The right diet for a child. Healthy eating rules for schoolchildren. Fish zrazy with cottage cheese

Proper nutrition for a child is very important. Today, most parents do not have an understanding of the correct composition of the daily diet for children. But this topic needs to be understood by everyone who already has children and those who plan to have them in the future. From a very young age, children need to be instilled with the culture and basics of proper nutrition.

Parents set an example

Proper nutrition of a child is the basis of his health. In families where healthy foods are included in the diet, a situation rarely arises when the child overeats or refuses to eat at all. Therefore, from an early age it is very important to set an example for the child. Explain to your child that fast food is bad for the gastrointestinal tract, and high sugar consumption is harmful to the body as a whole.

Of course, today there are many restaurants and cafes that offer their visitors a children's menu. But we cannot be sure of the quality of the products used to prepare the dishes. Often, establishments prepare unbalanced food, where the calorie content of the dish you ordered exceeds its average statistical norm according to the KBJU.

There is a very interesting approach that will help you create a menu for your child, which will be based on proper nutrition. Pictures for children with vegetables and fruits will help with this. And the child will accurately indicate which foods he likes and which he doesn’t.

Therefore, try never to buy food in dubious stalls, cafes or eateries with your child. Set a good example for your children. The same goes for snacks in grocery stores. Crackers, chips, nuts and other products of this type have a composition that is hazardous to health. Dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings have a detrimental effect on the functioning of our stomach, and when absorbed into the blood, they put a serious burden on other organs.

Proper nutrition for preschool children

A child under 6 years of age spends a huge amount of energy. Therefore, it is very important to create a diet correctly in order to compensate for all energy costs, in addition, to fill the body of a growing person with all the necessary vitamins, microelements, proteins and fats.

The main beneficial components are found in cereals, fruits, bread and vegetables. Meat has a positive effect on the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Vegetable oil is the best source of the right fats for a growing body.

A child at this age should eat 5 times a day in small portions. The break between meals is about 3-4 hours. Approximate list of food products for the day.

  1. Breakfast. Dairy products (cottage cheese, cheesecakes), omelet, porridge, sweet fruits.
  2. Lunch. Yogurt, kefir, fruit.
  3. Dinner. Light vegetable soup, it is preferable to use broth with meat or fish. For the second course: meat with vegetables or a meat dish with cereals and a vegetable salad. Compote of fresh berries or dried fruits.
  4. Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese casserole, milk, kefir and cookies.
  5. Dinner. A dish made from vegetables or milk, you can make an omelette.

To properly preserve the vitamin composition, it is better to eat fruits and vegetables raw, since heat treatment deprives food of many beneficial properties. Once every 7 days you can replace meat and fish with offal, such as liver, hearts and others. Avoid processed foods; they should not be in children’s diets. The same goes for mayonnaise and ketchup.

Regularity in nutrition

Following a precise eating schedule plays an important role in the absorption of nutrients by our body. Breakfast should account for about 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 15%, and dinner - about 25% of the daily ration for the day.

Try to avoid additional snacks, as the child, having had enough, may simply refuse the upcoming lunch or dinner. If the tactics do not bring success, then wean them off gradually. Offer your baby a snack of fruit or juice; such a meal will not ruin his appetite.

Replenishing energy costs

Proper nutrition for children has a positive effect on activity and metabolic processes in the body. If you notice your child is overweight, immediately cut down on the amount of sweets and high-calorie foods. Place healthy snacks in the form of fruits, cereals and nuts in a prominent place. Don't be afraid of sweet fruits, they contain a storehouse of vitamins. And most children have the ability to feel what the body needs at a given period and can themselves ask, for example, for another apple.

Try to properly organize your child’s leisure time; he should take a lot of walks and attend sports clubs. Soon, focusing on your child’s activity, you will be able to build a competent nutrition plan to replenish energy costs.

Cooking food

Everything is already clear regarding proper nutrition for children. But how to cook food correctly, and what should you pay close attention to first? Remember, the products must be fresh and of high quality. If you store them for a long time, they begin to deteriorate and most of the beneficial microelements are significantly reduced. Reheating also has a negative impact on the preservation of the beneficial properties of the dish. It is believed that additional heat treatment serves as a catalyst for the appearance of toxic nitrates, which can cause poisoning of a child’s body.

To preserve all the beneficial vitamins and microelements in foods, give preference to steaming dishes. Avoid frying in vegetable oil; it is better to bake in the oven, boil or stew. The thing is that foods cooked during the frying process negatively affect the functioning of the gastric mucosa and can cause serious health problems.

For baking, try to choose oat, rice and buckwheat flour. It is much healthier than white, which is processed several times solely for its attractive appearance. There is practically no benefit to it.

We eat for pleasure

Remember, you cannot force a child to eat if he categorically refuses to eat. It is in your interests to awaken your appetite, and not to force another spoonful of porridge.

You can call your child to the table when he himself shows a desire to eat.

Let's look at subtle tricks aimed at awakening a preschooler's appetite:

  1. Walking in the fresh air, sports and games help improve appetite.
  2. Decorate the table beautifully. Create a restaurant atmosphere that in itself attracts you to try one of the dishes.
  3. Offer your child a piece of apple. After all, as you know, appetite comes with eating.

Maintain drinking regime

Try not to let your child drink during or after meals. The fact is that additional liquid dilutes gastric juice, thereby reducing the concentration of enzymes, and this negatively affects the digestion of food.

The rest of the time, the child should drink clean water regularly. A child loses the most fluid during long walks in the fresh air and active games. Avoid drinking sweet compotes and store-bought juices. It’s better to prepare your own fruit drinks and compotes without sugar. Another excellent alternative can be children's teas, which include healthy herbs and berries.

Sample menu for children from 1 to 3 years old

Proper nutrition for one-year-old children can already be quite varied, so preparation should not be difficult.

  1. Breakfast. Milk porridge 100-150 ml. Fruit, compote or herbal tea.
  2. Dinner. Light vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil. It is advisable to give preference to cold-pressed olive oil, as it contains more saturated fat. Vegetable soup with light meat or fish broth. Meat soufflé with side dish (cereals, boiled potatoes). It is advisable to include pasta in the diet no more than once a week.
  3. Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir with cookies. You can add fruit, it all depends on the child’s appetite.
  4. Dinner. Meat cutlet and vegetables, stewed or steamed. You can also give preference to boiled buckwheat or other easily digestible cereals. An equally attractive option for dinner is cottage cheese casserole with a spoonful of jam.

Sample menu for children from 3 to 6 years old

Children at this age are also very active. The calorie content of food for a child aged 3-4 years should be about 1700 kcal, at 5 years old about 1900-2000 kcal, and from 6 years old - from 2200 kcal.

Proper nutrition for children, menu for the week.

  1. Breakfast. Cereal muesli with fruit. A piece of bread with butter and tea with honey (if you are not allergic). Cottage cheese casseroles, milk porridges and cheesecakes are also excellent options for breakfast.
  2. Dinner. Vegetable salad with stewed meat in sour cream, meat cutlets, boiled meat or zrazy. Garnish with boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat, bulgur, etc.). You can add boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes to the meat dish. A glass of compote or jelly. A slice of white or whole grain bread.
  3. Afternoon snack. Kefir, cottage cheese casserole, cheesecakes, buns or cookies with butter.
  4. Dinner. Vegetable casserole, potato zrazy, pudding, stuffed peppers. You can drink it with compote, milk or tea.

Despite the presented menu, remember that first of all, in the process of creating a diet, you should start from your child’s preferences. If he hates zucchini, you shouldn’t force him to eat it, as they contain a lot of useful vitamins and microelements.

Possible problems

Children begin to develop basic taste preferences at a fairly early age. Therefore, until recently, familiar food was perceived with hostility and the child refused to eat this or that dish. There is no need to force children to eat an unloved product. Compose your diet wisely and exclude dishes of this type. After some time has passed, try offering this product again.

If your child has no appetite, try to find out the reason. Perhaps the previous meal was very filling, or there were unplanned snacks, and the child was not yet hungry.

And remember! Only you can set the right example for your child.

When a child starts going to school, the requirements for his nutrition change, because schoolchildren have quite a lot of psychological and mental stress. In addition, many children attend sports clubs. At the same time, the body continues to actively grow, so the nutritional issues of a school-age child should always be given enough attention. Let's find out what products children over 7 years old need, how much a schoolchild should consume them daily, and how best to build a menu for a child of this age.

