Causes of headaches after physical activity in the gym. Why do I get headaches after and during running? Why do you have a headache after a run?

Indeed, doctors confirm that regularly conducted physical activity of sufficient intensity is a prerequisite for maintaining physiologically correct functioning of the body and normal well-being of a person.

However, all the benefits of regular exercise may fade if a person suffers from migraine attacks after such exercise, if, for example, a headache after running.

The feeling of a headache that occurs after physical activity is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, significantly limiting the life activity of any person, often disrupting the normal way of life.

Why is this happening? How to deal with the problem? Perhaps there are certain exercises for headaches or does the disease need to be combated with medications?

Medical scientists have long proven that the vast majority of headaches that occur in people at a young age are the result of spasms (of varying intensity) of certain parts of the cerebral vessels. This is precisely the mechanism of pain development in people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraines, etc. .

In middle-aged people, the causes of headaches after physical activity can lie in a variety of diseases, because exercise can somewhat aggravate the course of the disease.

And, in order to be able to help a person cope with such problems, in order to improve the health of the entire body, it is advisable to understand in detail the possible causes of this problem.

Main reasons

Undoubtedly, today there are incredibly many reasons that provoke headaches after physical activity.

And so much so that medical practitioners can spend a huge amount of time and money on diagnosing and identifying specific provoking factors.

For clarity, we decided to list the most common of these factors that directly affect the malaise of people involved in sports in the table below.

Causal factorDescription of the reason
Increased intracranial pressure

Human brain tissue is naturally protected from mechanical damage by brain fluid (CSF).

Liquor is produced and circulates in the ventricles of the brain, in the arachnoid space, etc. Sometimes the full circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted for one reason or another, as a result of which intracranial pressure increases and the patient’s head begins to bother him.

A common cause of increased intracranial pressure is considered to be excessive physical activity or a head injury received during such training.

HypertensionOften, ailments after intense training are characteristic of patients with hypertension. Indeed, with a measured pace of life, a person often does not notice increases in blood pressure; physical activity and headache after it, in this case, turn out to be a kind of marker that forces one to measure blood pressure.
Physical tension pain

It is permissible to judge the development of pain in the head due to physical stress only if you are confident in the absence of certain organic diseases, which is confirmed by adequate diagnostics.

This type of headache is caused by excessive tension in the muscles of the cervical spine, neck and head muscles. The development of this type of pain may be associated with incorrect performance of the technique of certain exercises, with incorrectly selected intensity of exercise, etc.

This type of headache has a pressing or squeezing character. According to statistics, almost 50% of people who regularly visit the gym experience headaches of physical tension.

Other reasonsOther causative factors that cause headaches after sports activities include:
  • depressive states, emotional stress.
  • Various types of neuralgia, etc.

Important! But the most important thing that every person facing the described problems after playing sports should remember is that if the headaches become too intense and prolonged, if the pain appears after every visit to the gym, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms that should alert you

Often, through this kind of ailment, dangerous consequences of previously received injuries and serious illnesses that require mandatory medical attention can manifest themselves.

For the treatment and prevention of migraines, Elena Malysheva recommends. It contains 16 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in treating migraines, dizziness and cleansing the body as a whole.

For example, headaches when tilting the head down may indicate the development of sinusitis or sinusitis.

Review from our reader Olga Nesterova

I recently read an article that talks about Father George’s Monastic Collection to get rid of migraines and headaches. This collection cleanses blood vessels, calms the nervous system, and improves general condition.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a week: weakness, constant headaches that had tormented me before receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

  • accompanied by signs of disorders of consciousness, personality changes, and mental disorders.
  • develop in a split second and are too intense.
  • accompanied by severe nausea and profuse vomiting.
  • accompanied by numbness on one side of the face or even the body.

It is important to remember that all the symptoms described above that occur after intense exercise UNIQUELY require seeking qualified medical help.

This is due to the fact that such manifestations may indicate the development of life-threatening emergency pathological conditions.

How to escape from pain after training?

If the pain is moderate and bothers you only periodically, you can try to deal with the problem on your own.

It is quite acceptable to relieve pain with the usual analgesic drugs for many - say, the tablet “Analgin”, “Citramon”, etc.

For those who do not want to immediately use medications, advice from alternative health professionals may be ideal.

