Rina's full name. Meaning of the name Rina. Interpretation of the name. Photo gallery: famous women in history with the name Rina

When choosing a name for a child, it is very important to approach it with all responsibility. After all, it is precisely this that is the foundation of a person’s future destiny. It is very important for parents to know what it carries in itself in order to help the child develop his strengths, and discuss and nullify the energy of weaknesses. If you decide to give your child the full name Rina, then read its characteristics in this article.

  • Meaning: translated from Hebrew means “rejoicing” or “merriment”, as well as “joyful singing”.
  • Origin: it is Catholic, Jewish, Japanese.
  • Short forms: Rini, Rin.
  • A child named Rina is very active and mischievous. A girl has been a leader since childhood, can take a leading position with friends and be a great entertainer of various pranks. She will not become a good girl, will not play with dolls, but will choose a company of boys with whom she will organize entertainment that is not entirely pleasant for adults.
  • Over time, she will be filled with femininity, but this process will be very protracted. In fact, an adult girl will remain the same leader with her own opinion, who will not tolerate teaching from the outside.
  • She will be successful at school, but not in all subjects. She tends to do what she likes, and any moral teaching from her parents will not be followed or she will begin to act irritably. But if she likes some activity, she will be happy to do it and achieve great heights.
  • The girl does not chase fashion; in her clothes she chooses, first of all, convenience and comfort, so she must take care of her appearance and look neat in order to inspire the trust of others.

Rina will be successful at school, but not in all subjects. She tends to do what she likes

  • Abroad, the name Rina is completely independent, and not an abbreviation of the full name.
  • Such a girl prefers compromises to arguments, so she has practically no enemies. If she doesn’t like a person or has offended him greatly, she will not start to arrange a showdown with him, but will simply silently stop communicating with him altogether.
  • She loves rivalry and competition. If someone does something better, for her it will become motivation for action, and not frustration and self-criticism. But it can also happen that halfway towards her goal, the girl gives up and leaves the race. This may be due to a lack of motivation or desire.
  • This name is not in the Orthodox calendar, so the girl will be given another church name. Accordingly, there is no name day either.
  • Rina is written in English letters in the passport.
  • Rinna is a misspelling because it only has one letter n.

Rina Grishina is a Russian actress.


This girl cannot be called a healthy person, because she often gets sick, especially in autumn and winter.
The nervous system is a weak point in her body. It is necessary to minimize psychological stress and ensure regular sleep, because insomnia can often haunt her.

Marriage and family

  • With such a woman, a man will find happiness and fun, but only if he allows her to become a leader in the family and at the same time feels comfortable. She is very gentle and caring, sometimes these feelings manifest themselves too intrusively and this will irritate her partner, but the girl will not even think about “holding her horses.”
  • She is sure that the only reaction to her actions should be admiration and gratitude. If she is separated from her loved one for a long time, she suffers greatly, feels abandoned and lacks self-confidence.
  • The future partner must appreciate her affection and devotion, then their relationship will be ideal.

Career and hobbies

A girl with this name is very hardworking. Often work in her life takes a very important, sometimes even first place. She will not be able to follow someone’s instructions, so she strives for independence. Often she holds leadership positions or opens her own business, which is complete freedom for any person.

She is an excellent business partner you can trust. In business, as in relationships, the main thing is not to play with a person’s feelings, and then everything will turn out exactly as it should.

Rina Zelenaya is a Soviet theater and film actress, pop artist, and master of imitation of children's speech. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Famous names bearers

  • In the celebrity world, there are women with this name who have achieved success. They became Rina Zelenaya, who became People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  • The famous Russian poetess became Rina Levinson.
  • India has achieved great success in sports Rina Kumari.
  • A singer lives in Japan Rina Sato.
  • In Israel, a famous teacher and methodologist became Rina Rakovskaya.

Rina Sato - Japanese voice actor and singer

So you and I found out what name Rina is, and what qualities its bearer will have. And now I recommend that you pay attention to others that are very similar to the above.

You can call your child this if her full name is . Such a woman is strong in character and spirit, people like her and is often successful. I recommend that you read the characteristics on this site.

I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with. At a young age, the girl is very neat and obedient. Adult Marina values ​​her parents and her entire family. She is a caring mother and wife. Her character is quite calm and flexible, but if you throw her out of balance, you can hear a lot of interesting things about yourself.

