Causes and treatment of white rash on the labia in women. What to do if acne appears on the genitals

Often, representatives of the stronger sex may be bothered by a rash on the head of the penis. A similar phenomenon occurs in men at any age and develops due to various diseases, including allergic reactions. At the very first symptoms, when the first rash appears, it is necessary to contact a venereologist to undergo an examination procedure, determine the nature of the disease, and undergo competent treatment. A rash may not always indicate the presence of sexually transmitted infections; sometimes this phenomenon is considered normal. But to distinguish normal from pathology, consultation with an experienced specialist is required.

What is meant by rash?

Taking into account the opinions of experts, almost all genital rashes in men are provoked by various types of pathogens, detected by laboratory tests. Such studies are necessary to determine the nature of the rash, given the fact that often the first sign of a rash on the head of the penis is a number of sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, the patient may be concerned about difficulty urinating, pain, and purulent discharge.

If research results indicate sexually transmitted infections, a number of measures are required to facilitate their complete destruction, since their presence can provoke inflammatory processes of various types, including the development of serious complications. Sometimes the rash may be accompanied by other symptoms, when the temperature is noticeably increased and the lymph nodes of the groin area are enlarged. Such cases require urgent examination by a doctor.

Often, it is not small red rashes that are mistaken for a rash, but skin changes of various sizes, which appear not only on the head of the penis, but also on the scrotum and pubis. These can be pustules, ulcers, blisters with liquid, erosions. Sometimes the presence of a rash on the head indicates manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases caused by herpes, syphilis, candidiasis, and human papillomavirus infection. Sometimes a rash on the glans penis is not a sign of specific diseases, but only indicates that the patient is infected with a certain infection that has entered the body, beginning the process of tissue or organ destruction.

But it happens that the rashes are harmless and temporary. We are talking about allergic manifestations, which were facilitated by various irritating elements, for example, condoms, underwear made of coarse (too dense) fabric, genital care products, ignoring frequent changes of underwear or washing the genitals. Under such circumstances, treatment is not required; it is enough to eliminate the negative impact factors listed above.

Reasons that caused a rash on the head

The causes of rashes are often associated with manifestations of serious sexually transmitted diseases. You should understand these diseases in order to know their possible symptoms. We are talking about the following diseases:

  • Treponema pallidum (syphilis);
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes;
  • human papillomavirus.

Manifestations of syphilis

In first place among sexually transmitted diseases, which are considered to be the most serious and difficult to treat successfully, is syphilis (the so-called treponema pallidum). The first sign of this disease is a rash on the head of the penis. Since at first no other symptoms are observed besides the rash, the patient mistakenly believes that such a phenomenon is harmless. In fact, at the site of the rash (that is, at the site of infection), painless but rather deep ulcers with dense edges begin to appear.

Such ulcers have a medical name - “chancre”, formed one and a half weeks after the direct penetration of infection (treponema pallidum). If the patient has a strong immune system, the infection begins to appear only three months after the infection process. In other cases, if we are talking about a weakened body, the disease manifests itself quite quickly, and the first sign of its manifestation is a rash on the penis. The fact that the rash is not harmless becomes clear when it spreads throughout the body, appearing on the neck, face, palms, and soles.

The seriousness of the disease lies in the fact that the rash may disappear for a while, which is why the patient forgets about the unpleasant phenomenon, continuing to live peacefully. However, when syphilis reappears, the rash is more pronounced, since its size is much larger than before. This condition can last for several years until the patient finally turns to the appropriate specialist. At the last stage of manifestation, the rash on the head takes the form of tubercles, which subsequently form ulcers, after the loss of which noticeable scars are observed.

It is the third stage of syphilis that is considered the most dangerous, since it cannot be treated, which is why the patient suffers for the rest of his life. Moreover, this condition leads to complete disability of the patient, since subsequently the bones are subject to severe destruction, and the person himself is considered the carrier and distributor of the infection.

Manifestations of candidiasis

The second reason for the appearance of a rash on the head of the penis is due to a disease such as candidiasis. It is otherwise called thrush. And although it is generally accepted that thrush affects the fairer sex most of all, men do not remain unaffected. The rash caused by thrush is red and shaped like spots. To make sure that it is thrush that is occurring, you should take a closer look at other symptoms that are unique to this disease.