You can also use a calculator to calculate height and weight standards specifically for your child. The calculator is based on standards from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Height and weight calculator

Principles of healthy eating

A child over 7 years old needs a balanced healthy diet no less than younger children.

The main nuances of nutrition for children of this age are:

  • During the day, enough calories should be supplied from food to cover the child’s energy expenditure.
  • A schoolchild's diet should be balanced in terms of essential and non-essential nutrients. To do this, it is recommended to diversify it as much as possible.
  • It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child’s body.
  • At least 60% of the protein in a schoolchild’s diet should come from animal products.
  • The amount of carbohydrates a schoolchild receives from food should be 4 times greater than the amount of protein or fat.
  • Fast carbohydrates, presented in the child's menu with sweets, should account for up to 10-20% of all carbohydrates.
  • It is important to have a meal plan so that the child eats regularly.
  • A schoolchild's diet should include bread, potatoes, and cereals. Flour products for children should be prepared using wholemeal flour.
  • The child should eat fish once or twice a week. Also, at least once in a schoolchild’s weekly menu there should be red meat.
  • It is recommended that a child of this age eat legumes 1-2 times a week.
  • Your child's diet should include five servings of vegetables and fruits every day. One serving is considered to be an orange, apple, banana or other medium fruit, 10-15 berries or grapes, two small fruits (apricot, plum), 50 g of vegetable salad, a glass of juice (only natural juice is taken into account), a tablespoon of dried fruit, 3 tbsp. l. boiled vegetables.
  • Your child should consume dairy products every day. Three servings are recommended, one of which could be 30 g of cheese, a glass of milk, one yogurt.
  • Sweets and fatty foods are acceptable in a schoolchild's diet if they do not replace healthy and healthy foods, since cookies, cakes, waffles, French fries and other similar products have very few vitamins and mineral components.
  • It is worth minimizing the intake of synthetic food additives and spices from food.

Needs of a schoolchild

6-9 years

10-13 years

14-17 years old

Energy requirement (in kcal per 1 kg of weight)

80 (on average 2300 kcal per day)

75 (on average 2500-2700 kcal per day)

65 (on average 2600-3000 kcal per day)

Protein requirement (g per day)

Fat requirement (g per day)

Carbohydrate requirements (g per day)

Milk and dairy products

Sugar and sweets

Bakery products

Of which rye bread

Cereals, pasta and legumes


Fruits raw

Dried fruits


Vegetable oil


The food intake of a child attending school is affected by changes in education. If a child studies in the first shift, then he:

  • He has breakfast at home at about 7-8 o'clock.
  • He has a snack at school at 10-11 o'clock.
  • He has lunch at home or at school at 1-2 p.m.
  • He has dinner at home at about 19:00.

A child whose training takes place in the second shift:

  • He has breakfast at home at 8-9 o'clock.
  • He has lunch at home before heading to school at 12-1pm.
  • He has a snack at school at 16-17 hours.
  • He has dinner at home at about 20 o'clock.

Breakfast and lunch should be the most energetically valuable and provide a total of about 60% of the daily calorie content. Your child should have dinner a maximum of two hours before he goes to bed.

What are the best ways to cook food?

Schoolchildren can prepare food in any way, but it is still not recommended to get carried away with frying, especially if the child has low activity or has a tendency to gain subcutaneous fat. The most optimal types of cooking for children are stewing, baking and boiling.

What foods should you limit in your diet?

Try to limit the following foods on your child’s menu:

  • Sugar and white bread – when consumed in excess, they cause weight gain.
  • Products that contain food additives (dyes, preservatives and others).
  • Margarine.
  • Not seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Sweet soda.
  • Products with caffeine.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchups and other industrial sauces.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Fast food.
  • Raw smoked sausages.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Dishes that are deep-fried.
  • Juices in packages.
  • Chewing gum and lollipops.

What liquids should I give?

The most optimal drinks for a school-age child are water and milk. The disadvantages of juices are their high sugar content and high acidity, so they should either be given during meals or diluted with water.

The total amount of fluid a schoolchild should drink per day is affected by his activity, diet and weather. If the weather is hot and your baby is more active, give your baby more water or milk.

Carbonated drinks and caffeinated products are not recommended for children of primary school age. It is permissible to give such drinks to older schoolchildren, but not during meals, since caffeine impairs iron absorption.

How to create a menu?

  • For breakfast, it is recommended to give 300 g of the main dish, for example, porridge, casseroles, cheesecakes, pasta, muesli. Offer it with 200 ml of a drink - tea, cocoa, chicory.
  • For lunch, it is recommended to eat a vegetable salad or other snack in an amount of up to 100 g, a first course in a volume of up to 300 ml, a second course in an amount of up to 300 g (it includes meat or fish, as well as a side dish) and a drink up to 200 ml.
  • An afternoon snack may include baked or fresh fruit, tea, kefir, milk or another drink with cookies or homemade cakes. The recommended volume of the drink for an afternoon snack is 200 ml, the amount of fruit is 100 g, and the amount of baked goods is up to 100 g.
  • The last meal includes 300 g of the main dish and 200 ml of drink. For dinner, you should prepare your child a light protein dish, for example, cottage cheese. Dishes made from potatoes and other vegetables, porridge, egg or fish dishes are also good for dinner.
  • You can add bread to each meal in a daily amount of up to 150 g of wheat bread and up to 75 g of rye bread.

First of all, you need to take into account what shift the child is studying, since this affects his meals. In addition, it is recommended to prepare a diet not for one day, but for the whole week, so that dishes are not repeated and all the necessary products are present in the weekly menu.

Example of the correct menu for the week

Day of the week



Afternoon snack



Cheesecakes with apples and sour cream (300 g)

Tea (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Cabbage and carrot salad (100 g)

Borsch (300 ml)

Rabbit cutlet (100 g)

Mashed potatoes (200 g)

Compote of dried pears and prunes (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Orange (100 g)

Cookies (50 g)

Omelette with green peas (200 g)

Rosehip infusion (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Rice milk porridge with raisins (300 g)

Cocoa (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Beet salad (100 g)

Broth with egg (300 ml)

Beef patties (100 g)

Stewed cabbage with zucchini (200 g)

Apple juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bun with cottage cheese (100 g)

Fresh apple (100 g)

Potato zrazy with meat (300 g)

Tea with honey (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Omelette with cheese (200 g)

Fish cutlet (100 g)

Tea (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Eggplant caviar (100 g)

Potato soup with dumplings (300 ml)

Stewed liver (100 g)

Corn porridge (200 g)

Fruit jelly (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins (300 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Buckwheat milk porridge (300 g)

Chicory (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Radish and egg salad (100 g)

Homemade rassolnik (300 ml)

Chicken cutlet (100 g)

Boiled cauliflower (200 g)

Pomegranate juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Pie with apples (100 g)

Vermicelli and cottage cheese casserole (300 g)

Tea with jam (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Curd pancakes with honey (300 g)

Tea with milk (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Apple and carrot salad with sour cream (100 g)

Noodle broth (300 ml)

Beef Stroganoff with stewed vegetables (300 g)

Compote of grapes and apples (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Fruit jelly (100 g)

Yogurt (200 ml)

Biscuit (100 g)

Rice pudding with raisins and dried apricots (300 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Omelet with tomatoes (200 g)

Chicory with milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)


Millet porridge with pumpkin and carrots (300 g)

Tea with honey (200 ml)

Sandwich (100 g)

Cucumber and tomato salad (100 g)

Vegetable puree soup (300 ml)

Squid balls (100 g)

Boiled pasta (200 g)

Tomato juice (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Kefir (200 ml)

Pear (100 g)

Curd cookies (50 g)

Potato cutlets with sour cream (300 g)

Milk (200 ml)

Bread (75 g)

Several useful recipes

Fish zrazy with cottage cheese

Beat pieces of fish fillet (250 g) a little and add salt. Mix cottage cheese (25 g) with herbs and salt. Place a little cottage cheese on each piece of fish fillet, roll it up and roll it in flour and then in beaten egg. Fry a little in a frying pan, and then put the zrazy in the oven to finish cooking.


Peel, chop and then saute one carrot and one onion until they turn yellow. Add tomato paste (2 tsp), cook for another 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat. Peel three potatoes, cut into slices and boil until half cooked. Add sauteed vegetables to the potatoes, one pickled cucumber cut into small cubes and a pinch of salt. Cook the soup over low heat until tender, and before serving, add a teaspoon of sour cream to each plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Jellied meat balls

Take half a kilo of meat with bones and cook by adding a quarter of celery root and a quarter of parsley root to the water. Pour the broth into a separate container, and grind the meat in a meat grinder along with the onion fried in oil. Add sour cream (2 tbsp), pounded butter (3 tbsp), pepper and salt to the resulting minced meat. Make small balls. Add pre-prepared gelatin (10 g) to the broth. Pour the broth over the balls and leave to harden. You can add chopped boiled carrots and boiled chicken eggs to the balls.

