Riboxin - use, instructions, indications. Pharmacological action and correct dosage of Riboxin Why is Riboxin not used now?

"Riboxin" is a medical drug from the group of anabolic steroids that has antiarrhythmic and antihypoxic effects. It has a beneficial effect on the course of the body's metabolic reactions and increases the energy potential of tissues. The use of Riboxin reduces the hypoxic state of tissues, so the drug is often prescribed to women during pregnancy. The medication restores normal heart rhythm and increases the energy reserves of the heart muscle. The medicine supports tissue regenerative processes, for which many doctors prescribe it.

The description of the drug is justified by the instructions for it.

The main component of Riboxin - inosine - looks like a white or yellow powder, has no odor, has a bitter taste, and cannot dissolve in alcohol and water.

The pharmaceutical industry produces medicine in the form of:

  • Riboxin tablets, composition 200 milligrams (0.2 g);
  • 2% solution for injections in ampoules for injection into a vein or intramuscular use (20 mg per milliliter).

In addition to the active ingredient, tablet and injection forms contain additional substances.

The tablets are in a coating; the surface layer may be yellowish or orange. The shape is rounded, there is surface roughness.

The ampoules contain a colorless or slightly colored liquid.

The price of the medicine is low.


Inosine, the main component of Riboxin, is a precursor of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and takes part in the metabolic processes of glucose, thereby improving metabolic reactions and replenishing the lack of oxygen in organs and tissues. Inosine activates the process of formation of pyruvic acid and creates conditions for normal tissue respiration also with a lack of ATP. The active substance in the body activates xanthine dehydrogenase, which promotes oxidation reactions with the production of uric acid.

Riboxin tablets are fully absorbed by the digestive system. When administered intravenously, the solution is rapidly delivered to tissues and organs that need ATP. Residual components are metabolized in the liver. A small amount of the drug is excreted in bile, urine, and feces.

Indications for use

The drug "Riboxin" is prescribed for the following diagnoses:

  1. Ischemic cardiac pathology in combination with basic therapeutic agents. The drug "Riboxin" is indicated in any phase of the disease, as well as some time after a heart attack.
  2. For myocarditis and other primary heart lesions of unknown etiology, the drug is prescribed in long courses.
  3. As a means of normalizing heart rhythm during tachycardias and arrhythmias. The medication is especially good at treating arrhythmic disorders caused by taking other medications.
  4. There are also indications for the use of Riboxin for coronary atherosclerosis.
  5. Patients who have metabolic pathologies (uroporphyria).
  6. In combination with medications to eliminate liver diseases: cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration. For toxic disorders of liver cells after alcohol intoxication, taking medications or the influence of negative professional factors.
  7. In combination with other medications in the treatment of eye diseases, including open-angle glaucoma.
  8. For ulcerative lesions of the gastric tract.
  9. Cancer patients exposed to ionizing radiation for organ cancers. The drug reduces side effects and improves the therapeutic benefits of radiation therapy.
  10. During operations on an isolated kidney.
  11. Doctors advise taking Riboxin during intense physical exertion that has an unsatisfactory effect on health.


Instructions for use of "Riboxin" in tablets and injections prescribe the methods of use and dosage of the medicine.

Riboxin tablets are taken before meals. The dose is calculated by the doctor personally for each patient. First, a minimum amount of the drug is prescribed (0.6 - 0.8 g), then with normal tolerance it increases to 2.4 g. That is, first take one tablet 3 - 4 times a day, then 2 tablets 3 - 4 times per day, then 3 tablets 3 – 4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts one to three months.

The instructions for "Riboxin" tablets pay special attention to patients with urocoproporphyria. They should reduce the dosage to 0.8 g per day, that is, one tablet 4 times a day. This is due to the increased formation of uric acid salts. The drug further enhances the metabolism of potassium and sodium urates, accelerating the reaction of salt deposition.

"Riboxin" in ampoules is administered dropwise or in a stream of 10 milliliters daily. The dose can be increased to 20 ml per day, that is, twice 10 ml. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. Usually this is one and a half to two weeks.


Contraindications to the use of "Riboxin":

  • gouty diseases;
  • disruption of biological reactions of uric acid formation;
  • lack of enzymes;
  • severe kidney pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus


The doctor tells the patient how to take the medicine correctly. It is important to adhere to the prescribed doses. If the specified amount of medication is exceeded, undesirable reactions may occur: allergic rashes, arrhythmic cardiac disorders, heaviness in the chest - after taking Riboxin, from which the concentration of the substance in the blood should be reduced.

An overdose of Riboxin requires urgent medical attention.

Side effects

Allergic manifestations may occur as side effects - itching of the skin, redness at the injection site. In these situations, the medicine must be discontinued. With prolonged use, relapses of gout and an increase in the volume of uric acid are possible. Sometimes tachycardia, hypotension may occur, and a state of general weakness may develop.

The benefits and harms of "Riboxin"

The medicine has a positive effect on the heart muscle, helping to improve metabolism in it. As a result, the energy level of the muscle cells of an important organ increases, and the restoration processes of its tissues are enhanced. The drug normalizes the contractile effect of the heart muscle, promotes a more intense flow of the diastolic phase when the heart relaxes.

Inosine reduces platelet binding and prevents the formation of thrombosis and thromboembolism.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is directed not only to the heart, but also to the inner layer of the stomach and duodenum.

The drug acts on metabolic reactions, which is not well appreciated by many scientists. Any external intervention in metabolic cycles can change the physiological sequence of reactions and make its own adjustments, which is not always favorable for the patient. However, taking into account the possible danger of pathological processes, the benefits of Riboxin are assessed significantly higher than the potential harm.

Combination with other medications

"Riboxin" in combination with cardiac glycosides enhances their inotropic activity. This combination prevents the occurrence of arrhythmia.

The medication prolongs the therapeutic effect of anticoagulants, for example, Heparin.

The drug is incompatible with alcohol, acids, and vitamin B6. When they are combined, insoluble substances are formed.

Special instructions

While using Riboxin, it is important to monitor the amount of uric acid in body fluids.