Along with itching, the patient is concerned about severe itching, painful sensations, white cheesy manifestations, which have an unpleasant sour odor. Sometimes erosion opens under the curdled film. The candida fungus lives in the human body all the time, but “raises its head” under the next favorable conditions for it. Favorable conditions may include:

  • uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents;
  • weak body;
  • low immunity;
  • nervous stress, depression, emotional distress.

If, in addition to the red rash on the head of the penis, the signs discussed above appear, the patient should not delay visiting the doctor. Although in most cases, candidiasis goes away without treatment when the provoking factors are eliminated.

Manifestations of herpes

An equally common cause of rash on the head of the penis is genital herpes, which affects more than half of the male population. Just like candidiasis, herpes develops in a man under such favorable circumstances as a weakened body, provoked by surgery or serious illnesses. The first sign of herpes appears as a small red spot that is very itchy. Subsequently, the spot begins to enlarge and turns into a bubble filled with liquid, which initially has a transparent texture and then becomes cloudy.

After a certain time, the bubble bursts, the open wound begins to hurt very much, and then turns into an ulcer, also painful. One consolation is that the ulcer can be successfully treated thanks to a number of antiviral drugs. A herpes rash can be isolated, when only two or three spots appear on the head of the penis, or massive. If the rash is widespread, then the spots merge, and the resulting blisters are too painful, which causes severe discomfort to the patient.

Manifestations of papilloma virus infection

A disease called human papillomavirus is considered no less harmless. The disease is quite serious, sexually transmitted, and has a serious impact on human health. The rash on the glans penis due to human papillomavirus is peculiar in nature because it manifests itself in a different way. Infection with this virus is manifested by the formation of condylomas and papillomas of various sizes on the genitals. The appearance of these papillomas indicates infection of the human body with a virus, their active reproduction and damage to epidermal cells.

Human papillomavirus infection, manifested on the glans penis, can take various forms. It can be in the form of suckers on a thin stalk, skin growths that are skin-colored, flat brown or red. If a person is bothered by large papillomas, which multiply quite quickly, cause the patient a feeling of severe discomfort, bleed at the slightest injury, and interfere with normal sexual intercourse, this condition should not remain without the intervention of a surgeon. It is necessary to remove papillomas, since they enlarge, grow quickly, bleed, form sores, and can cause the development of more serious processes.

Allergic manifestations as a cause of rash

The cause of a rash on the head of the penis can be allergic reactions of various origins. Such a rash is considered less harmless, since it is caused by external irritants, and not by an infectious lesion of the human body. Despite the harmless nature of the rash, such a phenomenon should not be ignored. It is necessary to identify the cause of the allergic reaction and eliminate it as quickly as possible. When talking about allergic manifestations, we mean small pimples filled with liquid.

Their appearance is often associated with the human body’s reaction to condoms, intimate gels, genital care products, rough underwear, lack of cleanliness of the intimate area and other external factors. Infusions of medicinal herbs that should be used to wash the genitals will help eliminate such symptoms. If this method of treatment does not help, you should consult a doctor for more competent treatment.

Preventative measures against rashes

Practice has proven that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it for weeks or even months. The easiest way to protect yourself from a rash on the glans is to wash your genitals daily with plain water and non-aggressive agents (preferably soap). When washing your genitals, you need to do it correctly. Many men do not think about the fact that during the day, due to urination, dirt, so-called salt deposits, accumulates under the skin of the penis. They are the irritant of the mucous membrane, the cause of rashes. Therefore, when taking a shower every day, it is necessary to thoroughly but gently rinse the head of the penis, clearing it of the dirt accumulated during the day.

Another preventative measure against rashes is the principle of safe sex, which consists of constantly using protection during sexual intercourse. If it was not possible to protect yourself for some reason, you should be on alert and take the necessary measures at the first nonspecific symptoms. You should not resort to self-medication measures, relying on the experiences of friends, colleagues and others. Without examination tools at hand, it is impossible to accurately determine the nature of the disease. Such an attitude towards one's health can lead to infertility.

For what symptoms should you contact a venereologist?

