Antiseptic solutions. Medical antiseptic solution Liquid antiseptics or disinfectant solutions

The use of antiseptic solutions can be prophylactic or therapeutic. Their main task is to have a detrimental effect on most microorganisms without harming healthy tissues.

Without antiseptics, all efforts to treat and care for sick patients are nullified. The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on several principles: disruption of oxidative processes, denaturation and dehydration of protein directly in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, inhibition of their enzymatic activity. In this way, the main goal is achieved - bacteria, fungi, viruses die or freeze in their development and reproduction.

Any antiseptic substance must meet several important requirements:

  1. Combine antimicrobial activity and harmlessness to human tissues.
  2. The action must persist in all liquid media (blood, pus) and spread against bacteria, bacilli, protozoa and fungi.
  3. During storage, their pharmacological activity should remain unchanged.

In practical medicine, broad and narrow spectrum antiseptics are used.

Areas of application of connections:

  1. Disinfectants for instruments, premises, and patient care equipment.
  2. External antiseptics for skin, wounds, cavities, mucous membranes.
  3. Chemotherapeutic agents for oral administration. Participate in the resorption of toxicants, preventing the growth and development of pathogens in foci.


The degree of activity of any liquid antiseptic depends on the concentration of the main active component in it and the level of sensitivity of the pathogenic microorganism to it. Medical practice uses liquid dosage forms of 10 groups:

  1. Halides – alcohol, aqueous iodine solutions. Used as antiseptics for primary skin treatment.
  2. Salts of heavy metals – sublimate, mercury oxycyanide, silver nitrate, zinc oxide. Used for disinfection of medical instruments and linen.
  3. Alcohols, aldehydes (Formalin, Lysol). Used for preoperative treatment and disinfection of intact skin.

  4. Dyes – solutions of Diamond green, Methylene blue, Fukortsin. External remedies for pyoderma, minor damage to the skin.
  5. Acids – boric, salicylic. In solutions they act as antimicrobial, local irritating and distracting components. Used for rinsing, washing, irrigation, douching.
  6. Oxidizing agents – water peroxide, potassium permanganate. Used for disinfection of purulent-aseptic wounds.
  7. Cationic soaps – Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.
  8. Uroantiseptics – Nitrofural, Furazidin, Furazolidone. Scope of application: genitourinary tract infections.
  9. Solutions based on nitromidazole (Metronidazole).
  10. Herbal products - St. John's wort, calendula flowers, chamomile, lingonberry leaves, bearberry.

Antiseptic solutions are used not only in medical institutions, but also at home. They serve as an effective adjuvant in the treatment of purulent inflammation.

To the home medicine cabinet

The ability of liquid forms of antiseptics to act on the causative agent of infection without harm to the body is actively used for irrigation and rinsing of the nose and sinuses, for treating the oropharynx, douching, and disinfecting skin areas.

Hydrogen peroxide

The simplest and most universal liquid form for primary antiseptic treatment of wound surfaces.

It is also used to remove sulfur plugs, remove pus from otitis media for turunda 0.5% solution (12 drops of 3% Peroxide per 1 tablespoon of water).

For gargling with sore throat, the following proportion is used: 1 part 3% Peroxide to 11 parts boiled warm water

Furacilin solution

The dosage form is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria - the main causative agents of sinusitis, but is unstable in dissolved form. Therefore, it must be prepared immediately before the procedure according to the classic recipe from the Pharmacopoeia: the concentration of the main active ingredient is 1:5000, i.e., 1 tablet of Furacilin (0.2 g) must be dissolved in one liter of purified boiled water at 40 °C.


An antiseptic based on a plant-based eucalyptus extract is approved for use in pediatric practice, pregnant and lactating women.

Dosage forms:

For intestinal dysbiosis and staphylococcal carriage, enemas with an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt are indicated at the rate of 20 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. To rinse the nasal cavity and throat, take 1 tbsp. l. and dissolve in 200 ml of water.


