Is it true that men are infertile after mumps? Mumps and possible infertility. Is there a chance to conceive a child after treatment?

Epidemic parotitis (also known as mumps, mumps) was first mentioned in the works of Hippocrates (more than 400 BC). Until now, from 300 to 600 thousand cases of the disease are registered annually around the world, mainly in children. But the average age is 19-23 years. This viral infection is known to most people precisely because of the development of a formidable complication - male infertility. In this regard, effective measures for primary prevention were developed - active widespread immunization (vaccines).

Mumps (mumps) occupies a special place in the development of male infertility. The disease is of viral origin and is highly contagious (infectious). The source of infection can only be a person with an acute or mild (subclinical) course.

Mumps is transmitted by airborne droplets, but it has been proven that in children's groups the contact method is not excluded - through toys and dishes contaminated with the saliva of a sick child. When a person gets sick, a long-term and stable immune defense is formed - it is practically impossible to become infected again.

Signs of the disease

The leading manifestation of mumps infection is inflammation of the parotid glands, but the submandibular and sublingual glands may also be involved. In addition, the following symptoms develop:

  1. Initial period:
    • acute onset
    • slight chills;
    • discomfort in the parotid area;
    • feeling overwhelmed;
    • muscle pain;
    • sleep and appetite disorders.
  2. Detailed clinical manifestations:
    • symptoms of intoxication are more pronounced (fever, malaise, headache);
    • swelling and pain in the projection of the salivary glands, which increases with chewing and talking;
    • the skin over the affected gland is tense, swelling spreads towards the neck;
    • Murson's symptom is inflammation in the area of ​​the excretory duct of the affected parotid gland in the oral cavity.

The virus enters the blood and spreads throughout the body. It is highly tropic (tendency to damage) to glandular tissue (can affect the functioning of the prostate), kidneys, central nervous system (meningoencephalitis is possible), gonads (orchitis) and even the heart.

Mumps and infertility

The virus primarily affects the salivary glands, but an inflammatory process in the testicles (orchitis) often develops during the disease or later. This consequence is typical for a relatively small percentage of men - from 5 to 25% of cases, and in a third of them there is a high probability of involvement of both glands.

Most often, orchitis is observed in adults, and their frequency correlates with the overall severity of the infectious process. Signs of testicular damage usually appear on days 5-7, marking a new wave of fever (up to 39-40 o C). In addition, men complain of intense pain in the scrotum area, which sometimes radiates to the lower abdomen.

The elevated temperature does not subside for about 3-7 days, and the testicle gradually increases in size due to inflammatory edema. After 1-2 months, symptoms of atrophy may appear (in almost 50% of cases) if treatment with glucocorticosteroids is not carried out on time.

After an infection, fertility (the ability to conceive) is restored at various times, usually within a couple of years. Sometimes a violation of spermatogenesis can be irreversible (atrophy of functioning testicular cells) - infertility occurs.

Important to know! Thus, not all boys who have had mumps in childhood or adolescence become infertile.

Diagnosis of male infertility

All patients must be registered at the dispensary. In the future, those who have recovered must see a neurologist and urologist for 2 years (once every third month). If a man notices that his partner cannot become pregnant (in the absence of pathology on her part), the following diagnostic measures are recommended to exclude male infertility:

  1. General clinical: collection of anamnesis (fact of mumps, trauma) and complaints, as well as physical examination.
  2. Laboratory:
    • extended spermogram;
    • MAR test;
    • hormonal profile;
    • study of antisperm antibodies;
    • determination of the level of free radical generation;
    • exclusion of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs/STIs), including viral ones;
    • bacteriological examination of sperm;
    • Ultrasound of the prostate and testicles with Doppler measurements of the vessels of the spermatic cord.

According to the doctor's indication, a CT/MRI of the pelvic and skull organs is performed (to rule out a tumor), as well as a testicular biopsy with further histological examination of the resulting tissue. All couples who are planning to conceive are recommended to undergo a medical genetic examination, since chromosomal causes of infertility on both sides are also possible.