Dear readers, I hope today I was able to be useful to you, and you have decided on the name of your unborn child. Write in the comments what you chose and what qualities interested you. I wish you success and good health!

Rina is a beautiful but rare female name. Previously, this name form was only a short version of names ending in “rina”, but later became an independent name. The name is very popular in Israel, as well as Japan and India. In the Russian Federation you can rarely find girls named after Rina.

How did the name Rina come about?

The name Rina does not have an exact history of its appearance. Today there are many versions:

  1. The most popular of them says that the name is formed in the Hebrew language and translated means “joyful singing”, “rejoicing” or simply “fun”.
  2. The second version states that the name form Rina originated in India and is translated from Sanskrit as “melted.”
  3. According to some researchers, this name appeared during the Soviet Union in support of revolutionary movements. Then it was deciphered “revolution and internationalism”.
  4. Most ordinary people are inclined to believe that the name Rina is just an abbreviation of, as well as all names ending in “rina”, for example, Ekaterina, Darina, Arina, Irina, Karina, Marina, etc.
The name Rina has no exact origin.

In Japan, the name Rina means “modest.”

Name forms

Shortened versions of Rin's nominal form: Rin, Ri, Ryo, Rinny, Rini.

Ri, Rin, Rini - short forms of the name Ren

Affectionate address to Rina: Rinochka, Rinusya, Rinusha, Rinulya, Rinuska, Rinchik, Rinulka.

Related names: Rena, Regina, Ekaterina, Oktyabrina, Marina, Darina, Arina, Irina, .

According to one version, the name Rina is a derivative of the name Regina

The name has no ecclesiastical version.

Spelling of the name Rina according to the latest transliteration rules: RINA.

In the passport, Rina's name will be written as Rina

What middle names are most successfully combined with the name Rina: Andreevna, Alekseevna, Egorovna, Dmitrievna, Ilyinichna, Kirillovna, Muratovna, Sergeevna, Yuryevna.

To write a poem addressed to Rina, you can use the following rhymes: feather bed, olive, basket, ice floe, car, abyss, viburnum, rowan, stucco, top.

Rini - one of the nickname options for Rina

Possible nickname options for use on social networks: Rina, Reena, Rin, Ree, Rinni.

Table: the name Rina in foreign languages



Arabرينا Rina
ArmenianՐինա Rina
GreekΡίνα Rina
Gujaratiરિના Rina
Hebrewרינה Rina
Spanish, Italian, German, FrenchRinaRina
Chinese丽娜 Rina
Korean니다 Rina
Hindiरीना Rina
Japanese奈ます Rina

Name days and patron saints

The name Rina is not in the Orthodox calendar. The girl will be baptized under a different name; most likely, the name Regina will be chosen for the ritual. Then Saint Regina of Galskaya, or Reni (in French Sainte Reine) will become Rina’s patroness. The girl was born into a Catholic family in France (III century). Her mother died during childbirth, and her father abandoned his daughter. Reni was raised by a Christian nurse, who introduced the saint to the Christian faith. During the persecution, the girl was subjected to torture, and then beheaded.

Saint Regina lived in poverty and squalor, earning a living by tending sheep; While working, Regina often prayerfully communicated with the Lord and reflected on the lives of saints

Rina, baptized under the name Regina, will celebrate her name day on the day of remembrance of the patron saint, namely September 7.

Rina can also be baptized with one of those names that ends in “rina”.

How does the name Rina affect a person’s character?

Rina is a woman with energy, determination and independence. The girl is confident in herself and her abilities, mobile, active, and also endowed with sociability and sincerity. This one is capable of becoming the soul of any company, she will easily lead her comrades, and is not afraid to be a leader. In addition, the woman has an excellent sense of humor, which helps her avoid conflicts and troubles. Rina’s high intellectual abilities also help her resolve controversial situations. The girl tries with all her might to avoid quarrels with others and is always ready to compromise. Her optimistic attitude attracts people to her, and her sincerity wins their trust. However, a woman does not have many real friends, because she takes a long time to get closer and carefully selects her social circle. Rina is ready to share her knowledge with her friends, knows how to give effective advice and help with actions. A woman tries to achieve beauty and harmony in all spheres of life. She has eloquence, knows how to tell interesting stories, and does not demand too much from fate. The girl is self-organized and purposeful, which gives her excellent chances to be realized in life.

