About various photographic signs, wedding phenomena, or Why you can’t photograph sleeping people? Is it possible to take photographs in a store: restrictions and justifications

With the advent of various gadgets in human life that can take photographs, we try to capture the most interesting and important moments. Photos brought from vacation, taken at parties, important events or just on walks - all this warms the soul and gives warm memories. And often there is a desire to take a photo of a sleeping person - comical or very cute. But is this idea as harmless as it seems at first glance? The clicking of a lens or a bright flash can frighten a person. In addition, there are many superstitions that answer the question of why you should not photograph sleeping people. Among them is the fear of illness or imminent death, and the reluctance to damage the psyche. A large number of prohibitions are associated with various magical rituals and ceremonies. We invite you to study the history of these fears and get acquainted with the signs!

History of superstition

The roots of this superstition go back to the 19th century. At that time, such a genre of photography as post mortem- post-mortem photographs. This was due to the fact that the services of photographers were very expensive, and the cameras themselves were quite expensive, so only a few could afford such luxury. Often during the lifetime of one of the family members it was not possible to take a single shot of him! It was possible to perpetuate the memory of the deceased only by washing him, dressing him up and seating him at the same table with living household members. A distinctive feature of such photographs “for eternal memory” were the closed eyes of the deceased, which led to a parallel with people alive but sleeping. By the way, this tradition also took root in the USSR. Dead people were dressed up, seated at the table, and a newspaper or cup of tea was placed in their hands. Children were surrounded by toys or flowers. And sometimes the dead were photographed right in bed, after giving them the appearance of sleeping. Almost every wealthy family had such a photo album, called the “book of death.” And often the family, showing these photos to someone, said that the person simply blinked or was sleeping.

In antiquity there was a similar belief. True, there were no cameras then; portraits on canvas were popular. Sleeping people could not be drawn under any circumstances - it was believed that this would lead to sorrows and troubles: loss of loved ones, separation from loved ones, betrayal, ruin or shame.

Another version of the origin of the superstition, which says that you should not photograph sleeping people, is associated with the opinion of ancestors. Once upon a time, people believed that during sleep a person’s soul leaves his physical shell. At the same time, the body becomes extremely vulnerable, and a quick and sudden awakening can cause death.

What do esotericists, psychologists, and biotherapists think about photographs of sleeping people?

From a psychological point of view

When asked whether it is possible to photograph sleeping people, psychologists usually answer evasively. Of course, experts do not prohibit doing this, but they warn about various negative consequences. It is not recommended to take photos of sleeping people for several reasons:

  • a person may wake up from a flash or loud click of a camera and get scared;
  • in the photo the person may resemble a dead person - especially if he is sleeping on his back and his arms are extended along his body;
  • It’s unlikely that the shot will be successful: strange poses, an open mouth, drool running down the cheek - few people would want to admire such photographs, much less show them to other people or post them on social networks.

From a biotherapeutic point of view

Biotherapists say: photography is a reflection of a person’s energetic state. In a state of wakefulness, the biofield is quite powerful, but a sleeping person is weakened. Of course, this is not scary, but people with bad intentions are able to cause harm with the help of such photos - to bring the evil eye or damage.

Biotherapists compare the energy field of a sleeping person with the field of deceased people. They say that it is quite possible to establish this state in real life, without even wanting it. The result is severe illness and death.

From a religious point of view

There are two main religious reasons why you should not photograph sleeping people. Followers of Islam say: it is forbidden to take such photographs, because it is contrary to Sharia law. By taking photographs, a person creates man-made images that can lead to polytheism. And there it is not far from disbelief in Allah. Therefore, in Asia, for example, it is difficult to find paparazzi who want to be included in the list of desecrators of faith.

Officially, the Orthodox and Catholic churches do not prohibit taking photographs of sleeping people. Here this is generally regarded as a stupid superstition. But some Christians still claim that photographing a sleeping person can frighten away the guardian angel who guards the body during sleep. According to them, this leads to the fact that the sleeper is left without protection. The clergy, in turn, say that because of such a trifle, the guardian angel does not leave a person.

