Lose a gold ring. Losing and finding an engagement ring in a dream

When two loving hearts get married, they put wedding rings on each other as a symbol of their love and fidelity.

It is quite rare to see such a symbol in a dream. Dream interpreters advise to be sure to pay attention to it.

If you dreamed of a wedding ring, then it’s not without reason, as any dream interpreter will tell you. If you lost it during your night vision, then this is a sign, and you should definitely listen to it.

Dreaming of a wedding ring

Before you begin to consider a dream about losing a wedding ring, it is worth finding out what this symbol itself means. Dream books can help any dreamer with this.

I dreamed about the main symbol of marriage

Predictions of dream interpreters

The ring, which means that you have forever united your destiny with another person, is a rather complex symbol. It is considered by dream books from the position of the status of a sleeping person and his gender. The main factor will be the dreamer's social status, whether he is officially married or not.

Interpreter of Gustav Miller

A dream in which a woman sees a sparkling, brand new ring is considered positive. Miller said that such a lady would be happy in her marriage, and she would not be in danger of her husband’s betrayal.

A broken, lost ring means that the prediction will be completely different. The dreamer will experience grief, her life will become sad.

To see a ring on another person’s hand and pay attention to it - a certain person will promise you a lot, but you will not believe a single word he says. Also, such a dream can predict a period of fun and a riotous lifestyle.

Dreaming of silver wedding rings

Ukrainian dream book

When in a dream you see a ring used for a wedding ceremony in church, the prediction can be completely different. It’s good if you remember the material the ring is made of:

  • gold promises a quick marriage, especially if a single person dreams of it, otherwise someone close to you will get engaged;
  • silver - trouble will happen, the situation will not turn out in your favor.

What dream books say about losing a ring

The interpretation of dreams about losing a ring is most fully discussed in the above-mentioned dream book by Gustav Miller. It is believed that any ring that you lose in a dream promises you a difficult period in life. You may be greatly offended, and other troubles will also occur.

If in a dream you lose a ring that does not exist in reality, then you are tormented by unfulfilled desires. You dreamed of a completely different life.

The interpreter from “A” to “Z” considers a dream about the loss of a ring as an annoying mistake that a sleeping person will make in reality. If you have been diligently looking for it, then a lucky chance will help you avoid the biggest troubles. Did you manage to find him? You will soon receive good news.

Has your ring become too small? You will worry about your children. Falls off your finger - financial loss.

According to this dream book, losing a wedding ring or selling it means a difficult financial situation in which the dreamer will find himself.

A love interpreter believes that a lost wedding ring symbolizes separation from your soulmate. There may not be such drastic changes; you will simply be disappointed in this person.

The psychological dream book considers why a woman loses a ring in a dream. It is believed that the dreamer will go through a difficult period in which many troubles will befall her.

Simeon Prozorov wrote in his interpreter that the loss of a ring promises betrayal of a loved one.

All the negativity of the dream

Why do you dream about losing your wedding ring? Interpreters unanimously claim that such a dream is negative. It is believed that when such a vision visited you, then in real life you will lose something important to yourself.

What exactly can await the dreamer after such a plot in a dream:

  • you risk losing the trust of loved ones;
  • financial losses, financial situation will be shaken;
  • separation from your significant other;
  • drastic changes in your personal life, which will be quite negative.

As a rule, such a dream can occur before the start of a difficult stage in a family’s life.. You and your spouse will completely stop finding mutual understanding, unexpectedly learn about his infidelity, or you yourself will take the wrong step, which will shake your marriage.

If a dream about finding and putting on a wedding ring promised a lonely person a quick meeting with his destiny, then losing it is interpreted in a completely opposite way. The marriage is on the verge of collapse, although you may not notice it.

Interpretation of sleep for women outside of relationships

It happens that such a dream appears in a dream to a lonely person. Then it means disappointment in your relatives, friends, and work colleagues. You will have to part with certain people because you will completely stop trusting them.

What the ring looked like

The interpretation of dreams will be complete if you can remember exactly what the ring looked like in your dream:

  • signet - you will encounter bureaucratic troubles;
  • subtle wedding - quarrel between spouses, divorce;
  • it was a family heirloom - you will find yourself in many unpleasant situations, undermine your authority in society;
  • “Marquis” ring - stop communicating with an influential person, thereby losing his support;
  • an ugly ring that you didn’t like at all - you will be able to get rid of troubles.

If the ring was not made of gold, then there is a positive prediction for people who are divorced. Soon you will be able to get back together with your soulmate, as the realization will come that you are made for each other.

A little positivity

We have already figured out what it means to dream of losing a ring. It became clear that in general this was a negative sign. But what does searching for a ring in a dream mean? Engaging in a search, as well as in the process of night vision, being able to find what is missing means that good luck awaits you. In reality, you will be able to realize your wildest plans.

Among other things, interpreters advise taking a closer look at the accompanying symbols from night vision, and only then creating a correct prediction. The same symbol, which was dreamed together with another sign, can have completely opposite meanings.

You should also be aware that a dream that you only had once may mean absolutely nothing. Interpreters advise taking seriously the dreams that come to you with enviable consistency. Otherwise, it may only be a reflection of your actual experiences.

If you lost the ring and did not experience any negative emotions, perhaps even felt relief, then in reality you will be able to get rid of things or people you do not need. These changes in your life will definitely be beneficial.

Losing a ring in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing separation, discord in relationships, quarrels and difficulties. A more accurate interpretation of the dream depends on the details of the plot of the night dream.

  • How to interpret a dream?
  • Lose your wedding ring
  • Find decoration

How to interpret a dream?

Each individual dream book presents to readers its own meaning of a dream about a lost ring. Each dreamer can choose the dream book that inspires the most confidence in him.

  • Losing a ring in a dream portends a series of losses and sorrows, unfavorable period in life. Morally, the dream means a deeply hidden grudge, psychological trauma received in the past. The dream can also foreshadow the real loss of jewelry, valuable things, or a sum of money. The loss of a wedding ring indicates problems in your personal life, discord in the relationship between partners.

    For a woman to lose her wedding ring in a dream, it indicates that she will have to fight to maintain her relationship with a man. The loss of a ring that does not exist in reality indicates unfulfilled, unsatisfied desires, regrets about a missed opportunity.

  • Losing a ring in a dream promises material loss or a break in relationships with a loved one. A similar problem involves the departure of a loved one, moving to another city or even country. It is necessary to try to maintain a relationship at a distance - it is difficult, but possible. Losing a wedding ring in a dream indicates a cooling of the spouse’s feelings, suspicions of infidelity, and loss of mutual understanding between spouses. Finding a ring portends good luck in solving vital issues.

