The right hemisphere of the human brain is primarily in control. What is the right hemisphere of the brain responsible for? Left and right hemispheres of the brain - interhemispheric asymmetry Which hemisphere works in a person

Man is a universal being. He, unlike an animal, can feel, empathize, rejoice, be upset, and dream. No creature on the planet is capable of such emotions. So why are people given the opportunity to experience such unusual feelings? How does a human differ from a primate? The brain is the main feature of the body. It is he who controls emotions, dreams, actions, however, not everything is so simple here. The functions of the left and right hemispheres control different actions. What is the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for? Why is there an opinion that people who have a developed left hemisphere of the brain are distinguished by analytical thinking and developed logic?

The right hemisphere of the brain is more developed in the fairer sex. This is exactly the opinion that many doctors and psychotherapists had. In fact, everything is a little different. After all, how many women exist who have a purely analytical mind, and how many representatives of the stronger sex exist with well-developed intuition. It turns out that it is impossible to separate actions based on gender. Further - more. Scientists have determined that people use only 3–5% of their brain, although they can develop two hemispheres of the brain. This means that humanity will have a chance to read thoughts at a distance, feel the moods of other people, and perform complex calculations without the help of machines. There is an opportunity to move to a completely different level of life, get rid of the presence of technology, and learn to understand each other.

Scientists of the Middle Ages believed that the human brain was like flashes of fire. Eastern sages of the same era compared the mind to a lotus flower. Naturally, these are only allegories. In fact, the brain resembles a walnut fruit. But it sounded somehow ugly, so many images of the vital organ in the form of unusual things have survived to this day. Scientists of antiquity did not think about the connection between mind and action. It all came down to religion: if this happens, then God commanded it. The first who tried to study in detail the structure of the main organ, to find the relationship between the left and right hemispheres, was Leonardo da Vinci. Brilliant painter, inventor, mystic. However, the list of merits may take several pages. He was the first who could depict the brain in detail, all its parts. The second, no less brilliant creator of the Renaissance, Michelangelo, created the painting “The Creation of Adam”. For a long time it had only artistic value. And only in the 19th century did people see the hidden code: - the image of the creator on the cloud exactly repeats the cross-section of the brain. Its small parts are also depicted in detail, successfully disguised as various details.

Soon many paintings were discovered hiding secret codes and signs. But, interestingly, humanity was able to examine them hundreds of years later. What prevented you from noticing interesting clues, why do people sometimes not see the obvious? The answer lies in the head. The structure of the main organ really resembles a nut: convolutions, two lobes of the hemispheres, a bridge connecting them. Everything is the same in the head: the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum, the brain stem. These are the three main departments responsible for human life. Large parts covered with a shell are connected to each other by the corpus callosum - a kind of bridge. The cerebral cortex area is responsible for all thoughts and actions performed by a person. The structure of the cerebral hemispheres includes different areas responsible for the production of hormones, organ growth, vision, hearing - in a word, without the main organ, people would be like simple stones.

Large parts are divided into frontal, occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. Each area is unique in its own way and is responsible for the following actions. So, the functions of the cerebral hemispheres:

  • the frontal areas support the vestibular apparatus. Thanks to their correct work, people stand, walk, and perform actions. In fact, this is a control center, a brain “main point”. Any disturbances, damages, or injuries immediately lead to disruption of work: the person changes, developmental deviations and strange behavior appear. The right side is responsible for thoughts, dreams, emotions, the left side is responsible for speech, diction, movements;
  • The temporal parts are responsible for memory; it is a kind of “hard drive”. Injuries to the temples can send the victim into long-term amnesia. The left side is responsible for specifics: titles, numbers, names, dates. The right side stores memories, images, dreams. If an injury, malfunction, or illness occurs in this particular area, the victim ceases to understand speech. Damage to the left area will completely block recognition and the meaning of speech. Injury to the opposite temporal part will disrupt the emotional perception of speech, halftones, subtext;
  • the parietal part is responsible for all wounds, cuts, abrasions, or rather, for the pain caused by them. The right parietal region will help you navigate in space, determine the proximity and distance of things. His opposite “colleague” is responsible for reading and memory. Dyslexia is a disease that limits the ability to learn. Occurs due to a disorder in the left parietal lobe of the head;
  • What are the occipital parts responsible for? Thanks to their proper functioning, the eyes perceive, process, and transmit images. The developed left side notices details, small parts. The right lobe conveys a richness of colors and flavor;
  • the task of the cerebral cortex comes down to controlling the behavior of the individual, the ability to think and contemplate.

