Appendix b. signs of an emotional mind. Emotional intelligence, its structure and measurement methods

Emotional and social intelligence and their development is a relatively new, but very popular area of ​​practical psychology. In some ways, a person's emotional and social intelligence (which together constitute what is called social-emotional intelligence, or a mixed form) are contrasted with the well-known intelligence quotient (IQ). Let's figure out why this happened, what is the difference between all these concepts, what are their features and what exactly is included in each of them.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence of the individual received close attention from psychologists, business coaches, etc. at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, the concept itself was introduced into science in the mid-60s, and the problems included in it have been discussed by scientists since the heyday of behaviorist theories. Unlike IQ, which actually reflects the characteristics of “dry” thinking, emotional intelligence, or EQ (Emotional Quotient), is addressed to what, in fact, makes a person human, namely, his emotions. Initially, this term included all abilities, skills and personality traits that in one way or another relate to emotions and feelings. Thus, the foundations of high EQ are the ability to understand one’s own emotions well, the ability to recognize the emotions of other people (on a conscious and subconscious level), and most importantly, the ability to use emotions (both one’s own and others’) to achieve certain goals.

There are several models of emotional intelligence, and one of the most popular is ability model, or Mayer-Salovey-Caruso model. It includes the following components:

  1. perception of emotions (both your own and other people);
  2. understanding emotions;
  3. managing emotions;
  4. the use of emotions to stimulate thinking (in other words, the ability to motivate oneself through one's own emotions or the ability to make some creative decision obtained using emotions).

Thus, a person with developed emotional intelligence is able to hide his true emotions (for example, impatience or irritation), as well as demonstrate what he does not really feel (plausibly smiling out of politeness to someone he really dislikes). In addition, a person with a high EQ perfectly recognizes other people’s emotions and feelings, knows how to work with them (for example, neutralizes anger or builds trust), uses them to convince someone of something or prove their point of view, and such emotional “arguments” are selected individually for the interlocutor.

Of course, emotions and their management play a significant role in the lives of any of us, but emotional intelligence would not have attracted such close attention from personal trainers if elements of social intelligence had not penetrated into this concept, which also reflects the side of personality that is missed by IQ and is focused on which is what makes us human. And thus, we move on to the features of social intelligence.

What is social intelligence?

If emotional intelligence is primarily the study of emotions, then social intelligence of the individual (Social Quotient, SQ), as you might guess, are social aspects. In other words, the concept of social intelligence includes the ability to communicate, establish and maintain contacts, find a common language with different people, etc.

This also includes the ability to determine the intentions of other people and, to a certain extent, predict their behavior (on a conscious and subconscious level). Social intelligence allows people to live within society, work together, etc. It is assumed that individuals with high social intelligence are more successful in business (at least in some areas where they need to actively interact with others) and in their personal lives.

What is social-emotional intelligence? As a rule, successful and harmonious individuals have a high level of both social and emotional intelligence. That is why among business coaches, personal growth coaches, etc. most popular mixed models , or models of social-emotional intelligence . One of the most famous is the so-called mixed model by Daniel Goleman

  1. , which he described in his book Emotional Intelligence. D. Goleman included 5 components in it:
  2. self-knowledge;
  3. self-regulation;
  4. social skills;
  5. empathy (the ability to empathize, and in this case, the ability to understand the feelings, emotions and intentions of other people);

As we can see, there are social skills here, and at the same time D. Goleman classified them as emotional intelligence. That is why this model is called mixed, and with the light hand of a scientific journalist, the very definition of EQ and what is included in it began to blur. What many today consider to be part of emotional intelligence is more likely to be social-emotional intelligence.

Features of emotional (socio-emotional) intelligence

So, what is characteristic of a person who has a high level of emotional intelligence in its expanded interpretation (in other words, developed social-emotional intelligence)? Such a person is able to manage his own and other people’s emotions, knows how to recognize the moods and intentions of another person, understands what motivates him and what he feels.
It is also important that a person with high EQ and SQ is aware of what motivates him and is able to motivate both himself and other people. He has well-developed communication skills, he is attractive (or rather, he makes the impression he wants to make on others). Other characteristics of those with developed social-emotional intelligence include resistance to stress, the ability to “resolve” various situations, perceive failures as an opportunity to analyze mistakes and start over, etc. Self-control, the ability to not dwell on the negative and understand oneself are a few more aspects included in the mixed EQ+SQ model.