Possible problems

There may be various problems in the nutrition of a school-age child, which parents must be able to cope with in a timely manner.

What to do if a child does not eat the foods he needs?

A child over seven years old has already developed tastes, so he may refuse certain foods, and you should not insist that he eat them, despite disgust and rejection. This can make your eating behavior even worse. Parents should try cooking unloved foods in different ways, perhaps the child will like one of them.

Otherwise, there is no need to insist on eating any food if the child’s diet can be called varied - if his diet includes at least 1 type of dairy products, 1 type of vegetables, 1 type of meat or fish, 1 type of fruit and some dish from cereals. These food groups must be on the children's menu.

Quick snacks in the school canteen

For younger schoolchildren, educational institutions usually provide breakfast and sometimes a hot lunch. If a student buys baked goods in the cafeteria, parents should make sure that breakfast before school and lunch immediately after returning home are nutritious and made from healthy products. Also provide your child with a healthy alternative to school buns, such as fruit, yoghurt or homemade cakes.

Lack of appetite due to stress

Many schoolchildren experience serious psychological stress during their studies, which affects their appetite. Parents should carefully monitor their child and respond in time to a situation where stress has caused a decrease in appetite.

It is important to consider the child’s rest after returning home and on weekends, giving him the opportunity to switch his attention and do what he loves. Hobbies help relieve stress, especially those related to physical activity, for example, hiking, rollerblading, cycling, and various sports clubs.

How do you understand that lack of appetite is a symptom of illness?

The following factors will indicate that decreased appetite may be a sign of illness:

  • The child is losing weight, he is inactive and lethargic.
  • He started having problems with bowel movements.
  • The child is pale, his skin is very dry, the condition of his hair and nails has worsened.
  • The child complains of periodic abdominal pain.
  • Rashes appeared on the skin.


Excessive food consumption leads to obesity in children, the cause of which is most often heredity and lifestyle. For an obese child, the doctor will recommend changing the diet, but parents may encounter difficulties. For example, in order not to tempt a child with sweets, the whole family will have to give them up. In addition, the child will believe that the prohibitions are unfair, and may enjoy forbidden foods in secret.

It is best if an obese child talks to a nutritionist alone, then he will more easily accept the doctor’s advice and feel more responsible. According to experts, overeating is often a sign of psychological distress, such as loneliness. Therefore, it makes sense to go with the child to a psychologist.

  • Eating together with parents will help to introduce the student to the principles of healthy eating, provided that the whole family eats properly. Teach your child more about the healthfulness of foods and the importance of nutrition in maintaining health.
  • If your child takes food with him to school, offer sandwiches with cheese, baked meat, pie, bun with cottage cheese, bagel, casserole, fruit, cheesecakes, yoghurt. Consider how the food will be packaged and how your child will be able to eat it. To do this, you should buy special containers, and also wrap the sandwiches in film.
  • Do not give children completely fat-free foods, but choose low-fat dairy products.
  • Preparing for school
  • Nutrition
  • Vitamins
  • Hyperactivity

1. I put this rule first, since this is a typical mistake of adults! Don't use delicious food as a reward.
This is how we were taught in childhood, and this is how we now repeat to our children: “eat soup - then you will get sweets!” But let’s think about what we are conveying to children with this phrase?
Firstly, it creates a bad food habit of ending every full meal with something sweet! I know well how this habit then prevents adult women from taking care of their figure, and how difficult it is to get rid of it.
Secondly, if sweets act as a reward for eating vegetables, the child may decide that these foods are more valuable than others! The very idea of ​​giving a “Prize” for eating vegetables and soup is not a bad idea; it’s a bad idea to give “tasty” food for eating “tasteless” food! It turns out that by doing this we ourselves build a system in the child’s head that eating vegetables is “Flour”, and eating sweets is “enjoyment”. This is wrong! On the contrary, you need to look for ways to ensure that your child enjoys eating soup and vegetables! But in contrast to dessert, of course, this won’t work. Therefore, let the “Prize” be a sticker, for example!

2. We develop the previous idea! So, we need the child to enjoy eating vegetables and other healthy natural foods! Ideal for this. Fairy tale. In any form!
- Build stories, funny faces, animals, houses on the plate.
- For the most ordinary dish, come up with a fairy tale: for example, about 3 baby brothers - carrots and 2 curly broccoli sisters; come up with names for them together.
- Call your favorite toys for help: the prince needs to save the princess by swimming across the “Lake” - a plate of soup.
(Our children were very impressed by the cartoon “Kung Fu Panda 3”. So our dad came up with some kind of legend for them, how to gain the power of Qi, if there is something new every day. This is how the power of Qi accumulates).

3. Every child has at least 1-2 healthy dishes that he eats with pleasure. Olivia really loves boiled chicken breast, as well as peeled cucumbers and bananas. Adrian loves stewed zucchini and cabbage, as well as white beans. Iliana is very fond of buckwheat, apples and pears. These products are a must have on hand! Also, I have other foods in my refrigerator that are also healthy. First I try to pick up the moment and offer something new. Only if they are suddenly not in the mood do they get their favorite healthy food.
Let it be better if the food is monotonous, but the children will be fed correctly! This is better than immediately giving in and giving candy or cookies.

4. now let's talk about diversity in nutrition!
- It is best to offer new food when the child is rested and hungry!
- Give us no more than one new product at a time!
- Be patient and offer again and again. Sooner or later the day will come when the child will try. And this is already a small victory. Just don't give up! Don't push or force!
- Always serve “unfamiliar” or “unloved” foods to the child along with other, familiar ones: for example, a cutlet with potatoes and a little unusual broccoli or cucumbers - tomatoes, which he usually refuses.
- Be sure to put this on the plate for yourself and all family members and eat with pleasure! Remember, you are the main role model.
- Be prepared for the fact that the child most likely will not touch the vegetables right away, but you, without saying a word, calmly remove the plate. Repeat this technique regularly, and the child will begin to eat them without noticing. The first time this happens, don't focus on it.

5. Involve children in going to the store, choosing products, and preparing food. Introduce your child to healthy foods. Tell us what grows where, what countries came to us from. Offer to smell everything, pay attention to the color, discuss everything. Ask what you need for what dish, etc.
What is the point of such “Classes”? Healthy products need advertising and PR! Our children know very well what kinders, Barney bears and the miracle of yogurt are! In this age of aggressive marketing aimed at children, we must devote all our efforts to “Propaganda” of other products!
In the summer, if possible, take your children to the dacha, to grandma's - show how vegetables, fruits and berries grow, eat the berries straight from the bush! Grow greens on the windowsill, plant an apple seed. Tell us where the porridge comes from - how do grains grow? I wish all mothers patience, strength and imagination! Is your fitness mother Elena Rybalchenko?

Healthy eating message for 3rd grade children. SOLUTION FROM SOVA BEST SOLUTION

Healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributing to the strengthening of his health and the prevention of diseases.
Proper nutrition is not only about calorie control and endless diets, but also a complete diet, which should contain all the necessary products: meat, grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables. It is known that the body, which does not regularly receive all the necessary substances, begins to act out. To prevent this from happening, it is important to choose the right diet and stick to it every day.
The main rules of healthy and proper nutrition
1. Reduce animal fats.
2. Increase in your diet foods rich in saturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3 (red fish, vegetable oils, nuts).
3. Eat foods that contain fiber (cereals, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits).
4. Eat freshly prepared meals.
5. Do not fry in butter and completely eliminate margarine from your diet.
6. Avoid excessively salty foods.
7. Instead of milk, use lactic acid products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk).
8. Eat meat, fish and poultry freshly prepared and only with herbs and vegetables (parsley, celery, dill, lettuce, green onions, cabbage, etc.).
9. Eat a fresh vegetable salad or fruit salad every day.

Healthy nutrition - for preschool children. Presentation on healthy nutrition for preschool children

Healthy nutrition for preschool children should be varied and include all the main food groups:

It is advisable to use lean veal, beef, turkey or chicken in the children's diet. Sausages, sausages and sausages are less healthy. But offal, being a source of protein, iron and vitamins, can be used in children's nutrition.