For example, a mild post-workout headache can be treated by:

  • Ordinary rest. For example, a headache from physical tension may subside after a healthy sleep.
  • Yoga for headaches.
  • Warm bath with sea salt.
  • Herbal teas recommended by traditional medicine.
  • Neck massage.

When choosing physical exercises for headaches as a treatment, it is important to remember that their intensity should be minimal. These can be either basic exercises to relax the neck muscles or full-fledged breathing practices.

Do you still think that it is impossible to GET RID OF MIGRAINE!?

Have you ever encountered a severe headache that you simply cannot bear!? Judging by the fact that you are now reading this article, then you know firsthand what it is:

  • very severe headache in the frontal or temporal region....
  • the pain is throbbing or bursting, intensifies with the slightest movement....
  • the pain is accompanied by nausea and sometimes even vomiting...
  • the lights and sounds are unpleasant...
  • and you've been taking a bunch of medications for a long time...

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much time have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE. And this can lead to more severe consequences, such as status migraine and migraine stroke.

That's right - it's time to start putting an end to this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish Natalya Budnitskaya’s personal story, in which she talked about how she not only coped with chronic MIGRAINE, but also got rid of a whole bunch of diseases.

Jogging is very beneficial for the body. They help improve health, boost energy and improve your mood throughout the day. However, many professional athletes and amateurs experience headaches after running. How to deal with such ailment, read further in the article.

Unpleasant sensations in the head after a long run may occur suddenly and not go away for several hours or days. This condition is characterized by:

  • acute pain in the back of the head;
  • discomfort in the neck area;
  • sensation of pulsation in the temples.

Often, cephalalgia is so severe that a person can no longer continue running.

If the pain quickly increases, becomes unbearable, and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and numbness of the limbs, you must urgently seek help from a specialist. These alarming symptoms may be caused by pathological conditions that require urgent action.



The physical stress that the human body is exposed to while running increases blood pressure. It is typical that in a calm state a person may not notice any signs of arterial hypertension.

Read more about headaches with high blood pressure.

Emotional or physical stress

This can cause a similar symptom to occur if the person is healthy and headaches when running occur quite rarely. Lack of oxygen, stuffiness or high air temperature provokes dehydration of the body, which can lead to the development of cephalgia.

Vascular diseases

While jogging, your heart beats faster and blood flow increases. If there are problems with blood vessels, blood begins to flow more slowly into the main organ of the central nervous system, which causes discomfort in the head area.

Reduced sugar levels and electrolyte imbalances

Potassium, magnesium, calcium And sodium− main electrolytes in the human body. Disruption of their balance and a decrease in blood glucose levels can also trigger headaches.

Muscle tension

If any muscle group becomes overly tense while running, a spasm may occur, causing pain in the scalp.

Experts agree that in most cases, cephalgia occurs due to spasms of blood vessels. More often, people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia face this problem.

Find out the causes of head pain with vegetative-vascular dystonia.


If the pain is systematic and has a significant impact on a person’s quality of life, you can try to cope with the problem using the following methods:

If the pain occurs constantly and does not go away even after following all the recommendations listed, you need to consult a specialist to prevent possible complications.

Folk recipes

The best cure for post-run headaches is proper sleep. Among other folk remedies that help get rid of such ailments, the following is noted.

There are more than 200 types of headaches. Are you a neurologist? If not, then it will be difficult for you to understand why your head starts to hurt after running (throbbing, pressing, stabbing). You can brush off the feeling of discomfort and stubbornly continue to run with a headache.

If you have post-stress primary pain, it will quickly subside. What if cephalgia manifested itself as one of the symptoms of an impending hypertensive crisis? Then you are two steps away from a heart attack.

The problem is relevant, because every fifth runner suffers from headaches of varying degrees of intensity. We hasten to reassure you right away: it is not the brain that hurts, because it simply does not have pain receptors. Cephalgia occurs as a reaction to irritation of nerve fibers in the soft tissues of the head.

Cephalgia may differ in the nature of pain:

  • If an athlete runs after a grueling, emotional day, then after training he may experience so-called muscle tension pain. Weak or medium intensity, it tightens the skull like a hoop, covering the back of the head, temples, forehead;
  • “Dull, constant, pressing pain, especially in the back of the head,” is how a person with vascular diseases will describe his condition after a run;
  • pain is pulsating in nature, localized in the frontal and temporal parts of the head;
  • burning, unbearable cephalalgia covers half the face, the eyes may water and the nose may become stuffy. On a scale from 1 to 10, cluster (bundle) pain can be assigned without hesitation 8, or even 9 points;
  • becomes pressing and dull, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and tinnitus. The attack lasts from 2-3 minutes to an hour;
  • the head becomes “heavy” and begins to hurt slightly.

