Vaccination ADS: the whole truth about vaccination for children and adults. Composition of the vaccine and its analogues. Rules for the procedure

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In the understanding of many people, vaccinations should be carried out once or at most three times. This is enough to develop immunity. But there are vaccines that are given constantly, until old age, at certain intervals. Such a vaccine is ADS-M - a vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus.

What kind of injection is this and why do it throughout your life? What is the ADS-M vaccine for and how often is it given?

Why get vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus?

Several decades ago, the words diphtheria and tetanus terrified not only people whose family had such illnesses. Doctors were afraid to diagnose these particular diseases. They are from the category of those for which it is much easier to prevent than to cure. If a person is lucky enough to survive one of these diseases, then complications often bother him for the rest of his life. Nowadays, cases of morbidity are becoming less common thanks to vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus.

Diphtheria and tetanus belong to the group of acute bacterial infectious diseases. The source of infection is a sick person, and in the case of tetanus, animals can also be carriers of the infection.

Diphtheria affects the upper respiratory tract. The clinical manifestations are as follows:

  • slight increase in temperature, weakness, enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • sore throat, swelling of the neck tissue, difficulty swallowing food, including liquid food;
  • inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, enlarged tonsils;
  • The distinctive prognostic signs of the disease are the appearance of plaque on the tonsils, which can spread to neighboring tissues.

Complications of diphtheria: heart damage, paralysis of the neck muscles and soft tissues, disruption of the nervous system. In severe and advanced cases - death. At what age do you get vaccinated against diphtheria? The introduction of the first complex vaccine begins three months after the birth of the child.

The symptoms of tetanus differ because the nervous tissue is more affected. The disease is characterized by:

  • fever, weakness;
  • tension and spastic contractions of the facial muscles;
  • muscle tension in the neck, torso and limbs;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • death may occur due to a sharp spasm of the respiratory muscles.

Both diseases affect nervous tissue and cannot be treated with conventional or even super-strong antibacterial drugs. Diseases are much easier to tolerate or cases occur less frequently if vaccination is completed in a timely manner. For this purpose, children and adults are vaccinated with ADS-M. According to the calendar, the first injections (DTP - complex vaccine with whooping cough) are carried out at 3, 4.5 and 6 months. The first revaccination should be at 18 months. The second revaccination with ADS-M should be at 7 years of age, then at 14. After which it is repeated every 10 years throughout life. Age is not a limitation for the prevention of such serious diseases - diphtheria and tetanus can affect a person at any time in his life.

What kind of vaccine is ADS-M?

There are so many different options for preventing diphtheria and tetanus that you can’t help but wonder: is each of them necessary? What is the composition of the ADS-M vaccine and what does each symbol mean? One dose of the ADS-M vaccine - 0.5 ml of substance contains:

  • 5 units of diphtheria toxoid;
  • 5 tetanus toxoid binding units;
  • excipients: thiomersal, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide.

The usual packaging of ADS-M contains ampoules of 1 ml, that is, each contains 10 units of each toxoid.

What is different about this particular vaccine? ADS - these symbols indicate purified adsorbed liquid diphtheria-tetanus toxoid. The capital “M” refers to reduced levels of antigens.

The ADS vaccine, for example, contains 60 units of diphtheria and 20 units of tetanus toxoids. That is, the number of active units against each disease is significantly increased. How else is ADS different from ADS-M? These are indications for use. For each of these drugs there are clear criteria for administration.

ADS-M instructions

The ADS-M vaccine is produced in the form of a yellowish-white suspension. Each ampoule contains 1 ml of the substance - this is a double dose of toxoid. According to the instructions for the ADS-M vaccine, it is used:

  • for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus in children from the age of six;
  • used in adolescents and adults every 10 years;
  • the ADS-M vaccine is administered to adults who have not received a vaccine in the last 20 years;
  • in rare cases, the ADS-M vaccine is given as a replacement for DTP or ADS vaccines in children with severe reactions or post-vaccination complications to these drugs;
  • children of four years of age who have not previously received DPT.

The ADS-M vaccine is a drug that is used to support immunity throughout life.

Where is the ADS-M vaccine given? According to the new instructions, the drug is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer part of the thigh or deep subcutaneously into the subscapular region (adolescents and adults).

Contraindications for the use of ADS-M

There are both permanent and temporary contraindications for ADS-M vaccination.

Permanent contraindications include:

  • a pronounced reaction to the ADS-M vaccine during its previous administration;
  • complications after the first or subsequent vaccinations.

Temporary contraindications are as follows.

In the event that the vaccination schedule has been disrupted, a half dose of the drug is administered, and then a revaccination is given - RV2 a month later and RV3 at least 30–45 days after the previous one.

Reaction to ADS-M vaccination

After administration of toxoid, some local or general reactions are possible.

All the most serious complications such as damage to the nervous system, inflammation of the membranes of the brain and collapse could occur in the case of administration of the whooping cough vaccine - DPT.

