Construct an electronic graph of basal temperature. Basal temperature chart - methods of construction and interpretation. What is the method based on?

One of the most common methods of tracking ovulation or conception is to plot your basal temperature over the entire period of your menstrual cycle. This method is popular because it does not take much time, does not require material costs and is easy to use. All you need is a thermometer, pen and paper. But you should know how to correctly record and decipher the schedule. Then this method will help identify diseases that prevent pregnancy.

What is basal temperature

The temperature measured in the morning and having the lowest value is called basal. It is not affected by any external irritants during this period, so it most effectively shows the state of health.

Basal temperature (BT) is measured in three ways: rectally, in the mouth or in the vagina. Measurements begin on the very first day of the cycle. During the cycle, indicators are entered into a chart daily, where changes in basal temperature can then be assessed and certain conclusions can be drawn based on the indicators. In this case, you should use only one thermometer for the entire period, and measure only in one selected place, then the indicators will be accurate.

The change in basal temperature occurs due to the influence of progesterone on the processes of thermoregulation of the female body, which naturally leads to constant changes in indicators during the cycle. For women in good health, the graph will look almost identical, but with any deviations in health (inflammatory processes, hormone deficiency) or with the onset of pregnancy, the indicators change. Therefore, this method is one of the main and most accurate tests showing the correct functioning of the ovaries.

To more accurately find out your basal temperature and correctly enter data into the chart, you must adhere to some rules indicated in the video:

Basal temperature chart with examples and explanation

When constructing a graph, consider the following information:

  • day of the month;
  • current day of the cycle;
  • time at the time of measurement;
  • temperature value;
  • factors contributing to changes in BT.

Additional information may include the texture of discharge, the color of cervical mucus, the presence of sexual intercourse, etc.

The standard BT schedule is divided into two clearly demarcated phases - before and after ovulation. Therefore, the graph indicates the ovulation line (crosses vertically) and the overlapping (horizontal) line. Below is an example of how to construct a graph.

The overlapping (its second name is the middle) line is determined in the first 11–12 days of the cycle, and begins on the 6th day. For the next 6 days, the basal temperature is measured daily, and a horizontal line is drawn across the entire graph based on the maximum value. But the days when it was affected by external negative factors are not taken into account. Such values, as a rule, may differ in abnormally high numbers - by 0.3 degrees or more relative to adjacent numbers.

The ovulation line is drawn after finding the overlapping line. The first three digits are calculated, exceeding the value of the center line by 0.1–0.2 degrees. The ovulation line runs horizontally at the most recent low before these three higher numbers. All values ​​after this line indicate the second phase.

Based on these data, it is possible to estimate the duration of the phases and the difference in basal temperature. The norm is a schedule where phase 2 is no more and no less than 12–16 days. And the temperature difference differs in phase 2 by 0.4 degrees or more.

Attention! The ovulation line cannot be predicted, so those who want to become pregnant should study their basal temperature for several months in a row, and then, by studying the general trend, you can roughly learn about the changes accompanying early ovulation.

What indicators are considered normal?

In the absence of deviations, the menstrual cycle consists of 2 clearly demarcated phases: follicular (the time of follicle formation) and luteal. In the first half, BT tends to decrease, and in the second it rises sharply and remains in this state for several days.

Also in the graph below, it is noticeable that the basal temperature decreases before the menstruation itself. This is how it should happen if there was no conception and there are no diseases.

The graph highlights three features of the normal course of the cycle:

  1. Declining curve before ovulation.
  2. It increases after ovulation.
  3. Premenstrual decrease in curve.

Basal temperature during ovulation, conception and pregnancy - with explanation

Studying the graph at conception, you will notice that the basal temperature at the beginning of the cycle and at ovulation is similar to the curve of previous months. And after the ovulatory period, the graph no longer shows a decrease in values ​​before menstrual days. You can even notice a gradual increase in indicators.

Another feature of pregnancy is considered to be implantation retraction - a sharp decrease in the indicator by 0.2–0.3 degrees on the seventh day after ovulation. Then, after 1–2 days, the basal temperature levels off. Throughout pregnancy, the average temperature remains at 37.1–37.5 degrees.

