The holiday of Trinity - traditions in the modern world. Holy Trinity: history of the holiday

Long before the advent of Christianity, Slavic peoples celebrated Green Week. It marked the end of spring and the beginning of summer. To this day, some pagan rituals and fortune telling have been preserved, which are carried out on the holiday of the Trinity. The customs of ancient times are based on the renewal of life - this is the time when the first leaves appear on the trees and flowers bloom. And for the holiday of Trinity, churches and houses were decorated with greenery - a symbol of the growth and renewal of the Christian faith.

Trinity or Pentecost?

The Feast of Trinity is one of the most beautiful holidays in Orthodoxy. It always falls at a time when the first leaves on the trees begin to bloom. Therefore, on this holiday, people decorate houses and churches with green branches of birch, maple, and rowan.

Trinity Sunday does not have a fixed date of celebration. It is scheduled for the fiftieth day after Easter. The Bible says that it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. The disciples received the ability to preach the word of Christ. Therefore, this holiday is otherwise called Pentecost or the Descent of the Holy Spirit.

Only in the 14th century did they begin to celebrate the Trinity holiday in Rus'. The customs and traditions on this day have been observed since ancient times. The founder of the holiday was St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Old Testament holiday

Pentecost is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated on the 50th day after. According to legend, on this day the people of Israel received the Law of Sinai. Traditionally, in honor of the celebration, entertainment for the people, mass celebrations, and sacrifices are organized.

He did not give the Law of God to his people. This happened on the fiftieth day after the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Since then, Pentecost (or Shavuot) began to be celebrated every year. In Israel, on the same day, the festival of the first harvest and fruits is celebrated.

When did the Trinity appear in Christianity? The customs and traditions of the celebration originate from the Old Testament Pentecost.

Orthodox holiday

The apostles retired to celebrate the Jewish Pentecost. The Savior, before his martyrdom, promised them a miracle - the coming of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, every day they gathered in one of the Zion upper rooms.

On the 50th day after the Resurrection, they heard a noise that filled the small space of the house. Flames appeared and the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. He showed them three hypostases - God the Father (Divine Mind), God the Son (Divine Word), God the Spirit (Holy Spirit). This trinity is the basis of Christianity, on which the Christian faith firmly stands.

People who were not far from the upper room heard a strange noise - the apostles were speaking in different languages. Jesus' disciples received amazing abilities - to heal, prophesy and preach in different dialects, which allowed them to carry the word of God to all corners of the world. The apostles visited the Middle East, India, and Asia Minor. We visited Crimea and Kyiv. All the disciples, except John, suffered martyrdom - they were executed by opponents of Christianity.

There is only one God. The customs of the church holiday began in the morning. The whole family went to church for worship. After which people returned home. They held a gala dinner, went to visit, congratulated friends on the bright holiday, and gave gifts.

Slavic holiday

In our country, the holiday of the Trinity began to be celebrated only 300 years after the baptism of Rus'. Before this, the Slavs were pagans. But even today there are rituals and signs that originated in those times.

Before Trinity, this day was considered the border between spring and summer. Its name is Semik (Green Week), or Triglav. According to pagan religion, three deities ruled all humanity - Perun, Svarog, Svyatovit. The latter is the keeper of light and human energy. Perun is the defender of truth and warriors. Svarog is the creator of the Universe.

In Semik, people held merry celebrations and danced in circles. Houses were first decorated with greenery, from which medicinal tinctures and decoctions were then prepared.

Thus, from the pagan celebration, a church holiday arose - Trinity. The customs and signs of those ancient times are still relevant among the people. For example, the greenery that was used to decorate the church on Pentecost was taken home and dried. It was sewn into canvas bags. This sachet served as a talisman for the home.

Celebration traditions

How is the Trinity Day celebrated? The customs of most holidays begin with cleaning the house. Only after the room was sparkling clean did the women decorate the rooms with green branches and flowers. They are a symbol of fertility and wealth.

The housewives prepared the festive table - they cooked pies and gingerbreads, cooked jelly. There is no fasting on this day, so Orthodox Christians are allowed any food. In churches, the Divine Liturgy is celebrated on Trinity Sunday, and immediately after it, the Vespers Liturgy. During it, kneeling prayers are read. The clergy ask for the granting of grace to all those present, for the sending of wisdom and reason to the believers.

After the service, people sit down at the festive table, invite guests, give gifts and congratulate each other. According to tradition, it was customary to get married on this day. It was believed that if the matchmaking took place on Trinity and the wedding on Pokrov, a happy life awaited the young family.

How is Trinity celebrated in other parts of the world? Traditions, customs, and rituals from different countries are united by festive services. And in England, religious processions are even held on this day. In Italy, rose petals are scattered from under the ceiling of a church. In France, trumpets are blown during worship, which symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Folk customs for Trinity

According to folk legends, mermaids wake up on Pentecost. In this regard, the villagers have several customs.

  • In the villages they made a stuffed mermaid and danced around it during festivities. Then it was torn into small pieces and scattered across the field.
  • Before going to bed, women ran through the village with a broom to protect themselves from mermaids.
  • One girl was dressed as a mermaid, taken to a field and thrown into a grain harvest. After which everyone fled to their homes.

What other folk practices are the Trinity famous for? Traditions, customs, rituals consisted of driving away evil spirits from the gates of the house. According to legend, on this day the merman woke up, and the villagers burned fires along the shore to ward off evil spirits.

Much attention was paid to decorating the house. Only branches of maple, birch, rowan, and oak could protect people and give them strength and health.

