The concept of an institution. What is the difference between an institute and a university, academy, university: what is better, higher, more prestigious, cooler? What do a university and an institute have in common: a comparison

What is cooler and more prestigious: university, institute or academy? Look for the answer in the article.

Currently, there are three main educational institutions in the field of higher Russian education: institute, academy and university. Are there any differences between them? What is cooler and more prestigious? These questions concern future applicants. Let's figure it out in this article.

What is the difference between an institute and a university, academy, university: what is better, higher, more prestigious, cooler?

The differences between an institute, an academy and a university are insignificant, but they still exist. Many 11th grade students who are planning to enter a higher education institution do not know what this difference is. The requirements for applicants are the same, diplomas are issued at the end of the study indicating higher education, so what is the difference? What is better, higher, more prestigious and cooler? Here are some similarities and differences:

Important: All these educational institutions are called universities - higher education institutions.

  • The very first stage of the higher educational process in Russia.
  • It may be part of a university, or it may be a separate educational institution.
  • Typically, large Russian universities consist of several institutes. One such institution trains young specialists in one profession or industry.
  • In such an institution, new methods of certain programs are not developed. This is carried out by professors of the main university to which the institute belongs.


  • In order to upgrade the status of an educational institution to an academy, the rector's office of the educational institution must provide certification data on the increase in the number of employees who are engaged in scientific activities. If the commission gives this report a good assessment, then the institute is promoted by one educational level and becomes an academy.
  • The requirements for educational institutions with the status of “Academy” are in many respects similar to the requirements for institutes.
  • The difference between an academy and an institute is that in an academy scientific research is covered in a more comprehensive scope. Not only students, but also teachers study new scientific topics and write dissertations.
  • There are many specialties at the academy, and the field of activity of future specialists is determined by the name of the educational institution: academy of agriculture, tourism, transport, and so on.
  • The highest level of education is university. Students receive a multidisciplinary education.
  • Lawyers and managers, construction managers and tourism specialists, architects and religious scholars can study at the university at the same time.
  • Faculties, institutes - all this can be part of one university. This is the highest level of development of the university.
  • An educational institution has the right to have the status of “University” if the majority (60%) of teachers have academic degrees and titles. At the same time, scientific activity must be carried out in more than five different sectors.

Good specialists can be trained by institutes, academies, and universities. It is not the name of the educational institution that is important, but the quality of teaching there. After all, in future work, it is the knowledge and skills of the young specialist that will be valued, and not the name of the university in which he received his education.

What do a university and an institute have in common: a comparison

If everything is clear with the academy and the future specialty and field of activity can be seen in the name, then what do the university and the institute have in common? Here is a comparison and what are the similarities:

  • Educational category: higher education institutions.
  • Conducting scientific activities, but at the university it is of a fundamental nature.
  • Admission of applicants can be based on the results of the Unified State Exam and additional exams at the educational institution.
  • Students receive specialized education.
  • The teaching staff conducts scientific activities.
  • Highly qualified teachers.
  • Research is being conducted in many areas.
  • Innovative methods of teaching students.
  • Good material and technical base for teaching students.

As you can see, there are as many similarities between an institute and a university as there are differences. When choosing a university, you should pay attention to the rating of the educational institution. This aspect suggests that the educational institution has a good quality of teaching and real specialists emerge from its walls - competent and in demand.

University and university: are they the same thing?

You can often hear the name “Univer” from students. It seems that this is a shortened name for the university, which is used in student circles. But this is not so; future specialists can call any higher educational institution in which they study “university”. After all, it’s much easier to say not “I’m going to classes at the academy,” but “I’m going to university.” Therefore, university, university, institute and academy are one and the same.

Do not choose a university by name just because it is called a university. It makes more sense to enroll in a highly rated, highly specialized institute, for example, to become a lawyer, than to study in the same specialty at a technical university.

Video: TOP 10 Best Universities in Russia 2016

Because they don’t know the answer to a simple question: what is the difference between a university and an institute? The quality of training and opportunities for further employment after graduation from these two types of universities are almost the same, but some significant differences do exist.