From a physiological point of view

When deciding to take a photograph of a person who is sleeping, it is important to understand that during sleep all muscles are relaxed. A sudden awakening can lead to seizures and stuttering. In addition, during sleep, many different processes occur in the human body, the most important of which is the production of melatonin. This hormone is responsible for regulating circadian rhythms, slows down aging, and protects against stress. The process of melatonin production takes place in the complete absence of light. Even a short flash from the camera can disrupt the process. That is, the body will not recover, the next morning the person will feel tired, irritated and sleepy.

From a magic point of view

Experienced psychics, magicians, astrologers and healers can tell a lot about a person, his mental and physical state with just one photograph. The task is simplified if the photo shows a sleeping person. You can learn a lot about the character, mentality and desires of a certain person. Here are just some of the superstitions that say that it is strictly forbidden to photograph a sleeping person:

  1. Sudden death is the most terrible consequence of even one photograph taken while a person is in the kingdom of Morpheus. Magicians say that during sleep the soul is in another dimension, the impulse brings it back. But if a person wakes up very quickly, the soul may not have time to return to the body. By the way, it is for this reason that it is not recommended to move the sleeping person to another place - the soul may simply not find its way back!
  2. There is an opinion that photographs “without a soul” look extremely unpleasant - they are scary to look at, and this fear is completely inexplicable.
  3. Another version says that a bright flash blinds a person’s soul. That is, she remains forever wandering in another world.
  4. You should not photograph a sleeping person for the reason that it may take away some of his strength. Magicians assure that after such a photo shoot a person will simply turn into a zombie, having lost his spiritual component, emotions and consciousness.
  5. There may be a disturbance in the energy field. The fact is that in addition to the physical body, a person’s aura is usually present in the photo. And if in photographs taken while a person is awake, the energy protection is quite strong, then in those images where a person is sleeping, the aura is very weak. And this plays into the hands of black magicians.
  6. During sleep, a person is unable to control his emotions; he is absolutely defenseless. Therefore, a photograph of a sleeping person that falls into the hands of ill-wishers can lead to negative consequences: damage, the evil eye. Moreover, the information is stored in the photo for a year!
  7. The most common superstition among older people is that a sleeping person looks very much like a dead person. It’s even worse if the photo turns out fuzzy and blurry. This may indicate impending illness, possible troubles in life, and even sudden death.
  8. The place where the photo of the sleeping person was taken is also of particular importance. So, esotericists say, a photograph where a person is sleeping in absolute darkness, in a house where there is no repair or where there is chaos, can worsen the health and mental state of the photographed person, gradually draining vital energy from him.
  9. The person whose eyes are closed in the photo is dead to the world. His interest in life is fading, his former hobbies are no longer pleasing. Just a couple of pictures - and a person loses the meaning of life, and may even become addicted to addictions.
  10. A special superstition is associated with pregnant women. Magicians assure that if you photograph a lady in an interesting sleeping position, the child may not be born completely healthy or may not be born at all, and a miscarriage will occur. However, there are no scientific explanations or confirmation of this sign.
  11. They also say that you should not photograph sleeping lovers - this can lead to a deterioration in their relationship, quarrels and separation.

If the photo has already been taken

What to do if you didn’t know that you shouldn’t take pictures of a sleeping person and have already taken such shots? Of course, under no circumstances should you show them to others, and certainly not post them on forums and social networks! Firstly, most of these photographs cannot be called successful, and secondly, it puts people in an awkward position. It is important to understand that such photographs not only contradict ethical standards, but also cause harm to the person depicted in them. There are a number of mystical reasons why you should not show photos of sleeping people to strangers.

