Drugs, methods and regimens for treating cancer patients. Cancer pills: painkillers, hormonal. Radiotherapy in oncology

Oncopathology is one of the main problems of modern medicine, because at least 7 million people die from cancer every year. In some developed countries, mortality from cancer has surpassed that of cardiovascular diseases, taking the leading position. This circumstance forces us to look for the most effective ways to combat the tumor that will be safe for patients.

Immunotherapy for oncology is considered one of the most progressive and new treatment methods., and constitute the standard treatment system for many tumors, but they have limits of effectiveness and serious side effects. In addition, none of these methods eliminate the cause of cancer, and a number of tumors are not sensitive to them at all.

Immunotherapy is fundamentally different from the usual means of fighting cancer, and although the method still has opponents, it is being actively introduced into practice, drugs are undergoing large-scale clinical trials, and scientists are already receiving the first fruits of their many years of research in the form of cured patients.

The use of immune drugs makes it possible to minimize the side effects of treatment while being highly effective, and gives a chance to prolong life for those for whom it is no longer possible to undergo surgery due to the advanced stage of the disease.

Interferons, cancer vaccines, interleukins, and colony-stimulating factors are used as immunotherapeutic treatments. and others that have undergone clinical trials on hundreds of patients and are approved for use as safe drugs.

Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, which are familiar to everyone, act on the tumor itself, but it is known that any pathological process, and especially uncontrolled cell division, cannot occur without the influence of immunity. More precisely, in the case of a tumor, this influence is precisely lacking; the immune system does not restrain malignant cells and does not resist the disease.

In oncopathology, there are serious disturbances in the immune response and surveillance of atypical cells and oncogenic viruses. Every person develops malignant cells in any tissue over time, but a properly functioning immune system recognizes them, destroys them, and removes them from the body. With age, immunity weakens, so cancer is more often diagnosed in older people.

The main goal of immunotherapy for cancer is to activate one’s own defenses and make tumor elements visible to immune cells and antibodies. Immune drugs are designed to enhance the effect of traditional treatment methods while reducing the severity of side effects from them; they are used at all stages of cancer pathology in combination with chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

Objectives and types of immunotherapy for cancer

Prescription of immune drugs for cancer is necessary for:

  • Impact on the tumor and its destruction;
  • Reducing the side effects of antitumor drugs (immunosuppression, toxic effects of chemotherapy);
  • Prevention of recurrent tumor growth and formation of new neoplasias;
  • Prevention and elimination of infectious complications against the background of immunodeficiency due to tumor.

It is important that cancer treatment with immunotherapy is carried out by a qualified specialist - an immunologist who can assess the risk of prescribing a particular drug, choose the right dose, and predict the likelihood of side effects.

Immune drugs are selected in accordance with test data on the activity of the immune system, which can only be correctly interpreted by a specialist in the field of immunology.

Depending on the mechanism and direction of action of immune drugs, there are several types of immunotherapy:

  1. Active;
  2. Passive;
  3. Specific;
  4. Nonspecific;
  5. Combined.

The vaccine helps create active immune protection against cancer cells in conditions where the body itself is able to provide the correct response to the administered drug. In other words, the vaccine only gives an impetus to the development of one’s own immunity to a specific tumor protein or antigen. Resistance to the tumor and its destruction by vaccination are impossible in conditions of immunosuppression provoked by cytostatics or radiation.

Immunization in oncology includes not only the possibility of creating active own immunity, but also a passive response through the use of ready-made protective factors (antibodies, cells). Passive immunization, unlike vaccination, is possible in those patients who suffer from an immunodeficiency state.

Thus, active immunotherapy, stimulating its own response to the tumor, may be:

  • Specific - vaccines prepared from cancer cells, tumor antigens;
  • Nonspecific - the drugs are based on interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor;
  • Combined - combined use of vaccines, antitumor proteins and immune-stimulating substances.

Passive immunotherapy in oncology, in turn, is divided into:

  1. Specific - preparations containing antibodies, T-lymphocytes, dendritic cells;
  2. Nonspecific - cytokines, LAK therapy;
  3. Combined - LAC + antibodies.

The described classification of types of immunotherapy is largely arbitrary, since the same drug, depending on the immune status and reactivity of the patient’s body, can act differently. For example, a vaccine with immunosuppression will not lead to the formation of stable active immunity, but can cause general immunostimulation or even an autoimmune process due to the perversity of reactions in the conditions of oncological pathology.

Characteristics of immunotherapeutic drugs

The process of obtaining biological products for immunotherapy in cancer is complex, labor-intensive and very expensive, requiring the use of genetic engineering and molecular biology, so the cost of the resulting drugs is extremely high. They are obtained individually for each patient, using his own cancer cells or donor cells obtained from a tumor similar in structure and antigenic composition.

In the first stages of cancer, immune drugs complement classical antitumor treatment.In advanced cases, immunotherapy may be the only possible treatment option. It is believed that immune defense drugs against cancer do not act on healthy tissue, which is why the treatment is generally well tolerated by patients, and the risk of side effects and complications is quite low.

An important feature of immunotherapy can be considered the fight against micrometastases that are not detected by available research methods. The destruction of even single tumor conglomerates helps to prolong life and long-term remission in patients with stages III-IV tumors.

Immunotherapeutic drugs begin to act immediately after administration, but the effect becomes noticeable after a certain time. It happens that for a tumor to completely regress or slow its growth, several months of treatment are needed, during which the immune system fights cancer cells.

Treatment of cancer with immunotherapy is considered one of the safest methods, but side effects still occur, because foreign proteins and other biologically active components enter the patient’s blood. Side effects include:

  • Fever;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Muscle pain, joint pain, weakness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Flu-like conditions;
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys.

A serious consequence of immunotherapy for cancer can be cerebral edema, which poses an immediate threat to the patient’s life.

The method also has other disadvantages. In particular, drugs can have a toxic effect on healthy cells, and excessive stimulation of the immune system can provoke autoaggression. The price of treatment, reaching hundreds of thousands of dollars for an annual course, is also important. Such a cost is beyond the reach of a wide range of people in need of treatment, so immunotherapy cannot replace more accessible and cheaper surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Vaccines against cancer

The goal of oncology vaccination is to develop an immune response to cells of a specific tumor or an antigenic set similar to it. To do this, the patient is administered drugs obtained on the basis of molecular genetic and genetic engineering treatment of cancer cells:

  1. Autologous vaccines are made from patient cells;
  2. Allogeneic - from donor tumor elements;
  3. Antigenic - do not contain cells, but only their antigens or sections of nucleic acids, proteins and their fragments, etc., that is, any molecules that can be recognized as foreign;
  4. Dendritic cell preparations - for tracking and inactivating tumor elements;
  5. APK vaccine - contains cells carrying tumor antigens, which allows you to activate your own immunity to recognize and destroy cancer;
  6. Anti-idiotypic vaccines, which contain fragments of tumor proteins and antigens, are under development and have not undergone clinical trials.

Today, the most common and well-known preventive vaccine against cancer is the vaccine against (Gardasil, Cervarix). Of course, disputes regarding its safety do not stop, especially among people without appropriate education, but this immune drug, administered to females aged 11-14 years, allows one to form strong immunity to oncogenic strains of the human papillomavirus and thereby prevent the development of one of the most common cancers - cervix.

Passive immunotherapeutic drugs

Among the agents that also help fight tumors are cytokines (interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor), monoclonal antibodies, and immunostimulating agents.

Cytokines is a whole group of proteins that regulate the interaction between cells of the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. They are ways to activate the immune system and are therefore used for cancer immunotherapy. These include interleukins, interferon proteins, tumor necrosis factor, etc.

Preparations based on interferon known to many. With the help of one of them, many of us increase immunity during seasonal flu epidemics; other interferons treat viral lesions of the cervix, cytomegalovirus infection, etc. These proteins help tumor cells become “visible” to the immune system and are recognized as foreign according to their antigenic composition and are removed by their own protective mechanisms.

Interleukins enhance the growth and activity of immune system cells, which eliminate tumor elements from the patient’s body. They have shown an excellent effect in the treatment of such severe forms of oncology as melanoma with metastases, metastases of cancer of other organs to the kidneys.

Colony-stimulating factors are actively used by modern oncologists and are included in combination therapy regimens for many types of malignant tumors. These include filgrastim, lenograstim.

They are prescribed after or during courses of intensive chemotherapy to increase the number of leukocytes and macrophages in the patient’s peripheral blood, which progressively decrease due to the toxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents. Colony-stimulating factors reduce the risk of severe immunodeficiency with neutropenia and a number of accompanying complications.

Immunostimulating drugs increase the activity of the patient’s own immune system in the fight against complications that arise during other intensive antitumor treatment, and contribute to the normalization of the blood count after radiation or chemotherapy. They are included in combination anticancer treatment.

Monoclonal antibodies are made from certain immune cells and are injected into the patient. Once in the bloodstream, antibodies combine with special molecules sensitive to them (antigens) on the surface of tumor cells, attracting cytokines and the patient’s immune cells to them to attack tumor cells. Monoclonal antibodies can be “loaded” with drugs or radioactive elements that bind directly to tumor cells, causing their death.

The nature of immunotherapy depends on the type of tumor. Nivolumab may be prescribed. Metastatic renal cancer responds very effectively to interferon alpha and interleukins. Interferon produces fewer side effects, so it is prescribed more often for kidney cancer. Gradual regression of the cancer tumor occurs over several months, during which side effects such as flu-like syndrome, fever, and muscle pain may occur.

Monoclonal antibodies (Avastin), antitumor vaccines, and T-cells obtained from the patient’s blood and processed in such a way as to enable them to actively recognize and destroy foreign elements can be used.

The drug Keytruda, actively used in Israel and produced in the USA, shows the highest effectiveness with minimal side effects. In patients who took it, the tumor decreased significantly or even completely disappeared from the lungs. In addition to its high effectiveness, the drug is also very expensive, so part of the cost of purchasing it in Israel is paid by the state.

