Appendix i. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov). a word about the sensual and spiritual vision of spirits. Spiritual vision of spirits

A word on the sensory and spiritual vision of spirits


Starting to explain, to the best of my limited understanding, the profound vision of created spirits inherent in man, I find it necessary to expound the doctrine of the profound blindness of man, acquired by him through his fall. Most people are alien to any concept of this blindness; doesn't even suspect its existence! Most people are alien to any concept of spirits or have only a theoretical, the most superficial, most unclear and indefinite concept about them, almost equivalent to complete ignorance.

In modern human society, mainly in educated society, many doubt the existence of spirits, many reject it. Even those who recognize the existence of their soul, recognize its immortality or its existence after death, recognize it as a spirit, doubt it and reject it. A strange combination of mutually contradictory concepts! If souls exist after (p. 6) their separation from bodies, then this already means that both good and evil spirits exist. They exist! Their existence becomes quite clear and obvious to those who have engaged in a correct and detailed study of Christianity. Those who reject the existence of spirits certainly reject Christianity at the same time. For this reason the Son of God appeared, says the Holy Scripture, let him destroy the works of the devil, and through death abolish him who possesses the power of death, that is, the devil. If there are no fallen spirits, then the incarnation of God has neither reason nor purpose.

The existence of spirits remains a dark subject for those who have not studied Christianity or have studied it superficially, to the letter, while the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded and established the teaching of Christianity and its preaching and observance of the Gospel commandments. The Lord commanded the study of Christianity, both theoretical and practical, connected these two studies with an inextricable connection, and commanded that theoretical knowledge should certainly be followed by practical knowledge. Without the second, the first has no value before God! Without the second, the first cannot bring us any benefit! - The second serves as proof of the sincerity of the first, and is crowned with the overshadowing of Divine grace. The first can be likened to a foundation, the second to a building erected on this foundation. A building cannot be erected unless the foundation is first laid, and laying the foundation remains a futile labor unless a building is erected on the foundation. - The results of human sciences and the method for achieving these results remain inaccessible to the concept of people who have not studied science: the results and the method of achieving them in the science of the sciences, in the science that came down from heaven, given to humanity by God, in the science that completely changes man, transforming him from the carnal and mental to the spiritual, in Christianity, all the more remain inaccessible to those who have not studied it legally, according to the method established by God. It is unreasonable for some to demand that the results of the study of Christianity, its lofty and deep mysteries be completely (p. 7) clear to them without any study of Christianity! Do you want to know the secrets of Christianity? - Study it.

School teaching, literally, is not only very useful, but also necessary, as it provides accurate and detailed knowledge about Christianity according to the Tradition of the Orthodox Church. For eighteen centuries, efforts have been made against Christianity in order to overthrow it, and especially now countless false teachings are being directed: now, more than ever, there is an urgent need for a thorough preaching and study of Christianity. But theoretical study requires that it must be accompanied and followed by active teaching. “The law of freedom is honored by doing the commandments.” A Christian scribe must learn the Kingdom of Heaven not only from hearing sermons about it, but also through experience. Without this, the teaching in its letter will become exclusively human teaching and will serve only for the development of fallen nature. We see sad proof of this in the Jewish clergy, contemporary with Christ. Teaching according to the letter, when left to its own devices, immediately gives rise to conceit and pride, and through them alienates a person from God. While appearing outwardly to be knowledge of God, in essence it can be complete ignorance, a rejection of Him. While preaching Faith, you can drown in unbelief! Mysteries that are open to unlearned Christians very often remain closed to the most learned men, who are satisfied with the mere school study of Theology, as if it were one of the only human sciences. And this is precisely the character given to Theology throughout the heterodox West, both papal and Protestant. Due to the lack of experimental knowledge of Christianity, in our time it is very difficult to hear the correct, thorough teaching about the vision of spirits, so necessary for every monk who wants to engage in spiritual feats in the field of spirits, to which we belong with our soul, with whom we must share eternal bliss and eternal torment.

The vision of spirits is purely. There is a sensual vision of spirits, when we see them with our sensual, bodily eyes, and there is a spiritual vision of spirits, when we see them with our spiritual eyes, mind and heart, purified by God’s grace. In the ordinary state of fall, in which all humanity finds itself, we do not see spirits either sensually or spiritually; we are stricken with extreme blindness. For the blind, different colors and objects of the sensory world do not seem to exist: and for those blinded by the fall, the spiritual world and spirits seem to not exist. Our failure to see something does not in any way serve as a sign of its non-existence.

Alas! Alas! The Word is interrupted by crying. Land of Israel brought down by the sword, be empty velmi! a language gathered from many tongues, diminished and exhausted to the extreme. “How can we not cry,” said St. Isaac the Great, an Egyptian desert dweller: “Where will we go now? Our fathers have died. Previously, we lacked needlework to rent the boats in which we traveled (along the Nile River) to the elders. Now we are orphans: that’s why I’m crying.” Save me, Lord, for the venerable one has become impoverished, for the truth has fallen away from the sons of men. A vain verb for each one to his sincere: flattering lips in the heart. If Isaac the Great, in his contemporary high state of monasticism, mourned the debasement of his elders-pupils, then what kind of work does it take for a monk of our time, who truly wants to be saved, to find the advice so necessary in his arduous feat? Crafty people and sorcerers(that is, all deceivers in general who have entered into explicit and implicit communication with Satan) they will prosper in what is worse, they who deceive and those who are deceived, the Apostle predicts, speaking about the last days of the world. This prediction is being made before us. I often used to say to the unanimous brethren, during private conversations, what I now consider myself obligated to put down with pen and paper. It would not be for me, who is in slavery to sin, to instruct the brethren! in deep silence and solitude (p. 9) I should mourn my sad state of mind. But I am forced to speak and write for edification, so as not to leave my neighbors and those who love me in the Lord without any edification. “It is better,” said Pimen the Great, “to eat unclean bread and have food than to remain without bread at all.” With this view of myself and the surrounding circumstances, I am writing a Word on the vision of spirits, recognizing correct knowledge of the vision of spirits as essential and necessary for ascetics who face the battle of not to blood and flesh, but to the principalities, and to the powers, and to the rulers of the darkness of this world, to the spiritual wickedness in high places. This knowledge is necessary. The spirits of evil wage war against a person with such cunning that the thoughts and dreams they bring to the soul seem to be born within itself, and not from an evil spirit alien to it, acting and at the same time trying to hide. To fight the enemy, you must definitely see him. Without a vision of spirits, there is no fight against them; there can only be fascination with them and slavish obedience to them. Calling on Divine grace to help my feeble-mindedness, I will first talk about the sensual vision of spirits, about its unnecessaryness and danger, then about the spiritual vision of spirits, about its necessity and benefit.

Check out the article on the topic: Is it normal to see ghosts in reality? Love spell guru on the site.

What do ghosts look like? In a study that describes the main features of ghosts and was published in 1956 by Hornell Hart, an American researcher and sociologist, with his colleagues, it was indicated that there are no serious differences between the ghost of a deceased and a living creature. That is, the ghost and the real person must look identical.

Sometimes ghosts seem to a living person to be completely physical and real creatures that have clear outlines, and in some cases even clothing. But sometimes, ghosts and apparitions appear to be emitting a glow, transparent or blurry. Occasionally they are characterized by vagueness of shape and some raggedness. If you want to see a ghost, read about how to see a ghost, it describes in detail how and where otherworldly entities can be found.

Some people who have ever seen a ghost describe it as spots of light or streaks. Ghosts nowadays appear and disappear unexpectedly and suddenly. Sometimes they slowly melt into the distance. Everyone knows that ghosts can pass through various objects, and even bypass them. Many parapsychologists claim that a ghost cannot cast a shadow. But, as it turned out, this is not entirely true: they can even be reflected in the mirror!

In some ghosts you can see a set of movements and gestures (much like a puppet in a theater). These movements are aimed at attracting the person's attention to the wound in the ghostly body. Other ghosts are characterized by smoother movements and can even talk. Some evidence has shown that the appearance of ghosts is accompanied by sensations of cold, smells, sounds or movements of real objects.

