Adamantane derivatives. Essentially about the substance: adamantane and rimantadine. Biological activity of adamantane derivatives

Federal Agency for Education

Russian State University

Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin

Department of Organic Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry

Coursework on the topic

"Properties of Adamantane"


Art. gr. HT-08-5

Volkova V.S.


St. Ave. Giruts M.V.

Moscow 2010

1. General information

2. Nomenclature

3. Receipt

3.1 From natural sources

3.2 Synthetic methods

4. Physical properties

4.1 Individual substance

4.2 Structural properties

4.3 Spectral properties

5. Chemical properties

5.1 Adamantyl cations

5.2 Reactions by nodal positions

5.2.1 Bromination

5.2.2 Alkylation

5.2.3 Fluoridation

5.2.4 Carboxylation

5.2.5 Hydroxylation

5.2.6 Nitration

5.3 Reactions at bridging positions

6. Application

7. Experimental part


adamantane hydrocarbon synthesis nodal bridge

1. General information

Adamantane is a chemical compound, a saturated tricyclic bridged hydrocarbon with the formula C 10 H 16. The adamantane molecule consists of three cyclohexane fragments located in the “chair” conformation. The spatial arrangement of carbon atoms in the adamantane molecule repeats the arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice of diamond. Adamantane got its name from ἀδάμας ("invincible" - the Greek name for diamond).

2. Nomenclature

According to the rules of systematic nomenclature, adamantane should be called tricyclodecane. However, the IUPAC recommends the use of the name "adamantane" as preferable. The adamantane molecule has high symmetry. As a result, the 16 hydrogen atoms and 10 carbon atoms that form it can be classified into only two types.

Type 1 positions are called node positions, and type 2 positions are called bridge positions. There are four node and six bridge positions in the adamantane molecule.

The following images of the structural formula of the adamantane molecule are usually used:

Thus, the node carbon atoms are 1,3,5,7, and the bridge carbon atoms are 2,4,6,8,9,10.

In disubstituted adamantane derivatives with one bridging substituent, the spatial orientation of the bridging substituent can be axial (a) or equatorial (e) depending on the location of the substituent relative to the plane of the cyclohexane ring common to both substituents, or it can be designated as cis- and trans-:

1. In the absence of node substituents, the numbering of carbon atoms is carried out taking into account the preference of the substituent in such a way that the more preferred bridging substituent has a lower number and the sum of the numbers of carbon atoms is minimal. When designating alkyladamantanes, the simpler substituent receives a lower number.

2. If there is one node substituent, it is given the number 1, the numbering of other carbon atoms of the nucleus is carried out in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 1.

3. In the presence of several alkyl nodes, number 1 is assigned to the node that is more preferred according to IUPAC rules.

4. Carbon atoms, numbered 1-9, according to the above rules, constitute a rational fragment bicyclononane of this adamantane derivative, while the positions of the bridging substituents of carbon atoms 2,4,6 and 8 are defined as exo- or endo-, depending on whether the substituent is directed upward or downward, respectively, relative to the plane of the rational fragment of the bicyclononane, for atom 10 - as cis- or trans-with respect to atom 1, and at 9 - as syn- or anti-, depending on whether it is directed to the right or to the left relative to substituent 1.

3. Receipt

3.1 From natural sources

Currently, the only natural product containing adamantane and its homologues is oil. The content of this hydrocarbon in oil is only 0.0001-0.03% (depending on the field), as a result of which this method of producing adamantane is economically unprofitable. In addition to adamantane itself, oil contains its numerous derivatives. More than thirty such compounds are known. Methods for identifying adamantane in oils and its isolation are based on its unusual properties for hydrocarbons of this molecular weight: high melting point, volatility, low solubility, and the ability to form stable adducts with thiocarbamide.

Isolation of adamantane from oil that does not have gasoline fractions is carried out by a single treatment of distillates distilled from oil with steam with thiocarbamide. When the resulting thiourea extract is cooled to –50°C, adamantane crystallizes and is easily separated by filtration. They obtain about 75% of the adamantane present in oil.