Low-fat varieties of fish that are useful for children are: pike perch, hake, cod and pollock. Canned food and salted fish delicacies should be rare in the diet.

Milk and dairy products are a source of easily digestible protein, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin B2.

Vegetables, fruits and fruit and vegetable juices contain vitamins, carbohydrates, microelements and other beneficial substances (pectin, fiber). These products help improve the functioning of the digestive system and also prevent constipation.

Bread, pasta, cereals, animal and vegetable fats are also needed. Oatmeal and buckwheat are very healthy. And vegetable oil as a seasoning for salads allows for better absorption of the beneficial substances contained in vegetables.

Every day, a preschool child should receive: 280 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of proteins and fats, 900 mg of calcium, 200 mg of magnesium, 1350 mg of phosphorus, 12 mg of iron, 10 mg of zinc, 50 mg of vitamin C and 0.08 mg of iodine. The interval between meals is 3.5-4 hours. An important condition is a strict diet, involving at least 4 meals. Moreover, three of them must include a hot dish.

Breakfast should make up 25% of your total daily calories, lunch – 40%, afternoon snack – 15%, and dinner – 20%. Learn more about how to create a “Healthy Eating for Children” menu below.

Healthy eating - recipes for children. Recipes for children

For children in childhood and adolescence, tasty, and even more so healthy, food is especially important. During this period, his growth is very active, he grows and builds muscle mass, all his organs develop, including the formation of a skeleton.
Children and teenagers should eat at least four times a day. Recipes for proper nutrition for children should be special.

Of course, not all children can eat in the morning, so breakfast for a child should be light and enjoyable. The optimal breakfast for a child can be porridge, cottage cheese, omelettes with various tasty additives. The child should have a snack before lunch. If he does not have lunch at school, parents should give him nuts, fruits, a sandwich with cheese or boiled meat, and juice.

A healthy lunch for a child after he comes home from school must consist of soup, meat or fish with a side dish. It can be boiled or stewed vegetables, legumes, durum wheat pasta or mashed potatoes.

Your child's dinner must be hot. It can be fish or lean meat with a side dish of vegetables or rice.

Of course, children need milk protein; the norm for a schoolchild is two glasses of milk, yogurt or kefir per day.

Meatball soup

Potatoes – 4 pcs.

Greens - 50 g

Minced meat – 200 g

Chicken egg – 1 piece

Crushed crackers - 3 tsp.

A pinch of salt, black pepper.

Break an egg into the minced meat, add breadcrumbs, add salt and pepper. Knead the minced meat until smooth and form into balls approximately the size of a walnut.

Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Place potatoes in two liters of boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes, adding salt first. Place the meatballs into the broth and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes. It should be served with fresh herbs.

Delicious holiday recipes can become favorites for both adults and children.

Prunes in batter

Prunes - 10 pcs.

Sour cream - 30 g

White of one egg

Oil drain. - for lubrication

Flour – 2 tbsp. l.

Sugar - to taste

Soak the prunes. When it becomes soft, remove the seeds. Mix flour with sugar and sour cream. Beat the whites into a foam and carefully, using upward movements, add them to the mixture. Grease the frying pan with oil, then place the prepared and dried prunes on it. After this, carefully pour the batter into it and place the pan in the oven to bake until golden brown.

Video Proper nutrition for children / vegetables

The menu of a child under 3 years old should include the following products in a certain quantity.

The main thing in a baby’s nutrition is mother’s milk, which allows the baby to receive all the nutrients and necessary elements. After a year of feeding, the quality of lactation decreases. There is less milk, and providing the baby with all the necessary substances becomes a problematic task. At this stage, complementary foods are introduced.

First, dishes are chosen for the child from products that cannot cause allergic reactions and at the same time bring invaluable benefits to the body. Vegetables are a source of phytoncides, organic acids, minerals, and vitamins.

  • Potatoes satisfy the need for vitamin C, PP, B, K, phosphorus and iron. Eating root vegetables helps improve digestion and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
  • Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C. It is easily digestible, so it can be given to your baby without fear.
  • Beets contain anthocyanins, which have a positive effect on the digestive organs and vascular walls.
  • Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, which is beneficial for healthy eyes and mucous membranes.

Complementary feeding from vegetables is introduced from six months in the form of puree. The first portions should be 60-100 g.

Fruits are a source of vitamins C, A, folic acid, ballast substances and pectins. Fresh fruits help strengthen digestion and immunity. It is better to start complementary feeding with hypoallergenic, non-acidic fruits: pears, bananas, apples. Fruit puree is introduced into the diet from 6 months, starting with 1 tsp. spoons.

Sweets are good only in moderation. In fact, sugar provides the supply of substances that are energetically important for a growing body. However, it can cause allergic reactions, especially in those children who are prone to diathesis. Therefore, if you need to give your child something sweet, it is better to limit yourself to fresh or dried fruits and berries. You can give your baby mousses made from semolina and fruit, or porridge.

Proper nutrition - for children 10 years old. Recipes for proper nutrition for children: menu for the week

A 10-year-old schoolchild, from a nutritional point of view, is an adult. The diet should be regular, but if there is no appetite, children should not be force-fed.

The diet of 10-year-old schoolchildren should be quite varied, however, it is necessary to remember the strictest adherence to cooking technologies.

A 10-year-old child's food should not be hot or cold, as this is bad for health, especially the digestive system. Parents who care about the healthy lifestyle of their children strive from early childhood to shape their eating behavior in such a way that they get used to the daily consumption of products like seafood, as well as lean meat, fruits, and vegetables. The diet of children of this age must include natural, high-quality dairy products in order to adequately meet the needs for calcium required for the growth of children's bones. It's never too late to start working in this direction.

10-year-old schoolchildren are usually very active. Many attend various sections that require serious energy expenditure, which can only be compensated by proper nutrition for children. The menu for this age group should be nutritious and light.

Recipes for proper nutrition for children contain a recommendation about the need to reduce the amount of fried and fatty foods in the diet of a 10-year-old schoolchild. Eating such food sharply reduces the immunity of children and does not allow the body to supply the amount of vitamins it needs.

The best healthy nutrition recipes for children

When organizing meals for a 10-year-old child, parents must make sure that the student’s drinking regime is observed. At the same time, it is extremely important to limit the level of consumption of carbonated drinks and sweet juices. They have a bad effect on metabolic processes and the health of the children's pancreas.

Porridges made from oatmeal, corn, buckwheat, and rice are also an essential element of proper nutrition for children. The menu should include light morning porridges with fillings in the form of fresh berries, fruits, nuts, raisins, dried apricots, and honey. Such food has the highest nutritional value and balance.

Recipes for proper nutrition for children in the family should be developed very carefully, taking into account the calorie content of the dishes, the level of cholesterol in them, the amount of vitamins and microelements. Particular attention should be paid to the use of gentle cooking technologies. A high-quality children's menu always includes dishes that children like. The presence of nutritious and balanced dishes in the diets of ten-year-old children contributes to their full development.

Healthy eating for schoolchildren. Proper nutrition menu for schoolchildren

A schoolchild's diet should consist of products necessary for their active activity and well-being. The child should consume the following products:

1. Milk and dairy products. Proteins are essential substances in the structure of a child’s body. School-age children should eat milk, butter and sour cream every day.

2. Meat. Lamb, beef, poultry, lean pork should be eaten at least once a week.

3. Fats. Fatty acids and vitamins are an essential source of energy and calories.

4. Fish. Calcium and phosphorus present in fish take part in the development of the child's bones.

6. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber help produce energy and improve the digestive process.

7. Porridge, potatoes and pasta with their complex carbohydrates contribute to the proper development of the growing body.

A school-age child needs to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day.

Proper nutrition for schoolchildren, based on compliance with the basic principles and rules of food hygiene, will allow the child to grow up healthy and well developed.

The arrival of autumn marks the return of school routines, rainy autumn weather and mental stress. That is why nutritionists advise paying attention to the proper nutrition of schoolchildren during this difficult period of their life. In addition to school, many children attend additional classes in dancing, drawing, and go to sports clubs.

The importance of proper and healthy nutrition for a schoolchild cannot be overestimated. A growing body needs to receive a maximum of useful microelements and minerals for its normal development. So what is important to include in a teenager’s diet? We study the advice of nutritionists and create the right menu.

