Postnatal pads rating of the best. Rating of postpartum pads. Postpartum or urological

The closer the expected date of birth, the more actively expectant mothers buy various things and products that will definitely be useful in the maternity hospital. At the appointment, the female doctor will give a list that will indicate the most important items for the newborn and the mother. Among personal hygiene products, sanitary pads are a must. On the shelves of pharmacies and stores for expectant mothers there is a huge selection of these products, which differ not only in the country of production, but also in the price category. Recently, special postpartum pads, which were developed in collaboration with obstetricians and gynecologists, have become very popular, so they effectively cope with their task during the period of recovery of the body after childbirth.

Special personal hygiene products in the postpartum period: what are they and what are they for?

After the birth of a child and separation of the placenta, the inner surface of the reproductive organ is a wound surface. That is why young mothers encounter lochia - bloody discharge that lasts about eight weeks from the moment of birth. This time is necessary for the uterus to cleanse and heal. In the first few days after the birth of a baby, the lochia is very abundant, then every day the nature of the discharge changes and gradually it stops completely. At lectures for young mothers, modern obstetricians and gynecologists recommend buying several packages of special postpartum pads when packing your bag for the maternity hospital. These products are designed specifically for mothers and have a number of advantages:

  • the products are made of a special material that provides breathability, thereby promoting rapid healing of perineal wounds, for example, sutures after an episiotomy (gynecological incision of the perineum to facilitate the removal of the child);

    Due to the constant access of oxygen, excessive sweating is not observed during the use of this hygiene product.

  • Thanks to their anatomical shape, they are very comfortable and do not cause any discomfort to the woman during use. The fact is that many young mothers experience discomfort and pain in the perineal area (this is especially true for those women who have external stitches). Therefore, the products are designed taking into account these features of the recovery period;
  • Made only from safe, non-toxic and environmentally friendly materials. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions in a young mother;
  • Personal hygiene products must undergo dermatological testing, many of them are approved by obstetricians and gynecologists.

It is worth noting that in some maternity hospitals women are not allowed to use underwear and hygiene products. Medical staff provides clean rags to young mothers. But in most modern maternity hospitals, this practice is fading away, giving way to products that are not only safe for women’s health, but also help young mothers feel comfortable.

Postpartum pads are a convenient and necessary feminine hygiene product during the postpartum period.

Packing a bag for the maternity hospital: how many pads will a young mother need?

In the first two or three days after the birth of the baby, a woman may detect not only bloody discharge, but also clots and remnants of the placenta. This is a normal, physiological process of cleansing the surface of the reproductive organ. Gynecologists carefully monitor the recovery of the young mother’s body so as not to miss pathologies or uterine bleeding. But you need to be prepared for the fact that in the first few days you will need to change the pads quite often: every two to three hours. Special postpartum personal hygiene products are designed taking into account the physiological process of restoration of the body, and therefore are highly absorbent.

Each organism is individual, so the nature and intensity of lochia depends on many factors: the presence of complications and bleeding during the delivery process, the characteristics of the separation of the placenta, natural childbirth or surgical intervention. Therefore, doctors recommend purchasing several packages of such pads of varying degrees of absorbency in advance and taking them with you to the maternity hospital.

When asked by expectant mothers: how many pieces might be needed in the maternity hospital, obstetricians-gynecologists recommend buying and taking with you at least two packages of products with high absorbency (maxi) and two with medium absorbency. Each package contains information, for example, the number of drops, which helps to figure out which products a woman needs to buy.

How are they different from hygienic

Many women do not understand why buy special pads for the postpartum period, because they are much more expensive than regular sanitary pads, if you can get by with products that are intended for use on menstruation days. Modern doctors insist that after the birth of a baby, a woman’s body is weakened, so the risk of infection increases. It's also worth noting that not all sanitary pads are suitable for a new mother, especially if the woman has external stitches.

Table: comparing postpartum and sanitary pads for use during the recovery period after childbirth

Types of Personal Care Products Lochia absorbency Health safety for a young mother Comfort and ease of use Cost of products
Postpartum pads
  • Designed taking into account the fact that lochia is very abundant, especially in the first few days, so these products are larger in size;
  • There is a special filler inside the pad that allows you to absorb not only liquid bleeding, but also blood clots;
  • The largest pads can hold up to 700 ml of liquid
  • Made from safe materials. They do not have a “mesh” coating, so the risk of the product sticking to the wound, for example, in the suture area, is minimized;
  • do not contain fragrances, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions and rashes;
  • On many packages you can see the mark “sterile”. These are the products that are recommended for use in the first week after childbirth. The gaskets will reliably protect against pathogenic microorganisms. This is especially true for young mothers who have had stitches in the perineal area. However, it is worth remembering that to prevent infection, personal hygiene products must be changed at least once every three to four hours
  • The most important advantage is the anatomical shape and size. The product adapts to the shape of the body, and the large size allows the young mother not to worry about getting her clothes or bed linen dirty;
  • most models have special sides that prevent liquid from leaking during use
The price varies. Much depends on the country of origin and brand of the product. On average, the cheapest personal hygiene products for young mothers cost 200 rubles for ten pieces. For European-made products you will have to pay about 500 rubles
  • Not intended to absorb large amounts of bloody discharge;
  • no oversized gaskets. Even products marked “night” are not able to retain the amount of fluid that is released from the uterine cavity in the first days after the birth of the baby;
  • after childbirth, many women feel weak and painful, so getting up every half hour to change the pad is very inconvenient;
  • not intended for absorption (absorption by the sorbent located inside the pad) clots
  • Products with aromatic substances are often the cause of allergies in women;
  • the material, in contact with delicate skin, can stick to the wound, causing irritation and slowing down the healing of sutures;
  • insufficient air permeability of the product can contribute to the development of pathogenic flora
The shape of the product is not intended for such heavy bleeding as lochia, so the pad often leaks, which causes inconvenience to the womanThe cost depends on many factors. On store shelves you can see products for 100 rubles and more. The most expensive ones are those made from organic cotton. The price for one package (10 pads) is about 400 rubles