It is recommended to consult a doctor in cases where the rash on the head of the penis does not go away for several days, especially if there is a tendency for them to multiply and increase. It is necessary to contact a venereologist or dermatologist in cases where the rash:

  • any type and any form has not gone away for more than one or two weeks;
  • does not occur without severe itching and swelling;
  • takes the form of ulcers, erosions, sores with noticeable peeling;
  • turns into bubbles filled with clear or cloudy liquid;
  • accompanied by various secretions and odor;
  • after a few weeks it turns into deep wounds.

If the patient observes one of the signs discussed above, it is advisable not to delay the visit to the doctor. The sooner the cause of the rash is identified or eliminated, the greater the likelihood of rapid treatment without any serious complications.

A rash on the penis is an alarming symptom, which in most situations signals a disease that requires immediate treatment. In some cases, a rash may be a physiological feature, but if a rash appears, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

How to recognize a rash on the penis?

Close up on a man hands covering his painful crotch. Male healthcare concept.

Due to the fact that the rash does not always cause pain or discomfort, men often do not pay attention to changes in the skin of the penis. However, any discoloration of the skin can be a dangerous symptom. Rashes include almost all changes in the color and structure of the skin of the genital organ:

  • spots;
  • small dots;
  • bubbles;
  • redness;
  • acne.

The causes of rashes are different, and often do not have a sexually transmitted origin. However, the following signs may indicate that an STD is related to the appearance of a rash on the penis:

  • burning;
  • painful urination;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • unpleasant smell.

A rash on the penis requires immediate examination by a doctor, in most cases it is necessary to undergo tests.

Causes of rash on the penis

Various types of rashes on the genitals can cause serious discomfort and pain, but may not cause any discomfort. However, the absence of discomfort when a rash appears on the penis does not mean that the rash does not require treatment.

The causes of a rash on the penis can be different:

  • inflammatory process;
  • cancer;
  • STD;
  • mechanical damage;
  • allergy;
  • intertrigo;
  • exposure to extreme temperatures.

Note! Only a doctor can determine the causes of a rash on the genitals. Self-medication can provoke a worsening of the health problem and cause a secondary disease.

Each disease is characterized by a characteristic type of rash (one of the types of rash is shown in the photo). However, only a specialist can make a diagnosis after examining the rash and studying the tests:

  • Greenish or yellow ulcers appear when the disease is advanced.
  • Single or group blisters are most often a sign of a viral disease.
  • A purple spot that rises above the skin most often signals erythema.
  • Characteristic plaques with peeling are a sign of a dermatological disease, including psoriasis.

Inflammatory diseases

Rashes on the penis can be caused by inflammatory diseases:

  1. Contact dermatitis. Occurs due to an allergic reaction. Allergies can be caused by poor-quality underwear, hygiene products, food, latex condoms. With dermatitis, the skin of the penis may begin to peel off, and severe itching is also possible.
  2. Eczema. Symptoms of eczema are the appearance of small bumps, dense and dry. Most often, eczema in the groin area appears on the scrotum, but can affect the penis.
  3. Fungal infections. The most common fungal infection in men is caused by candida, a yeast-like fungus. The disease caused by this fungus is called thrush or candidiasis. This disease is more common in women, but can develop in men. Symptoms of thrush in men are first the appearance of itching, then the formation of small pinpoint rashes and white plaque. Swelling and pain are also observed.

Important! The signs of candidiasis in men are similar to the symptoms of sexually transmitted infections, so the diagnosis must be made by a specialist.

  1. Psoriasis. In rare cases, psoriasis may appear only on the penis. In this case, red plaques, peeling, and constant itching appear on the skin. Psoriasis intensifies against the background of stress and nervous shock.
  2. Oncological diseases. In rare cases, a rash on the penis can be caused by malignant tumors. The main signs of cancer of the skin of the penis:
  • permanent wounds;
  • non-healing cracks;
  • ulcers;
  • change in color and shape of moles on the penis;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • penis deformation;
  • formation of compactions and nodules.

Important! Modern medicine makes it possible to treat oncological diseases, but for a successful outcome a quick visit to a doctor and diagnosis at an early stage are required.