The video shows what the BT chart looks like when conception occurs.

What to expect if you ovulate late

If the cycle is on average more than 28 days, then ovulation occurs later. But phase 2 should not exceed 16 days. Therefore, there is an increase in the follicular phase, which is reflected by its lengthening on the graph.

That is, the first half of the graph shows the same values ​​as during the normal course of the cycle, with the exception of an increase in the period before ovulation. Then, the decrease in basal temperature at the end of phase 1 and its increase during the ovulatory period are also noticeable.

But such indicators will only occur if there are no health problems. In other circumstances, values ​​may vary depending on related factors.

Values ​​for ovulation stimulation

If stimulation occurs with the help of Clostilbegit (Clomiphene) at the beginning of the cycle and the use of Duphaston in the postovulatory period, the BT schedule will be “normal”, that is, it will consist of two phases, the transition between which will be clearly pronounced. In phase 2, the temperature will be significantly higher than the first. There will also be a noticeable stepwise increase in values ​​at least 2 times, and a slight drop will occur.

If the graph looks different, this is a clear sign of the wrong choice of drug or its dosage. If there is a noticeable increase in the indicator in the first half, this may indicate individual intolerance to clomiphene.

What indicators can there be during an anovulatory menstrual cycle?

The absence of ovulation in this period is indicated by a graph on which there is no visible division into phases. That is, the entire period maintains approximately the same indicators, there is no drop and subsequent increase in the curve in the middle of the cycle. Such a graph, in the absence of pregnancy, shows that conception will be impossible during this period, since ovulation has not occurred.

The anovulatory period is normal if it occurs no more than 1-2 times a year. However, if such a symptom occurs several cycles in a row, it is time to consult a doctor, as this is a sign of pathological processes.

Second phase failure

Due to hormonal deficiency, there is an increase in temperature before menstruation. Moreover, there is no pre-ovulatory decline, and phase 2 lasts no more than 10 days.

Conception with this schedule is possible, however, miscarriages often occur. This is due to a lack of progesterone, the effect of which is to maintain pregnancy. And if BT on the graph tends to increase, you should get tested for the level of this hormone after ovulation.

If an insufficient amount of progesterone is detected, progestin drugs are prescribed, the use of which is mandatory during the first 3 months of gestation.

What does the IVF schedule look like?

Basal temperature and its change after embryo transfer will be the same as during normal conception. If there are no violations, then the norm will be a temperature of 37.1–37.5 degrees. This value should remain the entire period of pregnancy.

A sharp one-day decrease occurs only at the time of embryo implantation. Then the indicator increases to the same level.

However, if after IVF there is a sharp decrease in BT, and this value lasts 3 days or longer, you should contact a pregnancy specialist.

What does the graph show in case of corpus luteum deficiency?

After the egg leaves the follicle, it transforms into the corpus luteum, a temporary gland that produces progesterone. If this gland is not sufficiently developed, then the production of the hormone occurs in insufficient quantities. This can be detected by several signs:

  1. The temperature increases slowly after the egg is released.
  2. There is no premenstrual decrease in the curve.
  3. The duration of phase 2 does not exceed 10 days.

Such a cycle, if conception is successful, threatens miscarriage, so it is important to conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine the cause of the hormonal disorder.

Values ​​for estrogen deficiency

It is considered normal if estrogen levels are high in the first half of the cycle. This entails a decrease in basal temperature. However, if this hormone is deficient, the values ​​increase, making it impossible to determine phase separation. The temperature curve is too erratic, making it difficult to calculate the day of ovulation.

It is unlikely that pregnancy will occur if there is a lack of estrogen in the body. However, a residual conclusion is not given according to the schedule; you need to undergo a full examination.

Schedule for estrogen-progesterone deficiency

A deficiency of both hormones can be diagnosed by low temperature readings in phase 2, and at the time of ovulation the values ​​increase by no more than 0.2–0.3 degrees.

In this case, the doctor prescribes stimulant medications for the entire cycle. If the schedule does not return to normal, change the course of treatment and dose of drugs.

