Preparations for deep fluoridation of teeth. Fluoridation of teeth. Video - Fluoridation and silvering of teeth

Fluoridation of teeth is gaining popularity among dental procedures, although many patients do not know what it is. The reviews and photos presented in the article will help you understand the essence of the procedure, as well as verify its effectiveness.

Every person strives to have a beautiful and healthy smile. However, the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet, soft foods, lack of nutrients, and poor hygienic status lead to the destruction of enamel and the formation of caries. Fluoridation allows you to saturate dental tissues with essential minerals and strengthen them.

What is dental fluoridation?

Fluoridation is the saturation of hard tooth tissues with fluoride compounds by applying various liquids to the enamel. The procedure has proven its effectiveness both when performed on baby teeth and in permanent dentition.

The advantages of using fluoride-containing products make this method popular both among doctors and patients of all ages.

  • enamel resistance to acids and the destructive action of microflora increases;
  • the service life of dental restorations increases;
  • goes down;
  • the likelihood of caries formation decreases;
  • The maturation of enamel in children is accelerated.

Types of procedures

Fluoridation can be deep and simple. Regardless of the chosen technique, certain steps must be followed to increase efficiency and also reduce the risk of cavities.

  1. Professional teeth cleaning, which includes the removal of soft plaque and mineralized deposits, followed by polishing the tooth surface.
  2. Filling defects.
  3. Training in individual hygiene and selection of hygiene products.

Good results are shown by preliminary saturation of the enamel with calcium.

Simple fluoridation is carried out in two ways: applying fluoride varnish and using drugs together with mouthguards:

  • Individual mouth guards are made by a dental technician using an impression. A fluorine-containing substance is placed in it for 10-15 minutes, the course is 12-15 procedures. The advantage of the technique is that it creates tight contact between the enamel and the active components, and also prevents the drug from leaking into the oral cavity;
  • use of fluoride varnish - varnish is applied to teeth that have been previously dried and isolated from saliva; the course is performed 2 to 4 times a year. This depends on the properties of the enamel and the activity of caries.

Deep fluoridation is a more complex, but also more effective method. In this case, not only the surface of the enamel is saturated with components, because the drug penetrates deeper. Two bottles are used: one contains fluorine, the other contains a calcium compound. Stages:
  • Step 1 – cleaning your teeth not only with a brush and professional paste, but also with an ultrasonic scaler;
  • step 2 – drying the enamel from water-air plaster;
  • Step 3 – applying a sealing fluid containing fluorine. After this, the tooth surface is thoroughly dried again;
  • Step 4 – the composition from the second bottle, which contains calcium hydroxide and copper, is applied to the cotton wool. The product is rubbed into the enamel with a swab, after which the mouth should be rinsed with water.

During deep fluoridation, fluorine and calcium ions merge, which are embedded in the crystalline structure of hydroxyapatite, which helps strengthen the enamel. Whether you need to carry out such applications, the dentist will tell you after a detailed examination of the oral cavity.


The benefits of applying fluoride-containing varnishes or gels are significant, because these substances help in... Preparations based on fluoride compounds are used in the following situations:

  • preventive procedures to reduce the likelihood of cavities forming, especially in areas where the content of fluoride ions in water is reduced;
  • multiple caries;
  • after completion of orthodontic treatment with braces;
  • the final stage of tooth restoration;
  • relieving hypersensitivity;

Often, enamel fluoridation is performed on a child with a primary dentition, if the hard tissues of the tooth are not strong enough, and methods of both endogenous and exogenous prevention can be used. After fluoride varnish application courses are given to children, the enamel layer is strengthened, and initial caries may disappear altogether.


  1. Allergic reactions to components included in fluoride-based drugs.
  2. Endemic mottling of teeth.
  3. Increased concentration of fluoride compounds in water.

It is important to note that during pregnancy it is allowed to prevent caries by applying fluoride-containing preparations, with the exception of the cases listed above. Often during this period, women note a deterioration in the condition of their teeth due to the release of many minerals to the child’s body, so timely fluoridation will preserve the beauty of the expectant mother’s smile.