Features of the body

In rare cases, white spots and pimples may appear on the skin of the penis, which are not a sign of disease, but are a physiological feature of the body. These white formations are fatty formations. If the rashes cause aesthetic concerns, then they can be removed using laser cleaning.

The appearance of rashes and pimples on the penis may be associated with hormonal changes. In some situations, hormonal imbalance may indicate pathologies of the endocrine system, kidneys and adrenal glands. Usually in this case, irritation appears not only on the penis, but on other parts of the body: face, chest, back, buttocks.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Most sexually transmitted infections are accompanied by skin rashes. The disease is asymptomatic for some time, so many men do not associate the appearance of the rash with unprotected sex, which happened quite a long time ago:

In some cases, the appearance of rashes on the penis is caused by external irritants that constantly irritate the skin. Most of these factors can be corrected, allowing you to get rid of skin irritation:

  1. Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Insufficient hygiene causes skin irritation. Men need to shower daily, thoroughly washing the perineal area. In addition, after sex you need to wash your penis. Underwear must be changed daily. First of all, if hygiene standards are not observed, a rash appears on the head, then it affects the entire organ. If personal hygiene is seriously violated, cracks, ulcers and suppuration, pimples may appear on the head, shaft of the penis and scrotum.
  2. Intertrigo. Wearing underwear that is too tight and dense, especially made from synthetic fabric, leads to overheating of the skin and accumulation of moisture on the fabrics. The skin becomes dry, resulting in redness, spots, and sometimes the formation of blisters. The constant formation of diaper rash provokes the development of fungal and infectious diseases, since a moist, dark environment is the best conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Mechanical damage. The appearance of rashes can be caused by mechanical damage or minor injuries to the skin. A rash on the penis can appear due to too intense sex with insufficient lubrication or frequent masturbation. In this case, the rash on the head or shaft of the penis usually does not itch, and no bubbles or blisters are observed.
  4. Impact of temperatures. If you use too hot or cold water for washing, a severe rash may appear on the penis. In this case, the skin may peel off, but no nodules, blisters, or blisters are observed.

Rash on the penis in boys and men

In adult men, a rash on the penis most often appears due to sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes, and mechanical damage. In boys, especially in adolescence, the formation of rashes is more often caused by hormonal changes, age-related factors, and poor hygiene. In adolescents, small pink dots – pearlescent glands – are often observed on the head of the penis. This is normal in adolescence and does not require treatment. In young boys, a rash on the penis is often caused by diaper rash, infrequent diaper changes and lack of air baths.

The location of the rash often indicates the nature of the rash. The rash may appear:

  • Around the penis;
  • On the head;
  • On the trunk;
  • Inside, on the foreskin.

Rashes around the penis indicate an exacerbation of chronic diseases, inflammatory processes or hormonal changes. If the rash in this area does not go away for more than two weeks, then consultation with a specialist is required. A rash on the head most often has an infectious, allergic or venereal origin. This is the most sensitive skin of the genital organ, so changes in diet or exacerbation of chronic diseases can also affect it.

Spots on the foreskin are most often caused by insufficient hygiene measures. If the rash is red or white, and there are cheesy accumulations, then this is a sign of infection with thrush. A rash on the organ trunk is most often caused by mechanical damage during sex or an allergic reaction.

Rashes on the genitals are often associated with infection, but sometimes a genital rash occurs due to minor physiological abnormalities and is not a disease. In what cases should you consult a dermatologist, and when should you not worry? Normal skin in the genital area should have a smooth surface, its color varies from flesh to brownish. Light pigmentation forms in the area of ​​the inguinal folds, quite strong - in men on the skin of the scrotum.

Any formations that rise above the skin or differ in color from it are considered a rash.

Basic elements of rashes

According to the elements, the rash is called spotty ( macular), nodular ( papular), warty ( verrucous), urticarial(blisters) pustular(pustules). If the elements are homogeneous, for example, only spots or only pustules, the rash is defined as monomorphic. Polymorphic A rash is a “mixture” of several elements that are visible on the skin at the same time.

What types of rash are considered normal?

