Dog breed ends with d. Dog breeds are the result of purposeful human work. Teddy Roosevelt Terrier

The choice of a four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses. The chosen breed of dog determines its character, ability to train, and susceptibility to diseases.

Defining goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you are buying it. Are you choosing a pet, a watchdog or a companion? Answer yourself a number of questions that will help you choose the breed of your four-legged pet:

Choosing the gender of the dog

When purchasing a pet, keep in mind an important nuance: males and females need different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train and more flexible. However, female dogs cause a lot of trouble for their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancies. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider having your dog spayed.

Males are emotionally more persistent, strive to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict education. Dogs show an active interest in females all year round.

Pet age

There are pros and cons to purchasing a puppy or an adult dog. The baby needs to be educated, accustom him to hygiene procedures and the toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the behavioral norms you have instilled.

A well-mannered, adult dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or chew your shoes. But getting used to the new owners and home can be long and painful. The dog may yearn for its previous owners, refuse to eat and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for your new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected result.

Dogs are guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. Thus, hunting dogs are completely unadapted to this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings for all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

The following are great for protecting a private home:

They do an excellent job of securing the apartment:

Dogs for hunting

If you choose a four-legged friend for hunting together, then choose a pet of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept both in a large house and in a city apartment. Since they are hyperactive, they need daily active long walks.

Decorative dogs

Pets of decorative breeds are ideal for living in an apartment. Most dogs are small in size and friendly in nature. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dog, need training. They need to instill basic behavioral skills.

When choosing a pet, study the characteristics of a particular breed, rules for caring for puppies, and susceptibility to diseases. Treat this issue wisely and then you will gain a devoted and loving friend.

It is not for nothing that the Airedale Terrier is considered the king of all terriers. This is a universal dog with unique working qualities. He copes excellently with the duties of a watchman and security guard, and is a devoted friend

The Pharaoh Hound belongs to primitive breeds. For many centuries, animals crossed only with each other, without the participation of other representatives of the canine world. History of origin It is believed that the Egyptian dog

The dog, born under the scorching sun of Africa, is distinguished by its power and enormous strength. The brave South African Boerboel has extreme loyalty, hardly found on the continent.

One of the few breeds that excels in the role of guard, shepherd and watchman. The Belgian Shepherd is divided into 4 types: Malinois, Groenendael, Tervuren, Laekenois. Subspecies

“A gentle giant”, an ideal family dog, a selfless guard and a devoted friend - all this is the Leonberger. History of the Leonberger breed The Leonberger dog breed is named after the German town of Leonberg,

The Drathaar is a unique dog. This is an ideal athlete and a born hunter, capable of moving silently through the forest, following the trail, and feeding game. History of the Drathaar breed History of formation

In 1947, when Estonia was still part of the USSR, the leading cynologists of the union decided that each republic should have its own unique breed of dogs,

Refined and elegant, the Sheltie is a miniature copy of the Scottish Sheepdog (Collie). But this is an autonomous breed, with its own standard and character. History of the origin of the Shetland Sheepdog -

The aristocratic Maltese dog is a worthy choice of the elite. The owner of the snow-white creature feels confident both at home and at a social event. After all, his favorite is

An exemplary pet for a family with children. The Australian Shepherd or Aussie was carefully bred; the dog was supposed to become an excellent shepherd and companion. And we can confidently say that

There are truly unique and rare dog breeds that attract attention with their unusual history. The Dogo Argentino is the only breed that was developed in Argentina and

The quite popular and sought-after Japanese Chin belongs to the group of decorative dogs. Sometimes they are called Japanese spaniels, and in their homeland they are called “jewel dogs.” Miniature pet with

The fearless heart of a lion, contained in the body of a medium-sized dog. Shih Tzu comes from Chinese and is translated as lion cub. The second name of the breed is “chrysanthemum”, it received it for its wool,

It would seem, how do spitz dogs differ from each other? These small, fluffy dogs look about the same to the average person. In fact, the Japanese Spitz,

A restless bully and a dungeon warrior. The Fox Terrier is popular at all times. There are legends about him, he is the prototype of book heroes, and all because he has

South African dogs are a big curiosity in Russian cities. It is extremely rare to get such dogs, as they require experience in breeding and keeping four-legged animals. Rhodesian

Apollo of the dog world. It's hard to imagine a more regal breed than the Great Dane. It looks like an antique statue, its appearance is mesmerizing and does not leave anyone indifferent. History

Back in the 16th century, the literary nobleman Erasmo Devalvasone described the Cane Corso in his poem “The Hunt.” “Swift and agile, like a greyhound, but more fearless and magnificent. Large, but

Police and security dog ​​breeds are very popular due to their endurance and energy. Most often, such dogs are owned by young men who are looking for

The official name of the breed is Dalmatian, but people more often call it Dalmatian. This is a charming dog, a little flighty and frivolous in appearance. History of the origin of the Dalmatian breed Dalmatian dog

Perhaps the most famous breed in the world. A true aristocrat and gentleman with his characteristic calm - his superiority is the English Mastiff. History of origin The English Mastiff breed -

Spitz are the cutest dogs that have beautiful fluffy fur and a radiant smile. Such dogs are often purchased by experienced dog breeders, as well as lovers of decorative breeds. Keeshond

Dog breeds have been bred for many thousands of years. This process continues to this day. Other mammal species do not have as much genetic diversity as dogs. Just look at the huge difference between the Chihuahua and the Great Dane.