Photo: before and after

Fluoridation of teeth at home

The cost of procedures to strengthen enamel with fluoride compounds is high, especially considering that to achieve a positive effect, a one-time procedure will not be enough - you need to take a course.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to apply fluoride-containing varnish themselves at home, because purchasing a bottle of the drug will cost much less than in-office fluoridation.

The use of this medication should be done under the strict supervision of a dentist, because excessive fluoride intake into the body can lead to unpleasant effects and also cause serious poisoning. When used independently, the risk of the drug getting on soft tissues, as well as its ingestion, increases, so you should not risk your health to save money.

Some remedies are allowed for home use:

  1. Fluoride toothpastes.
  2. Fluoride-based gels.
  3. Rinse aids.

When using toothpastes, you should pay attention to the indicated dosage of fluoride, expressed in ppm units. For adults, a value of 1500 ppm is acceptable for preventive purposes, and children should brush their teeth with a paste in which the microelement concentration does not exceed 600-800 ppm.

Elmex-gel contains amino fluoride, which is the most effective fluorine-containing compound, which is maximally integrated into the crystal lattice of the enamel, and also forms a film on the tooth surface. Thanks to it, the active components are able to act for a long time and penetrate into the deep layers of enamel. You need to brush your teeth with the gel like a regular toothpaste once a week, avoiding swallowing it.

Dental elixirs not only freshen your breath, but also wash away food debris from hard-to-reach places, and also enrich the enamel with useful substances. The percentage of fluorine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is 0.15%. Rinse your mouth twice a day after meals every day.

Video: fluoridation of teeth at home.

Deep fluoridation of teeth is most often performed on children, but this procedure can also be extremely beneficial for adults. In just one visit to the dentist Using this technique, you can solve a lot of problems with tooth enamel.

What is fluoridation of tooth enamel?

Fluoridation is the saturation of the upper layers of the tooth with active components. There are different types of techniques, but the principle of their action is always the same: a special preparation with a high content of active substance is applied to the patient’s teeth, fluoride ions in contact with the enamel form calcium fluoride, the process helps strengthen hard tissue and prevent the development of a number of diseases.

The procedure is safe, requires minimal time and is painless, which is why it is actively used in pediatric dentistry.

Indications for dental fluoridation

The main task of fluoridation is to strengthen the enamel. This effect is necessary in the treatment of a huge number of diseases, for their prevention and even for improving the appearance of a smile.

Dentists prescribe the procedure in the following cases:

  • Increased sensitivity, strong reaction to hot or cold.
  • Presence of external enamel defects: scratches, chips.
  • Prevention of caries development in children and adults.
  • Treatment of the initial stage of caries on children's teeth.
  • Strengthening enamel after wearing braces.
  • Prevention of hypersensitivity after professional cleaning or bleaching.
  • Increasing the strength of a composite restoration or filling.
Most often, fluoridation is used to prevent problems with enamel, less often - to strengthen it. Fluoridation itself will not be able to restore the protective enamel layer, but in combination with other measures it gives good results.

When treating baby teeth, the procedure is also not a panacea. If a child’s enamel is actively deteriorating, then first of all you need to reconsider his diet and oral care. Fluoridation is only an additional measure.

Contraindications to dental fluoridation

Fluoride is a beneficial component for dental tissue, but if used incorrectly, it can be very dangerous. Excess fluoride in the body leads to fluorosis, With this disease, teeth are especially affected: stains appear on the enamel, and its sensitivity increases.

It turns out that fluoridation of enamel can lead to the opposite of the expected effect. Therefore, the procedure is prohibited if:

  • The patient has already been diagnosed with fluorosis.
  • A person consumes water with a high fluoride content.
  • The patient uses oral care products containing this component.

Another contraindication to the procedure is diabetes. This is explained by the fact that fluoride can negatively affect the absorption of sugar, and in diabetes this is already a problem. However, people with this disease still undergo enamel strengthening with fluoride. An element can harm her only if there is too much of it in the body.

Types of fluoridation

Relatively recently, fluoridation meant coating the enamel with a special varnish, but today there are several options for carrying out the procedure:

  • rapid fluoridation;
  • use of fluoride varnish;
  • deep fluoridation;
  • electrophoresis.

The effectiveness and indications for different procedures differ, and you will also have to pay differently for each service.

