops cinnamon essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and apply to hair from roots to ends, leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse as usual.

Cinnamon essential oil awakens courage, self-confidence, and helps get rid of fear and feelings of loneliness.

Essential oils are often used for hair growth cedar, patchouli and cypress.


Before use, any specified remedy should be checked for personal intolerance. Apply a small amount of oil or the prepared mixture to the skin on the wrist or elbow, leave for 10-15 minutes and evaluate the effect. If no discomfort occurs, this remedy can be used.

If any discomfort occurs, the procedure must be stopped immediately.

Essential oils for hair are good helpers in care and strengthening. Now you know how to choose the right ones and how to use essential oils for hair with maximum effect. Choose natural cosmetics, stay beautiful and healthy!

Women all over the world try to use the beneficial properties of essential oils to improve their health and appearance. Properly selected substances can improve the condition of hair and even speed up the process of hair growth. Surprisingly, such budget supplements can affect hair even better than expensive cosmetics.

What is it

Essential oils are extracts from beneficial herbs and flowers. They have a positive effect on the body and have been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for a very long time. These oily liquids are distinguished by their lack of color and a concentrated and rich odor.

They do not dissolve in water due to their oily consistency, but they do dissolve in alcohol. This is used by cosmetologists who add them to various products for a pleasant aroma.

As you know, several varieties of ether can be obtained from one plant. An example would be an orange tree. Petitgrain is obtained from its leaves by pressing, neroli is obtained from its flowers, and orange oil itself is extracted by processing the peel of the ripe sweet fruit.

The oil obtained by pressing is placed in a glass bottle, which is immediately tightly sealed. This is done so that it does not lose its beneficial properties and rich aroma. Under no circumstances should ether be placed in plastic bottles, because plastic immediately reacts with its components.

As a rule, no more than ten milliliters of oil are poured into one bottle. The fact is that it is concentrated, and even such a tiny amount will last you for a long time. In addition, after opening the bottle, the oil should not sit for too long. Do not store the product unopened for more than three years.

And if we are talking about citrus oil, then it should be used within a year after you uncorked the bottle. All this time, the product should be kept in a cool room, not exposed to direct sunlight.

What is the benefit

Despite the fact that essential oils have been used for hair care for many centuries, not everyone understands their benefits and why they work. The fact is that ether, which is extracted from natural plants, contains a huge amount of vitamins and useful elements. And this benefits hair, regardless of its type.

Properly selected oils help strengthen hair roots and solve the problem of split ends. They affect the hair follicles, improving blood circulation. Due to this, curls grow faster, and the sebaceous glands begin to work normally. Thus, the hair becomes less oily, as does the scalp itself.

In order for the results to be truly noticeable, essential oils must be used on the hair regularly. Only then will essential oils for hair growth work as expected.

Types of oils and their features

Several types of oils help speed up hair growth. You can use them separately or in combination with each other. When used in the right combination, essential supplements are even more effective.

Let's look at a list of the most popular aromatic oils that really stimulate hair growth and strengthen it.


Rosemary, when used regularly, nourishes the hair, saturating the scalp with essential vitamins and microelements. It stimulates blood circulation, due to which hair naturally begins to grow faster. In addition, this product prevents hair loss, which means that your hair will become thicker after just a few uses.


This oil is universal and works equally well on both hair and body. Therefore, it is added to many cosmetic products. The flowers of a tropical plant are used to produce this product. It grows only on warm coasts, and because of this it is quite expensive.

tea tree

This growth tool also gets good reviews. The soft essential oil works really effectively, saturating every hair. Thus, the curls become strong, but at the same time silky and with a natural shine. After using tea tree extract on your hair, you will notice that it has become easier for you to comb and style it.


Lavender also helps stimulate hair growth. Known primarily for its pleasant scent and soothing properties, this oil strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Therefore, it is recommended for use by men prone to early baldness.


Citrus oils not only smell pleasant, but also have a good effect on the overall condition of the hair. Lemon, tangerine and grapefruit oils occupy leading positions in the top growth-accelerating agents. An additional advantage is their regenerating effect, which helps hair not only become longer, but also stop breaking off. This means that you will achieve the desired length in the shortest possible time.

With bergamot

The list of oils beneficial for hair growth includes bergamot. Its additional property is that it cleanses the scalp of excess oil. When the pores are cleared, hair naturally begins to grow faster. So if you want to achieve not the fastest, but long-lasting effect, then this product is perfect for you.


This remedy will be a real panacea for lifeless hair that practically does not grow. It is popular among many girls, but it also costs quite a lot. This is the most expensive type of fragrance additive on the entire list.


For oily locks, you will need geranium oil. Along with accelerating hair growth, it will have a positive effect on the scalp, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. When using this product, you will also forget about problems such as seborrhea or dandruff, if they were previously relevant to you.


Pleasantly cooling the skin, peppermint oil has a positive effect on the skin and curls. Squeezing mint has an accelerating effect on blood circulation. Thanks to this, hair grows faster. Fed in this way, the strands look more attractive and lively.


The last one on the list of the most popular is jojoba oil. It has an effect even on the most thinned and damaged strands. After using it, your hair will become longer and healthier.

Features of choice

Selecting the right oil depends on several parameters. First of all, these are individual indications. If you are allergic to any product, then this oil is not worth buying. Otherwise, try different esters to see which one works best for you.

