Vision test. Vision diagnostics. Vision test Ophthalmological tests

Vision is considered one of the greatest values ​​in a person’s life, and few people think about it when they are in good health. But as soon as you encounter any eye disease at least once, you want to give all your treasures for the very opportunity to see clearly. Timely diagnosis is important here - vision treatment will be effective only if the correct diagnosis is made.

In the modern world, there are a large number of different techniques that make it possible to identify any problem with the eyes at the first signs of the disease. All of them make it possible to determine the nature of the threat and the tactics of further treatment. Such studies are carried out using special equipment in ophthalmology clinics.

Despite the fact that the process of a full examination by an ophthalmologist takes only an hour, it is better to allocate more free time for additional diagnostics. The whole problem lies in the fact that during the period of the study, the eyes are instilled with a special solution that dilates the pupil. This helps to see more of the lens for a better inspection. The effects of these drops can last for several hours, so you should avoid any activity during this period.

Why see an ophthalmologist?

There may come a time in any person’s life when they have to seek help from an eye doctor. Such a decision is determined by a number of factors that become possible during a visit to the ophthalmologist.

  1. Comprehensive vision diagnostics.
  2. Professional equipment and high-quality consumables.
  3. Reasonable price for the services provided.
  4. and choice of treatment method.
  5. The presence of a special database where all information about any patient is stored.
  6. Individual approach and appointment of required examinations.
  7. Surgery followed by rehabilitation.
  8. Consultation of related specialists.

It should be remembered that a person’s vision can deteriorate for various reasons. Only a modern examination will help to find and eliminate them.

General information

Vision diagnostics are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis or simply identify the causes that impair vision, as well as to select the optimal course of treatment for each individual patient. An integrated approach to this issue will help to identify the true cause of poor vision, because many eye diseases have similar symptoms.

To do this, a comprehensive vision diagnostics is carried out, studying a whole list of various indicators:

  • visual acuity test;
  • finding the refraction of the eye;
  • establishment ;
  • condition of the optic nerve;
  • measuring the depth of the cornea of ​​the eye, etc.

Also, the list of comprehensive examinations must include an ultrasound of the internal structures of the eye to check for the possibility of pathologies.

Preparing for the examination

A complete vision diagnosis or partial examination can only be carried out after proper preparation. To do this, you should initially consult a doctor who can see if the vision problem is a concomitant symptom of some other disease. This applies to diabetes mellitus or the presence of a chronic infection in the body. When compiling an anamnesis, it is necessary to take into account the issue of the patient’s heredity, which can affect his well-being at a certain period of life. Before going to the ophthalmologist itself, no special preparation is needed, except that it is better to get a good night’s sleep so that you can adequately interpret the results obtained during the examination.

Vision diagnostic methods

At the moment, ophthalmology has made great progress in understanding the eye as a separate element of the whole organism. Thanks to this, it is possible to more accurately and quickly treat a wide variety of eye problems, for which innovative techniques are used. It’s simply impossible to list them all, but it’s worth taking a closer look at the most popular and popular ones.


Vision diagnostics begins with the traditional method - determining acuity and refraction. For this purpose, special tables with letters, pictures or other signs are used. In this case, halogen sign projectors are considered the most common, although in recent years halogen sign projectors have come first. In the latter case, doctors are able to check the acuity of binocular and color vision. Initially, the test is carried out without correction, and then together with a lens and a special spectacle frame. This solution allows the doctor to diagnose the problem as accurately as possible and select the optimal treatment to eliminate it. Patients can usually regain 100% vision after this.


The most common procedure of ophthalmologists, which involves measuring intraocular pressure. Such vision diagnostics are very important when glaucoma appears. In practice, such research is carried out by contact or non-contact methods. In the first case, a Goldman or Goldman is used, which needs to measure the degree of deflection of the cornea of ​​the eye under pressure. With the non-contact method, the pneumotonometer determines intraocular pressure using a directed stream of air. Both methods have a right to exist and can make it possible to judge the possibility of a number of specific eye diseases. This procedure is considered mandatory for people over 40 years of age, since it is at that age that the risk of developing glaucoma increases.

Ultrasound examination of the eye and orbit

Ultrasound of the eyes is considered a non-invasive and highly informative research method, providing the opportunity to examine the posterior segment of the eye, the vitreous body and the orbit. This technique is carried out solely on the recommendation of the attending physician and is considered mandatory before performing certain operations or cataract removal.