Another custom was to water the branches and flowers that were in the temple with your tears. Girls and women tried to cry harder so that drops of tears would fall on the greenery. This method helped the ancestors get rid of the summer drought and autumn crop failure.

First day

All festive events were divided into 3 days. The first was called Green Sunday. On this day, icons were decorated with birch branches, and a special prayer was said for Trinity.

Folk festivities were held in forests and fields. People danced, played, and sang songs. The girls wove wreaths and lowered them down the river. Such fortune-telling helped to find out what fate awaited in the coming year.

People remembered their deceased relatives. In the cemetery they swept crosses and monuments with a birch broom to ward off evil spirits. They left treats for the deceased at the graves. That night, according to folk tales, people had prophetic dreams.

Second day

Feast Monday is the second day of the celebration of Pentecost. People were rushing to church in the morning. After the service, the priests walked through the fields with blessings. This was done in order to protect the crop from drought, rain and hail.

Third day

Girls celebrate God's Day most of all. They organize celebrations, games, and fortune telling. According to folk tradition, a fun activity is held - “Drive Poplar”. The most beautiful girl was dressed up, decorated with greenery and wreaths - she played the role of Poplar. Then the youth took Topolya home, and each owner gave her a tasty treat or gift.

Holiday symbol

There is still a ritual of curling a birch tree. During the process, the girls wished good health to their mother and other relatives. Or, while curling the birch tree, they thought about the young man they loved - thus tying his thoughts and thoughts to themselves.

During the festivities, a small birch tree was decorated with ribbons and flowers were flown into it. After round dance chants, they cut it down and began a triumphal procession through the village. An elegant birch tree was carried around the entire village, attracting good luck to its residents.

In the evening, the ribbons were removed from the tree and a traditional sacrifice was performed. The branches were “buried” in the field, and the birch itself was drowned in a pond. So people asked for a bountiful harvest and protection from the spirits.

Early dew was collected on Trinity Sunday - it was considered a strong medicine against illnesses and illnesses. Such rituals existed among our ancestors. Some of them can still be found today. What can't you do on Trinity Sunday?

What is forbidden to do on Pentecost

On this holiday, it was strictly forbidden to work in the garden or around the house. Therefore, zealous housewives carried out general cleaning before Trinity. And on the holiday itself they only decorated the house and prepared a rich meal.

What other prohibitions exist? What not to do on Trinity Sunday? All home repairs are best left for another day. You can't sew. Do not wash, cut or dye your hair.

On this day you cannot think about bad things or talk about someone in a negative way. It is forbidden to swim - otherwise the disobedient person will die in the near future (according to one version, he will be tickled by mermaids). And the one who remained alive after swimming on Trinity Sunday was declared a sorcerer.

You should not be offended or swear on this day - Trinity is a bright holiday. Signs and customs (what you can’t do and what you can do) - it all comes down to prayer and kind words. Trinity is a holiday of renewal of life, so you should surround yourself only with positive things on this day.

Parents' Saturday

The day before Trinity began, people went to the cemetery and commemorated their deceased relatives.

Since ancient times, a funeral dinner was prepared on parents' Saturday - cutlery was set out for the deceased. The deceased was invited to a meal.

On this day the bathhouse was heated. And after the whole family had washed, they left water and a broom for the deceased.

On Trinity Parents' Saturday they remember suicides and ask for repose for their souls. It is read on Trinity. But the Holy Church claims that this is a delusion - suicides will not be able to find peace after death. Therefore, only in home prayer can you ask for them.

Signs for Pentecost

The Trinity is rich in beliefs and signs. The customs and traditions of the holiday carry many centuries-tested omens.

  1. Rain on Pentecost means an abundance of mushrooms and close warmth.
  2. If the birch is fresh on the third day after the holiday, it means wet haymaking.
  3. They get married on Trinity, they get married on the Intercession - for love and harmony in the family.
  4. To attract wealth into your home, you need to place several
  5. The heat on Trinity means a dry summer.

The entire week of celebration was called Rusal Week. Thursday was considered especially important - on this day the mermaids tried to lure people into the water. Therefore, in the evenings people tried not to leave the house. Swimming was prohibited for the entire week. And you should definitely carry wormwood with you - this herb repels evil spirits.

Nowadays, the Trinity holiday is celebrated in nature, with songs and fun. Customs and signs of ancient times become irrelevant and gradually disappear. But people still decorate their homes with greenery so that peace, tranquility, happiness, health and prosperity reign in it. And the girls carry wreaths to the ponds and, holding their breath, set them afloat: wherever the wreath floats, wait for your betrothed from there, and if it washes up to the shore, you know it’s not your destiny to get married this year...

Several centuries before his son Jesus Christ was crucified on earth, the Lord through the prophets announced to people that the Holy Spirit would be sent to help them:

“I will put My spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My commandments, and to keep My statutes and do them” (Ezekiel 36:27).

Jesus Christ also promised his disciples:

“But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything that I have said to you” (John 14:26).

Therefore, the apostles, together with the Blessed Virgin Mary, did not go home after Christ, but remained in Jerusalem, awaiting the fulfillment of the promise.
They were in the Zion Upper Room, where they all prayed to the Lord together. In this upper room, after His Resurrection, the Savior twice already appeared to His disciples.
When fifty days passed after the Resurrection of Christ, on the tenth day after His Ascension, the words of the Teacher were fulfilled. On this day there was a great Jewish holiday - God giving the Prophet Moses the Ten Commandments, which he received on Mount Sinai, so there were a lot of people in Jerusalem. The pilgrims came not only from Judea itself, but also from other countries.
In the morning

“Suddenly there came a sound from heaven, like a rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:2).