Treatment of infertility after mumps

The mumps virus leads to a deterioration in spermatogenesis in 2 main ways: a violation of testicular trophism and a direct damaging effect on functional cells. Therefore, the likelihood of treatment itself depends on the amount of preserved tissue capable of producing healthy sperm.

Nothing can be done with irreversibly changed tissue (atrophy). All possible therapeutic measures will be aimed at increasing the activity of what remains. In addition, a man who wants to have children will have to change his lifestyle. A complete rejection of bad habits, moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, good environmental conditions and maximum limitation of stress factors in your environment are required. It is also necessary to promptly treat concomitant diseases and sanitize foci of chronic infection.

In each case, a set of treatment measures is selected individually, so there is no uniform tactic. It is possible to use hormonal drugs, vitamins, angioprotectors and agents that improve tissue metabolism. You should not refuse various physiotherapeutic methods and trips to health resorts.


The only effective way to combat mumps is to prevent its development. For this purpose, a vaccine was developed back in the mid-60s of the last century. Therefore, timely active immunization will help to avoid the disease or reduce the likelihood of a severe course.

It is believed that between 5 and 50% of vaccinated children remain susceptible to the virus, so twice the immunization is necessary - at 12 months and 6 years. Those vaccinated are practically excluded from developing complications, including orchitis, which can lead to infertility.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, these vaccinations are included in the National Calendar. The following types of vaccines are used:

  1. "MMR-II" (Netherlands).
  2. “Mumps cultural live dry vaccine” (RF).
  3. Combined “Mumps-measles vaccine live” (RF).
  4. Priorix (Belgium).

Each of them has its own characteristics, including the likelihood of developing post-vaccination complications and their frequency, which must be checked with your pediatrician. People who are surrounded by a patient who are confirmed to have no infection are recommended to be vaccinated according to epidemic indications.

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Mumps, or mumps, is an acute infectious disease that occurs with damage to the glandular organs and the central nervous system. The myxovirus Paramyxovirus parotiditis, which causes this disease, enters the salivary gland from the oral cavity and spreads through the blood and lymph, affecting other organs, including the testicles. Mumps is more dangerous for males. Mumps and infertility in men are closely linked.

How mumps occurs in men and boys

Theoretically, mumps virus can strike at any age, but the incidence is directly proportional to the success of the vaccination campaign. According to age criteria, the following picture is observed:

  • Children under 1 year of age have maternal immunity, so the disease practically does not occur in the infant age group.
  • Children under 3 years of age who are just starting to attend kindergarten also rarely become infected with mumps.
  • Mumps affects preschoolers aged 3 years and older.
  • Among boys of school age and during puberty, the majority of cases are affected.

Currently, cases of the disease among adult men have become more frequent. They experience all the same symptoms as children - the salivary glands enlarge, swell and give the face a characteristic deformation.

The increase in cases of “adult” mumps is due to the fact that in the 90s the consumption of mumps vaccine decreased. Children of that period have matured, and today they are faced with complications of the disease, including orchitis.

Mumps in men and boys causes the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the parotid glands, in some cases also of the face and neck;
  • salivation;
  • temperature up to +38...+39.9°C, and in severe cases – up to 40°C, fever reaches its peak on day 1-2 and lasts 4-7 days;
  • aches in muscles and joints.

When orchitis occurs, one testicle becomes inflamed, and after a few days, the second one. The organ can increase in size up to 3 times, the guy feels pain. When the first such symptoms appear, you must contact an infectious disease specialist to prevent infertility.

Inflammation of the testicles as a cause of infertility

The mumps virus is dangerous because it often causes damage not only to the salivary glands, but also to other organs. Its influence is expressed in the fact that it can provoke orchitis and its complication - infertility.

Orchitis is inflammation of the testicle. Being provoked by mumps, it can lead to various reproductive dysfunctions - a significant reduction or complete absence of male germ cells (oligospermia and azoospermia, respectively). Thus, there is a direct relationship: mumps is highly likely to affect male infertility.