At the present time, conventional ultrasound has been replaced by ultrasound biomicroscopy, which studies the anterior segment of the eye at the micro level. Using such an immersion diagnostic procedure, you can obtain comprehensive information about the structure of the anterior part of the eye.

There are several techniques for performing this procedure, depending on which the eyelid can be closed or open. In the first case, the sensor moves over the eyeball, and superficial anesthesia is performed to avoid unpleasant sensations. When the eyelid is closed, you only need to apply a little special liquid to it, which is removed at the end of the procedure with a regular napkin.

In terms of time, such a method of studying the condition of the eye takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Ultrasound of the eye has no contraindications regarding its purpose, so it can be performed on children, pregnant women and even people with serious illnesses.

Computer vision diagnostics

The noted method of diseases is considered one of the most accurate. Thanks to his help, you can find any eye disease. The use of specific medical devices makes it possible to assess the condition of all structures of the visual organ. It is worth noting that such a procedure is performed without direct contact with the patient, and therefore is completely painless.

Computer diagnostics, depending on the patient’s age, can last from 30 minutes to an hour. To do this, the person applying for the announced study will have to take a position near a special device that will fix their gaze on the image that appears. Immediately after this, the autorefractometer will be able to measure a number of indicators, the results of which can be used to judge the condition of the eyes.

Computer vision diagnostics can be prescribed by an ophthalmologist to assess the patient’s eye condition for the presence of diseases or pathogenic processes, determine the most optimal treatment plan, or confirm the need for subsequent surgical intervention.


Another method for studying the human eye, in which particular importance is attached to the choroid of the marked organ, as well as the optic nerve and retina. During the procedure, a special ophthalmoscope device is used, which directs a beam of direct light onto the eye. The main condition for this method is the presence of a maximum that makes it possible to examine the hard-to-reach peripheral parts of the retina. Thanks to an ophthalmoscope, doctors are able to identify retinal dissection and peripheral dystrophy, as well as fundus pathology that does not manifest itself clinically. To dilate the pupil, you just need to use some short-acting mydriatic.

Of course, this list of existing methods for diagnosing visual problems is far from complete. There are a number of specific procedures that can be used to detect only certain eye diseases. But only the attending physician can prescribe any of them, so at the very beginning you just need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Diagnosis of eye problems in children

Unfortunately, eye diseases can occur not only in adults - children also often suffer from similar problems. But in order to conduct a high-quality examination of a baby frightened by the mere presence of a doctor, you need to have an assistant. Vision diagnostics in children is carried out in almost the same way as in adults, but the child’s head, arms and legs must be fixed in one position to obtain the most accurate results.

It is worth noting that the diagnostic methods in this case will be identical to those described above, although an eyelid lifter may be needed. Children from 3 years old undergo pyrometry in the form of a fun game with colorful pictures. If it comes to instrumental examination, it is worth using anesthetic eye drops.

For a better examination of the child, it is worth consulting a pediatric ophthalmologist who has special training.

Where to go for diagnostics?

If the question of carrying out one of the methods for diagnosing eye diseases has become a priority, it’s time to contact an ophthalmologist. But where can a vision diagnosis be made so that it is accurate, correct and really makes it possible to understand the root causes of vision problems?

Of course, the most experienced specialists in this regard are located in the capital, where many ophthalmological medical institutions with special innovative equipment are located. This is why even regional ophthalmologists prescribe vision diagnostics in Moscow. The best clinics in Russia, located in this city, will help you make the correct diagnosis as quickly and accurately as possible and decide on subsequent treatment tactics. Considering the reputation of modern medical institutions in the capital and the number of clients turning to them, it is worth highlighting the following options.

  1. Moscow eye clinic.
  2. Konovalov Ophthalmological Center.
  3. MNTK "Eye Microsurgery".
  4. Excimer Medical Center.
  5. Medical center "Okomed".

All that remains for a person who has vision problems is simply to contact one of the indicated institutions and get the necessary help.

22.01.2016 | Viewed by: 5,238 people.

Regular examination is the best prevention of eye diseases. Diagnosis of such diseases can only be carried out by an experienced ophthalmologist in a specialized equipped office. It is important that the ophthalmologist identifies the first signs of abnormalities in time. Successful treatment largely depends on the speed of their detection at the stage of reversible changes.

One examination by a doctor and a subsequent conversation with him is not enough. It is necessary to carry out additional specific examination methods using modern equipment to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The doctor should tell you in detail about the exact diagnosis and determination of visual acuity, as well as possible deviations and pathologies.

