View full version. Excess weight: menstrual irregularities, delayed periods, weight gain

16.10.2007, 03:00

16.10.2007, 16:14

Dear Asya,
It is not yet clear what you are treating. Please provide the data of the examinations performed and the conclusions of the specialists who examined you. When was your pregnancy - a year ago?

16.10.2007, 20:36

Anna, thanks for the answer. The first reason why I turned to an endocrinologist was overweight, and constant delays, there was also swelling, which went away after playing sports. I was referred to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. At that moment (April 2007) I was taking Yarina, she advised me to stop taking it, and then after 3 months donate blood for hormones. because The tests found candida and prescribed treatment. so you always come in with a bud and leave with a bouquet))
I had an abortion in April 2006. I’ll send you the test results a little later. I'm not from my computer.

16.10.2007, 20:51

At the time of your appointment with the gynecologist, your BMI was 24.6 - that is, absolutely normal - everything else is completely incomprehensible
Once again - are you worried about recurring skin problems (acne) and?? What else?

17.10.2007, 01:11

thanks for the answer. I don't know much about honey. terminology, as I understand it, BMI is the relationship between height and weight. and perhaps it is normal according to some parameters. but this weight bothers me, my weight has never exceeded 56 kg before. and I still think. That it’s not natural for a person to gain 10 kg over the course of a year is not my lifestyle.
besides, this is not the only reason for which I went to the doctors: irregular cycle, spotting discharge, lasts only 3 days, pimples (acne), previously there was clear skin, migraines and insomnia.

17.10.2007, 01:19

my blood tests:
Date of sample collection:
29.03.2007 12.59
Rh accessory RH+FLOOR -
Red blood cells 4.08 million/µl (normal 3.8 - 5.1)
MCH (average Hb content in air) 32.1 pg (norm 27 - 34)
MSHC (average Hb concentration in air) 35.4 g/dl (normal 32 - 36)
Basophils 0.3% (normal< 1)
anti - HCV total NEGATIVE. -
Hemoglobin 13.1 g/dl (normal 11.7 - 15.5)
Neutrophils (total number) 57.7% (normal 48 - 78)
Hematocrit 37.0% (normal 35 - 45)
MCV (average erythrocyte volume) 91 fl (normal 81 - 100)
Platelets 290 thousand/µl (normal 150 - 400)
Lymphocytes 36.7% (normal 19 - 37)
Monocytes 4.4% (normal 3 - 11)
Syphilis RPR NEGATIVE. -
Leukocytes 7.72 thousand/µl (normal 4.5 - 11.0)
Eosinophils 0.9 * % (normal 1 - 5)
ESR (Westergren) 7 mm/h (normal< 20)

17.10.2007, 01:32

ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
Conclusion: Ultrasound signs of gallbladder inflection.
pelvic ultrasound.
Conclusion: signs of endometrial hypoplasia.
ultrasound of the thyroid gland
conclusion: signs of moderate diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland.
PCR urogenital infections (scraping).
mycoplasma species - detected
ureaplasma species - detected
candida albicans - detected

17.10.2007, 11:37

Asya, let's start from the beginning. BMI is now 24.6 (normal). Therefore, there are no complaints about weight as the cause of your problems and there cannot be any. Answer the following questions:
1. At what age did menstruation begin, the duration of the menstrual cycle, when (at what age) did menstrual irregularities begin?
2. If you have acne, is there a connection with the menstrual cycle (increased acne at the end of the cycle)?
3. Is there excess hair growth?
4. Give the entire ultrasound of the pelvic organs (day of the cycle, size and structure of the ovaries) - that is, completely everything...
5. Have hormonal tests been done?
6. Regarding the PCR results: was a smear done on the flora?

Mycoplasma and ureaplasma do not always need to be treated (or rather, there is rarely a need to prescribe treatment); we treat candidiasis (flucostat, mycosist).

17.10.2007, 15:58

Thanks for the answer!
1) the beginning of menstruation at 14 years of age. cycle duration is 31 days. Problems with cycle irregularity began at the age of 16 after inflammation of the ovaries.
2) I don’t see any dependence on the cycle; rashes periodically appear on the sides and back.
3) there is no excess hair growth.
4) I can’t read the ultrasound of the pelvic organs, it’s written in such handwriting. I'll try to go and do it again tomorrow. and ask them to write it legibly.
5) I haven’t taken hormones, please advise me which ones to take? (considering that my weight still worries me)
6) I tested flora, it is normal.