Rina is an optimistic, sincere and energetic girl

Among the disadvantages of her character, we can note the fact that Rina always strives for dominance, in any situation she tries to bend everyone under her, even if she doesn’t really need it. In addition, without a good upbringing, a woman can become a despotic tyrant, humiliate herself in front of people of higher status and humiliate those who occupy a low position in society.

Rina strives for leadership in absolutely any business

Rina as a child

As a child, Rina is an active and mischievous child. The girl loves fun and active games, she will never sit quietly in the corner with dolls. She prefers the company of boys, whom she skillfully manages, becoming a leader. It is Rina who becomes the instigator of various pranks. It’s hard for mom and dad to cope with this restless girl, but with age her character becomes calmer.

Rina can often be seen in the company of boys, since she is simply not interested in “girl” games

As a teenager, Rina becomes more feminine, her boyish ways disappear, and she becomes interested in her own appearance. Changes in the girl’s personality last for quite a long period. The girl knows how to dress stylishly, understands styles, but “casual” is preferable for her, since it is important for Rina to feel comfortable. Studying is easy for the girl, she gets good grades, but only in subjects that really interest her. She will never “cram” uninteresting disciplines, and pressure from her parents will only worsen the situation. During this period, you need to give your daughter some freedom and allow her to engage only in those disciplines that she really likes. Rina still has the character of a leader, she has her own opinion on everything, does not take moral teachings, prefers to communicate with boys than with girls.

In her youth, Rina does not tolerate any restrictions, has her own opinion, and is a leader in everything

Talents and hobbies

Rina enjoys hobbies in which she can express herself. So, she is interested in painting, music and literature. Loves to read and paints beautiful pictures. Sports are no less attractive to her. Here the girl does not try to achieve great results, she does it for the sake of health and pleasure. A woman may also become interested in some kind of science.

Rina is interested in painting

Career and profession

Rina is distinguished by her enviable hard work. Often work and building a career become the meaning of her life. This happens when the girl likes what she does and is also satisfied with the amount of payment for her work. He is an enterprising but freedom-loving person. Rina does not tolerate being bossed over, so she strives to occupy the position of boss herself. I must say that she knows how to manage people perfectly. Therefore, the role of a leader is what this woman needs. Rina’s own business will also be successful. Here all her skills and abilities are demonstrated to the maximum, in addition, the girl can enjoy complete freedom. Creative professions such as artist, actress, musician or writer will also be a successful choice.

A management position or running your own business is the best field of activity for Rina


Rina's health is not the best. The girl often catches colds, especially in autumn and winter. She also has a weak nervous system. A woman needs to avoid psychological stress, as it is extremely difficult for her to cope with it. Rina also needs regular and sufficient sleep; she must follow a daily routine.

Colds are Rina's most common illness

Love, marriage and family

Rina is a devoted and faithful girl. However, she has many ambitions, which can prevent her from showing romantic feelings, even if she is deeply in love. A woman chooses partners who are smart, reliable, noble, who know how to value affection and who give a certain freedom in relationships. It is also important for her that the young man admires her and does not try to take the place of leader. This woman will never buy into beautiful words and promises. Temporary separation from her loved one is very difficult for Rina - she is very bored, feels unnecessary and unsure of herself.

It is important for Rina to feel freedom in a relationship

Rina enters into a serious relationship consciously, taking a long time to choose her future spouse. Family life can be happy and harmonious only if the husband allows the girl to become the leader in their couple. If this does not happen, then living together will be filled with constant quarrels and disputes, and in the end everything will end in divorce. This is not the woman for whom the meaning of life is to build a family and have children, but having found her other half, she is ready to do a lot to make their marriage successful. Living with this girl is not always easy, but it is fun and interesting.

Marriage and having children are not the goals that Rina strives for, but having met the right person, she is ready to dissolve in him

Children in the family are surrounded by harmony and care; from childhood they know what respect and personal values ​​are. Rina also does not forget about her own parents, she takes care of them until the end of her life.

Table: compatibility of the name Rina with some male names

Table: matches for the name Rina

The meaning of the letters that make up the name Rina

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters that make up the name Rina:

  1. The letter R. Endows a person with activity, intelligence, self-confidence and independence. But the girl is prone to conflicts and is too selfish.
  2. Letter I. An emotional, kind person, endowed with high intellectual abilities. This woman has creative talents. However, she is unsure of herself and is pessimistic about life.
  3. Letter N. The girl is sociable and talkative, endowed with creative inclinations. She loves to work, but is conflicted and pessimistic.
  4. Letter A. Nature is active, selfish, ambitious, impulsive, but talented and sincere.