Does this description remind you of anything? You might be thinking that a high EQ person in its mixed form is actually the portrait of an ideal customer service manager? What list of these qualities appears primarily in a resume? What is developed social-emotional intelligence needed by those who want to achieve unsurpassed career heights? Yes, of course you are right. The popularity of social and emotional intelligence among business coaches, HR departments, etc. This is precisely due to the fact that many EQ and SQ qualities are in demand among managers and those who interact with clients, contractors, etc.

Therefore, when applying for a job, representatives of the relevant professions (and sometimes just everyone) are tested for their level of social-emotional intelligence. EQ and SQ have positive aspects associated with. For example, in everyday life, it also doesn’t hurt to be able to motivate yourself, not give in to bad emotions, and generally understand yourself. Since EQ helps you read other people and understand their true intentions, this reduces the risk of disappointment in them and their actions. The chance that someone will betray you is reduced - because you will probably see through such attempts. Although people often see what they want to see, and emotional intelligence clues can be perceived as voice of intuition and ignored, so EQ is not a panacea.

A spoon of tar

The fact that social-emotional intelligence is not a panacea is confirmed by other facts. In particular, an interesting detail: many of the traits found in people with high social-emotional intelligence are also found in sociopaths: charisma, the ability to influence other people, manipulate them, win them over, etc.
In theory, social-emotional intelligence is based on such concepts as “success in life”, “makes us human”, etc., but such characteristics as “manipulator”, “person” are also applicable to a person with developed social and emotional intelligence , whose emotions cannot be trusted.” Of course, being able to hide emotions does not mean hiding them all the time, but does this make us human and give us success in life?

In turn, scientists in their studies blame social-emotional intelligence for unscientific(or weak science). A vague definition, the presence in it of the words “intuition”, “on a subconscious level”, orientation towards such relative and ambiguous concepts as “success in life”... These and other similar features give pundits a reason to take EQ and SQ beyond the bounds of strict psychological science . However, this does not prevent social, emotional and socio-emotional intelligence from being widely applicable in life, and therefore many are interested in whether it can be developed and how to do it. This is the subject of our next article.

Victoria Shimanskaya is a psychologist, a leading specialist in emotional intelligence (EQ) research in Russia, the author of the “Monsiki” methodology for developing children’s EQ, a partner in the EQ-factor Laboratory, a leader of master classes and trainings on the topic of EQ - about the intellectual-emotional profile of a person and its roles in organizing and running a business.

Key Factors of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is talked about often and a lot today. The need to develop emotional intelligence has been proven more than once by scientists and various examples from life and business.

It is obvious that a person who has a higher level of emotional intelligence perceives reality more adequately and reacts to it and interacts with it much more effectively. This applies to almost all communications - both interpersonal and social; subjective and objective experiences; abstract and concrete concepts. Thus, emotional intelligence has become one of the new tools for business management, building effective communications and management.

Perception of information occurs through sensory systems. In this case, key areas of the brain act first, and then reactions of the autonomic nervous, muscular and other systems occur. Interaction with information, with yourself and the world around you is built depending on the degree of development of the key drivers of emotional intelligence: awareness, self-esteem, motivation, adaptability.

Drivers actually contain the basic personality traits, but they are not immutable and can develop.

Each driver can be unlocked through four skills:

  1. awareness through awareness of your thoughts and emotions, your body and behavior;
  2. self-esteem through a positive perception of the world and determination, as well as through acceptance and assertiveness (a person’s ability not to depend on external influences and assessments, to independently regulate their own behavior and be responsible for it);
  3. motivation through the desire for self-actualization and determination, as well as through an open perception of the new, strong goal setting and objective experience of failures;
  4. adaptability through conscious empathy for another person - empathy, stress resistance, decision making and communication skills.

Emotional Quotient

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that emotional intelligence does not exist separately from intelligence. Over the past three decades, science has made significant progress in studying the interaction of the emotional and intellectual spheres (IQ and EQ) from the point of view of brain activity, psychology and business.