One of the most malignant human tumors. In the metastasis stage, it is almost impossible to cope with it using available methods, so the mortality rate is still high. Hope for a cure or long-term remission can be provided by immunotherapy for melanoma, including the use of Keytruda, nivolumab (monoclonal antibodies), tafinlar and others. These drugs are effective for advanced, metastatic forms of melanoma, in which the prognosis is extremely unfavorable.

Video: report on immunotherapy for oncology

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Pain relief for oncology is the most important component of complex treatment of a malignant tumor, which is designed not only to save the patient from suffering, but also to preserve his vital activity for as long as possible.

Every year, up to 7 million people worldwide die from cancer, and this pain syndrome worries about a third of patients in the first stages of the disease and almost everyone in advanced cases. Dealing with such pain is extremely difficult for a number of reasons, but even those patients whose days are numbered and whose prognosis is extremely disappointing need adequate and correct pain relief.

Painful sensations bring not only physical suffering, but also disrupt the psycho-emotional sphere. In patients with cancer, due to the pain syndrome, depression develops, suicidal thoughts appear and even attempts to die. At the present stage of development of medicine, such a phenomenon is unacceptable, because in the arsenal of oncologists there are a lot of drugs, the correct and timely administration of which in adequate doses can eliminate pain and significantly improve the quality of life, bringing it closer to that of other people.

Difficulties in pain relief in oncology are associated with a number of reasons:

  • Pain is difficult to correctly assess, and some patients themselves cannot localize it or describe it correctly;
  • Pain is a subjective concept, so its strength does not always correspond to what the patient describes - some minimize it, others exaggerate it;
  • Refusal of patients to receive pain relief;
  • Narcotic analgesics may not be available in required quantities;
  • Lack of special knowledge and a clear scheme for prescribing analgesics on the part of oncology clinic doctors, as well as neglect of the patient’s prescribed regimen.

Patients with cancer are a special category of people, to whom the approach should be individual. It is important for the doctor to find out where exactly the pain comes from and the degree of its intensity, but due to different pain thresholds and subjective perception of negative symptoms, patients can evaluate the same pain in different ways.

According to modern data, 9 out of 10 patients can completely get rid of pain or significantly reduce it with a well-chosen analgesic regimen, but for this the doctor must correctly determine its source and strength. In practice, things often happen differently: drugs that are obviously stronger than necessary at this stage of the pathology are prescribed, and patients do not comply with their hourly regimen and dosage.

Causes and mechanism of pain in cancer

Everyone knows that the main factor in the appearance of pain is the growing tumor itself, but there are other reasons that provoke and intensify it. Knowledge of the mechanisms of pain is important for the doctor in the process of choosing a specific therapeutic regimen.

Pain in a cancer patient may be associated with:

  1. Actually a cancerous tumor that destroys tissues and organs;
  2. Concomitant inflammation, provoking muscle spasm;
  3. The operation performed (in the remote education zone);
  4. Concomitant pathology (arthritis, neuritis, neuralgia).

Based on the degree of severity, there are mild, moderate, and intense pains, which the patient can describe as stabbing, burning, or pulsating. In addition, the pain can be either periodic or constant. In the latter case, the risk of depressive disorders and the patient’s desire to give up life is highest, while he really needs strength to fight the disease.

It is important to note that cancer pain can have different origins:

  • Visceral - bothers for a long time, is localized in the abdominal cavity, but the patient himself finds it difficult to say what exactly hurts (pressure in the abdomen, distension in the back);
  • Somatic - in the structures of the musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments, tendons), does not have a clear localization, continuously grows and, as a rule, characterizes the progression of the disease in the form of metastasis to bone tissue and parenchymal organs;
  • Neuropathic - associated with the effect of a tumor node on nerve fibers, can occur after radiation or surgical treatment as a consequence of nerve damage;
  • Psychogenic is the most “complex” pain, which is associated with emotional experiences, fears, exaggeration of the severity of the condition on the part of the patient, it is not relieved by analgesics and is usually characteristic of people prone to self-hypnosis and emotional instability.

Given such versatility of the pain syndrome, it is easy to explain the lack of a universal pain reliever. When prescribing therapy, the doctor must take into account all possible pathogenetic mechanisms of the disorder, and the treatment regimen can combine not only drug support, but also the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist.

Scheme of pain therapy in oncology

Today, a three-stage pain treatment regimen is recognized as the most effective and appropriate, in which a transition to the next group of drugs is possible only if the previous one is ineffective in maximum dosages. This scheme was proposed by the World Health Organization in 1988, is used everywhere and is equally effective for lung, stomach, breast cancer, soft tissue or bone sarcomas and many other malignant neoplasms.

Treatment of progressive pain begins with non-narcotic analgesics, gradually increasing their dose, then moves on to weak and strong opiates according to the following scheme:

  1. Non-narcotic analgesic (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug - NSAID) with adjuvant therapy (mild to moderate pain).
  2. Non-narcotic analgesic, weak opiate + adjuvant therapy (moderate to severe pain).
  3. Non-narcotic analgesics, strong opioid, adjuvant therapy (for persistent and severe pain in stage 3-4 cancer).

If the described sequence of pain relief is followed, the effect can be achieved in 90% of cancer patients, with mild and moderate pain disappearing completely without the use of narcotic drugs, and severe pain is eliminated using opioid drugs.

Adjuvant therapy is the use of drugs with their own beneficial properties - antidepressants (imipramine), corticosteroid hormones, anti-nausea drugs and other symptomatic drugs. They are prescribed according to indications for certain groups of patients: antidepressants and anticonvulsants for depression, the neuropathic mechanism of pain, and for intracranial hypertension, bone pain, compression of nerves and spinal roots by a neoplastic process - dexamethasone, prednisolone.

Glucocorticosteroids have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they increase appetite and improve emotional background and activity, which is extremely important for cancer patients, and can be prescribed in parallel with analgesics. The use of antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and hormones allows in many cases to reduce the dose of analgesics.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor must strictly adhere to its basic principles:

  • The dosage of painkillers for oncology is selected individually based on the severity of pain; it is necessary to ensure its disappearance or an acceptable level for advanced cancer with the minimum possible amount of medication taken;
  • The drugs are taken strictly in time, and not as the pain develops, that is, the next dose is administered before the previous one stops working;
  • The dosage of drugs is increased gradually, only if the maximum amount of a weaker drug is ineffective, a minimum dosage of a stronger one is prescribed;
  • Preference should be given to dosage forms taken orally, used in the form of patches, suppositories, solutions; if ineffective, a transition to the injection route of administering analgesics is possible.

The patient is informed that the prescribed treatment should be taken hourly and in accordance with the frequency and dose specified by the oncologist. If the medicine stops working, it is first changed to an analogue from the same group, and if it is ineffective, they move on to stronger analgesics. This approach allows you to avoid an unreasonably rapid transition to strong drugs, after starting therapy with which it will no longer be possible to return to weaker ones.

The most common mistakes that lead to the ineffectiveness of a recognized treatment regimen are considered to be an unreasonably rapid transition to stronger drugs when the capabilities of the previous group have not yet been exhausted, the prescription of too high doses, which causes the likelihood of side effects to increase sharply, while the pain is not relieved, and also non-compliance with the treatment regimen with skipping doses or increasing the intervals between doses of drugs.

I stage of analgesia

When pain occurs, non-narcotic analgesics are first prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic:

  1. Paracetamol;
  2. Aspirin;
  3. Ibuprofen, naproxen;
  4. Indomethacin, diclofenac;
  5. Piroxicam, movalis.

These drugs block the production of prostaglandins that cause pain. The peculiarity of their action is that the effect ceases upon reaching the maximum permissible dose; they are prescribed independently for mild pain, and for moderate and severe pain - in combination with narcotic drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs are especially effective when tumors metastasize to bone tissue.

NSAIDs can be taken either in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions, or by injection in the form of painkillers. The route of administration is determined by the attending physician. Considering the negative effect of NSAIDs on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract when administered enterally, it is advisable for patients with gastritis, peptic ulcers, and people over 65 years of age to use them under the cover of misoprostol or omeprazole.

The described drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but you should not prescribe or take them yourself, without the advice of a doctor, due to possible side effects. In addition, with self-medication, the strict analgesia regimen changes, drug intake may become uncontrolled, and in the future this will lead to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of therapy as a whole.

As monotherapy, pain treatment can be started by taking analgin, paracetamol, aspirin, piroxicam, meloxicam, etc. Combinations are possible - ibuprofen + naproxen + ketorolac or diclofenac + etodolac. Considering the possible adverse reactions, it is better to take them after meals with milk.

Injection treatment is also possible, especially if there are contraindications to oral administration or a decrease in the effectiveness of the tablets. Thus, pain-relieving injections may contain a mixture of analgin with diphenhydramine for mild pain; if the effect is insufficient, the antispasmodic papaverine is added, which is replaced by ketane in smokers.

The addition of analgin and diphenhydramine with ketorol can also enhance the effect. It is better to eliminate bone pain with NSAIDs such as meloxicam, piroxicam, xefocam. Seduxen, tranquilizers, motilium, and cerucal can be used as adjuvant treatment at the 1st stage of treatment.

II stage of treatment

When the pain relief effect is not achieved with the maximum doses of the drugs described above, the oncologist decides to move to the second stage of treatment. At this stage, progressive pain is relieved with weak opioid analgesics - tramadol, codeine, promedol.

Tramadol is recognized as the most popular drug due to its ease of use, because it is available in tablets, capsules, suppositories, and oral solution. It is characterized by good tolerability and relative safety even with long-term use.

It is possible to prescribe combination drugs that include non-narcotic painkillers (aspirin) and narcotic painkillers (codeine, oxycodone), but they have a final effective dose, after which further use is not advisable. Tramadol, like codeine, can be supplemented with anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol, indomethacin).