If the oil contains light fractions and the adamantane content is small, then the treatment of the distillate with thiocarbamide is repeated using a small amount of it, and highly selective extracts are obtained. Further quantitative isolation of adamantane can also be carried out using preparative GLC methods. To isolate adamantane from oil, the method of azeotropic distillation of cycloparaffin concentrate with tri(leurofluorobutyl)amine can also be used.

The isolation of adamantane from paraffin oils requires more effective methods of its concentration, such as thermal diffusion and preparative GLC. Studies have shown that the best results in isolating adamantane are obtained by a method combining distillation of the distillate (with superheated steam) followed by isolation by preparative GLC.

3.2 Synthetic methods

The first successful synthesis of adamantane from Meerwein ether was carried out by V. Prelog in 1941. The synthesis included several stages, and the yield of adamantane did not exceed one percent.

This method is no longer used for the synthesis of adamantane due to its high labor intensity and low yield of the final product. However, it has some value in the preparation of various adamantane derivatives, in particular 1,3-adamantane dicarboxylic acid.

To obtain this hydrocarbon in laboratory conditions, the Schleyer method is currently used. Dimercyclopentadiene (which is a completely accessible compound) undergoes catalytic hydrogenation, after which it isomerizes to adamantane in the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst. The method described in Organic Syntheses involves the use of platinum oxide as a hydrogenation catalyst, as well as aluminum chloride as an isomerization catalyst. The yield is 13-15%.

Adamantane is a completely accessible chemical compound. The cost of one gram from various manufacturing companies does not exceed one US dollar.

4. Physical properties

4.1 Individual substance

Chemically pure adamantane is a colorless crystalline substance with a characteristic camphor odor. It is practically insoluble in water, but easily dissolves in non-polar organic solvents. Adamantane has an unusually high melting point for hydrocarbons (268 ° C), but it slowly sublimates even at room temperature. In addition, it can be distilled with water vapor.

4.2 Structural properties

The adamantane molecule includes three fused cyclohexane rings in a “chair” conformation. The parameters of the adamantane molecule were determined by electron and X-ray diffraction. The length of each carbon-carbon bond was found to be 1.54Å, and each carbon-hydrogen bond was 1.112Å.

The adamantane molecule has high symmetry (point group T d). Crystalline adamantane exists in the form of a face-centered cubic lattice (a space group very rare for organic compounds

, a = 9.426 ± 0.008Å, four molecules per cell). When this form is cooled to a temperature below −65 °C, a phase transition is observed with the formation of a body-centered tetragonal lattice (a = 6.641Å, c = 8.875Å).

4.3 Spectral properties

The NMR spectrum of Radamantane contains two weakly resolved signals, which correspond to protons located near the bridging and site carbon atoms. In the 1 H-NMR spectrum recorded in CDCl 3, the signals of protons located near the anchor carbon atoms are observed at 1.873 ppm, and the signals of protons at the bridging carbon atoms are observed at 1.756 ppm. In the 13 C-NMR spectrum, the signals node and bridge carbon atoms appear at 28.46 and 37.85 ppm, respectively.

The mass spectra of adamantane and its derivatives are quite characteristic. The position of the main peak in the mass spectrum of adamantane is due to the presence of the ion in the ionization products

with a ratio m/z = 136. As a result of fragmentation of the molecular ion, peaks with m/z values ​​equal to 93, 80, 79, 67, 41, 39 are detected.

Optical activity

Adamantane molecules containing four different substituents at the site carbon atoms are chiral and optically active. In this case, the center of chirality, like that of optically active biphenyls, does not lie on any specific atom. The R, S-nomenclature in this case can be applied just as easily.

Camphor is a bicycloteptane derivative. Natural camphor is obtained from the camphor tree (China, Japan) by steam distillation. Racemic camphor (3) is synthesized from a-pinene (1) through formate (2) It excites the central nervous system (CNS), stimulates respiration and metabolic processes in the myocardium (cardiotonic) It is prescribed for heart failure, poisoning with drugs and sleeping pills, and for rubbing for rheumatism Introduction of the atom

bromine in -position to the ketone group dramatically changes the pharmacological picture of the camphor derivative. Bromcamphor (4), improving cardiac activity, acquires sedative properties and calms the central nervous system. It is used for neurasthenia and heart neuroses:

Derivatives of the polycyclic adamantane system have been proposed as antiviral agents. 1-Amino-adamantane (8) (midantane, amantadine) is obtained by bromination of adamantane (5) in the presence of copper to 1-bromoadamantane (6), which is converted into 1-formyl-amino derivative (7) by the action of formamide. Hydrolysis of the latter in the presence of HCI leads to midantan (the first synthetic anti-influenza drug). By alkylation of aminoadamantane with 1-chloroglucuronic acid in the presence of a base, its glucuronide (9) is obtained (gludantan is a medicinal substance for the treatment of parkinsonism and viral eye diseases - conjunctivitis):

(Another antifipposis drug, rimantadine (13), is synthesized by replacing bromine in compound (6) with a carboxyl group, acting with formic acid in oleum (this system generates the CO necessary for substitutive hydroxycarbonylation). Next, acid (10) is converted using thionyl chloride into its acid chloride, which

treated with ethoxymagnesium malonic diester and converted to the acyl derivative (11). It is hydrolyzed without isolation to a diacid, and the latter is decarboxylated to yield 4-acetyladamantane (12). Compound (12) is then subjected to reductive amination in a formamide/formic acid system, resulting in rimantadine (13):

The unique structure of the ligand-binding regions of receptors that cross the membrane seven times allows the binding of ligands of various natures and molecular weights in a wide range from 32 for Ca2+ to more than 102 kDa for glycoproteins.

Most common low molecular weight hormones (such as adrenaline and acetylcholine) bind to sites within the hydrophobic core (a). Peptide and protein ligands attach to the outer surface of the receptor (b, c). Some low molecular weight ligands, Ca2+ and amino acids (glutamate, GABA) bind to the long sections at the N-terminus, inducing their transition to a new conformation in which the long section interacts with the receptor (d). In the case of receptors activated by cutting protease (e), the new N-terminus acts as an autoligand. The cut peptide may also interact with another receptor.

1.3. Biological activity of adamantane derivatives

Adamantane derivatives as physiologically active substances have been widely used since the 70s of the 20th century. Adamantane itself (tricyclodecane, C10H16) belongs to the tricyclic naphthenes of the bridge type (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Structure of the adamantane molecule.

Its molecule consists of three fused cyclohexane rings in a chair conformation. The spatial model of the adamantane molecule is a highly symmetrical structure with a small surface and insignificant forces of intermolecular interaction in the crystal lattice. Of all the tricyclic hydrocarbons, adamantane is the most stable, which is explained by the tetrahedral orientation of the bonds of all carbon atoms and their fixed position.

The biological activity of adamantane derivatives is due to the symmetry and volume of the spatial structure, the significant lipophilicity of the rigid hydrocarbon frame of adamantane, which allows them to easily penetrate biological membranes. Therefore, modification of organic compounds with the adamantyl radical significantly changes their biological activity, often enhancing it. Using the spin label method, it was shown that adamantane, entering the lipid bilayer, is capable of destroying the hexagonal packing of methylene groups characteristic of the phospholipid bilayer and disrupting the axial arrangement of the alkyl chains of phospholipids, thereby modifying the functional properties of cell membranes. Taking into account the importance of the order of arrangement of methylene groups of lipids of biological membranes as a factor in the functioning of membrane-associated enzymes, an indirect effect of adamantane on their activity can be noted.

To date, more than 1000 new adamantane derivatives have been synthesized. Pharmacological study showed the presence among them of substances with pronounced psychotropic, immunotropic, antiviral, curare-like, anticataleptic, antiallergic activities, as well as compounds that affect the enzymatic system of the liver. Adamantanecarboxylic acid amides exhibit antibacterial activity.

There are data on the results of modification of the enkephalin molecule with amino acids of the adamantane series. The (S)-adamantylanine introduced into position 5 of the enkephalin molecule gives the opioid peptide resistance to enzymes that easily destroy unmodified enkephalin (chymotrypsin, pronase, neutral protease, thermolysin).

It has been shown that nitrogen-containing derivatives have physiological activity. The first to enter medical practice in 1966 was 1-aminoadamantane hydrochloride, which has antiviral activity against strains of type A2 viruses; its brand names: midantan, symmetrel, amantadine. These drugs are used to prevent respiratory diseases, because they have the ability to block the penetration of the virus into the cell. It is assumed that these drugs are able to work at the initial stages of virus reproduction, blocking the synthesis of virus-specific RNA. The antiviral activity of some amino derivatives of adamantane is associated with their ability to inhibit PKC. Remantadine (polyrem, flumadine), as a lipophilic weak base, is capable of increasing the pH of the endosomal contents and preventing the deproteinization of the virus.

