Compulsory treatment of drug addiction and psychotherapy. Compulsory treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts

When relatives and close people fail to persuade a drug addict to undergo treatment, attempts to forcefully cure him will also not be successful. You can force a person to take medicine for a viral disease, which will destroy the virus and the person will recover, but if he intends to get sick, he will find a way to become infected again.

Coercion, threats and similar methods that go against a person’s desires, even if they are unreasonable and wrong desires, will not bring any benefit.

Treatment, the effectiveness of which in the case of drug addicts is about 10%, works only if the person really wants to free himself from addiction. But even with the strong desire of a drug addict, treatment does not always help, and in the case of compulsory treatment, he will quickly return to his old ways as soon as he finds himself without supervision and control.

Compulsory treatment for drug addiction is a waste of time. It is better to spend a lot of effort and time to persuade a drug addict than to try to treat him using coercion.

Why is drug addiction not amenable to compulsory treatment?

A person strives to have pleasure, be happy and avoid physical and mental pain. This is natural, it is correct and reasonable. It is unnatural and unwise to simply use drugs to achieve pleasure and happiness. But at some point in use (perhaps for the first time, or perhaps after six months), narcotic substances became the only solution for a person, the only way to feel good. And when his condition worsened greatly, they became “vital” to get rid of serious mental and physical suffering. This is not a whim, not a bad habit, not a whim or caprice - drugs at some point became everything for a person, and what will he say when you want to forcibly deprive him of this “saving remedy”? Yes, the addict will fight to the end to defend his position. In the end, he may give up, plunge into deep apathy, become indifferent and indifferent to everything, even his own fate and pain. This state is terrible, it is very close to death - absolute passivity, indifference and humility, lack of emotions and desires (although in appearance it may seem that the person has become better, he has become more accommodating, flexible, he may even smile, but this is a mask) . And we don’t think you want such a fate for your loved one. Only an active, caring, feeling person has a chance to get out and improve his life, his condition. And this can be achieved solely through communication with the goal of igniting or reviving a person’s own desire to get rid of addiction, undergo treatment and rehabilitation.

Thus, coercion and other violent methods are the path towards death. Only by helping a person want to quit drugs and act in this direction can you truly help him.

Is it possible to treat addiction to alcohol and drugs without the knowledge of the patient?

Drug and alcohol addiction is not a physical illness, but a moral, emotional and spiritual degradation that is accompanied by a loss of self-respect, love for others, moral values, etc. No pills, including antidepressants, can cope with this, because they are essentially narcotic substances; taking them will lead to a change from one addiction to another. Drugs, including antidepressants, ultimately lead to degradation, pain and death.

Without the patient’s knowledge, it is impossible to restore his self-esteem, to teach him not to run away from reality, from life, from problems and difficulties, but to successfully cope with them. And so on. You can only cope with addiction with the help of a good rehabilitation program, but he himself must want to go through the program and be free.

How to force a drug addict to undergo treatment if he does not want to?

You cannot force a drug addict to undergo treatment, but you can persuade him. Confidential communication without shouting and reproaches, with love and understanding will help. Stories and examples of those who have recovered from addiction will help.

Our consultants know how to persuade a person to undergo rehabilitation. Among our employees and graduates there are those who themselves were trapped in drugs and alcohol and who can speak the same language with your loved one.

Contact us! Consultations are anonymous and free.


We will help motivate a person so that he has a desire to get rid of addiction.
We will give recommendations on how to communicate with a drug addict.

Getting rid of drug addiction without outside help is extremely difficult. Only the person who once became a participant can understand the scale and tragedy of the situation. The main problem is that the drug addict is not able to get out of the state of drug intoxication on his own. The addict must be forced to undergo treatment in order to help him get out of a difficult situation. It is imperative to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment, even if he refuses to accept the scale of the problem and the threat to his health, and in some cases, his life. In this case, forced recovery therapy will help.

The importance of weaning off dangerous drugs

The success of a drug addict’s recovery is largely determined by his internal motivation and desire to stop using toxic substances. A drug addict is able to justify and defend himself to the last, convincing him that he controls his desires and can give up harmful substances on his own. It is extremely difficult to persuade him to start treatment. The consequences of drug use cannot be reversed.

