DIY garden decoction. How to prepare garden varnish at home, recipes. Garden varnish is the key to longevity

Moreover, this is sealing not only from external moisture, but also from internal moisture. In addition, garden var prevents the loss of moisture, that is, sap that flows through the tree. Garden varnish also helps against the spread of pests that overwinter under the bark or lay eggs there.

How to make a garden varnish with your own hands

You can prepare garden varnish yourself. Depending on what is at hand, different compositions are made. There are a huge number of recipes for garden varnish; below are the four most popular ones. But it is desirable that the base be rosin and beeswax.

Rosin is used to provide stickiness to the putty, and wax, as part of the garden varnish, holds all its ingredients together and prevents it from quickly draining from the treated surfaces.

These two substances almost always form its basis, and others are already added to them; they just have it on hand at the moment (of course, within reasonable limits).

Our advice:

If you don't have rosin, you can use pine resin.

Recipe No. 1

Take one part each - pork fat (you can take beef or lamb), rosin, wax (if there is no wax, then paraffin) and 1/4 part of linseed oil. Melt the fat and wax over the fire, gradually adding rosin, pour in the oil. This is the basis. Add zinc oxide to the base (from 15 to 25% by volume) and get an excellent garden varnish.

Attention, the more zinc oxide, the less plastic the varnish.

By adding ethyl alcohol in an amount of 1/10 by volume to the garden pitch with zinc oxide, at the time of cooling, with vigorous stirring, we obtain a cold-resistant putty. This varnish has an excellent consistency and is easily applied to surfaces with a spatula.

Recipe No. 2

Melt over the fire one part each of rosin and beeswax, four parts of unsalted fat (pork, beef, lamb). You can also add ash and linseed oil.

Recipe No. 3

Take 4 parts beeswax and rosin and melt them separately over the fire. Without removing the rosin from the stove, pour melted wax into it, and then one part of linseed oil. In this case, the mass must be stirred all the time. After removing from heat, add 2 parts ground charcoal and mix thoroughly again.


Many people ask whether it is possible to replace flaxseed oil with sunflower or other oil. The answer is no. Flaxseed oil tends to dry out and forms a dry film upon prolonged contact with air.

Recipe No. 4

Stir mullein and clay in equal proportions, add water to obtain a mass similar in consistency to sour cream. Cover the wound with this mixture and bandage it. Leave this bandage in place for about a year. After a year, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Garden varnish is used not only after pruning trees, but also for their treatment, for example, if they are damaged by rodents or there may be other mechanical damage.

Remember, healthy trees are the key to the vitality of the garden for many years.

Miron DATSKO, Ph.D.
Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS

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If you have damaged a tree or shrub and don’t know how to quickly cover the wound, then it’s time to learn about a mixture called garden varnish. It will help cope with minor scratches and deep damage and heal the plant.

Garden pitch is a fairly well-known remedy among gardeners. It is used to process cuts and heal wounds on trees. You can prepare garden varnish with your own hands, or you can buy a ready-made mixture. Let's take a closer look at this substance and find out how to properly use it in the garden.

After hardening, the garden var resembles a thick, homogeneous mass.

Description of garden varnish, advantages and disadvantages

  • improper pruning;
  • removing broken branches;
  • inaccurate grafting;
  • damage by rodents;
  • damage by diseases and pests.

Garden varnish is used to treat not only wounds on the tree, but also cut sites

Advantages garden variety are as follows:

  • it is easy to prepare and apply to trunks and branches;
  • the frozen var does not fall off and does not stain clothes and hands;
  • The composition perfectly retains moisture and prevents wounds from drying out.

Flaws garden variety basically boils down to the following:

  • extensive wounds and cuts take a long time to dry after treatment, and this leads to rotting of the wood in the area of ​​damage;
  • garden pitch - a composition for the warm season; at low temperatures it hardens quickly, thickens and is difficult to apply;
  • Cheap varnish with chemical components melts and burns the wood in hot weather.