Following this, fiery tongues of flame appeared in the air and froze above each of the apostles. The fire of these tongues shone, but did not burn. The prophecy of St. John the Baptist about the fiery baptism of the apostles came true:

“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matt. 3:11).

This wonderful property occurs every year and currently - at the Descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem. On Holy Saturday, on the eve of Orthodox Easter, during the first few minutes the fire really shines, but does not burn.
Each of the apostles felt an extraordinary surge of spiritual strength - it was God who, through fiery tongues of flame, transferred strength to the apostles so that they could preach and glorify the teachings of Christ.
Hearing a loud noise, pilgrims began to gather at the Zion Upper Room, and the apostles went out to the people and

“they began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4)

The miracle was that each of the people heard speech in their own language, so the people were very surprised by this phenomenon.
Many knew the apostles as ordinary poor people who were not trained in science and, accordingly, were not trained in oratory.

The gathered people tried to explain what happened by saying that the apostles “ got drunk on sweet wine“And in response to this accusation, the most ardent Apostle Peter, unexpectedly for everyone and, first of all, for himself, began the first sermon in his life.
Now, through the mouth of a simple poor man Peter, the Holy Spirit Himself spoke to people. The Apostle preached to them about the life of Jesus Christ and His martyrdom. The words of the Apostle Peter sank deep into the souls of those gathered.

“What should we do?” - they asked him. “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:37-38).

After his preaching, about three thousand people believed and became Christians.
Thus, the Lord gave His disciples 9 special gifts:
the gift of wisdom and knowledge, the gift of prophecy, the ability to discern spirits, the gifts of shepherding, faith, healing and working miracles, the gifts of knowledge and interpretation of tongues.

The apostles were literally reborn - they became people of strong faith and unusual strength of spirit. They knew from their Teacher that their life would not be easy, each of them would have their own cup of suffering ahead of them, their life would be full of ridicule, bullying, beatings and imprisonment. And indeed, almost all of them died or were executed.
To overcome these sufferings, the ascended Jesus Christ sent His messengers the Holy Spirit of the Comforter. And now neither crucifixion, nor burning at the stake, nor death under a hail of stones could stop God’s apostles-messengers in preaching the Divine teaching throughout the world.
Zion Upper Room, after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Mother of God who were in it, began to be considered the first Christian temple. And this day began to be called the Feast of the Holy Trinity, in honor of the fact that the Lord revealed himself to people in three forms - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Trinity Day is one of the Great Orthodox holidays. On this day, the Holy Spirit descended to earth and people were shown the Triune image of God: God the Father - the creator, God the Son - Jesus Christ, who appeared to people for the atonement of sins, and God the Holy Spirit. This Trinity Day is considered the celebration of the birth of the earthly Church.
Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, which is why it is also called Holy Pentecost. The holiday itself consists of two parts. Sunday (the first day) is the Day of the Holy Trinity, and the second day (Monday) is the Day of the Holy Spirit.
« Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit“- any Christian has repeatedly uttered these solemn words, while performing, the first three fingers folded together express our faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a consubstantial and indivisible Trinity.

And what could be more reliable for a person than faith in God, in his protection and protection:
“My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection is the Holy Spirit: Holy Trinity, glory to Thee.”

The holiday of the Trinity is a bright holiday, which is permeated with sunshine, the emergence of life in nature after winter, when it seems to us that God's grace spreads everywhere, in every ray of the sun and in every green leaf, when everything around blooms, blossoms, comes to life and begins a new round of life!
On this day, churches are decorated with flowers and greenery - this is a symbol of the birth of life in the spring, as a symbol of the birth of the Church.

On this day, special veneration is associated, first of all, with the birch tree, whose greenery blooms on the Trinity Day. People associate it with goodness, with protection from evil spirits and with a tree that drives out diseases (birch sap, birch buds and, of course, bathhouse brooms).
Since ancient times, temples and churches in Rus' have been decorated with its branches, as well as young trees.

People who come to the festive service bring with them and hold in their hands birch branches and flowers, which are blessed during the service.
In honor of this Great holiday, priests usually dress in green phelonions, and church utensils are often decorated with light green fabrics and ribbons.
On the Day of the Holy Trinity, during special prayers, everyone in the church is required (to the extent possible) to kneel. Trinity is considered the first day of permission after Easter for kneeling prayers in church. This kneeling is a liturgical feature, the highlight of this holiday.


We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, and honor Your All-Holy Spirit, Whom You sent from the Father as Your Divine disciple.


There is such an icon - the Holy Trinity, and everyone has probably looked at it more than once, trying to understand its meaning.

This icon depicts God the Father himself, God the Son - Jesus Christ and God - the Holy Spirit, the same Comforter whose descent Jesus Christ promised to his disciples when he ascended to heaven. The Holy Trinity means that God exists in three persons, or hypostases. Why this is so, perhaps, is not worth understanding yet, you just need to believe and admit that this is so and that the image of God in three hypostases on icons is called the Holy Trinity.

A great church holiday is dedicated to the Holy Trinity - the Feast of the Holy Trinity, or simply Trinity. It is also associated with Easter and the Ascension, therefore it does not have a permanent day, but is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter on the tenth after the Ascension. That is why it is also called Pentecost. This holiday is dedicated to the memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles-disciples of Christ. This day is called Trinity, because on this day we glorify all the faces of the Triune God: God the Father, who created the world, God the Son, who suffered in the name of human salvation and delivered people from enslavement to the devil, and God the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies peace through the founding of the church, which is why Trinity Day is also called the birthday of the Christian church.

