The best acne remedy. The best drugs for acne. Other anti-inflammatory ointments for acne

Acne is a fairly common skin problem. They can occur regardless of age and level of skin care, and there can be many reasons for their appearance.

Often pimples, blackheads and acne occur due to hormonal background, but other factors can also cause their appearance. The key to defeating acne is identifying the cause of its occurrence.


The causes of acne can be roughly divided into two large groups:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Hormonal causes include changes in hormones due to age (common teenage acne), body cycles (the appearance of rashes during menstruation in women) and other hormonal fluctuations in the body (pregnancy, use of contraceptives or hormonal drugs).

Non-hormonal causes of acne and pimples can be:

  • insufficient cleansing of the skin (from makeup, dust);
  • use of dirty towels after washing;
  • individual reaction to certain foods (most often sugar or milk);
  • use of low-quality cosmetics.

It is easy to defeat non-hormonal acne - you just need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence and help the body cope with existing inflammation. With hormonal acne, everything is more complicated - complex therapy is needed here.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy remedies most often help the body fight existing inflammation. They are aimed at removing existing acne and preventing the appearance of new acne.

Due to the fact that inflammation is often caused by pathogenic bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the skin, many products are aimed specifically at disinfection.

Some drugs concentrate on drying out inflammation and preventing their further development. The most effective drugs in the cheap price segment are presented below.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has been perhaps the most popular budget acne treatment for many years. It is also often added to expensive skin products in varying proportions. Application in its pure form can also bring results.

The product can be in different concentrations - from 1 to 10%. This must be taken into account when purchasing.

The acid is applied pointwise to inflammation or areas of the skin affected by inflammation. There is no need to treat the entire surface of the face. Frequency of use – up to 3 times a day.

Salicylic acid has the following effects in the fight against acne:

  • dries;
  • fights acne spots (post-acne);
  • destroys bacteria on the surface of the skin;
  • regulates the secretion of sebum;
  • fights blackheads.
The use of salicylic acid does not require additional consultation with a doctor. However, this must be done strictly in accordance with the instructions.


The composition of the drug cindol includes fairly simple components - zinc, talc, glycerin, ethanol. However, combining them allows you to effectively fight inflammation.

Zinc plays a key role in this matter. It disinfects the skin, and ethanol dries out inflammation.

Tsindol is an inexpensive remedy and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

It has the following effects on acne:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • drying;
  • healing.

Compared to salicylic acid, zindole can be called a milder agent. However, it must be remembered that excessive use of one or the other will lead to dry skin and the appearance of even more rashes.

Video: Doctor's review of the drug Tsindol

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine due to its disinfecting properties. As you might guess, it is based on zinc (as in the case of zindol).

Salicylic-zinc paste

The active component of the paste is the same zinc. Salicylic acid acts as an auxiliary element. Additional substances are also added to the paste - starch and petroleum jelly.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is a drug aimed at combating bacteria and the inflammation they cause. It promotes the rapid release of pus accumulated in the tissues (which is the bacteria accumulated by acne).

The ointment accelerates the opening of pimples and has a disinfecting effect on them. Compresses made from Vishnevsky ointment help speed up the development of acne and eliminate the cause of its appearance.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment is aimed not only at combating acne existing on the surface of the skin, but also at their subcutaneous “brothers”.

This ointment can “pull out” pus from a subcutaneous pimple and speed up healing.

Erythromycin is an antibiotic that fights pathogens. It is against inflammation caused by such microorganisms that the ointment can help.

If you have acne caused by hormonal reasons or poor diet, the ointment will not be as effective. Of course, the foci of inflammation will be dried out, but the ointment will not be able to prevent the occurrence of new ones.


Sledocid is often mentioned as a cream that can get rid of acne marks. It is for this purpose that it is used most often. Sledocid has a drying and whitening effect. That is why it is most often used to treat post-acne.

Sledocid also contains zinc, which puts it in the same group as all zinc-containing acne medications. The effectiveness of the drug is highest at the last stage of inflammation maturation.


Zinerit is the most popular zinc-based acne drug. The drug also contains antibiotics. It copes well with inflammation even over a large area of ​​skin.

A special feature of sinerite is its relatively short shelf life. After preparing the solution (the product is sold in two separate bottles - powder and liquid), it can be used for no more than two months.

Effezel gel

Effezel gel is an equally effective remedy for both open and closed acne. It is also extremely effective for acne. The essence of the drug’s action is antimicrobial. Therefore, the drug is not able to eliminate hormonal acne or pimples.


The product is based on an antibiotic. It affects microbes and destroys harmful environments on the surface of the skin. Dalatsin has a fairly pronounced effect and can be used not only for acne and acne, but also for the treatment of boils.

Levomekol ointment

The ointment has a beneficial effect on skin affected by rashes:

  • reduces redness;
  • dries out acne;
  • removes irritation;
  • increases skin elasticity.

The drug is sold without a prescription and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Metrogyl gel

Skinoren gel

Proper use of the gel will dry out inflammation, as well as disinfect the skin in case of bacterial acne.

Alzelaic acid in skinoren has a disinfecting effect and helps fight inflammation of varying degrees of maturity.


Differin has a different mechanism of action on the skin than many drugs. Thanks to the vitamin A derivative in its composition, it accelerates metabolic processes in cells and helps cleanse tissue from blockages that cause acne.

A positive quality of the product is its inability to dry out the skin (unlike many zinc-based products).

Cream-gel “Before and after”

The cream promotes the healing of post-acne and is often recommended by dermatologists for use for this very purpose.

It has a pleasant smell and has a slight drying effect.

Synthomycin liniment

The drug is safe for application to fairly large areas of skin and can be used on a large surface area.

Among the disadvantages of this effective product, users cite a not very pleasant specific smell. However, to get the desired effect, many users are willing to put up with it.

Cream "Clean Line"

The cream is a representative of the line for problem skin and can have an exclusively auxiliary effect in general anti-acne therapy.

Natural remedies cheap acne remedies

Natural inexpensive products can be presented in the form of ointments, tinctures, cleansers, and serums.

In any case, the effect from them can be no worse than from expensive ones. Plants and herbs

Plants and herbs have virtually no contraindications for use.

They can even be used by pregnant women (after consulting a doctor first).

The only contraindication may be individual intolerance. True, the therapeutic effect is less pronounced. Lemon and cucumber

Lemon and cucumber have a drying effect and promote rapid ripening and healing of acne.

You can use lemon and cucumber in the form of masks and compresses.

Tincture of calendula

The tincture has a drying effect (we are talking about an alcohol tincture). A tincture prepared at home does not require the addition of additional herbs. Not suitable for complex treatment (conflicts with many drugs).

Essential oils

Essential oils with a drying effect (for example, tea tree oil) can bring positive results when applied to the spot. When applying oils, you should remember to observe the maximum permissible concentration.

Photo: Before and after

Cheap acne products can be an excellent help in the fight against pimples, blackheads and acne (sometimes even better than expensive ones). And the choice of such a remedy depends on each specific case of the disease.

Acne is a complex disease with a precisely unknown etiology and mechanism of development. There are many theories about where acne comes from. New discoveries on this topic appear regularly in dermatology, but it is still not entirely clear what exactly causes them to occur. Therefore, for treatment there are many different drugs from various groups. All of them act on different stages of acne development. And all are effective to varying degrees. Our review of the most popular medications will help you figure out how to choose the most effective remedy for facial acne.

Where do acne come from?

Acne can occur at any age in both men and women. Official medicine assigns an important role to hormonal disorders in its occurrence. This is not surprising - most often acne appears in adolescence, during or after pregnancy, with endocrine pathologies; in girls the process worsens before menstruation. That is, the connection between the state of the hormonal system and the appearance of acne is obvious.

Considerable importance is attached to identifying bacterial infections on the skin. It has been established that special bacteria called propionibacterium acnes are responsible for the occurrence of acne. Also, the development of inflammatory phenomena on the skin is facilitated by a large number of demodex mites on it.

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the study of local immunity of the skin, its protective properties, which very much depend on the pH value and the qualitative composition of the hydrolipid film. Normally, the pH of the skin should be acidic. Bacteria cannot multiply in an acidic environment. And due to improper care, the pH balance shifts to the alkaline side, and harmful flora begins to feel at ease on the skin and actively multiply, causing the appearance of acne.

Thus, many factors are responsible for the appearance of acne. Accordingly, its treatment should be comprehensive, including drugs from different groups that affect certain parts of the pathogenesis.

What types of acne are there?

In the medical community, there is no uniform classification of acne. To make a diagnosis, doctors use the international classification of diseases, but to understand the clinical features, different authors systematize all possible types of acne in different ways.

It is enough for the average person to know that acne is divided into comedones and acne itself.

Comedones can be:

  • open (so-called blackheads);
  • closed (or milia).

They are formed as a result of clogging of the pores with dead cells and sebum.

Open comedones are congestion in open pores. Sebum oxidizes under the influence of oxygen, which is why such acne looks like blackheads. When pressed, the contents come out easily.

Milia look like scatterings of white millet grains. These are closed comedones, the fat in them does not oxidize, so they remain “clean” and white. When pressed, the contents do not come out. Such comedones can become inflamed and form pimples.

Acne (blackheads) are inflammatory elements of a skin rash. They occur when there is purulent damage to the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding tissues. There are acne:

  • youthful;
  • children's;
  • adult acne;
  • exogenous;
  • caused by trauma.

Juvenile acne develops in teenagers.

Children's acne is very rare, as is correct, with congenital skin pathology.

Adult acne develops for the first time after 20-25 years. Most often, the disease is triggered by some kind of hormonal changes (for example, pregnancy or endocrine disease), stress, or a change in climate zone for permanent residence. But often the cause of acne cannot be determined.