It is also very important to use only high-quality oils. After all, no matter how useful the product may be, if you come across a fake, you will forever be disappointed in it. To prevent this from happening, buy aromatic additives in trusted stores, or even better, from manufacturers with a good reputation. And remember that high-quality oil is unlikely to be too cheap. Therefore, if the price of the selected product is much lower than that of competitors, then this is most likely a fake.

How to use it correctly

Oils can be used in several ways to speed up hair growth and make it thicker. At the same time, it cannot be said that one of them is more effective and the other works worse. Everything here is quite individual and it is better to try different methods on yourself to make sure what is right for you. You can also combine or alternate several methods, or simply change supplements, checking which effect works best.


One of the most enjoyable ways to care for your hair is massage. It allows you not only to speed up hair growth. A pleasant head massage will relax and calm you down.

For this procedure, you will need to mix the selected essential oils with olive oil in a small container. Olive base is needed for additional nutrition of the scalp and individual hairs. If you don’t have it, then you can buy cheaper flaxseed, which is sold in any pharmacy at a low price.

Massaging with this oily liquid is quite simple. To do this, you just need to slightly warm the product in a water bath. It should be only slightly warm, but not at all hot. Otherwise, burns may remain on the skin.

The mass is rubbed into the scalp with slow massage movements. The procedure takes a few minutes. After this, keep the product on your head for another half hour. After this, the massage mixture can be washed off. Any shampoo that you use in everyday life will be suitable for this purpose.

Aroma combing

Another procedure that helps accelerate hair growth is combing your hair with essential oils. For this purpose, you will only need suitable products and a comb or comb with wooden teeth. The length of the teeth depends on the length of the hair. If you have long hair, then the comb should be appropriate, and vice versa.

The wooden base of the brush works best in combination with essential oils without compromising their effectiveness. Apply the product to the cloves and distribute it along the entire length with a comb. It is worth combing your hair for ten minutes. It is not necessary to do this every day; two or three procedures per week are enough.

After you have thoroughly combed your hair, the comb should be rinsed under hot water. This will allow you to clean its surface and safely use your comb for everyday combing.

Another point worth remembering is that the oil for this procedure is selected depending on what time of day you perform it. Different aromatic additives affect us in their own way, and this should definitely be taken into account when choosing them.

If you carry out aromatic combing in the morning, then it is better to choose products that invigorate the body and have a tonic effect on your hair. These include mint and various citrus fruits (lemon, tangerine, grapefruit). But in the evening, on the contrary, you want to relax your body and set it up for a full, restful sleep. To do this, choose chamomile or lavender.

As an addition to skincare products

You can also enrich your favorite hair care products with essential oils. If you don’t like the chemical smell of your cosmetics, or you want to achieve faster hair growth, then try adding a few drops of ether to a mask or shampoo purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Peppermint, cinnamon or tea tree oil will stimulate hair growth.

But don't overdo it or add too much oil to your shampoo or conditioner. This will not make the strengthening effect greater. It is enough to add one or two drops to the care product, and it will work better.


One of the most popular ways to help speed up hair growth is to use masks with ether additives. If you combine natural elements in your mask, they will complement each other and enhance the effect of each individual component.

Thoughtful masks, in which all the ingredients are intelligently combined, have the most positive effect on curls, making them shiny and elastic. So that you don’t spoil anything with your experiments, we offer a list of several masks that will quickly accelerate the growth of your curls.

With burdock base

The positive effect of using burdock oil on hair has been known for a long time. Combine it with essential supplements, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. For 50 mg of pure burdock base you will need no more than two drops of the selected essential oil. Mix them well together and rub into the roots, massaging at the same time, and the scalp. Using this mask, wrap your hair in a warm towel and leave the mixture on your head for half an hour.


Dairy products are useful not only for eating them on a daily basis, but also for preparing various masks based on them. To prepare a sour cream mask, you will need only two tablespoons of sour cream, supplemented with two drops of lavender oil. This product is applied to the curls cold and lasts for the same half an hour.


Another milk-based mask is kefir. To prepare it, you will need to mix fifty grams of low-fat kefir with three tablespoons of honey and a few drops of cinnamon oil. All elements are mixed together. You need to soak your hair with the resulting mixture for twenty minutes. A warm towel that insulates the hair enhances the effect of the composition.


A good result can be achieved by mixing cedar or fir oil with vegetable oil. The base turns out to be quite greasy, so after you leave it on your curls for an hour, the mixture must be thoroughly rinsed off. If after the first wash of your curls with shampoo there is a greasy residue left on them, repeat the procedure again. And then, to be safe, rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs.


An unusual way to speed up hair growth is to use a mask for this purpose, consisting of black rye bread soaked in warm water, flavored with rosemary oil. This hair treatment should be kept on your head for a whole hour. All this time, the hair should be warm.


Another food-based mask is oatmeal. To prepare it, pour boiling water over the oatmeal and let the porridge absorb the hot water and swell. Add jojoba extract to the prepared oatmeal and apply the mixture to your head. The base needs to be rubbed into the roots. But we must not forget about the ends.

Finally, it is worth mentioning one rule that applies to the process of preparing all masks. If at a certain stage one of its components needs to be heated, then this should be done before adding ether to the mixture. Also, you cannot add it to hot mixtures - let them cool first, and only then mix. The fact is that when oils are heated, they lose all their positive properties and the meaning of their use is lost.

In search of ways to speed up hair growth and make it thicker, girls very often ignore the simplest and most obvious of them. And in vain, because with the help of essential oils, which are cheaper than professional skincare cosmetics, you can achieve noticeable results. At the same time, you will be sure that you are using a natural product that will not harm your hair. This means that if the chosen ether is not suitable, then at least its pleasant aroma will remain with you.

