The safest and most effective ways to whiten teeth without pain are modern methods in dentistry. Teeth whitening - how it is done What is teeth whitening in dentistry

Discoloration of tooth enamel is a common reason for visiting the dentist. There are many factors that give teeth an unaesthetic color: heavy smoking, drinking drinks and foods containing dyes (coffee, pomegranate juice, etc.). Ideally white teeth are rarely found in nature.

Teeth whitening allows you to restore the whiteness of your tooth enamel and proudly give a dazzling smile. In the network of dental clinics, the procedure is carried out by qualified specialists using advanced techniques and safe materials.

Teeth whitening in dentistry is a procedure for changing the color of enamel using hardware or the use of harmless whitening pastes, gels, and enamels. Whitening can be done at home or in a clinic.

Indications and contraindications for teeth whitening

There are no medical indications for the procedure, but it does not cause harm if performed under medical supervision. If a person is not satisfied with the color of his teeth enamel and there are no contraindications to the whitening procedure, he can contact the clinic.

Contraindications include relative, which can be eliminated, and absolute.

The first group includes:

  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold. Before bleaching, enamel strengthening therapy is carried out.

    Presence of leaky seals.

Indirect contraindications are poor oral hygiene and smoking, since these habits quickly reduce the results of the procedure to zero.

Absolute contraindications include:

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Oncological diseases of the oral cavity.

    Age up to 16 years, when dental tissues are not yet formed.

    Periodontal disease and other chronic oral diseases.

    Wearing braces (whitening will be uneven).

    Allergic reactions to bleaching compounds.

Home and professional teeth whitening

There are teeth whitening systems for home use. The doctor selects them. Such systems can be used independently. The cost of such whitening is lower than when performing the procedure in a clinic. But at home, you need to wait several weeks for the effect, while in the clinic the result becomes noticeable after the first visit.

One of the options for home whitening is wearing trays. They are made in a dental laboratory using dental impressions, filled with liquid gel containing hydrogen peroxide, and worn overnight. The effect appears after 2-3 weeks. Custom-made trays, unlike standard store-bought ones, provide guaranteed uniform whitening.

In our Several technologies of professional teeth whitening are practiced:

    Air Flow method, which allows you to remove plaque in a short period of time. During the procedure, the teeth are treated with a mixture supplied under pressure, which removes plaque and improves color.

    ZOOM 3. The essence of the method is the use and activation of an oxygen-containing product using a proprietary lamp, under the influence of which teeth lighten by 8-10 tones. During photobleaching, active oxygen oxidizes dark pigments.

Sometimes a combination of whitening technologies is used to achieve results. Only a doctor can say exactly which method is better. The choice is determined by the difference between the initial and desired color of the teeth, and the characteristics of the condition of the oral cavity.

All systems and hardware used in professional whitening are certified and safe. The procedure is painless.

Teeth whitening in Moscow at clinics

Over the course of our work, we have performed hundreds of teeth whitening procedures. Our patients leave the clinic with a snow-white smile and in a great mood. Benefits of treatment:

    Equipping the clinic with advanced equipment.

    Highly qualified teeth whitening specialists.

    Affordable prices in Moscow.

    Free consultations on choosing a whitening method.

There are very few people who would not like to have a beautiful smile, but nature, unfortunately, bestows snow-white teeth on only a lucky few. Most people have to whiten their teeth. Moreover, not so long ago, most teeth whitening procedures were completely unsafe for health. Only thanks to the development of technology and dentistry as an independent branch of medicine, today it is possible to whiten teeth not only very quickly, but also without significant health risks.

Why do teeth become dark?

Look at children's teeth. They are naturally snow-white in most cases, but darken over time. Why? Reasons why tooth enamel color changes, so many:

  • Consumption of products containing pigments that can stain enamel.
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Various diseases: caries, fluorosis, persistent plaque.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules.
  • Age-related changes.

Whitening methods

Whiten teeth today can be done in different ways, which can be divided into the following groups:


Today, the majority of people understand perfectly well that they can achieve high-quality teeth whitening get it only from professionals, and therefore turn to dental clinics. There they have at their disposal the latest equipment and technologies of modern dentistry, as well as the safest methods of professional whitening.