Exogenous acne occurs due to toxic effects - like an allergic reaction to new cosmetics. Or as a result of contact with household chemicals or caustic substances at work.

As a result of trauma, acne appears when wearing tight clothes or shoes (due to frequent damage to the skin as a result of friction), with increased sweating, as well as with mental disorders (pathomimia), when the patient injures or scratches the skin on his own.

How to treat acne

First of all, you need to try to determine the cause of acne and eliminate it. Thus, in case of endocrine disorders, normalizing hormonal levels helps get rid of acne. But alas, it is not always possible to understand why acne occurs. And this is where local and general medications come to the rescue, helping to clear the face of acne. Of course, such treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. But everyone who is faced with this problem needs to know at least the most popular remedies for acne.

List of the most effective topical acne treatments

Local application involves applying the drug to the skin, that is, the active substances can only act on its surface. Such drugs are extremely poorly absorbed, so they do not have a systemic effect when used correctly. But they help restore the protective properties of the skin, normalize its secretory and excretory functions, cleanse, kill bacteria, which helps get rid of acne.

This acne remedy belongs to the group of latest generation topical retinoids. Its active ingredient is adapalene. Available in the form of cream and gel.

Adapalene has an anti-inflammatory effect and also helps cleanse pores and remove blackheads. Thanks to the action of this drug, the level of secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced, the skin becomes less oily, and the process of cell renewal of the stratum corneum is normalized.

Apply this product once a day before bedtime to cleansed skin in a thin layer. The first effect becomes noticeable after 3-4 weeks of regular use. For lasting results, use for several months is required. During the entire course, it is necessary to use sun protection every time you go outside, since vitamin A-based preparations increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Differin is indicated for all types of acne, including the isolated comedonal form. For those with thick, oily skin, it is better to use gel; for thin and sensitive skin, it is better to use cream. The only absolute contraindication to the use of this product is an allergy to any of its components.

Klenzit S

Gel Klenzit is also a drug based on adapalene, an analogue of Differin. Klenzit C is a combination drug in which adapalene is combined with the antibiotic clindamycin. This is the fundamental difference between these two means with a similar name.

Clenzit without an antibiotic is used for comedones. For acne, it is better to choose Clenzit S.

Due to the antibacterial component, this drug actively affects the bacterial flora, destroying it. Therefore, it helps to cleanse the skin of purulent formations faster.

Apply once a day in the evenings. Apply to cleansed and dried skin. The course is usually long-term, since the first results become noticeable only after a month.

When going out in the sun, be sure to use protective equipment, as topical retinoids increase sensitivity to sunlight.

This drug based on azelaic acid is available in the form of a cream or gel. For local use only.

Azelaic acid has:

  • antibacterial activity on the skin and sebaceous glands;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • whitening effect;
  • keratolytic effect (accelerates skin renewal, helps remove dead cells and cleanse pores of excess sebum).

Both gel and cream are equally effective, although it is believed that the result appears faster when using the gel. But both of these forms of release have their own indications.

For acne, if the skin is oily, it is better to start treatment with a cream, and after achieving a therapeutic effect, switch to a gel. For dry and sensitive skin, you can immediately start with the gel.

Both cream and gel are applied twice a day, morning and evening, to cleansed and thoroughly dried skin in a thin layer. Some tingling and burning may be felt at first. It is not recommended to apply the product to wounds, cracks and other injuries.

To achieve results, a minimum of 2-4 weeks of regular use is required. A lasting effect develops after 2-4 months of treatment. As a maintenance therapy, it is recommended to use the gel once a day in the morning.


This is a combination remedy for acne on the face (it doesn’t work well in other areas), which is a combination of zinc and the antibiotic erythromycin. It is available in a single form - as a powder for preparing lotion.

Due to the antibiotic in the composition, it has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. And zinc helps cleanse comedones, reduce skin oiliness, has an antiseptic effect and anti-inflammatory (due to the stabilization of cell membranes).

Zenerite is effective against both comedones and acne.

For mild cases of the disease, Zinerit can be used as the drug of choice.

If it is moderate, combine it with benzoyl peroxide or adapalene.

In severe forms of acne, it is better to give preference to systemic antibacterial drugs rather than local ones, in combination with benzoyl peroxide and topical retinoids.

This is the best acne treatment based on benzoyl peroxide. Available in the form of a gel with varying concentrations of the active substance. The greater the severity of the disease, the higher the concentration should be chosen.

The effectiveness of Baziron AC against acne is due to its action in the skin. He is capable of:

  • destroy bacteria on the skin and in the sebaceous glands;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • reduce the secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands, thereby helping to cleanse existing comedones and preventing the formation of new ones;
  • reduce skin oiliness;
  • effectively remove dead and exfoliated skin cells, which leads to the elimination of sebaceous plugs and prevents the formation of new ones.

The gel is applied to cleansed skin on the affected areas. There is no need to apply it to injured areas and one must not forget about sun protection throughout the entire course of treatment, which usually lasts 3-4 months.

Baziron AS can be used as monotherapy for mild to moderate forms of acne. In severe cases - in combination with systemic antibiotics. This drug is approved for use with other local agents, including topical retinoids.


This inexpensive drug based on zinc oxide is used for many inflammatory skin diseases. Available in the form of a suspension (talker).

Tsindol for acne not only relieves inflammation on the skin, but also reduces its oiliness due to its effect on the production of sebum. It has a drying effect, so those with dry and sensitive skin should use it with caution.

For acne on dry skin, it is used as follows: apply it pointwise to the pimples with a cotton swab and leave until peeling appears. After which it is recommended to wash with warm water.

If your skin is oily, you can apply it all over your face in the evening and leave it on until the morning.


Zerkalin is an alcohol solution of clindamycin (an antibiotic).

It has an antimicrobial effect, including against acne-causing bacteria.

Apply externally in the morning and evening for 4-6 months until a lasting effect is achieved. Apply with caution in the paraorbital area and around the mouth, and also avoid contact with microtraumas and wounds.

Do not use simultaneously with Zenerit and other local erythromycin preparations.


A drug based on metronidazole with a very wide range of applications, as it is active against most known types of bacteria. Available in various forms. For acne, it is used in the form of a gel for topical treatment.

After applying Metrogil:

  • destroys bacteria in hair follicles;
  • creates a protective film on the skin, preventing the penetration of new bacteria into the pores;
  • relieves inflammation well;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • provides matte skin (due to a protective film that absorbs sebum).

Metrogyl is used not only as a medicine for facial acne. It is effective for other localizations of acne, and for infectious diseases of various origins of most organs and systems.

Systemic treatment of acne

Topical therapy is effective only for mild to moderate acne. Severe degrees (and often moderate) require systemic treatment with antibiotics or retinoids.

Systemic antibiotics in the treatment of acne

For acne, tetracycline antibiotics are most often used.

In terms of effectiveness and ease of use, doxycycline preparations (Unidox Solutab) have taken first place in the treatment of this pathology. Acne requires long-term therapy with low doses (up to six months).

If for some reason this group of antibacterial agents cannot be used, macrolides or sulfonamides become the drugs of choice. They are also prescribed in low dosages for several months.

There is no need to be afraid of antibiotic treatment for acne, since low doses do not lead to the side effects associated with the traditional use of this group of drugs. In particular, probiotics are not required to protect the intestines.

Systemic retinoids

This is the most effective, but also the most dangerous group of drugs for acne. Includes isotretinoin-based products - Roaccutane, Acnecutane, Sotret.

These medications help achieve very good effects in treating even the most severe forms of acne. But at the same time, they can cause serious side effects. Therefore, they are prescribed only in extreme cases - for cystic, conglobate acne, acne that is difficult to treat, with a tendency to form scars, etc. They are used only under the control of biochemical liver tests. In addition to the negative effect on internal organs, retinoids have a teratogenic effect (cause deformities in the fetus). Therefore, they should absolutely not be used during pregnancy planning, and strict contraceptive measures must be observed throughout the entire course of treatment.

Such drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor after a series of tests. Dosages are selected based on the patient’s gender, age, weight and clinical situation, and adjusted if necessary.

It is important to know that in the first month after starting treatment, acne will worsen. There is no need to be alarmed; this is a normal skin response to retinoid treatment. But then the face will cleanse, fat production will decrease, the skin will become matte, and its color will improve. With proper prescription and careful adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, it will be possible to avoid side effects and achieve lasting results in the treatment of acne with retinoids.

Acne worries almost every person on the planet, as up to 80% of the entire population experiences acne during adolescence, and up to 40% of adults continue to struggle with it. The search for effective acne treatments has been going on for many years and continues today. Today there are many good drugs that will help, if not completely get rid of acne, then significantly clear the skin of it and provide proper care and treatment. It is better to make a choice in favor of one remedy or another with the help of a doctor, as he will help prescribe the correct therapy in each specific case.

Video about acne

Hello friends! Today I decided to make a small ranking of my favorite external products. Often in the comments under articles questions are asked: “What external remedy is the most effective?” or something similar. Unfortunately, there is still a widespread myth that to quickly get rid of acne you just need to find a product that will help 100%. But the whole point is that such people cannot get rid of acne for years, they try dozens of remedies, but for some reason nothing helps. Those who have realized that a properly selected external remedy is no more than 50% successful are already racing at full speed towards recovery and beautiful, clean skin. Well, for those who don’t want to understand this principle, good luck in your search =) .

But I do not deny, and never denied, that choosing the right external agent is very important! Perhaps even more important than the other principles of successful treatment, which I wrote about on the site, but the whole secret lies in following all the rules and using the right external remedy.