On the tenth day after the Ascension, all the apostles, as always, were together in the house, and suddenly there was a loud noise, as if a gust of strong wind had burst into the room. The noise filled the whole house, and then a fiery tongue stopped over each apostle (as the first disciples of Christ were called), and suddenly they spoke in different languages ​​that they did not know before: Latin, and Greek, and Arabic, and -Persian, and in other languages ​​that were in the world.

The apostles realized that the Holy Spirit had descended on them. Then they went out into the square and began to tell people who had come to Jerusalem from all sides to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Pentecost, about Jesus Christ, how he died, then rose again and ascended into heaven. And despite the fact that the people were from different places and spoke different languages, they understood everything perfectly and asked the apostles:

- What should we do, brothers?

The apostles answered them:

- Repent of your sins, be baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and your sins will be forgiven, and you will receive forgiveness.

And then the apostles went to different lands: to the north, and to the south, and to the west, and to the east, to tell all the people about Jesus Christ and his good deeds.

It is known from the Holy Scriptures that then about 3 thousand people were immediately baptized, and the apostles went further across the earth and introduced more and more people to their faith.

Trinity Day is a very beautiful holiday. On this day, churches are decorated from the inside with birch branches, freshly cut grass and wildflowers are spread on the floor. All believers with green birch branches in their hands go to church, there during the service these branches are blessed, and they are kept in everyone’s home, bringing happiness, prosperity and health.

Who are the apostles?

Apostles (from the Greek word “apolstolos” - sent) in the Bible are those who accompanied Jesus Christ in his wanderings, and then were sent to preach Christianity throughout the world.

According to the books. In the Bible, Jesus Christ had twelve disciples. However, in the future, to them. Several more saints were added.

What do clergy wear during services?

You, of course, have seen the beautiful clothes embroidered with gold that the priest wears during the service. These lush and colorful clothes help to give everything that happens in the church a solemnity and majesty. They look especially beautiful in the light of flickering candles. The priests are very smart and educated people, they know history well and many languages.

The main book for all priests and believers is the Bible, the most famous book on the entire globe. It has been translated into 1800 languages ​​of the world, and if a person knows only one of his native languages, he can still read the Bible.

Feast of the Trinity: traditions, icon, consecration

In the article we will talk about the holiday and the icon of the Feast of the Holy Trinity, and show postcards for the Feast of the Trinity. Read about the traditions and signs of Trinity Day, what to take to church and consecrate on Trinity

Trinity Day

The Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit - is the One and Only God, Whom Christians all over the world worship. The dogma of His Unity in Three Persons is the most important for Christians, regardless of denomination.

It is most fully and clearly expressed by the icon of the Holy Trinity in the form of three angels. Only in the Orthodox Church does this image exist: among Catholics and Protestants this plot is called “The Hospitality of Abraham” and is only an illustration of an episode from the Old Testament.
In this article we will talk about the holiday and the icon of the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

Feast of Pentecost and Holy Trinity

On the 50th day after Easter, Pentecost is celebrated on Sunday - the Day of the Holy Trinity. Historically, on this day, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and the Mother of God, who had gathered on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. The theological meaning of the holiday is the manifestation of the power of the Holy Trinity.

Pentecost - The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (on a separate icon, the events of Pentecost are depicted sitting on the clouds above the Apostles, Jesus Christ and the God of Hosts). Together with the Mother of God, the apostles stayed on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ in the Upper Room of Zion - the place of the Last Supper, eating a meal in memory of the Lord. After the Descent of the Holy Spirit on them, the apostles were enlightened with Divine knowledge. God Himself spoke in them, they instantly spoke in all the languages ​​of the world: the Lord gave them this gift to preach the Gospel throughout the world. All the disciples of Christ, together with the Mother of God, received by lot directions and places where they were supposed to convert people to Christianity by baptizing them.

Twelfth Feast of the Holy Trinity

It is known that in the Orthodox Church every day the memory of a saint or a holiday is celebrated in honor of an important historical event for the teaching of Christ. Each church holiday has a special edifying, educational meaning. Church holidays preserve the true purpose of holidays - a renewal of life, a reminder of special events, and not just drunken fun, unbridled fun.

In the annual church circle there are twelve holidays, called “twelve” (in Church Slavonic duodecimal). These are days dedicated to the most important events in the earthly life of Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the most important historical events of the Church.

The traditions of their celebration have developed over centuries, and today they are celebrated all over the world, and, due to their prevalence, even cover the lives of non-religious people. This is a church sermon, the glory of the name of Christ, which goes beyond the church fence.

In every Orthodox country, these holidays reflect traditions, national mentality and historical culture. Thus, in Russia and Greece, on various holidays, earthly fruits are brought for blessing. Elements of Slavic ritualism have been preserved, for example, in the traditions of caroling on Christmas Day in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Thanks to the tolerance and love of the Orthodox Church, many good ancient traditions have survived to this day. These days are like spiritual bright milestones of the year. Remembering this or that event, praising the Lord and the Mother of God, we rejoice in God’s love for people and again look at ourselves from the outside, trying to be worthy of this love. Believers try to confess and receive communion on the twelve feasts.
Let us note that the Holy Easter of the Lord does not belong to the twelve holidays. It is “the feast of the holidays and the celebration of celebrations.” According to comparisons of church scriptures, the twelve days are like stars, the Nativity of Christ can be compared to the moon, and Holy Easter is the Sun, without it (without the Resurrection of Christ) life is impossible, and the stars fade.

