Anterior part of the iris. Iris. Basic functions and color of the iris


The membrane is located in the anterior part of the choroid, between the anterior chamber and the lens of the eye.

In case of inflammation or anomalies, the latter is usually impaired and can threaten a person with complete loss of vision. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining sufficient activity and elasticity of muscle tissue in young and old age, when these elements of the visual system are especially vulnerable.

Structure of the iris

The iris of the eye is the front part of the choroid, which has a circular shape and an opening inside called the pupil.

The iris of the eye consists of two groups of muscles.

The muscles of the first group are located around the pupil; its contraction depends on their work.

The second group of muscles is located radially throughout the thickness of the iris and is responsible for pupil dilation.

The iris consists of several layers, or sheets:

Borderline (anterior) Stromal Pigmented muscle (posterior)

If you look closely at the iris from the front, you can easily discern certain details of its structure. The highest place is crowned by the mesentery (Krause’s circle), thanks to which the iris is divided into two parts: the inner pupillary (smaller) and the outer ciliary.

On both sides of the mesentery (Krause circle) on the surface of the iris there are crypts or lacunae - slit-like grooves. The thickness of the iris varies from 0.2 to 0.4 mm. At the pupillary edge the iris is much thicker than at the periphery.

Functions and color of the iris

The width of the light flux penetrating through the pupil into the eye to the retina depends on the work of the iris muscles. The dilator is a muscle responsible for dilating the pupil. The sphincter is a muscle that causes the pupil to constrict.

This ensures that the illumination is maintained at the desired level. Low lighting causes the pupil to dilate and thereby increase the flow of light. On the contrary, there is a strong reduction. The functioning of the muscles of the iris is also affected by our mental and emotional state and medications.

The iris is an opaque layer and has a color that depends on the pigment melanin. The latter is inherited by a person. Newborn babies often have blue irises. This is a consequence of weak pigmentation. But after six months, the number of pigment cells begins to increase, and eye color may change noticeably.

In addition, in nature there is a complete absence of melanin in the iris. People who lack pigments not only in the iris, but in the skin and hair are called albinos. Even less common in nature is the phenomenon of heterochromia - the color of the iris of one eye is different from the other.

Research and diagnostic methods

Diagnosis and examination of the iris is carried out in several ways.

The simplest medical procedures are a routine examination of the iris and a detailed examination under a microscope. A common procedure is also to determine the pupil diameter.

In modern medical centers, the vascular network is examined using fluorescein angiography.

The above-described study allows us to identify a number of congenital anomalies, for example: dislocation of the pupil, heterochromia and albinism, multiple pupils and others.

In addition, they are necessary for diagnosing eye diseases and prescribing the appropriate course of treatment. Among diseases of the iris, inflammatory processes are the most common.


All inflammatory processes in the iris are called iritis. If inflammation affects the ciliary body, the disease is called iridocyclitis, and when the inflammatory process moves to the choroid, it is called uveitis.

Quite often, the iris of the eyes is affected during the active course of diseases such as rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, joint inflammation, Reiter's syndrome, Behçet's disease, herpes, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and others. Very often, inflammation of the iris is a consequence of injury or burn.

The first symptom of inflammation of the iris is severe pain in the area of ​​one eye, headache, especially in the evening and at night, lacrimation, photophobia, loss of clarity of vision.

The eyeball takes on an unnatural blue-red color, and the iris becomes green, or even gray-brown. The pupil is subject to deformation.

Iris treatment

It is worth remembering that in the absence of timely and adequate treatment, a person faces complete loss of vision or all kinds of damage to the choroid and retina.

Therefore, if inflammation of the iris is suspected, the patient is recommended to receive hospital treatment and constant monitoring by specialists, since there is always the possibility of misdiagnosis.

If the inflammation is local, then the ophthalmologist prescribes anti-inflammatory ointments and drops, corticosteroids, mydriatics, and steroids.