ADS-M is well tolerated; complications and reactions to this vaccine occur due to improper behavior of the person himself. They are possible when scratching the injection site, if a person, contrary to the ban, wet it, or visited crowded places within two days after vaccination. In such cases, the reaction may not have occurred to the vaccine itself. The most frequently asked question to doctors is whether it is possible to wash after vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus? In general, it is possible, but not possible, to wet the injection site of the toxoid.

Similar vaccines for diphtheria and tetanus

There are several analogues of the diphtheria and tetanus vaccine:

  • ADS-M anatoxin (Russia);
  • "Imovax D.T. Adult" (France);
  • “D.T. Wax" (France).

Complications for any of these vaccinations are minimal and often depend on the human factor. All of them are well tolerated. The substances include the same toxoids, but the stabilizers may be different.

Let's summarize. When should you get the ADS-M vaccine? To build immunity against diphtheria and tetanus. All adults are vaccinated starting from the age of 14 or 16 (old calendar) and every 10 years in the absence of contraindications. Any unvaccinated person is at risk - these people not only can get sick themselves, they will infect other people, including children who still have weak immunity. One ADS-M vaccination will not easily get rid of yet another paperwork in the clinic, it may possibly save a loved one from death!

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    Why does the article omit information about the presence in the ADS-M vaccine of the mercury-containing preservative merthiolate, a toxic chemical compound, especially neurotoxic in combination with the aluminum contained in the vaccine?

    Tatyana Vitalievna, the article talks about merthiolate, only it is indicated in it under a different trade name - Thiomersal. It is used as a preservative and its amount in the vaccine is tiny - 0.05 mcg (microgram), the effect on the body is negligible.

    Hello, help me figure it out, the child was treated with Ads 2 times before the age of one year, now the child is 1 year and 10 months old, the pediatrician said that Ads should be done again. Is this true and how many times should I do it? I thought that it was already done at the age of 7.

    The child was given ADMS at school, notified in September, vaccinated almost two months later in November, the daughter recently suffered from ARVI, had herpes on her lips, and despite all this, she was vaccinated. Now we have conjunctivitis, a sore throat, the temperature reaches 40.5, an increase in the number of herpes, and in childhood we also had complications after the DPT vaccination. What to do, where to go to have your child examined and get good treatment!

    Good afternoon Very useful article, thank you. It so happened that we were mistakenly given both Pentaxim and our Russian DTP vaccine on the same day. The child tolerated it normally, tell me how to proceed with the vaccination, and what consequences there may be in the future due to the double dose of DTP and also different drugs, thank you in advance.

    What to do? A 56-year-old woman, after a tetanus vaccination, developed angioedema and a temperature of 38 within an hour; on the 11th day she developed tachycardia, fever, weakness and drowsiness. Today, on the 15th day after vaccination, hives all over the body. Should I do the rest of the vaccination or is it dangerous to life and health?

    Svetlana, you should definitely inform your doctor about such a reaction, and he will decide whether or not you can do the “remaining part of the vaccination.” Although it is not clear what this “remaining part” is, since this vaccination in adulthood is done once every 10 years.

    Roman, thank you for your response. Vaccination in three steps: the first stage is a test, the second (in half an hour) is the vaccination itself, and they also told you to come back in a month for the third vaccination.

    “Insignificant” influence? Is it methylmercury, aluminum hydroxide and formaldehyde? What does reference literature tell us about them? And..., are especially toxic, even when inhaled and eaten, causing necrosis of the skin (death of the skin). Lizards, snakes and other visual aids “preserved in alcohol” are stored in formaldehyde. What about direct entry into the bloodstream - and from there directly into the brain - of methylmercury, aluminum hydroxide and formaldehyde? What is going to be there? Where can you read about this? For example, links to studies, experiments on rabbits, vaccinated for 3-5 generations in a row. Do you have them ;)? And autism (brain damage), you say, has nothing to do with vaccinations?
    I personally checked the antibody titer - it turned out to be very high - while “re-vaccination” is not only not required, but CONTRAINDICATED! The analysis is not very expensive. And health is priceless!

    Contraindicated until you or your family are sick with diphtheria and suffer from it. If you are not able to read authoritative foreign sources (oh yes... Further cut out by the site administrator - insult, incitement to hatred and enmity), but also simply calculate the probability of dying from a sore and getting any complications from vaccination (spoiler: the chances are one in several hundred thousand) - that’s where you’re headed.

    Inna, yes, in Russia they “go crazy” - I will/won’t get vaccinated. It is clear that the situation in Ukraine is different and there are simply no vaccines - I would be glad to supply them, but there is nothing or it is very expensive)))

    Please don't argue! There is definitely harm. And many children remain disabled with impaired brain function. It's just hidden! They don't advertise. There is a risk. And before getting vaccinated, you need to take tests, examine the child, and collect a complete medical history. They didn’t just look down your throat and send you for vaccination. And by the way, please note that the vaccinations that are administered to children have not previously been experimented on animals.

    Maya, why can’t we argue? For example, “a lot of children become disabled” - how many exactly? Is there evidence that side effect statistics are being hidden? Where does the data come from that experiments are not being carried out?

