Herbal remedies for the common cold for children. Which nasal drops are best for children: list of products, instructions. Herbal infusion drops

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  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Wet cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Young children often suffer from a runny nose. Due to reduced immunity, they are easily susceptible to colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Rhinitis in a baby causes a lot of trouble for parents. Children are capricious, sleep poorly, and lose their appetite. A runny nose can be eliminated only after finding out its cause. And there are many of them - from colds to infectious diseases. The doctor selects remedies for the common cold for children according to their age and characteristics of the disease. Let's consider how to treat a runny nose in a 1-year-old child and older children. What medications are available in the pharmacy? Which of them are approved for use in infants? Below we will answer these questions.

Remedies for the common cold for children under one year of age are intended primarily for rinsing the nasal cavity. They are used before suctioning mucus and using other drugs.

The best remedy for cleansing the nose of children under 1 year old is Aqua Maris. It is allowed to be used from the first days of life. The drug does not contain preservatives or dyes. The composition includes only natural ions of microelements from the Adriatic Sea. Iodine as an antiseptic prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. Calcium and magnesium help reduce mucus production. Zinc and selenium, stimulating the production of natural interferon, increase immunity.

The product is available in 2 dosage forms. The spray is not used for newborn children, because babies cannot hold their breath at the right time. Children under 1 year old receive Aqua Maris 4-5 drops per day. The drug protects the mucous membranes of the nose from drying out and removes bacteria from mucus. Aqua Maris does not cause side effects and is compatible with other medications.

Drugs have a similar effect Aqualor, Dolphin, Physiomer, Salin, Gudvada. These products have an antiseptic, moisturizing, cleansing effect. Used in infants under 1 year of age in the complex treatment of runny nose.

A good remedy for the common cold for young children is an old but not forgotten silver preparation Protargol and its concentrated analogue Collargol. Despite modern broad-spectrum antibiotics, these drugs have still not lost their relevance. Silver ions have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Children are buried 1% Protargol solution 2 times a day, 1-2 drops for a week.

Important! Vasoconstrictor drugs cannot be used independently. They have many contraindications and side effects. When used for longer than 5–7 days, they become addictive, resulting in the effectiveness of the drug decreasing. They eliminate a runny nose, but after withdrawal, nasal congestion remains for a long time.

For rhinitis, the following approved medications are used:

These medications provide symptomatic treatment for viral rhinitis and colds, but do not eliminate the infection itself. Doctors do not recommend using them in infancy.

Medicines for children after one year

The choice of remedies for the common cold for children over 1 year of age and newborns is not much different.

Vasoconstrictors for children after 1 year

The pharmacy chain sells a great variety of vasoconstrictor drugs in various dosage forms. But for young children they use it in drops. Drugs approved for the treatment of runny nose in children after one year of age:

  • For nose;
  • Galazolin;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Xylene;
  • Sanorin-Xylo;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Tizin-Xylo.

These products reduce mucus secretion, quickly relieve swelling and allow the child to breathe. For children 1–2 years old, use a 0.05% solution, 1–2 drops every 8–12 hours. Important! These products should not be used for more than 1 week..

Medicines for the common cold for children from 2 to 5 years old

The principle of treatment of a runny nose depends on the clinical picture of the disease. Doctors prescribe medications with different effects:

  • For children over 2 years old, with rhinitis, saline solution is also used to rinse the nose. Aqualor and its analogues - Aquamaster, Marimer. But for children over 2 years old with thick snot, a stronger hypertonic solution is used Quicks. It is capable of drawing thick purulent discharge from the nose and even from the maxillary sinus. After washing with Quix, the swelling of the mucous membranes decreases. The contents of the cavities are easily separated after liquefaction with this medicine.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs are used the same as for young children, but taking into account the dosage according to the instructions. Children 2 and 3 years old are allowed to use Tizin 2-3 drops three times a day. Its effect appears 1 minute after instillation and lasts 6 hours. Drops Nazol Kids for children over 4 years old - the best remedy for a runny nose. The Italian manufacturer took care of the safety and effectiveness of the medicine. Phenylephrine constricts the blood vessels in the nose, and eucalyptol acts as an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing agent that makes breathing easier. According to the instructions, Nazol Kids is used for bacterial and viral rhinitis - 1-2 drops three times a day. Nazol Kids spray should not be used before the age of 6 years.
  • Children after 2 years of age with bacterial rhinitis use anti-inflammatory hormonal sprays - Nasonex, Desrinit, Polydexa. The absorbable effect of Polydex is determined by the incoming components - dexamethasone and the antibiotics neomycin, polymyxin. Phenylephrine creates a vasoconstrictor effect. Injection is done once a day. The main active ingredient of Nasonex and Desrinit is the synthetic hormonal glucocorticoid mometasone furoate. Drugs are used for allergic and seasonal rhinitis.

  • Effective remedies for the common cold for children are represented by topical antibacterial drugs. Isofra French-made contains only the antibiotic framycetin. For bacterial rhinitis, inject 3 times a day for a week. For children over 12 years of age with moderate rhinitis, use Bioparox, which contains an extract of plant components - mint, coriander, cumin and cloves. The spray is sprayed through the nose or mouth once a day. Important! Children predisposed to allergies are not recommended to use this drug.

Medicines have different compositions. Preparations with glucocorticoids are contraindicated in young children. The doctor selects a treatment regimen individually for each patient, depending on the stage of the disease.