Photo gallery: postpartum and sanitary pads

Pads for use during menstrual periods are not highly absorbent Postpartum pads are made of soft materials that do not cause discomfort to the young mother while using the product. Compared to a regular sanitary pad, a postpartum pad is larger and is made only from safe, hypoallergenic materials

Is it possible to use urological hygiene products in the postpartum period?

Some women are interested in the question: is it possible to replace these pads with urological ones. Experts give a positive answer. The fact is that personal hygiene products for urinary incontinence are made of soft materials that do not cause irritation. Instead of cellulose, which is used to absorb liquid in postpartum pads, urological pads have a special sorbent that turns the liquid into a gel and reliably holds it inside the product.

It is worth noting that urological pads, as well as products for the postpartum period, can hold up to 700–900 ml of fluid.

Doctors explain that in some cases, after giving birth, young mothers experience urinary incontinence. This occurs due to insufficient tone of the pelvic floor muscles. In this case, it is advisable to use urological ones. These personal hygiene products must undergo dermatological control. Some brands used for urinary incontinence are labeled "approved for use in the postpartum period." Therefore, when buying things for the maternity hospital, women can buy such products.

Urological pads can be used in the postpartum period, especially in cases where the young mother has urinary incontinence

I have learned from my own experience that specially designed personal hygiene products for the postpartum period are much more comfortable than regular sanitary pads. When packing my bag for the maternity hospital, I bought regular ones, but on the first day after giving birth, the midwife suggested trying postpartum hygiene products. They turned out to be much softer, more comfortable and highly absorbent. I did not feel any discomfort during use and the outer layer remained dry. Therefore, I am of the opinion that in the first seven to ten days after birth it is preferable to use just such products.

Which postpartum pads to choose: rating

Today, manufacturers of feminine hygiene products offer a huge selection of different pads for use in the postpartum period. They differ in some respects, not least of which is the price aspect. After all, not every woman can afford to buy expensive hygiene products.

Obstetricians-gynecologists insist that when choosing, several important factors must be taken into account:

  • materials used for the production of personal care products. The packaging must contain information about the material the gaskets are made of. It is necessary to give preference to a natural composition that does not contain harmful chemical components;
  • absorbency. In the first days after childbirth, it is necessary to use pads with maximum absorbency. There are marks on the packaging, for example, the number of drops. After the baby is born, lochia is very abundant, it is better to buy products with 4–5 drops;
  • dryness and comfort. It is very important that the young mother feels good and that nothing causes her discomfort. Therefore, the top layer must remain dry after the liquid has been absorbed;
  • product shape. Anatomically shaped pads that take the shape of a woman’s body best serve their purpose;
  • reliability. Some manufacturers produce hygiene products without additional fasteners, for example, there are no special wings or sides on the gasket. Such a model will not be securely fixed to underwear, and there is also a risk of leakage.

Doctors recommend purchasing hygiene products in pharmacies or specialized stores selling goods for expectant and young mothers. Before purchasing, a woman can ask for a product quality certificate to be sure of the safety of the product.