Girls, here's the question.
There was some kind of malfunction in my body. In just 4 days I gained 4 kg. Back in July. This weight gain was accompanied by trash talk. I didn’t have my period for two months, my face was covered with some kind of ulcers. I never even had much acne before.

The lifestyle has not changed. I have always limited myself in food. In terms of fast food, fatty, fried, flour, and food at night. So here it is. I went on a diet at the end of August. I drank two liters of water a day. I did protein days. In general, I eliminated sweets and starchy foods, fried foods, and started working out at home three times a week.

Everything is useless, the weight is worth it. Previously, I would have lost about 6 kilograms for sure.
The most interesting thing is that the parameters (og, from, about, oh, he) have not changed at all. All the clothes were just right, even tight-fitting. But in appearance I look like I’m all filled up, like jelly. The swelling has gone. Some lumps appeared like cellulite. Everywhere! Even on the arms and ankles. I’m so uncomfortable, I’m puffed up all over like a balloon. I went to an endocrinologist, took tests for hormones, they were normal. Sugar is normal. Only everything I have.

Maybe I need to cleanse my body somehow, remove excess fluid, waste, toxins, salts, what else is removed? Please advise me what to do. I wanted to take Polysorb for two weeks, and during this time go on a strict, strict diet. A friend advises me to take a diuretic. Have you had any experience with cleansing your body? What did you take? If you go to a doctor, which one?
Or diet? I’ve never had problems with my kidneys; the last time I checked them was in June, by the way. I did an ultrasound.

I am 24 years old. Height 164. And weight 58 kg, was 54. And these 4 kg do not allow me to live. How to lose weight, tell me!

Maybe problems with the lymphatic system? You yourself write that you are all swollen. If everything is normal with the kidneys, then maybe something caused lymph stagnation? And do an MRI of the brain, maybe a pituitary cyst.

Are you pregnant? I had one on one during pregnancy, which is interesting, then my period came once, and that’s it, the fetus just started moving.

From your description it looks like swelling! This may be related to both the kidneys and the heart. Go to a cardiologist, nephrologist, do not self-medicate!

The problem here is definitely health, not excess weight, go see a gastroenterologist. And against all this background, is it really just weight gain that worries you? What about the fact that your periods, swelling, and acne have disappeared? No, it doesn't float?

It looks like swelling from the description, I had this, they gave me IVs and it went away, but I have problems with my kidneys.

Bumps from water retention in the body. If you drink a diuretic, then not a hard one, veroshpiron, for example. But this will not eliminate the cause, the water will simply go away, most likely temporarily. I don’t know what hormones you tested for, I need to find out how much prolactin and estradiol you have.

Go to a therapist and get advice on which doctor you can see. Maybe she will guide you herself. Didn’t the endocrinologist advise anyone else to go to? It’s better not to diuretic without a doctor’s advice; you could end up with even more harm.

Seriously? Only kg? What about all the other factors? Let's run to the doctor! It all sounds like you have a hormonal imbalance.

There was a thing - one day I decided to go on a diet, just to lose weight with legonets, so as not to bother. I stupidly chose the kefir option, firstly, it’s not difficult, and secondly, it’s convenient at work, on the way I went to the store in the morning, took a liter of low-fat, and you jam it during the day as you feel like it. Well, over the course of 2 weeks, I lost about three kilos this way, not that much, but I discovered that the butt cellulite had disappeared (and by that time I had already come to terms with it), and my complexion had improved. So, I think I would repeat this case.

Thyroid problems, on the contrary, are accompanied by weight loss. So it's not about endocrinology. Be sure to get examined.

Get an MRI of the head, it was correctly written above that there may be a pituitary cyst. In my opinion, there is a hormonal imbalance, maybe I should go to another endocrinologist?

Go to an endocrinologist and gynecologist, for starters. In 4 days +4 kg is not fat, it doesn’t appear that quickly. And what you should obviously be worried about right now is not how to lose weight.