I've used so many of these products in my time that I still wonder why my skin still feels like leather. It was during those times of searching when I grabbed any positive reviews from friends or on the Internet. Next I wanted to write about a dermatologist, but I won’t raise this topic for the billionth time. Anyone who has read my articles knows everything.

But enough with the brainwashing, today I will talk about the remedies that helped me the best and make a sort of chart in my own opinion.

Attention! These top 10 products are based on MY OPINION only. It doesn’t matter to me if some remedy helped me alone in this world and did not help anyone else. When writing this article, I was not guided by any reviews, although I can easily compile the same TOP 10 according to the average opinion of all readers of my site, but I emphasize that here I am expressing only my opinion.

So, I won’t delay any longer! The list will be compiled in descending order, i.e. starting from 10th place and ending with the best acne remedy in my opinion. Go!

You can see detailed reviews of these products on my website by clicking on the links in the text.

10th place: Differin

My rating begins with a remedy for acne on the face called. I am 100% sure that this product would be much higher if it did not dry out the skin so much. And I used cream, not gel, which dries even more.

At the initial stage, Differin seemed to be the very salvation that I was looking for. But my skin literally kicked off Differin, causing such dryness that I have not experienced from any product.

In general, the product is really worthwhile, but it is suitable for people with oily and fairly thick skin. Or maybe I was just unlucky at that moment due to other factors, I don’t know.

But in general, the product is worthwhile and the money spent on it is completely worth it!

9th place: Chlorhexidine

It was part of my main acne treatment complex, which was prescribed to me by a dermatologist. And I will say this - I have not found a better skin cleanser. Since washing with water is very harmful to my face, when my face becomes very oily during the day or gets dirty, I use chlorhexidine.

As a means for treating acne, chlorhexidine may not be the most effective, but as a means for cleansing it has no equal. There was a lot of controversy, and they even wrote to me in the mail, saying oh-yay-yay, you can’t cleanse your skin with chlorhexidine, you’ll kill the microflora, but I don’t know, friends. I’m telling you as it is, neither I nor my skin noticed any negative aspects. Only positives. And again, the dermatologist who helped me so much prescribed this remedy, and I have no reason to distrust his opinion.

8th place: Vishnevsky ointment

One of my favorite remedies. This ointment is perfect for this situation: a pimple on the face is ripening and ripening, it should open and go away over time, but instead it remains under the skin. Such a subcutaneous tissue can either go away painlessly (which rarely happens), or during the next exacerbation it can become inflamed and again not open. Or maybe it’s always inflamed, but doesn’t open completely. This can be repeated several times. Some even resort to a needle, which pierces the skin and removes pus.

But there is a much, much easier way. There are even two such ways. One is called Vishnevsky ointment, the other is ichthyol ointment, which will be discussed further. So, Vishnevsky ointment warms the area and increases circulation, due to which the pimple comes out and goes away much faster. How to prevent such subcutaneous lesions from appearing at all is another story, but if it does appear, either Vishnevsky ointment or Ichthyol ointment will absolutely help you.

7th place: Salicylic acid

Instaskin begins to act from the first use and in 30 days will completely relieve you of acne, blackheads and pimples. The product really works and works well, but it is important to order it from the right place, since there are already a lot of fakes on the market! In addition, at the moment this complex is not available in pharmacies; you can only buy it online with delivery by mail and cash on delivery. Here official site, which sells Instaskin.

It could be put in first place, since it has no equal in terms of efficiency, but since it costs a lot of money, it is only second. I recommend it to everyone, do not waste money on a truly high-quality treatment product. Order.

1st place: Chatterbox

WHAT? ? Best acne treatment? Are you serious? Even our mothers, if not our grandmothers, treated with it, this is not the last century =) This is what they often write to me when I praise my favorite remedy for treating acne =) . But I’m absolutely serious, in my opinion, nothing better has been invented so far. Although Zenerit is very close.

What's so good about a chatterbox? First, for all the time I have been using the talker, my skin has never gotten used to it. And this is a huge plus. Second, no matter how difficult my situation was at certain moments, the talker helped ALWAYS. Third, at a long distance the talker has no equal. Fourth, an ideal product for maintaining the effect when the skin is no longer inflamed. All together makes mash the best remedy for external acne treatment in my opinion.

The only downside is that you need to go to the doctor to get a prescription. But for those who truly want to be cured, these are minor things, aren’t they? =)


External means are needed, external means are important. And no acne treatment program can do without them. This is all true. But if you apply the other treatment methods that I have written so much about in addition to the correctly chosen external remedy that suits your skin, then you have a very good chance of getting rid of acne quickly and easily. Although it takes work to follow all the rules, this is a small price to pay for the skin you want.

A small request to you, dear readers!

Since you already know my opinion, I have a small request for you! Write in the comments the TOP 5 external remedies for treating acne in your opinion. Five funds will be enough. And if you wish, describe the pros and cons a little.

It is likely that your rating will not include many of the tools that helped me, and there will also be others. But that's a plus. If there are a lot of comments and they can be combined into a system, then I will make an article where I will make the TOP 5 according to YOUR OPINION. I think everyone will be interested to know which remedies help best!

Well, that's all for today, see you!

88 comments on “Top 10 best remedies for acne on the face in my opinion”

    Well, I don’t know, to me it’s all bullshit... I’ve already tried so many things and only this remedy finally helped me get rid of acne. Now at least you’re not ashamed of your face! But I’m from the city myself and haven’t seen it in any pharmacy here yet, so it’s better to order it online.

    Tell me, are there anyone who has tried Intraskin??? An acquaintance on the Internet recommended them, but asked the doctor, he said that he did not know about such a remedy. I googled and found a website (link) But I don’t know if it’s worth ordering? Rashes all over my face, I’m already tired of treating them!!

    I tried it!! Very good cream. I never had a lot of acne, but sometimes I had rashes, especially after relaxing in nature. I used this cream - it works spot on, you don’t have to smear it all over your face. Pimples disappear in 2-3 days. The tube itself is economical. I only use this cream. I recommended him to many friends, they also liked him.

    It's strange that the doctor doesn't know about this cream. For example, it was the doctor who recommended it to me last year. Bala acne stage 3. I was treated with Intraskin for almost 3 months. As a result, the disease went away. The scars remained, but after using Intraskin cream they became less pronounced. Overall, the skin has become more even. Now at least I look like a person and I’m no longer ashamed. Previously, I didn’t even want to go outside again. If you have severe acne, I recommend Intraskin. He will help. If you have small acne, you may need a less strong product, because Intraskin is strong and needs to be used carefully.

    I also liked Intraskin cream - one of the best, in my opinion. In general, it doesn’t cost so much that you have to think about whether to order it or not;) it’s not a car. And everyone’s skin can be different - it helps some better, some worse.

    Thanks to everyone who unsubscribed. I ordered the cream, they promised I could get it at the nearest post office within a week. They will be treated. Hope it helps.

    Roman, yes. The rash has passed. Now there are a few pimples, but nothing criminal. I used the cream for about 3 weeks until it ran out. In general, the full course, as written on the website, is a month, but I haven’t bought it yet - the rashes have almost gone away at that time.

      • 1 solicylic acid 2%
        2 zinc
        3 aloe
        I mix zinc with salt and wipe it off. Then I wipe it with aloe. The mixture is very drying to the skin.

  1. Hello! Thank you very much for the entire site and this rating separately! =)
    I have been struggling with acne for a year and I am 22 years old. I have been to different dermatologists and all doctors. Chlorhexidine and Hydrogen Peroxide have no equal in the category of cleansing and disinfection. The chatterbox, unfortunately, narrows my skin very much and makes it crimson. I used Zenerit as a teenager and it didn’t suit me at all.
    The only thing that helps me externally is Cynovit spray and Effezel cream.
    Before I started using Cynovit, Effezel was not as effective. But with application and together, after a few hours the pimples turn from huge red ones into tiny crusts, leaving no spots. This is a miracle! Wishing you clean and healthy skin, guys!!!

    the antibiotic “works” in the chatterbox (it’s what takes 1st place, which I agree with). you can simply grind chloramphenicol or streptocide tablets into dust, mix with chlorhexidine and apply to pimples. and obtain salicylic acid from alcohol-free forms.

    And also - I stopped eating cheese - and there have been no subcutaneous lesions for a couple of years. Plus, after the scrub, I actively disinfect the skin with chlorhexidine + acids.

    • And because of dairy products, I broke out, as soon as I stopped eating cheese and cottage cheese, the subcutaneous skin no longer appears!!!

      And special thanks to Roman!!! The site is excellent, I’m glad you’re writing for us again =)

    I am very pleased with the new publication. I want to say thank you for such a useful site in general! I learned a lot of new and useful things.
    Of my unnamed favorites, an analogue of Skinoren is Azelik (the active ingredient is the same, the concentration is the same, the effect is the same, but the price is 2 times less).

      • I can’t single out the Top 5, but among the most effective remedies I’ll single out zinerite, azelik, and pharmacy chatter. Ichthyol ointment doesn’t really help me pull out a pimple, but its smell gives me a severe headache (I haven’t tried Vishnevsky’s liniment yet). As an analogue product I use paste from Payot, although I can’t say that it’s ideal either. Well, this is how it turns out somehow

        Hello! Unfortunately, I didn’t have a top 5.

        1 solicylic acid 2%

        I mix zinc with salt and wipe it off. Then I wipe it with aloe. the mixture is very drying to the skin

    1st place - antibiotics in tablets
    2nd place - Creon, Denol, Omez (who has a sick stomach)
    3rd place - salicylic acid
    4th place vitamins with zinc
    5th place - tea tree oil =)

    Hello! Thanks for the new article.