Why do ghosts appear?

Maybe they want to communicate something, or are they just scary? In the vast majority of cases (about 82%), ghosts appear for a clearly defined purpose: for example, in order to inform a living person about the impending misfortune (imminent death, serious danger) of the person in whose image the ghost appeared. Also, a ghost can calm grieving relatives through the loss of someone, especially a loved one. In addition, in most cases, ghosts convey valuable and very important information to the living.

If ghosts appear frequently

Ghosts that appear frequently in one place thereby express a distinct emotional connection to that place. For example, with a sudden or violent death that befell them at this place. It is also believed that spirits can be connected to the land of the dead, who cannot leave this place due to unfinished business. Many studies of the spirit world are convinced that those ghosts that regularly appear in a certain place even have intelligence that allows mediumistic contact to be established with such ghosts.

Some ghosts appear at certain specific intervals (for example, on the anniversary of a death), others live in public places or houses constantly, for several centuries. However, not every person can see a ghost even in an ancient castle, which, according to numerous witnesses, is simply teeming with them. Maybe this happens simply because ghosts do not appear to everyone, but only to selected people who have a certain attitude. Skeptics usually never encounter ghosts.

Usually, in places where ghosts are found, people do not feel very comfortable, uncomfortable, a state of depression arises, and unbridled fear awakens. However, some ghosts can behave quite peacefully. Often these are phantoms of domestic animals, for example, horses, cats, dogs, beloved during life, and so on.

Frederick Myers hypothesis

Until our time, scientists have not come to a common opinion regarding the cause and nature of the occurrence of ghosts. Yes, there are many theories, but they are all unproven. The closest to the truth is the hypothesis of Frederick Myers. At the end of the 19th century, he studied this phenomenon and discovered that many spirits are a kind of accumulation of residual energy that exists after the death of a person for some time. The second hypothesis shows that buildings and various rooms can remember their owner, and after his death, it is the walls of the house that can reproduce something similar to the psychological portrait of the owner.

Anyone can see the otherworldly spirit without spending years tuning and cleansing their subtle bodies. And the main condition for this is the suppression of fear, which can easily block any vision, causing the brain to either “go blind” or quickly and reliably convince you that what you saw was just your imagination. True, there are not many methods to do this. But we selected the most working of them so that we could see for ourselves the otherworldly spirit, many of which people have used for thousands of years. And most importantly, most of them, although not all, allow you to draw a clear line between fantasies and genuine visions, having secured material evidence that you really saw or that you were able to prove the presence of a ghost, otherworldly spirit or some other spirit in your house energetic entity or being.

See an otherworldly spirit with peripheral vision

This method of seeing an otherworldly spirit allows us to deceive the brain, which usually completely erases from our perception of reality those objects that cannot and should not exist in this very reality. Therefore, looking at the otherworldly spirit point-blank, you will almost never notice it. But at the same time, you will almost always see if he is in the zone of your peripheral movement. One problem is that in this case you will most likely see it in the form of a dense clot, a spot or an indescribable movement. But something else is more important. The fact that you can really see it, which means you can understand that rustling or “drafts” in the house are not frightening you in vain.

You can also try to see the otherworldly spirit by slightly squinting your eyes, pointing your face strictly towards the object you want to see. But this method is only suitable for those who already know how to silence their brain, otherwise you will almost always become a victim of your fantasies, or an incorrect mental interpretation of what you see.

Alcohol will help you see the otherworldly spirit

We under no circumstances encourage you to drink alcohol! But the fact remains - often the state of intoxication is accompanied by such a strong temporary change in consciousness that while in it it is easy not only to see an otherworldly spirit, but even to hear, or as magicians say, “to understand it” - to find out why it remained in our world, why does not go away, and what should be done to help him leave.

However, what’s interesting is that such a change in consciousness is possible only in people who drink alcohol for the first time, or who drink alcohol so rarely that they can easily be called abstinent.

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Seeing the otherworldly spirit is a way to half-asleep

It is easy to notice a ghost while half asleep. But settling down on the bed, lulling yourself to sleep, is not enough.

  • First, you need to secure your eyelids with tape or adhesive tape so that they are slightly open by 1-2 millimeters, even when you fall asleep.
  • And, secondly, you need to sit in a slightly but lighted room, and be sure to lie on your back. Now you can calm down, relax and allow yourself to fall asleep. We guarantee that if there is some kind of intangible energy being in the room, you will definitely see it.

Of course, what you see can also be the result of your imagination or some image from a dream that has begun, superimposed on reality. However, in most cases, it is an otherworldly spirit that you will see. And proof of this will be your instant awakening, since any such contact with the inhabitants of the other world in a normal person initiates an almost instantaneous release of a powerful portion of adrenaline.

Flour will help you see the otherworldly spirit

This method has actually been used for thousands of years. And it works like this: in the evening, through a sieve, they sprinkle flour on the floor in the room in which the ghost is supposed to appear, and in the morning they study what traces remain on it. Usually these are traces of shod or bare feet of different sizes, which are believed to be left by an otherworldly spirit living in the house where this experiment was carried out.

Photography will help you see the otherworldly spirit

In order to photograph an otherworldly spirit, you need to make sure that it appears on a black, light-proof background made of fabric, velvet, paper, or a wall painted in dark colors. It is almost impossible to photograph a ghost against the background of any light sources. The second condition for successful photography, which neither physics nor esotericism can explain, is that otherworldly spirits are best manifested in photographs taken with a film rather than a digital camera. If a digital camera conveys the outlines of a ghostly creature, it is only in the form of a light or dark spot.

Also an ideal option to capture the otherworldly spirit is to photograph mirrors, the screen of a working or turned off TV, any reflective surfaces - a dark window, furniture glass, etc. in the evening. But when taking photographs like this, we recommend that you exercise extreme caution, since the camera can capture very different creatures, sometimes truly capable of instilling horror. Therefore, such experiments are strongly not recommended for people with weak psyches.

Mirror trap as a way to see an otherworldly spirit

In order to build a mirror trap for a spirit, you need to have two mirrors of the same shape and size, and, which is also very important, made by the same master. These mirrors are placed in the room or hallway in which the ghost appears, so as to form an endless mirror tunnel. After this, you should position yourself so that you or yourself are not reflected in the mirrors, but at the same time see the entire mirror tunnel. As soon as the ghost appears, you will definitely see it.

But again, when conducting such experiments, also be extremely careful.

  • Firstly, mirrors placed in this way can reflect different creatures.
  • Secondly, they can play the role of a trap that will not only catch some demon, but also tie it to your subtle bodies.
  • Thirdly, if you have powerful energy or still undeveloped inclinations for esotericism, with the help of mirrors displayed in this way, you can unwittingly create a portal through which a variety of entities, not always positively disposed towards you, can penetrate into your reality.

A candle is a powerful way to see an otherworldly spirit

Although this method will provide exclusively indirect evidence of the presence of an otherworldly spirit, it will be absolutely safe. In order for it to work, you need to tightly close all the doors and windows in the room to completely get rid of the slightest draft. Then you should secure the candle so that it is located extremely close to the edge of the table or shelf (ideally on a thin, tall candlestick) and light it. After this, you should carefully monitor the light - if it begins to sway and flutter, this means that there is some kind of energetic being or entity next to you.

But remember that the light should oscillate from side to side, conditionally from left to right. If it fluctuates from you and towards you, then this means that, most likely, it is affected by your own energy.

Incense will help you see the otherworldly spirit

Let us say right away that cigarette smoke is not suitable for such an experience. But the smoke from various incense, the same incense sticks, placed in different places in the room, can both repeat the outlines of an otherworldly spirit if it appears near you, and show the trajectory of its movement within the room. In this experiment, as in the candle experiment, any artificial movement of air should be avoided, remembering that the form that the incense smoke takes can be affected not only by the draft, but also by your movements and even your breathing.