Pearly papules or “pearl bumps” located around the head of the penis, do not affect men's health in any way. Appears in men 15-30 years old. The papules are small, the size of a millet grain, smooth, do not hurt or itch, and are absolutely not contagious. In appearance they resemble pearls with a matte white surface, hence the romantic name. The cause is considered to be the proliferation of the epithelium of the glands of the head of the penis under the influence of androgens during puberty(puberty). The condition does not require treatment, the only trouble is a conditional cosmetic defect. If desired, you can get rid of them: cryotherapy, laser and electrocoagulation are used to remove papules. After treatment, pearly papules may appear again.

Epidermal cysts – These are cavities that are filled with a mixture of sebum and the remains of cells of the stratum corneum. They are observed in young and middle-aged people; if the course is uncomplicated, they are considered a cosmetic defect. Frequent localization in men - scrotum,in women - labia majora. The appearance of cysts is associated with concomitant acne vulgaris and seborrhea, which occurs with hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands.

in the photo: epidermal cysts in the intimate area in men and women

Externally, the picture is not particularly attractive: the surface of the skin is lumpy, nodules and tubercles are visible, the sizes of which range from 0.5 cm to 5 cm in diameter. The walls of the cysts are thin, easily injured and opened, revealing thick, grayish-white contents with an unpleasant rancid odor. Complications: irritation and inflammation of the deep layers of the skin - redness, the cyst enlarges and becomes painful; Cysts located on the scrotum can thicken to the point of calcification. Uncomplicated small cysts are left untouched, complicated ones are removed and local treatment is carried out.

Micropapillomatosis of the vaginal vestibule (vulva)detected in 1-5% of completely healthy women. It is not contagious, does not cause complications, and is considered solely a cosmetic defect. Symptoms: small, multiple, pimple-like, soft to the touch, skin-colored or pinkish. More often visible inside the labia minora and on the posterior commissure, less often on the labia majora. Monomorphic and ordered eruptions form rows. The appearance of vulvar papillomatosis is explained by hormonal imbalances, but in some cases, DNA diagnostics reveals papilloma viruses.

STD rash

Vulvovaginal candidiasis – inflammation of the vagina and perineum, caused by yeast fungi (genus candida). When infected, reddish spots first appear, then they become covered with a white coating. Symptoms combine, curdled with a sour smell and. The itching intensifies after a hot shower, after intercourse and during sleep. related to miction(urination), appears with ascending infection of the urethra. Complicated vulvovaginitis is characterized by redness and swelling of the perineum, the formation of painful cracks and crusts; vaginal discharge becomes patchy (crumb-like) and thick.

Candida– inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. Signs:

  • Red spots of various shapes and sizes, clearly demarcated from healthy skin;
  • Abundant curdled coating;
  • Itching and burning;
  • Characteristic sour smell.

in the photo: candidal inflammation of the glans penis (balanoposthitis) in men

– lice infestation often occurs through sexual contact. The incubation period is from 2 weeks to a month, the first symptom to appear is itching. The skin on the pubis is very itchy, traces of scratching with bloody crusts are visible. A small spotty rash is characteristic: bluish spots are visible on the pubis, located around the mouths of the hair follicles.

rash due to molluscum contagiosum

: single or multiple nodules, round shape, size 2-10 mm, pinkish color, smooth surface with an indentation in the center. They are painless; when pressed, a white discharge appears. They are often located on the abdomen and pubic area, on the penis, labia majora, and around the anus. At typical form, the nodules are located nearby, for generalized forms characterized by rashes all over the body. In HIV-infected people, a complicated form occurs with redness and pain, and then suppuration of the nodules. Moreover, the favorite localization of molluscum contagiosum is the nasolabial triangle and chin.

Secondary. This clinical period begins after 2-4 months. after infection with treponema and can last several years, with alternating syphilitic rash and asymptomatic course of the disease.

Main manifestations:

  1. Rash in the form roseola(red spots) and papules, as well as a vegetative form - warts ( condylomas lata);
  2. Widespread enlargement of lymph nodes;
  3. At the site of infection there are changes in the internal organs.

Roseolaceae syphilides with secondary syphilis they do not hurt or itch. The elements of the rash are round and dense, dark red in color, with clear edges, and do not merge with each other. The rash disappears without forming scars or atrophy. Roseola is most often localized on the abdomen and lateral surfaces of the body.