  1. Any careless word or comment can damage the fragile aura of both adults and children. Therefore, photographs of sleeping people, regardless of the age of those depicted in them, are best stored exclusively in a family album.
  2. Talented magicians can perform their rituals even using electronic images. To protect yourself, it’s enough to simply limit strangers’ access to virtual life - close photo albums, certain pages of your profile or blog. It is also a good idea to use strong passwords.
  3. Under no circumstances should you share photographs of sleeping unbaptized people - there is absolutely no protection here.
  4. If the image of a sleeping person is viewed daily by a large number of people, his bioenergy rapidly changes in a negative direction, esotericists say. Every negative comment leaves a hole in a person's energy field.
  5. There is an opinion that a photograph of a sleeping person, located in a prominent place, can not only harm the person, but also radically change his fate.

Should we believe or not such statements and signs? Everyone must decide for themselves. Psychologists reassure us that a significant part of them has no basis and is just a relic of the past. But for your own peace of mind and for the peace of mind of the sleeping person, it is better not to take such pictures.

Photos of sleeping children

Often, young mothers visit various websites for photographers in search of bright ideas for baby photo shoots. Many authors recommend waiting until the child falls asleep and starting creating. But what do ophthalmologists, psychologists, and believers say about this? Will such photos harm the baby?

What do the doctors say?

Even ophthalmologists have not come to a clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to photograph sleeping children. Opinions are divided: some say that a bright flash has no effect on the process of vision formation in a child, while others, on the contrary, believe that a flash can damage the retina. It is also important to remember that infants’ vision is not developed: there is no protection from light, the pupils are enlarged, and accommodation is not developed. In addition, children are afraid of bright flashes and loud sounds, and this is especially evident in their sleep. The fear a baby receives can leave negative consequences for life!

Disorders of the child's nervous system, the development of various phobias, stuttering - these are just some of the consequences that mothers who want to take a touching photo of a sleeping baby are warned about. However, children's doctors say that photographing sleeping children can be dangerous only if the shutter click is very loud or the flash is on. Modern devices can operate almost silently, which means there is no reason to worry.

Mysticism and religion

But believers do not agree with this opinion. They believe that for the first 40 days after birth, the baby should not only be photographed sleeping, but also simply shown to friends and relatives. It is not recommended to take photos of the baby before his Baptism. It is believed that until this time the child does not have a guardian angel, which means he is defenseless and susceptible to the influence of various evil forces.

Psychics also say that sleeping children should not be photographed. This is explained by the fact that you can jinx them even inadvertently, simply by admiring them or expressing admiration! The fact is that the energy of children is several times weaker than that of adults. Of course, modern parents do not believe in omens; they share images of their children on forums, blogs and social networks. But magicians warn: it is better not to overuse such photographs. Otherwise, you can significantly weaken the baby’s health and harm his psyche.

One of the worst signs regarding photographs of sleeping children is associated with the destruction of such photographs. If parents think that the baby in the photo looks more like a dead child than a sleeping one, they try to get rid of such a photo. But esotericists say that if you burn or tear a photograph, you can only aggravate the situation, attract illness or death. It is up to the parents themselves to decide whether to believe in this sign or not. It is important to note that this superstition has no official confirmation!

Another sign says that if spouses allow their sleeping child to be photographed, there will never be other children in the family.

Positive points

You can find many advantages in photographs of sleeping babies and adults:

  • if you try hard, the photo can turn out funny and very original;
  • tender photos of the baby taken in the first months of his life will be pleasant to view when the child grows up;
  • A high-quality photo will be a pleasant surprise.

How to resist superstition?

There are two ways that will allow you to resist all signs. The first is to simply not believe. The second is to “turn” the sign so that it works in all cases except this one. How to do this? Well, for example, decide that the superstition will not work if the photo is not seen by strangers.