Garden varnish at home

In search of a cheap alternative, many summer residents prefer to make garden varnish with their own hands. Currently, more than a dozen different recipes for preparing a “healing composition” are known.

Recipes for paraffin-based garden varnish


  • paraffin – 6 parts;
  • rosin - 3 parts;
  • mineral or vegetable oil - 2 parts.

Melt the paraffin and add rosin crushed into fine dust. Then bring the mixture to a boil and carefully add the oil to it. Then boil for another 10-30 minutes. Leave the resulting mass to cool, and then knead until smooth. Place the finished brew in a container with a lid.

One of the variations of the above recipe is the following composition:

  • paraffin – 1 part;
  • rosin - 1 part;
  • gear oil – 1 part (or 1 part natural drying oil).

Recipes for garden varnish based on beeswax


  • rosin - 4 parts;
  • beeswax - 2 parts;
  • interior fat - 1 part.

Instead of paraffin, you can use beeswax. Melt it too and bring to a boil. Add the remaining ingredients in accordance with the recommended proportions. Boil the mixture for no more than half an hour and let it cool. Then knead until smooth.

Propolis and wax are used for wound healing more often than other natural remedies.

Using beeswax as a basis, you can prepare several more useful compositions:

Zhukovsky's garden var:

  • beeswax – 1 part;
  • rosin - 1 part;
  • unsalted fat - 1 part.

Melt all the ingredients in different containers, then pour them into one bowl and mix. Let the mixture sit for a while, then fill another container with cold water and pour in the garden varnish. Wait until it curls, remove it from the water and form a ball of the correct shape. Store it in oiled paper and apply only in warm weather. To avoid attracting wasps and bees, cover the treated area with a cloth.

Garden pitch with turpentine:

  • rosin - 6 parts;
  • beeswax - 3 parts;
  • propolis – 2 parts;
  • turpentine – 1 part.

Garden varnish with lard:

  • rosin - 4 parts;
  • beeswax – 1 part;
  • lard (unsalted) – 1 part.

Recipes for cold-resistant garden varieties

Given the impending frosts, it is advisable to use cold-resistant, alcohol-based brews in the fall.

Reshetnikov ointment:

  • fir resin – 10 parts;
  • yellow wax – 1 part;
  • wine alcohol - 1 part.

Place the wax and resin in a metal bowl and melt them. Remember to constantly stir the mixture so that it does not clump. Once it becomes warm, add some alcohol to it. The composition is applied with a brush, in this case it will retain its plasticity and will not allow moisture to pass through.

Garden var Goug:

  • pine resin – 400 g;
  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • medical alcohol – 60 ml;
  • gum – 4 g.

Heat the resin in a metal container and add alcohol. Dissolve the gum and soda in water and add to the bowl with the resin. Mix well and cool. Apply the composition to trees using a brush.

Raevsky's garden var:

  • wood resin – 500 g;
  • medical alcohol – 60 ml;
  • linseed oil – 2 tbsp.

Melt the resin over low heat, stirring constantly. Then carefully add alcohol and linseed oil to it. After the mixture has cooled, it can be poured into a metal jar and stored.

Garden var: applicationand features

Since when preparing medicinal compositions at home it is impossible to find paper with the inscription: “Garden var. Instructions for use,” we decided to talk about the features of applying the mixture to damaged trees. They involve the following actions:

  • process only healthy wood. All damaged, dead, rotted or infected parts of the tree should be removed before applying the composition;
  • clean the edges and base of the wound. They must be absolutely smooth, without bulges or growths;
  • wash wood wounds with running water and when applying the composition, use clean tools;
  • damaged areas should be treatedlate spring - early summer. Of course, if the damage occurred at another time, it is also treated with garden varnish. But in the spring the applied composition must be renewed;
  • if you are cleaning tree hollows, do not forget to treat them with a 5% solution of copper sulfate. Working tools and hands are also treated with an alcohol solution;
  • during parallel treatment of damaged wood for cytosporosis or nectria, damaged areas should be treated with a 2% solution of copper sulfate or a 5% solution of iron sulfate.

