Causes of fever in a child with normal temperature. What to do if your child’s fever does not subside. Why the fever does not subside for a long time: reasons

During the neonatal period, a child's body temperature is slightly higher than that of adults. In the armpits it ranges from 37–37.4 degrees. For a one-year-old baby, the temperature can vary from 36 to 37 degrees, but often by this age the temperature is set within the usual range - 36.6 degrees.

After a year, a child’s temperature is considered high from 38 degrees. In some cases it can reach 39.9 degrees. A temperature in the range of 37.1–37.9 is elevated and, as a rule, does not go down. At least with the help of medications.

Before lowering a child’s temperature, it is necessary to carefully examine his condition. Fever is usually a symptom of a viral disease. In this case, a temperature of 37–38 degrees is even useful, as it prevents the further development of the pathogen. This temperature should not be reduced. But you can alleviate the child’s condition by giving him plenty of fluids.

However, if the child has previously been observed or the baby suffers from neurological ailments, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs, he needs to be given an antipyretic even with a slight increase in temperature - from 37 degrees.

A temperature above 38 degrees must be brought down in any case, especially if it is accompanied by chills, muscle pain, and pale skin (even cyanosis).

Ways to lower the temperature

First, you should try to lower your child’s temperature using folk remedies. First of all, it needs drink constantly . There is no need to give your child hot tea - boiling water will only increase sweating, and, therefore, fluid loss. The best option is to drink warmly, approximately 35–40 degrees. The baby should be latched to the breast frequently and given water from a spoon. If he refuses both feeding and drinking, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Folk remedies will help lower a child’s temperature compresses . For them you need to take warm water and a little apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to make a solution (1:20) and wipe the face, armpits, groin folds, and the bends of the arms and legs for half an hour. You can also moisten a sheet with the solution, wrap a child over 12 years old in it, cover it with a blanket and leave for 10 minutes. Change the compress three times.

Naturally, it is possible to bring down a child’s high fever only with the help of pharmacology. Most safe antipyretic drugs for children, those containing ibuprofen and paracetamol. The first is more effective and provides a long-lasting antipyretic effect. The second is indicated for young children who are not allergic to it.

Babies who do not yet know how to swallow solid food can be given special syrups. They begin to act approximately half an hour after taking, but provide a longer lasting effect.

Children under 15 years of age are contraindicated in taking amidopyrine, antipyrine and phenacetin due to their toxicity. As for aspirin and analgin, they disrupt the process of hematopoiesis and can cause a severe allergic reaction, including anaphylactic shock.

Prohibited practices at fever

If you decide to combine medicinal antipyretic drugs and folk remedies, you need to do it wisely. You should not act on the principle: “more is better.” On the contrary, abuse of medications and compresses can lead to the opposite effect.

For example, you should not wipe your child with cold water or ice, as the body may react with a new increase in temperature. You should also not bathe or pour hot water over the patient - it can cause heat stroke.

In order not to overheat the child, you should not wrap him up. The exception is chills, when the patient is very cold. Then it makes sense to give him warm tea and cover him with a blanket.

There is no need to insist on bed rest if the child does not need it. A grown-up child - from three years old - is able to determine his own well-being. If his temperature is elevated - 37.1-37.5 degrees, he is quite capable of playing and even walking. In this case, there is no need to push the child under the blanket and apply compresses.

Do not wipe your child with alcohol, although the ether, evaporating, cools the skin. But it is the skin, not the body from the inside. So after alcohol or vodka compresses, you can easily be deceived by determining the temperature by touch. In addition, inhaling alcohol vapors is harmful to a child.

And, most importantly, do not combine several medications at the same time, for example, syrup and tablets, and do not give them again if the temperature does not rise again. If you ignore this warning, there is a high risk of overdose and poisoning.

What to do for mothers of babies

You need to know that a really high temperature in a child under six months is a symptom of a serious illness. Measures must be taken already at 37.5 degrees, otherwise it will be very difficult to reduce the fever later.

To begin with provide the baby with peace – put him to bed, eliminate extraneous noise, do not leave him. Apply frequently and offer water. In addition, rock the baby in your arms, talk, sing songs, sleep with him.

If you have chills, you can cover your child with a blanket, but if he is not cold, dress your baby as usual. Remember, babies have poor thermoregulation, so they easily overheat, which is very dangerous. Just leave your child wearing a standard set of clothes.

If a baby's temperature has not reached 39 degrees under 6 months, you can bring it down with compresses from vinegar and water. It is necessary to wipe the child's body until the skin turns red.

As an antipyretic for six-month-old children, it is better to use rectal suppositories rather than tablets and mixtures. For example, "Viburkol". It is better to administer them at night.