Tablets for runny nose

Medicines in tablet form are restricted for use by children. During ARVI, antiviral tablets for the common cold are used for children - Arbidol, Remantadine, Groprinosin. But they only help at the beginning of the infection. Arbidol for children is used after 2 years of age 4 times a day for 5 days. A single dose of Arbidol is 50 mg or 10 ml for a child from 2 to 6 years old. Groprinosin is used as an immunostimulating and antiviral agent. It is allowed to give it to children from 3 years of age, 50 mg three times a day. Duration of treatment is 1–2 weeks. Important! The drug has contraindications for use. Read the instructions.

For a runny nose of allergic origin, doctors prescribe antihistamines. If rhinitis has just begun, use Cetrin, Loratadine, combining with nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. In the advanced stage of allergic or seasonal rhinitis, use - Claritin, Diazolin or Erius. The daily dose of Diazolin for a child under 2 years of age is 50 mg. Erius and Claritin tablets are contraindicated before 2 years of age.

Children over 12 years of age use capsules Coldact to eliminate colds with runny nose and allergic manifestations. The drug is taken 2 times a day, 1 capsule.

Traditional medicine

Children often get sick on weekends, when the nearest pharmacies are closed and the duty officer is far away. And it’s not always possible to get out of the house with a baby in your arms. In such cases, folk remedies help children with a runny nose , improvised at home:

  • For rinsing the nose, instead of Aqualor, prepare saline solution at the rate of 1 tsp. table salt per 1 liter of chilled boiled water. The product is used after suctioning out mucus with a children's enema or nasal aspirator.
  • To reduce inflammation, use freshly squeezed aloe or kalanchoe juice, diluted with cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. The composition is used for one-year-old children three times a day, 2-3 drops.
  • For dried crusts, lubricate the mucous membranes olive oil or vitamin A. After softening, they are removed with a cotton swab.
  • Also used for rhinitis chamomile decoction. Its antiseptic properties reduce inflammation and prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

Folk remedies are not suitable for all children. How the child’s undeveloped immune system will respond to this or that intervention in the body is unknown.

The pharmacy chain offers many medications for the common cold with different compositions, effects and release forms. Every day there are more and more of them. Only a doctor can understand them. After establishing the cause of rhinitis, the presence or absence of complications, the pediatrician selects an individual treatment regimen. If you follow the instructions, the runny nose goes away quickly.

A doctor should always prescribe a remedy for the common cold for children; parents should not do it themselves, so as not to harm their child. Remedies for the common cold for children can be divided into groups, which will be discussed below.

These remedies for the treatment of runny nose in children can help clear the child's nose of mucus for a while, but then the runny nose will appear again. It must be remembered that such drops do not cure colds and can increase the child’s blood and intraocular pressure or increase the rhythm of the heart muscle. This type of medication causes swelling of the nasal mucous membranes when used for a long time, so they should not be used for more than a week. These medications interfere with the absorption of other medications, so they should not be used with other rhinitis medications. They can only be combined with an interval of ¾ hours.

The most popular vasoconstrictor drops are presented below:

  1. Naphthyzin is a medicine based on naphazoline. Both Sanorin and Naphazolin belong to this group, which has a short period of effect on the symptoms of the disease - about 4 hours. It dries out the mucous membranes to a greater extent than other drugs and can cause very unpleasant feelings in the child.
  2. Children can be given drops that contain xylometazoline as the main substance. This group of drugs includes medications such as: Ximelin, Galazolin, Brizolin, Evkazolin, Nosolin, Rinomaris, Tizin, Rinostop. These agents have a longer duration of action than naphazoline - more than 5 hours with a milder effect on the mucous membranes. Such drops contain substances to moisturize the mucous membranes.
  3. Oxymetazoline has the longest effect on the runny nose. It lasts more than 11 hours. But along with such drops it is necessary to use moisturizing substances. Such drugs with oxymetazoline include Nazol, Nazivin, Noxprey. They have a good effect on runny noses in children.

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Medications for moisturizing

Such drops include all products created on the basis of a solution of salts contained in sea water. The pharmacy chain sells medicines called Aqualor, Salin, Physiomer, Aqua Maris. These medications well moisturize the nasal mucous membranes, reduce swelling, thin the mucus, and partially relieve inflammation. They cannot act instantly, but unlike vasoconstrictor drops, they cure the underlying disease.

At the same time, no side effects were found in them, which makes it possible to safely use these drugs in the treatment of children.

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Drops that destroy viruses and antibacterial agents

Such solutions are very effective when used when the first symptoms of a runny nose appear and when used regularly, carefully following the instructions. If everything is done correctly, the child will get rid of the disease in 2-3 days. Antiviral drops are made based on interferon, which the human body produces to fight infection. Drugs from this group include Nazoferon and Gripferon. You can also use dry interferon by diluting it in water and applying it in the form of drops. Medicines of this type can be given even to infants, as the drugs do not have side effects.

To combat various bacteria with a runny nose, you can use antibiotic drops. But they are recommended to be used only as directed by a doctor. Among these drugs, Polydexa, Bioparox and Isofra have proven themselves to be the most effective. These medications are also suitable for curing a child of sinusitis.

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Herbal medicine and homeopathic medicines against runny nose

Drops from extracts of various herbs are quite effective. They destroy infection, eliminate the inflammatory process, and moisturize the mucous structures of the nose. The most popular of these drops is Pinosol. It is also available as a nasal cream. But this medicine has a contraindication: it can cause allergies in a child due to the fact that it contains essential oils that are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

For a complex effect on the runny nose, homeopathic solutions are well suited, which can relieve swelling and have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. At the same time, they restore immunity. They have no contraindications or side effects, but these drops must be used strictly according to the doctor’s instructions. Such drugs include Euphorbium composium, Delufen, Edas 131.