Before applying garden varnish, the edges and base of the tree wound must be cleaned and treated

How to replace garden varnish

If you need a garden brew, but don't have the right ingredients on hand, you can use various substitutes. You can cover wounds on any trees with garden varnish or its analogues, so the list of alternatives is quite extensive:

  • earthen putty- this is an “ambulance” in case you unsuccessfully went through a tree with a saw or pruning shears. Take a lump of earth from the garden bed and place it on the wound. It is better to secure it with plastic film or a piece of cloth, and in the coming days still find a garden varnish for treatment;
  • polyethylene "bandage"– You can protect fresh damage from drying out and penetration of pathogens using a regular plastic bag. It is enough to tear the old bag and tie it tightly around the trunk. Sometimes this is enough to completely restore the bark and cambium;
  • medicinal mullein– take 1 part mullein and add 2 parts clay or chopped hay to it. Stir the resulting mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream and lubricate the damage;
  • clay mash used to preserve seedlings and treat damage. To prepare it, take 200 g of clay, 100 g of cow dung, a little straw and a few tablespoons of copper sulfate. Mix all ingredients until the consistency of thick sour cream and apply evenly to the damaged bark.

Mullein-based mixtures are also used for sealing cracks and hollows.

How to use garden varnish

If the damage or cut area is small, then you can use a regular paint brush to apply the mixture. Large “injuries” are repaired with a spatula or roller, evenly covering the area of ​​damage.

But it is not recommended to use a spray bottle or sprayer to apply the composition - it is wasteful, and the consistency of garden varnish is often far from liquid.

If the recipe you choose already contains an antiseptic, then you should not apply it additionally. And remember - the main thing is not the thickness of the layer, but the uniformity of application of the composition.

Try to apply the composition to the tree bark as carefully and evenly as possible.

So, garden varnish is considered one of the safest and most effective means for healing wounds of fruit trees and shrubs. Currently, a huge number of recipes are known that are used in summer cottages. If you have your own, proven and reliable tool, recommend it by adding a comment.

Early frosts in autumn, hot spring sun, freezing winter frosts, all these weather vicissitudes do not have the best effect on damaged trees. Moreover, bark ruptures or cracks could occur both for natural reasons, and due to careless handling of mechanical garden tools or during sanitary pruning of the garden. In any case, no matter how the injury was caused, it must be treated and covered up. And garden pitch is best suited for these purposes.

Garden var: meaning and types

Garden pitch is a soft and thick substance obtained by processing tree resin with auxiliary components. That is, it is a natural remedy that helps wood tissues recover.

Since the tree trunk consists of several layers, the bark plays a protective role, but the bast and cambium, located in the depths, are responsible for the proper distribution of nutrients. And when the integral shell of a tree is damaged, then the nutritional chains are broken, and fertile soil is formed for the growth of bacteria and various kinds of diseases. Of course, if the damage is minor, the plant will recover on its own. But for deeper cuts it is worth using additional protective equipment.

Store shelves are replete with offerings in the garden variety range.

But if you take a closer look at the composition, then in most cases the gardener can see that the base of the product is either latacryl glue or petrolatum, to which not only a tree, but also a person can have an allergic reaction.

That is, the following situation arises: there are many varieties of varnish and there are various names, but finding a varnish that complies with GOST and is made from natural materials is problematic. Therefore, you can prepare garden varnish either with your own hands, or find a replacement for it. In this case, you can be absolutely sure that the health of the garden will not be harmed.

There are many recipes for preparing classic brew. But the very first thing you should take care of is the dishes. Firstly, all ingredients are subjected to heat treatment in the form of melting, and secondly, it must be stored well packaged.