In clinical practice, drugs such as acyclovir (virolex, herpesin, zovirax, lizavir, supraviran), didanosine, foscarnet (triapten), ganciclovir (cymevene), lamivudine, ribavirin (virazol, ribamidil), stavudine, trifluridine are also used for the treatment of viral diseases , vidarabine, zalcitabine (hivid), zidovudine (azidothymidine, retrovir). However, most of these drugs have a relatively narrow spectrum of antiviral action; their disadvantage is the presence of various adverse reactions, the emergence of resistant strains of viruses, etc.

Alkyladamantane derivatives also have antiviral activity against type A2 virus strains: 1-hydroxy-3,5dimethyl-7-ethyladamantane, 1-methoxy-3,5dimethyladamantane, which, unlike midantane, showed high antiviral activity against strains of rhino viruses and herpes simplex. A number of hydroxy-, halogen- and mercapto-derivatives of adamantane amides also have antiviral activity.

It has been shown that amantadine is able to prevent the development of sarcoma foci in germ cultures; other adamantane derivatives can serve as hypnotics, antimalarial drugs, and insecticides. Experiments using HIV-infected human lymphoblastoid cells have shown that some adamantane derivatives have anti-HIV activity. Midantan is used in the neurological clinic for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonian syndrome. Similar activity is exhibited by the acid chlorides of 3,5,7-alkyl-substituted 1-aminoadamantanes, some of which have dopamine antagonistic properties. Some quaternary ammonium bases with a 2-adamantyl radical can act as peripherally acting muscle relaxants (curare-like activity). Derivatives of 1-aminoadamantane and 3,3-diamino-1,1-diadamantyl are anticataleptically active; adamantanecarboxylic acids and phosphates of adamantanethiols and their derivatives have a bacteriostatic effect. Dialkylamine esters of adamantiocarboxylic acid exhibit bactericidal, fungicidal, and herbicidal activity. The sodium salt of β-(1-adamantane)-propionic acid has a choleretic effect. 1-adamantylammonium-β-chloroethyloxaminoate and some other adamantane derivatives of the 1-AdCH2OCH2CH(OH)CH2NRR΄ type have an anesthetic effect.

An antibacterial effect comparable to the antibacterial drug 5-nitro-8-hydroxyquinoline is exerted by N-(nitrophenyl)-adamantyl-carboxamides and adamantyl-substituted N-(1-methylpyridinium) iodides.

Perfluorinated adamantane is used as a component of artificial blood. There is evidence of the antiaggregation ability of adamantane derivatives in relation to various pathways of platelet aggregation.

tricyclic bridged hydrocarbon of composition C 10 H 16, the molecule of which consists of three cyclohexane rings; The spatial arrangement of carbon atoms in the adamantane molecule is the same as in the diamond crystal lattice. According to systematic nomenclature, adamantane should be called tricyclodecane.

Typically adamantane is depicted in one of the following ways:

There are a small number of substances in organic chemistry that have attracted enormous interest from chemists around the world. Among such compounds are the structures of benzene, ferrocene, carborane, fullerenes and adamantane, there are other molecular structures that have aroused and are arousing the interest of organic chemists. This is probably largely due to the unusual structure of the molecules themselves, especially their high degree of symmetry.

The structure of adamantane. The carbon skeleton of the adamantane molecule is similar to the structural unit of diamond.

That is why the name “adamantane” comes from the Greek “

adamas » diamond. Experimentally obtained structural characteristics of adamantane:

A similar structure is retained in almost all adamantane derivatives, which is due to the high stability of the adamantane framework. Adamantane is the ancestor of the homologous series of the family of hydrocarbons with a diamond-like structure, diamantane, triamantane, etc.:


Based on the chemistry of adamantane, one of the areas of modern organic chemistry arose and developed - the chemistry of organic polyhedranes.