Ultra-modern diagnostic methods help establish a highly accurate diagnosis and allow highly effective control of treatment. Here are the most common methods for diagnosing the most common eye diseases.

A doctor's examination reveals abnormalities using the following painless procedures:

A procedure that allows the ophthalmologist to see parts of the fundus on the surface of the eye. This method remains one of the most significant and popular in diagnosing eye diseases. The non-contact method is performed using a lens or a special ophthalmoscope device.

Allows you to evaluate the main function - distance visual acuity - during preventive examinations. Decreased vision is an important signal in diagnosing diseases. The examination is first carried out without correction - the patient, closing one eye at a time, names the letters on the table indicated by the ophthalmologist. If there are violations, the procedure is performed with correction using specialized frames and lenses.

This method determines the optical power of the eye and diagnoses refractive errors and visual defects: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. Now the procedure has begun to be carried out using refractometers, which allows the patient not to waste a lot of time and facilitates the eye doctor’s manipulations.

The study is recommended for people over 40 years of age, as they have an increased risk of developing glaucoma. The procedure measures intraocular pressure, which is carried out in the following ways: by palpation, according to Maklakov (using weights) with a pneumotonometer and others.

An important method for determining the presence of peripheral vision and diagnosing pathological diseases - glaucoma and the process of destruction of the optic nerve. The study is carried out using specialized hemispherical electrical devices on which light spots are displayed.

Vision test for color perception

Widespread and intended to determine violations of color sensitivity thresholds - color blindness. The inspection is carried out using Rabkin's polychromatic tables.

The procedure for microscopic examination of the ocular segment using a special device - a slit lamp. With significant magnification, the ophthalmologist can clearly see the tissues of the eye - the cornea and conjunctiva, as well as the lens, iris, and vitreous body.

Determines the degree of astigmatism of the anterior surface and the refractive power of the cornea. The radius of refraction is measured with an ophthalmometer.

Grishberg's simple method allows you to determine the angle of strabismus using an ophthalmoscope through which the patient is looking. The ophthalmologist determines the problem by observing the reflection of light on the corneal surface.

It is carried out in case of obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculi. Thin tubes (cannulas) with a syringe and solution are inserted into the lacrimal ducts. If the patency is normal, then the liquid from the syringe will penetrate into the nasopharynx. If there is an obstruction, the solution will not pass through and will spill out.

It is usually performed in infants and elderly people for therapeutic purposes, since they may experience stenosis of the lacrimal openings. Bougienage is carried out using expanding probes using local anesthesia.

To determine the diagnosis of common ailments, such as conjunctivitis, myopia, cataracts, such diagnostic methods are usually sufficient. However, if the eye doctor doubts the diagnosis, then additional methods of examining diseases using specialized equipment carried out in optometric centers are possible.

Additional methods in eye diagnostics

Ultrasound is a popular research tool due to the receipt of accurate and complete information and the high effectiveness of the procedure. Ultrasound examination is necessary to detect eye abnormalities, tumors, and retinal detachment.

The method determines the central field of vision for colors and is used to detect diseases of the optic nerve, glaucoma and retina. The diagnostic kampimeter consists of a special large screen, where the patient looks with each eye alternately through a slit on a black screen.

The electrophysiological research method has found wide application in the study of the cerebral cortex, retina and levels of damage to the optic nerve, and the function of the nervous department of the optical apparatus.

A method that studies the surface of the cornea before laser correction. It is carried out on an automated computer system by scanning to determine the sphericity of the surface.

Dynamic study of intraocular pressure. IOP takes about 5 minutes; in such a short period of time you can obtain important information about the state of fluid outflow inside the eye.

The method allows you to accurately determine the thickness of the cornea; it is necessarily prescribed for laser operations

Shows the condition of the fundus and retinal vessels. A series of high-precision images are taken after the fluorescent solution is administered intravenously.

The non-contact modern OCT method is used to determine the condition of the optic nerve and retina.

Operational examination under an optical device to detect ticks.

A procedure that determines tear production. The test is performed for symptoms of dry eye. An ophthalmological test is placed on the edge of the patient's lower eyelid, which can be used to determine if it is wet with tears.

A method for accurately detecting glaucoma using a lens. The angle of the anterior chamber is examined.

It is used for retinal dystrophy and detachment, as well as to obtain data on its peripheral parts that were not detected during a classical examination.