    Losing the golden ring indicates a missed chance that fate will kindly provide to the dreamer. Even if a person takes a chance, he will do it mediocrely.

  • Losing an expensive, ornate ring indicates future troubles and disappointments. If a silver ring is lost, then soon the dreamer’s friends will present him with an unpleasant surprise. If the silver ring slips right off the sleeping person’s finger, this indicates strained relationships with loved ones, in particular with parents.

    Losing a wedding ring indicates a strong, friendly relationship with your spouse, to overcome all obstacles and problems with minimal losses.

  • A ring lost in a dream is a sign that the dreamer wants to change something in his personal life. This could be a desire to end a relationship with a current partner or a desire to find your soulmate. The loss of a real-life ring foreshadows financial difficulties, material losses, as well as loss of trust of people important to the dreamer. Losing a ring that does not exist in reality indicates a fatal turn in the dreamer’s life, a serious moral loss of the sleeping person.
  • Losing a ring in a dream predicts separation from a loved one. For married people, a dream predicts a serious discord in marital relationships or even divorce. The loss of a wedding ring means the severance of old relationships, including friendships and marital ones. Losing a simple, thin ring indicates minor material losses, a damaged relationship with a close friend, random, unpleasant incidents. A lost diamond ring indicates the severance of an old relationship and the acquisition of new ones. A person does not dwell on the past, he is ready to move on and learn new lessons from life.
  • A ring slipping off a finger is a sign of a violation of the oath of allegiance, some kind of promise given to the dreamer. In particular, the dream promises betrayal of a loved one.
  • Losing a ring in a dream means that in reality the sleeper risks losing the favor of an influential, important person, whose opinion and attitude he values ​​very much. Finding a lost ring and putting it on your finger - such a dream portends success with the opposite sex.
  • Losing a valuable, expensive ring means breaking old friendships and acquiring new ones.. Throwing away your wedding ring with your own hands portends losses and material damages. Taking a ring off your finger and then losing sight of it means that the dreamer will soon experience financial difficulties and lose heart. Losing a precious ring indicates a disdainful attitude from a partner, that he ignores the needs and desires of the dreamer. This should convince the sleeping person that it is not worth continuing a romantic relationship with such a subject.

    Trying to find a lost ring indicates the dreamer's romantic feelings for some person.

  • Losing the ring symbolizes a broken friendship or romantic relationship. The dream indicates that the breakup was due to the dreamer's fault. A ring slipping off your finger indicates a loss of trust of a loved one due to circumstances. Find a lost ring means new connections and acquaintances, a chance to improve relationships with loved ones.
  • Losing the ring means discord in family relationships, conflict in the workplace. The loss of a ring decorated with small stones foreshadows a sea of ​​tears, frustration on the verge of hysteria. Looking for a lost ring speaks of good luck, which will haunt him in all matters. A lost silver ring indicates a possible reunion of former lovers.
  • For a divorced person, losing a wedding ring in a dream means maintaining friendly relations with his ex-spouse. Sadness over losing a ring in a dream warns a person that a troubled period in life awaits him.
  • Lose a ring portends material losses up to complete bankruptcy. The dream can also portend discord in friendships or love relationships, quarrels with household members.

Why do you dream about something missing in reality?

A ring lost in reality in a dream means finding this jewelry in reality. It is necessary to remember all the details of the night vision - they contain a hint as to where to look for the lost jewel.

A dream can also mean the opportunity to return something important to your life that was lost in the past: friendships or love relationships, feelings, work, and so on. A person needs to grab the given chance and take full advantage of it - fate will no longer provide another.

A man suddenly sees a long-lost ring in a dream - to disappointment in friends, loved ones or in your current lifestyle.

Lose your wedding ring

The loss of a wedding ring traditionally foreshadows discord in family and love relationships, or a quarrel with a close friend. For a person who is married, such a dream means betrayal of the other half, his departure from the family nest.

For a man a dream indicates the imprudent behavior of his wife, her adultery. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a breakdown in relationships due to the fault of her husband - the initiative for divorce will come from him.

Losing a wedding ring while swimming predicts the spread of dirty gossip behind the sleeper's back. Losing a ring in muddy, dirty water indicates the likelihood of contracting a disease, the treatment of which will take a lot of time and effort.

A single man dreams of losing his wedding ring - to waste of money, loss of profit, deterioration of financial situation. The dream also speaks of a discord in a relationship with a girl for whom the dreamer has sincere feelings.

An unmarried girl lost her engagement ring in a dream - this promises betrayal of a close friend who knows all the dreamer's secrets. Deliberately throwing away a wedding ring means breaking off relations with a person with whom communication is a burden for the dreamer.

Lost ring with a precious stone indicates an imminent fateful meeting, a sharp turn in fate. The dream also speaks of the reanimation of old feelings for a past partner.

Find decoration

Finding a ring in a dream is a harbinger of great luck. The loss and subsequent discovery of a ring speaks of the restoration of past relationships and the opportunity to catch up. Losing one piece of jewelry and finding another - such a dream foreshadows a more favorable period in life, much better than the previous one.

For an unmarried girl, finding a ring predicts meeting her betrothed - the relationship will develop rapidly and lead to a wedding celebration. For a girl to find a ring on the street, it foreshadows an acquaintance with a person who will become a close, faithful friend for her.

Finding several rings means many fateful meetings, a large number of interesting events and acquaintances. A new environment will help a person develop his abilities and achieve his goal.

For a married lady, finding an expensive ring in clean, clear water is a harbinger of a long-awaited pregnancy. A discovery in troubled waters foretells an improvement in relationships with your family. Finding a ring in the water with another person indicates an evil, treacherous person in the dreamer’s immediate circle. This person can have a negative influence on the sleeper.

For married people, finding a gold wedding ring means strong love and a happy marriage. For divorced people, such a dream indicates material losses due to their own fault.

A found diamond ring is a harbinger of considerable wealth that will literally fall on the dreamer’s head. For a young girl to find a large number of gold rings indicates attention from several gentlemen at once. This will give the girl concrete confidence in her attractiveness.

For a man to find a ring with precious stones in a dream indicates the emergence of fresh, creative ideas about developing his business or hobby. Finding a thin silver ring means tears and suffering.

