Preparations for lichen in humans. Pityriasis rosea has appeared, treatment with ointment is the best option. In any case, even a healthy person must maintain personal hygiene

Ointments for lichen are considered one of the most effective means that can eliminate pathogens of the disease. This pathology refers to several diseases of the skin of a fungal and viral nature. The selection of medication is carried out taking into account the type of lichen. This is the only way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Article outline:

Basic principles of therapy

The treatment regimen is selected individually and largely depends on the type of disease.

An incorrectly selected drug can lead to the disease becoming chronic and eliminating it will become much more difficult.

The list of the best ointments for lichen consists of the following medications:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Mycozolon;
  • Bifonazole;
  • Isocanazole;
  • Sulfur ointment.

Sometimes, when using these products, allergic reactions, redness of the skin and itching are observed.

At an advanced stage of the disease, they resort to prescribing ointments based on hormones. They are highly effective and non-addictive. Among the most common among them are Flucinar and Sinalar.

It has been noted that therapy using hormonal medications does not always give the desired result. In some cases, the situation only gets worse. For this reason, they can only be used under strict medical supervision.

When pityriasis rosea is detected, antibiotics in the form of an ointment are usually prescribed.

Most often they resort to the use of Olethrin. Therapy with its use is advisable in the presence of a rash infected by bacteria.

The positive effect of treatment is a maximum of a couple of weeks.

Some products are contraindicated for children. It is possible to get rid of the disease by using Salicylic or Sulfur ointment. These medications have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, and are based exclusively on natural ingredients.

Inexpensive ointments for humans with pityriasis rosea

The peculiarity of pityriasis rosea is that even without treatment, its symptoms disappear after a couple of months.

For this reason, therapy has two goals. First of all, ointments eliminate itching.

In addition, a barrier is created for the penetration of secondary infection.

There are the following effective drugs for the treatment of lichen:

  • Olethetrin;
  • Tsintol;
  • Sulfur-tar;
  • Sulfur-salicylic.

With the help of these means, the epithelium is dried, disinfected, and the itching becomes less noticeable. In some cases, they resort to the use of hormonal drugs.

They are usually prescribed for severe itching:

  • Silanar;
  • Lassara;
  • Lorinden A;
  • Fluchinar.

It is strictly forbidden to choose a medication on your own. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Ointments for ringworm and pityriasis versicolor

The reason for the development of pathologies of these varieties is a fungus. Accordingly, the treatment regimen involves the use of antifungal agents:

With an impressive scale of damage, they resort to the use of hormonal agents that can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and the pathogens themselves.

Ointments for shingles

The appearance of this type of lichen is caused by activation of the herpes virus in the body. Accordingly, antiviral and antiherpetic agents are used in the therapy process.

The vast majority of medications that are effective in the fight against this disease contain a substance such as acyclovir.

The most popular of them are the following:

Ointments are applied to the skin up to six times a day.

The active substance penetrates the infected cells, destroys the virus and prevents infection of other tissues. If the condition worsens, therapy is not stopped. This is the only way to achieve lasting results.

Severe forms of the pathology can be cured by using the corticosteroid drugs Flucinar, Sinalar or Sinaflan. The courses of their use are short. Drugs in this group can provoke epithelial atrophy.

If the disease is accompanied by neuralgic pain syndrome, then I prescribe ointments that have an analgesic effect. Among the main ones are Ketoprofen and Ibuprofen. Panavir gel is also effective, as it has an antiviral effect and helps activate the body's defenses at the local level.

An antiviral agent such as Viru-Merz can also be used. With its help, it is possible to eliminate the clinical manifestations characteristic of the pathology, shorten the duration of the exacerbation period and speed up the recovery process. Apply the product to the feet up to five times a day for five days.

Ointments for lichen planus

As a rule, this pathology occurs in a chronic form and is characterized by periodic periods of exacerbation. Often during therapy, topical preparations in the form of ointments are used. These can be products based on sea buckthorn oil or tar, but the best results can be achieved when using medications that contain hormonal steroids:

In the process of local treatment, other hormonal agents that have a similar effect are also used:

  • Hydrocortisone. Apply the ointment to the affected areas of the epithelium up to three times a day;
  • Prednisolone. The skin is treated with the product no more than three times a day;
  • Flumethasone. Application twice a day is sufficient;
  • Triamcinolone. The skin is treated twice a day.

Regardless of which particular hormonal drug was chosen, it is strictly prohibited to use it for a long period. Therapy is carried out only in short courses. Due to this, it is possible to avoid the development of undesirable consequences.

There is no one remedy suitable for treating all types of lichen. This is primarily due to the fact that the nature of the development of these diseases is significantly different. However, after making an accurate diagnosis, there are no difficulties in selecting an ointment.

There are many inexpensive and effective remedies that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms and suppress the activity of the pathogen. The main thing is not to resort to self-medication. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Ringworm is a disease most often caused by exposure to viral or fungal infections. The most common method of infection is contact with an infected person or animal.

However, given the varying susceptibility of most people to this disease, scientists often question this hypothesis, identifying a number of risk factors that increase the risk of its occurrence.

The persons with the least resistance and the greatest risk of infection are:

  1. For a long time taking anti-allergy medications.
  2. Susceptible frequent and prolonged stressful conditions.
  3. Susceptible hypothermia and colds.
  4. With weak immunity.
  5. Having impairments internal organs.
  6. Having a hereditary predisposition to the disease.

Today, there are several varieties of lichen, each of which has its own, different origin, symptoms, etc.

However, their general characteristics are as follows:

  1. Ringworm may appear both affecting the entire skin and in certain areas of it.
  2. The disease can occur in open, and latent form.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Change in color of affected skin(most often pink, red or brown).
  2. Itching.
  3. The appearance of bubbles on the surface filled with liquid.

Most of the current methods of treating lichen are based on the use of ointments containing active antifungal components.

They are mainly used to:

  1. Make a targeted impact to the site of the disease.
  2. Destroy pathogens diseases.


Treatment of various forms of lichen in people requires an integrated approach, which includes ingestion of specially prescribed medications, as well as adherence to the diet and hygiene regimen prescribed by the doctor.

However, the correct choice of ointment can significantly improve the patient’s health and speed up the treatment process, making it less painful and more comfortable.

To eliminate the causative agents of the disease, special ointments that have an antiviral or antifungal effect are most often used in the treatment of lichen.

In addition, the active components most often included in antifungal ointments include:

  • sulfur,
  • salicylic acid,
  • corticosteroids;

Ointments used to treat lichen have a pronounced antimicrobial, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Antiviral ointments against the disease are in most cases prescribed to patients diagnosed with herpes zoster. However, it is worth noting that the course of treatment with such drugs is most often short-lived and takes no more than 5 days.

Antiviral ointments include mainly:

  • acigerpin;
  • herperax;
  • Zovirax;


The action of antifungal ointments is based on the fact that by acting on the organisms of pathogens, they cause fatal mutations in their bodies (for example, Miconazole has this effect).

Components of mycoseptin– zinc undecylenate, as well as undecylenic acid, effectively soothe the skin, relieving irritation. Naftifine also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Sertaconazole helps destroy microorganisms and prevent their proliferation.

Review of ointments for lichen (with prices)

Considering that different forms of the disease, as well as the characteristics of each organism, require individual selection of medications, it is better to entrust this task to a professional doctor.

However, today we can highlight a list of the most trusted drugs.

These include:

One of the basic active ingredients of the ointment is Naftifine. Thanks to its complex antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect, it is successfully used to treat pityriasis versicolor and ringworm. This ointment should be applied directly to the affected area as well as the adjacent area of ​​skin.

Cost: 520 rub.

