Decoding crop circles last. Where do crop circles come from? Crop circles - the solution to the mystery V.0.9

The author of the decryption of the encoded image is Michael Reed, an engineer from North Carolina and a former astrophysicist. In order to understand what a circle means, you need to divide it into 10 equal sectors, and then number the resulting parts, as shown in the figure. If you count from the center clockwise in a spiral, choosing the last number in the group, you get 3.141592654 - the first ten digits of Pi. The small circle at the center of the fourth sector (black dot in the figure) corresponds to the dividing point:

Moon phases

The meaning of many messages has already been confirmed in astronomical events.

The next circles appeared on the field on June 6, 2008 in West Kennett, Wiltshire (UK). They depicted 40% of the solar eclipse as it was then observed in that exact location on August 1, 2008:

August 8, 2008 ( 08.08.08 ) circles appeared on the field in Milk Hill - Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. In the circle there is an indication of August 16, 2008 - the full moon:

Check your mail!

The most significant event associated with circles and in general in the direction of UFOs occurred in 2001. This was the first recognized fact of direct “postal” communication, a response to our message that we received from cosmic beings.

The first drawing appeared on a field near the Chilbolton Observatory, located near the town of Wherwell in Hampshire (England), on August 13, 2000:

The approximate dimensions of the "binary code" and "face" are 200 by 85 feet and 160 by 180 feet, respectively. Both designs are formed by ears of wheat arranged in almost the same way.

This kind of drawing is completely impossible to see from the ground. These drawings are done quite neatly and accurately, although up close they look like a complete mess. Looking at them, one cannot say that these are ordinary “crop circles and arcs.” They look like a random collection of dots. But looking at them from above - and they were undoubtedly designed to be viewed from above - they produce an incredible effect.

When Paul Vigay, director of the Independent Center for the Study of Unexplained Phenomena (Southsey, Hampshire, England) saw the aerial photographs of the “binary code”, he immediately said that the image closely resembled a digital message that was sent into outer space using a radio telescope on November 16, 1974 Arecibo, built in Puerto Rico. The radio beam was aimed at the M13 star cluster, located at a distance of about 23,000 light years from Earth.

A radio broadcast made in 1974 from the Arecibo radio telescope shows the double helix of the human DNA molecule as two curved lines above a humanoid figure. The left side of the design that appeared on Chilbolton's field is different from its right side, and in general the design is somewhat different from the encoding of the radio message.

Shown at left is an excerpt from a black-and-white radio message sent in 1974 by the Arecibo radio telescope. The double helix of the DNA molecule is shown in the form of curved lines at the top. Below, between the binary information about the size of the Earth's population and the average height of a person, a humanoid figure representing people is shown. Below the image of a man in the form of a square the Sun and 9 planets are shown. The third planet is moved closer to the symbolic figure of a man. At the bottom above the line in the form of the letter M is a symbol depicting the Arecibo radio telescope, and the binary encoding below reports its diameter (300 m). For comparison, the image originating from Chilbolton is shown on the right.

Please note that the Arecibo radio telescope symbol and the letter M have been replaced with a design similar to the one that appeared on the field on August 13, 2000! (see above)

It can be assumed that in this way someone wanted to show a device for creating circles.

Below is an excerpt from an interview with Paul Vigay, Director of the Independent Center for the Study of Unexplained Phenomena (Southsey, Hampshire, England)

“It is possible that the spiral of their DNA molecule is uneven and contains some additional components. I can say more precisely only after deciphering the central stripe, which is located in the middle between the two curved lines. In the radio transmission made from the Arecibo radio telescope, this band corresponded to the number of nucleotides in a DNA molecule in binary form. In the picture on the field we see that this strip has some differences - in the middle there is one single dot, which means that one digit has been changed. Apparently, this may explain why the arcs on the left and right are different from each other. If their DNA molecule has a different number of nucleotide strands, then this would explain the imbalance.

When it comes to binary code, information is represented in the form of zeros and ones, or filled and empty squares, as in the vertical stripe between the strands of DNA in the figure.

If you look at the images of the planets, then in our message it is clearly visible that our planet is the third from the Sun, since it is moved towards a humanoid figure with a head, two arms, two legs and a torso. If you look at the picture that appeared in the wheat field, you can see that after the first two planets, a group of three planets has been moved in the same way as was done in our message. The third planet in the row is raised. The fourth planet is elevated. And the fifth planet is not only raised, but also transformed from one point into four smaller points, forming something like a cross. This difference is really very interesting. It could mean that in their solar system three planets are inhabited and that they originate from the fifth planet. From the figure it is clear that three planets are indicated, with the fifth planet highlighted more than all the others. This could also mean that the fifth planet has three satellites.

In the resulting drawing you can see what appears to be a figure that has a very large head, very large, protruding eyes and a short, thin body. To the right of the person’s figure is his height. The message sent from Arecibo has three numbers that correspond to seven. Naturally, if you are transmitting a message to the other side of the galaxy, there is no point in using feet, inches or meters as units, so I consider this expression to simply be 7 units of something. If you look at the picture on the field, you can see that there is only one unit in this place. From this we can conclude that no matter what units of measurement are used, the height indicated here is much less than human.

There is another discrepancy that concerns atomic numbers. When I first saw the aerial photo (Paul Vigay), I thought it was just a defect in the photo. And that was one of the main reasons why I went there today to see for myself. I realized that this was not an error because the change was intentional and it was encrypted in the sequence.

Right at the top there is a row representing the numbers 1 to 10. Just below them are the atomic numbers of the basic elements, which are the building blocks that support life on Earth (labeled P.O.N.C.H in the figure). These are phosphorus, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. Now you can decrypt. What corresponds to phosphorus is indicated by a long line, i.e. 1111, which means 15. The next element of the picture, if read vertically, gives 0001. This corresponds to 8, which of course means oxygen. The next element (1110) corresponds to 7, which means nitrogen. The next one (011) corresponds to 6, which means carbon. And finally, the last element is 1, which corresponds to 1 and means hydrogen.