The meaning of the Trinity Feast icon

In fact, the image of the Trinity as such cannot exist: according to the word of the Bible, “No one has ever seen God.” He is incomprehensible and greater than all creatures. God the Father appeared to the prophets and forefathers of the Old Testament in fire and thunder; The Holy Spirit appeared as Light or Dove; The Lord Jesus Christ became human, taking on the flesh and appearance of a man, human will and psyche. However, the three hypostases of the Holy Trinity (one cannot say “Gods”) appeared several times in the history of mankind - these days are now celebrated as the Baptism of the Lord, the Transfiguration and Pentecost (one day with the feast of the Holy Trinity), therefore there are a number of icons that are images of the Holy Trinity.

All these events are celebrated by the Church as the great twelve holidays (included in the twelve main holidays of the year). Each of them is marked by the manifestation of the hypostases and power of the Holy Trinity.

There are also two types of icons for the Feast of the Trinity, which are not approved by the Church as too clearly depicting the God of Hosts:

    Fatherland - an image of God the Father as an Elder holding the Child Christ on his lap.

    The New Testament Trinity is an image of the gray-haired God the Father in the form of an old man, Christ in His usual form and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. This may be a separate icon or image included in the composition of the Last Judgment.

    The image of the Holy Trinity in the form of three angels, also called “Hospitality of Abraham” is the main image of the three Divine hypostases. Initially, this is an illustration of an Old Testament plot: in chapter 18 of the book of Genesis it is said that the righteous forefather Abraham received God Himself in his house (tent) in the form of three wandering angels.

    However, only Saint Andrei Rublev, a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who lived in the 15th century, was able to express in colors the theological dogma contained in this Old Testament plot. He removed the figures of Saints Sarah and Abraham, who had previously been present in this image, as well as the abundance of food from the table. This image glorified the master himself, the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, and ancient Russian icon painting itself, becoming truly a world masterpiece.

Rublevskaya icon of the Trinity

  • The composition of the image is circular, spherical. The figures of three angels lean towards one another in a picturesque rhythm. Behind you can see the houses of Abraham, the Oak of Mamre (a tree in Palestine under which the Three Faces of the Trinity dwelt, preserved to this day) and a mountain.

  • The angels sit at a table on which only the Chalice stands. This is not a feast, but a secret meal: this is silent communication, the subject of which is human salvation, the Sacrifice of God the Son for human sins. It is the image of the Chalice as a Sacrifice that is in the center of the icon.

  • Behind the appearance of each Angel is a specific Divine hypostasis, and researchers to this day argue about who is who:

  • In the center is God the Son, Christ. He is depicted as an icon painter in the traditional clothes of Christ - a cherry tunic with a gold stripe and a dark blue himation. He also bows his head before God the Father.

  • God the Father, Hosts is depicted as an Angel sitting on the left in golden robes. He blesses the Son for the Sacrifice.

  • The right angel, in a green cape, is the Holy Spirit. He bows his head, silently participating in the conversation.

This icon is also called “The Eternal Council”, and also simply: “Rublev Trinity”. Its details are important:

  • In the circle, the unity and equality of the three hypostases of God is revealed, but the difference and individuality of each Person is shown. The cup in the center, on the table, reminds of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the main thing in Orthodoxy.

  • Each of the angels also holds a staff, as if a symbol of eternal wandering and power.

  • The tree is reminiscent of both the Oak of Mamre and the heavenly tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because of which sin entered human history.

  • The house is also a symbol of the Church, the House of God.

  • The mountain is a reminder of Calvary, awaiting Jesus Christ, the place of atonement for the sins of all mankind.

The Icon of the Holy Trinity is a miraculous image, through prayers before which the Lord gave help to our entire country.

Thus, before the military campaign against the Kazan kingdom, Tsar Ivan the Terrible visited the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where, at his request, a prayer service was sung before the icon of the Holy Trinity. The king asked for the protection of the army and blessing for the capture of Kazan. Indeed, the kingdom fell, the beginning of Russian power was laid, and with it the enlightenment of the light of Christ's faith in the Lower Volga region. After his safe return, the king brought many donations to the Lavra in gratitude.

    The donated or purchased icon is placed in your home iconostasis. It is usually arranged in the “red corner” - opposite the door, by the window or in any clean and bright place. It is better to orient yourself to the east - this is where, according to tradition, the altars of all Orthodox churches face.

    On a special shelf for icons, which can be bought in shops at churches, an image of the Holy Trinity is placed in the center; next to it you can place a special icon of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as a revered saint, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    You can also hang the icon over your or your children’s bed so that God’s grace will protect you visibly and during sleep.

Help from the Holy Trinity

In front of the image of the Holy Trinity, they pray to God for all their needs and, of course, confess their sins and prayerfully prepare for Confession and Communion. The Church blesses us to read the morning and evening prayers every day, which are in every prayer book, with conversions and repentance before the Lord. Any prayers can be read both in the temple and in front of the home iconostasis.

Pray to the Lord Almighty at any moment in life:

  • Ask the Lord for help in any matter, everyday difficulties and troubles,

  • Pray in danger

  • Ask for help with the needs of your loved ones and friends,

  • Repent before God of your sins, asking to forgive them, to let you see your mistakes and vices and correct yourself,

  • Praying for healing in illness,

  • Turning to Him in sudden danger,

  • When you have anxiety, despondency, sadness in your soul,

  • Thank Him for your joys, successes, happiness and health.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, prayers are read to the Most Holy Trinity and separately to the Holy Spirit, which should also be read daily in order to be protected from evil with the help of God.