There are different interpretations of what is called a "breed". Breeds are actually classified by the functional purpose for which the breed was bred. Most registered dog breeds are traditional breeds with a very long history. The origin of some dog breeds is associated with two or three countries at once. All traditional dog breeds are included in the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) register, but some new breeds are still under development.

According to their functional purpose, all dog breeds are divided into such subcategories as working dogs, domestic (family) dogs, herding dogs, guard dogs, hunting and sled dogs. Working dogs are used, for example, for therapy or police service. Family dogs are bred for the home and do not have a clear functional purpose. Herding dogs work with livestock. Guard dogs are supposed to protect property. They bark loudly when they sense an intruder, thus warning their owner. Hunting dog breeds help the owner during the hunt. Different types of dogs have special hunting skills. Sled dogs were bred to transport cargo in sleds to hard-to-reach regions.

Let's take a closer look at each type of dog breed:

    • Fighting dogs are dogs that by nature itself (often with human participation) are built in such a way as to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. Initially, they were also used in dog fighting, but then, after this type was banned throughout the world, such dogs began to be used exclusively for security and protective purposes.
    • Hypoallergenic - dog breeds that do not cause allergies, primarily due to the low content of certain substances that irritate the mucous membrane. But take into account the fact that allergies can be different, and if a person, for example, has asthma with an allergy to pet hair and fluff, then for him the hypoallergenicity of the dog will not make any difference. After all, the attack is caused by the fur itself, and the substances secreted by the dog’s skin are a secondary factor. Therefore, if you have one or another allergy, before buying a four-legged friend, it is better to consult with an allergist.
    • Decorative - as a rule, these are small dogs that have only one function - to be funny and cute companions to humans. Some of these breeds were previously used for hunting, but in the modern world, hunting game with the help of such small dogs is extremely rare.
    • For children - this category includes those dogs that are good with children and can act as something of a nanny. For example, all dog lovers know that the Labrador Retriever breed is ideal for families with small children. In fact, even a fighting dog can have a great love for children, a good example of this is the pit bull terrier.
    • For protection, this usually includes those dogs that naturally have high loyalty and good fighting qualities. Such dogs may not be suitable for guarding the territory of a private home, but when it comes to protection from attacks on the owner, they have no equal here. Of course, if you want to get such a dog, it is better to provide him with appropriate training from a professional trainer.
    • For an apartment - basically, these dogs include breeds that, due to their physique and adaptive psyche, are suitable for keeping in an apartment. In fact, although most of these animals are small or medium in size, this is not always the deciding factor. There are large dogs that get along well in an ordinary city apartment. And, on the contrary, there are medium-sized dogs that prefer to be outside, and therefore, even if they live in an apartment, they need long walks.
    • Sled dogs - despite the fact that traveling across the snowy plains with dogs is increasingly becoming a thing of the past, these animals are very popular. First of all, thanks to its spectacular appearance and developed intelligence. The most famous breeds are perhaps the Husky and Malamute.
    • Hunting dogs are, first of all, those dogs that have a genetic tendency to hunt, so to speak, a certain ancestral memory, and also a certain physique. As an example, you can bring the Pointer breed - thin, muscular, very hardy dogs with excellent hunting instincts. Another very famous breed is the greyhound, or greyhound.
    • Watchdogs - this group includes those animals that, due to their physique and mental characteristics, are ideal for protecting private lands. Typically, these dogs are very territorial, fearless, large in size, great strength and distrustful of strangers. The most striking example of a guard dog is the Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Choose your dog wisely.

As you probably already understood, each breed can simultaneously belong to several categories. For example, a fighting dog may be suitable for an apartment, and some decorative breed may well be hypoallergenic.

You should choose your four-legged friend wisely, having first weighed the pros and cons. Moreover, here you need to think not only about your own comfort and safety, but also about how suitable the living conditions that you can offer the animal are for it.

Not only your life over the next 10-15-20 years will depend on your choice, but also the life of your four-legged friend, his health and well-being. Therefore, you should not make a choice based on momentary desires.

