Correct indirect cardiac massage. Types and techniques of cardiac massage. How to start the indirect myocardial massage procedure

Indirect (closed) cardiac massage begins after 2-3 intense breaths, if there are symptoms of cardiac asystole. The absence of cardiac activity is a signal for immediate closed cardiac massage.

ATTENTION! Before starting a closed cardiac massage, it is necessary to strike the area of ​​​​the projection of the heart with a fist from a distance of 30-40 cm. In some cases, this is enough to resume cardiac activity.

The essence of the closed heart massage method is that, as a result of mechanical action on the victim’s chest, deformation of the heart muscle is caused, which imitates heart contractions.

The human heart is located between the chest and spine, which reliably protect it from external influences. If you press intensely on the sternum area so that it is deformed by 4-5 cm, which corresponds to the height of the internal cavity of the left ventricle at the time of systole, then blood will be expelled from the ventricles of the heart - blood from the left ventricle will enter the systemic circulation, and from the right - in a small circle.

After the mechanical effect on the chest is stopped, it will return to its original position, negative pressure will arise in it and blood from the left atrium will flow into the left ventricle, and venous blood from the systemic circulation will flow into the right atrium.

In this way, it is possible to mobilize up to 40% of the minute volume of blood circulation, which is often sufficient for successful interventions.

Indirect cardiac massage without parallel artificial ventilation does not make sense, since in this case the blood passing through the lungs, in the absence of respiratory function, is not enriched with oxygen.

Technique for closed cardiac massage

  • Place the victim's back on a hard surface.
  • The resuscitator is located on any convenient side of the victim.
  • The resuscitator's hands are placed 2 fingers above the xiphoid process, with one hand placed on top of the other.
  • Rhythmic pressure is applied to the victim's chest so that the depth of the deflection does not exceed 4-5 cm, and the frequency of pressure is 60-70 compressions per minute.
  • The resuscitator makes the first press smoothly to determine the degree of elasticity of the victim’s chest.
  • The movements of the resuscitator’s hands should not be jerky, since in this case there is a high probability of breaking the victim’s chest.
  • You should work with straight arms, without bending them at the elbows, thus using not the strength of the arms, but the body weight of the resuscitator.
  • During a closed massage, you should not take your palms off the victim’s chest.
  • With the correct actions of the resuscitator, the victim should receive a synchronous impulse on the carotid and femoral arteries in time with the compressions on the chest.
  • The optimal ratio of closed cardiac massage and mechanical ventilation is 1:5 - one artificial breath is given for five chest compressions.
  • In the case of resuscitation performed by two people - one does mechanical ventilation, the other does closed cardiac massage. The main condition is to act alternately; you cannot do both at the same time.
  • When a distinct independent pulsation of the arteries appears in the victim, constriction of his pupils, changes in the color of the skin, and the appearance of eyelid tone, closed heart massage is stopped, and mechanical ventilation is carried out until spontaneous breathing appears.
  • For newborns, closed heart massage is performed using the nail phalanges of the first fingers, covering the back with the palms of both hands. For small children - one or two fingers. For teenagers - with one hand. The frequency of chest compressions should be within the physiological normal heart rate for a specific age group.

Errors when performing closed cardiac massage

  • Insufficient intensity of compression of the victim’s chest, which can be caused by insufficient pressing force or the soft surface on which the person being resuscitated lies. An objective indicator of this error is the absence of synchronous pulsation in the large arteries of the victim.
  • Breaks during closed cardiac massage for more than 10 seconds, which is extremely undesirable (this also applies to mechanical ventilation).
  • The most common complication during closed cardiac massage is a fracture of the ribs of the chest, which can cause various mechanical damage to the lungs, but this is quite rare.

ATTENTION! Information provided on the site website is for reference only. The site administration is not responsible for possible negative consequences if you take any medications or procedures without a doctor’s prescription!

External cardiac massage method consists of rhythmically compressing the heart between the anterior chest wall and the spine by pressing on the sternum. When the heart is compressed between the sternum and the spine, blood is squeezed out of the left and right ventricles of the heart. Blood from the left ventricle flows through the arterial vessels into the organs (brain, liver, kidneys), and from the right ventricle through the pulmonary vessels into the lungs. In the lungs, the blood is saturated with oxygen. Therefore, external cardiac massage can only be effective when performing artificial respiration. When the pressure on the sternum stops, the chest expands and the cavities of the heart fill with blood. By compressing the heart between the sternum and the spine, artificial circulation is created. Blood flow at this time is 20-40% of normal, which allows you to maintain life.