Table: comparative characteristics of products from different manufacturers

Name Country of origin Advantages Flaws Assortment Average cost in rubles
Helen HarperBelgium
  • The main advantage of these gasket models is the special Odor Dry System. Its distinctive feature is the content of antibacterial components that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and also neutralize unpleasant odors;
  • after absorbing the secretions, the top non-woven layer of the pad remains dry, which ensures the comfort of the young mother;
  • Safe materials are used for the manufacture of personal hygiene products;
  • the inner layer of the pad is made of super-absorbent material, which instantly absorbs secretions and prevents leakage;
  • each gasket is individually packaged;
  • do not cause irritation or allergic reactions on delicate skin
  • They do not have additional fastening in the form of wings, so they are not very securely fixed to underwear;
  • many young mothers report discomfort during use due to the large width of the pad
  • For moderate bleeding Normal, ten pieces per pack;
  • personal hygiene products for heavy lochia of medium intensity, Extra twelve pieces per package;
  • pads for very heavy discharge Super, twelve pieces per pack
  • Normal 175;
  • Extra 210;
  • Super 310
  • Only organic cotton is used to produce products;
  • All products undergo dermatological control and are completely safe for use in the postpartum period. Many obstetricians and gynecologists around the world recommend that new mothers use organic cotton products;
  • an oxygen bleaching system is used to clean the material from which the pads are made, so the products are non-toxic and completely safe for women’s health;
  • contains no synthetic, chemical harmful substances, dyes or aromatic components;
  • undergo international certification;
  • the top layer is very soft, perfectly breathable;
  • the anatomical shape of hygiene products allows the young mother to feel comfortable
  • The high cost of hygiene products is the main disadvantage;
  • very rarely found on sale. Most often they are found in large supermarkets in departments with eco-products;
  • some women are uncomfortable using pads without wings
Package contains twelve pieces500
NatracareUnited Kingdom
  • Made only from natural materials and bleached without chlorine, therefore they do not cause irritation upon contact with delicate skin;
  • the products are thick and have excellent absorbency;
  • Thanks to the wide adhesive tape, the pads are well fixed on the underwear
  • Some new mothers do not like the thickness of the pads and prefer to use thinner personal hygiene products;
There are ten pads in a pack300
  • The pads are designed for women who suffer from urinary incontinence, but gynecologists allow their use in the postpartum period;
  • a wide range allows you to choose hygiene products with varying degrees of absorption;
  • superabsorbent, which is located inside the pad, prevents the spread of bacteria and also eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • the products contain a special inner rim that prevents leakage;
  • the pads allow air to pass through well, which promotes the healing of external seams
The only drawback is the lack of wings, which provide additional security for attaching the pad to underwear
  • Normal and Extra for drop-shaped and light discharge, twenty pieces and fifteen per package, respectively;
  • Plus for medium-intensity discharge, fifteen pieces per package;
  • Super designed for heavy discharge, fifteen pieces per pack
  • Normal 160;
  • Extra 165
  • Plus 245;
  • Super 225
  • Designed for use during the postpartum period, as well as for women suffering from urinary incontinence;
  • Thanks to the three-layer gasket, the product quickly absorbs secretions and neutralizes unpleasant odors;
  • a special White Dry Zone strip provides a feeling of comfort and dryness while using the hygiene product;
  • The pads are dermatologically tested and are hypoallergenic
The main disadvantage is the very dense top layer of the gasket, which prevents the penetration of air, which is why some young mothers note the appearance of diaper rash on the skinThe package contains fourteen pads305
  • Specially designed for use during the postpartum period, and also approved by gynecologists;
  • the products are sterile, so they are recommended for use by young mothers, especially if there are seams in the perineal area;
  • made of safe materials that allow air to pass through perfectly;
  • prevent the spread of pathogenic flora
  • Due to the lack of wings, the gasket may get knocked down, which causes leakage;
  • products are available in only one size, so they are more suitable for the first seven to ten days after birth, when the discharge is most abundant
One package contains ten pieces430
Canpol babiesPoland
  • The anatomical shape ensures comfort while using the pad;
  • adhesive tape helps securely fix the product to the fabric;
  • made of materials with excellent air permeability;
  • the outer layer is very soft, so the young mother does not experience discomfort when the pad comes into contact with delicate skin;
  • night pads are elongated at the back, which prevents the flow of discharge;
  • hygiene products are very thin, but highly absorbent due to the inner layer
The gasket may roll down on the sides because the adhesive tape is located only in the center of the product
  • Daytime, ten pieces per pack;
  • Night, ten pieces per pack
  • Daytime 285;
  • night 335
Bella Mamma
  • Designed for very heavy discharge;
  • allow air to pass through well;
  • due to the low cost, every young mother can buy pads from this manufacturer
  • Too thick, so many women feel discomfort during use;
  • due to the lack of wings, the gasket may get lost
Ten pieces per pack100
  • Anatomically shaped gaskets with side elastic bands provide maximum protection against leakage;
  • There are three types of pads in the assortment, which allows every woman to choose a comfortable hygiene product;
  • the manufacturer offers sterile pads that are intended for the postpartum period;
  • have fast absorption thanks to the superabsorbent inner layer
  • The products are quite thick, which can cause discomfort for many young mothers;
  • adhesive tape often does not securely fix the gasket to the fabric, so the product gets knocked down
  • Packing of ten pieces of gaskets P4;
  • packing fifteen pieces P5;
  • sterile pads eight pieces per pack P8
  • P4 205;
  • P5 150;
  • P8 260
  • The line includes several types of urological pads. For the postpartum period, it is recommended to use products with a high degree of absorption: Extra, Maxi, Maxi night;
  • a special absorbent prevents the occurrence of unpleasant odors;
  • the anatomical shape allows the young mother to feel comfortable;
  • the top layer is made of soft material that remains dry after absorbing secretions;
  • night pads have an elongated shape, which reduces the risk of leakage;
  • Each gasket is individually packaged
Personal hygiene products do not have special wings that help secure the gasket more securely. Therefore, the product may become confused, especially when walking
  • Extra ten pieces per pack;
  • Maxi six pieces per pack;
  • Maxi night six pieces per pack
  • Extra 115;
  • Maxi 140;
  • Maxi night 180

Carrying a child is a complex and lengthy process during which the female body undergoes many physiological changes. And childbirth itself is the final stage, during which a woman experiences enormous stress and stress. Therefore, after the birth of a child, the body enters a rehabilitation phase, which begins with the process of cleansing the uterus. It is accompanied by copious discharge of blood clots from its cavity. This is a natural physiological phenomenon, but it causes a lot of inconvenience, especially in the first days after childbirth, when the woman is in the maternity hospital, while her body is still weak, but she must also independently care for her baby. Special adapting agents help facilitate the recovery process. In this case we are talking about postpartum pads. Let's look at what they are, the feasibility of their use, and also review popular manufacturers.

Postpartum pads, their features

After the birth of a child, for several months a woman experiences copious discharge with blood, the so-called lochia. During this period, access to internal organs is open, so it is important to take measures to prevent infection from entering the body. Special hygiene products will help provide such protection. The best option would be postpartum pads. The female body is designed in such a way that blood discharge from the vagina after childbirth is observed within one to one and a half months. But the most abundant in the first days. When heavy discharge with blood clots comes out of the uterus.