If we turn to antiquity, we can identify the main ancestor of all today's dog breeds - the wolf. Scientists have different opinions about the time of domestication of the wolf; according to various sources, this happened from 15,000 to 50,000 years ago. The reasons for the predator's attachment to human groups are not clear. One version says that nomadic peoples used wolves for hunting and personal needs (the meat of tamed wolves was eaten, and clothes were made from the skins). Another version is that wild animals themselves sought food from ancient people. Allegedly weakened and expelled from the pack, individuals independently joined human settlements and were used for the same hunting and home protection. The remains of dogs have been found on all continents without exception, their images are immortalized on ancient bas-reliefs and paintings, which indicates the long-standing popularity of these animals.

Boar hunting scene with a dog, ancient Roman sculpture

The oldest dog breeds formed on Earth at a time when no one knew about selection. These are individuals (aboriginal or primitive) whose DNA is closest to wolves - Akita and Shiba Inu, Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Shar Pei and others. Over time, in addition to native dogs, factory dogs began to appear - bred as a result of crossing animals of various primitive breeds. The formation of most factory breeds was based on inbreeding - intrageneric crossing of aboriginal individuals, as well as the identification and elimination of its undesirable consequences (aggressive or timid character, abnormal body structure, unattractive exterior). Dog selection reached its heyday in the 19th - 20th centuries, when most dog breeds were bred and approved by cynological organizations.

Types of dog breeds

According to the rules of the International Canine Organization, dog breeds can be divided into groups as follows:

    Companion dogs - these animals have become human companions in urban environments. They can live not only in an apartment, but also in an outdoor enclosure. However, all companions need long-term communication with the owner, games, and walks. These dog breeds can be of different sizes, but they are usually distinguished by their good character, gentleness, and obedience. Companion dogs include poodles, pugs, and beagles, although most breeds, with proper upbringing, can become true friends of modern man.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

Before purchasing a puppy, the future owner needs to clearly decide on the desired breed and the purpose of getting a dog. It is advisable to study the characteristics of the breeds so as not to get into trouble. The fact is that, thanks to the long efforts of scientists, some breeds initially have a dominant function, aggression, for example, towards animals, wariness and distrust towards humans. Other dog breeds, on the contrary, are distinguished by their soft and cheerful character, and the ability to get along with both people and animals. Therefore, the owner, first of all, needs to focus on his own needs and the character of the future dog, and not on the appearance of the animal. So, before buying a dog you need to:

    Decide not only on the breed, but also on the size of the pet. A small living space is unlikely to allow keeping large breed dogs (mastiffs, Great Danes, etc.). In addition, many four-legged animals need physical activity, which is usually only possible when living in private or country houses with fenced areas.

    Understand whether it is possible to care for a dog that sheds heavily or has long hair. If the dog owner has little time, then having a pet that requires daily care is quite unreasonable - both the pet and the entire apartment, covered with a layer of fur, will look untidy.

    Determine the age of the animal– puppies are usually purchased at the age of 2 months. In this case, you can shape the dog’s character according to your own desire, while adult dogs, firstly, will have a more difficult time adapting to a new home, and secondly, will have habits instilled by a stranger (the breeder).

    Select the gender of the dog. Typically, females are more good-natured and calmer than males. While males are more active, without proper education they can provoke fights with other animals - both at home and on a walk.

    Find out where exactly you plan to buy a puppy– at the poultry market, via the Internet, in a breeding nursery. The prices of dogs from the kennel seem high, but this is where you can buy a healthy and vaccinated animal with documents, born from dogs without genetic diseases.

    Before buying a puppy, you should make sure its health– look at the condition of the teeth, eyes, ears, palpate the belly, paws, examine the fur, and also be sure to ask the seller (especially when the animal is purchased at the market) about the dog’s parents, its character, and nutrition.

Whatever breed of puppy is chosen, the owner must always be clearly aware of his responsibility, which consists of: good care (walking, bathing, combing, hygiene procedures), high-quality nutrition (natural food or ready-made industrial feed), daily communication with the dog (including games, education and training), in regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian, in organizing the dog’s place (a home bed in a quiet and calm corner, an outdoor enclosure with an insulated booth), in one’s own capabilities - a dog always requires a lot of time, she can be naughty and even act contrary to the owner, be disobedient at first. However, the owner’s reaction can be moderately strict; under no circumstances should you hit the dog or yell at it.

Before getting a dog, you need to get the consent of each family member, weigh the pros and cons, and think about who will be involved in raising it, walking and feeding it. Keeping a dog requires patience, effort and resources. It is important to decide on the breed of the dog so that it matches the owner’s character, his lifestyle and meets his requirements for appearance.

Australian Terrier

This is a companion dog. Color: from blue and gray to sand and red with red markings. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Active, mobile dog. You need to be persistent in training. She is unpretentious when it comes to food and is not prone to gluttony. The attitude towards children is good if you take the dog as a puppy.