Since the ointment contains corticosteroid substances, it is hormonal, it should be used with caution and only with a doctor's prescription. Acting on the affected skin, it has a strong anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effect. The product is applied twice a day to the lichen.

Cost: 150 RUR (for 15 g)

Just by the name of the ointment, it is easy to guess that the basic component of the ointment is sulfur. Due to its composition and safety in use, it can be used by everyone - even pregnant and lactating women. The product is applied twice a day directly to the affected skin.

It can have a powerful antifungal as well as antimicrobial effect. The course of treatment lasts 5 days.

Cost: 20-30 rubles.

Although this drug is veterinary and is prescribed to animals, it is also suitable for treating humans. The active components of this drug - salicylic acid, tar and sulfur - allow the ointment to be effective even in cases where others do not have the desired effect. It is also applied to the affected areas 2 times a day.

Cost: 80-100 rub.

Ointments for shingles and rosacea

If shingles is of viral origin, ointments containing Acyclovir can be used for successful treatment.

Examples of such ointments can be:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Famciclovir;

The effect of ointments on affected areas of the skin is based on the following principle: penetrating into a cell containing a virus, the active components included in its composition destroy it, and subsequently prevent the appearance of new cells. In order for the expected effect to be achieved as quickly as possible, the ointment must be used regularly.

Another type of disease is pityriasis rosea. Unlike shingles, it is of infectious-allergic origin and goes away quite easily, often without the need for special treatment. However, the use of ointments is not contraindicated; on the contrary, this allows you to speed up the treatment process, alleviating the patient’s condition and eliminating the disease and its symptoms.

The most effective drugs against pityriasis rosea include antifungal and antibacterial agents. An example of such a drug would be Oletetrin. The use of ointment can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and prevent complications. Most often, the treatment process does not exceed 2 weeks.

It is important to note that for pityriasis rosea, treatment of the affected areas with iodine is strictly contraindicated.

Ointments for versicolor and ringworm

Lichen versicolor is treated in most cases with antifungal ointments, which include components such as:

  • ketoconazole;
  • mycoseptin;
  • terbinafine;

The effectiveness of these agents is explained by the fact that when they enter the cells of the pathogen, they are able to change their lipid composition. As a result, the production of ergosterol stops.

Ointments that contain these active components can also be used to destroy most of the known fungi that provoke the development of skin diseases. This plays a special role in the treatment prescribed for lichen versicolor.

If lichen has affected the scalp, patients are often prescribed fungicidal drugs.

Ringworm, like ringworm, is treated with ointments containing the active substance naftifine. An example of such a drug would be exoderil. By acting on the affected area of ​​the skin, the product quickly eliminates burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations on the skin. It also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Ointments for the treatment of other types

Lichen planus requires the use of drugs containing glucocorticoid hormones, as well as some antibiotics, in the treatment. It is also acceptable to use ointments containing sulfur, tar, and resorcinol.

When treating lichen planus, it is necessary to choose ointments that can protect the skin from excessive loss of moisture and excessive peeling (since the cells in the affected areas are renewed too often, and dehydration causes painful cracks to appear on its surface).

Ointments for children, pregnant and lactating women

Considering that pregnancy and the lactation period require special care when choosing medications, the choice of ointment for lichen in such cases should be approached as responsibly as possible.

The treatment of lichen in children also has its own characteristics - thin skin, sensitive to external influences, most often reacts differently to many substances contained in ointments.

When prescribing medications to pregnant and lactating women, doctors in most cases opt for ointments that have a natural composition. Taking any other drugs is extremely undesirable, and often even contraindicated.

The same picture is observed in the treatment of children. Natural-based ointments have a fairly gentle effect, without irritating or damaging the skin. One of the remedies most often prescribed to children is sulfur ointment.

Given the contraindications for use, many drugs are prohibited for use in children under 2 years of age. In some cases, specialist consultation is also required.

Interaction with other drugs

Considering that the treatment of various types of lichen requires not only the external use of ointments, but also treatment with medications, it is necessary to take into account how compatible they can be with each other, and also remember the individual characteristics of each organism and the effect of drugs on it.

Ointments prescribed for the treatment of lichen interact quite well with many medications taken orally, including antibiotics. However, we should not forget that only a professional dermatologist can prescribe truly effective treatment.

The need for this is dictated primarily by the fact that the symptoms of many types of lichen are similar to each other and it is very difficult to choose the correct treatment on your own.

Folk remedies for treatment

Traditional medicine also offers its own methods of treating various forms of lichen.

A few of the most famous recipes are as follows:

  1. To prepare the ointment you need to mix honey and a little fish oil, bringing it to a homogeneous mass that has the consistency of liquid sour cream. The resulting composition must be applied directly to the lesion.
  2. Two teaspoons olive oil combine with a teaspoon of citric acid. The resulting mixture should be applied directly to the affected areas of the skin, after first stirring and turning the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.
  3. As a base for the next ointment You can use any oil (olive, corn, etc.), or salicylic or boric ointment, any animal fat, Vaseline. And also frozen propolis (about 10-20 grams). To prepare the medicine, propolis is finely chopped or grated on a fine grater, and then heated together with oil in a water bath. The resulting composition is infused for 24 hours at a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees. Before use, the product is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Based on another ointment recipe Propolis also helps against lichen. This component is poured with 1-2 tablespoons of alcohol and infused for a week. After this, the ointment is thoroughly ground (Important! The composition does not need to be filtered!) and mixed with the oil base. Apply the ointment to the affected skin 3-4 times a day. If the medicine remains on the skin after a previous use, it should be carefully blotted with a napkin or soft cloth.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil in small quantities(no more than 3-5 g) mixed with 100 grams of baby cream (any melted interior fat can be used instead). The ointment should be applied to the site of inflammation twice a day. It is very important that the mass fraction of sea buckthorn oil does not exceed the recommended dose: failure to comply with this rule can lead to irritation on the skin. Sea buckthorn oil in extremely small doses can also be taken internally. However, before using this recipe, prior consultation with a specialist is necessary.
  6. On the skin affected by lichen, you can also apply an ointment consisting of a mixture of iodine, valerian and vegetable oil.

Timely diagnosis, as well as correctly selected treatment, allows you to eliminate the disease in the shortest possible time. And at the same time – to save a person from all unpleasant sensations, returning to him the joy of a healthy life.

As you know, many forms of lichen are caused by fungi entering the body. Of course, not every person develops this disease.

Certain prerequisites are required for skin lesions to occur:

Some types of lichen affect not only the skin, but also nails and hair. When the first signs of a fungal infection appear on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist. As a rule, a routine examination and the use of dermatoscopy are often sufficient to identify the disease.

Ringworm can be treated with special ointments and creams applied topically. Oral therapy is used for serious mycoses damage not only to the skin, but also to internal organs.

Ringworm ointment containing sulfur is widely used for many skin diseases. When this product gets on the skin, a reaction occurs with the formation of acid and sulfides, which have pronounced antifungal effects. Sulfur also has a restorative effect on the epidermal layer.

Sulfur ointment is applied to areas affected by the fungus, previously treated with salicylic acid. If there are many affected areas, it is best to take a shower, thoroughly wash the body with soap, and then dry the skin. It is preferable to smear the product before bedtime, once a day. You should know that sulfur ointment will have a good effect if you do not wet your skin during the day.

An important point in the treatment of lichen is the observance of certain measures: the linen must be kept clean. It needs to be boiled and ironed.

If the stage is advanced, lichen in adults should be treated with sulfur ointment twice a day. The course is a week. Before the very first application of the drug, it is better to do a test on a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction throughout the day.

Sulfur ointment has the best effect when the first signs of fungal infection appear.

The cost in Moscow is 18 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 16 rubles.