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Combined remedies to combat the runny nose

The composition of such drugs is complex due to the presence of several medicinal components. Such drops contain antibiotics, anti-allergenic drugs, and substances that constrict blood vessels. The most famous of these tools is the Vibrator. These drops can only be given to children with a doctor's prescription. They are good for eliminating any type of runny nose.

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What drops can be used if the child is under 5 years old?

When treating infants and children under 4 years of age, the 5 most popular drops can be used. In first place is the drug already mentioned above - Aqua Maris.

A similar drug based on purified sea water collected on the Adriatic coast is produced under the name Aquaor Baby. It contains only natural substances and there are no preservatives in this medicine. This is sterile water from the Adriatic Sea. It contains the following microelements: selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, etc. The medicine cleanses the baby’s body and eliminates inflammation, improves his immunity. Aqualor Baby is used in the following situations:

  • for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza;
  • if the baby has symptoms of adenitis or sinusitis;
  • for hygiene of the child’s nasal cavity;
  • for moisturizing mucous surfaces when using vasoconstrictor drops.

Otrivin Baby is actually a regular saline solution based on sodium chloride. It cleanses well the inner surfaces of the nasal canals and sinuses and moisturizes these structures. The medicine increases the baby’s body’s ability to resist infection at the local level. Applicable in the following cases:

  • for daily hygienic cleaning of the baby’s nose;
  • when curing colds and runny nose and during the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections.

This drug is available in the form of drops or spray. Some children may have an allergic reaction to substances contained in Otrivin Baby. It has no other side effects or contraindications.

Another medicine for babies is Vibrocil. This drug is based on dimethindene and phenylephrene. It contains lavender oil as an auxiliary component, so the medicine has a slightly specific taste and smell. This medicine greatly facilitates breathing for a baby with a runny nose and eliminates swelling of the mucous membranes.

Another vasoconstrictor for young children is based on phenylephrine: these are Nazol Baby drops. It is created exclusively for children under 5 years of age. This drug is produced in 15 milliliter bottles. When affecting the disease, it quickly reduces the swelling of the baby’s mucous membrane and makes it easier for him to breathe. The medicine is indicated for use in the following situations:

  • the child has symptoms of ARVI, influenza, or colds of other etiologies;
  • for allergies.

Since Nazol Baby can be used for children from birth, the dosage of the medicine should correspond to the age of the baby. For example, if he is under 12 months of age, he should drop a drop up to 4 times a day, and if he is between one and 6 years old, then 1-2 drops every 6 hours. Although this medication was created specifically for young children, the following restrictions must be taken into account when using it:

  1. You can use Nazol Baby for no more than 3 days in a row.
  2. If a small child has diabetes mellitus, heart and vascular disease, or increased sensitivity to the substances included in the medicine, then Nazol Baby is strictly prohibited for use.
  3. When using this medication, you must strictly maintain the dosage, since an overdose may disrupt the rhythm of the heart muscle or cause nervous overexcitation in a child.
  4. During treatment with drops, the baby may have a headache, sleep poorly, and complain of a tingling sensation in the nose (if he can already speak). The child may also feel dizzy.

The younger the baby is, the more caution you should use Nazol Baby.

Children, due to the relative weakness of their immunity, often suffer from a runny nose. Rhinitis can be called one of the most common childhood ailments. Sometimes the disease has obvious causes, but sometimes the nose “blocks up” in a child who is outwardly completely healthy, and apart from impaired nasal breathing, there are no other complaints. Be that as it may, parents want to help the baby as soon as possible. It is not always possible to see a doctor, because clinics are closed on weekends and holidays. It is not customary to call an ambulance with complaints of a runny nose.

Prescribing medications to a child on your own is unsafe and risky, especially if we are talking about a small toddler. Parents can come to the aid of folk remedies that help get rid of a runny nose quite quickly.

Why does a runny nose appear?

A runny nose (rhinitis) is difficult to consider as an independent disease; it is usually a manifestation of a variety of disorders in the body. The nose stops breathing partially or completely due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of this organ. Most often, this is a consequence of resistance to pathogens and viruses.

As is known, viruses enter the body mainly through the respiratory system. The nose is the first line of defense; most often, invading viruses manage to pass further - into the nasopharynx, into the larynx. Inflammation of the mucous membrane in this case is an attempt by the body not to let the harmful agent pass further.

The episode of Dr. Komarovsky’s program about the causes and methods of treating children’s runny nose can be seen in the following video.

But several people inhale the same influenza virus through airborne droplets. But not everyone gets sick. Whether a runny nose starts or not depends not only on the state of the baby’s immunity. The development of rhinitis is greatly facilitated by various factors, such as dusty or polluted air, hypothermia.

There is another type of runny nose - non-infectious. This includes nasal congestion due to allergies (allergic rhinitis) and vasomotor rhinitis (associated with disturbances in the processes in the autonomic nervous system). They arise somewhat differently, as a result of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels during a reaction to an antigen or vascular nervous pathology.

Acute rhinitis - occurs as a reaction to a virus (less often to bacteria). With it, the swelling of the mucous membranes is quite strong, and it affects both halves of the nose. With it, the child may experience increased lacrimation, redness of the wings of the nose and the release of liquid mucus; people say “running nose”.