    I have been struggling with acne for 1.5 years. I have oily skin, prone to the formation of subcutaneous skin, which neither Vishnevsky nor ichthyolka can remove ((Well, that means post-acne. I’ll tell you what helped me:
    1) Recently tested complex treatment (you can’t single out one remedy here, everything works together):
    cleansing - Cetaphil washing gel (I stopped washing my face with water - it got better. And when I move to change water, the body now doesn’t react the same way, which is a plus),
    in the morning - rozamet (the active ingredient is metronidazole). but you can't use it in summer(((
    in the evening I alternate skinoren and curiosin. I attribute the merit of getting rid of acne mainly to curiosin. It stretches out the subcutaneous tissue quite well (or dissolves it, depending on your luck). I’m surprised that there is still no article about it on the site - it’s a really good tool.
    2) Chatterbox. True, I have a slightly different recipe. My mother passed it on to me)) So I don’t go to the doctor for a prescription - I mix it myself at home. There is camphor alcohol, salicylic alcohol, sulfur, chloramphenicol, strepocide, metronidazole and glycerin. If anyone is interested, I can give the exact proportions later. Helps well in untreated cases. I use it mainly for my back, in case it pops out.
    3) Celandine. I brewed the herb and rubbed my face like lotion. Quickly removes inflammation. Ineffective with long-term use. Either it's addiction or something else. But in the first 7-10 days the effect is amazing! Slightly stains the skin.

    Well, that's all. I didn’t make it to five)) The rest of what I tried didn’t give any effect (or gave it very briefly) - tar soap, Soviet-era laundry soap, baziron, products with adapalene, chloramphenicol, cleansing with oils (for example, peach), tea essential oils wood and lavender, various antibiotics from a dermatologist, etc.

    P.S. Perhaps the fact that I don’t use cosmetics at all now also played some role. I only use homemade oatmeal powder. Girls with oily skin should take note of this - the skin does not become oily even in the evening! Even in the heat. Well, it doesn’t clog pores. And natural. I will never give it up again!

    That's it now. Good luck to everyone in this difficult struggle for perfect skin!

    My top 5
    Instead of a preface: I have 15 years of experience in wrestling, I’ve tried almost everything, I know not only what the process of exfoliation is, but also what cell proliferation is:) Today I’m going to see a dermatologist, I hope she’s also in the know!!! so at least somehow helps
    5th place Yam ointment pros removes the inflammatory process, heals, does not dry out the skin, does not even dissolve comedones much, results are visible in two weeks of daily use. cons smells very powerful, sold only in veterinary pharmacies, 2 minutes after application it burns strongly. For yourself I only take lanolin based ones.
    4) Tar soap cleanses well, exfoliates, improves blood circulation. Cannot be used often, it will dry out the skin, the effect gets stuck at a certain stage. K
    3) Acids and homemade peels, they deeply cleanse well, but you can get irritation, pigmentation, they do not affect the inflamed areas or increase the area of ​​inflammation. Separately, salicylic acid removes acne very well, but also dries.
    2) Zinc tindol, a very effective remedy for both closed and inflamed elements, heals the skin, dries a little and is difficult to wash off 😉
    1) My hope is the retinoid tretinoin in the form of an ointment externally, unlike Differin, I don’t have such dryness and burning. The only product that penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, removes even deep acne, minus the result, wait 3 months and are not sold in Russia. I use 1.5 months, the skin is getting better, there are fewer deep pores and comedones, but inflammation still appears, I wait and believe!
    I’ll also say about oral antibiotics, I don’t consider them a remedy for acne, they only suppress, and do not kill, harmful microflora. Yes, and useful ones, it’s unknown what kind of fungi to expect later, I was happy for 3 months while I was taking it, then after 2 weeks everything returned to normal This is very stressful. It seems to me that after the course it got worse, and today I’m going to remove the suspicion of dermatosis. You should take antibiotics only in an extremely severe stage and strictly as prescribed by the doctor. This is my opinion! :-!
    P.S. I wish everyone to recover from this problem and love themselves and take care of their health!

    1. dalacin gel (the effect is best, “-” I did not achieve 100 percent result, because it is an antibiotic and the instructions indicate a maximum use of six months, and then a break is needed)
    2. skinoren gel
    3. benzyl peroxide 5% (from “-” it dries the skin very much, sometimes causing severe redness and itching, as in a contact allergy)
    4. salicylic acid (this alone is not enough, you definitely need something else)
    5. chatter (also dries the skin too much)

    Hello! Of the products that I used, ZINERIT is in 1st place and by a wide margin, it is a super product, it really helped me. But there is a big drawback - it’s addictive, it happened to me after about 2 years (I used 3-4 bottles a year). Now I’m using a homemade mash (camp alcohol, salicylic acid, levomecithin and streptocide), of course it can’t be compared with zinerite, but it doesn’t remove inflamed pimples, but dries the inflamed ones for a long time and tediously. Skinoren somehow didn’t impress me. In general, I’m suffering from zenerite, I’ll try to buy it in half a year.

    • Zincteral is usually used with other drugs and vitamin complexes. For example, to quickly get rid of acne, it is used in combination with antibiotics and vitamins A, E. It has a short-term effect, but does not eliminate the root cause. In addition, the use of antibiotics leads to dysbiosis and gastrointestinal problems, which in itself may be the root cause of acne.

      I asked for more than one course, along with Aevit + talker. I didn’t notice any particular results, although to be honest, my situation wasn’t too bad, maybe that’s why the result wasn’t particularly visible. A dermatologist attributed it to me and said that in addition to the skin, it also has a good effect on hair and nails.

  2. Good health to everyone. Of all the above, I use Differin, but purely for prevention. I’m 34 and still sometimes break out in places, so I’ll decide to offer you my recipe. An elderly veterinarian recommended it to me. Take equal parts of Vishnevsky ointment and ASD-3 (let me tell you right away, ASD-3 is a very specific drug with a disgusting smell), mix it all very well and put it on a saucer in an even layer, leave for 12 hours. After 12 hours, spots of a colorless substance should form, but on the contrary, we need the blackest thing. Attention, apply exclusively to the affected area!!! After a few days, you will be surprised that a slight redness remains at the site of the pimple, which will go away in a couple of days.

    I decided to join you. Roman, thank you very much for the site - it turned out to be a wonderful kick to finally sort out the problem once and for all. I have very oily thin skin, I have suffered from rashes since I was 14, for 16 years now (((((Heredity, you know. Through trial and error, I found out the following: in order for the skin to remain clean and healthy, it is necessary (for me personally):
    1. do mechanical facial cleansing once a month (!), fortunately, I found a good cosmetologist. I thought the cosmetologist was joking when she told me this, but no - it’s like the skin itself is asking for it every month.....
    2. chatter - for daily use, however, only at night, because twice a day begins to dry out the skin.
    3. To prevent the mash from drying out (by the way, I read here on the website), I use Delex Acne lotion - a wonderful thing, but you can’t use any cream - the pores immediately clog, and this lotion softens and moisturizes.
    4. tar soap - I wash my face only with it, the smell, however, is specific, but beauty requires sacrifice. By the way, I buy it at the pharmacy - it’s called potash-tar and its consistency is very similar to ichthyol.
    5. Delex Acne gel - for treating and drying individual pimples.
    I can say that I use tar soap, mash and lotion every day.
    And I beg you, recommend some good scrub, my pores get clogged very quickly, except by brushing I can’t clean them in any way (((((

    Hello everyone, I’ll join you =) I’ve been suffering from acne for 6 years, probably the most effective remedy for me was Pro active. I used it 3 years ago, then I had acne only on my forehead, occasionally popping up on my chin. After using this drug, I began to forget about acne. However, a year later, acne began to appear on my cheeks, that was a bummer, I ordered this product again, but when I used it again, I became allergic to it, my skin began to itch and turn red. I had to forget about Pro active. Now I use Cynovit shower gel and spot-clean my pimples with zenerite, my neighbor also gave me something similar to mash, I can’t say exactly what it is, it contains some kind of herbs. Eeeeh she never told me the recipe, I decided not to share my creation. Nevertheless, this product helped =) P.S. I’ll try to find out the recipe someday 😀

    I'm 18 years old and will wake up soon. I have been struggling with pimples for a very long time. I always squeezed them out. But now I stopped. I wanted to share how guys can deal with pimples, because our skin is thicker and different than women’s. So now I use it like this; First, I cleanse my face with a clean peach line; I scrub the skin for a very long time because... To scrub our skin we need to rub it in for a long time. Next, I clean my face with the side dish that comes with a brush. Then I rinse thoroughly with water and wipe my face dry. Next, I smear zenerite on my face, and you know, it all helps me very well, my face becomes cleaner and whiter. Pimples also go away, try not to squeeze out pimples, this way you will greatly harm yourself, as I once did. And it all started with one small pinch that I squeezed out))))))

    A couple of tips on how to get rid of acne:

    1 change your diet, stop eating fast foods, spicy and fried foods;

    2 drink a lot of clean water, limiting the consumption of strong coffee and black tea, not to mention tonics;

    3 spend more time in the sun, sun rays promote the production of vitamin D;

    4 removal of blackheads is mandatory, but this must be done by a specialist;

    5 daily cleansing of the skin with lotions;

    6 application of drying and anti-inflammatory masks.

    I have been suffering from acne for about 8 years on and off. I tried Baziron and Zenerit, everyone praised these remedies, but neither one nor the other helped me a bit.