If you have severe chills and fever, you should urgently call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, it is better not to give the baby any medications, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.

What causes the temperature to rise

Parents should take into account that only low-grade (37.1-38 °C) and moderately high (38.1-39 °C) temperatures can be treated independently. High febrile (from 39.1 to 40.9 °C) and hyperpyrexic (above 41 °C) temperatures require immediate medical attention.

In the last two cases, especially if the temperature rises suddenly, you need to call an ambulance and give the child first aid by giving an antipyretic.

It is also worth considering that an increase in temperature may be accompanied by fever or hyperthermia. There is no need to confuse these two concepts.

If hyperthermia is simply a physiological overheating of tissues caused by a violation of thermoregulation, in particular, sweating, then fever refers to the body’s protective reaction to a viral attack. The first is dangerous and does not bring any benefit. The second one helps to cope with the infection.

In young children, high fever does not necessarily have a viral cause. Fever can be a symptom of teething, overwork, malnutrition, or an allergic reaction.

But most often, the causes of a high temperature in a child lie in viral diseases of the bronchi, lungs, upper respiratory tract and intestines. A bacterial disease is clearly indicated by fever that does not go away within three days.

When to ask for help

The reason to call a doctor at home is a high temperature - from 39 degrees in the armpit and over 40 ° C in the anus.

You should also seek help at the first signs of febrile seizures, which can occur even at a temperature of 37.5°C. This symptom is often observed in children with disorders of the nervous system.

Do not hesitate to call a doctor if:

  • the child cries continuously, and any touch causes him pain;
  • the patient fell into a state of apathy or aggression;
  • muscle tone is reduced or, conversely, increased, although it was normal before;
  • breathing is difficult despite the measures taken - clearing and putting drops into the nose;
  • the child suffers from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or immune systems;
  • an increase in temperature is associated with overheating or heat stroke;
  • the child’s body is dehydrated, which is evident from rare urination, dark-colored urine, decreased salivation, sunken eyes, dry mucous membranes.

Any of the listed signs is a reason to urgently call an ambulance, even at night.


The most common cause of fever is infection

When it comes to germs and viruses, first of all, do not forget that an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body. It’s worse if there is an infection but no fever. Fever weakens pathogens, activates phagocytes and immune cells, and increases interferon production.

During an infectious disease, the thermoregulation center in the brain rearranges its work in such a way that it begins to perceive elevated temperatures as normal, and normal temperatures as too low. Fever is triggered - the oldest protective mechanism. However, it remains protective only to a certain limit. The thermoregulation center can “go crazy”; it constantly seems to it that the temperature is too low, and again and again it gives the body the command to “turn up the heat.” Such a fever becomes dangerous not only for microbes, but also for the child himself.

  • Banal overheating if the child is dressed too warmly or the room is very hot.
  • Many children react by raising their temperature to teething. At the same time, the thermometer rarely shows more than 37.8°C.
  • – for the body, it’s essentially the same infection, only instead of a living microbe, the immune system is offered to practice on a “dummy”. Therefore, in response to this, the child may also begin to develop a fever.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Body temperature may increase with severe traumatic brain injury.

What temperature should I lower?

It is generally accepted that the critical limit for adults and older children is 38.5°C. Anything higher needs to be knocked down. In fact, it is important to focus not on the thermometer reading, but on the general condition of the child. If a child over 3 years of age has a body temperature of no more than 38.9°C and generally feels normal, he will most likely need medication.

There is no need to try to try on the child’s condition on yourself and imagine how you would lie in bed exhausted if you had thirty-eight. Children tolerate elevated temperatures even better than adults.

How to lower the temperature at home?

Some home measures will help reduce the temperature and alleviate the child’s condition:

  • Don't bundle up your child. Dress him in light clothing.
  • The room should not be hot, but not too cold either: if the child is cold, the body will try to raise the temperature even more.
  • Place a scarf soaked in cool water on the child's head.
  • Dry your child with lukewarm (not cold!) water. It is most convenient to use a sponge for this. You should not use vinegar and alcohol for wiping: there are known cases where this led to chemical burns and alcohol poisoning.
  • Make sure your child drinks enough fluids.
  • At high temperatures, antipyretics will help. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are best for children. They must be used in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Children should not be given aspirin (unless prescribed by a doctor), especially if they have chickenpox.

If, despite the measures taken, the high temperature lasts more than 3 days (in children under 2 years old - more than 2 days), you need to consult a doctor.

Excerpt from Sergei Butria “Child’s health: a modern approach. How to learn to cope with illness and your own panic"

A child’s fever in itself is not a reason to panic!