Inflammation of the appendages - examples of graphs

Inflammation in the appendages leads to a sharp increase in basal temperature to 37 degrees at the beginning of the cycle. The increase may last for several days, and then there is a sharp drop to normal values.

Often such a jump is mistaken for the ovulatory period. Therefore, it can be difficult to determine the exact date of release of the egg. If you observe such a curve on the graph, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, since it is better to treat inflammation in the early stages than in an advanced state. In addition, this pathology negatively affects the course of pregnancy.

Examples of graphs for hyperprolactinemia

With an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood, an atypical graph is also observed. It can be compared with indicators characteristic of lactating or pregnant women. In the graph below you can see a curve whose values ​​are high throughout the entire period. And with such a diagnosis, menstruation may be absent altogether.

For pregnant women, high prolactin levels are normal. At some point it will go down on its own. But if such an indicator is present on the chart of a non-pregnant woman, you should see a doctor.


A basal temperature chart helps to timely identify any abnormalities related to women’s health. It should especially be carried out for those who have been unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant for a long time, since temperature readings will help determine in which phase of the cycle the disorder occurs, which will significantly help the doctor during the examination. There is no need to worry if deviations from the norm occurred only once. But if disturbances are noticed over several cycles, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Every woman should monitor her health. To do this, you need to visit a gynecologist once every six months, if there are no deviations in your health. Many diseases in the initial stages of development can be asymptomatic.

To determine possible malfunctions in the functioning of the systems of the female body, it is recommended to draw a graph of basal temperature. Any physiological and pathological changes can be revealed by the measurements taken.

The concept of basal temperature

Basal temperature (BT) is the temperature of the body's blood during sleep. It is measured in the rectum. It can also be detected in the vagina or mouth. But cyclic fluctuations can be shown by rectal temperature. This occurs due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to the ovaries. Other measurement methods are also capable of capturing cyclical fluctuations, but only when they are pronounced.

Only rectal temperature can determine subtle changes in heat exchange in the ovarian vein. You need to understand two things:

  1. If there is no opportunity (or desire) to regularly measure BT rectally, it is better not to use this method at all.
  2. The basal (rectal) temperature chart is not used to make a diagnosis or prescribe treatment.

Any deviations from the standards should be discussed with a gynecologist.

Purpose of the method

To correctly understand what basal temperature is, you need to understand why this method is useful. Its main advantage is the ability to clearly define the processes of each phase of the cycle and identify possible deviations in the functioning of the body.

The norm established by medical specialists is an ideal. Each organism has its own characteristics. To take them into account and be able to draw a correct conclusion, observations are carried out for at least 3 months. It is recommended to plot your basal temperature for several reasons:

  1. The method allows you to determine the moment of ovulation and highlight days favorable for conception.
  2. Rectal temperature changes in a certain way during pregnancy. This suggests that the woman is pregnant in the early stages.
  3. Measuring BT helps determine the causes of infertility.
  4. Makes it possible to identify the presence of pathologies in the body.
  5. With its help you can check the quality of the endocrine system.

However, it is possible to achieve sufficient information content of the method only if the rules for constructing a BT graph are followed. In order to adequately draw it, it is necessary to clearly fulfill a number of requirements.

Data Collection Rules

Rectal temperature is measured according to certain rules. The correctness of the result depends on this. The method has a number of requirements:

  1. Data collection is carried out at one time with a maximum deviation of 30 minutes.
  2. The thermometer should be prepared in advance so that you do not have to get out of bed. You should move as little as possible, otherwise the temperature will increase by 0.1–0.2 thermometer divisions. This will affect the decoding of the result.
  3. Measurements are carried out daily, including the menstrual phase.
  4. Continuous sleep before the next BT measurement should be at least 4 hours.
  5. Illness, stress, increased loads affect the result. Therefore, if there are such facts, notes should be made in the notes.
  6. You must use the same thermometer. A mercury device is preferable, although an electronic version can also be used.

All results are immediately recorded in the log. Based on them, a schedule is built.

Plotting a graph

To make the results of data collection easier to interpret, they are usually presented in graphical form. Deciphering such information should be done by a qualified specialist. A woman can independently construct such graphs in several cycles.