If such a runny nose is treated incorrectly or not treated at all, after 3-4 weeks the process will become chronic. With it, the nose will remain stuffy for a long time, the child’s sense of smell will noticeably decrease, the discharge from liquid will turn into thick, sometimes purulent, the mucous membrane will sometimes dry out, and crusts will form in the nasal passages.

A runny nose in a child can be mild, or it can be accompanied by fever, loss of appetite, headaches and severe general weakness. It is impossible to predict exactly what symptoms will accompany rhinitis; everything is purely individual.

When are traditional methods not enough?

A runny nose in itself does not pose a danger to a child. But its consequences can be quite serious. These are sinusitis, sinusitis, meningitis, inflammatory processes in the inner ear, and as a result - complete or partial hearing loss, encephalitis and a number of other unpleasant diagnoses. Therefore, there are some indications for immediate consultation with a doctor if you have rhinitis:

  • If your child's nasal discharge is gray-green or green in color and has a very unpleasant odor. This may indicate a severe bacterial infection. This condition requires prompt prescription of antibiotics.
  • If, in addition to a runny nose, the child has pain in the frontal region, under the eyes, in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses. This may be a symptom of sinusitis, inflammation of the hearing organs. A child in this situation does not need onion drops in the nose, but serious therapy with the use of antimicrobial agents, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • If, after a head injury or fall, the child’s nose is blocked and a thin, clear discharge appears, you should urgently take him to the hospital! Such symptoms may indicate a disturbance in brain activity; this condition requires prompt examination and hospitalization.
  • If blood is noticeable in the mucus discharged by a child with a runny nose, ichor or clots. This may indicate the traumatic nature of rhinitis, a foreign body in the respiratory system, and the baby needs to be examined as soon as possible.

Effective folk remedies

In most cases of acute infectious rhinitis, a child can be quite effectively helped using alternative medicine.

Fresh vegetable juices

The most popular way to quickly relieve nasal congestion is to give your child onion juice. To do this, you need to grate the onion on a fine grater, squeeze out the pulp using a piece of gauze, and dilute the resulting juice in half with saline or boiled water. You can drip the onion preparation from 2 to 6 times a day.

This recipe is not suitable for children who have not yet turned 2 years old, since onion juice, even diluted, acts quite aggressively and can cause burns to the delicate mucous membranes of children. For children over 5-6 years old, you can add a little honey to the onion drops, this will have an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

Children under 2 years old can use beet or carrot juice in their nose with caution. To do this, using a juicer or a fine grater and a piece of gauze, you need to squeeze out the juice, dilute it with boiled water in half and drop 1-2 drops into each nasal passage up to 5 times a day. When instilled, infants may choke; it is better for them to place small cotton wool pads soaked in beetroot juice in both nasal passages.

Oil mixtures

A good effect for a runny nose is provided by drugs that will have a gentle effect on the nasal passages. These include mixtures that include oil - sunflower, linseed, vaseline.

A popular recipe is based on mixing finely chopped 2-3 cloves of garlic with 30 ml of sunflower oil. You need to infuse the drug for at least 10-12 hours, then strain and drop 1-2 drops into the child’s nose 3 times a day. This recipe should not be used to treat rhinitis in children under 6-7 years of age.

Another effective way to relieve nasal congestion is based on sea buckthorn oil mixed with calendula juice. This recipe can be used even by small children who have not yet turned 3 years old. The ingredients are mixed in half. The resulting oil mixture does not need to be dripped into the nose; it is enough to soak cotton swabs in it, which are placed in the nasal passages for half an hour. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Children over five years old can drop a mixture of two oils - thyme and olive - into their nose. Proportions -1:1. You need to drip 2 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.


Among indoor plants that can quickly cope with a runny nose, the leader is aloe. The juice of this plant has an antimicrobial effect, softens the mucous membrane, and relieves swelling. To prepare the drops, you need to cut off one fleshy aloe leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix the resulting liquid with a drop of honey and drop it into the child’s nose once a day, preferably before bedtime.

St. John's wort will come to the aid of a child who is overcome by a runny nose. The dry collection of this medicinal plant (1 teaspoon) should be mixed with a glass of boiled water and boiled in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain through several layers of gauze. Drop the liquid into the nose of a child aged two years and older no more than 4 times a day.

Warming up

Freshly cooked millet porridge should be cooled to a warm state, small balls should be formed from it, placed in a cloth and applied to the maxillary sinuses area. Some recipes use a boiled chicken egg instead of porridge. They carefully “roll out” the area of ​​the nose, sinuses, and forehead above the bridge of the nose.


Inhaling the vapors of medicinal herbs and essential oils allows you to quickly cope with a runny nose. The most effective procedures are based on pine and eucalyptus oils, fir oil. Sage, chamomile, and calendula are excellent as raw materials for inhalation. Inhalation can be carried out over a container with a hot decoction of herbs, to which a few drops of oil are added. But it’s better if you have a special device at home for such purposes - an inhaler or nebulizer. This way there will be no fear that the child will get burns to the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs if he inhales too much.


You can use regular salt to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose. To do this, a tablespoon of salt should be dissolved in a half-liter container of boiled water. You should rinse your nasal passages with saline solution several times a day, this will relieve swelling and restore nasal breathing.

The danger of self-medication

Parents, even very attentive ones, who are carried away by preparing nasal drops from vegetables and fruits, may not notice important clinical manifestations when the nature of the runny nose begins to change. Thus, they may not notice the transition to a new stage in time, which will then affect the timing of treatment of a runny nose in a child, because doctors will have to treat severe complications of ordinary rhinitis using completely traditional methods.