Method of performing external cardiac massage. To perform external cardiac massage, it is necessary to lay the victim or patient on his back on a hard surface. This is an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of massage. If the patient is lying on a table or other hard, tall object, the massage is done while standing; if on the ground, then the massage is done while kneeling. The first aid provider is located to the right or left of the victim, quickly feels the lower end of the sternum (xiphoid process) and places the hand of one hand 2 fingers above it, perpendicular to the sternum. The hand of the second hand is placed on top parallel to the sternum, while the fingers should touch the chest.

The arms should be extended to apply pressure with the full weight of the shoulder girdle. This will help make the massage more effective and also save strength for a long massage. The person providing assistance pushes the sternum in a jerky manner towards the spine so that the sternum bends 4-5 cm. After each push-like movement, quickly relax the hands without lifting them from the sternum. The number of massage movements during external massage should be at least 60 per minute.

Cardiac massage will be useless if artificial respiration is not performed at the same time.

If the revival is carried out by one person, after two inflations of the lungs he must do 15 massage movements. With this sequence of actions, the pause between these two actions should be minimal. Performing all actions by one person requires a lot of effort from him. If possible, place an object under the victim’s shoulders: this will help keep the head tilted back and facilitate the restoration of airway patency.

As a rule, two people should participate in revival: one performs artificial respiration, the other performs external cardiac massage, and after one inflation of the lungs, five massage movements are performed (five pressures on the sternum). If such manipulations are difficult, i.e. the lungs are not inflated enough, then alternation can be done as follows: two air injections into the lungs and ten massage movements or three air injections and 15 massage movements (2:10, 3:15). When air is blown into the lungs, the massage is stopped, otherwise air will not enter the respiratory tract. From time to time, people performing resuscitation can change places and alternately perform massage and artificial respiration.

The paramedic performing artificial respiration monitors the effectiveness of the massage. He must detect pulsations in the carotid arteries and monitor the size of the pupils, which should contract during effective resuscitation. Periodically, every 2-3 minutes, stop the massage for a few seconds and determine whether independent blood circulation has been restored. If cardiac activity has recovered, pulsation has appeared in the carotid arteries, the pupils have narrowed, the skin and mucous membranes of the lips have turned pink, then the massage is stopped and artificial ventilation is continued until adequate spontaneous breathing occurs. In case of asphyxia, the pulse is restored with the beginning of massage and artificial respiration.

The most common complication during external cardiac massage is rib fractures in the cartilage area (especially in older people). Strong pressure on the upper part of the sternum can lead to a fracture of the sternum; if the pressure is applied too low, the liver can rupture.

To restore spontaneous blood circulation, medications are used. After the massage begins, adrenaline 1 ml (1 mg) is administered intravenously as quickly as possible; if necessary, this dose is repeated several times.

Cardiac arrest and inadequate circulation are accompanied by acidosis. To restore the acid-base state of the body, it is necessary to administer sodium bicarbonate (500 ml of 4% solution) or Tris buffer (300 ml) intravenously during resuscitation.

With significant blood loss, restoration of cardiac activity is possible if blood volume is replaced. Therefore, it is necessary to administer intravenously solutions such as polyglucin, gelatinol, and glucose.

If possible, after the start of the massage, an electrocardiographic study is performed: ventricular fibrillation, asystole or the presence of agonal complexes are determined. In case of ventricular fibrillation, defibrillation is indicated.

Emergency medical care, ed. B. D. Komarova, 1985

In emergency situations, when you can save a person’s life, you simply need to know the basics of first aid. One of these fundamental skills is the technique of which is described in this publication. By learning some techniques for its use, you can save a human life.

Performing chest compressions

First of all, they determine the sudden lack of breathing and consciousness and then begin resuscitation, simultaneously calling an ambulance. First, place the patient on a hard surface.
Resuscitation should be carried out immediately at the location where the victim is found, if this is not dangerous for the person resuscitating.

If assistance is provided by a non-professional resuscitator, then only pressure on the sternum is allowed. Indirect cardiac massage, the technique of which is described below, includes the following points.