1. When photography is prohibited without any conditions:

On Russian airlines (USSR passenger transportation rules have not been abolished);

Passengers on board MO aircraft;

In the territories of seaports (the Rules of the USSR Ministry of Marine Fleet have not been repealed);

At closed meetings of the Federation Council (Resolution of the Federation Council);

At closed meetings of the State Duma (Resolution of the State Duma);

2. When filming permission is needed:

Photography in the courtrooms of any courts is carried out only with the permission of the presiding judge in the case (Civil Procedure Code, Code of Criminal Procedure);

Photographing places of detention of convicts only with written permission from the administration of these places (Order of the Ministry of Justice);

In the territories of customs facilities (Order of the State Customs Committee);

At storage sites for cultural property, i.e. in museums, funds, archives, etc. (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Archive of the Russian Federation), unless otherwise explicitly stated.

3. When photography permission is not required:

In public places:

On the territory of state and municipal bodies (outside and inside);

In courts (inside - except in courtrooms when a trial is in progress); - on squares (including Red Square; see Appendix 3) (de facto, only photography without a tripod is allowed on Red Square. This is strictly monitored by the FSO);

On streets, avenues, etc. places;

In parks, forest areas;

On the territory of stations, in the metro (in the Moscow metro only amateur photography is allowed, in the St. Petersburg metro any kind of photography is prohibited). FROM publicly accessible places (from streets, squares, avenues):

Private: buildings, premises, plots, clubs, restaurants, shopping centers and all other objects (except for places of detention of convicts);

Events, incidents occurring in/at the above-mentioned facilities;

Embassies, representative offices, consulates.

4. When permission to film is not required if filming is not obstructed:

At press events (that is, if the organizers do not at least verbally prohibit, filming is allowed);

On private property (i.e. when the photographer is physically on that property):

* fenced areas of private organizations (banks, factories, shopping malls, etc.);

* in the premises of these objects;

* private houses, plots;

* clubs, restaurants, etc. places;

* people located in this territory.

Everywhere at the listed objects, photography can be carried out freely, if there are no established symbols, signs or warnings about the need to obtain permission, and also if the owner (his representative, security guard) does not directly object. And also: - in betting shops and slot machine halls in Moscow (by order of the Mayor of the city). Exception: Filming of the objects, people, events listed in paragraph 3 (taking place on private territory) FROM public places is carried out FREE, without permission.

5. Photographing people in public places is free:

At press conferences (unless the organizers prohibit filming);

Police officers, firefighters, doctors, rescue service employees - in the performance of duties; . participants in demonstrations, protests, and speakers at these events; . participants in accidents and collisions;

The article talks about why you should not photograph a sleeping person or baby. The history of some photography bans is revealed.

A digital point-and-shoot camera, DSLR or mirrorless camera is not always nearby, which means wonderful moments are destined to become only a moment in someone’s eyes and memory. But with phone cameras and tablets, things are different: gadgets are our constant companions.

Just put your hand in your pocket or bag and an interesting shot is captured! When going for a walk around the city or meeting with friends, or another event, we check in advance whether there is enough memory in the phone and whether the battery is charged. But in what cases is it better to abandon the idea of ​​photographing what is happening?

Why can’t you photograph a sleeping child or person?

Superstitions and signs came to us from ancient times. But despite technical progress and the acquisition of human power to influence many natural phenomena and change the course of events, the collection of superstitions and signs is constantly replenished. A person is inclined to believe in the other world, and signs help him gain a little power over fate. One of these superstitions is photographing sleeping people.

What is the sign of photographing sleeping people?