Other complications of mumps

The virus that causes mumps affects not only the glands of the reproductive system, but also other organs. It can provoke meningitis, pancreatitis, mastitis, myocarditis, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. As residual effects, testicular atrophy, infertility, diabetes, deafness and dysfunction of the central nervous system are possible.

The prognosis is usually favorable. Death occurs only in 1 case per 100 thousand cases, but this possibility also cannot be excluded.

Rules for treating mumps

Mumps in uncomplicated form is treated at home, in complicated form - in a hospital setting. A patient may also be hospitalized in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic. Then isolation for 9 days is necessary. If a case is detected in a kindergarten or school, a quarantine is imposed for 21 days.

There is no specific antiviral treatment. But it is important to provide conditions for a full recovery and prevention of complications:

  • bed rest for 10 days;
  • diet No. 5 according to Pevzner for the prevention of pancreatitis;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • warm dry compress on swelling;
  • antipyretics and painkillers according to indications;
  • when orchitis occurs, Prednisolone and its analogues are prescribed starting with a loading dose and with a gradual decrease in the amount of the active substance;
  • when meningitis occurs, a spinal puncture is prescribed;
  • for acute pancreatitis, take enzyme inhibitors.

Prevention of infertility in mumps

To prevent orchitis at the first signs of mumps, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the reproductive organs. If the infection affects the testicle, the organ becomes red, swollen and painful. In these cases, you need to consult a specialist; treatment can be prescribed in an inpatient setting.
To relieve pain, injections of analgesics are given, and corticosteroids are prescribed to reduce swelling.

With proper and timely treatment, male infertility in mumps can be prevented. The main goal is to relieve inflammation as quickly as possible.

What is the risk of reproductive dysfunction after mumps?

Infertility in men after mumps is possible, and the risk increases with age. When contracted in childhood, mumps causes infertility in 25% of cases. For adults, this risk is 60-70%.

What to do if infertility is diagnosed

For obvious reasons, it is impossible to establish a diagnosis of infertility in childhood; the consequences will be determined after the onset of puberty. For this purpose the following is carried out:

  • semen analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum;
  • testicular biopsy.

Modern medicine offers remedies even in cases of diagnosed infertility. For this purpose, stimulation of the secretory functions of the genitourinary system is prescribed: immune activators, hormones, angioprotectors and other drugs.

If long-term infertility therapy does not bring results, the ICSI technique is prescribed - intraplasmic sperm injection.

Modern medicine can relieve not only the consequences of mumps, such as male infertility, but also prevent the disease itself. The mumps vaccine is a proven means of prevention that has been producing good results for many years. The vaccine lasts for a long time. The first vaccination is performed a year, repeated at 6-7 years, and the third time at 15-17 years. These simple preventative measures reduce the risk of illness. More reliable protection against mumps does not yet exist.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Is there a connection between mumps and infertility? Maybe this is just idle fiction?
The answers to these questions will be especially interesting to mothers and fathers of future men.
Pig Children from three to seven years of age are most often affected. Among doctors, mumps is called mumps.

How does infection occur?

The mumps virus enters a healthy body from an already sick child. The danger of mumps is that, unlike other diseases, with mumps the patient becomes contagious a day or two before the onset of the disease. You may not even suspect that your neighbor Vasya is already suffering from mumps and you can calmly let your baby play with him.
In terms of epidemics, virus carriers are also dangerous. A person may not get sick himself, but spread mumps viruses around him. You can also get mumps from toys, dishes, and hygiene items of a sick child.

The mumps virus “wanders” throughout the body for a long time, looking for an organ that it will “attack.” It is at this moment that it can establish itself in the testicles of boys, causing a serious complication that in almost all cases ends infertility. This disease is called orchitis.

Why can mumps lead to infertility?