A ring, especially an engagement ring, is a symbol of love, a strong marriage and a reliable relationship. It’s not for nothing that if an unmarried girl received a wedding ring as a gift in a dream, in reality she would receive an offer of legal marriage from her loved one.

What if you dream about losing your wedding ring?

To find out as accurately as possible why you dream of losing your wedding ring, you need to pay attention to the small details of the dream. A dream in which a legally married person loses his wedding ring promises many trials and problems. The worst and most common is betrayal and leaving the family of a loved one.

If a man sees a dream, then it is advisable for him to pay attention to the behavior of his wife; perhaps she has been dating someone else for a long time. If a woman sees a dream, then such a dream promises her serious disagreements in the family, which can lead to her husband demanding a divorce.

If the dreamer lost a ring in a dream after swimming in water, then you need to pay attention to the quality of the water. If it is clean and transparent, then this is gossip. If the water in a pond or container is dirty and cloudy, then the person who saw the dream will soon fall ill, and the illness will be long and treatment will be expensive.

A dream in which a lonely man managed to lose his wedding ring has a completely different interpretation. This dream promises a small monetary loss in real life.

If a man is not married, but has a lover, then the loss of his wedding ring promises unpleasant discoveries regarding his other half. It is quite possible that after this dream, the dreamer will be disappointed in his companion or learn about her some unseemly act. If a person sees this dream on the eve of his wedding, then the marriage will turn out to be very fleeting.

What does it portend?

If an unmarried girl lost her wedding ring, then such a dream promises her the betrayal of a friend to whom she trusted all her secrets.

If a girl deliberately breaks a piece of jewelry in a dream and loses it, it means that in real life she will get rid of a person with whom communication is a burden to her. If in a dream a person is looking for a lost wedding ring and finds it, it means that he will achieve all his goals.

Such a dream also promises monetary reward received for painstaking and long work. If the ring is never found, but the search continues for a long time, then the dreamer will lose the trust of a relative or loved one.

If the lost ring was made of silver or metal, then separated people will still have a chance to return their relationship to its previous level. If the jewelry was gold, then it will be impossible to save the marriage or relationship. If the dreamer’s wedding ring was decorated with precious stones, then a fateful meeting awaits him in the future.

Impressionable people should not completely trust dream books. It is quite possible that this is the work of the subconscious, which processes all the information received by a person during the day. But still, if the dream is repeated several times, it is worth paying attention to what it warns about.

Why do you dream that you lost a ring in a dream? Interpretation of dreams It’s unlikely that you would have guessed that a ring is not only a beautiful decoration for our hands, but also a powerful sign in superstitions and dream interpreters. This is especially true for those moments if you lose a ring in a dream. Can this dream be considered a bad sign? What to expect in the near future after this dream? The most popular dream books will give us answers to these questions.

Why do you dream of losing a ring?

This plot, most often, marks serious changes in personal life, which, however, are not always positive. This may indicate dissatisfaction with your chosen one, a desire to enter into a new relationship, or simply destroy the current one.

Some dream books interpret this image as a kind of warning about the threat of financial loss. It is possible that after this dream, the sleeper will lose the former favor of those friends and acquaintances who play a big role in his life.

In some dream books you can find a more serious interpretation, according to which the loss of a ring means that you will soon have to lose something valuable in real life. This loss will seriously affect your future destiny and personal relationships.

Losing a ring in a dream can mean discord in family relationships, conflict with superiors or colleagues. For family people, this plot may signify a serious scandal with members of the household. Beware of any disputes and showdowns, as this will not end well. If the decoration was inlaid with small stones, expect tears.

If an unmarried woman lost a ring in a dream, then her current or future chosen one will greatly disappoint her. Definitely, a relationship with this person will not lead to anything good.

For older people, this dream may indicate that their health is greatly weakened; it is possible that the dreamer will soon become seriously ill.

For men, this dream serves as a warning about possible financial difficulties. In addition, some time after what you saw, under no circumstances lend it to anyone, as there is a high probability of parting with the money altogether. Losing a beautiful ring in a dream is a sign of betrayal by your best friend.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream: what dream books will say

Since a wedding ring is a symbol of eternal, mutual love, a strong and happy marriage, the loss of this jewelry in a dream will not bode well.

If a married person loses a ring in a dream, then this can be interpreted as an imminent betrayal of the chosen one(s) or leaving the family altogether. Dream books advise men who see this plot to pay attention to the behavior of their spouse, since it may well be that she has someone on her side. For girls, this may be a signal that she will soon hear reproaches addressed to her or her lover’s desire to leave. It is likely that there has been a crisis in your relationship for a long time, but you stubbornly turned a blind eye to it. Try to listen with understanding to complaints and dissatisfaction addressed to you and then, perhaps, you will return the love and respect of this person.

Losing a ring in a dream is not a good sign, but even from the above interpretations you can extract useful advice that will guide you on the true path. We hope you understand everything correctly and draw the necessary conclusions.

According to various beliefs, losing a ring is a very bad sign, which promises, first of all, separations, quarrels and various losses. Moreover, this prediction is relevant both for a loss that occurred in reality, and for a loss in a dream. Of course, if you can find the thing you lost, the future will be more prosperous for you. However, in order to be sure of this and understand why the plot you see in a dream is meant, it is better to turn to dream books for a hint.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book explains in detail all the visions that are somehow related to the loss of jewelry. It also explains why a ring may be missing in a dream. So, if in a dream you happened to lose a ring, then in reality you should prepare for various experiences and grievances. If a woman dreams that she cannot find her wedding ring, then, according to the dream book, she will have to fight for her marriage in real life. Did you see that you had lost a ring that you really don’t have? In reality you have unfulfilled desires.

What shape is the ring

Each piece of jewelry in a dream carries a hidden meaning. However, according to dream books, the same decoration can portend completely different circumstances in life. For example, when asked why you dream about losing a ring, there may be several different predictions. So, if you lost in a dream:

  • A wedding ring means there will be discord in your family, which will cause divorce.
  • A modest copper ring that you eventually had to break and throw away, then in reality you will quarrel with a friend.
  • Luxurious “marquis”, then in reality you will lose your patron.
  • A ring that openly annoys you means that you can get rid of many problems in everyday life.
  • A ring that was of historical value, then in reality you will get into trouble.
  • Signet, then you cannot avoid bureaucratic delays.

To joy

Do you want to understand why you dream that you are left without gold jewelry in a dream? According to the dream book, this plot is a harbinger of quarrels and separation. But if you happen to lose and then find a ring, then, as the Eastern Dream Book believes, your reputation will be tarnished. But once you find your lost diamond ring, your reputation will be cleared of all bad things.

