Order for drawing up an enterprise budget example. Regulations on budgeting and planning. Purpose of the financial planning system

Effective planning in the practice of economic activity of an enterprise creates additional competitive advantages due to more efficient organization of management of financial flows, resources, capital and other assets. Preventive understanding of opportunities for business development has become relevant, since the time of excess profits is a thing of the past. The validity of the company's development forecasts for the future is provided by the organization of a budgeting system.

The concept of “budget” is essentially relevant to the term “plan”. The enterprise's need for resources that are necessary to obtain the desired (planned) income in monetary and in kind terms is determined for a specific period of time and is the company's budget.

Quite a lot of definitions are used to describe the essence of the budgeting basics process. All of them are quite reasonable. “It is the process of planning the movement and distribution of resources throughout an enterprise within a certain period in the future.” “It is a technology for managing all areas of business at all levels of the company, which ensures the achievement of strategic goals through budgets based on balanced indicators.” “It is a continuous process of creating, monitoring and executing budgets.”

Figure 1. Formation of functional budgets using the example of the software product “WA: Financier”.

The scale of business planning and budgeting processes can be different; it depends on the volume of economic activity of companies, regardless of whether they operate in Moscow or other regions of Russia. In a narrow sense, this is financial planning, which boils down to the formation of BDDS, BDR and BL; in a broader sense, this is a technology of economic planning, including a set of operating and financial budgets compiled at a certain periodicity. And, in a global sense, it is a management technology that covers all business processes of the company, within the framework of which complex procedures for organizing budgeting from scratch, current and strategic planning, accounting, control, analysis, regulation are carried out, relating to many types of activities and numerous structural divisions ( or organizations, if we are talking about a holding company). An example of a complex budget process can be considered using the example of a construction organization.

Figure 2. Consolidated reporting for a group of companies using the example of the software product “WA: Financier”.

Budgeting tasks

The model for implementing budgeting at an enterprise can be different; it takes into account the individual characteristics of the company. Its complexity depends on the stage of development of the enterprise.

1. At the first stages of enterprise development, only short-term budgets are created that solve simple planning problems.

2. At the stage of revitalization of activity, the enterprise forms a balanced BDR. It can be focused on achieving the break-even point, that is, the planned profit (loss) indicators can be reduced to zero.

3. When the company enters the stabilization stage, which determines the positive state of the overall balance sheet and is the basis for future success, the basics of budgeting in the enterprise have already been implemented in most cases, the system is being improved, and significant progress goals are determined. In the BDR, positive profit values ​​are specified. An investment budget is formed, in which funds are planned for the development of the enterprise. During this period, centers of financial responsibility are formed, and their functions, powers and responsibilities are secured by the provisions of accounting and budget policies.

4. When a company moves to the maturity stage, the budgeting process is carried out on a full scale. Its basis is the budgeting regulations and includes a whole set of plans that define the goals of business areas and detail the indicators of various aspects of the enterprise’s activities. A consolidated company budget is formed, aimed at solving strategic problems; it includes a set of operating and financial budgets.

The stages of budgeting involve the sequential implementation of the following tasks:

  • Understanding the business by defining goals and objectives.
  • Financial planning.
  • Solving communication problems (coordination).
  • Financial accounting.
  • Budget control.
  • Adjustment (rethinking).
  • Analysis and setting of motivational goals (transition to a new planning period).

All these stages are equal in priority; to obtain a positive result, they must be considered together.

Goals of budgeting implementation

From the point of view of management technology, the introduction of the fundamentals of budgeting and planning pursues the following goals:

  • planning the economic activities of an enterprise for a specific period;
  • optimizing costs and creating conditions for profit;
  • coordination of activities of various structural divisions;
  • solving communication problems - bringing budget indicators (goals) to the attention of managers at all levels;
  • stimulating managers of the Central Federal District to achieve company goals;
  • monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of the Central Federal District through a comparative analysis of actual indicators with planned ones;
  • identifying the need for financial resources and optimizing cash flows.