  • a person with unclean thoughts reads hidden information from a photograph and uses it to perform black magic rituals (evil eye, spells)
  • It has long been believed that the soul leaves the body of a sleeping person for a while and walks away from it. The sleeper becomes vulnerable to evil and “sorcerers.” Hence the prohibition on abruptly waking up a sleeping person, since a wandering soul will not be able to return in time0, and the person risks dying in his sleep; this is why it is not advisable to photograph a sleeping person: in fact, from a loud shutter click or flash, a person has every chance of becoming a stutterer or getting severely frightened
  • the face of a sleeping person does not look attractive, so if you decide to take a photograph of a person sleeping, you need to get his consent to take pictures
  • By photographing a sleeping person, you can steal his destiny or hasten the approach of death
  • when taking pictures, the guardian angel may get scared and stop protecting the sleeping person
  • the sleeper resembles a dead man. During the Victorian era in Europe, there was a tradition of photographing the dead, especially children. The person was dressed up and seated next to living relatives, sometimes pretending that the deceased had simply fallen asleep or opening his eyes and tinting them so that it was difficult to distinguish the dead from the living.
  • Taking the last photograph of the deceased was considered the only way to preserve the memory of the deceased, albeit in such a creepy way. Looking through old photographs, it is not easy to determine who is dead and who is alive. That’s why it is believed that closed eyes in the photo are
    a sign that a person is not alive. Agree, few people like the fact that he is mistaken for a dead man.

Is it possible to photograph a newborn baby?

Superstitious people say that photographing a newborn baby (up to 40 days) will lead to the child being weak and sickly. Another thing is connected with this superstition: photographs of babies should not be shown to either friends or strangers until the child grows up.

A photograph can cause the evil eye of an unbaptized baby who does not have the protection of a guardian angel. The baptismal ceremony is carried out after 40 days, since until this time the mother is prohibited from taking part in divine services and visiting the temple.

But how cute are the sleeping angels depicted on the icons, or little Jesus! When the photographer decided to ask the priest a question about photographing babies, he received a blessing to conduct this kind of filming.

A young mother wants to preserve the memory of the first days of her little miracle’s life, so you shouldn’t let superstitions interfere with photographing your baby’s first days of life. At one year old, mom will be able to fully enjoy the cute and wonderful photographs taken when she wanted only one thing - to sleep and relax.

Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

  • The mystery of birth has given rise to superstitions from time immemorial. In the old days, the long 9 months of waiting for a baby and the lack of an ultrasound forced us to look for answers to emerging questions.
  • This is how a myth arose about why pregnant women should not be photographed: if you capture a pregnant woman in a photograph or portrait, the child will stop developing at this stage
  • Another reason for the taboo on photographing pregnant women is hidden in the low level of medicine: the powerlessness of doctors of that time forced people to seek explanations for the frequent deaths of babies, women in labor, and various postpartum complications

The pregnant woman in the photographs is healthy and happy. With a child under her heart, she gains peace of mind and learns to accept herself. You should not refuse to participate in a photo shoot because you are pregnant.

Why can't you take pictures in the mirror?

Fortune telling cannot do without mirrors; with their help they cause damage and the evil eye. Some daredevils still try today to penetrate through the looking glass or find out the future, since mirrors store the energy of the owner.

Smooth glass, covered with dark paint on the inside, carries something mystical. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the devil looks at a person from the mirror depths, and those who like to look in the mirror have their own image taken away their soul and deprived of life.

Taking pictures of your reflection in the mirror, according to esotericists, is dangerous. And this is how their ban is explained:

  • when photographed in the mirror, a person leaves in the photo, in addition to his image, a part of his soul: the photograph becomes an excellent assistant to the magician when casting damage and the evil eye, because he has absorbed the maximum information and energy of the person depicted in it
  • mirror image influences fate, as if turning it over
  • the reflection in an ancient mirror carries the weight of entire eras: the people who looked in them were not always happy and carried positive emotions; therefore, other people’s troubles and misfortunes can pass through the mirror to the person being photographed after the click of the camera shutter, which provokes the beginning of the information exchange process

Why can't you take photos before the wedding?

Old people advise lovers preparing for a wedding to avoid taking photographs together. By taking a photo together, lovers incur a long separation or parting.

But for two young people who truly love each other,
Taking photos together before the wedding will only unite them and strengthen mutual attraction. Parting comes when a couple in love is not ready to compromise, or when there is a lack of sincerity in the relationship.