Sequence of actions

  • First, determine the location of compression in the lower third of the sternum.
  • Place one hand with the protrusion of the palmar surface (“fifth hand”) almost on the very bottom of the sternum. The other hand is placed on top of it in the same way. It is possible to place the palms according to the lock principle.
  • Compressive movements are performed with hands straightened at the elbows, while transferring the weight of your body when pressing. When performing compression, the hands are not removed from the chest.
  • The frequency of pressure on the sternum area should be no less than 100 times per minute or approximately 2 compressions per second. The displacement of the chest in depth is at least five centimeters.
  • If carried out, then for 30 compressions there should be two respiratory movements.

It is highly desirable that the periods of pressure on the sternum and the absence of compression be the same in time.


Indirect cardiac massage, the technique of which is familiar to every doctor, requires, if tracheal intubation is performed, that movements be performed at a frequency of up to 100 times per minute without interruption for respiratory resuscitation. It is carried out in parallel, with 8-10 breaths per minute.

Compression of the sternum in children under ten to twelve years of age is performed with one hand, and the ratio of the number of compressions should be 15:2.

Because rescuer fatigue can lead to poor compression performance and death of the patient, when there are two or more caregivers, it is advisable to change the chest compression provider every two minutes to prevent deterioration in the quality of chest compressions. Replacing the resuscitator should last no longer than five seconds.

It must be remembered that the rules for performing indirect cardiac massage require ensuring the patency of the respiratory system.

In individuals with a lack of consciousness, muscle atony and obstruction of the airways by the epiglottis and the root of the tongue develop. Obstruction occurs in any position of the patient, even lying on his stomach. And if the head is tilted with the chin to the chest, then this condition occurs in 100% of cases.

The following initial steps precede chest compressions:

The “triple maneuver” and tracheal intubation are the gold standard during respiratory restoration.

"Triple trick"

Safar developed three sequential actions that improve the effectiveness of resuscitation:

  1. Throw your head back.
  2. Open the patient's mouth.
  3. Move the patient's lower jaw forward.

When performing such a cardiac massage and artificial respiration, the anterior neck muscles are stretched, after which the trachea opens.


You must be attentive and careful, since it is possible to damage the spine in the neck area when performing actions on the air ducts.

Spinal injuries are most likely to occur in two groups of patients:

  • victims of road accidents;
  • in case of a fall from a height.

Such patients should not bend their neck or turn their head to the side. You need to moderately pull your head towards you, and then hold your head, neck, and torso in the same plane with minimal tilting of the head back, as indicated in the Safar technique. Indirect cardiac massage, the technique of which in such cases requires special care, is performed only if these recommendations are followed.

Opening of the oral cavity, its revision

The patency of the airways after throwing back the head is not always completely restored, because in some unconscious patients with muscle atony, the nasal passages are closed by the soft palate during breathing.

It may also be necessary to remove foreign objects from the oral cavity (blood clot, tooth fragments, vomit, dentures)
Therefore, first, in such patients, the oral cavity is examined and freed from foreign objects.

To open the mouth, use the “crossed fingers technique.” The doctor stands near the patient’s head, opens and examines the oral cavity. If there are foreign objects, they must be removed. With the right index finger, the corner of the mouth is pulled down from the right, this helps to independently free the oral cavity from liquid contents. Using your fingers wrapped in a napkin, clean your mouth and throat.

Try using air ducts (no more than 30 seconds). If the goal is not achieved, stop trying and continue mechanical ventilation using a face mask or “mouth to mouth”, “mouth to nose” techniques are also used. Cardiac massage and artificial respiration in such cases are carried out depending on the result.

After 2 minutes of resuscitation, it is necessary to repeat the attempt at tracheal intubation.

When indirect cardiac massage is performed, the technique of which is described here, then when performing mouth-to-mouth breathing, the duration of each breath should be 1 second. This method is considered effective if movements of the victim’s chest occur during artificial respiration. It is important to avoid excessive ventilation (no more than 500 milliliters), as it can cause complications in the form of reflux from the stomach and ingestion or entry into the lungs of its contents. In addition, excessive ventilation increases chest pressure, which in turn reduces venous blood return to the heart and survival from sudden cardiac arrest.

Direct and indirect cardiac massage with joint ventilation is an integral aid to a person in critical situations. This technique allows you to restore the victim’s blood circulation and bring him back to life. To learn how to perform artificial respiration and cardiac massage, you should familiarize yourself with the indications and features of the procedure.

What is massage?