Budgeting technology assumes that the consolidated budget is the main one in the entire system; it summarizes a set of plans coordinated across all Central Federal Districts. It includes operating and financial budgets.

The resulting financial budgets are: BDDS, capital budget, forecast balance. The budget of income and expenses is general in the category of operating budgets. It can combine data from various functional budgets.

The main document describing the budget system, principles of planned management, financial structure and frequency of budget formation is the Regulation on Budgeting at the Enterprise. It may include the following sections:

  • General provisions.
  • Financial structure.
  • Planning methodology.
  • Control methodology.
  • Regulations of the budget process.
  • Procedure for changing the Regulations.

Figure 3. Example of a budgeting statement.

The creation and introduction of such a document is typical for small enterprises with insignificant volumes of economic activity. At larger enterprises, for example, those operating in Moscow or other megacities of the Russian Federation, general budgeting regulations are approved, which includes a set of provisions describing the norms and rules for each stage or object of budgeting. This may include:

  • Regulations on the design and approval of the financial structure of the company.
    This document defines the Central Federal District and assigns them responsibility for drawing up budget plans and their implementation.
  • Regulations on the formation of the budget model.
    This document defines the content of various classifiers, the list and hierarchy of income and expense items, types of budgets and their relationship to the centers of the Central Federal District, methodologies, the relationship of all organizational, accounting and other parameters, the frequency of drawing up plans, reporting forms, methods for analyzing indicators and other criteria.
  • Regulations on budget policy.
    This document is essentially legislative within the enterprise - it is the main budget regulation. It defines the basic principles and features of budgeting activities and ways of their implementation.
  • Regulations on the development of budget regulations at the enterprise.
    Describes the planning procedure, budget formats, time period, and action program of each participant in the budgeting process.

At the stage of organization and implementation, budget regulations, as a sample document, can describe a separate Budgeting Regulation that regulates the rules for implementing this process.

The budget cycle includes several successive stages:

  • goals for the future planning period, taking into account the Regulations on budgeting for industrial, commercial or any other form of enterprise;
  • collecting information to formulate a project;
  • generalization and analysis of collected information,
  • development of a draft budget;
  • evaluation and adjustment of the project;
  • project approval;
  • budget execution and possible adjustment of its indicators;
  • current and final analysis of deviations;
  • presentation of a report on budget execution;
  • analysis of achievement of goals for the reporting period;
  • forecasting prospects for the future period and setting goals;
  • making recommendations for the development of future plans.

A specific executor is responsible for the implementation of each stage in relation to each individual type of budget. The main body coordinating the process in the enterprise as a whole and responsible for developing budget regulations is the budget committee. Its composition is approved by the head of the company. It can be temporary or permanent, its functions can be modified, and it is responsible for the content of the Regulations on the budget process.

Budgeting is based on the implementation of the following principles (they are stipulated in the budgeting regulations):

  • budget integration;
  • principle of consistency;
  • budgeting is based on norms and regulations;
  • end-to-end budgeting principle;
  • principle of methodological comparability.

Organizing budgeting is an important process that defines specific goals and changes the structure of the company. Therefore, choosing an automation program that will demonstrate the effectiveness of budgeting is a responsible action. "WA: Financier" offers universal software products that have been implemented at large and small enterprises in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation. The technological and functional capabilities of the “WA: Financier” system have been developing since April 2007. Over the course of 8 years, with the goal of creating the most effective solution for financiers, more than 40 versions (releases) of “Financier” were developed and released!

IN table 1 An example of grouping key performance indicators of a large Russian company (industry - mechanical engineering) is given. The upper level of indicators is the responsibility of the General Director. These indicators are approved in the macroplan. The second level is the responsibility of the heads of functional centers; target values ​​are brought to them on the basis of the approved macroplan. The lower level is performance indicators of responsibility centers.