Any type of self-medication can cause irreparable harm to your body. It is permissible to take analgesics before visiting an ophthalmologist.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

Each of us wonders why people have eyes of different colors. Sometimes, at birth, eyes have one color, but over time they acquire a completely different color. It is also uncommon to find people who have both eyes of different colors, which is associated with insufficient or excess melanin (a coloring substance) in the body. This phenomenon is called heterochromia. So, the iris of the eye is responsible for the change in color and pattern, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Structure and functions of the iris

Eyes, whose structure is quite complex, play an important role in human life. Each of its components performs certain functions, which, in turn, affect visual acuity. In the visual apparatus, everything is interconnected, for example, how the cornea of ​​the eye directly depends on the state of the iris.

The iris is located between the lens and cornea of ​​the eye. The free space between them is filled with chamber fluid. Also, the iris in the center has a hole - the pupil, which is responsible for the amount of light entering the retina, regulated by muscles, namely:

radial (dilator) - capable of dilating the pupil; circular (sphincter) - capable of constricting the pupil.

When studying the structure of the iris of the visual organ, special attention is paid to the term “histology”. What is it? Histology is the detailed study of the layers of the iris.

The histology of the iris involves division into three layers:

anterior (border); medium (stromal or fibrovascular); posterior (pigment-muscular).

In this case, the iris performs the following functions:

Determines image clarity without distortion due to scattered light rays. Determines eye color depending on the number of pigment cells. Provides constriction or dilation of the pupil depending on the light level.

Attention! The iris tends to change its color and pattern throughout life.

Diagnostic treatment methods

The appearance of spots on the iris or its lightening indicates that a person has degenerative changes in the eye or some health problems. By the color of the iris, you can determine the amount of pigment and its condition:

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Blue, cyan, greenish or gray color means low pigment content. Brown or black color means high pigment content. Yellow color means the presence of liver disease. Red or pink color refers to the hue of the incident light from the blood vessels, found among albinos who lack pigment.

If a person has a red iris of the visual organ, this means inflammation of the iris, which occurs as a result of:

Various types of injuries and burns. Previous surgical interventions. Allergies. Conjunctivitis.

This disease entails pain when pressing on the eyelids, blurred vision, lacrimation, photophobia (constriction of the pupil), and increased eye pressure.

Important! If you suspect an inflammatory process in the iris, do not self-medicate to avoid harming your eyes, but immediately consult an ophthalmologist who will conduct a full examination and prescribe the correct treatment.

When diagnosing the iris, the following congenital or acquired anomalies can be identified:

albinism (lack of melanin); heterochromia - when the eyes are different colors; melanoma is a malignant tumor resulting from the development of pigment cells; iridocyclitis; polycoria - multiple pupils; aniridia - absent iris; pupil dislocation (deformation).

In ophthalmology, examination of the condition of the iris is possible:

External inspection with focal lighting. Biomicroscopic - based on the slit rays of a lamp and a microscope, you can examine not only the iris, but also the condition of the lens, conjunctiva, vitreous body, cornea, along with pachymetry, which makes it possible to clearly make an accurate diagnosis. Pupillometry - thanks to a telemetric device, the size of the pupil is examined with the dynamics of its changes. Gonioscopy is a study of the anterior chamber of the eye, located between the cornea and iris.

Advice! In case of inflammatory processes of the iris or other eye pathologies, under no circumstances should ultrasound pachymetry of the cornea be performed, which is an instrumental method for measuring the thickness of the cornea.

Having studied the so-called science of histology, namely its structure, as well as functions, diseases that arise as a result of disorders in the iris, we can draw the following conclusion that you need to take your vision seriously, since it is easy to lose, but it will be restored much more difficult.

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The iris of the eye is designed to control the functioning of the visual apparatus and the quality of vision. It can not only signal the state of health of a person’s internal organs, but also gives beauty and charm to the look due to its diversitycolor shades.

What is it

At first glance it seems that iris - This is an ordinary colored disk that occupies a significant surface of the eyeball. But in fact, it is the anterior section of its choroid - the diaphragm, in the center of which there is a round hole - the pupil.