Painkillers for cancer at the second stage of treatment are taken every 4-6 hours, depending on the intensity of the pain syndrome and the time that the drug works in a particular patient. Changing the frequency of taking medications and their dosage is unacceptable.

Anesthetic injections at the second stage may contain tramadol and diphenhydramine (simultaneously), tramadol and seduxen (in different syringes) under strict blood pressure control.

III stage

A strong pain reliever for oncology is indicated in advanced cases of the disease (stage 4 cancer) and when the first two steps of the analgesic regimen are ineffective. The third stage includes the use of narcotic opioid drugs - morphine, fentanyl, buprenorphine, omnopon. These are centrally acting drugs that suppress the transmission of pain signals from the brain.

Narcotic analgesics have side effects, the most significant of which is considered to be addiction and a gradual weakening of the effect, requiring an increase in dose, so the need to move to the third stage is decided by a council of specialists. Only when it becomes clear that tramadol and other weaker opiates are no longer effective is the prescription of morphine justified.

The preferred routes of administration are orally, subcutaneously, into a vein, or as a patch. It is extremely undesirable to use them into a muscle, since the patient will experience severe pain from the injection itself, and the active substance will be absorbed unevenly.

Narcotic painkillers can disrupt the functioning of the lungs and heart, and lead to hypotension, so if you take them constantly, it is advisable to keep an antidote in your home medicine cabinet - naloxone, which, if adverse reactions develop, will quickly help the patient return to normal.

Morphine has long been one of the most prescribed drugs, the duration of its analgesic effect reaches 12 hours. The initial dose of 30 mg is increased to 60 mg as pain increases and effectiveness decreases, administering the drug twice a day. If the patient received painkiller injections and switches to oral treatment, the amount of medication increases.

Buprenorphine is another narcotic analgesic that has less severe side effects than morphine. When applied under the tongue, the effect begins after a quarter of an hour and becomes maximum after 35 minutes. Buprenorphine lasts up to 8 hours, but must be taken every 4 to 6 hours. When starting drug therapy, the oncologist will recommend bed rest for the first hour after taking a single dose of the drug. When taken in excess of the maximum daily dose of 3 mg, the effect of buprenorphine does not increase, which the attending physician always warns about.

For constant pain of high intensity, the patient takes analgesics according to the prescribed regimen, without changing the dosage on his own and skipping the next dose of medication. However, it happens that during treatment the pain suddenly intensifies, and then fast-acting drugs - fentanyl - are indicated.

Fentanyl has several benefits:

  • Speed ​​of action;
  • Strong analgesic effect;
  • Increasing the dose also increases the effectiveness; there is no “ceiling” of action.

Fentanyl can be injected or used in patches. The pain-relieving patch lasts for 3 days, when fentanyl is slowly released and enters the bloodstream. The effect of the drug begins after 12 hours, but if the patch is not enough, then additional intravenous administration is possible until the effect of the patch is achieved. The dosage of fentanyl in the patch is selected individually based on the treatment already prescribed, but older cancer patients require less of it than younger patients.

The use of the patch is usually indicated at the third stage of the analgesic regimen, and especially in case of swallowing problems or problems with the veins. Some patients prefer the patch as a more convenient way to take the medicine. Fentanyl has side effects, including constipation, nausea, and vomiting, but they are more pronounced when using morphine.

In the process of fighting pain, specialists can use a variety of ways to administer drugs, in addition to the usual intravenous and oral ones - nerve blockade with anesthetics, conduction anesthesia of the neoplasia growth zone (on the limbs, pelvic structures, spine), epidural anesthesia with the installation of a permanent catheter, injection of drugs into myofascial intervals, neurosurgical operations.

Pain relief at home is subject to the same requirements as in the clinic, but it is important to ensure constant monitoring of treatment and adjustment of doses and names of medications. In other words, you should not self-medicate at home, but you should strictly follow the oncologist’s prescriptions and ensure that the medicine is taken at the prescribed time.

Folk remedies, although very popular, are still not able to relieve the severe pain that accompanies tumors, although there are many recipes on the Internet for treatment with acid, fasting and even poisonous herbs, which is unacceptable for cancer. It is better for patients to trust their doctor and recognize the need for drug treatment, without wasting time and resources on an obviously ineffective fight against pain.

Drugs for oncology - what is actually treated for cancer?

Oncological diseases occupy a significant proportion of all diseases. More than 10 million new cases per year are diagnosed worldwide. All countries are waiting for news from scientists about the invention of a miracle pill for cancer. Meanwhile, cancer mortality rates continue to rise. So how is this disease treated?

Antineoplastic drugs for cancer

There are several ways to treat oncology. These are chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal, targeted therapy, surgical interventions. The method is selected depending on the type, stage of the disease, location of the tumor, the patient’s well-being, etc. Is there a cure for cancer? Antitumor metabolites are used for chemotherapy. The main goal when using them is to ensure that the growth of cancer cells stops, the tumor does not increase, and metastases do not appear. These are drugs such as:

Painkillers for oncology

Pain-relieving drugs for cancer are used to prevent negative effects on the physical and mental state of the patient. Cancer pain is divided into two types: neuropathic and nociceptive. Painkillers are prescribed according to the type of pain. Thus, it is known that nociceptive pain subsides with the use of analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opioids. To relieve neuropathic pain, antiepileptic drugs and tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed.

Strong painkillers for oncology are prescribed by a doctor when weaker ones no longer have the desired effect. This happens due to the body’s rapid adaptation to the products used. In such cases, a three-step scheme is used, based on WHO recommendations. At the same time, adjuvant drugs are taken. This scheme gives an analgesic effect in 90% of cases:

  • non-narcotic analgesic;
  • weak narcotic drug and non-narcotic analgesic;
  • opiates of the morphine group and a non-narcotic analgesic.

Relief from pain begins with the use of non-narcotic analgesics. This:

Adjuvant agents are drugs that:

  • give their positive effect (antidepressants, glucocorticoids, anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • have a corrective effect on the side effects of narcotic analgesics (neuroleptics);
  • enhance their analgesic effect (Clonidine, calcium antagonists).

Weak opiates include:

Stronger narcotic drugs for pain relief include:

  • Prophydrochloride;
  • Morphine;
  • Buprenorphine;
  • Fentanyl.

Antiemetic drugs for oncology

Vomiting is not only unpleasant, but also quickly leads the body to dehydration, and the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract receive mechanical damage. Nausea and vomiting with cancer are quite common. The reasons may be different:

  • radiation therapy;
  • chemotherapy;
  • tumor and metastases in the brain;
  • complications of gastrointestinal tumors;
  • renal failure;
  • liver metastases;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Before attempting to eliminate an unpleasant symptom with the help of medications, it is necessary to establish the causes. To do this, the medications the patient is taking and laboratory data are studied. The causes of this symptom can be central or peripheral. For vomiting of the central mechanism, the following remedies are used:

  • serotonin antagonists (blockers of 5 NTZ receptors - Ondansetron, Tropisetron, Granisetron, etc.), are most effective for intoxication;
  • corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Methylprednisolone, Solumedrol);
  • benzodiazepines (Diazepam, Lorazepam).

Peripheral antiemetic drugs for oncology:

  • atropine and other anticholinergic drugs (Platifillin and Metacin);
  • antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Suprastin);
  • dopamine antagonists - phenothiazines (Etaperazine, Torekan, Aminazine) and butyrophenones (Droperidol, Haloperidol), metoclopramide (Cerucal).

Targeted drugs for cancer

Targeted therapy is an innovation in the fight against cancer. In another way, these drugs are also called “smart”. They received this name for their ability to affect only mutating cells, while healthy tissues and organs remain unchanged. This medicine for oncology is prescribed to stop the growth of tumors, reduce doses of chemotherapy, and in severe patient conditions. To date, about 10 drugs have been clinically tested and introduced into use, about a hundred more are being tested and may soon also be used to treat cancer.

Immunostimulating drugs for oncology

There are many opinions regarding the use of immunomodulators in cancer. They began to be used in the 70s. Practice has shown that such means do not give a clear effect. It can be positive and negative. Immunotherapy for oncology is used for several indications:

  • after chemotherapy and radiation for immuno- and hematological disorders (Tamerit, Polyoxidonium, Glutoxim, Galavit, Neovir, Cycloferon, Roncoleukin, Leukinferon, Lykopid, Dekaris, Timalin, Timogen, Milife);
  • after complex operations (Polyoxidonium, Leukinferon, Galavit, Imunofan, Roncoleukin Myelopid, Likopid);
  • to correct disorders in the immune system (Polyoxidonium, Glutoxim, Leukinferon, Imunofan, Galavit);
  • to influence the neoplasm itself (Roferon, Reaferon-EC, Intron-A, Leukocyte interferon for injection);
  • for the prevention of metastases (Leukinferon, Neovir, Roncoleukin and Galavit), effectiveness in this direction has not been proven.

Drugs to increase hemoglobin in oncology

Depending on the number of red blood cells, microcytic, macrocytic and normocytic anemia are distinguished. Iron preparations for oncology are administered intravenously by injection along with erythropoietin preparations, which stimulate the production of red blood cells. In addition, to increase hemoglobin in cancer patients, the method of red blood cell transfusion is used, when red blood cells obtained from a donor’s blood are injected into the patient intravenously. Thus, the hemoglobin level increases immediately.

New drugs in cancer treatment

Changes in the treatment of oncology, like any other area of ​​medicine, occur approximately every 10 years. The latest developments include tumor biotherapy, targeted immunotherapy, the introduction of new surgical methods, as well as machines for gentle and targeted therapy. It takes a long time to develop a new cancer drug. After all, after invention, a medicine goes through several phases of testing.

Spot drug for cancer

Among the latest studies is a new Russian cancer drug developed by the pharmaceutical company BIOCAD, PD-1. From 2015 to 2016, the drug was tested on animals. The results shown are superior to anything previously invented. This is the same targeted or so-called “spot” drug that stops the development of the tumor. The second phase of testing is currently underway. It is planned that the drug will become available for use in the years.