If a woman who has long dreamed of a child loses a ring in a dream, but then finds it in clean water, then she can count on her cherished desire being fulfilled in reality. If a man had to look for a golden signet in the sea or other body of water, then most likely there was stagnation in his affairs.

To peace

Did you happen to lose a ring in a dream, but you weren’t upset at all? The dream book insists that in reality you will be able to cope with all the problems that attacked you.

Are you wondering why a divorced person dreams of losing his wedding ring? If in a dream you are not upset, then in reality you will be able to maintain friendly relations with your ex-spouse. However, if you are very upset about the loss of your wedding ring, then, according to Tsvetkova, you will only dream of peace.

To failure

Did you dream that a ring slipped off your hand and got lost? Miss Hasse insists that if it was jewelry and expensive, then you will not be able to avoid troubles in life. If a silver ring with a stone was lost, then your friends will cause you grief.

If in a dream a silver ring was torn from your hand, which was given to you by your parents, then, according to the prediction of the interpreter of the White Magician, in reality you will miss communicating with them.

AstroLibra > > > Finding or losing rings in a dream - what is it for? By remembering the details of the dream, the dream book will help you decipher the dream.

The dreamed ring is a multifaceted symbol. It symbolizes harmony and happiness, sometimes – marriage and the birth of a child. Finding a ring is a very good dream, while losing it usually has a negative interpretation.

To understand the exact meaning of a dream, try to remember as many of its details as possible.

Finding and losing an engagement ring in a dream

If in a dream you find a wedding ring, and at the same time you know for sure that it belongs to you, then the dream book says that in reality you can improve your family relationships, revive former love and passion. For unmarried people, this means an upcoming fateful meeting. But if the ring you found is not yours, and its size does not suit you, the value is closer to negative. A dream may say that your current chosen one is not your person, and by being in a relationship with him, you are only torturing yourself and him. The meaning of the dream in which you find a wedding ring may be more predictable - you will receive marriage proposal.

If a married person dreams that he has lost his wedding ring, this is a harbinger of a number of difficulties. You may have to deal with the betrayal of your significant other and her departure. If a man had such a dream, he could talk about his wife’s adultery. For a woman, it promises strong disagreements in the family. If a lonely man has such a dream, it portends monetary losses. For people who are not married, but have lovers, such a dream can promise unpleasant discoveries about their loved one.

A very bad sign is to dream about losing your wedding ring on the eve of your own wedding. He hints that the marriage will be unhappy and short-lived.

For a girl, this dream may mean stopping communication with a person who does not bring her joy. A dream in which you lose, but then look for and find an engagement ring, says that you will be able to achieve everything what they had in mind. This may be a symbol of monetary reward. If you still haven’t found the ring, the dream may mean that you will lose the trust of someone close to you.

golden ring

Finding a gold ring in a dream - auspicious sign, foreshadowing a new acquaintance with a wealthy, successful person. This dream is very good for those whose activities are related to commerce and business. He says that incredible success in business and very good profits await you. If you find a ring and put it on your finger, in addition to success, this also means fulfillment of your secret desires. If a young girl has a dream in which she finds many gold rings, this means that she will also have many gentlemen in the future. For a man, this dream is favorable in terms of ideas for business and earnings, which will be implemented in real life.


A silver ring in a dream is a good symbol. It means that in the future you will enjoy pleasant surprises and lucrative offers. For those who suffer from health problems in reality, such a dream symbolizes a speedy recovery. It is a symbol of good luck in business and wish fulfillment. If you had a dream in which you found a silver ring, it means an upcoming important meeting or business trip, the results of which will please you.

If you lost a silver ring in a dream, in reality you may be faced with a painful search for your place in life. A state of depression, dissatisfaction with everything you have, and apathy may occur. If the decoration was thrown to the ground or fell on its own, this may indicate about adultery. The loss of a silver ring can also mean future scandals and quarrels in family relationships.

With stone

A dream in which you find a diamond ring is considered very good. He foreshadows you great wealth, which will not require any effort from you to obtain. But if the diamond had a crack or was broken, finances can come at a very high price. The emerald ring you found in a dream symbolizes an imminent wedding. If you find sapphire jewelry, expect all your desires to come true. A ring with a stone itself symbolizes a pleasant surprise, and the larger the stone, the greater your joy from these changes.

Losing a ring with a stone is a bad dream, meaning sadness or a quarrel with someone close to you. But if you lost your ring and then found it, everything will be resolved safely for you.

Find or lose a ring in the water

If a married lady saw this dream, it means addition to the family. But this interpretation is relevant if the reservoir was clean. If the ring was found in troubled water, the dream means that you will be able to improve family relationships. But for a man, such a dream is advice not to give up, because otherwise he may lose everything he has.

If in a dream you lost a ring in water, you need to analyze what the liquid was like. So, if the water was clean and clear, beware of gossip, as someone may try to ruin your reputation. If the water was cloudy and dirty, the dream foreshadows an illness, and a serious and long-lasting one.

Other meanings

If you dreamed that you found a black ring, the dream may predict family quarrels or the need to communicate with an unpleasant person. If you put on a ring and experience discomfort from wearing it, you may actually have health problems. Finding a plastic ring is also not the best symbol. The dream promises losses and disappointments, possibly deception and treason. Putting a plastic ring on your hand is a dream, which can mean a loss of financial resources. A wooden ring is a symbol of minor passing events. The dream may symbolize short-term success or a new novel that will end very quickly.


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The future bride has a better chance of seeing a dream in which there is an engagement ring. And what does this wedding accessory mean in a dream for those who have been married for a long time, or have never been married?

If a young, unmarried person dreams of an engagement ring - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl - then a wedding ceremony awaits them soon. Flowers, champagne, happy faces! This is if the ring in the dream was made of gold. If the ring is made of silver, then hopes for a quick marriage will not be justified. You need to prepare yourself to be alone for at least a year. Therefore, in a dream, you should not so much rejoice at an expensive gift as try to consider what metal it is made of.

For married people, a gold ring in a dream means you will spend your whole life happily with one partner; a silver ring means a quick divorce with a scandal.

A woman dreamed that she was putting a ring on her middle finger - all her life she would have to take the initiative, and a man would have to obey women.

The presence of girlfriends during the exchange of rings for a woman - a future husband or an existing one is not indifferent to the female sex, she will have to worry about for the rest of her life.