The message sent from Arecibo shows 5 columns: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus. In the figure there are 6 columns on the field. This can only be seen if you examine the image in detail. Thus, this encoding contains an additional element. This element has been inserted between oxygen and phosphorus, i.e. instead of the row 1, 6, 7, 8, 15, there is another row containing the element which is designated 0111, which corresponds to 14. Thus the row is: 1, 6 , 7, 8, 14, 15.

In the periodic table, the element with atomic number 14 is called silicon. This is a very interesting discovery because many researchers say that if there are any other forms of life that, unlike earthly forms, are not carbon-based, then out of the entire periodic table, almost the only element that could support life is silicon . It is theoretically possible that there is a planet in which silicon is the predominant element. If this is indeed a binary encoded message, then the presence of the additional element in the form of silicon is important information."


On August 14, 2002, at 8 a.m., tractor driver Sydney Collis, 62, found farmer Mike Burge of Vale Farm in the field near the village of Pitt (Hampshire, UK, about 5 miles east of Chilbolton Observatory). strange geoglyph. This image is 360 feet (about 110 m) long and 250 feet (76.2 meters) wide, as seen in the photo on the left. It is interesting that on the 12th of August everything was as usual on the field, on the 14th Collis did not see any circle, and you can see the photograph of August 16th for yourself... It is worth noting that the field is located on the top of a hill and the image area is not visible from anywhere one of the roads passing nearby. In fact, even at a distance of 50 m from the image it is hardly possible to see anything. At a distance of about 100 meters from the image there is a radio mast about 40 m high.

It is striking that the manner of constructing this image differs from the “Chilbolton face” of 2001. There, the dots were placed at the nodes of a regular grid and the brightness scale was formed by changing the size of the dots. Here, the image is created from horizontal lines, the width of which is modulated to form a brightness dependence, which is very reminiscent of the “interlaced scanning” of modern television.

Unlike the previous image, the icon is now directly linked to the image and very much resembles a CD with binary code and start and end markers. The information is presented in 8-bit segments separated by narrow synchronizer segments. The information is read in a spiral from the center to the edge and is a set of ASCII characters in the international English encoding. There is a blank separator between each data track. For those who work on a computer, I hope there is no need to explain what it is.

Details of the analysis of these 152 bytes can be found on Linda Moulton Howe’s website. The end result of these studies was a phrase that can be interpreted as a warning:

“Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oPpose DECEPTION. CONDuit CLOSING\"

The translation into Russian looks something like this:

“Beware of bearers of FALSE talents (abilities) and their UNKEEPED PROMISES. A lot of PAIN, but it will last for a while. BELIEVE. Outside of this place is GOOD. We stand against DECEPTION. The channel is CLOSING\"


Below is a field drawing that appeared on 15 July 2008 at Avebury Manor, Wiltshire. Notice that there is nothing to the left of the largest circle.

According to modeling using an astronomical computer program, the location of the planets in our solar system on December 21, 2012 will look like this:

The positions of the planets are very similar. Many researchers of the crop circle phenomenon believe that this pattern indicates the positions of the planets at the end of the Mayan calendar - December 21, 2012.

Only the position of the solar system's most distant planet, Pluto, and its orbit are displayed differently than in existing planetary motion simulation programs. This may be due to the fact that Pluto's orbit stands out strongly from the plane of rotation of the other planets. And when the orbit is projected onto a plane, distortion occurs.

An interesting incident occurred a few days after this image was formed on the field. The farmer decided to harvest the crop or simply erase the drawing:

But he didn't have much time. On July 22, 2008, in place of the Sun, a new circle of larger diameter was drawn (up to the orbit of Venus), a new Sun, which smoothed out the unevenness of the drawing made by the combine. And on the same field, next to the image of the drawing of the solar system, another large drawing appeared, and closer to the corner of the field there is a new object in the form of a ball approaching the solar system (Nibiru?):

Such persistence suggests that the authors consider it very important to convey to us the meaning of this message.

The most interesting thing is that on December 21, 2012, there will be a parade of planets. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Earth will line up. Actually, similar parades of planets have happened before. How does the parade of planets on December 21, 2012 differ from previous ones? The fact is that on this day not only the planets of the solar system will line up, but also the planets of other star systems, forming a line from the center of the galaxy. And this is a completely different matter. The process can be compared to the hands of a clock when the clock hands move to the 12 o'clock position. According to esotericists, this combination will mean the transition of the universe from one system to another.


Education in Secklendorf, Germany, June 23, 2008 can be interpreted as important prophetic dates:

Points marked on the image:

  • V1= March 27, 2009, inferior conjunction to the Sun, close to the Earth.
  • V3= October 29, 2010, inferior conjunction with the Sun, near the Earth.
  • V4= August 16, 2011, superior conjunction with the Sun, in opposition to the Earth.
  • V2= January 11, 2012, superior conjunction with the Sun, in opposition to the Earth.
  • V5= June 6, 2012, inferior conjunction with the Sun, solar transit (bright central six-pointed star).
  • V6= December 21, 2012, three months before the superior conjunction with the Sun, slightly to the right of the opposition with the Earth (end of the Long Count of the Mayan calendar).

- a system of calendars created by the Mayan civilization in pre-Columbian Central America. This calendar was also used by other Central American peoples - the Aztecs, Toltecs, etc. The civil, or solar year of the Mayans had a length of 365.2421 days, which more accurately corresponds to the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun than the length of the year in the Gregorian (modern) calendar - 365.2424 days .

