Messenger. A true story about love. With all my love


true story about love

From the publisher

This preface might not have existed at all. It would seem that the book already has enough introductions, dedications, epigraphs and other optional things that distract attention from the main text. To be honest, until recently I thought exactly this way and, as a rule, leafed through all these ceremonial exercises. But when the layout has already been signed within five minutes, I suddenly realize that I have something to say to the reader. More precisely not so - I just I can not help saying that. It's stronger than me. It happens to you too, doesn’t it? You just know that have to do it. Why is not important. This Right. And you feel it.

So it was with the book you are now holding in your hands. In May 2004 we released “Transurfing Reality” by Vadim Zeland. A month and a half later, Vadim forwarded us a letter from one of his American readers, who, expressing gratitude for “Transurfing,” also mentioned “The Messenger” by Klaus Joule. They became interested, found links to the book on the Internet, and then a Russian translation, openly published on the Internet. I printed it out and took it home to read. Somehow it didn’t work out right away: either I was leaving on a business trip, or something else distracted me. I gave the manuscript to a friend to read while I was leaving. I arrive, she meets me, her eyes are shining, she says in complete delight: “This is..! This..! This is wonderful, amazing. This is new! I have no words... Thank you so much! This is your book! Be sure to publish it." I became interested and started reading.

Again this indescribable feeling - you read and understand: you have to publish this. The first time this happened was with Transurfing. In general, a remarkable and surprising fact: these books find us themselves. Although with the “Messenger” everything turned out to be difficult. Negotiations with the previous publisher took about nine months. Only thanks to our common desire to publish this book for you, the joint efforts of all participants in the process (and believe me, there were many people involved in this matter), faith in ourselves and our love (you will understand what we are talking about when you read this book) , we eventually got the rights to it.

“The Messenger” by Klaus Joule continues the “Transurfing Reality” series. The success of Transurfing confirmed your interest in this topic. We are clearly aware of the degree of responsibility that now lies with us. Because the most valuable thing we have is your attention. But it is unpredictable and fickle, like a butterfly. But we are sure that this book will not disappoint you. She is original, independent, unique, transparent, airy and light. And I envy you in a good way, because you have ahead of you that indescribable feeling and joy of the first reading that everyone who gets acquainted with “The Messenger” experiences.

By the way, a few more words about that good friend of mine who unwittingly turned out to be the first reader of a book that had not even been published, and about miracles that would have been impossible to believe if I had not witnessed them myself. We lived together then, and it just so happened that we were greatly annoyed by the plumbing that was always leaking somewhere. At some point, everything that could break broke. Plumbers were called repeatedly. In vain: as soon as they left, the water continued to flow. We almost drowned a couple of times. And then one day I come home and I can’t believe it: it’s quiet... The water not only doesn’t flow, it doesn’t drip... And my friend stands and shines. I ask: “How is it?” She answers mysteriously: “I read your “Messenger” and decided to try to “send” love... to our house and our... plumbing.” IT WORKED!.. And then what we didn’t do and what we didn’t achieve as a result, “sending” love... Starting from a suddenly green ficus tree, which before that was hopelessly bald, to a promotion at work, nice sums of money appearing almost out of thin air, but the most important thing is harmony and happiness in life...

Read a book...

With respect and love to everyone,


Irina Ivanova


who supported me

Everything in the world


with the help of Love.


Raising children is difficult because

that they need to teach us a lot in a short time.

It's a pity that it took me fifteen years to understand this.

It seems like I missed out on a lot of my education.

What if, after years of studying the so-called ancient wisdom, you find yourself at a dead end? It would seem that all the information is at hand, but nothing works.

Then one day, left without work and without money, you resort to brainstorming.

You put together everything you've learned about meditation, clairvoyance, out-of-body travel, etc. And you decide to mentally travel into the future to watch the results of tomorrow's sports competitions. And just when the money starts rolling in, you stumble upon your future self.

Ignore him!

Then another you from the future appears to change the past, or perhaps change the future.

What would you do if your future self offered you information about love that had been kept secret for centuries? Information with which all your dreams will come true. Would you give up easy money?

When you take this book home, you also have a choice to make.

Klaus J. Joel


You are about to embark on a journey that most of us only thought possible in those rare moments when we dared to dream the impossible.

Over the past thirty years, I have read a lot of books, spent countless hours doing meditation, visualization, learning out-of-body travel, but all the time I had the feeling that I was missing something. Moreover, after a while it begins to seem that all the books are just retelling the same material in different ways. Nothing really new.

One day in November of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five, having been fired from my job and not intending to look for a new one, I went to see a friend who was just betting on sports competitions. While talking about bets and lost winnings, a thought occurred to me. I suggested the possibility of using the subconscious mind to look into the future and find out the winner. He said that I was crazy, that it was impossible to predict the future, and gave two dozen arguments in support. It became obvious to me that he was slower than me. As for me, the longer I thought about my idea, the more I liked it. By the time I got home, the basic outlines of the idea had already taken shape in my head. It was necessary to find a state in which the conscious and subconscious come together and cooperate, and do not remain in their usual division. It sounds simple enough, and it is, although it took me a while to figure out all the details and develop a plan of action. Having borrowed the necessary books from the library, I tried various options for a week or two. Having considered all available information, I took what was necessary from each source. The conclusion was that you need to enter a very deep state of meditation (or a trance-like state of mind) and then move into the future to watch the results of the competition.

It worked and very quickly I started winning money. By placing small bets, I won small amounts. After some time, I tried to teach this method to a friend of mine, thinking that we would improve our results if we could compare our answers. He became frightened, declaring that he did not want to participate in this adventure in any way. My persuasion did not work. Even without being a believer, he argued that perhaps I was breaking some kind of cosmic law and would lose more than I would win. As it turns out, there is no such law in the universe against this, but it seems like she or All That Is had a plan. Without knowing it, I became its protagonist.

This is how it all started, but it ended differently. Even science is beginning to recognize the existence of a mysterious force we call love. For centuries, the word “love” has been used to describe feelings and sensations, but nothing has been said about the incredible source of energy responsible for nourishing everything around us. Imagine what you could do if you knew how to access this source! Imagine how many significant things you could do! But such a source exists in each of us from birth. For centuries, information about this was transmitted only to a few. Trying to win the sports lottery has nothing to do with information about love. But they created the motivation that allowed me to quiet my mind long enough to see the incredible things hidden under our noses.

Sometimes I wonder if the world is ready for this information? The answer is contained in the numerous letters that I have received and continue to receive. They are sent by people who are amazed by this incredible information and how quickly and effectively it works. Also, I was worried that this information could be used for evil purposes, and it seems that some have already tried. Warning: the energy of love is conscious and understands what exactly you want to do. Apparently that's why it works so well.

Klaus J. Joehle (September 24, 1957, Germany) is a German-Canadian metaphysical author.

Born in Germany in the Black Forest. At the age of nine he moved to Canada (Rosendale, British Columbia) to live with his aunt and uncle.

Canada was not the country of cowboys, prairies and western settlers that Klaus imagined, but he grew up in this country and achieved a lot, having been a farmer, a construction contractor, an artist, an entrepreneur and a writer.

Books (7)

Money is love, or something worth believing in. Volume 1-3

“Money is love, or something worth believing in” is a book about how to become a wealthy person and never need for anything.

Almost all people would like to have a lot of money, but not everyone can become rich. Klaus Joule believes that it is the fear of failure that makes fulfilling a dream impossible. His advice will help you get rid of the strongest limiting beliefs and fears, such as: “I will never be rich”, “money is evil”, “there is never enough money”, because a person will never be able to get what he is afraid of.

From the book you will learn the power of our thoughts, emotions and desires. How to act correctly to get your first million dollars.