It is possible to complete the drawing manually or use an online program. This will make the diagnostic process easier for the gynecologist.

Charting technology

All measurements recorded in the log must be presented graphically. If it is preferable to make the drawing manually, you should take a piece of paper in a cell and draw an x-axis (X), on which each cell corresponds to a day of the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, the ordinate (Y) axis is assigned to degrees. One cell is equal to 0.1 thermometer division.

The entire cycle must fit on one sheet of paper. You should not record readings for several periods on one chart. This leads to errors and difficulties during decoding.

A basal temperature of 37.0 is an important cutoff in this study. Therefore, at this level a line is drawn parallel to the abscissa axis. All measurement results are plotted on a graph in the form of points. Then they are connected in series. The norm is determined only after several months of research.

There are a large number of programs on the Internet that simplify the process of plotting. The research results are entered online into the appropriate cells. The program will build a smooth graph. This approach is as informative as drawing by hand.

Notes on the chart

Basal temperature in early pregnancy and during the cycle without conception is different. However, to see this difference, you need to do the research correctly.

Any little thing that a woman might not have paid attention to before can affect the result. Therefore, it is necessary to record not only the thermometer readings, but also a number of additional data. Without them, basal temperature in early pregnancy can easily be perceived as an abnormality or go unnoticed altogether. Factors that can influence BT include a number of conditions:

  • Diseases with increased general body temperature.
  • Intimacy in the evening or at night.
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Short period of sleep.
  • Unusual sampling time.
  • Taking sleeping pills.

A graph of basal temperature can be drawn by omitting single unreliable data. This should be noted in the notes. The type of discharge from the genital tract is also indicated here daily.

With the onset of pregnancy, gynecological diseases, and hormonal imbalances, their nature changes.

Normal chart type

The individual characteristics of a woman’s body affect the appearance of the graph. Each representative of the fair sex has her own norm. However, there are general principles that allow you to understand what your basal temperature should be.

The following statements are considered examples of normal graphs. They are considered in the context of the cycle with conception and in its absence.

Normal schedule for a period without conception

To answer the question of what basal temperature a non-pregnant girl should have, we need to consider the features of the menstrual cycle. It consists of follicular and luteal phases.

During the maturation of the egg, estrogen is produced, and after its release into the fallopian tube, the amount of progesterone in the blood serum increases. From the first day of the cycle (the beginning of menstruation), BT drops to the limit of 36.3–36.5 degrees. It remains this way in the follicular phase.

2 weeks before the expected date of the next menstruation, a sharp increase in indicators is observed. A basal temperature of 37.0–37.2 indicates that ovulation has occurred.

Moreover, the difference between the second and first phases should be 0.4–0.5 degrees.

This process is influenced by progesterone, which is intensively produced in the luteal phase. It prepares the body for a possible pregnancy. If it has not occurred, then 24–48 hours before menstruation, measurements will show a gradual decrease to 36.8–37.0 degrees.

Normal during pregnancy

Many couples are interested in what basal temperature during pregnancy is considered normal. This is a really important indicator. When pregnancy occurs, progesterone is actively produced. He is responsible for the processes of the correct course of this state.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy in the first obstetric weeks is completely identical to the chart without conception having occurred. The normal BBT after ovulation in this case is recognized in the range of 37.0–37.2 degrees.

One of the first signs of successful conception is the absence of a decrease in this indicator before the day of the expected menstruation.

If there is a delay at a high level of the measured indicator, you should consult a doctor. After undergoing an appropriate examination, the gynecologist will be able to accurately diagnose the cause of this condition.

The graph will also clearly show the implantation temperature drop over several days. This is due to the attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and the hormonal changes that occur. All these factors lead to a temporary recess of the curve on the graph.

Basal temperature during pregnancy remains high, which indicates a sufficient amount of progesterone.

Deviations from the standard schedule

The normal basal temperature indicators are determined after consultation with a doctor. Only a medical specialist, based on the examinations performed, will help to adequately understand the signals of the female body. Deviations in the course of various processes can be caused by various factors.