The large hemispheres of the brain can be equally developed, but this is rarely observed: one of the parts mainly dominates. This opinion existed before. Now people have changed: more and more indigo children are being born, the abilities of the human brain are developing. Returning to the very beginning, we can find the answer to the question of why people previously did not notice the hidden codes of paintings and works. To decipher brilliant puzzles, you should use both lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, have developed intuition and excellent analytical thinking.

Distribution of responsibilities

What is the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for and why does it dominate over its counterpart? The functions of the left hemisphere of the brain are:

  1. Speech understanding, speaking ability.
  2. Logics.
  3. Remembering events, dates, names, actions.
  4. Actions on the right side of the body.
  5. The ability to think in chains, to build logical series.
  6. Analytical abilities are also controlled by the left hemisphere.

It was thanks to this part that humanity made a technological revolution. All scientific discoveries were made by people with a dominant left side. What is the left main hemisphere of the brain responsible for and can wrong actions, murders, and violence be attributed to it? To begin with, it is worth understanding that all actions are dictated by the brain. If a person commits violence, he is aware of his actions, but the question is different: how does he perceive them?

Scientists have conducted a number of studies with maniacs, murderers, and fanatical people. The result was surprising: most of the subjects believed that they had done the right thing, in addition, they carefully prepared for future crimes. That is, their left lobe of the brain planned all the actions, laying out the order of crimes and the sequence of actions. Maniacs scrupulously looked for their victims, the brain methodically determined the necessary details, singling out the doomed from the crowd. It would seem that everything is simple: diseases provoke malfunctions in the functioning of the head - hence the crimes. However, tomography studies have shown that many criminals have developed both hemispheres of the cerebrum, and there are no tumors or injuries. Where is the “button” that is responsible for all the negativity? The answer has not yet been found.

Another interesting fact: many gifted scientists, mathematicians, physicists, and chemists are desperately unlucky in love affairs. They ignore romantic dates under the moon, trips to cafes; they are much more interested in sitting on an unsolved problem or deducing another law. Why? The right hemisphere is responsible for romance, love, and emotions, and people who specifically choose a scientific path develop the opposite part of the brain, constantly suppressing the right. How can “nerds” develop their right hemisphere? The work of the cerebral hemispheres should ideally be the same, but this requires effort.

The functions of the left and right hemispheres are very different. Emotional people have a better developed right hemisphere, but this does not mean that they cannot solve algebraic problems. It’s just that such people are endowed with a musical gift, can empathize, and developed intuition allows them to avoid difficult situations. Artistic gift, literary abilities - all this is about humanists. They develop their capabilities, sometimes suppressing the functions of the left brain. The situation with the “nerd in love” is repeated exactly the opposite. The cerebral hemispheres can work in tandem. A striking example of this is indigo people, gifted individuals. The same Leonardo da Vinci was a brilliant painter, “techie,” physician, prophet, who foresaw the invention of many technical devices. I wonder which hemisphere of his brain was more developed? Although it was precisely thanks to the equal work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain that the famous “Mona Lisa” was created, in whose eyes scientists read the digital code. The best minds are trying to decipher it, but so far to no avail.

Most faced a small problem: the inability to remember a basic thing, the name of the city, the names of former classmates. Elderly people often complain about fading memory, but younger people sometimes forget the names of streets, events, and dates. This may indicate a change in the structure of the brain, perhaps requiring brain exercises. Crosswords, quizzes, and analytical games like Monopoly are great refreshers for the left side. But, what’s interesting: the more the left side of the brain with analytical memory fades, the stronger and brighter the memories and past moments of life become. The development of the right hemisphere of the brain begins with renewed vigor. This is noticeable in the example of older people: they become more emotional and are very easy to offend. The déjà vu effect, when people see certain moments more than once, is a kind of signal from the right hemisphere of the brain. Some scientists consider this a malfunction, a violation, but parapsychologists talk about expanding the functions of the right lobe.

Become a superman

The development of the hemispheres is of great importance. People will be able to cross the forbidden line, explore uncharted territories, and look into the depths of space. Now a new generation is being born capable of fulfilling such a task. Their thinking develops along with intuition. They are capable of solving the most difficult problems, but at the same time they can be empaths.