Why can't you take pictures at a cemetery?

A cemetery is a place with negative energy, which through photography can subsequently negatively affect life. But there are many admirers of photographs against the backdrop of crosses and graves all over the world. Brilliant photographs sometimes even become a photographer’s calling card.

How can the passion for photography turn out to be in places shrouded in grief, sorrow and mysticism? A photographer can bring upon himself illness and suffering, and by disturbing the dead and entering dead land, you can simply sign your own death warrant:

  • the dead will drive the unfortunate person crazy, constantly appearing in dreams or in reality. Hang photos from the cemetery in a visible place
  • Esotericists also do not recommend: negativity will gradually move into real life, and spoil the fate of everyone who lives in

Why can't you take pictures without a head?

  • It is believed that if the person in the photo turns out to be without a head, then he does not have long to live. But for some reason the photographer’s inattention or lack of hands is not taken into account
  • The ominous prediction of an imminent death also serves as an excuse for unfortunate photos in which the image of a person is blurred or parts of the body are cropped. In addition to well-known signs, the process of photography gives rise to more and more taboos. For example, you cannot photograph the gender of your face
  • The sign about why you should not photograph the sex of your face has the same roots. A clear image in a photograph indicates good health and long life of a person, while blurry photos in which it is difficult to see the face indicate poor health of the person depicted and impending problems

There are many superstitions and signs associated with photographs. Knowing what or who not to photograph can help you avoid serious problems in the future. Don't put yourself and your loved ones in danger.

We recently wrote about... You might think that these signs have no power and no rational explanation, but this is not at all the case. There are things that are dangerous to your energy, and if your protection is weak, they can harm your health, well-being and luck. With photographs the situation is absolutely similar.

Why photos can be dangerous

Many of you have probably watched horror films or documentaries about how ghosts are depicted in photographs. There are many theories of scientists about this. The main one says that at the moment of photographing, for a split second, the world of the dead and the world of the living lose their border. It is not completely known whether ghosts can influence us in this way.

Here the opinions of experts are divided: some say that ghosts in photographs are just a reflection of the invisible, otherworldly, and some argue that this is the very moment when evil spirits can burst into our world. This moment is enough to get sick or bind negative energy to yourself.

Church ministers and esotericists had a negative attitude towards photography immediately after the appearance of cameras. People thought it was strange that some kind of box was making an instant picture of what was happening. After some time, strange photographs with strange faces and figures began to appear. Then people realized that they had invented a kind of bridge between the worlds of good and the world of evil.

Of course, today few people are ready to give up memorable photographs because of simple superstition. However, there are some things that are better to be aware of before picking up a camera.

Signs with photographs

Always remember who and what you cannot photograph, so as not to bring trouble to yourself and your loved ones:

  • You can't take pictures of sleeping people. This is especially true for infants and young children in general, as they are the most vulnerable. Their souls are pure and immaculate, therefore they will be the best place for the refuge of evil spirits. Open eyes can always protect you from demons, because you can see them, and they are almost powerless if you look at them. It is better for these entities to remain in the shadows, to be invisible, so they live next to sleeping people, but cannot influence them. At the moment of photographing, you blur the line, giving demons and ghosts access to human energy. Of course, few of them are aggressive, but why take the risk?
  • You can't take pictures of your reflection in the mirror.. In most cultures and religious teachings, a mirror is described as a magnet for evil spirits. This is a kind of negative reservoir, a portal between us and ghosts. This is especially true for two mirrors that create an endless reflection. Under no circumstances should you photograph this, since at this moment you are in close proximity to everything connected with spirits and their world. It is important to remember here that not only the moment itself is dangerous, but also the photograph, since this portal between worlds can be transferred. It retains its power, so throw away such photos without a second thought.
  • You cannot take photographs of the dead. This is a very common sign, which suggests that this can make the soul of the deceased lose peace forever. His spirit will live in the place where the body was. If it was an angry soul, then strange things will happen in the house. If you do take such a photo, then store it separately from other photos.
  • You can't take pictures of black cats. Yes, cats cleanse the energy of the house. They are our friends and very sweet creatures, but they can easily become possessed. Photographing sleeping black cats and cats is doubly dangerous, because, as we have already explained, demons interact better with the sleeping body during photography. Cats are not protected, so they are easily influenced by otherworldly forces.
  • You cannot take pictures against the backdrop of ruins, ruins and abandoned houses.. The energy there is negative. It is transmitted in the photo and infects the whole house with failures. It is advisable not to take such photos, but if you do decide, then store them in a non-residential area such as a garage, attic and do not place them in plain sight.