Papular syphilides appear with secondary recurrent syphilis. Visible as rounded nodules with a smooth and shiny surface, which subsequently begins to peel off. As a result, a typical “collar” of scales is formed along the periphery of the papule: this sign is observed only in syphilis. Papular syphilides most often form on the genitals, soles and palms, and around the anus. On the feet, syphilides are often confused with calluses, but there are differences in color (calluses are yellowish, plantar syphilides are red-violet) and surface texture (there is no peeling around the calluses).

Wide They look like warts, grow quickly and merge with each other. The base of condylomas is dense, like the skin around it, and the surface is weeping, with a whitish coating. Frequent localizations are the perianal region and anus; often condylomas lata become the only symptom of secondary syphilis.

Allergic rash

Genital allergies in the form of spotty rashes are a reaction to contact allergens: latex and condom impregnation, dosage forms for topical use (suppositories, ointments); Cases of sperm allergy have been described in women.

It is important to quickly distinguish genital allergies from STDs and other diseases, because allergic reactions can occur both according to a relatively calm “slow” and “fast” scenario - with the development of anaphylactic shock. Shock is characterized by an extreme drop in blood pressure, which is life-threatening.

Contact balanoposthitis manifests itself as local redness and swelling, skin itching and burning. Dangerous complication - preputial swelling (of the foreskin), leading to. If the allergen has affected the perineal area, then itchy rashes may appear in the groin and on the skin of the scrotum. Severe form of contact balanoposthitis - necrosis of the upper layers of skin or epidermal necrolysis, in which blisters form and the epidermis peels off.

Contact urethritis differs from infectious and STDs in that all symptoms quickly disappear if contact with the allergen is interrupted. It often turns out that the disease began after instillations with antiseptics, which are used for rapid prevention of STDs.

Contact vulvovaginitis associated with the use of vaginal dosage forms (tablets, suppositories, or creams) to treat infections or prevent pregnancy. If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then try to avoid using products that contain iodine or nonoxyl-9: these drugs often cause contact dermatitis. Allergic vulvovaginitis is often combined with candidiasis of the vagina and vulva, manifested by local redness and itching, a white coating with a sour odor.

Fixed erythema: redness and itching in the genital area. A lesion with clear boundaries; a network of cracks forms on the surface of the skin. Erythema persists for a long time, often associated with taking sulfonamide drugs; after stopping the medication it disappears within a few weeks.

Postcoital allergy – a reaction of the skin and mucous membranes in the genital area that occurs after sexual intercourse. It occurs in men in the form of allergic balanoposthitis (cause - acid that is produced in the vagina), in women - vulvovaginitis (reaction to prostate discharge). Signs: after a few minutes or hours, sharp redness is visible, burning and severe itching are felt. The condition is not dangerous, but not pleasant. Therefore, if similar symptoms occur, you should immediately take a shower, preferably using intimate gel, to wash off and neutralize the allergens.

Other diseases that occur with skin rashes

Causes a mite that can “settle” in the genital area. Infection occurs through direct contact, through clothing or underwear. The first signs are severe itching, especially at night in bed. If you suspect that you have contracted scabies, then do a simple test: lubricate the skin with an iodine solution. If the disease is present, brownish scabies will be visible. Physically, this is the tick’s trajectory, similar to thin convoluted tubules with a vesicle in the place where the female with future offspring is located. Treatment is carried out with ointments with sulfur (they are most effective) or benzyl benzoate.

Inguinal athlete's foot - a fungal skin disease, often found in the genital area, mainly in the groin. It spreads to the skin of the inner thighs, around the anus, to the fold between the buttocks, to the scrotum.

athlete's foot, extending to the thighs

In women, lesions may be located under the mammary glands and in the lower abdomen. First, pink spots with clear wavy boundaries appear, then elevations with bubbles, erosions and white scales form along their edges. Itching is felt and symptoms worsen in warm and humid conditions.

Psoriasis is considered a hereditary disease and is absolutely not contagious. and refers to degenerative skin manifestations ( dermatoses). Exacerbations can occur after any stress, be it a new diet or medication, alternation of seasons or “nervous” situations. At first there are few papules and they do not itch, but over the course of 2-4 weeks the disease progresses: the rash merges, forming plaques.