Alaskan Klee Kai (Miniature Husky)

This is a fluffy dog ​​breed. Color: gray, black with tan. Height from 33 to 49 cm. Weight: 4.5-10 kg. Good-natured, active, playful dogs have character, so they are difficult to train. They treat children well. The fur must be combed during the molting period. Feeding: mix of dry and wet food.

American Eagle

A dog from the category of the smartest breeds. Beautiful, friendly, affectionate, easy to train. Great with children. Suitable for apartment. You need to comb it 2 times a week. Height: 23-48 cm, weight from 2.5 to 16 kg. The color is milky with red and cream markings. She is prone to gaining excess weight, so her diet should consist of professional food.

American Water Spaniel

A dog from the category of small hunting breeds. Color: chocolate, black, spotted, with tan. Height - 38 cm, weight - 12-20 kg. Smart, has a good sense of smell, suitable for bird hunting. Easy to train. Unpretentious in food. Does not tolerate rude treatment. Behaves calmly towards children and pets.

American lo shi pug

The dog belongs to the category of the smallest breeds. Any color is acceptable. Height up to 21 cm, weight: 2.5-5.5 kg. This is a miniature pug. Affectionate, loyal, smart, good with children, easy to train. Feeding: standard diet for small dogs. Coat care: brush 2 times a week. Tend to gain excess weight.

American Toy Terrier

An inquisitive, active dog with character, color - three colors: white-black-red, black and white, sometimes completely red. Height up to 25 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. Not very trainable. She is not picky about food and eats little. Like many decorative dogs, they are wary of children.

American Eskimo Spitz

Beautiful “smiling” fox dogs. The color is milky or cream. Height: 22-49 cm, weight: 12-17 kg. Despite their kindness, they will not offend the owner. Obedient, well trained, love children. The dog is prone to obesity, so the diet should not contain fat. They have a loud voice, she will have to be weaned from “idleness”.

English cocker spaniel

This is a hunting breed of dog. Various colors: red, black, blue, golden. Height: 39-41 cm, weight: 12-14 kg. Smart, energetic, affectionate dog. Loves children. Well trained. It is better to divide feeding into 3 small portions, otherwise a hungry dog ​​may pick up food on the street.

English toy terrier

A rare breed that looks like a miniature Doberman. Color black or rich chestnut. Height: 25-30 cm, weight: 3-5 kg. A playful, energetic dog, if not properly trained it can be aggressive. Feeding: 2 times a day with complete food for small breeds. Children over the age of five are treated well and love to play outdoor games.

Affen griffon

These are decorative dogs with a funny appearance. The color is black and red-brown with red markings. Height up to 20 cm, weight up to 5.5 kg. They love to eat and tend to be overweight. Feeding: standard complete food for small breeds. Smart, emotional, obedient, affectionate animals. They love children and are easy to train. You can't cut your hair.

Affen Pinscher

The dog resembles a funny monkey. Color ranges from black to red, may have an uneven color. Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Belongs to the category of decorative dogs of small breeds. Jealous, not loyal to children, walking only on a leash. Training will require patience from the owner. They should not be overfed; they are prone to obesity.

Affen Terrier

These are medium sized dogs. Height 61 cm, color white and black. Very active and stubborn animals, good hunters, rarely bark. They can be trained, but prefer variety in teams. Feeding: standard diet for medium breed dogs. Patient with children.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

This is the smallest breed, a long-haired subspecies of the Yorkshire Terrier. The color is tricolor - white with black and red, there are bicolor individuals. Height: 22 cm, weight up to 3 kg. Attentive, sociable, cheerful, energetic dog. When feeding, the food bowl should be taken away 15 minutes after the start of the meal, regardless of whether the dog has finished eating, as they are prone to overeating. Loves to play with children. Has a slightly pompous look.

Bichon Frize (Curly Bichon, Curly Lapdog)

Very cute and beautiful animals. Color white, height no more than 30 cm, weight up to 7 kg. Obedient, smart. They love to eat; their diet should include meat and vegetables. They are great with children and love to play. They can get very bored when alone.

Bolognese Bichon (Bolognese)

The breed is also called the “Italian lap dog”. Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 4 kg. They have long, beautiful white fur and almost never shed. They cannot stand loneliness. They are reserved with children. Quite calm, non-capricious dogs. Feeding should be varied, necessarily including vegetables and vitamins. The dog does not tolerate sudden changes in diet.

Border Terrier

Small hunting breed. The dog's appearance resembles the face of an otter. Color: light yellow, gray, red, blue. Height up to 40 cm, weight up to 7 kg. Loyal, kind, obedient animals, they adore children and are ready to play with them all day long. They are easy to train. They are unpretentious in food, but it is better to feed them with natural, nutritious food.