According to Mayan legends, each cycle ends with the almost complete destruction of the civilization that lived in this cycle. The Mayans believed that at the end of the current 5126-year cycle, which began on August 13, 3113 BC, and will end on December 21, 2012, some movement of the Earth would occur, which would entail the destruction of our civilization.

The conclusion is that we should be afraid of the vaunted “Zetas”, they fool our brains and hurt us. The civilization that is friendly to us, that draws circles, has the silicon composition of the body, which awaits us, though not soon. On this occasion, read the dialogue between the boy Sasha and Indigo, starting in 2006. The planet Nibiru really exists. And humanity should pay attention to the parade of planets.

Based on an article on the website

Many of the marginal drawings have a common meaning: some are repeated in essence, but differ in appearance because different methods of notation are used to clarify the meaning. It is impossible to show in this book all the drawings found and photographed in the fields of the planet. Let us dwell only on those that provide information in the most clearly expressed images. The reader, who has gained knowledge from previous books, in some cases will be able to interpret the missing drawings himself, including intuition and inner knowledge because the Children of Light have this knowledge “sealed” in the spiritual body.

This image symbolizes the first stage embodiments of the Absolute. This is the Trinity, standing at the center of all Hierarchies of the universe, reflecting the three main Aspects and innate divine qualities of the Spirit of the Lord of Eternal Light:

  • Father - Aspect of Will;
  • Son - Aspect of Love and Wisdom;
  • The Holy Spirit is an Aspect of active Intelligence and knowledge, the Supreme Intelligence.

These basic spiritual qualities belong to the Existing Consciousness of the Creator and are the “core” that is always present in the Consciousness of his Children. The remaining qualities are developed in the process of gaining the experience of Being.

Trinity of Manifestation of the Absolute

In the center is the highest Spirit of the Divine (circle with a dot). Next are three Aspects, reflecting the divine basic qualities. They have Individuality and creativity. In commonwealth, these Consciousnesses create worlds with the help of the Hierarchy of Beings of Light. They are always together, and their Consciousnesses represent a Single harmonious Consciousness.

In the figure, each of them is expressed by a sphere of Light, clothed in luminous Matter. Each Aspect of God in the process of materialization is manifested through the main Ray of the Trinity. If we consider the essence of cosmic Man, then his consciousness in miniature reflects the Consciousness of the Divine and is a trinitarian Spirit (three Angels of the Presence, which are Particles of the Consciousness of the Spiritual Monad).

Here are figuratively reflected descending and ascending Streams of Being, descending and ascending Hierarchies of the Cosmos. A total of twelve main great Levels or Dimensions are depicted.

Above and below you can see two Great Sources “The Beginning of All Beginnings”. Two threads of Life, two Streams, each taking energy from its Source. Before the impulse to Creation begins, both Sources are in a state of sleep and curled up in one space, connected by an energy bridge, just as the two hemispheres of the brain are connected by the corpus callosum, a membrane.

When Creation begins, a descending Flow of energies first arises and an expansion of spaces occurs, differentiation of the main Rays of the Creator of the central Source as long as this is possible. The Ascending Spiral of Life is fueled from another Source, “The Beginning of All Beginnings,” and lifts Life to its Creator. Large spheres on the Streams indicate the central Suns of the great cosmic systems, through which energy exchange occurs, the exchange of experience and information of the descending and ascending Hierarchies occurs.

Winged creature symbolizing God in manifestation. His Body consists of luminous spheres, denoting the central Suns of cosmic systems. Here it is seen that in the duodecimal scheme there is a double standard for the set of divine Rays. The two wings reflect the state of polarity of systems contained in spaces. The creature's body is depicted in the form of a spiral, symbolizing evolution.

Creation of Worlds. The System of Worlds in the chain of unfolding spaces arising in the process of creation

The Worlds of Light and Darkness alternate as the “Original” space and the “Reflection” space. This is an image that gives an understanding that the space of Light is the Source of life for its Reflection. It is a prerequisite for the emergence of worlds in which numerous evolving forms of life develop. Creators, God-born Beings live in the Spheres of Light; in the reflected spaces - God-created beings evolving towards the Light. All Spheres of Existence are held by the densest space, which we see in the figure as a dark circle. This is the Foundation of all cosmic structures.

Cosmic Architects, in the process of the birth of cosmic bodies, shape the spaces of stellar systems. At first they may look like chaotic clusters of stars, but over time they form into specific images that reflect creative intent.

Corridor of Time

The figure conventionally shows planes of spaces lying in different time coordinates (Dimensions). To get into one of them, you need to move towards the Center, then change it at an angle of 90 degrees to the plane of the space being visited.

Inside a conventional plane there can be a huge number of spaces vibrating at different frequencies, so the energies in them will differ in quality, and Matter in density and properties. The large circle denotes the all-encompassing Consciousness of the Lord of the system, which contains within Itself the consciousnesses of all forms of life.

The image of a wonderful creature symbolizes
Body of Manifestation of the Lord of the Universe

The large bright sphere is the Summit, the Control Center of the universe. There is the Abode of the Lord of Eternal Light. The body of a wonderful creature is the totality of the spaces of the Island of Paradise and the Central Havona Universe. The Hierarchies of the Forces of Light are concentrated here. The Paradise-Havona system symbolizes the brain of the embodied Being, which is the cause of the emergence of life in this sector of the great Cosmos.

- The “Reflected” Body of the Creature in the form of a chain of descending Spheres with central Suns symbolizes a huge number of spaces with star systems, materialized energies. Wings are Power, Strength, Will, flight and life in the boundless space of Existence.

Notice that the wings point upward, indicating directional movement. At the moment of cosmic Time, the Divine Supreme Being embodied in the universe is in a descending Stream (descending “down”), that is, emanating from the central region of the higher Cosmos. Above the image of the Creature, spheres of energy go up and down, signifying the infinity of Creation. Our universe is just a small grain of sand in the vast Ocean of cosmic Life.