What are they? Postnatal pads have a high-quality absorbent layer, which, depending on the manufacturer of the sanitary product, also differs in potential. Therefore, we note the main features - this is a large size and the ability to absorb a large volume of secretions, and this is one of the advantages in the first days after childbirth. It should also be noted that most manufacturers produce sterile pads that protect the new mother from possible infectious infections.

And so, based on the above, we note that after the birth of the baby, it is preferable to use postpartum pads, since they:

  • sterile;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • do not cause irritation;
  • do not allow the proliferation of pathogenic organisms;
  • can absorb a large volume of secretions;
  • provide the greatest possible comfort.

In addition, some manufacturers offer pads that promote rapid healing of sutures and are available in the form of postpartum panties, so they are recommended for use by women after a cesarean section.

How to use postpartum hygiene products

When going to the maternity hospital, you need to think in advance about a sufficiently large number of pads, since at first you will need a lot of them. Since in the first days after the birth of a child the discharge is very abundant, it is necessary to change it regularly and this must be done according to certain rules:

  • Before changing hygiene products and after it, you must wash your hands;
  • change the pad after every trip to the toilet;
  • when changing the hygiene product, it is important not to injure the seam;
  • The pad should be removed from the vagina to the anus to prevent the entry of germs.

As a rule, postpartum products are used in the first ten days after delivery; in the future, ordinary sanitary pads will be sufficient.

How to choose gaskets

Today the market is represented by a wide variety of postpartum hygiene products that not only make life easier during this difficult period in a woman’s life, but also protect her body. But before buying, you should still familiarize yourself with the minimum requirements that they must meet. This is first of all:

  • level of absorption, as a rule this indicator is indicated on the packaging (number of drops);
  • the presence of wings and anatomical body shape;
  • non-woven top layer, it will ensure cleanliness, dryness, will not dry to the skin, and therefore will not injure stitches or bruises.

Also today there are pads with fit inserts. This is an excellent remedy for preventing irritation, itching and allergic reactions. Therefore, if possible, it is better to give preference to this option.

And so, these are the main indicators that women's postpartum hygiene products must meet. Since there are a lot of options, let's look at the most popular examples.

Review of postpartum pads

The range of pads in pharmacies and stores is quite large. Among them, it is worth highlighting the Peligrin gaskets, which are affordable to a wide range of people in terms of pricing, but nevertheless effective. They have good absorbency, this is ensured by the superabsorbent that is used in them. In addition, these gaskets do not have wings, but they are perfectly replaced by special side elastic bands.

Another top seller is Helen Harper pads. Their popularity is due to their ease of use. The outer layer of the pad has an adhesive tape that ensures a secure fit to the underwear. There are no wings, but there are special rubber bands that provide reliability and protection against leaks. This product has good absorbency, which means it can absorb a large volume of discharge.

The outer layer is made of dense hypoallergenic material; the pads do not contain fragrances, but perfectly remove unpleasant odors.

The manufacturer offers several options for pads, which differ only in their ability to be absorbed.

It is also worth paying attention to Samu gaskets. The hygiene product from this manufacturer is characterized by its large size and high absorption capacity. The pads are made of sterile materials, so they are suitable for women who have undergone postpartum surgery in the perineal area. The advantage of this product is the soft, “breathable” materials from which it is made. But there are also disadvantages, including the lack of wings and adhesive tape on the outside. This disadvantage is very significant, since it causes inconvenience in use and also possible leaks. Also, the disadvantages include the cost of the product and the lack of individual packaging.

Postpartum pads from Canpol Babies also attract attention. They are made of soft and pleasant to the touch materials, so you don’t have to worry about skin irritation in intimate places. This product is characterized by a large area, but at the same time it is small in thickness, which makes it very comfortable during use. In addition, the product does not contain fragrances or allergens. For the convenience of women, the manufacturer offers two types of pads: day and night.

The peculiarity of the gasket is the presence of a protective layer that prevents leakage, but its presence can provoke the appearance of diaper rash.

Seni pads are also popular among women. Their anatomical shape eliminates discomfort. The top layer of the inner surface is made of soft and pleasant material. The outer layer provides free access to oxygen. Thanks to this, you can easily avoid irritation and diaper rash. In addition, the gasket contains a special antibacterial sorbent, it absorbs the released liquid and prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, this completely removes the unpleasant odor. For additional protection, the pad is provided with protective stripes along the entire perimeter, and for reliable fastening to underwear, a wide adhesive tape is provided on the outside. The manufacturer offers several options for pads that can absorb different amounts of discharge from the most abundant to the slightest.

Among premium class pads, it is worth highlighting products from MoliMed. They offer their potential consumers hygiene products of various shapes and sizes. There are also options with wings for additional fixation to the panties. There are specimens in which the inner surface follows the anatomical shape.

The manufacturer also provided sterile products that are intended for use in the postoperative period.

The disadvantages of pads from this manufacturer include only a dense outer layer; it blocks free access of air to the body, so diaper rash may occur.

1st position is occupied by the manufacturer Helen Harper.

2 — Seni gaskets.

4 – Samu hygiene product.

5 – Canpol Babies pads.

6 — Peligrin gaskets.

The choice of one product or another is a personal matter for each expectant mother. Naturally, only the attending physician, or rather the obstetrician who is caring for the woman in labor, can help in this matter.