Treatment of lichen can be carried out using sulfur-salicylic ointment, the main components of which are sulfur and salicylic acid. These substances have antifungal and antibacterial effects and complement each other perfectly. The product removes itching and flaking well.

For the treatment of lichen, 2% sulfur-salicylic ointment is well suited, which should be smeared with a thin layer twice a day. It can also be used to treat the scalp. To increase effectiveness, you can use a bandage.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity and allergic reactions.

The cost in Moscow is 30 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 28 rubles.

Despite the fact that Yam ointment is a drug used in veterinary medicine, it can be used to treat lichen that occurs on human skin.

Yam ointment is especially effective for the treatment of ringworm and some types of eczema. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties. The product is based on Lysol, sulfur, zinc oxide, salicylic acid and tar.

Yam ointment very rarely causes irritation and other side effects. It is low toxic. What course of therapy?

Treatment lasts 10 days. Yam ointment should be applied to the skin 1-2 times a day.

The price of Yam ointment in Moscow is about 102 rubles, in St. Petersburg – about 92 rubles.


Clotrimazole cream is intended for the treatment of fungal infections that affect the skin. The active substance changes the permeability of fungal cell membranes, which inevitably leads to their death.

Clotrimazole is safe for external use. Rashes and itching are extremely rare. Ringworm should be treated with this remedy for at least two weeks.

It is not advisable to use Clotrimazole cream for a long time; the maximum period of continuous treatment is 3 weeks. If the cream does not remove all manifestations of fungal skin lesions, you should consult a dermatologist to choose a more effective therapy.

The cost in Moscow is 215 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 208 rubles.

Exoderil cream is an antifungal agent used for mycoses, dermatophytosis and lichen versicolor. The active substance is naftifine hydrochloride, which reduces the formation of ergosterol by fungal cells. The drug relieves inflammation, reduces itching, and is effective against bacterial infections.

Exoderil is capable of quickly penetrating into the layers of the skin and creating a stable concentration of the active substance, so you can smear the drug once a day.

Exoderil is not applied to wounds and is also not recommended for pregnant women. Use with caution in children. When treating lichen, burning and dryness may occur. No discontinuation of the drug is required.

The cost in Moscow is 426 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 418 rubles.

The drug Terbinafine is an antimycotic drug. The active substance is terbinafine hydrochloride. Used for the treatment of mycoses, yeast infections of the skin. Effective against versicolor.

Terbinafine can have an effect on the body even when applied topically, so special caution should be exercised in case of existing liver and kidney diseases, the presence of tumors, metabolic diseases, and impaired hematopoiesis. The drug is not used in children under 12 years of age.

Terbinafine should be applied to clean, dry skin in a thin layer 2 times a day for 14 days. To enhance the effect, the drug can be gently rubbed into damaged areas. An important point when using ointment against lichen is regularity. If therapy is stopped early, there is a high risk of recurrent infection. If the drug does not eliminate the signs of the disease, you should consult a dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis.

The price in Moscow pharmacies is from 78 rubles, in St. Petersburg pharmacies – from 72 rubles.

The drug Sinalar is used in dermatology for the treatment of dermatitis, chronic lichen, urticaria, and lichen planus. The main active ingredient is fluocinolone acetonide (glucocorticosteroid hormone).

Sinalar should be smeared onto antiseptic-treated skin, rubbing lightly. It is recommended to use the drug up to 4 times a day. You can also apply under a bandage and leave for 3 days. For lesions of the scalp, Sinalar is best used in the form of a gel.

The drug relieves inflammatory and allergic phenomena. May cause itching, burning, acne. If used for a long time, skin hyperpigmentation, hirsutism, and alopecia may occur.

If large areas of skin are affected, gastritis, ulcers, and disruption of the adrenal glands may develop when using Sinalar. That is why therapy should be carried out short-term and in small affected areas.

The cost in Moscow is 53 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 48 rubles.


Ointment for lichen in humans Mikozolon is used with great effectiveness. The drug is also used for the treatment of dermatophytosis and dermatomycosis. The main substances are miconazole and mazipredone hydrochloride.

Mycozolon is well tolerated. Burning occurs in rare cases. Long-term use of the drug is not recommended due to the risk of developing skin atrophy. The course of therapy is 2 times a day for 2 to 5 weeks.

Price in pharmacies in Moscow - 153 rubles, St. Petersburg - 142 rubles.

If atypical rashes appear on the skin in the form of flaky or itchy spots, lichen may be suspected. Of course, it is better for a dermatologist to make the final diagnosis. He must select the appropriate drugs.

Types of disease

Having noticed unusual spots, many begin to choose for people. This form of drug release allows you to destroy lesions localized on the skin. But it is necessary to select it depending on the type of disease.

Experts distinguish shingles, pityriasis versicolor, pink, ringworm, scaly, and red lichen. They differ not only in appearance, accompanying symptoms, but also in the method of treatment.

For example, shingles is caused by the herpes virus. It appears as bubbles filled with clear liquid. But the final diagnosis is made after a microscopic examination.

Forms small brown spots up to 6 mm in diameter. Their number increases gradually until they merge into one focus. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus.

Most often occurs in teenagers. This disease causes round spots with a pink tint. Some say that pityriasis rosea goes away on its own. Treatment (ointment is usually not prescribed for this diagnosis) consists of strengthening the immune system and saturating the body with vitamins.

A characteristic sign of ringworm is the appearance of scaly and itchy red patches that get larger. The hair in the affected area breaks off at the root.

Lichen planus and lichen planus are not contagious. But it is difficult to get rid of them, because these are autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of herpes zoster

If blisters appear on the skin, it is better to go to a dermatologist. Perhaps it is shingles - herpes zoster. It can occur against the background of decreased immunity, become a manifestation of stress or some serious illness. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

When making this diagnosis, it is not enough to find out which ointments for ringworm help. Treatment must be approached comprehensively. The doctor prescribes antiviral drugs. These can be tablets such as Valtrex, Famvir, Minaker, Acyclovir. Taking into account the fact that this causes pain, painkillers are also prescribed.

It is also necessary to simultaneously normalize the functioning of the immune system. For these purposes, drugs such as “Isoprinosine”, “Groprinosin”, “Novirin” can be prescribed. It has an antiviral effect.

It is important to choose the right ointment for people. They use such topical agents as Epigen, Alpizarin, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Herperax. The herpes virus also dies when exposed to UV rays.

Pityriasis versicolor

Not everyone knows, but brown spots that appear on the body also need to be treated. The causative agent of pityriasis versicolor is a fungal infection that multiplies in a humid environment. In addition, seborrheic dermatitis can lead to its appearance.

Treatment consists of using special antifungal agents. When this disease occurs, it is not difficult to figure it out. The ointment intended to treat a fungal infection can be anything. Doctors recommend creams such as Nizoral, Dermazol, Fungoterbin, Mycozoral. Sometimes experts prescribe complex therapy and also recommend taking pills at the same time - Ketoconazole, Fucis, Fluconazole, Mycoflucan.

This disease is not contagious. But a person may experience relapses if he does not follow the necessary preventive measures. It is important to pay special attention to the cleanliness of clothing and its disinfection.

Pityriasis rosea

Young people, most often in their teens, may develop round spots that are light pink in color. There is no exact information about the causes of its occurrence, but, according to scientists, it is a viral disease. It begins when herpes becomes active. But only a specialist can make a diagnosis of pityriasis rosea. Treatment (the ointment is powerless in this case) consists of taking antihistamines and Ascorutin vitamins.

The doctor may prescribe tablets such as Claritin, Zyrtec, Gismanal, Claridol, Tavegil or any other analogues. As a rule, the disease goes away on its own. For some it takes several weeks, for others it takes months. In addition to this treatment, doctors recommend temporarily removing clothes made from synthetic and woolen materials from your wardrobe. They may also prescribe multivitamin complexes and immunostimulants.