There are twelve superuniverses in the Maleon universe. Each of them manifests itself in a double spectrum of energies.

In the figure we see an image of cosmic Levels of spaces or great Dimensions (the sectors are separated by transverse lines, conventionally indicating the boundaries of the Levels). Superuniverses are depicted as sectors divided into two zones of influence of energy qualities (the boundary lines of the Levels do not coincide).

Twelve superuniverses of the universe

In space, the universe has the form of a complex torus. In the center is the central Sun (Isle of Paradise), surrounded by the seven circles (spaces) of the central Havona universe. It is separated from evolving spaces by an energy curtain.

At some distance from Havona there are twelve superuniverses with their own internal systems, at the center of each of them is the great central Sun, embodying one of the Sons of the Lord of Havona. The spaces seem to be superimposed on one another, indicating the interaction and unity of the Forces that control the energies of the central Suns, united into a single Chain of Life.

Superverse Orvonton(in which we find ourselves) consists of ten manifested large sectors. According to cosmic concepts, a large sector is a galaxy. Each sector is separated by cosmic Planes. Among them there are “light” and “dark” spaces, so called conventionally, because in the “light” spaces Matter is more ordered, they contain intelligent life forms, and the “dark” ones are considered transitional, there is more chaos in them. Within the entire superuniverse system is the central Sun.

In the center of the image is a three-dimensional World. Three-dimensional space in geometric terms is a cube. This is the densest space, the coordinates of which correspond to the third Dimension.

From the drawing we can determine that there are also other Dimensions, conventionally indicated by relief lines. In each plane of a geometric figure there are three, four, five, and so on Dimensions in which there is a huge number of worlds, including inhabited ones.

Our solar system is located in one of the sectors of the Milky Way galaxy. Cosmic name of the Soleus galaxy

The figure at the bottom symbolically depicts this sector, and inside is our sun, located on one of the cosmic Plans of this space. The Lord of the Sun in the esoteric sense appears as the Son of the Being who embodies the great central Sun of the galaxy. We see this Sun depicted in the upper left part of the picture. It is surrounded by two semi-arcs that are not connected together. They symbolize two cycles: descent and ascension. At the ends of the lower arc there are visible circles that have the meaning of two ascending Particles of a single Supreme Mind, two Twin Souls standing at the head of the Hierarchy of the central Sun.

Where the sector drawing is located, two small spheres are visible outside of it, symbolizing these beings, who are the Lords of the solar system. The rulers of star systems are always outside their possessions, in a higher system that controls the evolution of systems in the reflected lower spaces.

The space of planet Earth in the third dimension

You see a diagram that shows (from top to bottom) the Earth, the Moon and a fragment of a planet that perished in ancient times, which is located behind the Moon, but in the Fourth Dimension (below).

Between the Earth and the Moon (in the picture in the form of a zigzag) in the Fourth Dimension there is an artificial cosmic body created by the Builders of our system to hold the planet’s satellite. Together with a fragment of the dead planet, it plays the role of a magnet, fixing the Moon in a position so that it cannot rotate around its axis.

The aliens call the artificial body between the Earth and the Moon a space observation station (SNOS). This is a portal through which you can enter the inner spaces of the planet through a tunnel. This is the main customs house of the Earth, controlled by the Master of the planet, the head of the Hierarchy of those beings who were the Builders of the Earth in the Antiworld (subtle material structures of the planet).

In the figure above, above the sphere depicting the planet, a circle is visible, symbolizing space, denoting the central entrance from the higher Worlds. For the Earth this is the northern portal, from the SNKP side it is the southern portal connecting it with the spaces of the Moon. Essentially, the Moon and the Earth have a common Bramfatura, but within it the spaces of the Moon and the Earth are divided into spheres of government of the planetary Hierarchy.

The moon is owned by alien Builders from the constellation Ursa Major. The Lower Worlds are owned by the Antilogos of the planet. The worlds of Overglass are owned by the Logos of the planet (the highest Plans of the Earth).

The Moon moves around the Earth along a figure-of-eight trajectory, skirting the SNCP. The Earth and Moon move in a spiral relative to each other, and in this they are helped by an invisible object that keeps them in this orbit. The figure shows the direction of movement of objects, indicated by a wavy line.

Crystalline Grid of Consciousness and Planet Earth

In Space, these fine-material structures are called cosmic Mirrors. They represent a multi-layered structure consisting of ethereal Matter of different densities.

Imagine a thin-material sphere with a cellular surface. The Planet is located inside this structure and receives energy from the Cosmos through the Mirror in reflected form.

The earth can be thought of as a large magnet with a north and south pole.

The core of the planet on the subtle Plan is a space surrounded by one of the Crystalline Grids that generate energy that feeds all forms of life in the Undermirror (the spaces below the Middle Mirror of the planet). The core itself represents esoterically the Black Sun, in which the thermonuclear process occurs. Its energies warm the planet and maintain the tone of life. The picture shows that inside the planet there is a source from which energies emanate.

The Earth's energy axis is a conditional “rod” that passes through the central source and two poles. Numerous points on the power lines show that inside space there are so-called spatial magnets that capture and transmit energies in a given direction, preventing the energies from dissipating and fading, maintaining the field strength. This is necessary in order to create a flow of energy, giving it a certain flow speed, that is, creating time in the contours of the bodies (globes) of the Earth. Here we see only the etheric body of the planet, but it has several bodies just like a person. Each body-space has an energy system for feeding it with the energies of the stars and the Earth, which penetrate inside it through the system of Crystal Grids (cosmic Mirrors).

Embodied Consciousness of the Planet- a multidimensional Being, has several bodies, like a person. The Earth has four globe-bodies that develop in the Underworld - these are parallel Realities, but they are held by the Center, which contains communications that unite the energies of life and consciousness of embodied beings into a single energy-information field (first picture). In addition, each globe of the planet has several Layer-spaces (second picture). Various forms of life develop in them.