Money is love. Volume 1

Since the book “The Messenger” was published, Klaus J. Joule has received and continues to receive a lot of letters in which readers share their impressions. They write about the changes in their lives, about how much everything around them has improved after they learned about the truly magical energy that love has.

But after some time, readers notice that something is hindering their development. A person develops to a certain point and then stops. The author explains the reason for what is happening. It lies in the absence of abundance, which is necessary to move forward.

How to learn to live in abundance: have money and manage it wisely - you will learn about all this thanks to this book. While reading it, just be attentive and ready for changes - the result will not be long in coming.

Money is love. Volume 2.

“Money is love, or something worth believing in. Volume 2"

Klaus Joule shows by personal example what needs to be done to become the legal and happy owner of $3.6 million. It turns out that when you learn every day to manage your thoughts and feelings, you can become not just wealthy, but a very rich person.

Elementary laws of abundance

Wealth needs no justification, although it often falls on the opposite side of the scale when it comes to spiritual values. However, real Abundance is the cherished point of balance between enlightened consciousness and a solid bank account, which is quite possible to achieve with just one effort of thought.

By accepting the gifts of the Universe, you create luxury for yourself and others and experience an all-encompassing joy. Such a life always has meaning.

This book was written to make your wishes come true. Just start reading and you will see how, following positive thoughts about wealth, real Abundance comes into your life.

Reader comments

evayanrani/ 08/12/2018 These books have changed my entire worldview, I advise everyone to listen to audio books and listen to them several times, because every time you hear some information that you didn’t hear the first time you listened or read it because you simply weren’t ready for it yet! Klaus Joel helped me survive and remain sane! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, which once again radiates love.

Kulyash/ 12/16/2017 Thank you!!! My dreams began to come true...
Sending love and filling it with love is the most beautiful and best thing on Earth!
It works! Sending love to you all!

Marie/ 12.12.2017 This is magic!!! Before I had time to read 3 chapters of the book The Messenger, a miracle happened, my wish was fulfilled by people from whom I did not even expect such generosity. I wish you all love and fulfillment of desires!

nawies62mailru/ 10/23/2017 Hello "Replacement Player / 04/26/2017" if you come here again and read this. You haven’t written in detail how you send love, but I know that there is one mistake many people make in particular, and I had one too. You can’t be negative at such moments. While waiting for the start, I was advised to turn on the music and even dance. My spirits lifted. Sadness and other bad feelings disappeared. It worked. Later, the mood automatically improved with the thought of sending love. Try.

Dima/ 10/9/2017 Working. I recommend it to everyone! This is something!

Yana/ 07.29.2017 Thank you! These books are AMAZING!!!

Substitute player/ 04/26/2017 Hello everyone! But I can’t send it, it seems like I’m doing everything according to the instructions, but nothing comes out. Please tell me what to do, maybe try something else first?

Galina/ 11/20/2016 thank you for the wonderful books

Nikita/ 10.23.2016 As Klaus wrote, there is no need to be afraid of those states of leaving the body. This is the energy body with which you have a strong connection. And the fact that he practiced leaving the body, just don’t think that I’m talking about the astral plane. There are exits of the astral body and there is our subconscious. After reading this book, I still did not understand how to control the condition. I relax to the point that I don’t feel my body, I miss all the pictures, but my mind persistently imposes memories on me. Then I was sucked into the image. It is very difficult to maintain the condition.

Vladimir/ 10/23/2016 Olga seemed to be leaving her body. Not bad.

Kirill/ 06/16/2016 The book “Messenger” is self-sufficient, and even then the parts are about Love. His other books are more about prejudices

Lily/ 01/09/2016 Olga, exactly this happened to me: a funnel sucking through my head, only I read other similar books. I also started praying out of fear and everything went away))) most likely, this is the beginning of leaving the body..

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

From the publisher

This preface might not have existed at all. It would seem that the book already has enough introductions, dedications, epigraphs and other optional things that distract attention from the main text. To be honest, until recently I thought exactly this way and, as a rule, leafed through all these ceremonial exercises. But when the layout has already been signed within five minutes, I suddenly realize that I have something to say to the reader. More precisely not so - I just I can not help saying that. It's stronger than me. It happens to you too, doesn’t it? You just know that have to do it. Why is not important. This Right. And you feel it.

So it was with the book you are now holding in your hands. In May 2004, we released “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland. A month and a half later, Vadim forwarded us a letter from one of his American readers, who, expressing gratitude for “Transurfing,” also mentioned “The Messenger” by Klaus Joule. They became interested, found links to the book on the Internet, and then a Russian translation, openly published on the Internet. I printed it out and took it home to read. Somehow it didn’t work out right away: either I was leaving on a business trip, or something else distracted me. I gave the manuscript to a friend to read while I was leaving. I arrive, she meets me, her eyes are shining, she says in complete delight: “This is..! This..! This is wonderful, amazing. This is new! I have no words... Thank you so much! This is your book! Be sure to publish it." I became interested and started reading.

Again this indescribable feeling - you read and understand: you have to publish it. The first time this happened was with Transurfing. Generally a remarkable and surprising fact: these books find us themselves. Although with the “Messenger” everything turned out to be difficult. Negotiations with the previous publisher took about nine months. Only thanks to our common desire to publish this book for you, the joint efforts of all participants in the process (and believe me, there were a lot of people involved in this matter), faith in ourselves and our love (you will understand what we are talking about when you read this book) , we eventually got the rights to it.

“The Messenger” by Klaus Joule continues the “Reality Transurfing” series. The success of Transurfing confirmed your interest in this topic. We are clearly aware of the degree of responsibility that now lies with us. Because the most valuable thing we have is your attention. But it is unpredictable and fickle, like a butterfly. But we are sure that this book will not disappoint you. She is original, independent, unique, transparent, airy and light. And I envy you in a good way, because you have ahead of you that indescribable feeling and joy of the first reading that everyone who gets acquainted with “The Messenger” experiences.

By the way, a few more words about that good friend of mine who unwittingly turned out to be the first reader of a book that had not even been published, and about miracles that would have been impossible to believe if I had not witnessed them myself.

We lived together then, and it just so happened that we were greatly annoyed by the plumbing that was always leaking somewhere. At some point, everything that could break broke. Plumbers were called repeatedly. In vain: as soon as they left, the water continued to flow. We almost drowned a couple of times. And then one day I come home and I can’t believe it: it’s quiet... The water not only doesn’t flow, it doesn’t drip... And my friend stands and shines. I ask: “How is it?” She answers mysteriously: “I read your “Messenger” and decided to try to “send” love... to our home and our... plumbing.” IT WORKED!.. And then what we didn’t do and what we didn’t achieve as a result, “sending” love... Starting from a suddenly green ficus tree, which before that was hopelessly bald, to a promotion at work, nice sums of money appearing almost out of thin air, but the most important thing is harmony and happiness in life...

Read a book...

With respect and love to everyone,


Irina Ivanova



who supported me

I'll say:

Everything in the world


with the help of Love.


It is difficult to raise children because they need to teach us a lot in a short time.

It's a pity that it took me fifteen years to understand this.

It seems like I missed out on a lot of my education.


What if, after years of studying the so-called ancient wisdom, you find yourself at a dead end? It would seem that all the information is at hand, but nothing works.

Then one day, left without work and without money, you resort to brainstorming.

You put together everything you've learned about meditation, clairvoyance, out-of-body travel, etc. And decide to mentally travel into the future to watch the results of tomorrow's sports competitions. And just when the money starts rolling in, you stumble upon your future self.

Ignore him!

Then another you from the future appears to change the past, or perhaps change the future.

What would you do if your future self offered you information about love that had been kept secret for centuries? Information with which all your dreams will come true. Would you give up easy money?

When you take this book home, you also have a choice to make.

Klaus J. Joel


You are about to embark on a journey that most of us only thought possible in those rare moments when we dared to dream the impossible.