Adamantane, despite its low molecular weight, has an unusually high melting point for saturated hydrocarbons - 269 ° C. This abnormally high temperature is due to the high symmetry of the rigid diamond-like adamantane molecule. At the same time, the relatively weak intermolecular interaction in the crystal lattice leads to the fact that the hydrocarbon easily sublimes, partially even at room temperature.

Unlike adamantane itself, its alkyl-substituted compounds melt at much lower temperatures (1-methyladamantane at 103°C, and 1-ethyladamantane at 58°C) due to the violation of the symmetry of the molecule and an increase in the vibrational and rotational mobility of its units.

Despite the absence of an asymmetric carbon atom in adamantane (a carbon atom bonded to four different substituents located at the vertices of the tetrahedron), adamantane derivatives containing four different substituents at the node positions are optically active. The center of the molecule of such adamantane derivatives plays the role of a hypothetical asymmetric carbon atom.

For example:


In this case, the optical activity is due to the appearance of a special type of asymmetry - the asymmetry of the molecular tetrahedron. The amount of optical rotation for such connections is small and rarely exceeds 1°.

In addition to optical, substituted adamantanes are characterized by structural isomerism, depending on whether a substituent is attached to the central or bridging carbon atom. For example, 1- and 2-propyladamantanes are possible, respectively:

For disubstituted adamantane derivatives with one bridging substituent, the spatial orientation of this substituent can be axial ( A) or equatorial ( e), depending on the location of the substituent relative to the plane of the cyclohexane ring common to both substituents (shown in bold in the figure), or it can be designated as cis- and trans-. For example, for 1,3-dibromoadamantane, two isomers are possible: 1,3 A -dibromadamantane and 1,3 e -dibromadamantane, respectively:

Preparation of adamantane and its alkyl derivatives The only natural product containing adamantane and its homologues is oil. Adamantane was first obtained during the study of oil from the Hodonin field (former Czechoslovakia) in 1933 by S. Landa and V. Machacek. However, due to the low content of adamantane in oil (it usually does not exceed 0.001% by weight), its production from this raw material is impractical. The amount of adamantane in different types of oil depends on its chemical nature of the oil. The highest adamantane content is in naphthenic type oil. In contrast, paraffinic oil contains adamantane in much smaller quantities. Oil also contains alkyl derivatives of adamantane, in particular, 1-methyl, 2-methyladamantanes and 1-ethyl adamantane.

Since the isolation of adamantane from oil is complicated by its low content, methods for the chemical synthesis of this substance have been developed.

For the first time, adamantane was obtained synthetically in 1941 by the Swiss Prelog according to the following scheme:


However, the total yield of adamantane was only 1.5%. Improved versions of the above synthesis have been proposed, but the complexity of the synthesis, as well as the practical impossibility of synthesizing substituted adamantanes, limits the preparative value of this method.

An industrially suitable method for the synthesis of adamantane from readily available raw materials was proposed and implemented by Schleyer in 1957. The method consists of the catalytic isomerization of a tricyclic hydrocarbon (according to the systematic nomenclature tricyclodecane) into adamantane:


The method is practically interesting, since cyclopentadiene is a completely accessible substance (it is obtained from the cracking of petroleum fractions as a by-product) and easily dimerizes. Depending on the catalyst used, adamantane yields vary over a wide range. Various strong Lewis acids can be used as catalysts, such as

AlCl3, SbF 5. Yields range from 15 to 40%.

This method is also suitable for the synthetic preparation of various alkyl-substituted adamantanes:


It is characteristic that the presence of alkyl groups significantly increases the yield of final isomerization products.

High yields of alkyladamantanes are obtained by isomerization (over aluminum halides or complexes based on them) of tricyclic perhydroaromatic hydrocarbons of composition C 12 C 14: perhydroacenaphthene, perhydrofluorene, perhydroanthracene and other hydrocarbons.

The yield in the last reaction is 96%.

The availability of the starting compounds (the corresponding aromatic hydrocarbons are easily isolated in significant quantities from the liquid products of coking coal) and the high yield of final isomerization products make this method industrially attractive.

In the described methods of liquid-phase catalytic isomerization, catalysts are used (

AlCl3, SbF 5), which have a number of significant disadvantages: increased corrosion activity, instability, inability to regenerate, and the formation of significant amounts of resin during the reaction. This was the reason for studying the isomeric transformations of polycycloalkanes using stable heterogeneous acid-type catalysts obtained on the basis of metal oxides. Catalysts based on aluminum oxide have been proposed, which make it possible to obtain alkyladamantanes in yields of up to 70%.