But what about those who live now? After all, there is no limit to perfection; synchronization of the brain hemispheres is accessible to anyone. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? It is enough to do mental gymnastics every day and train your visual memory. The same scanword puzzles, number puzzles, and sudoku are suitable for initial lessons: they have a good effect on memory and “revive” the neurons of the cerebral cortex. The greatest effect comes from solving mathematical problems. Two or three exercises from the 6th grade textbook will help refresh your memory and knowledge and will have a positive impact on the work of the main organ. Reading is useful. According to scientists, reading the book independently helps people who have suffered head injuries to recover.

Drawing lessons and listening to various styles of music will help develop the right hemisphere of the brain. In this case, you should memorize the performers, the year the composition was released, and interesting facts about the work. The training should be done daily. Ten minutes of daily exercise will result in a stunning effect in a couple of months. Audiobooks are recommended for people who have suffered from stress or depression. The speaker's colorful voice will draw imaginary pictures, thereby stimulating the right side of the head. A few hours a week - and your imagination will create entire films.

Combined exercises are suitable for the development of two parts of the head: creating a crossword puzzle with personal illustrations, doing colored origami, knitting. Yes, it is the last activity that has a positive effect on the work of the whole body: hand motor skills develop, the pattern and loops are counted, and the imagination draws a future masterpiece. Three in one, even four, because the result will be a beautiful thing.

Not only geniuses can operate with two hemispheres of the brain. Anyone can develop psychic abilities. Daily exercises guarantee the development of an analytical mind; you just need to work on yourself.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to think logically, organize and think critically. In a harmoniously developed person, both hemispheres work harmoniously and balance each other. We train and achieve perfection.

3. We load the right side of the body

We perform all actions with the right hand. Left-handers will have a hard time, but right-handers, for whom this will not be difficult, can be advised to do gymnastics, where more attention is paid to the right side of the body: jumping on the right leg, bending to the right.

4. Do a massage

There are points on our body that correspond to different organs. The cerebellum is controlled by points located on the feet at the base of the big toes. Just below are the points of both hemispheres. By massaging such a point on the right foot, we activate the left hemisphere.

5. Develop fine motor skills of the hands

The tip of the little finger of the left hand touches the tip of the thumb of the right hand, and the tip of the little finger of the right hand touches the thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the left hand will be at the bottom, and the thumb of the right hand will be at the top. Then we quickly swap our fingers: the thumb of the left hand will be at the top, and the thumb of the right hand will be at the bottom. We do the same with the index and ring fingers.


Exercises that improve the relationship between both hemispheres have a positive effect on the activation of the left hemisphere.

  1. At the same time, we stroke our stomach with our left hand, and tap our head with our right hand. Then we change hands.
  2. With one hand we draw a star in the air, and with the other - a triangle (or other geometric shapes, the main thing is that they are different for different hands). When we can do one exercise quite easily and quickly, we change the figures.
  3. We draw the same picture simultaneously with the right and left hands, maintaining mirror symmetry.
  4. With your left hand, grab your right ear, and with your right hand, grab the tip of your nose. Let's clap our hands and change hands: with the right we touch the left ear, and with the left - the tip of the nose.
  5. Dancing, particularly tango, improves coordination of movements and develops both hemispheres.

The brain is the main organ of the central nervous system, which consists of a huge number of nerve cells and their processes, interconnected. This organ almost completely occupies the cavity of the cerebral part of the skull. It provides protection to the brain from external damage. As a person develops and matures, the brain gradually takes the shape of the skull.

Due to the activity of the brain, a person sees, hears, walks, works, experiences emotions, is able to communicate with other people, analyze, and think.


In adult men and women, the total mass of the organ is about 1.3-1.5 kg. The male and female brains differ little in weight (in women it is slightly lighter), while in newborns the weight of the organ is no more than 350-400 g, and in a 12-year-old child - ~800-1000 g. The brain is located in the cranium and is closed by three shells. It has a specific structure. The most significant parts of the organ are: the medulla oblongata and the posterior (which includes the pons and the cerebellum, located behind the pons), the forebrain, the diencephalon, and the midbrain.

The right and left hemispheres of the brain are responsible for regulating higher nervous activity, because they contain departments that are responsible for writing, speech, hearing, and vision. Thanks to the cerebellum, balance is ensured, and the trunk contains developed centers that control the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In men, the brain completely stops growing in size around the age of 25, while in women this process is completed by the age of 15.