Prayer "Trisagion": Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!- you need to read it three times, crossing yourself and bowing.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and forever. Amen.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Who is present everywhere and does everything, Treasure of kindness and giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all impurity, and save, O Good One, our souls.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us: Lord, cleanse our sins, Master, forgive our iniquities, Holy One, visit and heal our illnesses for the sake of our confession of Your Name. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer, simply, is the “Our Father,” the words of which all our ancestors knew (there was even the expression “to know like the Lord’s Prayer”) and which every believer should teach his children. If you don’t know its words, learn them by heart; you can read the Lord’s Prayer in Russian:

“Our Father who is in Heaven! May your name be holy and glorified, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, both in heaven and on earth. Give us the bread we need today; and forgive us our debts, which we forgive our debtors; and may we not have the temptations of the devil, but deliver us from the influences of the evil one. For Yours is in heaven and earth the Kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

Miraculous lists of the Holy Trinity icon

The original icon created by the Rev. Andrei Rublev resides in the Tretyakov Gallery.
Lists can be found at

  • Holy Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra,

  • In the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Tolmachi,

  • In the Kremlin in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

  • In Ostankino, in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity.

In many churches, the simple icons of the holidays that we have described are located in the festive - second row of the iconostasis, between the local and Deesis ranks. In small churches or poor parishes, icons of the twelve feasts are only laid out on the lectern. If the temple itself is consecrated in honor of the holiday, its icon will be located in the local row, to the right of the icon of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How to find God's grace of the Holy Trinity

The Orthodox Church has seven Sacraments. All of them were established by the Lord and are based on His words preserved in the Gospel. The sacrament of the Church is a sacred act where, with the help of external signs and rituals, the grace of the Holy Spirit is given to people invisibly, that is, mysteriously, hence the name. The saving power of God is true, in contrast to the “energy” and magic of the spirits of darkness, which only promise help, but in fact destroy souls.

In addition, the Tradition of the Church says that in the Sacraments, unlike home prayers, molebens or memorial services, grace is promised by God Himself and enlightenment is given to a person who has prepared for the Sacraments correctly, who comes with sincere faith and repentance, an understanding of his sinfulness before our Sinless Savior.

The Lord blessed the apostles to perform seven Sacraments, which are usually named in order from birth to death of a person: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance (confession), Communion, Wedding (marriage), Priesthood, Blessing of Anointing (Unction)

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

The most powerful prayer is any commemoration and presence at the Liturgy. During the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion), the whole Church prays for a person.

Every person needs to sometimes attend the Liturgy - submit a note for themselves and loved ones, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ - the Body and Blood of the Lord. This is especially important to do in difficult life moments, despite the lack of time.

The Sacrament of Communion was established by Christ Himself during the Last Supper before His death on the Cross and commanded the apostles to always receive communion for the sake of the memory of Him and life in eternity: “He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will resurrect him on the last day.” . Christ said that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, bread and wine will constantly be miraculously transformed into His Body and Blood, and the people who eat (taste) them will be united with Himself. The Church blesses us to receive communion at least once a year: preferably about once a month.

You need to prepare yourself for the Sacrament of Holy Communion; this is called “fasting”. Preparation includes reading special prayers according to the prayer book, fasting and repentance

“Most Holy Trinity, consubstantial Power, the cause of all good things on Earth, how let us thank You for the blessings given to us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, even before we came into the world, for everything that You give to each of us every day of our lives, for everything that You are preparing for all the faithful people in heavenly life. For so many good deeds and Your generosity and mercy, we must not only thank You verbally, but especially glorify You with good deeds, honoring and fulfilling Your commandments: however, we, listening only to our lusts, passions and bad habits, have been countless since our youth we fall into sins and iniquities.
Therefore, we, as unclean people and defiled by sins, are not only ashamed to appear before Your Holy Face, but we are even ashamed to pronounce Your Most Holy Name, if You Yourself, Lord, had not expressed Your Good will, to our joy, to proclaim that You are pure You love the righteous, but you also have mercy on repentant sinners and accept them into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Look, O Divine Trinity, from the height of Your Holy Glory at us, who have committed many sins, and accept our good intentions and desires, even if instead of good deeds; and give us the spirit of true repentance, so that we may hate all sin, in purity and truth, and live until the end of our days, doing Your most holy will and glorifying Your beautiful name with pure thoughts and good deeds. Amen."

Customs of the Trinity Day

Many church holidays have become truly popular, signs have been associated with them, people have begun to bring certain seasonal fruits for consecration, that is, God’s blessing in the church, and to pray for certain things related to the holiday.

So, on the holiday of Trinity there are a number of beautiful folk rituals and customs associated with the Church

  • Temples on this day are decorated with birch trees,

  • In villages and small towns they put grass under their feet,

  • People come to the temple with small bouquets in which a candle is inserted, as if people are meeting the Lord,

  • They try not to work on this day, take communion in church and then devote their lives to bright joy, reading, and family.

There are also beliefs associated with the holiday of the Trinity that it is wrong for an Orthodox Christian to believe, for example, that you cannot swim - mermaids will tickle you.

Trinity Parents' Saturday the day before Trinity Day

The day before Trinity, Trinity Parents' Saturday is celebrated - this is a traditional memorial day.

The grave and monument of the deceased is a duty of love and respect for him. Since ancient times, people came to memorial days to clean up the graves of their loved ones. A cross or monument is usually placed at the feet of the deceased so that his face is turned towards the Crucifix. If you want to order a monument not in the form of a cross, let it also have a Cross embossed, engraved or painted on it, the power of which will protect the deceased.

You should not eat at the cemetery, even kutya, and especially drink alcohol. Bring a candle (usually in a glass lantern) with you and read prayers for the deceased.