“It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of the heart over the head - it is the only way the two intersect,” once said David R. Caruso, a psychologist, professor of psychology at Yale University (USA), an expert in the field management and co-author of the concept of emotional intelligence.

Along with the well-known abbreviation IQ (English Intelligence Quotient - intelligence coefficient or mental development coefficient), there is the concept of the emotional coefficient EQ ( English. Emotional Quotient), which was introduced by clinical physiologist Ruven Bar-On back in 1985. In 1996, at the meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, he presented his EQ-i (Emotional Quotient Inventory) test, which contained a list of questions to determine the emotional intelligence coefficient, from which the now famous “Bar-On model of emotional intelligence” was born.

Despite the fact that the interaction of IQ and EQ is recognized by many researchers, the first model that clearly showed the interaction of these two coefficients was developed by Russian scientists at the EQ-factor Laboratory for the Study of Emotional Intelligence under the leadership of N. Koro and V. Shimanskaya.

Intellectual-emotional personality profile of a leader

This model is an integral part of the intellectual-emotional profile of the IEPP personality. According to this model, emotional intelligence EQ is a kind of base of the personality pyramid in the coordinate system. The vectors of this system are EQ drivers and form various behavior strategies in various areas of life:

  1. awareness - “the strategy of philosophers”;
  2. self-esteem - “star strategy”;
  3. motivation – “heroes’ strategy”;
  4. adaptability - “managers’ strategy.”

When emotional intelligence is combined with the IQ vector of intelligence, a “creators’ strategy” is formed - a strategy that is key in all areas of life, and even more so in business.

It is the “strategy of creators” that allows one to realize a person’s potential so much that ultimately he reaches the highest level of self-realization. Therefore, the larger the volume of this pyramid (due to the development of EQ drivers and IQ itself), the more opportunities a person will have to influence his life, the lives of other people and the world as a whole.

In the modern world, any leader and entrepreneur must be a creator - create not just a product or service, but the best product, the best service, the best service and the best experience. And this is almost impossible without the ability to manage your emotions.

How to develop EQ?

As already noted in this article, the development of EQ occurs through the development of its main factors - drivers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop them first.

1. Exercise to develop “awareness”

  1. Close your ears and concentrate on your surroundings, try to see all the details. The picture will become “brighter” and you will notice something that you didn’t pay attention to before.
  2. Then close your eyes and concentrate on the sounds. In a normal situation, we subconsciously concentrate on an area of ​​no more than 1.5 meters around us. By “expanding” our hearing, we begin to notice the nuances of natural and mechanical.
  3. Close your eyes and ears together. Feel how your body interacts with the outside world - for example, the touch of the wind or grass if you are ready to take off your shoes.

It is enough to do this exercise once a week so that your ability to recognize the voice intonations of your interlocutors and the nuances of facial expressions become significantly higher. This will allow you to more accurately determine the explicit and hidden messages of your interlocutors and, most importantly, your own reaction to certain processes, as well as understand how your body reacts to information and how it experiences emotions.

2. To develop “adaptability”, a simple training using “emotion cards” is suitable.

You pretend to be angry, happy, sad or interested, depending on which card you draw. This is a simple and effective way to “practice” your emotional expression. At the same time, your effectiveness as a negotiator increases several times.

3. To develop “self-esteem”, you should first master power poses

Power poses are poses of the human body that “trigger” the production of dopamine: straight back, arms raised up, head held high. The production of this hormone contributes to better memorization of material and information.

One minute of this exercise before negotiations will make you feel much more confident.

4. To develop “motivation”, do the following right now

Write down ten things you enjoy doing. Then reformulate them so that only verbs remain. Find exactly the verb that best conveys this or that activity.

Using these verbs, create a plan for the month. And during this month you will need to live ten days under the motto of this word. Travel or laugh, taste and learn new things, jump or count – there are many options.

For example, with the verb "tasting" as the motto, you could head to a special restaurant or wine boutique - or maybe throw a party at home. This can also become a concept for presenting your company’s products and services.

Just live each of these days with 200% of those ten words-actions that truly constitute your essence of growth - what you can give to the world.

When performing such exercises, you will definitely move closer to your true goals than in the last few years, because you will be engaged in the most important task of a successful businessman or leader - the implementation of the “creator’s strategy.”