As you can see, cephalalgia takes such diverse forms that it is difficult for a person far from medicine to determine its root cause. And this needs to be done.

For what? First of all, in order to know whether you can continue your running training or whether you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Let's divide all the possible causes of headaches that running training can provoke into two large categories: those that do not threaten the health and life of the athlete and those that signal pathology. Only by considering each of these reasons and discarding, one by one, those that do not apply to you, can you determine why you get a headache every time after running.

Causes of headaches that are not life-threatening or health-threatening

  • temporary hypoxia. After physical activity, the flow of oxygen to the internal organs increases sharply. When an athlete enters a stuffy room, his brain does not have time to reorganize and experiences oxygen starvation. Cephalgia goes away immediately after airing the room;
  • incorrect breathing technique when running. If you breathe quickly and shallowly (only through your nose), this will lead to a headache, stabbing in your side, and your strength will quickly deplete;
  • overstrain of the neck and head muscles. Half of all headache complaints are caused by excessive intensity of running or other types of physical activity. Ask your trainer to create an individual schedule for you and work out according to it;
  • emotional stress and severe fatigue can cause episodic cephalgia. These factors provoke cerebral vascular spasms and hypoxia. After a person gets a good night's sleep and rest, the pain goes away.

Important. Migraines need to be classified as a separate group. Throbbing pain is localized in the frontotemporal region of the face, mainly on one side. Pain in this disease is associated with various facts, including irritation of the trigeminal nerve. Its endings secrete vasodilating proteins that provoke aseptic (without the participation of microbes) inflammation. This is what causes severe headaches.

Causes of headaches that are life-threatening and health-threatening

In the table below, we have compiled a list of all possible causes (diseases) that may cause you to have a headache after a run. Associated symptoms are also listed here in order to reduce the likelihood of errors in your predictions.

Causes of headache after jogging Type of pain, associated symptoms
High blood pressure (hypertension) During physical activity (running), pressing pain occurs in the occipital region. May be accompanied by nosebleeds, pain in the eyes and nausea.
Frontitis, sinusitis or sinusitis The runner has difficulty breathing, his eyes water, he feels a sharp throbbing pain in the forehead, which intensifies when pressing on the frontal sinus or when bending the torso forward.
Osteochondrosis There is a dull pain in the back of the head and temples. It starts on one side, but then spreads to the entire head. It is of a reflex nature, since the cause of unpleasant sensations is the nerves and blood vessels squeezed between the vertebrae of the cervical region.
Atherosclerosis When running, cephalalgia occurs in the forehead and back of the head. May be accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, and tinnitus. The reason is a change in the geometry of blood vessels due to cholesterol plaques, their loss of elasticity.
Vegetovascular dystonia Cephalgia occurs during warm-up, when, bending over, you lower your head below your chest. It is pulsating in nature, accompanied by ringing in the ears.
Increased intracranial pressure If, while running, a person feels bursting pain in the forehead and crown of the head (less often in the temples), and they are not relieved by painkillers, then this symptom may indicate increased intracranial pressure. Increases in intensity when bending, squatting, or accelerating.
Infection (flu, ARVI) Accompanied by elevated temperature, fever and diffuse bursting headache.
Injuries Pain accompanied by dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing and vision impairment, sensitivity to noise is diagnosed in patients who have suffered various head and neck injuries.

We hope you have found the root of the evil and can now determine why you get headaches when running. All you need to do is consult a doctor or solve the problem with proper rest and a handful of painkillers.

When to see a doctor

You work out according to the program that the coach has put together, try not to overwork, master the techniques of proper breathing and running - and all in vain. After every run, you feel like your head is being broken into a thousand little pieces.

It is much worse when cephalgia is accompanied by loss of consciousness, numbness of the limbs, disorientation, nausea, mental disorders, and nosebleeds. These symptoms are signals that ambiguously indicate one of the diseases of the central nervous system. In this case, your first visit should be to a neurologist, who will determine what pathology was the root cause of cephalalgia.

Pale skin, severe headache and neck pain, signs of a pinched occipital or cervical nerve? Call an ambulance or go to the hospital - this condition may be a harbinger of an ischemic stroke.