If diamonds are set into a ring in a dream, you urgently need to look for a reliable patron in reality, otherwise you won’t be able to cope with your plan on your own. The ring is tight - a loved one may get sick. The ring was given away by relatives in a dream - it’s worth waiting for happy news. There are specks of rust on the ring, it is scratched - the dream is not clear-cut. It can mean separation from a loved one, loss, and can simply predict loss of strength and depression. If you had a dream on the waning moon in the fall, depression cannot be avoided. A ruby ​​or sapphire is set into the ring - the respect of others is guaranteed in the near future. Turquoise - a family member will achieve fame, and not only relatives will be proud of him. There are letters on the ring - for a man, a dream means that his wife will cheat.

A man's dreams of a wedding ring make him tense, and rightly so. Any dream where a man gives away a ring, or puts it on himself, indicates that he will be henpecked!

Why you dream of losing a wedding ring can be interpreted in different ways. If it falls off your finger and falls nearby, but is impossible to find, it means the loss of a loved one due to betrayal. If later the ring is unexpectedly found, you will have to put up with the betrayal for the rest of your life.

The ring did not fit on the finger, and the groom threw it away in anger - a bad dream for a woman. The path to a man’s heart is chosen incorrectly and it will soon spread to his girlfriend.

A stranger found a lost ring and put it on - a new friend will appear in the environment.

The transition from one day in a week to another when you dreamed of losing a ring explains the dream in different ways. The transition from one week to another, the “turning night” - you will have to separate for a short time, on Tuesday - the separation will last a long time, and by the meeting that will take place, feelings will fade away. From the second to the third day, you will be sad when you are apart, you will not know what to do with yourself. From the third to the fourth - portends complete powerlessness in a situation that will have to be dealt with in the near future. Dreams that occur on Friday are considered prophetic - the dream will come true literally and the most correct thing is to take off the ring and not wear the ring for a week.

Men who explain to their wife why the ring was removed may face a misunderstanding of their significant other in reality.

The ring is lost from the fifth to the sixth day - a meeting with a liar. For a man, a dream about disappearance means he will be in the role of a liar.

If a girl asks why she is dreaming, she lost her wedding ring, and the dream occurred from Saturday to Sunday, then it will be difficult to delicately explain the meaning of the dream - a dream about the loss of honor in real life. A rash act will be committed in a fit of passion and you will have to regret the consequences for a long time.

A particularly unpleasant interpretation of a dream about a lost wedding ring is if you dreamed about it from the 13th to the 14th, and the 13th was Friday. It means that you had to deceive a very loved one, hurting him. He will not forgive insults.

There are many more known dreams with plots in which wedding rings appear.

There are many rings and you try them on, choose them, but you cannot find one to your liking - in reality love has not yet been met, and you have not been able to experience heartfelt affection for friends. The dream warns that it is time to change. A cold heart is seen by others and shunned.

A very narrow ring on the finger, a bezel, most likely the engagement will be broken. A man in a dream holds out a narrow ring in his palm - it is better to look for another candidate for the role of husband. If a man dreams about something like this, and a woman offers the ring, it’s better to stay away from her, she only wants money. A wide ring means prosperity.

Exchange rings during the ceremony, promise something difficult to fulfill, but fulfill it. When exchanging rings, putting the rings on your fingers, where they then fit like a glove, is a guarantee of a happy and carefree life.

If during the ceremony the rings were put on the toes - of yourself or of your future spouse - the partner is prone to adventures, and in marriage you will have to feel like on a volcano.

A wedding ring appeared on her hand unexpectedly, although in a dream you clearly realize that there was no ring on it - such a dream warns a woman about the appearance of a new partner in her life. For a man, his girlfriend will have another friend.

The wedding ring is on the little finger - it’s time to take on a new business that is sure to bring success.

If the ring sparkles brightly, it’s impossible to wish for better sleep. Success in life, success in business, fulfillment of a wish - all this will definitely come true if you dreamed about it by Friday. Everyone knows that this night guarantees the fulfillment of dreams 100%!

And yet, most often, dreams about a wedding ring are favorable in their interpretation. Pure gold - literally pure - predicts prosperity, good luck in all endeavors and well-being.

If you are wondering why you dream of losing a ring, then the answer is clear - to losses and partings in real life. An unpleasant event awaits you, because of which you will grieve for a long time. Very often such a dream is a harbinger of a break in relationships or quarrels.

In addition, you may lose your job or go bankrupt. You should beware of scammers and avoid making serious transactions for a while. Your reputation will suffer, you may lose the trust of colleagues and friends.

If you have lost a gold ring, then you will miss a good chance to change your usual and established life for the better. Losing a silver ring means a quarrel with your best friend. A simple misunderstanding can take away your true friend. But you shouldn’t give up, don’t waste time and try to immediately explain to him the absurdity of the situation.

Losing an engagement ring foreshadows serious scandals with your soulmate, which will entail a lot of tears. You will be very disappointed in your marriage and will be left alone without the support of your loved ones. Friends will also leave you in this difficult moment.

In any case, after such a dream it is advisable to be very careful, since a bad event will greatly affect your future life.

A wedding ring, according to popular wisdom, is considered a kind of amulet of marriage. For this reason, many signs and superstitions are associated with it. Let's take a closer look at why you should lose your wedding ring.

According to folk superstitions, the loss of a wedding ring is a harbinger of family problems. Perhaps the spouses will quarrel greatly and subsequently will not be able to find a common language for a long time. There is a belief that losing a ring means separation from your significant other. Perhaps your spouse will be away for a long period of time on business. Also, the loss of a wedding ring also promises divorce, even if everything is fine in the family now. Soon everything will change in the opposite direction, so you should mentally prepare for the approaching storm.

You can avert trouble if you find the ring, but this is not always possible, so you have to prepare for dire consequences. There is also a possibility that it was stolen by a rival in order to perform a separation ritual on the item. If there are such suspicions, it makes sense to turn to the sorcerer for help.

If in a dream you dreamed that you lost your wedding ring, then in reality you will experience losses. Also, this dream can promise separation from your soulmate. Perhaps you want to change your life, but you don't have the courage.

In some cases, losing a ring in a dream foreshadows betrayal. It is the dreamer who will cheat on his partner, which will lead to divorce. He will regret his action, but it will be too late, since trust cannot be regained. You should take a closer look at your dream and try to avoid temptation.

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The interpretation of dreams is, of course, art, which not everyone can comprehend. However, there is not a single person who would not like to understand the interpretation of their dreams. Especially if we talk about such a suspicious part of humanity, women.