High-precision modern instruments and a variety of techniques allow us to accurately and effectively conduct research on the visual organs at the cellular level. Most diagnostics are carried out non-contact and painlessly, without requiring prior preparation of the patient. In the relevant sections you can learn in detail about the methods for diagnosing eye diseases.

Modern people are hostages of a hectic life in huge cities, with virtually no time left to take care of their own health. Therefore, visits to the doctor, especially preventive ones, are very rare, but it is easier to prevent or treat diseases at an early stage than to bravely fight the consequences of an advanced disease.

This truth is 100% true in relation to eye diseases, which have recently become “younger”, like other diseases of the body. Taking care of the health of the visual system of our patients, and taking into account the total lack of free time, Dr. Shilova’s Clinic has introduced an effective method for comprehensive diagnostics of the visual organ in one visit to an ophthalmologist.

This technique is universal, but at the same time, it is individual and allows you to fully take into account the characteristics of the eyes of each individual person. After the initial appointment, analysis of symptoms and study of possible available medical documentation, an experienced specialist determines a set of necessary diagnostic procedures that will create a complete picture of the health of the visual system on the same day.

Equipment for computer diagnostics is a source of special pride for our clinic. It is considered one of the most high-precision not only in Moscow, but also in the world. Advanced diagnostic technology, the use of innovative research methods and the experience of ophthalmologists working in the clinic guarantee the success of a complete examination of the visual system.

Video about types of vision examinations

Our eye clinic in the television program “Diagnostic Method”.

At the Clinic of Dr. Shilova, the patient is offered:

  • Checking visual acuity using traditional (subjective) and computer methods, with and without correction (when only a consultation is needed).
  • Selection of contact lenses and glasses of any complexity.
  • Autorefkeratometry – determination of the clinical refraction of the eye (detection of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism).
  • Pneumotonometry is a non-contact, computerized study of IOP using an air jet, which is indispensable in the early diagnosis of glaucoma.
  • Echobiometry is a non-contact measurement of the parameters of the human eye (its length, thickness of the lens, pupil diameter, depth of the anterior chamber, etc.), using a unique ultrasound device AL-Scan (NIDEK, Japan). This study is mandatory when calculating the power of an intraocular lens in cataract surgery, to identify the progression of the myopic process, etc.
  • Biomicroscopic examination is an examination of the fundus using a fundus lens, revealing pathologies in the central as well as peripheral areas of the retina and optic nerve. It is necessary for patients with any degree of myopia and retinal dystrophy.
  • Perimetry is a study of the visual fields for each eye using a special computer perimeter. The study is mandatory in diagnosing the degree of glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve, and diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Echoscopy using the A-method is an ultrasound examination of the intraocular membranes and media to detect retinal detachment, tumors and hemorrhages in the eye.
  • Echoscopy using the B-method is an ultrasound of the eyeball to determine existing pathologies in the case of opaque optical media, which is prescribed as an addition to a full diagnostic examination of the eyes.
  • Keratopachymetry is an ultrasound examination of the thickness of the cornea, important in the diagnosis of keratoconus, as well as during laser vision correction.
  • Computer keratotopography is a study of the curvature of the corneal surface, which is mandatory to clarify the degree of astigmatism and diagnose keratoconus, and is also necessary when performing laser vision correction.

Specialists at Dr. Shilova’s Clinic strongly recommend that every patient undergo a set of diagnostic procedures if:

  • The last visit to the ophthalmologist was a year or more ago.
  • Work involves overexertion or eye strain.
  • Parents or close relatives have been diagnosed with eye diseases.

Do not put off an ophthalmological examination “for later”. Be sure to make an appointment with your doctor at a time that is convenient for you. Come see us after work or on a weekend with the whole family and turn your routine check-up into a fun adventure. Needless to say, good vision costs much more than the 60 minutes spent on the examination!

Vision diagnostics- this is an important step in the prevention of eye diseases and maintaining good vision for many years! Timely detection of ophthalmological pathology is the key to successful treatment of many eye diseases. As our practice shows, the occurrence of eye diseases is possible at any age, so everyone needs to undergo a high-quality ophthalmological examination at least once a year.

Why is a complete vision diagnostic necessary?

Vision diagnostics is necessary not only to identify primary ophthalmological pathology, but also to decide on the possibility and advisability of performing a particular operation, choosing treatment tactics for the patient, as well as accurately diagnosing the condition of the organ of vision in a dynamic aspect. In our clinic, a complete ophthalmological examination is carried out using the most modern diagnostic equipment.