Treatment with the drug does not reduce the ability to concentrate, therefore it does not affect driving and other types of work that require increased concentration.

The medicine should not be combined with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Drug during pregnancy and lactation

Unfortunately, there is no data on the safe use of the drug in pregnant women, so the medicine should be prescribed with caution and under medical supervision. Many doctors prescribe Riboxin to pregnant women as a drug that has a positive effect on the body’s metabolic reactions, and therefore has a positive effect on the woman and child. The drug reduces the manifestation of hypoxic conditions in pregnant women.

The medicine eliminates possible heart problems that often occur in pregnant women. The dosage is the same as for other groups of patients.

For pregnant women, Riboxin is administered intravenously, but the drug can also be taken in tablet form.

"Riboxin" in sports

The drug’s beneficial intervention in metabolic reactions is appreciated not only by doctors, but also by athletes, which is why Riboxin is often used in sports to build muscles and increase overall weight. The medication increases strength and is included in professional nutrition for athletes.

Riboxin tablets are taken by athletes before meals in the amount of 1.5 - 2.5 g per day. The dose also increases gradually, starting from 0.8 g. Athletes are recommended to take the drug from one to three months.

"Riboxin" in veterinary medicine

Veterinarians prescribe the medicine in question to representatives of the canine family to eliminate diseases of the heart muscle, including heart failure, and also as a metabolic agent for animals in old age.

For animals, it is injected into the muscle at a dose of 0.1 - 0.2 grams per 10 kg of pet weight three times a day.

Similar medications

Analogues of the drug "Riboxin" - "Inosin-F", "Inosine", "Riboxin bufus", "Ribonosine".

Riboxin is a metabolic drug that is a precursor to adenosine triphosphate or ATP (a substance that is a source of energy for all biochemical processes). The medication has an anabolic, antiarrhythmic, and antihypoxic effect.

It is involved in glucose metabolism, stimulates various metabolic processes that develop during hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and lack of ATP.

Riboxin prevents the consequences of intraoperative (during surgery) renal ischemia.

The medication provokes an increase in the energy balance of the heart muscle and stimulates blood circulation in the myocardial vessels. The drug quickly exhibits a therapeutic effect, after which its remains are excreted through the kidneys. More information about the indications for the use of Riboxin, contraindications, and adverse reactions after taking it will be discussed below.

Description of pharmaceutical forms

The drug Riboxin is available in the form of tablets, capsules and liquids for intravenous administration.

The main component of the drug is riboxin (inosine), the dosage forms differ only in the excipients.

Riboxin in ampoules exhibits a therapeutic effect faster

Composition of Riboxin:
1.Tablets, film coating:

  • lactose;
  • copovidone;
  • ancient acid calcium;
  • The shell contains various dyes.


  • sucrose;
  • potato starch;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • food stabilizer E461;
  • polysorbate-80;
  • tropeolin O;
  • octadecanoic acid.

3.Solution for injections:

  • urotropin;
  • caustic soda solution;
  • distilled water.


  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • the shell consists of gelatin, glycerol, titanium dioxide, dye, etc.

Round tablets, yellow coated with a white core, packaged in blisters, polymer and glass bottles. The film-coated tablets have a biconvex shape and a yellow-orange tint. The liquid is transparent and is in ampoules and is administered parenterally. Red capsules with white powder inside are packaged in contour packaging.

Riboxin is a heart vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Properties of the drug

Many patients who have been prescribed the drug are wondering what Riboxin helps with. The drug is an anabolic (that is, it stimulates the production of proteins), which has a nonspecific antihypoxic and antiarrhythmic effect. Thanks to inosine, which is a precursor of ATP, glucose metabolism is normalized and metabolic processes are activated against the background of hypoxia.

Riboxin normalizes heart rhythm

The components of the drug stimulate the metabolism of pyruvic acid, due to which tissue respiration is normalized even with a lack of adenosine triphosphate. The main substances activate the activity of xanthine dehydrogenase, due to which hypoxanthine is transformed into uric acid.

In simple terms, Riboxin exhibits the following therapeutic properties:

  • Normalizes heart rhythm.
  • Repeatedly enhances anabolic processes.
  • Reduces oxygen starvation, activates metabolic processes.
  • Dilates the coronary vessels that supply the heart.
  • Participates in the process of glucose metabolism.
  • Stimulates the production of nucleoside phosphates (phosphorus esters of nucleosides).
  • Develops the power of myocardial contractions.
  • Restores tissue damaged by ischemia.
  • Blocks the aggregation (gluing) of platelets into conglomerates.
  • Normalizes blood clotting.

Riboxin is used for heart pain, heart palpitations, and after a heart attack. The drug saturates the heart with oxygen, normalizes heartbeat, strengthens the heart muscle, and improves blood circulation. After taking the medication, energy processes in the heart improve. Thanks to it, the production of proteins in the muscles is accelerated, and the cells become more resistant to oxygen starvation.

After administration (oral or parenteral method), the medicine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed to tissues that need adenosine triphosphate. The components of the drug are metabolized by liver cells. Remains of the medication are excreted in urine, feces, and bile.

Prescription of the medication

According to the instructions for use of Riboxin, the drug is indicated for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Complex therapy of cardiac ischemia (angina pectoris, decrease or cessation of coronary blood flow, post-infarction state).
  • Poisoning of the body with cardiac glycosides.
  • Primary myocardial damage of various origins.
  • Myocardial inflammation.
  • Congenital or acquired heart defects.
  • Pathologies of cardiac activity in which the rhythm is disturbed and the heart hurts.
  • Myocardial dystrophy of infectious or endocrine origin.
  • Atherosclerotic lesion of the coronary arteries.
  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis, parenchymal dystrophy.
  • Drug-induced or alcohol-induced liver damage.
  • Skin porphyria late.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Open-angle glaucoma, in which intraocular pressure is normalized.

Riboxin is most often used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, the drug is prescribed for hypertension and VSD in combination with other medications. It is recommended to drink Riboxin after removal or chemical therapy of malignant tumors; the medicine supports the body and minimizes the negative effects of chemotherapy.