Boston Terrier

This is a small, short-haired breed. Color: seal, black and white, brindle. Height: 38-43 cm, weight is divided into 3 categories: up to 6.8 kg, up to 9 kg, and up to 11.3 kg. Playful and active animals. They can be stubborn and may have difficulties with training. They don't like to be scolded. They love to play with children. Your Boston needs to be fed a high protein diet.

Brussels Griffon

One of the smartest breeds of small dogs. They have funny facial expressions. The color is red with parts of black. Height up to 20 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Dogs are highly anxious and may bite if frightened. Smart, well trained. Feeding: complete food for small breeds. They don't like children. Loyal to the owner.

Breton fawn basset

A small dog of a hunting breed. The color is golden-red and fawn-wheaten with a white marking on the chest. Height up to 36 cm, weight up to 20 kg. These are good-natured, easy-going dogs. They can be stubborn when training. Daily feeding of an adult dog requires 300 grams of meat and offal. Children are treated very well. They don't like other dogs.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

This is a small short-haired decorative shepherd. Acceptable colors: red and white, tricolor, fawn, rarely black. Height no more than 30 cm, weight up to 13.5 kg. Loyal, obedient, active dogs. They are well trained. They tend to overeat and require a dosed diet. They are kind to children, good nannies and companions.

Westphalian dachshund brack

Hunting breed dog. Color black with rusty marks. Height up to 38 cm, weight up to 15 kg. It picks up the trail perfectly, is quite vicious, and can even be used when hunting wild boar. At home he turns into a kind and affectionate dog. Well trained. Feeding must be balanced, otherwise urolithiasis may develop. They love children. Get along with other pets.

West Highland White Terrier

Short-haired decorative breed. Color only white. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 10 kg. These are fearless, inquisitive dogs. Training can be difficult. Feeding involves 2 options: feeding with natural food or completely professional food. They treat children over 10 years of age well. Small children are jealous of their owner.


Miniature fluffy dog. The color is white, sometimes red. Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 5 kg. A cheerful, energetic breed. Training will require persistence from the owner. Feeding: standard diet for small breeds. He gets along well with children and loves to play with them. Suspicious of strangers. An excellent watchman.

Havanese Bichon

A small and fluffy breed, with white, cream, and peach colored fur. Height up to 29 cm, weight up to 5.5 kg. A cheerful, intelligent dog may be offended by a rude tone. Well amenable to training. It is unpretentious in nutrition; it can be fed with dry food or natural food. Affectionate with children. Very attached to the owner.

Smooth Fox Terrier

A small hunting dog, the color can be completely white or with spots without impurities. Height – 39.5 cm, weight – 8.2 kg. The dog has a comical appearance, is very mobile and active. Meals are one-time only, without mixing dry and natural food. Loves to play with children. May be jealous of other pets. On walks he can get into fights with other dogs.

Dutch Spaniel

Small hunting breed. Color: white with red spots and black and white. Height up to 40 cm, weight up to 11 kg. Affectionate, faithful friend. They are well trained, but can be stubborn. Feeding: standard complete food. They maintain good relationships with children. This dog is best owned by experienced dog breeders.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Decorative breed of pepper or mustard color. Height - 28 cm, weight - 11 kg. Active, brave, independent dog. You need to be persistent in training. Feeding: dry or natural food for small breeds. He treats children with indifference. The dog has an interesting “hairstyle”. Considered to be the longest terrier.

Jack Russell Terrier

Short-haired breed. The color is white with red or black spots. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Smart hunter, excellent watchman. When trained, it can show character. The animal's diet should consist of half natural meat. It is better not to start for families with babies and inexperienced people.

Dogs of this breed became very popular after the release of the film “The Mask” with Jim Carrey.

Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier

Previously a hunting breed, today it is a decorative breed. Color: wheaten, blue, brindle. Height - 35.5 cm, weight up to 16 kg. Brave dog, excellent watchman. Shows independence when trained. It is unpretentious in food and can be fed with both natural and dry food. Treats older children well, does not like little ones.

Italian Greyhound

Short-haired breed. Color: white, black, piebald, red, lilac. Height - 38 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Gentle, sweet, kind dogs, they recognize only one owner. They are loyal and can sit in their owner’s arms for hours. Training should begin at 3 months. They treat older children well. When walking, it is better not to let him off the leash.

Yorkshire Terrier

Popular small long-haired dog breed. Color - dark steel with a bright golden breast. Height up to 23.5 cm, weight - 3.2 kg. Sociable, intelligent dog, gets along with other pets. Easy to learn. The quality of its coat depends on the dog's nutrition. Preferred diet: chicken, olive oil, carrots, boiled cereals. They are not kind to children and remember rudeness for a long time.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This is a hunting breed dog. Color: tri-color, ruby ​​and black with tan. Height - 27 cm, weight - 8 kg. Kind, smart dog. Very well trained and trained. Nutrition must be selected individually - the animal is prone to allergies and obesity. Loves children very much. Incapable of protection due to her good nature. Needs grooming.

