Simple apricot jam without seeds. Recipe for thick jam from pitted apricots and slices for the winter

Apricots are nature's most beautiful creation. Fragrant, tender, incredibly tasty, beautiful and very healthy. These fruits are rich in carotene, and depending on its amount, they have a color from pale yellow to bright orange. Not only fresh fruits, but also properly dried fruits retain their beneficial properties; we know dried apricots and apricots, and in Central Asia they also use the name kaisa.

It is customary to drink tea with dried fruits and make compotes from them. Nowadays it is not difficult to buy them at any time of the year. The store also sells apricot juice, and you can also find compote. But what you can’t buy in the store is homemade aromatic jam.

You need to prepare such a delicious delicacy yourself, and then in winter you can completely do without store-bought sweets. The sweet delicacy made from apricots turns out to be one of the most delicious dishes in this category. And there are simply countless options for preparing it. Each housewife has her own signature recipe.

When we lived in Central Asia, in every house you could try different apricot jam, and almost all of them were simply real masterpieces.

This jam differs from others in that it practically does not cook. The fruits are simply filled with hot syrup each time.

We will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 200 ml


For this type of preparation, you should take ripe but hard varieties of apricots. It is better that the fruits are not too large. In this case, it will not boil over, but will turn out in the form of neat, beautiful slices. This is if you cut the fruit into 4 parts. Or halves if you cut it into two parts.

It is also important that the pit comes off easily from the fruit, as we will be removing it.

1. Wash and dry apricots. Then cut in the area of ​​the beards into two equal parts. If the fruits are not very large, then you can leave it that way. And if they are large, then you can cut them into 4 parts.

Personally, I like them better when they are cut in half.

Place the apricots in a bowl, in which we will later prepare our delicious delicacy.

2. Apricot jam is prepared both with and without syrup. This recipe provides for the first option, so we will prepare the syrup too. But we will try to take the minimum amount of water for this. During the infusion process, they will release juice themselves, and it turns out that we will cook them practically in their own juice.

They will turn out to be a beautiful amber color and with a wonderful natural smell.

To prepare the syrup, pour sugar into a saucepan and add water. Stir until it absorbs as much water as possible. Then put on low heat. The sugar will begin to melt, and our task is to ensure that it does not burn. To do this, you need to constantly stir it, preferably with a wooden spatula or spoon.

And be sure to mix, hooking the mass from the very bottom. You especially need to watch the syrup while it is still warm. This is the most important time. If the sugar burns even minimally, the syrup will have to be prepared from the very beginning.

3. Thus, bring the syrup to a boil. Let simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Make sure all the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Pour syrup over the prepared fruits. Lightly “buy” them in it, lightly lowering them down with a spatula. Then cover with a napkin and leave to soak in the juice for 24 hours.

During this time, the fruits will not only be saturated with juice, but will also release it themselves. The amount of liquid will increase, and the syrup itself will acquire a beautiful amber hue.

If several halves get into it, then catch them and send them back.

6. Put the syrup on the fire, bring it to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

At this stage, you usually need to look at how much syrup you have formed in general. If there is too much of it and the jam may turn out too liquid, you can boil the syrup to the desired state. This may take 10 or 15 minutes, sometimes even more.

But if you took hard fruits, as was stated at the beginning, then they will not give much juice, and in this case it will be enough to warm the syrup for only 5 minutes, as practice shows. In this case, the finished product will have just the right consistency.

7. Pour the hot syrup over the halves again, and again “buy” them a little in the syrup, lightly lowering them into it using a spatula. Then cover with a napkin and leave to cool for 24 hours.

The syrup will become even more rich and beautiful in color. When cooled, it will resemble light honey.

8. In a day we will heat the contents for the last time. And by this time we should have jars and lids ready. To do this, you can use jars with screw-on metal lids. They will need to be sterilized in advance and completely dried. That is, it is advisable to do this in advance. Sterilize and place neck down. They will dry naturally in about half a day.

9. Great! We have jars and lids ready and waiting to be filled. But to do this, the contents need to be warmed again and allowed to sweat a little. This time along with all the contents.

There is no need to drain the syrup. We put everything on the fire together. First, bring to a boil over medium heat, lightly “bathing” the halves, trying not to crush them, treating them very delicately. We remove the foam.

10. Once it boils, heat for another 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and immediately pour the contents into jars. There is no need to let it cool down. This will replace sterilization for us.

11. Immediately screw the lids on tightly. Turn them over, place them on the lid and cover with a towel. Leave until completely cool. If you close the jars very tightly, they will remain hot for another 10-12 hours, and then warm. During this period, the sterilization process will continue.

12. Then turn the jars over to their usual position and leave them in a dark and cool place for storage.

I would like to note one more nuance. If for some reason there is a lot of syrup, then try to fill the jars with the amount of syrup that you want to have. The less syrup, the thicker the jam, everyone knows this.

And simply pour the remaining syrup into a suitable sized jar and also close the lid. This syrup will be very good for coating cake layers, or using for serving or.

That's basically the whole recipe. The product will turn out to be almost whole halves or quarters; it will not be in the form of jam or confiture. In addition, it will completely preserve the smell and taste of fresh apricots. That is what we were striving for.

Video on how to make thick jam from hard or unripe apricots

This recipe is one of my favorites in my stash. I've been cooking with it for a very long time, and it has never let me down. The advantage of this method is that here you can regulate the quality of the syrup thickness. At the same time, the fruits remain undigested, and most importantly, they are also whole, not boiled.

I like to make this treat thick, with lots of amber halves and a little syrup.

This method is also good if you need to cook a delicacy from unripe apricots. The cooking method is such that the syrup penetrates deep into the pulp and even sour fruits turn out very tasty.

Try to prepare such a fragrant delicacy first from a kilogram of fruit, taste it, admire the amber color. And I am sure that you will want to prepare as many of these treats for the winter as possible.

Winter jam from apricot halves

And if you have nowhere to store supplies other than in the refrigerator, then to avoid this, you can prepare the preparation, and even sterilize it in jars. This won’t take much time, but it will allow you to store jam in the house, for example, under the bed.

We will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 200 ml


Just like in the previous recipe, in this one we will also need firm apricots. You can, of course, take soft ones, the jam will also be tasty, but in this case it will be more like confiture or jam.

1. Wash the fruits and let the water drain. Then cut them along the groove into two halves and remove the seeds.

2. Pour sugar into the pan and pour out the water, stir so that the sugar absorbs the water. Then put the pan on low heat and start melting the sugar. At first, you will need to stir frequently so that the sugar does not burn or stick to the bottom.

3. When it is completely melted, bring the mixture to a boil, remembering to stir it. Once it boils, heat for 5 minutes.

4. Place the apricots in a basin or pan, preferably with a thick bottom, and pour the resulting syrup over them. “Buy” the fruits using a wooden spatula or spoon, lightly dipping them into the syrup, trying not to crush them. Then cover with a napkin or towel and leave until completely cooled for 8 - 10 hours.

5. After the allotted time, put the basin on the fire along with all the contents. Bring it to a boil and turn it off immediately; no need to boil. Again, lightly “buy” the fruits. Then cover and leave for 8 hours.