Table 1. Relationship between strategic and budget planning

Level of indicator groups

Indicator groups

Business performance indicators as a whole (macro plan)

1. Financial condition and results of operations

2. Customer satisfaction

3. Innovation and learning

Performance indicators of departments - functional centers

4. Procurement

5. Storage and movement

6. Production

7. Sales

8. After-sales service

10. Marketing

11. Quality

12. Staff

13. Economics and finance

14. Information technology

Performance indicators of departments - responsibility centers

15. Volume of production

16. Quality

17. Resource efficiency

18. Production costs

19. Sales

20. Staff

21. Profit. Profitability

22. Inventory management efficiency

23. Non-current assets and investments

An important element of the budget planning and control system is standardization - a system of technically and economically sound target values ​​of variables that have a direct impact on certain functional plans and budget items. The standards allow:

  • increase transparency in the calculation of key performance indicators and the resource requirements of responsibility centers;
  • create a formal mechanism for the redistribution of resources between centers of responsibility; ± assess the validity of the level of income, costs, inventories and other indicators in action plans.

Stage 3. Formulation and approval of assumptions

In order to take into account external factors and variables that have a significant impact on the formation of the budget, even before the start of its development, your analysts need to formulate assumptions about changes in the external parameters of the environment. A forecast should be made regarding all factors that are significant for the company, for example:

  • dynamics of exchange rates of major currencies against the ruble;
  • price index for strategically important resources;
  • tax rates;
  • borrowing rates by borrowing sources;
  • the base rate for discounting the company's future financial flows.

This procedure often includes determining the boundaries of the maximum fluctuations of external parameters. When they go beyond the established boundaries, the budget adjustment procedure is launched.

Which companies don't benefit from budgeting (or even harm them)?

You should not waste time developing an annual and operating budget if your company has the following features:

  1. All strategic and operational decisions are made by the company's first person (as a rule, from among the owners); powers and responsibilities are not transferred to lower levels of management. Such companies can be super-efficient and well-managed, and they do not need budgeting: it even gets in the way, creating the illusion of delegation and diverting valuable resources to unnecessary writing. This feature is inherent primarily in small companies, but some large companies also have it (over $500 million in annual turnover).
  2. The General Director of the company does not initiate budgeting procedures and does not participate in them; budgeting is imposed by financial and economic services. If everything happens like this, budget planning and control cease to be a tool of the General Director, turning into a tool of the CFO, and are reduced to financial forecasting of future performance.
  3. The company does not have formalized goals and target values ​​for key performance indicators. On the pages of business publications one often encounters technologies such as “top-down budgeting”, “bottom-up budgeting” and other theoretical templates. They are devoid of practical meaning, since the very idea of ​​budgeting is that goals are set from above for the company and any department, and activities and resources are planned from below. Consequently, the absence of goals deprives budgeting of any meaning, turning a powerful tool into a “syndrome of hectic activity” for individual managers.
  4. The company does not have a clear distribution of powers and responsibility for achieving target values ​​of key performance indicators and distribution of resources within the financial and organizational management structures. As a result, there are no mechanisms to motivate employees to achieve targets and comply with resource expenditure limits.

Stage 4. Preparation of action plans and budgets at the unit level

The General Director issues orders:

  • on the beginning of the development of the enterprise’s annual budget;
  • on target values ​​of key performance indicators of the company and divisions for the coming year.

Based on these orders and the forecast of external environmental parameters, heads of responsibility centers must provide comprehensive annual action plans. Plans include the following:

  • name of the event;
  • a link to the policy of the functional strategy within which this event is planned (or to another internal document regulating the event);
  • employee responsible for implementation;
  • implementation deadlines;
  • necessary resources;
  • planned results and performance indicators of activities.

An example of an annual action plan (SMART plan) for a department is given in table 2(taken from the practice of a company engaged in the wholesale trade of consumer goods). In my opinion, this document is the main one within the framework of budget planning and control procedures.

Based on the action plans, functional centers and responsibility centers must form annual budget indicators, which is a set of interrelated budgets expressed in monetary and natural values, and includes action plans for the year in monthly or quarterly detail.