Iris of the eye: photo

The iris transmits the maximum permissible amount of light rays for a person to see normally.


The iris is about 0.2 mm thick, disc-shaped and consists of 3 layers:

Front border;
middle stromal;
posterior pigment-muscular.

Front layer formed from connective tissue cells, under which melanocytes containing pigment are located. In the stroma, there is a capillary network and collagen fibers. The posterior part of the organ includes smooth muscle, which is responsible for reducing the pupil, a dilator, and is adjacent to the surface of the lens.

Outer surface The membrane is divided into a pair of belts: the pupillary and the ciliary, and between them there is a roller - the mesentery.

The blood flow of the iris is carried out due to ciliary arteries, the crown of which is considered to be the arterial circle. Branches come from it - vascular branches, forming a small circle of arteries. The ciliated nerves forming a dense plexus provide sensitive innervation - a protective reaction (for example, when it gets into the eye, there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign body). At the junction with the ciliary body it is possible traumatic avulsion iris and hemorrhage into the eye chambers.

From quantity melanocytes– pigment cells – depends iris color:

  • Newborn babies have too little pigment, so their eyes are blue-gray. The color of their eyes changes over several years, although at 3 months of age it is already possible to guess what their color will be.
  • In older people, the amount of pigment decreases and the iris becomes lighter, and the diameter of the pupils decreases. The fading of the organ can be slowed down if you use dark sunglasses in bright light from a young age.

Albino people have pink iris, its color is determined by the blood flowing in the vessels;
with a small number of melanocytes it has blue, gray or blue color;
when there is an excess of pigment, the iris becomes brown ;
swamp color is achieved through a combination of melanin accumulation and insufficiently pigmented cells;
green the organ acquires its color due to deposits of bilirubin with a small amount of melanin;
heterogeneous the color of the iris and different-colored eyes are a very rare phenomenon, but still a similar phenomenon exists.


The main physiological role of the iris is to regulation of light rays entering the eyeball.

The result is achieved by alternately narrowing and dilating the pupil. Normally, its width varies from 2 to 5 mm, but in weak or excessively bright light it can narrow to 1 mm or expand to 8-9. In addition to lighting, the diameter of the pupil can be affected by a person’s emotional mood (pain, fear, joy), the use of medications, ophthalmological diseases, and neurological ailments.

In addition to its main function, the organ ensures a constant temperature of the fluid of the anterior chamber and tissue, and participates in the process of outflow of intraocular fluid, which is carried out by changing the width of the vessels.


Inflammatory diseases are called iritis . Damage to the ciliary body by a disease is called iridocyclitis , and if the inflammation spreads to the choroid, then this is already uveitis .

The basis for the development of the disease can be:

The main signs of an inflammatory reaction are:

Sharp and severe pain in the head (especially in the evening or at night);
discomfort in the area of ​​the affected eye;
increased lacrimation;
loss of clarity of vision;
fear of light;
the appearance of blue-red spots on the white of the eye.

The lack of professional therapy is fraught with both partial and complete loss of vision, damage to the choroid or retina. The patient requires inpatient treatment. In the fight against the disease, ophthalmologists usually use anti-inflammatory drops and ointments, analgesics, antihistamines, corticosteroids and mydriatics that reduce.

Coloboma of the iris

Translated from Greek, coloboma - “missing part”, and in relation to ophthalmology - the absence of part of the structure of the eyeball. The problem happens hereditary or acquired.

During the process of embryonic growth, at the 2nd week of the fetus’s life, the formation of an optic vesicle occurs, and by the end of the 4th week it is reshaped into a glass with a slit in its lower part. The mesoderm penetrates into it, and at week 5 it becomes blocked. At the 4th month of intrauterine life, the baby's iris forms. When the embryonic cleft is closed, its development is inferior - congenital coloboma. The problem is fraught with defects in the structure of the tissues - a depression forms in the iris and the outline of the pupil becomes pear-shaped.