And so two more times, for a total of 3 times.

6. Bring to a boil again for the third time, heat for 3 minutes, turn off and place in sterilized jars. Cover with dry lids, but do not tighten.

7. Place them in warm water and sterilize 0.5 liter jars - 10 minutes, liter jars - 15 minutes. Without opening the lid to prevent air from entering the jar, screw the lids on. You can screw them using a special seaming machine, or you can simply use screw-on metal lids.

8. Turn the jars over and put them on the lids. Wrap tightly with a towel and leave it like that until it cools completely. Then turn it over again and store it in a dark place, such as a closet or just under the bed.

Delicious aromatic jam for the winter is ready. It contains not only apricots, but also a piece of warmth, summer and your efforts.

Apricot jam “Pyatiminutka”

This method is very popular, and is applicable, perhaps, to any fruits and berries from which we prepare such a delicacy. Our today's fruit cannot do without it. We will prepare a “five-minute meal” from it.

This method is popular because it is the fastest of all known. There is no need to boil the syrup, no need to infuse the fruits for several days. That is, I would say that this is a recipe for those who value their time, but want to have a supply in winter. Moreover, it’s as tasty as jam!

We will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

This is a standard tab for most of this kind of sweets, kilogram per kilogram. But there are people who don’t like sweets much, and especially for them I want to say that the amount of sugar can be reduced. We have already prepared it, both in and in some recipes, using 650-700 grams of sugar per kilogram of berries.

So in this case, you can take the same amount.


1. For cooking, also take fruits that are not very ripe. When you press on them, they should spring slightly, be elastic and strong. It is from these fruits that our delicacy will not turn out soggy.

You can take not only a kilogram of apricots, but also more. But try not to take more than 3 kilograms at a time. In this case, the fruits do not have time to warm up evenly, and it turns out that some pieces reach the desired state faster, others more slowly. Because of this, some slices remain intact, while others lose their shape.

2. Wash and dry the apricots. Then cut each of them along the groove into two equal halves and remove the pit. If the fruits are large, cut them into 4 parts. If they are small, leave them in halves so that they do not boil too much during cooking.

3. Cover the slices with sugar, taking into account what was said above. Lightly shake the basin in which we placed everything and leave for 4 - 6 hours until the fruits release juice.

We do not add water in this recipe. We will cook in our own juice. This will allow you to get a thicker and more viscous jam.

Cover with a towel or napkin.

4. After 4 hours, check how much juice the fruits have released. If it is enough so that the slices do not stick to the bottom during cooking, then you can start cooking right away.

If there is still not enough juice, you can shake the contents again and leave to infuse for another hour or two.

To check how much juice is in the container, you need to tilt it slightly.

5. When enough of it has appeared, place the basin along with the contents on low heat to dissolve the sugar. When it warms up, you can slightly move the remaining sugar at the bottom upward, while being careful not to crush the fruit.

6. More and more juice will appear. To ensure that the fruits are heated evenly, you can stir them occasionally, carefully moving the upper and lower layers. Thus, wait until the mixture boils.

7. After boiling, heat for 5 - 7 minutes, skimming off the foam, and immediately pour into sterilized jars. Cover with lids scalded in boiling water and tighten.

8. Turn the jars over and put them on the lid. Cover with a towel and wrap tightly. Leave until completely cool.

9. Place for storage. Store in a cool, dark place. Especially if you don’t put a lot of sugar in the jam.

Amber apricot delicacy with lemon slices or halves

The jam made in this way actually looks amber. The fruits can be held up to the light and admire their transparency. Of course, you will have to tinker with it a little, but the result will exceed even your wildest expectations.

We will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg + 100 g
  • water - 2 liters
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs (or food grade citric acid – 2 teaspoons)


The peculiarity of this cooking method is that we will do it for two days. And each time it’s not for long, but you’ll have to insist for 10-12 hours each time.

So, let's get started:

1. Wash the apricots and cut them into two halves if they are not very large, and into four parts if they are large enough. It is best to use strong, almost ripe fruits. If they are already fully ripe, then when cooked they will not turn out into whole pieces. They will boil and the product will turn out more like jam or confiture.

Today we have a different task. We need to preserve the shape of the fruits, nourish them with sugar syrup, their own juice and give them an amber appearance. Therefore, the fruits should be slightly unripe, elastic to the touch, but already have a characteristic yellow or yellow-orange color.

2. Boil two liters of water in a saucepan. Once it boils, add 100 grams of sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice or citric acid. Any acid is a preservative, and in this case, sweet and sour syrup will play its role. He preserves the apricot slices, and with further manipulations with them, their shape will remain unchanged.

At the same time, it will soften the pulp and skin of the fruit, and it will be easier to soak in sugar syrup and its own juice, which ultimately will give it an amber appearance.

3. Also prepare cold water. It needs to be poured into a basin in a volume large enough to accommodate a kilogram of cooked fruit.

4. Place chopped apricots in boiling syrup. And immediately turn off the fire. Lightly shake the pan or rotate it from side to side so that the apricots do not sit too long. Gradually the halves will begin to float because air will begin to escape from them.

Shake and rotate the pan very carefully so as not to spill anything, especially on yourself.

5. The fruits should be kept in syrup for one minute. Then place them in cold water using a slotted spoon and leave there for two minutes to cool quickly.

Then take them out and let them dry slightly.

6. While they are cooling, let’s make the second syrup, in which we will actually prepare our jam.

7. Prepare a basin or pan, it is better that it has a thick bottom. Such a pan retains heat well and thanks to this, heating of all components occurs evenly.

To heat the contents more evenly, it is best to use a divider. In this case, the heat from the fire will also be distributed evenly, which is undoubtedly much better for this cooking option.

Pour 1 cup of syrup into the pan, in which the apricots were boiled at the first stage. Then pour 1.2 kg of sugar into the syrup. Stir until it dissolves quickly and put on fire. The syrup should boil and the sugar should completely dissolve.

8. After boiling, let the syrup simmer for 3 - 4 minutes, then place the dried apricot halves into it. And so that they are all evenly covered with syrup, the contents must be lightly shaken again.

But this must be done extremely carefully so as not to get burned. The syrup is very hot, and the sugar dissolved in it can leave a severe burn if it comes into contact with the skin.

9. Bring the syrup to a boil over medium heat and immediately reduce the heat to low. Cook apricots for 15 minutes, at a minimum boil. In this case, the syrup should not bubble, but only gurgle slightly. This is clearly visible in the photo.

If you do not save the fruits and the boiling is more than enough, you will not be able to preserve their intact appearance.

10. After 15 minutes have passed, turn off the heat and leave the apricots to cool under a towel for 10 - 12 hours, or overnight.

During this time, the contents will not only cool down, but also the fruits will be saturated with sugar and their own juice. They will, as it were, caramelize. And as you know, caramel is always transparent. So we will strive for the same transparency.

11. After 10 hours, put it on the fire again, it’s best to put it back on the divider and bring the contents to a boil again over medium heat. Let stand for 15 minutes over very low heat with almost no boiling, only small bubbles.

And again leave for 10 hours.