Often, a mother persistently treats her child’s runny nose, but there is no reaction to any medications.

The fact is that diagnosing allergic rhinitis at home on your own is quite difficult. And vegetable juices in the nose will only increase swelling of the respiratory system, since they also contain allergens. What can we say about drops with honey!

What not to do

  • You should not carry out any heating if there is purulent discharge from the nose and suspected sinusitis. Heat in this situation can aggravate the problem, the inflammation will only intensify. Also, warming up is strictly contraindicated at elevated body temperatures.
  • You cannot blindly trust all the recipes for a runny nose published on the Internet by “knowledgeable” people. Thus, mothers who advise others to wash their children’s noses from the inside with laundry soap for rhinitis are risking the health of their child. Laundry soap, coming into contact with inflamed mucous membranes, irritates them and provokes further spread of infection.
  • The positive effect of the laundry soap that they write about can, with a stretch, be explained by the same irritating effect. Soap causes the baby to sneeze; during this reflex, the mucus moves away faster. However, then the congestion will certainly return, and the runny nose may become even stronger.
  • When placing turunda and cotton balls with medicine in the baby’s nose, you should not make them too small, so that the baby does not accidentally inhale them.

  • Before instilling any products into the nose, you should prepare the mucous membrane, after pre-rinsing. Only then can you drip the prepared drug, both medicinal and folk.
  • If a child often suffers from a runny nose, you need to pay attention to the air condition in the apartment, where he lives. Perhaps it is too dry; the mucous membrane inside the nose dries out and inflammation begins. Ventilate the house more often, do wet cleaning, and humidify the air. To do this, you can buy a humidifier or regularly hang wet towels over the radiators. The best indicators for children's health are as follows: air temperature is about 19 degrees, humidity is about 60%.
  • When treating a child with a runny nose, you need to provide him with plenty of warm drinks. This is necessary so that the mucous membranes of the nose, already inflamed, dry out less.
  • A child's runny nose is not a reason to refuse walks. In any weather, even in the rain (under an umbrella), you can take short walks outside, since fresh air is very important for restoring breathing through the nose.
  • You should not limit your child’s movement. If he wants, let him run and jump; active movements improve blood supply to the body, including the nasal mucosa.
  • When treating allergic rhinitis, folk remedies are undesirable, almost all of them can also be allergens. It is important to eliminate the main antigen; for this it is better to go to the hospital, where they will do a special test (nasal swab).
  • Vasomotor rhinitis should not be treated with folk remedies, since its causes lie in vascular nervous disorders, it will be better if, with this form of runny nose, the child receives therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

Before you start treating your baby for a runny nose with folk remedies, especially if he is not yet 1 year old, consult a doctor, because even harmless, at first glance, herbal preparations that you prepare yourself can harm the child.

It depends on the child’s immunity whether the runny nose will go away on its own, without treatment, or whether medications will need to be used to rid children of the runny nose. Modern pharmaceuticals present them in large quantities.

Rhinitis is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by the release of mucus from the nasal passages. In most cases, it is not an independent disease, but an accompanying symptom.

Medicines for the treatment of runny nose in children are presented in drops, sprays, ointments, capsules and tablets.

Drugs for the treatment of rhinitis are divided into four main groups according to their therapeutic effect on the child’s body - vasoconstrictors, antiviral, antibacterial and antihistamine. Homeopathic medicines are a separate group.

Let's take a closer look at each of the groups.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Medicines that have a vasoconstrictor effect are recognized as the most effective in the treatment of children's runny nose. This is primarily due to the rapid restoration of free breathing. Using these medications, you can achieve the following therapeutic effects:

  • reducing swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • a significant reduction in the amount of mucus secreted from the nasal passages.

All vasoconstrictor drugs have similar methods of action; their difference lies in the active substance, which serves as the basis of a particular drug.

Diagram of manifestations of rhinitis

In pharmaceuticals, they are divided into three groups, based on the composition of the active substance:

  1. "Xylometazoline" - the effectiveness is more than six hours.
  2. "Oxymetazoline" - duration of action up to twelve hours.
  3. "Naphazoline" - act for four hours.

Drugs in this group are taken for no more than five to seven days, as they can cause addiction.

Antiviral drugs

These drugs are used not only in the treatment of rhinitis in children, but also for preventive purposes. Their use is relevant during the epidemiological period, since antiviral drugs can suppress viral infection and eliminate the causes of the disease.

The form of release of medicines is quite diverse. This:

  • nasal drops;
  • capsules;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • pills;
  • ointments.

Under no circumstances should you administer an antiviral drug to a child yourself. A doctor must diagnose a viral disease.

The entire list of antiviral drugs and methods of their use by age is in this material.

Antibacterial agents

The pharmacological group of drugs with antibacterial action is based on the active substance antibiotic. In most cases these are nasal sprays. This form of release is the most convenient and practical; it has the following advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • uniform distribution of medication in the nasal passages;
  • penetration of the drug into the paranasal sinuses;
  • the antibiotic has a therapeutic effect without entering the hematopoietic system.

Antibacterial drugs used to treat runny nose in children are complex drugs.

Antibacterial drugs used to treat runny nose in children are complex drugs

These medications are prescribed by the attending physician and are used strictly according to the regimen specified by him.


Among all medications used in the treatment of runny nose in children, antihistamines are placed in a separate group. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to immediately determine the irritating factor that provokes allergic rhinitis. In these cases, antihistamines are used, which are available in the form of nasal drops, tablets and aerosols (sprays). They have a combined effect, namely:

  • promote vasoconstriction;
  • relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Homeopathic medicines

The pharmacological group of homeopathic medicines is widely used in the treatment of children's runny nose. It has a wide range of effects on the disease, including:

  • elimination of swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • fight against viruses;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • relieving inflammatory processes.