    I am interested in the time interval between the first DPT revaccination and the second DPT-M revaccination.

    Maya, people with brain disorders are born, not after vaccination. And the reason is the total alcoholism of our fellow citizens. For some reason this doesn’t stop anyone from using it.

    What total alcoholism, what nonsense! You are busting your ass over vaccinations because you were lucky enough not to face any real problems after it! After the DPT revaccination, my son started having problems. He was born healthy, 9 points on the scale, developed wonderfully (we lead a healthy lifestyle, we don’t smoke or drink with my husband), BUT after it, the child lost all acquired skills, he stopped talking!!! We were diagnosed with autism at age 2! And you don’t need to write to me that he was born this way, he was healthy BEFORE the vaccination. Doctors shrug their shoulders and say, well, you are one of the 3% of children who were affected by the vaccine in this way. So those who are tearing their throats out here and expressing bewilderment as to why we are “getting crazy,” I want to say, you live under the slogan “is your child not disabled yet? Then we go to you!"
    As a mother, I wish you with all my heart that you do not fall into these 3%... You can’t even imagine what I had to experience. Ingeborga dapkunaite (?), this is not a childhood vaccine... Children are given DTP. Are you sure you're not making things up?

    I believe that vaccinations should be done, but not all in a row, based on various factors. For example, I don’t see the point in giving the Ads-M vaccine, especially in adulthood, if, for example, a person received an open wound while working somewhere in the field, he should be given anti-tetanus serum, if there are no outbreaks of diphtheria in the region, why should they be given to children over seven years old... I vaccinate my son because we travel a lot to Asian countries, here you never know who you came into contact with at the airport and what diseases you can pick up in India, for example, in this case “it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Regarding complications, there is a lot of talk about autism now, and the statistics are disappointing, and it is not clear whether this condition manifests itself after vaccinations or whether it is still congenital and the vaccination already spurs the disease. Regarding preservatives - they, of course, contain highly active substances and you need to know about this, although they are in microscopic doses, and some of the commentators are already poisoning rabbits with formaldehyde - they also compared, if you live in the city you are poisoned much more every day , but for some reason you are only worried about the vaccine... Regarding statistics about side effects, I personally think that no one keeps statistics, side effects, I won’t even talk about a banal increase in temperature - this is just the norm, considering that it is a disease that is being administered, not vitamins . But there are complications and this depends, first of all, on the quality of the vaccination. My friend’s child couldn’t get up for two days and was screaming, who recorded this for statistics? They just installed a medical outlet and that’s it... And I’m against vaccinations from birth, even in the maternity hospital they diagnose hepatitis - it is unlikely that in a normal family a child will encounter this disease in infancy, and if he is breastfed, he already has protection. I gave the first vaccination at 8 months, although it could have been a couple of months later, based on the fact that the child begins to walk and contact the environment more actively... Those who categorically refuse vaccinations, I still advised them to do them in cases where there are outbreaks of one of the diseases in the region or you are planning to travel (you need to get vaccinated very well in advance before traveling) because these are fatal diseases that are difficult to treat...

    In principle, I am in favor of vaccinations, but of course you need to look at your own and your child’s condition. I gave my daughter all the vaccinations, but not our Russian ones, because the first DTP given at the clinic, due to my ignorance, even then caused an unpleasant reaction, as described above - the child was simply replaced, for a week I didn’t know what to do with it and where run, the child did not eat, did not sleep, cried, constantly sat in our arms, so we gave the rest of the vaccinations Pentaxim and there were no more such reactions.

    The vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus is first administered to young children to develop lasting immunity against the diseases of the same name. With diphtheria, dense films form on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, throat and gastrointestinal tract. Under them, ulcers and tissue necrosis are found. If the serum is not administered in time, the mortality rate from diphtheria is 7 cases out of 10. With tetanus, the nervous system is affected. Tetanic and clonic spasms of skeletal muscles occur, which leads to asphyxia. The bacterium enters the body through damaged tissue. The mortality rate from tetanus is also high. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of such diseases. You need to give the body time to develop immunity against pathogenic pathogens. Therefore, vaccination with ADS-M toxoid should not be ignored under any circumstances.

    ADS-M: composition and release form

    Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid adsorbed with a reduced content of antigens, liquid ADS-M - a means for producing immunity against diseases of the same name. Unlike DPT, it contains half the doses of toxoids and does not have a pertussis component. Anatoxin is an immunobiological preparation that is obtained by processing bacterial exotoxins.

    1 milliliter of the drug contains two vaccination doses:

    • 10 flocculating units of diphtheria toxoid.
    • 10 antitoxin binding units of tetanus toxoid.
    • 60 mcg merthiolate (preservative).
    • 0.55 mg aluminum hydroxide (sorbent).

    The drug is available in the form of a yellowish-white suspension. Upon settling, it separates into a clear supernatant and a white precipitate. When shaken, the liquid becomes homogeneous.

    Pharmacological action of vaccination

    ADS-M vaccination ensures the formation of only antitoxic immunity. The vaccine does not prevent the formation of bacterial carriage and the occurrence of mild forms of the disease.