Of course, the composition of a person’s ideal diet depends on the type of activity, lifestyle and place of residence, but there are more or less universal tips developed by health organizations:

  • Carefully monitor the caloric content of foods and body weight. Thus, the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine (GNICPM) recommends reducing excess weight with a Body Mass Index greater than 27 kg/m2. 2
  • Limit your energy intake from fats. Saturated fats (animal, solid vegetable fats) should account for up to 1/3 of consumed fats, the remaining 2/3 of fats should be unsaturated, liquid fats. When consuming milk and dairy products, preference should be given to products with low fat content. Try not to eat foods containing trans fatty acids.
  • Aim to increase the proportion of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts in your daily diet. It is from this food that 50–60% of all energy should be obtained.
  • About a third of the bread, cereals, and flour in the diet should be foods enriched with micronutrients.
  • Limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, sweet carbonated drinks) - no more than 30-40 g per day.
  • Limit your table salt intake and use only iodized salt.
  • Try to provide the body with vitamins in physiological quantities, including antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E), folic acid. If your diet does not include enough vitamins from food, you can periodically take a multivitamin and supplemental vitamin D.
  • Consult your doctor about diets, and trust only nutrition developed by reputable health institutions.

Food-baby. Nutrition for children and adolescents

Nutrition is the main factor that determines the vital functions of a child’s body, its normal development and state of health. Nutrition also shapes the development of intelligence and the central nervous system. Proper (rational) nutrition of children and adolescents ensures the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.

A child's body differs from an adult in rapid development, growth, high rates of redox processes, a positive nitrogen balance, and high energy consumption.

To ensure such functions, the body must constantly receive nutrients of a certain quantity and quality. Failure to comply with these conditions leads to retarded growth and development of children and to the occurrence of various diseases.

When preparing a balanced diet for children and adolescents, one should be guided by the “Physiological standards of requirements for basic nutrients, vitamins and minerals and energy for the child population,” approved in 1991.

All the nutritional features of children and adolescents necessitate careful selection of food products, their ratios, cooking methods, etc.

The entire child population is divided into 11 age groups: three age groups from 0 to 12 months inclusive, then from one year to 18 years - eight groups. The current standards distinguish a group of six-year-old children (schoolchildren), and starting from the age of 11, groups are also divided by gender, i.e. girls 11 - 13 years old, boys 11 - 13 years old, girls 14-17 years old, boys 14-17 years old.

The physiological needs for basic nutrients and energy for children from one year of age and adolescents are presented in Table. 1.

Proteins in children's diets

Being the main plastic building material, they are necessary not only to compensate for protein costs, but also for the formation of new cells for growth and development. If there is a lack of protein in children's diets, a nitrogen balance occurs (the child must have a positive nitrogen balance), which leads to a lag in physical and mental development and a decrease in the body's defenses. Animal proteins, which contain a full range of essential acids, play a special role in children’s nutrition. Among them are lysine, tryptophan, and methionine. With a lack of tryptophan and lysine in the diet, growth retardation is observed, lysine deficiency leads to disruption of the processes of bone formation and hematopoiesis, and with methionine deficiency, carbohydrate metabolism in children changes.

Including meat, fish, eggs, and cottage cheese in a child’s diet makes it possible to fully provide the body with essential amino acids.

is a necessary product for children of all age groups of the child population, especially the first years of life. Milk and dairy products are a good source of protein and calcium, which go towards building bone tissue. As you know, calcium is poorly absorbed in the body, but in children in the first years of life, the stomach produces the enzyme chymosin, which converts milk protein - casein into easily digestible caseinate.

Beauty and health are values ​​that are desired, perhaps, for each of us. The key to long-lasting health and beauty, undoubtedly, is, first of all, a healthy diet.

Currently, there is a variety of newfangled diets and methods, replete with a variety of rules.

At the same time, it should be recognized that there are fundamental (let's call them "golden" rules of healthy eating), the indisputability of which is obvious.

Daily consumption of foods not from one or two, but from different groups, will help to achieve a balance in the diet of various essential substances, vitamins, and minerals.

So, your daily diet should consist of products from the following groups:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits and berries;
  • grains and legumes;
  • meat, poultry, fish;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts, fats, eggs, oils;
  • greenery

Rule No. 2. Compliance with diet

The diet should comply with the principle of regularity. Every day, a person adhering to a healthy diet should eat 5-6 times a day. The intervals between meals should be approximately equal.

It is advisable not to throw off your biological clock by trying to eat at approximately the same time. This technique will help to establish optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rule No. 3. Limit salt intake

It is useful to reduce the amount of salt in your menu.

To do this, salt dishes only after they are fully cooked, and try to add garlic and spices to them whenever possible. This will reduce the amount of salt you are used to by about half.

Rule No. 4. Limit your sugar intake

Excessive consumption of sugar negatively affects the cells of the body. The daily sugar intake is no more than 60 grams.

In cases where the recipe of dishes allows you to replace sugar with honey, it is better to make this replacement, because honey is a recognized source of nutrients.

Don’t forget about such a natural and harmless sweetener as stevia.

Rule No. 5. Consume sufficient volume of clean drinking water

A sufficient amount of water to drink daily is considered to be 2 liters. But this is approximately. To be more precise, you need to drink 30-35 ml per kilogram of your weight.

Water helps normalize digestion, helps cleanse the body, has a beneficial effect on the skin and, in addition, provides energy. However, it should be remembered that drinking large volumes of water at night contributes to the occurrence of edema.

Rule No. 6. Introduction of fresh vegetables and fruits into the daily menu

Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and vitamins and help speed up the body's metabolism.

Of course, consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables does not always improve a person's health. Therefore, if you have certain health problems related to the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult your doctor about consuming fresh vegetables and fruits.

Rule No. 7. Eating exclusively fresh foods and freshly prepared dishes

Only fresh products with an unexpired expiration date should be used for food.

It is highly advisable to eat only freshly prepared meals, since storing cooked food (even in appropriate conditions, in the refrigerator) contributes to the loss of a significant amount of nutrients.

Rule No. 8. Compliance with certain cooking regimes

The method of preparing food largely determines its usefulness. From two exactly identical products you can prepare both healthy and not so healthy, or even harmful food.

It is preferable to boil foods (especially steaming) or bake them in the oven. Eating fried, smoked, salted, pickled foods does not correspond to the principles of a healthy diet.

Rule No. 9. Exclusion from the diet of fast food products, as well as carbonated drinks

Fast food is harmful both in composition and in the speed of consumption inherent in this type of food. It cooks quickly and, alas, is quickly eaten.

And hence the last rule.

Rule No. 10. Chew food thoroughly

The salivary glands produce enzymes that are found in the oral cavity and ensure the breakdown of food in the mouth. Thoroughly chewed and crushed food is better prepared for the digestion process.

By the way, there is even a method of losing weight, which is called “slow eating” (read more about it at the link).

So, the importance in a person’s life of nutrition based on the above rules is so great that it is very unthinkable to overestimate it. Following these rules is not that difficult.

But it is important not just to choose a course for healthy eating, but to make it a part of life, the norm, and not just a fleeting phenomenon. Eat right and be healthy!

We are responsible for our children!!!

And it depends on the parents whether the child will lead a healthy lifestyle when he grows up!

1. Don’t want your child to get fat and get sick? Then remove fried potatoes, chips, sausages, hamburgers and soda from the table. And you need daily physical activity, at least an hour a day.

2. Not a day without breakfast!

3. Healthy snacks: put peeled carrots and an apple in your child’s briefcase for a snack instead of cookies or crackers.

4. When you have to have a snack at fast food outlets, choose the right dishes from the menu: salads, meat, etc. instead of French fries and meat substitute cutlets.

5. Good advice: create a menu for the week with the whole family. This will not only make your breakfasts, lunches and dinners more organized, but will also reduce the likelihood of eating at various eateries and bistros, where you can get much more fat and calories than you need. Menu planning is easy: choose a time on the weekend to get everyone together and decide what dishes to cook during the coming week. Ask your children for their opinions, rummage through cookbooks together, and look for interesting recipes on the Internet. Let children choose what they would like to eat and encourage them if they want to help you prepare it. Ask what they would like to take with them to school.

6. Take your kids to the grocery store. When you plan what to cook for the week, make a list shopping list and give it to the children. Let the older ones select items from their list, and the younger ones add purchases to the basket. Explain to your children what and why you are buying. Teach them to read labels and determine portion sizes. These simple actions involve the child in the process of preparing food, helping to understand that we eat not only to satisfy hunger, but also to maintain and strengthen health. In a playful way, explain to your child why you buy these particular healthy products, what their benefits are and what can be prepared from them.

