A 9 month old child does not sleep well during the day. A child (9 months) does not sleep well at night: how to help your baby sleep? Nine month old baby's night rest

Healthy rest is necessary for the baby for normal mental, mental and physical development.

Often you may underestimate the importance of this process, but it directly affects many aspects in the baby’s life. Constant lack of sleep can cause developmental delays and lead to behavioral problems.

To ensure healthy rest, you need to know how much your baby sleeps at 9 months.

Age characteristics at 9 months

During this period, intensive physical, neuropsychic, and social development occurs.

During this period, all organs and systems of the child are preparing to master a new skill. Walking is an important stage in a baby’s development, which affects the development of his independence and, unfortunately, can greatly affect the child’s sleep quality for the worse.

How many hours does a 9 month old baby sleep?

  • A baby at this age sleeps from 12 to 15 hours a day;
  • Night sleep takes about 10 hours, the rest of the time - daytime sleep;
  • During the day, a 9-month-old child sleeps 2 times, the duration of sleep is from 1 to 2.5 hours.

Know! If a child gets up early, between 6-7 am, then he may have 3 naps during the day. Two of them are longer, and the third is very symbolic, can last from 20 to 40 minutes.

Why is it important for a child to sleep:

  1. During rest, the child’s brain develops and grows;
  2. Strength is restored, energy accumulates;
  3. The information for the day is organized, new knowledge and skills are absorbed and consolidated;
  4. In the first 2 hours of night rest, the greatest amount of growth hormone is produced;
  5. Psycho-emotional stress decreases;
  6. During deep sleep, the immune system is strengthened;
  7. A rested baby wakes up in a good mood, he is more collected and active.

Watch the course posted on the website to understand how to communicate and raise a growing child. Follow the link My beloved baby: secrets of development of raising a child up to one year >>>

Information on how much sleep a baby needs at 9 months is presented in the table:

Nine month old baby's naps

The physical load on the child has increased, he crawls more, tries to get up and learns to walk. It is very important that he gets enough rest. Monitor how much your child sleeps during the day at 9 months, has his sleep changed, does he wake up alert and rested?

I came across an opinion when doctors and relatives told the mother that at 9 months the child can rest once during the day, sleep for 2-4 hours and, if the baby is not capricious, actively plays all evening, he has enough rest.

This is wrong.

We don't need to give the nervous system one big sleep. It is important that stress and stress alternate evenly during the day, ensuring calmness of the nervous system.

See also my video lesson on the sleep patterns of a baby at 9 months:

Nine month old baby's night rest

No matter how many times the child rests during the day, at night it is advisable to go to bed before 21.00

  • The duration of night rest is about 10-11 hours;
  • If the baby is breastfed, then he still wakes up for night feedings and usually does this about 3-4 times (read the article on this topic How long should you feed your baby at night?>>>);
  • If a child hangs on his chest all night, then this is an indicator of severe overwork of the child.

You need to take time to establish your baby's sleep, correct the daily routine, introduce the right sleep mindset, and perhaps work with the number of night feedings. On the first points, you can take useful information from the article Bedtime Rituals >>>

Know! In order for the baby to go to bed for the night without protests and hysterics, you should not give him the opportunity to fall asleep after 17.00 in the evening. .

Sometimes the child’s routine gets confused, the baby is awake at night and sleeps during the day. A baby who has rested during the day does not want to go to bed in the evening; this can become a habit. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Poor conditions for relaxation (hot room, too dry air);
  2. Inappropriate clothing or bedding;
  3. Low daytime activity;
  4. Disease;
  5. Too active games in the evening.

Causes of poor sleep

Sleep disorders can be different. The child may sleep in short intervals and refuse both daytime and nighttime sleep.

  • A common cause of poor rest can be overwork;

Having played enough during the day and received a lot of new impressions, the child may be so tired that the night’s sleep will be restless. Being overtired makes it harder for him to fall asleep, going to bed will be later, and his routine will be disrupted.

This problem can be solved by limiting activity immediately before rest. Quiet games, bedtime rituals, and close contact with parents will help reduce mental stress and put the child to bed at the right time.

Important! There is such a thing as “sleep regression (or crisis). It manifests itself as poor sleep, frequent awakenings, refusal to rest, and whims. This is not a disease and, with the right approach to sleep, goes away in 2-4 weeks.

How to achieve healthy and sound sleep

In order to normalize your baby’s sleep, you need to create good conditions:

  1. Ventilate the room before resting. The optimal temperature is 18-20 degrees;
  2. The child's pajamas and bedding should be made of cotton. It is better that pajamas do not have buttons, tight elastic bands, or ties. Before resting, the bed must be straightened so that there are no foreign objects or folds;
  3. Create pleasant bedtime rituals. Carrying in your arms, a lullaby, stroking will help relax the child and help him fall asleep;
  4. Do not play active games with your baby before bedtime, do not show him educational cartoons. Try to ensure that dad, who comes home in the evening, does not provoke the baby before bed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the child to relax and fall asleep;
  5. At 9 months, the baby should already be receiving complementary feeding and eating decent amounts of food. 30-60 minutes before bedtime, give your baby a light dinner, and then breastfeed.