Homemade dream catcher as an opportunity to see an otherworldly spirit

You have most likely seen a similar trap woven from twigs, threads, beads and feathers. So, according to Indian traditions, it can be used to determine the presence of an otherworldly spirit. Hanging from the ceiling, it is sure to start swinging or spinning as soon as the ghost passes under it. At the same time, the Indians remembered that the more intensely you swing and spin the dream catcher, the more negatively the otherworldly spirit treats you, or the more persistently it wants to convey to you some important message for you.

But we will tell you how to hear a ghostly message in a separate article; you can use the site search. &1

Watch the video to see how you can see a ghost

Tagged with: magic mystical history predictions enlightenment esotericism

Once upon a time, ghosts received as much attention from various scientists as vampires. Many scientific treatises on ghosts have been written, and they have been discussed a lot in specialized publications about mysticism and witchcraft. In them, the authors answered then popular questions: “How to see a ghost?”, “Do they have a human appearance?”, “Is the shape of their body constant or similar to fog or liquids?” But the whole point was that it is very difficult to see a ghost and determine its shape, since its composition cannot be controlled by human senses, since it is a rather subtle matter for physical vision and touch.

When Darwin presented his famous theory, everyone unanimously believed in it and happily forgot about vampires, ghouls and other creatures. All attempts to find out more about how to see a ghost or some kind of werewolf seemed to be a thing of the past. Darwin, with his theory of the origin of man from the ape, “sank” so deeply into the brains of the entire human race that they forgot about everything in the world. Evil spirits were recognized as a force that does not exist in nature. However, it seems that ghosts and ghosts themselves do not think so; they continue to disturb people to this day.

Unwanted meetings

Many people today wonder how to see a ghost. We assure you: it’s no wonder to see him, sometimes he will appear to you, believe me! Just try to be in a certain place at a certain time. For example, at night in an abandoned old mansion or castle.

It also happens that you can see a ghost in your own apartment, because the devil never jokes! Who knows what’s on their minds... We assure you that nothing can protect even the most ardent skeptics from encounters with ghosts. True, after this they cease to be skeptics... They say that the founder of materialism himself, Darwin, saw ghosts! In any case, a “date” with evil spirits is highly undesirable for any living person, since it may have unknown consequences for his psyche.

And I want it, and it pricks...

If you still can’t wait to summon a ghost to your house, then hurry up to learn a few rules on how to behave with them. Otherwise, you can go crazy.

  1. The most important condition when meeting a ghost is not to be scared of it! Paranormal scientists claim that it is fueled by negative energy born in human fear, becoming even stronger and more terrible. Remember, no matter how a ghost looks, its whole purpose is to scare you. Don't fall for it!
  2. We understand perfectly well that it is easy to give advice on how to see a ghost and not be scared, and we are aware of this. We are sure that any of us, seeing a ghost, will involuntarily get scared. In this regard, we would like to give different advice. If you are still scared, then under no circumstances make physical contact with the unknown! Pretend that you didn’t notice him and try to walk past or through his “fog”. We warn you that doing this will be psychologically very difficult, but if you manage to ignore him in this way, he will disappear into thin air or simply fly away.
  3. If you are a believer, then you have two constant protectors: the crucifix and prayer! They will help you, but only on condition that you really believe in God, otherwise the ghost will sense your falseness...

So, remember: when meeting ghosts, the main thing is not to be scared! And it’s even better not to meet with them at all and not to call them on purpose. Don't disturb the souls of the dead, they don't like it.

Question from readerAndrey, 23 years old

Hello Megiz. It’s better not to raise questions like mine anywhere, because they can send you to a special institution to Napoleons and other characters. Since you can ask anonymous questions, I decided to do it anyway. The fact is that I saw a ghost several times. I don’t know what it was, but now I turn around every time and I’ve been in some kind of panic situation for several weeks now. The ghost or apparition looked like an ordinary person in my apartment. I saw him twice in my kitchen, when I suddenly went there after work. He immediately evaporated and always stood with his back to me. On the first day, I was so scared that I went to spend the night with a friend, without telling him anything, of course. But the second time I was not so surprised by this. The situation was exactly the same and, as if nothing had happened, I continued to prepare dinner for myself. But I still feel uneasy. Is there any explanation for this? Or am I just going crazy?

Editor's responseKirill and Anna

Welcome, strange Andrey. We discussed and decided to answer your question together. We hope it turned out well!

Death has always been fraught with a lot of mysteries. Many scientists have spent their lives to know death. Well, the most amazing mystery of death is the phenomenon of ghosts and apparitions. What do we know about this amazing phenomenon? Only that a huge number of eyewitnesses around the world have seen ghosts, but all these thoughts can simply be dismissed as delusions of the mentally ill and hallucinations, because at the moment the study of ghosts is simply considered pseudoscience.

But despite this, there is a huge amount of documentary facts, authentic photographs and videos depicting ghosts. It is foolish to think that all these photographs are genuine - just a glimpse of a person or something like that. Even according to probability theory, this is unlikely. And by the way, ghosts don’t have to be people. They can be animals, buildings, cars, and ships. So, despite the fact that the phenomenon of ghosts is pseudoscience, it cannot be dismissed due to documentary data. At the moment, there are a certain number of scientific theories about the existence of ghosts. Here are some of them.

Theory #1: Standing waves

The first theory is based on the fact that standing waves are to blame for the existence of ghosts.

A standing wave is an oscillation in distributed oscillatory systems with a characteristic distribution of alternating amplitude maxima and minima.

In practice, such a wave occurs when obstacles are reflected. In this case, the frequency, phase and attenuation coefficient of the wave at the place of reflection are extremely important. The fact is that when a sound wave is superimposed on the electromagnetic wave of the optic nerve, in which a standing wave is formed, something appears to a person that looks like a ghost. When this image appears, a person panics. He is overcome by horror and a cold touch. Standing waves form well in castles, which explains the location of many ghosts.

Theory #2: Energy Field

The second theory says that high, high above the surface of the earth there is a certain energy field capable of reflecting bioenergy flows that are emitted after a certain period of time after the death of a person. He also spoke about the existence of such a field Nikola Tesla.

The proof of this theory is that many ghosts appear precisely during their formation, that is, the death of a person. For example, the ghost of Paul I, who always appears in the castle on the day of his death. Speaking about this theory, we can recall the film “Radio Wave”, in which a son talks to his father from the past.

Theory #3: Hallucinations

Another mini-theory, so to speak, is based on the fact that ghosts are a kind of consequence of the Earth’s geomagnetic zone. The founder of this theory received a lot of evidence confirming it. But the mechanism of connections between the geomagnetic zone and ghosts has not been found. Perhaps this zone only has some hallucinogenic effects on people. But this, again, has not been proven.

These theories, however, do not explain the documented evidence of ghosts in photographs and videos. But it’s not all bad, because there is a third theory. She says that there is some substance on earth called a plasmoid. Plasmoids include ball lightning, some UFOs, and many types of ghosts. This theory works very well for spherical ghosts. But as we know, not many ghosts have this shape. In addition, on earth there is a ghost of a certain Henry VIII, who just increased the temperature around him. And as you can see, there is another contradiction here. By the way, interesting fact: Henry VIII had 6 wives, 4 of whom became ghosts.

The formation of plasmoids requires a certain amount of energy. Where can I get it from? To answer this question, another theory was formulated. This theory is based on one phenomenon. The fact is that immediately after death a person loses from 6 g to 22.7 g of his mass. There is an opinion that it is the soul that leaves the human body. And it is this mass that creates the plasmoid, or is simply a restless soul in the form of a ghost. Of course, regarding this theory, two questions arise: why one soul simply goes somewhere, while the other turns into a ghost, and of course, what biophysical and biochemical process is the basis for the appearance, existence and exit of the soul from the human body.

The opinion that people who die a natural death emit a relatively small amount of bioenergy from themselves will help answer the first question, but during a violent death its amount is simply enormous. This amount is exactly what is needed to create a ghost. But at the moment no one has been able to answer the second question. Of course, some undiscovered quantum particles are attributed to the structure of the soul, but this theory is simply far-fetched. Moreover, it is far from a fact that the mass lost at death is the soul. It could be residual air from the lungs or something else.