Sometimes (but this is still only a hypothesis) the mumps virus also affects the ovaries of girls, causing oophoritis. This is an asymptomatic inflammatory process, which can also result in future infertility for the child. Among sick children, boys are one and a half times more common.
The insidiousness of the mumps virus is that no specialist will ever predict which organ the mumps virus will direct its attack on. Besides, no medicine will help here. You just have to wait until everything goes away on its own.

If the mumps virus decides to attack the boy’s testicle, it will be immediately visible. The testicle becomes larger than usual, turns red, and swells. The testicle hurts. Most often, orchitis begins on one testicle, but after two to three days it moves to the second. It is very rare that both testicles are simultaneously affected by the disease, and unilateral orchitis almost never occurs.

The baby's body temperature increases and he feels unwell. If your son is no longer three years old, then he may not want to tell you about what happened to his delicate organs and deceive him that something completely different is hurting him. In this case, it is still necessary to find out the truth.

Orchitis most often begins a week later with the appearance of signs of mumps. If you notice the above symptoms, immediately seek professional help. Sometimes children are even admitted to the hospital, but this is a necessary measure and do not be afraid of it.


To relieve discomfort, you will have to give injections of analgesics. Hormones are used to reduce swelling, which threatens infertility. In rare cases, it is necessary to perform a mini-operation to excise the membranes. To prevent pathogenic microbes from joining the inflammatory process, the child must be prescribed antibacterial drugs.

To ease the pain, make a strip of cloth or gauze into a “hammock” that will slightly elevate the testicles. The danger is overheating. Under no circumstances should you treat a boy’s testicles with any means not prescribed by a doctor. Such methods are completely useless; they can only do harm.

But compresses with cold water (not ice) can help the child cope with the disease more easily. You can put cold water in a heating pad or bottle and apply it to the testicles.

Often mumps first manifests itself as inflammation of the testicle, and after a few days the salivary glands become inflamed - the main symptom of mumps. And often orchitis is the only symptom of mumps.

If you do not treat orchitis, then there are five times out of ten that the baby will be infertile in the future. Don't be negligent about your child's health! advises you to purchase a dietary supplement from

Mumps is an acute contagious (infectious) disease that was described by Hippocrates. For men, it is fraught with the possible development of infertility due to the circumstances of the disease and complications. Understanding the pathogenesis and clinical picture of the disease, as well as vigilance and timely correct treatment, significantly reduce the risk of irreversible loss of male health.

What is mumps?

The popular names for mumps are “mumps” and “mumps”. Although the disease has been known for more than two and a half thousand years, the systematization of information about its characteristics and possible consequences occurred only in the last century. The disease is known to be caused by an RNA virus called rubulavirus, which was first studied in 1934.

In the mid-20th century, vaccination began to be used in order to obtain specific antibodies by the body. But an effective complex immunobiological preparation for resistance to mumps, rubella and measles was not obtained immediately.

The current practice is vaccination at the age of 12 months, revaccination at 6 years and then in adulthood. After vaccination, when boys come into contact with the virus, either the disease does not occur at all, or it proceeds without complications.

Mumps causes damage to glandular organs and the central nervous system. Accompanied by intoxication and fever. The main site of exposure to the virus is the parotid salivary glands. The disease is usually transmitted by airborne droplets. Men suffer from mumps approximately one and a half times more often than women. For the most part, these are boys and teenagers aged 3 to 15 years. This group accounts for up to 85-90% of all cases of mumps.

We invite you to watch a video about what epidemiological mumps is:

Why and how does it affect reproductive function?

In males, the disease with ordinary mumps is associated with a serious danger: the infection can spread to the testicles. This happens even before the first symptoms of the disease appear - during the incubation period, which can last from 11 to 23-24 days, but more often it takes from 14 to 18 days. This complication is called acute orchitis (or mumps orchitis):

  • one-sided– with one affected testicle;
  • bilateral– when both are affected.

Mumps orchitis is detected at different times. Sometimes only on the 6-8th day of illness, and in rare cases - already towards the end of the prodromal period: even before the parotid salivary glands become inflamed.