During the postpartum period, it is important for a woman to feel as much comfort and convenience as possible. During the period of bearing a child, as well as during pregnancy, a restructuring of all organs and systems occurs, including the excretory system. For successful rehabilitation, women choose to use special pads. Which one is better to choose depends on individual preferences.

Product Features

Within two months after childbirth, women's internal organs return to their normal state, the body recovers from heavy loads and gestation.

Cleansing of the uterus occurs due to abundant lochia. This period is extremely dangerous for the introduction of infections. Therefore, they become indispensable at this time sterile maternity pads.

Lochia continues to be secreted for 5 to 6 weeks. The first week they are very plentiful. But over time, the volume becomes similar to regular menstruation.

Some girls think about the advisability of purchasing hygiene products. Many people mistakenly believe that it is enough to limit themselves to ordinary ones or even use improvised means.

  • there is a risk of infection;
  • seams can be damaged if they are present;
  • movements become limited and constrained.

Many people wonder what they look like and what are the features of postpartum pads. These hygiene products are made from cellulose and polyethylene, have a fairly dense structure and are large in size. The main points that differentiate postpartum pads from regular pads are:

  • absence of wings: leakage is eliminated due to the tight fit of the side rubber bands;
  • excellent absorbency: products are capable of absorbing a huge volume of liquid, which is important immediately after childbirth;
  • ease of wearing: does not hinder the movements of the woman in labor;
  • avoiding infections and injury to surgical sutures;
  • prevention of allergic reactions;
  • assistance in the speedy healing of sutures.

Based on the above points, it becomes clear that a woman cannot do without such a hygiene product. This is a matter of not only convenience, but also the health of the young mother.

The problem of choice

It is better to purchase hygiene products in advance, at the preparation stage.

Women preparing to become mothers for the first time are lost in the variety of products available,

They doubt which one to choose will be better and more comfortable.

The main selection criterion is often numerous reviews, as well as advice from friends.

Regardless of the manufacturer, products must meet a number of requirements:

  • anatomical shape: provide additional comfort;
  • non-woven top layer: the product is protected from drying to the skin, and also prevents small fibers from getting onto seams and wounds;
  • high degree of absorption: each manufacturer indicates on the packaging the level of absorption using drops. the more drops, the higher the level;
  • no fragrances: do not cause an allergic reaction;
  • length: due to the optimal size, they eliminate the possibility of leakage.

It is prohibited to wear cotton underwear in the maternity hospital. Only pharmacy disposable underpants that fit to the body with elastic bands are allowed. This type of underwear goes best with hygiene products without wings.

Sterile products

In addition to a number of requirements requirements that the products must meet, they must be sterile. You can purchase products only in pharmacies and specialized stores for expectant mothers.

When the question arises “which one is better to choose,” it is important to remember that women’s health depends on them.

Sterile pads perform important functions:

  • neutralization of unpleasant odors that arise due to the proliferation of bacteria;
  • healing of sutures: perineal ruptures during childbirth often occur, therefore it is important to choose not only sterile, but also hypoallergenic pads;
  • . The area of ​​discharge is susceptible to infection, as it is closed from air and constantly moistened. Due to rapid absorption, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Rating of postpartum pads

Among the variety of hygiene products on the shelves of specialized stores and pharmacies, it is easy to get confused which ones are best. For this purpose, independent consumer surveys are conducted, reviews on forums are studied and rating is compiled postpartum pads.

When compiling a list of the best hygiene products, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • ease of fixation;
  • structure of the top layer;
  • absorption level;
  • sterility;
  • antibacterial characteristics.
Name Rating
1 Helen Harper 5
2 Seni 5
3 Samu 5
4 Molimed 4
5 Canpol 3

Pay attention! If you are at a loss about which products to choose, then take several different packages and during use, decide what suits you best.

After a woman decides which products are best to purchase, the question arises about the required quantity. There is no definite answer to this question, but it is better to purchase at least three packs. In the first days after birth, the lining must be changed quite often. Once the sutures are reduced and healed, you can switch to regular hygiene products.


Seni gaskets meet one of the main criteria for convenience - anatomical shape. Due to this, they do not leak and retain moisture in the inner layer.

On top they are made of porous material, preventing the occurrence of allergic reactions and diaper rash.

The inner layer prevents the growth of bacteria, therefore eliminating the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Seni products are affordable and have several levels of absorption to choose from, from scanty to heavy discharge. Each has individual packaging. Available without wings.


They have an impressive size and are designed for heavy discharge. Samu products are produced in a single size of 10 pieces. Individual packaging and wings are missing. Some buyers are confused by the lack of adhesive for attaching to underwear. However, as practice shows, this does not affect the functions of the gaskets.


Canpol pads are made from hypoallergenic materials and are fragrance-free. You can choose both day and night options.

Canpol gaskets recommended as hygiene products for heavy discharge after childbirth. They have a large area and adhesive tape for secure fixation on the laundry. Canpol gaskets are produced without wings, in individual packages.


Tena's products were intended to be urological, that is, for people with urinary incontinence. They cope with their function successfully due to the triple layer of absorbent and large size. Currently, Tena products are widely used by women after the birth of babies. According to most of them, Tena copes well with heavy discharge immediately after childbirth.

Available in packs of 6 pieces, have adhesive tape for fixation and an anatomical shape.

Useful video: choosing postpartum pads


Postpartum pads are one of the main products in the arsenal of the expectant mother. When all your strength is spent on carrying a child and a long labor, it is so important to feel comfort in the period after childbirth. It is necessary to choose products with concern for your health and remember that they perform an important function and must meet the requirements.