7. Family dinner. Introduce family food traditions into your life. Turn off the TV and gather around the table as a family. If you have a dining room, host a special lunch there at least once a week. Place beautiful china and candles on the table. Children will undoubtedly receive many pleasant emotions from such a family dinner and subsequently will happily gather around the table with the whole family.

8. Once a month you can organize a family outing, an excursion and a picnic with healthy food.

9. If you have a summer house, teach your child to grow his own vegetables and herbs. Let him have his own garden bed, for which he will be responsible.

10. Don't make food the central issue unless it's necessary. A normal child will not die of hunger, so there is no need to run after him and stuff food into him. Respect your child when he says he is full. Constantly talking about food, reprimanding for poor eating habits or ridicule for overeating only makes the situation worse.

11. Set your own rules. For example, children should eat at the table, not around the house. On average, a child needs 20 minutes to eat. If a child gets up from the table, it means he has finished eating. Don't let children come back to the table over and over again. Do not allow children to eat with the TV on: it has been proven that children eat more when watching TV while eating.

12. Be a role model. (This is perhaps the most important point)

Show your child the best ways to eat healthy. Start with the fact that there should be only wholesome, healthy food at home. Start exercising and get your kids involved.

13. Don't forbid eating unhealthy foods. (“Wow!” you’ll think now. Below I’ll explain why it shouldn’t be banned)

As you know, the “forbidden fruit” is sweet. Therefore, you should not completely prohibit eating junk food (chips, crackers, fast food). But set strict rules regarding such food.

For example, you can eat 1 pack of crackers or chips once a month

Going to a fast food cafe once a year. Etc.

At the same time, always explain to your child why you established such rules.

This rule works great in my family. Children clearly know that they can eat “yuck” once a month. And at first they kept track of this month, but now they even forget, and they don’t want to eat the “muck” anymore.

14. “Rule of Creation” or “Rule of Simplicity”. This rule was also invented in our family. The healthiest food is food in its original form, i.e. not undergoing numerous processing and “torment”. It is better to eat a piece of baked, boiled meat than to prepare cutlets from it, adding white bread (which immediately increases the calorie content of the dish by an order of magnitude), etc. This rule is also remarkable in that using the “Principle of Simplicity” it takes much less time to cook.

Teach your child to eat less processed food, food in its original state, i.e. in the way it was created in nature.

By instilling in childhood the habit of eating right and consciously approaching food choices, we lay our children an invaluable foundation for their future healthy lives.

Good afternoon, dear visitors of the site Probably, each of us understands that proper nutrition is an important foundation for acquiring a healthy body, but unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to this.

And in this article I want to convey to you in detail that in fact, a balanced diet is not only healthy, as most people believe - this is the only advantage, but also tasty.

Properly selected dish recipes and product combinations will allow you to choose a delicious and healthy menu for yourself for a week or a month. From this article, you will understand which foods and dishes should be excluded from your diet in order to improve your body's health.

You will also receive practical advice from experts on proper nutrition for losing weight or growing muscles.

Proper nutrition has been actively promoted in society in recent years. And it’s not surprising, because, unfortunately, more and more people need to adjust their weight, improve their health and cleanse their body. This article will tell you what the principles of proper nutrition are, what you should adhere to, what to limit, and what to completely avoid.

1. What is proper nutrition and how to eat properly

To stick proper nutrition, follow all the recommendations and be able to develop a menu for yourself, decide on a list of products, you must first determine what proper nutrition is.

Proper nutrition– this is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, which ensures normal development, growth and vital activity of a person, helps strengthen the body and prevent various diseases.

It is immediately worth noting that it is not some kind of debilitating diet, strict restriction or temporary measure. As a rule, people who take this path do not leave it, but adhere to the recommendations for proper balanced nutrition in the future.

And this is quite understandable, since it is aimed at long-term correction of one’s diet; a person simply manages to become familiar with his newly acquired habits, and no longer gives them up. In addition, if you abandon this system, all the pleasant “bonuses” of its use will disappear: loss of excess weight, good mood, lightness, vigor in the body, improvement in the condition of the body.

A healthy diet includes the following:

  • Proper nutrition does not allow starvation; it always involves the opportunity to have a full and tasty snack, choosing what you like best.
  • A rational nutrition system always and everywhere allows you to find something to fill up on, preventing awkward situations (for example, at a party).
  • The basics of proper nutrition imply freedom of choice and the absence of strict categorical prohibitions.

2. Principles of proper nutrition - 7 ways to improve health

To master proper nutrition regimen You don’t need to use complex calorie calculation formulas, but just follow some recommendations and stick to the established plan.

To understand how to eat properly, it is worth considering the following principles:

It is worth noting that you do not need to suddenly change your diet; this, as a rule, returns to the previous regime after a while. Rational nutrition will become the norm if all changes are introduced gradually, without experiencing internal opposition to the new rules.

3. List of products for proper nutrition

This list will help you figure out how to eat properly:

All of the above products belong to the group of easily digestible foods. But there is also a category of difficult-to-digest foods that also need to be included, but in moderation, in the menu. These are: chocolate, strong coffee and tea, seasonings/spices, salt and sugar.

4. Proper diet + menu for the week

Keeping your diet proper nutrition, you need to develop a menu adhering to the following principles:

  1. Fruits don't go well with anything, but are a separate meal. Due to its rapid digestibility, such a snack is allowed even 1 hour before lunch/dinner.
  2. Different proteins don't mix(eg fish and milk).
  3. Protein foods do not go well with carbohydrates(potatoes or grains are not suitable for meat, eggs, cheese, nuts). But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the combination of, for example, meat and potatoes (I am sure that for many this will be almost impossible). You can simply eat meat with boiled or baked potatoes instead of fried potatoes.
  4. Cabbage is a great addition to fats(it inhibits the effect of fats, leading to a slowdown in the secretion of gastric juice).
  5. High carbohydrate foods(beans, potatoes, bread) do not go well with sour foods.
  6. Proteins and fats are not compatible(like butter and cheese, eggs and sour cream).
  7. Starch consumption per meal should be moderate(so, you shouldn’t eat potatoes or porridge with bread).
  8. Consumption of whole milk should be kept to a minimum.
  9. Green vegetables stimulate the body's functioning, so this is a wonderful base for any dish.
  10. Large amounts of oil or acid inhibit protein absorption.

The following will tell you how to eat right: menu for the week:

5. Proper nutrition - advice from experts: Proper nutrition for pregnant and nursing mothers

The diet of proper nutrition for an expectant and nursing mother should not be distinguished by a quantitative increase, but by high-quality products and harmless methods of preparation. It must be varied so that the baby receives all the necessary elements in the womb, and the mother’s body is not depleted due to the fact that all valuable substances are lost with milk.

Below I suggest you take a closer look at the video: How to eat properly during pregnancy.

Balancing nutrition for women who have already given birth can be a little more difficult due to colic in the tummy and allergies in the baby, as well as the desire to return to the woman’s previous shape.

Proper nutrition for children

Due to the constant growth of the child, meals must include sufficient amounts of protein. The high mobility of babies makes the body's metabolism very fast, which is why children cannot survive for long without food. Therefore, snacks are an essential part of their diet.

From a very early age, it is worth teaching your child to consume little salt, and to prefer natural sweets to confectionery sweets - they are sweet, tasty, and also incredibly healthy. It is also worth instilling in your child the correct drinking regime.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

A balanced diet certainly helps in losing weight, but the process of weight loss can only be ensured by reducing the number of calories consumed relative to those expended. Refusal of alcohol and simple carbohydrates (cakes - ice cream), split meals, reduction of portions, physical activity should also take place.

Proper nutrition for muscle growth

For muscle growth, the menu itself should consist of half protein, 30% and 20% carbohydrates and fats, respectively. It is better to eat carbohydrates after strength training (unlike losing weight, building muscle requires reinforcement after physical activity) and in the morning.

You should drink more water than usual - about 3-4 liters. The feeling of hunger should not be experienced at all, so even at night you need to eat 200 g of cottage cheese.

6. What foods should you avoid?

To know how to eat properly, you must definitely give up foods from the prohibited list. Such food does not bring any benefit, and causes significant harm: deterioration in physical condition (and mentally, after such food there is nothing to do, but you just want to lie down to sleep), the development of serious diseases (diabetes, stomach ulcers, heart attack, etc.) , weight gain, loss of attractiveness of skin, hair, nails.

In a word, such products are enemies of the body, which you need to part with without hesitation.