Determination of the concept of “university”

People who are planning to enroll in a particular educational institution should know what the difference is between an institute and a university. The definition of the concept of “university” is given precisely by domestic legislation. It stipulates that this concept must be understood as a higher educational institution where specialists and masters from various fields of science are trained (at least 7 differentiated fields). Typically, in addition to achieving educational goals, universities carry out scientific work, and therefore are equipped with physical, mathematical, genetic, linguistic and other laboratories. Also, the specific characteristics of this type of university include a combination of studying the humanities and natural sciences.

Determination of the concept of “institution”

An institute is a higher educational institution where education and training of specialists is carried out in one specific direction. Typically, the vector of the institute’s work is quite broad and is not limited to the study, for example, of only one foreign language (institute of foreign languages). However, future applicants must establish for themselves how a university differs from an institute, since the type of diploma received, the level of educational training and the possibility of further scientific activity depend on this.

The Institute does not have to be a separate legal entity. It may be a department of a university, which in practice is quite common. This allocation is aimed at ensuring that students of the institute can study their chosen subject in depth without various additional disciplines.

However, the curriculum of such an educational institution is characterized by simplification. It manifests itself in a weakening of the level of training and development opportunities in other areas of science.

Main differences between university and institute

The main differences between a university and an institute include:

1. University literally means “universal”, and institute is a narrow-profile educational institution. This criterion is the main one for obtaining an answer to the question of how a university differs from an institute.

2. The duration of study at a university is usually from 5 to 6 years, while at an institute it is possible to obtain a specialist diploma after only 4 years of study. This criterion cannot be considered the initial one, but it shows the level of educational training in the two institutions being compared.

3. Level of training. Many future students are interested in how deeply and professionally the preparation of the same disciplines offered by the institute and university will take place. The difference in this case exists, but not colossal. This is due to the prestige, status and increased funding for the university’s activities.

4. Number of disciplines. The university offers from 5 to 17 disciplines in one direction, and the institute - about 3-8. This criterion directly depends on the type and amount of funding of the educational institution. Almost all Moscow institutes and universities offer a wide range of areas of research in the humanities and natural sciences.

The difference between a university and an institute: criteria for teaching staff

In order for an educational institution to be recognized as a university, the majority of teachers must have a high academic degree, namely:

The difference between a university and an institute: the relationship between practical and theoretical basis

Universities place emphasis on the study of theory, which creates a reliable foundation for the further development and improvement of applicants. Practical classes in this educational institution make up only about 20-25% of the teaching time. University students have the opportunity to study not only specialized disciplines, but also subjects in related fields.

Almost all institutes focus their activities specifically on mastering skills, leaving only 30-40% of the curriculum for theory. Therefore, students spend most of their time discussing specific life cases, working in laboratories, and performing additional independent tasks.

This system of work at the institute is more of a plus than a minus, since students can start working immediately after graduation because they have developed practical skills. Adaptation to the workplace occurs quickly, and performance of job duties does not require additional internship or retraining.

Difference between universities and institutes: structure

It can be considered traditional to divide the university into faculties (7 or more diversified), and the latter into departments. The university is headed by the rector, who has two or more deputies (one manages educational work, and the second manages educational and organizational activities). Faculties are headed by deans, and individual departments are headed by heads with relevant specializations.

The structure of the institute is simpler, since it is headed by a director, who may have one or more deputies. Individual faculties may be headed by deans or heads with relevant specializations.

The differences between universities and institutes outlined above are an excellent guide to choosing an educational institution that will meet all your wishes and desired criteria. This issue is truly important not only for future applicants, but also for scientific and administrative personnel. It should be noted that the most detailed information about these differences can be found in the current domestic legislation. It is his thorough research that will help give a comprehensive answer to the question of how a university differs from an institute.

Today in Russia there are three levels of higher education institutions: institute, university and academy. Many people doubt whether there is a difference among these categories. Not everyone will be able to dispel these doubts.