Try different oils, combine them with each other, add them to masks and cosmetics, and you will definitely find “your” option, the best oil that will help you fulfill your dream and get long and well-groomed curls in a very short time.

Every girl dreams of thick, well-groomed, silky hair. However, what to do if nature has not endowed you with such? Don't be upset. In order to have chic hair, you only need high-quality comprehensive care, in which hair growth oils take their well-deserved place, which will not only protect your curls from external influences, but also accelerate their growth, making the dream of length a reality.

Consider a list of the best oils for strengthening hair, increasing its quantity and accelerating growth.

  1. Burdock.
  2. Castor.
  3. Argan.
  4. Sea buckthorn.
  5. Olive.
  6. Almond.
  7. Coconut.
  8. Linen.
  9. Camphor.
  10. Peach.
  11. Mustard.

These products are common and therefore available to every woman.

Important: before use, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction.

Benefit and effectiveness

Oils have the following benefits:

  1. Stimulates hair follicles, thereby accelerating hair growth.
  2. Gives strands softness and silkiness.
  3. Makes the combing process easier.
  4. Eliminate fragility and prevent splitting. Already split hairs, alas, cannot be restored with oil.
  5. With regular use, you will notice that your curls have become more elastic, elastic and shiny.
  6. Since many new hairs will appear, density will appear. However, remember that no amount of oil will add volume. Quite the contrary.

Important: it is worth considering that, unfortunately, there is no way to increase the genetically determined amount of hair, however, you can “awaken” those hair follicles that are dormant.

Essential oils for hair growth

Top 15 best

  • kayaput;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • cinnamon;
  • cypress;
  • nutmeg;
  • juniper;
  • rosewood;
  • sandalwood;
  • Salvia officinalis;
  • tea tree;
  • black pepper;
  • verbena;
  • grapefruit.

Burdock oil


  1. Suitable for any wallet. The cost of the product most often does not exceed even 100 rubles, but its benefits are valued much higher.
  2. Natural origin. There are no chemicals in the composition; the oil is extracted by squeezing burdock or burdock leaves.
  3. Can be used daily for a long time.
  4. The basis of the basics. The peculiarity of this product is that you can add any essential oil to it for an additional effect.


  1. When used for more than six months, the hair may quickly begin to get dirty and remain greasy even immediately after washing. In this case, you must immediately stop using the product.
  2. It is not recommended for girls and women with colored hair, because it quickly washes out the dye and also significantly lightens the natural color.

Castor oil


  1. It contains vitamin E, which not only has a beneficial effect on the rate of hair growth, but also improves the condition of the scalp.
  2. Low cost.
  3. It has a moisturizing effect, so you can forget about dry ends.
  4. Envelops every hair, thereby protecting it from external influences.


  1. After a month of use, it is best to take a two-week break, otherwise your hair will look dirty and lack volume.
  2. If you have oily hair, then you should generally avoid daily masks with castor oil.

Burdock oil with red pepper


  1. Will prevent loss.
  2. Gets rid of.
  3. Gives crazy shine.


  1. An allergic reaction is possible.
  2. It is necessary to ensure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes - in the eyes, in the mouth.
  3. It is important to control how long burdock oil with pepper is on your scalp. If you overexpose this mask, you can get burned!

What oils are good for hair for growth and thickness?

  • black cumin;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • castor;
  • rosemary;
  • cinnamon;
  • juniper;
  • orange.



  1. If you have dry and therefore brittle hair, and all the supposedly tested remedies have not given any results, then this product practically specializes in this problem. With regular use, the dryness will go away, and your curls will become soft, you will want to touch them again and again.
  2. Unlike denser oils (such as castor or burdock), coconut oil is easily washed off the hair the first time.


  1. Despite the fact that coconut oil can now be purchased in almost any cosmetic store, it is quite problematic to find a product with a natural composition without additional additives.

Usma oil


  1. There is no need to mix different products for a long time. Just add a few drops to your balm or mask.
  2. After just a few procedures, you will notice that a fluff of new hair appears in areas of baldness.


  1. During the course, it is not recommended to dye your hair or do a perm.
  2. It is necessary to add usma oil to a balm or mask immediately before use, otherwise there will be no result.

Linseed oil


  1. Hair growth will not only accelerate significantly, but the hairs themselves will become stronger, and hair loss will partially or completely stop. You can read about hair loss.
  2. Nourishes and saturates with vitamins.


  1. The oil is quite difficult to wash off.

Sea ​​buckthorn


  1. Helps get rid of dandruff.
  2. Nourishes, making curls silky and truly luxurious.
  3. Stimulates the bulbs. As a result, you will grow gorgeous hair that looks like something out of an advertisement.


  1. It must be warmed before use, but it is very important to carefully ensure that its temperature does not exceed body temperature.
  2. You should not try to keep the oil on your hair for as long as possible, because the result will not get better.

Olive oil


  1. Regular use of this product will help you grow hair of any length, and it will not be burnt, dull, sparse hair, but luxurious thick hair.
  2. And if you are tormented by continuous hair loss, then after a course of one month you will forget about this problem.


  1. It is very important to rinse your hair well, because if you do not wash off the oil completely, then after drying, instead of luxurious crumbly curls, sticky icicles will await you.

Camphor oil


  1. Has a very strong stimulating effect. In other words, systematic use will lengthen your hair in a month from 0.5 to 4 centimeters, with the norm being 1 centimeter!
  2. It is permissible to apply a mask with camphor in the evening and leave it on your hair until the morning.