Human personality symbol

The general circle unites the Soul Consciousness with the consciousness of the four lower bodies. Through these bodies the Soul learns about the world around it and its capabilities. The bridge between the two inner circles indicates that they are held in a “bundle” by something resembling a tourniquet or twisted cord. This is the Sutratma, the energetic Thread of Life. Here it is folded and shaped like a figure eight, symbolizing the infinity of its length.

When the separation of the astral and mental bodies occurs during the sleep of the physical body, they are kept together and are in continuous connection with the etheric body, the holder of the Thread of Life. The human form is held by the etheric body: it never leaves it until disincarnation. Human consciousness is a mental component produced with the help of his bodies. A person who has not overcome the space of the Middle Mirror of the Earth, who has not received enlightenment of consciousness, has only four bodies and is constantly in the Undermirror (the space of the Antiworld), because the lower bodies are not adapted to high-frequency energies.

This drawing reflects the state of Consciousness of the Spiritual Monad of a rational being at different Levels of existence of the solar system.

In the central part of space, the highest Spirit at the level of Logos Consciousness for embodied Souls is the highest “I”, Spiritual Monad. He can give embodiment to twelve Monads. In the figure we see one Monad on each Ray of the Spiritual Monad. Her Consciousness works on the Planes of Spirit through two Understudies or Doubles.

The sphere of manifestation of the Monad contains the consciousness of two Understudies (two points each, designated next to the sphere of the Monad). The next “expansion” occurs on the Soul Planes of the solar system. The Monad creates hologram souls that can enter forms. Understudies manifest themselves in antiparticle souls working in the antisystems of the polar Worlds, embodying spiritual “sparks” in intelligent beings. Spiritual Monad always remains on its own Plane, and its particles gain experience of knowledge through forms in different spaces. As the field of its activity expands, a double reflection of the consciousnesses of the particles of the Monad occurs in the material (in the figure there are two hemispheres, symbolizing the Mirror of the Earth). Further to the periphery, particles of the Monad’s consciousness are depicted as its reflections. The essence of the “spark” embodied in the form of consciousness only vaguely recalls the greatness of the Being who gave it life. A spark from a large flame of fire lives for one moment. Likewise, the “spark” from the Flame of the Spiritual Monad lives a short life in cosmic time. Her life can become almost eternal if she can go the other way and merge with the higher “I”.

Human energy centers. Let's list them starting from the bottom

  • Muladhara is the center of survival. Dormant energy of Kundalini.
  • Svadhisthana - sexual and creative energies.
  • Manipura is the center of consciousness of unenlightened people, an accumulator of energies.
  • Anahata is the heart center, connects the lower and upper chakras.
  • Vishuddha is the center of communication and spiritual creativity.
  • Ajna is the center of clairvoyance.
  • Sahasrara is the center of clairvoyance.

The Sahasrara Chakra is the place of connection with the Consciousness of the Angels of the Presence. There are three of them in total, they are indicated by spheres above the head. Through them there is contact with the higher “I” and connection with the Cosmos.

Crystal of Human Soul Consciousness

The crystal of consciousness represents a program for the development of the Soul in eight evolutionary directions, eight energy flows. We have already considered these main directions before. They form the basis of life, the evolution of form and mind (the four Kingdoms of Nature, developing in the two polar Worlds).

The top of the crystal is directed upward towards the spiritual Sun and symbolizes the aspiration towards the Light.

Sunny space

The orbit of planet Earth is indicated. Our planet in the superuniverse is considered the most interesting planet because it hosts a huge number of species and forms of life. This is the lowest spatial Level at which a person develops.

Our planet looks like a precious black pearl in an openwork frame, created from numerous Worlds. The time will come when it will be transformed in the rays of the spiritual Sun and will glow with its own emitted Light.

Image of our solar system Monmatia

Not all orbits of the planets are displayed, since the Supreme Intelligence in this case wants to show only what relates to our planet.

Our planet is the third. Between the orbit of Venus and the Earth we see a free orbit. The Earth must move to another orbit, which is one level higher, closer to the sun. The figure shows that closer to the sun are Mercury, Venus, then a free orbit, and then the Earth.

Free space is prepared to receive our planet in another Reality.

The diagram shows the third planet from the sun - this is Earth. Further in a straight line from it is the Moon, and behind it is a fragment of the ancient planet Lucifer, holding it in a certain position in which it cannot rotate. This planetary fragment is located in the Fourth Dimension, but has a magnetic effect on the Moon because it is a strong spatial Magnet. It has a movement corresponding to the movement of the Moon.

A little higher and to the right in the picture there is another planet depicted in the distance, which is not yet known on Earth. This is a new globe on which the humanity of the Future will develop, a new body of the Soul of planet Earth.

The diagram is symbolic. You should not pay attention to the size of space objects and distances, because this is just a drawing that gives an idea that the time of big changes is coming.

Monmatia solar system

The central part of the picture symbolizes the manifested Consciousness of the Divine Trinity, the Spirit of the solar system.

Next are nine planets known to us, and in the distance one more planet, a secret one, is visible. This is the new body of the Soul of the Earth. Like a person, the Soul of the planet changes its physical bodies. The new globe is in another spatial Dimension. After the Transition, the wave of life will be transferred into his space.

Interpenetration of two Worlds in a state of planetary changes and Transition. The three-dimensional space of the planet enters into four-dimensional space. All this happens inside the solar system.