    To achieve intense anoxic immunity, it is necessary to administer several doses of the drug. In the future, revaccinations need to be carried out. An important feature of toxoids is the provision of stable immune memory in the body of the vaccinated person. Therefore, upon repeated administration of the drug (re-vaccination), rapid formation of antitoxins occurs in high concentrations. This occurs provided that the person has been fully vaccinated.

    Indications for vaccination with ADS-M toxoid

    The ADS-M vaccine is designed to strengthen and activate the immune system that already exists after DTP vaccination. It protects the body from dangerous diseases diphtheria and tetanus. The vaccine is used for routine and emergency vaccination. Routine vaccination is carried out according to the vaccination calendar. ADS-M is recommended to be used:

    • children who have had whooping cough;
    • children for whom DPT vaccination is contraindicated;
    • children aged 4-5 years who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria.

    Emergency prophylaxis with the ADS-M vaccine is carried out when there is a risk of infection of an open wound with Clostridium tetanus, the causative agent of tetanus. Treatment of the disease is the introduction of a special serum, which is not available in every hospital. You can become infected with tetanus in the following situations:

    • skin damage due to high or low temperatures (burns and frostbite of the 2nd-3rd degree);
    • open damage to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes;
    • non-medical abortions and births performed outside of a hospital;
    • through injuries of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
    • lacerations due to animal bites;
    • gangrene, abscesses that last a long time and are difficult to treat.

    Important! Emergency tetanus prophylaxis should be carried out in the first twenty days after injury or injury.

    Emergency prevention of diphtheria is carried out in epidemic foci for people who have been vaccinated more than five years ago. They are given one dose of ADS-M.

    Method of administration of the vaccine and dose

    Before introducing the vaccine, it is shaken vigorously until it has a homogeneous consistency. The drug is administered intramuscularly, into the anterior outer part of the thigh, observing all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. If the drug is administered intravenously or into the subcutaneous tissue, there is a possible risk of local complications. In this case, vaccination will not bring the desired result.

    ADS is used after 4 years. This is done because whooping cough is most dangerous before the age of 3 years. Therefore, there is no need to vaccinate older children against it. They are given the ADS-M vaccine. A single dose of the drug is 0.5 ml. The vaccination course consists of two injections of the drug with an interval of 45 days. The vaccination interval should not be shortened. After completion of vaccination, a one-time revaccination is carried out a year later. Further, they are revaccinated every 10 years.

    Contraindications for toxoid administration

    There are no absolute contraindications for the administration of absorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid. Relative contraindications are:

    • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • pregnancy;
    • oncological diseases;
    • epilepsy, convulsive syndrome;
    • acute infectious diseases;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • viral hepatitis types B, C, D, E;
    • tuberculosis in the active phase;
    • meningitis.

    Pregnancy is a relative contraindication for vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (photo:

    Immunodeficiency conditions, maintenance therapy with hormones, immunosuppressants, and steroid drugs are not a contraindication for vaccination.

    If a child has a cold, but does not have a high fever, and the disease is mild, vaccination can be done. Before the procedure, you should consult a doctor. He will decide on the advisability of vaccination.

    Adverse reactions, complications from the vaccine

    The ADS-M vaccine is considered a weakly reactogenic drug. Typically, a reaction to vaccination appears in people with weakened immune systems in the form of local and general reactions:

    Redness of the skin at the injection site and increased body temperature are the most common side effects (photo:

    Doctor's advice. To avoid possible reactions to vaccination, you should be examined by a doctor before the procedure. He will examine the child, measure the temperature, and recommend a general blood and urine test. Based on their results, the presence of an inflammatory process in the active phase is judged

    General reactions are rare. After vaccination, you should not leave the hospital for half an hour in order to detect a pathological reaction to the drug in time. The child will receive adequate and timely medical care. These simple steps will help prevent adverse reactions and make vaccination safer.

    How to dose the drug

    A single dose of diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with reduced antigen content is 0.5 milliliters. The vaccination course is the administration of two vaccinations, with an interval of 45 days. The interval between administrations should not be shortened. This will lead to unwanted reactions. The first revaccination is carried out 6-12 months after the full course of vaccination. Next, they are revaccinated every 10 years as planned. Or the vaccine is used in emergency cases when there is a high risk of diphtheria and tetanus.

    If the vaccination schedule has been disrupted, first administer a half dose of the drug (0.25 ml). A month later, revaccination is given (0.25 ml). After another month, the full dose of the drug is administered - 0.5 ml. In the future, the drug is administered after 10 years.

    Recommendations for the use of toxoid for children, adults and pregnant women

    In children, ADS-M vaccination has some features:

    • The drug is administered to children for routine revaccination at the ages of 7 and 14 years, and thereafter every 10 years.
    • It is also used in children over 7 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. The first revaccination is done before 9 months, the second - after years. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out every 10 years until the end of life.
    • ADS-M is used if the baby has an allergy to ADP. The vaccine is administered twice, every 45 days. Babies are revaccinated after a year.