There is no need to drink alcohol “in memory of a person” and leave a glass with alcohol and a piece of bread on the grave. All these are ritual traditions with roots in paganism. It is better to bring flowers and an icon of Christ, the Mother of God or the patron saint of the deceased to the grave.

At the cemetery you can read an akathist about the deceased and after it perform a litia - translated from Greek, the word “lithia” means fervent prayer. The funeral lithium can be performed by both a priest and a layman (that is, any baptized person). This lithium was created for a special prayer for the deceased and is performed before removing the coffin from the house, in the cemetery over a fresh grave, and even at any time, if you wish, to ask the Lord for help in the afterlife for your loved one - most often at the cemetery and before the funeral, after returning home from the funeral.

May the Lord protect you in the Holy Trinity!

One of the largest and most revered holidays in Christianity is the holiday of the Trinity, but few people know and understand what kind of holiday this is and what the name Trinity, which is also used in the ordinary life of Christians, means.

Trinity Holiday - what is it?

The holiday of Trinity (another name for Pentecost) is dedicated to the memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit to Earth. It was on this day that the Lord God appeared to the world in his third hypostasis of the Holy Spirit, descending to Earth and appearing in this third hypostasis before the disciples of Christ, i.e. essentially in front of his disciples, since in Christianity the Holy Spirit, Christ and God are one whole entity.

Why is the holiday of Trinity called Pentecost?

Icon. Andrey Rublev. Trinity. Around 1422-1427 Minimum symbols: three angels (Trinity), a cup (Atoning sacrifice), a table (the Lord's table, the Eucharist. Of the recognizable realities - an oak tree (Mamre), a mountain (here is the sacrifice of Isaac, and Golgotha) and a building (Abraham's house? Church?) .

The answer to this question is very simple.

The descent of the Holy Spirit to Earth and the appearance of Christ to his disciples occurred exactly on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ (Easter) or on the 10th day after the Ascension of Christ (Ascension).

This is where the name of this holiday came from - Pentecost. At the same time, this holiday of Pentecost should not be confused with another Jewish holiday, bearing exactly the same name Pentecost and celebrated on the same day, but dedicated to another event - the holiday in memory of the Sinai legislation (the holiday of Moses receiving the commandments of the Lord on Mount Sinai).

How did the Holy Spirit appear on Earth?

The appearance of the Holy Spirit happened unexpectedly and was attended by a limited number of people.

On the tenth day after Christ's ascension into heaven, the Jews, as always, celebrated their ancient and great holiday in memory of the Sinai legislation.

On this day, all the apostles, together with the Mother of God and with other disciples of Christ and other believers, were in the same upper room in Jerusalem. “It was the third hour of the day, according to the Jewish clock, that is, in our opinion, the ninth hour of the morning. Suddenly a sound came from heaven, as if from a rushing strong wind, and filled the whole house where the disciples of Christ were. And tongues of fire appeared and rested (stopped) one on each of them. Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to glorify God in different languages ​​that they did not know before.”

So the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles as a sign that He gave the apostles the ability and strength to preach Christ’s teaching to all nations; He descended in the form of fire as a sign that he has the power to scorch sins and cleanse, sanctify and warm souls.

In Jerusalem at that time there were many people who came from different countries for the holiday. The apostles came out to them and began to preach in their native languages. The sermon had such an effect on those listening that many believed and began to ask: “What should we do?” Peter answered them: “Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, then you too will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Those who believed in Christ willingly accepted baptism; there were about three thousand of them that day. This is how the Church of Christ began to be established on earth.

It was on this day that the beloved children of the Lord, united with Him by the Holy Spirit, came out of the walls of the Zion Upper Room to fearlessly preach Christ’s teaching about love.

Why did the Holy Spirit descend to earth?

The main reason why the Holy Spirit descended to earth was to motivate the disciples to build the Church of Christ: “...for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the building up of the Body of Christ.” It is for this reason that Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Christian Church.

How is the Feast of Pentecost celebrated?

On Pentecost, churches immediately after the Divine Liturgy celebrate Vespers in remembrance of the descent of the Comforter Spirit on the holy apostles. During the service, kneeling prayers are read for the sending down to us of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of reason and the fear of God.

The Church prays for the granting of the grace of the Holy Spirit to all those present, as well as to previously deceased relatives in the flesh, so that they too may become participants in the Kingdom of Glory in the land of the living - “not a single one is clean before God from filth, even if there is only one day in his life” ( kneeling prayer after “Grant, O Lord, this evening”).

On this day, Orthodox Christians decorate their houses and churches with green birch branches and flowers. This custom comes from the Old Testament Church, when houses and synagogues were decorated with greenery on Pentecost in memory of how everything bloomed and turned green at Mount Sinai on the day when Moses received the tablets of the law.

The Zion Upper Room, where the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, at that time, according to general custom, was also decorated with tree branches and flowers. On the feast of Trinity, the appearance of the Trinity to Abraham in the Mamvrian oak grove is also remembered, so the temple decorated with greenery also resembles that oak grove. And the flowering branches also remind us that under the influence of God’s grace, human souls blossom with the fruits of virtues.

What does the word Trinity mean in the Bible?

The very word “Trinity” is of non-biblical origin and was introduced into the Christian lexicon only in the second half of the 2nd century, two hundred years after the ascension of Christ, by Bishop Theophilus of Sioia.