Cost of vision diagnostics

The cost of a diagnostic examination (vision diagnostics) depends on its volume. For the convenience of patients, we have created complexes in accordance with common eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, myopia, farsightedness, and fundus pathology.

Service name Qty
Visometry, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.004
1 350 ₽

Code: A02.26.013
1 550 ₽
Ophthalmotonometry, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.015
1 300 ₽
Biomicroscopy, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.001
1 900 ₽

Code: A03.26.018
1 700 ₽

Code: A12.26.016
1 350 ₽

Code: B01.029.001.009
1 700 ₽
Service name Qty
Visometry, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.004
1 350 ₽
Determination of refraction using a set of trial lenses, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.013
1 550 ₽
Ophthalmotonometry, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.015
1 300 ₽
Biomicroscopy, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.001
1 900 ₽

Code: A03.26.003.001
1 1,950 RUR
Biomicroscopy of the fundus (central zone), 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.018
1 700 ₽
Autorefractometry with a narrow pupil, 2 eyes
Code: A12.26.016
1 350 ₽
Consultation with an ophthalmologist
Code: B01.029.001.009
1 700 ₽
Service name Qty
Consultation with an ophthalmologist
Code: B01.029.001.009
1 700 ₽
Consultation with an ophthalmologist (surgeon)
Code: B01.029.001.010
1 1,700 ₽
Consultation with an anesthesiologist
Code: B01.029.001.011
1 1,000 ₽
Consultation with an ophthalmologist (vitreoretinologist)
Code: B01.029.001.012
1 1 100 ₽
Consultation with a candidate of medical sciences
Code: B01.029.001.013
1 2,200 ₽
Consultation with a doctor of medical sciences
Code: B01.029.001.014
1 RUB 2,750
Professor consultation
Code: B01.029.001.015
1 3,300 ₽
Consultation with Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences V.V. Kurenkov
Code: B01.029.001.016
1 5 500 ₽
Service name Qty
Visometry, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.004
1 350 ₽
Color perception study, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.009
1 200 ₽
Strabismus angle measurement, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.010
1 450 ₽
Determination of refraction using a set of trial lenses, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.013
1 550 ₽
Determination of refraction using a set of trial lenses in conditions of cycloplegia, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.013.001
1 800 ₽
Ophthalmotonometry, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.015
1 300 ₽
Ophthalmotonometry (iCare device), 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.015.001
1 650 ₽
Daily tonometry using an iCare expert tonometer (1 day)
Code: A02.26.015.002
1 1,850 RUR
Ophthalmotonometry (IOP according to Maklakov), 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.015.003
1 450 ₽
Schirmer test
Code: A02.26.020
1 600 ₽
Accommodation study, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.023
1 350 ₽
Determination of the nature of vision, heterophoria, 2 eyes
Code: A02.26.024
1 800 ₽
Biomicroscopy, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.001
1 900 ₽
Examination of the posterior corneal epithelium, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.012
1 600 ₽
Gonioscopy, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.002
1 850 ₽
Examination of the periphery of the fundus using a three-mirror Goldmann lens, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.003
1 1,950 RUR
Examination of the periphery of the fundus using a lens, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.003.001
1 1,950 RUR
Keratopachymetry, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.011
1 800 ₽
Biomicrograph of the eye and its adnexa, 1 eye
Code: A03.26.005
1 800 ₽
Biomicrography of the fundus using a fundus camera, 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.005.001
1 1 600 ₽
Biomicroscopy of the fundus (central zone), 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.018
1 700 ₽
Optical examination of the retina using a computer analyzer (one eye), 1 eye
Code: A03.26.019
1 1,650 RUR
Optical examination of the anterior part of the eye using a computer analyzer (one eye), 1 eye
Code: A03.26.019.001
1 1 200 ₽
Optical examination of the posterior part of the eye using a computer analyzer in angiography mode (one eye), 1 eye
Code: A03.26.019.002
1 2 500 ₽
Optical examination of the optic nerve head and nerve fiber layer using a computer analyzer, 1 eye
Code: A03.26.019.003
1 2,000 ₽
Optical examination of the posterior segment of the eye (optic nerve) using a computer analyzer, 1 eye
Code: A03.26.019.004
1 3 100 ₽
Computer perimetry (screening), 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.020
1 1 200 ₽
Computer perimetry (screening + thresholds), 2 eyes
Code: A03.26.020.001
1 1,850 RUR
Ultrasound examination of the eyeball (B-scan), 2 eyes
Code: A04.26.002
1 1 200 ₽
Ultrasound biometry of the eye (A-method), 2 eyes
Code: A04.26.004.001
1 900 ₽
Ultrasound biometry of the eye with calculation of IOL optical power, 2 eyes
Code: A04.26.004.002
1 900 ₽
Optical biometrics of the eye, 2 eyes
Code: A05.26.007
1 650 ₽
Load-unload tests to study the regulation of intraocular pressure, 2 eyes
Code: A12.26.007
1 400 ₽
Autorefractometry with a narrow pupil, 2 eyes
Code: A12.26.016
1 350 ₽
Videokeratotopography, 2 eyes
Code: A12.26.018
1 1 200 ₽
Selection of spectacle vision correction, 2 eyes
Code: A23.26.001
1 1 100 ₽
Selection of spectacle vision correction (with cycloplegia)
Code: A23.26.001.001
1 1,550 RUR
Selection of spectacle vision correction (during a comprehensive examination)
Code: A23.26.001.002
1 650 ₽
Selection of spectacle vision correction (with cycloplegia during a comprehensive examination)
Code: A23.26.001.003
1 850 ₽
Prescription of medications for diseases of the organ of vision
Code: A25.26.001
1 900 ₽
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist
Code: B01.029.002
1 850 ₽
Training in using SCL
Code: DU-OFT-004
1 1 500 ₽
Determining your dominant eye
Code: DU-OFT-005
1 400 ₽