Hormonal disbalance

Improper production of progesterone and estrogen is shown in the drawing as the absence of a sharp jump in temperature in the middle of the cycle. If ovulation has not occurred this month, the indicator curve will not have any sharp rises or falls. Luteal phase deficiency is characterized by a duration of less than 12 days.

A basal temperature during pregnancy of 36.6–36.9 also indicates insufficient progesterone production. This threatens spontaneous abortion. You need to go to the hospital immediately.

But estrogen deficiency is determined by a high level of temperatures in the follicular phase. If this indicator is above 36.7 before the middle of the cycle, you should consult a medical specialist.

Inflammatory processes

In addition to the hormonal imbalances listed above, the graph can show the presence of inflammatory processes. This situation is reflected in the form of fluctuations in the curve and an increase in temperature.

With inflammation of the appendages, such a picture will not even allow you to determine the moment of ovulation. Sharp declines and rises indicate deviations of an inflammatory nature.

An increase in rectal temperature before the next menstruation allows one to suspect the development of endometritis. The graph will show a slight decrease in the curve in the last days of the cycle, and then its increase to 37.0.

If your period has not started, you may be pregnant. But in its absence, such a condition indicates a possible pathology.

Today, the method of determining basal temperature is recognized as a fairly reliable method for identifying various processes in the body.

By following all the rules for collecting data, a woman can get a true result with a high degree of probability. This will help her gynecologist quickly draw conclusions about the state of her health and, if necessary, take timely measures to prevent the development of pathology.

Where can I plot my basal temperature online or download the program?

    I like the program on the Babyplan website most of all.


    Calculates the probability of pregnancy as a percentage,

    Shows similar graphs,

    • under each day you can make notes (discharge, menstruation, sexual intercourse, results of ovulation and pregnancy tests, taking pills),
    • Under the chart you can keep a diary for the entire cycle, you can also post photos there

    Days of probable ovulation and cycle length (except for the first cycle) are automatically calculated.

    On the site you will also find a gallery with positive tests and liar tests, photos of pregnant bellies and ultrasound images, you can look at the BT charts of other users, make friends and contact the forum with any questions related to planning and pregnancy.

    Here on this site - - you can calculate your ovulation (approximate date) by entering the average length of your menstrual cycle and the date of your last period.

    You can build such a schedule on the website or In the video you can see instructions on how to compile it, that is, how to use the program. And you can learn to understand the meaning of the graph by following the link on the same site or.

    Here you can plot your basal temperature:

    Here you can learn a lot about charts: here is a good site

    It is better to chart your basal temperature from the first day of the menstrual cycle, i.e. from the first day of your period. Rectal temperature is measured daily in the morning and recorded in the basal temperature chart (a dot is placed at the level of the temperature value). It is necessary to record the current date on the basal temperature (BT) chart. The construction of a basal temperature chart should be continued until the start of the next menstruation. After the start of the next menstruation, start building a new BT schedule.

    There is a good website where you can plot your basal temperature and then watch the graph of changes. Also on this site you can read about how to draw up this schedule correctly. Website

    You can plot your basal temperature online without registration at You can read about decoding here. But to build a graph and get a transcript of it, I found only a paid program. On the sites above, everything is clear and easily written about decryption, and you can easily do it yourself without purchasing paid programs.

    He has access to web pages that allow you to plot your basal temperature:

Anovulatory schedule say 1-2 times a year even in completely healthy women. In other cases, we are talking about a hormonal disorder. You should immediately visit a doctor to begin timely treatment.

For endometritis

By analyzing basal temperature, you can identify the presence of a disease such as endometritis. Normal at the beginning of a new cycle the temperature should drop. If during menstrual flow an increase in BT occurs and remains at this level, then this is a clear symptom of the presence of the disease.

Along with this, the appearance of other symptoms of the disease is noted. These include the following:

  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Feeling worse.
  • Cycle disruption.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Uterine bleeding.

It is not recommended to determine deviations from the BT schedule yourself. This should be done Therapist. Treatment is prescribed based on the results of tests and other studies.