12. Then repeat the procedure again, this will be our third one. Once 15 minutes of minimum boiling time have passed, turn off the heat and allow the apricots to cool completely.

13. Then put into prepared sterilized jars. They must be completely dry. Close with scalded and dried lids.

14. Store in a cool, dry place.

The jam turned out very beautiful. The fruits are translucent, strong, retaining their shape. They are a pleasure to look at and expensive to look at. Why look at how delicious it is to eat them, and how pleasant it is to treat your loved ones and guests to such a delicacy.

Prepare this option at least for a test. From just 1 kg of apricots. Then you will cook it only this way.

How to make apricot jam in a slow cooker

This recipe is for those who like to cook in a slow cooker in general, and jam in particular. Cooking it in it is not difficult at all. And after watching the proposed video, you can see for yourself.

That's how fast, simple and easy it is. The product turns out thick, with a slight pleasant sourness. It’s nice that even though it was cooked for quite a long time, the slices remained intact. You can eat it right away, or you can close it in sterilized jars and store it for the winter.

To keep the color the same golden, it is better to store it in a dark place.

Thick apricot jam for the winter with kernels

To be honest, this is my favorite jam. And I prepare at least a few jars of it every year. And basically I like it precisely because it contains a lot of fruit kernels.

And although there is an opinion on this matter that kernels are harmful to health due to the high content of hydrocyanic acid in them, I still like it. Maybe this hydrocyanic acid just doesn’t work on me, or maybe the rumors are simply too exaggerated.

In my recipe I add a large number of kernels. You can add just a little bit of them.

It is believed that adding 10 - 15 pieces to any apricot jam, on the contrary, gives it a special taste and additional aroma. Therefore, you decide for yourself how many nuts to add.

You can use this information to prepare the recipes suggested above.

As for the conversations, they mostly talk about the harm, and the benefits are mentioned less often. But there are undoubtedly benefits from nuts, and considerable ones at that. And maybe even it is more than harm.

Therefore, in this recipe I will not write about the benefits and harms of these nuts. There are many articles written on this topic, and it is not difficult to find them on the Internet.

But what I can say about the jam is that it turns out not just tasty, but very tasty. Besides, how many kernels do you eat in it? At most 10 pieces, how much hydrocyanic acid will there be?

In the recipe I did not peel the skins of the nuts, you can peel them.

Instead of apricot kernels, almond nuts are also added. And using walnuts they prepare surprisingly tasty “royal jam”. Someday I will also share his recipe.

I write a lot on a general topic, but someone will say, “Get closer to the point,” and ask, “Where is the recipe?” And the recipe has already been written in one of the previous articles, step by step, with photographs, the entire process.

And if you feel that you want to try to cook such a delicious delicacy, just read it, or rather, cook according to it.

And in general, prepare apricot treats according to any recipe, they are all tasty and worthy of attention.

By the way, you know that an apricot tree lives for 150 - 200 years, of which 100 years it bears fruit beautifully. So, prepare a delicious, healthy delicacy from its fruits and live long as well. And definitely beautiful and happy!

Bon appetit!

What does every good housewife do in the summer, besides traveling to the country or relaxing at the seaside? Of course, a lot of things. But in the list of these activities there will definitely be a place for such an item as preparations for the winter. And definitely jam. The most popular, perhaps, is seedless apricot jam.

And this is not surprising, because its taste and sweetness are incomparable. And it’s such a pleasure to open one jar in the cold winter, for tea, with toast or cookies. Mm... Yummy.

By the way, it is done much easier than you think. In this article we will share with you the knowledge of how to make jam from pitted apricots. And we’ll look at several recipes at once, which, we are sure, even a novice housewife can handle.

So, we will make apricot jam according to the following recipes:

  • The recipe is classic;
  • Five-minute recipe;
  • Recipe for jam in slices;
  • Royal recipe;
  • And let's not forget about the recipe for jam in a slow cooker;

All recipes are analyzed step by step down to the smallest detail, so you can have no doubt that you will definitely get seedless apricot jam and it will be incredibly tasty.

Well, let's begin!

Classic apricot jam recipe

And first on our list is the classic version of this beloved delicacy. In this case, ours are cooked in three stages. This method allows you to save as many vitamins as possible, as well as preserve their natural taste. Among other things, the color itself will come out very bright, which is also a small plus.

What do we need for this:

  • Apricots – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

In fact, the quantity can be as you wish, but please note that the composition ratio must be taken one to one! That is, if you want to take two kilograms of apricots, then there should also be two kilograms of sugar.

Let's start cooking:

  • First you need to prepare the fruit. We thoroughly wash and dry the apricots so that as little water as possible remains. We take out the bones.
  • Next, put everything in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Now we leave it until the evening or right until the next morning. It is required that our fruits give as much juice as possible. Only then can you start cooking.
  • So. Stage one. Let's say you left the fruit until the morning and it released juice. And the sugar has almost melted. Great. Now put the pan on the stove and let it boil. Now turn down the gas and let it cook for literally another three minutes. Then we leave it alone to wait for a new day.
  • Stage two. The fruits are saturated with syrup and it’s wonderful. Now turn the heat on low on the stove and gradually bring the jam to a boil. And then immediately remove from the stove until the next day.
  • And finally, stage three. Our fruits were well soaked and our sweetness became transparent. Under the jam, turn the heat to medium. When it boils, let it simmer for a few minutes.
  • And only now we pour it into jars.
  • When the jars are already rolled up, you need to turn them over and let them cool completely.

This is all! Congratulations, your efforts were not in vain and apricot jam according to the classic recipe is finally ready!

Five-minute pitted apricot jam. Express method

Jam “Five Minute”

And now you will learn how to make jam from pitted apricots in almost five minutes! After all, many of us, in the modern pace of life, may often not have enough time to prepare “full-fledged” recipes, but we really want jam! This is where our “five minutes” will come to your aid.

And don’t worry - your jam will turn out just as sweet and tasty as according to the classic recipe, because this method has been tested by more than one generation of housewives.

Pay attention! There is a small nuance in this recipe. For 1 kilogram of apricots you need to take approximately 500 grams of sugar. That is, we take half as much sugar for the available mass of fruit. Do you remember? Then let's get started!

How to cook:

Just like last time, the first thing you need to do is wash and dry the fruit. Now cut in half straight along the natural “seam”. Separate the bone. If your fruit is large, it is advisable to cut it in half again. We weigh our fruits already without seeds, so as not to overdo it with sugar.

Now add sugar and level it so that the apricots are completely covered. Cover and let sit for four hours so that the fruit releases its juice.

In the meantime, let's start preparing the jars. It is noteworthy that they can even be sterilized in the oven. Now we will tell you more about this method. The washed jars should be placed in a cold oven. The temperature level should be set around 120-130 C.

And when the oven heats up, we leave it there for about seven minutes so that our jars dry completely. And then let them cool. Just put the lids in a separate bowl, pour boiling water over them and leave for ten minutes.

So, our four hours have passed and the apricots have released their juice. Place the pan with jam on low gas and heat it up. No need to stir. Once they have warmed up, you can carefully stir from bottom to top.