A wide-range antiseptic with bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal effects. The drug is also active against pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.

Pharmacological action:

  1. Prevents further infection.
  2. Stimulates the protective properties of cells.
  3. Activates the regeneration of affected tissues.
  4. On the wound surface it has the ability to absorb purulent exudate, relieves inflammation, does not damage granulation and stimulates epithelization.

The solution is used to cleanse purulent wounds, for douching for genital infections, in the treatment of burns, pyoderma, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, inflammation of the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Miramistin solution is applied topically by irrigation or application.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers more than 250 combined antiseptics of various brands. When choosing a remedy, of course, it is necessary to focus on the recommendations of the attending physician, indications, contraindications and possible side effects. Prolonged, uncontrolled use of antiseptics can lead to undesirable consequences.


Trade name:

Medical antiseptic solution

International nonproprietary or generic name:

Dosage form:

concentrate for preparing a solution for external use


Active ingredient:
ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 95% – 100.0 ml.


transparent, colorless, mobile liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code:

Pharmacological properties

An antimicrobial agent, when applied externally, has an antiseptic effect (denatures the proteins of microorganisms). Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and viruses. Antiseptic activity increases with increasing ethanol concentration.
To disinfect the skin, use a 70% solution, which penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis better than a 95% solution, which has a tanning effect on the skin and mucous membranes.
When applied externally, it is absorbed from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes into the systemic circulation. Metabolized in the liver with the participation of the CYP2E1 isoenzyme, of which it is an inducer.

Indications for use

Used as an antiseptic and disinfectant in the treatment of the initial stages of diseases (furuncle, panaritium, mastitis); when treating the surgeon's hands (Furbringer, Alfred methods), the surgical field (including in persons with hypersensitivity to other antiseptics, in children and during operations on areas with thin skin in adults - neck, face).



With caution

Pregnancy, breastfeeding period, childhood.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

No special studies have been conducted on the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is used only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, in the form of lotions, compresses, rubdowns.
To treat the surgical field and preoperative disinfection of the surgeon’s hands, use a 70% solution; for compresses and rubdowns (to avoid burns), it is recommended to use a 40% solution.
The 95% solution must be diluted to the required concentrations and used according to indications.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and soreness of the skin at the site of application of the compress.
When used externally, it is partially absorbed through the skin and can have a resorptive general toxic effect (suppression of the central nervous system).


Causes characteristic alcoholic excitation; in large doses, it inhibits the functions of the central nervous system.

Interaction with other drugs

When used simultaneously with preparations for external use that contain organic compounds, it can cause denaturation of protein components.

Special instructions

When used externally, ethanol is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, which must be taken into account when using it in children, pregnant women and during lactation.
Do not use near open flames.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The drug, used as a solution for external use, does not affect the ability to drive or engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions. With long-term use in large doses, the drug may be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, which must be taken into account when controlling transport and mechanisms. Release form

Concentrate for preparing a solution for external use 95%.
100 ml in orange glass bottles, sealed with aluminum caps with perforations. A self-adhesive label is attached to each bottle. Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack.
40 bottles with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a corrugated cardboard box (for hospitals).
5.0, 10.0 and 21.5 liters in polyethylene canisters made of low-density polyethylene. Each canister is supplied with instructions for use (for hospitals).

Best before date

5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, in a well-closed container, away from fire.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions

Dispensed by prescription.

Marketing authorization holder / Organization receiving consumer complaints

Alliance LLC, 192019, St. Petersburg, st. 2nd Luch, 13, room. 13


LLC "Armavir Interdistrict Pharmacy Base".

Addresses of production sites:
1) 352900, Krasnodar region, Armavir, st. Tonnelnaya, 24
2) 174360, Novgorod region, Okulovsky municipal district, urban settlement Uglovskoye, village. Berezovka, p. 75 A.