What types of cancer does the new drug fight?

The new anti-cancer drug, according to experts, is effective against such types of oncology as lung, kidney, head and neck, bladder, and melanoma. The manufacturers promise that even when the use is stopped, the effect of the new medicine will continue, which will give even the most severe patients a chance of recovery. And most importantly, the product will be available to Russians. Two similar drugs already in use are produced abroad and have a very high cost.

What medications should not be taken if you have cancer?

When answering the question of which medications are prohibited for oncology, it is worth remembering that some medications can not only interfere with treatment for oncology, but also further aggravate the situation. For example, drugs that stimulate metabolism, vitamins and anticoagulants can cause tumor growth and metastases. Hormonal drugs are also prohibited. The issue of taking iron-containing drugs remains controversial. They are easily digested and are not regulated by the body. Therefore, they may cause more harm than good.

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Medicines for the treatment of lung cancer

In the modern world, the number of patients with lung cancer is steadily growing every year. This terrible disease spares no one: neither the elderly nor children. In most cases, chemotherapy is used to treat lung cancer, which targets harmful cells. For this purpose, strong medications are used, taken both intravenously and in the form of tablets. Treatment is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

Drugs prescribed for chemotherapy are prescribed either as a complex or one at a time, but at different stages of the disease, are used in different combinations and are subjective for each case.

Drugs for the treatment of lung cancer

The most popular chemotherapy drugs for lung cancer are:

Gefinitib is a fairly well-known medicine. Despite being widely advertised for its high efficacy rates, studies have shown that the drug does not improve survival. Recommendations for use are to prohibit abrupt cessation of use.

Bevacizumab is used as an intravenous drug and helps stop the growth of cancer cells. Considered highly effective. When used together with drugs such as paclitaxel and carboplatin, it shows good results.

It is worth noting that anti-vomiting drugs are also added to chemotherapy. The doctor selects the optimal treatment and the most gentle medications.

British scientists have carried out testing and development for many years, thanks to which a new generation drug has emerged. Essentially, it is a hybrid of two drugs - Vandetanib and Selumetinib. The principle of their action is to block the nutrition of cancer cells. The lack of additional sources for growth and existence suppresses the viability of infected cells and contributes to their death. The drug is currently being tested in humans. For this purpose, forty people with different stages of lung cancer were selected. Currently, tests show only positive results.

ASD fraction 2

The drug ASD fraction 2 has recently become widely known. This is based on the results this drug has produced in veterinary medicine when used in animals with cancer.

Currently, ASD fraction 2 does not have a license from the Ministry of Health for use in humans. However, there is a myth that ASD fraction 2 cured lung cancer in Lavrentiy Beria’s mother.

ASD fraction 2 appeared in 1947, in the USSR. It was developed at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine. The preparation is based on frog tissue subjected to high temperatures, which is subsequently replaced with meat and bone meal.

The developer was a scientist named Dorogov, after whom the medicine was named: antiseptic - Dorogov stimulant (ASD). A special characteristic of the drug is its wound-healing function.

In modern medicine, the drug ASD fraction 2 is made from animal tissues that have a long lifespan. The structure of the drug is similar to the structure of a cell, it easily penetrates tissue and maintains hormones at a certain level. In general, the effect of this medicine on the body is positive.

The main advantage is maintaining the immune system, fighting cancer cells, restoring the body’s ability to resist disease, and the absence of side effects. Application is possible both internally and externally.

The disadvantages are a strong unpleasant odor and the need to drink large amounts of liquid.

Any manipulations with ASD fraction 2 should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician. The dosage is calculated individually for each patient, taking into account age, stage and nature of the cancer.

Do not forget that the drug is not approved for use in human treatment, and responsibility for its use lies strictly with the patient.

Dexamethasone for lung cancer

Dexamethasone for lung cancer is effective in reducing weakness. Sriram Yennurajalingam from the University of Texas conducted research showing that there was a significant difference when taking placebo or dexamethasone.

The study involved 94 cancer patients of a certain category. They had more than three symptoms of lung cancer frailty and a score of four out of ten on the Edmont Symptom Scale. The subjects were divided into two groups of 41 and 43 people.

The first group was given a placebo, and the second was given dexamethasone. The drug and placebo were administered for two weeks. The results showed that the group that used the drug showed significantly better results in improving fatigue due to chronic diseases, as well as improving quality of life.

After two weeks, the level of physical condition of patients taking dexamethasone became noticeably better than those taking placebo. These studies provide an opportunity for lung cancer patients to beat cancer-related frailty rates.

Painkillers for oncology

One of the most serious companions of oncology is pain. It appears, as a rule, at the third or fourth stage of the disease. Drugs for the treatment of lung cancer with an analgesic effect are aimed at prolonging the period of physical and mental activity of the patient. The cause of pain most often lies in the growth of the tumor, but it can also be a side effect of the treatment. A properly selected painkiller will quickly relieve pain.

The following painkillers for lung cancer are used to reduce pain:

  • adjuvant agents in combination with a non-narcotic analgesic;
  • adjuvant agents in combination with a non-narcotic analgesic and a weak opioid of the codeine group;
  • adjuvant agents in combination with a non-narcotic analgesic and a strong opioid of the morphine group.

Non-narcotic analgesics are aimed at suppressing mild to moderate pain. Severe pain is blocked by narcotic analgesics.

Basic rules for taking medications:

  1. the medicine is prescribed by a doctor based on the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the severity of the pain;
  2. medications must be taken after a strictly defined period of time, regardless of pain;
  3. reception scale - from weak to strong;
  4. use of tablets, suppositories, drops.

Strict medication intake

Initiation of therapy involves taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, ibuprofen, piroxicam, etc. They block mild pain, and using them with narcotic drugs will help cope with severe pain.

As pain increases, a weak opiate is administered. For example, codeine. Sometimes I use a combination of codeine and aspirin. Severe pain is relieved with narcotic drugs, such as morphine, buprenorphine, whose action is aimed at the central nervous system. However, often such therapy does not bring results and the pain becomes unbearable. In this case, complex treatment with these drugs is carried out, and a scheme is used to replace one drug with another.

So, in our time, lung cancer is one of the most dangerous cancer diseases. Hundreds of scientists around the world are working on the development of a drug that can cure a deadly disease. Recently, drugs that can prolong life and, in other cases, cause remission of the disease are increasingly appearing in pharmaceuticals.

The use of any medicine must be carried out with the permission of a doctor in strict accordance with his dosage recommendations, the same measure applies to the use of painkillers.

Video: a new generation cancer cure has been created

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Drugs for oncology

Any oncology is characterized by a loss of sensitivity of the affected cells to the body's regulatory signals. This triggers their uncontrolled growth and reproduction. Oncology drugs help stop or slow down this process.

All medications for cancer patients are divided into several groups:

  • Alkylating agents. These are drugs aimed at damaging the DNA of cancer cells to stop the process of their division.
  • Antimetabolites. This group of drugs in oncology suppresses cellular metabolism and stops cell growth.
  • Hormonal drugs. They are used exclusively after surgical removal of the tumor to suppress the possible growth of remaining cells,

sensitive to certain hormones. These are tumors such as: prostate cancer, breast tumors, lymphomas.

  • Oncology drugs based on medicinal plants that have a pronounced ability to poison tumor cells and reduce their activity.
  • The pharmacy in Ufa offers a wide selection of such medicines. Here is a far from complete list of available medications:

    • Claudin. This drug creates a barrier to the formation of protein contacts in cells. The increased content of claudin in cancer cells allows it to be used as a target for other anticancer drugs. That is, other drugs act selectively on cells.
    • Nimustine. This drug works best in the treatment of brain tumors. Nimustine produces the greatest effect in combination with membrane agents such as reserpine, trifluoroperazine, etc.
    • Asparaginase. This anticancer drug is mainly used to combat lymphoblastic leukemia.
    • Thioguanine. It is effective in acute leukemia.

    Patients receive some drugs for oncology free of charge.

    There is an extensive list of medications that should not be taken for cancer. These include all drugs that can stimulate metabolic processes in the body as a whole and the affected organ in particular. Women are also prohibited from using contraceptives.

    Also on the prohibited list are vitamins with anticoagulants, iron-containing preparations and agents that stimulate regenerative processes.

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    Drugs used in oncology

    Cisplatin - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of tumors and neoplasms.

    Leucostim - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of medications for the treatment of neutropenia in malignant blood diseases.

    Tamoxifen - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of breast, ovarian and kidney cancer.

    Methotrexate - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Xeloda - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of a medicinal product for the treatment of breast and rectal cancer.

    Zoladex - instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids and breast and prostate cancer.

    Mabthera - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of a medicinal product for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, lymphoma and lymphocytic leukemia.

    Letrozole - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of medication for the treatment of malignant tumors and breast cancer in women.

    Herceptin - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of medications for the treatment of breast cancer.

    Fluorouracil - instructions for use, analogs and reviews of medications for the treatment of skin cancer, stomach, intestines and other forms of oncology.

    Drugs used for chemotherapy in oncology

    It is chemotherapy in oncology that is the leading direction in prescribing a course of treatment for patients through the administration of antitumor drugs of various groups. This is the main treatment or an addition to the main surgical method if the operation is successful.

    Depending on the mechanism of action, all chemotherapy drugs are classified according to the classification into cytostatics, anticancer antibiotics, platinum antibiotics, anthracyclines, taxanes, vincalkaloids, anthracyclines, alkylating agents, although the degree of impact on cellular processes and the tumor varies.

    The best drugs for chemotherapy

    According to research, the use of immunostimulants with a wide range of effects on tumors in the body is effective during chemotherapy. Today, many effective chemotherapy drugs have been developed to:

    • effects on the active phase of the G2 cell cycle;
    • stimulation of DNA structures and mitotic proteins.