    Adults who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria are given a course of vaccination at intervals of a month. The first revaccination is done after 9 months, subsequent ones - every 10 years.

    Quincke's edema is one of the types of generalized adverse reactions to the drug (photo:

    For persons who have reached the age of 16 years and have previously been vaccinated, revaccination with absorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid is carried out every ten years. People in the following professions are subject to mandatory vaccination:

    • medical workers;
    • teachers, kindergarten teachers;
    • sellers;
    • transport drivers.

    special instructions

    After vaccination, doctors do not advise soaking the vaccination site with water for 24 hours. It is undesirable to stay in baths and saunas, as this negatively affects the body. You need to adhere to a gentle regime, eat well and get enough sleep, drink enough fluids. And also avoid contact with sick people, cold and drafts. These factors reduce the body's immune defenses, and the vaccine may not work.

    Interaction with other drugs for immunoprophylaxis

    Toxoid can be administered after a month or simultaneously with the polio vaccine. These two drugs require the same active substance - aluminum hydroxide. This is good because you can put all the components in one preparation. Thus, reducing the number of injections for the child by half.

    Important! You should not listen to those who dissuade you from vaccination. Sometimes, vaccination is the only way to develop immunity against particularly dangerous infections. In this case, even if a person gets sick, he will not die from the disease

    The drug can be administered together with other vaccines, according to the vaccination schedule. There is an exception - you cannot combine toxoid with a vaccine against tuberculosis. You need to adhere to the rule - vaccines cannot be mixed, they must be injected into different parts of the body.

    Vaccine storage conditions

    The vaccine is stored at a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the medicinal product is 3 years. The drug should be kept in a dark place, because direct sunlight negatively affects its properties. High air humidity should be avoided. The vaccine should not be frozen because it will be inactivated and will lose its immunomodulatory characteristics. If the ampoule or packaging of the medicine is damaged, it should not be taken. It is necessary to assess the state of the suspension. If it changes color, becomes cloudy, or flakes appear at the bottom, the drug is disposed of. Anatoxin is not used if there is no marking on the package or the expiration date has expired. The vaccine is not stored in opened form.

    Vaccine analogues

    At the moment, there are several analogues of ADS-M toxoid. They differ from each other by trade name and country of origin:

    The vaccines have a similar composition and identical mechanism of action.

    Adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations are much better tolerated than those with pertussis factor (pertussis factor). General complications are rare. More often you can notice changes in the skin at the injection site - it turns red and swells. Anatoxin is not dangerous to humans and is recommended for routine revaccination. Vaccinated people have lasting immunity against diphtheria and tetanus. Once infected with germs, vaccinated people cannot spread them. It is much easier for them to endure such illnesses, because the diseases are mild and without complications.

    ADS-anatoxin / ADS-M-anatoxin (ADT-anatoxinum / ADT-M-anatoxinum)


    1 ml (2 vaccination doses) of the drug ADS-anatoxin contains:
    Diphtheria toxoid – 60 flocculating units;
    Tetanus toxoid – 20 antitoxin binding units;
    Additional ingredients.

    1 ml (2 vaccination doses) of the drug ADS-M-anatoxin contains:
    Diphtheria toxoid – 10 flocculating units;
    Tetanus toxoid – 10 antitoxin binding units;
    Additional ingredients.

    pharmachologic effect

    ADS-toxoid and ADS-M-toxoid are a drug used to form a specific immune response of the body against tetanus and diphtheria.

    Indications for use

    The preparations ADS-anatoxin and ADS-M-anatoxin are intended for preventive vaccination in children, adults and adolescents (as a means of causing the formation of specific immunity to diphtheria and tetanus).
    ADS toxoid is typically used to vaccinate children aged 3 months to 7 years who have had whooping cough, as well as children aged 3 to 7 years who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus.
    ADS-M toxoid is usually used for age-related revaccination of children and adults who were previously vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus.

    ADS-M toxoid can also be prescribed for vaccination of children who have contraindications to the use of DTP vaccine and ADS toxoid (including a pronounced reaction to the previous administration of these drugs).

    Mode of application

    Before using the drug, the doctor must examine the patient and interview him to identify possible contraindications. ADS-toxoid and ADS-M-toxoid are intended for parenteral (intramuscular) administration. ADS-toxoid suspension (ADS-M-toxoid) should only be injected into large muscles, in particular the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle or the anterior outer surface of the thigh. For adults, during age-related revaccination, ADS-M toxoid can be injected subcutaneously into the subscapular region. Immediately before opening the ampoule, it should be thoroughly shaken until an equilibrium suspension is formed. Injections should be carried out under aseptic conditions. Simultaneous vaccination with the drug ADS-anatoxin (ADS-M-anatoxin) and drugs for the formation of immunity against poliomyelitis is allowed.
    A single dose of the suspension is 0.5 ml.