Rapid fluoridation

If you calculate all the time spent, it turns out that the name of this technique does not suit it at all. One procedure takes 5–10 minutes. Compared to other methods, it really doesn't last long. But to achieve the same result as after the same deep fluoridation, you need to undergo a course of 10 procedures - one every week.

Quick or simple fluoridation is more gentle than other methods. Therefore, it can be carried out even at home without the supervision of a specialist.

This treatment is usually done after wearing braces or recent whitening. Some experts recommend the procedure after professional plaque cleaning if it was unsuccessful and damaged the surface of the tooth.

To carry out rapid fluoridation, mouthguards and a special gel with an average content of fluoride and other useful components are needed. After gentle brushing of the teeth, a tray with gel is placed in the oral cavity. After 5–10 minutes, it is removed, and the remaining product is removed with water.

Express fluoridation of tooth enamelcan be performed in the dental office or at home. In the second case, a drug with a lower content of active substances is used so that the patient cannot harm himself.

Application of fluoride varnish

The simplest and fastest method of restoring enamel is to apply fluoridating varnish. , with its help you can treat all teeth in just 2-3 minutes. The varnish not only strengthens the enamel, but also creates a protective layer on its surface that lasts on the teeth from several days to several weeks. All this time, the product protects the teeth from irritants and dyes, and in the same way it acts on filling compounds.

Most often, dental coating with fluoride varnish is carried out as an addition to other procedures:

If there are no contraindications, the dentist always uses fluoride varnish after in-office cleaning. This has become so commonplace that the procedure is not even paid for separately.

Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel

The greatest effect in strengthening and restoring enamel is provided by deep fluoridation of teeth. Electrophoresis also bears fruit, but it has many contraindications, and the procedure itself causes discomfort to the patient. Therefore, deep saturation of enamel with fluoride firmly holds first place among all similar techniques.

During this procedure, beneficial substances remain not only on the surface, but also penetrate far into the enamel. If the patient has hypersensitivity, such fluoridation can be performed once every 6 months - discomfort from cold or hot will not be felt until the next procedure.

Deep saturation with fluoride takes the most time, as it is carried out in several stages:

  1. Professional cleaning is required. The choice between available techniques depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Most often, specialists resort to ultrasonic cleaning.
  2. The teeth are well dried with a stream of warm air.
  3. The enamel is coated with a preparation containing a high content of calcium and magnesium fluoride, then dried again. This time they use special lamps.
  4. Finally, a varnish with calcium hydroxide is applied to the enamel. It seals the first compound inside and allows it to restore the structure of the protective layer of the tooth even after the procedure is completed.
Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel takes 30–40 minutes; teeth cleaning is usually paid for separately.


This procedure is also carried out in two stages, in each of which different active substances are used. It is aimed not only at saturating the enamel with fluoride, but also at deep penetration of this substance. For this purpose, minimal electrical discharges are used. An electrode with a pad soaked in a calcium solution is placed on the patient’s teeth. The device delivers weak current discharges, which may be unpleasant for the patient, but it would be difficult to call the resulting sensations pain.

The duration of the current is selected individually and depends on the health of the enamel and the number of fluoridation procedures performed previously. The first time the effect lasts only a few minutes, then the time is gradually increased.

When the first stage is completed, the electrode pads are changed. This time a 2-4% sodium fluoride solution is used. After exposure to this substance, active chemical processes begin in the enamel, helping to strengthen it, and a protective layer is formed on the surface.

Fluoridation of teeth at home

After pastes with a high fluoride content became available in regular stores, dentists sounded the alarm. The number of people suffering from fluorosis has increased significantly. However, even today such products are still the only way to fluoride teeth at home. Only when using them you will have to follow some rules:

  • You need to choose toothpastes that contain sodium monofluorophosphate, tin fluoride or aluminum fluoride. These active ingredients are the most effective and safe.
  • The amount of active substance should not exceed 0.15%.
  • Fluoride-containing paste alternates with conventional products at least every other day.
  • A course of home fluoridation lasts no more than one month.
  • Between courses there is a break of 1.5–2 months.
In addition to pastes, special medications in the form of a gel, which contain a fairly large amount of active fluoride, are suitable for fluoridating enamel at home. These gels should be applied to all teeth immediately after cleansing.