And finally, the “queen” of headaches is migraine. Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet found effective means of combating this one-sided throbbing pain. We advise you to contact a neurologist - he will help you choose the therapy that helps you.

But aerobic exercise, which includes running, will have to be limited - they are one of the triggers of migraines. There is, however, an opinion that a migraine attack is provoked not by increased blood circulation, but by tension in the facial muscles. Try to relax your face as much as possible when running (this point is included in the description of the correct running technique).

How to get rid of headaches

Only 5 cases of cephalalgia out of 100 require medical intervention and even hospitalization. In the remaining 95, you can independently stop (or mitigate) a headache attack after running. There are a number of general recommendations that can help with this.

  1. Rest is the best cure for headaches, especially if it is caused by emotional stress. 1-2 hours in a dim, well-ventilated room, without gadgets or TV, will make even a painful migraine subside.
  2. Compresses. If a person turns pale during a headache attack (VSD, atherosclerosis, angina), then hot compresses on the face can help. A few pieces of ice wrapped in gauze can alleviate the athlete’s condition when blood pressure rises. If the etiology of the pain is unclear, make a vinegar compress - moisten a strip of cloth with this strong-smelling liquid and place it on your forehead. Vinegar will relieve tension from the temporal and frontal muscles of the head.
  3. Is the pain caused by osteochondrosis? If you massage the muscles of the chest and neck area regularly (10 sessions every six months), then tension and soreness in the muscles of the head and neck will no longer bother you.
  4. Those who suffer from painful migraine attacks know that if lights begin to flash before their eyes, and the path under their feet doubles, then the best thing to do is to immediately stop jogging and go home, lie down in a dark room. During the first phase of migraine, vasodilators are taken, and during the second phase, vasoconstrictors are taken. Baths with aromatic oils help a lot.

Folk recipes

Often, treating headaches with traditional medicine can be much more effective than analgesics. We bring to your attention time-tested recipes.

Recipe No. 1

  • Bearberry - 2 tsp. (teaspoons);
  • Valerian root - 2 tsp.
  • Hawthorn (fruit) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Motherwort five-lobed - 2 tsp.

All components are mixed in the specified dosage and poured into an enamel bowl. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour under a tightly covered lid. The dishes are wrapped in a towel. Strain the infusion and drink a third of a glass after meals. Take it if blood pressure rises after a run.

*Ingredients for making the infusion are purchased at the pharmacy in the form of dry packaged plants.

Recipe No. 2

  • Rose hips (crushed fruits) - 4 teaspoons.
  • Hairy motherwort - 2 tsp.
  • Marsh dried fruit - 2 tsp.
  • Peppermint - 2 tsp.

Mix the ingredients and place in a glass or enamel container. Pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the dish with a lid and insulate it. Leave for about an hour. Drink half a glass an hour before meals. The infusion is an excellent remedy for headaches due to head injuries, depression and overwork.

Recipe No. 3

The simplest and most accessible of recipes. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds (or 3-4 dried umbrellas) 300 ml of boiling water and let the broth brew for several hours. Strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day (before meals).

Preventing headaches after exercise

After running we should feel energetic and healthy. Doesn't work? You don't need to quit sports right away. Try:

  • reduce the intensity of your training. Beginning athletes often raise the bar. Start with 15-20 minutes of running;
  • drink a glass of water before and after training. Dehydration can cause headaches;
  • Keep your head high and straight while running. The neck and shoulders should be relaxed;
  • watch your breathing technique. If you feel that there is not enough oxygen, inhale air through your nose and mouth at the same time. The exhalation should be approximately twice as long as the inhalation.

Many people complain that they have a headache after running. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that physical activity only adds to health and is a source of longevity. Indeed, doctors confirm that physical activity, carried out regularly and with sufficient intensity, is a prerequisite for maintaining the normal functioning of the entire human body. Thus, thanks to running, a person will feel good.

However, all the benefits of running will fade if a person constantly suffers from. What to do if headaches start after regular running? Such symptoms after physical activity are considered quite rare pathological phenomena. They limit normal human life.

Headaches during and after running

Headaches can be sharp, throbbing, nagging or constant. In some cases, the neck also begins to hurt. Sometimes the patient feels a pulse in the neck or temples. If a person is injured, then the motor activity of the neck may deteriorate.