Psoriatic rashes:

  • Papules are pinkish-red in color with white-silver scales;
  • For the first time, they often appear on the joints (elbows, knees), on the scalp (head, armpits, pubis);
  • After scraping the scales, a drop of blood is released.

Psoriasis can resemble anything and be combined with any infections, so it is more logical to immediately consult a specialist for diagnosis. For example, with fungal infections of the nails and feet, psoriatic allergens, combining signs of psoriasis and dermatomycosis. This option is difficult for the patient: he is practically unable to walk and can only move in a wheelchair; The main treatment is antifungal.

rashes due to herpes

Herpes simplex (herpes blisters): virus herpes simplex It is present in an inactive form in almost everyone, but clinically manifests itself after provocation - hypothermia, stress, colds, digestive disorders. last a long time and worsen after sexual intercourse. In men, they are more often localized on the inner layer of the foreskin,in women - on the labia and clitoris. The rashes are multiple, in the form of blisters with clear liquid, which over time (1-3 days) becomes purulent or bloody. Then crusts form, the skin around and under them is red and dense. There is no need to remove the crusts, as they serve as protection for damaged skin. If the crusts are torn off, “creeping” painful erosions will form; inflammation intensifies and spreads ( urethritis, balanitis), lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged.

Tumors: on the skin of the genitals there are ulcers or erosions that do not heal for a long time or lead to deformities of the genital organs.

In what cases should you seek help from a dermatologist?

  1. The rash does not go away within 1-2 weeks;
  2. Very itchy;
  3. Combined with swelling of the genitals;
  4. Appeared after sexual intercourse;
  5. Accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes;
  6. Forms non-healing wounds;
  7. Turns into painless ulcers with a dense bottom (a sign of syphilis);
  8. Leaves areas of skin atrophy.

Video: rashes on the penis - what are they talking about? (doctor's opinion)

Pimples on the genitals more often appear in teenage children.

In this case, the rashes are not dangerous and go away on their own after the hormonal levels normalize.

But if inflamed or purulent elements are found in adult men or women, then they should not be ignored.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

After all, they may be a symptom of a serious disease that needs to be treated.

Let's figure out what pimples in intimate places are like, find out the causes and ways to combat them.

What are there

Most rashes are of the same nature as comedones.

These are the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands clogged with sebum. They are found in red, white or gray.

A distinctive feature is the appearance of the head at the top of the tubercle.


Red pimples are the result of irritation, inflammation or a type of inflammation.

The cause may be either hormonal imbalances or various infections.


A scraping or biopsy of the tumor or an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs may be required.


Video: “On diseases of the female genital organs”

Sexually transmitted and fungal diseases are often accompanied by various rashes on the labia, which vary in nature and are accompanied by itching, discomfort and pain. A rash on the genitals is not always a sign of abnormality; sometimes it appears for physiological reasons that do not require treatment.

The nature of physiological rashes

In some absolutely healthy women, the labia majora and the vestibule of the vagina have multiple rashes, which are a physiological feature, are considered a cosmetic defect, are not contagious, do not cause complications, and occur in 1-5% of the female population. All over the world, they are considered benign formations that are removed only as a last resort.

Epidermal cysts - occur in girls and older women with overactivity of the sebaceous glands. Cysts affect the labia and are often combined with acne on the skin or seborrhea. They look like a cavity filled with sebum and the stratum corneum of the epidermis. When the cysts increase in size and affect the deeper layers of the skin, they are removed.

Micropapillomatosis - small papillomas, resembling pimples or pimples, soft on palpation, similar in color to the skin of the labia or slightly pinkish. These rashes on the labia are also considered a skin defect, are not contagious, and affect the labia majora, the inner part and the posterior commissure of the labia minora. This is explained by hormonal disorders; in rare situations, DNA analysis can detect the human papillomavirus.

The nature of the pathological rash

Normally, the skin of the labia and surrounding tissues has an even, smooth structure, skin color from light flesh to brownish, slight pigmentation is possible in the skin folds.

What rash on the labia should you pay attention to?