It’s worth saying right away that the term “photobleaching” does not accurately reflect the essence of the procedure. The fact is that light cannot in any way affect the enamel. In this procedure, it is needed as an activator of a chemical reaction. The main work of teeth whitening is performed by special illuminating reagents.

The main component of the gel used for photobleaching is hydrogen peroxide. It is this that, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, turns into an active form of oxygen, which can penetrate the enamel and change its color.

Photobleaching takes place in several stages and, as a rule, the duration does not exceed 1 hour.

The efficiency of photobleaching is quite high. In one visit to the dentist you can Lighten teeth 8 shades and the effect will last quite a long time, but only if the person’s teeth naturally had yellowish enamel. If the enamel is naturally grayish, then the maximum result is a couple of tones.

Photo-whitening gives the best result if the patient has yellow teeth due to excessive coffee consumption and smoking.

This procedure will have a minimal effect if the patient’s teeth have changed color due to taking medications and an excess of fluoride in the water consumed.

Also, do not forget that approximately 5% of the population of our planet has a special composition of tooth enamel. Even modern dentistry cannot cope with the discoloration of such teeth.

Although the photobleaching technology is different high degree of security, still do not forget about possible side effects:

  • Increased sensitivity of teeth after the procedure for several days.
  • Possible allergy to the components of the whitening gel.
  • Irritation of mucous membranes.

How much does photobleaching cost? Prices for such procedures vary depending on the gel used, equipment, city and status of the dental clinic. In Moscow, the price for Beyond cold whitening is on average 11,900 rubles.

This type of changing the color of tooth enamel, in contrast to classic photo-whitening, can help not only those whose teeth are naturally yellowish, but also patients with naturally grayish enamel. Technologies of modern dentistry make it possible to do this fast, efficient and safe.

Experts believe that this is the most gentle type of treatment on enamel. In addition, the patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure.

The laser whitening procedure is as follows:

  1. The surface of the teeth is cleaned of plaque and tartar, after which Smartbleach gel is applied to them. It is based on the same hydrogen peroxide.
  2. The gel is activated when exposed to a laser. In this case, each tooth is treated with its own beam. The minimum duration of exposure is 2 minutes.
  3. During laser treatment of teeth, the gel is split into its component parts, releasing active oxygen, which penetrates the enamel and neutralizes coloring pigments.

The entire procedure takes on average no more than half an hour. At the same time, in one pass you can lighten the enamel by 7 tones at once.

Laser whitening technologies in dentistry are constantly being improved. Just a few years ago, equipment was used that generated lasers with wavelengths of 488 and 514 nm, which is why the procedure took longer and required more sessions to achieve the desired result. Today, thanks to infrared and diode lasers with a wavelength of 810 nm, the duration of the procedure has been reduced to a minimum. Moreover, new lasers allow for more uniform enamel lightening.

The main disadvantage of laser whitening is the high cost of the procedure. How much does laser teeth whitening cost? In Moscow, obtaining the desired shade of tooth enamel using a laser will cost an average of 25,400 rubles. Expensive, but the price is fully paid for by the time it takes to maintain the achieved effect - 4 years.


This is another type of photo teeth whitening that can be considered completely safe. This technology is based on the same gel with hydrogen peroxide. Its activation on the surface of the teeth is carried out using a special lamp emitting in the ultraviolet spectrum.

This type of whitening gained its popularity due to its very high efficiency and long-term preservation of the achieved effect. In addition, this procedure uses drugs and equipment from one manufacturer, which reduces the risk of complications. Finally, although Zoom technology is professional, it can be used at home. True, the effectiveness of such whitening will be slightly lower than if it were carried out in a clinic. However, it is very convenient for many people.

In Moscow, for the Zoom whitening procedure using the Philips Zoom 3 system, they ask for 25,000 rubles. The high cost of whitening is due to the need to make impressions of the jaw and make a special mouth guard.

As you can see, the cost of Zoom is comparable to laser whitening. Therefore, the choice of one or another type of tooth enamel lightening falls entirely on the shoulders of the patients.

Chemical bleaching

This type of tooth enamel whitening can be done both in the clinic and at home. Moreover, in the latter case, it will still be considered professional if carried out under the supervision of a dentist.