Over the past thirty years, I have read a ton of books, spent countless hours doing meditation, visualization, learning out-of-body travel, but all the time I had the feeling that I was missing something. Moreover, after a while it begins to seem that all the books are just retelling the same material in different ways. Nothing really new.

One day in November 1995, having been fired from my job and not intending to look for a new one, I went to see a friend who was in the business of betting on sports competitions. While talking about bets and lost winnings, a thought occurred to me. I suggested the possibility of using the subconscious mind to look into the future and find out the winner. He said that I was crazy, that it was impossible to predict the future, and gave two dozen arguments in support. It became obvious to me that he was slower than me. As for me, the longer I thought about my idea, the more I liked it. By the time I got home, the basic outlines of the idea had already taken shape in my head. It was necessary to find a state in which the conscious and subconscious come together and cooperate, and do not remain in their usual division. It sounds simple enough, and it is, although it took me a while to figure out all the details and develop a plan of action. Having borrowed the necessary books from the library, I tried various options for a week or two. Having considered all available information, I took what was necessary from each source. The conclusion was that you need to enter a very deep state of meditation (or a trance-like state of mind) and then move into the future to watch the results of the competition.

It worked and very quickly I started winning money. By placing small bets, I won small amounts. After some time, I tried to teach this method to a friend of mine, thinking that we would improve our results if we could compare our answers. He became frightened, declaring that he did not want to participate in this adventure in any way. My persuasion did not work. Even without being a believer, he argued that perhaps I was breaking some kind of cosmic law and would lose more than I would gain. As it turns out, there is no such law in the universe against this, but it seems like she or All That Is had a plan. Without knowing it, I became its protagonist.

This is how it all started, but it ended differently. Even science is beginning to recognize the existence of a mysterious force we call love. For centuries, the word “love” has been used to describe feelings and sensations, but nothing has been said about the incredible source of energy responsible for nourishing everything around us. Imagine what you could do if you knew how to access this source! Imagine how many significant things you could do! But such a source exists in each of us from birth. For centuries, information about this was transmitted only to a few. Trying to win the sports lottery has nothing to do with information about love. But they created the motivation that allowed me to quiet my mind long enough to see the incredible things hidden under our noses.

Sometimes I wonder if the world is ready for this information? The answer is contained in the numerous letters that I have received and continue to receive. They are sent by people who are amazed by this incredible information and how quickly and effectively it works. Also, I was worried that this information could be used for evil purposes, and it seems that some have already tried. Warning: the energy of love is conscious and understands what exactly you want to do. Apparently that's why it works so well.

The story you are about to read is as true as I have been able to tell it. To the best of my knowledge, the information you will discover in this book has never been made public before. Despite the fact that the authors of many books mention the power of love, in none of them you will find instructions on how to use the energy of love to make your dreams and your love come true.

If you are tired of re-reading the same slightly changed material in books and are ready to take the next step, then continue reading this book further. You will discover a little-known unexpected incredible secret about love. If you are a person who flips through many books in search of something that will allow you to move forward, then in this book you will find what you are looking for. We have all been looking for this information.

With all my love,

Klaus Joel

Author's polemical statement

I suggest you take from this book what suits you and leave the rest.

It seems that as soon as we appeared on this planet, we began to destroy each other. We go to war and kill our own kind in thousands. We attack those who are weaker and take their things. We have killed and will continue to kill others in order to take possession of what we want. It happened that we ourselves were killed. Half of the globe lives in peace, while the other half is at war. Even by helping those who themselves are unable to defend themselves from the aggressor, we become the aggressor. For centuries we have been taught that aggression can be stopped only by fighting it. And it became a vicious circle. Some make every effort to live peacefully, but this ends up being attacked in order to take away their property. We have a fear of what others might do to us. Locks on doors, alarms in cars - nothing saves you. But there is another way. I'll give you an example.

Under the previous owners, the house in which I live was robbed five times in seven years. Five times the house was destroyed and things were taken out of it. But I have lived here in peace for a long time (although the same cannot be said about my neighbor). I don't have an alarm and the doors and windows are never locked. I don’t lock my car door, my garage is always open, and my tools are in plain sight. Well, perhaps, under various rubbish. Even when leaving, we don’t close anything, and when we return, all things are in their places. The last time I saw the keys to the house was when I moved into it. Most will think that I am acting stupidly and inviting trouble on my own head. Normally I would agree with you, but you have not yet been exposed to the information contained in this book and do not know your options.

There was a time when I, like many, believed that God placed us on earth without giving us the strength to create heaven on earth. But over time I realized that it would be pointless. Then I didn’t yet know what this power was and how to get to it.

It is ridiculous to simultaneously believe that God created us powerless to create heaven on earth, and that we are particles of God. The fact that we are powerless to stop those who destroy everything in their path. This is funny, there is no truth in this. The truth is that we do have power, it is within us, waiting for us to claim it. This force is love, and we do not need to use violence to defend ourselves against violence against ourselves.

Do not be misled by either the word “love” or its usual definitions - for this is exactly how important information was hidden from us. It’s amazing how they worked with this word to make the mountain seem like a small pimple! Most would agree that love is one of the most powerful energies in the universe, but what next? In various ways we have been taught (and in many ways we have taught ourselves) that love is just a feeling, some kind of immaterial force - but this is not true. Love is much more, and with its help you can do a lot. The best way to hide something is to make it faceless, vague, and funny. Our universe is neither a closed nor self-sustaining system. She needs an external source of energy, and this is exactly what we call love. Think about it - the creator of everything created us too; and he gave us the power to create heaven on earth. Isn't it logical?

Many are afraid of what the future holds for them and their children. I can't blame them, but after reading this book you will agree that the only thing we have to fear is not discovering this information ourselves and not being able to pass it on to our children.

I learned meditation and other wonderful skills taught to us by spiritual researchers from the East and Tibet. And I have always wondered why, after five hundred years of meditation, the Tibetans were forced to flee the country, leaving their people to endure enslavement, torture and murder? Without in any way wishing to diminish their merits, I am only pointing out that, apparently, something was missed. Both they and we missed something important that could have kept the peace. If you are committed to making the world a better place, but are unable to keep you and your children safe, then you are missing something. Something is wrong in this picture. We expect God to come and intervene to fix everything, but he has given us free will and given us the power to protect ourselves without harming anyone. I know this is a bold statement, but it is confirmed by the authors of countless letters who witnessed the same miracle as I did.

I am not a believer, unless by that I mean the belief that there is something greater than me, capable of loving more than me.

As a child, like many of you, I attended Sunday school. But I had the feeling that something was missing. For example, where Jesus teaches to turn the other cheek, there is clearly something missing. What was missing was: “Send them love, fill them with love, that will make them stop,” well, and also instructions on how to effectively send love. If turning the other cheek is such an effective solution, then why not go further and give something more to the thieves who robbed your store or apartment? If this method works so well, then why are churches locked at night? The point of "turn the other cheek" is to avoid hitting back, but some of the information is missing. Information on how to work with love, how to activate this incredible source of energy, which will make it possible not only to protect yourself, but also to change the person who threatens you, and not be afraid to live the life you dream of.

Let's say you live in an area where there are no bodies of water and you have never seen drilling equipment. In this case, even if you have faith that there is water somewhere here, you will still die of thirst. After all, if you don’t know what drilling equipment is and how to use it, then it will only lie uselessly in the warehouse - like love inside us. Let love be the most powerful force we know; let it change our lives, make our dreams come true, create happiness, security, love and joy; but it is useless if we do not know how to use it and where to get it.

I would be scared if it were something other than love, but love is conscious and will not cause harm. Continue reading, make this discovery for yourself - your amazement will know no bounds.