We believe it is necessary in our course of differential psychology to establish the now well-known concept emotional intellect, for its role is noticeable not only in understanding our differences from each other, but also in the general awareness of our own emotions.

Emotional intelligence Emotionalintelligence) - a psychological concept that arose in 1990 and was introduced into scientific use by American scientists P. Salouway and J. Mayer. At the moment, there are several concepts of emotional intelligence and there is no single point of view on the content of this concept.

- as defined by Mayer and Salovey - a group of mental abilities that stimulate awareness and understanding of one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. This approach, considered the most orthodox, is called the capabilities model.

Within the framework of the ability model, the following hierarchically organized abilities are distinguished: components of emotional intelligence:

  • perception and expression of emotions;
  • increasing the efficiency of thinking using emotions;
  • understanding one's own and others' emotions;
  • managing emotions.

This hierarchy is based on the following principles.

The ability to recognize and express emotions is the basis for generating emotions of the day in solving specific problems of a procedural nature. These two classes of abilities (recognizing and expressing emotions and using them in solving problems) are the basis for the externally manifested ability to understand the events that precede and follow emotions. All of the abilities described above are necessary for the internal regulation of one’s own emotional states and successful influences on the external environment, leading to the regulation of not only one’s own, but also those of others.

It should be noted that emotional intelligence in this concept is considered a subsystem of social intelligence.

Proponents of the ability model examine emotional intelligence using a variety of problem-solving test techniques. The most developed and complex technique is MSCEIT. In each task, the solution of which reflects the development of one of the four above-mentioned components of emotional intelligence, there are several answer options, and the subject must choose one of them. Scoring can be done in several ways - based on consensus (the score for a particular answer option is correlated with the percentage of a representative sample who chose the same option) or based on expert judgment (the score is correlated with the proportion of a relatively small sample of experts who chose the same answer).

Now about the mixed model of emotional intelligence.

According to the American psychologist D. Goleman, emotional intellect- this is a person’s ability to interpret his own emotions and the emotions of others in order to use the information received to achieve his own goals. There are four main components of emotional intelligence (EQ):

  • self-awareness;
  • self-control;
  • empathy;
  • relationship skills.

In fact, one of the most significant advances in the study of emotional culture occurred in 1980, when psychologists Raven and Bar-On began their work in this area.

The concept of emotional intelligence is often found in the literature devoted to the problem of effective leadership. The aforementioned D. Goleman identifies a fifth component: motivation.

All emotional intelligence experts, speaking about our differences in this aspect, highlight and biological its prerequisites:

  • parents' EQ level;
  • right-hemisphere type of thinking:
  • properties of temperament.

AND social development prerequisites:

  • syntony (emotional reaction of the environment to the child’s actions);
  • degree of development of self-awareness;
  • confidence in emotional competence;
  • parental education level and family income;
  • emotionally healthy relationship between parents;
  • androgyny (self-control and restraint in girls, empathy and tender feelings in boys);
  • external locus of control;
  • religiosity.

Thus, the structure of emotional intelligence looks like this:

  • conscious regulation of emotions;
  • understanding (comprehension) of emotions;
  • recognizing and expressing emotions;
  • the use of emotions in mental activity.

We experience emotions 24 hours a day, even when we sleep, but only a very small part of people know how to truly manage them. These people are experts in emotions, they are good at understanding and managing their own feelings, as well as deciphering the feelings of other people. What benefits does this skill bring? By increasing your emotional intelligence, you will be able to achieve success in many areas of your life (from personal to social) and learn to solve problems without involving unnecessary emotions. Additionally, there is a good chance that you will be satisfied with your life because you will be able to understand what your psychology needs at any given time. You will learn to motivate yourself literally out of the blue - with the help of ordinary thoughts. You will not need external factors to be happy, because you know how to direct your emotions in the direction you want and achieve the desired mood.

Every person dreams of learning to think clearly. But what does it mean? You will not be able to get your point across if you are irritated and angry, because at such times your mind is clogged with emotional debris that prevents you from thinking. If you control your emotions, you can control your mind.

In addition, you probably know what catastrophic consequences this entails. They can deprive you of everything - life, money, reputation and happiness. While a person who controls his emotions is healthy and cheerful, he enjoys life and looks at all problems as new opportunities.