What tests are included in a complete diagnostic examination of the visual system and what are they?

Any ophthalmological examination begins, first of all, with a conversation, identifying the patient’s complaints and collecting an anamnesis. And only after this they move on to hardware methods for studying the organ of vision. The hardware diagnostic examination includes determining visual acuity, studying the patient’s refraction, measuring intraocular pressure, examining the eye under a microscope (biomicroscopy), pachymetry (measuring the thickness of the cornea), echobiometry (determining the length of the eye), ultrasound examination of the eye (B-scan), computer keratotopography and careful (of the fundus) with a wide pupil, determining the level of tear production, assessing the patient’s field of vision. When ophthalmological pathology is detected, the scope of the examination is expanded to specifically study the clinical manifestations in a particular patient. Our clinic is equipped with modern, highly professional ophthalmological equipment from companies such as ALCON, Bausch & Lomb, NIDEK, Zeiss, Rodenstock, Oculus, which allows us to conduct studies of any level of complexity.

In our clinic, special tables with pictures, letters or other signs are used to determine the patient’s visual acuity and refraction. Using an automatic phoropter NIDEK RT-2100 (Japan), the doctor, alternately changing the diopter glasses, selects the most optimal lenses that provide the best vision for the patient. In our clinic, we use NIDEK SCP - 670 halogen sign projectors with 26 test patterns and analyze the results obtained under narrow and wide pupil conditions. Computer refraction research is carried out on a NIDEK ARK-710A autorefractive meter (Japan), which allows you to most accurately determine the refraction of the eye and the biometric parameters of the cornea.

Intraocular pressure is measured using a non-contact tonometer NIDEK NT-2000. If necessary, measurement of intraocular pressure is carried out using a contact method - Maklakov or Goldman tonometers.

To examine the condition of the anterior segment of the eye (eyelids, eyelashes, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lens, etc.), a NIDEK SL-1800 slit lamp (biomicroscope) is used. On it, the doctor evaluates the condition of the cornea, as well as deeper structures such as the lens and vitreous body.

All patients undergoing a full ophthalmological examination are required to undergo an examination of the fundus, including areas of its extreme periphery, under conditions of maximum pupil dilation. This makes it possible to identify dystrophic changes in the retina, diagnose its breaks and subclinical detachments - a pathology that is not clinically determined by the patient, but requires mandatory treatment. To dilate the pupils (mydriasis), fast and short-acting drugs are used (Midrum, Midriacil, Cyclomed). If changes are detected in the retina, we prescribe preventive laser coagulation using a special laser. Our clinic uses the best and most modern models: YAG laser, NIDEK DC-3000 diode laser.

One of the important methods for diagnosing a patient’s vision before any refractive surgery for vision correction is computer topography of the cornea, aimed at examining the surface of the cornea and its pachymetry - measuring its thickness.

One of the anatomical manifestations of refractive error (myopia,) is a change in the length of the eye. This is one of the most important indicators, which in our clinic is determined using a non-contact method using the IOL MASTER device from ZEISS (Germany). This is a combined biometric device, the research results of which are also important for calculating IOLs for cataracts. Using this device, during one session, the length of the eye axis, the radius of curvature of the cornea and the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye are measured directly one after another. All measurements are carried out using a non-contact method, which is extremely comfortable for the patient. Based on the measured values, the built-in computer can suggest optimal intraocular lenses. The basis for this is the current international calculation formulas.