Women's dreams, unlike men's, more emotional, full of events and experiences. This is probably why women pay so much attention to deciphering them. Especially when it comes to the question why do you dream about a wedding ring?. After all, this is the symbol of love that every woman dreams of receiving. Interpretation of dreams is a very delicate matter that can be entrusted to a professional - a somnologist, or turn to the folk wisdom of a dream book.

Seeing a wedding ring in a dream

Scientists are convinced that if you have dreams, it means you are... emotional, sensitive nature. Although this is not entirely beneficial for your brain, since the area of ​​​​the subconscious, which gives rise to dreams, does not allow your brain to fully rest. Somnologists divide dreams into two categories:

  • intangible;
  • real

The first type is sensation dreams, the second means that you see objects. In this case, the objects can be absolutely any, often in an unusual combination with others. And yet, there is one item that causes a lot of controversy with its appearance in dreams - a ring. That's why it's so important to understand what it means see a wedding ring in a dream. There are several approaches to this issue, depending on the state in which you dreamed about it:

  1. If it’s pure, it means that your partner is faithful to you.
  2. If broken, it will lead to failure or betrayal.
  3. If it is whole, then good luck awaits you.

If in your dream there is a ring on another person’s finger, your plans will definitely come true. That is, the wedding ring that appears in your dreams is in itself a very good sign, but what it looks like is very important. In addition, do not forget about the shape of the ring, because its circle is symbol of the cyclical nature of life.

Dream Interpretation: wedding ring on the finger

There are a huge number of dream books that interpret dreams depending on the views of the somnologist. Particularly popular in the interpretation of material dreams is the wedding ring - a symbol of fidelity and unity of spouses. However, there is one single prediction that anyone can give dream book: wedding ring on finger is preparing a turn for you great and memorable events. For a young lady who sees a wedding ring in a dream, this means a successful marriage, or the beginning of a relationship that will lead to it. For more mature ladies, this is a sign that their relationship will soon experience a rebirth. In both cases, if you were given a ring, try to remember the one who presented this gift - perhaps it will become your destiny. It’s not very good if you saw the ring on the finger of a stranger. Some dream books interpret this as a loss of authority from a loved one. If you dream of a ring made of gold, material well-being awaits you; if a ring is made of silver, quarrels and failures await you. Therefore, remember your dreams carefully - their interpretation depends on the slightest detail. Although our subconscious is a very wise prompter, as it focuses attention on the most important and striking elements of the subject.

Why do you dream about a wedding ring on your finger?

A wedding ring is a symbolic item that is considered a sign of love and fidelity. The tradition of putting a ring on the finger of a spouse on a wedding day has been around for many centuries, but still everything connected with this talisman of love evokes awe and excitement. Our dreams are no exception. Know, Why do you dream about a wedding ring on your finger?, everyone who has dreamed of it wants it. The answer to this question has been tormenting predictors and professional somnologists for a very long time. However, both representatives of the traditional school of dream interpretation (scientists) and the non-traditional one (foretellers, fortune tellers) agree that everything depends on the action that occurs with this ring. So:

  • putting on a ring - for marriage;
  • to lose - to failure, annoyance;
  • clean - to a new stage in relations with a partner;
  • to break - to betrayal or illness of the spouse.

Many people do not remember what action happened with the ring in a dream. In this case, one should take as a basis the fact that the ring is, in general, a good sign that brings good luck. You can believe in the interpretation of dreams, you can be skeptical, but, be that as it may, dreams are the information that our subconscious wants to convey to us, which means it is important for us. Therefore, we should not ignore the warnings made by our wise and rational part of the brain.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of an engagement ring?

Unmarried girls, as a rule, are very sensitive to dreams in which they see an engagement ring. That's why people often ask the question: Why does an unmarried girl dream of an engagement ring?. To understand this dream, you need to re-read a considerable number of dream books, but there are some interpretations that common to all:

  • a ring on a finger or in a box predicts a quick marriage;
  • a ring glimpsed symbolizes a long-term relationship;
  • a crack in the ring - to a quarrel;
  • a wedding ring on an unfamiliar hand - reject some proposal;
  • if you take off your ring, it means separation or divorce;
  • someone else’s ring in your dream indicates that you have chosen the wrong path in life;
  • the ring given to you encourages you to trust your loved one;
  • if you give away your wedding ring, then expect losses;
  • a black ring means that you are surrounded by envious people;
  • but a diamond ring symbolizes good luck in all endeavors.

The main thing in deciphering dreams is mood with which you perceive the prediction. Be that as it may, a dream is just an indication, a hint, and all the ups and downs of life are the result of a person’s real actions.

Why does a married woman dream of an engagement ring?

Married women are always wary of dreams in which they see an engagement ring. The fact is that this item has a sacred meaning for both married and unmarried representatives of the fair half. To know, Why does a married woman dream of an engagement ring?, it will be interesting even for ladies who are skeptical about dream books.

  1. The appearance of a ring in a married woman’s dream means that her husband is suffering from lack of attention.
  2. If a woman puts a ring on her husband's finger, this symbolizes the strength of their relationship.
  3. It’s bad if the ring is put on the finger of another man - the marriage is short-lived.
  4. If in a dream you buy a ring, then expect a gift. Moreover, the more expensive the ring, the more expensive the surprise.
  5. But trying on an engagement ring indicates that you doubt your choice of spouse.
  6. A ring constantly slipping off your finger means that you may be about to break up.
  7. The ring is tight for you in a dream - doubts about your husband’s fidelity will torment you all your life.

For a married woman to see a wedding ring in a dream - not exactly a good sign. But our dreams are given to us so that we can draw the right conclusions and find ways to solve all problems in reality. And this requires wisdom and patience.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream

A wedding ring is a sign of long-lasting love and fidelity that spouses cherish. This symbol has very deep roots of origin. This is why the future husband and wife are so scrupulous in choosing rings. Moreover, many couples wear rings throughout their entire life together. And for them losing a wedding ring in a dream- definitely a harbinger of something bad. However, this is not always the case. Many authors of dream books are convinced that this is just a sign of changes in life. Moreover, changes can be different, including for the better. In this case, it is very important to believe that a dream is just a sign from your subconscious, which is given in order to direct your life in the right direction. Somnologists are convinced that there cannot be an unambiguous interpretation of dreams, since a dream is the result of the work of the subconscious in our brain, and, therefore, the meaning of a dream can only be analyzed individually, and no universal dream books will help here. And yet, human nature is such that on an emotional level it is easier for us to accept some universal meaning of a dream than to bother with its theoretical understanding. However, in any case, dreams are a part of our world that needs to be listened to.