Space Man

You see an image of a winged man on the field. The wings symbolize spiritual freedom and power gained after a long evolutionary period, which ends with ascension to a higher spiritual Plane. During the development cycle in the solar system, the human Monad has incarnations alternately on all planets, mastering energies either in the space of the World or in the space of the Anti-World. She masters the lessons that the Angels of the Presence teach her at all spatial Levels of the solar system. In the figure you can distinguish the upper and lower Levels, which depict the planets in the form of spheres. There is duality in the energies of spaces, which is why the wings have double levels of image. In the upper part of the human body there are worlds of Light, in the lower part there are worlds of Darkness. On the human head there are something like antennas. This is an image of the divine channel connecting a person with his higher “I” (Spirit Monad), God and the universe. A butterfly is born from a cocoon in which it has been in the dark for a long time. The sacrament of the birth of a spiritual person also occurs.

Two drawings depict the Bramfatura of the Earth. On the first we see four globes-bodies of the Earth, on the second - five globes of the planet. All globes symbolically display seeds that have sprouted, but each seed has two “roots”. Esoterically, these drawings have the meaning of “seeds” of life that were sown on each globe of the Earth, but due to the polarity of the Worlds, each “seed” mastered the energies of the lower and upper frequency ranges of the energy spectrum. This is the great duality! The Wave of Life has gone around four globes, and the fifth segment of the Circle of Life in the Bramfatur of our space is still empty (figure one).

In the second picture we see that in the multidimensional space of the planet there are five globes, and all of them are inhabited by life forms. The next wave of Life will be transferred to the fifth globe in a new space. This will happen after the Transition to the highest Reality. The transition is conventionally indicated by several steps. These are the steps of Souls’ ascent along the “ladder” of knowledge. You can master them while incarnate on Earth in the process of enlightenment of consciousness. The new globe of the Earth is already ready to move into higher space. It is not visible from Earth because it is located in the fifth Dimension of the solar system.

Solar system. Preparation process for
galactic transition.

Arranging the planets in a certain order with the help of a special mechanism, called in the Cosmos a system of spatial magnets that attract and hold the planets in their intended place. The Sun is the main powerful magnet, which will become a “traction force”, dragging along the entire system along a prepared spatial corridor to another galaxy.

First, an electromagnetic circuit of space is created into which the planet is introduced. In the figure it is indicated in the upper part, where the direction of the planet towards it is indicated (by arrows). This circuit is held by the force fields of the sun and powerful energy installations that equalize the fields, creating the impression of a “trap”. Then a coordinate system in space is determined for the planet, where it will be teleported along a spatial corridor prepared in advance. The alignment of the planets will be carried out as they move to route positions, from which they will be teleported and fixed, their movement around the energy axis will be stopped. Life from planetary bodies (from the worlds of the inhabited Spheres) will leave even before preparations for the Galactic Transition begin.

Scheme of the movement of planets in the process of alignment before the start of the galactic Transition of the solar system

Due to the fact that planets have several globe bodies, First, the Transition takes place within planetary schemes. The globes inside them must take the appropriate position in space (in the figure, these spaces are limited by contours).

After this, in a certain order, the globes of the planets will be transferred as part of the collective planetary Mind to one of the new orbits of the solar system. In addition to the fact that the planets have several globes, each of them includes a large number of inhabited worlds inhabited by various forms of life.

In the second picture we see a “continuation” of planetary bodies in the form of energy chains of parallel worlds, symbolizing the energies of the inhabited Spheres and the interaction between them.

Like crop circles that appear on their own under the most mysterious circumstances. They were first discovered about thirty years ago, and since then this topic has had undying popularity. There are origins of these drawings. Read about the most interesting and unexpected of them in this article.


Crop circles were discovered in England in 1972 by two UFO hunters - Bruce Bond and Arthur Shuttlewood. They noticed that in the field near them the ears of corn began to bend spontaneously, forming an even circle.

Since then, these drawings began to appear in many other countries - France, Holland, Germany, Russia, Japan, Canada. To date, more than nine thousand such images have been recorded.

They even came up with a science that studies these phenomena - cereology (Ceres is the goddess of fertility in Ancient Rome).


There are a huge number of assumptions and conjectures about this. The creation of circles has been attributed to everyone - from UFOs to ants and even hedgehogs. Many are inclined to think that the decoding of crop circles lies in the influence of natural forces, for example, tornadoes or Another reason is the results of the action of certain unknown fields - energy or information.

A rather interesting fact is that crop circles most often appear on the energy lines of the Earth or in the area of ​​places of power: in England, for example, such places are Druid burial mounds and ancient settlements.

On the other hand, back in 1686, Robert Plot, a professor of chemistry, wrote that crop circles can appear due to the fact that lightning, bursting in the clouds in the shape of a circle, emits a beam of energy that hits the ground and leaves a trace of a characteristic shape. . He also noticed that in some cases this bundle can take on a rectangular shape.

How to distinguish real circles from fake ones?

Many organizations that want to become famous often artificially create images in the margins - after all, it is not that difficult to do. But real experts can always determine whether the circles were made intentionally by humans or appeared on their own. Here are some of the criteria:

  • The ears are not cut, but bent about five centimeters from the ground, and almost at a right angle.
  • Cavities appear in plants as if they were heated from the inside.
  • The radioactive background in the surrounding area increases approximately threefold.
  • Signs in the fields appear most often at night, less often in the early morning, and in just a few seconds.
  • An increase is recorded both inside the figure and at some distance outside.


If we compare drawings from different years, it becomes obvious that they tend to become more complex; they often encode various theorems or proportions. The ears in the figures may be wrapped in a spiral, in which the logarithmic proportions used in

There are many different versions of the appearance of circles, although none of them can be called one hundred percent correct - after all, this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied. We can only hope that this mystery will be solved soon.