In dentistry, despite the fact that the wrong approach to the procedure can cause harm to teeth, chemical methods of teeth whitening are viewed positively because they provide a guaranteed positive result.

The most popular chemical teeth whitening system is Opalescence system .


This is a gentle chemical whitening technology developed by the American company Ultradent. Despite the gentle effect, such whitening allows you to cope with the whitening of teeth affected by fluorosis, darkened due to the use of tetracycline, and discolored due to age. Opalescence technology is also often used before installing dentures or veneers.

The advantages of such teeth whitening include the stability of the achieved effect, relative safety, and low cost. With comparable results, Opalescence is an order of magnitude lower than Zoom whitening. In Moscow, prices for this procedure are 7,000 rubles.

Mechanical bleaching

This method of teeth whitening is considered the oldest. At its core, this is simply professional dental hygiene. There are specialists in dentistry who do not consider mechanical bleaching to be bleaching, even though the effect of the procedure is quite pronounced.

Mechanical removal of dark plaque from teeth is simple exposes the underlying enamel. That is, no destruction of the pigment darkening the enamel occurs.

The most effective and popular method of physical teeth whitening is Air-Flow.

Air-Flow Teeth Whitening Method

This method of mechanical cleaning of enamel has been used in dentistry for a very long time. It replaced traditional mechanical cleaning using dental instruments, which was not effective enough and was traumatic.

The very name of the technology reveals the whole essence of whitening. Air-Flow is essentially a sandblasting machine in which instead of sand and air, a healing mixture is mixed from purified water and special abrasive. This treatment solution is applied to the teeth under high pressure, resulting in fast and effective whitening.

An important point of Air-Flow is the absence of painful sensations both during and after cleaning. After the procedure, a special protective varnish is applied to the surface of the teeth to protect the enamel and consolidate the achieved effect.

It should be understood that such a procedure allows you to lighten your teeth, but will not make them snow-white. The enamel after Air-Flow will simply receive the shade given to it by nature: yellowish or grayish. That is, to lighten the enamel you will have to resort to chemical or photobleaching.

So why do so many people choose Air-Flow? The answer is simple - price. How much does it cost to treat one tooth using Air-Flow technology? In Moscow for cleaning one tooth using this technology on average they ask for 150 rubles. What is most interesting is that people who have used Air-Flow in the future, as a rule, do not resort to more expensive methods of teeth whitening, since they are completely satisfied with the results obtained.

Almost every person dreams of a beautiful snow-white smile. Getting it today is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. All you have to do is go to the dentist! Experienced doctors will offer several methods to whiten teeth. Each has its own advantages, indications and contraindications. Let's understand all the intricacies of teeth whitening at the dentist. Let's consider the features of the process at home.

Causes of darkening of enamel

Almost all people naturally have light-colored enamel. But, unfortunately, the color changes over time.

The color of the enamel is influenced by:

  • products with a high content of pigments;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • diseases such as persistent plaque, fluorosis and caries.

Teeth often quickly darken in people who smoke a lot, enjoy tea and coffee, drink red wine and natural juices. Of course, the risks of enamel darkening can be reduced. You need to give up bad habits, drink coloring drinks only through a straw and reduce the amount of products with pigments. But are you ready to do this? Most likely no! This is why various teeth whitening techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Of course, it’s easier to go to the dentist than to give up your favorite foods.

2 ways to lighten enamel

Today the following are used for teeth whitening:

  • professional ways;
  • unprofessional methods.

Professional methods of teeth whitening in dentistry are as safe as possible and at the same time effective. All procedures are performed in the dentist's office. You can also take additional care of your enamel at home.

Non-professional methods of lightening enamel require independent actions by the patient at home. Usually, both special pastes and various gels and powders are used. Lightening enamel outside of dentistry is often unsafe. The procedures can cause increased sensitivity of dental elements, the risk of developing caries and other pathological processes.

Who should I turn to for professional help?

Lightening tooth enamel in dentistry has a number of indications.

These include:

  • age-related color changes;
  • darkening of enamel from exposure to tobacco;
  • frequent consumption of colored drinks and foods.

People who have experienced mild or moderate fluorosis also resort to teeth whitening.

In what cases is it better to refuse the procedure?