Prices for fluoridation of teeth

Fluoridation of teeth is usually carried out comprehensively for the entire row. In Moscow, a quick procedure with mouth guards will cost 2.3–3 thousand rubles. for the entire course, deep fluoridation - from 2.7 to 4 thousand rubles. depending on the clinic. Electrophoresis usually costs 2–2.5 thousand rubles.

Coating enamel with fluoride varnish is the cheapest procedure. Usually it costs from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. for all the teeth. Treatment of one tooth costs from 100 to 400 rubles.

The cost of the procedure is very affordable, and the benefits from it can be colossal, so it doesn’t hurt to carry out fluoridation at least once a year.

Strong and white teeth are the key to the health of the whole body, beauty and success. Naturally, no one wants to smile if the enamel is damaged, has an unpleasant yellow tint or other problems. To restore its integrity and beauty, dentists today use a procedure such as dental fluoridation. What it is, what the features of the process are, you will learn from this article.

General concept

Often, poor nutrition or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity lead to the enamel losing its original functions. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain and unpleasant symptoms are present. In order to avoid such consequences or correct them, it is necessary to carry out fluoridation of the teeth. What it is, you will find out right now.

So, this procedure involves strengthening the enamel using various means. Moreover, it can be carried out both in a specialist’s office and at home. The procedure allows you to enrich the enamel with fluoride. It, in turn, prevents the development of most dental diseases. It should be noted that the presented process is completely painless.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Naturally, dental fluoridation, the price of which varies depending on the type of procedure chosen and ranges from $0.10 to $6 per tooth, has its advantages. Among them are the following:


Restoring the health and functionality of enamel.

Elimination of tooth hypersensitivity.

Restoring enamel whiteness.

However, the procedure is not without its drawbacks. The following are the disadvantages of fluoridation:

1. Fluorosis and bone damage due to excessive use of substances containing this element.

2. Reduced ability of the body to absorb sugar.

In principle, no other side effects were found with this procedure. Therefore, fluoridation of teeth (you have already learned what it is) is used even in pediatric dentistry.

Indications for the procedure

Before you start, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will tell you whether you can have fluoridation or not. Indications for the procedure are:

Strong to cold and hot foods.

Pain during hygienic cleaning of enamel.

The formation of clusters of yellow plaque near the gums.

Presence of carious damage to the crown.

Removing braces or other structures.

What contraindications does the procedure have?

In principle, dental fluoridation (what it is is described above) may be prohibited or limited for certain categories of patients. For example, people who suffer from diabetes should not use the procedure too often. The fact is that increased fluoride levels reduce the body's ability to absorb sugar, which in this case increases the load on the pancreas.

Also, fluoridation should not be carried out at all for those patients who have an excess of this element in their body. In addition, an allergic reaction to the drugs used may be a contraindication. You should also not use the procedure if a high level of fluoride is detected in the water you eat. In this case, it will not only not be useful, but can also cause harm.

Types of fluoridation

Now we should consider the question of what methods can be used to restore enamel. Fluoridation of teeth (reviews about it help to understand that it is quite useful, painless and effective) comes in several types:

-Simple. This process is done quickly. In this case, you can do all the procedures yourself. To do this, you will need a special varnish (“Difluen”), which covers the surface of the enamel, or an individual “spoon”, which should be filled with a special substance (“Bifluoride 12”) and applied to the teeth. The duration of such manipulation is no more than 15 minutes.

-Deep fluoridation of teeth. This procedure is performed in the dentist's office.

- Electrophoresis. For this purpose, electric current and calcium gluconate are used.

Features of deep fluoridation

First of all, it should be noted that the presented procedure provides maximum effect and consolidates the positive result for a long time. For work, the dentist uses a special product - magnesium fluoride silicate. It is recommended to carry out manipulations no more than 1-2 times a year. Increased sensitivity of teeth disappears after the first procedure.

Before carrying out this procedure, a specialist must carry out professional cleaning of the enamel. Next, dry your teeth thoroughly. Only now, using a brush or swab, a special liquid can be applied to the surface of the enamel. Next, you should wait a few minutes, dry your teeth again and blend the liquid using a solution of copper and calcium hydroxide.

Please note that this fluoridation does not remove calcium from the crowns, so they are not damaged. This method eliminates not only increased tooth sensitivity, but also caries, as well as other minor damage to the crowns.