Measuring basal body temperature (BBT or BT) is a home diagnostic method that allows you to obtain information about the phase of the menstrual cycle, the approach and onset of ovulation, the state of hormonal levels, confirms pregnancy and gives an idea of ​​the nature of its course. It is also used as a natural method of contraception. BT is the lowest temperature level that the body reaches in a state of complete rest, in particular during sleep.

Today, measuring basal temperature and analyzing graphs obtained during ovulation are rarely used in medical practice. Modern equipment and the availability of ultrasound reduce the relevance of this study. However, the method is suitable for self-control and is easy to use at home. Reviews from women confirm this.

What is the method based on?

A woman’s body temperature depends on many factors, the main one of which is changes in the concentration of sex hormones during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, fluctuations can be observed not even by weeks, but by hours and minutes.

  • First phase of the cycle. It is caused by the work of estrogens, under the influence of which the egg matures. During ovulation, the levels of these hormones, regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), reach their peak. As a result, the mature egg is released from the follicle for fertilization. An increased concentration of estrogen inhibits metabolic processes. Accordingly, the temperature in the tissues of the pelvic organs decreases.
  • Second phase of the cycle. Regulated by progestins. After ovulation, the concentration of these hormones increases and affects the formation of the endometrium. Progesterone is also responsible for the normal course of the gestation period, which is why it received the name “pregnancy hormone”. It stimulates thermoregulatory processes, which causes increased basal temperature during pregnancy, before menstruation.

By regularly measuring your basal temperature over several months, you can determine how the phases of the menstrual cycle change, when ovulation occurs and the most likely days of conception. And also find out whether it took place.

To do this, BT indicators are entered into a special chart every day. You can create it yourself or use separate calendars and electronic applications.

Basal temperature indicators are quite relative, since the concentration of sex hormones is constantly changing in absolute values. But this does not prevent this method from being one of the most common when planning pregnancy due to its accessibility and information content. Also, knowing how basal temperature changes, a woman can calculate “safe” days for intimacy. Of course, provided the cycle is stable.

What does basal temperature show?

BT data are informative not only for the patient, but also for doctors. If you correctly decipher the basal temperature chart, you can determine pregnancy, as well as:

  • relative concentration of estrogens and gestagens;
  • approach and onset of ovulation;
  • deviations in the menstrual cycle;
  • pathology of pregnancy in the 1st trimester:
  • suspicion of infertility;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

6 rules for accurate results

Basal temperature is a very sensitive indicator and can be influenced by various factors. Therefore, the reliability of the conclusions depends only on the accuracy of the measurements. To achieve this, you need to prepare to build a BT schedule. Here are the main recommendations:

  • limit sex - a few hours before measuring the BTT indicator;
  • avoid stress- physical and emotional at the time of measurements;
  • follow a diet - it is useful to limit the consumption of salty, fatty, fried foods;
  • rest - before measuring your basal temperature, you need to sleep for at least three hours.

To measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, it is necessary to adhere to the following six rules.

  1. Measurement frequency. Temperature readings should be recorded at the same time every day, noting them in a special chart (table). BBT measurements should also be taken before and during menstruation.
  2. Method. BBT is measured rectally - in the rectum. Oral and vaginal methods are not standard for this procedure and do not provide accurate results.
  3. Times of Day . The procedure is carried out in the morning. Before her, the woman must be in a state of complete rest (preferably sleep) for at least three hours. If there was a night shift at work the day before, you should make a note, as this may affect the result. There is no point in conducting research in the evening - it is uninformative at this time. Any physical activity should be limited. It is not even recommended to shake the thermometer before measuring. Any activity changes the basal temperature readings, so the procedure is carried out at the moment of awakening and before getting out of bed.
  4. Thermometer. Measurements should be carried out with the same thermometer, without changing mercury to electronic and vice versa. The most reliable readings are provided by a mercury thermometer. It needs to be brought down to a minimum level the night before, so as not to put effort into it immediately before the procedure.
  5. Duration. It is acceptable if a woman does not ovulate every month, especially closer to 40 years of age. Therefore, measurements should be carried out over a long period of time (at least 12 weeks). During pregnancy, it makes sense to measure up to the 2nd trimester; in the 3rd trimester, the hormonal profile “at its own discretion” changes the temperature.
  6. Recording indicators. It is best to note the obtained result immediately in the graph: since the difference in indicators can be tenths of a degree, they are easy to forget or confuse. As basal temperature markers are set, it is recommended to connect them with lines. The graph should also note any factors that could affect the changes and reliability of the data.