Between the two halves of the organ there is a longitudinal fissure, the basis of which is the corpus callosum, connecting the hemispheres, ensuring coordination of their work with each other. Since school times, we have known from anatomy that the halves are responsible for the work of opposite sides of the body. For example, the right half is responsible for the functioning of the left side of the body.

Functions of the left hemisphere

The hemispheres of the brain are interconnected with the rest of the central nervous system, therefore they function together with subcortical structures.

If one of the hemispheres is damaged, then the other may take over part of its functions. This indicates the associated support for the functioning of movements, higher nervous activity, sensitivity, and sensory organs.

The cortex has several zones that are responsible for performing specific functions. These zones only work together. For example, if a person wants to say something, then he thinks, analyzes, calculates, and then only speaks. In the process of communication, people express emotions: they are sad, happy, worried, laughing, etc., they gesture, using their facial muscles and hands. Such work is ensured by the general functioning of:

  • several zones of the cortex;
  • subcortical nuclei;
  • spinal and cranial nerves.

At the moment, less than 50% of the human brain has been studied by world science, but the process continues continuously.

Frontal lobe of the left hemisphere

If we talk about what the left hemisphere is responsible for, then first we should talk about the frontal lobe, which ensures a person’s ability to speak and think. This is one of the most important parts of the brain. Thanks to it, emotions appear and manifest, behavior and thought processes are controlled.

Speech motor area

Allows you to ensure the normal functioning of the facial muscles, which is necessary for pronouncing complex phrases and words. To put it differently, thanks to the speech motor area, speech is formed in a person as a whole. If he is right-handed, then in the left hemisphere the speech motor zone takes up much more space than in the right, and if he is left-handed, everything is exactly the opposite.

If the zone is destroyed or severely damaged, the ability to speak is automatically lost. In this case, a person will be able to sing and scream without words. Also, if damaged, the ability to read to oneself and formulate one’s thoughts is lost. Such damage does not affect the function of understanding the speech of other people.

There is a common myth that a person uses only 5-10% of his brain capacity. This is not true, because cells that are not used simply die.

Motor area

The left and right hemispheres contain the motor cortex, which is necessary to ensure the activity of the striated muscles. In the left hemisphere, the activity of the right side of the body, coordination of precise movements, and orientation on the ground are controlled. The internal organs send their impulses to this zone.

If the motor cortex is damaged, the following problems will occur:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs;
  • paresis of limbs;
  • ataxia.

Parietal lobe

This is where the sensitivity zone of muscles, joints, and skin is located. The left hemisphere receives impulses from receptors on the right side of the body.

If this area is damaged, then, in most cases, a person will experience sensory disturbances in some areas of the body, and he will lose the ability to determine things by touch. There is also a loss of touch, sensitivity to ambient temperature, and no pain is felt in the right side of the body.

Temporal lobe

Its main functions are vestibular sensitivity and hearing. If the zone is damaged, the right ear will stop hearing, and the left ear will lose the ability to hear normally. The person will move less accurately and will begin to stagger when walking. Not far from the temporal lobe is the auditory speech center, through which we can understand spoken speech and hear our own.

Occipital lobe

At the base of the brain, visual and auditory fibers intersect. Therefore, the visual zone of the left hemisphere receives impulses from the retina of the right and left eyes. Moreover, if the area is damaged, the person will not experience complete blindness - disturbances are observed only in the left eye.

The back of the head is also necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the visual speech center - with its help we recognize written words and letters and read.

Hemisphere specializations

The left and right hemispheres of the brain are responsible for certain functions.

The main specialization of the left hemisphere is logical thinking, so it used to be widely believed that the left side is dominant. But the dominance of the left hemisphere is observed only when performing certain functions:

  • Language abilities, ensuring speech control, the ability to read and write, memory (memorizing facts, names, dates, etc., writing them), learning foreign languages.
  • Understanding words (the left hemisphere can only understand the meaning of what is said literally).
  • Analytical thinking (recognition of numbers and mathematical symbols, logic, analysis of facts).
  • Sequential information processing (the left hemisphere processes the received information in stages). The left side considers all the available details - it does not see the big picture, unlike the right side, and therefore is not able to put together the information received.
  • Mathematical abilities (the left side recognizes symbols, numbers, a logical and analytical approach is used to solve mathematical problems, which are also provided by this hemisphere).
  • Control of the right side of the body (if you raise your right leg, this will indicate that the corresponding command came from the left hemisphere).