It is forbidden to ignore painful sensations if a person begins to experience disorders of consciousness, personality changes, and various psychological abnormalities appear. In addition, you should immediately consult a doctor if the pain develops in a split second and is intense. The same applies to attacks of nausea and vomiting. In addition, medical attention is needed if a person begins to develop symptoms. In some cases, only one part of the body or some limbs may become numb. All of these symptoms are signals that a person is developing a serious illness, so they need to be treated immediately.

So, why do you get a headache after running? There are a large number of factors that cause pain in a person’s head, especially after physical exertion. Moreover, there are so many of them that doctors can spend a lot of time identifying the causes. Various diagnostic methods are needed to determine the factors that provoke headache pain.

Headaches after running and other types of physical activity can be the result of various injuries, injuries and serious illnesses. In this case, medical intervention is necessary. For example, if pain in the head occurs after a person bends forward, then this is a signal that he is suffering from sinusitis or.

A person may experience increased intracranial pressure. The brain is very securely hidden in the skull and is protected by dense bone structures from various mechanical damage. The fluid in the brain is called cerebrospinal fluid. It circulates in the arachnoid space, in the ventricle of the brain and its other parts. In some cases, the transport of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted. This causes the pressure inside the skull to begin to increase, and the patient experiences headaches. Scientists and doctors believe that the problem is most often caused by physical activity or injuries to the head.

In addition, the patient may suffer from hypertension. Quite often, malaise after training is explained by this. During normal daily life, a person does not even pay attention to the fact that his blood pressure is high. However, physical activity becomes a factor that causes pain. This is a kind of indicator that is intended for a person to pay attention to his own health and measure blood pressure. Also, a person could overexert himself during training, which was the cause of pain.

In addition, headaches can be caused by various nerve problems. Thus, a person may suffer from depression or experience severe emotional stress. May cause pain.

Scientists believe that in most cases, headaches occur due to spasms in the blood vessels. Most often, this mechanism of pain development occurs in people who suffer from.

If the pain is fairly moderate in intensity, rarely appears or is periodic, then you can try to cope with this problem yourself.

In most cases, medications that have analgesic properties help. Examples of such medications are and. Those people who do not want to use medications can follow the advice of doctors. Rest will help you deal with headaches after training. For example, you can just relax or sleep. In addition, there are special therapeutic exercises and yoga that will help get rid of frequent headaches. When choosing exercises, you need to understand that their intensity should be minimal. You can use regular simple neck exercises to relax the muscles. Breathing exercises are also great.

When the pain is constant, and previous measures no longer help get rid of it, you need to consult a doctor. The causes may be various serious diseases. So it is better to consult a doctor in time and prevent their further development.

For headaches after jogging, it is recommended to use various herbal remedies. A decoction of St. John's wort has proven itself well. For a glass of water you will need a spoonful of raw materials. St. John's wort is poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Then you need to strain the product and drink a third of a glass before meals 3 times a day.

You can prepare a decoction with coltsfoot. To do this, you will need to pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into a glass of boiling water and wait 40 - 50 minutes. Then the drink is filtered. You can drink this decoction 2 tablespoons before meals 3 times a day.

To avoid headaches after running, it is recommended to drink tea to which regular peppermint is added. By the way, if a headache occurs after running, then this problem can be solved with a slice of lemon. Firstly, it must be added to tea. And secondly, a slice of this citrus should be applied to the forehead for half an hour. Then the person should be in silence and gradually relax.

A bath with the addition of sea salt will help eliminate the painful condition after running. It is also recommended to add a decoction of valerian roots to the water. This remedy will help you relax.

However, the best remedy for headaches during running and other types of physical activity is sleep. You definitely need to get enough sleep every day. In addition, it is useful to massage the scalp. Then the pain will decrease.

If folk remedies have not been able to cope with headaches that occur after physical activity, then it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the causes of these pathological abnormalities.

It is better not to delay diagnosis and treatment to avoid serious consequences. Only a qualified doctor will be able to determine the cause of the disease and select the necessary treatment individually for each patient.

Jogging is part of a healthy lifestyle, but some of its followers have a question: “Why do I get a headache after running?” After all, physical education in the form of such aerobic exercise is useful. The article will provide tips on how to avoid headaches (cephalgia) and nausea while running.