Cooking utensils:

  1. thick bottom pan
  2. water bath
  3. storage container. It should be either a glass jar or an iron ladle. Because if necessary, the cooker will need to be heated
  4. respiratory and hand protection

The Russian scientist Pashkevich proposed the following recipe:

  • natural beeswax (best to buy at an apiary) – 550 gr.
  • turpentine – 550 gr.
  • rosin – 300 gr.
  • any rendered animal fat – 100 gr.

Maintaining consistency, melt all ingredients until smooth. Pour the mixture in a thin stream into a container placed in cold water. After the garden varnish becomes a single mass, it can be rolled into balls and stored in plastic bags.

The following recipe is quite easy to prepare, sticks well to the trunk, does not melt or crumble in the cold:

  • resin – 500 gr.
  • medical alcohol – 80 ml.
  • natural flaxseed oil – 1 1/2 tbsp. You can use any other one.

Melt the ingredients one by one in each other. The mass hardens quickly when it comes into contact with air. So it is convenient to keep this brew in a container that is subject to contact with the hot surfaces of the stove.

It is not at all difficult to prepare garden varnish on your own, but the gardener will always be sure that the trees have been treated with an absolutely safe and reliable product.

The third option is perfect for working at low temperatures:

  • rosin – 300 gr.
  • beeswax – 300 gr.
  • natural rendered fat – 300 gr.

Also melt and mix everything. This version of garden varnish must be stored in oiled paper; baking paper is best suited. But it is best to wrap the treated areas on the trees with rags. Otherwise, the bees will be happy with such a treat.

But if you don’t have freshly prepared garden varnish or suitable ingredients at hand, you can cope without it using scrap materials.

  • Rotted cow manure – 10 parts
  • slaked lime – 5 parts
  • fine sand – 1 part

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and the wood treated. But this product is not resistant to moisture, so this is a temporary help.

Garden varnish can also be replaced with the following means:

  1. Cedar or pine resin is sold under the brand name “Zhivitsa”. Pine resin is cheaper. To use it, you need to melt it and mix it with wax and vegetable oil. By the way, you can collect resin with your own hands in the forest from coniferous trees.
  2. Medical turpentine. It is sold in pharmacies, and this type of turpentine is extracted from tree oleoresin. You must work carefully, the fumes are poisonous.
  3. Gum rosin. Only this one is suitable for working with living organisms.
  4. Natural beeswax. It is important that it is fresh.

If you have at least two of the above ingredients in your house, then you can safely mix them, season them a little with vegetable oil, and your homemade garden varnish recipe is ready!

Garden pitch or its analogues in a gardener's household are an absolutely irreplaceable thing. Because any correction of trees opens access to moisture, bacteria, and abrasive dust particles inside the trunk. All this sometimes causes irreparable harm to fruit trees. Hence, the immune system weakens, diseases develop, and the plant reduces its productivity. And if the damage to the bark was extensive, the tree may even die. So you should remember that any manipulation with pruning shears or garden shears must end with the use of varnish.

It is especially important to apply the varnish in early spring.

Cracks open in the bark, pieces of old bark may fall off, a thick layer of snow may break off branches over the winter and the spring sun will burn the inner layers in places where the break has occurred. Therefore, when the weather is good, you should carefully examine your pets and treat weak spots with garden varnish.

You also need to put your garden into winter wisely. After all, not only sanitary treatment is important, but also reliable shelter. You need to choose the most suitable recipe and carefully cover all open areas. If the treated area or cut is exposed in winter, the procedure must be repeated. Among the recipes there is one that can be used during the cold season.

If a gardener uses garden varnish purchased in a store, then the precautions and rules of use indicated on the label should be followed.