During the prodromal period, “harbingers” make you aware of an infectious disease. With mumps it lasts from 12 to 24 hours.

Even before the characteristic signs of the inflammatory process,:

  1. general malaise, fatigue;
  2. temperature rise to 38-39 degrees;
  3. headache and muscle pain;
  4. chills;
  5. decreased appetite.

The probability of infection of the testicles by the virus during complicated mumps is estimated differently: 10-30%, depending on age and the presence of vaccinations.

Orchitis is accompanied by severe pain radiating to the groin and a jump in temperature to 40-41 degrees. In a few days, the affected testicle can increase in size by 2-3 times. The scrotum swells and stretches, and abnormal smoothness, shine and hyperemia of the skin are observed.

Inflammation of the testicle (in 20% of cases, of both testicles) lasts up to 5 days, after which it begins to subside. The swelling should completely go away within 8-10 days from the moment the first signs of orchitis appear. The consequences of complications may not appear immediately. While it has features that are dangerous for male reproductive function:

  • prolonged disruption of blood supply and pathological processes in the organs responsible for spermatogenesis;
  • local damage to blood vessels, including thrombosis;
  • immunological disorders leading to the production of antibodies that destroy the body’s own tissues.

We invite you to watch a video about the effect of mumps on the cause of male infertility:

When does the risk of not having children increase after illness?

Boys under 10 years of age rarely suffer from orchitis, especially those who are vaccinated in a timely manner. The risk of this complication increases sharply with the onset of puberty and is greatest for adult men. This also applies to the severity of the consequences. The likelihood of bilateral complications also increases over the years. Up to 20% of men suffer from infertility after acute orchitis.

In case of mumps orchitis in adulthood, a man may not only suffer from reproductive function, but also develop another dangerous pathology: priapism.

Priapism is a long-lasting, up to several hours or even days, painful erection, which has no connection with sexual arousal, does not contribute to ejaculation and does not subside after completion of sexual intercourse. It is a dangerous form of erectile dysfunction. Can lead to gangrene.

Consequences of the disease

Until now, only general reasons for the danger of mumps for men's health have been named, as well as age-related characteristics of acute orchitis as a complication of mumps. To complete the picture, severe forms of complications and their likely consequences should be indicated.

During the course of the disease, deep damage to testicular tissues may occur, including necrosis. In addition, there is a risk of developing orchiepididymitis, that is, inflammation of the testicles along with the appendages.

The following dangers are associated with epididymitis orchioepididymitis::

Consequences of the disease:

  • Testicular atrophy over the next 1-2 months after recovery (observed in 50% of men who were not subjected to timely and appropriate treatment).
  • In some cases, forced surgical removal of the testicle (orchiectomy) due to dangerous purulent-destructive changes in the tissues.
  • Ischemic damage to the wall of the convoluted seminiferous tubules.
  • Impaired spermatogenesis.
  • Decreased or loss of male fertility (infertility).

Poor treatment of acute orchitis and orchiepididymitis can lead not only to infertility, but also to chronicity of the disease with recurrent processes.

Prevention of reproductive complications

Early detection of acute orchitis and timely treatment is the best approach to preventing infertility in mumps. Specific measures are aimed at achieving a favorable outcome for men's health:

  1. bed rest or hospitalization of the patient;
  2. broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy to prevent secondary infection;
  3. the use of corticosteroids - to relieve inflammation, accelerate recovery and prevent testicular atrophy;
  4. blockade of the spermatic cord with novocaine - to relieve the inflammatory process;
  5. prescription of cytostatics – to reduce the number of antibodies to sperm antigens;
  6. the use of a jockstrap or underwear that provides an elevated position of the scrotum;
  7. special physiotherapeutic procedures.

There are other medical measures to prevent infertility when a man has mumps orchitis: up to and including limited surgical intervention.

Immediate comprehensive treatment using modern techniques can reduce the time for complete recovery from orchitis to one week.