Riboxin solution is also prescribed in specific cases:

  • Urgent heart pathologies, which are manifested by rhythm disturbances.
  • Surgical treatment of an isolated kidney (for pharmacological protection during lack of circulation).
  • Arrhythmia of unknown origin.
  • Acute radiation sickness (to prevent changes in the blood formula).

The decision to prescribe the drug is made by the doctor after establishing the diagnosis.

Application and dosage

Patients are interested in: “How to take Riboxin in tablet form?” The pills are taken after meals; in the first 2–3 days, take 200 mg (1 tablet) three or four times in 24 hours. If the patient tolerated the treatment well, the dose is increased to 400 mg three times. If necessary, you can gradually increase the dose of the medicine after consulting a doctor, but not more than 2.4 g per day. The therapeutic course lasts from 1 to 2 months.

The final dose of the drug will be determined by the attending physician.

To cure skin porphyria tarda, drink 200 mg of Riboxin four times a day for 1–2 months.

Riboxin is administered intravenously using a syringe or dropper. The rate of administration of the drug by the parenteral method is from 40 to 60 drops per minute.

To create an infusion solution, the liquid dosage form of Riboxin is mixed with 250 ml of sodium chloride (0.9%) or glucose (5%).

The use of Riboxin by drop method is permissible in the following dosages:

  • the first time – 10 ml once a day;
  • if the reaction to the drug is normal, then the daily dose is increased to 20 ml once or twice.

The duration of treatment is from 10 to 15 days.

Riboxin injections are administered intramuscularly with a syringe.

For acute cardiac arrhythmias, use 10 to 20 ml of liquid for injection. For pharmacological protection of the kidneys, you need to inject 60 ml of the drug once 10–15 minutes before turning off the blood circulation, and then another injection (40 ml) after the functionality of the hepatic artery has resumed.

Capsules are taken after meals, just like tablets.

On the first day, take 1 capsule three or four times, then the dose is increased to 2 capsules three times. The maximum daily dose is 12 capsules. The therapeutic course lasts 1–2 months.

The decision to choose a dosage form and determine the dosage is made by the cardiologist individually for each patient.

Special instructions

The medicine Riboxin, like any medicine, has a list of contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug.
  • Gouty arthritis.
  • Functional kidney failure.
  • Hyperuricemia (increased concentration of uric acid in the blood).

Sometimes Riboxin provokes tachycardia, hypotension, allergic reactions

Under the supervision of a doctor, the drug is taken by patients under 18 years of age, patients with lactase deficiency.

If you violate the rules of administration or are allergic to the components of the drug, the drug causes adverse reactions:

  • low blood pressure;
  • increased concentration of uric acid salts in the bloodstream;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • itching on the skin;
  • feeling of general weakness;
  • gouty arthritis in the acute phase;
  • nettle fever;
  • hyperemia (redness of the skin).

If side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. During treatment, it is recommended to systematically monitor uric acid levels.

The medication can be taken before activities that require increased attention and concentration.

There is no information about cases of overdose.

Riboxin and cardiac glycosides are often prescribed together. This is explained by the fact that, due to the ionotropic effect of the latter, the likelihood of arrhythmia decreases.

With the combined use of Riboxin and anticoagulants (Heparin), the duration of their action increases.

Riboxin is sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

The shelf life of the medicine is 4 years.

Riboxin in sports

Many people are interested in what athletes use Riboxin for. The medication stimulates metabolic processes, so it is used to gain weight and improve physical fitness. The drug allows you to increase physical performance and strength indicators. The medicine began to be used in sports in the 70s. The substance is added to sports nutrition.

Riboxin is used with potassium orotate to enhance the effect on the heart

Athletes (bodybuilders) use a tablet form of the medication, which is administered orally before meals. The dose of the drug ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 g per 24 hours. The starting dosage of the drug is from 600 to 800 mg three times or four times, but not more than 2.5 g. Athletes use the medication for 1 to 3 months.

To enhance the effect of the drug on the heart, combine Riboxin and Potassium Orotate. The same medications are used to make mid-mountain and climatic adaptation easier. For this purpose, the potassium salt of orotic acid is used in a dosage of 250 to 300 mg twice or three times in 24 hours, the dose of Riboxin remains unchanged. The therapeutic course lasts from 15 to 30 days.

Riboxin for pregnant women and children

Expectant and new mothers are wondering whether Riboxin can be used while carrying or feeding a child. On the recommendation of cardiologists, the drug is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.

Expectant mothers can take Riboxin only after a doctor's prescription

The medication saturates tissues with oxygen, improves metabolic processes and energy supply. As a result, the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus receives more nutrients.

During the period of bearing a child, the body of the expectant mother often suffers from oxygen starvation. This is a very dangerous condition that can lead to serious complications. The components of the drug reduce the negative effects of hypoxia, which often complicates pregnancy.

In addition, the medication has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the action of inosine, the contractility of the heart muscle is normalized, the metabolic needs of the muscle cells of the heart are regulated, and trophic processes are enhanced. Thus, Riboxin prevents arrhythmia, tachycardia and other disorders of myocardial functionality.

The decision to choose a dosage form, determine the dose and duration of treatment is made by the doctor after diagnosis (tests, ultrasound, etc.). To achieve a good therapeutic effect, the drug is prescribed in the form of a solution for intravenous administration.

Riboxin is also prescribed to children after permission from the pediatrician. The dosage is selected by the doctor for each child individually, taking into account the patient’s age and clinical picture. During the treatment period, the patient is under medical supervision.

Combination of Riboxin with alcohol

When taking the medication together with alcoholic drinks, the effect of the former is reduced. Riboxin and alcohol guarantee complications of varying severity.

Riboxin must not be combined with alcoholic beverages.

It is not completely known how the body will react to a mixture of medication with ethanol. The patient’s condition is affected not only by these chemical compounds, but also by the processes themselves that occur in the body. But nothing positive can be expected from this combination.

The components of the drug that are responsible for removing ethyl alcohol from the body can provoke an allergic reaction. The likelihood of swelling, vomiting, and severe poisoning increases. Many patients who took the drug and drank alcohol complain of redness on the skin, itching, and nettle fever. If such symptoms appear, it is important to seek medical help, otherwise the consequences can be very dangerous, even death. A person can die due to suffocation caused by swelling.