The information I put in this book you won't find anywhere else, but that will change quickly. After writing the first draft of the book, I posted the text on a web page to see how interesting and understandable it was to others, because some things are difficult to express in words. The response was amazing. Readers reported that this was the "missing link" and that they were amazed at the results. Thank you all for your support!

If you consider yourself an esotericist or healer, or at least want to become one, here you will find the necessary information. With its help you can take the next step.

I apologize to the Tibetans if the example I gave offends them, but the time has come to fill the world with the energy of love, the energy it so needs.

I am addressing those two Tibetans who were among the few who had this information but continued to keep it secret. The time has come, it is time to let people know that there is a hidden power based on love within them, and it is time to release it.

It's time for humanity to be able to live in a world without fear, to live in a world where we can make our dreams come true. You have achieved a lot - you can live a very long time, you do not need food or food, you can become invisible. But you have forgotten how to live under someone else’s fist for those whom you have convinced of your own helplessness. You had your reasons, but in my understanding and in light of what is happening in the world, these reasons are not sufficient to continue to keep this knowledge secret. You and I cannot reach agreement here. And you knew that time was coming. I live in security, and now others can afford it too.

I appeal to those who believe in God. He gave you the power to create heaven on earth, and if you use his gift, he will come to earth, or perhaps appear in a moment. Think about whether you teach your children life skills or do everything for them yourself? If you let this information pass by simply because it comes from an unknown author and not from the High Priest, that will be your choice. God has given you the right and ability to create the world he intended.

Take for yourself what you like, and leave the rest for someone else who will like it. As it should be.

I appeal to those who write to me. I apologize that you are probably only getting short replies from me. There is too much time and too little time. All information is contained in this book. And also a story about how I found it, how to work with it, what to expect, and a description of some situations that happened to me. This story and my love is all I can give you. Grab the information and run away! Look back in two years and you will be amazed at what has been achieved. We will all be amazed. At the end of the book I have included answers to some questions that readers often ask me. Hope this helps you.

With all my love for you

on your journey!

Klaus J. Joel


Beloved and wife -

Roberta Joel,

Helped me so much

I dedicate this book.

Let's fall in love

Every moment, every day, night, week and year.

With all my love,


Supplement to the Russian edition

You are reading this book in Russian thanks to the work and perseverance of Kostya Kovalenko.

In every great accomplishment there is always an unsung hero who never quits.

Without him, the matter would remain unfinished.

Kostya, I take my hat off to you.

Klaus J. Joel

About the method used in editing

Spelling and grammar?

Perfect grammar never fed a hungry child.

Perfect spelling has not consoled any broken heart.

A perfectly ironed suit only hides the absence of the radiance of love.

Lack of love is the only flaw I know.

Therefore, relax.

Requirements for perfection in grammar and spelling -

These are boring, time-wasting illusions that hide what is truly necessary.

Another thirty to forty hours of editing would have made this text perfect.

Instead, they fed several hungry children.

I hope that every imperfection encountered in the text

Will remind you of what is truly important.

I once paid to have this book edited, but the revised text still contained many errors. Then my wife took over. But after long hours of editing, she accepted a natural fact of life: nothing is perfect.

Or maybe it's the other way around?

My wife believes that everything is perfect in its own way...

Current page: 1 (book has 16 pages total) [available reading passage: 11 pages]

Klaus J. Joel
Messenger. A true story about love

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

From the publisher

This preface might not have existed at all. It would seem that the book already has enough introductions, dedications, epigraphs and other optional things that distract attention from the main text. To be honest, until recently I thought exactly this way and, as a rule, leafed through all these ceremonial exercises. But when the layout has already been signed within five minutes, I suddenly realize that I have something to say to the reader. More precisely not so - I just I can not help saying that. It's stronger than me. It happens to you too, doesn’t it? You just know that have to do it. Why is not important. This Right. And you feel it.

So it was with the book you are now holding in your hands. In May 2004, we released “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland. A month and a half later, Vadim forwarded us a letter from one of his American readers, who, expressing gratitude for “Transurfing,” also mentioned “The Messenger” by Klaus Joule. They became interested, found links to the book on the Internet, and then a Russian translation, openly published on the Internet. I printed it out and took it home to read. Somehow it didn’t work out right away: either I was leaving on a business trip, or something else distracted me. I gave the manuscript to a friend to read while I was leaving. I arrive, she meets me, her eyes are shining, she says in complete delight: “This is..! This..! This is wonderful, amazing. This is new! I have no words... Thank you so much! This is your book! Be sure to publish it." I became interested and started reading.

Again this indescribable feeling - you read and understand: you have to publish it. The first time this happened was with Transurfing. Generally a remarkable and surprising fact: these books find us themselves. Although with the “Messenger” everything turned out to be difficult. Negotiations with the previous publisher took about nine months. Only thanks to our common desire to publish this book for you, the joint efforts of all participants in the process (and believe me, there were a lot of people involved in this matter), faith in ourselves and our love (you will understand what we are talking about when you read this book) , we eventually got the rights to it.

“The Messenger” by Klaus Joule continues the “Reality Transurfing” series. The success of Transurfing confirmed your interest in this topic. We are clearly aware of the degree of responsibility that now lies with us. Because the most valuable thing we have is your attention. But it is unpredictable and fickle, like a butterfly. But we are sure that this book will not disappoint you. She is original, independent, unique, transparent, airy and light. And I envy you in a good way, because you have ahead of you that indescribable feeling and joy of the first reading that everyone who gets acquainted with “The Messenger” experiences.

By the way, a few more words about that good friend of mine who unwittingly turned out to be the first reader of a book that had not even been published, and about miracles that would have been impossible to believe if I had not witnessed them myself. We lived together then, and it just so happened that we were greatly annoyed by the plumbing that was always leaking somewhere. At some point, everything that could break broke. Plumbers were called repeatedly. In vain: as soon as they left, the water continued to flow. We almost drowned a couple of times. And then one day I come home and I can’t believe it: it’s quiet... The water not only doesn’t flow, it doesn’t drip... And my friend stands and shines. I ask: “How is it?” She answers mysteriously: “I read your “Messenger” and decided to try to “send” love... to our home and our... plumbing.” IT WORKED!.. And then what we didn’t do and what we didn’t achieve as a result, “sending” love... Starting from a suddenly green ficus tree, which before that was hopelessly bald, to a promotion at work, nice sums of money appearing almost out of thin air, but the most important thing is harmony and happiness in life...

Read a book...

With respect and love to everyone,


Irina Ivanova



who supported me

I'll say:

Everything in the world


with the help of Love.


It is difficult to raise children because they need to teach us a lot in a short time.

It's a pity that it took me fifteen years to understand this.

It seems like I missed out on a lot of my education.


What if, after years of studying the so-called ancient wisdom, you find yourself at a dead end? It would seem that all the information is at hand, but nothing works.

Then one day, left without work and without money, you resort to brainstorming.

You put together everything you've learned about meditation, clairvoyance, out-of-body travel, etc. And decide to mentally travel into the future to watch the results of tomorrow's sports competitions. And just when the money starts rolling in, you stumble upon your future self.

Ignore him!

Then another you from the future appears to change the past, or perhaps change the future.

What would you do if your future self offered you information about love that had been kept secret for centuries? Information with which all your dreams will come true. Would you give up easy money?

When you take this book home, you also have a choice to make.

Klaus J. Joel


You are about to embark on a journey that most of us only thought possible in those rare moments when we dared to dream the impossible.

Over the past thirty years, I have read a ton of books, spent countless hours doing meditation, visualization, learning out-of-body travel, but all the time I had the feeling that I was missing something. Moreover, after a while it begins to seem that all the books are just retelling the same material in different ways. Nothing really new.