We continue to heat. Our task is to dissolve the remaining sugar. Stir occasionally. When our jam has boiled, boil for another seven minutes. And now you can pour it into jars that we sterilized earlier.

Well, we poured our delicacy to the very necks. Now roll it up and quickly turn it over. Place in a dark place, wrap it up and let it cool.

And one more little tip:

Since there is not much sugar in this jam, it would be better to store it somewhere cooler.

That's it! Of course, five-minute pitted apricot jam does not cook in just five minutes, but much faster in comparison with other recipes. You did a great job!

Apricot jam slices

I must say that this recipe has one slight difference from the previous two. And it lies in the fact that the jam is almost not boiled, but only poured with syrup. But this happens over the course of three days.

The composition is still the same - we take a kilogram of sugar per kg of fruit.

Let's start cooking:

We start the process with the same steps - wash the fruit, dry it, remove the seeds. Here you can take apricots that are slightly unripe.

Pour sugar into a saucepan. The ratio of water and sugar should be somewhere around 15 ml. per 1 kg. Stir on gas and let it boil. Now you need to boil for about five more minutes. It is better to stir more often to prevent it from burning.

Our syrup is cooked and now we pour it over the fruit. Try to spread the fruit so that they are completely covered.

Cover with a lid or film. We don't touch it for a whole day.
Our delicacy has released juice, and it must be carefully poured into a separate saucepan. We are still harvesting the apricots. Place the pan with juice on medium gas. Constantly stirring the syrup, let it boil. After this, let it boil for about three more minutes.

Next, remove the syrup and immediately pour it into the apricots. Cover the saucepan with a lid or film. Again we leave our delicacy alone for the whole day.
The next time we do the same thing - drain the syrup, boil it well and pour the fruit again. After this, we again leave our almost finished jam alone for the whole day.

The fourth and final day has arrived. Boil the jam and let it cook for five minutes. At this stage, it would be a good idea to add a little citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice. Turn off the stove and pour our jam into jars.

Congratulations! You did great!

Pitless apricot jam - a royal recipe

And in this recipe we will reveal the secret of such delicious jam that even the Queen of England herself would not be ashamed to treat it! The preparation method and composition are quite unusual for ordinary apricot jam.

Nevertheless, the royal recipe for pitted apricot jam is not as difficult to prepare as it might seem at first glance. The main feature is that nuts are added to the jam. Most often walnuts, but any other is possible. The essence is in the nut itself. If there are no nuts available, you can simply replace them with apricot kernels.

So, let's start with the list of components:

Apricots – 2 kg;
Sugar – 2 kg;
Water – 500 ml;
Nuts – 150 g.

Let's start making:

We start, as always, with standard manipulations - wash and dry. Please note that for this jam the apricots must be of medium ripeness. Hard, you might say.

The pit must be removed so as to leave the fruit whole. That is, there is no need to separate the halves completely. Carefully make a cut along the seam and remove the bone. Now comes the fun part. We also carefully replace the seed with a nut. And we do this procedure with all apricots.

We remind you that if you don’t have nuts, you can use the seeds themselves for this. You need to carefully split them, remove the kernels and put them back into the fruit. But it’s better to use nuts, because the kernels can add bitterness to the delicacy, and we don’t want that, right?

Now let's start preparing the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan. Let it boil and pour in all the sugar. Stir frequently so that the sugar melts and does not burn. Place our apricots in syrup. Boil for about five minutes, then turn off and close. Leave it alone for six hours. The fruits should be soaked in syrup.

After this time, we put on the gas. As soon as it boils, remove it from the stove, skim off the foam and forget about it again for six hours.

When the jam is allowed to boil again, reduce the gas and simmer for half an hour. And only now we pour it into jars.

Everything is ready! It is noteworthy that from the quantity of apricots we took, two liters of jam and half a liter of syrup came out. We wrap the jars and wait until it cools down.

Apricot jam - recipe for multicooker

You can even make seedless apricot jam in a slow cooker. This recipe, like the others, will be step-by-step.

What components do we need:

  • Apricots – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Agar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Juice from half a lemon.

In fact, it’s even easier and faster to prepare than the five-minute recipe. But only owners of multicookers can boast of such happiness.

So where do we start:

First, as usual, wash our fruits and let them dry. Be sure to remove the seeds. You can do this however you like - leaving the apricot whole or dividing it into halves.

Turn on the “Jam” mode on the multicooker and wait a couple of hours.
When the multicooker finishes its job, add agar.

That's all! Our jam is ready. All that remains is to roll it into pre-sterilized jars.

Pitted apricot jam with lemon

If you use this recipe, you need to be prepared for the fact that the lemon will give a kind of bitterness. Although, despite this, many people adore this recipe.

  • We calculate the amount of necessary products for making pitted apricot jam with lemon from the ratio that for 1 kg of apricots, add one lemon, add 1 kg of sugar and about a glass of water.
  • Cut the lemon into rings, leaving the skin behind. We cut the resulting rings into quarters, removing the bones.
  • Place quarters of a lemon in a small amount of water and keep there for 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the skin becomes softer and does not become stiff.
  • We wash the apricots, dry them with a towel, divide them into slices, remove the kernels, add sugar and leave until the juice appears.
  • Then boil 2 times for 5 minutes and 1 time for 15. When boiling for 3 times, add lemon slices.
  • And we pack the cooked jam into jars.

Pitted apricot jam with orange

This jam can be cooked in 2 ways:

1. Cook in 3 batches for 20 minutes.

2. Cook in 1 batch for an hour.

  • We take ripe and elastic apricots in a volume of 3 kg, wash them, dry them, cut them into slices and get rid of the pits.
  • Next you need to grind 2 oranges in a meat grinder along with the peel.
  • Distribute the apricots evenly throughout the vat, sprinkling everything with orange shavings and then sugar. We wait about 3 hours, during which time the juice will be released.
  • Then we boil the future jam from pitted apricots with orange for 20 minutes, while removing the foam.
  • We repeat the procedure 2 more times and distribute into jars.

Apricot can be safely called one of the wonders of nature. After all, it is not only very tasty, but also has many beneficial properties. In particular, it contains many vitamins. And how nice it is to put a slice of summer mood on the table with tea in winter.

In this article we have collected for you only the simplest and most delicious apricot jam recipes. Without seeds, in pieces and even with nuts! Whichever of these recipes you prepare - classic, royal, in a slow cooker - you can be sure that it will definitely turn out very sweet and tasty. Bon appetit!

Fragrant, extremely tasty pitted apricot jam is similar in color to amber. The fragrant delicacy goes well with pancakes and pancakes and is found in almost every cellar of zealous housewives. Thanks to the natural acid of apricot, such jam never turns out too cloying, and its consistency can be adjusted using different cooking technologies and a certain amount of sugar.

There is absolutely nothing complicated about how to make jam from pitted apricots. The most labor-intensive process will be preparing the fruit, and then you just have to trust the kitchen assistant-stove, not forgetting to stir the brew from time to time.

It is worth noting that slightly beaten apricots, that is, those that have fallen off the tree (provided that they have retained their shape), can also be used to make jam. The main thing is that the fruits are ripe and sweet. If the recipe stipulates that the dessert should consist of whole apricot halves, then in this case it is better to use intact fruits with dense pulp and preferably the same size.