Rina is a smart, self-sufficient and independent girl

How does the time of year in which a person is born affect his character?

Winter Rina does not like to be alone, she tries to surround herself with loyal and understanding comrades. The girl is active and independent, never relying on the help of others. This one will not sit idle.

Winter Rina is independent and active

Born under the auspices of the spring months, Rina is endowed with a quick-tempered but vulnerable character. A woman does not like large crowds of people, does not tolerate quarrels and conflicts, always tries to achieve her goals, is proud and straightforward. The girl is dependent on close people; it is important for her to have an understanding and loving person nearby.

Spring Rina needs a loved one who will always be there

The summer months reward Rina with energy. This girl is friendly and knows how to get attention from others. She is used to enjoying life, loves compliments, but can be too arrogant.

Summer Rina is friendly and cheerful

Autumn gives Rina self-confidence and pride. A woman loves smart and intellectual people, and she herself also has such qualities. However, she is prone to excessive temper, which often pushes others away from the girl.

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics AriesRina, born under the sign of Aries, is endowed with a hot-tempered, impulsive and unpredictable character. The girl is prone to committing illogical acts, which she often regrets. She values ​​friendship, can forgive insults, and tries not to associate with evil, selfish people. TaurusThe influence of the Taurus sign gives Rina restraint, calmness and strong attachment to her family. This person does not like conflict situations and always keeps himself in control. The woman has a stubborn and persistent character that helps her achieve her goals. TwinsThe girl has a cheerful, friendly and charming disposition. She is popular with men, is used to increased attention, and loves to receive compliments. Rina-Gemini tries to avoid serious relationships because of her fear of losing independence. CancerRina-Cancer has an infantile, naive and capricious nature. The girl lacks strength of character, as a result of which she needs constant support and control from loved ones. LionUnder the sign of Leo, Rina is born, with a strong and firm character. This woman is determined and ambitious. She does not know how to communicate with people on equal terms, she always tries to teach and mentor others. VirgoThe personality is versatile, intelligent and erudite. Rina-Virgo prefers intelligent interlocutors and cannot stand stupid and narrow-minded individuals. When communicating with others, she is prone to arrogance. ScalesThe woman is endowed with tact, softness and delicacy. She strives for a serious relationship in which there will be romance and mutual respect between partners. Family becomes the meaning of life for Rina-Libra; she is a caring mother and loving wife. ScorpionRina, under the influence of the Scorpio sign, is prone to vulnerability and sentimentality, but the girl tries to hide these qualities from others. She has a changeable mood, which causes her to have problems communicating. The woman has a quick temper, but always quickly pulls herself together. SagittariusThe sign of Sagittarius gives birth to the cheerful and sociable Rina. A woman does not like loneliness, she does not understand people well, which is why she often experiences disappointment. The girl should learn to evaluate others more realistically. CapricornRina-Capricorn makes a great friend. A woman always comes to the aid of her comrades and loved ones, forgetting about all her problems. She tries to find her soul mate and dreams of eternal love. AquariusFor this woman, the main value in life is friendship, for which she will even sacrifice love. Rina-Aquarius is selective in her friends; she has only loyal and reliable comrades next to her. The girl tries to have good relationships with everyone around her and knows how to establish contact with any person. FishThe patronage of the sign of Pisces rewards Rina with vulnerability and shyness. The girl does not tolerate critical statements addressed to her well, does not like noisy companies, and feels comfortable only alone or in the company of her closest people. She tries to get rid of her modesty and indecisiveness, tries to hide under the mask of firmness and independence.