BT indicators: normal...

There are relative norms for basal temperature, according to which you can, without the help of a specialist, calculate what phase the cycle is in and the days of highest female fertility.

  • First phase (downgrade). Regulated by estrogens. Occurs on days 1-13 of the cycle. Immediately after menstruation, the basal temperature drops to 36.6-36.2°C.
  • Ovulatory phase (fluctuations). Peak activity of estrogen, FSH and LH. Lasts up to three days. A day or two before ovulation, BT reaches 36.6-36.7°C. Basal temperature during ovulation rises by 0.1-0.4°C. After the follicle ruptures and the egg is released, the indicator is 37-37.4°C.
  • Second phase (increase). Regulated by progesterone and occurs on days 16-28 of the cycle. During this period, BT is increased, its indicators vary between 37-37.4°C.

A few days before the onset of menstruation after ovulation, progesterone levels rapidly decrease and a low basal temperature is again noted (within 36.8-36.6 ° C).

... and deviations

The basal temperature chart is a kind of indicator of a woman’s health status. Deviations from the norm in BT indicators may indicate the following.

  • Inflammation . If an elevated basal temperature is recorded before and during menstruation, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Disadvantage of the second phase. BT levels in the luteal phase of the cycle that are below normal indicate progesterone deficiency.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. Small deviations (in tenths of a degree) that persist throughout the entire cycle may be individual manifestations of the body’s functioning.
  • Ovulation offset. The movement of the BT jump horizontally along the graph (to the right or left) indicates early or late ovulation. Only a specialist can judge its success.
  • Double ovulation. It is characterized by two peaks of temperature increase. Moreover, the second one is possible in the late second phase, superimposed on the main value and therefore difficult to notice.

No ovulation

If the cycle has passed without ovulation, several options for basal temperature charts are possible.

  • High temperature in the first phase. When in the first half of the cycle the temperature is more than 36.6°C, this indicates that estrogen levels are low. There are not enough of them to control the temperature, so the egg cannot mature.
  • Smooth rather than rapid rise in temperature. Such dynamics of BT during ovulation indicates the inferiority of the egg, which is why the follicle does not rupture.
  • Sudden drop and then rise in temperature. In the second phase, this indicates that the egg has died.
  • Smooth temperatures throughout the entire cycle. The complete absence of a jump in basal temperature indicates the absence of ovulation.

The use of hormonal drugs (for example, Duphaston, oral contraceptives) changes the basal temperature. The jumps depend on what type of hormones were used.

Values ​​during pregnancy

Often women resort to the method of measuring basal temperature to increase their chances of conceiving. Many people rely on BBT readings to determine whether a pregnancy has occurred and how it is progressing. This method is effective (including for twins and triplets), but only in the early stages - more modern and reliable diagnostic methods are available from the 2nd trimester.

Basal temperature during pregnancy can have the following indicators.

  • Current pregnancy. If fertilization has occurred, after ovulation until menstruation is delayed, an increase in basal temperature is observed, which will subsequently remain at a high level. This is due to the influence of progesterone. If menstruation does not occur and the temperature has dropped, this indicates a cyclic failure. The normal basal temperature in early pregnancy is within 37-37.5°C.
  • Frozen pregnancy. If the fact of conception is established, but there is a sharp decrease in BT during early pregnancy, which subsequently remains at the same level, this indicates the death of the embryo.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Most often, in the early stages, such cases do not affect the basal temperature and the schedule corresponds to the developing pregnancy.
  • Risk of miscarriage . Often the cause of miscarriage is progesterone deficiency, as indicated by low basal temperature both before and after the delay. If bloody discharge appears, you need to sound the alarm and seek medical help.

The basal temperature chart during pregnancy can be influenced by many factors, so it should only be an auxiliary and not the main method of monitoring health during this period.