    The course of vaccination with ADS-anatoxin includes 2 injections of the drug, the interval between which is at least 30 days. The interval may be increased if the patient's condition does not allow for a second injection. After completing the vaccination course, 9-12 months later, a one-time revaccination is carried out with the drug ADS-anatoxin.
    It is recommended to carry out further age-related revaccination using the drug ADS-M-anatoxin.
    Children who have contraindications to the use of DPT vaccine and ADS toxoid are vaccinated using the drug ADS-M toxoid. In this case, the course includes 2 injections of the drug, the interval between which is 45 days.

    It is prohibited to reduce the recommended intervals between administrations of ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin.
    It should be taken into account that if the patient was previously vaccinated with the DPT vaccine, then the schedule for administering ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin is changed:
    If the DTP vaccine was previously administered once, then the DTP toxoid is administered once after 30 days, and repeated revaccination is carried out after 9-12 months.
    If the DTP vaccine has been administered 2 or 3 times previously, then the vaccination course is considered completed, and the DTP toxoid is used for revaccination 9-12 or 18 months after the end of the vaccination course.

    Side effects

    When using the drugs ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin, it is possible to develop such undesirable reactions as weakness, increased body temperature, as well as skin hyperemia, swelling and the formation of infiltration at the site of drug administration.
    In some cases, when using the drugs ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin, the development of neurological complications was observed, including seizures, post-vaccination encephalitis, continuous screaming (in young children).
    ADS toxoid can also lead to the development of collaptoid conditions.

    Also, when using the vaccine, allergic reactions may develop, including angioedema, polymorphic rash, urticaria and anaphylactic shock. When using ADS-anatoxin and ADS-M-anatoxin for the first time, the patient should be under the supervision of medical personnel for at least 30 minutes. In the event of the development of severe allergic reactions, resuscitation measures should be carried out and in the future the patient should not be vaccinated with the drug ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin.
    As a rule, the drug ADS-M-anatoxin is better tolerated than ADS-anatoxin, therefore, if undesirable effects develop during the first vaccination with ADS-anatoxin, further vaccination can be continued with the drug ADS-M-anatoxin, but in this case special care should be taken.


    ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin are not prescribed to patients with individual sensitivity to diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (including the development of allergic reactions with previous administration of drugs containing diphtheria or tetanus toxoids).
    ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin should not be prescribed to patients suffering from cancer, epileptic syndrome and seizures that occur more than once in 6 months, as well as to patients receiving radiation therapy or immunosuppressive drugs for more than 14 days (use drugs ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin are allowed no earlier than a month after the end of therapy).

    Vaccination of the patient should not be carried out during exacerbations of chronic diseases, as well as during acute diseases of infectious and non-infectious etiology (the use of ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin is permitted 1 month after complete recovery or the onset of clinical remission).
    ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin are not used for vaccination of patients with severe diseases that occur over a long period of time, including viral hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis (vaccination of the patient is possible 6-12 months after recovery).

    Administration of the drug within 2 months before or after vaccination with another vaccine is strictly contraindicated (in some cases, the doctor can individually reduce the interval to 1 month).
    For patients with neurological diseases, ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin are prescribed only after a thorough study of the clinical picture and assessment of the risk/benefit ratio.

    Drug interactions

    ADS-M toxoid and ADS toxoid should be used at least 1 month apart with other vaccines.


    There is no data on overdose of ADS-M-anatoxin and ADS-anatoxin.

    Release form

    Suspension for parenteral administration ADS-M-anatoxin, 0.5 ml (1 vaccination dose) in clear glass ampoules, 10 ampoules in a cardboard package.
    Suspension for parenteral administration of ADS-anatoxin, 1 ml (2 vaccination doses) in clear glass ampoules, 10 ampoules in a cardboard package.

    Storage conditions

    ADS-anatoxin and ADS-M-anatoxin are recommended to be stored for no more than 3 years in rooms with a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees Celsius.
    The drug should be protected from exposure to direct sunlight and high humidity.
    It is prohibited to freeze the vaccine.
    If the integrity of the ampoule is damaged during storage, the drug should be discarded. The suspension should be used immediately after opening the ampoule. If there is a change in the color of the suspension, the use of ADS-anatoxin and ADS-M-anatoxin is prohibited.

    Active ingredients:

    Diphtheria toxoid, Tetanus toxoid



    • Official instructions for the drug ADS-anatoxin / ADS-M-anatoxin.
    Description of the drug " ADS-toxoid / ADS-M-toxoid"on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
    Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

    Filterable list

    Active substance:

    Instructions for medical use

    Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid (ADS-anatoxin)
    Instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-000331

    Last modified date: 04.06.2013

    Dosage form

    Suspension for intramuscular administration.


    ADS toxoid consists of a mixture of purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

    1 dose (0.5 ml) contains: 30 flocculating units (Lf) of diphtheria toxoid and 10 binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoid;


    Not more than 0.55 mg of aluminum hydroxide (in terms of aluminum), from 42.5 to 57.5 mcg of thiomersal and not more than 50 mcg of formaldehyde.

    Description of the dosage form

    The suspension is yellowish-white in color, separating upon settling into a clear supernatant liquid and a yellowish-white loose sediment, completely breaking up when shaking.