    There is another remedy for acne, only aloe is cheaper. This is YAM ointment, sold in a pet store. The only downside is the stock, the rest are pluses, it doesn’t dry out the skin, the red inflammation will disappear in a month. It is better to apply at night.

    Hello! I accidentally came across your site while I was surfing the Internet and I want to make my contribution. I don’t know if anyone has written about Bioderma here, but as a person who is very familiar with problem skin, I really want to recommend it to everyone! I give her 1st place, definitely. This is if we talk specifically about external methods of treatment. This is not the cheapest company, but it's worth it, believe me. She is preferred by all the cosmetologists and dermatologists I visit and have visited.
    Another great thing for local acne treatment is zinc ointment. There are no scars or red spots left after it! And it is very affordable.
    I use and have used a lot of different products, but these two are currently the most effective for me :)

    • Bioderma - how it will help someone. Sounds like a hat to me! Vichy is the same opera, very quickly addictive, the effect is slow, and they definitely won’t cope with a serious problem.

    Hello! I wanted to ask you something, I have already heard more than once that heparin ointment helps well with post-acne. Tell me, do you know anything about this ointment? And is it worth using it to treat post-acne? Thank you in advance!

    Hello everyone, I wanted to know your opinion about raukutan? Someone took these pills. The dermatologist prescribed it for me, but there were such side effects that I was afraid to drink. Please share.

    • Hello! I decided to write my review, which helped me in treating acne! I have always had problem skin, at one time I was so irritated that I developed a complex... it was a terrible time... I tried a lot of drugs: antibiotics, cleansing the body with various means, external gels, all kinds basirons, dalacins, salicyls…. cleaning... as a result, nothing helped! I despaired and decided to apply to the Korolenko Dermatovenerological Institute in Moscow for a Candidate of Medical Sciences! She immediately prescribed AKNEKUTAN for me! Having warned me about many side effects, contraindications, and a long course... Having almost lost hope of healing, I agreed! At first she prepared me, I was on antibiotics for a couple of months, then I switched to taking the main drug Acnecutane, of course, in addition to the drug itself, external gels, vitamins, etc. were prescribed. The treatment took about 7 months. But after 2 months. I have already started to see results! Every month my skin got better and better, and in the end I got rid of my problem for good! And I believed in a miracle! Let me say right away that this is not a cheap method! (Every month I spent about 7-10,000 rubles: Doctor’s appointments, pills, vitamins, etc.) But it’s worth it! IT WILL HELP ABSOLUTELY EXACTLY! But not everyone will agree to use it! And be sure to use it on the recommendation of a doctor! The doctor prescribes the course specifically for you, the dose is calculated individually! I’ll say right away: drinking alcohol, sunbathing in the sun and getting pregnant (after stopping the drug you can’t get pregnant for half a year or a year, I don’t remember exactly) is absolutely not allowed! Side effects that I observed: dry lips, Belvedere lip balm saved me, and in the winter when I went outside in the cold without gloves, my hands peeled very much, I used a rich cream. The main thing is to drink the course to the end, otherwise all your acne will come back to you! All! And this is the only remedy that helped me! Now I don’t use foundation at all! How I dreamed about this for a long time! I do chemo periodically. peelings to remove acne spots and all kinds of masks.

    Before external treatment of advanced conditions - deep pockets on an oily face, deposits of omentum - all of the above good methods only help temporarily. First!!! The root cause needs to be addressed. For me it was Demodex. The treatment took place at home according to a doctor’s prescription. Features of which were to change the pillowcase on the pillow and a separate towel every 2 days. (you need to get a prescription from a doctor) After 2 weeks, when re-tested in the laboratory, the result was negative. After this, the result was permanent in external treatment. In the meantime, I have not met a Reasonable dermatologist who ordered DEMODEX for analysis. I was with such luminaries who, in addition to taking money for jars of masks, ointments, creams, talkers, were waiting for my next arrival with money!
    Therefore, if you have only temporary results from the above treatment methods, do not be lazy to contact a dermatologist with a request to write out a referral for Demodex analysis as a possible main reason for the lack of a permanent result.
    And I fully support the recommendations of reasonable food without excess fried, smoked and sweet, but if you really want it, you don’t need to deny yourself, you need to sit down but very little.

    • I've been using it for 3 weeks. I applied it 10 times during this time. The first 3 times the skin peeled, but now I seem to have gotten used to it. In the first week, two subcutaneous patches came out, which sat for a month and did not come out. I was very upset =-O, but as I read, anyone needs to squeeze this crap out and in the first applications all the crap should come out of the skin. Today I apply it 11 times, the result is pleasing. It gets better and better with every use. Pah-pah-pah. The acne has been tormented, now the skin is in acceptable condition, definitely better than what it was before I ordered. Although there is a minus in the form of the fact that old pimples start to appear at the very beginning O =)

  3. I used zenerite (by the way, I bought it for 300 rubles), the pimples were mainly on the forehead, I applied it only in the evening and after a week it began to work, when it ran out I had pimples on my cheeks and chin, there weren’t any on my forehead until recently.
    I’ve been using salicylic acid 2% (RUB 20) for 3 weeks and I still have post-acne on my cheeks, and painful pimples have popped out below my lips and the acid doesn’t help.

    I have a question
    I used to save myself with the chatterbox, but now I went for it again, I haven’t used it for a long time, the problem area is my cheeks, I rubbed it with the chatterbox, in the morning there were some pimples, like a rash. What could it be? did I overdo it? I don’t know what to try anymore. I took Acnecutane for 10 months, half a year and again lightly, I took Minolexin, and now again..

    There are so many reviews that you get lost =-O How can I choose what I need from such an abundance of choice? 🙁 if I don’t have skin at all, but tin... even a blood transfusion didn’t help, although this seems to be the last stage of treatment

    I tried both mash and washing gels, nothing helped! My mother told me everything will pass by the age of 25! But how the hell can I live with a pimply face all this time, when my girlfriends’ dates begin, and I was afraid to even go out into the street with a red face from acne!!! And most importantly, if someone asks anything, it always seemed to me that the person was looking at my pimples on my face! The same girls will understand me!!!
    The problem was solved very simply! I threw out all the chemical gels and creams after I was advised to use natural mangosteen peel! Yes, I agree that it’s not easy to find it here in Russia, but I’m not saying that you need to find the fruit, peel off the peel, dry it and crush it.. Now there is a powder that you treat your face like a scrub and you need to leave this mask on until it dries. All my inflammation went away at first, my pimples began to decrease, new ones stopped appearing, and after 2 weeks of use my face was practically clear! Of course, I’m in shock and I still have nightmares about acne that it’s coming back.. *CRAZY* Now I apply this mask only once a week for prevention and the Pozzolan mask, which I also bought at Inzhoy Travel Shop. Now at the moment these are the remedies that have helped me! Girls, put the chemicals away! It only makes your skin addictive! Use only natural products and the effect will be like mine!!! 8) 8) 8)

    The doctor prescribed me to take Ornizol tablets for acne (this is not an antibiotic), as well as cosmetic gel-balm Ugrisept 911. And, of course, wash my face only with tar soap!!! I'm all over.

    Can you please tell me what is included in the mash? And what effect did you have from tritin? I had subcutaneous patches, after which there were lumps left and I can’t do anything to remove them

    Brew sage herb and lubricate the skin with a cotton pad, you can leave it for some time, it forms crusts very quickly, it is sold in any pharmacy. Relieves inflammation instantly

    Personally, I use Polysorb. It simply reliably cleanses the body, but acne appears because it is full of toxins. reconsider your diet, and of course take polysorb, acne will not disappear completely, but there will be fewer of them. Personally, I use Polysorb in cases where I feel heaviness in my stomach or my stomach ache after a feast.

    So I tried everything.

    THE MOST EFFECTIVE: 1. Autohemotherapy (yes, yes!! Injections of your own blood in the butt! Who would have thought!!!)

    The following is weaker:
    2. Plasmalifting (expensive service, also blood injections with medicine in the face)
    3. Obagi Clenziderm (in my case for oily skin) is a very effective cleansing kit. Just nuclear. It was as if ice had been applied to my face.
    4. Any skin peeling has an effect.
    5. Zenerite or salicylic acid for local use. It doesn’t really cure, but it helps to subside faster.

    As a result, I had a clean face for almost 1.5 years... And then I went for a cleaning... They squeezed out my pores, gave me an infection... and now everything is all over again %)

    People, be careful when cleaning your face.

    Of all the above, I only used salicylic acid 1%, there was no miraculous effect, but perhaps for the reason that at that time I did not follow a diet. My treatment began with a dermatologist at the age of 15. Over the years, the skin did not improve much (there was oiliness, clogged pores and itching: nose, eyelids, above the eyebrows. Because of the itching, I again went to the dermatologist to do a scraping for the mite, because it had been detected before, but this time it was not there, and then the dermatologist sent me to a gastroentrologist. He sent me to take a test for the bacterium. which can cause acne - Helicobacter pylori, it was discovered, and then 1. Pilobact AM, bifiform, enterosgel and de-nol, diet is a must. After 2 weeks I saw the first result - it was a miracle, no external remedy helped , how is all this, by the way, while taking external tablets, I used tar soap in the morning and in the evening and in the evening I applied almond oil. I can say that the dermatologist can first send you to a gynecologist, I also went through this doctor, hormones were normal that moment. In conclusion, I can say that I went to the doctor again because I was almost 23 and I understood that these were no longer teenage problems.)
    Good luck to everyone in this difficult psychological struggle, I have been going towards this for almost 9 years.
    My top 5
    1.Zinc ointment
    2.Boric alcohol
    3.Cream Boro plus
    4.Tea tree oil
    5.Aloe juice

    Of those listed, I am only familiar with zenerite, chatterbox, skinoren, and salicylic acid. Personally, zinerite is most suitable for treatment, since it kills bacteria without disturbing the stratum corneum. The chatterbox is not very convenient to use; calendula tincture seems ideal to me if there are not too many pimples.
    Therefore my rating:
    tincture of calendula
    tea tree oil
    Boro plus cream

    And sulfargin ointment is very good. You know, if you have sensitive skin, this is one of the few products that are actually suitable. Not only do acne go away, but the skin becomes visually much more well-groomed.