Treatment after mumps

Sometimes, years after suffering mumps, the inability to conceive a child comes as a surprise to a man. Even in this case, successful treatment or the use of alternative methods of conception is possible.

A spermogram (ejaculate analysis) is a mandatory procedure with which a man’s fertility examination begins. A spermogram examines the micro- and macroscopic parameters of sperm, including:

The treatment methods will depend on the spermogram data. For asthenozoospermia (reduced number of actively motile sperm), medications and active supplements are prescribed as treatment: biogenic peptides, adaptogens, angioprotectors, minerals and multivitamins, biostimulants. In addition, hormonal therapy is carried out.

Asthenozoospermia causes about 40% of all cases of low fertility in couples. If the quality of sperm in the ejaculate of a man who has had orchitis is low, the ICSI method can be used to fertilize the egg. This is done after morphological selection of the highest quality sperm from a variety of “rejected” ones for various reasons.

Even if there are no sperm in the ejaculate, during a biopsy confirming spermatogenesis, it remains possible to obtain material for IVF - in vitro fertilization.

Absolute infertility of a man is established only when the spermatogenic epithelium dies. Then the process of spermatogenesis is completely absent. With modern developments in medicine, mumps rarely leads to such a disastrous outcome. But this does not mean that the “pig” can be taken lightly. This is especially true for teenagers and adult men.

Mumps (or scientifically called mumps) is an insidious disease. In a group of children, the likelihood of catching it is extremely high: you may not even suspect that your son’s classmate has already become infected and is endangering your child and other children. The virus can circulate throughout the body for a long time, but at some point it chooses a target organ. If mumps affects a boy's testicles, there is a risk of complications - he will not be able to have children in the future. But are the chances that infertility will occur after mumps?

Mumps is a common viral disease that affects glandular organs, namely the salivary (especially parotid) glands. Less common are manifestations in other glands (genital, mammary, pancreas), as well as effects on the nervous system (inflammation of the meninges). Usually the course of the disease is mild, but in some cases there is a possibility of serious complications. Any mother is concerned about whether infertility may occur after mumps in her son who has had the infection.

The mumps virus is activated mainly during the cold season - from late autumn to early spring. Most often, mumps affects children under seven years of age, but not infants, since they receive temporary immunity through their mother's milk. Cases of diagnosis in patients over 30 years of age are rare. Scientists have not yet found a clear answer why boys suffer from this disease more often than girls.

The danger is that this disease is very contagious, and patients become infectious a couple of days before the first visible manifestations. It also happens that the person himself is not sick, but is a carrier of the virus - any contact with him will lead to infection. The main route of transmission is airborne droplets (when talking, sneezing or coughing). You can also catch the infection by using other people's toys, dishes and personal hygiene items. The incubation period usually lasts about ten days.

Mumps symptoms

About two days before the onset of symptoms, weakness, loss of sleep and appetite, pain in the muscles, general malaise, chills and headache are observed. Based on these manifestations, it is difficult to understand what exactly the child is sick with, since they are similar to the onset of any cold. If an adult gets sick, the disease becomes more severe.

With the development of the inflammatory process, the above symptoms intensify, and there are also signs of damage to the salivary glands: drying of the oral mucosa and pain in the area of ​​the auricle (mastoid process, anterior and posterior parts of the earlobe), which intensifies with chewing food and articulation. The fever reaches its peak on days 1-2 of illness (reaches 39 degrees) and lasts up to a week.

The oval of the face and the upper part of the neck take on a puffy appearance, the gland area is enlarged and painful when palpated. The skin becomes tight and shiny. This condition lasts 2-3 days, and then gradually weakens.

Infertility as a complication

Mumps can cause various complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, pancreatitis and joint damage. But special attention is paid to the problem of infertility after mumps in men. It can only occur in severe cases - inflammation of the testicles caused by an underlying infection. Of course, this complication can be avoided, but it is diagnosed in approximately 20% of patients. It is possible to determine that the reproductive system has been damaged by characteristic symptoms.