Kan guicho (Quiscuelo)

Quite a rare small shorthaired breed. Any color is acceptable. Height up to 42 cm, weight up to 12 kg. In Spain, these dogs are used to catch rabbits. A kind and reliable hunter's assistant, he does not sit still. Easy to learn and train. They are unpretentious in food. They get along with children and love joint outdoor games.

Miniature Pinscher

This breed looks like a small Doberman, especially in black and tan color. There are also fawn-red and dark red-brown individuals. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Brave and intelligent dogs, easy to train. They are prone to obesity, so a standard diet for small breeds is preferable. They get along with children and love to spend time on walks.

Cairn Terrier

Short-haired breed. Color: wheat, milky, black, gray. Height - 31 cm, weight - 7.5 kg. A playful, sociable dog, it shows “disposition” when trained. It is unpretentious in food, the breed was bred to hunt rats and is supposed to eat them. They get along with children if they do not offend them. They tend to bark a lot and are aggressive with other pets.

Chinese Crested

Decorative small breed. Any color is allowed. The dog is without hair, but there is also a downy variety of the breed. Height - 33 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. Non-aggressive, active, contact dog. He will be happy to undergo training. It is unpretentious in feeding, can eat boiled vegetables, fruits, and standard food. Loves to play with children. In cold weather, he needs warm clothes.

Cocker Poodle (Cockapoo)

One of the smartest dog breeds. The color may vary, but more often: cream, fawn, white. Height up to 38 cm, weight up to 11 kg. This is a cheerful, good-natured, very smart dog. Easy and fun to train. You need to feed them complete, ready-made food. They love to play with children. The breed appeared recently, and is still very rare.

Continental Toy Spaniel (Phalen)

This small, furry breed is called a "moth dog" because of its drooping ears. Any color with spots is allowed. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 4.5 kg. A brave, affectionate dog, suitable for a city apartment. Well trained. The food is the most common: natural food or ready-made diet. Treats children well.

Coton de Tulear

Decorative breed. The color is white, with shades of gray. Height - 28 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Active, cheerful, kind dog, a wonderful companion. Smart, well trained. Needs special nutrition for decorative small breeds. Strongly attached to children. The animal requires care for its coat and appearance (eye treatment).

Lancashire Heeler

A rare small breed of dog similar to the Doberman Pinscher. Color black with tan marks. Height - 30 cm, weight up to 5.9 kg. An unpretentious, affectionate, playful dog. Shows stubbornness in learning and has “his own” opinion. You cannot overfeed the animal from your table; it is better to stick to the standard diet. Gets along great with children. Needs physical activity.

Lhasa Apso

An ancient breed of dog with long hair. Color: golden, honey, sand. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 8 kg. The character is not easy - they are wayward, disobedient, do not tolerate punishment, and can growl in response. When training, they do what they like. The dog eats little, but it is important that the diet is balanced. Loves to play outdoor games with children.

Small lion's

Decorative dog. Outwardly it looks like a pocket lion. The color can be any. Height up to 32 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Smart, brave, cheerful, easy to learn. The animal's diet must contain additives that affect the quality of the coat. The dog is good with children. The breed is quite rare. Wool requires care.

Maltese (Maltese)

Little fluffy dog. Color white, height - 25 cm, weight - 4 kg. Affectionate, sociable, friendly, cannot stand loneliness. He studies well. The diet should include supplements to improve coat. Treats children well. The dog does not require long walks and is long-lived. Needs careful grooming.

Manchester Terrier (Black and Tan Terrier)

Another breed similar to the Doberman. Color black with tan. Height - 30 cm, weight up to 5 kg. A smart, cheerful dog, sociable, gets along with everyone at home. It is better to feed fresh food with added vitamins. The animal loves children and loves to play Frisbee with them. Better to keep him on a leash, he might run away.

Meliteo kinidio (Small Greek domestic)

An ancient rare breed similar to small collies. The color is black, with a red chest and eyebrows. Height - 35 cm, weight - 12 kg. A city dog ​​that follows its owner everywhere, is friendly, affectionate, and distrustful of strangers. Learns easily and with joy. It is unpretentious in food, the breed was bred to catch rats and the dogs ate them. Child friendly.


A rare decorative breed, it appeared in the 80s and is considered a designer breed. Can be any color, height up to 28 cm, weight proportional to height. Very friendly dogs, even to strangers. They train well. Feeding: standard diet for small dogs with long hair. They treat children well and love to play.

Miniature Australian Shepherd

Dogs of this breed look like small Border Collies. Color: marbled blue, black, red, marbled red with markings. Height - 46 cm, weight up to 14 kg. A devoted dog, ready to take care of any pet or child in the house. Excellent to train. It can eat both dry food and natural food. Loves children.