Catalytic methods for the isomerization of polycycloalkanes are effective methods for the production of hydrocarbons of the adamantane series, many of them have preparative value, and the process of producing adamantane by isomerization of the hydrogenated cyclopentadiene dimer is implemented on an industrial scale.

However, as the molecular weight increases and the number of cycles in the parent hydrocarbon increases, the rate of rearrangement into adamantanoid hydrocarbons slows down. In some cases, isomerization methods do not give the desired result. Thus, with their help it is impossible to obtain 2-substituted alkyl and aryladamantanes; in addition, the reaction products, as a rule, consist of a mixture of several isomers, and they need to be separated, therefore synthetic methods for the production of hydrocarbons of the adamantane series, based on the use of functional adamantane derivatives as starting materials, as well as cyclization methods constructing the structure of adamantane based on aliphatic mono- and bicyclic compounds. Syntheses based on functional derivatives are widely used to obtain individual alkyl-, cycloalkyl-, and aryladamantanes. Cyclization methods are usually used in the synthesis of polyfunctional adamantane derivatives, adamantane hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

One of the first successful syntheses of 1-methyladamantane was a multistep synthesis based on 1-bromoadamantane (usually the adamantyl radical is designated in reaction schemes as

Ad ):

Later, other more effective ways of synthesizing 1-methyladamantane were found.

The method given below can be considered as a general method for the synthesis of alkyladamantanes polysubstituted at the node positions. It allows, by gradually increasing the hydrocarbon chain, to obtain alkyladamantanes with different lengths of alkyl groups of normal structure.

Direct synthesis of adamantane derivatives substituted at bridging positions is difficult due to the low reactivity of the bridging carbon atoms of the adamantane core. To synthesize 2-alkyl derivatives of adamantane, the interaction of Grignard reagents or alkyl lithium derivatives with readily available adamantanone is used. Thus, 2-methyladamantane can be obtained according to the following scheme:


As for other methods for obtaining adamantane structures, the most common are methods for the synthesis by cyclization of bicyclononane derivatives. Although such methods are multistep, they allow the preparation of adamantane derivatives with substituents that are difficult to synthesize otherwise:

Functionalization of the nodal positions of the adamanatane core. It is known that saturated hydrocarbons, including adamantane, are characterized by lower reactivity compared to unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. This is due to the limiting nature of all C-C bonds formed by sp 3 -hybridized carbon atoms. Saturated hydrocarbons with a frame structure also contain only s -bonds, however, such features of their structure as the presence of several tertiary carbon atoms alternating with methylene bridges and the bulky structure of the cell increase the reactivity of these compounds, especially in ionic reactions. The relatively high reactivity of adamantane in ionic reactions is due to its property of forming a fairly stable carbocation. The formation of adamantyl carbocation was recorded, in particular, during the action of antimony pentafluoride on 1-fluoroadamantane:.

The adamantyl cation is also generated from 1-chloro-, oxyadamantanes in superacids (SbF 5) or in “magic acid” (SbF 5 in HSO 3 F) in an environment of SO 2 and SO 2 ClF.

The most common ionic reactions occurring at the node positions of the adamantane nucleus are:

Adamantane and its derivatives are usually brominated by molecular bromine in the liquid phase, an ionic process catalyzed by a Lewis acid and insensitive to radical initiators. Application of Friedel catalysts

– Crafts allows you to replace all four hydrogen atoms at the node positions of the adamantane nucleus with bromine:.

Under conditions of ionic halogenation, the process occurs selectively at the central carbon atoms of the adamantane nucleus.

In contrast to ionic halogenation, free radical halogenation of adamantane itself and its derivatives leads to a mixture of products consisting of 1- and 2-substituted derivatives.