The advantage of using homeopathy drugs in the treatment of childhood rhinitis is that they are completely natural. The medicines do not contain “chemicals”, which makes it possible to avoid allergic manifestations when taking them.

A homeopathic medicine is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after a complete medical examination of the child. The medicine is taken according to a strict regimen. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Top 10 drugs

"Xymelin" has an effective vasoconstrictor effect

This spray has an effective vasoconstrictor effect, reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa, and helps normalize breathing a few minutes after use. Maintains effectiveness for twelve hours.

The drug is prescribed to children for the treatment of runny nose caused by:

  • cold;
  • infectious disease;
  • viral infection.

The drug “Xymelin spray” is produced in the following dosages:

  • 0.1% - prescribed to children over six years of age;
  • 0.05% - used in the treatment of children from two years of age.

Use this spray for runny nose for children no more than twice a day:

  • perform one injection into each nasal passage.

The duration of treatment should not exceed seven days.

Side effects are possible if the dosage is exceeded.

The estimated cost of the drug is 170 rubles.

"Nazivin" has a vasoconstrictor effect, relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa

The main active ingredient of the drug "Nazivin" is oxymetazoline.

The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect, relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa, and reduces mucus secretion.

Medical indications for use:

  • acute rhinitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

"Nasivin" for the treatment of rhinitis in children is produced in the form of nasal drops and spray.

Nazivin children's drops for the common cold are produced in dark glass bottles of 10 ml, with a cap equipped with a pipette.

Used for children from the first day of life - 1-2 drops are instilled into the nasal passage no more than three times a day.

The estimated cost of the drops is 140 rubles.

Nazivin is available in a 50 ml aerosol can. A runny nose spray is prescribed for children from one to six years of age.

Apply two to three times a day, one spray into each nostril.

The duration of treatment with Nazivin should not exceed five days.

Side effects may be caused by an overdose of the drug.

The estimated cost of the Nazivin spray is 150 rubles.

"Nazol Baby"

A drug in the form of drops that has a mild vasoconstrictor effect. Actively reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa, thereby facilitating the child's breathing. Produced exclusively for the treatment of children.

Indications for use:

  • cold;
  • viral diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

Children's drops for the common cold "Nazol Baby" are indicated for use by newborns.

Based on the child’s age, a therapeutic dose of treatment is prescribed:

  • for babies up to one year - one drop in each nasal passage no more than four times a day;
  • from one to six years - one or two drops every six hours.

The drug dosage regimen must strictly comply with the attached instructions. Violations in treatment can lead to serious side effects. Individual intolerance to the drug may occur.

The estimated cost of the drug is 150 rubles.

"Otrivin" eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and normalizes the child's breathing.

Otrivin nasal spray

The main active ingredient of Otrivin nasal spray is xylometazoline. The spray helps to narrow blood vessels, eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and, accordingly, normalizes the child’s breathing.

"Otrivin" refers to "soft" drugs. The components included in its composition provide sufficient moisture to the mucous membrane. The effectiveness of the spray is felt quickly, the duration of action is twelve hours.

This drug is used in the treatment of children over six years of age:

  • one spray no more than twice a day.

Indications for use:

  • colds;
  • viral infection.

The duration of treatment is no more than ten days. An overdose can cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness; weakness.

The estimated cost of the drug is 160 rubles.

"Miramistin" is available in the form of drops and solution for inhalation

A new generation drug that has found wide use in pediatrics.

The therapeutic spectrum of action of Miramistin is quite wide.

Indications for use in the treatment of ENT pathologies caused by:

  • viral diseases;
  • bacterial infections.

The drug Miramistin is available in the form of nasal drops and spray. The drug is indicated for use in children from the day of birth.

The inhalation procedure in children is carried out in two ways - with and without a nebulizer.

First way:

  • Dilute Miramistin in a prepared container with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio;
  • cover the child's head with a towel and tilt it down so that he can breathe in the fumes of the medicinal solution.

When performing these manipulations, the drug causes a slight burning sensation.

Second way:

  • use a nebulizer;
  • no dilution of the drug is required;
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the child. Ranges from five to fifteen minutes.

The limitation in using this method is the age of the child under one and a half years.

Therapeutic rinsing with Miramistin is carried out in the following way:

  • prepare a syringe or small syringe;
  • dilute the drug with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio;
  • if the baby cannot reach the sink, you need to sit him on your lap and tilt his head down;
  • Inject the medicinal composition drawn into a syringe (syringe) one by one into the nasal passages.

Care must be taken to ensure that the baby does not “suck” the solution into himself.

The washing procedure is carried out in the morning and evening.

Use of nasal drops with the drug "Miramistin":

  • before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the baby’s sinuses;
  • to prevent burning in the nasal mucosa, dilute the drug in a 1:1 ratio;
  • One or two drops of the drug are dripped into each nostril.

Nasal drops are used in the treatment of runny nose in babies under one year of age.

The drug must be prescribed by the attending physician. This is primarily due to the fact that each child requires an individual method of using Miramistin.

The estimated cost of the drug is from 200 rubles.

"Grippferon" reduces mucus secretion and makes breathing easier

A complex drug presented in the form of a nasal spray. The main active ingredient is interferon, which increases the child’s body’s defense against viruses.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is to dry the nasal mucosa, reduce mucus secretions, and facilitate the child’s breathing.