    Pharmacological group

    MIBP - toxoid.


    Prevention of diphtheria and tetanus in children.


    • Severe reaction or post-vaccination complication to a previous vaccine administration;
    • Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases - vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 2-4 weeks after recovery. For mild forms of disease (rhinitis, mild hyperemia of the pharynx, etc.), vaccination is allowed after the clinical symptoms disappear;
    • Chronic diseases - vaccinations are carried out upon achieving complete or partial remission;
    • Neurological changes - grafted after progression of the process has been ruled out;
    • Allergic diseases - vaccinations are carried out 2-4 weeks after the end of the exacerbation, while stable manifestations of the disease (localized skin phenomena, hidden bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.

    Immunodeficiencies, HIV infection, as well as maintenance course therapy, including steroid hormones and psychopharmaceuticals, are not contraindications to vaccination.

    In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic at the FAP) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of the vaccinated with mandatory thermometry. When vaccinating adults, preliminary selection of persons to be vaccinated is allowed, with their interview by the medical worker conducting the vaccination on the day of vaccination. Persons temporarily exempt from vaccination must be monitored and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner.

    Vaccinations according to epidemiological indications: non-immune persons with the diseases specified in the section “Contraindications for use”, who are in direct contact with patients with diphtheria (family, class, dorm room, etc.), can be vaccinated according to the conclusion of a specialist until recovery (remission) ) against the background of appropriate therapy.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Directions for use and doses

    ADS toxoid is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer part of the thigh in a dose of 0.5 ml. Before vaccination, the ampoule must be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

    ADS toxoid is used:

    1. Children who have had whooping cough (from 3 months of age to 6 years of age).

    2. Children who have contraindications to the administration of DTP vaccine.

    3. Children aged 4-5 years inclusive, who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria.

    and tetanus.

    The vaccination course consists of two vaccinations with an interval of 30 days. Reducing the interval is not allowed. If it is necessary to increase the interval, the next vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible, determined by the child’s health condition. Revaccination with ADS toxoid is carried out once 6-12 months after the completed course of vaccination. The first revaccination of children over 6 years of age, as well as subsequent age-related revaccinations, are carried out with ADS-M toxoid.

    ADS toxoid can be administered a month later or simultaneously with the polio vaccine and other drugs in the national schedule of preventive vaccinations.

    The administration of the drug is recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the batch number, expiration date, manufacturer, date of administration, and the nature of the reaction to the administration of the drug.

    Side effects

    ADS-toxoid is a weakly reactogenic drug. Some vaccinated people may develop short-term general (fever, malaise) and local (pain, hyperemia, swelling) reactions in the first two days. Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, urticaria, polymorphic rash) in particularly sensitive individuals, vaccinated persons must be provided with medical supervision for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

    When the temperature rises above 38.5°C in more than 1% of vaccinated people or when severe local reactions occur (swelling of soft tissues with a diameter of more than 5 cm, infiltrates with a diameter of more than 2 cm) in more than 4% of vaccinated people, as well as with the development of severe post-vaccination complications of vaccination the drug in this series is discontinued.


    Not installed.


    Not installed.

    Precautionary measures

    The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, lack of labeling, changes in physical properties (change in color, presence of unbreakable flakes), expired expiration dates, or improper storage.

    The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in an opened ampoule.

    special instructions

    Information about the possible effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery .

    Not applicable as this drug is intended for use in children.

    Release form

    Suspension for intramuscular administration in ampoules of 0.5 ml (one vaccination dose) or 1 ml (two vaccination doses). 10 ampoules per box with instructions for use and a scarifier, or 5 ampoules in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene film, 2 ampoules per pack with instructions for use and a scarifier.

    When packaging ampoules that have a notch, ring or break point, a scarifier is not included.

    Storage conditions

    According to SP at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Freezing is not allowed. Keep out of the reach of children.

    Transportation conditions.

    According to SP at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Freezing is not allowed.

    Best before date

    A drug that has expired cannot be used.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    For medical and preventive institutions.

    LS-000331 from 2013-06-04
    Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid (ADS-anatoxin) - instructions for medical use - RU No.

    Starting from birth, components of dangerous viruses are introduced into the human body, which, upon contact in their usual form, can cause serious consequences and even death. But a small dose is a life-saving element and forms the resistance of the immune system to terrible viruses and microbes. The ADS vaccine is a vaccine that contains the diphtheria/tetanus toxoid component. It is a revaccination that is carried out after the age of six. It has several stages of introduction into the human body throughout life. We will talk about all the features of vaccinations of this type in the article.

    DTP and ADS - what is the difference?

    The difference between the two abbreviations lies in the presence of one whey component, which becomes less dangerous after the child enters the school period. The DTP vaccine is made at the beginning of the entire vaccination journey and contains an toxoid of three viruses:

    • whooping cough;
    • diphtheria;
    • tetanus.

    This type of vaccine is done four times, the most serious is revaccination, which is the fourth among the entire complex.