One day in November 1995, having been fired from my job and not intending to look for a new one, I went to see a friend who was in the business of betting on sports competitions. While talking about bets and lost winnings, a thought occurred to me. I suggested the possibility of using the subconscious mind to look into the future and find out the winner. He said that I was crazy, that it was impossible to predict the future, and gave two dozen arguments in support. It became obvious to me that he was slower than me. As for me, the longer I thought about my idea, the more I liked it. By the time I got home, the basic outlines of the idea had already taken shape in my head. It was necessary to find a state in which the conscious and subconscious come together and cooperate, and do not remain in their usual division. It sounds simple enough, and it is, although it took me a while to figure out all the details and develop a plan of action. Having borrowed the necessary books from the library, I tried various options for a week or two. Having considered all available information, I took what was necessary from each source. The conclusion was that you need to enter a very deep state of meditation (or a trance-like state of mind) and then move into the future to watch the results of the competition.

It worked and very quickly I started winning money. By placing small bets, I won small amounts. After some time, I tried to teach this method to a friend of mine, thinking that we would improve our results if we could compare our answers. He became frightened, declaring that he did not want to participate in this adventure in any way. My persuasion did not work. Even without being a believer, he argued that perhaps I was breaking some kind of cosmic law and would lose more than I would gain. As it turns out, there is no such law in the universe against this, but it seems like she or All That Is had a plan. Without knowing it, I became its protagonist.

This is how it all started, but it ended differently. Even science is beginning to recognize the existence of a mysterious force we call love. For centuries, the word “love” has been used to describe feelings and sensations, but nothing has been said about the incredible source of energy responsible for nourishing everything around us. Imagine what you could do if you knew how to access this source! Imagine how many significant things you could do! But such a source exists in each of us from birth. For centuries, information about this was transmitted only to a few. Trying to win the sports lottery has nothing to do with information about love. But they created the motivation that allowed me to quiet my mind long enough to see the incredible things hidden under our noses.

Sometimes I wonder if the world is ready for this information? The answer is contained in the numerous letters that I have received and continue to receive. They are sent by people who are amazed by this incredible information and how quickly and effectively it works. Also, I was worried that this information could be used for evil purposes, and it seems that some have already tried. Warning: the energy of love is conscious and understands what exactly you want to do. Apparently that's why it works so well.

The story you are about to read is as true as I have been able to tell it. To the best of my knowledge, the information you will discover in this book has never been made public before. Despite the fact that the authors of many books mention the power of love, in none of them you will find instructions on how to use the energy of love to make your dreams and your love come true.

If you are tired of re-reading the same slightly changed material in books and are ready to take the next step, then continue reading this book further. You will discover a little-known unexpected incredible secret about love. If you are a person who flips through many books in search of something that will allow you to move forward, then in this book you will find what you are looking for. We have all been looking for this information.

With all my love,

Klaus Joel

Author's polemical statement

I suggest you take from this book what suits you and leave the rest.

It seems that as soon as we appeared on this planet, we began to destroy each other. We go to war and kill our own kind in thousands. We attack those who are weaker and take their things. We have killed and will continue to kill others in order to take possession of what we want. It happened that we ourselves were killed. Half of the globe lives in peace, while the other half is at war. Even by helping those who themselves are unable to defend themselves from the aggressor, we become the aggressor. For centuries we have been taught that aggression can be stopped only by fighting it. And it became a vicious circle. Some make every effort to live peacefully, but this ends up being attacked in order to take away their property. We have a fear of what others might do to us. Locks on doors, alarms in cars - nothing saves you. But there is another way. I'll give you an example.

Under the previous owners, the house in which I live was robbed five times in seven years. Five times the house was destroyed and things were taken out of it. But I have lived here in peace for a long time (although the same cannot be said about my neighbor). I don't have an alarm and the doors and windows are never locked. I don’t lock my car door, my garage is always open, and my tools are in plain sight. Well, perhaps, under various rubbish. Even when leaving, we don’t close anything, and when we return, all things are in their places. The last time I saw the keys to the house was when I moved into it. Most will think that I am acting stupidly and inviting trouble on my own head. Normally I would agree with you, but you have not yet been exposed to the information contained in this book and do not know your options.

There was a time when I, like many, believed that God placed us on earth without giving us the strength to create heaven on earth. But over time I realized that it would be pointless. Then I didn’t yet know what this power was and how to get to it.

It is ridiculous to simultaneously believe that God created us powerless to create heaven on earth, and that we are particles of God. The fact that we are powerless to stop those who destroy everything in their path. This is funny, there is no truth in this. The truth is that we do have power, it is within us, waiting for us to claim it. This force is love, and we do not need to use violence to defend ourselves against violence against ourselves.

Do not be misled by either the word “love” or its usual definitions - for this is exactly how important information was hidden from us. It’s amazing how they worked with this word to make the mountain seem like a small pimple! Most would agree that love is one of the most powerful energies in the universe, but what next? In various ways we have been taught (and in many ways we have taught ourselves) that love is just a feeling, some kind of immaterial force - but this is not true. Love is much more, and with its help you can do a lot. The best way to hide something is to make it faceless, vague, and funny. Our universe is neither a closed nor self-sustaining system. She needs an external source of energy, and this is exactly what we call love. Think about it - the creator of everything created us too; and he gave us the power to create heaven on earth. Isn't it logical?

Many are afraid of what the future holds for them and their children. I can't blame them, but after reading this book you will agree that the only thing we have to fear is not discovering this information ourselves and not being able to pass it on to our children.

I learned meditation and other wonderful skills taught to us by spiritual researchers from the East and Tibet. And I have always wondered why, after five hundred years of meditation, the Tibetans were forced to flee the country, leaving their people to endure enslavement, torture and murder? Without in any way wishing to diminish their merits, I am only pointing out that, apparently, something was missed. Both they and we missed something important that could have kept the peace. If you are committed to making the world a better place, but are unable to keep you and your children safe, then you are missing something. Something is wrong in this picture. We expect God to come and intervene to fix everything, but he has given us free will and given us the power to protect ourselves without harming anyone. I know this is a bold statement, but it is confirmed by the authors of countless letters who witnessed the same miracle as I did.

I am not a believer, unless by that I mean the belief that there is something greater than me, capable of loving more than me.

As a child, like many of you, I attended Sunday school. But I had the feeling that something was missing. For example, where Jesus teaches to turn the other cheek, there is clearly something missing. What was missing was: “Send them love, fill them with love, that will make them stop,” well, and also instructions on how to effectively send love. If turning the other cheek is such an effective solution, then why not go further and give something more to the thieves who robbed your store or apartment? If this method works so well, then why are churches locked at night? The point of "turn the other cheek" is to avoid hitting back, but some of the information is missing. Information on how to work with love, how to activate this incredible source of energy, which will make it possible not only to protect yourself, but also to change the person who threatens you, and not be afraid to live the life you dream of.

Let's say you live in an area where there are no bodies of water and you have never seen drilling equipment. In this case, even if you have faith that there is water somewhere here, you will still die of thirst. After all, if you don’t know what drilling equipment is and how to use it, then it will only lie uselessly in the warehouse - like love inside us. Let love be the most powerful force we know; let it change our lives, make our dreams come true, create happiness, security, love and joy; but it is useless if we do not know how to use it and where to get it.

I would be scared if it were something other than love, but love is conscious and will not cause harm. Continue reading, make this discovery for yourself - your amazement will know no bounds.

The information I put in this book you won't find anywhere else, but that will change quickly. After writing the first draft of the book, I posted the text on a web page to see how interesting and understandable it was to others, because some things are difficult to express in words. The response was amazing. Readers reported that this was the "missing link" and that they were amazed at the results. Thank you all for your support!

If you consider yourself an esotericist or healer, or at least want to become one, here you will find the necessary information. With its help you can take the next step.