If a gardener makes a varnish on his own, then first of all, both when preparing it, when heating it, and when applying it to trees, it is necessary:

  • Protect eyes, respiratory organs and exposed areas of the body. Despite the fact that only organic materials are used in home brewing, for example, turpentine releases toxic substances. Or you can simply get burned. Therefore, a gardener should have gloves and a mask in his arsenal.
  • When applied to trees, the varnish must be cooled down. Hot pitch cannot be used, because the thin skin of the trees will not withstand it and will result in a thermal burn.
  • Before applying garden varnish, it is worth mechanically thoroughly cleaning the affected area, even if the area is large and deep, treat it with biofungicides if possible, dry thoroughly and only then apply varnish.
  • Var is applied to the open area with a layer of 1.5-2 cm, and maybe more depending on the situation. If possible, when applying a thick layer, allow time for each layer to dry. Then the effect will be more expressive, and the var will fully fulfill its protective functions. Also, if the processing area is large, then a piece of burlap or other material should be fixed on top. But under no circumstances should you use vapor barrier fabric or polyethylene. There is no need to create a greenhouse effect.

From the above, it should be concluded that purchasing the drug in a store is possible only after becoming fully familiar with the composition. And only if it is organic, but in the opposite case, you can simply cover it with glue, because the effect will be the same. It’s very easy to make a brew yourself, so it’s worth spending a couple of hours and making a useful preparation with your own hands.

More information can be found in the video:

If the tree is accidentally damaged, its wound must be treated. It is through cuts and damage that most bacteria, viruses and insect pests penetrate.

For such cases, the gardener must know and be able to prepare garden varnish on his own - this is an indispensable tool on the site. I have long appreciated the benefits of using it and am ready to share the most effective recipes.

Garden varnish is used to treat wounds and cuts to eliminate loss of sap, as well as protect the tree from the penetration of all kinds of microbes, insects and bacteria. The treatment should not be carried out immediately, but after a short time, when the tree sap dries out a little.

The most common causes of wounds on wood are:

  • Incorrect vaccination;
  • Rodent activity;
  • Some diseases, as well as insect pests;
  • Pruning errors.

Important! Garden varnish is used not only for treating wounds and damage, but also for sawing areas.

The advantages of this tool include:

  • Easy to prepare and use;
  • When hardened, it reliably protects the wood and adheres firmly to it;
  • Doesn't get your hands dirty while working;
  • Protects wounds from drying out as it retains moisture well.

Despite its advantages, var also has disadvantages:

  • On wounds that are too large, it takes a long time to dry, which can lead to rotting of the tree;
  • It thickens quickly in the cold, which makes the work process difficult;
  • Var, which contains chemicals, quickly softens in the sun and leads to burns.

Do-it-yourself cooking: popular recipes

Today, there are a large number of recipes for varnish, since each gardener can adjust the components to suit his particular garden. The most common and no less effective recipes include the following.

Universal remedy

To prepare it you will need to take rosin, flax seed oil, charcoal (wood), and beeswax. In this case, coal acts as an absorbent substance, wax is known for its medicinal properties, and other components also have a beneficial effect on tree wounds.

To prepare, take 400 g of beeswax and place it on low heat to kindle it. When the wax becomes liquid, 100 g of rosin is mixed into it, after some time 100 g of linseed oil is added. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous state.

After this, the composition is removed from the stove and 2 tbsp is added. l. coal, after which it is also stirred and cooled.

Country style garden varnish

This method of preparing brew is distinguished by the speed of its creation. To do this, you will need to take fatty resin and liquid cow manure in the same ratio. To better bond these two components, the hair of any pet can be used.

Forsyth Var

To prepare this composition, you need to take 1 liter of liquid mullein, 500 ml of tree resin and lime, and 100 g of sand. All components are thoroughly mixed together until a homogeneous mass is obtained and can be used for their intended purpose.

Var Zhukovsky

To prepare the composition, three components are taken in equal proportions: cow or sheep lard, beeswax and rosin. Each of the components is pre-melted over low heat to achieve a liquid consistency. In general, the preparation procedure is as follows:

  1. The yellow wax is melted over low heat.
  2. Lard is added to it and the composition is regularly mixed.
  3. After melting the lard, add rosin and mix thoroughly.

The finished composition cools slightly, after which it is poured into a basin of water. The temperature difference allows you to achieve the readiness of the brew.