Food affects a child's sleep, so a good appetite is the key to good sleep.

Be careful! Healthy sleep is very important for a baby's development. If there are problems with falling asleep, the duration of daytime or night sleep, you need to analyze and find errors that prevent the child from sleeping well.

There is no need to wait for sleep to improve on its own or blame everything on teething. Mothers come to me for consultation who have been waiting for 3, 6, 9 months for the teeth to come out and the child to start sleeping well, but no miracle happened.

But when we eliminated gross disturbances in the organization of the child’s sleep, then sleep improvement occurred.

We deal with the sleep of a child during breastfeeding as part of the course

A nine-month-old baby is a real explorer. He already knows how to crawl, some babies even make their first attempts at learning to walk. The baby plays educational games with interest, watches cartoons and actively gets acquainted with the world around him. At this age, children begin to perceive more and more consciously, their temperament is formed. A poor night's sleep can overshadow the progress of a toddler's development. This disorder negatively affects the well-being of children and parents, because the whole family is deprived of proper rest. Let's look at what causes this phenomenon and how to deal with it.

Sleep norm for children 9 months

As babies grow older, they need less and less time to sleep. Instead, they begin to acquire new skills, develop them, and get acquainted with the world around them. If everything is in order with the child’s health, then in total he should sleep 13-16 hours. Night sleep takes approximately 9-11 hours, and daytime sleep takes place in 2-3 stages of 40 minutes each. If the toddler prefers to sleep 2 times, then rest should last at least 2 hours.

Often mothers think that children sleep according to established data, but this is far from the case. The numbers given above are not a rule, but a guideline. Each baby is individual and has its own biological rhythm. Night sobs, twitching in sleep and moans are also the norm, as children transition from one phase of sleep to another. Mom just needs to gently stroke the baby and speak quietly to him, and sleep will return again.

However, there are situations when nightly hysterics and vigils are repeated almost every day. In this case, you need to find out why a 9-month-old child sleeps poorly at night.

Causes of the disorder

Parents, exhausted by their children's insomnia, often begin to panic, because it seems to them that something is wrong with the child. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can indeed negatively affect a child’s sleep, but in most cases the reasons are more banal. Let's take a closer look at what keeps children from sleeping at night:

A mother's emotional disorder always leads to insomnia in children.

  1. Health problems. At 9 months, babies may still be bothered by digestive problems and teething. Infectious and inflammatory diseases also often appear in children of this age. This can cause insomnia, moodiness, tears and loss of appetite.

Parents' actions

In most cases, parents can cope with their child's insomnia on their own. To do this, you just need to review your baby’s daily routine and eliminate all negative factors that could disrupt his sleep.

Let's look at how to return your child and other family members to a normal night's rest:

In conclusion

Babies as young as nine months old may have trouble sleeping for a variety of reasons. Most often, the violation is associated with the sudden growth of the child and an excess of emotions in him. However, there are other factors that can negatively affect your baby's night's rest.

Parents must provide the most comfortable conditions for the little one to sleep so that he can fully develop and be happy.

Just recently the house was filled with great happiness - the birth of a child. Carrying a baby in the womb is like waiting for a miracle. During this period, a woman transforms and begins to look at the surrounding reality in a new way. After birth, the baby sleeps almost all the time, occasionally waking up to eat. However, over time this picture is changing.

The baby, although still dependent on his mother, is already trying to show his individual character. at 9 months it changes. It no longer seems endless to parents. And the happy mother barely finds free time to do all the household chores and sit down for a while with a cup of coffee. A baby's sleep at 9 months begins to move toward a schedule similar to that of a one-year-old baby. Let's take a closer look at this issue. What is a 9 month old baby's sleep pattern?


They are quite conventional for the reason that each family has its own rituals for falling asleep and waking up time. However, there are approximate rules that should be followed if you intend to establish a healthy daily routine. A 9 month old baby's sleep consists of several periods. All of them must be respected. Otherwise, the formation of a healthy emotional sphere is impossible.

Early awakening

As a rule, young children do not sleep for long periods of time like adults. They are often called little “cockerels”, because they raise the whole family to their feet as soon as the sun rises. This is because they do not yet need to take a break from life, which brings too many troubles and worries. Rarely do any babies wake up their parents with their militant cries later than seven o'clock in the morning.

Such cases are the exception rather than the rule. Some babies manage to sleep only until five or six o'clock in the morning, completely not giving the happy mother any time to rest.