Dosage form

Solution for external use 95%


Ethanol 95% 100 ml


Antiseptic. When applied externally, it has an antimicrobial effect. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and viruses. Denatures proteins of microorganisms.

Antiseptic activity increases with increasing ethanol concentration.

To disinfect the skin, use a 70% solution, which penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis better than 95% and has a tanning effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

When used systemically, it has the ability to cause analgesia and general anesthesia. The most sensitive to ethanol are the cells of the central nervous system, especially the cells of the cerebral cortex, on which ethanol causes characteristic alcoholic excitation associated with a weakening of inhibition processes. Then there is also a weakening of excitation processes in the cortex, depression of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata with suppression of the activity of the respiratory center.

It is a solvent for a number of medicines, as well as an extractant for a number of substances contained in medicinal plant materials.


Ethanol is metabolized in the liver with the participation of the CYP2E1 isoenzyme, of which it is an inducer.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and soreness of the skin at the site of application of the compress. When applied externally, it is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and may have a systemic toxic effect (CNS depression).

Selling Features


Special conditions

Should not be taken orally during drug treatment.

When used externally, ethanol is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, which should be taken into account when used in children.


Treatment of inflammatory skin diseases in the initial stage (furuncle, panaritium, mastitis); treatment of the surgeon's hands (Furbringer, Alfred methods), surgical field (including in persons with hypersensitivity to other antiseptics, in children and during operations on areas with thin skin in adults - in the neck, face).

As a local irritant drug.

For the production of dosage forms for external use, tinctures, extracts.

Conservation of biological material.


Hypersensitivity to ethanol.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously, it enhances the effect of drugs that have a depressing effect on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory center.

When taken orally with drugs that have an inhibitory effect on the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (which is involved in the metabolism of ethyl alcohol), the concentration of ethanol metabolite, acetaldehyde, increases, causing flushing, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, tachycardia, and decreased blood pressure.

Antiseptics for treating wounds are in every home medicine cabinet. But do people always choose the right thing to treat a wound with? It’s not without reason that there are several different solutions, each of which should be used to treat certain wounds and sores. Today we will find out why we need an antiseptic? Let's look at the 9 most popular and inexpensive products and understand their differences.

What is an antiseptic?

Let us immediately turn to the Greek translation of the term: anti - against, septikos - putrefactive. And an antiseptic really is any product that can fight bacteria caused by decomposition processes, and also serves to prevent their proliferation.

Antiseptics have been known since ancient times. Embalming of corpses was carried out with means that prevented decay processes, otherwise some finds would not have survived to contemporaries. But antiseptics began to be popularized only in the mid-19th century, when the first trials of surgical operations using carbolic acid began.

By the way! Antiseptics are used not for healing wounds, but specifically for their disinfection, i.e. to destroy infection and prevent inflammation.

Antiseptics today are used not only in medicine, but in other areas as well. For example, in the woodworking industry for impregnating wood to avoid the development of putrefactive processes. Logs for a bath that will constantly be in a humid environment must be pre-treated with antiseptic impregnations. So, what are the types of antiseptics?

9 best antiseptics

Carbolic acid, which was first used as a body antiseptic, is not used today due to its dangers. In fact, it is a harmful phenol, which in large quantities can cause poisoning. But over 150 years, many different antiseptics have been invented that meet all the necessary requirements, namely:

All these requirements are met to varying degrees by at least 9 antiseptics, which are considered the most effective and affordable.

The antiseptic effect of ethyl alcohol does not last long. As soon as the alcohol evaporates (30-40 seconds), the effect stops. But usually it is enough to destroy the most active microbes. Ethanol is initially used to treat small fresh wounds and cuts, but it cannot be used constantly. Alcohol dries out the skin and, if used frequently, can cause microtrauma. The cost of one bottle of ethanol (100 ml) is small: about 30 rubles.