The body retains water for two reasons: either the kidneys can’t cope, or the heart, since the kidneys are normal, means the heart. Go to a cardiologist.

There's a rash here, no period. Maybe with the pituitary gland, but she says that she has already visited an endocrinologist, and everything is fine. Then a cardiologist, this could be the heart.

Now you're only going to fool her with your comments. Author, stop doing this bullshit, eat as you eat and move more.

Well, the dermatologist will prescribe all kinds of garbage for her to smear on her face. But it won't solve the problem. No, this 100% requires an MRI. And a full analysis of hormones, since there is such a malfunction in the body. And here they generally recommend an examination, which has never harmed anyone.

I had the same glitch. Pregnancy tests were negative. I haven’t had an ultrasound yet. This blond “failure” is already a year and a half old.
You should check with an endocrinologist for hypothyroidism. There he gains weight and swelling. Check MRI of the brain. Ultrasound of the heart and again ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Tests for TSH and prolactin hormones are required.

There is no VSD disease, look for the cause, a full analysis of hormones (not just thyroid) and an examination of the body, preferably an MRI. This rapid weight gain is not for nothing.

Haven't had a period for 2 months? I would have already beaten off all the thresholds of clinics! You have a hormonal imbalance! Go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Damn... Until I read that these 4 kg do not allow you to live.... 58 kg. Author, don’t be ridiculous, by God, you’re getting old, congratulations - everything and problems are all made up. What the hell will happen to you during menopause - weight fluctuations, hot flashes, panic attacks, dizziness. Women can cope with this, but here it’s 4 kg. Well, amenorrhea because you need to eat, and not suffer from bullshit. Protein diet, without fluid restrictions. And protein does not mean excluding carbohydrates, otherwise, judging by your character, you are capable of this.

This is swelling. First, check your kidneys. Secondly, see a gynecologist, maybe there are cysts or something else that is feminine, which leads to a delay.

Sorry, but there were no hints that you were pregnant? I'm just always surprised by such cases.

Yes, it was just a moral feeling, all other signs were the same as the author’s, except for the absence of menstruation. But my period came, and the tests were negative, then I just did a hCG test and an ultrasound, it was 6 weeks.

This is only one side of the coin. Not always, oh, not always, problems with the thyroid gland are accompanied by weight loss. And what the girl described is very similar to hypothyroidism.

It’s funny that the author is not at all worried about a 2-month delay in menstruation, but +4 kg is, yes, panic. How far it has come to the point that I can’t lose weight worries a person much more than objective problems with health.

Delayed menstruation happens to every woman. For small deviations(up to 5 days) it is considered normal. But regular fluctuations in the schedule and a longer period should alert you.

We can talk about the norm when there is no menstruation due to pregnancy. In all other cases, it is necessary to find out the cause and, if necessary, begin treatment.

What is the menstrual cycle?

Menarche, or the first menstruation, appears mainly at 12-15 years old. Then for about 2 years hormone levels are regulated and setting the cycle. At this time, deviations are possible in the form of an earlier onset or delay of bleeding. It is also possible that they will be absent for a certain period of time.

The monthly cycle is counted from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of the next. In normal health duration these time periods should be the same. Their average duration is 28 days, but a period of 21-35 days is also considered normal.

At the beginning of the cycle Estrogen levels increase. The thickness of the uterine mucosa increases significantly (up to 10 times). It becomes soft and juicy as new lymphatic and blood vessels form in it. In essence, the ideal bed for embryo attachment is being prepared.

In the ovary at this time occurs process of egg maturation. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, it enters the cavity of the fallopian tubes. Coming ovulation phase, at which conception becomes possible. If it does not happen, then the preparation of the bed is in vain, and the thickened juicy mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected. The described cycle is repeated monthly.

What factors may cause a delay?

It should be recalled that a period delay of 4-5 days is considered normal. The reasons for delayed menstruation can be different, we will look at the main ones. Diagnosis of a specific case is carried out at an appointment by a gynecologist.

Ovarian dysfunction

In fact, a delay in menstruation is dysfunction. This is a general concept, which means disruption of ovarian hormone production. Its cause may lie in problems with the organs of the endocrine system - in particular, the thyroid gland. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to study hormonal levels.