    The DTP vaccine is administered as a revaccination 5 years after the fourth DTP. There is no pertussis toxoid in the serum because the child has already developed immunity to the virus.

    This is where the name ADS comes from - diphtheria and tetanus toxoid. The drug is used to prolong the resistance of immunity to the appearance of tetanus or diphtheria viruses. Although no one predicts the occurrence of epidemics, every person who does not have a special reason for refusing vaccination should protect their life.

    The schedule for administering the drug ADS anatoxin has a certain sequence:

    • age seven years - the first medicine is administered as a revaccination;
    • 14/16 years - second dose of ADS toxoid;
    • every 10 years - subsequent revaccinations for an adult up to 36 years of age.

    This administration of the drug is due to a decrease in the activity of a toxoid of one type or another. The vaccine is considered cumulative.

    In medicine, there is another vaccine that allows you to build immunity against tetanus or diphtheria. This is ADS-M serum (low dose diphtheria and tetanus toxoid). It contains a small dose of components and makes it easier for the vaccinated person to go through the adaptation period.

    A vaccine with one component is possible, which is done at a certain interval. Tetanus and diphtheria viruses are introduced at different times. It is indicated for patients who have a special organism that may exhibit an unusual reaction to the elements of the drug:

    • local or general reaction to the first DPT vaccination;
    • allergy to pertussis component;
    • weakened immunity of the child;
    • a negative reaction to a previous vaccination - high temperature (up to 400), weakness, malaise, local reaction in the form of severe compaction;
    • some physiological age-related features.

    In order not to give the body a large load, a two-component ADS toxoid vaccine is used.

    Also, a mild form of the drug can be used in children and adults with minimal indicators of colds and temperatures up to 380. The vaccine for this condition is prescribed only during an epidemic of tetanus or diphtheria. A small dose makes it easier for the body to cope with the disease and eliminate the risks associated with direct virus infection.

    ADS and possible restrictions on vaccination

    Many young mothers are at a crossroads between agreeing and refusing any vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria.

    A vaccine with three or two components is considered difficult for any organism. But the younger the baby is, the easier the vaccine is tolerated. There are exceptions, but they are isolated. Basically, in the first stages, the drug does not cause any particular problems for mothers if they follow the instructions of the pediatrician and the procedural nurse.

    At the same time as ADS toxoid, another vaccine can be administered. There are no contraindications for this, with the exception of BCG.

    Restrictions may be individual:

    • intolerance to any component of the ADS toxoid vaccine (can be detected during the first vaccination if a reaction occurs on the skin or the temperature rises to 40 degrees);
    • various types of illnesses of a child or adult, temporary or chronic;
    • deviations from the nervous system and developmental delays in the baby;
    • convulsions or fainting as a reaction to the first vaccination;
    • any medical findings that indicate that the ADS vaccine may cause harm to the body;
    • personal refusal with an explanation of what is being refused and the reason.

    In all other circumstances there is no need to think about any contraindications. Even with some chronic diseases, the drug ADS toxoid can be administered to the patient, but in a small dose of the substance.

    Getting ready for ADS vaccination in a timely manner

    The instructions for a patient who has reached vaccination age have standard recommendations:

    • A few days before the date of vaccination with ADS toxoid, it is necessary to give up an active lifestyle (attending mass events, intense physical activity, for an adult - drinking alcohol, tasting new dishes or products, etc.);
    • Three days before vaccination, take antihistamines to avoid allergies;
    • Get tested to be sure that there are no diseases or inflammatory processes (especially for young children who cannot talk about their health).
    • Visit your doctor's office for a pre-vaccination checkup. In the office, instructions will be given on further behavior after vaccination.

    Typically, the doctor's instructions are to avoid walking and washing for three days. Why are such recommendations given if the vaccination is not severe? The fact is that the body spends its immunity fighting at least a small number of viruses. A distracted immune system will miss another virus, which can lead to unpredictable situations.

    What happens after vaccination with ADS toxoid?

    If the diphtheria and tetanus vaccine is not given to the patient for the first time, then the reaction should not differ much from previous vaccinations. There are special precautions for the fourth DTP, which is the first booster dose. This particular drug is tolerated by children with some complications, but does not cause much concern.

    ADS toxoid is a drug administered to a person during the remaining vaccination periods. It does not contain the whooping cough component, which causes individual complications. But the doctor in any case gives advice on prevention:

    • if the temperature rises above 38.5, then you need to take any medicine that will help bring down the fever. For children, the medicine may contain paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is not allowed. This medicine may cause a negative reaction. The instructions for any drug contain information about dosage by age.
    • Sometimes a lump appears at the injection site, which can hurt. You need to take a painkiller and apply an iodine mesh. But you cannot rub this place, apply compresses or ointments that will clog the injection site. What can cause inflammation or suppuration.

    If complications arise that cause you concern, you must call a doctor or an ambulance to prevent serious consequences.

    Although the reaction to the ADS toxoid vaccine is considered less severe than that of its counterpart with the whooping cough component, it is necessary to take any vaccination procedure seriously so that the drug does not cause harm to health.

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