Rogozin's instruction rd no. 7 3706. The government has instructed to strengthen control over the implementation of long-term programs and KPIs of state-owned defense companies. The line consists of Reviews

As part of the order of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Rogozin, dated July 2, 2013, No. RD-P7-4569, on July 16, 2013, a meeting “On measures to ensure the development and production of innovative types of medical products and equipment” was held in the Scientific and Technical Council hall of Vega Concern OJSC and equipment using the scientific and technical potential of organizations of the military-industrial complex."

07/22/2013 at 15:32 | INFOLine, IA (based on company materials) | website

It was attended by the director of the department of radio-electronic industry of Mimpromtorg of Russia Alexander Yakunin, the director of the department of chemical-technological complex and bioengineering technologies Sergey Tsyb, the management of JSC Concern Vega, representatives of non-profit organizations (APMI OPK, VROS), universities (MSTU named after N. E. Bauman, Southern Federal University), as well as external organizations and enterprises of the industry (JSC Concern Sozvezdie, FSUE NPP Istok, JSC INEUM named after I.S. Bruk, JSC Avangard, Federal Research and Production Center JSC NPP Flight" and others).
During the meeting the following issues were considered:
on the state of development and production of innovative medical products, technology and equipment at the enterprises of the Department of Radioelectronic Industry of Mimpromtorg of Russia.
o assigning JSC Concern Vega the functions of the leading organization of the radio-electronic industry of Russia in the field of medical equipment and medical products.
The following speakers made presentations at the meeting:
– Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Development and Technical Regulation of the Department of Radio-Electronic Industry Valery Makarov: “On measures to ensure the development and production of innovative types of medical products, technology and equipment using the scientific and technical potential of organizations of the military-industrial complex”;
– General Director of APMI OPK Alexander Smirnov: “On increasing the competitiveness of domestic production of medical devices and the role of public organizations, the main activities of APMI OPK in solving pressing issues of the development of medical equipment in the military-industrial complex”;
– General Director - General Designer of JSC Concern Vega Vladimir Verba: “The experience of JSC Concern Vega in consolidating competencies in the development, production, promotion and development of scientific and production infrastructure in the field of medical products”;
– Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Technology, Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman Sergey Shchukin: "Direction of scientific research on medical technologies at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman";
- Deputy General Director of JSC INEUM named after I.S. Bruk Gennady Znaiko: “Scientific and technical potential of JSC INEUM named after I.S. Bruk” I.S. Brook" in the field of development, production and implementation of innovative medical equipment."
Vladimir Verba noted in his speech: “In order to develop innovative medical technologies at enterprises of the radio-electronic industry, consolidate and coordinate enterprises in the industry - developers and manufacturers of medical equipment for the creation, development of production and promotion to the markets of medical equipment, to ensure the functions of the leading organization, in accordance With the proposal of the Department of Radioelectronic Industry, we propose to create an Industry Center for Innovative Medical Technologies of the Radioelectronic Industry (IICMT) on the basis of the Directorate for the Development of Advanced Medical Technologies of Vega Concern OJSC.
As a result of the meeting, a draft protocol of the joint meeting of the Department of Radioelectronic Industry and the Department of Chemical-Technological Complex and Bioengineering Technologies of Mimpromtorg of Russia was prepared.

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As part of the order of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Rogozin, dated July 2, 2013, No. RD-P7-4569, on July 16, 2013, a meeting “On measures to ensure the development and production of innovative types of medical products and equipment” was held in the Scientific and Technical Council hall of Vega Concern OJSC and equipment using the scientific and technical potential of organizations of the military-industrial complex." The following information is required:

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Regulations for working with subordinate organizations of the military-industrial complex, aimed at ensuring control over the implementation of long-term development programs (LDP) and the achievement of KPIs of industry state-owned companies with the establishment of personal responsibility, must be developed and approved before October 1. This order was given by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the military-industrial complex (hereinafter - MIC), to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov and the Federal Property Management Agency. In addition, by this date new approaches to calculating remuneration for top management, taking into account the achievement of KPIs, must be approved. The instructions were based on proposals from Russian Minister Mikhail Abyzov, previously sent to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Based on the results of the analysis of reports of state-owned companies on their implementation of LDPs and KPIs in 2014 and the first half of 2015, which was carried out under the Government of the Russian Federation at the beginning of the year on behalf of the Chairman of the Government Dmitry Medvedev, a number of problems were identified both in the LDP audit procedure and in terms of preparation reports on their performance and the quality of the performance itself. Experts then prepared a series of recommendations for further improvement of the long-term development program and KPI system in state-owned companies. Among them is strengthening the role of boards of directors and relevant ministries and departments in monitoring the implementation of long-term development programs of companies with state participation and their achievement of key performance indicators, as well as the introduction of a mechanism for personal responsibility of top management of companies for the implementation of KPIs.