This factor can provoke not only a delay, but also a cessation of menstruation. A constant state of nervous excitement provokes hormonal imbalance. A stressful situation can be a lack of time, problems at work, at home, an exam, conflicts, prolonged mental stress, etc.

Physical exercise

Heavy physical work often leads to disruption of the monthly cycle. In principle, overwork is also stress for the body, causing disruption of all systems, including endocrine. The solution is to change work, lifestyle, and normalize the working day.

Climate change

This situation, when the menstrual cycle is disrupted when moving, is familiar to many women. Its occurrence is due not only to a change in climate zone, but also to the fact that At the same time, the lifestyle and diet also change. Seaside holidays often have a negative impact on the female body due to excess ultraviolet radiation and iodine.

Weight problems

Delayed menstruation may be a consequence of deviations in body weight from the norm. Drastic weight loss provokes hormonal imbalances, which result in significant fluctuations in the monthly schedule.

To determine normal weight, you should calculate the so-called BMI (body mass index), dividing the weight by the height squared. If the value is more than 25, we can talk about obesity. If the indicator is less than 18, then there is a deficiency of body weight. If the delay is not very long (5-10 days), weight normalization is often a sufficient measure to regulate the cycle.


The cause of the disorders is long-term intoxication of the body as a result of:

  • smoking;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • drug addiction;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

The solution in such cases is to eliminate the risk factor.


Often the tendency to delays is inherited, which is due to hormonal characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether the patient’s mother or grandmother had any similar problems. Perhaps their reason lies in a genetic disease.

Gynecological factors influencing delayed menstruation


Menstruation is often delayed due to the presence of female pathologies:

  1. inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system;
  2. uterine fibroids;
  3. endometriosis;
  4. adenomyosis;
  5. malignant tumor in the cervix or body of the uterus.

In these cases, the only solution to the problem is treatment of the underlying disease.

Miscarriages and abortions

Artificial termination of pregnancy is a real hormonal shock for the body, which is preparing to bear the fetus: it has to urgently “cancel” all the processes that have begun and rebuild again.

In addition, when curettage significantly the lining of the uterus is damaged, which very often provokes complications leading to disruption of the monthly cycle. It generally returns to normal after a few months. For longer-term disturbances and the presence of discharge, medical consultation is necessary.

Hormonal contraception

Contraceptives taken by a woman contain a large amount of hormones that regulate the cycle and adjust it to the medication regimen. Refusal of pills can cause a fairly large delay in menstruation, since irregularities can persist for several months before final normalization of hormonal levels.

Emergency contraception is especially dangerous. The intake of a huge dose of hormones can lead to serious disruption of the reproductive system. Such methods of protection can be used in exceptional cases.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The disease is diagnosed based on characteristic changes in appearance resulting from increasing testosterone levels. They are identified during examination of the patient. This:

  • excess male pattern hair;
  • increased oily skin and hair;
  • excess weight.

However, these signs do not always indicate for the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): they may be a consequence of genetic or national characteristics. For example, small mustaches are not uncommon among Asian women: their appearance is not accompanied by a cycle disorder and is not caused by a pathological process.

An advanced form of PCOS can become cause of infertility. Treatment is carried out using oral contraceptives, which restore normal hormonal levels.

Taking medications

The active phase of the menstrual cycle is often delayed due to prolonged use of medications. The most dangerous in this sense the following are considered:

  • corticosteroids;
  • anabolics;
  • antidepressants;
  • antiulcer drugs;
  • hormonal agents;
  • diuretic medications.


At a certain age (from 45 years old), the cause of a disruption in the monthly cycle is often the beginning of menopause. Women themselves can feel the changes occurring in the body:

  • irregularity of menstruation and decreased intensity;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry skin;
  • tides;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • nervous tension.

All these signs indicate a decrease in the level of female hormones and a gradual decline in reproductive function.

Are missed periods dangerous?

The very fact of delayed menstrual bleeding does not pose a threat. The danger lies in the cause of constant delays in menstruation. Therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

For example, if menstruation is regularly delayed due to high levels of prolactin in the blood, the cause may be the formation of a microadenoma in the brain. Lack of treatment leads to irreversible consequences.

Untreated inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, diseases of the uterus and ovaries increase the likelihood of developing infertility.