Aqueous solution of Furacilin

Furacilin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. It is used more often in the form of an aqueous solution, although it can also be prepared with alcohol. An aqueous solution of Furacilin is good for treating wounds and sores on the mucous membrane: in the mouth, nose, vagina. But it also works great as a skin antiseptic (ulcers, burns).

Furacilin is sold in the form of ready-made solutions (60-70 rubles per 100 ml), tablets that need to be crushed into powder before dissolving (80-90 rubles per 10 pcs.), as well as effervescent self-dissolving tablets (110-120 rubles per 10 pcs. ).

This is a so-called antiseptic-antioxidant, which releases oxygen upon contact with the skin. This is indicated by the bubbles that appear when peroxide is applied to the wound. The more bubbles there are, the more contamination there is. Wound treatment with hydrogen peroxide is very effective on postoperative sutures, since the resulting foam automatically washes away dirt without requiring wiping the wound.

Despite the apparent aggressiveness of hydrogen peroxide, it is a fairly mild antiseptic that can also be used for mucous membranes. For example, you can moisten a cotton swab with it and insert it into the nostril to stop bleeding and treat a damaged vessel. At the same time, it is an excellent drying agent. The cost of a bottle of peroxide (10 ml) is approximately 40 rubles.

Potassium permanganate solution

It has an antimicrobial and disinfectant effect due to the oxidizing ability of manganese. Potassium permanganate is used to treat wounds, ulcers, and burns. But it is important to prepare a weak solution, because a highly concentrated one can cause a chemical burn to the skin.

At home, it is not recommended to use potassium permanganate precisely because of ignorance of the exact concentration for certain wounds and non-compliance with the preparation technique. But pink water is suitable, for example, for moistening a dried bandage. In the pharmacy, potassium permanganate is sold in the form of burgundy crystals and is called “Potassium permanganate”. The cost of a five-gram bottle is 60-70 rubles.

Good old antiseptic, which is found in almost every home. To treat wounds, a 5% solution is used, although in some cases it is necessary to dilute it to a less concentrated solution. Iodine is good for treating fresh cuts and shallow wounds.

It is not recommended to use iodine solution to treat wounds received more than 5 days ago, as well as acne, bedsores and thermal burns. Iodine should also be used with caution by people suffering from endocrine diseases. 10 ml of iodine costs only 10-15 rubles.

Or simply green stuff, which is so disliked in the USA, believing that it is toxic. But in Russia this antiseptic is the most popular. There is probably no person who has never encountered greenery. It has an excellent antimicrobial effect, but does not damage tissues or cause burns, such as iodine. The content of ethyl alcohol in brilliant green makes the antiseptic even more effective for use on both fresh and old wounds.

A solution of brilliant green can fight not only gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but also dangerous Staphylococcus aureus and diphtheria bacillus. Another plus of brilliant green: the ability to stimulate tissue regeneration. And this is the cheapest antiseptic: the cost of a bottle (10 ml) is 10 rubles. Against the background of all the advantages, there is only one disadvantage: the rich green color, which takes a very long time to wash off. And in order not to stain yourself and everything around with green paint, you can use not a standard bottle, but a special pencil. It costs 50-60 rubles.

Otherwise, it is called “red green,” although its properties are somewhat different from the properties of a solution of brilliant green. Fukortsin also contains ethyl alcohol, as well as boric acid and phenol. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

Fukortsin is used to disinfect wounds, prevent their suppuration and stop the process that has already begun. Suitable for the treatment of purulent and fungal skin diseases. It is used for abrasions, erosive wounds, and acne on the face. The cost of a bottle of Fukortsin (25 ml) is approximately 40 rubles.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate

An antiseptic that can rarely be found in a home medicine cabinet because it is not universal. Chlorhexidine bigluconate (or as it is more simply called - Chlorhexidine) is prescribed by a doctor, and in a certain concentration.