To prevent the apricots from falling apart and maintaining their shape, the jam is cooked in two or three batches over several days, without stirring it, but only shaking the cauldron.

An excellent filling for pies is made from pitted apricot jam, if you add gelatin to it, which must first be diluted in water. Of course, the fruits will lose their integrity, but the dessert will acquire a rather thick consistency and will not leak out of the pie or pie.

Apricot jam, cooked in three batches

To get a sweet and sour dessert you will need ripe apricots and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. If desired, the amount of sugar can be increased. It is more convenient to start preparing jam in the evening, so that by morning the apricots will release juice. Despite the fact that the whole process will take about two days, such jam from pitted apricots is also called “five-minute”. This is due to the fact that the workpiece is boiled in several passes for the same amount of time.

How to make five-minute jam:

If you used very sweet varieties of apricots, you can add a little citric acid to the jam at the end of cooking (1-2 g per kilogram of fruit).

Grinded apricot jam for pies

This recipe for pitted apricot jam is more reminiscent of jam - the delicacy is quite thick, so it can be used for filling pies or pies. The highlight of the recipe is the preliminary boiling of the fruits and their further chopping.

The amount of sugar depends on taste preferences. To make the jam sour, you will need:

  • 2 kg apricot;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • some water.

For sweeter jam, add 1.8 kg of sugar. By the way, in this case it will boil down faster.

Step-by-step preparation:

Apricot jam with kernels

A rather original dessert is obtained if you add these same seeds directly to the seedless for the winter, but previously peeled. You can also use almonds or walnuts instead.

In the process of “extracting” nucleoli, you should act very carefully and carefully. Firstly, the kernels must remain intact, and secondly, they must be carefully sorted. A few bitter kernels can ruin the entire preparation.

For jam you will need:

  • 1 kg of sugar and apricot;
  • half a lemon.

So, to make jam with a light almond flavor:

Jam containing apricot kernels can be stored for no more than one season.

Of course, fresh fruits are always tastier than any canned fruit, but what to do if their season is very short? In this case, you can and should use them for a variety of winter preparations. Seedless apricot jam is not only a filling for pies, but also a delicious dessert in its own right. Such a roll will never be superfluous on the shelves in the cellar! Bon appetit!

Apricot jam is a delicacy that has been loved by many since childhood. Good jam should have a beautiful color, whole pieces of apricots, and a magical aroma. In this article I will write 5 recipes for apricot jam, in which the fruit will be whole or sliced. I’ll also write a recipe for delicious apricot jam with oranges. I wrote the very first recipe in great detail to take into account all the nuances and mistakes that novice housewives may encounter. Listen to these tips and get very tasty jam.

In order to have halves of apricots in the jam, and not “porridge”, it is important to choose apricots suitable for jam. It should be ripe fruit, but not overripe. With bright orange flesh. When you press on the apricot, a dent should form, which quickly disappears. If the dent remains, then the apricot is overripe. If the dent is not made, then the apricot is unripe and is also not suitable.

Choose certain varieties for jam: jardeli and monastic. You should not take the following varieties: Sambursky early, Polessky large-fruited, Petrovsky. These last three varieties were bred by breeders for food, but not for preservation. They will not have enough elasticity when cooked.

Jam can be made from any apricots, since the fruits are crushed in it and not left whole.

The jam according to this recipe is a beautiful amber color, with clear syrup and whole fruits. In the recipe I will reveal all the secrets of making this jam. It is important to choose the right apricots. I wrote above how to do this.


  • apricots - 1 kg (weight without pits)
  • sugar - 800 gr.
  • water - 200 ml
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.

How to make jam with whole apricots:

1. First, wash good, firm and ripe apricots well and dry them with a paper towel. There is no need for excess moisture.

2. You need to remove the pit from the apricots, but they cannot be broken into halves. You can remove the bone using a paint brush (the most convenient option) or a pencil. Simply pierce the apricot and push the pit towards the stem.

3.Do not throw away the seeds, rinse and dry on a towel. You will need to get the kernels out of them. Apricot jam with kernels will be very tasty. The kernels will release apricot oil, which will give the jam the taste of fresh fruit. And the kernels will absorb the bitterness that may be in the jam.

To make the seeds easier to open, they are dried in the oven. Place the bones on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 5 minutes at 160 degrees.

If you don’t want to mine the kernels yourself, buy ready-made ones on the market.

4. Apricots need to be pierced in several places with a toothpick. This will help prevent them from shrinking when in contact with heat. Place the apricots prepared in this way in a saucepan or basin. Here it is important to take stainless steel utensils with a wide bottom. All apricots are laid out in one layer! It is allowed for 2-3 pieces to be on top.

5.Make the syrup. When apricots are filled with syrup, they do not wrinkle and remain intact. Because when heated, they give up their juice and absorb syrup, maintaining their shape. Jam made with syrup will be bright and the famous amber color.

Pour 800 grams of sugar into a saucepan and pour 200 ml of water. Cook over moderate heat (do not cook the syrup over high heat!), stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the syrup boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 3 minutes. The finished syrup will be light yellow in color, with a slight caramel smell.

Pierce the apricots with a toothpick and make the syrup.

6.When the seeds have cooled, they can be easily broken with a hammer. Take out the kernels. They will be in a film that needs to be removed. To do this, place the kernels in the oven for another 5 minutes at 160 degrees. Or boil them for 2-3 minutes.

7.Pour boiling syrup over the apricots. There is no need to cook them! Leave the apricots to steep in the syrup until they cool completely. If you want, you can leave it for a few hours. This way the taste will be even brighter. If you want to make the jam one day, then let the apricots cool completely.

8.When the apricots have stood for the first time, carefully pour the syrup from them into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Pour the boiling syrup over the apricots a second time. Again, let the fruit steep in the sugar syrup until it cools completely (at a minimum, you can let it sit longer).

9.And drain the syrup for the last time, bring it to a boil, boil for 3 minutes and pour over the apricots for the third time. The kernels should be prepared by this time, that is, they will need to remove the skin, which contains the most bitterness.

10.Add peeled kernels to the apricots. Place a saucepan with jam on the fire. This is the last stage of preparation. Apricot jam should be brought to a boil and boiled for 1 minute. Be sure to remove the foam carefully.

Sterilize jars and lids in any convenient way.

11.A minute before the end of cooking, add citric acid to the jam, which will serve as a preservative, and stir. Don't overcook the jam!

12. Pour the jam into the jars, leaving 1 cm to the edge and screw the lids on tightly. Turn the jar over and check the quality of the seal.

13.Leave the jars at room temperature and wait for the jam to cool completely. When this happens, store the jam. It can also be stored at room temperature. Having done everything correctly according to this recipe, you will have the perfect apricot jam, with a beautiful color, whole fruit, and an amazing aroma. Resist and don’t eat it all at once, leave it until winter!

Apricot jam with almonds “minute”.