  1. Pustular vesicles are a cavity filled with clear or cloudy liquid, sometimes mixed with blood;
  2. Ulcers, erosions - appear after opened blisters, erosions occur on the surface, ulcers can reach the deep layers of the skin;
  3. Scabs, crusts - after healing of an ulcer or erosion, the crusts leave stains, and a colloidal scar forms in place of the scab;
  4. Spots come in different colors: vascular red, brownish, black, white without pigment. The spots do not rise above the surface of the skin;
  5. Nodular rashes - pimples, blisters, warts: always rise above the surface, do not have cavities.

A homogeneous rash is called monomorphic; if there are several different types of rash at the same time, it is called polymorphic.

Photos of rashes on the labia

Allergic rashes

Genital allergies occur for various reasons. Rashes on the labia majora look like spots that appear after interaction with an allergen. It is necessary to distinguish an allergic reaction from other diseases, since allergies can develop slowly and can be complicated by anaphylactic shock, which is a threat to life.

Allergens can be:

  • soap, intimate hygiene gels;
  • body care creams;
  • latex condoms;
  • lubricant gels, which are used for lubrication;
  • suppositories, tablets and topical ointments;
  • quick antiseptics used to prevent STDs;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • sanitary pads and tampons.

Contact genital allergy manifests itself in the form of urethritis, vulvovaginitis, fixed erythema, redness, swelling, rash, and itching are observed. After discontinuation of the allergen, symptoms disappear within a few weeks.

Sometimes women have a reaction to the semen of a sexual partner - a postcoital allergy similar to urticaria. Every third woman experiences burning sperm syndrome to a greater or lesser extent. The causes of an allergy to a foreign antigen include:

  • heredity;
  • intrauterine devices;
  • contraceptive suppositories;
  • pregnancy;
  • removed uterus and ligated tubes.

Some time after contact, redness, burning, itching, and rashes appear on the labia minora . Not dangerous, but not good enough. Allergens should be washed off immediately with warm water and soap.

Rash due to illness

Fungal vulvovaginitis - caused by a fungus from the genus Candida, often combined with a bacterial infection. It happens when there is a change in the hormonal balance, a decrease in local immunity, an increased sugar content in the cells, and when the epithelial cells loosen. A vesicular rash and white cheesy discharge affect the labia and anal area.

Pediculosis pubis - caused by pubic lice that affect the perineum, pubis, and anal hair. The patient is bothered by severe itching day and night, minor blue spots due to subcutaneous hemorrhages up to 1 cm in diameter, and a rash in the perineal area.

Scabies - the culprit is a microscopic scabies mite, papules and vesicles form throughout the body, including in the perineum, they itch very much, if you scratch them, they become infected and form pustules.

Secondary syphilis - remains of hard chancre on the labia, pathological elements of a polymorphic nature, round or oval, dark red in color, with mild peeling. With treatment, the rash on the genitals and body quickly disappears.

– dermatosis of an infectious nature, dense oval or spherical nodules form on the skin of the lips due to the virus entering them. The number of nodules can be single or multiple, self-infection is possible, so the number of rashes may increase. After 1.5-3 months, the nodules reach their maximum size, do not grow any further, and gradually disappear on their own.

– a fungal infection that affects the epidermis of the groin, perineum, labia and nearby tissues, less commonly the buttocks, pubis, and thighs. Pinkish spots with vesicular rashes along the edges form, causing itching, discomfort, and decreased libido. The main cause of the disease is decreased immunity.

Psoriasis is a monomorphic pink rash, covered with light scales, merging into plaques of various configurations, accompanied by itching. The reasons are not completely clear; a hereditary, infectious or neurogenic factor is suspected. At risk are people with alcohol addiction and endocrine diseases.

Genital herpes is a viral disease of the genital mucosa – the labia and clitoris. The disease causes burning, swelling, redness, blisters appear, then they turn into erosions and ulcers. The inguinal lymph nodes become enlarged, and symptoms of general intoxication occur (headaches, loss of strength, bloating, gas, constipation, sweating, insomnia, deterioration in the condition of hair, skin, nails). The disease is sexually transmitted and is prone to frequent relapses.

Rashes on the labia cause a woman serious discomfort and inconvenience in everyday life. When the first signs of a rash appear in the perineal area, you should not diagnose yourself; it is better to visit a competent specialist. This will help avoid the development of chronic diseases, which then take years to be treated.