It must be said that you can enrich your teeth with fluoride at home. To do this, it is enough to use special enamel cleaning pastes that contain this element. However, you should not use them constantly.

Features of fluoridation of children's teeth

You have already found out that the presented procedure is safe and painless. Therefore, fluoridation is practically no different from the procedure for adults. At the same time, you can strengthen both milk and permanent crowns. Manipulations should be carried out annually. This will give you a better chance of keeping your enamel healthy and strong.

Naturally, before carrying out any manipulations, the doctor is obliged to carefully examine the little patient. After all, additional treatment may be required. In addition, he will have the opportunity to find out exactly what type of fluoridation needs to be applied.

Please note that the presented procedure is not a panacea. The child must be able to properly care for his teeth. In addition, his body requires natural sources of the element presented. Therefore, provide your baby with proper nutrition and, if necessary, take multivitamins.

Fluoridation of teeth in children is a very effective way to protect enamel from destruction, as well as strengthen it for a long time. These are all the features of this procedure. But don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day and use mouthwash. Be healthy!

Television advertisements urge consumers to buy toothpaste containing fluoride, promising stronger teeth. The marketing ploy of the manufacturers of the product has a medical basis. Fluoride, which a person receives through food and water, strengthens bones and teeth.

When there is a shortage of substances, they are observed. The deep technique helps to strengthen them. It involves the application of a special composition that ensures the microelement enters the enamel through saliva.

Deep fluoridation of hard dental tissues: what is it?

Deep fluoridation of teeth is one of the most effective methods and. Lack of fluoride destroys dentin, leading to development.

Coating teeth with fluoride varnish

The procedure allows you to replenish the microelement deficiency by applying a thin layer to the surface of the teeth. It has virtually no contraindications and is absolutely painless.

The only limitation is that after treatment you cannot drink for about a day. These precautions will protect the fluorine layer from damage.

Benefits and harms

The main goal of the deep fluoridation method is to strengthen the enamel. Useful properties include:

  • and relieving discomfort when eating hot food;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing carious processes;
  • strengthening the resistance of teeth to acidic environments.

Fluoridation prevents calcium from being washed out of the enamel, which makes teeth stronger. A lack of any microelement, as well as its excess, leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the human body.

What drugs are used?

The most common drug used in clinics and at home is. The product is suitable for adults and young patients and has no contraindications. Belak – F is popular.

It is available in the form of a varnish containing fluoride substances. For pregnant women, MI PASTE PLUS is used - a paste enhanced with microelements, with a melon flavor.

Belak – F

Price of deep fluoridation

Since before the application of fluoride-containing substances, the patient undergoes a complex procedure, the average cost is 3,000 rubles. It varies depending on the complexity of the case and the region where it is performed.

The topic of today's article is very controversial and is associated with a lot of speculation, rumors, and discrepancies. This is fluoridation of teeth. Many scientific works and serious studies have been devoted to him. Funds are allocated, laboratories are opened, miracle drugs are released to protect us from problems. How effective is this technique? Is it safe? How exactly is it carried out? There are a lot of questions and they require answers that you don’t yet have. It's time to fix everything, fill the gaps in knowledge, and at the same time debunk myths and dispel rumors.

Question one: why do you need fluoridation of teeth? A fair percentage of dentists will tell you that this is almost the only way to protect tooth enamel and prevent caries (except for good hygiene and proper diet, of course). Is this true? In what cases is the procedure effective and in what cases is it not?

What does dental fluoridation give?

Very often, dentists recommend fluoridation preparations to people who suffer from hypersensitive teeth. Does it help? Very individual. Some people forget for a long time what a reaction to is, while others have to turn to a specialist again.

Children's teeth are very susceptible to external influences. They do not have such strong protection as we adults do. Therefore, they are destroyed under the influence of bacteria and other factors much faster. For this reason, many dentists recommend that parents of young patients undergo fluoridation of baby teeth.

Fluoridation of teeth is carried out in the doctor’s office, takes a minimum of time, and is completely painless. Using a special spoon-like device shaped like a dental impression, the dentist applies fluoride to the enamel of the teeth. The child needs to wait about 20 minutes before the reaction passes, during which protection is formed on the teeth.