If the cause is endocrine disorders, then, in addition to a malfunction of the monthly cycle, they also provoke a malfunction of almost all organs and systems.

Even if there are no visible reasons for concern and the delays are only related with a change in daily routine or a vacation at sea, if they appear periodically and last for a long time, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

The menstrual cycle is one of the most delicate and sensitive mechanisms in the female body. A woman’s ability to bear children depends on how the menstrual cycle proceeds. Many factors can lead to menstrual irregularities, such as stress, chronic and acute diseases, pathology of the reproductive system and much more. A woman’s body weight is also important for the menstrual cycle. As a rule, both underweight and overweight are accompanied by menstrual irregularities. It is known that in economically developed countries, more than 25% of the population suffers from obesity (overweight). The World Health Organization has noted a trend of increasing body weight with each subsequent year.

Overweight or obesity

Obesity is nothing more than an excess of fatty tissue in the body. Overweight is considered to be more than 15% of normal body weight. Factors that lead to excess weight include: genetic predisposition, lifestyle characteristics (overeating or physical inactivity), various hormonal disorders (including diabetes), and environmental conditions. Obesity (overweight) increases the risk of various diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus , pathology of the cardiovascular system, etc.). In addition, excess weight not only causes menstrual dysfunction, but also causes anovulation (lack of ovulation), and, as a consequence, infertility.

Menstrual irregularities due to excess weight

Body weight plays a big role in the development of menstrual function. It is known that adipose tissue is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle, since it also synthesizes female sex hormones - estrogens. Excess weight in teenage girls may lead to earlier puberty , in particular, to the early onset of menstruation.

An increased amount of adipose tissue (more than 15-20%) causes disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Obesity can be a factor in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by irregular menstruation, endocrine infertility, excess hair growth, alopecia (hair loss on the head), seborrhea and acne. Polycystic ovary syndrome, which occurs in obesity, is associated with the conversion of excess estrogen produced in adipose tissue into androgens (male sex hormones).

If you are overweight, menstrual irregularities, such as oligomenorrhea, are much (about five to six times) more likely to occur (infrequent menstruation) and amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). In turn, this leads to the development of secondary and primary infertility. But with obesity, not only delays or absence of menstruation are possible, but also uterine bleeding as a consequence of hyperestrogenemia. Often, with excess body weight, proliferative conditions of the endometrium (endometrial hyperplasia and precancer) are observed. These processes increase the risk of endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer.

In turn, various disorders of the menstrual cycle with excess weight also affect the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. During pregnancy, the percentage of gestosis increases, cardiac activity is disrupted, and blood clotting increases.

The duration of the monthly cycle, calculated from the first days of menstruation, is normally 21-35 days. Most women, at the first sign of a missed period, first assume that they are pregnant. The menstrual cycle is a complex mechanism of interaction between hormones secreted by the endocrine system. Changes in any link in this chain can cause menstrual irregularities.

During the first half of the cycle, the egg prepares for conception. After maturation, it leaves the follicle, from which it is formed, synthesizing hormones. Next, the uterus prepares for the possible reception of a fertilized egg by growing the endometrium (mucous membrane).

If conception does not occur, the endometrium is rejected, damaging the blood vessels, and menstruation occurs - bleeding lasting 3-7 days.

The causes of delay are divided into two categories: pathological and physiological. The first group is associated with diseases of the genital organs, and the second – with the peculiarities of the body’s functioning, adaptation to external and internal changes.


Sometimes a delay is exactly what comes to mind first - pregnancy. In the short term, only a few women are aware of their condition, because early pregnancy symptoms are similar to the usual sensations before menstruation. It can be:

  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • soreness and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • bloating;
  • changes in taste and olfactory sensations;
  • drowsiness and loss of strength.

In some women, due to changes in hormonal levels, early toxicosis may begin and the amount of discharge may increase.

On days 5-6 after conception, the embryo releases the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) into the blood, but only on days 4-5 of the delay its concentration becomes so high that pregnancy can be established using pharmacy rapid tests.

A qualified gynecologist is able to determine a possible pregnancy even before the delay by changes in the uterus and its cervix. On an ultrasound, the fetus is visible already on the 5th day of delay, but at such an early stage it is done only according to indications.