    The most effective drugs for new generation chemotherapy:

    • alkylating agents (Ifosfamide, Melphalin, Procarbazine, Cyclophosphamine, Busulfan, Decarbazine) as powerful antitumor agents containing nitrogenous and planinic toxic compounds, aimed at eliminating the suppression of tumors of any size and any type of cancer, in particular leukemia and negatively affecting charged particles in DNA molecules;
    • antimetabolites (Antifolate, Metrotrachait, Fluorouracil, Thymidine, Gemcitabine, (Cytarabine) as analogues of folic acid, applicable in the treatment of childhood leukemia, promote repair and inhibition of DNA synthesis, improvement of hematological levels in the blood, introduction into metabolic processes, creation of new DNA structures. Applicable in the treatment of cancer of the breast, head and neck, pancreas, stomach, anus, esophagus, colon;
    • anthracyclines as powerful anticancer drugs (in particular Daunorubicin), leading to the formation of free oxygen radicals, inhibition of DNA synthesis, topoisomerase fermentation, DNA repair. Daunorubicin is toxic to the heart muscle, which oncologists should take into account when prescribing the drug, as well as Bidarubicin, Epirubicin, Mitoxantrone;
    • anticancer antibiotics (Bleomycin, Adriamycin, Methotrexate Vidarabine, Thymidine, Fluorouracil, Gemcitabine, Cladribine, Fluorouracil) as new generation drugs, but can lead to adverse reactions: severe intoxication in the gastrointestinal tract, convulsions, bone marrow suppression;
    • vinca alkaloids (Tubulin, Vinorelbine, Vinblastine, Vincristine) as less toxic herbal preparations with periwinkle (leaf) extract to destroy cancer cells;
    • platinum drugs, leading to the destruction of their DNA structures, suppression of functions and death of malignant cells. Chemotherapy is carried out and platinum is used as an active ingredient in the composition: Oxaliplatin, Carboplatin, Cisplatin can have a strong platinum effect, but toxic damage to renal structures and the development of neuropathy are possible;
    • cytostatics with combined effects (Dacarbazine, Procarbazine, Hydroxyurea, Capecitabine, Gemzar, Gemcitabine Fluorouracil 5), promoting the integration of cancer cells into the genetic apparatus, preventing their division;
    • anthracyclines (Adriblastin, Rubomycin, Podophyllotoxin) to collect free radicals, inhibit topoisomerase, leading to the death of cancer DNA cells and structures.

    When carrying out therapy, topoisomerases2 can be included in the course with the aim of integrating into DNA structures, exerting an inhibitory effect on cancer cells and metastases, and stabilizing polymerase microtubules. All chemotherapy drugs differ in their principle of action and the presence of side effects. When prescribing them, doctors first develop treatment protocols so as not to cause severe harm to the patient’s body during their administration.

    What medications will help you recover after chemotherapy?

    For rehabilitation purposes, patients are prescribed herbal medicines to restore the body, in particular the kidneys in case of damage, when the patient exhibits signs of diarrhea and vomiting. Appointed:

    • Uromitexan as a means to restore blood composition in the event of swelling, infiltration and necrosis of epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Filstim to restore microflora in the immune system after chemotherapy;
    • Lactogon, Neurorubin, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, Lactovit forte;
    • Gepadif, Glutargin, Karsil, Essentiale Forte N for the restoration of liver cells, when toxic substances lead to severe stress on the liver, difficulty in the functions of hepatocytes, and changes in blood parameters;
    • cardiotonics to restore the affected cardiovascular system;
    • Kvamatel, Nexium, Proxium to restore intestinal function.

    Many patients after chemotherapy begin to suffer from depression, in particular duodenal depression, in the event of the release of a large amount of hormones into the duodenum, the development of an inflammatory process and an imbalance of neuropeptides. In this case, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antioxidants are prescribed.

    It's no secret that even a single course of chemotherapy not only leads to side effects, but also has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole. The main task of doctors when developing treatment for oncology is to have the maximum impact on cancer cells, reduce their rate of reproduction, and prevent the spread of metastases throughout the body.

    It is the use of chemotherapy drugs in combination that will allow achieving stable remission, preventing tumor proliferation and metastasis, thereby prolonging the patient’s life. At the same time, drugs during chemotherapy are a severe blow to the immune system and many organs: heart, kidneys, liver. They kill not only pathological, but also healthy cells in the body. What to do? To prolong life, there is nothing else left and this is the best antidote (in particular platinum drugs) in the fight against tumor cells in the body today. So far, oncologists have not come up with anything different or better.

    Oncology drugs

    Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the world. Therefore, drugs for the treatment of oncology are in great demand. New drugs are constantly being developed and researched. In oncology, medications are used independently or as part of complex treatment.

    What medications are taken for oncology?

    Modern medicines face the following challenges:

    • Destroy cancer cells.
    • Prevent the growth of new cells and slow down the development of old ones.
    • Pain relief.
    • Improve the patient’s quality of life by eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

    Drugs used in oncology are prescribed depending on the location and size of the tumor, its stage, age and condition of the patient. Strong medications are not suitable for a weakened body. Such oncology drugs can cause toxic shock and kill the patient. They also give a lot of side effects.

    Based on the principle of action, a distinction is made between cytotoxic and hormonal drugs for oncology. Hormones are used to treat breast and pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, carcinoids, melanomas and diseases of other organs. Hormone-dependent tumors are treated with androgen, estrogen, progestogen and other agents.

    Modern methods of treating tumors

    New oncology drugs are constantly appearing on the European market. In terms of effectiveness, many of them are already far ahead of surgical and chemotherapy treatment. For example, a modern drug for gastric oncology from the category of antimetabolites will help with cancer of the rectum or colon, liver and other organs. And the Italian Megexia has shown excellent results in the treatment of breast cancer.

    One of the newest technologies in the treatment of tumor diseases is targeted therapy in oncology. The drugs cause the death of cancer cells by cutting off their access to oxygen and preventing the development of blood vessels in the affected tissues. The uniqueness of specific drugs is that they act only on tumor cells. Targeted drugs in oncology are much more gentle than chemotherapy and radiation therapy. They can be used for patients even in serious condition.

    One new theory is that antitumor resistance decreases with immune depression. As a modern method of treatment, drugs are used that increase immunity in oncology. Immunotherapy involves the use of:

    • Immunomodulators.
    • Monoclonal antibodies and drugs based on them.
    • Anti-cancer vaccines.

    Immunity drugs for oncology began to be used in the 1970s. The latest research helps determine the exact and adequate dosage of medications to support the patient. In Russia today, only about 40 immune drugs for oncology are approved. Many effective European drugs, unfortunately, will not be on this list for a very long time.

    Cancer pills are part of drug therapy for various cancers. Let's consider their types, assignment rules and other application features.

    Scientists around the world are working to solve the problem of cancer treatment. For this purpose, high-quality medical equipment and modern technologies are used for early detection of oncology. The choice of treatment method depends entirely on the type of tumor, its stage, the age of the patient and his general health.

    Treatment can include radiation and radionuclide therapy, surgery and, of course, chemotherapy. If necessary, these methods are combined, providing a comprehensive destructive effect on the tumor. The use of tablets takes place only under the supervision of a doctor. This is due to the fact that drug therapy must be accompanied by a special regimen, vitamin therapy, dietary nutrition and monitoring of vital signs.

    ATX code

    L01 Antineoplastic drugs

    Pharmacological group

    Antitumor agents and immunomodulators

    Antitumor antibiotics

    Antitumor hormonal agents and hormone antagonists

    Antitumor agents - monoclonal antibodies

    Pharmacological action

    Antitumor drugs

    Indications for the use of cancer pills

    Various methods are used to treat cancer, depending on the severity of the pathology, but chemotherapy is used at almost all stages. Indications for its use are based on the results of tests that revealed cancer cells. The type of drug and its dosage depend on the stage of the disease and its location.

    The main task of the tablets is to destroy malignant cells. In some cases, as, for example, in the final stages, it is impossible to completely destroy the tumor, but it is quite possible to stop its reproduction and growth. Based on this, medications are prescribed to slow down the growth of tumor cells.

    Let's look at the main types of drugs and indications for their use:

    • Hormonal

    If a tumor occurs within the reproductive system, then in most cases it is hormone-dependent. The growth of such a tumor is stimulated by hormones: testosterone (in men) and estrogen (in women). The higher the hormone level, the more severe the disease. The purpose of the tablets is to block their production, gradually reducing the level in the blood. Hormonal therapy is carried out for prostate, breast, and thyroid cancer.

    • Toxic (against aggressive forms of cancer)

    Some forms of cancer develop very quickly, such as lung cancer. In this case, toxic drugs and compounds of the most active agents are used to prevent metastasis. Such patients are prescribed strong painkillers.

    • Antiviral

    In the treatment of cancer, the method of immunotherapy is used, which is aimed at increasing the resistance of the immune system. This is due to the fact that some forms of oncology develop under viral influence. For example, with uterine cancer, the cause may be the human papilloma virus.

    • Universal antitumor agents

    This is a series of drugs that can be used for any form of the disease. They disrupt the process of reproduction of malignant cells.

    • Antitumor antimetabolites

    They are used for damage to the organs of the respiratory and reproductive systems, digestive tract, blood, skin, mammary glands with metastasis.

    Very often I diagnose oncology too late, when radical treatment methods can no longer be used. In this case, the tablets fight metastases, alleviating the patient’s condition.

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    Release form

    Drug therapy for cancer is one of the stages of its complex treatment. For these purposes, antitumor and immunological tablets are used, which destroy malignant cells and support the immune system. There are many anti-cancer drugs on the pharmaceutical market. The choice of a suitable remedy should be made by the attending physician. The stage of the disease, the location of the tumor, the age of the patient and the general condition of the body are taken into account.