In some cases, the procedure is repeated. But experts believe that more than 15 sessions cannot be carried out.

Many parents are concerned about the age at which fluoridation of children’s teeth begins. The optimal age, according to dentists, is over one and a half years.

The biggest mistake, including doctors, is that fluoride preparations are used for existing caries of primary teeth. When dark spots appear on the enamel - traces of bacterial activity, they need to be removed. Otherwise, bacteria will continue to multiply in the dentin canals, destroying the tooth from the inside.

Therefore, fluoride preparations are effective in two cases:

  • prevention while teeth are healthy;
  • after proper treatment.

What are the main indications for caries prevention using dental fluoridation techniques in children? Many doctors believe that it makes sense to fluoride teeth that are just emerging. This allows you to protect them while the enamel is not strengthened. By the way, the process of enamel mineralization takes about two years. During this period, bacteria manage to create a lot of problems for the child and his parents.

Fluoridation of teeth - before and after photos

The second period of potential danger for teeth is adolescence. While hormones are rampant in the body, protection is weakened, and teeth are in danger of rapid destruction. Caries in adolescents is one of the main problems. Therefore, doctors often recommend fluoridation.

Fluoridation of teeth “Pros” and “Cons”:

Reduces tooth sensitivity, prevents discomfort when consuming cold and hot foods and drinksFluorides are toxic substances. In large quantities they harm the human body
Thanks to this, the development of caries is reduced due to the reduction of pathogenic bacteria. Increases teeth resistance to acidic environmentsFluorosis is an excessive accumulation of fluoride in the human body. This provokes fragility in the bones, anemia and leads to neuralgic abnormalities. When fluoride accumulates excessively, the enamel on the teeth begins to deteriorate.
Strong and strong teeth become thanks to fluoridation, as it prevents the leaching of calcium from tooth enamel

The third case, which not everyone takes into account, is installation. Before installing bite correction devices, and after they are removed, it is recommended to fluoride the enamel. There are two reasons:

  • While the braces are in place, brushing your teeth is very difficult;
  • to avoid damage to the enamel during installation and to eliminate the consequences of installing locks.

Parents often turn to a pediatric dentist for help when their teeth are crumbling. Understand that a dilapidated tooth cannot be restored by making a “patch” of this kind on it.

Video - Fluoridation and silvering of teeth

The deep fluoridation technique was created in Germany. The author of this invention is Professor A. Knappvost. Don't try to remember this last name. And, strictly speaking, the problem is not in the scientist, but in the methodology itself. This procedure is believed to be more effective. However, it costs noticeably more.

It is carried out as follows.

  1. First, the doctor cleans the teeth and interdental spaces.
  2. Then the tartar is removed.
  3. Next, a special composition is applied, which forms calcium fluoride crystals in the enamel pores.

With this procedure, it is possible to achieve a 5 times higher concentration of fluoride ions than during conventional fluoridation.

Fluoridation of teeth at home

Considering that fluoride compounds need to be applied frequently, and the work of a dentist costs a lot of money, if you add up the costs, many are interested in the question - is it possible to do everything yourself to save money?

The first and easiest way to saturate enamel with ions is to use special toothpastes, varnishes, and gels. Talk to your dentist for advice on which ones will be most effective.

Topex 60 second fluoride Gel Cherri - fluoride application gel

The next option, recommended by some experts, is to use mouth guards at home, made from an impression of the patient’s jaw. They are filled with a product containing the required dosage of fluoride compounds. The procedure takes a quarter of an hour.

To be effective, you need to repeat it about 15 times. Calcium fluoride is not deposited in the deep layers of dental tissue.

Applying the required amount of fluoride varnish to the enamel is easy. Therefore, if it is expensive for you to constantly visit a doctor, you can perform this simple manipulation yourself. According to doctors, doing it using individually made trays is more effective and much simpler.

If you are going to see a doctor, let me remind you that before the procedure. If the work is entrusted to a person who does not have the proper level of professional skills, the patient will suffer gum injuries, chips and cracks in the enamel.

Is fluoride really beneficial?

It is interesting that the opinions of experts regarding the pros and cons of fluoridation of teeth differ. Some believe that this is the best option for combating caries and enamel destruction, others complain that excess fluoride can lead to more negative consequences. Which one is right?