Ultrasound examination is an important addition to generally accepted clinical methods of ophthalmological diagnostics; it is a widely known and informative instrumental method. This study makes it possible to obtain information about the topography and structure of normal and pathological changes in the tissues of the eye and orbit. Using the A-method (one-dimensional imaging system), the thickness of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber, the thickness of the lens and inner membranes of the eye, as well as the length of the eye are measured. The B-method (two-dimensional imaging system) allows you to assess the condition of the vitreous body, diagnose and evaluate the height and extent of choroidal and retinal detachment, identify and determine the size and localization of ocular and retrobulbar neoplasms, as well as detect and determine the location of a foreign body in the eye.

Visual field examination

Another necessary method for diagnosing vision is visual field testing. The purpose of determining the field of view (perimetry) is:

  • diagnosis of eye diseases, in particular glaucoma
  • dynamic observation to prevent the development of eye diseases.

Also, using hardware techniques, it is possible to measure the contrast and threshold sensitivity of the retina. These studies provide the possibility of early diagnosis and treatment of a number of eye diseases.

In addition, other parametric and functional data of the patient are examined, for example, determining the level of tear production. The most diagnostically sensitive functional studies are used - the Schirmer test, the Norn test.

Optical tomography of the retina

Another modern method for studying the inner lining of the eye is. This unique technique allows you to get an idea of ​​the structure of the retina throughout its entire depth, and even measure the thickness of its individual layers. With its help, it became possible to detect the earliest and smallest changes in the structure of the retina and optic nerve, which are not accessible to the resolving abilities of the human eye.

The operating principle of an optical tomograph is based on the phenomenon of light interference, which means that the patient is not exposed to any harmful radiation during the examination. The examination takes a few minutes, does not cause visual fatigue and does not require direct contact of the device’s sensor with the eye. Similar devices for vision diagnostics are available only in large clinics in Russia, Western Europe and the USA. The study provides valuable diagnostic information about the structure of the retina in diabetic macular edema and allows you to accurately formulate a diagnosis in complex cases, as well as obtain a unique opportunity to monitor the dynamics of treatment based not on the subjective impression of the doctor, but on clearly defined digital values ​​of retinal thickness.

The study provides comprehensive information about the condition of the optic nerve and the thickness of the layer of nerve fibers around it. High-precision measurement of the latter parameter guarantees the identification of the earliest signs of this terrible disease, even before the patient notices the first symptoms. Considering the ease of implementation and the absence of unpleasant sensations during the examination, we recommend repeating control examinations on the scanner for glaucoma every 2-3 months, for diseases of the central zone of the retina - every 5-6 months.

Repeated examination allows you to determine the activity of the pathology, clarify the correctness of the chosen treatment, and also correctly inform the patient about the prognosis of the disease, which is especially important for patients suffering from macular holes, since the likelihood of a similar process developing in a healthy eye can be predicted after a tomograph study. Early, “preclinical” diagnosis of fundus changes in diabetes mellitus is also possible with this amazing device.

What happens after hardware research is completed?

After completing hardware tests (vision diagnostics), the doctor carefully analyzes and interprets all the information received about the condition of the patient’s organ of vision and, based on the data obtained, makes a diagnosis, on the basis of which a treatment plan for the patient is drawn up. All research results and treatment plan are explained to the patient in detail.

An ophthalmological examination begins with collecting an anamnesis (general and special). For examination, the patient should be seated facing the light. First, the healthy eye is examined. During an external examination, the condition of the eyelids, the area of ​​the lacrimal sac, the position of the eyeball, the width of the palpebral fissure, the condition of the conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber of the eye and the iris with the pupil visible within this fissure are determined. The conjunctiva of the lower eyelid and the lower transitional fold is examined by pulling the lower eyelid when the patient looks up. The conjunctiva of the upper eyelid and the upper transitional fold is examined by everting the upper eyelid. To do this, when the patient is looking down, grab the ciliary edge of the upper eyelid with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, pull it slightly down, moving it away from the eye at the same time; Place the thumb of the left hand (or an eye glass rod) on the upper edge of the cartilage of the eyelid, and, pressing the cartilage down, turn the eyelid upward by the ciliary edge.