    Names of cancer pills

    Let's look at the main names of cancer pills:

    • Hormonal – block the body’s production of hormones that feed tumor growths. Depending on the type of cancer, patients may be prescribed: Taxol, Herceptin, Zoladex, Sinestrol, Thyreocomb, Tamoxifen, Thyroidin and others.
    • Universal remedies against any form of cancer – 5-fluorouracil, Ftorafur, Doxorubicin, disrupt the process of reproduction of cancer cells.
    • Toxic against aggressive forms of oncology - Adriamycin, Fluorouracil, Vepesid, Bevacizumab, used for tumors with rapid growth.
    • Painkillers with narcotic properties - Promedol, Morphine, Celebrex. They can be combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics such as Ibuprofen or Indomethacin.
    • Cytostatics and Cytotoxins - prescribed to patients with blood cancer. Cytostatics quickly destroy tumor cells, but have a number of side effects. Cytotoxins are milder in their action; they gradually dissolve cancer cells with the help of enzymes.

    All of the above products are used only for medical purposes. Independent use of anticancer drugs is contraindicated, since instead of the expected therapeutic effect, a number of uncontrolled adverse reactions can occur.

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    Thymosin alpha 1

    Various drugs are used to treat cancer. Particular attention is paid to immunomodulators that correct the immune status. Thymosin alpha 1 is included in this pharmacological category. Its effectiveness is based on its effect on the functional activity of lymphocytes and markers.

    Induces markers of mature T cells in lymphocytes, post-differential induction activity of lymphokines and their receptors. Increases the functions of T cells, increasing the rate of their maturation and the ability to produce cytokines, interleukin 2, 3, interferon-gamma.

    • Indications for use: chronic viral hepatitis B, compensated by liver diseases and viral replication. Can be used as part of combination therapy for the treatment of viral hepatitis C and for the treatment of breast cancer.
    • The drug is taken according to a regimen developed by a doctor, so the dosage and course of treatment are individual. No side effects of Thymosin alfa 1 were identified.
    • Contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the product, for children under 18 years of age and for immunosuppression. It is not used in pregnant women and is prescribed with extreme caution for elderly patients.


    The effectiveness of a drug is determined by the mechanism of action of the substances included in its composition. The pharmacodynamics of different types of cancer pills makes it possible to take a closer look at the principle of their action and make a prognosis for recovery:

    • Hormonal agents

    Taxol is a biosynthetic antitumor agent. Its mechanism of action is associated with stimulating the assembly of microtubules of dimeric tubulin molecules and stabilizing their structure. This occurs by suppressing depolymerization and disrupting the miotic functions of the cell. The active components are effective against malignant lesions of the breast, testicles, lung and various types of sarcoma.

    • Antiviral agents

    Isoprinosine is an immunostimulant with antiviral properties. The drug is a synthetic derivative of purine. Restores the activity of lymphocytes during immunosuppression, increases blastogenesis, stimulates the expression of membrane receptors on T-helper cells, and prevents a decrease in lymphocyte activity. Stimulates cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, T-suppressor and T-helper functions, reduces the formation of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

    Antiviral activity is manifested against Herpes simplex viruses, human T-cell lymphoma type III, cytomegalovirus, polioviruses, influenza A and B, ECHO virus. The antiviral effect is based on the inhibition of viral RNA involved in viral replication.

    • Cytotoxins and cytostatics

    Melphalan is one of the representatives of this pharmacological category. It is used to treat multiple myeloma, polycythemia vera, various types of sarcoma and neuroblastoma. Its action is associated with damage to DNA molecules and disruption of its polymerization, reduplication and the formation of DNA and RNA with defects. This stops protein synthesis and leads to the gradual death of cancer cells.

    Cytotoxicity is associated with blockade of interstrand cross-links in DNA and disruption of cellular replication. The active ingredients are active against dormant and active tumor cells. Stimulates proliferative processes in the tissues surrounding the tumor, regenerates nerve fibers. Enhances the secretion of corticosterone and the follicle-stimulating function of the pituitary gland.

    • Toxic drugs of aggressive forms

    Docetaxel falls into the category of plant-derived taxoids with antitumor activity. It is used for breast cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer. Its mechanism of action is associated with the accumulation of tubulin in microtubules, preventing their disintegration and disrupting the mitosis phase and interphase processes in tumor cells. Accumulates in cells, is active against cells that produce large amounts of p-glycoprotein.

    • Universal remedies (used for all forms of oncology)

    Ftorafur is a drug for the treatment of cancer, the mechanism of action of which is associated with disruption of RNA and DNA synthesis. Used for colon cancer, breast cancer, stomach lesions, diffuse neurodermatitis and cutaneous lymphomas. Once in the body, the active components are converted into 5-fluoro-deoxyuridine-5-monophosphate, penetrating tumor cells and destroying them.

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    After oral administration or administration of a drug into the body, various chemical and biological processes occur with it. Pharmacokinetics allows us to learn in more detail about the effectiveness of different types of anticancer drugs.

    • Hormonal drugs

    Taxol is intended for intravenous administration at a standard dosage of 135-175 mg/m2 for 3-24 hours. When distributed throughout the tissues of the body, the concentration of paclitaxel decreases according to two-phase kinetics. With increasing dosage, pharmacokinetics becomes nonlinear, and the concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma increases from 70% to 81%. Plasma protein binding is 89%.

    The drug is metabolized in the liver with the isoenzymes CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 to form the metabolite 6-alpha-hydroxypaclitaxel, 3-para-hydroxypaclitaxel and 6-alpha, 3-para-dihydroxypaclitaxel. It is excreted unchanged in urine within 24 hours.

    • Antiviral agents

    Isoprinosine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. Maximum values ​​of the active component in blood plasma are achieved within 1-2 hours. Rapidly metabolizes, forming two active metabolites. It is excreted by the kidneys within 24-48 hours.

    • Cytotoxins and cytostatics

    Melphalan is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and passes through the liver. The level of absorption depends on the meal. The active components distribute throughout tissues and organs within 336 minutes. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved within 2 hours, bioavailability is 56-27%. Excreted by the kidneys in urine.

    Docetaxel has dose-dependent kinetics, binding to plasma proteins is 95%. The drug is excreted in urine and feces within 7 days after use. Pharmacokinetics does not depend on the age and gender of the patient. With impaired liver function, total clearance is reduced by 27%.

    • Universal drugs

    Ftorafur is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration and is still detectable in the blood after 24 hours with a single dose. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved within 4-6 hours, bioavailability is complete. It has high lipophilicity, but is a water-soluble compound. Lipophilicity ensures rapid distribution throughout the body and passage through biological membranes. Metabolizes in the liver, excreted in feces and urine.

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    Using cancer pills during pregnancy

    Oncological diseases during pregnancy are rare. According to medical statistics, only 1 such case occurs per 1000 pregnancies. Very often, neither the doctor nor the patient are sure that the treatment will be effective and, most importantly, safe. But it is necessary to understand that cancer very rarely affects the fetus, despite the fact that some types of cancer spread through the placenta. Therefore, a woman with cancer is quite capable of giving birth to a healthy child.

    The treatment process is long and difficult. The possibility of using anti-cancer pills during pregnancy is determined by the attending physician. The task of doctors is to choose the optimal type of therapy with minimal risks for the mother and fetus.

    Cancer pills used by a pregnant woman can affect the fetus in the following ways:

    • Cause developmental disorders and abnormalities.
    • Lead to fetal death.
    • They change the functions of the placenta due to narrowing of blood vessels.
    • Violation of the exchange of oxygen and nutrients between mother and fetus.
    • They provoke active contraction of the uterine muscles, which harms the fetus by reducing blood supply.

    The type of treatment depends on the following factors: gestational age of the fetus, type, location and size of the tumor, characteristics of the patient’s body. This is due to the fact that many drugs and treatments can harm the baby, especially in the first months of pregnancy. Therefore, in most cases, therapy is carried out in the second and third trimester (the placenta acts as a barrier between mother and child, without allowing medications to pass through) or is postponed until the birth of the child.

    The prognosis for recovery of a pregnant woman is in most cases the same as for non-pregnant women. But if treatment is delayed until after delivery, this increases the risk of tumor growth, worsening the chances of recovery. The prognosis may worsen due to the large amount of hormones produced, which increases the risk of hormone-dependent forms of cancer. Particular attention is paid to the choice of drugs, since taking many medications calls into question the lactation process.


    Cancer pills, like any other drugs, have contraindications for use. Let's consider the most common of them using the example of the universal anticancer agent 5-fluorouracil:

    • Intolerance to the active substance and auxiliary components of the drug.
    • Pregnancy and lactation (use is possible when the potential benefit to the mother is higher than the risks to the fetus).
    • Low levels of platelets and white blood cells.

    The medicine is used with extreme caution in cases of renal or liver failure, acute infectious lesions of any etiology, cachexia, radiation or chemotherapy in history. And also for the treatment of pediatric and elderly patients (for some drugs it is an absolute contraindication).

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    Side effects of cancer pills

    Treatment of cancer is associated not only with the risk of death, but also with the side effects of the drugs used. Conservative therapy used a couple of decades ago caused severe complications and required long-term rehabilitation. Modern cancer pills and other drugs have fewer side effects and are therefore easier to tolerate by patients.

    Let's consider the possible side effects of drug therapy for oncology:

    • Nausea, vomiting, constipation/diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders occur due to severe intoxication of the body. To minimize these symptoms, chemotherapy drugs are taken simultaneously with antiemetics, which alleviate the patient's condition.
    • Reactions caused by dysfunction of the bone marrow - side symptoms of this type are the most dangerous. This is due to the fact that the bone marrow saturates the blood with red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Cytostatics slow down the production of these cells, causing:
    • Weakness and increased fatigue appear as a result of a decrease in the number of red blood cells.
    • A weakened immune system and frequent viral and bacterial infections are the result of decreased lymphocyte production.
    • Frequent bleeding, subcutaneous hematomas - occur due to blood clotting disorders due to platelet deficiency.
    • Alopecia – hair loss is the body’s reaction to the action of toxic substances. However, not all chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss. Some medications reduce hair production or deplete hair follicles. This symptom is temporary. That is, in a couple of months the hairline will be completely restored.