In fact, an overdose of any substance, even the most useful one, can be dangerous. With fluorine it is more difficult. In large doses it is not just harmful, but poisonous. Therefore, it is important to very accurately calculate how much is “possible.” After all, fluoride compounds enter our body regularly. They can be contained in water, food, don’t forget about toothpastes, which are partially swallowed, etc. In children, this process is much more difficult to control. So it turns out that, wanting to do “what is best,” we risk our health.

Excess fluoride or poisoning with it causes fluorosis.

When exposed to large doses of fluoride, the teeth soften the enamel instead of strengthening it. Next, another, completely irreversible process occurs - the protein matrix of the tooth affected by fluorosis disintegrates.

Let's take a closer look at this issue. So, dentists use sodium fluoride in their procedures. When it hits tooth enamel, a chemical reaction occurs. This substance is converted into fluorapatite with the formula – Ca53F.

What do we end up with? Fluoride needs to react with calcium to form a protection on the surface of the tooth. Where can I get calcium? That's right - from the enamel itself. As a result, we end up with steel bars on rotten windows. That is, fluoride protection is applied to teeth weakened by chemical processes.

Fluorapatite itself is not a very durable material. Quite the contrary. That is why doctors recommend repeating fluoridation regularly. Sometimes even twice a year.

The question is not only what happens to the enamel. Let's think about where the fluorine used during the procedure goes? It enters the human digestive system, is absorbed by the intestinal walls, digested, and enters the blood. Let me remind you that we are talking about a poisonous, neurotoxic substance. What happens next is a lot more fun. It accumulates in our bones, making them more fragile, and also in the thyroid and pineal glands. As a result, their work is disrupted. In the process, the production of phosphatase slows down or even completely stops, without which normal calcium metabolism in the body is impossible.

Again, let me clarify that we are talking about exceeding permissible doses of fluoride, and not about the use of this substance in dentistry in general. In particular, five grams is enough to kill an adult.

In general, if you want to know where the fluoride advertising came from, read the book by BBC journalist Christopher Bryson. It's called "Fluoride - The Big Deception."

In many developed countries of the world, water is no longer fluoridated, taking into account the general negative effect caused by fluorides. The number of states that abandoned the fluoridation program included Japan, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, France, Sweden, and Finland. Even China, which has never been particularly worried about its 1.5 billion population, has stopped adding fluoride to its water.

I will not write pseudoscientific articles about the “fluoride conspiracy.” If you are interested in this topic, you can find a book and links to research conducted in this direction. There have been a lot of them since the 50s of the last century.

Is dental fluoridation safe?

My personal opinion boils down to the fact that any chemical element or its compound that is in our body must enter it naturally and be contained in those doses provided by nature. Another question is examples of severe demineralization that occurs due to various circumstances.

Once again, I repeat that I am not a chemist and cannot confirm anything. This article was written based on studies read and the opinions of such experts as:

  • Dean Burke – employee of the Cancer Institute (USA);
  • Dr. J. Yamouyiannis - Chemical Abstracts Service Information Center;
  • R. Carton - EPA;
  • Dr. Tsutsui (Japan);
  • Jennifer Luke – University of Surrey (UK).

It is interesting that most of these specialists, having written papers about the dangers of fluoride for people, lost their jobs. After all, corporations are interested in spreading the myth, for which this is an excellent source of income.

When choosing methods to combat caries, damage to enamel and to protect children's teeth, prefer those means that do not have a negative effect on the human body.

Questions and answers

PhotoQuestionExpert opinion
The baby is 1 year and 10 months old. Caries of the front teeth is noticeable. Is it worth doing fluoridation on these teeth?What parents define as caries may in fact be a chronic carious process and will require a number of therapeutic measures, but not preventive treatment, and in case of fluorosis, fluoridation of teeth is strictly prohibited. Only a specialist dentist will determine the extent of damage to your baby’s teeth and suggest the correct course of treatment.
Is it possible to coat a child’s teeth with fluoride varnish and why is this procedure dangerous?This preventative procedure is painless and completely safe for both children and adults. It is better to carry it out in the dentist’s office, since it has step-by-step actions: cleaning from plaque, drying and the process of applying a layer of fluoride varnish.

Video - Fluoridation of teeth at home