It is dangerous to make this diagnosis on your own, because the external manifestations are very similar to the rashes that occur with syphilis. Therefore, it is important to have the stains examined by a professional. He will also recommend getting tested for syphilis.


This fungal disease is contagious and is transmitted through household contact, both between people and from animals to humans. It must be treated with antifungal agents. If the disease has just begun and the skin lesion is not deep, then you can cope with the disease using local remedies. In this case, an anti-lichen ointment for people like Mycozoral can help. Sulfur-salicylic ointment has also proven itself well. The affected areas can also be lubricated with a weak iodine solution.

But if the disease begins to progress and affects the deeper layers of the skin, then treatment should be systemic. In this case, the usual ointment for lichen will no longer help. It is better to find out the name of antifungal drugs that can be used in your case from a dermatologist. As a rule, they prescribe drugs such as Fungoterbin, Lamisil, Atifin, Termicon, Terbizil.

Physiotherapy also gives excellent results. The lesions can be irradiated with a UV lamp, and electro- and phonophoresis can be performed. They help speed up the fight against fungus and eliminate discomfort.

Psoriasis and other non-contagious types

Lichen squamosus usually affects the outer extensor surfaces of the skin. This disease is also known as psoriasis. With such a diagnosis, it is important to choose the right and correctly use an ointment for lichen for people. The doctor may prescribe a remedy such as Tazarotene or Dithranol. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics. For psoriasis, Clarithromycin or Erythromycin is recommended.

For lichen planus, no special ointments are prescribed. It is recommended to use antihistamines, vitamin complexes (particular attention is paid to the content of A and C), sedatives, for example, Phenazepam. You can relieve discomfort with the help of talcum powder or starch.

Clotrimazole ointment

If your doctor has diagnosed you with lichen, the cause of which is a fungal disease, then you do not have to buy expensive products. One of the most budget options is Clotrimazole. It must be applied to the affected areas in a thin layer up to 3 times a day.

Clotrimazole ointment is prescribed, as a rule, when pityriasis versicolor appears. But to get rid of the disease, you need to use the product for several weeks. In some cases, treatment can last 2 months.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment

One of the most unpleasant diseases is ringworm. But you can get rid of it using a fairly cheap product known as sulfur-salicylic ointment. The price of 25 g of the drug is about 20 rubles.

It is also prescribed for psoriasis, scabies, and seborrhea. But it also has contraindications. These include the period of breastfeeding, pregnancy, and age up to 2 years. You also cannot exclude the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the drug if you have never used it before.

Apply this product to the affected areas 2 times a day. More frequent use may lead to itching or the development of hives. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that sulfur-salicylic ointment is used according to the instructions. The price of this product is quite low, so many people mistakenly believe that it can be used uncontrollably.

To choose an ointment for a person against lichen, which will quickly help cope with it, you need to figure out what exactly caused it. After all, there are many more drugs and it is necessary to choose the one that will remove not just the symptoms, but also the cause, of which there are several.

Depending on the type of lichen, it can be caused by:

  • fungi;
  • viruses;
  • internal disorders of the body.

At the same time, all its varieties develop due to weakened immunity, which is a fundamental factor. As long as the body is able to protect itself and resist infection, it has no chance, and the disease does not develop, but as soon as something disrupts the functioning of the immune system, the first thing a person begins to suffer from is skin diseases.

Types of lichen

Lichen is divided into types depending on the pathogen, concentration, contagiousness, and types of rash. Disease factors also vary:

If you notice the first symptoms of lichen, then you should not apply antifungal creams. First, you need to examine the nature of the spots, determine the type, and only then determine the method of treatment.

Pityriasis rosea (or pityriasis)

It appears on the surface of the skin as a red or pale pink ring, the contours of which peel off. The size of such a ring does not exceed 4 cm. It is localized on the stomach, back, chest and sides.

Important! “People of all age groups can become infected with lichen; this happens more often in the autumn or spring, when the body is extremely lacking in vitamins and minerals to maintain immunity. You should avoid visiting a sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool or solarium during your illness.”

What means to treat:

  1. Sulfur-salicylic ointment is one of the most effective drugs, but can cause an allergic reaction;
  2. Sulfur-tar ointment - sulfur fights the spread of fungal infection, completely destroying it.

Pityriasis versicolor

You are more likely to catch a fungal infection during a period of hormonal imbalance in the body. Also, the reason for the development of such lichen may be active spending time in the sun. The body sweats, and a humid environment promotes the development of bacteria and fungi.

Please note. The most common places for development are the back, chest, stomach and shoulders.

Without proper treatment, the number of spots increases, soon they merge and become a whole lesion. If you do not pay attention to the spread of fungal infection, the treatment process can drag on for many months.

Both animals and people are affected by a large number of different types of lichen, mainly fungal (mycotic) in nature. Among them, the most common are the following:

Ringworm affects the scalp, causing hair to become brittle and fall out in patches. Less commonly affects nails.

Pityriasis rosea looks like a scattering of pinkish spots on the body that are not itchy.

Lichen planus forms a small rash on the chest, back and abdomen, on the folds of the arms and legs. It is characterized by severe itching, creates discomfort and inconvenience.

Pityriasis versicolor is caused by fungi and is characterized by the formation of scaly patches.

Shingles stands somewhat apart from other types, as it is caused by the herpes virus, and not by fungi.

There are many more different types of lichen, but they are much less common than those listed.

Important! For proper treatment of the disease, it is very important to accurately determine its nature. Sometimes the type of treatment that is ideal for one type of lichen is completely useless or even harmful for another.

  1. Shingles appears as small groups of blisters on the inflamed area of ​​the skin. In most cases, with this type of lichen, pain appears in the area of ​​the rash.
  2. Pityriasis versicolor, or versicolor, appears due to the Malassezia fungus, which causes brown and white spots to appear on the skin of the chest and back.
  3. Pityriasis rosea appears on the skin in the form of unpleasant red, inflamed bumps. This type of lichen can appear on different parts of the body, such as the mouth, genitals, head and nails. This disease has many varieties.
  4. Ringworm is caused by the fungus Microsporum canis. Most often, this disease manifests itself on the scalp, as well as on the skin of the entire body. In some cases, hair loss occurs and flaky red formations appear.
  • When the lichen is quite complex, experts recommend using ointments containing hormones.

    Such drugs give very good results, but are dangerous because they can be addictive; such ointments include: Flucinar and Sinalar.

    It is worth knowing that hormonal drugs in some cases can provoke the opposite effect and cause some pathologies.

  • Salicylic ointment helps with mycoses, but can have a toxic effect on the human body.
  • Sulfur ointment for lichen is used pointwise and applied only to problem areas. Salicylic and sulfur ointments can be classified as anti-inflammatory, as well as drugs that fight microbes.
  • Broad-spectrum ointments containing an antibiotic help fight purulent rashes or infections. But it is also worth remembering that such funds should not be used for a long time.

Among viral and fungal infections from the “lichen” category, it is customary to distinguish:

  1. Microsporia (ringworm, microsporosis) is a fungal infectious disease that occurs in both animals and humans.
  2. Psoriasis (scaly lichen), which is a chronic, non-infectious disease, represents the category of dermatosis.
  3. Trichophytosis is a fungal infection related to ringworm.
  4. Pityriasis (pityriasis rosea) is a category of viral infections.
  5. Pityriasis versicolor(fungal infection), which is characterized by a multi-colored structure of the formation.
  6. Shingles is a viral infection, also called herpes zoster, which is characterized by a one-sided herpetiform rash on the human body, accompanied by severe pain on irritated skin.
  7. Eczema (lichen rash) is a rash on the body characterized by non-contagious inflammation. It can have a chronic or acute form, accompanied by a burning sensation, active rash, and unpleasant itching.