For example, 0.05% is used to gargle and wash the nose, but to treat wounds on the skin, a more concentrated solution is needed: from 0.1 to 0.5%. Chlorhexidine is good for purulent wounds and burns. It is suitable for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (the genitals can be treated with a 0.1% solution).

Important! For open wounds and mucous membranes, an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine is used. Alcohol is used by surgeons for wiping hands before operations, processing instruments and devices.

Depending on the concentration of Chlorhexidine, it is able to fight certain types of bacteria and infections. The cost of a bottle of a 0.05% aqueous solution costs less than 10 rubles per 100 ml. Alcohol will cost 10-15 rubles more.

A universal antiseptic that appeared relatively recently and immediately became popular. Its basis is a complex monohydrate. Those who have tried Miramistin once rarely return to other means. It has a very wide spectrum of action, perfectly fights infections of the throat, nose, and genital tract, and is suitable for treating sutures. Another plus is that it is absolutely tasteless and does not sting, even when treating severe and deep wounds.

The disadvantage of Miramistin is its price. This is the most expensive antiseptic previously presented. A 150 ml bottle costs 340-350 rubles. But it is used economically, thanks to the spray nozzle.

There are also antiseptic ointments that also work effectively (Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Levomekol, etc.) and antibacterial powders for wounds (Gentaxan, Baneocin, Streptocide, Xeroform, Galagran).

How to properly treat an open wound

Any wound, even a minor one, requires antiseptic treatment. If your cat scratches you, a hangnail comes off, or you get damaged while shaving, you must treat the wound to avoid infection and the development of gangrene. There are cases when neglectful attitude towards oneself led to serious consequences, and, for example, due to a squeezed out and untreated pimple, an infection entered the body.

Having received a wound (any damage to the skin that provoked bleeding), you must immediately avoid any touching of it. Then take an antiseptic and apply it to the wound using a piece of cotton wool or a bandage, or simply by spraying the product. Then, if the damage is serious, you should consult a doctor. If it’s not serious, you can put a bandage on top or bandage it.

Attention! Before treating a deep wound with an antiseptic, you need to stop the heavy bleeding. This is done with a pressure bandage or by tightening the vessel with a tourniquet according to all the rules of first aid.

It turns out that of the nine listed antiseptics, it is optimal to use Miramistin, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide. These are the three most versatile tools that meet the maximum number of requirements. They perfectly disinfect wounds, do not cause pain in the victim, and do not cause irritation or toxic poisoning of the body.

Treating an open wound with antiseptic solutions is included in the list of first aid measures and largely affects subsequent healing. Antiseptics for cuts, punctures and scratches help remove possible contaminants and pathogenic organisms. This ensures the prevention of purulent infections, which lead to various complications and significantly lengthen the recovery period.

Photo 1. Antiseptics are needed to destroy germs on damaged skin. Source: Flickr (Quinn Dombrowski)

General rules for treating wounds

With extensive or deep injuries to the skin, you should seek professional medical help, but a small wound can be treated on your own. In such a case, there should always be several antiseptics in your home medicine cabinet. In addition, it is imperative to comply sequence and processing rules:

  • At first wound Necessarily washed with water, if possible - with soap. Soapy water itself is a good antiseptic, especially for small cuts.
  • In the second step, a suitable antiseptic solution. Which one is suitable depends on the nature and location of the damage. For example, alcohol products cannot be used on mucous membranes and delicate skin (near the eyes).
  • Third step - overlay, protecting against pathogenic microbes entering the wound.

If the wound is small, there is usually no need to take any additional measures, since it quickly heals on its own. It is better to show deep damage to a specialist: you may need preventive and therapeutic agents for healing.

Antiseptics and medications for wound treatment

The choice of antiseptics in pharmacy chains is very large. When buying a drug for your home medicine cabinet, you should consider its effectiveness and safety. In addition, all antiseptics are divided into 2 large groups: alcohol-based and water-based. Alcohol makes the solution more effective, but the aqueous solution does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, so it is advisable to always have two products on hand.