The previous recipe was with apricot kernels. Almonds are also taken here, which gives the jam a special taste and aroma. The cooking technology is different. If the jam was not boiled there, but filled with syrup, then here you will need to boil it twice for 1 minute. Apricots also need to be firm so that they retain their shape.


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • almonds - 150 gr.

Method for making jam with almonds:

1. Wash the apricots well, break them in half and remove the pit. Weigh the already peeled fruits and take the same amount of sugar.

2.Take the container in which you will cook the jam. Place apricot halves on the bottom, skin side down. Sprinkle sugar on top of the fruit. Then again lay out a layer of apricots - a layer of sugar, etc. Cover the apricots with sugar with a lid or towel and leave for several hours (3-5 hours) to release the juice.

3.When the juice appears, you can start cooking the jam. Place the pan over moderate heat and bring the jam to a boil. You need to stir occasionally so that the sugar does not burn. You need to stir carefully, moving the spoon from the walls along the bottom of the dish.

4.When the sugar has dissolved (the jam has not yet boiled), add almonds to the pan. Almonds can be put in their skins. But, if you have time and desire, you can clean it. To do this, pour boiling water over the nuts for 3 minutes, and then pour ice water over them. After such a “shock” procedure, the skin will be easier to remove. Stir the apricots and almonds and continue cooking.

5.After the jam boils, you only need to cook it for 1 minute. After a minute, remove the jam from the stove.

Be sure to collect all the foam; it can cause the jam to ferment.

6. Let the jam brew in its own juice, leave it for several hours until it cools completely. Then put the jam back on the stove, bring it to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Turn off the heat and pour into sterilized jars. Also sterilize the lids.

7. Fill the jars with jam, not adding 1 cm to the edge. Screw the lids tightly or roll them up. Turn the jars over, cover with a towel and let it cool completely. Then you can put it away in a storage place (closet, pantry, cellar, etc.).

Whole apricot jam.

This is a very simple recipe for making apricot jam. The slices remain intact (if the apricots are dense). Additionally, the syrup is not boiled; the apricots simmer in their own juice with sugar.


  • apricots - 1 kg (weight with pits)
  • sugar - 540 gr. (600 ml - 3 tbsp. 200 ml each)

How to cook apricot jam in slices:

1. Apricots are weighed with pits. For 1 kg of apricots, take 3 cups of sugar, 200 ml each. This turns out to be 540 grams. Apricots need to be washed and dried well. Break into halves and remove the pit.

2.Take a pan with a thick bottom. For this recipe, be sure to use dishes with a thick bottom, and even better, with a non-stick coating, if you have one. Lay the apricots in layers and sprinkle with sugar. Shake the pan to distribute the sugar evenly.

If you are worried that the jam will burn, do not cook it right away. Leave the apricots to stand in the sugar for several hours so that they release their juice. Then start cooking. You need to cook this jam 3 times for 1 minute at intervals of 10-12 hours. After the third time, immediately preserve in jars.

3.Place the pan on the lowest heat. With gradual heating, the apricots will begin to release juice and the sugar will dissolve. There is no need to stir the apricots to avoid bruising them. Take a pan and stir the jam in a circular motion.

4.Wait until it boils, that is, the first bubbles, and turn off the jam. There is no need to boil it at this stage. Cover with a lid and leave for 12 hours so that the apricots are soaked in syrup and cool completely.

5.After a few hours, put the jam back on the stove over moderate heat. Bring to a boil, again stirring in a circular motion around the pan. When the jam boils, reduce the heat to low and skim off any foam that has formed. Let the jam cook for 1-2 minutes, no more. Turn off the heat and leave for another 10-12 hours until completely cooled (can be left overnight or all day).

6.For the third time you need to make the jam. Wait for it to boil again and cook for 2 minutes, turn off the heat. For this third cooking, you need to sterilize the jars and dry them, turning them upside down. Boil the lids for 5 minutes. Pour boiling water over the ladle you are pouring the jam into.

7. Immediately pour the hot jam into jars and screw on the lids. Turn the jars over and cover them with a towel. Let the jam cool completely at room temperature. Then put it back into storage. You can also store it in your apartment in a locker. All apricot slices remain intact, the syrup turns out transparent and bright.

Royal apricot jam with cinnamon and rum.

Apricot jam itself is very tasty. But with the addition of some aromatic substances, it becomes even more delicious. This jam recipe is made with apricot kernels, cinnamon and rum for a rich flavor.


  • apricots - 2 kg (weight without pits)
  • water - 450 ml
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • apricot kernels - 150 gr.
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  • star anise - 1 pc. (optional)
  • noble aromatic alcohol (rum, amaretto, amaro, liqueur) - 100 ml

Method for preparing aromatic apricot jam:

1. Take large and dense apricots. Wash them, dry them and cut them into halves.

2.Make the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Also add rum or liqueur. Stir the syrup with a wooden spoon and bring to a boil. When the syrup boils and the sugar dissolves, add a cinnamon stick, apricot kernels, and star anise. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes.

Leave the syrup to cool to room temperature.

3. Pour the cooled syrup over the prepared apricots. Fill completely with cinnamon and star anise. Leave the apricots to soak in the syrup and release the juice for 12 hours (overnight).

4.Place the apricots in syrup over low heat and bring to a boil. Do not stir the jam so as not to mash the berries. You can only shake the pan. When the syrup boils, turn off the heat. Leave the jam to cool completely. Can be left overnight or for a day.

5. Set the jam to cook a second time. After boiling, cook for a couple of minutes, no more, and turn off. Let cool completely again. And for the last, third time, put the jam on the stove. Bring to a boil, skim off any foam, and simmer for 1 minute. And immediately pour it hot into sterilized jars and screw on the lids.

Remove the cinnamon stick and star anise before placing in jars.

6. Turn the jars over and let the jam cool completely. We just have to wait until winter to eat this very aromatic delicacy.

Apricot jam with walnuts.

I offer another recipe for apricot jam. This time it will be supplemented with walnuts. As in previous versions, the apricots will be covered with whole halves.


  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water – 350 ml
  • walnuts - 150 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apricots, dry them and cut them into halves. Remove the seeds. Weigh the peeled apricots and take the same amount of sugar.

2.Pour water and add sugar into the container in which you will cook the jam. Place on low heat. Bring the syrup to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes and add apricots and nuts to it.

3.Wait for the jam to boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the jam sit for 12 hours.

4.When the apricots are saturated with syrup, start cooking the jam for the second and last time. Place on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. During this time, sterilize the jars and lids.

5.Pour the hot jam into the jars, roll them up and turn them over. Leave to cool. Then put it in storage. Thus, an unusual apricot jam with walnuts is ready.

Apricot jam with oranges.

This jam will be very different from all previous recipes. Above I wrote how to make jam with apricots so that they remain whole. This is the jam recipe. That is, the apricots will be mashed. An orange is added to them. And it will taste like orange jam, although the base is apricot. This is very tasty, unusual and will be appreciated by all those with a sweet tooth.


  • apricots – 1 kg (weight without pits)
  • orange - 2 pcs. small or 1 pc. large
  • sugar - 1 kg

How to make apricot-orange jam:

1. Wash the apricots, dry them, break them and remove the pit. Pass all prepared fruits through a meat grinder.

2.Pour the apricot puree into a saucepan with a thick bottom. It is in such a container that the jam will not burn. First, place the apricots over medium heat, and when they start to boil, reduce the heat to low. Stir the jam so it doesn't burn.