There is a story that cannot be explained by any theory. Here she is. One day, late at night, one woman was awakened by a fireman, who literally saved the woman's entire family from certain death from a fire. He helped take the children out and move some valuables from the house, and then simply disappeared. The woman only remembered his name - Jose William, but it turned out that this man had long since died in a fire. This is truly a crazy story!

It is also necessary to mention the fact that many people simply do not believe in ghosts, considering them only the consequences of hallucinations and schizophrenia, while others simply truly believe in them, despite some contradictions. I would like to remember the good movie “Ghostbusters”. The mechanism for catching ghosts in the film is directly based on the theory of plasmoids, but at the same time we know that according to this theory, ghosts should be spherical, but here we see ghosts in the form of people. Eh, screenwriters who don't read non-fiction. You can also recommend a good book “Secrets of Parallel Worlds”. Half of the book is devoted to the mysteries of ghosts and apparitions. And know that you don’t have to be afraid of ghosts at all. Fear the living, not the dead.

This can happen anytime. An indelible brown stain will appear on the floor, and household members, neighbors and pets will deny everything. The latter will begin to sparkle with red eyes, fly around the room and swear in Latin. At night, under the window, a car rebelling against people will vilely howl like a siren - so much so that pale hairy girls will climb out of the TV one after another. Under the bed, someone will scratch and whisper ominously, but at the same time they will never sneeze from the dust.

We tell you for sure, these are ghosts. You have finally encountered the supernatural. So what should we do now?

Life is beautiful and amazing. The truth is sometimes more surprising than beautiful. And if the reason for surprise is contact with the other world, then life can become, to put it mildly, terrible. It wouldn't hurt to prepare for this in advance. Let us turn to such a burning topic - even if this word is not the most appropriate one - as an encounter with the supernatural.

The first and most important thing is how to determine that some kind of devilry is happening in front of you? That this is not a stupid prank, a hallucination, a mirage, or, at worst, the machinations of aliens? To do this, you need to take your temperature (no, not yourself, although it won’t hurt either).

If you believe horror films, the air in the place of manifestation of the supernatural always gets colder. In other words, they opened the refrigerator - and the breath of Hell blew on you. It is enough to turn on the air conditioner unnoticed - and those who are more superstitious will begin to draw a circle around themselves with chalk.

But how refreshing it is in the heat! Still from the film "The Scarecrows"

Fans of the supernatural usually use infrared electronic thermometers to determine the ambient temperature. It is recommended to measure the temperature not only of the air, but also of surrounding objects, and if suspicion arises, do this several times from different angles. "World of Fantasy" is skeptical about this method. While you are fussing with the thermometer, a crowd of hungry cacodemons will already have time to gather around you.

However, it is quite possible that this is all a myth. If we analyze the legends of different peoples of the world, it turns out that ghosts almost always appear in the warm season (or in winter, but indoors). There are very few stories of ghosts playing around in knee-deep snow. The element of ghosts is ancient castles, abandoned houses and family crypts. They like the cold, but in moderation.

Ghostbusters Gun - Infrared Thermometer. Measurement range - from −50 to 1000°C.

At the end of the century before last, contacts with ghosts were in great fashion. They invented the camera - and people immediately began to photograph fairies. And when Thomas Edison created the phonograph, in an interview with Scientific American magazine, the first thing he was asked about was the possibility of recording the voices of ghosts. The inventor replied that the preservation of a person’s vital essence after his death from the point of view of science can be allowed, but its influence on the real world will be extremely weak, therefore the device for recording such an effect must be incredibly sensitive.

The geopolitical upheavals of the first half of the 20th century discouraged researchers from poking microphones at ghosts for a long time. But in the 1970s, there was a renewed interest in ghostly “white noise” in the United States. Many people suddenly began to discover strange voices on their tape recorders, uttering both meaningless phrases and entire addresses to descendants. Table turning has given way to magnetic recording.

Still from the film “The Conjuring”

Inventors built special radio transmitters that supposedly made it possible to communicate two-way with the dead. And by the end of the 20th century, ghosts completely dispersed: they began to call living people and even get into files on the computer.

By the way: Radio waves of 30 megahertz and above can be reflected from ionized meteor trails in the atmosphere. During meteor showers, your radio may receive distorted "ghost voices." From space!

Our recommendations are as follows: if ghosts have sent you an SMS with a message about a big win and a request to call back on some unknown number, contact specially trained ghost hunters (call an ectomobile at number 02). If your computer is possessed by evil, update your antivirus.

And if, while talking on the phone, you hear strange voices pronouncing magic formulas like “Who’s on the line?” - immediately seize the initiative: say in an ominous voice “In 7 days you will die!” and swear dirty in Japanese. This will puzzle anyone, especially ghosts.

Occupational safety specialists who measure electromagnetic fields in offices have no idea that the fluctuations in radiation they record are considered by some to be evidence of ghostly activity. The logic here is simple: the higher nervous activity of the brain is of an electrochemical nature, therefore after death the soul is preserved in a certain electromagnetic form. Without power sources and emitters, to the great joy of seekers of perpetual motion machines. Accordingly, a sure sign of otherworldly influence will be changes in the electromagnetic field surrounding you.

Unfortunately, we do not recommend using devices for measuring electromagnetic radiation to contact ghosts. Most of these devices (we are talking about inexpensive household models) operate in a rather narrow frequency range and are suitable only for home needs. But there is no point in trying expensive professional models - after all, if they really “caught” bursts from ghosts, then electronics engineers would be the most superstitious people in the world.

In 1952, Professor Schumann discovered so-called “standing electromagnetic waves” produced by the Earth itself - thunderstorms and even vibrations of the planet’s core. The frequency of the “Schumann resonance” is 7.83 Hz (which corresponds to the lower limit of the frequency of alpha waves in the human brain associated with vision), but only the most sensitive equipment can register it. Even the movement of trees from the wind creates interference. Apologists for the electromagnetic nature of ghosts believe that Schumann waves are somehow connected with the supernatural.

The Chinese have long started producing “electromagnetic sensors”. Although you won’t find them with such sensitivity even at a hadron collider

A distant relative of “ghost magnetism” is dowsing (also known as dowsing), condemned in the Bible: “My people ask their tree, and its rod gives them an answer; for the spirit of fornication has led them astray” (Hos. 4:12). The basic idea is this: by the vibrations of a wooden or metal (copper or iron) stick, straight or split, held freely in the hands, one can detect the presence of otherworldly forces. Initially, dowsing was used to search for minerals and groundwater (when digging wells).

If the vine reacts to magical or magnetic radiation, then it can detect ghosts. And if the swaying of the vine is the result of unconscious movements of the body of the dowser, perceiving the biofield, then this technique is applicable to everyone who has at least weak inclinations as a medium.

In the Middle Ages, it was a fairly universal tool; it was used to search not only for ore, but also for people: in 1692, a certain Jacques Vernet found a long-wanted murderer among the prisoners of the Toulon prison (the poor fellow, whom the stick pointed at, was immediately wheeled). Vernet also went from house to house, using the vine to identify adultery and even infidels (Protestants).

An alternative to a vine is a pendulum. If you make it from silver, you will also get a good weapon against evil spirits

We do not approve of this method of detecting ghosts due to its low reliability. If the vine really reacts to metals and water, then the power of their bio-radiation will most likely mask the presence of ghosts - after all, in the Middle Ages, when this method was developed, there were no multimillion-dollar cities with running water and tons of metal in every house.

What is Feng Shui like these days? Your neighbor's plasma TV can sound no worse than the ghost of Jack the Ripper, the subway tunnel under the house will register as the underground River Styx, and if you decide to celebrate the beginning of your ghostbuster career with a small libation, then the next morning the vine in your unsteady hands will behave as if There has just been a breakthrough in the fabric of the universe and hordes of hell have poured into our world.