According to statistics, only a quarter of the patients survive, the rest rot alive. Their internal organs fail and blood poisoning occurs. Most drug addicts die within the first year of using illicit drugs. Responsibility for a sick person rests with loved ones.

To avoid catastrophic consequences, it is necessary to immediately seek help from specialists who are working on the “Compulsory Treatment of Drug Addiction” program. They will provide recommendations on how to force a drug addict to undergo treatment and force the patient to make efforts to restore health. The sooner a patient is brought to a drug treatment center or any other clinic, the greater his chances of survival. If you can’t persuade the sufferer, you need to force him to talk to qualified specialists. You cannot sit back and silently watch as a loved one dies in front of you.

Medical assistance

The addict needs to be convinced to seek treatment! How to find an approach to a patient if he refuses to accept any help and cannot be persuaded? Is it possible to send a drug addict to compulsory therapy and force him to undergo treatment? These questions worry everyone who is faced with this problem.

First of all, the patient must realize that he is sick and needs professional help. This stage of therapy is called motivational. Professional psychologists and psychiatrists work with sufferers, who try to persuade them and force them to come to a logical conclusion about abolishing drug use. This step is the most difficult, but it makes the treatment more effective and produces tangible results.

For successful drug addiction treatment, it is very important that the patient understands his addiction and wants to get rid of it.

If a patient refuses treatment and any intervention in his life, he can be forcibly admitted to a narcology clinic. Yes, in some cases such actions are necessary.

The main criterion for drug treatment centers is saving the patient’s life and changing his consciousness. And if it is necessary to use compulsory treatment, then with the consent of the family and the recommendations of the attending physician, appropriate measures are taken.

How to help an addict

Compulsory treatment implies the lack of consent of the drug addict to carry out all kinds of therapies and manipulations to get rid of addiction. Forced rehabilitation is a large-scale effort to motivate the patient. During the painstaking work of specialists from various medical fields and psychiatrists, the sufferer realizes that he has no other choice but to agree to treatment.

Psychologists and doctors have developed a number of programs on how to persuade a drug addict to undergo treatment. All of them are aimed at the drug addict accepting responsibility for his life. The programs include the following items:

  1. A person addicted to drugs is terrified of withdrawal. He understands that treatment will entail abstinence from taking toxic substances. For the patient, the feeling of withdrawal is commensurate with terrible torture, being between life and death. In fact, the process of detoxification or withdrawal withdrawal is a short process and not as painful as drug addicts imagine it to be. Clinics use modern drugs that effectively relieve pain.
  2. During the conversation, psychologists present a number of facts that prove in detail to the patient that his path is directed towards death. Some specialists show their clients videos of patients going through withdrawal. Often it is these images that convince patients to make the right decision.
  3. Experts recommend sending drug addicts to specialized centers for people suffering from drug addiction. There a special atmosphere has been created for them, which will force them to completely escape from their past life. Treatment at home is fraught with frequent failures, so it is considered by doctors in rare cases. To prevent such situations, competent specialists will give advice on how to convince a drug addict to take advantage of treatment in a specialized center.

The help of a psychologist in the treatment of drug addiction cannot be overestimated; it is he who can “reach out” to the patient and teach him to live without drugs

Do not hesitate: the life of the sufferer is short

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts requires considerable effort from family, friends and doctors. Only psychological motivational programs can convince a drug addict to stop using toxic ingredients.

A patient persuaded to undergo treatment requires urgent hospitalization. It is important not to retreat, not to compromise with a drug addict. Timely actions taken will help save the life of a loved one.

Today there are rehabilitation centers in almost every city. You can contact them at any time and find out how to refer a drug addicted person there. Mandatory treatment of patients includes techniques that affect the restoration of the physiological and psychological state of the patient.

If you want to save your close friend or loved one who has become dependent on drugs, you do not need to waste time on useless conversations about the dangers of drugs or the danger to life of immoral behavior. Make decisions about specialized therapy right away.