I apologize to the Tibetans if the example I gave offends them, but the time has come to fill the world with the energy of love, the energy it so needs.

I am addressing those two Tibetans who were among the few who had this information but continued to keep it secret. The time has come, it is time to let people know that there is a hidden power based on love within them, and it is time to release it.

It's time for humanity to be able to live in a world without fear, to live in a world where we can make our dreams come true. You have achieved a lot - you can live a very long time, you do not need food or food, you can become invisible. But you have forgotten how to live under someone else’s fist for those whom you have convinced of your own helplessness. You had your reasons, but in my understanding and in light of what is happening in the world, these reasons are not sufficient to continue to keep this knowledge secret. You and I cannot reach agreement here. And you knew that time was coming. I live in security, and now others can afford it too.

I appeal to those who believe in God. He gave you the power to create heaven on earth, and if you use his gift, he will come to earth, or perhaps appear in a moment. Think about whether you teach your children life skills or do everything for them yourself? If you let this information pass by simply because it comes from an unknown author and not from the High Priest, that will be your choice. God has given you the right and ability to create the world he intended.

Take for yourself what you like, and leave the rest for someone else who will like it. As it should be.

I appeal to those who write to me. I apologize that you are probably only getting short replies from me. There is too much time and too little time. All information is contained in this book. And also a story about how I found it, how to work with it, what to expect, and a description of some situations that happened to me. This story and my love is all I can give you. Grab the information and run away! Look back in two years and you will be amazed at what has been achieved. We will all be amazed. At the end of the book I have included answers to some questions that readers often ask me. Hope this helps you.

With all my love for you

on your journey!

Klaus J. Joel


Beloved and wife -

Roberta Joel,

Helped me so much

I dedicate this book.

Let's fall in love

Every moment, every day, night, week and year.

With all my love,


Supplement to the Russian edition

You are reading this book in Russian thanks to the work and perseverance of Kostya Kovalenko.

In every great accomplishment there is always an unsung hero who never quits.

Without him, the matter would remain unfinished.

Kostya, I take my hat off to you.

Klaus J. Joel

About the method used in editing

Spelling and grammar?

Perfect grammar never fed a hungry child.

Perfect spelling has not consoled any broken heart.

A perfectly ironed suit only hides the absence of the radiance of love.

Lack of love is the only flaw I know.

Therefore, relax.

Requirements for perfection in grammar and spelling -

These are boring, time-wasting illusions that hide what is truly necessary.

Another thirty to forty hours of editing would have made this text perfect.

Instead, they fed several hungry children.

I hope that every imperfection encountered in the text

Will remind you of what is truly important.

I once paid to have this book edited, but the revised text still contained many errors. Then my wife took over. But after long hours of editing, she accepted a natural fact of life: nothing is perfect.

Or maybe it's the other way around?

My wife believes that everything is perfect in its own way...

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

From the series editor

Like many readers, when buying a new book, first of all, I pay attention to the design of the cover, then I read the text on the back - usually it briefly and succinctly tells about the author and the main idea of ​​the book, I look at the table of contents, and then look through a couple of paragraphs so that to finally confirm your choice and be confident in the author’s writing ability. What about the foreword? And the preface always seemed like a boring but necessary appendix, which I could only look into if I was interested in the history of the book’s publication or the details of the author’s biography.

Why did I still decide to write that very Preface, which many will probably miss?

Firstly, it is very short - there is a chance that you will read it.

Secondly, I cannot help but say at least a few words about the new series of books - “A Life Full of Love”. I want to prevent the perception of these books that is undesirable for me, as a publisher: “I see... Since it’s about love, it’s probably for bored young ladies and ladies... Not my thing.” If you thought so, then this series is just for you!

“Life Full of Love” has formed into a separate direction within the framework of the series familiar and beloved by many readers – “Reality Transurfing”. Anyone who has read Vadim Zeland's books knows that bored young ladies and lovers of simple romance novels are not his readership.

The first and central book in the “Life Full of Love” series was “The Messenger” by Klaus J. Joule, which we learned about thanks to Vadim Zeland. In May 2004 we released Reality Transurfing. A month and a half later, Vadim forwarded us a letter from one of his American readers, who, expressing gratitude for “Transurfing,” also mentioned “The Messenger” by Klaus Joule. They became interested, found links to the book on the Internet, and then a Russian translation, openly published on the Internet. Although there were many obstacles, we eventually got the rights to it. After reading The Messenger, we knew that should publish it.

This book about love, but don’t be alarmed, it’s not just about feeling. In his book, Klaus J. Joel opens up new levels of understanding of love - a power that can completely change reality.

“The Messenger” is an incredible story about a dream come true, opening up another space in everyday reality, where all the rules are set by love.

After going through multiple reprints, after some time “The Messenger” united books on similar topics. And they felt cramped in Reality Transurfing. The result is a new series, the authors of which (Rene Egli, Mark Fischer, members of the Klaus J. Joule forum, etc.) talk about how, using the most valuable resource - love, you can fulfill your most unrealistic dreams, change not only yourself, your attitude towards life, external circumstances, get rid of negativity, but also learn to manage your finances.

"A Life Full of Love" offers other look at reality others the laws that govern this reality other a life with great opportunities that many are not even aware of.

What else I would like to dwell on... You have probably read more than one book about how to change your life. But “A Life Full of Love” has a fundamental difference from similar publications. The books in this series primarily focus on feelings rather than mental patterns. The authors prove that love plays a leading role, subordinating the laws of life. And if you follow the rules that love sets, you can change a lot. They do not suggest immediately abandoning the usual way of thinking, and through their own experience and examples they show what can happen if you follow the laws of love.

What else?..

All books are written either in artistic form - stories about personal experience, or using a large number of examples. They are simple and accessible in presentation, fascinating and somewhat artistic... Read in one breath.

I would like to note one more point that seems important to me - the last one, because I promised that the Preface would be short. So here it is. In these books no one will teach and educate you. The authors of the series simply call for using the most valuable resource called “love” for the benefit of yourself and for the benefit of people...

With wishes for exciting reading,

Oksana Filicheva , series editor

Notes from a professional reader. Books of the greatest egoists

Attention, attention! All posts of the reader movement!

There's a new serial killer in town! It destroys your stereotypes, destroys your standards, and shatters your ideas of what a book should be. Be careful! The criminal is armed and very interesting!

But seriously, in place of destroyed stereotypes, our “criminal” will plant beautiful flowers of new opportunities... So get acquainted - new book series!

Please love...

– Let me introduce myself: Life.

– Just Life?

A life full of love! to be completely accurate.

Very nice!

We are very pleased. After all, such a dialogue could happen between you and a new series of books.

– And this is how I appeared... Energy flows and vortexes gathered me and brought me to the right place at the right time, to the right people.

- Wow, how interesting!

History of creation

It all started with The Messenger. This book appeared in our publishing house in full accordance with its title, like a messenger with a specific mission, mystical and timely.

In the “Reality Transurfing” series, this book was unanimously accepted and approved. But since like attracts like, like-minded books soon began to gather around her. And after a while we are very clear saw these books are not “inside” “Transurfing”, but “next to” it.

The publisher suggests, but the book disposes...

– So to be continued?

- Yes. Everything is just beginning...

Transurfing full of love - find the differences

The zero mark on the displacement scale can be considered unconditional love. As you know, it does not create dependency relationships and does not create excess potential.

V. Zeland “Transurfing of reality”

How is the series “Life Full of Love” different from “Reality Transurfing” and is it different?

Still, the ideas are the same, the same view of the world, the same understanding of the laws by which a person creates reality. "Thought is material" A “The world is what we think about it”. At the same time, no one teaches the reader about what is good and what is bad, what he should strive for, what to avoid, why to live. It simply describes a way to create the desired reality for oneself - and what it will be, everyone “chooses for themselves.”