Indications for use in the treatment of runny nose in children caused by:

  • cold;
  • viral disease.

The dosage of the drug "Grippferon" depends on the following factors:

  • child's age;
  • characteristics of the disease.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions included with the drug and strictly adhere to the recommended dosage for its use. Otherwise, the effect of “overdried” nasal mucosa may occur.

Do not use the drug together with vasoconstrictor drugs.

The estimated cost of the drug is 270 rubles.


Nasal ointment for runny nose for children "Pinosol" is made on the basis of eucalyptus extract and pine oil, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

The ointment can quickly ease breathing. Suitable for children from two years of age.

Application of nasal ointment "Pinosol":

  • clear the baby's nasal passages;
  • apply a thin layer of ointment using a cotton swab to the nasal mucosa;
  • repeat the procedure three to four times a day.

The duration of treatment should not exceed fourteen days.

Nasal ointment "Pinosol" has no contraindications and practically does not cause side effects.

In exceptional cases, allergic reactions such as itching, burning, and redness may occur. If these symptoms occur, it is recommended that you stop using this medicine.

The estimated cost of the drug is 120 rubles.

"Albucid" is able to fight advanced forms of children's runny nose

Albucid drops are actively used in the treatment of runny nose in children. They have an active antibacterial effect. Release form: plastic bottle.

Albucid drops for runny nose in children have an effective effect on all types of bacteria, so the drug is able to “fight” advanced forms of children’s runny nose.

Children's drops "Albucid" can be used for newborn children.

Indications for use:

  • long-term rhinitis, complicated by a bacterial infection.

Instructions for use:

  • clean the child's nasal passages;
  • drop one drop twice a day.

In severe cases of the disease, the drug is prescribed for use three to four times a day.

The drug "Albucid" does not have an immediate therapeutic effect. For the treatment results to become noticeable, at least seven days must pass.

Contraindications for use are:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to the drug. It is manifested by allergic reactions - swelling of the skin, redness and itching. In such cases, it is necessary to discontinue the drug;
  • renal failure.

Albucid drops can be used to treat a runny nose in a child only as prescribed by the attending physician. Only a doctor can accurately determine the required dosage of the medicine.

The estimated cost of the drug is 90 rubles.

"Dioxidin" is available in the form of ampoules

The drug Dioxidin is the strongest antimicrobial and antibacterial antibiotic. It is used in the treatment of various ENT pathologies.

The drug "Dioxidin" is available in the form of ampoules.

The official instructions for use of this drug prohibit its use in the treatment of children. In practice, to treat a runny nose complicated by purulent manifestations, doctors use a solution for children in a concentration of 0.3%.

Preparing a medicinal solution for nasal drops at home:

  • an ampoule containing 0.5% antibiotic, diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1;
  • dilute an ampoule containing 1% of the drug in a ratio of 1:4;
  • drop two drops into each nasal sinus two to three times a day.

The medicine spreads fairly quickly through the nasopharynx, which helps improve the breathing process.

Inhalations using a nebulizer are carried out as follows:

  • prepare a medicinal solution using an ampoule of Dioxidin 0.5% and boiled water in a ratio of 1:3;
  • the duration of the procedure depends on the age of the child;
  • the procedure is carried out twice a day.

Dioxidin is a toxic drug. It is mainly used in hospitals under the supervision of a doctor. Before using the medicine in treating a child, you should consult your doctor.

The estimated cost of the drug is from 188 rubles.


Aquamaris nasal spray for children is a safe and mild drug for the treatment of a runny nose.

The main component of the spray is sea water that has been sterilized.

The use of a spray helps cleanse the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses from dust particles and allergens.

Spray "Aquamaris" is used in the treatment of runny nose and in infants.

Directions for use:

  • clear your child's sinuses;
  • spray one spray into each nasal passage.

The procedure can be performed up to four times a day.

There are no contraindications to the use of Aquamaris spray for children.

The estimated cost of the drug is 180 rubles.

Homeopathic medicines in the treatment of children's runny nose

The therapeutic effect of homeopathic medicines is based on the regeneration and stimulation of damaged tissues of the nasopharynx.

The use of homeopathy drugs helps:

  • stimulation of the child’s immune system;
  • reducing the inflammatory process;
  • fighting viruses;
  • reducing swelling in the nasal cavity.

Homeopathy medications are available in the form of tablets, drops and spray.

Good homeopathy medicines used in the treatment of children's runny nose:

  1. Nasal drops "Lymphomyosot", 30 ml.
  2. Homeopathic granules "Ocillococcinum", 12g.
  3. Homeopathic granules “IOV-baby”, 20 g.

Homeopathic medicines must be prescribed by a homeopathic physician. Only a specialist will choose an individual norm and prescribe a dosage regimen.

The estimated cost of the drugs is 170 rubles.

Kalanchoe - an assistant in the treatment of a runny nose in a child

Kalanchoe juice is a natural antiseptic, used in the treatment of runny nose in children of all ages. Has a mild disinfectant effect. It easily penetrates into the depths of the maxillary sinuses, which promotes abundant mucus secretion.

Preparation of a solution for treating infants:

  • pour 200 ml of water into an enamel bowl, add four Kalanchoe leaves. Bring to a boil and cool;
  • clean your baby's sinuses with a blower;
  • drop one drop into the nose three times a day;
  • It is necessary to elevate the child, as the drops will cause sneezing.

For children over two years old, it is enough to simply dilute Kalanchoe juice with water (1:1), without preparing a decoction. The procedure is carried out over three to five days.