Miniature Bull Terrier

This is a small short-haired dog. The color is white with spots, brindle, red and any other. Height - 35.5 cm, weight up to 8 kg. Brave, balanced, energetic dog. It can be trained, but it needs to start as early as possible. Feeding: complete food for small breed dogs. Children are treated well. Beginners should not get this dog.

Miniature Schnauzer (Miniature Schnauzer)

Short-haired breed. Colors: “black silver”, “pepper and salt”, white and others. Height - 35 cm, weight up to 8 kg. This is a sociable, loyal and affectionate dog that loves its owner very much. A diligent student in training. Feeding: complete food for small breeds. Requires careful handling from children. Needs coat care in the form of grooming.


An ancient shorthaired breed. Color black, silver, peach, beige. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 8.1 kg. This is a friendly, positive dog. Trainable. Feeding should be done in moderation, as pugs are prone to obesity. They treat children well. Breathing problems may occur due to the structure of the muzzle. Sheds heavily.

Moscow Longhaired Toy Terrier

Belongs to the smallest dog breeds. Color: black, brown, blue and tan. Height - 18-26 cm, weight - 3 kg. Excitability is a feature of their nervous system. It is better to raise a pet from childhood. They are unpretentious in food and eat in small portions. They don't like small children. Dogs often “shiver”, but not from the cold, this is a feature of the breed.

German hound

Hunting breed. The color is red, fawn, with black and white markings. Height - 40-53 cm, weight - 20 kg. The dog has “its own opinion”, this will have to be taken into account when raising it. A wonderful hunter. The animal's diet must be balanced. Doesn't really like small children. He will not be able to live in a city apartment. Needs walks and games.

German Dwarf Spitz (Pomeranian)

Fluffy and very cute breed. Common colors: gray, golden, cream, apricot. Height - 22 cm, weight - 6 kg. They have a rather complex character, active, self-confident. They love the owner very much. They enjoy learning. It is better to feed your Spitz with natural food specially prepared for him. The breed is not suitable for families with children.

New Guinea singing

This is a domesticated version of the wild dog. Color: sable, black and tan, red. Height up to 46 cm, weight - 14 kg. These are very smart animals, they can make independent decisions. They are difficult to train. Their independence is akin to that of a cat. They are unpretentious in food. Children are treated with caution. They have a unique melodic voice.

Norwegian Lundehund

A rare breed bred in Norway to hunt birds. The dog can climb rocks. Color ranges from red to brown with the presence of white. Height - 38 cm, weight - 7 kg. The dog is an excellent watchman and hunter, a good friend. Difficulties may arise in training; the dog has “its own opinion.” Unpretentious in food. He treats children evenly and does not allow himself to be tormented.

Norwich Terrier

One of the smallest terriers. Color: red, black-backed, fawn. Height - 26 cm, weight up to 6 kg. This is a cheerful, good-natured and loyal dog. Well trained. Unpretentious in food. Loves children and pets living next to her. He doesn’t get into fights, but he won’t let himself get hurt either. The animal is very active and needs walks.

Norfolk Terrier

A very playful and active breed. Color: red, beige, black with gray hair. Height - 25 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. A brave dog, a wonderful watchdog, needs constant physical activity. Well trained. The animal's diet must be balanced and include natural food. They treat children well, but children should not be allowed to torment the dog.


The name stands for “Odessa Domestic Ideal Dog”. The color allows for various variations of white. Height - 30 cm, weight up to 10 kg. A dog with a stable psyche, friendly and active. He enjoys the training. It is unpretentious in food; feeding it with complete food is enough. Children's best friend. The coat needs to be brushed daily.


The breed appeared as a result of crossing a Beagle with a Pug. Color: brown, yellow, black. Height - 38 cm, weight - 14 kg. An affectionate dog with an even character, he loves his owner very much. When alone, he starts barking a lot. Excellent to train. May have a tendency to obesity; nutrition should be balanced. Loves children and actively plays with them.

Patterdale Terrier

The breed was bred for fox hunting, now it is a decorative breed. Color: black, gray, bronze, with white markings. Height - 38 cm, weight - 14 kg. Affectionate, tireless, devoted dog, excellent watchdog. It is difficult to train, due to “its views” on the world. Unpretentious in food. She loves children, but you should get a dog no earlier than the child turns 7 years old.


An ancient breed of dogs. Color: red, white, dark brown, black. Height - 25 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. The character is proud, jealous of the owner of children and other animals. The ability to train is average, you will have to be persistent. The dog’s nutrition needs to be given special attention due to the characteristics of its muzzle. Doesn't like children.

Prague rat

The small dog was bred in the Czech Republic to fight rats. Color: black, red, brown, blue. Height - 23 cm, weight - 2.2 kg. Brave, playful dogs that get along well with other pets. Easy to train. They are unpretentious in food and can overeat, so it is better to feed them with standard ration food. Good with older children.