Table 2. Example of an annual action plan

Plan for 20__


Type of directorate: commercial

Compilation date:

_________ signature of the manager: ___________

Event plan

Event name

Policy 20__-20__



Impact on efficiency

Resource requirement



One-time costs


Expansion of the staff of trade managers by 14 people

Regional policy

Revenue growth by 15%

450,000 rub. per month

Training sales managers in sales skills; new products

Regional policy, adaptation policy

Sales growth; (per one trade manager) by 10%

150,000 rub. in 1.5 months

Revenue growth by 15%

30,000 rub. per month

Stage 5. Consolidation of budgets into consolidated company budgets

This stage is technical.

It is usually carried out by the financial and economic service of the company using a financial budgeting model.

The General Director must receive the consolidated budget within the period established by the regulations.

Specialists responsible for consolidation must be able to justify and decipher any indicator in the consolidated budget.

Stage 6. Review of action plans and budgets at a meeting of the budget committee. Coordination of changes. Budget approval

Step 1. Protection of budgets, then their coordination, finalization and approval by responsibility centers. Here I would once again like to draw attention to the need to plan SMART activities in detail and determine cost standards for their implementation (see example of an annual division plan - table 2). Such planning makes the budget formation process transparent and practically deprives performers of the chance to overestimate the planned costs of their departments. In addition, I recommend appointing as chairman of the budget committee a manager who understands the essence of the most significant (for achieving strategic goals) and at the same time the most costly activities and can skillfully coordinate them (technical or commercial director, but not financial director).

Step 2. Review, balancing and adoption of the company's draft annual budget by the company's executive body.

Step 3. Approval of the annual budget as part of the annual plan.

Stage 7. Bringing budget indicators to the performers

All employees responsible for the implementation of budget indicators must receive an approved budget (insofar as it relates to their area of ​​responsibility). It is important that they clearly understand that from now on their task is to achieve the key performance indicators established for their departments within the framework of the approved financial plan.

Of course, even the best annual budget cannot remain unchanged throughout the entire period. From the first month of the new year you will have to make budget adjustments. However, the mechanism of budget management within the year is a topic for another article.

ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF LIPETSK DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS OS.cgJo/y ORDER of the city of Lipetsk No. On the development of the draft budget for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017 In accordance with the Regulations “On the fundamentals of the budget structure and budget process in the city of Lipetsk”, approved by the decision of the Lipetsk City Council of Deputies dated July 22, 2008 No. 846, by order of the Lipetsk city administration dated May 19, 2014 No. 395 - r “On approval of the Procedure for drawing up and considering the draft budget of the city of Lipetsk for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017 ", by order of the Department of Finance of the Lipetsk city administration dated May 26, 2014 No. 102 “On approval of the Procedure for planning budgetary allocations of the budget of the city of Lipetsk for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017” I ORDER: 1. Before 07/07/2014, submit to the department resource support volumes of budget allocations allocated for the fulfillment of public regulatory obligations (explanations, calculations and justification of planned costs): 1.1. To the head of the HEO (Popov V.A.) on expenses for (2015-2017): - capital and current repairs of institutions with calculations, justifications and the attachment of estimate documentation; - installation of automated heat metering units and equipping with cold and hot water metering devices (in the context of institutions); - fire safety; - information on the need to check meters of all types; - energy saving measures; - measures for anti-terrorist protection of sports facilities; - measures to create a favorable and accessible environment in the city of Lipetsk. 1.2. Department of educational, sports and organizational work (T.D. Pishikina) for calculations for: - holding city and sports events; - holding health camps; - measures to create a favorable and accessible environment in the city of Lipetsk; - in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2014 No. 172 “On the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense””, develop an action plan for the phased implementation of the complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (together with the HEO and the heads of subordinate institutions) . 1.3. To the heads of institutions, the head of the MKU “Centralized accounting for servicing institutions of the department of physical culture and sports of the Lipetsk city administration”: copies of contracts concluded for 2014 according to KOSGU: 221,222,223,224,225,226,240 290; - on the costs of maintaining institutions in accordance with the functional and departmental structure of budget expenditures; - when determining the costs of providing equipment and sports equipment, the provision of sports equipment, use the orders of the Ministry of Sports of Russia “On approval of federal standards. ..” for each sport, taking into account the equipment and planned purchase of equipment for the current year; - provide in the budget for 2015 and the planning period for 2016 and 2017. equipping the first-aid post with equipment, inventory, medicines in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2010 No. 613n; - provide in the budget for 2015 and the planning period for 2016 and 2017. for on-the-job training of heads of additional education institutions under the professional retraining program “Management of an organization in the field of education”; - on income and expenses from business and other income-generating activities for 2013, the current year and forecast calculations for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017. Attach forecast indicators for the network and staff contingents for each institution to draft cost estimates. Subordinate institutions of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports must provide the department with additional statistical and analytical information necessary for the development of the draft budget for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016. 2. The head of the resource provision department should submit to the finance department of the Lipetsk city administration before: a) August 1: - proposals for reflecting city budget expenditures on target items in accordance with the approved municipal programs of the city of Lipetsk; - registers of expenditure obligations for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017, including a list of municipal contracts, as well as contracts (agreements) concluded by government agencies that may not be paid in 2014; - draft regulatory legal acts establishing new expenditure obligations of the budget of the city of Lipetsk; - assessment of the need for the provision of municipal services, taking into account their expected performance in 2014; - justification of the need for budgetary allocations for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017 for existing and assumed obligations in the context of the classification of operations of the public administration sector, including taking into account the need to attract funds from higher budgets; - projected expenses of municipal institutions for utilities under the terms of concluding energy service contracts; - projected changes in the volume of budget allocations for 2014 and the planning period 2015-2016 in the context of classifications of operations of the general government sector with distribution for the fulfillment of existing and assumed obligations with economic justification and calculations; - carry out verification and analysis of the calculations and justifications presented by the subjects of budget planning, send comments on the specified draft calculations to the relevant subjects of budget planning; - consolidates information submitted from budget planning subjects on subordinate institutions. b) October 2: a conciliation meeting on the presented lists of uncoordinated issues, providing for an increase in the total volume of budgetary allocations reported by the Department of Finance for 2015-2017, where the following positions should be considered and recorded in minutes: - distribution of the maximum volumes of budgetary funding for existing obligations for 2015 year