Some people also believe that ghosts are radioactive. In principle, it’s logical: they glow! You can use a Geiger counter to look for ghosts. Although we have never come across a more crazy idea, because the old castles would have “failed” like Hiroshima in August 1945, and it was just right to install a nuclear reactor on the “Flying Dutchman”. If radioactivity, like all other types of radiation, is just an intermittent “side effect” of ghostly activity, then ghosts could become a new source of energy for the 21st century: environmentally friendly and renewable.

I wonder if radioactive ghosts have a critical mass?

From our point of view, the most technologically advanced and effective way to detect ghosts is video surveillance and motion sensors. Everyone has computers now. Video surveillance is also not a problem: today you can buy anything, from cheap web cameras to professional ones that work in the infrared range.

Already in the 19th century, ghosts were willingly photographed

Motion sensors 10-15 years ago were exotic from James Bond films. Today they are placed on apartment alarms, supermarket doors and even in toilets so that the lights turn on automatically. They read changes in the infrared background and can detect any moving object whose temperature exceeds the ambient temperature.

If you have some money and skills, you can put together a very high-quality tracking system - both for ghosts and for household members and your own car parked at the entrance. Modern means of observation are free of the disadvantages inherent, for example, in film cameras, in which the slightest defects in the film could easily be mistaken for a “hello” from the other world. Although, if you believe the films, ghosts are not caught on video cameras - you can only see how the person tormented by them is pounded against the walls (the film “The Grudge 3”). But in any case, the system works.

Still from the movie "Paranormal Activity"

By the way: There is a lot in common between “clouds - white-maned horses” and gloomy creatures from the dark. This pareidolia- formation of complete visual images from details that are in no way related to each other. We see various images in the clouds, and we “draw” ghosts from movements caught in our peripheral vision.

All of the above means are suitable only for those who themselves are looking for contact with ghosts. But, as is always the case with paranormal phenomena, you don’t look for them, but they find you. You'll know you've encountered a ghost when you see one in person.

In the simplest and most obvious case, it could be a translucent human figure. Women, as a rule, are dressed in nightgowns, their hair is loose, and their feet are bare. For some reason, this dubious dress code does not apply to the ghosts of men: deceased representatives of the stronger sex can be dressed in anything - from the skin of a saber-toothed tiger to a spacesuit. Probably, a half-naked man in a white shirt with long flowing hair is too tough even by the standards of the afterlife.

In Japan, every ghost is a yurei. Pale hairy young lady in a nightie. Still from the film "The Ring"

What should you do if you encounter a ghost? The answer “to run” is the most obvious, but not always effective. In addition, manifestations of a ghost can also be indirect: a white glow, whispering, inexplicable movement of surrounding objects. If you start running out of the room every time the upstairs neighbors move the furniture, your career as a ghost hunter will end in a famous hospital.

So if you see something strange, just avoid any contact with this “strange” one, keep your distance and observe. From films and books on otherworldly themes, it follows that indirect manifestations of ghostly activity are rarely dangerous (the most a poltergeist can do is throw things at you). All those sudden changes in radio channels in the car or dead voices on the phone are designed to scare you to death or convey some kind of information. As a rule - about your imminent death.

Exceptions are quite rare and arise in situations that initially pose a danger to you. For example, a flashing light in an elevator may mean that the last sensations in your life will be fear and weightlessness. There is a cliché in horror films: a ghostly figure suddenly appears in front of a car driving at full speed. The frightened driver makes a sudden maneuver and gets into an accident. This almost always happens at night, on remote country roads. For some reason, ghosts don’t appear on highways during the day.

Still from the film “The route is built”

Inanimate Spirits

Ghosts are supposed to be souls. However, there are stories about ghosts of animals (most often these are ghostly dogs), which, according to Christian canons, do not have souls. Meeting otherworldly beasts, as a rule, does not bode well. Large things can also be ghosts - usually vehicles (cars, planes, ships - the same "Flying Dutchman"). Their route ends in hell, but in themselves they are not dangerous. Their passengers are dangerous.

Still from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"

When meeting a ghost, you need to understand its intentions as soon as possible. If there are any, of course, a ghostly “performance” may simply be unfolding in front of you, repeating the events of the past (usually violent crimes or major battles). In this case, ghosts only act out their roles and do not react to the material world.

Many ghosts are only active at night, but this does not necessarily mean that night ghosts are evil. Night is supposed to be the time when the fabric between worlds thins. As an example, we can recall the shadow of Hamlet’s father: “But hush! The morning wind smelled! I'll hurry up!" The ghost of a deceased family member, loved one or relative is almost certainly not dangerous (although it happens that you are unlucky with relatives).

By the way: In Slavic mythology, it was believed that the spirits of ancestors (grandfathers) could “eat” by inhaling steam from hot food. Skip sandwiches for lunch - it's good for both your stomach and your grandfather's.

Even the ghosts of strangers may try to make peaceful contact with you - usually to convey some important information.

Or just out of boredom. Still from the cartoon "The Canterville Ghost"

In the vast majority of cases, ghosts are not concerned about your financial well-being, but are trying to warn about impending trouble or calling for revenge. This is due to the fact that ghosts rarely experience pleasure from being in our world and strive to get rid of the metaphysical obligations that keep them on Earth as quickly as possible. They will not go with you to the casino and push the ball to the required numbers, they will not predict the results of horse races and lecture on history, and finally, they will not strangle your enemies at night. And a full-fledged conversation with a “good ghost” almost never happens.

You hardly have the abilities of a medium, and the ghost’s own powers are only enough for short messages - and not necessarily transmitted in the flesh. It could be writing on the wall or just a knock (although Morse code is not known nowadays by either the living or the dead). In other words, it is unlikely that you will be able to watch football on TV with a ghost.

If the ghost is disfigured or at least looks frightening, you can bet your last penny that its intentions towards you are far from humane. These are usually vengeful spirits: poor fellows who died a violent death and are obsessed with this by an irrepressible thirst for knowledge - albeit within very limited limits (to find out what is inside you).

You can call for help, but you should do it wisely. Practice shows that if your ghost is not interested in other people, then they do not see him. You should not shout that a headless horseman is chasing you, otherwise help may come too late - and only psychiatric help. Ghosts rarely “switch” to other victims and prefer to pursue the chosen target to the end. However, if those around you try to help (at least to hold your body flying through the air), the ghost may retreat.

If you see ghosts and your cell phone doesn't work, it's a disaster. Most likely, you have fallen into their world. Still from the movie "Silent Hill"

Standard means of fighting evil - holy water and silver - can help against possessed ghosts. But usually they are not at hand at the right time, so there is only one way out: to look for a way out of the cursed place as soon as possible. Considering that ghosts can materialize anywhere and easily overcome obstacles, preferring to appear behind your back, run along the dark corridors of the castle or between damp gravestones, this is a very dubious pleasure. Keep in mind that your fear can fuel evil ghosts and they will deliberately chase you away in order to “charge up”.

Fortunately, evil spirits are usually "attached" to a place - often their own resting place - so it is theoretically possible to escape from them. In their places of power they are endowed with significant capabilities. If the heroes of horror films knew what awaited them literally a few minutes after the ominous “boo!”, they would immediately jump out of the window. But for some reason this fastest and most effective way of escaping from ghosts is practiced extremely rarely.

Proton guns? And what. Ghosts are ephemeral creatures. Has anyone tried to shine a laser pointer on them?

There is no need to make a molehill out of a molehill or an invincible monster out of a ghost. If in your vacation photos someone’s sad translucent face looms from behind your back, throw away the old “film” and buy a “digital” one. If mysterious inscriptions and pentagrams regularly appear on the landing, then a properly installed webcam will help carry out a punitive and educational exorcism against the neighbor’s idiots. Well, if a ghostly hand grabs you by the throat and drags you into a dark portal, even our article will not help.

Be careful, don’t stress too much, treat everything with curious skepticism - and you won’t care about ghosts.