No matter how much you talk about it, parents still panic. The temperature during ARVI should rise, this is normal. Neither 39 nor 40 degrees in themselves should scare you too much. Only a fever above 41-42 degrees is dangerous for the brain (when it begins to destroy some important proteins); a fever up to 41 only worsens the state of health, but does not directly threaten the life and health of the child.

There is no universal number on a thermometer before which the fever should not be reduced. It is more correct to focus on the baby’s well-being: if his temperature is 39.3, but he is already feeling hot and sweaty, you don’t have to give an antipyretic, the temperature will drop on its own. If it’s 37.2, but he’s having a lot of chills, don’t wait for any conventional numbers, give him the drug.

Remember that there is no goal to reduce the temperature to 36.6: it was 40.3, it became 38.9, but the child came to life, he felt better - this is a good sign and a sufficient effect.

If a child with ARVI, after the fever decreases, begins to run, play and play pranks as if he were healthy, this is a good sign.If you have lowered the temperature to an acceptable level, but he still lies weak and lethargic all day long, then contact your pediatrician as soon as possible, today or tomorrow.

If a child eats almost nothing during a fever and even loses weight during a few days of illness, this is not scary.He'll make up for lost time as soon as he gets better. The main thing is that he does not stop drinking.

Vomiting and loose stools during fever are also common. If the child vomited a couple of times, or had 2-3 episodes of diarrhea, it’s not scary, but if more often, and signs of dehydration began to appear, then it’s time to intensively drink fluids (as with) or administer intravenous saline solutions, strictly as prescribed by the doctor.
Delirium (hallucinations at the peak of a fever) in a baby can greatly frighten parents, but this is a completely safe symptom. Explain to the child that this is a waking dream, it’s all unreal, it will go away along with the fever; calm him down, sleep next to him.

Febrile seizuresvery scary thing.But they are NOT associated with epilepsy, always have a good prognosis and are almost unrelated to the severity of the fever(they may well repeat at 37.3), so give the child huge doses of antipyretics, trying not to let it go above 38° pointless and harmful.
The second wave of fever is always suspicious in terms of complications.A typical acute respiratory viral infection causes fever for 1-5 days, then the child quickly recovers. But if the fever has already subsided, a couple of days have passed, and the temperature has again begun to rise above 38, then this is a good reason to show the child to the doctor.

Just do not confuse the second wave of fever with residual low-grade fever; After suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection, sometimes the temperature stays around 37.5 (low-grade fever) for a week or two, all day or only in the evening. This does not deserve your attention and concern at all. In such situations, I advise you to simply stop taking your temperature and calm down.

When a child's temperature rises sharply, parents are always very worried about this. After all, elevated temperature is a sign of ill health, a signal of infection or serious metabolic disorders, an inflammatory process.

However, not all parents know how to behave correctly if their baby suddenly gets a fever. Is it always necessary to give antipyretic medications, which ones and how to do it correctly?

Why is fever necessary?

Fever, heat or increased temperature is a protective and signaling reaction of the body. It is triggered when foreign substances enter the body in the form of viruses, harmful microbes or allergens - anything that could potentially harm the child.

The body begins to produce special protective substances that have the ability to increase body temperature. Even an increase in body temperature by 1-1.5 degrees can almost completely stop the proliferation of dangerous viruses. And then the immune system will get to them.

That is why not all types of fever require intervention and lowering the temperature; sometimes it is not worth preventing the child’s body from fighting the infection itself.

What kind of fever is there?

According to the degree of temperature increase, they divide into “subfebrile condition,” when the temperature increase is insignificant and rarely rises above 37.3, maximum 37.5. This is followed by a “febrile type of fever” with an increase to 38 - 38.5, and then “pyretic fever” - when the body temperature rises to 39, and sometimes 40.

Pyretic fever is dangerous to the child's health and requires intervention with the use of antipyretics. Low-grade fever, and in most cases febrile fever, require only symptomatic measures and care for the baby.

A child has a fever - what to do?

What to do if your child has a fever

First of all, you need to calm down yourself and calm the baby down , the nervousness of the parents is transmitted to the baby and increases the fever due to crying. First you need to decide on the numbers. If possible, measure the temperature of a calm child; if there is screaming or strong crying, the numbers will be greatly inflated. It is best to measure a child's temperature while he or she sleeps.

If you have a baby under one year old or convulsive , antipyretics will be required at numbers above 38 degrees, but if the baby is older, and he was healthy before, up to 38.5 and even a little higher, physical cooling and observation is enough.