  1. May cause an allergic reaction.
  2. In its pure form, camphor oil should not be applied to curls under any circumstances! You may get burned. This product can only be used in the form of a few drops mixed with other emollient ingredients.

Almond oil


  1. Perfect for those who sin with frequent use of a hairdryer, curling iron or straightening iron, because it restores structure and prevents fragility. This is very important, because everyone wants to grow not only long hair, but also hair.
  2. Almond oil is also recommended for those whose common problem is hair loss.
  3. Can be used both pure and diluted.


  1. It can make it heavier and, as a result, deprive it of volume.



  1. Suitable for those with oily hair type, because this product normalizes sebum production.
  2. It is effectively used for hair restoration and is also used against hair loss.


  1. Can cause significant harm if you are hypersensitive.

Peppermint essential oil


  1. Accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, thereby promoting accelerated hair growth.
  2. No need to mix with stimulating additives like red pepper, mustard, and so on.
  3. Gives hair a dazzling shine and a pleasant aroma that lasts even after washing your hair.


  1. If you have a sensitive scalp, then using mint in its pure form is not recommended. Mix it with any base oil.

tea tree


  1. Promotes healthy blood circulation, “awakening” dormant hair follicles. Your hair will grow 2-3 times faster than usual.
  2. Suitable for those with oily hair because it can “calm” overactive sebaceous glands.


  1. Do not add more than 25 drops at a time as this may cause scalp irritation.

Snake oil


  1. This remedy is, first of all, a remedy against baldness.
  2. Stimulates hair growth and softens its structure.


  1. Due to the small amount of poison that is not dangerous to humans, the scalp may become numb after such a mask. This will pass after some time, but the sensations can be unpleasant and even frightening.

Argan oil


  1. Contains vitamin A, an essential component for hair growth.


  1. The composition is rich in different substances, and no one knows how exactly your body will react to them. Therefore, before the first use, it is recommended to do a small test - apply a couple of drops to your wrist.



  1. Stimulates natural hair growth.
  2. Reduces hair loss.
  3. Unlike other oils, rosemary does not clog pores.


  1. Has a fairly strong smell. If this product is overused, it may cause choking.

Indian oil


  1. Brings order to even the most lifeless and burnt hair.
  2. Stimulates their growth. On average, with regular use, up to 4 centimeters will be added per month.


  1. The result will only come if you rub the oil into your scalp and massage in a circular motion for several minutes.
  2. It is quite difficult to purchase original Indian oil. Most often they sell fakes.



  1. Provides thickness and shine.
  2. Moisturizes, prevents dryness and brittleness.
  3. Prevents hair loss.


  1. After use, a balm is required.
  2. Quite difficult to find in regular cosmetic stores.

Peach oil


  1. Vitamins and minerals in the composition nourish hair and make it silky.
  2. Vitamins A, B, E contribute to the restoration and growth of hair.


  1. It is better not to use it in its pure form, but to mix it with base oils.

Black cumin oil


  1. Moisturizes, relieves dryness and fragility.
  2. Accelerates growth.


  1. Blonde hair may become darker in tone.
  2. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. This product should not be used on an ongoing basis.

Cinnamon essential oil


  1. Has a pleasant spicy aroma.
  2. Restores structure and strengthens hair, which slows down hair loss.
  3. Under the influence of riboflavin in the composition, inactive bulbs “wake up”.


  1. Lightens the tone.

Vitaminized sulsen oil


  1. Contains castor oil, which stimulates hair.
  2. The composition contains olive oil, which nourishes and restores.
  1. Ginger in the composition warms the skin, thereby stimulating hair growth.
  2. Moisturizes not only the hair itself, but also the scalp.


  1. High cost. The price of one bottle varies from 600-900 rubles.

sesa hair oil


  1. Strengthens hair roots and relieves seborrhea.
  2. Completely natural composition.


  1. Quite difficult to purchase in regular stores.
  2. High cost.

Oil for men

Suitable for the stronger sex:

  1. Burdock.
  2. Olive.
  3. Castor.
  4. Cinnamon.

I also recommend reading an article about alopecia (baldness) in men at this address:

Oil for children

It is very important to use oils and masks that will not burn, because children's skin is much more delicate than that of adults. Therefore, the risk of getting a burn increases significantly. Burdock or olive oil will do, but you should definitely avoid red pepper.

Harm and precautions

First, you should do an allergy test before using any oil. It is equally important to follow the instructions exactly and not over-expose the product to your hair, otherwise you risk getting burned. Some oils are not recommended for use by pregnant women, this is also worth considering.

As you can see, a huge variety of oils that stimulate hair growth in one way or another allows every woman to choose something to her taste. Regularly and systematically care for your curls, and they will respond to you with dazzling shine, softness and silkiness.

Long shiny curls look very flirty. They can be very difficult to grow. Hair splits, breaks and looks unkempt. Vegetable oils are very good at accelerating hair growth. You will look impressive and attractive with a chic flowing hairstyle on your head. Oils are designed to nourish and protect hair. They give them a beautiful shiny look. The vitamins, proteins, and fats contained in oils make hair healthy and strong. They moisturize the hair and relieve dandruff from the scalp.

Let's look at the oils that are the most popular in cosmetology.