According to various beliefs, losing a ring is a very bad sign, promising, first of all, separation, quarrels and various losses. Moreover, this prediction is relevant both for a loss that occurred in reality and for a loss in a dream. Of course, if you can find the thing you lost, the future will be more prosperous for you. However, in order to be sure of this and understand what the plot is about in a dream, it is better to turn to dream books for a hint.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book explains in detail all visions that are in one way or another connected with the loss of jewelry. It also explains why a ring may be missing in a dream. So, if in a dream you happened to lose a ring, then in reality you should prepare for various experiences and grievances. If a woman dreams that she cannot find her wedding ring, then, according to the dream book, she will have to fight for her marriage in real life. Did you see that you had lost a ring that you really don’t have? In reality you have unfulfilled desires.

What shape is the ring

Each piece of jewelry in a dream carries a hidden meaning. However, according to dream books, the same decoration can portend completely different circumstances in life. For example, when asked why you dream about losing a ring, there may be several different predictions. So, if you lost in a dream

  • a wedding ring means there will be discord in your family, which will cause divorce;
  • a modest copper ring that had to be broken and thrown away - in reality you will quarrel with a friend;
  • luxurious “marquis” - in reality you will lose your patron;
  • a ring that openly irritates you means you can get rid of many problems in everyday life;
  • a ring that is of historical value - you will actually get into trouble;
  • signet - you cannot avoid bureaucratic delays.

To joy

Do you want to understand why you dream that you are left without gold jewelry in a dream? According to the dream book, this plot is a harbinger of quarrels and separation. But if you happen to lose and then find a ring, then, as the Eastern Dream Book believes, your reputation will be tarnished. But once you find your lost diamond ring, your reputation will be cleared of all bad things.

If a woman who has long dreamed of a child loses a ring in a dream, but then finds it in clean water, then she can count on her cherished desire coming true in reality. If a man had to look for a gold signet in the sea or other body of water, then most likely there was stagnation in his affairs.

To peace

Did you happen to lose a ring in a dream, but you weren’t upset at all? The dream book insists that in reality you will be able to cope with all problems.

Are you wondering why a divorced person dreams of losing his wedding ring? If in a dream you are not upset, then in reality you will be able to maintain friendly relations with your ex-spouse. However, if you are very upset about the loss of your wedding ring, then, according to Tsvetkova, you will only dream of peace.

To failure

Did you dream that a ring slipped off your hand and got lost? Miss Hasse insists that if it was jewelry and expensive, then you will not be able to avoid troubles in life. If a silver ring with a stone was lost, then your friends will be upset.

If in a dream a silver ring given by your parents was torn from your hand, then, according to the prediction of the interpreter of the White Magician, in reality you will miss communication with them.

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Losing a ring is a bad sign, both in reality and in a dream, symbolizing partings, quarrels, losses. The discovery of a valuable loss will improve the situation a little. However, to be sure that the dream does not prophesy trouble, check the dream books about what your particular plot is dreaming about. It won't take much time, but it will help you avoid trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller’s dream book you can find many interpretations related to jewelry, but what the lost “infinity symbol” means in dreams is not mentioned very often.

Anyone who has lost a ring in a dream should be prepared for an “avalanche” of grief and resentment to burst into his life. Did a woman dream that she couldn’t find her wedding ring? The interpreter advises her to make every effort to save the marriage, since this vision promises divorce. And if you dreamed that you lost a ring that does not exist in reality, then this speaks of your unfulfilled desires.

The shapes of the products will tell about upcoming events

  • Losing a wedding ring in a dream means separation of spouses.
  • Breaking a discreet copper ring-rim and throwing it away means a quarrel with a friend.
  • A chic “marquis” means breaking off relations with an influential person.
  • A ring that you never liked means getting rid of problems.
  • The lost ring was of historical value - in reality you will find yourself in unpleasant vicissitudes.
  • I dreamed that the signet was “missed” - to bureaucratic hassle.

A welcome find is a sign of joy

Any dream book can explain why you dream that you have lost your gold jewelry - this is a sign of quarrels and separation. But losing a ring in a dream and finding it promises slightly different events. Thus, the Eastern Dream Book predicts a loss of trust in the one who “sowed” a gold ring with a diamond in a dream. But if you see that it was found, you can expect that your good name will be restored.

For a woman who wants to get pregnant, losing a ring in a dream and finding it in clean water is a sign of pregnancy. A man should be on his guard, because looking for a gold signet with a diamond in the sea or river is a sign of stagnation in business.

If the loss does not upset you, or Getting rid of unnecessary things...

Did you dream that you managed to lose a ring, but this loss did not upset you at all? This dream may mean that you will be able to “throw off” a heap of problems that have been weighing on you for a long time.

Why does a divorced person dream of losing his wedding “engagement”? It’s simple: if this loss does not upset you in any way, then you will be able to maintain friendly relations with your ex-spouse; in a dream you are upset because you have lost your wedding ring - in reality you will not have peace, Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests.

Losing a ring in a dream most often turns out to be a negative harbinger. This plot symbolizes breakups, conflicts, and financial problems.

It is important to remember which ring was lost. If it’s an engagement party, then troubles in your personal life cannot be avoided. According to Miller’s dream book, a vision with the loss of a wedding ring foreshadows an imminent divorce or separation of a couple in love, which will not be easy to avoid.

Interpretations for women

When interpreting any dream, it is important to try to remember as many of its details and details as possible. This is especially true if you need to determine why you dream of losing a ring.

Even the material from which the jewelry is made can influence the meaning of night dreams. According to Hasse's dream book, the loss of a large silver ring with stones promises disappointment in close friends.

Positive values

The most favorable interpretation is for dreams in which the loss of a ring caused exclusively positive emotions in a woman. If the dreamer experiences joy upon discovering that the jewelry is missing, then in real life she will be able to get rid of the burden of problems and feel relief. But there are some other stories with a positive interpretation:

  • I had to lose a ring in a dream, which the girl had in reality and was given to her by her parents - nothing bad should be expected from such a vision. Similar stories happen when mom and dad really miss their daughter and don’t see her for many months. The dream suggests that it is time to visit your family and give them your attention.
  • Losing a ring under which there is a serious wound on your finger means recovery. If a woman does not yet know about the existing disease, she will soon notice its first symptoms. But you shouldn't worry too much. The disease will go away very quickly.
  • If a divorced woman had to lose a ring in a dream that she previously wore on her ring finger, this means that she managed to maintain a friendly relationship with her ex-husband. It is worth keeping in touch with him, since the man can still be of invaluable help to the dreamer.
  • Finding a lost ring in clean, clear water means a long-awaited pregnancy.