On the fifth day of illness, one testicle increases in size, and even a threefold deviation from the norm is possible. It turns red and swollen, which is accompanied by pain and discomfort. In most cases, the infection quickly spreads to the second, and bilateral orchitis occurs. Other symptoms of this complication are pain in the lower back and groin, swelling in the scrotum and an abrupt increase in body temperature to 39 degrees. It is important to consult a doctor in time to stop the rapid development of the disease.

In addition to problems related to timely treatment, there is also a psychological one. If your son is already old enough, he can hide the presence of unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​his intimate organs. Deception, which seems harmless to a child, can lead to the loss of valuable time and the occurrence of the same undesirable consequences after mumps in men. This is why it is so important to talk about the need to talk about complaints and establish trusting relationships with children.

Should we panic?

It is impossible to accurately predict whether the disease may affect the ability to have children in the future, especially when the patient has not reached the age of puberty. But with timely treatment under the guidance of an experienced doctor, fatal consequences for the reproductive system can be avoided.

It is noted that the older the patient, the greater the risk of infertility. But among all those who applied for this problem, only 15% were diagnosed with this terrible complication. Bilateral orchitis is a risk factor, whereas with a stopped unilateral process, the likelihood of testicular atrophy is extremely low.

By itself, it occurs only in every fifth patient, so it cannot be said one hundred percent that the diagnosis of “mumps” is a death sentence for the reproductive function of a boy. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, such as taking antiviral and hormonal drugs and gentle cooling of the scrotum, the disease will not affect the sex life of the future man.

If the diagnosis is made

Detection of male infertility after mumps is possible only in patients at the stage of puberty. Among the diagnostic methods, the most common are: sperm analysis, testicular ultrasound and histological examination of tissue.

If the andrologist has confirmed that the patient is sterile (infertile), then you should not immediately give up. Modern therapy gives hope for a complete recovery in not advanced cases. The goal of drug treatment is to stimulate the extinct spermogenic function using a number of drugs:

  • Immunostimulants (Interferon)
  • Synthetic hormones (Prednisolone and other corticosteroids)
  • Angioprotectors (Venoruton, Agopurin)

In case of systemic damage to the membranes of the testicles, surgical treatment is possible, which consists of removing small lesions while preserving the organ. Even in this case, the secretory functionality of the testicles may be partially or completely restored.

If long-term treatment does not help, then the man is offered, which means a formal opportunity to have children with someone else's genetic material.


So, we found out that the occurrence of infertility is a fairly rare complication. But even with minimal chances of getting it, it’s better to be safe. How to protect a boy from contracting mumps?

The best way to protect yourself is vaccination, which is done in the first year of a baby’s life, as well as at the age of seven. Some mothers do not want to waste a weakened virus in the child’s body, but this way the disease will pass much easier and will not be dangerous to others. The acquired immunity will protect a person 20 days after vaccination and for the rest of his life.

Another important preventive measure is limiting contact with patients and timely notification of the presence of infection in the team. Quarantine is observed for up to 21 days.

Premises where there are large concentrations of children must be ventilated and treated with disinfectant solutions or ultraviolet light.

To avoid a complication such as orchitis, strict bed rest is necessary, since it has been proven that if it is not observed properly, the risk of rapid development of testicular inflammation increases threefold. If a doctor suggests hospitalization in a hospital, you should not refuse it.


Can a man have children after mumps? In most cases, the answer to this question will be yes. Infertility occurs when treatment is delayed, when extensive testicular tissue is affected. Age also plays an important role, and the older the patient, the sooner he needs to seek appropriate treatment. If one testicle is affected, reproductive function is reduced by 20%, two - by 70% or more. If orchitis has not been diagnosed at all, then infertility is impossible. In this case, it is worth paying attention to other possible complications of the disease. Take care of yourself, follow all preventive measures, and then mumps will not interfere with enjoying happy fatherhood.

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