Crop circles formed by crushed plants are one of the world's main mysteries, over which scientists have been puzzling for decades. The first mention of these circles was made in Great Britain, in the 17th century, but the circles became a real sensation in the early 1990s, when they began to appear in fields around the world in hundreds and thousands. Since then, about 10 thousand circles have been recorded around the world, from Japan and China to the USA and Brazil, but about 90% of all circles appear in England, in the county of Wiltshire. The first “circles” were really just circles, but over time, figures appearing in the fields became more and more diverse. Nowadays we encounter mostly complex geometric structures that form symbols and mysterious messages, many of which have never been deciphered

It is still unknown where the circles come from. The most popular versions are the tricks of aliens or aliens from a parallel world, ball lightning, magnetic field anomalies, etc. Peasants firmly believe that the circles are left by evil spirits, and skeptics even consider them to be fakes.

Let's hope that someday the mystery of the circles will be revealed, but for now let's look at the most interesting photographs of crop circles taken in different countries of the world over the past 20 years.

01 This circle in the form of the famous Mayan calendar was noticed in 2004 in the English county of Wiltshire.

02 In this circle, which appeared in 2008 in England, the number “pi” is encrypted - 3.14.

03 Fascinating geometric design. 2010, England, Westbury

04 Huge drawing of a butterfly man, August 2009, Netherlands. This is the largest circle ever observed - its dimensions are 530 by 450 meters, and it appeared in just one night!

05 In this circle, which appeared in England in 2010, some see the face of Jesus Christ, others see a harp, and some see nothing at all. By the way, there were two such circles, and they were located very close to each other - the first “paired” circles in history.

06 Soon after the face of Jesus, the Holy Grail was imprinted on the English field - August 2010.

07 In June 2009, in the English county of Oxfordshire, a jellyfish about 180 meters long appeared in one of the fields, which local residents really liked. Crop circle experts say the jellyfish pattern is a rarity.

09 A circle spotted in 2011 in Indonesia, on the island of Magelang. Curious people from all the nearby villages came running to see the wonder.

10 An amazingly beautiful circle in the form of the “flower of life” symbol. England, 2003.

11 Mysterious asymmetrical circle on an English field, August 2010.

12 This funny circle, nicknamed “the alien with a pipe” by experts, appeared in Wiltshire, England, in July 2011.

13 And again Wiltshire, July 2011 - a strange composition with five keys... or fish?

14 England, 2008, circle-“star”

15 New Zealand, January 2002 - either an insect, or some kind of scheme.

16 2003, Wiltshire, England - circle with Celtic pattern

17 A few days later, there is a circle-“eye”, and next to it is something similar to a small planetary system.

18 England, Oxfordshire, 2005. Amazingly beautiful circle ornament

19 Looks like a CD reflecting light, doesn't it? Another English circle from 2005

20. English circle-globe, 2007

21 Huge patterned cross - England, 2008

22 It seems like an owl - and what a very mystical bird! 2009, England.

23 Either fish or swallows. England, 2003

24 The creators of the circles are familiar with 3D technologies - this is the composition that appeared in 2010 on an English field

25 And this circle, which once appeared in England, shows the location of the planets in December 2012!

26 Famous English circle - an alien holding a disk with an encrypted message

27 Circle of 2002 from England, called “Peace and Harmony”

28 Another 3D circle from Oxfordshire

29 Switzerland, interesting spiral flower

30 Wiltshire circle in the form of a stylized bird. 2009

31 Stunning circle butterfly from the English county of Oxfordshire. 2007

32 Circle-labyrinth. July 2011, Wiltshire

34 This amazing ornament, which appeared in England in 2001, consists of 409 small circles. Its size is 238 meters.

35 Bayern 2006

36 2008, Switzerland, beautiful circle-flower

37 Impressive ornamental circle. England, Waden Hill, 2005

38 Another encrypted message from Wiltshire

39 England, Wiltshire, 2010 – crescent pattern

40 A similar pattern can be seen from a great height in the Nazca Desert in Peru.

41 Slightly modified Mayan calendar

42 One of the most beautiful circles in the world - “star” from England

43 Another wonderful circle from England

44 Simple and tasteful! 2000, England, North Down

45 Excellent 3D effect. England, Beckhampton, 2000.

46 And another 3D circle. England, Wiltshire

47 Phoenix from Wiltshire - if you look closely, you can even see the flames on the bird’s tail, in full accordance with the legend.

48 “Squiggle” from circles in England, near Stonehenge. 1996

49 "Ant" in Hampshire, 1997

50 Complex “star” pattern. Wiltshire, 1998

51 Looks like an astronomical chart. England, 2001

52 Amazingly beautiful and complex circle from England, 2002

53 The “snail” circle, which appeared in 2002 in England

54 In the center, perhaps, is a human silhouette. England, 2002

55 Fascinating pattern of pentagrams. England, Avebury, 2003

56 Interesting Oxfordshire circle with a design reminiscent of a peacock's tail. 2006

These are the amazing messages someone leaves us while we sleep. By the way, some scientists believe that the “author” of the circles is the planet Earth itself!

Pictograms, that is, drawings on the margins, have begun to appear more and more often in the modern world. And it became quite obvious that these were not jokes of village hooligans or farmers. It was then that serious scientists paid attention to them. They not only sent expeditions to the places of the next appearance of mysterious circles and conducted research there, but also learned to make forecasts regarding the next place where mysterious signs would appear. In fact, we can say that scientists have taken the first step towards deciphering this phenomenon.

So, researchers marked the points where circles appeared on the world map. The 80s of the last century were taken as the starting point. The largest number of points was in Holland and England, as well as in Russia. There were eighty-five such points in total. Interestingly, they all form perpendicular and parallel lines, and at the places where they intersect there are geopathogenic zones known to everyone, for example, Stonehenge or the Bermuda Triangle. According to scientists, the pictograms gradually form a grid, which is drawn on the map of our planet. But at the moment, scientists cannot explain who drew this grid, how and for what purpose.