Photo gallery: famous women in history with the name Rina

Rina Zelenaya - actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR Rina Levinzon - Russian poetess Rina Sato - Japanese voice actress and singer Rina Rakovskaya - Soviet teacher and linguist, Israeli teacher and methodologist in the field of studying Hebrew as a second language Rina Grishina - Russian theater and film actress, actress dubbing

Rina is an active and purposeful girl. She loves life, has an optimistic view of this world, which attracts others to her. A woman loves to lead and dominate in everything, so she often takes leadership positions or opens her own business. Family is not the meaning of life for her, but having met “that same” person, she becomes a gentle and faithful partner. The main goal of this woman is to achieve success. She will stop at nothing for this.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Rina - a detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Rina. Rin, Rini.
Synonyms for the name Rina. Rin, Rini, Ekaterina, Marina, Regina, Arina, Irina, Oktyabrina, Karina, Quiz, Virineya, Rimma, Darina, Sabrina, Floriana, Severina, Laura, Rosaura, Rena.
Origin of the name Rina. The name Rina is Jewish, Japanese, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Rina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name is translated from Hebrew as “joyful singing.”

According to the second version, the name Rina is of Soviet origin and is formed from the words “revolution” and “internationalism”.

According to the most common version, the name Rina is an abbreviated, diminutive appeal to many female and male names. It is often believed that the name Rina is one of the options for pronunciation and address to a girl named Regina.

In addition to Israel, the full name Rina is widely used in India and Japan. In Japan, the name Rina can sound like Rin and Rini. The name Rin (Rina is a variant pronunciation for Europeans) means “unfriendly”, often used to mean “modest”, and the name Rini is perhaps an affectionate reference to Rina, the name Rini means “little bunny”.

Also, the short form Rina is an appeal to the owners of female names Ekaterina, Marina, Yarina, Regina, Rinata, Zarina, Arina, Irina, Riana, Oktyabrina, Karina, Quiz, Virineya, Dekabrina, Clarina, Rimma, Darina, Sabrina, Floriana, Severina , Laura, Rosaura and many other female names, as well as male names - Irinarh, Irenaeus, Severin.

Description of the meaning of the name Rina - see the corresponding name to which the abbreviation “Rina” refers.

Name days for the female name Rina, see the corresponding dates for full names, to which the abbreviated “Rina” refers.

Famous people named Rina

  • Rina Zelenaya ((1901 - 1991) Soviet pop, theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR, nominated for People's Artist of the USSR on April 1, 1991 (but due to death, the nomination was stopped))
  • Reena Kumari ((b.1984) Indian athlete)
  • Rina Sato ((born 1981) Japanese voice actor and singer)
  • Rina Levinzon ((born 1949) Russian poetess)
  • Rina Rakovskaya ((born 1951) Israeli teacher and methodologist)
  • The name Rina has many versions of meaning and origin, but the name Rina is most often used as a shortened form of other names. These are names such as Arina, Quiz, Darina, Ekaterina, Zarina, Irina, Karina, Katarina, Marina, Sabrina, Oktyabrina, Severina, Yarina. Naturally, in this case, the meaning of the name is determined by the meaning of the original name.

    The second most popular version is the version of the Jewish origin of the name. She says that the name Rina (רינה) means "rejoicing" or "merriment".

    Another version is that of Indian origin. According to this version, it is believed that translated from Sanskrit The name Rina (रीण) means "melted".

    The meaning of the name Rina for a girl

    Little Rina is an active and mischievous girl, but who prefers noisy and active games with boys. She is not a fan of quiet time, and playing with dolls and other “girly” games is not interesting to her. At the same time, she is also endowed with leadership qualities, so she is often the organizer of various pranks. True, it is worth noting that as she grows up, her behavior will noticeably change in a more feminine direction, but this will happen slowly and not soon.

    Rina studies quite well, but only in some subjects. Unfortunately, Rina does not tend to force herself to study, and she will not tolerate external pressure. So the greatest impact on Rina’s studies will be establishing contact with the teacher, which is a non-trivial task. It is worth noting that if Rina is truly interested in a subject, she can achieve very serious results in it.

    Unfortunately, Rina’s health cannot be called strong. She gets sick quite often, and especially in the autumn-winter period. Another weak point of Rina’s health can be called the nervous system. It is quite difficult for her to bear psychological stress, especially if she does not sleep enough or regularly. Maintaining a sleep schedule is very important for Rina, and not only in childhood.

    Short name Rina

    Rin, Rinka, Rinny.

    Diminutive pet names

    Rinochka, Rinushka, Rinusha, Rinusya, Rinusik, Rinuska, Rinulya, Rinulik, Rinulka, Rinchik.

    Name Rina in English

    In English the name Rina is written as

    Name Rina for international passport- RINA.

    Church name Rina(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. The name Rina is not in the church calendar, which means Rina will be given a different name at baptism.