3. Wash the oranges thoroughly with a brush to remove the film from the chemicals that are used to treat citrus fruits for preservation. Cut the oranges into 4 parts and remove the seeds. Pass them through a meat grinder along with the peel.

The peel contains a lot of essential oils, which will give the jam a rich orange flavor. The jam will not be bitter.

4.When the apricots boil, add twisted oranges to them and add sugar. Mix everything well and continue cooking over low heat. When the jam boils, cook it for another 15 minutes, remembering to stir.

5.When the jam boils, foam will form. It definitely needs to be removed. Place the finished jam in sterilized jars and seal. Turn over, cover with a towel and leave to cool for a day. This is how you can quickly and easily make apricot jam, which will taste like orange.

Jam can also be made from overripe apricots, since there is no need to preserve them whole.

Choose any recipe and make delicious jam. If you do everything correctly, the jam will be well stored in the apartment. It will be a bright, amber color. It's just summer in a jar. Also cook, the recipe for which is on my website.

Good day, readers and subscribers! Summer is in full swing, and today I would like to touch on the topic of preparing a sweet dessert called apricot jam, I think that everyone absolutely loves this delicacy. Do you want to learn how to cook and cook it correctly so that it turns out thick and very delicious?

What do you think, is it possible to add apricot kernels to add flavor to this dish? If you don’t know, then quickly read this article, take it and, with joy and good mood, make jars for the winter, so that later on winter days you can pamper your loved ones and family with such a delicious creation. Which can also be used for pies and some other baked goods.

Interesting! It turns out that apricot jam can be made from either whole fruits or amber jam from halves, or you can make it differently, boil it strongly to make jam or marmalade.

Which preparation option do you prefer? Write your reviews or suggestions, I will be very glad to read them.

Apricot jam with pits “Royal recipe”

In another way, this option is called royal, it looks very magnificent, for gourmets it’s just a godsend, and besides, it’s a very simple way of cooking. You can boil whole apricots, but if you remove the pit from the center, it will turn out very, very tasty.

We will need:

  • For every kg of apricots add 1 kg of sugar

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit, pour boiling water over it, and then remove the seeds, but do not throw them away.

2. Fill the entire container with these sunny beauties with granulated sugar.

3. Stir with a slotted spoon very carefully and leave them for a couple of hours to release the sweet juice and aroma.

4. Now open the seeds and remove the grains, how to do this, you can watch the video at the end of this point or use method two, i.e. place them in the oven and they should open themselves. By the way, you can ask your beloved man to help you with this, there will be a joint hobby in the kitchen, how do you like this idea, mine usually hits them with a hammer and they split in no time.

5. So, how to add kernels to jam? You need to do this after boiling the jam for 30-40 minutes after boiling, simmer over low heat and remove it every time there is foam.

7. It turned out very beautiful. Pour the hot jam into dry sterilized jars, wrap them with sterilized metal lids, due to the fact that the method is hot, the containers undergo heat treatment again.

Important! Roll up hot or cold, have you ever thought about this question? If you cook for five minutes (you will learn how to do this later), then pour it into jars while hot, but wait until it cools down, since if you immediately cover it with a lid, there will be condensation under it, which will then give you mold. Or immediately turn the jar upside down. If you cook for more than five minutes, you can pour it cold, but it’s better to pour it hot, just let it cool in the jar.

8. Immediately turn it over, wrap it well in a towel, and leave it until it cools completely, and then put it in the cellar or send it to a cool place.

9. Be sure to check that nothing is running up, otherwise this could lead to an unpleasant situation after a while. This is the magical mixture you should get. Delicious discoveries and achievements to you!

Important! What to do if the finished dish becomes moldy or fermented? If it has fermented, then you can make wine, but I don’t recommend fighting mold, do it right next time, perhaps you didn’t remove the foam during cooking or didn’t wash the fruit well, which is what caused such unpleasant processes.

As promised, I’m sharing the link “How to peel apricot kernels very quickly and easily?”

Prepare apricot jam according to a proven recipe

Simple seedless apricot jam for the winter - thick and very tasty

Do you want to make it for future use so that it doesn’t sour or ferment? Then take this note to help and prepare according to it.

As a child, I remember eating such a masterpiece at my aunt’s, who always prepares it for the winter, I don’t know why, but she seemed to make it the most delicious, probably not without reason, I decided to find out all the secrets of preparing this delicacy, which resembles an amber transparent color, and the taste is inexplicably unusual.

Important! Be sure to rinse the apricots well under running water.

It seemed to me that everyone does this procedure, but some people don’t get the jam, it starts to ferment, fly up, and a lot of other things can happen. She also told me that it is necessary to remove the skin so that there is no bitterness. Although if you like bitterness, it is very slight, then you can do it with it. So, to remove the peel, you need to pour boiling water over the apricots for 30 seconds. And then take them out and she will easily come off them.

Interesting! If this miracle tastes bitter to you, then don’t be upset next time, just remove the skin from the kernels and apricots.

Oh, oh, I signed something, I will give the rest of the recommendations in the description, this is the best recipe from a chef.

We will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg

Important! Notice the proportions are 1:1, always remember this.

Cooking method:

1. Well, here they are, our sunny beauties, ah-ah-ay, the main thing is not to eat them right away while you wash and cut them. I already made jam once... 😛 first I ate a piece myself, then my husband came in, followed by the children, and in general I had to cook it another time.

Well, let's get started, first of all, as I already noted, you need to wash the fruits well, it would be better if you soak them in water for a while.

Important! Take only the freshest and ripe ones, but at the same time they should be hard, not soft; soft overripe ones are better for jams or marmalade.

2. Second step, you will need to remove the seeds, how to do this carefully and quickly? There are ways, how do you do it?

Interesting! The first, the fastest in my opinion, is to take a special device that will remove the pits itself, it is designed to remove cherries and olives, but apricots and peaches can also be used, everyone has probably seen it. 🙂

The second method, if there is no such device, then you can simply cut the fruit in half with a knife, because we will not cook this delicious thing whole, but in slices.

The third is the most original, you need to take a stick or pencil, a brush and, with the end, press the fruit into the middle, helping the seed come out.

3. Now proceed directly to cooking the food. In order to do this, you need to sprinkle the prepared fruits with sugar and put them in a cool place.

Important! They must give up their juice to make it tasty and aromatic.

4. Now place the pan on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil; if foam appears, immediately remove it from the surface. Next, move the mass aside so that it cools and the juice is better absorbed; 11-12 hours should pass. Then bring it to a boil again and cook for 15-20 minutes so that everything boils well, do not forget to stir so that nothing burns.

5. Well, take a sample, everything is ready, all that remains is to pour it into jars, don’t forget to sterilize them and seal them with metal lids with an elastic band.

Important! It’s best to take small jars, but the next question is how and where to store it? It is best to do this in the cellar or in a cool place, such as a refrigerator.