In the current decade, the number of universities, academies and institutes has increased many times. Non-state education also began its development, in which a certain fee is taken from students for training. This greatly complicated the selection of applicants. Where to go to study? Which field of education is better to choose? And the most important question: Is there a difference among the three categories in education?

Education at the Academy

Where did the word Academy come from? The story goes that in ancient times, Plato decided to open his own school. He placed it in the middle of a beautiful grove, which was dedicated to the god Academ. In honor of him, Plato named his school.

In the Russian Federation, the Academy emerges as a scientific institution. After that, various industrial educational institutions bore the name of the academy. Initially, the educational department that existed within the structure of the Academy of Sciences was called... a university. Our ancestors wanted to resolve the issue of saving public funds in this way.

The status of the modern academy in Russia states that there is no colossal difference between the university and the academy. Both the university and the academy show high quality in the implementation of higher and postgraduate professional education, promote professional development, and train scientific, as well as scientific and pedagogical workers.

Education at the Institute

The Institute is considered the youngest educational institution in the Russian Federation. In pre-revolutionary Russia, only highly specialized institutions were called institutes.

The most striking difference between the institute and the university and academy is that the institute cannot be called a methodological center. Also, it may be part of another higher education institution.

In order for the institute to improve its status, it is necessary to submit reports to the certification commission on the increased number of researchers, declare that classrooms are well equipped with technical teaching aids, improve the library collection, and much more. But many institutions, despite the increase in their status, want to keep their previous name.

Education at the University

The Austrians and the French decided to give statehood status to the university. In Russia this idea was readily supported.

Universities allow you to expand your horizons of knowledge in various areas. To put it another way, “university” can be described by the word “universal”. Here students, despite their specialty, are required to study history and foreign languages.

University well-being was determined by two principles - independence and self-government. Many universities dream of university status; this means different funding, a completely different set of applicants.

So, if we summarize all of the above, we can come to the conclusion: there is no big difference between a university, an institute and an academy. And you need to choose a place of study based on the location of the university in , the quality of education that the university provides, and, of course, sympathy. After all, only we ourselves build our own destiny and are responsible for the future.


Numerous applicants who annually storm the doors of the country's prestigious universities hardly think about why their chosen educational institution has the status of a university, institute or academy. But universities have a certain name for a reason; it helps to navigate the status of the educational institution and the direction of study. The most popular among applicants are the academy and the university. And although they are often identified, there is a difference between them.


According to the legend academy arose initially as a school led by the philosopher Plato. She was in the grove of the god Akadem. Without thinking twice, Plato decided to name his school the Academy, in honor of this god. Later, academies became something like circles of intellectuals, and only at the court of Charlemagne did the academy become an institution of higher education. In Russia, the first academy was the Theological Academy, which opened in 1658.

University appeared in the Middle Ages, approximately in the XII-XIV, and immediately became a multidisciplinary institution of higher education. Today these are the most popular higher educational institutions all over the world. In Russia, they are trying to reduce the number of universities, since many of the higher educational institutions do not meet international education standards.

Education and institution status

Academies are educational institutions classified as higher. The areas of activity of the academies are quite extensive: implementation of educational programs for both university and postgraduate education, conducting research in a certain field of science. For every hundred students at the academy there must be at least two graduate students. At least 55% of teachers must have academic degrees and titles.

The university provides multidisciplinary training in a variety of specialties. Just like at the academy, the university conducts retraining of personnel. The minimum number of graduate students for every hundred students should not be less than 4 people. The percentage of teachers who must have an academic degree or title is 60.

Conclusions website

  1. Modern academies train specialists in a certain field, for example, agriculture or art. Universities are multidisciplinary institutions.
  2. Universities have a higher status than academies, but this does not affect the quality of the education received and its value. In both cases, the student receives a higher education.
  3. For every hundred students at the academy there should be at least two graduate students, and at the university at least four.
  4. The percentage of teachers with an academic degree or title in academies cannot be less than 55%, and in universities - 60%.

You've probably wondered more than once why some universities are called universities, others - academies, and still others - institutes? What is the meaning behind these names? And do these institutions differ in status and quality of knowledge received?