Do not forget that Riboxin can cause kidney disease. When combining the drug and alcoholic beverages, serious complications are guaranteed. If the patient is in a hospital, doctors will save his life. When combining these substances at home, the likelihood of death increases, because it is not a fact that the victim will be saved, even if he was hospitalized quickly.

Patients about Riboxin

The vast majority of patients are satisfied with the effect of the medication, because it is quite effective and has a minimal number of side effects.

1 tablet of the pharmaceutical product contains:

  • Riboxin – 0.2 g;
  • Calcium stearate;
  • Potato starch;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Opadry II Yellow coating mixture - Indigo carmine (E 132), Lactose monohydrate, Titanium dioxide (E 171), Macrogol (polyethylene glycol 3000), Quinoline yellow (E 104), Iron oxide (E 172).

Composition of solution for injection:

  • – 20 mg/ml.

Release form

  • 2-% injection solution in ampoules of 10 ml (total content of the main active ingredient – ​​200 mg). The cardboard box holds 10 ampoules.
  • Pills Riboxin is yellow in color, coated with a biconvex surface. In the cross section, two layers are clearly visible. The drug is packaged in contour cellular blisters made of aluminum foil or PVC, 10 tablets each. A pack contains 1, 2, 3, or 5 plates.
  • Riboxin Lect - capsules with Inosine content - 0.2 g. 20, 30 or 50 pieces are placed in a cardboard package.

Pharmacological action

What is Riboxin?

Riboxin is a drug anabolic character that has a nonspecific antihypoxic And antiarrhythmic action. The main active ingredient of the drug is Inosine (Inosine - INN or international nonproprietary name of pharmaceutical products) - chemical precursor adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is directly involved in glucose and promotes the activation of metabolic processes under conditions of oxygen deficiency (“”).

Mechanism of action of the drug

The biologically active substances included in the drug activate the metabolism of pyruvic acid (PVA), which ensures normalization of tissue respiration even in the absence of the required amount of ATP. The active components also affect the enzymatic component of metabolic processes - when they enter the human body, they stimulate xanthine dehydrogenase activity , which in turn catalyzes oxidative reactions with the subsequent formation of uric acid from hypoxanthine.

The benefits and harms of Riboxin

Positive The effects of the pharmaceutical drug include the effect of the main components of Riboxin on metabolism in the myocardium (heart muscle). Thus, the therapeutic properties of the drug are manifested in increasing the energy balance of cardiomyocytes , accelerated formation of nucleotides, which manifests itself in enhanced processes of physiological regeneration cardiac tissue. That is, the medicine helps to normalize the contractile activity of the myocardium and a more complete course of diastole, when the heart completely relaxes due to the ability to bind with chemical chains of calcium ions that penetrate into the intracellular space during systole.

TO negative the influences of Riboxin can be attributed to change in the physiological sequence of the metabolic cycle . That is, the active components of a pharmaceutical drug, coming from outside, make adjustments to metabolic processes. As a rule, qualified specialists try, if possible, not to interfere in this area of ​​​​biochemistry of the human body, since therapeutic effects can cause very adverse consequences for the patient. However, in the presence of a pathological process that destructively affects the heart muscle (the vital “pump” of the circulatory system), a change in metabolism is necessary, because non-intervention will lead to a much worse outcome.

Wikipedia about Riboxin

The free encyclopedia of knowledge on the Internet also reveals some aspects of the pharmacological action of the drug. In particular, all the cardiac effects of the biologically active components that make up Riboxin are described. In addition, on the page about this medicine there is information about the effect on the cellular component of the blood coagulation system - Inosine reduces aggregation , which reduces the risk of developing and thromboembolism . The regenerative therapeutic properties of the pharmaceutical drug extend not only to the heart muscle, but also to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Separately, it should be noted Inosine pranobec c – a type of drug that has immunostimulating activity and nonspecific antiviral action. The drug suppresses such harmful pathogens as simplex virus, CMV (cytomegalovirus), type 3 T-cell lymphoma virus, human enterocytopathogenic virus and many others. The mechanism of this action lies in inhibition of ribonucleic acid and inhibition of the biological catalyst dihydropteroate synthetase, which manifests itself in the suppression of viral replication and increased production of interferons by lymphocytes that destroy pathological organisms.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When taken orally, Riboxin is good and almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. When administered intravenously, the pharmaceutical drug quickly distributed in tissues that need ATP. Regardless of route of administration, unused active ingredients metabolized in the liver, where the final stages of metabolic biochemical reactions take place. A small amount of Riboxin is excreted in urine, feces and bile.

Indications for use of Riboxin

Indications for use of Riboxin tablets:

  • Complex treatment of coronary heart disease (coronary insufficiency, post-condition);
  • Intoxication with cardiac glycoside drugs;
  • Cardiomyopathies of various origins;
  • Myocarditis ;
  • Rheumatic, congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • Cardiac arrhythmia;
  • infectious or endocrine origin (especially against the background of heavy physical exertion);
  • Coronary ;
  • Nonspecific liver diseases ( hepatitis , fatty degeneration of a parenchymal organ, );
  • Drug and alcohol liver damage;
  • Urocoproporphyria ;
  • Prevention of reduction in quantity during irradiation;
  • And duodenum ;
  • Open angle with normalized intraocular pressure.

Specific indications for the use of injections:

  • Urgent pathological conditions of cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Operations on an isolated kidney (as a means of pharmacological protection in case of temporary lack of blood circulation);
  • unknown etiology in medicine;
  • Acute radiation exposure to prevent the development of changes in the blood formula.


  • Hereditary or acquired intolerance constituent components of a pharmaceutical product;
  • Individual increased sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug;
  • Kidney failure ;
  • Hyperuricemia (increased amount of uric acid salts in the blood).

Side effects

As a rule, the medicine is well tolerated, only in isolated cases the following side effects are observed:

  • Arterial hypotension ;
  • Increased levels of uric acid and its salts in the blood;
  • General weakness;
  • Exacerbation of gout ;
  • allergic origin;
  • Redness of the skin.