I wish you everything to be 5+, the main thing is to be in a good mood and everything will work out for you!

Apricot jam with kernels for the winter

This type will be seedless with kernels, and will be classified as a quick preparation; in our family it is called “Five Minute”. Due to the grains, this sweet delicacy will have a very cool taste, it is almond, by the way, you can take almond nuts instead of apricot ones.

Interesting! By the way, you can cook not only apricots for five minutes, but any other berries, because this is the healthiest option, since it does not require much cooking, which means it will retain more of the vitamins that nature has given us. I would also like to note that it takes a minimum of time to prepare, and the result is cool, aromatic and very, very beautiful, just stunningly amber.

You can prepare this delicacy with the addition of water, or without it. Which one do you like better? I will tell you step by step today using water.

We will need:

  • Apricots – 2 kg
  • Apricot kernels – 220 g
  • Sugar – 2 kg
  • Citric acid – 6 g
  • Water – 400 ml or 2 tbsp.

By the way, why add citric acid? So that it can be stored in the cellar longer and not be so cloyingly sweet, but with a slightly sour taste.

Cooking method:

1. Well, buy apricots in a store or market, try to buy them in August, when they are already ripe, and not in July and June, as this will have a bad effect on the taste of the whole dish, because unripe fruits will not be so tasty . So, wash the apricots in water, remove the seeds from them, and knock out the nuts from the seeds; I wrote and showed you how to do this above.

Now you can buy kernels in bulk, but of course I took them from the same apricots from which this jam will be made. First cook the sugar syrup, to do this, mix water and granulated sugar together, cook until the sugar dissolves, then add the grains and cook for 14-20 minutes over low heat.

2. Next step, add the apricots cut into slices into the liquid with the grains and stir, cook over low heat, after the mixture boils, cook for 5 minutes, stirring with a spoon and removing the foam from the surface.

3. The kitchen is so beautiful and smells so good! Now add citric acid for a sour tint and for better preservation of the dish.

Important! Now leave the jam to sit for about 8-10 hours.

Interesting! After the foam begins to disappear, this indicates that the product is ready.

4. The final stage, start cooking again for 5 minutes after boiling, let cool and cook until it is ready, stirring each time (approximately this procedure should be repeated 3-4 times). How to check readiness, just drop a drop of jam on a saucer; if the drop does not spread, then it’s time to turn off the stove.

Important! You can even cook it once and immediately pour it into jars, in which case it will be much healthier, but it can only be stored in the refrigerator and not for very long.

Pour into washed sterilization jars, roll up the lid and enjoy the taste.

Important! What if it turned out liquid? What to do and how to correct the situation? Simply strain the sugar syrup and boil it to your desired consistency.

5. Such a delicious miracle turned out with a pleasant almond aroma.

Apricot jam slices in syrup

It turns out that this is an Armenian version of preparation, namely with the addition of water, which also turns out amber and transparent in color. To achieve beauty, you need to take fruits that are not crumpled, but firm, beautiful in appearance, so that the slices are then one to one; overripe ones will not work, it will turn out to be jam or puree.

We will need:

  • apricots – 2 kg
  • water - 2 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar - 6 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Make syrup. Pour into a saucepan, I usually take an enamel basin with a thick bottom and pour water into it and add granulated sugar. Cook until boiling over heat.

2. Now take the washed fruits, cut them into halves, remove the bones, and add them to the prepared sweet syrup. Let them sit in it and cool. Pour the cooled syrup into a cup. Next, bring the syrup to a boil again, and then pour it over the slices, they should stand in it and cool.

3. Next, place on the stove and bring to a boil, remove the foam, cook for 5-6 minutes, the boil should be low. Don’t forget to stir, but do it carefully so as not to damage the slices, remove from the stove and let them cool. Step No. 3 will need to be repeated 4-5 times, you can, of course, boil it right away, that is, boil it until tender, but the result will not be the same, using this method the jam will turn out slice by slice. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide, if time allows, you’ll have to “puff around.”

4. The finished miracle can be eaten, for example, with any sweet dish, for example, adding it to cottage cheese or ice cream.

5. Place in jars, it is important to take them sterilized, and the lids must be well washed and boiled. Serve with coffee or cocoa for an afternoon snack or just on its own. Bon appetit, friends!

Amber apricot jam, fried in a frying pan

It often happens that our favorite fruits are already overripe, what can we do with them? Of course, make a preparation in a frying pan, which will certainly make everyone happy later. We are surprised that it is not a bowl or a pan that is used, but the secret here is this: in the pan you will get this delicacy with a caramel taste. For elegance, you can also add lemon or lime juice, that will be great. The original version, isn't it?

We will need:

  • pitted apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp
  • great mood

Cooking method:

1. Wash these yellow, slightly orange fruits and wipe with a dry towel.

2. Remove the seeds and cut into even halves. Sprinkle with sugar. By the way, you can cut it into cubes.

3. Turn on the heat, the main thing is low and cook until the sugar dissolves, then add a little and cook until tender, carefully adjusting the halves from under each other so that the syrup becomes caramel, that is, the syrup should begin to stretch. It should take approximately one hour.

If you made it into cubes, it should look something like this:

Important! Do not forget that the proportions of sugar and fruit are 1 to 1.

4. Now take sterilized jars and pour the creation into them. Roll up the lids and place the jars under a fur coat overnight. Store in a cool place.

Apricot jam with orange

Absolutely everyone likes this dessert; it can be used in pies, to grease muffins, cakes and even cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes. Orange will add an unexpected citrus taste, try it.

To make it very thick, it is important to take overripe fruit, but watch carefully. so that they are not rotten, otherwise everything will turn sour.

We will need:

  • Apricots - 1 kg
  • Orange - 1/2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg

Cooking method:

1. What do you think needs to be done to achieve a consistency like in this picture? Yes, that’s right, you need to grind it in a meat grinder or use a food processor or blender. Of course, wash them first and pour boiling water over them to kill all germs. No bones needed. The end result should be a puree like this, it always reminds me of baby food.

2. Also pass juicy and yellow-orange oranges through a meat grinder, I usually do it with the peel, you can do it without it to remove the bitterness.

3. What a beauty, it’s simply breathtaking from the brightness of such ingredients, the smell is simply amazing. I don’t want to cook it anymore, but just eat it all.

4. Add sugar and stir until the mixture produces juice. Cook over low heat after boiling for 40-50 minutes. And then send this miracle of nature into jars.

It turned out to be such a yum, wasn’t it? How do you prefer to cook, write your experiences and share your reviews in the comments. I would be very grateful for the information.

By the way, remember dandelion jam? I've already opened one jar and gobbled it up. 😈, and my beloved family helped me.

How to make apricot jam at home in a slow cooker

In your favorite miracle worker it turns out even tastier and more boiled, especially if it’s jam, the fruits themselves will melt and turn into puree, I suggest watching the video from the YouTube channel.

Advice! If suddenly such a situation happened that the open jam suddenly became candied, what to do in this case, I suggest making delicious jelly!

That’s all, write more wishes or advice, tell everyone which one you like more: peach or apricot, maybe you have some interesting secrets of your own. See you all soon, have a nice weekend!