Causes of headaches after running

Why do you get a headache after running? There are many reasons for this. Usually, pain during or after running indicates the presence of some disease. Occasionally, this indicates physical fatigue, lack of training, dehydration, and lack of energy. But even professional runners sometimes experience nausea and vomiting after an intense 400-meter run.

This is explained by the increased load on the vestibular apparatus and fatigue of the muscles that absorb the collision with the ground. The spikes that athletes usually run in have a thin sole, so vibrations are transmitted through it more strongly, which irritates the vestibular centers. This is what causes nausea after running.

The main causes of headaches after jogging:

  1. Disease of the central nervous system.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory tract, bronchi.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses.
  4. Osteochondrosis.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, varicose veins.
  6. Liver pathologies.
  7. Endocrine diseases (hypo- and hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus).
  8. Anemia.
  9. Dehydration.

It is useful to find out what procedures eliminate it.

Why it appears: causes and mechanisms of development.

Pathologies of the central nervous system

Brain diseases such as hydrocephalus, infections, meningitis, and tick-borne encephalitis can cause headaches and nausea after running. With these pathologies, swelling and impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid develop in the cavities of the brain called ventricles.

Increased pressure in the ventricles and dynamic load cause post-run headaches, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Intracranial hypertension, caused by diseases of the brain, liver and kidneys, can also cause headaches after and during a run.

Respiratory diseases

Respiratory viral infections and chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system lead to oxygen starvation of the body, including the brain. These are diseases such as:

  1. Obstructive bronchitis.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Emphysema.
  4. Pneumosclerosis of the lungs.

To monitor oxygen levels, people with respiratory diseases should use a pulse oximeter, which shows the body's oxygen content. Unpleasant sensations are a signal that rest is needed.


Normally, the paranasal sinuses (sinuses) are filled with air. During inflammatory processes - frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis, exudate is released into their cavity. When running, this liquid begins to overflow. After a run, inflammation can worsen and cause headaches.


This is a pathology of the spine in which degenerative changes develop in the cartilage tissue of the discs. Osteochondrosis compresses the arteries leading to the brain. Shaking while jogging can aggravate this pressure, resulting in brain hypoxia and headache after running.

Arterial hypertension

High blood pressure is one of the causes of headaches after a run. Physical activity increases the load on blood vessels and the heart. While jogging, profuse sweating and dehydration occur. This negatively affects the kidneys, which secrete the hormone renin in response to bleeding. It constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure, which causes cephalgia.

Cardiovascular diseases

Since it is the heart and blood vessels that provide blood flow to the muscles and head, their condition is directly related to headaches after physical activity. impairs the nutrition of the brain and muscles, causes the accumulation of under-oxidized products, and discomfort.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the regulation of vascular tone by the autonomic nervous system is impaired. In this case, the tissues will starve and experience energy deficiency.

Endocrine diseases

The thyroid and pancreas play an important role in the metabolic processes of the body. Lack or excess of thyroid hormones disrupts blood circulation and metabolism. As a result, rapid fatigue occurs during aerobic exercise. With hyperfunction, oxidation occurs so quickly that the blood does not have time to deliver oxygen. Hypofunction causes swelling.

In both types of diabetes, glucose cannot accumulate in the liver or be absorbed by other tissues of the body. As a result, the liver has little glycogen, it is quickly consumed during prolonged aerobic exercise, and glucose decreases even with an initially elevated level. Such a sharp jump in glucose causes headaches. An increase in the content of ketone bodies in the blood leads to the destruction of red blood cells and disruption of oxygen delivery to the brain and muscles.

Liver diseases

With hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis, the synthesis of glycogen (the storage of glucose, its polymer) in the liver is disrupted. Therefore, when glucose in the blood is depleted, there is nowhere to get new portions of it. The brain also remains without glucose and signals this with unpleasant sensations.

Cirrhosis leads to stagnation of venous blood and reduced return to the heart. The blood supply to the entire body is disrupted.

- signs of neurological pathology.

What they talk about: causes of the condition, principles of diagnosis and treatment.

It's useful to know why and how to protect yourself from headaches.

If jogging is a way to improve your health, then you should not allow any unpleasant sensations during it. You should have something to drink (juice, mineral water) with you to replenish your water supply.

You should eat before doing aerobic exercise. The food should be quite satisfying, but light, containing mainly carbohydrates rather than proteins. Under no circumstances should you overeat or abuse coffee or tea, which will cause dehydration and aggravate symptoms.