Heart massage is a therapeutic procedure that has a resuscitating effect. It is aimed at maintaining blood circulation in the body through rhythmic contractions of the heart muscle. Most often, this technique is used for sudden cardiac arrest.

A similar procedure is used in cases where there is a chance to bring the victim’s condition back to normal and restore the functioning of internal organs. Cardiac rehabilitation is not used in case of biological death and in some pathologies that exclude such rehabilitation methods. These include pathologies of the brain and cancerous tumors in the body.

Massaging the heart muscle is divided into two types: open (direct) and closed (external). The first is carried out using hands through an incision on the victim’s chest. The second is performed by compressing the chest to increase intrapleural pressure.

Open cardiac massage is more often performed by experienced medical professionals during major operations on internal organs. Closed heart massage is performed as usual by people who do not have a medical education.

The productive result from stimulation of the heart muscle will be noticeable only in cases where it is carried out according to the correct algorithm. Otherwise there is a risk of harm to the injured person. In addition, massaging should be combined with artificial ventilation.

Thus, when you press on the chest, the pressure of the intracardiac cavity changes, because of this the lungs are saturated with oxygen. To find out how to give a heart massage to an injured person, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the procedure.


It is worth noting that the rehabilitation technique is always performed only on a flat and hard surface.

Open heart massage. When to use

Open cardiac massage and artificial respiration is a technique that is performed by doctors when opening a person's chest. Direct massaging is prohibited for inexperienced people at home, as this can lead to irreversible consequences. Today, this procedure is performed only in a hospital.

Indications for this are the following pathologies:

  • Poor circulation after serious injury.
  • Stopping the pulse after surgery.
  • Cardiac arrest during surgery.
  • Unsuitable chest structure that does not allow for closed massage.
  • Insufficient effectiveness after pulmonary resuscitation.
  • Severe hypothermia of the body.
  • Air embolism.

All actions during the recovery of the patient’s condition are carried out by an experienced surgeon.

How to do the procedure?

Open cardiac massage is carried out according to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The doctor makes access to the heart. To do this, an incision is made in the chest cavity. The choice of location depends on the condition of the individual patient. Typically, an incision is made along the 5th intercostal space from the axillary line.
  2. Next, the surgeon performs the actual manipulation itself. It is carried out using hands. To do this, it compresses the important organ towards the incoming vessels so as to restore blood circulation. Pressing is carried out every 2 seconds.
  3. All actions are repeated 30 times, then a break is taken for 7 seconds.
  4. The doctor begins artificial ventilation of the lungs, which is carried out using a machine or naturally.


All the surgeon’s actions are repeated until the sick person has a heartbeat.

What's the prognosis?

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the initial diagnosis of the patient, the time of absence of heartbeat, and the qualifications of the doctor. Today, direct artificial heart massage is rarely used, so there are no accurate prognosis and statistics on survival.

If we analyze past data, then in 50% of cases, with open massage of the heart muscle, it was possible to start its work again. However, there is practically no data on the consequences after the procedure.

Closed massage technique: indications for use

External cardiac massage is used in cases where the patient’s heart stops beating for up to 15 minutes. In later cases, the procedure will be meaningless and will lead to the clinical death of the patient. Direct and indirect cardiac massage differ in that the latter is performed without surgical intervention.

However, this massage is also combined with artificial ventilation. External cardiac massage is performed when the organ suddenly stops. Most often, its development is caused by hypothermia and anaphylactic shock. This condition can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • Before losing consciousness, the patient experiences sharp pain in the chest.
  • The patient feels a previous loss of consciousness, he develops dizziness and confusion.
  • A person experiences pallor of the skin, the appearance of bluish spots, and cold sweat.
  • The patient's pupils dilate and veins swell.

When palpating the carotid artery, you may notice the absence of pulsation or the last convulsive breaths. If negative symptoms appear, you should take action and conduct a closed cardiac massage. To understand how indirect cardiac massage should be used, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the specifics of the procedure.

How to do it?

It is better to entrust the actions to a person who has performed a similar procedure at least once. If there is none, it is worth using the algorithm of actions during human resuscitation.