Coloboma also entails changes in the fundus of the eye: with an enlarged pupil, too much light enters the retina of the eye, which can blind the patient.

To prevent eye problems, you need to carefully monitor your health. Regular medical examinations will help identify negative symptoms that provoke complications in the eyes, including the iris. Any damage to it requires an immediate visit to an ophthalmologist and strict adherence to all medical recommendations.

Date: 12/20/2015

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Not everyone knows what the iris of the eye is and what its functions are. In ophthalmological practice, there are often diseases that affect the iris. The human eye consists of the eyeball and auxiliary structures (glands, eyelids, eyelashes). The eyeball itself has several membranes, including the vascular membrane, which directly nourishes the eye. In front, the choroid passes into the iris. It also contains the pupil. What are the features of this membrane of the eye and what diseases can occur when it is damaged?

Characteristics of the iris

The iris of the eye is a circular plate located in the anterior part of the uvea behind the cornea. This structure is located in front of the lens. The iris includes the pupil. This is a small, round hole. The pupil is slightly shifted towards the nose from the midpoint of the eyeball. The peculiarity of the shell is that it practically does not transmit light through itself. In addition, it contains pigment cells. The following structures can be distinguished in the iris:

  • pupil;
  • muscles that constrict and dilate the pupil;
  • pigment cells;
  • limbo;
  • ciliary belt;
  • pupillary belt;
  • border;
  • rings.

The structural features of the iris are very important in diagnosing diseases during the study of this membrane of the eye. The pupil regulates the amount of light entering the eye. It can have different sizes. Most often its diameter is 3 mm. When a person looks closely at any object that arouses his interest and delight, the pupil may enlarge. It has been established that this structure is capable of increasing 2 or more times. The pupillary border is a fringe. Its color is brown. The free-standing ring is the line that divides the shell into 2 parts. As for the limbus, it contains the choroid plexuses. It is directly adjacent to.

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The functions of the iris are different. The most significant of them is the regulation of sunlight entering the eye. This is achieved thanks to the pupils. The pupil can change its size depending on the amount of incident light. In a bright room or during the daytime outside, it has a small diameter, while in the dark the pupil dilates significantly. Another important function of this shell is its participation in determining visual acuity. In addition, it protects light-sensitive cells from damage. The iris performs another function - aesthetic.

The color of the eyes largely depends on its pigment cells. There is no pigment in the cornea. The color of the iris is blue, green and brown. In all other cases, shades of these colors are observed. If there is no pigment (melanin) in the iris, then the eyes may have a reddish tint. Often this condition is combined with a violation of the coloration of the skin. This is called albinism. An interesting fact is that the outlines of this shell are constantly changing. This is due to the action of light rays, as well as various diseases. Based on the condition of the iris, one can roughly judge the presence of a pathological process. This is called iridology.

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What can you tell by the eyes?

In addition to the structure of the iris, you need to know that the condition of the body can be judged by the color of the eyes and the characteristics of the iris. A change in the color of the iris may indicate illness. There is evidence that blue-eyed people are the most resistant to environmental factors and have a strong body. It is very rare to find people whose iris color is different on the left and right eyes. This condition is called heterochromia. People with this eye color are the least balanced. The pupil plays an important role in iridology.

Narrow pupils are more common in older people. If observed in young people, this may indirectly indicate the following diseases: nasopharyngeal tumors, some autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis), syringomyelia (spinal cord damage). If there is mydriasis (), then the person may suffer from diseases such as pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism, and myopia. In the case of different pupil diameters in one and the other eye, a brain tumor, tuberculosis infection, or osteochondrosis can be suspected. The condition of the pupillary border is of certain diagnostic value. When it is wide, it indicates excellent immunity. If there are black dots or specks on the iris, then the person suffers from chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Large black dots indicate pathology of the nervous system. It must be remembered that all of this is indicative data only. Instrumental and laboratory examination is necessary to identify a particular disease.