First nap

A child's sleep at 9 months is such that it takes on average fourteen hours a day. The baby's daily routine is divided into several intervals. Wakefulness alternates with sleep so that the baby has time to regain strength for active knowledge of the world around him. A 9-month-old baby's daytime sleep begins at about ten in the morning. This time is enough to feel good. That is, it turns out that on average a baby needs to go back to bed four hours after waking up from a night's sleep.

This stay in the kingdom of Morpheus continues until approximately noon. Then your beloved child is again full of strength for an intensive examination of all corners of the apartment. Usually, by this age, children begin to actively crawl and move quickly in space.

Second nap

It usually occurs two to three hours after the main lunch. During this period, the baby seems to sleep more soundly. The second nap begins at approximately sixteen o'clock in the afternoon and lasts until eighteen in the evening. As a rule, during this time a caring mother manages to prepare her child a meal, wash wet onesies, and even clean the apartment. The baby's second nap during the day comes at a time when some women themselves want to take a nap.

In fact, this is the right of every mother, like every normal person. If a person feels such a need, especially a woman who gets tired doing household chores, there is nothing reprehensible in that. During the second nap, the child usually sleeps for at least two to three hours.

Night sleep

It is the longest in time. This is a crucial moment on which depends how the baby will feel as a whole throughout the next day. Usually, a child at 9-10 months sleeps for at least ten to eleven hours. During this time, the baby’s body has time to fully recover and is again ready for active movements. Some babies sleep peacefully at night, never wake up or disturb their parents by crying. This is the ideal option that everyone wants to strive for.

Other babies are constantly worried, looking for something or persistently demanding food. Such behavior does not indicate any pathology, the child simply persistently wants to draw attention to himself. Whether a child will get enough sleep and sleep peacefully depends largely on the habits of adults. It should be remembered that a child always reflects the fears and doubts of adults. If the mother herself has not taught her child to eat at night, then the baby will sleep peacefully until the morning. The exception is when the baby is sick. A sharp deterioration in physical condition entails the appearance of irritability and moodiness. Poor health interferes with normal sleep and a happy feeling. At this point, any normal parent has no time for his own daily activities. The baby cries because it is difficult for him to endure pain, fever, and high temperature. An adult feels the need to help, to do everything within his power.

Possible problems

Despite its apparent simplicity, certain difficulties may arise with the organization of sleep or with the child’s behavior. In addition, due to their inexperience, young mother and father do not always understand what to do best. They are forced to start learning parenting from their own mistakes. This is how individual experience is gained. Let us consider in more detail what difficulties may arise here.


This feature is more likely to relate to the personality of the baby himself than to the parents. If a child is very mobile from birth, getting him to sleep at all may be an overwhelming task. Even if all the conditions for organizing healthy sleep are strictly followed, the baby still needs to be set up for rest. He won't fall asleep on his own just because the time has come. In this case, it is best to try to avoid physical activity before bed. This can only harm the child. It is not recommended to play it at the moment when the crib is being prepared and the bed is being straightened out. Otherwise it will be very difficult to lay it down. In some cases, young parents even have to resort to the help of grandparents. Of course, their experience will never be superfluous.

Constant regime change

If your baby doesn't have any kind of sleep-wake schedule at all, he can become extremely moody and whiny. Constant regime change does not bode well either. The child gets used to the chaos, that he can go to bed at any time and get up regardless of the time. Such behavior greatly interferes with character development and contributes to the formation of an emotionally unstable personality.

In the future, parents, as a rule, come to their senses and realize that they made a mistake. However, teaching a three- to four-year-old child to follow a routine when he resists it is very difficult. That is why it is important to instill in your own child a desire for order as early as possible. This will make it easier for everyone. Still, the regime is a great thing. It makes it possible to develop a specific schedule and stick to it for a long period.

The habit of falling asleep with a parent

Sometimes the mother takes the baby with her to bed. Simply because it’s more convenient for her: she doesn’t have to worry and monitor her child every minute. This is strictly not recommended. If a 9-month-old child cries in his sleep, adults even have to watch his cradle. Then it turns out such an unpleasant situation that the baby does not want to fall asleep at all without the presence of his beloved parent. He may throw tantrums or cry for a long time alone. Both are extremely unhealthy for mental health. Having learned from infancy to suppress emotions, he will not be able to express them in the future. If a child is 9 months old, in all likelihood, he is experiencing negative feelings. Perhaps he is worried about fears or uncontrollable anxiety. This is possible if the baby is used to falling asleep in a hug with his mother, and then he is put in the crib alone.

Improper feeding

A child's night sleep at 9 months largely depends on how correctly the moments of eating are maintained. It is known that in no case should you overfeed your baby before placing him in the crib. Small portions threaten that the baby will constantly worry and whine, demanding food. Improper feeding can generally lead to a child becoming anxious and irritable. The process of digesting food should not interfere with proper rest. That is why parents should take care in advance to ensure that nothing disturbs the baby. Only in this case can we talk about healthy sleep.