To obtain fluorinated adamantane derivatives, 1-adamantanol is used:


Halogenated adamantanes are widely used for the synthesis of other functionally substituted adamantanes. The reactivity of adamantane halogen derivatives is greater than that of other saturated hydrocarbons. The oxidation of adamantane with sulfuric acid is an important preparative method, since it allows one to obtain adamantanone in high yield:


At the same time, the interaction of adamantane with concentrated sulfuric acid in a trifluoroacetic anhydride medium makes it possible to obtain a mixture of 1- and 2-adamantanols, with a predominant content of the first of them:


To synthesize carboxylic acids of the adamantane series, the carboxylation reaction is most often used. Koch and Haaf were the first to carry out the direct synthesis of 1-adamantanecarboxylic acid in this way in 1960. The reaction is carried out in concentrated sulfuric acid or oleum, which ensures the formation of adamantyl cations.


It is more convenient to obtain 1-aminoadamantane by a one-step Ritter reaction, which consists of the interaction of adamantane itself or 1-bromoadamantane with nitrile (usually acetonitrile) in the presence rubs-butyl alcohol under the influence of bromine in sulfuric acid:


Subsequent hydrolysis of the resulting amide leads to 1-aminoadamantane.

Among the adamantane functionalization reactions, there is an interesting method for activating the C-H bond in the adamantane core, proposed by Ola using aluminum chloride in methylene chloride in the presence of phosphorus trichloride. As a result of the reaction, dichlorophosphorylated derivatives are formed in yields of 40–60%.

Despite the unusual structure of adamantane, the reactions into which it enters are quite traditional for organic chemistry. The peculiarity of adamantane is manifested due to either steric effects associated with the large size of the adamantyl radical, or with the possibility of the formation of a relatively stable adamantyl cation.

Application. The prospects for using adamantane derivatives are determined by a set of specific properties: the relatively large size of the adamantyl radical (its diameter is 5Å), high lipophilicity (solubility in non-polar solvents), conformational rigidity. The last two properties are especially important when creating new drugs. The introduction of an adamantyl radical generally increases the thermal stability of the substance and its resistance to oxidation and radiation exposure, which is important, in particular, when producing polymers with specific properties.

All this stimulated a large-scale search for new drugs, polymeric materials, additives for fuels and oils, explosives, liquid rocket fuels, and stationary phases for gas-liquid chromatography based on adamantane derivatives.

Adamantane itself is not currently used, but a number of its derivatives are widely used.

Adamantane derivatives are mostly used in pharmaceutical practice.

Thus, the drugs remantadine (1-(1-adamantyl)ethylamine hydrochloride), and adapromine (

a -propyl-1-adamantyl-ethylamine hydrochloride) are used as drugs for the effective prevention of viral infections, and amantadine (1-aminoadamantane hydrochloride) and gludantan (1-aminoadamantane glucuronide) are effective in parkinsonism caused by various causes, in particular, neuroleptic and post-traumatic syndrome.

Polymer analogues of adamantane are patented as antiviral compounds, including, in relation to HIV, polymeric analogues of adamantane.

Substituted adamantane carboxylic acid amides can serve as hypnotics. The introduction of an adamantyl residue into 2-hydroxynaphthoquinone leads to the production of antimalarial drugs. Adamantyl amino alcohols and their salts have a pronounced psychostimulating effect and are slightly toxic. Some

N -(adamant-2-yl)anilines exhibit neurotropic activity, and biological activity N -(adamant-2-yl)hexamethyleneimine is manifested in relation to parkinsonian syndrome.

Alkyl derivatives of adamantane, in particular 1,3-dimethyladamantane, are used as working fluids in some hydraulic installations. The feasibility of their use is explained by the high thermal stability of dialkyl derivatives, their low toxicity and the large difference between the critical temperature and the boiling point.

In the chemistry of high-molecular compounds, the introduction of an adamantyl substituent has made it possible in many cases to improve the performance characteristics of polymer materials. Typically, polymers containing an adamantyl fragment are heat-resistant and their softening temperature is quite high. They are quite resistant to hydrolysis, oxidation, and photolysis. In terms of these properties, adamantane-containing polymer materials are superior to many well-known industrial polymers and can find application in various fields of technology as structural, electrical insulating and other materials.

Vladimir Korolkov

LITERATURE Bagriy E.I. Adamantane: Preparation, properties, application. M., Science, 1989
Morozov I.S., Petrov V.I., Sergeeva S.A. Pharmacology of adamantanes. Volgograd: Volgograd honey. Academy, 2001