Olive oil

Olive oil has nutritional properties that are valuable in cosmetology. Thanks to the beneficial effects of vitamins and microelements contained in the oil, hair is significantly strengthened and begins to grow more intensively. The oil disinfects and heals inflamed, flaky scalp. It gets rid of dandruff. The use of oil helps in restoring dry and brittle hair.

Linseed oil

Flaxseeds contain many vitamins, which give the oil a special biological value. Flaxseed oil activates intercellular metabolism. It brings great benefits to damaged hair. Hair follicles become more active when flaxseed oil is rubbed into the head. When used, hair is as soft as silk. The oil effectively treats and strengthens dry hair. If you drink a spoonful of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach about twenty minutes before meals, your hair will become thick and shiny. The oil restores hair damaged by perms and styling, making it strong and thick.

Mustard oil

Mustard oil is considered the most powerful natural hair growth accelerator. The oil helps to dilate the blood tubules of the head. It delays hair loss. By adding mustard oil, nourishing masks have a more effective effect on hair, accelerating its growth.

Mustard oil has antiseptic and wound healing properties. It is rich in vitamins. The oil contains polyunsaturated acids that activate the body's protective properties. This is a natural antibiotic that destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Castor oil

Castor oil is very popular among cosmetologists. Castor bean fruits are used to obtain oil. It has long been used to strengthen eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair. The oil makes hair attractive, giving it a thick appearance. It is easily absorbed and destroys dandruff. Castor oil is also indispensable for facial care. When used, the skin is rejuvenated and tightened. With daily use of oil, unwanted wrinkles disappear from the face. The oiled head should be tied with a scarf and washed in the morning. Mix it effectively with hair masks.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is rich in vitamins A, F, E, K, microelements and organic acids. The oil can regenerate skin cells on the head and relieve skin irritation. It can refresh aging skin. The oil is used to eliminate dandruff on the head. It strengthens hair during hair loss and enhances its growth. Your hair will look great when you apply masks with sea buckthorn oil to it. It will improve their condition, make your hair longer and thicker. The oil will give them a shiny, impressive look.

Burdock oil

Burdock roots, from which burdock oil is obtained, contain useful vitamins, protein, and mineral salts. Thanks to them, the oil promotes normal blood circulation in the head vessels. It cures dandruff. The use of oil gives strength to the hair roots. By nourishing hair, burdock oil increases the intensity of its growth. Hair becomes strong. They stop splitting and do not fall out, and the hairline is restored. A mask with burdock oil, made 2 times a week, will give wonderful results. The appearance of your hair will improve significantly.

Almond and peach oil

Almond oil is rich in vitamins E, B2 and B3, F. It contains oleic acid. These components are beneficial for hair. The oil improves the functions of the sebaceous glands. It moisturizes the scalp and is easily absorbed into it. When using oil, hair acquires shine and becomes elastic.

Peach oil is a gentle and delicate remedy. It is used in restoring weakened, dyed hair. It nourishes them well, eliminating dryness. When using oil, hair becomes soft and full. It increases the thickness of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. The oil is applied to the head for 1-2 hours, then washed off.

Jojoba oil

The plant grows in Mexico. It has been successfully introduced into modern cosmetology. Jojoba contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It contains vitamin E. This antioxidant helps with inflammatory processes. He is capable of regeneration. The oil provides excellent hair care. It is especially suitable for hair with high oil content. The oil perfectly cleanses them of excess sebum, which can clog the hair follicles. It helps normalize metabolism. Jojoba oil contains a protein that forms a liquid wax. The oil creates a protective layer, penetrating well into the hair. It cleanses the hair and softens it. When using oil, hair color is enriched.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a hypoallergenic and natural product. It is not subject to side effects. When using oil, the pores of the scalp are not clogged. It easily penetrates the hair. When applying oil, a thin protective film is formed. It protects hair well from strong sun rays. The oil gives attractiveness and beauty to weak, thin hair. The lushness and thickness of your hair after using it will have a stunning effect on the people around you.

Review of the best oils for hair thickness and growth

Vegetable oils used for cosmetic purposes can be divided into two types: base and essential. The former are used both in pure form and as a basis for the preparation of multicomponent compositions, and the latter, as a rule, are used to enrich oil masks and detergents. As for base oils, there are quite a lot of them, but we will consider only those that have a positive effect on hair thickness and growth:

  • Castor- a popular and affordable product that is a natural hair growth stimulator. Castor oil is easily applied and absorbed, penetrating deep into the hair shaft. Thanks to this product, you can solve the problem of baldness, awaken “sleeping” hair follicles and qualitatively change the hair structure. The most effective is considered to be black oil produced in Jamaica. Its only drawback is its high viscosity, due to which it is difficult to wash off from curls.
  • Argan- quite expensive, but very common oil in cosmetology. The popularity of this product is due to its rich chemical composition, which includes a large amount of polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-9), which play a huge role in maintaining the beauty and health of the entire body as a whole, including hair. With a lack of these substances, curls begin to grow worse, fall out, split and break. In addition, argan oil has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, helps fight dandruff and dry scalp and curls.
  • Sea buckthorn- an incredibly healthy oil with wound-healing, antiseptic and regenerating properties. Due to its high vitamin A content, it can also have a positive effect on the functioning of hair follicles and accelerate hair growth. This product is recommended for use as part of masks for dry, damaged hair.