Our course was written with the goal of increasing your level of emotional intelligence, which will certainly entail all the positive consequences that we mentioned above.

What is emotional intelligence?

Traditional intelligence testing, IQ, has been unable to predict a person's success in their personal, social, and career lives. People with high intelligence did not necessarily achieve their goals, and vice versa - not very smart people somehow magically achieved incredible heights. Therefore, the question arose in society: “So what affects the quality of life, the achievement of happiness and success?” And many psychologists believe that they have found the answer - we are talking about increasing the level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence (EI, emotional intelligence) is a person’s ability to recognize emotions, understand the intentions and desires of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and the emotions of other people to solve practical problems.

There is also a less scientific definition given by Howard Book and Steven Stein: this is the ability to correctly interpret the situation and influence it, intuitively grasp what other people want and need, know their strengths and weaknesses, not give in and be charming .

Simply put, your emotional intelligence is at a high level when you are balanced in any situation and can positively influence other people's emotions. In this regard, emotional intelligence can be divided into two elements: understanding one’s own and others’ emotions.

Application of emotional intelligence in life

Whether you like it or not, you experience emotions in any situation: when communicating with a person, in an art gallery, in a supermarket. Therefore, you apply emotional intelligence every day, the only difference is how high its level is.

You, and only you, decide what emotions and feelings to experience at any moment. If you want to feel resentment and irritation, please. If you want to enjoy life and look into the future with optimism, you can achieve this too. You will be calm and balanced if you understand your emotions and begin to control them.

But why then understand the emotions of other people? Isn’t it enough to understand your own people and learn to manage them? We interact with people every day in one form or another, so understanding what a person is feeling and why is key to building good, harmonious relationships. You may not be a particularly talented person or have a great intellect, but if you know how to communicate with people and they respect and appreciate you, you will achieve great success.

How to develop emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence in itself is a skill that can and should be developed. You will need discipline and patience, because serious success will not come immediately. You must look at life with optimism because at times you will suffer defeats, roll back and experience negative emotions that you want to get rid of. You also need to learn how to motivate yourself, because without this skill you will not be able to improve your emotional intelligence every day. Our course will give you everything you need to do this.

In order to recognize negative, destructive emotions in time, you need to be aware. We will touch on this point, but we advise you to take a course on spiritual practices, and especially a lesson about. The first step in the fight against any enemy (destructive emotions) is to recognize it, which is why it is so important to be in a state of awareness and notice when your emotions are getting out of control.

In our course you will find several good and useful exercises for developing emotional intelligence. Remember that serious results come only with practice, so implement knowledge into life and study yourself.

You will need to understand how your . Each person has unique traits that influence how they think, feel, and make decisions. However, even if you think that you have studied your psychology completely and know yourself, continue to observe yourself, because everything changes. You today and you tomorrow are different people, so notice the changes in yourself and draw appropriate conclusions. Set yourself up for the long haul and make it as attractive as possible. Remember that no one but yourself can help you.

The first good results will come to you after completing the course if you follow all the tips and recommendations that you will find in our lessons. Read biographies of outstanding people and evaluate their lives from the perspective of emotional intelligence. Would they be able to achieve such outstanding success if they did not know how to manage their emotions and influence the emotions of other people? You yourself know the answer to this question.

Want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how suitable it is for you, you can take our test. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Lessons on developing emotional intelligence

After studying a large number of books and textbooks, we came to the conclusion that emotional intelligence can be increased by studying the theory and applying it in practice. We have developed five lessons for you that will help you learn to understand your own emotions and the emotions of other people.

Purpose of the course: introduce our reader to emotional intelligence, its models and the necessary skills for its development and improvement.

Course Objective: teach the reader to manage his emotions and develop his skills of empathy, assertiveness and listening skills.

We present to your attention a short overview of each of the lessons.

For, in fact, you don’t need much. You need to find a business that you want to do all your life, feel that your work is needed by society and achieve your goals. The challenge is learning to look at life with hope and faith and motivating yourself to wake up every morning with a smile and determination to make the most of your day. In this lesson we will teach you to look at life with optimism. This means not only seeing the good side of any problem, but also taking action to solve it. We will touch on positive psychology and the power of positive thinking. You will be surprised how easy and at the same time difficult it is to change negative thoughts to positive ones. And when you achieve success, you will learn to control your emotions and use them to achieve success.