    Hi all! I have had acne for 21 years, from the age of 12 until now (33) they have not left me. Oral contraceptives helped very well, but after I decided to get pregnant and stopped taking them, everything returned to normal. During pregnancy and now, when I am breastfeeding, my face began to look like in the good old days - closed and open comedones, terribly oily skin. I decided to go to a dermatologist, suddenly in 5 years (during which I took contraceptives) something new appeared in the treatment of acne. Yeah, screw you :) First of all, they found a long-suffering subcutaneous mite on me, prescribed a bunch of all sorts of external remedies, one of which turned out to be super comedogenic. As a result, I have never had such hypodermic lesions as now in my life 🙁 So, I was dealing with the consequences of going to a specialist, I went to see her again, decided on a treatment regimen, she eventually prescribed me antibiotic ointment for my subcutaneous tissues + chlorhexidine ( Thank you for this, before googling I didn’t even know that it could be applied to the face for disinfection). BUT. At the same time, I didn’t cancel the previous treatment regimen, so I myself removed the comedogenic wash and ointment from it, otherwise no antibiotic ointment would help, new subcutaneous lesions appeared.

    What else I want to say: during pregnancy, for those whose faces began to look worse than in adolescence, practically nothing helps, closed comedones appear at cosmic speed and Skinoren with Differin cannot keep up with them :) In addition, antibiotics pregnancy is not possible, so you have to endure the terrible condition of your skin and go outside in the dark, when no one can see you :))) During breastfeeding, acne also does not subside, and only when the number of times the baby is put to the breast is reduced to several times a day , you can already start using these remedies and your face will gradually begin to return to normal. But it is not known what will happen to him after you finish feeding :) I hope to find out about this in half a year and be sure to write here.

    • What antibiotic do you mean? You really can’t take it internally, but if you use zenerite topically, you can, it is allowed for these purposes, so you can safely use it.

    Thank you very much, the article was very helpful. I'm going to try zinerite, aloe and basiron.
    As such, I cannot compile a TOP-5, fortunately, but a short review can be done.

    Initially, many ointments and masks, let's say branded pacifiers, with salicylic acid were tried. Nothing helped. Perhaps I came across a convenient foundation ointment; it’s a pity I don’t remember the name. If necessary, I'll take a look later.

    After that, I took salicylic paste, or, in simple terms, Lassar paste, for targeted action. I applied it at night and scared the cat with war paint. It helped for a while, but then the effect wore off.

    I don’t even know at what point, but my grandmother advised me to go to the pharmacy for tea tree oil. Despite all the warnings that were written on the packaging - “possible skin irritation or an allergic reaction, first apply diluted on the wrist” - nothing happened, and in the end I started applying it again, pointwise, to acne. I still use it, for me it has simply become the best remedy, one might say, a salvation.

    And, in addition, I want to say that micellar water is a very useful thing. But she’s just so expensive, she’s a pest. Although, in general, since you don’t need to go shopping with a friend, there is little cheap in such stores. In general, it is used for washing, for cleansing purposes.

    Hello everybody! I am 27 and have suffered from acne since I was 16 years old. At the age of 23 I had to take Roacutane (my nerves were on edge). So for those who have already tried everything, I can recommend it, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor (side effects are possible). Well, I’m generally silent about how much it dries out the lips and skin, but it helped me out. After it, the oiliness of the skin returned, then acne began to return, but this is nothing compared to what it was. About a year later, acne began to return, especially in the heat, and I was thinking of going to the doctor to be prescribed Acnecutane (almost Roacutane). The doctor advised me not to rush and said to try “Delex acne acne gel forte” and accompanying Delex products. It helped me a lot and still helps me to this day. I recommend it. I also wash my face with 3in1 Klerasil (white opaque cream gel) sometimes with laundry soap. Acne now includes inflamed blackheads on the forehead (not often) and the area around the lips. I tried a lot of things before Roacutane. Both baziron and zenerite helped. Sometimes they got rid of acne altogether, but as soon as you relaxed a little, everything got worse, well, basically, as it is now. I’m thinking about trying Zinerit again (I’m thinking of smearing problem areas several times a week) I wish everyone good luck in solving the acne problem!

    I have a long history of acne, variable success, but I’m struggling. There were a lot of drugs, I can write the top 20)) The most effective for me were, are and remain:
    1. Duak gel. I apply it at night, it works on minor inflammations and subcutaneous areas. It doesn't dry out, but it constantly disappears from pharmacies.
    2. Ugresol. When there is no Duak gel, but it dries, although the composition is similar. The doctor advises diluting it 1:1 with a pharmaceutical saline solution, I dilute it 1:2, it dries less and can be used in cold weather.
    3. Ichthyol ointment. When there is deep subcutaneous inflammation, at night, under a cotton swab.
    4. Dalatsin. When there are pustules and the head is visible. They dry out on their own, the crust then comes off on its own, but you can’t do it all the time, it’s an antibiotic, the body gets used to it.
    5. Deriva water gel. It didn’t work, there was severe irritation.
    6. Sulsena shampoo. I wash my face in the summer, it removes oiliness and mattifies for 2-3 hours.
    7. Uriazh thermal water. It saves you in the summer.
    8. Christina, Comodex line, tomato mask. Contains salicylic acid, relieves irritation and dries out inflammation.
    9. Exfoliac, acnomega 100, cream. I love! It suits me perfectly, mattifies, there is no film effect, it removes redness. There was also acnomega 200, rolled up.
    10. Rescuer. If I pick at a wound with my hands and it doesn’t heal, it’s only spot-on.
    Thanks again to Roman for the site, I’ve been reading it for two days now, and I’ve learned a lot.

    My funds.
    2. Chatter: Calendula bottle in it: streptocide + chloramphenicol + metronidazole + acetylsalicylic acid. Mix and lubricate.
    I don’t add acetylsalicylic acid because my sensitive skin gets very dry.
    3. Vitamins. Either mertz or zincite, or brewer's yeast.
    4. “Before and After” cream is their own lotion.
    5.Mask: Colorless henna + baking soda + whatever your skin likes.
    Live brewer's yeast is very good internally and as a mask.
    6. In severe cases, you have to use the antibiotic Tsifran.
    7.Enteros gel, bificol.
    It’s good, of course, to go for a walk, eat right, and drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.
    Instead of face cream, use blefarogel or panthenol.

    Dear experts, I re-read everything and such a mess has formed that there are simply no words..... I don’t have a rating, because since school I go with a red face and go to work with half a kilo of foundation.... So, I have questions for you, friends ….
    1. How do you moisturize problem skin? Namely in the evening and how in the morning? For example, if you are getting ready for work in the morning, how do you moisturize your face before applying foundation, this is a question for the ladies, your skin is oily and shiny like a pancake)))

    After all the museum, zeneritis, chatterboxes, etc., the skin becomes dry, yes, it’s as it should be, but with age I think it stops working, namely after 32, you already need to moisturize, well, I think so...

    2. How often do you use chlorhexidine? Is it used as a tonic or what?

    3. What products do you use for washing, besides dekhtyar soap, soap is terrible for me, and especially dekhtyarka?

    4. Should I apply the mixture completely to the entire face or to the pimples themselves? Exactly the same question in relation to ointments and other preparations, how do you apply them, completely or pointwise, well, zinerita, this is self-explanatory

    • I only use baby cream and also wash my face with chamomile in the evening. Tar soap seems to me to be simply terrible, although this may be true for me. Why do acne appear? You need to look for the cause. For me they appear when toxins accumulate in the body and it is very easy to “treat”, I take regular enterosgel (yes, which is used for poisoning) and with its help all toxins and other nasty things are cleaned from the intestines, and with them the acne goes away. And before, I also tried to apply all sorts of creams to no avail.

    Hello! I’ve been reading your site for a long time because of my son. He is 16 years old, has had terrible acne, acne spots, etc for 2 years. Of course, we tried absolutely all medications, ointments, aloe, brewer’s yeast. There was almost no result. We went to a dermatologist and had all the tests done, mites, fungi, etc. no, internal organs and hormones are fine. I just inherited this kind of skin from my father. The guy was handsome (if not for acne), he was terribly upset.. And what I’m getting at is that the doctor prescribed us the following treatment: in the evening a shake of trichopolum, dimexide and dist. water (made at the pharmacy), then, in turn, 1st evening baziron, right on top of the chatterbox, 2nd evening klenzit, sir, also after the chatterbox, 3rd evening without the chatterbox, curiosin. Every morning Sebium Global from BIODERMA. And, imagine, there is a lasting improvement! Now they did an ultrasound so that the doctor could prescribe internal medications without harm to health. At first it really bothered me that I needed to apply it in the evening on top of the mash, and different preparations every day, but! There is a result - the acne is almost gone, there are still 2 large ones left on the right cheek, and only acne spots.

    What a blessing that I never suffered from this misfortune. I have always sincerely sympathized with those who have to use all sorts of ointments to cleanse their skin.

    I also like the chatterbox, but it alone does not give anything without systemic treatment. In the spring, I took a course of the antibiotic Minolexin for acne (three months), took one tablet once a day, the dose is small, but I have to take it every day and for a long time. As a result, my skin has been clear all summer, and I haven’t even used the mash for a long time; it’s sitting in the refrigerator, I should probably throw it away, since the expiration date has most likely already expired.