Raevsky var

The unique composition of Raevsky var not only has healing properties for wood, but can also be used in winter, as it does not freeze at low temperatures. To prepare it you will need the following components: 1 kg of thick resin (wood), 150 ml of any alcohol solution, as well as 5 tbsp. l. flax seed oils.

The remaining components are mixed into the resin that has been previously melted over low heat. Everything is thoroughly mixed to obtain homogeneity and left to cool. Excess finished brew can be stored in airtight containers.

Advice! To improve the beneficial properties, root or heteroauxin can be added to this composition, which promote rapid healing of damage.

Features of application

Despite the fact that garden varnish has many recipes and is prepared at home, it requires compliance with certain rules of use:

  1. Processing healthy wood. Var is not applied to rotten, dead or diseased wood. Before using it, part of the wood is thoroughly cleaned.
  2. Cleaning the wound and its edges. The area around the damage should be smooth, without any growths.
  3. Rinse the wound with water before applying the varnish.
  4. Processing work should only be carried out with clean garden tools.
  5. It is better to carry out processing in the first half of summer or in the second half of autumn. This applies to old injuries; fresh wounds are treated regardless of the season.
  6. If you plan to treat the hollow, then before using the varnish, you should use copper sulfate dissolved in water.

How to use var

If you plan to treat small damage, you can use a paint brush to apply the varnish. To work with large wounds, it is better to use a roller that will evenly distribute the composition.

Advice! You should not use spray tools on the garden varnish as it should not be that liquid.

If an antiseptic is already added to the brew according to the recipe, then no additional processing is required. In this case, what is important in application is not the thickness of the layer, but the degree of its uniformity.

Replacing the varu

If for some reason it is not possible to prepare garden varnish, you can replace it with the following compositions:

  • Ordinary land. If damage to the tree occurs and you do not have the necessary components at hand, you can apply ordinary soil to the wound and fix it with cloth or polyethylene. This “help” will last for several days, until the garden varnish is prepared.
  • Mullein. You can mix 500 g of mullein with 1 kg of clay or hay and mix thoroughly. Apply the prepared composition to the damage. To impart antiseptic properties, a solution of copper sulfate can be added to the composition.

Garden pitch is an indispensable tool for any gardener. It is absolutely safe and can also be used not only for trees, but also for shrubs.

Is it necessary to treat damaged bark of garden trees? Summer residents often argue about this topic. At the same time, agronomist experts answer in the affirmative, arguing that it is definitely necessary. But a neighbor in the country may say the opposite. In the forest, no one covers up the trees; they survive on their own. This is true, but the forest and the garden are very different from each other, and their permanent inhabitants are also different.

It is necessary to treat not only cracks, but also areas of sun-burnt bark, hollows and various injuries that we inflict on trees by grafting. Frost damaged areas also need to be covered with garden varnish. You can buy it at a specialty store or make it yourself.

Every summer resident needs it

Indeed, you cannot do without it throughout the entire season, from April to October. Garden pitch is also called putty. It will be needed in the following cases:

  • when performing vaccinations;
  • if the trees were chewed by mice in winter;
  • if damage appears on the bark;
  • after trimming has been completed.

What if you couldn’t buy it in the store? No problem, let's learn how to make it ourselves.

Emergency option

Perfect for the situation if you left for the country, forgetting to buy garden putty for fruit trees at the store. In the spring, time is short, and you don’t want to waste your weekend. Do your pruning calmly by preparing an emergency solution. Take resin and liquid mullein in equal proportions. If the resin is frozen, it needs to be melted. Dry leaves and blades of grass, as well as pet hair, are suitable as a binding component. Not all summer residents like this option, but it is quite capable of replacing garden varnish.

Universal composition

Some gardeners simply decide to prepare the varus themselves without spending money on purchasing it. The following recipe will require beeswax, rosin, linseed oil and charcoal. The components are all quite simple and not difficult to find.