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Iris diseases

The following conditions can lead to damage and dysfunction of the shell:

  • inflammation of the iris (iritis);
  • traumatic damage (mechanical, thermal and chemical);
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • eye vasculitis;
  • coloboma;
  • herpetic lesion of the eyeballs.

Iritis is an inflammatory process affecting the iris of the eye. If the ciliary body is involved in the process, then such a condition will be called iridocyclitis. The latter is diagnosed much more often.

Iritis and iridocyclitis can occur with the development of infection (tuberculosis, herpes, syphilis), metabolic disorders, and endocrine diseases.

There are acute and chronic inflammation. With acute inflammation of the iris, patients complain of pain in the eye and constriction of the pupil. Redness of the eye, decreased vision, and purulent discharge are often observed. An important diagnostic criterion for the disease is a change in the color of the membrane.

Diagnosis of iridocyclitis and iritis includes anamnesis, instrumental examination, and visual examination of the eyes. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of inflammation. If there is severe constriction of the pupil, medications that dilate the pupil, for example, Atropine, are prescribed. In addition, ointments based on glucocorticoids and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. For purulent iridocyclitis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. As for traumatic injuries to the iris, they can lead to ruptures or aniridia (separation of the iris). Volvulus is less common. In some cases, the cause of membrane damage is joint pathology. It is important that for any disease treatment should be carried out in a timely manner and in full. In its absence, a person’s vision may deteriorate.

An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

Each of us wonders why people have eyes of different colors. Sometimes, at birth, eyes have one color, but over time they acquire a completely different color. It is also uncommon to find people who have both eyes of different colors, which is associated with insufficient or excess melanin (a coloring substance) in the body. This phenomenon is called heterochromia. So, the iris of the eye is responsible for the change in color and pattern, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Structure and functions of the iris

Eyes, whose structure is quite complex, play an important role in human life. Each of its components performs certain functions, which, in turn, affect visual acuity. In the visual apparatus, everything is interconnected, for example, how the cornea of ​​the eye directly depends on the state of the iris.

The iris is located between the lens and cornea of ​​the eye. The free space between them is filled with chamber fluid. Also, the iris in the center has a hole - the pupil, which is responsible for the amount of light entering the retina, regulated by muscles, namely:

  • radial (dilator) - capable of dilating the pupil;
  • circular (sphincter) - capable of constricting the pupil.

When studying the structure of the iris of the visual organ, special attention is paid to the term “histology”. What is it? Histology is the detailed study of the layers of the iris.

The histology of the iris involves division into three layers:

  • anterior (border);
  • medium (stromal or fibrovascular);
  • posterior (pigment-muscular).

In this case, the iris performs the following functions:

  • Determines image clarity without distortion due to scattered light rays.
  • Determines eye color depending on the number of pigment cells.
  • Provides constriction or dilation of the pupil depending on the light level.

Attention! The iris tends to change its color and pattern throughout life.

Diagnostic treatment methods

The appearance of spots on the iris or its lightening indicates that a person has degenerative changes in the eye or some health problems. By the color of the iris, you can determine the amount of pigment and its condition:

  • Blue, cyan, greenish or gray color means low pigment content.
  • Brown or black color means high pigment content.
  • Yellow color means the presence of liver disease.
  • Red or pink color refers to the hue of the incident light from the blood vessels, found among albinos who lack pigment.

If a person has a red iris of the visual organ, this means inflammation of the iris, which occurs as a result of:

  • Various types of injuries and burns.
  • Previous surgical interventions.
  • Allergies.
  • Conjunctivitis.

This disease entails pain when pressing on the eyelids, blurred vision, lacrimation, photophobia (constriction of the pupil), and increased eye pressure.

Important! If you suspect an inflammatory process in the iris, do not self-medicate to avoid harming your eyes, but immediately consult an ophthalmologist who will conduct a full examination and prescribe the correct treatment.