If you treat a runny nose, it goes away within 7 days. If a runny nose is not treated, it goes away within a week. Everyone heard it. But this opinion is wrong. Many people let the situation take its course, but a runny nose needs to be treated. Sleepless nights, lack of appetite, headache, sneezing, dryness and sensitivity of the nasal mucosa are the most harmless manifestations of acute rhinitis. If left untreated, complications are possible: otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, and the transition of a runny nose to a chronic form.

Most often, viruses, bacteria, and hypothermia contribute to the appearance of a runny nose. Itching in the nasopharynx, frequent sneezing, headache - if these symptoms appear, treatment should be started as quickly as possible.

Combination drugs

They contain several components. The drops may include an antibiotic. They are intended for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis. The drug "Polydexa" contains an antibiotic that quickly cures the infection. There is also an antiallergic component - dexamethasone. It relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. When choosing the best remedy for a runny nose, it is worth considering this medicine.

Some drops, in addition to the vasoconstrictor component, contain an antiallergic substance. They help with the drugs "Vibrocil", "Sanorin-analergin" are good for relieving swelling of the nose due to allergies. "Vibrocil" drops can be used for children from 1 year. In addition, you can use this remedy for a runny nose during pregnancy.

Many drops contain a vasoconstrictor and seawater. They prevent dryness and relieve swelling. The drug "Snoop" in adult and pediatric forms softens the mucous membrane well and eliminates nasal congestion.

Antibacterial drugs

Drugs such as Bioparox and Isofra contain powerful antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor. For sinusitis, sinusitis and persistent rhinitis, this is the most effective remedy for a runny nose. When the disease begins, the use of these drugs is unjustified. The advantage of these products is that they are not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the side effects inherent in antibiotics are not characteristic of them.


The good thing is that they have no side effects. They act for a runny nose at any stage. The main rule of homeopathy is: “You cannot deviate from the instructions.” If you skip the time of instillation and do not observe the frequency, homeopathy will not help. The drugs “Edas-131”, “Delufen”, “Euphorbium-compositum” will relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and boost immunity. Safe and effective drops are suitable for adults and children. In complex therapy, recovery is significantly accelerated. They are treated with homeopathy for a long time. It has a cumulative effect and does not cure on the first day.

Nebulizer - a modern solution for treating a runny nose

Using a nebulizer for a runny nose is very convenient. This is an ultrasonic device with which inhalations are carried out.

Treatment of a runny nose using a nebulizer cannot be compared with the use of pills and tablets, which travel a long way through the body until they reach the diseased organ. Such medications, unlike inhalers, often leave an unfavorable mark in the form of various side effects.

Folk remedies

A runny nose is the most common disease. Many people suffer from it. A runny nose may appear several times a year. Therefore, many folk recipes have been invented. Here are examples of some of them:

1. Fir and eucalyptus oil. A few drops of essential oil are dripped into vegetable oil (approximately 25 ml). Drop into the nose in the morning and at night. This mixture instantly makes breathing easier, has a bactericidal effect, softens the mucous membrane and relieves swelling.

2. Beetroot juice relieves inflammation and swelling. Drop it several times a day or make tampons (for 10 minutes). A weak solution of beet juice can be given to babies for a runny nose.

3. Honey drops. Dilute honey with water in equal proportions. Warm up a little and drip up to 6 times a day. Do not use if you are allergic to this product. Honey is a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

4. Aloe juice improves immunity and relieves inflammation. You can drip in its pure form. Can be diluted with vegetable oil.

5. Kalanchoe juice is an irritant. When it is instilled, intensive mucus separation begins, swelling quickly disappears and inflammation is relieved.

Nasal rinsing at home

In the hospital, in the ENT departments, there is a special device for rinsing the nose. It applies pressure and flushes the medicine into the nose, flushing out pus and mucus. A similar procedure can be carried out at home. Rinsing the nose brings relief to the patient and helps cure a runny nose. The medicinal solution is taken into a container and inhaled through the nose, and the solution is spat out with the mouth. The procedure is carried out in the morning and at night.

How to prepare the solution

  • Pour a teaspoon of eucalyptus or calendula tincture into one glass of slightly salted water. The solution has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  • Brew 2 filter bags of chamomile or sage with a glass of boiling water. When the solution becomes lukewarm, rinse your nose. The solution has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • 3 drops of iodine per glass of warm water. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of iodine are good for treating a runny nose. Not recommended for purulent sinusitis.
  • You can rinse your nose with a simple saline solution. This procedure thins mucus and relieves swelling from the nasal mucosa.

After rinsing, all medications will be better absorbed. The effect of vasoconstrictor, combined and homeopathic drops increases several times.

Infusions of herbs that are taken internally help with a runny nose. You can mix raspberry fruits, oregano herb, birch leaves and coltsfoot. Brew the mixture and drink several times a day. Linden flowers and chamomile help very well with a runny nose. Herbs will help cure runny nose and colds. Rosehip and rowan will increase immunity and speed up recovery.

Treatment of any disease should begin with consultation with a specialist. Not all patients can use drops. Vasoconstrictors are contraindicated for many people. For sinusitis, therapy without antibiotics is most often ineffective. For people with a deviated nasal septum, drops may not help. The doctor takes all these nuances into account.

A prolonged runny nose can lead to many serious complications. Inadequate therapy can make the disease chronic. A runny nose is a disease that should be treated. We have presented you with many treatment options for it. It is up to you to choose the most effective remedy for a runny nose, and it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.