However, there are differences. Fundamentally different, new an approach, or rather an angle of perception, that will be of interest both to those who are already familiar with “Transurfing” and its principles, and to those who hear this name for the first time.

- Lift my eyelids!

- Certainly! Anything else?

-What do you have?

– Our price list includes: changing consciousness, opening the heart, radiating love, understanding oneself...

– Wrap a couple of kilos, please.

Think for yourself, feel for yourself...

You've probably noticed that people are divided into Feelers and Thinkers. Thinkers are those who feel what they think about. And Feelers are the opposite: they think about what they feel. That is, for those who read “Reality Transurfing,” changes occur in the head and in the heart, but for readers of the “Life Full of Love” series, on the contrary, in the heart and in the head, the difference is only in the sequence.

Thus, “Transurfing” makes it possible understand that the “excess potential” created by a sense of importance prevents you from getting what you want, and having understood, hear“The rustle of the morning stars” is the voice of the soul. And then there will be joy from the mind, not grief.

- Knock-knock-knock...

- Welcome!

- Wow, what a beauty!

- Otherwise! People wrote with love, shared what they had learned and lived. Make yourself comfortable, we welcome guests.

“Everything is possible with love!”

This phrase, which has become the unifying motto for the entire series, can say a lot, but... it may not say anything. Such a capricious phrase. She speaks only to those who listen to her carefully, helps only those who want to learn something new, and opens up only to those who are not afraid of her.

Why be afraid of us?

A book is often compared to a person. Books can be funny or sad, smart or stupid. Books often tell us the right words, can make us happy or tell us important facts. And there were probably books that you came across at just the right time...

What can you say in this case about a whole series of books? It can probably be compared to a team of like-minded people, people engaged in a common cause, in which each person, that is, each book, has his own character, his own thoughts and feelings. And at the same time, it is connected with the other books in the same series by something more than just common interests.

– Do you have any information?

- Which one do you want? For everyday life or going out?

– Is it possible to combine? And from natural materials, please.

– We’ll look... Oh, what you need is in the new collection. Feel it - do you feel it? Pure experience - without impurities! And notice how the interspersed images play in the sun!

- Yes, I guess I’ll take it. May I know the price?

– Such information is priceless... But it can be purchased on a medium. By the way, heat-resistant.

- So it doesn’t burn in fire? Great!

Book creators and readers

I always do what I love, the way I like it. Make yourself a song. Sing this song. Feel this song, become this song.

Klaus J. Joel "Weekend with a Drunken Leprechaun"

The books in the “Life Full of Love” series are united by simplicity and ease of style, a rational approach to irrational things. And, as a rule, an intriguing plot combined with a bewitching presentation incredible in such a way that it becomes right before our eyes obvious.

The authors of these books are by no means imitators. They each came to what is said in the books their own way: collecting grains of truth along the way and laying out a mosaic of understanding from them. Now they know that a person has a tool with which they can accomplish, or rather create, a lot, and with this tool – that’s all! - you need to learn how to use it.

In addition, they (the authors) have a similar experience of successful life and the desire, born on its basis, to share the algorithm of luck with the whole world. “The greatest “egoist” is the one who wishes only the best for others!” (René Egli "Principle" LOL2A. Perfection of the world")

The books themselves are addressed to a thinking person, quite free and very curious - what they tell cannot be fit into the scheme of any religious denomination, nor one esoteric movement, nor one scientific treatise. At the same time, the thoughts encountered on the pages of these books sometimes voice our deepest observations of reality.

- Oh, hello, thought! Haven't you and I met each other before?

- We saw each other, we saw each other. I got into your head. I was just young then, unformed...

In these books you will meet different characters: a mischievous leprechaun who comes to visit a bored “lucky guy” - together they learn to follow what brings joy to life.

The good-natured angel Sneaky, the mischievous Alenka Ofigelova, the insightful Millionaire... - getting to know all of them will give you a lot of pleasure. In addition, if you accidentally turn the page, you may find myself participant in one of the books.

On the path of love

The acquaintance continues: here is another local resident named Humor. He is a kind guy with a cheerful disposition. It keeps up everywhere - it flashes here, then there. Look how it sparkles in those sly eyes! These sparkles will illuminate the text, so you won’t be able to get lost in the virtual space of “outrageous ideas.”

By the way, we are willing to bet that for each of these books you will have at least ten shades of a smile: thoughtful, incredulous, childish, sad, bright, friendly, joyful, surprised, cheerful - and, finally, the “Mona Lisa smile” imperceptible and at the same time obvious, it will settle on your lips, as if reflecting the thoughts that have sunk into your heart and the feelings that have gripped your mind.

People, be careful! Keep in mind...

The universe is watching

Through my eyes

Space is dancing

With my feet

And all of Infinity

With my hands

My friend, hugs you!

Alena Ofigelova, participant of the book-forum “Password_Love_”

Nika Sherman, journalist

Part I. Messenger. A true story about love



who supported me

I'll say:

Everything in the world


with the help of Love.


It is difficult to raise children because they need to teach us a lot in a short time.

It's a pity that it took me fifteen years to understand this.

It seems like I missed out on a lot of my education.


What if, after years of studying the so-called ancient wisdom, you find yourself at a dead end? It would seem that all the information is at hand, but nothing works.

Then one day, left without work and without money, you resort to brainstorming.

You put together everything you've learned about meditation, clairvoyance, out-of-body travel, etc. And decide to mentally travel into the future to watch the results of tomorrow's sports competitions. And just when the money starts rolling in, you stumble upon your future self.

Ignore him!

Then another you from the future appears to change the past, or perhaps change the future.

What would you do if your future self offered you information about love that had been kept secret for centuries? Information with which all your dreams will come true. Would you give up easy money?

When you take this book home, you also have a choice to make.

Klaus J. Joel


You are about to embark on a journey that most of us only thought possible in those rare moments when we dared to dream the impossible.

Over the past thirty years, I have read a ton of books, spent countless hours doing meditation, visualization, learning out-of-body travel, but all the time I had the feeling that I was missing something. Moreover, after a while it begins to seem that all the books are just retelling the same material in different ways. Nothing really new.

One day in November 1995, having been fired from my job and not intending to look for a new one, I went to see a friend who was in the business of betting on sports competitions. While talking about bets and lost winnings, a thought occurred to me. I suggested the possibility of using the subconscious mind to look into the future and find out the winner. He said that I was crazy, that it was impossible to predict the future, and gave two dozen arguments in support. It became obvious to me that he was slower than me. As for me, the longer I thought about my idea, the more I liked it. By the time I got home, the basic outlines of the idea had already taken shape in my head. It was necessary to find a state in which the conscious and subconscious come together and cooperate, and do not remain in their usual division. It sounds simple enough, and it is, although it took me a while to figure out all the details and develop a plan of action. Having borrowed the necessary books from the library, I tried various options for a week or two. Having considered all available information, I took what was necessary from each source. The conclusion was that you need to enter a very deep state of meditation (or a trance-like state of mind) and then move into the future to watch the results of the competition.

It worked and very quickly I started winning money. By placing small bets, I won small amounts. After some time, I tried to teach this method to a friend of mine, thinking that we would improve our results if we could compare our answers. He became frightened, declaring that he did not want to participate in this adventure in any way. My persuasion did not work. Even without being a believer, he argued that perhaps I was breaking some kind of cosmic law and would lose more than I would gain. As it turns out, there is no such law in the universe against this, but it seems like she or All That Is had a plan. Without knowing it, I became its protagonist.

This is how it all started, but it ended differently. Even science is beginning to recognize the existence of a mysterious force we call love. For centuries, the word “love” has been used to describe feelings and sensations, but nothing has been said about the incredible source of energy responsible for nourishing everything around us. Imagine what you could do if you knew how to access this source! Imagine how many significant things you could do! But such a source exists in each of us from birth. For centuries, information about this was transmitted only to a few. Trying to win the sports lottery has nothing to do with information about love. But they created the motivation that allowed me to quiet my mind long enough to see the incredible things hidden under our noses.