    Characteristics of the name Rina

    Rina loves to work and often work becomes one of the most important areas in her life, and often even the main one. She is hardworking, but only if she is satisfied with the level of reward for positive results. She is proud and doesn’t like being bossed around, but she doesn’t mind being bossed around. Given her good leadership abilities, Rina often becomes a leader, and besides, she strives for this. Rina opens her own business no less often, because you probably won’t find greater freedom.

    Rina’s family life will only work out if she finds a man who is capable of giving up the laurels of primacy for the sake of love. Rina will definitely be the leader in the family, and if the loved ones do not agree, then there will be no family. If she finds her soul mate, she will do everything for happiness together. Life with Rina, although not always easy, is very interesting and fun.

    The secret of the name Rina

    If we talk about the secrets of Rina’s character, then probably her main secret can be called an unbridled desire for success. Often for Rina, success is more important than honor and she is ready to do unpleasant things for its sake.

    Planet- Jupiter.

    Zodiac sign- Fish.

    Totem animal- Eagle.

    Name color- Purple.

    Tree- Pine.

    Plant- Mac.

    Stone- Ruby.

    There are rare and beautiful names that cause not only researchers, but also ordinary people fierce debate about their origin. The name Rina is one of them. There are still many versions of how this name appeared in the Russian language, and none can prevail over the others.

    According to one version, the word “Rina” as a name came from the Hebrew language, where it meant “joyful singing.” This version is confirmed by the fact that today in Israel Rina is a fairly popular female name. Also, Rina as a full female name is common in countries such as India and Japan - in the latter, for example, it has the meaning “modest”.

    Another version says that this name is a neologism from Soviet times, when the entire country was subject to name creation in a revolutionary spirit. In this context, the meaning of the word "Rina" is "revolution and internationalism".

    The majority believes that Rina is just an abbreviation for the name Regina or other consonant names, such as Zarina, and Irina, and, Darina and Severina, Oktyabrina and Clarina.

    But even if at one time Rina was just an abbreviated or diminutive option for many consonant names, today she has won the right to be an independent full name.

    An example is the famous Soviet Russian actress Rina Zelenaya. “According to her passport,” her name was Ekaterina, but her creative pseudonym influenced her character so much that there were not many features left in it that were characteristic of “pure” Ekaterina.

    What would be interesting to know for parents who are considering Rina as a name for their daughter?

    • How will the girl develop in childhood?
    • What talents might she develop as she grows up?
    • What profession should she choose?
    • How will her family life turn out?

    The girl Rina is a tomboy in a skirt who prefers to run around all day with a noisy gang of boys rather than quietly play with dolls. Surprisingly, the girl also manages to dominate the boys, setting the tone for their games and pranks.

    Leader in everything

    During adolescence, a girl begins to change and “transform” into a more feminine image, learns to move smoothly and dress stylishly. But with the ability to use almost any style, in everyday life Rina prefers clothes in the “casual” style, that is, she values ​​convenience and practicality.

    Both in high school and at university, she has high scores only in those subjects that arouse her true and deep interest - she is not able to force herself to cram something that is not interesting to her. It is useless for parents to put pressure on their daughter; it is better to come to terms with the situation and help her develop in directions that are interesting to her.

    The name Rina predetermines certain traits in its owner, among which are mental and health characteristics. To maintain mental alertness and good health, Rina definitely needs to get a good night's sleep - this applies not only to a little girl, but also to an adult woman.

    A woman with this name does not like disputes and conflicts; she tries to find a compromise that would suit all parties. However, if Rina is unable to “extinguish” the conflict, she will most likely simply retire from the “battlefield.” At the same time, she is sincere and sociable; she is valued not only by friends and acquaintances, but also by colleagues.

    Often she can become an informal leader in a team - not so much due to strong-willed qualities and ambitions, but because of the desire to create beauty and harmony around herself. Whatever task Rina undertakes, she will try to perform it not only efficiently, but also beautifully. At the same time, a woman loves stability and order, and violation of harmony and the order that “should be” is contrary to her nature.

    She works well when she sees meaning in her work, as well as a decent level of remuneration. Can achieve serious success in creative professions or in leadership positions in almost any field.

    Rina’s happy marriage develops when her husband allows her to be the “commander” at home. In this case, she will do everything in her power to keep her family strong and happy. Author: Olga Inozemtseva