If you don’t yet know what is in great demand for lichen in humans, you need to remember that the etiology, pathogenesis, that is, the conditions of origin, development and manifestations of this disease are largely related to the state of the nervous system, endocrine and metabolic disruptions.

How to identify the first symptoms of lichen?

The symptoms of lichen are almost similar to other skin infections, so a dermatologist will help you distinguish and identify the cause. Let us note only the main signs of lichen:

  • in most cases, lichen appears in specific areas and has a specific color, which can be light, dark, pink or red;
  • there is a feeling of itching and peeling in a certain area of ​​the body;
  • hair begins to fall out (a sign of ringworm).

Treatment of fungal form

Ointments consist of substances that counteract the viruses that caused the disease. Most often, ointments are used against fungus. Their effectiveness lies in the fact that they prevent the inflammatory process, eliminate rashes and itching.

To treat skin diseases and lichen in children, ointments based on herbal natural ingredients are used. The following drugs are often used:

  • Sulfur-tar, sulfur or sulfur-salicylic. They prevent inflammation and itching. They have virtually no contraindications or side effects. They perfectly disinfect and quickly restore damaged skin tissue.
  • Tebrofen. Treats red lichen, combined with other medications.
  • Clotrimazole. Helps with multi-colored forms of lichen. Not absorbed into the blood and mucous membranes. Has virtually no side effects.
  • Naftifin, Lamisil. Pityriasis versicolor is cured. Apply an equal layer to the affected areas twice a day for two weeks.
  • Sinaflan. Hormonal ointment that can be used for children over two years of age. Treatment lasts for two weeks.

Ointments for the treatment of lichen contain substances that actively counteract the viruses that provoke the disease. Antifungal or antifungal agents are often used. Their effectiveness lies in the fact that they relieve inflammation, help eliminate rashes and get rid of itching.

For severe itching, antihistamines are taken. With the correct selection of ointments for lichen, they can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Treatment of lichen consists of a complex of medications, an important part of which are ointments, creams and gels. Depending on the type of lichen in a person, the patient is prescribed an appropriate remedy.

The name “lichen” is used to refer to various skin infections and diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of colored spots and peeling on the skin. The causative agents of lichen can be fungi and viruses. Their treatment will use various drugs - antifungal or antiviral.

The specificity of the treatment of fungal infections is that many pathogenic fungi are constantly present on human skin. In a healthy body they are controlled by local immunity. With a persistent decrease in immune forces, they become able to actively multiply and form foci of infection - spots.

Ringworm can also have an allergic cause. In this case, its treatment is complicated by general therapy of the body.

Treatment of fungal infections and lichens uses ointments, liniments and tablets. Ointments and liniments are preparations for external therapy.

As a result of treatment, the infection spots crust over, dry out and heal.

Also, antibacterial components can be added to the composition of ointments for lichen. Here is a list of ointments that pharmaceuticals produce as remedies for lichen.

Sulfur is often combined with salicylic. Salicylic-sulfur ointment is obtained, which treats lichen more effectively (acts faster).

Sulfur-tar ointment is also used to treat fungus. Tar in it is an anti-inflammatory component.

Pityriasis rosea is a type of skin spots that also appear when the immune system is weakened. Often accompanied by ARVI, skin damage, insect bites, and may appear after vaccination.

Pityriasis rosea appears as round, pink plaques. As the fungus develops, they can change color, become brown, yellowish, or become covered with scales. More often the spots are localized on the torso, less often on the limbs.

Since the origin of the disease is unclear, there is no specific ointment for pityriasis rosea. Traditionally, doctors prescribe antipruritic and antiallergic drugs, and sometimes hormonal ointments (Hydrocortisone).

However, they can only be used if the pain is very strong. If the rashes do not bother you, it is enough to treat them with vegetable oils.

After 1.5 - 2 months they will go away on their own.

Note: prescribed for severe painful manifestations of pityriasis rosea - treatment with Sangviritrin ointment (combines bactericidal and antimicrobial effects).

This infection is called "solar" lichen. It appears as round red-brown spots.

Their localization is the torso and places of frequent sweating (in the groin, in women - under the breasts). As the disease progresses, the surface of the spots begins to peel off (due to the fungus loosening the upper layer of the epidermis).

Characteristic feature of the disease. When iodine stains are applied to the surface, they acquire a brownish-brown color.

The fungal infection is transmitted through close bodily contact and through clothing. However, it is important to know that the causative agent of pityriasis versicolor is part of the normal microflora of the skin.

It is constantly present in a person, and begins to develop under the influence of factors that contribute to it. Namely - with endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, pregnancy, and also with too much tanning.

The causative agent of the infection, a fungus, disrupts the production of melanin in the skin. Therefore, areas with different pigmentation (less tanned, lighter) appear on the human torso.

Pityriasis versicolor spots can have a wide range of colors (from yellow to pink-red). Therefore, these rashes are also called “variegated” lichen.

Anti-lichen ointment should contain antifungal components. To suppress the growth of fungi, ointments with fluconazole, ketoconazole, bifonazole, flutrimazole, naftifine, and terbinafine are used.

If lichen versicolor appears on the scalp, then special shampoos are used that contain an antifungal component.

In case of frequent relapses, internal administration of general antifungal drugs is prescribed.

Note: Pityriasis versicolor forms spots around the hair follicles. The fungus can persist for a long time in hair follicles and sweat glands. Therefore, often only external treatment of pityriasis versicolor is ineffective.

Ointment for pityriasis versicolor is supplemented with exfoliating agents. This can be salicylic acid, salicylic alcohol or tincture of brown iodine in alcohol.

Lichens of fungal origin are most often found in children. The fungus is transmitted to a child through close contact with animals or a sick person, or his personal belongings. When carrying out medical procedures, antifungal ointments, shampoos, and gels are used.

How to treat lichen of fungal origin, we provide a list of the most effective and inexpensive drugs.


The zinc contained in the drug relieves skin irritation. The ointment is applied to the previously cleaned rash area 2 times a day, for a course of 3-6 weeks.

The procedures are carried out for another week after the last rash disappears to prevent a recurrence of the disease. Prohibited for use in children under 2 years of age.

Most effective against ringworm.


The product is applied to cleansed skin areas in a thin layer with light rubbing movements. Repeat the procedure 2-4 times a day, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor in each specific case.

It is necessary to continue treatment procedures for another 2 weeks from the moment the rash disappears. The most effective remedy for ringworm caused by yeast.


Nizoral, Mycoket, Dermazol are its other names: the active component is ketanozol. The product is effective against lichen caused by any type of fungus.

When treating foci of inflammation, it is necessary to lubricate the area around them, going beyond the boundaries of the spot. Course duration is 5-7 days.

Not for use in children under 2 years of age.

Sulfur ointment

The use of ointment is available for the treatment of lichens of non-fungal origin. In the morning the skin is treated with iodine, and in the evenings with sulfur-tar or sulfur-salicylic ointments.

Characteristic signs of this type of dermatosis include: redness, pigmentation disorders, itching, peeling. How to cure lichen in a person at home? The first step is to consult a doctor.

Amateur action and under-treatment of lichen are fraught with chronic forms with periodic exacerbations. Topical medications (ointments) are considered an effective method of treating lichen in humans at home.

Dosage, frequency of use, and other recommendations are described in detail in the instructions for the ointments.

How to smear a person's lichen?