and planning period 2016 and 2017; - disagreements regarding the achieved maximum volumes for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017 within the framework of existing obligations; - list and parameters of assumed obligations for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017; - measures taken (planned) by the subjects of budget planning to optimize the composition of the expenditure obligations assigned to them, achieving the efficiency and effectiveness of budget expenditures. Unagreed issues recorded in the minutes of conciliation meetings may be submitted in accordance with the established procedure by the subject of budget planning for consideration by the city administration. Expenditure obligations submitted by budget planning entities at the end of the procedure for agreeing on budget parameters are not accepted for consideration by the Finance Department. If it is necessary to finance emerging expenditure obligations in the next financial year and planning period, the budget planning subject seeks opportunities by determining priorities within the protocol-agreed budget volume of this budget planning subject for the corresponding year. c) October 3: - distribution of the maximum volume of budgetary allocations for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017 by target items (municipal programs and non-program areas of activity), groups and subgroups of types of expenses, sections, subsections of the classification of budget expenses; - calculation of the cost of providing municipal services to budgetary and autonomous institutions; - goals and conditions for providing subsidies, categories and (or) selection criteria for legal entities (with the exception of municipal institutions), individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods, works and services; - goals and conditions for providing subsidies to non-profit organizations that are not autonomous and budgetary institutions with justification for their needs and volumes; - draft municipal tasks planned for delivery to subordinate budgetary and autonomous institutions in 2015 and the planning period. 3. When forming a forecast for the next financial year and planning period, the heads of subordinate institutions, first of all, are obliged to ensure that needs are met in accordance with established standards for labor costs, accruals for wages, and utility bills. 4. When calculating labor costs, the payment terms established by the current regulatory legal acts are applied. When calculating labor costs for 2015, the adjusted budget allocations as of June 1, 2014, taking into account the planned increase in 2014, are taken as the formation base. When planning expenses for increasing wages for employees of social sector institutions, one third of the resources should be obtained by optimizing administrative, managerial and support personnel, reorganizing ineffective institutions, as well as by raising funds from income-generating activities, taking into account the specifics of the industry. 5. Information on the projected inflation level and its changes will be provided additionally by the Finance Department by introducing appropriate changes and additions. 6. Expenses for the acquisition of fixed assets associated with the current functioning of municipal institutions are considered in accordance with the principles of efficiency and effectiveness of spending budget funds, within the limits of the forecasted volume of budget allocations as a whole for the corresponding functional section. 7. Expenses for the maintenance of the management apparatus are subject to inclusion in the relevant municipal program. Planning of allocations for 2017 should be carried out in the context of activities approved in existing municipal programs. 8. Assign personal responsibility for the timely and reliable submission of materials to the draft budget for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017 to the heads of institutions, structural divisions, deputies and heads of departments of the department of physical culture and sports. 9. I reserve control over the execution of this order. Chairman of the Department Deputy Chairman of the Department Acting Head of the Department of Educational, Sports and Organizational Work Head of the Economic and Operational Department Chief Consultant (Economist) of the Resource Supply Department Chief Consultant (Lawyer) of the Resource Supply Department V.V. Korvyakov O.A. Tokarev T.D. Pishikina V.A. Popov O.N. Favorova A.P. Ilyin The order and appendices to it have been familiarized with: Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 1 A. D. Bereznyak Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 2 O.I. Prokopyeva Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 3 JI.K. Mozgunova Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 4 A.P. Stepanov Director of MBOUDOD SDUSHOR No. 5 V.A. Nepomnyashchiy Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 6 Yu.V. Kulikov Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 7 S.N. Abramov Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 8 “Youth” V.I. Chernykh Director of MBOUDOD SDUSHOR No. 9 V.V. Popov Director of MBOUDOD SDUSHOR No. 10 S.N. Kurguzov Director of MBOUDOD SDUSHOR No. 11 V.I. Evdokhin Director of MBOUDOD Youth Sports School No. 12 V.M. Shamaev Director of MBOUDOD SDUSHOR No. 13 R.V. Gulyaev Director of MBOUDOD Youth and Youth Center “Fakel” M.S. Tinshina Director of MBOUDOD Children's and Youth Center "Relay" S.P. Slabukho Director of MBOUDOD Youth and Youth Center "Rainbow" T.G. Agapova Director of MBOUDOD Youth and Youth Center “Impulse” T.A. Batrakova Director of MBOUDOD Youth and Youth Center "Matyrsky" S.B. Konopkin Director of MBOUDOD Youth and Youth Center “Dialogue” B.C. Tolcheev Director of MBOUDOD Children's and Youth Center "Rhythm" G.D. Biryukova Director of MBOUDOD "LGTSDYUT" E.I. Semenenko Director of MAU SK "Zvezdny" V.P. Ryabykh Director of MBU CS "Metallurg" A.P. Domnyshev Director of MBU IC "Sokol" V.I. Santalov Director of MBU FOC "Plamya" A.I. Urazov Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Sports City” D.N. Dubrovsky Head of MKU "Central Bank of the City of Lipetsk Administration of the City of Lipetsk" O.M. Danilova O.N. Favorova