  • Mustard- oil that has a warming and stimulating effect. This product improves blood circulation, thereby accelerating the flow of oxygen and nutrients into skin cells and hair follicles. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps fight excess oily hair and activates its growth.
  • Linen- a unique product with enormous biological value. This product has a positive effect on metabolic processes in cells, nourishes the scalp and helps awaken “dormant” hair follicles. It is especially recommended to use flax oil in winter, when curls are most exposed to dry indoor air and extreme temperature changes.
  • Jojoba- a base oil, often used pure or as a base for homemade masks. This product strengthens curls, makes them stronger, and prevents split ends. Such a wide spectrum of action is due to the rich chemical composition of the oil, which includes a whole complex of fatty acids, including the rather rare eicosenoic acid, which is an active participant in many cellular processes and provides cells with protection from photoaging.

  • Olive- an affordable and very effective oil, which is very popular in home cosmetology. This universal product is equally beneficial for both skin and hair. It has moisturizing, nourishing and tonic properties, accelerates tissue regeneration and protects living cells from negative external influences. Olive oil is indispensable in the cold season, when curls often suffer due to insufficient indoor air humidity and unfavorable weather conditions.
  • Burdock- one of the best “healers” for damaged, weakened hair. This product contains a large amount of mineral salts, tannins, organic acids and vitamins. It accelerates metabolic processes in cells, strengthens hair follicles, activates hair growth and helps fight dandruff.
  • Almond- oil, which is the leader among all vegetable fats used for hair care. This product not only significantly accelerates hair growth, but also improves its elasticity. The main advantage of almond oil is that it is easily absorbed, penetrating deep into the hair structure and nourishing it from the inside. Unlike most other cosmetic oils, almond oil does not weigh down curls, and therefore can be used without fear for hair prone to oiliness.
  • Coconut- a popular oil, loved by many women for its pleasant, unobtrusive aroma and light structure.
    The product is a batter, which means it needs to be melted in a water bath before use. The main feature of coconut oil is that it forms a thin film on the curls that prevents the evaporation of moisture from the cells and protects them from negative environmental influences. In addition, the batter helps to minimize the damage that shampoos and other products containing sulfates cause to hair. Regular use of coconut oil helps strengthen the hair structure, accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss.
  • Camphornoye- an oil that has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and thereby stimulates active hair growth. Thanks to the regular use of this product as part of homemade masks, you can improve the overall condition of your hair, fill it with radiance and shine. In addition, camphor is considered an excellent preventative against split ends.

As mentioned above, in home cosmetology, in addition to basic vegetable fats, essential oils are also widely used, which serve as an excellent addition to the former. All esters are highly concentrated products, and therefore they must be used with great care, carefully observing the dosage, calculated exclusively in drops (optimal proportion: 2-3 drops of aromatic substance per 30 ml of base). The best essential oils for hair thickness and growth are:

  • Bay- has nourishing, moisturizing and stimulating properties, improves hair structure and helps fight age-related changes.
  • Bergamot- nourishes hair follicles, cleanses pores, normalizes the functioning of the exocrine glands and eliminates sebaceous shine.
  • rosemary- stimulates blood circulation, accelerates tissue regeneration, activates metabolic processes in hair follicles, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Cinnamon- has a positive effect on the functioning of hair follicles, improves hair structure, and accelerates hair growth.
  • Juniper- cleanses the scalp, refreshes hair, accelerates tissue regeneration and awakens “dormant” hair follicles.
  • Orange- eliminates itching and irritation, helps restore the scalp and hair, strengthens the roots, fills the curls with enchanting shine and aroma.
  • Ylang-ylang- has a pronounced softening and moisturizing effect, helps fight excessive dryness of hair, thickens its structure and activates growth.
  • lemon- has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and tonic effect, stimulates metabolic processes in cells, promotes the elimination of toxins and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • Lavender- has pronounced antiseptic, bactericidal and regenerating properties, improves blood circulation, strengthens hair roots, and prevents the development of alopecia.
  • Mint- cleanses and refreshes hair, provides it with vital energy, strengthens the structure, tones the scalp, eliminates irritation and flaking.
  • Geraniums- has powerful antiseptic properties, helps get rid of dermatological diseases of the scalp, normalizes the functioning of the exocrine glands, and stimulates the growth of curls.
  • Eucalyptus- helps fight dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, makes curls thicker and more voluminous.
  • Daisies- strengthens hair, gives it strength and shine, makes it more resistant to negative external influences.

To achieve the desired result, you should use only natural esters, and not their synthetic analogues, which are suitable only as flavoring agents for cosmetic formulations, but they are unlikely to be beneficial for the health of curls. High-quality essential oils are bottled exclusively in dark glass containers with a transparency of no more than 50% and, as a rule, have a short shelf life. If you apply a few drops of any ether to paper, they will quickly evaporate, leaving no greasy stains behind.

Rules for using cosmetic hair oils

It is not difficult to use vegetable and essential oils for hair thickness and growth at home, but before you begin useful procedures, you should familiarize yourself with a number of important rules:

  • Choose oils according to your hair type. For dry and normal skin types, almost any vegetable fats and esters are suitable, but for oily skin types, it is better to choose those that have a light texture and are quickly absorbed, such as almond, jojoba or coconut.
  • Carefully follow the recommended proportions of all components included in the oil masks. This is especially true for esters and liquid vitamins, increasing the dosage of which can lead to deterioration of the condition of the scalp and curls. Keep in mind that essential oils should not be used undiluted.
  • Always test prepared mixtures for tolerance, this will help you avoid an allergic reaction. Please note that some oils cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or if there is any damage to the scalp. Therefore, be sure to study the instructions for the products before using them for their intended purpose.
  • It is recommended to heat base oils in a water bath before use (applying them to hair in pure form or preparing masks). Esters and vitamins should be added to the formulations last so that they do not have time to lose their beneficial properties.
  • Base oils or mixtures based on them should be applied to clean, slightly moistened hair, starting from the root zone and ending with the ends. To enhance the effect, after distributing the mask, it is recommended to massage the head with your fingers. This will increase blood flow to the hair follicles and saturate them with useful substances.
  • After applying the oil, you should insulate your head with polyethylene and wrap a thick towel on top. Thanks to the thermal effect, the active components included in the oil mixture will be able to penetrate deeper into the hair structure.
  • The duration of action of oil compositions is from 30 minutes to several hours. Basic oils in their pure form can be left overnight.
  • In order to wash off oil from your hair, you must first apply shampoo to your head and shake it dry (without water). After this, you need to rinse your curls and treat them with detergent again. The last rinse is best done not with running water, but with a herbal decoction or vinegar solution.

The frequency of procedures using oils for hair thickness and growth is 2–3 times a week in long courses of 1.5–2 months. It is advisable to take short breaks of 2–3 weeks between courses. Try to periodically change cosmetic compositions to avoid hair becoming addictive.

Ways to use oils for hair growth and thickness

There are several ways to use vegetable and essential oils for hair at home:

Aroma combing

Thanks to this useful and very pleasant procedure, you can not only improve your curls, make them thicker, smoother and more manageable, but also significantly accelerate their growth. In order to conduct an aroma combing session, you just need to drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil (mint, lavender, orange or any other) onto a wooden comb and, dividing your hair into strands, carefully comb each of them from roots to ends. The whole process will take you no more than 10 minutes. It is recommended to perform such manipulations twice a day.

Adding oils to finished products

Another way to saturate your curls with life-giving moisture and beneficial substances, give them volume and activate their growth is to enrich factory-made shampoos and conditioners with oils. For these purposes, you can use any esters (at the rate of 2-3 drops per 50 ml of the finished product) or basic vegetable fats (in a ratio of 1:3) that suit your hair type. Keep in mind that such compositions should not be prepared for future use; oils should be added to a single portion of detergent, and not to a full bottle, since they lose their beneficial properties during long-term storage.

Oil masks: recipes

The methods described above have a cumulative effect, that is, in order to achieve the desired result with their help, you will have to spend a lot of time. Another thing is masks: they are able to penetrate deeply into the hair structure and nourish it from the inside, so positive changes in the condition of the hair can be noticeable after just a few procedures. So, mask recipes:

Castor oil based for dry hair

This product activates hair growth, improves its structure, strengthens roots and prevents the development of alopecia.

  • 50 ml castor oil;
  • 20 ml hot pepper tincture;
  • 5 drops of bey essential oil.
  • Mix castor oil with pepper tincture.
  • Add ether and apply the finished composition to your hair. To protect the ends from overdrying, you can additionally treat them with any base oil.
  • Warm your hair and wait about 40 minutes.
  • Rinse your curls with water and shampoo in two steps.

Almond oil based for oily hair

This mask helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates oily shine, awakens “dormant” hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.

  • 50 ml almond oil;
  • 10 g mustard powder;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 30 ml warm water;
  • 1 egg white.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Dilute the mustard with water until smooth.
  • Add sugar, butter and egg white.
  • Mix everything and apply the mask to the scalp.
  • Massage it with your fingers, and then distribute the remaining mixture along the entire length of the curls, without touching the ends.
  • Leave the mixture under insulation for about 30 minutes and rinse your hair with water and shampoo.

Mustard oil based for normal hair

This composition helps stimulate the growth of new hair, increases the thickness and volume of hair, and gives it a healthy shine and radiance.

  • 30 ml mustard oil;
  • 25 g of colorless henna;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Pour water over the henna and let the mixture sit for 10–15 minutes.
  • Add mustard oil and ether.
  • Mix and apply the mask to the root zone of your hair.
  • Perform a head massage (for 5–7 minutes), warm your hair and wait about half an hour.
  • Rinse off the cosmetic mixture with water and shampoo.

Natural vegetable oils are a real storehouse of useful amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. All these components not only saturate the hair with life-giving moisture and fill it with shine, but also contribute to its active growth. True, the desired effect is not achieved immediately, but after a certain amount of time. But then, having perfectly mastered the art of using oils as hair care products, you will be able to amaze others every day with the luxurious appearance of your hair.

What oils are good for hair?

The best hair oils are natural essential and plant substances. Each of them has a special purpose for improving the appearance and general condition of the hairstyle. It is important to purchase the one that best suits your needs: oil for hair growth, strengthening roots, nourishing the root zones, a remedy for split ends or a complex mask. You can buy the best products at a cosmetic store, specialized centers or pharmacies.


The absence of harmful substances contributes to an active effect on curls. The best vegetable hair oils are made from vegetable fats, without the addition of chemicals. The prices for such products are affordable, they are much cheaper than essential oils, and the health benefits are invaluable. Find out about the best products to choose the one that is effective in composition and effect.


The most fragrant option of all those presented on store shelves, which is considered a hit among Indian women. Coconut oil helps improve shine and increase volume, protects curls from the negative effects of the sun and does not deprive them of useful elements when washing your hair. Apply the oil as a mask for three hours, then wash off with shampoo. The best sun protection is applied before going to the beach.


A healthy product is obtained using burdock roots, which contain a large amount of mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, and tannins. Thanks to palmitic and stearic acid, itching and dry scalp are eliminated and damaged hair is restored. Burdock oil is known for its quality of improving hair growth and preventing hair loss. You need to rub it into the skin a couple of times a week, then after 20 minutes, rinse with shampoo.