  1. "Miconazole" - has broad-spectrum antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The ointment destroys pathogenic microorganisms, causing them to mutate.
  2. "Mycozoral" - has a mycostatic effect, inhibits biosynthesis in the fungal membrane. The drug is good as an ointment for pityriasis versicolor.
  3. "Mikoseptin" - suppresses the fungus of ringworm. The zinc salt of undecylenic acid in the ointment soothes irritated skin, which quickly regenerates after lichen.
  4. "Clotrimazole" - recommended for ringworm and tinea versicolor, it destroys microorganisms, preventing them from multiplying.
  5. "Acyclovir" is an antiviral agent that blocks the synthesis of viral DNA in herpes zoster.
  6. Tebrofen ointment - has an antiviral effect. The ointment is used in the treatment of herpes zoster and lichen planus.
  7. Sulfur ointment - used for scabies and as an antifungal agent. It is a good antiseptic, but toxic and requires precise dosage. The ointment is recommended for evening treatment of ringworm plaques (an aqueous solution of iodine is applied to them in the morning).
  8. Natural ointments with combinations of sulfur, iodine, tar, and salicylic acid are popular among pediatricians who prescribe treatment for lichen in children at home.
  9. Yam ointment is used in veterinary medicine, but also heals people with lichen lichen. It has an antiseptic, antacid effect, and is slightly toxic.


The disease is considered not only mysterious, but also typical of girls in the spring. Ointment for fungal lichen in humans is not suitable here.

For therapy, listen to your doctor. It will take care of the skin, prevent eczema, skin inflammation, staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, allergies.

He will prescribe an ointment for pityriasis rosea on the body, immunostimulants, and vitamins. You will only be allowed to wash in running water.

You will have to do without coffee, tea, alcohol, citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, red fruits, nuts, spices, canned and smoked foods. Find out why this needs to be done in the video below.

Ilona, ​​32 years old Last summer, in a friend’s garden, an unattractive-looking cat rubbed up against me. After some time, I discovered an unpleasant “symptom” on my head – redness with brittle hair.

I quickly ran to the doctor. Treatment of lichen in humans at home turned out to be simple.

They prescribed Clotrimazole and also made compresses with cranberry juice. The stain soon went away.

After an adequate diagnosis has been made and the disease has been identified with the help of a dermatologist and infectious disease specialist, specialists prescribe therapy.

Most often the course consists of the following:

  1. Drugs with antiviral effects are used, such drugs include:
    • Acyclovir;
    • Valavir;
    • Zovirax.

    They act specifically on the causative agent of the lichen itself and help to avoid complications in the future.

  2. Immunotherapy. There are cases when it is necessary to use immunoglobulins, Zostevir.
  3. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.

    These include:

    • Paracetamol;
    • Ibuprofen;
    • Nimesil.
  4. It is recommended to treat the rash and emerging blisters with brilliant green, alcohol tinctures or fucorcin.
  5. If itching interferes with your quality of life, you can take antihistamines, such as:

Pityriasis rosea is an allergic infectious disease in nature, which manifests itself on the skin in the form of rashes.

The causative agents of this disease have not been identified, but there are observations that prove that the diagnosis appears after skin damage. Most often, the duration of treatment for pityriasis rosea directly depends on the state of a person’s immunity.


  • Spots appear that can reach a diameter of up to two centimeters;
  • An unpleasant itching is felt at the site of the rash;
  • Peeling appears.

Treatment is not always necessary for this type of lichen; most often it goes away on its own after some time. But denial of therapy can lead to a not very aesthetic appearance, so it is still better to use treatment.

  1. To prevent the quality of life from deteriorating and the patient not to suffer from unbearable itching, medications with an antihistamine effect can be used;
  2. Ointment for pityriasis rosea is most often prescribed containing hormones;
  3. If the case can be called complex, then medications containing antibiotics are used;
  4. To prevent infectious infections, the skin in problem areas can be treated with antiseptics;
  5. You should definitely follow a diet that includes hypoallergenic foods.
  • Oletetrinovaya will help in the fight against bacteria, and it is quite effective against lichen of any etiology. Contains: oleandomecin and tetracycline. The course lasts about a month, twice a day.
  • Hydrocortisone. The composition of such ointments should include glucocorticoids. This drug will help speed up healing and help cope with itching. The course is fourteen days, twice daily.

Pityriasis rosea is the mildest lichen infection. It is characterized by a minimal degree of infectiousness to others. It is believed that such lichen combines an infectious and an allergic form. Often the disease goes away without treatment. Therapy comes down to eliminating symptoms and primary treatment.

Basic help comes down to:

  • eliminating severe itching;
  • disinfection of skin.

The spot from pityriasis rosea is treated with Tsindol mash (sold at the pharmacy).

Ointments for lichen are sometimes used:

  1. Sulfur-salicylic acid – has bactericidal, drying, anti-inflammatory properties. It will relieve irritation and reduce inflammation. Will have an antimicrobial effect. The course of application is up to 10 days. Lubricate the affected areas 2 times a day. To enhance the effect, you can apply a bandage.
  2. Sulfur-tar is also an effective ointment for pityriasis rosea and has the same properties. The application scheme is similar to the previous one.
  3. Olethethrin is a rapid-acting antibacterial agent. Most often it is prescribed for lichen. In humans, pityriasis rosea then occurs in a milder form with minimal complications.

If simple pityriasis rosea develops into complicated pityriasis rosea, ointments with steroid hormones are prescribed. For example, Flucinar. They actually bring immediate relief. Many doctors are categorically against such a strong effect, believing that this lichen is better eliminated with less serious drugs.

Any, even a good hormonal cream, has many side effects.

Folk remedies for lichen

Practice shows that ointments for lichen combine well with various medications, including antibiotics. It is necessary to remember about the individual intolerance of the body and the contraindications that are indicated in the annotation for the drugs.

It is necessary to understand that only a specialist, a dermatologist, can prescribe the correct treatment and prescribe an ointment for this. The main danger of self-treatment is that the symptoms of different types of lichen are very similar, so if they are used incorrectly, the inflammatory process can be aggravated.

With the early stage of the disease and properly prescribed treatment, getting rid of lichen is not difficult.

If there are manifestations of lichen, you should not use ointments without a doctor’s prescription. It is recommended to take into account all contraindications and side effects and make sure there is no allergic reaction.

It is not always possible to purchase a drug at a pharmacy, but there is an alternative to home treatment. Traditional recipes may be no less effective:

  • Alcohol and penicillin. Prepare a solution for lichen from medical alcohol 96% in a jar of penicillin (do not wash the jar, there should be some penicillin left in it). Stir and add half a teaspoon of salicylic acid, then shake well. Using a cotton swab, apply the prepared solution to the lichen.
  • Valerian and iodine. To prepare this remedy, you need to mix one teaspoon of valerian with the same amount of iodine and sunflower oil. It is necessary to lubricate the infected area three times a day. The shelf life is unlimited. Can be used to treat animals for fungal infections.
  • White mustard. Soak white mustard seeds in water and grind to form a paste. Several times a day throughout the week you need to apply the product to painful areas.
  • Walnut leaves. Place a few walnut leaves on the bottom of the pan and fill with water. Boil for 30 minutes with the lid closed. Then add the prepared liquid to the bath. Carry out this procedure for half an hour for 1-2 weeks.
  • Garlic vinegar. Peel four cloves of garlic and add them to a half-liter jar of apple cider vinegar. Infuse the solution for two weeks in a dark place. You need to moisten a napkin in the prepared healing solution and apply it to the place where the lichen appears. Carry out this procedure until complete recovery.

Experts classify lichen ruber as an autoimmune disease, since the exact causes, despite many studies, have not been identified.

  • Red nodules appear on the extremities, then such manifestations may appear throughout the body, including mucous membranes;
  • Severe itching;
  • Plaques.

Very often, this disease can go away on its own, but it is best to treat it to avoid severe itching and unsightly appearance of the skin.