Garden varnish made according to this recipe has medicinal properties; all its components have a positive effect on the plant. To make this you will need an unnecessary cup or small saucepan. Melt four parts of wax in it and add one part of rosin. In this case, the mixture must continue to be heated. Next you need to mix in one part of linseed oil. All that remains is to mix the mixture well until it becomes completely homogeneous.

Remove the mixture from the heat and add two tablespoons of crushed charcoal. This garden varnish for trees is made immediately after pruning and applied while warm. After this, it hardens and requires reheating.

Var on solid oil

Every motorist has it on his household, and it’s very inexpensive. You will need to take 250 g of it. In addition to this, you will also need the same amount of wax and approximately 50 g of natural pine resin. It can be easily found in the forest. Since it is not possible to make garden varnish based on solid ingredients, you will have to melt them first.

This is the main secret. All components need to be warmed separately and then mixed together. To do this, prepare a glass jar in which it will be stored later. This recipe produces a rather viscous composition. To make it more plastic, you need to add a few drops of vegetable oil. For this purpose, drained from the frying pan after frying the chebureks, even with sediment, is suitable.

What to do if the broth turns out to be very liquid? In this case, add a little sifted ash to it. Now you can apply it to the wound.

Preparing a brew based on rosin

The composition of garden varnish can be very different. The main thing is that the result is a sticky mass that will not drain from the surfaces being treated. Another option is garden varnish with rosin, which is used by radio amateurs. This is an ordinary resin, only well-hardened. For preparation you will need a good piece, weighing about 200 g. Rosin allows you to add stickiness to the composition. It is best to use beeswax to hold all the ingredients together. It will take twice as much. This is the basis of the brew, to which additional components can be mixed.

In addition to vegetable oil, you can use any animal fat. If you have a household, then this will not be a problem. Pork or lamb fat ensures the plasticity of the mass. Usually they take the same amount as rosin. How to make garden varnish at home? You just need to melt the rosin, warm the wax and combine the components, mix thoroughly and put it in a jar, where it will be stored.

Reshetnikov ointment

To prepare it, you will need 10 parts of fir resin. In addition, very important ingredients are 1 part wax and the same amount of wine alcohol. In a metal bowl, mix the wax and resin and heat them until the ingredients melt. After the composition has cooled, wine alcohol is introduced into it.

Using the ointment is very simple. It is applied to damaged areas with a brush. This composition has quite a lot of advantages. It remains flexible in all weather conditions. The substance tightly covers the cut surface and does not harden completely. Var does not form cracks and does not allow moisture to pass through. This is not the only cold-resistant composition; there are several other analogues:

Alternative option

If you don’t have time to prepare the mixture, but you don’t want to leave the cut without treatment, then you can treat it with simple and affordable means. If the sections are very small, then you can use brilliant green or potassium permanganate. Pharmaceutical green in the form of a pencil will also work.

For large damages you need to come up with something else. Treat the crack with a stiff brush, then with a solution of potassium permanganate and prepare a mixture of mullein and clay. With its help you need to carefully seal the wound. You can tie it with a cloth.

How to do without putty

Not all gardeners spend their time preparing complex compositions, learning how to prepare garden varnish at home, and looking for the necessary ingredients. Some of them prefer to cover up cuts and damage with regular oil paint. Others take drying oil for these purposes and apply it in several layers. Someone may even decide that the tree has enough strength to cope with the damage on its own.

There are certain rules with which you can achieve better results:

  • Only healthy wood can be treated with varnish; all damaged, dead and infected parts must be removed.
  • Before processing, the cut must be cleaned and all bulges removed.
  • Treatment should be carried out in spring or in the first days of summer. If the damage occurs later, it is recommended to simply apply a protective layer, and with the onset of autumn, carry out final cleaning and apply a thicker layer.

The cuts and damage are similar to wounds on the human body. They are susceptible to attack by fungi and various pests. To protect your garden, you can buy a garden brew or prepare it according to one of the recipes.