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1. The holy spirits avoided communicating with people, as being unworthy of such communication; the fallen spirits, who carried us into their fall, mixed with us, and in order to more conveniently keep us in captivity, they try to make themselves and their chains invisible to us. If they open themselves, they open them in order to strengthen their dominion over us. All of us, who are in slavery to sin, need to know that communication with Angels is unusual for us because of our alienation from them by the fall, that it is characteristic of us, for the same reason, to communicate with rejected spirits, to the category of which we belong in soul - which is sensual The spirits that appear to people who are in sinfulness and fall are demons, and not holy Angels. “A defiled soul, said Saint Isaac of Syria, does not enter the pure kingdom, and is not united with the spirits of saints” (Homily 74). Holy Angels appear only to holy people who have restored communion with God and with them through a holy life. Although demons, when appearing to people, most often take the form of bright Angels for the most convenient deception; although they sometimes try to assure that they are human souls and not demons; although they sometimes predict the future; although they reveal secrets, one should not entrust oneself to them. For them, truth is mixed with lies, truth is used at times only for the most convenient deception. Satan is transformed into an Angel of light and his servants are transformed as servants of righteousness, said the holy Apostle Paul (2 Cor. XI, 14, 15) (her. 8-9).

2. The general rule for all people is not to trust spirits in any way when they appear in a sensory way, not to enter into conversation with them, not to pay any attention to them, to recognize their appearance as the greatest and most dangerous temptation. During this temptation, we must direct our thoughts and hearts to God with a prayer for mercy and deliverance from temptation. The desire to see spirits, the curiosity to learn something about them and from them is a sign of the greatest recklessness and complete ignorance of the moral and active traditions of the Orthodox Church. Knowledge of spirits is acquired in a completely different way than what is suggested by an inexperienced and careless tester. Open communication with spirits for the inexperienced is the greatest disaster, or serves as a source of the greatest disasters (p. 11).

3. The property of all visions sent by God, notes Saint John Climacus, is that they bring humility and tenderness to the soul, filling it with the fear of God, the consciousness of its sinfulness and insignificance. On the contrary, the visions into which we arbitrarily invade, contrary to the will of God, lead us into arrogance, into conceit, and bring us joy, which is nothing more than the satisfaction of our vanity and conceit that we do not understand (Ladder, Homily 3, On Dreams).

Demons, most often appearing in the form of Angels, try to flatter a person with praise, to amuse his curiosity and vanity: then, they conveniently plunge him into self-delusion and cause him severe, more or less obvious, spiritual harm.

The idea that there is anything especially important in the sensory vision of spirits is erroneous. Sensory vision, without the spiritual, does not provide the proper concept of spirits, it provides only a superficial concept of them, it can very conveniently provide the most erroneous concepts, and these are the ones that most deliver to the inexperienced and infected with vanity and conceit” (her. 18-19).

4. Let those who have seen sensually spirits, even holy angels, not imagine anything about themselves: this vision alone, in itself, does not at all serve as evidence of the dignity of those who have seen: not only vicious people, but also the most dumb animals are capable of it (p. 21).

5. Demons, on the contrary, are allowed to remain on earth from the time of their final fall (Gen. III, 14) until the end of the world: anyone can easily imagine what experience in the creation of evil they acquired in such a long time, with their abilities and with constant malicious intent, not at all dissolved by any good aspiration or passion. If they pretend to be well-intentioned, then this is only with the goal of being more likely to have evil intentions. They are completely incapable of good intentions. One who sees spirits sensually can easily be deceived into his own damage and destruction. If, when seeing spirits, he shows trust in them, or gullibility, then he will certainly be deceived, will certainly be carried away, will certainly be sealed with a seal of seduction incomprehensible to the inexperienced, a seal of terrible damage in his spirit, and the possibility of correction and salvation is often lost.

This has happened to many, very many. This happened not only to the pagans, whose priests were for the most part in open communication with demons; This happened not only to many Christians who did not know the secrets of Christianity, and for some reason entered into communication with spirits: it happened to many ascetics and monks who did not acquire a spiritual vision of spirits and saw them sensually.

Christian asceticism alone provides the correct, legal entry into the world of spirits. All other means are illegal and must be rejected as obscene and harmful. The true ascetic of Christ is brought into vision by God Himself. When God leads, then the ghosts of truth are separated, in which lies are clothed from the truth; then the ascetic is granted, firstly, a spiritual vision of spirits, which reveals in detail and with accuracy the properties of these spirits. After this, some ascetics are granted a sensual vision of spirits, which supplements the knowledge about them provided by spiritual vision. Evil spirits are bound in their actions towards the ascetic of Christ by the power and wisdom of the God guiding him, and, despite the fact that they breathe the most special malice against the servant of God, they cannot cause him the harm that they would like. The misfortunes they inflict contribute to his prosperity" (Venerable Macarius the Great, Homily 4, chapters VI and VII, p. 24) 75.

6. An extraordinary multitude of them flies in this air; a horde of enemies is flowing not far from us” (p. 26).

The Scripture commands, said Anthony the Great, that we guard our hearts with all care. (Prov. IV, 23). We have terrible and cunning enemies (skilled in deception), that is, crafty demons, with them we have a battle, as the Apostle says, “our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against the principalities and powers, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world, to spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. VI, 12). A great many of them are found in the air that surrounds us; they are not far from us; Great disagreement reigns between them. Others who surpass us in spiritual success can say a lot about their nature and diversity, but we have a special need to know the intrigues they use against us” (p. 25).

7. Those of the ascetics who have not acquired the gift of reasoning with spirits, have not examined their fall in themselves, have not understood that Christ for a Christian is everything that must reject the very goodness of fallen nature and renounce their souls, who for this reason are capable of conceit in to a greater or lesser extent - they were subjected to great disasters and death itself from the sensory manifestation of spirits that followed due to the exhaustion of the flesh by bodily exploits and conceit that had crept into the soul. When spirits captivate or trap a person in the secrets of his heart and mind: then they conveniently act outside. A person trusts a lie, thinking that he trusts the purest truth" (p. 44).

8. If the saints did not always recognize the demons who appeared to them in the form of saints and Christ Himself: then how is it possible for us to think of ourselves that we unmistakably recognize them? One means of salvation from spirits is to resolutely refuse to see them and communicate with them, recognizing oneself as incapable of such vision and communication” (p. 46).

The holy teachers of Christian asceticism, enlightened and taught by the Holy Spirit, comprehending the beneficent and God-wise reason why human souls during their stay on earth are covered with bodies, like veils and coverings, command pious ascetics not to entrust themselves to any image or vision if they suddenly present themselves, do not enter into conversation with them, do not pay attention to them. During such phenomena they command us to protect ourselves with the sign of the cross, to close our eyes and, in the resolute consciousness of our unworthiness and inability to see the holy spirits, to pray to God to cover us from all the intrigues and deceptions that are cunningly placed on people by the spirits of malice, infected with inhealable hatred and envy. to people" (p. 46).

9. Saints Xanthopoulos say: “Never accept if you saw anything sensually or mentally, inside or outside you, even if it was the appearance of Christ, or some Saint, or a dream of light; but remain, not believing it and being indignant about it.” In the Prologue we read the following instruction about this: “The devil appeared to a certain monk, transformed into a bright Angel, and said to him: I am Gabriel; sent by God to you." The monk answered: “Look: you were sent to someone else: because, living in sins, I am not worthy to see the Angel.” Ashamed by this answer, the demon immediately disappeared. For this reason, the elders say: if an Angel really appears to someone, do not accept him, but humble yourself, saying: I, living in sins, am not worthy to see an Angel. A certain elder said about himself: While staying and asceticizing in my cell, I saw demons in reality, but did not pay any attention to them. The devil, seeing that he was defeated, one day came to the elder (transformed and in great light), saying: I am Christ. The elder, seeing him, closed his eyes and said: I am not worthy to see Christ, Who Himself said: “Many will come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and they will deceive many” (Matthew XXIV, 4). The devil, hearing this, disappeared; the elder glorified God. The elders said: do not want to see Christ or an Angel sensually, so that you do not completely go crazy, accepting a wolf instead of a shepherd and giving worship to your enemies, demons" (Prologue, April 22) (her. 46-47).