This is a necessary thing during the postpartum period for women. These pads are specially designed to provide maximum comfort in the first days after the baby is born. They even promote the healing of stitches and prevent allergies or irritation. A woman will definitely need hygiene products directly in the maternity ward, so you should take care of their availability in advance.

Special postpartum pads will help quickly restore the healthy microflora of a woman in labor. During this important period, it is better not to use conventional hygiene products, which cause diaper rash and itching, and also create favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, you should avoid intimate hygiene products that contain chemical fragrances, as they can cause allergies.

Postpartum pads must be thin and have a moisture-proof barrier, since frequent replacement is difficult in many cases. And waterproof products can not be changed for 4-5 hours. Also, the gasket should be made of a soft material that does not irritate the skin, so that the seams, if any, heal more quickly and the process of suppuration does not begin.

Why are postpartum pads needed?

Copious discharge with blood is a common occurrence after childbirth. In obstetrics they are called lochia. Thus, the uterus is cleansed. In order to minimize the risk of infections and viruses entering the body, and to make the new mother feel comfortable, special postpartum pads were created. During this period, the woman is under close supervision. As soon as the risk has passed, she is transferred to a regular ward. Gradually the amount of discharge decreases. In a calm state, there are practically no lochia, but when the position of the body changes, their number increases.

Also, the woman will definitely note that while feeding the baby, pain appears in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding appears. This is quite normal.

It is necessary to take into account that quite often childbirth is accompanied by surgical incisions or tears, which are immediately sutured, but this requires compliance with hygienic measures for speedy healing. In this case, special postpartum pads with a special surface layer will help.

Key differences between postpartum pads and regular pads

Many women think about whether they need postpartum pads in the maternity hospital or whether they can get by with regular ones. In the first days after the birth of a child, you should use special products, as they have a number of significant advantages. Postpartum pads are more absorbent than regular hygiene products. They can be used after suturing, since due to their safe composition they do not provoke allergies or irritation. When the amount and abundance of discharge decreases, the woman can switch to regular pads.

Other differences can be identified:

  • Size . Special gaskets are wider and longer. This guarantees protection against leaks even when lying down. Reliable fixation on the underwear does not allow them to move. The largest sizes of products can hold up to 700 ml of liquid.
  • Material. The main thing in the gasket is a breathable layer, which is important in case of seams and tears. The composition contains a special filler that can absorb not only liquid, but even clots. The upper part is a soft and pleasant to the touch fabric that does not cause allergic reactions or irritate. All this is very especially important when stitches are applied. Ordinary products do not promote healing. Manufacturers often add an antiseptic to postpartum pads, which helps fight harmful microorganisms. On many packages you can see the inscription “sterile”. These are the products that are recommended for use in the first days after childbirth.
  • Anatomical shape. The postpartum pad adapts to the shape of the body. Thanks to this feature and its large size, it gives a woman a feeling of confidence, allowing her not to worry about dirty clothes or bedding. Most models are equipped with small sides that prevent liquid from leaking during use.

Are postpartum pads different from urological pads?

Maternity pads are in many ways similar to urological options. They also contain a top breathable layer and an absorbent as an absorbent element. However, there are differences between the two hygiene products:

  1. Postpartum pads are designed specifically to absorb sticky bloody discharge. And urological models must absorb and distribute fluid as quickly as possible.
  2. Products for women in labor are also distinguished by their sterility. This is a very important point, since during the postpartum period, internal organs must be protected as much as possible from the bacterial environment.

Experts allow the use of urological pads instead of postpartum pads. Doctors say that after giving birth, some mothers may suffer from urinary incontinence. In this case, it is advisable to use urological options that must undergo dermatological control. They quickly and permanently absorb liquid, removing the characteristic odor.

In this case, you need to carefully look at the marks on the packaging. Some manufacturers produce products that can be safely used as postpartum pads. Such hygiene products have the inscription: “Allowed for use during the postpartum period.”

At the same time, the use of special postpartum pads is more preferable. They are soft and ideal for use in the first 7-10 days after birth.

What to look for when choosing postpartum pads?

Hygiene products for mothers in labor vary in many ways. When choosing the best option, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Naturalness of the material. The packaging contains information about what the product is made of. It is better to give preference to products that do not contain chemical components (in particular, chlorine). For example, some manufacturers offer models made from organic cotton. The pad itself is made of a double layer of cellulose, and its filler is made of wood pulp fluff and corn starch.
  2. Absorbency. It is better to purchase postpartum pads with maximum absorbency. The package should be marked with 4-5 drops.
  3. Reliability. A feeling of confidence is given by products that are firmly fixed to underwear and have wings or sides that prevent the risk of leakage.
  4. Additional features. Some brands add fragrance to their products to eliminate unpleasant odors. Doctors advise giving preference to postpartum pads without fragrances.

Pros postpartum pads

Postpartum pads, made of soft, breathable material and oversized, give a woman a feeling of comfort. They:

  • stimulate rapid healing in the presence of microcracks and tears in the intimate area. Various injuries are not uncommon during natural childbirth. Products made from materials of natural origin are safe, hypoallergenic, and have wound-healing properties;
  • normalize the vaginal microflora. The antiseptic effect of postpartum pads neutralizes the development of pathogenic microflora, providing protection against external irritation and infection in the uterine cavity;
  • protect against itching and irritation. Itching and redness of the skin in the intimate area after childbirth is caused by a moist environment, which is closed from air access. Postpartum pads instantly absorb moisture, thereby providing a soothing anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. Special products for women in labor normalize the microbiological and hormonal balance in the body. Active reproduction of pathological bacteria does not occur even when wearing postpartum pads for a long time. As a result, no unpleasant odor appears.