    To prevent adverse reactions and minimize their severity, patients are prescribed antiviral agents, gland preparations, vitamins and minerals. Monitoring of vital functions is mandatory. In particularly severe cases, blood transfusions are performed to restore blood levels.

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    Directions for use and doses

    In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to select not only effective drugs, but also to prescribe the method of administration and dosage. Anti-cancer pills can be used both as monotherapy and in combination with other chemotherapy drugs of various release forms. That is, the doctor prescribes injections, droppers and local remedies to achieve a lasting treatment result.

    Therapy is carried out in courses, their number and duration are individual for each patient. They depend on the stage of cancer, its location and the condition of the patient’s body. The dosage is determined using the same principle. At first, high doses are prescribed, gradually decreasing for maintenance therapy.

    Painkillers for cancer

    Painful sensations in malignant diseases occur as the tumor grows and the body reacts to the therapy used. Painkillers for cancer are prescribed at all stages of the disease. Today, many drugs are produced to eliminate pain of different nature. In order for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the nature and cause of the discomfort.

    Types of cancer pain by origin:

    1. Visceral – damage to the abdominal organs. Unpleasant sensations do not have a clear localization, but can be defined as squeezing or bursting. The pain is dull or aching.
    2. Somatic – occur in tendons, joints, blood vessels, ligaments. Long lasting, poorly defined, dull.
    3. Psychogenic - appear without a specific organic lesion, so painkillers are ineffective in most cases. Indicate central nervous system disorders, emotional experiences, stress and self-hypnosis associated with the disease.
    4. Neuropathic - occurs when the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system is damaged.

    Very often, cancer patients have a combined pain syndrome, which is associated with the characteristics of cancer and its therapy. The success of treatment depends on the following factors:

    • Start treatment at the first sign of discomfort.
    • Taking medications as scheduled to anticipate and prevent painful sensations.
    • Selection of an analgesic taking into account the intensity of the pain syndrome and the characteristics of the body.
    • Informing the patient about the effect of prescribed drugs, a detailed scheme of their use and information about possible side effects.

    To treat cancer pain, a three-step regimen developed by the World Health Organization in 1998 is used:

    1. The use of non-narcotic analgesics and adjuvant drugs - these can be: Paracetamol, Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Indomethacin, Lornoxicam. The drugs stop mild pain, and their use with narcotic analgesics is effective for severe discomfort. To relieve pain caused by tumor growth, steroids are used: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Rofecoxib.
    2. Weak opioids, non-narcotic analgesics, adjuvant agents - Codeine, Tramadol - 4-6 times a day, 50-100 mg. A combination of the following drugs can be used: Codeine, Hydrocodone and Aspirin, that is, an opioid and a non-narcotic analgesic.
    3. Strong opioids, non-narcotic analgesics, adjuvant medications - Morphine, Buprenorphine, Oxycodone, Alfentanil, Methadone, Fentanyl, Buprenorphine and other drugs acting on the central nervous system.

    In case of severe pain, it is necessary to identify its connection with the disease. For example, with metastatic lesions of the meninges, infectious processes or damage to internal organs. For this, the patient undergoes CT, ultrasound, MRI and a number of other tests. After establishing the true cause of the pathological condition, the doctor selects painkillers.

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    Violation of medical recommendations or instructions for using cancer pills threatens serious negative reactions from many organs and systems. Overdose in most cases is manifested by increased adverse reactions. Patients experience the following symptoms:

    • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
    • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Pain of various localizations.
    • Headaches, dizziness and loss of consciousness.
    • Disorders of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems.
    • Stomatitis.
    • Secondary infections.
    • Various dermatological reactions and other symptoms.

    To eliminate them, an antidote is used; if it is absent, then symptomatic therapy is indicated. In especially severe cases, stop using the drug, perform a blood transfusion and monitor vital functions.

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    Interactions with other drugs

    Very often, an integrated approach is used to treat malignant diseases. Its goal is to have a comprehensive effect on the tumor and interact with other drugs. All medications are selected by the doctor, focusing on their compatibility and possible adverse reactions.

    • Hormonal drugs

    Taxol in combination with doxorubicin increases its concentration, but reduces the clearance of paclitaxel (the active component of Taxol) by 33%. When used before doxorubicin, symptoms of neutropenia and stomatitis appear. When interacting with ranitidine, cimetidine or dexamethasone, no disturbances in the binding of paclitaxel to blood proteins are observed.

    • Antiviral agents

    When Isoprinosine is used with immunosuppressants, the activity of the former decreases. Uricosuric drugs, diuretics, and xanthine oxidase inhibitors increase the risk of elevated serum uric acid.

    • Cytotoxins and cytostatics

    Melphalan weakens the results of immunization with inactivated vaccines. Radiation therapy, Levomycetin, Aminazine and myelotoxic drugs cause thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. When administered with cyclosporine, it provokes severe renal failure.

    • Toxic medications of aggressive forms

    Docetaxel is prescribed with caution with drugs that induce, inhibit or are metabolized by the cytochrome P450-3 system. Does not affect the action of digitoxin and its binding to plasma proteins. When combined with doxorubicin, the clearance of docetaxel is increased, but its effectiveness is maintained. When interacting with cisplatin and carboplatin, the pharmacological characteristics of the drugs do not change.

    • Universal drugs

    Ftorafur, when interacting with phenytoin, enhances its effect and increases the effectiveness of any other chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy. When used with inhibitors of microsomal oxidation in the liver, the toxic effect of Ftorafur increases.

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    • Herceptin – used for breast cancer. Affects HER 2 tumor receptors, quickly destroying defective cells. Improves the chances of survival, has a minimum of adverse reactions.
    • Xeloda is an oral cytostatic drug for the treatment of breast cancer and colorectal pathologies. The peculiarity of this medicine is that it can be used both on an outpatient basis and at home. The drug has a tumor-activated mechanism of action, which is aimed at destroying malignant cells. Promotes rapid reduction in tumor size with minimal side effects.
    • Tarceva is a drug that stabilizes the tumor. Its action is aimed at blocking the receptors responsible for tumor growth. It comes in tablet form and is used for various cancers of the body.
    • ZL105 is an inorganic chemical compound based on iridium. Causes an energy imbalance inside cancer cells, provoking their destruction. The drug is effective in the treatment of melanoma, kidney, breast and colon cancer. Suitable for patients with chemotherapy-resistant forms of cancer.
    • Chlorambucil - its action is aimed at disrupting DNA replication and destroying malignant cells. This occurs through interaction with nucleophilic centers of DNA and the formation of covalent bonds.
    • Temodex - released in 2016, is a more affordable analogue of the American drug Gliadel. It is produced in the form of a transparent gel, which is applied to the bed of the removed tumor and surrounding tissues. According to experimental studies, life expectancy increases by 1.5 times.
    • Prospidelong - used to treat tumors of the abdominal organs. Available in powder form, which must be diluted in sterile distilled water to transform it into a clear gel. The product is applied to the tumor site, sutures, ligatures and skin after removal of the lymph nodes. According to clinical studies, in 100% of cases it prevents cancer recurrence after previous surgery to remove the tumor. Serial production of the drug is planned for 2017.
    • Cisplacel is a special feature of this drug; this is its release form - a soft knitted napkin made of a biologically absorbable gel with anti-cancer properties. The napkin is attached to the site of the removed tumor. It gradually resolves over 20-30 days, that is, it provides continuous chemotherapy. Reduces the risk of disease recurrence by 40% and increases life expectancy by 60%. Used in neurosurgery to treat tumors of the brain, neck and head.

    Despite so many effective drugs for eliminating cancer, the best treatment method is prevention of the disease and its early diagnosis.

    Pills for cancer prevention

    There are many methods used to prevent cancer. Cancer prevention pills are, at first glance, an ideal means of protecting against malignant lesions. But do not forget that any drug carries not only benefits, but also harm to the body.

    A mechanism for the prevention of oncology has been developed, which consists of the following stages:

    1. Healthy lifestyle, eliminating bad habits.
    2. Timely diagnosis of precancerous conditions, monitoring of people at risk.
    3. Prevention of relapse of the disease and its metastasis.

    Any other anti-cancer pills are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Most often, patients are prescribed the following preventive medications: Terapikar, NovoMin, Unkarin, Nattokinase, Oksin and others. An integrated approach allows us to identify precancerous background processes and carry out dynamic monitoring of patients.

    Alternative cancer treatments have been developed to counter existing modern medicine options. Sometimes they can be even more effective than conventional methods, and the harm to the body is much less. But there is still a risk of choosing the wrong treatment and ultimately worsening the course of the disease.

    Gennady Markov is now the general director of CJSC Scientific and Technical Center Virus, where cancer patients receive treatment using a recently developed method. This method of getting rid of cancer was invented 20 years ago and was called “Method of biological stimulation and correction of the phenotype of the human body.”

    The method itself consists in the fact that malignant cells are exposed to information. It is effective in treating a wide variety of cancers, including leukemia. Markov claims that his method can help even people with last-stage diseases, when traditional medicine is no longer effective, as well as in advanced cases, if treatment has not been carried out for some reason.

    Treatment of patients is carried out using a neutrino gun invented by Markov. This device affects the patient with a dense stream of neutrinos, directly killing cancer cells in the body without affecting healthy ones.

    This method is effective as an independent therapy, as well as in combination with traditional medicine measures to maintain the body’s general immunity and speedy recovery of the patient. It is not always possible to completely cure cancer in this way, however, after therapy, patients can return to a full life and refuse to constantly take various medications.