In any case, you need to call a doctor to determine the causes of the fever. If it is not possible to immediately call a doctor, you need to monitor your body temperature every 3-4 hours and write it down on a piece of paper. It also indicates the time of taking antipyretics and the effect of them.

When is an ambulance required?

There are situations when it is not worth waiting for the doctor to arrive - you need to call an ambulance. This is required in the following cases:

  • high fever in children under three months of age,
  • a very high temperature in a child, which does not decrease at all by usual means,
  • with the appearance of a rash in the area of ​​the knees and legs, especially similar to hemorrhages.

You should immediately call an ambulance if the child’s body is in an unusual position with a sharply arched neck and thrown back head, the appearance of convulsions, frequent and noisy breathing, severe lethargy and lethargy of the child, or sudden agitation with delirium.
Will also require immediate medical attention:

  • high fever with vomiting and diarrhea,
  • if the child does not urinate for a long time or the urine is of an unusual color,
  • if the child has a serious chronic disease - heart, liver or other organs.

Methods for reducing temperature

A feverish child needs fresh air and coolness; you should not wrap him in 5 blankets and let him sweat - this method is dangerous for the development of overheating and deterioration of the condition. A child with a fever often breathes and sweats a lot, his lips and nose dry out, it is necessary to use skin moisturizers and drink frequently.

During fever, walks are canceled and the baby is not bathed, but to ensure skin respiration and reduce the temperature, it is useful to wipe him with a towel or cotton napkin soaked in water at room temperature.

What not to do

  • It is forbidden to wipe the child with alcohol or vinegar - firstly, they cool the skin excessively and cause chills with increased fever. Secondly, the vapors of these substances, when inhaled by a child, are irritating, causing nausea and toxicosis with poisoning .
  • It is forbidden to pour mustard into socks - in most cases this causes skin burns and increased fever.
  • It is also prohibited to rub the skin with vodka, rub the child with lard, goose fat and other folk remedies. This leads to impaired skin respiration and worsening of the condition.

Which medications to choose

Many parents take antipyretics very lightly, considering them safe. However, everything is far from so rosy.

A high temperature in a child is a phenomenon that parents often encounter. Adults should know several ways to bring down a child’s high fever at home.

The first aid kit should always contain medications for fever in children. If necessary, parents must correctly apply traditional methods and use available methods of dealing with high fever. Pediatricians advise what to do if the thermometer reaches 39–40 degrees in a baby or older child.

Reasons for rising temperature

Most often, high temperatures accompany the following conditions and diseases:

  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • stress, strong emotional experiences;
  • eruption of baby teeth;
  • overheating, heat stroke.

In infectious diseases (intestinal flu, pneumonia, measles and others), other unpleasant signs are often observed. The child develops diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cough, a rash appears, and general weakness is noted. At readings of 39 degrees and above, muscle soreness and cramps occur. With a combination of negative symptoms and rapid deterioration of the condition, it is important to get emergency help without delay.

Dangerous indicators

Doctors draw the attention of parents to the following data:

  • up to 38.5 degrees is a mild fever;
  • from 38.6 to 39.5 – moderate heat;
  • from 39.5 degrees and above – high fever;
  • from 40.5 to 41 degrees is the threshold after which high rates threaten life.

What temperature should be lowered in a child? Up to 38 degrees, doctors do not recommend giving antipyretic drugs if the little patient’s health is stable. Use rubdowns, wet compresses, give antipyretic tea, provide coolness, and plenty of fluids. If measures do not bring results, the fever does not subside within an hour or two, the thermometer rises, give medicinal syrup based on age. In case of sudden changes, an increase in readings to 39.5 degrees, especially in children, immediately call an ambulance.

How to reduce a child's temperature at home

You may know some recipes for fighting fever in children. Read the material: you will probably find useful information and learn new, effective ways to bring down a high temperature. Follow the advice exactly, take precautions when using traditional recipes and antipyretic medications.

Sufficient amount of liquid

Dehydration is a dangerous phenomenon. Be sure to give your child more fluids to replenish the balance.


  • Boiled water is suitable for children, and still mineral water is suitable for older children;
  • a good option is unsweetened, not very strong tea, preferably green;
  • give up sugary drinks, which provoke a new round of thirst;
  • when fever is combined with vomiting, diarrhea, give Regidron powder in small portions, but often. A healthy solution will restore the water-salt balance and protect against dehydration.

Antipyretic tea

The thermometer will probably drop if you offer your children one of the proven compositions:

  • tea with linden blossom;
  • tea with cranberries;
  • uzvar (dried fruit compote), definitely not very sweet;
  • tea with raspberries;
  • tea with black and red currants;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • tea with viburnum.