When diagnosing the iris, the following congenital or acquired anomalies can be identified:

  • albinism (lack of melanin);
  • heterochromia - when the eyes are different colors;
  • melanoma is a malignant tumor resulting from the development of pigment cells;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • polycoria - multiple pupils;
  • aniridia - absent iris;
  • pupil dislocation (deformation).

In ophthalmology, examination of the condition of the iris is possible:

  • External inspection with focal lighting.
  • Biomicroscopic - based on the slit rays of a lamp and a microscope, you can examine not only the iris, but also the condition of the lens, conjunctiva, vitreous body, cornea, along with pachymetry, which makes it possible to clearly make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Pupillometry - thanks to a telemetric device, the size of the pupil is examined with the dynamics of its changes.
  • Gonioscopy is an examination of the anterior chamber of the eye, located between the cornea and iris.

Advice! In case of inflammatory processes of the iris or other eye pathologies, under no circumstances should ultrasound pachymetry of the cornea be performed, which is an instrumental method for measuring the thickness of the cornea.

Having studied the so-called science of histology, namely its structure, as well as functions, diseases that arise as a result of disorders in the iris, we can draw the following conclusion that you need to take your vision seriously, since it is easy to lose, but it will be restored much more difficult.

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At first glance, the iris of the eye appears to be an ordinary colored disk that occupies a significant part of the eyeball. But in fact, it is a real diaphragm that lets into the eye exactly the amount of light that is necessary for a person to see normally. Therefore, the iris is a complex part of the eyeball, which consists of many connective tissues and muscles.

The eyes are the most important tool available to humans. They not only provide correct orientation in space, but also give a sense of perspective and color. Conventionally, the eyes consist of five main parts, and one of them is the iris.

The iris is located at the front of the eyeball, between the lens and the cornea. This is the most noticeable part of the eye because it is colored a certain way. It is responsible for ensuring that exactly the amount of light that is necessary for normal vision enters the eye, just like the hole in a photo or video camera does.

In the middle of the iris there is a round black hole called the pupil. Its size can vary depending on how the small muscles of the iris act. They can either expand or contract the black pupil. When the sphincter muscles are relaxed, the pupil dilates, allowing more light to enter the eye and reach the retina. When the muscles tense, the pupil constricts and the number of light rays focused on the retina decreases.

The contraction and dilation of the pupil depends on the lighting. At night, for example, the muscles make the pupil wide so that enough light can enter the eye. If there is too much bright light around, the pupil narrows and lets in less light to prevent damage to the retina. The iris also serves as a barrier that separates the anterior chamber of the eye from the posterior chamber. The posterior chamber is located between the iris and the lens, and the anterior chamber is located between the cornea and the iris.

Iris defects

In some cases, a person may have a defective or damaged iris. When this happens, it cannot function normally, which affects a person's vision. If the damage is small, a person may have small holes in the iris that allow additional rays of light to reach the retina. This causes a phenomenon called ghost shadows or double images. When this happens, it can be very difficult for a person to focus on a subject.

Any part of the iris or eye where it is located, including the uvea and retina, can become diseased or infected. These may be diseases such as:

  • Iritis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the iris, leading to blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light.
  • Iridocyclitis - affects the iris and ciliary muscle. Although both of these symptoms can be successfully treated with antibiotics, it is important to start treatment early in the disease. If this is not done, vision deterioration and even irreversible blindness may occur.
  • Aniridia is a congenital eye disease when the iris is underdeveloped or there is an absence of the iris (there are only rudiments of a ring). This disease is caused by a genetic defect that begins to appear in the fetus in the womb.
  • Coloboma of the iris - can occur either due to an accident or a genetic defect. With this disease, a hole appears in the iris, causing the pupil to take an unusual shape.

Iris diseases can also include injuries resulting from accidents. Sometimes the iris is damaged by puncture wounds from sharp objects, a blow to the eye, or fireworks.

Is it possible to predict the color of a child's eyes?