Finally, remember a few important rules: do not give your photographs to those who are on bad terms with you, or to those who are connected with these people, so that they do not damage you. In this regard, it is better to hide your photos on social networks, giving access only to family and friends. Also, do not have photos of those who hate you or whom you hate in your home. Your enemies will take your spirits away.

Everyone has seen photographs in which someone comes out blurry. This may indicate that the person is sick or suffering from excess negative energy. This sign is relevant not only for older people, but also for young people. You can be cured of diseases and increase your energy with the power of thought. We told you about this earlier. Don’t forget about the signs associated with photographs so as not to deprive yourself of positivity and good health, attracting goodness and driving away adversity. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.06.2016 06:11

Each photograph carries a special energy that can both help and harm people. Esoterics...

Sleeping people sometimes look cute in their sleep, so sometimes you want to take a photo of them as a good memory. Despite the fact that we have all the technologies for this, sometimes we cannot take a photograph of the sleeping person. There is an opinion that taking photographs of a sleeping person is a bad omen.

And sometimes we don’t know where this belief came from, it exists and that’s all. This means it’s better not to take risks and not expose yourself and your loved ones to any danger. And it doesn’t matter that science has advanced a lot since then and can provide a completely reasonable explanation for many things. If the omen is bad, it means it’s impossible, that’s what many people think.

However, let's figure out why you shouldn't photograph sleeping people. Can it really cause harm and what is behind it all.

Where did this sign come from?

To get answers to your questions, you need to go back to ancient times, when the technology for photographing people had not yet been invented. Then they were simply drawn. But it was not always possible to draw a person during his lifetime, especially if he was poor.

The artists charged too much money for their services; not everyone could afford it. And if such a person died, the relatives wanted to keep his image as a keepsake. And then they still had to turn to artists.

The deceased person was dressed in beautiful clothes and sat down so that the artist could draw him as if he were alive. Then cameras appeared and the dead began to simply be photographed.

Even if the eyes of a dead person were opened in an attempt to show that he was alive, the photographs always showed that the dead person looked unnatural.

Such photographs of dead relatives were kept in every family. Since then, people have become wary of images of people with their eyes closed. You never know what could happen later, what if the person actually dies after this, they believed. That is why the belief arose that when a person is sleeping, one should not photograph him.

Other mystical reasons for the ban

Our ancestors did not know exactly why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people; they gave different answers on this matter. In the past, there were many superstitions that were formed most likely from a lack of knowledge. Let's look at the most common ones.

  • People believed that the soul leaves a person's body during sleep and travels wherever it pleases. When a person wakes up, the soul returns to him again. If you try to photograph a person while sleeping, he may be startled by the click of the camera. And people were afraid that the sleeping person would wake up so quickly that the soul would not have time to return to him, and he would die.
  • The fear of frightening a person's guardian angel also lies at the basis of this superstition. An angel, just like a soul, can be frightened by a sharp click and fly away to heaven. After this, a person will face all sorts of troubles in life, he begins to get sick, lack funds, etc.
  • During sleep, a person’s energy field is destroyed, he becomes weak, and at this time he can be easily damaged. If you give a photo of a sleeping person to a sorcerer, he can easily do it. Everyone knows that sorcerers and magicians usually ask to bring a photograph of the person they want to harm.