Harmful products include:

  • store-bought sauces (ketchups, mayonnaise, etc.);
  • refined sugar, butter, coffee, cocoa;
  • saltiness, smoked foods, fried foods, preservatives;
  • instant food products, finished meat products (sausages, etc.);
  • white flour products;
  • alcohol.


At first glance, proper nutrition seems like an incomprehensible science, but with the right attitude and a gradual transition to a healthy diet, all the rules are learned and quickly become a habit. Therefore, be patient, understand the science of a healthy lifestyle, stay healthy and beautiful!

And in conclusion, I would like to provide you with the video “Recipes for Proper Nutrition” for viewing. Enjoy your viewing!

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The sooner a person understands that his happiness depends on health, the sooner he will begin to take measures that increase the first component of the wise formula so that the second one grows on its own. Such measures include effective but simple rules for healthy eating, because it is known that “we are what we eat.” These rules are confirmed by scientific research and many years of life practice. Following them will allow you to draw from food the life-giving force that is inherent in it by nature, and receive from food, in addition to pleasure, also the maximum benefit.

Group of rules No. 1 - restrictions So, let's start with the prohibitions and restrictions:

1. The first restriction concerns white flour, which is devoid of vitamins and other biologically active substances. It is a source of empty calories.

2. Refined foods do not provide any benefit: semi-finished products, canned food, sausages, refined oil and fruits glossy with paraffin. The healthiest food is natural.
3. Another product such as milk is harmful for an adult. In adults, the enzymes intended for its absorption are simply absent. Therefore, the consequences of such failure to assimilate are slagging in the body and illness. It is better to eat cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir.
4. The next rule is based on the established direct relationship between oncology and red meat. Therefore, instead of beef, lamb and pork, we eat poultry or fish.
5. The following disclaimer concerns products containing genetically modified material. According to various sources, there are about 80 such products in the federal register alone. Therefore, the product label should be studied carefully and if there are GMI or GM designations, the purchase should be abandoned.

Group of rules No. 2 - health products Continuing the rules, products recommended for improving physical condition:

6. First of all, these are fresh fruits and vegetables. They are a storehouse of vitamins, valuable minerals, and biologically active compounds. A pound of fresh vegetables and fruits a day should become the norm for health and longevity.

Health is also promoted by:

Honey as a general strengthening product containing about 300 substances valuable for health.

Nuts as a source of plant proteins. Contains fats, but without harmful cholesterol.

Blueberries are a berry that helps maintain youth, normal weight, and improve vision and memory. Resists malignant neoplasms.

More than 60 beneficial compounds have been found in apple cider vinegar. It converts insoluble waste into soluble salts, which are excreted in the urine, which helps cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

7. Water is also an essential product. It should be drunk, but not during meals, so as not to dilute digestive juices and reduce the efficiency of enzymatic breakdown. It is better to drink water 2 hours after meals, with a total volume of 2 liters.

8. Everyone knows about the dangers of sugar, but they consume it more and more, exceeding all medical standards. To absorb sucrose, the body spends a lot of valuable calcium and B vitamins from its own reserves. Therefore, it is better to avoid such sucrose.

For office workers, as well as for those who play poker, the right source of energy should not be sugar, but honey and fruits. If you replace sugar with honey, then, as experienced players assure, playing poker with proper nutrition it gets sweeter. Also, we must not forget about regular drinking water. Nuts and fruits are useful for improving cerebral circulation. For those sitting at a computer, one of the following combinations is useful:

Apple and kiwi;

Orange/banana and 2 kiwis;

Orange/banana and apple;

Alternatively, you can eat a pear instead of an apple. If there are no nuts in the main dishes, you can eat hazelnuts, cashews or peanuts while working.

9. As for alcohol, 100 ml of red wine per day is considered beneficial for health, but not more than 3-4 times a week. Wine contains many vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In moderate doses, it reduces blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It also has an anti-allergenic effect, increases the body’s protective properties, thereby reducing the risk of developing cancer. Group of rules No. 3 - preparing and eating food

10. It is advisable to eat only freshly prepared dishes. Reheated yesterday's food is a source of toxins and a cause of illness, as well as low mental and physical performance.

11. The less processed the food, the healthier it is. Heating destroys the biologically active components in its composition.

12. You cannot fill your entire stomach with food. One third of it should remain free. An overfilled stomach is not able to digest food normally, as a result of which the latter moves further through the gastrointestinal tract undigested, which impairs its absorption and again contributes to slagging.

13. Food should be chewed thoroughly, which improves absorption.

14. Health is promoted by separate nutrition, based on the following principle: carbohydrate and protein foods require different enzymes, duration and other conditions for normal digestion. Therefore they cannot be used together. The interval between them should not be less than 4-5 hours. Carbohydrates are broken down in an alkaline environment, and this happens faster, unlike proteins, which require more time and an acidic environment to break down. Their simultaneous use leads to neutralization of the environment and, as a result, neither proteins nor carbohydrates are properly digested or absorbed, contaminating organs and tissues. Separate nutrition by 100% is certainly difficult to achieve, but a level of up to 70% is considered optimal.

15. You cannot cook food in aluminum cookware, since aluminum, as it turned out, turned out to be one of the causes of senile dementia. In such a container you can boil water or cook porridge in water. In all other cases, aluminum and its compounds are unsafe for health.

From the above, a simple truth follows: healthy eating is living according to the rules, and to follow them, you must first, at a minimum, know about them, and then good health is ensured for many years.

Healthy eating for schoolchildren

Creating a complete diet for a schoolchild requires a deep approach taking into account the specifics of the child’s body. Mastering school programs requires children to have high mental activity. A little person who acquires knowledge not only does hard work, but at the same time grows and develops, and for this he must receive adequate nutrition. Intense mental activity, unusual for first-graders, is associated with significant energy expenditure.

A modern schoolchild, according to nutritionists, should eat at least four times a day, and there must certainly be a hot dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For a growing body, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and fermented milk products are required - sources of calcium and protein. Fish dishes will also help compensate for calcium and phosphorus deficiency. As a side dish, it is better to use not potatoes or pasta, but stewed or boiled vegetables (cabbage, beets, onions, carrots, legumes, garlic and cabbage). Schoolchildren should drink at least one to one and a half liters of liquid per day, but not carbonated water, but fruit or vegetable juices.

Parents have high hopes for a proper breakfast - after all, they personally control this process and can be absolutely sure that the child has eaten properly at least once a day. However, not everyone knows which breakfast is most valuable for a schoolchild.

In addition to sweet tea, jam and confectionery, schoolchildren's morning breakfast must include baked goods, porridge (oatmeal has proven itself best), pasta, fresh vegetables; the preferred fruit is apples, rich in fiber and pectin. These are complex forms of carbohydrates, the supply of which is necessary for the child. It is better to distribute the remaining carbohydrates into intermediate meals during the school day: fruit drinks, tea, coffee, buns, cookies, and sweets will ensure a constant supply of fresh portions of glucose into the blood and will stimulate the mental activity of schoolchildren.

The second most important food component needed to meet the energy needs of schoolchildren is fat. They account for 20 to 30% of total daily energy expenditure.

A schoolchild's diet should contain the required amounts of fiber - a mixture of indigestible substances that are found in the stems, leaves and fruits of plants. It is necessary for normal digestion.

Squirrels- this is the main material that is used to build the tissues and organs of the child. Proteins differ from fats and carbohydrates in that they contain nitrogen, so proteins cannot be replaced by any other substances.

Schoolchildren 7-11 years old should receive 70-80 g of protein per day, or 2.5-3 g per 1 kg of weight, and students 12-17 years old should receive 90-100 g, or 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight.

Children and adolescents - young athletes who have increased physical activity (including participants in hiking trips) need to increase the daily protein intake to 116-120 g at the age of 10-13 years. and up to 132-140 g at the age of 14-17 years.

In baby food, the qualitative characteristics of proteins are taken into account. Thus, the proportion of animal proteins in the diet of school-age children is 65-60%, in adults - 50%. Milk protein, as well as all other components of milk, best meets the needs of a child’s body. In this regard, milk should be considered as a mandatory, non-replaceable baby food product. For school-age children, the daily milk intake is 500 ml. It should be kept in mind that 100 g of milk corresponds to 12 g of dry milk or 25 g of condensed milk.

Essential amino acids: lysine, tryptophan and histidine are considered growth factors. Their best suppliers are meat, fish and eggs.

Food - the only source from which the child receives the necessary plastic material and energy. The normal functioning of the brain and body depends mainly on the quality of food consumed. It is useful for parents to know that a child’s “difficult” character is often the result of poor nutrition, and that proper nutrition improves mental abilities, develops memory in children and thus makes the learning process easier for him.