While the tissues in the iris are involved in controlling the amount of light rays incoming, the pigments contained in the iris are responsible for the color of a person's eyes. The more of it there is in the iris, the darker the color will be. Therefore, blue eyes have the least amount of melanin, and dark brown eyes have the most. Each person has a unique iris in terms of pattern and texture, so the iris can be accurately identified as a fingerprint.

Eye color is a hereditary trait. What a child's eyes will look like depends on the genetic material each parent contributes. But genes can mix in unpredictable ways, so the influence of each parent is unknown until the very moment the child is born.

Human eye color depends on three genes, two of which have been well studied. These genes are responsible for the appearance of colors such as green, dark brown and blue. The genes that are responsible for other colors (gray, olive and various combinations) have not been studied enough and are poorly explained at present.

Although dark brown is considered dominant and blue is recessive, modern research shows that not everything is so simple. In addition, scientists have determined that the color of a child's eyes is not a mixture of the eye colors of the parents, but chromosomes are directly involved, each of which contains two pairs of genes, which determine hereditary traits. Each normal cell in the human body usually contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. Therefore, there are 46 of them in total, half of which are inherited from the mother, and the other half from the father.

Therefore, there are an innumerable number of possible combinations, and predicting them with modern equipment is not easy. Thus, several years ago, Dutch researchers reported that they had developed DNA analysis methods that make it possible to determine with 90% probability whether a child will have dark brown or blue eyes. In May 2010, they admitted that these DNA studies had failed.

It is worth noting that in children, the eye color of their parents may be absent and be completely different. But if the father and mother have dark brown eyes, then there is a high probability that their child will also have dark brown eyes. At the same time, darker colors usually dominate, so often dark brown wins over green, and green beats blue. But a mother's blue eyes and a father's dark brown eyes will not necessarily lead to the birth of a brown-eyed child.

Why does the color of the iris change?

Most newborn babies have blue eyes, which darken during the first three years of life. Darkening of the iris occurs because melanin, a dark brown pigment, is not present in the body at birth and appears only over time.

The iris changes in size during the dilation and constriction of the pupil. This causes the distribution of pigment in the iris to change, causing the eye color to change slightly. That is, in the dark it becomes richer, and when reading it brightens a little.

The size of the pupil and the color of the iris can change as a result of certain feelings and emotions. Therefore, it is not without reason that people say that changes in eye color are influenced by anger and love.

Age is another reason for changes in the color of the iris. This happens to 10-15% of the world's white population (Indo-Europeans have lighter eye color compared to other races). For example, olive color may darken over time.

Although changes in eye shade are considered a normal process, you need to be wary if an adult’s eye color changes dramatically. For example, one eye will change color from dark brown to green or from blue to dark brown (heterochromia). If this happens, you should definitely consult a doctor. This may be a symptom of serious diseases, including heterochromic iridocyclitis, pigmentary glaucoma, Horner's syndrome (damage to the sympathetic nervous system).

When it comes to children, some babies are born with irises that are different colors in each eye. This is usually the result of improper delivery of pigment to the eye tissue, injury during pregnancy or immediately after birth. Sometimes the cause may be hereditary mutations. Other causes include inflammation, moles on the iris, and Horner's syndrome.

In general, heterochromia (meaning different colors) is not a disease in itself. Doctors use this medical term to describe the condition of multi-colored eyes. Other terms that describe this phenomenon are heterochromia iridis and heterochromia iridium. They represent different colors of the iris. However, we are not always talking about different-colored eyes. Sometimes within the same iris you can see a transition of colors, for example, from brown to gray.

Heterochromia is not a disease and does not affect visual acuity, although it can be a symptom of an illness. Benign heterochromia can give a person a fascinating and even exotic appearance. There are many examples of charismatic personalities and actors with eyes of different colors.

Heterochromia also occurs in animals. For example, multi-colored eyes can be seen in dog breeds such as Siberian Husky, Collie, Australian Shepherd, and Chihuahua. Heterochromia also occurs in cats, especially often in representatives of breeds such as the Turkish Van, Turkish Angora, Japanese Bobtail, and Sphynx.