    I used the chatterbox for a while, but it doesn’t suit me because it dries out my skin too much. Now if a pimple pops up somewhere, I simply smear it with Elon ointment. It disinfects and reduces pores. This is the best acne treatment for me at the moment.

Pimples are an unpleasant dermatological problem. If rashes appear suddenly, it is worth having a drug on hand that can eliminate dermatosis. Dermatologists advise selecting acne treatment methods by studying the root cause of the rash. Doctors recommend paying attention to 10 remedies that are better than others to quickly cure dermatosis and prevent possible relapses.

The most popular acne remedies

Today, pharmacies offer many remedies for acne and acne. 80% of these drugs have a similar composition and principle of action. The top 10 included topical creams with:

In order for acne treatment to bring maximum results, you need to eliminate the cause that provokes its formation.

  • anti-inflammatory properties, because during the treatment of dermatitis, it is first necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • antibacterial effect. As reviews show, for acne, especially if the formations are purulent, it is necessary to use components that eliminate pathogenic microflora that provoke the appearance of pus. The most effective antibacterial drugs are made from antibiotics;
  • regenerative effect. Thanks to this effect, the pits that remain at the site of dermatitis heal faster;
  • deep cleansing and moisturizing of the skin. These medications are considered particularly effective for eliminating dry dermatoses.

The rating of products includes drugs that differ in texture, composition and principle of action. To cure acne, pustules and blackheads, dermatologists recommend using several different products, combining their use.


Doctors recommend using Baneocin for acne in patients with advanced acne and ulcers. This is a combination drug that contains two antibiotics. Before using Baneocin for acne, you should carefully read the instructions for its use. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, it is necessary:

Antimicrobial antibacterial powder Baneocin is a combination drug containing two main active components (antibiotics)
  • apply the drug to cleansed skin;
  • Baneocin for acne is used once a day (in the evening). The gel is applied in a small amount to problem areas of the dermis without rubbing it. In the morning, the resulting dense crust is carefully washed off;
  • course of treatment is 1–2 weeks. After a break, therapy is resumed if necessary.

"Baneocin" powder is a form of the drug that does not contain a large number of additional components. For acne, the instructions recommend using powdered medicine in particularly difficult cases.


Reviews recommend using Bepanten for acne in different cases - in the initial stage and advanced form of the rash. The active components of the cream nourish skin cells, relieve inflammation, smooth out scars after dermatitis. Bepanten for acne, reviews of which are most often positive, has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the cream is used for various types of dermatoses - from diaper dermatitis to severe skin irritations;
  • the medicine has powerful disinfecting properties, which prevents infection from entering the body through wounds formed at the site of the rash;
  • The composition of the drug is safe for children and pregnant women.

The described drug has a number of healing properties for the body, which are determined by the composition of the cream

"Bepanten" is sold in every pharmacy without a prescription. Unlike traditional anti-inflammatory creams with a drying effect, such as Sulfur or Zinc acne ointment, this cream eliminates dryness and flaking of the dermis thanks to its oily texture.

"Boro Plus"

Boro Plus helps get rid of ulcers on the face. This is an Indian-made cream with a thick, oily consistency and a specific smell. There are two types of product - Boro Plus green and purple (they differ in the color of the packaging). The cream contains natural ingredients of plant origin.

  • Boro Plus helps get rid of acne, scratches, and ulcers that appear at the site of the rash. The cream can be applied to open wounds. It has an antiseptic effect, accelerating the healing of pimples;
  • Boro Plus helps relieve itching and reduce irritation after insect bites. The instructions for use of this cream do not contain information on how often it can be used. To treat numerous rashes, dermatologists recommend making a mask based on Boro Plus - apply the cream in a thick layer to the rash, wait 20-25 minutes and remove excess product from the treated area with a napkin.

"Boro Plus" is considered a good alternative to Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment for acne, which has a specific odor. If the cause of rashes is the presence of toxic substances in the body, it is recommended to use EnterosGel in combination with Boro Plus, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of the sorbent for dermatitis.

"Boro Plus" - consists of plant components: sandalwood, turmeric, aloe and other components

An effective alternative to Boro Plus is Clean Line. This is a natural cosmetic product made from plant ingredients. The anti-acne product Clean Line provides comprehensive skin care:

  • cleanses pores;
  • tones and soothes the dermis;
  • mattifies the structure of the facial epidermis;
  • tightens pores;
  • removes superficial blackheads and small pimples.

Clean Line Cream-active against rashes is suitable for daily use. The natural components of the product are not addictive. Clean Line cream for acne can be used as a base for makeup, thereby preventing the harmful effects of harmful components of decorative cosmetics on the skin of the face.


"Zinerit" is a new combination drug for the treatment of mild and moderate forms of acne. The main active ingredients of the product are Erythromycin and zinc acetate. Zinerit for pimples is available in two bottles for making your own lotion. Dermatologists advise not to use scrubs to cleanse your face when treating rashes with this remedy.

“Zinerit” is an ointment containing the antibiotic erythromycin, which destroys propionibacteria and streptococcus, as well as zinc, which dries the skin and reduces the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands
  • Zinerite is used both as a spot treatment and for treating the skin of the entire face;
  • For mild acne, the lotion can be used independently - applied to problem areas 2 times a day. For moderate rashes, Zinerit is used in combination with other medications.

Does lotion help with acne flare-ups? Dermatologists say that the use of local remedies in this case will not give the expected results, since severe acne requires oral administration of antibacterial agents. How much Zinerit costs in a pharmacy depends on the region of the country. The cost of the drug varies between 600–650 rubles per package.


Recently, Ichthyol ointment has become very popular in the fight against rashes. The active ingredient of the drug (ichthammol) penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, providing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and healing effects. Ichthyol ointment for pimples is made from only two components - ichthammol and petroleum jelly. Therefore, the product is a natural and safe local medicine for the body. The drug has many advantages:

  • Ichthyol is used to treat all types of inflamed rashes;
  • cleanses pores and prevents the possibility of new breakouts;
  • Ichthyol ointment for rashes, reviews of which are most often positive, quickly draws pus from internal boils, relieving pain and swelling;

Ichthyol ointment is a powerful acne remedy containing ichthyol.
  • does not dry out the skin;
  • if spots have formed on the skin after ulcers, this remedy will help get rid of them;
  • Ichthyol ointment, reviews of which confirm the recommendations of dermatologists, can be used to treat dermatosis not only of the facial skin, but also of other areas of the body.

The only drawback of the medicine is its unpleasant odor. However, it is this that serves as confirmation of the naturalness of the product and the complete absence of synthetic fragrances in the composition.

Creams based on salicylic acid

Salicylic ointment, due to its wide spectrum of action, is successfully used to treat acne and dermatoses of varying degrees. The product has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this property, salicylic acid and cosmetic products based on it are used against dermatoses to relieve severe inflammation, relieve itching and swelling. The medicine is used according to the instructions as follows:

  • Salicylic ointment should be applied only to skin that has been previously treated with tonic and antiseptic;
  • the drug is applied in a thin layer only to problem areas (preferably before bedtime);

Salicylic ointment is a medicine containing salicylic acid.
  • Salicylic ointment is used to treat rashes for no more than 21 days;
  • This medicine should not be combined with other topical products. Salicylic acid, when reacting with the components of another medication (cosmetic product), can cause redness or itching of the skin.

Recently, a combination product – Salicylic gel containing zinc – has become especially popular. It is used to eliminate extensive acne and boils on areas of the skin with increased oil content. Zinc ointment based on salicylic acid normalizes even particularly complex cases of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.


Levomekol for ulcers, reviews from people show that it should be used as a first aid drug. The cream instantly relieves inflammation and swelling from the problem area, draws out pus located deep under the skin. The advantages of the medicine include:

  • simple and harmless composition (less than 1% of patients have allergic reactions to the components of the medication);
  • rapid impact on the source of inflammation and neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Reviews of Levomekol for pimples are called one of the most effective medicines, as it affects the cause of the rash.

The medicine also has disadvantages. With prolonged use, the active ingredients cause addiction to the body. Therefore, doctors advise alternating the use of Levomekol with drug analogues (Solcoseryl, Zinerit).

"Levomikol" - a medicine intended for the treatment of ulcers, rashes, promotes rapid healing of the skin

It is advisable to apply solcoseryl for acne only to dry areas of the skin. You can use this gel to eliminate acne scars.

Another popular analogue of Levomekol is Synthomitacin ointment. The medicine has many advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • quick impact on problem areas of the skin;
  • Synthomitacin ointment does not dry out the skin and does not cause peeling with prolonged use.

Among the disadvantages of the medicine, it is noted that the gel cannot be applied to open wounds or in combination with other products for external use (there is a risk of developing a severe allergic reaction). Synthomitacin ointment is applied only pointwise. But with prolonged use, the body gets used to the action of the antibiotic, so after 7–9 days of using the cream, it must be replaced with another product with a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It will not be difficult to determine whether such complex therapy helps.


Erythromycin for acne is considered one of the safest pharmaceutical medications to use. The only drawback of the cream is the impossibility of long-term use: the maximum course of therapy is 3 weeks. Erythromycin, reviews of which are usually positive, after application is quickly absorbed into soft tissues, providing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Erythromycin ointment - used in combination with other medications

The cream is applied to problem areas of the skin in a thin layer. Doesn't rub in. Erythromycin for acne, reviews of which prove the effectiveness of its effects, shows the first results after 5–7 days of regular use. During this time, even deep pustules open up, the ulcers heal, and the texture becomes even. The maximum therapeutic effect is manifested if EnterosGel is taken simultaneously with the topical erythromycin drug. Reviews show that comprehensive cleansing of the body from toxic substances has a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis, reducing inflammatory processes.