  • If we turn to Greek mythology, we can see that the god of death Thanatos and the god of sleep Hypnos looked similar to each other. Therefore, people thought that sleep and death were the same thing. A sleeping person is no different from a dead person. If you depict a sleeping person, this will bring his death closer. And if there are any spots on the picture, the person will die from various ailments.
  • There was another superstition among the people. It was believed that a photograph of a person during sleep steals his destiny. If you take larger pictures, then there will be more theft. This is especially dangerous for young children who have not been baptized in church. These children are not protected in any way, and they do not even have their own guardian angel.

Why you shouldn't photograph newborns

Children were considered weaker, so they could not only be photographed, but also admired. That is why newborn children were not shown to anyone for 40 days, so as not to jinx them. In addition, children's photographs could not be shown to anyone, so that people would not jinx them and steal their good fortune.

Is it possible to take pictures in Christianity and Islam?

Listening to various legends, people become imbued with them and begin to believe in the supernatural. But in the Christian religion there are no prohibitions against photographing people at any time. Christian leaders are skeptical of the belief that a guardian angel can be frightened by the click of the shutter and fly away.

In Islam, photography is prohibited, but for a completely different reason than bad omens. The fact is that in Islam you cannot take photographs of living people at all. Religion forbids this.

So is it worth it to be afraid of some beliefs that arose in those days when people were illiterate and were afraid of everything?

What can really happen

Popular superstitions are not a law for many people; you can believe in them, you can not. However, the ban on photographing sleeping people can be explained logically.

  • If you take a photograph of a person while sleeping, he can really be scared when he hears a loud click of the shutter, and a bright flash will terrify him. He is simply not ready to react to all of this adequately.

In a dream, we are relaxed and defenseless; a sharp sound frightens us and causes inappropriate behavior. An adult can still cope with all this, but a small child may have problems. The child’s nervous system is quite weak, so he will begin to stutter, he will be tormented by nightmares, and he will be afraid to go to sleep.

  • The camera flash can disrupt proper sleep. In order for the body to rest during sleep, certain conditions must be provided. The room should be dark and absolute silence reign.

Only in this case will the human body produce melatonin, which will contribute to the health of the body. But a bright flash and shutter click can interfere with positive processes in the body. As a result of this, a person will feel tired after sleep.

  • A person sleeping may look unhygienic. During sleep, a person does not control himself, so his facial expressions and postures can be ridiculous. Nobody likes to look at themselves when they are drooling or have a funny expression on their face. You can take a photo of the person while they sleep, but then ask them if the photo should be kept or if it should be deleted immediately.

When filming is allowed

Sometimes we just can’t resist taking a photo of a cute person, especially when he’s sleeping. Most often these are young children. They grow up so quickly, and we want to capture the wonderful moments of his childhood.

In addition, such a photo can later become a wonderful surprise. After all, a sleeping person can really look cute. Not all of us believe in superstitions that existed in the distant past. Just watch American films where people simply treat photographing a sleeping person.

They do it for fun and nothing happens to anyone after that.


And if you decide for yourself that it is possible and necessary to photograph a sleeping person, then follow the safety rules so as not to harm the person during sleep.

Provide a calm environment. Try to operate the camera silently so as not to frighten the sleeping person.

Many modern cameras are silent, try to take one like this. Don't use camera flashes, but try to use natural light. It is quite possible that after this the sleeper will not even feel that he is being photographed.

If you feel anxious and are haunted by the thought that folk signs could not have arisen out of nowhere, then refrain from taking photographs. After all, bad thoughts can really lead to negative events in life. Therefore, it is better to insure yourself and maintain peace of mind.

Nothing will stop you from enjoying photos of your loved one while they are awake. You can capture sweet moments from your baby’s life without any fear for his health and well-being.

In any case, whether it is possible to photograph a sleeping person or not is up to you to decide.