Pay attention! The proportions for all teas are the same: for a glass of boiling water you will need a teaspoon of berries or flowers. Infuse the healthy tea for 20–30 minutes and drink in small sips. If you are not allergic to bee products, add a teaspoon of aromatic honey.

How to keep yourself cool

How to proceed:

  • do not wrap your baby up, take off excess clothes: overheating has a bad effect on the body in extreme heat;
  • If a small patient is “freezing” and cannot warm up, check the temperature again: perhaps the thermometer has risen above 38.5 degrees. In this case, give an antipyretic;
  • maintain +20–21 degrees in the room. The heat in the room negatively affects the patient’s temperature;
  • An air conditioner or fan will help achieve pleasant coolness. Make sure that the flow of cold air does not fall on the child.

Therapeutic wraps

A good option for extreme heat for children of all ages:

  • prepare a water infusion of yarrow. Place 3 tbsp in a thermos or jar. l. finely chopped plant, add one and a half liters of boiling water;
  • After an hour, the infusion is ready. Filter the healing composition, moisten gauze or a soft towel, wrap around the body for 15 minutes;
  • Cover your child with a sheet to prevent him from catching a cold;
  • If the results are good, do another wrap after an hour;
  • if you don’t have yarrow at home, use plain water;
  • After the procedure, pat your skin dry. You cannot wrap up a small patient.

Advice! If you don’t know whether you can make a wrap, apply a compress of gauze or soft cloth moistened with cool water or yarrow decoction to your forehead. Change the compress as the fabric warms up.

Vinegar rubdowns

How to reduce the temperature with vinegar? Method for children aged 5 years and older. For children, do not rub their skin with vinegar, even diluted with water: irritation may occur.

How to proceed:

  • combine 5 parts warm water and 1 part vinegar in a bowl;
  • dampen a soft cloth and wring it lightly;
  • gently wipe your feet, palms, arms, legs;
  • repeat the procedure every two hours.

Enemas against high fever

Select recipes for useful solutions to combat fever in children in advance so that you can quickly find suitable formulations in the turmoil. Most solutions for therapeutic enemas are prepared from readily available ingredients.

Take note:

  • recipe number 1. The saline solution is prepared simply: for 250 ml of warm water - 2 teaspoons of salt plus 3-4 drops of beet juice. For an enema for fever in children up to six months, use 50 ml of liquid, up to one and a half years - no more than 100 ml, for 2-3 years old, 200 ml of liquid is enough;
  • recipe No. 2. Chamomile decoction. The proportions are traditional: for 200 ml of boiling water – 1 tsp. flowers. Infuse the healing liquid for 40 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth.

For colitis and constipation, combine the therapeutic and cleansing effects of an enema. To remove feces from the intestines, add high-quality sunflower oil. For kids, dilute the chamomile infusion by half. For older children, reduce the amount of oil: for 12–14 years old, a couple of tablespoons of oily liquid are enough for 700 ml of broth.

Cool bath

If the thermometer rises higher and higher, try a proven method. For maximum effect, follow the recommendations exactly.

What to do:

  • Fill the bath with warm, but not hot, water. Reduce the temperature of the liquid gradually: when immersed in cool water, the effect may be the opposite: chills will appear, the fever will intensify;
  • bathe your child, gently massage the body with a washcloth to improve blood circulation;
  • The optimal procedure time is from 15 to 20 minutes. During this period, a decrease of 1 degree was noted;
  • After the bath, pat your skin dry, but do not wipe it dry. Cover the small patient with a sheet or light blanket to avoid overheating;
  • If after an hour the temperature readings change upward again, repeat the procedure.

Medicines for fever

Sometimes you cannot do without drugs that reduce fever. What can you do to lower the temperature? Ask your pediatrician which medications are suitable for children of different ages.

When packing a first aid kit for a newborn, be sure to include:

  • children's Paracetamol;
  • drug Ibuprofen.

Paracetamol is weaker than Ibuprofen. For this reason, immediately give a “lighter syrup”; if there is no effect, use a stronger composition. Always follow the dosage and frequency of administration so as not to exceed the daily dose. The instructions contain all the necessary information. Remember: per 1 kg of weight in children, 15 mg of Paracetamol and 10 mg of Ibuprofen are allowed per day.

If the temperature rises quickly, give an injection of analgin with diphenhydramine and papaverine. For children, dosage: for each year of life - 0.1 ml of the drug, for example, at 4 years old: 0.1 x 4 = 0.4 ml. From the age of 14, 1 ampoule of a medicinal mixture for fever is recommended. If the readings do not return to normal, the fever increases, injections, wraps, and compresses do not help, immediately call an ambulance. Do not allow the thermometer to remain at 39.5–40 degrees or higher for a long time: this is very dangerous for all organs.