Providing rational nutrition for schoolchildren - one of the leading conditions for their correct harmonious development. The school period, covering the ages from 7 to 17 years, is characterized by intensive growth processes, an increase in the bone skeleton and muscles, complex changes in metabolism, the activity of the endocrine system, and the brain. These processes are associated with the final maturation and formation of a person.

The peculiarities of this age period also include significant mental stress of students due to the increase in the flow of information, the complication of school programs, and the combination of classes with additional loads (elective classes, clubs, homework).
To ensure all these complex life processes, a schoolchild needs nutritious nutrition that will cover the increased needs of his body for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and energy. These indicators vary significantly depending on age, gender, type of activity, and living conditions. At school age, children should receive biologically complete foods rich in proteins, mineral salts and vitamins.
It is especially important for a growing child to include a sufficient amount of protein.
Proteins of animal origin should make up at least 50-60% of the total amount of protein, depending on the load and living conditions of the child. With protein deficiency, children often experience dysfunction of the cerebral cortex, decreased ability to work, easy fatigue, and deteriorating academic performance.
In the nutrition of school-age children, an important place should be occupied protein rich foods : egg, meat, fish, nuts, oatmeal, buckwheat. The daily school menu includes dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk), eggs, meat and fish products. When selecting products, one cannot help but take into account the fact that children need easily digestible food, because the digestive ability of their digestive juices is weak. Dairy products are the main sources of minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Preference should be given to fermented milk products that have a beneficial effect on digestion. Especially if the child suffers from dysbiosis and has an intolerance to whole milk. Lactic acid and other bactericidal substances contained in fermented milk products inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes.
It is better to eat rye bread or with bran, as it contains 30% more iron, twice as much potassium and second more magnesium than white bread.

Vegetables - a necessary source of vitamins and microelements. The diet should contain up to 50% raw vegetables and fruits. It must be borne in mind that vegetables and fruits must be included every time and must be consumed before meals, but not after. Eating fruits and vegetables after meals contributes to long-term retention of food masses and enhances the fermentation process, which can subsequently lead to chronic diseases of the digestive system.
Providing students with a nutritious breakfast requires great attention. In the morning, the child’s body intensively consumes energy, so breakfast should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and calories to cover upcoming energy costs. It must necessarily contain a hot dish, cottage cheese, egg, meat, cereal. Lunch should include the maximum amount of vegetables, including raw ones. Dinner mainly consists of dairy, cereal, vegetable, cottage cheese and egg dishes; meat or fish dishes are not recommended before bedtime, since protein-rich food has a stimulating effect on the child’s nervous system and is slowly digested. At the same time, children sleep restlessly and have poor rest during the night.
For normal functioning of the brain, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium are necessary. Phosphorus and phosphorus compounds contribute to the formation of brain cells, sulfur is needed to saturate them with oxygen. Brain vitamin - vitamin E, as well as: vitamins B1, B2, B6.
In this regard, it will be useful for you to know which food products contain the above microelements and vitamins. These are: potatoes, parsley, mint, horseradish, beef, brains, carrots, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, cherries, currants, dried fruits, egg yolk, gooseberries, grapes, liver, dairy products, mushrooms, olive oil, oranges, peas, raspberries , strawberries, soybeans, turnip tops, wheat germ, wholemeal bread.

Principles of a balanced diet:

1. if you limit carbohydrates, proteins and fats will go into the “furnace”; when they break down, harmful substances are formed and the body is poisoned;

2. there is little protein in the food - the immune system suffers (endless colds!), the skin becomes dry and flabby, the hair becomes dull, and the nails become brittle; We lose weight due to loss of muscle protein;

3. You can’t live without fats at all - they are necessary for the functioning of the liver, the absorption of many vitamins, and the burning of fat reserves; but fat in food should not exceed 25% of the daily calorie content; Fatty meat, milk, fried foods and pastries contain harmful fats, while seafood and vegetable oils contain healthy ones;

the cooking process should be carried out in such a way as to preserve maximum nutrients in the food, so it is better to steam, boil or stew food; It is better to avoid fried foods.

Fish and seafood are healthy foods.
Fish protein is well absorbed and our cells are built from it. Fatty fish (salmon, herring, sardines) contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which burn excess fat. Any fish contains a lot of vitamins and microelements.
Vegetables are life extension.
Vegetables contain fiber and pectin substances, which play an important role in normalizing digestive processes. And our health and longevity depend on how our digestive tract works. The protein content in vegetables is low, with the exception of legumes (peas, beans, soybeans), which contain up to 20% protein, which is close in its amino acid composition to animal protein.
Vegetables are a source of vitamins C, A, and group B. Vegetables also contain a large amount of minerals, organic acids, essential oils, phytoncides, tannins and other substances. Most vegetables contain potassium salts and microelements (iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, etc.), which are so necessary for the body to maintain vital functions.
Everyone knows that fruits are healthy.
They contain carbohydrates that we can consume without harm to health, replacing sweets with them. Stone fruits (apricots, peaches, cherries) contain a lot of glucose and sucrose, while pome fruits (pears, apples) contain fructose. All fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, the value of which is due to their good digestibility. Peaches, bananas and apricots contain large amounts of potassium, which is so necessary for the functioning of our heart. The source of iron in combination with ascorbic acid (iron in this combination is better absorbed) are apples, pears, and plums. Dietary fiber is represented in fruits by pectins, which normalize the intestinal microflora, suppressing putrefactive processes, and removing toxic substances.

Our recommendations are based on the traffic light principle.
Green light - unlimited food- this is wholemeal bread, whole grains and at least 400 g per day of vegetables and fruits.
Yellow light - meat, fish, dairy products- only low-fat and in smaller quantities than “green” foods.
Red light indicates foods to watch out for: sugar, butter, confectionery. The less often you consume such products, the better.

Nutritious and properly organized nutrition - a necessary condition for a long and fulfilling life, the absence of many diseases.

We, parents, are responsible for how our children’s nutrition is organized.


1. The child should eat a variety of foods. A child's daily diet should contain about 15 different foods. During the week, the diet should include at least 30 different foods.

2. Every day the child’s diet should contain the following products: meat, butter, milk, bread, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. A number of products: fish, eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, cheese - do not necessarily have to be included in the diet every day, but must be present 2-3 times during the week.

3. The child should eat at least 4 times a day.
Students in the first shift at 7:30-8:30 should receive breakfast (at home, before leaving for school), at 11:00-12:00 - a hot breakfast at school, at 14:30-15:30 - after graduation classes - lunch at school (mandatory for students in extended day groups) or at home, and at 19:00-19:30 - dinner (at home).
Students in the second shift at 8:00-8:30 should receive breakfast (at home), at 12:30-13:00 - lunch (at home, before leaving for school), at 16:00-16:30 - hot meals at school (afternoon snack), 19:30-20:00 - dinner (at home).

4. You should consume iodized salt.

5. In the off-season (autumn - winter, winter - spring), the child should receive vitamin and mineral complexes recommended for children of the appropriate age.

6. To enrich a schoolchild’s diet with vitamin C, we recommend taking a rosehip decoction daily.

7. Meals should take place in a calm environment.

8. If a child has a deficiency or excess of body weight (this information can be obtained from the school’s medical worker), a doctor’s consultation is necessary, since in this case the child’s diet must be adjusted taking into account the degree of deviation of physical development from the norm.

9. The diet of a schoolchild involved in sports should be adjusted taking into account the amount of physical activity.

Food is poorly digestible (cannot be taken):

  1. When there is no feeling of hunger.
  2. With severe fatigue.
  3. In case of illness.
  4. For negative emotions, anxiety and anger, jealousy.
  5. Before starting heavy physical work.
  6. With overheating and severe chills.
  7. When you're in a hurry.
  8. You can't wash down any food.
  9. You should not eat sweets after meals, as digestion is blocked and the fermentation process begins.
  • Everything in nutrition should be in moderation;
  • Food should be varied;
  • Food should be warm;
  • Chew food thoroughly;
  • There are vegetables and fruits;
  • Eat 3-4 times a day;
  • Don't eat before bed;
  • Do not eat smoked, fried or spicy foods;
  • Do not eat dry;
  • Eat less sweets;
  • Do not snack on chips, crackers, etc.

Healthy eating is
limiting fats and salt, increasing the diet of fruits, cereals, wholemeal products, legumes, low-fat dairy products, fish, lean meat.

And also...
Four meals a day.
Biological completeness.