How to take classes?

The estimated time frame for completing our course is two weeks. You can go through it in a few days, but remember that the course offers you to learn several skills, and they, in turn, require a lot of work on yourself. We have tried to simplify the presentation of the material as much as possible and not overload you with scientific terms and concepts, so you do not need to particularly prepare yourself and study additional materials before taking the course. One small condition - keep a notepad and pen near you. Interesting thoughts will probably come to your mind, so write them down right away. In addition, some of our exercises require recording.

The first and second lessons are related to theory, but do not rush to immediately move on to the third. You must clarify for yourself the importance of increasing your level of emotional intelligence, and also study its patterns in order to move not by touch, but clearly understand where you are going. Allow one or two days for each of the theory lessons.

The third, fourth and fifth lessons are practice. In this regard, allocate yourself the maximum possible number and go through them slowly. Do all the exercises and listen to all recommendations and advice. Remember that any knowledge must be instantly transformed into action, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Books and textbooks

Is it worth continuing your studies after completing the course? Of course, because the psychology of emotions is a rather complex and fickle matter, so you must accustom yourself to long-term training. However, this is quite interesting and should not carry an element of compulsion. Read the literature we recommend, periodically repeat the exercises from the course, keep a diary and remain conscious, no matter what happens.

  • . Daniel Goleman.
  • Emotional Intelligence in Business. Daniel Goleman.
  • The ABCs of Emotional Intelligence. Irina Andreeva.
  • The path to prosperity. New understanding of happiness and well-being. Martin Seligman.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness. Andy Puddicombe.
  • The Power of Positive Thinking. Norman Vincent Peale.
  • AdvantagesEQ: emotional culture and your success. Steven Stein, Howard Book.

We wish you good luck and, as parting words, we invite you to read quotes from famous people.

Quotes from famous people about the importance of managing emotions

“By forgiveness we mean some emotion. This is not true. Rather, it is the cessation of some emotion.” Iris Murdoch.

“They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No. Success comes to those who wake up in a good mood.” Marcel Achard.

“Only one who has subjugated them can live by passions.” Albert Camus.

“To be happy, you need to constantly strive for this happiness and understand it. It depends not on circumstances, but on yourself.” Lev Tolstoy.

“Our emotional state is much more likely to cause fatigue than physical stress.” Dale Carnegie.

“Feelings are fire, thoughts are oil.” Vissarion Belinsky.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you will begin to experience positive results.” Willie Nelson.

“In times of great stress or trouble, it is always better to occupy yourself by cultivating your anger and energy into something positive.” Lee Iacocca.

“Laughter is the best way to express positive emotions.” Norman Cousins.

“If you focus on possibilities in difficult situations, you can change your attitude, reduce stress, and focus your attention on achieving things that may have previously seemed impossible.” Katerina Palsifer.

“We are what we think. Our emotions are slaves to our thoughts, and we, in turn, are slaves to emotions.” Elizabeth Gilbert.

“Emotions, as well as worries, cloud a clear head. Everything will change a hundred times.” Erich Maria Remarque.

“If emotions are in order, grievances and troubles will disappear on their own.” Neyah.

“Discipline is important, but train yourself to have good emotions. This is the only discipline you need." Esther and Jerry Hicks.

“Emotions have their own smell and taste; perhaps they are transmitted from person to person through some special waves.” Diana Setterfield.

“All right thoughts come only after the emotions end.” Napoleon Hill.

“If you free the problem from emotions, what remains is just a situation.” Unknown author.

“Anger is a message that there is a problem that needs to be resolved later.” Paul Ekman.

We wish you success in increasing your emotional intelligence!

We experience emotions 24 hours a day, even when we sleep, but only a very small part of people know how to truly manage them. These people are experts in emotions, they are good at understanding and managing their own feelings, as well as deciphering the feelings of other people. What benefits does this skill bring? By increasing your emotional intelligence, you will be able to achieve success in many areas of your life (from personal to social) and learn to solve problems without involving unnecessary emotions. Additionally, there is a good chance that you will be satisfied with your life because you will be able to understand what your psychology needs at any given time. You will learn to motivate yourself literally out of the blue - with the help of ordinary thoughts. You will not need external factors to be happy, because you know how to direct your emotions in the direction you want and achieve the desired mood.