To examine the eyeball when the eyelids are swollen or severe, it is necessary, after preliminary instillation of a 0.5% dicaine solution, to move them apart using eyelid lifters inserted behind the upper and lower eyelids. When examining the lacrimal ducts, pressing a finger on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac, the presence or absence of discharge from the lacrimal openings is noted. To examine the cornea, iris and anterior surface of the lens, use the lateral illumination method, focusing the light from a table lamp on the eye with a strong convex lens (+20 D). The changes are even more clearly visible when viewed through a binocular loupe (see). External examination of the eyes ends with the study of pupillary reflexes (see). Next, they examine (see), the fundus of the eye (see), visual functions (see,) and intraocular pressure (see).

Ophthalmological examination
The examination of the organ of vision must be carried out strictly according to plan. This plan should be based on the anatomical principle, i.e., anatomically sequential consideration of the individual parts of the organ of vision.

They start with a preliminary history, in which the patient outlines his complaints (pain, redness of the eye, dysfunction, etc.; a more detailed and targeted history - personal, family, hereditary - should, according to S.S. Golovin, be attributed to the end of the study). After this, they begin to study the anatomical state of the organ of vision: the appendage apparatus, the anterior part of the eyeball, the internal parts of the eye, then they examine the functions of the eye and the general condition of the body.

In detail, the ophthalmological examination includes the following.

General information about the patient: gender, age, profession, place of residence. The patient's main complaint is his gait.

Inspection. General habitus, skull shape, face (asymmetry, condition of facial skin, one-sided graying of eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp hair, etc.).

The eye socket and its neighboring areas. Eyelids - shape, position, surface, mobility; palpebral fissure, eyelashes, eyebrows. Lacrimal organs - lacrimal glands, lacrimal puncta, canaliculi, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal canal. Connective membrane (conjunctiva) - color, transparency, thickness, surface, presence of scars, nature of the discharge. Position of the eyeball [exophthalmos, enophthalmos (see Exophthalmometry), displacement], size, mobility, intraocular pressure (see Ocular tonometry).

Sclera - surface, color. Cornea - shape, surface, transparency, sensitivity. Anterior chamber of the eye - depth, uniformity, chamber moisture. Iris - color, pattern, position, mobility. Pupils - position, size, shape, reactions. Lens - transparency, opacification (stationary, progressive, its degree), position of the lens (displacement, dislocation). Vitreous body - transparency, consistency, hemorrhages, liquefaction, foreign body, cysticercus. Fundus of the eye (see Ophthalmoscopy), optic nerve head - size, shape, color, boundaries, course of blood vessels, level; periphery of the fundus - color, condition of blood vessels, presence of foci of hemorrhage, exudation, edema, pigmentation, primary and secondary retinal detachment, neoplasm, subretinal cysticercus; yellow spot - hemorrhage, degeneration, perforated defect, etc.

Special methods for studying the organ of vision - see Biomicroscopy, Gonioscopy, Diaphanoscopy of the eye, Ophthalmodynamometry, Ocular tonometry. An electromagnetic test (see Eye Magnets) makes it possible, using hand-held or stationary magnets, to determine the presence of magnetic foreign bodies in the eye or in the tissues surrounding it.

X-ray diagnostics, which is widely used in ophthalmological examinations, can detect changes in the bones of the skull, orbit, its contents (tumors, etc.), foreign bodies in the eye and surrounding tissues, changes in the tear ducts, etc.

Study of visual functions - see Campimetry, Visual acuity, Visual field.

Refraction of the eyes (see) is determined by subjective (selection of corrective glasses) and objective methods (see Skiascopy, Refractometry of the eye).

Accommodation - the position of the nearest point of view, the strength and width of accommodation are determined.

Color perception (see) - color recognition by central vision - is more often studied using the tables of E. B. Rabkin. Light perception - adaptation to light and darkness - is studied using adaptometers (see) and adaptoperimeters by S. V. Kravkov and N. A. Vishnevsky, A. I. Dashevsky, A. I. Bogoslovsky and A. V. Roslavtsev and etc. Eye movements - determination of the symmetrical position of the eyes, their mobility, fusion ability, binocular vision, latent and obvious strabismus, muscle paralysis and other movement disorders. Electroretinography (see) is of known importance in the diagnosis of certain eye diseases.

Connection with common diseases. Examination of the patient's body with the participation of relevant specialists. Laboratory tests - microbiological, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid tests, Wasserman reaction, tuberculin tests; X-ray examinations, etc.