There are many hypotheses. One of the most fantastic, but at the same time the most widespread, is the version that the circles are nothing more than cosmodromes for landing alien technology, united by a huge energy network. Another version says that these circles are a kind of messages from alien brothers in mind, which humanity has yet to decipher.

According to some scientists, UFOs are actually high-energy formations, reminiscent of ball lightning, having an enormous temperature. Thus, these formations can leave marks on the grass that resemble deep burns. But these scientists cannot explain why the shape of these burns is so regular.

There is also a version that the circles are a manifestation of atmospheric activity, which is called geomagnetic capsules. If there are depressions and faults in a particular area, and certain weather conditions occur, the magnetic field begins to twist. And on the surface of the Earth, drawings appear that are perceived as messages from aliens.

In addition to these, there were other versions of the appearance of mysterious circles: quirks of nature (strong wind, microtornado, hail, whirlwind), trampling by animals, changes in the chemical composition of the soil, the action of laser or other directed weapons, intelligent wheat (circles are meaningful collective actions of ears).

Among the scientists there were also skeptics who said that all these circles are the work of man. However, having found new drawings and examined the stems in detail, they realized that it was simply impossible to do this naturally, because if you stepped on the stem of a plant, it would simply break. Meanwhile, all the stems were bent at the same angle, while continuing to grow.

Scientists have tried to establish communication with alien creatures. So, for example, in mid-November 1974, astrophysicist from Puerto Rico Seth Shostak, having completed work on improving the radio telescope, together with his colleagues sent a small message from earthlings to alien beings to the constellation Hercules, located at a distance of 250 thousand light years from our planet. This message contained brief information about what a person looks like, what DNA he has and with the help of what devices, in fact, this message was sent. 27 years later, in mid-August 2001 in England, in the fields of Hampshire, several pictograms with a face appeared, by the way, not far from the observatory in the city of Chilbolton. This came as a shock to many because it was perceived as a response to a message from Puerto Rico.

Indeed, both messages were very similar to each other. Only the telescope was replaced by a more powerful device, a humanoid about one meter tall with a large head was depicted in place of the man, and silicon was added to the number of chemical elements necessary for life support. There were also differences in DNA in the number of nucleotides and helices. The message from earthlings indicated 4.3 billion population; in the response message this number was replaced by 21.3 billion. According to scientists, this number can mean either the number of inhabitants of their planet, or the total number of creatures inhabiting three inhabited planets, or the number of earthlings along with aliens. The pictogram that appeared at Chilbolton was unlike any other drawing, although many have been found around the world. Seth Shostak wrote an article that these pictograms may contain an important message from aliens, but certainly not from the constellation Hercules (it simply would not have time to get there). And not from aliens, because they would have found a way to transmit a much larger amount of information using radio, paper, or disk.

In August 2002, a second pictogram appeared, which echoed the first. Some teachings perceived it as a bad joke, an attempt to induce fear. It seems that this was partially successful, because those who saw the images of these pictograms felt not only excitement, but also fear and anxiety. When experts arrived at the site, the circles were intact, but nothing was found that would prove falsification.

A new alien icon with a disc was discovered by a transport plane from one of the radio stations. There was a path not far from the wheat field, but there were no tracks in the field either. The pictogram consists of several dozen wavy lines and several hundred rectangles folded into spirals that extend from the center of the circle to the edge. With the help of photographs taken from a helicopter, scientists understood the ambiguity of the message.

Some scientists, including Russian academician Yu. Babikov, took up the task of deciphering the pictograms. He decided to compare his assumptions with the observations of astronomers and came to a terrible and incredible discovery. In his opinion, aliens are building a simplified version of our planet for humanity, to which three billion people will be sent.

Note that many pictographs found in fields around the world show a schematic representation of the solar system. It must also be said that it looked very strange: either the planets were located in the usual order, or one planet was extra. It turned out that it was impossible to understand anything concrete, so crop circles were not taken seriously. This continued until this extra planet was found in 2000. Scientists at the American NASA Observatory, not far from the orbit of Saturn, discovered an incomprehensible object, the diameter of which was more than 700 kilometers. This planet was also located within the solar system. The planet was named Nibiru. At the same time, none of the astronomers is in a hurry to comment on the sensational discovery.

During the research, it was noted that Nibiru is not alone; a large number of cosmic bodies revolve around the planet in a dense ring. Together with the planet, these bodies form a system whose diameter is 1250 kilometers. The composition of the planet has not yet been established, however, according to some researchers, it may be rock and ice. There are plenty of such objects in space. And if we assume that in six billion years the sun will explode, turning into a red giant, rising temperatures will lead to the appearance of life on Nibiru.

Babikov guessed to compare the found planet with the drawings in the margins. According to him, the extra planet on the pictograms seemed out of place. And the whole point is that in her image there was a circle of grass, like in the drawings that depicted the Earth. And grass is a symbol of an atmosphere suitable for life. And when Nibiru was discovered, it became obvious that it was she who was depicted in the pictograms. Babikov collected archives of photographs of pictograms taken in recent years and attempted to decipher them. As it turned out, most of them turned out to be schematic information about the construction of a habitable planet for earthlings. So, the scientist claims, on one of the pictograms he read that the aliens are taking the soil for the new planet on Earth, at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. In recent years, scientists have noted the shedding of Antarctica's glacial cover and a decrease in water salinity, but at the same time, the water level of the world's oceans has not increased, because the land has been scooped up from the ocean. Also in the drawings, Babikov saw that the core of the new planet would be taken from Saturn, and water from the satellites of Jupiter. The scientist is confident that the size of the new planet will be several times smaller than the Earth, and its construction will be completed this year.

Regarding who will inhabit Nibiru, Babikov says that all the sick and sinners will be resettled there. This will be a kind of hell, which can only be avoided if all the commandments are followed.