When treating lichen ruber, hormonal ointments are most often used.

What ointments are used in the treatment of lichen:

  • Clotrimazole. This is a hormonal remedy that helps fight inflammatory processes and eliminates itching, flaking and redness of the skin.
  • Tar ointment. It has very noticeable anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. This group of natural preparations also includes salicylic and sulfuric ointments.
  • Exoderil. This is a fungal remedy that is used externally and helps with pityriasis rosea, mycoses, and ringworm. The ointment can be used on the scalp. It relieves inflammation and itching well, alleviating the patient's condition.
  • Nizoral is a good remedy for tinea versicolor and is a hormonal drug.
  • Yam ointment is better known among veterinarians. But do not think that it is only for animals; it is very effectively used in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor and ringworm.

Ointment for lichen on human skin

On pharmacy shelves there are an abundance of preparations for external use with clotrimazole, ketoconazole, mycozolone, and terbinafine. This is just the beginning of the list of drugs that have fungicidal and fungistatic effects.

As a rule, the price in pharmacies is higher for ointments and creams containing the latest antifungal substances.

How to treat lichen in a child:

  1. Nystatin ointment contains the antifungal antibiotic nystatin. The drug has been used for several decades, and strains resistant to it have emerged.
  2. Clotrimazole cream is produced based on the active ingredient of the same name. The product is used to treat ringworm and versicolor. Apply to areas of fungal infection twice a day.
  3. Mycoseptin ointment contains undecylenic acid. The drug is produced by a Czech pharmaceutical company. The manufacturer's instructions recommend applying the product to the affected skin twice a day for 2 weeks.
  4. Ointment "Miconazole", cream "Mikozon" - antifungal agents based on miconazole. Mixed skin infections - fungal and bacterial - can be treated.
  5. Nizoral cream and shampoo contain ketoconazole. An antifungal substance helps cope with the causative agents of ringworm and pityriasis versicolor in children.
  6. Creams “Terbinafine”, “Lamisil”, “Fungotherbin” are produced on the basis of terbinafine. The drug has a fungicidal effect and is used in ointments, creams, gels, and sprays.

Terbinafine destroys the causative agents of ringworm and multicolored lichen, skin candidiasis. The drug with this active ingredient is applied to the affected areas once or twice a day.

Age restrictions for the use of ointment and cream are 12 years, for solution - 15 years, for gel and spray - 18 years. The effect of terbinafine on the children's body has not been sufficiently studied.

External treatment with ringworm ointment for children is carried out at home and helps to quickly get rid of small foci of infection. When the disease becomes chronic, you need to periodically change the antifungal agent.

In summer, moderate insolation is useful for children to improve skin health and harden the body.

Which mask is better?

Sea buckthorn face mask

Honey-lemon face mask

Almost every ointment for lichen on human skin can be combined with systemic medications, including antibiotics. However, this does not mean that the patient can independently, without consulting a doctor, use medicinal ointments, because before prescribing them, you need to make sure that the patient has lichen, and not any other dermatological disease.

Do not forget that incorrectly selected remedies will not only not eliminate the problem, but will also aggravate it even more, so self-medication is unacceptable.

Before treating a pathology, you need to undergo a number of different studies, and only after that you can understand what ointment is needed. When prescribing ointments for lichen on a person’s skin, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and contraindications should always be taken into account.

Sulfur ointment

This type of lichen is a non-infectious disease, that is, it cannot be contracted from a sick person. The exact cause of the disease has not been identified. There are theories that the causative agents of this type of lichen are specific herpes viruses.

The following drugs are used to treat pityriasis rosea: boron-zinc liniment, antihistamine ointments, antimicrobial and glucocorticosteroid agents.

Zinc liniment. It is an antiseptic that can be used for pityriasis rosea.

The ointment contains zinc oxide and boric acid. Apply liniment 1-2 times a day to damaged areas in a thin layer.

There are contraindications: the product should not be used to treat the mammary glands by nursing mothers, and should not be applied to children under 2 years of age.

Antihistamines are used for severe discomfort and severe itching. The following antihistamines can be used: dimethindene, fenistil-gel.

Dimetinden. Sold in gel form.

This anti-allergic remedy for ringworm relieves itching and reduces swelling. After applying the ointment to the affected areas, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight.

You can use the product 2-4 times a day. Contraindications: children under 1 month; when breastfeeding, do not apply the gel to the chest area.

Fenistil-gel. Antiallergic agent, relieves itching and swelling.

Must be used 2-3 times a day. The use of this ointment is contraindicated for children under one year old and pregnant women.

Some anti-lichen ointments combine hormonal and antihistamine substances, for example sinalar, flucinar, lorinden A.

Sinalar. This effective remedy consists of fluocinolone acetonide and clioquinol.

The first element has antiallergic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. Clioquinol is an antibacterial substance.

The product should be used 2-3 times a day, thoroughly rubbing into the affected areas. A bandage can be applied on top of the skin lubricated with ointment.

Sinalar should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age.

Lorinden A. A combined drug containing flumethasone pivalate and salicylic acid.

The ointment has antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects. To eliminate lichen, use several times a day, applying a thin layer to the affected area.

You can apply bandages over the ointment.

There are several localizations of ringworm: on the scalp and on skin without hair. To treat these forms of the disease, you can use various remedies that are effective for ringworm.

On the scalp. The first stage of treatment for lichen includes disinfection of the affected skin and hair. For this purpose, medicinal solutions based on iodine or alcohol are used. Yodicirin, vocadine, nitrofungin.

Vokadin. This is a medicinal solution based on iodine, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Vocadine is applied to the affected areas of the scalp before applying antifungal ointments. The product should not be used for thyroid disorders, children under 6 years of age, or pregnant women.

Nitrofungin. This product is a complete antifungal solution.

Nitrofungin can be used as an independent remedy for ringworm, or in combination with other ointments. Lubricate the affected areas several times a day, treatment lasts 4-6 weeks.

The medications described below can be used on all areas affected by ringworm. They are thicker, but despite the difficulty of application, they are effective against fungi and on the scalp.

Lamisil. This is an antifungal agent that has proven itself in the treatment of ringworm, red flat and other types of lichen.

The active ingredient is terbinafine. Monitor the dosage of the drug: every day you need to apply the ointment in the morning and evening.

The drug has a disinfecting effect. Used successfully to treat lichen.

Sulfur ointment has no contraindications. Usually, before applying this product to the affected area, it is necessary to treat it with an iodine solution.

Salicylic ointment 2% or 3%. This is an antiseptic that must be used 1-2 times a day. Doctors do not recommend treating facial skin with salicylic ointment, as there may be consequences in the form of lighter areas of the skin.

Exifin. Antifungal cream that can be used during pregnancy. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin 2 times a day. This ointment has practically no contraindications, but before using exifin for children under 1 year of age, consult your doctor.

Treatment of ringworm is not limited to the use of external remedies. It is also necessary to take antifungal drugs in tablets for comprehensive treatment of the disease.

Treatment for lichen planus depends on the symptoms and extent of the lesion. There are many forms of the disease, including its manifestations on the mucous membrane of the mouth and genital organs.

Manifestations of lichen on the skin are treated comprehensively. For external use, mainly hormonal ointments are used.

Prednisolone ointment 0.5%. Corticosteroid ointment, which is used for autoimmune diseases, including lichen planus.

The treatment must be applied 3 times a day. After applying the ointment, do not use bandages or heat the affected area.

It is used for adults for 12-14 days, for children – up to 7 days. Prednisolone ointment should not be used by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.

Flucinar. This corticosteroid drug is effective for the symptoms of lichen planus.