Top 5 postpartum pads

  1. Helen Harper, Belgium;
  2. Seni, Poland;
  3. MoliMed, Germany;
  4. Samu, Germany;
  5. Bella MAMMA, Poland.

Helen Harper postpartum pads are made of hypoallergenic materials. There are special elastic bands on the sides - an analogue of “wings” - that improve fit to the body. The porous outer coating allows air circulation. There are no fragrances in the composition, but the products cope with the smell of discharge. The adhesive tape on the outer layer ensures reliable fixation to the laundry. Available in several versions for different volumes of discharge. They have good absorbency. Each gasket is individually packaged. The price range is slightly above average.

Seni postpartum pads have an anatomical shape, therefore they provide increased comfort during use. Made from “breathable” materials - prevent diaper rash and irritation. The inner layer contains a sorbent with antibacterial properties - this prevents the proliferation of microbes and blocks unpleasant odors. Protective strips instead of “wings” around the perimeter prevent leaks. A wide adhesive tape securely attaches the pad to the underwear. Presented in different versions - from minor to heavy postpartum discharge. Each pad is individually packaged. The price range is average.

MoliMed postpartum pads are available in different configurations. The brand's assortment includes pads with "wings", anatomical shapes and even sterile ones - suitable for use after surgical manipulations in the perineal area. They fit well and are fixed to the laundry. Each postpartum pad is individually packaged. The top layer of the products is relatively dense - for those with sensitive skin, this increases the risk of developing diaper rash and irritation. Belong to the premium class.

Samu postpartum pads are designed for heavy discharge, are sterile, and made of breathable materials. Products without wings and adhesive tape on the outside are not fixed to the laundry. Available in one size, optionally packaged in individual bags. They belong to the highest price segment.

Bella MAMMA postpartum pads with an outer surface made of extra-soft non-woven material are suitable for sensitive skin. They have a cellulose liner with high absorbency. Suitable for heavy discharge. Hypoallergenic, without fragrances and glue. Without wings - they are fixed to the laundry and provide protection against leaks due to their thoughtful geometric shape. They belong to the budget price segment.

Rules for using postpartum pads

On the first day, the body itself tells you when to replace the gasket. The discharge is quite abundant, and replacements have to be done every 2-3 hours. It is important to pay attention during the postpartum period to ensure that postpartum pads have side wings and are as wide as possible. If you still opt for regular maxis, then choose products without fragrances and synthetic mesh. This can cause swelling of the tissue, especially if stitches are applied. In addition, the mesh can come off and stick to injured areas, which will bring not only discomfort, but also pain. After visiting the toilet, each time you need to monitor the hygiene of the external genitalia: rinse them, dry them thoroughly and change postpartum pads on time. If possible, it is recommended to remove underwear and allow all wounds and seams to dry. This contributes not only to faster healing, but also to the prevention of inflammation.

You should prepare at least 3 packs of postpartum pads. You can also purchase 2 regular ones with the maximum level of absorbency. They may be needed if a woman has to stay in the hospital a little longer, for example if complications arise during a caesarean section.

Instructions for use of postpartum pads

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before handling the pad.
  • Change postpartum pads after each visit to the toilet.
  • Remove the pad from the underwear from front to back - this prevents germs from entering the genitourinary tract.
  • When changing a postpartum pad, try not to touch the seams - this will prevent injury to them.

Let's summarize. In the first month after the birth of the baby, every mother experiences heavy discharge. In order not to feel discomfort and avoid the development of infections, gynecologists recommend wearing disposable postpartum pads. It is better to choose sterile hygiene products made from natural materials with increased absorbency, wings and no fragrances.

Pads after childbirth are an irreplaceable and very useful thing. However, not all maternity hospitals allow the use of such intimate hygiene products, and not all mothers in labor can buy them, despite the average cost.

Today, this product has been developed in such a way that it not only ensures the most comfortable stay for a woman on the first day after childbirth, but also promotes the healing of sutures and prevents allergies and irritation. How to choose pads after childbirth, and how do they differ from regular ones?

Read in this article

Why are they needed?

Every woman should be prepared for the fact that it doesn’t look like menstrual or anything else, especially in the first days. When a baby is born and the placenta with all its membranes comes out immediately, there is still enough mucous tissue, blood clots and similar elements in the uterine cavity. They come out gradually as the muscle layer of the organ contracts.

But in the first two hours after birth, bleeding is as abundant as possible - these are large clots, liquid dark blood, mucus, parts of the membranes, etc. In obstetrics they are called lochia. This is the most crucial period after childbirth, since at this time it is possible for the woman to develop life-threatening complications. Therefore, the young mother is under careful supervision of medical personnel.

As soon as the acute period has passed, the woman is transferred to the ward and is under general supervision. Gradually the amount of bleeding decreases. But there may still be clots of different sizes. In a calm state, lying down, there are practically no lochia, but when you rise, their number increases sharply. This is due to the fact that they accumulate in the vagina and then come out under the influence of gravity.

Also, a young mother will definitely notice that while feeding the baby, nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen, and after this quite profuse bleeding appears. That's how it should be, it's very good! The process indicates contraction of the uterus under the influence of oxytocin, which is released when a woman’s nipples are stimulated.