In drug treatment centers, the patient will receive professional assistance. Here they will help him get out of the most difficult situations. Do you want to give a chance for a better life to a loved one? Then go in search of a medical center today so that tomorrow it can begin a course of therapy to get rid of addiction!

Not every addict is able to realize the scale of the problem and refuse the easy way to abstract themselves from the problems. When high, all troubles fade into the background. “So is it worth bees fighting against honey?” - the drug addict thinks.

In this situation, his relatives try to make a wise decision for the patient.

Is it possible to treat a drug addict forcibly?

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction is possible only by court decision. The main basis for compulsory treatment is the proven threat that the addict may pose to others. But even in the case of a positive court decision, compulsory treatment is not a panacea. Having “served” his allotted time in the clinic and undergone detoxification, the unrepentant addict will return to his old ways at the first opportunity. Narcologists are convinced: it is possible only on a voluntary basis.

Forced treatment at the request of relatives is not only ineffective, but also illegal and can be considered a criminal offense. It is impossible to hope that people in white coats will come, tie up the patient and take him to the center, and then return him healthy and ready for a better life.

Drug addiction is a chronic disease, and no course of medication, no “secret” treatment can lead to the desired result. The atmosphere of a drug treatment clinic does not motivate you to strive for a better life.

Since a patient who verbally agrees to treatment is able to leave a public clinic whenever he wants, the optimal solution to the problem is to assign the patient to a private rehabilitation center. Before the detoxification course, the patient signs an agreement, which confirms the voluntariness of his intentions.

Private clinics are closed institutions with an established regime, where the possibility of drug transfer by “friends” is completely excluded.

Crisis motivation of drug addicts - how to convince them to get treatment?

Crisis motivation, or, as it is also called, “intervention,” is the most effective way to force a drug addict to treatment. In this case, the addict makes the decision about treatment himself, albeit under the pressure of external circumstances. The main goal of the intervention is to make the patient feel discomfort from his illness.

Crisis motivation involves the use of a whole range of manipulative measures and techniques, primarily aimed at eliminating codependency of the drug addict and his loved ones. This method is widely used by doctors - the intervention has become a routine service in private drug treatment clinics.

Before starting the motivating program, the specialist instructs the patient’s relatives about new rules of behavior, the observance of which will make the drug addict think. The goal of the doctor and the patient’s family is to make him understand that drugs that bring euphoria and oblivion also lead to serious negative consequences for the addict himself.

Such a procedure at home can last several hours until, with the help of psychotherapeutic suggestion, the patient realizes the problem and agrees to take at least the first step towards solving it.

And if a drug addict is often able to abstract himself from the harm caused to loved ones, “under the pressure” of the responsibility that has fallen on him, he is unable to resist the idea of ​​treatment.

Forced to independently solve his financial, labor and social problems, the patient finally makes a sensible decision. A drug addict exists as long as he is indulged.

We remind you that home treatment for drug addiction is impossible - it is a complex mental illness, the treatment of which must be carried out by a qualified specialist. Therefore, the main task of relatives and close friends of a drug addict is to ensure his speedy delivery to a rehabilitation center for voluntary treatment.

If your loved one has absolutely no desire to get rid of a fatal addiction, because of which he is rapidly losing his health and taking away your funds, you need to think about compulsory drug addiction treatment.

Let's consider the most common questions from relatives of drug addicts, which concerns such a topic as compulsory treatment of drug addicts, and whether it is really possible to get a good result. We will also debunk myths about compulsory treatment, which so frighten loved ones of a drug addict.

Is it possible to treat drug addiction and alcoholism without consent?

Surely, when you hear the phrase “compulsory treatment of drug addiction,” terrible pictures of handcuffs, straitjackets, etc. immediately appear before your eyes. If this is the case, then it is not surprising that you are still living with a drug addict and are in no hurry to change your life.

In reality, everything happens differently. We never use any physical violence against our patients. Besides the fact that this is prohibited by law, it also does not bring any effect. Rest assured: no one will harm your loved one and in the literal sense of the word “forcibly” treat them.

What does forced treatment of drug addicts mean?