Budgeting is a technology for organizing and managing a company, based on achieving its strategic goals with the help of budgets - agreed plans for the activities of the company as a whole and its structural divisions, expressed in quantitative financial indicators.

Budgeting is a regularly recurring technologically complex business process in which many employees of an enterprise are involved. For the successful implementation of the budgeting procedure, formalization of the budget process is necessary.

Basic documents regulating the process of budgetary management of an enterprise:

· Financial structure - a document structuring the areas of financial responsibility of the enterprise.

· Regulations on the Budget Committee - a document defining the powers of committee members to coordinate and control budget management procedures.

· Regulations on Budgeting - a document establishing general provisions, basic concepts and methodology of the budget process, as well as enlarged regulations of the budget process. The budgeting regulation should also disclose the goals and objectives of budget management in the company.

· Budget regulations - a document containing templates for forms of budget documents, instructions and diagrams of the processes for drawing up and approving budgets.

· Regulations for the execution of payments - a document describing the procedure for the passage, approval and execution of payments.

· Regulations on personnel motivation - a document describing the principles of constructing a system of motivation for the personnel of an enterprise, aimed at effectively solving the problems facing the enterprise by each employee of this enterprise.

Budget regulations must provide clear answers to questions related to the process of implementing budgeting technology. The Budget Regulations must indicate those responsible for each stage of the budget process.

An appendix to the Budget Regulations creates a schedule with deadlines for the development, coordination, consolidation, analysis and approval of budgets at all levels.

Formalization of the methodological and organizational aspects of budgeting helps to determine the interaction of structural divisions and ensure the effective implementation of work on the formation of the enterprise budget.

After developing forms and methods for drawing up and approving operational and financial budgets, it is necessary to train personnel to work within the framework of budget regulations.

21. Enterprise business plan: essence, structure.

A business plan is a document that systematizes the main aspects of a commercial event planned by a new or existing company. The procedure for developing a business plan allows you to anticipate possible problems, avoid management errors, recognize and evaluate two main types of risks present in any business: internal, over which the entrepreneur as a whole has control (personnel, inventory, business location), and external (economic conditions, new legislation, weather) i.e. something that an entrepreneur cannot change. Business plans are quite diverse in content and purpose. Among the most common types of business plans: A complete business plan for a commercial idea or investment project - a presentation for a potential partner or investor of the results of marketing research, justification for the market development strategy, and expected financial results; business plan of a company (group) - a statement of the company’s development prospects for the upcoming planning period, for example, before the board of directors or a meeting of shareholders, indicating the main budgetary outlines and economic indicators to justify the volume of investments or other resources; business plan of a structural unit (center of financial responsibility) - a presentation to the top management of the company of a plan for the development of the economic (operational) activities of the unit to justify the volumes and degree of priority of centrally allocated resources or the amount of increase in the profit left at the disposal of the unit; business plan (loan application) for obtaining borrowed funds on a commercial basis from a creditor organization. In a business plan, a pessimistic rather than an optimistic forecast is preferred, a realistic assessment of the abilities of the entrepreneur drawing up the plan and the opportunities that exist for his business.

A properly drawn up business plan ultimately answers the questions of whether it is worth investing in a given business at all and whether all the effort and money will be worth it. It helps to predict future difficulties and understand how to overcome them.

· summary (briefly summarizing the main points of the business plan);

· information about the company (the content of the business and areas of work are disclosed);

· “Business environment” (section that determines the volume of the sales market for the product (services, etc.), the market share that is expected to be captured);

· marketing and sales plan (shows planned sales volumes and how this will be achieved);

· operational plan (plan for the acquisition of equipment, construction, procurement, etc.);

· human resources plan (training, organization of labor recruitment);

· financial plan (where projected cash flows are summarized). The validity and completeness of this section is of particular importance in cases where a company expects to use a business plan to attract third-party investors to implement planned commercial activities (projects).

A business plan is a useful tool for monitoring the state of affairs. Using it to monitor the results, after a short time it is possible to detect certain deviations that require adjustments and correct the matter in a timely manner. Therefore, a business plan is an adaptive document; it must be constantly revised as business progresses.

22. Financial plan as an integral part of the enterprise’s business plan. Stages of drawing up a financial plan.

The financial plan is the most important element of business plans, compiled both to justify specific investment projects and programs, and to manage current and strategic financial activities. This document provides a link between the organization's development indicators and available resources. It is intended to summarize the materials presented in the descriptive part of the planning in order to present them in monetary terms.

The main stages of drawing up a financial plan for an enterprise:

· sales volume forecast;

· production plan;

Planning is one of the most important processes in the economic activities of enterprises. Drawing up and implementing budget plans allows you to rationally distribute the company's resources and achieve the intended strategic goals.