You can use this oil in its pure form or by adding it to shampoos and masks. Beneficial properties for hair:

  • sun protection;
  • better hydration and nutrition of the scalp;
  • acceleration of growth;
  • dandruff treatment;
  • improves hair structure and restores after chemical exposure;
  • means of prevention for the improvement of hair.

Grape seeds

The product is filled with vitamins, antioxidants, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, but the main highlight of the product is linoleic acid, which affects not only the strands, but also the root zone. Grape seed products will help you forget about such problems:

  • slow growth;
  • oily scalp;
  • inflammation, irritation of the epidermis;
  • fragility of ends;
  • dandruff;
  • dullness and poor appearance.


The product, made using a healthy nut, will allow you to notice the softness, manageability of your hair, and its natural shine after just a couple of procedures. It is applied not only to the ends, but along the entire length of the hair, which is convenient, because it is absorbed quickly and does not weigh down the hair. What is useful for hair strands:

  • eliminates dryness, fragility;
  • gives radiance, healthy shine;
  • strengthens roots, subcutaneous bulbs;
  • treats damaged strands;
  • accelerates growth;
  • optimal for any type of epidermis, it is hypoallergenic and therefore there are no contraindications for use;


A time-tested product of organic nature, which confirms its hypoallergenicity. A hair mask made from oils or a product in its pure form is up to the consumer to choose. Why our grandmothers loved the best remedy:

  • active strengthening of strands, accelerated formation of keratin in the follicle;
  • gives shine, smoothness, silky structure to the strand;
  • eliminates and prevents dandruff, peeling of the epidermis;
  • increase in volume, splendor;
  • protection after curling, coloring.


According to the Greeks, this product is liquid gold, because its benefits and potency are invaluable for health. A strengthening, smoothing product that prevents dryness and brittleness of curls. For it to be beneficial, use it as part of a mask when heated (about 40 degrees). Leave the mask under plastic wrap for half an hour, then wash it off until the hair is dry.

Essential oils

Improvement with the help of such oils is ensured; they help prevent hair loss, fragility, and accelerate the growth of your strands. The choice on the shelves of stores and pharmacies is great. The best essential oils are: juniper, lavender, clove, fir, rosewood, lemon balm and others. Such oils are individual, soothe the scalp, accelerate hair growth, nourish and treat unhealthy hair.


The regenerating properties of the oil are very effective for oily hair types. It dries, relieves curls of greasy, unsightly shine, and can be used without adding other components, dripping into shampoo or conditioner. To restore hair growth, it is better to use it in combination with rosemary and sage. This tandem strengthens the roots and the curls themselves.


Severe damage and malfunction of the follicles can be treated quickly and effectively with mandarin ether. What tangerine oil will help you fight within the first month:

  • any type of seborrhea;
  • dandruff;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • slow growth of strands;
  • brittle, split ends;
  • dry hair and epidermis;
  • dull, unhealthy appearance;
  • insufficient silkiness of the hair, damaged structure.


It is used not only as part of masks, balms and shampoos, but also for head massage. Prevents and eliminates the following problems:

  • bacterial skin lesions;
  • fragility, loss;
  • increased fat secretion;
  • loss of shiny appearance;
  • inflammation, irritation of the epidermis;
  • decreased activity of follicles;
  • cut ends.


The best active ingredients act to regenerate the scalp and hair. Fragility, damaged structure, dry hair, reduced follicle function are easily eliminated with rose oil. The elasticity of curls, firmness and volume are restored. No less effective for initial forms of alopecia (baldness). Any procedure with 5-7 drops of ether will be useful for both treatment and prevention purposes.

Which oil is best for hair

The type of hair and layer of the epidermis is a purely individual concept, therefore the selection of types of oils for each person should be carried out in the same way. Problems of growth, strengthening of strands, nutrition and care of the ends should be carried out by the best oils, the active components of which are aimed at solving hair problems. What are the best products to tame stubborn strands?

For hair growth

The best vegetable oils that are effective for accelerating hair growth:

  • olive;
  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • mustard;
  • coconut;
  • flaxseed;
  • peach;
  • almond.

The benefits of aroma oil for hair growth are also high. The following tools are suitable:

  • jojoba;
  • tea tree;
  • citrus;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • cornflower blue.

To strengthen

The best essential oils are highly effective in this case. They are used as part of masks, often in combination, to enhance the effect on curls and get maximum results. These include oils:

  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • jasmine;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • sandalwood;
  • basilica;
  • cassia;
  • citrus types of oils;
  • bergamot;

For split ends of hair

It is best to use unrefined or specialty oil for brittle split ends. The best herbal remedies to help get rid of the cross-section problem:

  • from burdock;
  • almond seeds;
  • castor;
  • coconut;
  • corn;
  • flaxseed;
  • from wheat germ;
  • argan

The best essential oils for hair:

  • from geranium;
  • grapefruit;
  • clove;
  • lemon;
  • fir;
  • rosemary;
  • ylang-ylang.

For hydration

A few useful drops in a balm or mask will improve the condition of your hair after a month of use. Dry curls spoil the healthy appearance of your hair. The best basic products that will moisturize and nourish the hair structure:

  • peach;
  • almond;
  • hemp;
  • palm;
  • argan;
  • anise;
  • apricot;
  • burdock;
  • sesame;
  • castor

Video about oil hair masks