Every person dreams of learning to think clearly. But what does it mean? You will not be able to get your point across if you are irritated and angry, because at such times your mind is clogged with emotional debris that prevents you from thinking. If you control your emotions, you can control your mind.

In addition, you probably know what catastrophic consequences negative emotions bring. They can deprive you of everything - health, life, money, reputation and happiness. While a person who controls his emotions is healthy and cheerful, he enjoys life and looks at all problems as new opportunities.

What is emotional intelligence?

Traditional intelligence testing, IQ, has been unable to predict a person's success in their personal, social, and career lives. People with high intelligence did not necessarily achieve their goals and vice versa - not very smart people somehow magically achieved incredible heights. Therefore, the question arose in society: “So what affects the quality of life, the achievement of happiness and success?” And many psychologists believe that they have found the answer - we are talking about increasing the level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a person’s ability to recognize emotions, understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and the emotions of other people to solve practical problems.

There is also a less scientific definition given by Howard Book and Steven Stein: this is the ability to correctly interpret the situation and influence it, intuitively grasp what other people want and need, know their strengths and weaknesses, resist stress and be charming.

Simply put, your emotional intelligence is at a high level when you are balanced in any situation and can positively influence other people's emotions. In this regard, emotional intelligence can be divided into two elements: understanding one’s own and others’ emotions.

Application of emotional intelligence in life

Whether you like it or not, you experience emotions in any situation: when communicating with a person, in an art gallery, in a supermarket. Therefore, you apply emotional intelligence every day, the only difference is how high its level is.

You, and only you, decide what emotions and feelings to experience at any moment. If you want to feel resentment and irritation, please. If you want to enjoy life and look into the future with optimism, you can achieve this too. You will be calm and balanced if you understand your emotions and begin to control them.

But why then understand the emotions of other people? Isn’t it enough to understand your own people and learn to manage them? We interact with people every day in one form or another, so understanding what a person is feeling and why is a key point in building good, harmonious relationships. You may not be a particularly talented person or have a great intellect, but if you know how to communicate with people and they respect and appreciate you, you will achieve great success.

How to develop emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence in itself is a skill that can and should be developed. You will need discipline and patience, because serious success will not come immediately. You must look at life with optimism because at times you will suffer defeats, roll back and experience negative emotions that you want to get rid of. You also need to learn how to motivate yourself, because without this skill you will not be able to improve your emotional intelligence every day. Our course will give you everything you need to do this.

In order to recognize negative, destructive emotions in time, you need to be aware. We will touch on this point, but we recommend taking a course on spiritual practices, and especially a lesson on meditation. The first step in the fight against any enemy (destructive emotions) is to recognize it, which is why it is so important to be in a state of awareness and notice when your emotions are getting out of control.

In our course you will find several good and useful exercises for developing emotional intelligence. Remember that serious results come only with practice, so implement knowledge into life and study yourself.

You will need to understand how your psychology works. Each person has unique traits that influence how they think, feel, and make decisions. However, even if you think that you have studied your psychology completely and know yourself, continue to observe yourself, because everything changes. You today and you tomorrow are different people, so notice the changes in yourself and draw appropriate conclusions. Set yourself up for the long haul and make it as attractive as possible. Remember that no one but yourself can help you.

The first good results will come to you after completing the course if you follow all the tips and recommendations that you will find in our lessons. Read biographies of outstanding people and evaluate their lives from the perspective of emotional intelligence. Would Steve Jobs or Richard Branson have been able to achieve such outstanding success if they had not been able to manage their emotions and influence the emotions of other people? You yourself know the answer to this question.

Books to increase your emotional intelligence:

  • Emotional intellect. Daniel Goleman.
  • Emotional intelligence in business. Daniel Goleman.
  • ABC of emotional intelligence. Irina Andreeva.
  • The path to prosperity. A new understanding of happiness and well-being. Martin Seligman.
  • Meditation and mindfulness. Andy Puddicombe.
  • The power of positive thinking. Norman Vincent Peale.
  • The benefits of EQ: emotional culture and your success. Steven Stein, Howard Book.