Enterprises are developing special budget regulations that regulate the tasks, necessity and procedure for drawing up budgets, and allow the consideration and approval of budgets to be turned into a systemic multi-stage process.

The procedure for developing budgets and their execution:

  1. Drafting
  2. Review of the project
  3. Statement
  4. Execution
  5. Review and approval of the budget execution report

The stages of formation of local, regional and federal budgets are similar to the stages of planning at business enterprises.

Principles for the formation of budget regulations

Planning regulations can be formed based on various principles.

1. The “market principle” involves the formation of revenue based on sales plans. Based on the volume of planned income, the expenditure portion is calculated. It displays the amount of necessary resources needed to generate income. This approach is optimal for enterprises that have the ability to forecast sales volumes with a certain level of detail and have clear mechanisms for interaction with counterparties.

2. “The principle of what has been achieved.” This approach to planning is suitable for companies with stable performance indicators. Indicators of the current or previous periods are taken as the basis for drawing up budgets. This method is quite simple and allows you to plan income and expenses with a high probability of accurate execution.

3. “The principle of production.” This approach is most suitable for manufacturing enterprises producing non-standard types of products. In this case, planning is complicated by the fact that orders can be unique, the volumes and cost of each of them differ significantly. The desired growth in production volume, which is measured in natural values, is taken as the basis for drawing up budgets.

Having decided on the principle, companies can begin to formulate regulations.

The procedure for approving the budget and its consideration. Planning stage

The process of preparing budgets begins with identifying responsible persons:

  • for preparation,
  • for execution.

A certain employee appointed by the head of the Central Federal District can prepare a draft budget. Responsible for execution are managers at various levels, depending on the type of budget (CFD, business area, enterprise as a whole).

Budgets are approved by special collegial bodies - budget committees.

All planning stages are carried out in accordance with the calendar plan. The regulations for the consideration and approval of company budgets in Moscow or another city of the Russian Federation reflect all stages of planning, those responsible for implementation, the functions of the budget committee, deadlines and other executive aspects.

Planning stage


Responsible for implementation

Function of the budget committee

1. Setting goals within the planning period

Development of regulations

2. Collection of initial data and other information necessary for drawing up a draft budget

Structural divisions of the enterprise

Approval of the documentary form of budgeting. Approval of categories and criteria for assessing budgets

3. Analysis of information, preparation of a draft budget

Employees designated as responsible for preparing budgets

Coordination of the activities of structural units within the framework of budget preparation

4. Assessment of the draft budget, adjustments

Budget Committee

Review of the project, evaluation of indicators, adjustments, analysis and establishment of budgets

5. Budget approval

Top management of the enterprise

Familiarization of all participants in the budget process with the relevant plans (order on budget approval)

The procedure for drawing up draft budgets may involve the use of software products that will help automate processes, make the review and approval of budgets better and more accurate. "WA: Financier" offers solutions that use special mechanisms that make it easy to implement any budget coordination model. The Financier system has flexible configuration of routing tools, so approval takes place in full compliance with the regulations and strict control of execution is carried out at all stages. The system has been implemented at many enterprises in Moscow and other regions of Russia and has shown high effectiveness.

When setting up routing, you can perform various actions:

  • set the coordination sequence (parallel or sequential;
  • configure various response options in case of violation of deadlines;
  • appoint deputy responsible persons;
  • prohibit certain persons from working with the system;
  • other actions.

Budget execution stage

The procedure for budget execution presupposes the particular relevance of promptly obtaining information in the form of factual data. “WA: FINANCE” helps automate the process of obtaining data from accounting systems and simplify making the right management decisions.
Using various forms of reports that can be created using the Financier system, you can conveniently analyze deviations of actual indicators from planned ones. All report structure settings can be specified directly by the user; there is no need to involve a programmer.

Completion stage

The “WA: Financier” system has a special report designer that allows responsible persons to conveniently edit current reports and create new ones, and create reporting forms depending on business needs. The WA: Financier solution allows you to simplify the process of reviewing and approving budgets.