For adults, apply to the affected area 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Children over 2 years of age are allowed to use the ointment once a day. It is prohibited to apply the product to the face of children under 14 years of age.

Flucinar should not be used during pregnancy up to 12 weeks and in children under 2 years of age, as well as during the post-vaccination period. Sinaflan.

This hormonal drug relieves the symptoms of lichen planus, eliminates itching and redness. The course of treatment lasts up to 14 days.

It is necessary to apply the drug 1 to 3 times a day.

The application of this ointment against ringworm is contraindicated on large areas of the skin, as well as on very sensitive places: skin folds, face. Sinaflan should not be used during pregnancy.

Fluorocort. Hormonal ointment, which is used to treat adults, children and pregnant women (after consultation with your doctor).

For adults, the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, usually lasting 10-12 days. Fluorocort can be applied under a bandage to the affected area.

To treat children from lichen planus, bandages with ointment cannot be used and the course of treatment should not last more than 5 days.

Sulfur ointment is also used to treat the warty form of lichen planus.

The course of treatment for lichen planus consists not only of external drugs, but also of immunosuppressants, vitamins, and oral hormonal drugs if necessary.

This disease is caused by a herpes virus that attacks nerve endings. Rashes and papules with liquid appear on the skin along the costal nerves, which eventually turn into crusts.

Treatment of skin manifestations of herpes zoster is carried out with external drugs: gossypol, acyclovir, micogal. Acyclovir.

For shingles, apply to skin 3-4 times a day. This dosage is used for children from 2 years of age and for adults.

If there is a need to prescribe acyclovir to a child under 2 years of age, the dosage is determined by the doctor.

During pregnancy, the use of this ointment is possible only after consultation with a doctor. Contraindications for acyclovir: individual intolerance.

Gossypol. Available in the form of liniment. The drug must be applied to areas affected by the herpes virus 3-4 times a day. Contraindications to the use of gossypol are individual intolerance to the drug.

Micogal. Cream with the active substance ocomonazole.

Used for adults and children over 5 years old. Apply to affected skin 1-2 times daily.

Do not use this remedy for shingles on too large areas of skin. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor about whether micogal can be used.

After applying the cream, do not apply bandages to the affected skin.

This fungal disease has many other names: multicolored, beach dermatosis, spotted dermatosis. The fungus, the causative agent of lichen, affects the upper layer of the skin, reducing the production of melatonin in the cells.

As a result, the skin on the affected areas becomes “spotty”: dark areas alternate with light spots on the skin.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor is carried out with antifungal ointments. In advanced and complex cases of the disease, oral antimycotic drugs are prescribed.

Let's consider which external means are most effective for lichen maculis. Nizoral.

The active ingredient is ketoconazole. The cream must be applied to damaged areas of the skin 1-2 times a day.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Nizoral cream can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There is also Nizoral shampoo, which can be used if the disease affects the scalp.

Zalain. The active ingredient is sertaconazole.

Zalain is used 1-2 times a day, rubbing the anti-lichen ointment into the affected areas. In this case, it is necessary to go beyond the contours of the spots by several centimeters to prevent the spread of the fungus.

You can use the ointment until all symptoms of the disease disappear, plus 10-12 days after that for prevention. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under one year of age, should be prescribed the drug by a doctor.

Dermazol. The drug is available in the form of cream and shampoo.

For pityriasis versicolor, both forms of medication are used effectively, depending on the location of the disease on the body. Dermazol cream is used 2 times a day.

Treatment lasts approximately 14-20 days. If dermatosis appears on the scalp, you must use Dermazol shampoo every day for five or six days.

Both cream and shampoo can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Lamisil. An antifungal agent that is successfully used to treat lichen versicolor. See ringworm.

Triacutan. A complex drug that consists of several active ingredients: clotrimazole has an antifungal and antibacterial effect, gentamicin has an antimicrobial effect, betamethasone dipropionate relieves itching and inflammation.

Triacutan is applied to the skin 2 times a day every 12 hours. Use the product for 3-4 weeks.

The use of ointment is contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Modern drugs for lichen are quite effective. The effectiveness of treatment is enhanced if it is comprehensive.

The most effective ointments for the treatment of lichen in humans should be selected based on the exact diagnosis, causes of the disease and associated problems. If after 2-3 weeks of treatment you do not see a positive result, consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis of lichen and additional tests.

Some names of ointments for lichen reflect the term for the active substance they contain (for example, Terbinox and Terbix ointments with the active substance terbinafine).

However, most ointments have names that are completely incomprehensible from the point of view of the average person. We list the most popular antifungal ointments for lichen:.

  • Products containing miconazoles – Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Econazole, Oxiconazole. Works for any fungal skin infections. The group of miconaloses also includes ketoconazole, which is used externally and internally (this distinguishes it from other miconazoles).
  • Products containing ketoconazole – Nizoral, Mycozoral, Dermazol. They are used to treat fungal pityriasis versicolor.
  • Products with triazoles - fluconazoles (Diflucan) and itraconazoles (Orungal) - are potent drugs that are necessary in case of widespread infection.
  • Products with naftifine – Exoderil, Mikoderil. Treat various fungal infections, tinea versicolor and ringworm.
  • There are also several products containing terbinafine. This is Lamisil, as well as Terbix, Terbinox. The listed drugs treat various lichens (ringworm, multicolored, solar).

Now let’s give a description of the composition and action of some ointments.

Clotrimazole is a compound that has been tested in the treatment of fungal skin infections for decades. Works against almost any fungal infection, including ringworm and pityriasis versicolor.

Clotrimazole is popular as a treatment for athlete's foot. It destroys the fungal shell and thereby stops its development and further spread.

The antifungal activity of Clotrimazole is used in the treatment of small lesions of ringworm. And also pityriasis versicolor.

The ointment is applied after washing the skin with soap and drying thoroughly. Apply a thin layer throughout the day – up to 4 times.

When treating a ringworm infection, Clotrimazole is prescribed together with a keratolic to burn out the fungus. Standard treatment is to alternately lubricate the lichen spots with iodine and Clotrimazole.

Note: treatment with Clotrimazole is quite long-term. It may take up to 2 months. Therefore, the drug is used for small foci of lichen lesions.

Yam BK ointment is a traditional anti-lichen ointment for cats. This drug from a veterinary pharmacy also effectively and safely treats ringworm in humans.

The components of Yama Ointment effectively destroy fungus and mites that cause lichen spots and scabies. Using Yama BC Ointment has another advantage.

The composition is characterized by low toxicity. It does not irritate the skin and is a low-hazard substance.

Therefore, the use of Yam Ointment for lichen is permitted for adults and children. Its composition also treats dermatitis, eczema and other allergic manifestations on the skin of humans and animals.

Important: despite the low toxicity, the ointment should not be swallowed.

The composition has one drawback - a strong unpleasant odor. In contrast to this shortcoming, he displays an important virtue. It heals quite quickly. After just 6 or 7 days, the scabs fall off, revealing new pink skin underneath. Hair growth begins.

Yam ointment is applied to lichen spots 2 times a day, covering healthy skin around 2-3 cm.

Note: despite its veterinary purpose, Yam BK Ointment is one of the most popular ointments for ringworm in children and adults.

The pharmacy offers many ointments for treatment. The choice of drug is determined by the type of infection (ringworm, pityriasis versicolor, pink), as well as the age of the patient and the extent of the spread of the spots.

Let's consider what kind of fungal infection can appear on human skin, and how to treat certain manifestations of it.

If ringworm is ringworm, it appears on the skin as red, scaly spots. The hair inside the spots breaks off at the root, which is why the disease is called “ringing”.

For ringworm infections, external remedies are prescribed - antimycotic (antifungal) ointments. They destroy pathogenic fungus and limit its further spread on human (or animal) skin.

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