Russian Federation Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov sent Dmitry Rogozin information on the results of the Expert Council's analysis of reports from 18 defense industry joint-stock companies, including JSC NPK Uralvagonzavod, JSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey, JSC UAC, OJSC USC, Concern NPO Aurora). The list includes companies included in the list of strategic enterprises approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2003 No. 91-r.

Based on the results of the analysis of reports for 2014 and the first half of 2015, presented by these organizations, the Expert Council noted that out of 18 companies: 4 joint-stock companies did not prepare a report on the implementation of the LDP and the achievement of KPIs for 2014, 7 did not prepare a report on the implementation LDP and achievement of KPIs for the first half of 2015, 3 - did not report on changes to the provisions on remuneration of sole executive bodies. In addition, the experts identified a number of comments on the submitted reports, which related, in particular, to the lack of analysis of the reasons for the deviation of actual KPI values ​​from the planned ones, the absence in the audit report of a section with the auditor’s recommendations for improving reporting on long-term development plans and the connection between the analysis of the status of implementation of program activities and their influence on achieving KPIs,” noted Mikhail Abyzov.

Experts also drew attention to the lack of information on the degree of influence of the results of the implementation of long-term development plans and the achievement of KPIs on the remuneration of general directors of organizations (for example, JSC Concern NPO Aurora, JSC Concern Central Research Institute Elektropribor, JSC Concern PVO Almaz-Antey", OJSC "USC").

Work on introducing corporate governance mechanisms into the practice of the largest state-owned companies is proceeding with varying degrees of success; many top managers treat this task not as a way to increase efficiency, but as another “campaign,” says Yuri Berestnev, a member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the state, as the owner of these assets, is forced to use administrative resources to implement long-term development plans, KPI systems and other modern methods and methods of managing its enterprises.

In the defense industry sector, the situation in this part is better than in other industries, although not without some glitches. But the gap from leading, especially public, companies is historically large. Therefore, constant monitoring of processes is required, as well as increased responsibility and expanded tools for influencing them on the part of boards of directors, increasing the responsibility of company management for achieving their goals. This is precisely what the order of the Deputy Chairman of the Government is aimed at,” the expert notes.

The experts also noted that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation worked quite actively with companies under its jurisdiction, and this helped improve the quality of the prepared documents.

The relevant Deputy Prime Minister gave instructions to analyze the reasons for the failure of subordinate organizations to comply with relevant instructions and submit proposals for holding federal executive authorities personally liable, as well as, if necessary, the management of organizations and members of boards of directors.

To increase the efficiency of implementation by organizations of long-term development plans and achieve the approved KPI values, federal executive bodies must ensure the complete and unconditional implementation of previously given instructions, including assessing the quality of work of the top management of subordinate state companies. In addition, ministries and departments should adopt internal regulations for working with subordinate companies to monitor the preparation, execution of long-term development plans and achievement of KPIs, assigning personal responsibility both for the entire process as a whole and for the work of individual companies, providing for regular review of the results of the companies’ work on the implementation of long-term development plans and KPIs at meetings with the head of the relevant ministry,” says Mikhail Abyzov.

Regulations for federal executive authorities, which Dmitry Rogozin ordered to be prepared, should provide for the procedure and frequency of reviewing the work of subordinate organizations at meetings with the heads of ministries and departments; approval of plans for reviewing reports on the implementation of the Long-Term Development Program and achievement of KPIs; submission of annual reports to the Government of the Russian Federation, and to the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Property Management Agency and the Expert Council under the Government - annual and quarterly reports on the implementation of the LDP. In addition, the regulations should spell out issues of personal responsibility of deputy heads of federal executive authorities and heads of their structural divisions for the implementation of long-term development plans and KPIs by subordinate organizations, as well as assessment of management’s work in this regard. Regulations must first be approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Expert Council under the Government.

The boards of directors of state-owned defense industry companies, according to the instructions of the Deputy Prime Minister, will have to approve plans by August 31 that provide for consideration at meetings of quarterly reports on the implementation of long-term development plans and KPIs, assessments of expected KPI values ​​with an analysis of the deviation of actual values ​​from planned indicators, as well as approval of the size of the quarterly and annual remuneration based on the results of achieving KPIs. It should be noted that Dmitry Rogozin gave instructions for a quarterly review of the results of implementation of the Long-Term Development Program and KPIs on the board of directors back in November 2014 (clause 8 of the minutes of the meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.O. Rogozin dated November 26, 2014 No. RD- P7-69pr), however, this work has not yet been systematically built in a number of defense industry companies.

The introduction of a system of quarterly management reporting to the board of directors for the implementation of program activities of the Long-Term Development Program and the achievement of KPIs is fundamentally important. This is exactly how almost all large private and most advanced state-owned companies work, and not on an annual or semi-annual basis, and the rest need to catch up. And it will be easier for the federal executive authorities in charge of state-owned companies to promote the tasks set by the state and monitor their implementation through state representatives on the boards of directors,” says Yuri Berestnev.