In what cases is it necessary to call an ambulance?

Call a doctor immediately in the following cases:

  • the baby is not 2 months old – the temperature has risen to 38 degrees;
  • age up to 3 years - rectal temperature has reached 40 degrees, under the armpit the indicators remain at 39 degrees.

Call an ambulance if fever is combined with other negative symptoms:

  • convulsions appeared, the child was shaking. Sometimes a dangerous phenomenon is observed with a sharp temperature jump from normal values ​​to 38 and above;
  • vomiting plus fever. A dangerous combination that can lead to dehydration. If uncontrollable vomiting develops, diarrhea (diarrhea) is added, immediately contact an ambulance: severe symptoms accelerate fluid loss. Before the medical team arrives, give the child a drink: give 1 teaspoon or tablespoon of water/Rehydron every 5–10 minutes;
  • a meningeal triad is observed: vomiting + headache + fever;
  • combination of fever and rash. Bright nodules, pimples, ulcers, and large spots on different parts of the body should alert you. Sometimes similar symptoms develop with a dangerous pathology - meningococcal sepsis or meningococcemia.

Listen to what pediatricians say:

  • pay attention to your child’s complaints of malaise, always measure the temperature if babies/older children are weak or unwell;
  • do not lower the temperature below 38 degrees if the condition is satisfactory. Antipyretics at 37.5 interfere with the body’s fight against the pathogen and do not allow the immune defense to fully manifest itself;
  • Learn the rules of behavior at high temperatures for children. Write down recipes for anti-fever tea, rubdowns, compresses, learn how to make wraps;
  • Always keep age-appropriate anti-fever medications at home. Remember what medications are not given to children, for example, Aspirin cannot be used under 12 years of age;
  • If dangerous symptoms develop or fever is combined with other symptoms, do not delay calling an ambulance. The later you contact doctors, the more severe the consequences may appear, the more dangerous the condition will be. Remember: the brain, heart, and blood vessels suffer from prolonged exposure to temperatures of 40 degrees and above.

Now you know how to bring down the temperature in children at home. Use traditional methods, give healthy tea, prevent dehydration. If rubdowns, wraps, syrups, and fever pills have little effect, call an ambulance. Be attentive to the rise in temperature, always find out the cause of the malfunction in the body, draw conclusions from each case.

A pediatrician's advice for lowering a child's temperature in the following video:

First of all, you need to understand that the body temperature of a healthy child does not always strictly correspond to the “normal” mark (36.6°). It constantly rises and falls a little depending on the time of day and what the child is currently doing. Temperatures are usually lowest early in the morning and highest in the evening. However, these daily temperature fluctuations are not as great as the difference between body temperature at rest and active movement. Even if a completely healthy child runs around, his temperature can rise to 37.6-37.8°.

In newborns up to 3 months, any increase in temperature above 38° may indicate illness, and the doctor must be informed about this. (If your baby is overly bundled up, turn him around and take his temperature again.) In an older baby, a temperature of 38.3° or higher may be a sign of illness. In general, the higher the temperature, the more likely it is that we are dealing with a serious infection rather than a common cold or viral illness. However, some children with even a mild infection may have a very high fever, while children with serious illnesses may have very little fever. Fever itself is dangerous for a child only if the temperature rises above 41°, but this almost never happens.

Fever is a condition in which the baby's body temperature exceeds 37.5°C. In itself, it is not so much a disease as a symptom - a natural reaction of the human body to a bacterial or viral infection with which it is fighting.

It is believed that raising the temperature is an attempt to kill the infection, but recently many scientists have questioned this point of view.

Symptoms of fever in a child

Fever, or otherwise, elevated temperature, or hyperthermia, occurs in many diseases and is not a disease in itself, but rather a reaction of the body, a signal that something is wrong with the child. As a rule, all infectious diseases are usually accompanied by fever.

There are red and white hyperthermia: with red, the baby’s skin turns red, the hands and feet are hot or warm to the touch; with white hyperthermia, the child becomes lethargic, the skin turns pale, and the hands and feet become cold.

Why does the temperature rise during illness, reasons?

As discussed above, a fever itself is a symptom of some larger problem, usually caused by bacteria or viruses. It may be caused by otitis media, flu, tonsillitis, or another common childhood illness. It is best to measure your baby's body temperature using a special thermometer for babies.

Also keep in mind that fever often occurs in conjunction with the following symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite.