Instructions for use of Riboxin (Method and dosage)

Riboxin tablets, instructions for use

Tablets are used orally inside, before meals. The dosage, as a rule, is set individually in view of the characteristics of the metabolism of the active components and indications for conservative therapy. However, there are certain generaltreatment regimens this pharmaceutical preparation, according to which the daily dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 0.6-2.4 g per day. Rehabilitation begins with small dosages (about 0.6-0.8 g - 1 tablet 3-4 times a day), and then, if the medicine is well tolerated and has a beneficial effect on the body, the dose is gradually increased over 2-3 days.

Maximum quantity The drug taken is 2.4 g per day - 4 tablets 3 times per day. This dosage is achieved for 2 months of a course of conservative treatment, the entire duration of which, as a rule, lasts from 1 to 3 months and is adjusted taking into account individual indications for therapeutic intervention.

Separately, it should be noted how to take pills with urocoproporphy , since the pathophysiology of this disease is associated with an increase in uric acid salts in biological fluids and secretions. Riboxin, in turn, accelerates the metabolism of urates, activating the enzymatic oxidation of hypoxanthine. Therefore, in order to avoid deposits and the formation of stones, the dosage of the drug is 0.8 g per day - 1 tablet 4 times a day and must be strictly observed during conservative treatment.

Riboxin injections, instructions for use

Slow parenteral drip administration is used or rapid jet injections , depending on individual indications and the urgency of the pathological condition. If the attending physician chooses injections, then first apply a minimum dosage of 200 mg of Riboxin (10 ml of 2% injection solution) once a day. For acute disorders rhythm of cardiac activity, a single injection of 200-400 mg of Inosine (10-20 ml of 2% solution) intravenously can be used.

The dosage of jet administration is increased only if the drug is well tolerated. Maximum quantity the drug can be 400 mg of Riboxin (two ampoules of a 2% solution) 1 or 2 times a day. The duration of the course is selected individually (according to the general protocol - 10-15 days).

If you use Riboxin IV (intravenously) drip , then before its administration, a 2% solution of the drug must be diluted in 5% glucose or hypotonic sodium chloride solution (concentration - 0.9%) to obtain 250 ml of medicinal liquid. The rate of administration is 40-60 drops per minute.

Instructions for

Riboxin is used intravenously for pregnant women, because in this way its effects are revealed more fully. The dosage and duration of the course of conservative therapy is selected strictly individually in each individual case, based on the results of various clinical studies and the opinion of qualified specialists.

How to use Riboxin Lect?

The dosage and duration of treatment with this variation of the pharmaceutical drug do not differ from the generally accepted protocols for therapeutic care with Riboxin. However, the Lect form of the drug is not used as an emergency correction of dysfunction of the heart muscle or other organs, since its effects develop somewhat more slowly.


The medical pharmacological literature does not describe cases of overdose with this pharmaceutical drug.


Combined use of a drug with cardiac glycosides enhances the inotropic effect of the latter and prevents the development of such unfavorable consequences of drug treatment as the occurrence of arrhythmia, for which Riboxin is sometimes prescribed together with this group of pharmaceuticals.

Simultaneous use with Riboxin with such anticoagulants , How , increases the duration of their therapeutic action.

The drug is completely incompatible with acids and alcohols , or , since both chemical compounds are deactivated, salts of heavy metals , vegetable alkaloids . The latter, when interacting with Riboxin, form insoluble and non-removable compounds due to the detachment of the alkaloid base.

Terms of sale

The drug belongs to list B, therefore it can be purchased only upon presentation of a certified receptor form. Certain old-fashioned pharmacy stalls may even require a prescription in Latin.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in its original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius in a dry place inaccessible to young children. Also, the drug should be protected from exposure to direct sunlight.

Best before date

Special instructions

Riboxin in bodybuilding

A pharmaceutical drug is classified as metabolic agent and a stimulator of biochemical processes, so the medicine can be used for weight gain , improving physical performance and increasing strength indicators . Riboxin was actively used in sports back in the 70s. The following types of nutrition for bodybuilders are known, which are actively sold to this day:

  • Premium Inosine;
  • Ultimate nutrition;
  • Inosine mega-pro;
  • Inosine life extension;
  • Cell-tech hardcore.

How to take Riboxin for bodybuilding?

Used in sports nutrition tableted a form of medication that is administered orally before meals. Dosage ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 g per day. As for therapeutic purposes, the number of tablets taken should be gradually increased from a starting dosage of 0.6-0.8 g 3-4 times a day to 2.5 g. Riboxin for athletes should be used for from 4 weeks to 1.5 -3 months.

To enhance the effect of the drug on the myocardium and reduce the period of mid-mountain and climatic adaptation, they can be used together and Riboxin. In this case, the dosage of the potassium salt of orotic acid is 0.25-0.5 g 2-3 times a day before meals (course duration is 15-30 days), and Riboxin is used according to the above scheme.

Riboxin in veterinary practice

The drug is non-specific in its pharmaceutical nature, therefore it can also be used in veterinary therapeutic practice. Often the drug is used for dogs for the purpose of liquidation heart failure , treatment myocarditis and, improving the metabolic abilities of the muscular organ with myocardosis And heart defects , which are very common aging problems in animals.

How should animals take Riboxin?

Typically, the drug is administered intramuscularly , because this is the most rational route of administration in veterinary practice. The dosage is 0.1-0.2 g of the drug per 10 kg of animal weight 3 times a day. The course of conservative treatment lasts about a month. Repeated prescriptions of Riboxin are possible for a more thorough correction of metabolism or elimination of deep degenerative changes.

Riboxin's analogues

Riboxin analogues constitute a small pharmaceutical group with an identical main active ingredient - Inosie-F, Inosine, Riboxin bufus, Ribonosine . As a rule, the price of these medicines is even lower, which is why Riboxin tablets can be replaced with these analogues for greater savings.

With alcohol

Riboxin IV (intravenously) should not be combined with drinking alcohol, as this is fraught with side effects from the list above or the emergence of new adverse consequences of conservative therapy with a pharmaceutical drug.