In addition to the development and implementation of a methodology for calculating the variable part of remuneration, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Property Management Agency, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Abyzov were instructed to ensure that changes are made to the employment contracts of the management of state-owned companies.

It is necessary to supplement them with provisions providing for early termination of employment contracts with the sole executive body and top management in case of failure to achieve target KPI values,” says Mikhail Abyzov.

The results of the implementation of long-term development plans and KPIs by defense industry companies need to be reviewed at meetings led by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin once every six months, the minister believes.

In the near future, annual reports of companies on their implementation of the LDP and KPIs in 2015 will be reviewed.

  • Conclusion of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation based on the results of consideration of reports on the implementation of the LDP and KPIs of state-owned defense industry companies

Yesterday our portal reported on a meeting in Moscow between the chairman of the regional branch of the RODINA PARTY, Maxim Kosenkov, and the Chairman of the RODINA PARTY, Alexei Zhuravlev. During the meeting, the party leader announced the instructions of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, Dmitry Rogozin, on the situation at the gunpowder factory in Kotovsk, where tragedies are occurring one after another.

Today, on his personal Facebook page, Maxim Kosenkov wrote that he had received a copy of the government order:

Yesterday afternoon, courier mail delivered a copy of the order of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia D.O. Rogozin on the appeal of the regional branch of the RODINA PARTY in the Tambov region dated March 13, 2016 on the situation at the Tambov gunpowder plant in Kotovsk in connection with another tragic event that claimed lives workers of this enterprise on March 11, 2016.

The Deputy Prime Minister instructed the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov to consider the appeal, taking into account the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2016 No. RD-P7-1328, to inform M.Yu. Kosenkov about the results and report to the Government of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin indicated:

Too many questions have accumulated about this enterprise.

In turn, Rogozin sent a copy of the appeal to the secretariats of Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, Deputy Prime Ministers I. Shuvalov, S. Prikhodko. Resolution of problematic issues of the enterprise's activities is under the control of the Government. The Department of Defense Industry is tasked with compiling all the information for the report.



Approve the attached changes that are being made to the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2012 N 1386 "On the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 N 603 "On the implementation of plans (programs) for the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies and modernization of the military-industrial complex" and (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated September 20, 2013 N 1500 and dated May 7, 2014 N 858).


Changes that are being made to the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated September 28, 2012 N 1386 “On the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 N 603 “On the implementation of plans (programs) for the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies and modernization of the military-industrial complex" and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 596 "On long-term state economic policy"

1. The preamble of the order after the words “instructions of the Deputy Prime Minister D.O. Rogozin dated April 3, 2013 No. RD-P7-2071” should be supplemented with the words “instructions of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2014 No. 4” .

2. In paragraph 2:

replace the words “(L.V. Strugov)” with the words “(B.A. Kabakov)”;

the words “(A.I. Boginsky)” should be replaced with the words “(S.V. Emelyanov)”.

3. In paragraphs 3, , the words “Department of Strategic Development” in the appropriate cases should be replaced with the words “Department of Strategic Development and Project Management”.

4. In paragraph 7, the words “(to V.G. Artyukhov)” should be replaced with the words “(to S.I. Dovguchitsa)”.

5. The system of indicators for a comprehensive assessment of the state and dynamics of development of organizations of the military-industrial complex, approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated September 28, 2012 N 1386, is supplemented with paragraphs 9 and 10 of the following content:

"9. Lean Manufacturing Indicators

62. Availability of a lean production system

63. Number of implemented complex projects based on the lean manufacturing concept, units

64. Growth in revenue from sales of products (works, services), %

65. Ratio of finished product balances to revenue, %

66. Ratio of work in progress balances to the volume of manufactured products, %

67. Ratio of inventories to volume of production, %

68. The ratio of the cost of manufactured products to the volume of manufactured products, kopecks/rub.

69. Share of losses from defects in cost, %

70. Number of victims in industrial accidents, people.

10. Import substitution indicators

71. Share of production of import-substituting products in the total volume of products produced by defense industry organizations, including military and civilian products, %

72. The ratio of the number of military equipment samples included in action plans for import substitution and reducing dependence on supplies of foreign-made products (hereinafter referred to as action plans) provided for the creation, purchase and repair within the framework of the State Program and State Defense Order, to the total number of military hardware samples within the framework of concluded state contracts, %

73. Number of items (components, raw materials and materials) subject to import substitution as part of the implementation of action plans, units of them:

a) implemented, including:

change in supply logistics

including for samples being developed

b) planned for implementation, including:

development (replacement with) Russian analogues

change in supply logistics

creation of safety stocks - total,

including for samples being developed."

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