Do you want to know the secret? In fact, no drug addict has the desire to be treated. And no one really hides this.

But when you visit our MedExpress rehabilitation center, you will see people with clear heads and clear eyes who are clearly getting better. You are probably wondering who these people are and where they came from. A free consultation with a narcologist will allow you to find out everything in detail.

All these patients died slowly and did not even think about undergoing rehabilitation, but they are now successfully undergoing treatment and look quite good. How did they get here? How did you manage to become exactly like this?

  • Special conditions of stay.

At a specific stage of their thorny and difficult path, special conditions were specially created for them, which became the catalyst that pushed them to treatment.

  • Motivation for treatment.

It is the formation of these conditions, or rather the motivation to treat those who disagree, that is called forced treatment of drug addicts. This is the very first service that experienced and qualified specialists of our private drug treatment clinic “MedExpress” provide to almost all patients brought to our center by family and friends. You can contact us anonymously and around the clock, which plays a big role for patients addicted to drugs and alcohol.

How can you send a drug addict to rehabilitation if he completely refuses to undergo treatment in our private center voluntarily?

  • Psychological assistance at home.

Currently this does not pose any problem. 19 years of experience, a high level of professionalism, and responsibility give our specialists the right to go to the patient’s home and, with the assistance of loved ones of the alcoholic or drug addict, carry out a psychological attack.

In almost 100% of cases, we obtain the patient’s consent to treatment in our clinic. Naturally, everything happens confidentially, and for this we even use private, unmarked vehicles.

  • Detoxification.

Next, our experienced specialists take matters into their own hands. We will cleanse the body of drugs and alcohol, and provide all the necessary psychological and therapeutic assistance that will be required during the treatment process.

Believe me, there are no unsolvable problems! Don’t wait if one of your family or friends is in such trouble, call us right away!

How to get a drug addict to get treatment? What words to choose and what needs to be done to get a loved one to stop using drugs? A clinical psychologist at the Insight RC knows the answers to these questions and will help you get rid of the horror of drug addiction forever!

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction - instead of 1000 words!

The main trap that relatives of drug addicts fall into is an endless stream of promises, apologies, reproaches and lies!

You have probably heard more than once from a drug addict that he has no addiction, that he will definitely quit if he just wants to. Unfortunately, loved ones have no choice but to believe these empty words, make compromises and dream that someday compulsory treatment for drug addicts will become available to them.

It's time to act! Start compulsory treatment today!

Many people offer compulsory treatment for drug addicts in Moscow today, but remember that you should only trust the life and health of a loved one to trusted people! You may not have a second attempt at compulsory treatment. Treatment for drug addiction in a person who struggles to deny his addiction and does not agree to treatment begins with intervention. Intervention

– the latest method of psychological influence on the patient, which promotes awareness of the patient’s real situation and motivates him to begin treatment. It is impossible to organize an intervention on your own if you are not qualified as a psychologist and are not familiar with special techniques for persuading drug addicts. Organizing compulsory treatment for drug addiction is the task of the specialists of the Insight RC, which they successfully cope with in almost 100% of cases.

Intervention is the only way to get a person to start treatment! To start compulsory drug addiction treatment in Moscow, you need to follow simple instructions. If you take these three simple steps, drugs will never appear in your home again:

  • Step 1. Call the free hotline of the Insight Center and receive detailed advice. From our specialist you will learn what mistakes should be avoided when communicating with a drug addict, why the drug addict does not want treatment, and how to organize an intervention.
  • Step 2. Choose the most appropriate time for the intervention. Treatment of drug withdrawal is best suited, because at this moment the patient’s consciousness is more vulnerable than ever. Just call a narcologist to your home and while an experienced doctor professionally relieves withdrawal symptoms with medications, the psychologist will convince the patient to begin compulsory treatment!
  • Step 3. After receiving consent, immediately organize the delivery of the patient to the country hospital of the Insight RC, where he will immediately begin treatment for drug addiction.

Remember that you are not alone in your problem! Thousands of drug addicts around the world do not want to be treated and thousands of mothers and wives decide to undergo compulsory drug addiction treatment! Today is your day! Call us now!