It happens that in her dream a girl tries with all her might to remove the annoying ring from her hand, but suddenly notices its unexpected loss from her finger. In reality, she will be able to independently cope with the problems that have arisen quickly and almost imperceptibly.

Negative interpretations

And there were slightly more negative meanings of dreams with the loss of a ring in modern dream books:

  • If a stranger snatches a gold ring from a woman’s hand, given to her by her significant other or family member, then in the near future we can expect a serious quarrel with the donor in real life. The person will break the promise given to the dreamer, which will greatly offend her and provoke her into an open conflict.
  • Losing a wedding ring from a previous marriage in a dream and being very worried about it means mental suffering. The woman still has feelings for her ex-husband, and she does not know how to destroy love.
  • According to the Eastern Dream Book, the fall of a bright ring from a finger and its loss symbolizes a loss of trust in the dreamer in reality. Some action of a woman will demonstrate her negative side to others. If in such a dream you eventually manage to find the jewelry, then you will be able to restore your reputation.
  • I had to lose my wedding ring in a dream, which means that fate has prepared a serious test for the girl in her relationship. It is likely that a loved one will betray you or other problems that may result in the separation of the spouses. You will have to make a lot of effort to maintain the marriage and warm relationships in the couple.
  • First getting and then losing a chic ring with precious stones means a conflict with an influential, serious person. Previously, an acquaintance provided invaluable help and support to the dreamer, but now, through her fault, communication will cease forever.
  • A broken and thrown away discreet cheap ring promises a quarrel with colleagues or superiors. Problems in relationships with them will lead to troubles at work.
  • A curved silver ring, lost by a girl, portends her a quarrel with a friend whom she has always trusted infinitely. The reason for the breakdown of friendly relations will be the betrayal and unworthy behavior of another person.

It can be difficult to figure out why you dream about losing an ordinary iron ring. Such an event may be a harbinger of grievances and worries. According to Vanga’s dream book, if a piece of jewelry that a woman doesn’t actually have is lost, then in reality she suffers from her unfulfilled desires in one or another area of ​​life.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Interpretations for a man

Representatives of the stronger sex dream of rings less often. But if such a symbol was nevertheless seen in a dream and was perfectly remembered, then you need to pay special attention to it.

Tsvetkov’s dream book notes that looking for a signet with a stone in any body of water means stagnation in business. This is especially true for businessmen. You need to be prepared for the fact that the income your own business brings in will noticeably decrease.

Positive values

If a man loses a ring in a dream, which sits uncomfortably on his finger and presses on the skin, this is a good sign. In reality, the sleeper will be able to make his life more comfortable by removing unwanted people from it, changing his job to a more interesting and highly paid one, getting rid of complexes and doubts. But this is not the only positive interpretation of a dream about the loss of jewelry:

  • Dropping a simple ring and finding and choosing a more expensive one instead is a sign of good luck in everything. The man will suddenly begin to have incredible luck in all areas of life. This applies to love, work, and finances. You cannot miss such a favorable period; you must try to take as much as possible from it.
  • If a lost piece of jewelry is returned to a man by an expensively and impressively dressed stranger, such a dream foretells an increase in prosperity for the dreamer. For this, a person does not even have to make an effort.
  • Receiving a previously lost ring by mail is a sign of unexpected help from strangers in real life. Relatives will remain indifferent to the dreamer’s problems, and a stranger will suddenly support the man.

If the dreamer in his night dreams experiences relief and joy from the loss of his wedding ring, he is probably burdened by family life. A man cannot admit this to himself. There is no need to be afraid to say out loud about lost feelings, otherwise he will not be able to become happy again.

Negative values

If you see a dream that has a negative interpretation, you shouldn’t worry; you just need to perceive such a plot as an important warning about possible troubles:

  • Losing a bright shiny gold ring in a dream means lost opportunities. Fate will give a man a chance that he will miss. Even if you manage to use it, the person will do it completely incompetently and will not receive any advantages.
  • If a dirty and tattered stranger returns and puts on a lost ring to a sleeping person, serious financial problems may arise in the near future.
  • The loss of a wedding ring symbolizes the possible betrayal of the other half of the sleeping person. Such a life test will tell you how strong his heartfelt affection turned out to be. If a man still cannot forgive his beloved, then he will have to try for a long time to forget the woman and cope with his own feelings.
  • If the sleeper sees in a dream how his spouse loses his wedding ring, then he himself may be the culprit of the separation. A girl will appear in a man’s life who will do her best to persuade him to cheat on his wife. In this way, he will experience loyalty to his feelings and the ability to make informed decisions without succumbing to emotions.
  • It happens that in his dream a man finds a previously lost piece of jewelry, but puts it not on his own hand, but on a woman he knows. Surely in reality the dreamer experiences strong feelings for this young lady, which he is embarrassed to admit even to himself. If in a dream a person experienced only positive emotions, it is worth trying to build a relationship with a woman he likes. They may turn out to be long lasting and happy.
  • A ring stolen by someone in a dream can be considered a symbol of new acquaintances that will bring a lot of trouble to a man’s life. New friends will turn out to be unworthy people who can drag him into a risky, dangerous business. Having seen such a warning dream, you need to begin to be more attentive and selective about all new acquaintances.

If the ring is lost because the dreamer suddenly became too big, you should expect problems with the children. They can concern both their own and other people's babies.

A wedding ring seen in a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding and a happy marriage.

A ring placed on your finger during a wedding ceremony portends true love, a strong family and healthy offspring.

A gold wedding ring means increased wealth and new useful acquaintances.

A gold-colored alloy ring - you will find yourself in difficulty, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your enemies are.

Buying wedding rings means you will be burdened with social work without finding a better candidate.

Selling your engagement ring means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream is an annoying mistake; looking for it means a happy occasion will help you avoid trouble; finding it means you will receive good news.

A ring that is too small and does not fit on your finger is a problem with children; falling from it - to losses and losses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Wedding ring

If in a dream your wedding ring is bright and shiny, you will be protected from excessive worries and infidelity of your spouse.

If the ring is lost or broken, sadness will enter your life.

Seeing a wedding ring on another person's hand means that you will not take someone's promises too seriously.

Interpretation of dreams from