Riboxin during pregnancy (and lactation)

The pharmaceutical drug is actively prescribed during the most critical periods for a woman, which, as a rule, plunges expectant mothers into slight bewilderment. Even after reading the instructions, many questions remain, the main one of which, of course, is what Riboxin is for during pregnancy. Medicine improves energy supply and tissue metabolism , that is, it provides the woman and fetus with a more active supply of beneficial nutrients during the period when they suffer from deficient conditions. This is one of the main aspects of using Riboxin.

Also, the active ingredients help reduce harm from the so-called “ oxygen starvation ", which is a common complication during pregnancy. A pathological condition occurs because the woman’s respiratory system supplies two organisms with vital gas. But such a powerful need for oxygen runs counter to the capabilities of the lungs and bronchial tree. Because antihypoxic effect Riboxin comes in handy, and this is the second, but no less important aspect of using the drug during pregnancy.

Among the therapeutic properties of a pharmaceutical drug, a significant part consists of effects on cardiac activity . Riboxin normalizes myocardial contractile activity, regulates the metabolic needs of cardiomyocytes, and helps enhance trophic processes. Thus, the drug plays the role preventive sanitation , since it is not uncommon for pregnant women to develop pathological processes such as and other disturbances in the rhythm of the heart muscle.

How to take Riboxin for pregnant women?

The dosage and duration of use of a pharmaceutical drug during pregnancy is always selected individually based on indicators of diagnostic tests, ultrasound data and other physiological parameters. As a rule, Riboxin is administered intravenously during pregnancy, however, in the medical literature and on thematic forums for pregnant women, cases of prescribing the tablet form of the drug are described.

Reviews about Riboxin

Reviews about Riboxin characterize the drug from a positive point of view in their overwhelming majority. The drug has an extremely small list of possible side effects, which seems even more insignificant if we consider the entire range of indications for the use of Riboxin. The active components make it possible to effectively fight and stop the pathological effects of most common nosological entities affecting the vital circulatory system and its “main pump”.

However, the therapeutic effects of the drug are not limited to effects on the myocardium. The active ingredients promote active regeneration of the mucous membrane in case of destructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and how often in the modern world do you meet a person without at least a mild form of gastritis? The positive effects also extend to the blood system, metabolic processes in the kidneys and other organs and systems.

Heart diseases affect the functioning of the entire body, performance and vitality. This is especially true for problems with the myocardium, which Riboxin will help you cope with. This is an effective, inexpensive drug that is used by many cardiologists and other doctors.

Why is Riboxin so useful? First of all, the drug activates metabolism and all metabolic processes in the myocardium. It improves blood flow in the coronary vessels, accelerates the recovery of heart muscle tissue and normalizes energy balance in case of oxygen deficiency. Riboxin will be useful for patients with various myocardial diseases, especially coronary heart disease, as well as athletes who want to increase the body's endurance and quickly build muscle mass.

Composition of Riboxin

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs that normalize myocardial metabolism and reduce tissue hypoxia. Its main active substance is called inosine. It is a white powder. In some cases, inosine may be slightly yellowish, which is also normal. This substance has no odor, tastes bitter and is insoluble in water.

The active component of Riboxin participates in glucose metabolic processes in the body, normalizes blood flow in the coronary vessels and restores ischemic tissue. The use of this drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the myocardium, significantly activating metabolism.

In what form is it produced?

Riboxin is taken orally or injected into a vein. Accordingly, it is produced in the form of tablets and ampoules.

They have a rounded convex shape and are slightly rough to the touch. The tablets are coated on top, the color of which can vary from white-yellow to almost orange. Both shades are considered normal and do not indicate that the quality of the tablets is spoiled. Their core is white.

One tablet of Riboxin contains: 200 mg (0.2 g) of inosine and 70 mg of additional substances. These include potato starch - 54.1 mg, sucrose - 10 mg, stearic acid - 2.7 mg and methylcellulose - 3.2 mg.


Riboxin in the form of injections (2% solution) is a clear liquid, sometimes with minimal coloring. The composition of the ampoules is as follows: 200 mg of inosine, 10 ml. additional components, which include water, sodium hydroxide and hexamethylenetetramine.

Operating principle

In its structure, the molecule of the active substance Riboxin is similar to adenosine triphosphoric acid, which is responsible for the normalization of tissue respiration and the proper functioning of glucose metabolism, that is, providing the body's cells with energy. It is these properties that allow Riboxin to improve metabolism in tissues.

Under the influence of the drug, pyruvic acid is activated, which breaks down glucose into carbon dioxide and water in cells. As a result, the body is provided with sufficient oxygen. In situations of severe stress, excessive physical exertion, oxygen starvation, vascular disease and poisoning with toxic substances, medicine becomes vital.

Riboxin: what is it used for?

The list of indications for taking Riboxin is quite extensive and includes the following diseases and abnormalities in the body:

  • Cardiac ischemia, including angina, problems with coronary circulation and a weakened state after a heart attack;
  • Oncology (in this case, Riboxin is prescribed during radiation therapy in order to reduce the side effect and quickly restore the body after this procedure);
  • The presence of hepatitis, cirrhosis and parenchymal degeneration;
  • When the body is poisoned with cardiac glucosides;

  • With drug-induced and alcohol-induced liver damage;
  • In case of congenital or acquired heart defect;
  • If a diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcers is made;
  • Primary myocardial lesions of various origins;
  • Various heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Pain in the heart, as well as various pathologies and complications due to taking other medications;
  • With atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries;
  • Uroporphyria (failure of metabolic biological reactions);
  • For myocardial dystrophy of infectious or endocrine origin.
  • In the case of open glaucoma (usually used in combination with other drugs);
  • For dystrophic changes in the myocardium after exercise, illness or hormonal disorders.

To summarize, Riboxin is often prescribed as the main drug for the treatment of patients with pain and inflammation in the heart, pathologies and injuries of the myocardium, and heartbeat disorders. Taking the medicine leads to strengthening of the heart muscle and normalization of blood circulation. Riboxin improves metabolic processes in the heart, significantly accelerates protein production in muscles and prevents oxygen starvation.