In his treatise “Against Autolycus,” Theophilus wrote: “The three days [of creation], which were before [the creation of] the luminaries, are images of the Trinity: God, His Word and His Wisdom.” This work has survived to this day only in one manuscript of the 11th century and was probably written no earlier than 180 AD. e., since it mentions the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Neither in the Old nor in the New Testaments is the concept of “Trinity” directly used, and according to Bible scholars, there are only isolated hints in Scripture indicating the trinity of God, but nothing more.

Doctrine of the Trinity

Non-canonical icon. Holy Trinity with angels and saints. Master from Messkirch, early 16th century.

The doctrine of the Triune God comes down to three points:

1) God is trinity and trinity consists in the fact that in God there are Three Persons (hypostases): Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

2) Each Person of the Most Holy Trinity is God, but They are not three Gods, but are one Divine being.

3) All three Persons differ in personal, or hypostatic, properties.

All three Persons of the Holy Trinity have the same Divine dignity, between them there is neither elder nor younger; just as God the Father is true God, so God the Son is true God, so the Holy Spirit is true God. Each Person carries within itself all the properties of the Divine.

Since God is one in His being, then all the properties of God - His eternity, omnipotence, omnipresence and others - belong equally to all three Persons. In other words, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit are eternal and omnipotent, like God the Father.

They differ only in that God the Father is not born from anyone and does not come from anyone; The Son of God is born from God the Father - eternally (timeless, beginningless, infinite), and the Holy Spirit comes from God the Father.

How to understand the dogma of the Trinity?

Any educated Christian is well aware that the main dogma and cornerstone of the Christian church is the dogma of the Holy Trinity, and without its correct understanding there is neither faith nor a Christian church.

The dogma of the Trinity tells believers the following: God is one in essence, but threefold in persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity is consubstantial and indivisible.

In other words, there is a God who has three essences, none of which is the main one and none of them can be divided.

Believers must clearly understand that the dogma of the Holy Trinity is incomprehensible, it is a mysterious dogma, incomprehensible at the level of reason. For the human mind, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is contradictory, because it is a mystery that cannot be expressed rationally.

It is no coincidence that Pavel Florensky called the dogma of the Holy Trinity “a cross for human thought.” In order to accept the dogma of the Most Holy Trinity, the sinful human mind must reject its claims to the ability to know everything and rationally explain, that is, in order to understand the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, it is necessary to turn away from its own thinking.

Since when is the holiday of Trinity celebrated?

Christian Pentecost as a holiday of the Holy Trinity has been celebrated since the 4th century, when at the Second Council of Constantinople the dogma of the Trinity was finally approved in which one God began to officially exist in three persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.


The Feast of the Trinity is not only the celebration of the appearance of the third Person of the Divine in a visible way, but also the birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the day will come when God will complete the formation of His Church here on earth, and She will be taken out of the earth to be with God forever. This moment is also called the second coming of Christ or the rapture of the Church, when God will return for those in whom His Holy Spirit lives.

Signs for Trinity

There are many signs and superstitions regarding things that should not be done on this day.

So, it is better not to set a wedding day on Trinity. Allegedly, those who tied the knot on this day will have an unhappy family life. It’s better to get wooed on Trinity and prepare for the wedding.

The ancient Slavs believed that on the day on which Christians later designated Trinity, fairy-tale creatures - Mavkas and mermaids - appeared. Therefore, you shouldn’t walk alone in forests and fields, because they can take a lonely traveler with them and tickle you to death.

According to ancient beliefs, it was forbidden to swim, because mermaids would definitely drag you to the bottom. There is a superstitious legend that there will definitely be a drowned person on Trinity Sunday, so you should avoid any bodies of water and not tempt fate. One of the largest and most revered holidays in Christianity is the holiday of the Trinity, but few people know and understand what kind of holiday it is and what the name Trinity means , which is also used in the ordinary life of Christians.

From time immemorial, it was considered a bad omen to play weddings on Trinity Sunday.

How to celebrate Trinity (Pentecost)

On Pentecost, houses, apartments and churches are decorated with greenery and flowers, as well as birch branches, because the birch tree was the main symbol of this holiday in Rus'.

Before Trinity, it is customary to clean up the house and visit the cemetery to pay tribute to the deceased.

On the morning of Trinity Sunday, people go to church and consecrate birch branches, greenery and flowers. It is generally accepted that greenery illuminated on Trinity Day can be stored throughout the year - in Rus', greenery blessed on this day replaced people with a talisman that protected their home from evil spirits and troubles.

On Trinity Sunday, girls often wondered about their future groom.

How to tell fortunes about the Trinity

Of course, the church does not welcome fortune telling, but this tradition has been going on since ancient times.

It is customary to guess on Trinity from Thursday to Sunday.

The most common method for Trinity is fortune telling with wreaths - with their weaving and then floating on water.

On this day, irresponsible Christians tell fortunes using other objects - rings, chains, etc.

Fortune telling by wreath consisted of the girl weaving a wreath and making a wish for the groom, after which she went to the river and tilted her head to throw the wreath into the water.

Ideas based on the behavior of the wreath and fortune telling about the betrothed:

If the wreath floated calmly, then its owner expected a calm year

If the wreath floated under water or sank, then the girl had to be afraid of illness, death of loved ones or other troubles

If the wreath unraveled, then this promised the girl separation from her beloved

If the wreath quickly floated away, then this promised the girl a groom from the far side

A wreath stuck near the shore meant that there was no need to wait for the groom until the next Pentecost.

Films on the theme of the Trinity holiday

Not many films have been made about the Trinity, but nevertheless on the Internet you can find the following films:

Film by Metropolitan Hilarion “Trinity”;

Film "Holy Trinity"

Genre: Documentary