The hemispheres of the human brain interact with each other, so during mental activity the central nervous system uses them together. The functioning of the two hemispheres is synchronized. The central nervous system activates them and connects the results obtained. But it is still customary to clearly separate their mental functions.

It is a common belief that the larger the brain, the smarter and more brilliant a person is, but this is a misconception. Albert Einstein had a relatively small brain, weighing about 1.2 kg. The size of the organ does not in any way affect the quality of mental activity.

There is a precise division of certain functions. The right hemisphere is primarily responsible for intuition, so it cannot dominate. Its main functions also include:

  • Processing of non-verbal information (symbols, images).
  • Spatial orientation. The hemisphere allows a person to navigate in space and correctly perceive his location. Due to the work of this side of the brain, a person is able to competently find the way to the right place, taking into account various factors, and create mosaic puzzle images.
  • Metaphors. Thanks to the work of the hemisphere, people can correctly perceive metaphors, solve riddles, and recognize the results of another person’s imagination. If the left hemisphere allows us to literally understand and analyze the meaning of what has been written, then the right hemisphere takes a creative approach. For example, if we hear the following metaphor: “Simple as a felt boot,” then due to the work of the hemisphere we will understand what they wanted to convey to us.

  • Mysticism. Religion, mystical phenomena, superstitions and much more from these areas - the right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for all this.
  • Musicality. Creativity is also considered to be the activity of the right hemisphere. Talents in the field of music, the ability to perceive musical works, and much more related to music and other creativity are provided by the work of this side of the brain. It is interesting to note that not the right, but the left hemisphere will be responsible for receiving musical education.
  • Imagination. Thanks to the right side of the brain, we can dream, imagine, fantasize. The hemisphere completely controls these processes, allows us to come up with all sorts of stories, develops thoughts related to coming up with new solutions and paths, makes predictions, connects memories into a single whole, etc. For example, it is the right side that asks questions like “What if?” and many others related to the creative thought process.
  • Emotions. If we talk about what our right hemisphere is responsible for, then the list can also include emotions that, in fact, are not a product of the activity of this hemisphere. At the same time, they are connected with the right side much more than with the left, which scientists have long been able to prove.

What are the left and right hemispheres of our brain “responsible for?”

The brain is a complex and interconnected system, the largest and functionally important part of the central nervous system. Its functions include processing sensory information from the senses, planning, decision making, coordination, motor control, positive and negative emotions, attention, memory. The highest function performed by the brain is thinking.

You can easily test which hemisphere of your brain is active at the moment. Look at this picture.

If the girl in the picture is rotating clockwise, then at the moment your left hemisphere of the brain is more active (logic, analysis). If it turns counterclockwise, then your right hemisphere is active (emotions and intuition).

Which direction is your girl spinning? It turns out that with some effort of thought, you can make the girl rotate in any direction. To begin with, try looking at the picture with a defocused gaze.

If you look at the picture at the same time as your partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, acquaintance, it very often happens that you simultaneously watch the girl rotate in two opposite directions - one sees the rotation clockwise, and the other counterclockwise. This is normal, you just have different hemispheres of your brain active at the moment.

Areas of specialization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain

Left hemisphere
Right hemisphere

The main area of ​​specialization of the left hemisphere is logical thinking, and until recently, doctors considered this hemisphere to be dominant. However, in fact, it dominates only when performing the following functions.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for language abilities. It controls speech, reading and writing abilities, remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking:
The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It is this that analyzes all the facts. Numbers and mathematical symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Literal understanding of words:
The left hemisphere can only understand the literal meaning of words.

Sequential information processing:
Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.

Mathematical abilities: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Logical analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

Control of movements of the right half of the body. When you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

The main area of ​​specialization of the right hemisphere is intuition. As a rule, it is not considered dominant. It is responsible for performing the following functions.

Processing nonverbal information:
The right hemisphere specializes in processing information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for location perception and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and create mosaic puzzle pictures.

Musicality: Musical abilities, as well as the ability to perceive music, depend on the right hemisphere, although, however, the left hemisphere is responsible for musical education.

Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of other people's imagination. Thanks to it, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: “He’s hanging on my tail,” then the right hemisphere will understand exactly what this person wanted to say.

Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere we can create different stories. By the way, the question “What if...” is also asked by the right hemisphere. Artistic Abilities: The right hemisphere is responsible for artistic abilities.

Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is more closely related to them than the left.

Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, unless, of course, you are too concerned about the technique of this process itself.

Mysticism: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.

Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.

Parallel information processing:
The right hemisphere can simultaneously process a lot of different information. It is able to look at a problem as a whole without applying analysis. The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to it we can perceive a collection of features as a whole.

Controls the movements of the left half of the body: When you raise your left hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the right hemisphere.

This can be represented schematically as follows:

This is, of course, a joke test, but it has some truth. Here is another option for a rotating picture.

After viewing these pictures, the double rotation image is of particular interest.

How else can you check which hemisphere is more developed?

Squeeze your palms in front of you, now interlace your fingers and notice which hand’s thumb is on top.
- clap your hands, mark which hand is on top.
- cross your arms over your chest, mark which forearm is on top.
- determine the leading eye.

How can you develop the abilities of the hemispheres.

The left hemisphere thinks logically. The right helps to create new things, generate ideas, as it is now fashionable to say. However, you can be a mathematician with a well-developed left hemisphere and still not invent anything new. Or you can be a creator and throw out ideas left and right and not implement any of them due to the inconsistency and illogicality of your actions. Such people also exist. And they only lack one thing: working on improving their brain, bringing it into a harmonious state.

Meanwhile, psychophysiologists have long developed a system of exercises for this. Music is good in this regard, for example, for pianists. They were already made harmonious from early childhood. After all, the most important tool for brain development is your hands. By acting with both hands, a person develops both hemispheres.

So, let's move on to the exercises. Many of them are well known to us from childhood.
1. "Ear-nose". With our left hand we take the tip of the nose, and with our right hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. left. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.” I tried it, it worked better when I was a child.
2. "Mirror drawing". Place a blank sheet of paper on the table and take a pencil. Draw mirror-symmetrical designs and letters with both hands at the same time. When doing this exercise, you should feel your eyes and hands relax, because when both hemispheres work simultaneously, the efficiency of the entire brain improves.
3. "Ring". We move our fingers one by one and very quickly, connecting the index, middle, ring, and little fingers into a ring with the thumb. First, you can do it with each hand separately, then with both hands simultaneously.

Now let's remember physical education lessons. No wonder we were forced to do exercises in which we had to reach our right leg with our left hand and vice versa. They also develop our hemispheres and help them work in harmony.

Neurolinguistic programming, abbreviated NLP, is remarkably helpful in developing the hemispheres of the brain. I liked one of the NLP techniques called "First Aid".

It helps relieve emotional stress, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and interhemispheric connections. This exercise is difficult and yet interesting.

I explain the procedure. In front of you lies a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet, almost all of them. Under each letter the letters L, P or V are written. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower letter indicates movement with the hands. L - the left hand rises to the left, R - the right hand rises to the right, V - both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if only it weren’t so difficult to do it all at the same time. The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first. The following is written on the piece of paper.

Looking at the picture, you need to say out loud as quickly as possible the colors in which the words are written.


The mindset of people with a developed right hemisphere of the brain is creative, and those with a developed left hemisphere are analytical.

Roger Sperry


“Indeed, the cerebral hemisphere is an independent cognitive system that perceives, reflects, remembers, reasons and reacts in its own way. […] Both hemispheres can simultaneously process information about the world around them, but in completely different, even mutually contradictory mental experiences that run in parallel.”

Why this is not true:

All people use both the right and left hemispheres of the brain to the same extent.

Although most right-handers have a speech center in the left hemisphere, it does not follow from this that able writers and speakers use it more often than the right. An experiment by scientists from the University of Utah showed that the hemispheres of the brain are not tied to any type of activity. Dr. Jeff Anderson, head of the university's department of neurosurgery, and his team tracked 7,000 brain regions in more than 1,000 people. The subjects were between 7 and 29 years old and were resting during the experiment.

It turned out that the number of nerve connections in both hemispheres is no different, and people use them with the same intensity. In order to think creatively or analytically, a person must use connections between all parts of the brain. So the next time you see another test that supposedly establishes which hemisphere is dominant in you, feel free to ignore it.