Fever is the body's reaction to infection and some other diseases. Raising the temperature helps the body fight infection, since many microorganisms die at this temperature. Normally, body temperature is maintained by a small part of the brain called the hypothalamus. When the body becomes too hot, the hypothalamus triggers sweating, which has a cooling effect through evaporation. When the body is too cold, it begins to shiver, which creates heat through muscle activity. The system works like a thermostat. In response to an infection, the immune system releases chemicals that turn on the thermostat in the brain, and if they have “programmed” this thermostat to, for example, 38.8°, and the actual body temperature is currently 37.7°, then the child may chills begin.

Medicines such as paracetamol block the production of these heat-producing chemicals and force the internal thermoregulatory mechanism to return to normal. The child begins to sweat at this moment. This is a sign that the brain has realized that the body is too overheated.

Many parents believe that fever is dangerous in itself, and try to immediately bring down the temperature. However, we must remember that fever is not a disease. This is just one way the body fights infection. In addition, the temperature can be used to monitor the development of the disease. Therefore, the doctor may recommend relieving the fever if it prevents the child from sleeping or deprives him of strength.

When the disease is associated with an increase in temperature, the highest temperature is observed, as a rule, in the evenings, and the lowest in the morning. But don't be surprised if it suddenly rises in the morning and subsides in the late afternoon. There are also diseases in which the temperature does not fluctuate, but remains constantly high, for example, pneumonia or rubella. If the child is very sick, he may have a low temperature. A slightly lower temperature (36°) is sometimes observed in the last stage of the disease, as well as in healthy children in the morning. This is not a cause for concern if the child is generally doing well.

Measuring a child's temperature

Experienced parents often detect an increase in their child’s temperature by touching their forehead to their lips. The disadvantage of this method is that in this case it is impossible to tell the doctor the exact value of body temperature.

Personally, I am always in favor of digital electronic thermometers. They work much faster, more accurately and easier than traditional mercury. They are inexpensive and there is no risk of them breaking and spilling toxic mercury throughout your home. If you have a mercury thermometer, I suggest you get rid of it. But don't just throw it in the trash. Mercury is poisonous and should never be allowed to enter the soil. It’s better to give the thermometer to a doctor, and he will probably know what the procedure for disposing of hazardous and toxic waste is.

As for the electronic thermometer, all you have to do is wipe it, turn it on and apply it to your body. A beep will tell you when the measurement is complete. In young children, it is best to take the temperature rectally (by inserting a thermometer into the anus). Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or another neutral cream, place the child face down on your lap and, holding his legs with your hand, insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of about a centimeter. When children turn 5-6 years old, they can already be persuaded to hold the thermometer in their mouth under their tongue for a minute. You can also take the temperature under the armpit, but this method is not as accurate as taking it in the anus or mouth. In one child, the blood vessels are located closer to the surface of the skin, so the temperature will be slightly higher, while in another, the blood vessels are located deeper, and the temperature will accordingly be lower. If you need to find out the exact temperature value, it is better to use the rectal or oral method.

There are very sophisticated electronic thermometers that are inserted into a child's ear, but they are very expensive and do not provide any real benefit, except perhaps in cases where the baby is too restless and cannot be held in one place. Thermometers that read temperature from a distance from the surface of the skin are not particularly accurate.

The thermometer should be washed with warm water and soap after use. You can also wipe it with alcohol, but in this case, do not forget to rinse it with water before using it again.

When telling your doctor about your child’s fever, give as precise a value as possible (to the nearest tenth). The more accurately you report your temperature, the better advice you will receive from your doctor.

How long does it take to measure a child's temperature?

In most cases, if the temperature remains below 38.3° for 2-3 days, then there is no point in measuring it further, unless there are other doctor’s recommendations in this regard and if the child’s visible condition does not worsen. The child can be sent to school if he feels well and his temperature has been normal during the day. However, it is not necessary that all cold symptoms go away completely. Give up the bad habit of measuring your child’s temperature if he is healthy.

Danger level

In some cases, high temperatures can be dangerous. For example, fever should be avoided until the baby is six months old; if the child has heart problems or diseases of the nervous system. In these circumstances, even if the temperature rises to 38 °C, he should already be given antipyretic drugs.

You should call an ambulance immediately

  • if a child of any age has a temperature rise above 40 °C;
  • if convulsions are observed;
  • if a deep chest cough is observed at elevated temperatures.

If the child is more than a year old and is healthy (no chronic diseases), then in this case antipyretics should be used only if the high temperature greatly bothers the child.

What to do before the doctor arrives

Attention! Do not give aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) to a small child! This popular medicine affects the blood-forming organs and can cause severe complications in children under 10 years of age!

Do not give children analgin, use paracetamol and other medicines containing it.