In addition, the drug is often prescribed to athletes during intense physical exertion in order to increase the body's endurance.

Contraindications for taking Riboxin

As is the case with others
medications, the main precaution is self-medication. Riboxin can be used only after a doctor's prescription. In the instructions for this medicine you can find the following contraindications for its use:

  1. Not recommended for patients with diabetes;
  2. For severe kidney disease;
  3. In case of hypersensitivity or intolerance to the active substance of the drug or its other components;
  4. If you are diagnosed with “gout” and “hyperuricemia”;
  5. For enzymatic deficiency (impaired glucose intake by the body).
  6. Not prescribed for children under three years of age.

There are no special warnings for operating vehicles or other machinery. Riboxin does not affect concentration and does not reduce the attentiveness of patients.

Pharmacological properties

A fairly large list of indications for taking Riboxin raises a logical question about its effect on the body. This is an anabolic and metabolic drug that activates the production of proteins. Its active substance inosine (ATP precursor) has properties that normalize glucose metabolism and metabolic processes.

In general, Riboxin has the following medicinal effects on the body:

  • Takes part in glucose metabolic processes;
  • Has an enhancing effect on anabolic processes;
  • Makes the coronary vessels that nourish the heart wider;
  • Increases the strength of heart contractions;
  • Positively affects blood clotting, normalizing it;
  • Activates metabolic processes, thereby reducing oxygen starvation;
  • Has a stimulating effect on the production of nucleoside phosphates;
  • Leads to the regeneration of tissues that have been damaged by ischemia;

After consuming Riboxin tablets or injecting it, the drug quickly penetrates the blood and begins to enter tissues lacking adenosine triphosphate. Then the substances that make up the drug are metabolized by liver cells. And all the remains leave the body through urine, feces and bile.

Riboxin: instructions for use

Taking pills

In tablet form
The drug is consumed before meals and a strict dosage regimen is followed. At the beginning of treatment, the patient takes one tablet 3-4 times a day. This dosage should be followed for the first two to three days. Then, if the patient does not have a negative reaction, the number of tablets is increased to two and taken 3 times a day. Under the supervision of a doctor, the use of tablets can be further increased, but usually the dose reaches no more than 12 pieces (2.4 grams). The course of treatment lasts from one to three months, depending on the purpose of use and the patient’s condition.


The infusion solution is prepared as follows: the drug is mixed with 250 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution and 5% glucose solution is added there. The initial dosage for intravenous administration via a dropper is 0.2 g (10 ml) once every 24 hours. If the patient's response to the medicine is positive, then the amount is increased to 0.4 g (20 ml) 1-2 times a day. The treatment period lasts from ten to fifteen days.

Taking Riboxin in bodybuilding

As in the two cases mentioned above, the use of the drug by athletes begins with small doses so that the presence of an allergic or other negative reaction of the body can be checked. In the first few days, it is recommended to take one tablet 3-4 times before meals. Three days will be enough to check the body's reaction to the drug. If there are no side effects, then you can continue the course and increase the number of tablets to 14 per day. Please note that the duration of such therapy should not exceed three months. After one course of administration, it is necessary to take a break for 1-2 months, since the body will need a rest from the drug.

Additional points

When treating with Riboxin in any form, you should pay attention to the amount of uric acid in the urine and blood and, if it increases, take the necessary measures.

If the patient is undergoing chemotherapy while taking the medicine, he needs to be checked regularly by the doctor. The condition of patients who simultaneously undergo such serious treatment tends to deteriorate sharply.

To date, doctors have not proven whether the drug is safe for pregnant women and during breastfeeding. You can find conflicting information on this issue in different sources. In some cases, doctors prescribe medicine to pregnant women, having assessed the degree of risk in advance. Typically, the medicine is prescribed when a woman begins to experience oxygen deprivation while pregnant. This condition is considered more dangerous than possible side effects from taking medications.

But it is definitely not recommended to take the drug during breastfeeding. During treatment you should stop breastfeeding.

Riboxin in sports

This drug is often prescribed to athletes so that their cardiac activity is not impaired during long, exhausting workouts. Riboxin is especially often used in bodybuilding, usually as a harmless nutritional supplement to maintain the body in tone and increase muscle mass. According to numerous reviews from athletes, the drug increases performance and endurance, helps to quickly build muscle, improve body contour and, unlike many steroids, does not harm health.

To increase the effect, some athletes take its analogue Mildronate along with Riboxin.

Side effects

According to medical statistics, a negative reaction to Riboxin is quite rare. Most often, the reason for this is individual intolerance to certain components. An allergy to a medicine manifests itself in the form of skin itching, urticaria, and skin hyperemia. In some cases, the concentration of uric acid in the blood may increase (therefore, doctors recommend monitoring its level during treatment).

Cases in which a drug overdose was detected in patients have not yet been found in medical practice.

Riboxin in combination with other medications

  1. Immunosuppressants. These are drugs that suppress the body's immunity. In combination with them, the effectiveness of Riboxin decreases.
  2. Steroid and non-steroid drugs. In combination with inosine, the anabolism of these substances increases.
  3. Cardiac metabolites. This combination is very productive and is often prescribed for treatment. As a result, arrhythmic reactions are prevented and inotropic effects are enhanced.
  4. . In combination with Riboxin, the bronchodilator effect on the body of the former and the invigorating effect of the latter are reduced.
  5. Vitamin B6. Together, both substances lose their effectiveness.
  6. Alkaloids. When giving injections, inosine cannot be combined with medications of this group, as this may result in the formation of insoluble substances.

If you are using a solution for injections or droppers, then adding additional substances to it is strictly prohibited.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the interaction of Riboxin with alcohol. At best, this combination will reduce the effect of the medication, at worst, it will lead to severe complications. It is quite difficult to predict exactly how the body will react to such a combination. Sometimes patients experience allergic reactions, swelling, vomiting, and poisoning. Others experience worsening kidney disease. Some patients complained of skin redness and itching. In general, this combination is considered very dangerous and can even cause death. For example, due to suffocation from severe swelling.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The main positive effects of using Riboxin include normalization of metabolism in the myocardium. Thanks to this property, there is more energy in the heart muscle, which leads to tissue regeneration and improved blood flow. Of course, the tone of the body improves and its endurance increases. Another noticeable advantage is the very low cost of the drug.