Or brilliant green - the most famous antiseptic, which is a solution of dyes in alcohol.

It can be used to disinfect wounds literally from birth, for example, treating the umbilical wound in the maternity hospital is carried out using brilliant green. Means is effective and very affordable.

Care must be taken to ensure that the product does not get on the wound surface, so as not to cause a burn or intoxication. Regularly, until granulations appear in it, signaling the beginning of healing.

Contraindications are limited only by individual intolerance.


Another one, which is the chemical element iodine dissolved in alcohol. It has an antimicrobial effect against many pathogens and effectively prevents the development of infection.

Like brilliant green, iodine Only the edges of the damage need to be treated.

The product should not be overused - it can cause a chemical burn if applied frequently and gets into the wound itself, this can lead to prolonged healing of the wound surface due to the burn and the formation of scars. Contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for persons with kidney disease, pyoderma, acne, furunculosis, tuberculosis.

Photo 2. You need to use iodine carefully, applying it to the edges of wounds. Source: Flickr (Kenga86)

Hydrogen peroxide

An excellent first aid treatment for wounds because allows you to wash the wound surface and mucous membranes without fear of irritation.

In addition, when it comes into contact with biological fluids, it foams, thus washing away all contaminants and already dead cells. When purchasing a product at a pharmacy, you should keep in mind that Only a 3% solution is used to treat wounds. The more concentrated (6%) irritates tissues and is intended exclusively for sterilization of medical instruments.

Pay attention! It is contraindicated to use peroxide to disinfect already healing wounds, since it negatively affects the developing scar, destroying young epithelial cells.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate

An aqueous solution of chlorhexidine with a concentration of active substance of 0.5% has bactericidal activity against viruses, pathogenic bacteria and some fungi.

Not only used for primary treatment of the entire wound surface, but also during the healing stage, speeding it up, as well as for the treatment of purulent wounds.

It has no contraindications; it is a component of various topical antimicrobial agents (gels, suppositories).


The most effective antimicrobial agent, used not only for treating wounds.

An aqueous solution containing 0.01% of the active substance, destroys almost all pathogenic bacteria(including highly resistant nosocomial strains), various viruses and mushrooms.

The drug is completely non-toxic, so it is not contraindicated even for pregnant women and children. When used it does not cause any discomfort. Effective in the treatment of purulent wounds, promotes tissue regeneration.

Potassium permangantsovka

Until recently, it was freely sold in pharmacies, and you had to prepare the solution yourself by adding a few crystals to the water.

Now a ready-made product is sold, which is used for washing and treating wounds.

This is important! Requires special caution in use, as it cannot be combined with certain medications. For example, in combination with peroxide it causes severe chemical burns.

The bactericidal effect is present only before the solution evaporates, therefore after drying, it is recommended to additionally use other antiseptics to protect against infection.


The active substance is active iodine bound with polyvinylpyrrolidone, which provides more mild antiseptic effect.

In a regular solution, iodine is very active and has many contraindications, but PVP makes it safe. It does not contain alcohol and is available in the form of a 10% aqueous or 7.5% foaming solution, as well as suppositories and ointments.

Shown for complete treatment of aseptic and purulent wounds, and extensive ones - only at the edges. The limitation is associated with the ability to penetrate through the wound surface into the bloodstream and have a systemic effect. Contraindicated for thyroid diseases.


The alcohol solution contains active compounds such as

  • phenol, which has a bactericidal effect;
  • boric acid is a weak antiseptic;
  • resorcinol – antifungal and antimicrobial agent;
  • fuchsin is a dye with an antistaphylococcal effect;
  • acetone - as a solvent.

The wound is treated with fucorcin several times a day using a cotton swab, and the irritating effect of the antiseptic appears briefly - a burning sensation is felt.

Active against fungi and bacteria.

Pay attention! The drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women due to the content of phenol and resorcinol, which have class 2 toxicity.