Sometimes I wonder if the world is ready for this information? The answer is contained in the numerous letters that I have received and continue to receive. They are sent by people who are amazed by this incredible information and how quickly and effectively it works. Also, I was worried that this information could be used for evil purposes, and it seems that some have already tried. Warning: the energy of love is conscious and understands what exactly you want to do. Apparently that's why it works so well.

The story you are about to read is as true as I have been able to tell it. To the best of my knowledge, the information you will discover in this book has never been made public before. Despite the fact that the authors of many books mention the power of love, in none of them you will find instructions on how to use the energy of love to make your dreams and your love come true.

If you are tired of re-reading the same slightly changed material in books and are ready to take the next step, then continue reading this book further. You will discover a little-known unexpected incredible secret about love. If you are a person who flips through many books in search of something that will allow you to move forward, then in this book you will find what you are looking for. We have all been looking for this information.

With all my love,

Klaus Joel

Author's polemical statement

I suggest you take from this book what suits you and leave the rest.

It seems that as soon as we appeared on this planet, we began to destroy each other. We go to war and kill our own kind in thousands. We attack those who are weaker and take their things. We have killed and will continue to kill others in order to take possession of what we want. It happened that we ourselves were killed. Half of the globe lives in peace, while the other half is at war. Even by helping those who themselves are unable to defend themselves from the aggressor, we become the aggressor. For centuries we have been taught that aggression can be stopped only by fighting it. And it became a vicious circle. Some make every effort to live peacefully, but this ends up being attacked in order to take away their property. We have a fear of what others might do to us. Locks on doors, alarms in cars - nothing saves you. But there is another way. I'll give you an example.

Under the previous owners, the house in which I live was robbed five times in seven years. Five times the house was destroyed and things were taken out of it. But I have lived here in peace for a long time (although the same cannot be said about my neighbor). I don't have an alarm and the doors and windows are never locked. I don’t lock my car door, my garage is always open, and my tools are in plain sight. Well, perhaps, under various rubbish. Even when leaving, we don’t close anything, and when we return, all things are in their places. The last time I saw the keys to the house was when I moved into it. Most will think that I am acting stupidly and inviting trouble on my own head. Normally I would agree with you, but you have not yet been exposed to the information contained in this book and do not know your options.

There was a time when I, like many, believed that God placed us on earth without giving us the strength to create heaven on earth. But over time I realized that it would be pointless. Then I didn’t yet know what this power was and how to get to it.

It is ridiculous to simultaneously believe that God created us powerless to create heaven on earth, and that we are particles of God. The fact that we are powerless to stop those who destroy everything in their path. This is funny, there is no truth in this. The truth is that we do have power, it is within us, waiting for us to claim it. This force is love, and we do not need to use violence to defend ourselves against violence against ourselves.

Do not be misled by either the word “love” or its usual definitions - for this is exactly how important information was hidden from us. It’s amazing how they worked with this word to make the mountain seem like a small pimple! Most would agree that love is one of the most powerful energies in the universe, but what next? In various ways we have been taught (and in many ways we have taught ourselves) that love is just a feeling, some kind of immaterial force - but this is not true. Love is much more, and with its help you can do a lot. The best way to hide something is to make it faceless, vague, and funny. Our universe is neither a closed nor self-sustaining system. She needs an external source of energy, and this is exactly what we call love. Think about it - the creator of everything created us too; and he gave us the power to create heaven on earth. Isn't it logical?

Many are afraid of what the future holds for them and their children. I can't blame them, but after reading this book you will agree that the only thing we have to fear is not discovering this information ourselves and not being able to pass it on to our children.

I learned meditation and other wonderful skills taught to us by spiritual researchers from the East and Tibet. And I have always wondered why, after five hundred years of meditation, the Tibetans were forced to flee the country, leaving their people to endure enslavement, torture and murder? Without in any way wishing to diminish their merits, I am only pointing out that, apparently, something was missed. Both they and we missed something important that could have kept the peace. If you are committed to making the world a better place, but are unable to keep you and your children safe, then you are missing something. Something is wrong in this picture. We expect God to come and intervene to fix everything, but he has given us free will and given us the power to protect ourselves without harming anyone. I know this is a bold statement, but it is confirmed by the authors of countless letters who witnessed the same miracle as I did.

I am not a believer, unless by that I mean the belief that there is something greater than me, capable of loving more than me.

As a child, like many of you, I attended Sunday school. But I had the feeling that something was missing. For example, where Jesus teaches to turn the other cheek, there is clearly something missing. What was missing was: “Send them love, fill them with love, that will make them stop,” well, and also instructions on how to effectively send love. If turning the other cheek is such an effective solution, then why not go further and give something more to the thieves who robbed your store or apartment? If this method works so well, then why are churches locked at night? The point of "turn the other cheek" is to avoid hitting back, but some of the information is missing. Information on how to work with love, how to activate this incredible source of energy, which will make it possible not only to protect yourself, but also to change the person who threatens you, and not be afraid to live the life you dream of.

Let's say you live in an area where there are no bodies of water and you have never seen drilling equipment. In this case, even if you have faith that there is water somewhere here, you will still die of thirst. After all, if you don’t know what drilling equipment is and how to use it, then it will only lie uselessly in the warehouse - like love inside us. Let love be the most powerful force we know; let it change our lives, make our dreams come true, create happiness, security, love and joy; but it is useless if we do not know how to use it and where to get it.

I would be scared if it were something other than love, but love is conscious and will not cause harm. Continue reading, make this discovery for yourself - your amazement will know no bounds.

The information I put in this book you won't find anywhere else, but that will change quickly. After writing the first draft of the book, I posted the text on a web page to see how interesting and understandable it was to others, because some things are difficult to express in words. The response was amazing. Readers reported that this was the "missing link" and that they were amazed at the results. Thank you all for your support!

If you consider yourself an esotericist or healer, or at least want to become one, here you will find the necessary information. With its help you can take the next step.

I apologize to the Tibetans if the example I gave offends them, but the time has come to fill the world with the energy of love, the energy it so needs.

I am addressing those two Tibetans who were among the few who had this information but continued to keep it secret. The time has come, it is time to let people know that there is a hidden power based on love within them, and it is time to release it.

It's time for humanity to be able to live in a world without fear, to live in a world where we can make our dreams come true. You have achieved a lot - you can live a very long time, you do not need food or food, you can become invisible. But you have forgotten how to live under someone else’s fist for those whom you have convinced of your own helplessness. You had your reasons, but in my understanding and in light of what is happening in the world, these reasons are not sufficient to continue to keep this knowledge secret. You and I cannot reach agreement here. And you knew that time was coming. I live in security, and now others can afford it too.

I appeal to those who believe in God. He gave you the power to create heaven on earth, and if you use his gift, he will come to earth, or perhaps appear in a moment. Think about whether you teach your children life skills or do everything for them yourself? If you let this information pass by simply because it comes from an unknown author and not from the High Priest, that will be your choice. God has given you the right and ability to create the world he intended.

Take for yourself what you like, and leave the rest for someone else who will like it. As it should be.

I appeal to those who write to me. I apologize that you are probably only getting short replies from me. There is too much time and too little time. All information is contained in this book. And also a story about how I found it, how to work with it, what to expect, and a description of some situations that happened to me. This story and my love is all I can give you. Grab the information and run away! Look back in two years and you will be amazed at what has been achieved. We will all be amazed. At the end of the book I have included answers to some questions that readers often ask me. Hope this helps you.

With all my love for you

on your journey!

Klaus J. Joel