Dermatologists prescribe Metrogyl for acne in particularly difficult cases of acne. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, available in different pharmacological forms. Metrogyl Gel is used for local (external) use. And for oral administration - Metronidazole for acne in tablets. How to take the medicine (dosage and frequency of use) is prescribed by a dermatologist. Metronidazole has many advantages in the treatment of dermatoses:

  • it is an antibiotic that does not cause addiction to the body;
  • the active components included in Metrogyl Gel quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, providing a therapeutic effect at the site of inflammation;
  • For rapid healing of ulcers left after ulcers, dermatologists recommend using Dexpanthenol for scars and scars. Panthenol helps get rid of dermatitis only in combination with an antibiotic.

If a patient is allergic to Metronidazole, topical products (gel) can be replaced with antibiotic analogues. Tetracycline ointment for ulcers quickly neutralizes bacterial skin infections.

"Retinoic ointment"

Retinoic ointment for pimples is a potent drug that is prescribed in extreme, especially difficult cases. This product should only be used under medical supervision. Retinoic acne ointment quickly stops the inflammatory process. However, its active components cause pronounced side reactions. Even when applied topically, this product should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers.
As reviews from dermatologists show, the skin is a mirror of the body. Before choosing an effective medicine for acne, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to determine the root cause of the rash.

How to choose the best acne treatment. Review of ointments, creams, gels against acne. A selection of the best drugs and tips for use.

War on acne - which ointments to use as your main weapon

Acne appears unexpectedly, often before important events or meetings. But you should not be upset about this; they can be effectively combated with the help of ointment.

The main thing is to choose a product that will help you quickly get rid of acne. If you choose the right ointment and keep it in your medicine cabinet, then acne will not become a big problem.

Fighting acne on the face: what does effectiveness depend on?

To combat acne, drugs are selected that act specifically on inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Action of anti-acne products:

  • Destroying bacteria.
  • Narrowing and cleansing of pores.
  • Reducing the amount of secretions released from the sebaceous glands.
  • Drying acne.

The cause of acne is the activity of bacteria - therefore, their destruction is mandatory for all anti-acne creams.

The most effective remedy in the fight against rashes on the face

Types of drugs to combat acne and other types of acne:

  1. Cleansers.
  2. Antibacterial creams, gels, ointments.
  3. Azelaic and salicylic acid.
  4. Masks.
  5. Retinoids.
  6. Antibiotics.
  7. Hormonal agents.

Hormonal agents and antibiotics are considered the most effective, but are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

What creams help for dry skin?

An anti-acne product suitable for dry skin is Differin cream. This drug is an analogue of retinoic acid. Cream composition:

  • exfoliates dead epidermis;
  • stimulates the differentiation of skin cells;
  • cleanses hair follicles;
  • reduces the formation of comedones and pimples.

Differin in the form of a cream is used for dry skin, for oily skin it is used in the form of a gel.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the drug help fight acne. Differin does not cause any unpleasant consequences, is well tolerated and is suitable for sensitive and delicate skin.

Instant drying remedy: list of quick-acting creams

Judging by the reviews, not all ointments, creams and gels can quickly dry out a pimple or get rid of it instantly. Most products help get rid of acne in a few hours or days.

Instant preparations are expensive - this is the main drawback, but otherwise they are similar to ointments that have a low price. The most famous and effective means:

  1. Vichy (Normaderm Hyaluspot) is a drug that is applied directly to the pimple using an applicator. Vichy contains several acids that can instantly destroy inflammation on the skin: lipohydroxynic, salicylic, hyaluronic. The drug is applied 2-3 times a day to speed up the destruction of acne.
  2. Effaclar A.I. (La Roche-Posay) – a keratolytic containing thermal water, which stimulates the process of cell renewal of skin tissue. The drug can be used before applying makeup.
  3. Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment (Kiehl's') is the most effective anti-acne treatment that acts locally. The drug contains a large amount of sulfur and AHA acids, which allows you to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process and speed up the production of sebum.

These three foreign products have a high cost, but at the same time they have maximum effectiveness.

Fast acting stretch mask

To get rid of acne at home, masks are made from various ingredients.

A simple mask recipe:

  1. 2 tablets of activated carbon are crushed to a powdery state;
  2. the resulting powder is mixed with two teaspoons of gelatin;
  3. 10 ml of clean water is added to the mixture and mixed thoroughly;
  4. the resulting mass is heated in the microwave for 20 seconds;
  5. the warm composition is stirred to a paste-like state;

A homemade acne remedy is applied to the face with a makeup brush. After complete drying, the mask is washed off.

There are several hundred types of masks for all types of facial skin. They are selected individually depending on the skin type and the type of acne that has occurred.

The best spot ointment

Almost all anti-acne ointments on the market are applied to the spot. This is due to the high percentage of fat content in the composition. Three best spot-on products:

  • Skinoren is a gel containing azelaic acid. Cost 400-800 rub.
  • Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment is a sulfur-containing product. The cost ranges from 2 to 3 thousand rubles.
  • Ichthyol ointment is a remedy that allows you to quickly get rid of acne. Cost from 30 to 100 rubles.

A powerful remedy for acne and acne for teenagers

Teenagers who have acne are recommended to use Boro Plus cream. This drug will not harm the skin, but will help in the fight against any types of inflammation, blackheads, pimples, and acne. The product consists of natural ingredients and is harmless to the skin. Apply 2-4 times a day for a long time until the rash disappears.

Other medications can also treat acne:

For severe forms of acne, Baziron AS and Roaccutane help better.

These drugs are not always suitable for teenage skin. Before use, you should consult a dermatologist.

Gel with antibiotics against acne: when is it prescribed?

Antibiotics against acne block the process of protein synthesis and stop the proliferation of bacteria. These drugs are prescribed in case of serious pathologies on the skin in the form of acne, for example, with severe development of acne. Medical gels with antibiotics, for example, Skinoren, are prescribed by a dermatologist if clearly necessary.

An effective healing agent

To heal wounds after eliminating acne, the following are used:

  • Levomikol.
  • Sulfuric ointment.
  • Effezel.
  • Syntomycin ointment.
  • Agrosulfan.
  • Roaccutane.

The products help restore the epithelium and assist in wound healing. Levomikol is considered effective for adolescents, but for adults, Syntomycin ointment, which contains an antibiotic, is suitable.

The use of Roaccutane is possible only when prescribed by a dermatologist, since this drug has a large number of contraindications and side effects.

When can hormonal drugs, tablets be prescribed?

If a dermatologist detects inflammation in the patient’s epithelium due to the activity of complex microorganisms, hormonal medications for acne are prescribed. Drugs in this category are also used in the treatment of vitiligo, lichen, and eczema.

List of inexpensive and effective acne ointments

The list of inexpensive ointments for acne includes a large list of products that:

  • quite effective;
  • help get rid of subcutaneous inflammation;
  • treat wounds after acne.

The most common inexpensive ointments are the following:

  • Zenerite.
  • Salicylic.
  • Levomikol.
  • Erythromycin.
  • Syntomycin.

Levomikol ointment is considered the best. Advantages:

  • cheap;
  • suitable for any skin type;
  • heals wounds;
  • restores damaged cells;
  • draws out pus from any inflammation.


A popular remedy for acne and rashes. Allows you to quickly eliminate inflammation under the skin at any stage of pimple development. Zinc ointment has a preventive effect on the epithelium, is harmless and is suitable for any skin type. Cost: from 20 to 40 rubles.


An antibacterial drug that affects inflammation in the form of pimples and blackheads. The ointment accelerates the process of cell restoration, heals wounds, and kills bacteria. Cost from 200 to 500 rubles.


A powerful spot-on treatment to combat pimples. Should not be used more than once a day. This ointment is used as prescribed by a doctor, since the product can lead to problems with the epithelium. Cost from 30 to 100 rubles.


The drug works best on subcutaneous pimples, which not all anti-acne products can treat.

The composition of sulfur ointment includes sulfides, which help improve the regeneration of skin cells. Cost from 25 to 60 rubles.


The ointment relieves pain, relieves inflammation and irritation, kills germs, fights blood clots, hematomas and other subcutaneous blood clots. Cost from 60 to 100 rubles.

Heparin ointment cannot be used together with tetracycline due to incompatibility of the drugs. When taken together, there is a high risk of serious complications and the development of inflammatory processes.

It is recommended to apply ointments directly to previously cleansed skin no more than twice a day. With frequent use or incompatibility of skin type and product, an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, you should stop using the drug.

Gels are quickly absorbed and have fewer contraindications, so it is permissible to use them on large areas of the face rather than apply them to spots. Gel products are allowed to be used several times a day. Before use, you need to cleanse and wash your face.

Anti-acne creams are a daily remedy for pimples. Cosmetic creams can cause the epithelium to become addicted to the components - so take a break a few months after the start of the course. Apply the cream by rubbing into clean skin.

Inexpensive antibacterial ointments and creams have an unpleasant odor, so in order not to scare people away and at the same time increase the effectiveness of the product, it is better to apply the drug in the evening.

When looking for an effective acne treatment, you should not consider expensive ointments and gels. The best medications on the market are considered to be inexpensive products that, in addition to eliminating acne and pimples, allow you to quickly heal wounds - the consequences of removing inflammation. A number of products are not allowed to be used without a doctor's prescription. If your acne has worsened and you don’t know how to stop it, then immediately consult a dermatologist for advice.

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