Thus, sleep standards for a 9-month-old baby show how much time the baby should ideally spend in his crib. If for some reason the regime goes wrong, the baby suffers as a result. Parents should try to follow a rough schedule and plan all activities in advance so that they do not affect the child’s well-being. Of course, it would be absurd to follow the regime to the minute. Excessive fanaticism is absolutely useless here. It is important to just stick to the basic schedule and try not to disrupt it too much. Then the child will get used to a certain rhythm of life, and it will be easier for parents to plan their own time.

Sound and restful sleep for children in the first year of life is the key to a good mood for mother, baby and the whole family. However, in most cases, during the day, babies sleep less than they should, and at night they even wake up several times and cry bitterly. In this article we will talk about sleep norms and problems: how much should a 9-month-old baby sleep day and night and why does he sleep poorly.

You've probably noticed how much more active your nine-month-old baby has become. At the same time, the hours allotted for sleep are gradually reduced. According to statistics, children at this age should sleep about 17 hours a day, with 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night. The baby can sleep peacefully all night without waking up, or wake up his parents several times a night. All this is the norm.

Daytime sleep becomes two times a day for almost all children. Perhaps you switched to two naps a long time ago or only sleep once. This is possible, just make sure that the child does not get overtired. If the baby is happy, stays calmly awake until the next bedtime, and gains weight well, there is no need to worry. As for the duration of daytime sleep, there are also several options available.

Normally, a child should sleep from 1 to 2 hours. But half an hour's sleep is also common.

How to put your baby to sleep at 9 months

One of the most common sleep problems for a 9-month-old baby is the impossibility of getting the little naughty boy to sleep. The fact is that increasing activity makes itself felt even before bedtime; the baby’s nervous system is not yet able to quickly adapt. Having played and crawled enough during the day, even in the crib the baby continues to crawl and play, despite the admonitions of the parents.

How to put a 9 month old baby to sleep? First of all, distribute all the games correctly. Avoid noisy and active activities in the evening, even if dad has just returned from work and wants to tickle and make the baby laugh. Create a calm and relaxed environment before going to bed, do not watch TV or communicate in a loud voice at home. Turn on quiet music, look at books, play board games. In addition, every child must have his own rituals before going to bed. They will remind the baby that it is time to sleep, and he will more easily endure the process of going to bed. Such rituals include evening bathing, reading books, singing lullabies, stroking the baby’s back and head.

Rocking in the crib or on the arms helps a lot when going to bed. Alternatively, you can involve other family members, such as dad, in the bed. Many children are capricious and show character only with their mother, while with other relatives they behave well and quickly fall asleep. If all else fails, try rocking your baby in a stroller and then transferring her to bed. Children who are accustomed to sleeping in a stroller fall asleep very quickly.

9 month old baby doesn’t sleep well

Another common problem for children under one year old is that a 9-month-old child not only has difficulty falling asleep at night, but also sleeps very poorly and restlessly at night, often wakes up and cries. After several sleepless nights, parents not only become tired, but also begin to worry about their child. In fact, this rarely indicates any serious problems. Even if a nine-month-old baby wakes up every hour at night, this may be normal.

It all depends on a number of reasons:

  1. Painful teething. Your baby is probably cutting teeth right now, or maybe even several at the same time. It's no secret that this process causes a lot of anxiety for children. Salivation increases, they pull various objects into their mouths, and it becomes painful to chew. In some babies, teething is also accompanied by increased temperature and changes in stool. It is not surprising that in such a situation they sleep poorly. When your 9-month-old baby tosses and turns throughout the night, it's likely his teeth are bothering him.
  2. Breast-feeding. It has been proven that infants are much more restless than their artificial peers. Their strong connection with their mother makes itself felt even at night. Waking up in his crib in complete darkness, the baby wants to feel his mother’s warmth and feel safe. It is possible that he calms down and falls asleep only at the chest.
  3. Various diseases and ailments (intestinal colic, colds, otitis media and other diseases). When a nine-month-old baby cries hysterically and for a long time at night, having difficulty calming down, he may be worried about pain. To solve the problem, consult your pediatrician.
  4. Discomfort associated with uncomfortable clothing or room temperature. When the room is too hot or cold, and the seams or folds of clothing rub against delicate skin, no person will be able to sleep peacefully during the night.
  5. Wrong daily routine. Perhaps your 9-month-old baby sleeps a lot during the day, and at night he makes up for the lack of activity.
  6. Vivid emotions and fears of the day or noisy games before bed.
If this is the cause of a poor night's sleep, then most often the problem goes away after a day or two. In any case, if the problem persists for a long time and seriously bothers you, consult a doctor.