Doctors did not find any specific deficiencies in the medicine. But some experts argue that interfering with the body's metabolism through external means can disrupt its natural physiology. Therefore, using the drug to increase energy potential is not recommended. As for the treatment of various failures and diseases of the heart muscle with Riboxin, the advantages and benefits of the drug are an order of magnitude higher than the possible harm.


Some other drugs have similar effects on the body. For example, Inosine and Ribonosine are complete analogues of Riboxin with the same active substance. There are medications that have the same properties, but contain a different active ingredient, for example, Methyluracil.

For children, doctors often suggest using Mildronate syrup, which provides energy homeostasis to almost all cells of the body.

Another worthy analogue is the drug Cytoflavin. The medicine not only has similar effects, but also activates the functioning of brain neurons.

Riboxin: price in pharmacies

Average cost of Riboxin
in tablets (50 pieces in one package) in Russian cities is equal to 30 rubles. Depending on the manufacturer, it can reach 50 rubles. A solution of the medicine in ampoules will cost you from 60 to 100 rubles for 10 pieces.

Riboxin: reviews from cardiologists

Anatoly Alexandrovich, 51 years old. Riboxin is one of those drugs that I very often prescribe to my patients. Mainly for those who have problems with the myocardium. Firstly, it really has a beneficial effect on the body, improves metabolism and, in fact, heart problems. Secondly, I am very pleased with its low cost. Most of my patients are elderly people, pensioners, and it is inconvenient for me to prescribe them medications at exorbitant prices. And in terms of its effect on the body, Riboxin costs much more than its money.

Georgy Andreevich, 46 years old. Over my long experience as a cardiologist, I have tried many medications, and I consider Riboxin one of my favorites. During all this time, I did not observe any complaints or side effects in patients. On the contrary, within a month of using it their well-being significantly improved. I usually prescribe it in case of tachycardia, coronary heart disease, and various myocardial disorders and injuries. Sometimes I prescribe it to children, they also had a good reaction to the drug. I strongly advise my colleagues to use it in their practice.

Pharmacodynamics. Riboxin is an anabolic drug that has antihypoxic and antiarrhythmic effects. It is a precursor of ATP, is directly involved in glucose metabolism and promotes the activation of metabolism under hypoxic conditions and in the absence of ATP. The drug activates the metabolism of pyruvic acid to ensure the normal process of tissue respiration and promotes the activation of xanthine dehydrogenase. Riboxin has a positive effect on metabolism in the myocardium, in particular, it increases the energy balance of cells, stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, and increases the activity of a number of Krebs cycle enzymes. The drug normalizes the contractile activity of the myocardium and promotes more complete relaxation of the myocardium in diastole due to the ability to bind calcium ions that penetrate into cells during their excitation, and activates tissue regeneration (especially the myocardium and the mucous membrane of the digestive tract).
Pharmacokinetics. When administered intravenously, Riboxin is quickly distributed in tissues, metabolized in the liver, where it is completely utilized in the biochemical reactions of the body. It is excreted mainly in urine.

Indications for use of the drug Riboxin

Complex treatment of coronary heart disease (condition after myocardial infarction, angina pectoris), heart rhythm disturbances caused by the use of cardiac glycosides, treatment of cardiomyopathies of various origins, myocarditis (due to physical overload), liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, fatty liver), urocoproporphyria; prevention of leukopenia during irradiation. As a means of improving visual function, Riboxin is used for open-angle glaucoma with normalized (with the help of antihypertensive drugs) intraocular pressure.

Use of the drug Riboxin

Pills: orally before meals in a daily dose of 0.6-2.4 g. For the first time, take 0.6-0.8 g / day (0.2 g 3-4 times a day), and if well tolerated, increase the dose over the course of 2-3 days up to 1.2 g/day in 3 divided doses and up to 2.4 g/day. The course of treatment lasts from 4 weeks to 1.5-3 months. For urocoproporphyria, Riboxin is taken in a daily dose of 0.8 g (0.2 g 4 times a day) daily for 1-3 months.
Solution for injection. Adults and older children are prescribed intravenous drip or bolus. Initially, 200 mg (10 ml of 2% solution) is administered once a day, then, if well tolerated, up to 400 mg (20 ml of 2% solution) 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is determined individually (on average 10-15 days).
When administered drip into a vein, 2% solution of the drug is diluted in 5% solution of glucose or isotonic solution of sodium chloride (up to 250 ml). The drug is administered slowly, 40-60 drops per minute.
In case of acute cardiac arrhythmias, jet administration in a single dose of 200-400 mg (10-20 ml of 2% solution) is possible.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Riboxin

Hypersensitivity to the drug. Gout, hyperuricemia. Restriction on taking the drug is renal failure.

Side effects of the drug Riboxin

Patients with hypersensitivity to the drug may experience itching and skin hyperemia. In isolated cases, during treatment there may be an increase in the level of urea in the blood, and with prolonged treatment - an exacerbation of gout.
If adverse reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Riboxin

In case of renal failure, prescribing the drug is advisable only when, in the opinion of the doctor, the expected positive effect exceeds the probable risk of use.
During treatment, the level of uric acid in the blood should be regularly monitored.

Drug interactions Riboxin

With simultaneous use of Riboxin with β-adrenergic receptor blockers, the effect of Riboxin is not reduced. When used together with cardiac glycosides, the drug can prevent the occurrence of arrhythmia and enhance the inotropic effect.
Riboxin should not be mixed in the same syringe with other medications to avoid chemical incompatibility of the drugs.

Overdose of the drug Riboxin, symptoms and treatment

Possible individual intolerance to the drug in the form of itching, skin hyperemia (the drug is discontinued and desensitizing therapy is carried out).

Storage conditions for the drug Riboxin

In a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15-25 ° C.

List of pharmacies where you can buy Riboxin:

  • Saint Petersburg