Of course, there are some differences, and many people think that the prestige of the diploma that this institution issues upon graduation depends on the name of the educational institution. But it is not so. The name mainly determines how many different specialties in different industries an educational institution can offer its applicants.

For example, universities train specialists in a very wide range of specialties: from the humanities to technology. Students who go to the same university can receive completely different specializations, for example: journalist, physicist, physical education teacher. The “university” status is considered the highest among higher education institutions.

Just below are the academies. But this does not mean that education here will be of worse quality, and that the diploma will not be as prestigious. Academies are simply different from universities: they train specialists in one particular field of science or art, which is usually reflected in the name (for example, the Ural Academy of Architecture and Art).

Institutions go one step lower. Training in them is carried out, as a rule, in one specialty.

It happens that a university’s status changes: for example, from an institute, a university turns into a university, or vice versa, a university into an academy, but the name remains the same (a note about the new status is given in parentheses). Most often, well-known universities do this so as not to lose applicants: after all, people try to get into the university that everyone knows about and often talks a lot about.

Graduates of Russian universities do not need to worry about the status of their educational institution. Despite the fact that among all higher education institutions universities are considered the highest in rank, no benefits are provided for graduates of these universities by law. It doesn’t matter which university you graduated from, in the person of the employer you are essentially equal. The main thing is that you have received a higher education, and status...It's just status.

Ekaterina Kargapolova

I like

All my life I believed that the Academy had a higher status than everyone else.
Now the Forestry Academy of St. Petersburg
renamed the University. Even the students thought
that this is a reduction in status.

Why spray? It is better to concentrate resources and focus on a specific sector than to scatter yourself irresponsibly, giving “a little of everything.” So, in terms of the very ideology of education, the Academy is much higher than the University. The latter is like a village store, where everything seems to be sold: from flour to computers, but don’t expect choice, quality, merchandising training of sellers.

Have you graduated from both an academy and a university, or perhaps do you teach at several universities of different types? Your arguments at the level of arguments in the kitchen should not be posted on the Internet, because this point of view can be adopted by the same ignorant schoolchildren who have no idea about the system of higher educational institutions due to the peculiarities of the secondary education system. The university provides, first of all, a universal, comprehensive education; A university graduate, as a rule, is not limited to his specialty or even field, but has a specialization for a quick start. The Academy provides too narrow an education and is suitable primarily for doctors and similar specialties. The 21st century is not a time for narrow-minded engineers, lawyers, military men, etc.

Please think before you write anything, because your unsupported opinion may make life difficult for students who are actively surfing the Internet in search of advice or information. As you know, the Internet is a big garbage dump, and people like you are creating this garbage dump.

Hello Vasily, very correct, clear information. two years ago, as an applicant, when I found out that I was accepted into the institute, thinking that it was the lowest, poor rank among educational institutions, I didn’t want to study, but all because I heard and read ideas like those of our Timofey.

And the best thing is the academy.

Discrimination is that some idiot began to finance students from the country's budget...

Most likely, the matter smells of dynamite or the Strasbourg Tribunal.

A university differs from an institute in that all the doorways at the university are in the middle of the wall, while at the institute they are shifted to the right or to the left.
Explosion! Open your mouth so as not to knock out your membranes. The Institute is an institution where detonation is equalized. The Academy is where the letter A grows, and an explosion grows outside....
But there is no transfer between universities.
The science repository must withstand a nuclear attack.
And the best thing is the academy.
The Academy is the place where everything grows to the ceiling. And ficus and palm trees, etc.
And science is false and erroneous everywhere.
At the university, all the criminals gather at the academy; there are many times fewer of them; there is a chance of killing one another.
They go to university on the one hand, and go to college and academy on the other. There can be no transition between them.

Most of what is written is typical for the West, and not for the Russian Federation, where show-off and imaginary prestige have always been at the forefront. In the 90s, many institutes decided to become universities - this is much more pathetic. Another thing is, what kind of education can a spontaneously organized faculty with a history of barely 20 years, without roots, provide? The format of academies in this regard is much more logical - medical, artistic - areas that have many directions, but are quite specific in themselves.