10. The fallen angels also hide behind the mask of hypocrisy. They are desperate, constant, incorrigible villains - they commit crimes, most often taking the form of holy angels, prophets, martyrs, apostles, Christ Himself. They try to conform to the circumstances, to the person’s way of thinking, to his inclinations, to the impressions he received (p. 50).

11. Tati and murderers can then commit and undertake all atrocities when those against whom their anger is directed do not even believe their existence. “From everywhere,” says St. Macarius the Great, “the enemy’s intrigues, deceit and evil actions should be very carefully noted. For just as the Holy Spirit through Paul “does all things to all, and may gain all things” (1 Cor., IX, 22), so is the evil one The spirit, through malice, tries to be everything to everyone, but will bring everyone down to destruction (Homily 7, chapter 7) (p. 51).

12. The only correct entrance into the world of spirits is Christian asceticism. The only correct entrance to the sensory vision of spirits is Christian prosperity and perfection. It is God Himself who introduces into this vision those who are to enter it. He who intrudes into the sensory vision of spirits spontaneously acts incorrectly, illegally, contrary to the will of God: it is impossible for such a person to avoid deception and the self-delusion and damage that follows deception.”

13. A lover of virtue should take great care to acquire reasoning, so that he can fully distinguish good from evil, so that he can explore and learn the various demonic intrigues with which the devil has the habit of corrupting the mind under the guise of good ideas. It is good to always be careful to avoid dangerous consequences. Out of frivolity, do not quickly succumb to the suggestions of spirits, even if they were Heavenly Angels, but remain unshakable, subjecting everything to the most careful examination, and then accept what you see as truly good, and reject what turns out to be evil. The actions of God's grace are not implicit, which sin, even if it has assumed the appearance of good, cannot give in any way. Although, according to the Apostle, Satan is transformed into a Bright Angel (2 Cor., XI, 14) in order to deceive a person; but even if he presented bright visions, then, as it was said, he could not give any good action, which serves as a clear sign of it. He cannot teach neither love for God and neighbor, nor meekness, nor humility, nor joy, nor peace, nor curbing of thoughts, nor hatred of the world, nor spiritual peace, nor desire for heavenly gifts; below that he can tame passions and lusts, which - a clear action of grace, for it is said: The fruit of the spiritual is love, joy, peace, etc. (Gal. V, 22). On the contrary, he can conveniently convey pride and arrogance to a person, as he is very capable of this. So, you can recognize the intelligent light that has shone in your soul by its action, whether it is from God or from Satan. However, the soul itself, if it has sound reasoning and can distinguish between good and evil, immediately becomes clear to both through rational feeling (spiritual sensation). Just as vinegar and wine are identical in appearance, but by taste the tongue immediately recognizes the difference between them, revealing that it is vinegar and that it is wine: so the soul, with its own strength, with its spiritual feeling, can really distinguish between the gift of the Good Spirit and the dreams of the evil one." (Venerable Macarius the Great, Homily IV, chapter 13) (her. 61-62).



“The danger of contact with spirits “Seeing spirits with the sensual eyes always brings more or less harm to those people who do not have spiritual vision”

Danger of contact with spirits

“Seeing spirits with the sensual eyes always brings more or less harm to those people who do not have spiritual vision. Here on earth, images of truth are mixed with images of lies (St. Isaac of Syria. Homily 2), as in a country in which good and evil are mixed, as in the land of exile of fallen angels and fallen men" (p. 23).

“He who sees spirits sensually can easily be deceived to his own detriment and destruction. If, when seeing spirits, he shows trust in them or gullibility, then he will certainly be deceived, will certainly be carried away, will certainly be imprinted with a seal incomprehensible to the inexperienced, printing seduction, printing terrible damage in in their spirit, and the possibility of correction and salvation is often lost. This happened to many, very many. This happened not only to pagans, whose priests were mostly in communication with demons; it happened not only to many Christians who did not know the secrets of Christianity; and for some reason, those who entered into communication with spirits; this happened to many ascetics and monks who did not acquire a spiritual vision of spirits and saw them sensually.

Christian asceticism alone provides the correct, legal entry into the world of spirits. All other means are illegal and must be rejected as obscene and harmful. A true ascetic of Christ is led into the vision of spirits by God Himself. When God leads, then the ghosts of truth, in which lies are clothed, are separated from the truth, then the ascetic is granted, firstly, a spiritual vision of spirits, which reveals to him in detail and with accuracy the properties of these spirits. After this, some ascetics are granted a sensual vision of spirits, which supplements the knowledge about them provided by spiritual vision" (p. 24).
6. Some practical tips

Bishop Ignatius extracts from the reasoning of St. Anthony in his life, written by St. Athanasius (it has already been mentioned as the main source of our knowledge about the activities of demons), practical advice for Christian ascetics on how to behave in relation to sensory perception of spirits, if such happens to anyone. This advice is of great importance to all who wish to lead a truly spiritual Christian life in our day, when (for reasons which we will try to explain below) the sensory perception of spirits has become much more common than before. St. Anthony teaches: “And this is what you need to know for your safety. When any vision presents itself, do not allow yourself to be frightened, but whatever the vision may be, courageously ask it, first: “Who are you and where are you from?” If this will be the appearance of the saints, then they will calm you, and your fear will turn into joy. If the appearance is of the devil, then, having encountered firmness in the soul, it will immediately begin to waver: because the question “who are you and where are you from?” Having made such a question, Joshua (Joshua 5:13) was convinced of the truth, and the enemy did not hide from Daniel (Dan. 10:20)" (pp. 43-44).

Having told how even St. Simeon the Stylite was once nearly deceived by a demon who appeared to him in the form of an Angel on a fiery chariot (Lives of the Saints, Sept. 1), Bishop Ignatius warns modern Orthodox Christians: “If the saints were in such danger of being deceived by evil spirits, then for This danger is even more terrible for us. If the saints did not always recognize the demons who appeared to them in the form of saints and Christ Himself, then how is it possible for us to think about ourselves that we unmistakably recognize them? One means of salvation from spirits is to resolutely refuse vision? and from communicating with them, recognizing oneself as incapable of such vision and communication.”

The holy mentors of Christian asceticism “command pious ascetics not to entrust themselves to any image or vision if they suddenly present themselves, not to enter into conversation with them, not to pay attention to them. They command that in such appearances they protect themselves with the sign of the cross, close their eyes and in the decisive consciousness of their unworthiness and inability to see the holy spirits, pray to God to cover us from all the intrigues and deceptions evilly and cunningly placed on people by the spirits of malice, infected with incurable hatred and envy of people" (pp. 45-46).

Further, Bishop Ignatius quotes Saint Gregory of Sinaite: “You will not accept in any way if you see something sensually or with your mind, outside or inside yourself, whether it be the image of Christ or an Angel, or some Saint, or whether it is dreamed and depicted by the imagination in the mind, light: for the mind itself dreaminess is inherent in nature, and he conveniently composes the images he desires, which usually does not pay close attention to himself, and in which way they harm themselves..." (the last of the very useful chapters, "Philokalia", vol. 1, p. 48 ).

In conclusion, Bishop Ignatius teaches: “The only correct entrance into the world of spirits is Christian asceticism. The only correct entrance to the sensory vision of spirits is Christian prosperity and perfection” (p. 53).

“In due time, appointed by the one God and known to the one God, we will certainly enter the world of spirits. This time is not far from each of us! May the All-Good God grant us to spend our earthly life in such a way that during it we will break off communication with fallen spirits, entered into communion with the holy spirits, so that on this basis, having taken off our bodies, we would be numbered among the holy spirits, and not among the rejected spirits" (p. 67).

This teaching by Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov), composed a hundred years ago, could well have been written today - so accurately does it convey the spiritual temptations of our time, when the “doors of perception” (we use a phrase coined by one of the experimenters in this field, Aldous Huxley ) have become open as widely as they never dreamed of in the time of Bishop Ignatius.