Thus, in the first few days, spotting can sometimes appear unexpectedly for a woman. To avoid embarrassment, you should use special sanitary pads after childbirth.

It must be taken into account that childbirth is often accompanied by serious and surgical incisions, which are immediately sutured, but require certain hygienic measures for subsequent good healing. This will also be helped by special pads after childbirth, which have a special surface layer, and often they are even in sterile packages.

Key differences from the usual

Despite the external similarity, special pads in the maternity hospital after childbirth have some significant differences. These include the following:

  • As a rule, there are differences in size. Special pads are longer and wider, and they have a larger adhesive surface. This provides reliable protection against leaks for a woman even in a lying position. And good fixation does not allow it to move on the underwear.
  • The material from which the gaskets are made mostly consists of a breathable layer. This ensures constant access of oxygen to the perineum, which is especially important in the presence of stitches and even small tears.
  • The composition includes a special filler that can simultaneously absorb up to a liter of liquid and even clots. The same material is often used in urological pads; after childbirth, they are also good.
  • The top of the product is covered with a soft and pleasant-to-touch fabric; there are no synthetic mesh or other similar things. The surface of the pads does not cause allergies, does not irritate, and does not contribute to excessive moisture in the perineal area. All this is extremely important in the case when a woman has had stitches. Regular pads can cause tissue to become warm, and as a result, wounds become infected and do not heal well.
  • Manufacturers often add some kind of antiseptic to special pads after childbirth, which helps fight pathogenic microorganisms, because for them blood is an ideal environment for life.
  • Some companies have gone further and produce sterile products in packages, which also helps fight excess pathogens after childbirth.

It is noteworthy that these products retain the usual numbering for women for the abundance of discharge - in drops. This helps you figure out which ones are best to choose.

Watch the video about hygiene after childbirth:

Choosing the right one

In order to understand which pads are best to use after childbirth, you need to know all the possible options.


This is the most common option for gaskets in almost all maternity hospitals. They are represented by ordinary diapers, which are sterilized and then distributed to women. Previously, in the maternity hospital you couldn’t even use your own underwear, then such pads were simply pressed between your legs and walked around “like penguins.” Today, more and more often, there are not enough rags in public hospitals, so it is suggested that you use your own things, including pads.

Perhaps, other than sterility and natural fabrics, they have no advantages. They are extremely inconvenient to use and leak. Therefore, more and more women prefer special pads. Although many still do not understand why pads are needed after childbirth, if there are always sterile pads.

Special hygiene products

All their advantages have been described previously. They are comfortable and hygienic, do not create diaper rash and do not cause allergic reactions.

Special formulations help fight pathogenic flora that actively multiply in menstrual fluid.

There is quite a wide variety of similar products on the market; all that remains is to decide on the price and manufacturer. "Seni" and others are often used. They also differ in the number of drops. It is more rational to take both the maximum possible and a little less. And when the discharge becomes significantly less, you can switch to regular menstrual pads without any problems.

Postpartum pads "Seni"

Often, pharmacies may offer to use urological pads immediately after childbirth. They have similar materials, only the fillers may differ. They are also impregnated with a special composition that has a bactericidal effect, which is useful after childbirth.

Special postpartum panties with inserts

Manufacturing companies produce special postpartum disposable panties, which already have pads sewn into them.. Many women find them very comfortable to use. This way you don’t have to worry about your own underwear getting dirty. But in terms of price they are much more expensive.

Regular gaskets

You can often hear the opinion that after childbirth it is quite enough to use regular pads, as with menstruation. Indeed, you can get by with them, but you will have to change them more often than usual, and sometimes even do this every 20 - 30 minutes. For 5-6 days after childbirth, such pads will be enough.

How much do you need to buy

When choosing pads after childbirth, no matter what they are, you need to think about the quantity. So, you should take at least 2 - 3 packages, taking into account the fact that they can later be brought if necessary.

In the opposite situation, it is better to take 2 - 3 packages of special postpartum ones, and also take 1 - 2 regular ones with the maximum number of drops. They may be needed if the woman is delayed for more than 3-4 days, for example, if a caesarean section was performed or there were some other complications.

But even in emergency situations, when it is not possible to take something with you and plan in advance, every maternity hospital will provide the young mother with everything she needs at first.

Rules for using pads after childbirth

In the first day or two, a woman will not have any questions about how often it is necessary to change the pads; they will already fill up quickly, approximately every 2 - 3 hours. After childbirth, you need to pay attention to ensuring that the products are as wide as possible, with side wings. Special pads after childbirth are designed exactly this way.

If a woman still decides to take regular maxis with her, then it is better to give preference to products without additional fragrances and synthetic mesh. All this can provoke increased tissue swelling after childbirth, especially if there are stitches. In addition, the mesh can come off and stick to the injured parts of the perineum, which will additionally bring not only discomfort, but also pain to the woman.

After each visit to the toilet, you should wash the external genital area, dry it thoroughly and change the pad.

If possible, it is advisable to arrange “air baths”: remove the underwear and allow the perineum and all wounds on it to dry. This will promote rapid healing and also prevent inflammation.

When choosing the best pads after childbirth, a woman should take into account all possible nuances, so it is advisable to stock up on a couple of different ones. After all, how carefully a young mother observes hygiene depends on her health and the likelihood of complications in the form of inflammation, suture dehiscence, etc.