    One of the main advantages of the method is the absence of the need for surgical intervention in the human body, which virtually negates possible negative consequences. In general, the use of a neutrino gun is somewhat similar to an operation, because it also removes cancer cells from the body, however, the negative consequences for patients from such an intervention are an order of magnitude less.

    Fistula method

    One of the main pillars of the method is a special diet, which includes various foods that help maintain immunity and provide the body with all the necessary elements.

    For example, products with a high content of phytoncides are welcome: onions, garlic, juniper, citrus fruits, mustard, radish, birch leaves. Throughout the entire course, it is important to maintain separate meals, that is, not to mix foods from different groups at the same time. Foods with a high iodine content, such as seaweed, will also be useful. Alternatively, you can simply consume iodine solution (only in very small doses) or blue iodine (make your own). This will help make up for the lack of this element. It is important to ensure that all necessary vitamins and microelements enter the body with food.

    After adjusting the diet, it is necessary to cleanse the body. This includes the removal of harmful substances from internal organs (in sequence: intestines, joints, liver, kidneys, lymph and blood), and even physical cleaning of the oral cavity, where pathogenic bacteria can accumulate.

    The next step is to get rid of fungi of the genus Candida and Trichomonas. For this purpose, special antifungal drugs are used. By the way, it is believed that medications of this type will only work after cleansing the body, which is why it is carried out at the previous stage.

    It is important to remember that not everyone can use such medications; for example, people with leukemia, granulomatosis, thrombosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system should not do this.

    The task of the last stage is to restore the body’s natural defenses. For this, it is recommended to use herbal preparations that have an immunostimulating effect. These include: birch chaga, elderberries, celandine, burdock.

    Khalisat Method

    This method is based on restoring blood circulation to internal organs using massage. Thus, the body’s natural immunity is strengthened and there is a chance of tumor resorption. Blood circulation is restored, including in the brain and bone marrow, which generally has a positive effect on the patient’s general well-being.

    In combination with massage, various infusions, mixtures and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to cleanse and support the body. It is also important to follow a diet - you need to exclude fried foods, fatty smoked foods, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks and alcohol, as well as foods containing food additives. At the same time, it is worth eating more vegetables and fruits, and also giving preference to natural agricultural products.

    The author of this method recommends using herbal teas that help cleanse the body at least once a year, both for sick and healthy people. Because the appearance of cancer, according to Khalisat, is facilitated by the poor environmental situation that currently exists on the planet and the fact that the cleansing system of our body cannot always cope with the consequences of a bad environment on its own.

    The next step is to inject 10 ml of Thymalin twice a day for 5 days. Then there is a 5-day break, and the course is repeated, but once a day and lasts 10 days.

    At the same time, you need to drink various cleansing herbal infusions based on dandelion, tartar, fireweed, calendula or immortelle. Collections from the flowers of fireweed, marsh cudweed, celandine, and yarrow will also be useful.

    In addition, it is worth making compresses by applying cotton fabric soaked in 40% ichthyol ointment to the affected areas. There is no need to wash off the ointment; for the next compress, you just need to apply a new portion. Such compresses should be alternated with lotions from Wintergreen umbrella. The lotion liquid is prepared as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of water into a glass and boil for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and used.

    Golyuk method

    This method, like the previous one, is based on the use of medicinal plants. But there are only 5 main medicinal herbs involved here. Most of the plants used in the method are poisonous, so it is very important to strictly follow the recommended dosage. The course of treatment using the Golyuk method lasts three months.

    So, to treat cancer you will need the following plants:

    • Celandine;
    • Eleutherococcus;
    • Bergenia roots;
    • Sophora japonica;
    • Maryin root.

    The treatment regimen is as follows:

    • Days 1, 2, 3 – take infusion of bergenia;
    • Day 4 – drink celandine infusion;
    • Days 5, 6 – drink infusion of Japanese Sophora;
    • Days 7, 8, 9 – drink Eleutherococcus tincture.

    Before ingestion, plants require preliminary preparation.

    Bergenia roots are taken in an amount of 50 g, they are crushed and placed in an enamel bowl, all this is poured with 350 g of hot (about 60 degrees) water. The mixture is infused for 8 hours and stored in the refrigerator. You should drink the prepared infusion one tablespoon an hour before meals, three times a day.

    You need 100 g of Eleutherococcus roots, they are crushed into pieces of about 1 cm, poured into a 0.7 liter bottle and filled with half a liter of regular vodka. The mixture is infused for 10 days in the dark, and then taken three times a day, 40 drops, 40 minutes before meals.

    Maryin root. This plant also only requires roots. 50 g of the crushed mixture is poured into a bottle of vodka and infused for 10 days. The recommended dose for taking is 30-40 drops half an hour before meals three times a day. It is advisable to dissolve the drops in a small amount of water.

    Sophora japonica. You need to take 200 g of fruits from it, cut them into slices and pour them into a bottle with 0.5 liters of 56-proof alcohol. Let it brew for 10 days in the dark and cool. The tincture must be shaken occasionally. The drink is taken 40 minutes before meals, 35 drops 2 or 3 times a day. To prepare the next portion, pour 150 g of the same alcohol over the old fruits and leave for 2 weeks. Then you can use it according to the described scheme.

    Celandine. Take 12 g of dry crushed grass and pour it into a half-liter bottle of vodka. The mixture must be infused for 5 days. Drink the prepared infusion one tablespoon three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

    If there are external tumors, then the herbs described are also used for compresses, lotions and rubs. Sophora japonica is rubbed into the affected area three times at an interval of three minutes. After half an hour, a lotion soaked in infusion of bergenia is applied to the same place; it must be kept for 60 minutes. After removing the lotion, the procedure with Sophora is repeated.

    Lebedev method

    It is important that the first decoction of oats should be drunk every day in the morning, no later than 10 o’clock. Helminths excreted from the body can provoke severe intoxication, which is what oatmeal broth helps to cope with. Drink half a glass at each dose; there should be at least 8 doses per day.

    Any cognac will be suitable for therapy, even the cheapest one, the main thing is to ensure that it does not contain preservatives or other harmful impurities.

    Today, one can observe an increase in cancer diseases against the backdrop of negative environmental factors and the prevalence of internal human diseases. This is what causes the development of malignant and benign tumors, and their localization can be very diverse. In this regard, new technologies are being developed, new principles are being created, and many experiments are being conducted in order to find the safest and most effective treatment for oncology.

    General principles of treating cancer patients

    Modern methods of fighting cancer are built on the same principles; the basis of effective treatment is speed, safety and complexity. It is impossible to completely get rid of cancer, but there is a chance to significantly improve the patient’s quality of life by maintaining the normal state of the body and preventing relapses.

    The main objectives of treating cancer patients.

    • The use of combined treatment, regardless of the stage and extent of the pathological process.
    • Combination of modern technologies with basic treatment methods.
    • Long-term treatment planning, continuity of therapeutic measures throughout the patient’s life.
    • Constant monitoring of the cancer patient, correction of treatment based on the latest diagnostic tests.

    In addition, the main goal of modern medicine is timely diagnosis, which is the key to effective treatment.

    Drug treatment of oncology

    The use of medications for the treatment of cancer patients is carried out taking into account the stage and location of the malignant process. Antitumor vaccines, hormonal and symptomatic drug therapy are used. Such treatment cannot be carried out as an independent method, and it is only an addition to the main measures in the presence of a malignant process in the body.

    Let's look at the most common types of cancer and the essence of their drug therapy.

    • Breast and prostate cancer – when cancer is localized in the breast and prostate, it is rational to use a course of hormonal therapy. Painkillers, restoratives and antitumor drugs are also prescribed. The essence of hormonal treatment is to stop the synthesis of hormones that cause progressive tumor growth. Cytostatic drugs are necessarily prescribed, which destroy atypical cells, creating all the conditions for their death.
    • Cancer of the brain or bone marrow - for such diseases, drug therapy is less significant; surgical treatment must be carried out. But in order to maintain general condition, drugs are prescribed to increase brain activity and improve memory. Patients with brain cancer experience various mental disorders, therefore symptomatic therapy is carried out.
    • Cancer of bones and cartilage - medications are prescribed to strengthen bones. Very often, in patients with a tumor, fractures or cracks occur in the bones even with minor loads. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the structure of bone tissue through vitamin therapy and other medications.

    What drugs are used to treat cancer?

    All medications used in the fight against cancer can be divided into several groups.

    • Hormonal drugs are drugs that reduce testosterone levels, these are Herceptin, Taxol, tamoxifen, Avastin, Thyroxin, Thyroidin.
    • Toxic drugs - aimed at destroying cancer cells by toxic effects on them, these are Celebrex, Avastin, Docetaxel. Also narcotic drugs - Morphine, Omnopon and Tramadol.
    • Antiviral - the essence of the purpose of this group of drugs is to maintain immunity. In oncology, both local and internal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
    • Cytotoxins and cytostatics - under the influence of these drugs, the tumor resolves and decreases in volume, which is necessary for subsequent surgical intervention.
    • Antitumor universal drugs are Ftorafur, antimetabolites, Doxorubicin and others.

    Radiation and chemotherapy

    Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are the main treatments for cancer. Prescribed in the preoperative and postoperative period.

    Radiation therapy

    Radiation therapy is prescribed if cancer cells are sensitive to this type of radiation. This is a small cell cancer, which is most often localized in the respiratory organs, uterus, in the head area, and can also affect the lungs.

    Several radiation therapy techniques are used:

    • remote;
    • intracavitary;
    • using neutrons, radioactive isotopes and protons.

    It is rational to use the radiation method of oncology treatment before surgery in order to localize the main focus of the tumor. The goal of postoperative radiation therapy is to destroy any remaining cancer cells.


    Chemotherapy is also the main method of treating cancer, but is used in parallel with radical measures. The drugs that are used actively fight pathological cells. Healthy tissues are also negatively affected, but to a lesser extent. This selectivity of chemicals lies in the rate of cell growth. Cancerous structures multiply quickly, and they are the first to be hit by chemotherapy.