There is hardly any need for comment on these words. The receptive reader may have already begun to apply them to the “post-mortem” states that we describe in these pages, and thereby began to understand the frightening danger of these experiences for the human soul. Anyone familiar with this Orthodox teaching cannot help but look with amazement and horror at the ease with which modern “Christians” trust the visions and phenomena that are now becoming increasingly widespread. The reason for this credulity is clear: Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, having been divorced for many centuries from Orthodox teaching and practice of spiritual life, have lost all ability to clearly discern in the realm of spirits. The most essential Christian property has become completely alien to them - distrust of their own “good” thoughts and feelings. As a result, "spiritual" experiences and appearances of spirits have become perhaps more common today than at any other time in the Christian era, and gullible humanity is ready to accept a "new age" theory of spiritual miracles or a "new outpouring of the Holy Spirit" to explain this fact. . Humanity has become spiritually impoverished, considering itself “Christian” even when it is preparing for the age of demonic “miracles”; this is a sign of the last times (Ap. 16:14).

It should be added that Orthodox Christians themselves, who theoretically possess the true Christian teaching, rarely realize this and are often just as easily deceived as non-Orthodox ones. The time has come for those to whom this teaching belongs by birthright to reclaim it!

Those who now describe their "post-mortem" experiences show that they trust their experience as much as any bewildered person in the past; in all the modern literature on this subject there are extremely few cases where it is seriously questioned whether at least part of the experience could not have been from the devil. The Orthodox reader, of course, will ask this question and try to understand these cases in the light of the spiritual teachings of the Orthodox fathers and saints.

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Contact with fallen spirits Although demons, when appearing to people, most often take the form of bright Angels for the most convenient deception; although they sometimes try to assure that they are humans and not demons; although they sometimes predict the future; although they reveal secrets, they should not be entrusted to them
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Anyone can see the otherworldly spirit without spending years tuning and cleansing their subtle bodies. And the main condition for this is the suppression of fear, which can easily block any vision, causing the brain to either “go blind” or quickly and reliably convince you that what you saw was just your imagination. True, there are not many methods to do this. But we selected the most working of them so that we could see for ourselves the otherworldly spirit, many of which people have used for thousands of years. And most importantly, most of them, although not all, allow you to draw a clear line between fantasies and, having secured material evidence that you really saw or that you were able to prove the presence of a ghost, otherworldly spirit or some other energetic entity in your house or creatures.

See an otherworldly spirit with peripheral vision

This method of seeing an otherworldly spirit allows us to deceive the brain, which usually completely erases from our perception of reality those objects that cannot and should not exist in this very reality. Therefore, looking at the otherworldly spirit point-blank, you will almost never notice it. But at the same time, you will almost always see if he is in the zone of your peripheral movement. One problem is that in this case you will most likely see it in the form of a dense clot, a spot or an indescribable movement. But something else is more important. The fact that you can really see it, which means you can understand that rustling or “drafts” in the house are not frightening you in vain.

You can also try to see the otherworldly spirit by slightly squinting your eyes, pointing your face strictly towards the object you want to see. But this method is only suitable for those who already know how to silence their brain, otherwise you will almost always become a victim of your fantasies, or an incorrect mental interpretation of what you see.

Alcohol will help you see the otherworldly spirit

We under no circumstances encourage you to drink alcohol! But the fact remains - often the state of intoxication is accompanied by such a strong temporary change in consciousness that being able to not only see the otherworldly spirit, but even hear, or as magicians say, “understand it” - find out why it remained in our world, why it does not leave, and what should be done to help him leave.

However, what’s interesting is that such a change in consciousness is possible only in people who drink alcohol for the first time, or who drink alcohol so rarely that they can easily be called abstinent.

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Seeing the otherworldly spirit is a way to half-asleep

It is easy to notice a ghost while half asleep. But settling down on the bed, lulling yourself to sleep, is not enough.

  • First, you need to secure your eyelids with tape or adhesive tape so that they are slightly open by 1-2 millimeters, even when you fall asleep.
  • And, secondly, you need to sit in a slightly but lighted room, and be sure to lie on your back. Now you can calm down, relax and allow yourself to fall asleep. We guarantee that if there is some kind of intangible energy being in the room, you will definitely see it.

Of course, what you see can also be the result of your imagination or some image from a dream that has begun, superimposed on reality. However, in most cases, it is an otherworldly spirit that you will see. And the proof of this is awakening, since any such contact with the inhabitants of the other world in a normal person initiates an almost instantaneous release of a powerful portion of adrenaline.

Flour will help you see the otherworldly spirit

This method has actually been used for thousands of years. And it works like this: in the evening, through a sieve, they sprinkle flour on the floor in the room in which the ghost is supposed to appear, and in the morning they study what traces remain on it. Usually these are traces of shod or bare feet of different sizes, which are believed to be left by an otherworldly spirit living in the house where this experiment was carried out.

Photography will help you see the otherworldly spirit

In order to photograph an otherworldly spirit, you need to make sure that it appears on a black, light-proof background made of fabric, velvet, paper, or a wall painted in dark colors. It is almost impossible to photograph a ghost against the background of any light sources. The second condition for successful photography, which neither physics nor esotericism can explain, is that otherworldly spirits are best manifested in photographs taken with a film rather than a digital camera. If a digital camera conveys the outlines of a ghostly creature, it is only in the form of a light or dark spot.

Also an ideal option to capture the otherworldly spirit is to photograph mirrors, the screen of a working or turned off TV, any reflective surfaces - a dark window, furniture glass, etc. in the evening. But when photographing like this, we recommend that you use it, since the camera can capture very different creatures, sometimes truly capable of instilling horror. Therefore, such experiments are strongly not recommended for people with weak psyches.

Mirror trap as a way to see an otherworldly spirit

In order to build a mirror trap for a spirit, you need to have two mirrors of the same shape and size, and, which is also very important, made by the same master. These mirrors are placed in the room or hallway in which the ghost appears, so as to form an endless mirror tunnel. After this, you should position yourself so that you or yourself are not reflected in the mirrors, but at the same time see the entire mirror tunnel. As soon as the ghost appears, you will definitely see it.

But again, when conducting such experiments, also be extremely careful.

  • Firstly, mirrors placed in this way can reflect different creatures.
  • Secondly, they can play the role of a trap that will not only catch some demon, but also tie it to your subtle bodies.
  • Thirdly, if you have powerful energy or still undeveloped inclinations for esotericism, with the help of mirrors displayed in this way, you can unwittingly create a portal through which a variety of entities, not always positively disposed towards you, can penetrate into your reality.

A candle is a powerful way to see an otherworldly spirit

Although this method will provide exclusively indirect evidence of the presence of an otherworldly spirit, it will be absolutely safe. In order for it to work, you need to tightly close all the doors and windows in the room to completely get rid of the slightest draft. Then you should secure the candle so that it is to the edge of the table or shelf (ideally on a thin, tall candlestick) and light it. After this, you should carefully monitor the light - if it begins to sway and flutter, this means that there is some kind of energetic being or entity next to you.

But remember that the light should oscillate from side to side, conditionally from left to right. If it fluctuates from you and towards you, then this means that, most likely, it is affected by your own energy.

Incense will help you see the otherworldly spirit

Let us say right away that cigarette smoke is not suitable for such an experience. But the smoke from various incense, the same incense sticks, placed in different places in the room, can both repeat the outlines of an otherworldly spirit if it appears near you, and show the trajectory of its movement within the room. In this experiment, as in the candle experiment, any artificial movement of air should be avoided, remembering that the form that the incense smoke takes can be affected not only by the draft, but also by your movements and even your breathing.

Homemade dream catcher as an opportunity to see an otherworldly spirit

You have most likely seen a similar trap woven from twigs, threads, beads and feathers. So, according to Indian traditions, it can be used to determine the presence of an otherworldly spirit. Hanging from the ceiling, it is sure to start swinging or spinning as soon as the ghost passes under it. At the same time, the Indians remembered that the more intensely you swing and spin the dream catcher, the more negatively the otherworldly spirit treats you, or the more persistently it wants to convey to you some important message for you.

But we will tell you how to hear a ghostly message in a separate article; you can use the site search. &1

Watch the video to see how you can see a ghost