What actions are performed during indirect cardiac massage:

  1. Before performing chest compressions, you need to call an ambulance.
  2. Next, you should make sure that cardiac arrest has occurred and the patient’s pulse cannot be felt.
  3. Place the patient on a flat surface. A prerequisite is that it must be solid. If a person moves onto an elastic surface, the massage technique will be useless.
  4. Use a damp cloth to remove microbial debris from the victim’s mouth.
  5. Place a hard cushion or things under the person’s head, remove outer clothing so that there is direct access to the problem area.
  6. Position yourself on the left side of the patient, placing your palms in the area of ​​the lower third of the chest. Make sure that one hand is perpendicular to the chest, and the other is lying on the back surface at a right angle. It is worth considering that the fingers are prohibited from being placed on the body; they must look up towards the head.
  7. Using your hands, make smooth and rhythmic movements, pressing on your chest until it bends. When you reach the limit, you should stay in this position for a few seconds. After every 30 compressions it is worth performing artificial respiration.


For an indirect technique, about 120 rhythmic compressions are acceptable. It is best to repeat the steps for 30 minutes until an ambulance arrives.

During chest compressions, you need to monitor the patient’s condition, monitor the pulse and the reaction of the pupils. If a person does not regain consciousness within the allotted period of time, then biological death occurs. By what signs can you understand that the victim is coming to his senses:

  • The skin acquires a natural shade, pallor decreases, and redness appears.
  • The pupils narrow and begin to react to light.
  • A pulse appears in the carotid artery.
  • The patient's breathing is observed.

Resumption of heart function depends on the technique of chest compressions, as well as the severity of the disease in the victim.

What's the prognosis?

Experts note that with closed cardiac massage, the survival rate increases to 95%. However, such indicators work in cases where rehabilitation measures began immediately after loss of consciousness. With later massage, survival rate is reduced to 65%.

It is worth noting that after cardiac arrest the patient has a risk of encountering complications. They can manifest themselves in problems with the functioning of the nervous system, including disability.


To increase the productivity of the procedure, it is worth remembering precautions.

What are the rules and techniques for performing closed cardiac massage:

  1. During rehabilitation, you need to focus on the number of presses. With a larger amount, the likelihood of restoring consciousness increases. About 100 chest compressions should be performed per minute.
  2. To bring the victim to his senses, it is necessary to massage with sufficient force. Therefore, it is better to carry out the procedure by a person with strong and trained hands. Otherwise, the rehabilitation technique will be ineffective.
  3. During the process of indirect cardiac massage and its algorithm of actions, the hands of the person providing assistance should be on the border of the lower and middle parts of the patient’s chest. Another location may lead to avulsion of the xiphoid process.
  4. During the massage, pressure on the chest should be applied using the main body weight. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the sharpness of movements so as not to lead to rib fractures.

But not always even the correct technique can protect against subsequent fractures. They are often encountered in medical practice and are considered commonplace.

It is worth remembering that fractures lead to serious complications, including disability of the patient.

Resuscitation measures are a set of actions aimed at restoring and maintaining effective blood circulation and respiratory function to save a person’s life. Cardiac arrest requires immediate response and recovery measures. This procedure is considered indirect cardiac massage - artificial stimulation of cardiac movements with a closed chest through decompression, that is, compression. This movement imitates systole - the contraction of the heart, and relaxation - the second phase, or diastole. When should chest compressions be used, read further in the article.

When should chest compressions be used?

Cardiac arrest is a situation in which gas exchange and nutrition of all tissues and organs stop. Necrosis occurs - cell death associated with the accumulation of metabolic products and lack of oxygen supply. It is believed that the higher the metabolic rate in an organ, the less time it takes for it to die due to stopping effective blood circulation. For example, for brain cells this period is only 5-7 minutes.

Providing first aid is actions that can save a person. However, it is necessary to know when to use your cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills and when, unfortunately, it is pointless.

The main indication in this case is clinical death - the transition period between life and biological death, the reversible stage of dying. Vital signs completely disappear, which is important to check when assessing the need for external cardiac massage.

Characteristic features of such a state that need to be recorded at the scene of events:

  • There is no pulse in the radial and carotid arteries. It is more important to detect the second option without feeling the characteristic signs of a pulse wave on the victim’s neck.
  • Respiratory movements do not occur at all or are similar to agonal movements - sharp and strong inhalations and exhalations, or short and frequent ones. To check a sign, you do not need to hold a mirror or a pen to a person’s mouth - searching for them will take up precious time. Experts recommend simply looking at the movements of the chest, and this can be done while trying to feel the pulse.
  • The pupils are maximally dilated, there is no reaction to light - reflex constriction of the pupil.