Miniature Poodle

They are a mini version of the poodle and one of the smartest small dogs. Color: apricot, black, white. Height - 35 cm, weight up to 4 kg. The character is even, good-natured, cheerful. They are very attached to their owner and intelligent. They are well trained. Feeding with natural food is preferable, but it is important not to overfeed the dog. They get along well with children.

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

The breed was bred in St. Petersburg in the 50s, but has not yet been officially recognized. Color: black, fawn, beige and so on. Height - 25 cm, weight - 4 kg. The dog is active, cheerful, and a wonderful companion. Well trained. She is completely unpretentious in food - she can eat both dry and natural food. Loves children, loves to play with them.

Russian toy terrier

Miniature dog, bred in Russia. Color: blue, red, with tan. Height - 28 cm, weight up to 3 kg. The character is sweet, very loyal to the owner, loves to sit in the arms. They are well trained, it is important to raise a dog from childhood. They are unpretentious when it comes to food; complete food for small breeds is suitable for them. They are friendly with children, but it is better not to trust them with small children.

Scottish Terrier

Popular miniature breed. Color: white, red, black and so on. Height - 28 cm, weight - 10.4 kg. Character is lively, friendly, inquisitive. Well trained. The animal needs to be fed complete dry food; it does not need excess protein. They are good with children, but it is better to get a puppy when the child is 7 years old.


The most famous miniature breed. Color: red, beige, fawn, black and tan. Height from 30 to 35 cm, weight up to 6 kg. A very active, tireless dog, a good watchdog. Excellent to train. They are unpretentious in food, but have a tendency to gain weight. Gets along well with older children. It is better to walk on a leash, they often run away.

Teddy Roosevelt Terrier

A miniature breed named after the president. Bicolor color: black and white, red and black, chocolate brown. Height - 34 cm, weight - 3 kg. This is a lively dog, vicious and active on the hunt, but kind, loving and friendly at home. They can be cocky with other animals, so they need to be trained from childhood. They are difficult to train. They love to play with children.

Tibetan Spaniel

A small breed that looks like a Pekingese. The color may vary. Height - 25.5 cm, weight - 6.8 kg. This is an intelligent dog, well trained, but often shows its independence. Not a guard breed. You can feed your dog complete food for small breeds, but it is important to observe the fat content of the food. Unlike Pekingese, they get along well with children.

toy poodle

This is the smallest variety of poodle. Color brown, black, silver, apricot and others. Height - 28 cm, weight up to 8 kg. The toy poodle can be called the calmest breed of dog. They love their owner, but can easily tolerate loneliness. Well trained. It is better to feed your dog natural food with added vitamins. They are friends with children.

miniature pinscher

A breed resembling a Doberman. Color: red or black with tan. Height - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. These are active, fearless dogs with an interesting gait. They are well trained. It is better to feed your dog natural food, making sure that it does not transmit it. Children are treated with caution; it is better to keep the dog away from small children.

Czech Terrier

This is a short, strong, down-to-earth dog. Color: blue and gray, coffee. Height - 32 cm, weight - 10 kg. A cheerful dog, a good watchman and hunter. Can be stubborn when trained. It is preferable to feed a standard complete food. Children are loved, but only if they do not offend them. The coat does not shed and requires the services of a groomer.


This is the smallest dog breed. The color is varied: plain, spotted, bicolor. Height up to 23 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. Dogs are friends with all households, but their heart belongs to only one person. They are easy to train. Feeding needs to be given special attention; the dogs are miniature, and regular food is not suitable for them. They love children.

Shih Tzu

A miniature, rather whimsical breed of dog. There is a whole classification of acceptable Shih Tzu colors. Height - 27 cm, weight - 8 kg. The character is strong, so you need to educate. They are easy to train, treating it like a game. Meals may include natural and prepared foods. The dog gets along well with older children.


A miniature dog that looks like an imp. Color: black, red and so on. Height - 33 cm, weight - 9 kg. The dog has a rather independent character; inexperienced owners should not get this breed. Training is difficult due to the dog's stubbornness, so you need to be persistent. They are unpretentious in food. They enjoy communicating with children.

Japanese Chin

An Asian breed with the habits of a cat, it can even climb on furniture. Color: black and white and white and red. Height - 25 cm, weight - 3 kg. The dog adapts well to its owners. In a cheerful family, the dog will be active; in older people, the dog will be calm. They train well for the sake of praise. The food needs to be selected so that the dog is full. He is friends with children.

Japanese Spitz

Little cute fluffy dog. Color white, height - 38 cm, weight - 10 kg. A cheerful, loving, active companion dog, an excellent watchdog. Well trained, loves to play. It is better to feed your dog with ready-made complete food. The coat needs to be looked after after eating to prevent streaks from forming. They love to play with children.