For red hyperthermia, give your baby any children's antipyretic drug - tablet or syrup (for example, Paracetamol) - in the dosage indicated in the instructions for the medicine. The baby needs to be undressed, a cold compress should be placed on the forehead, and the body should be moistened with a mixture of water and vodka in equal proportions (do not rub, otherwise the temperature will rise!), then lightly covered. Rubbing can be repeated again until the temperature drops to 38 °C. You can also give Paracetamol again after 5-6 hours.

Attention! You should not wipe your child with alcohol or wrap him in blankets!

If, an hour after taking the drug again, the temperature remains above 40 ° C, you should pour warm water into the bath, put the child in it so that the water reaches his navel and rub him with a washcloth for 10-15 minutes. From time to time, add warm water to the bath so as not to overcool the baby. After this, quickly dry him without rubbing him, dress him in light pajamas or a nightie, lay him down and give him plenty of warm (but not hot) tea or diluted juice.

If a child has white hyperthermia, apply a cold compress to the forehead, and then give the baby Papaverine or No-shpu and, for example, Suprastin or Zyrtec, along with an antipyretic drug (Paracetamol). In this case, you should not wipe the child’s entire body; it is better to put woolen socks on him and wait until the feet become warm and the skin turns pink, and only then can you wipe him.

Sweet syrups can cause allergies due to their additives.

In children aged one to five, the temperature can rise to 40°, and sometimes higher, even with a mild infection or cold. At the same time, in case of a dangerous illness, the temperature may not exceed 38.3°. Therefore, you should not worry too much about high temperatures. Contact your doctor any time your baby seems sick or looks unusual.

At high temperatures, the child sometimes feels severe discomfort. If on the first day of illness his temperature rises to 40° or higher, the fever can be slightly reduced with an antipyretic drug such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (not aspirin). These products are available in the form of tablets, syrups or suppositories (suppositories). Follow the package directions carefully to give your child the correct dose. Remember that the dose of the drug varies depending on the age and weight of the child.

The antipyretic should only be given once, unless you are unable to contact your doctor within 3-4 hours. In this case, you may need to give the drug again. (Make sure that the medicine is kept out of the child's reach and in a container that he cannot open on his own. Even though over-the-counter fever reducers are not considered harmless, an overdose can cause very serious problems.)

You can give your child a bath or dry him with a damp towel or sponge. A cool bath or rubdown causes a rush of blood to the surface of the skin. In the past, alcohol was traditionally used for wiping, but since it evaporates very easily at room temperature, a significant amount of it can enter the lungs when breathing. Regular water has exactly the same effect, but it is completely safe and costs you nothing. However, this method only causes the temperature to drop for a short time, since the body's thermostat is still programmed to be at a high temperature and will soon raise it again.

If your child has a very high fever and is all flushed, cover him only with a light blanket at normal room temperature. Perhaps one sheet will be enough. The child will feel quite comfortable, and this may help lower the temperature a little.

Attention! Never give aspirin to a child or teen if they have a fever or signs of a cold unless the doctor tells you to do so. For children in such cases, only paracetamol, ibuprofen or other drugs that do not contain aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can be used. If a child has a viral infection, especially the flu or chickenpox, aspirin makes his body more susceptible to Reye's syndrome, a rare but very dangerous disease.

In cases where the baby’s body temperature does not rise above the specified values, special treatment, as a rule, is not required: let the body fight the infection on its own. However, there are a number of remedies that can be used to reduce the fever and relieve discomfort.

  • Bathe your child in lukewarm (not cold!) water, watching how he reacts to a sudden change in temperature.
  • Dress him in light fabric to make it easier for his body to release excess heat.
  • Make sure your baby is drinking enough fluids, whether breast milk, formula or water if your baby is used to drinking it.
  • Try giving him some garlic or lemon balm leaves. Add them to his food if he is older than five months, and if you are breastfeeding, then to your food (the beneficial substances will be naturally transferred to the baby from you).
  • Consult Homeopathy: Belladonna is recommended for fever relief (be sure to consult a qualified homeopath before consuming homeopathic medicines).


If the temperature is above 38°C in a child under three months of age or above 39°C in a baby less than six months old, consult a doctor immediately. You should also take your baby to a specialist if the fever is accompanied by lethargy or drowsiness. Don’t brush off your doubts: let the doctor dispel them.


Parents often fear that if their child has a high temperature for a long time, this may cause a seizure. This is not true. Only a sharp increase in temperature at the onset of the disease can sometimes cause convulsions in young children. The temperature should be brought down only for the sole purpose of making the baby feel a little better, and not at all in order to prevent seizures.