If this description fits, then you should immediately try to restore hemodynamics - the effective movement of blood by performing chest compressions.

However, it may happen that the victim experiences:

  • Signs of biological death. This indicates that too much time has passed since the circulatory arrest. Cooling of the skin with the appearance of characteristic violet-blue cadaveric spots, numbness of the limbs, a pupil in the form of a “cat’s eye” - a thin slit.
  • Severe polytrauma, when there are multiple fractures of the ribs or separation of the limbs.
  • The presence of a pulse means that the heart is still working, even if the person is unconscious.

These conditions are contraindications to CPR.

Technique for performing indirect cardiac massage

It is not by chance that massage is called external - there is no direct contact with the structures of the heart; the action occurs with the chest closed.

The first step is to assess the condition and the presence of indications for resuscitation, after which it is important not to forget to call an ambulance. It's better if someone nearby calls.

Before performing chest compressions, it is important to ensure the correct conditions:

  • The victim should lie on a horizontal, hard surface. A universal place can be considered a hard floor or the ground if the incident occurred outdoors.
  • The oral cavity must be cleaned. The head is turned to the side to allow vomit, blood, or foreign bodies to escape.
  • Next, it is important to tilt your head back - this will prevent your tongue from retracting and clear your airways. It is ideal to place an improvised cushion under your neck.

The preparatory stage should last a few seconds, since each of them counts.

The technique itself consists of the following actions:

  1. The position of the resuscitator is on the side of the victim at chest level.
  2. The position of the hands during chest compressions is on the border between the lower and middle third of the sternum. Approximately this point is located two fingers above the lower edge of the sternum, but it is better to conditionally divide the bone into three parts and find the necessary border.
  3. The hands should be connected one on top of the other, the point of application of forces is the inner part of the elevation between the thumb and little finger. It is better not to straighten the fingers of the other hand - when “locking”, the force of influence increases.
  4. Movements must be rhythmic, at least 100 per minute. The degree of pressure is 3-5 cm deep, for this it is necessary to apply a sufficiently noticeable force.
  5. After every 30 compressions, you need to take 2 breaths. In this case, the tidal volume should be greater than usual - you should first take a deep breath.
  6. The pulse in the carotid arteries is monitored every minute.

Important! The main rule is not to bend your elbows! Movements should be made with the body, not with the hands, otherwise the depth of compression will be insufficient. The hands should be a kind of transmission lever.

Actions of one person

If there is only one resuscitator, then he has to cope with everything alone. Recommended ratios vary: previously it was believed that one rescuer could take two breaths every 15 chest compressions, now this figure still does not change, it remains in the form of a 30:2 rule.

It is very difficult to perform indirect cardiac massage alone, however, the reason for stopping resuscitation efforts is considered to be exhaustion of the rescuer’s strength.

Actions of two people

The help of a second witness to the tragedy is necessary in order to call an ambulance and provide the most effective CPR.

If we talk about the recommendations of the European Association of Reanimatologists, the ratio of 30:2 does not change regardless of the number of participants. However, the “old school” says something else - two people can take the tempo 5:1, and then one rescuer does chest compressions, and the second does artificial respiration.

Another option is to carry out the entire algorithm alone and change after a while; this significantly saves effort and increases the chances of waiting for specialists.

Rules for resuscitation of children

A child’s body is different from an adult’s, and therefore requires special actions when performing chest compressions:

  • The hands are located at the lower edge of the sternum.
  • Pressing is carried out not with two hands, but with one or even two fingers - depending on the age of the child.
  • The tidal volume should not be very large. It will be enough for infants to inhale the air contained in the oral cavity.
  • The ratio in children is allowed 5:1, while the depth of pressure is about 1.5-2 cm, but the rate remains at 100 per minute.


According to various sources, closed cardiac massage should be performed until:

  • pulse recovery;
  • arrival of specialized assistance;
  • exhaustion of the resuscitators' strength.

The average duration of rhythmic pressure on the sternum is about 30 minutes, after which we can reliably talk about the death of brain structures.

The prognosis depends on the time of initiation of CPR, the quality of its implementation and the characteristics of the patient’s body. Statistics show too contradictory figures - from 5 to 65% of cases end in the restoration of vital functions. However, the inverse relationship is obvious - without appropriate procedures, cardiac arrest leads to death in 100%. Therefore, it is the duty of every person to make every effort to save the life of the victim.