It is better to avoid visiting a dentist to lighten enamel if:

  • periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • wearing braces;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of a large number of fillings on the front elements of the dentition.
  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • pronounced caries;
  • individual intolerance to the compounds used in the process.

Before bleaching, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will suggest you the appropriate technique and the best method. Be sure to tell your doctor about past illnesses, existing allergic reactions and other individual characteristics.

Basic methods and features of teeth whitening

All techniques for whitening the front teeth and back elements of the row are divided into:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

When chemically brightening enamel, dentists use various liquids, solutions, strips and pencils. Usually the chemical method allows you to change the color by 3 or more tones.

Mechanical techniques are cleaning. They are carried out using powders and pastes. Such techniques are ideal for those whose enamel color has changed due to dark plaque.

Basic whitening methods

Laser teeth whitening

This technique is one of the most popular today. The procedure is carried out using a laser, does not cause discomfort and takes only 20-30 minutes. After the end of the session, you may notice a lightening of the enamel by several tones. The effect of the procedure with proper dental care lasts for a long time.

This technique is also deservedly popular. Its impact is based on the use of a special system. Enamel lightening is achieved through the use of gel with hydrogen peroxide. The procedure is also safe and does not cause discomfort.

It is carried out using various gels and a special lamp. The dentist quickly selects the composition that is suitable for you. The procedure lasts 30-90 minutes and allows you to achieve a pronounced effect.

There are also techniques that can be used not only in dentistry, but also at home. Modern systems are day and night. Typically, teeth whitening outside of dentistry involves wearing trays with a special preparation. Should we trust such systems? It's up to you to decide!

Don’t forget that you can whiten your teeth with professional cleaning. The procedure allows you to remove soft plaque and hard deposits. Thanks to this, a slight lightening of the enamel is achieved to the natural color of your teeth.

Endodontic enamel lightening deserves special attention. This type of whitening is carried out for “non-living” elements of the dentition. A special gel is introduced into the dentin structure. Thanks to this, the tooth brightens. Typically the lightening is 8-12 tones.

Why is it better to entrust the procedure to professionals?

Unprofessional methods often do not give the desired result. In addition, various complications may occur after the procedures.

Not all patients comply with the indications and recommendations of the manufacturers of various formulations. As a result, the enamel surface becomes unevenly colored. Fillings can generally differ radically in color from natural enamel. Many patients experience severe discomfort after the procedure. Elements of the dentition begin to actively react to hot and cold, sour and sweet. All this worsens the condition of the oral cavity and reduces the patient’s quality of life. Dental care becomes much more difficult in the future. Patients turn to doctors with complaints about the sensitivity of the enamel, are forced to restore it for a long time, use expensive pastes and other means, and undergo special treatment.

Don't want to take risks? Don't save time and money!

Contact your doctor immediately! He is guaranteed to select a suitable technique that will definitely not harm you.

How to prolong the effect of the procedure?

Do you want your whitening results to last as long as possible?

In the first 48 hours after the procedure, avoid coloring foods: juices, carbonated drinks, wine, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Stop smoking for two days. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke for 2 weeks after the procedure.

Pay close attention to hygiene. For cleaning, use not only a toothbrush and toothpaste, but also floss and irrigators. Use special remineralizing gels.

Have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist at least once a year.

Avoid foods that are too hot or cold.

How often should I undergo the procedure?

Typically, the effect of whitening lasts for about 12-16 months. With proper oral care, you can prolong it. The procedure can always be repeated. However, experts do not recommend getting carried away with professional and home methods! Teeth whitening can hardly be called useful, although it does not cause significant harm when done correctly.

Often, enamel lightening can be replaced by ordinary professional hygiene. You've probably noticed that after cleaning in the doctor's office, the enamel becomes lighter. Maintaining it in this state is quite simple. We have already listed all the recommendations above.

Prices for enamel lightening

The cost of procedures in Moscow depends on:

  • the methodology used;
  • drugs and installations used;
  • duration of exposure;
  • additional services.

Are you planning to use professional help? Contact one of our clinics. Experienced doctors are able to quickly whiten enamel using modern high-quality preparations and installations. Our specialists regularly carry out various procedures and have accumulated sufficient experience. They will quickly select a technique that suits you, even if there are a large number of contraindications.

Professional teeth whitening in the clinic is an enamel lightening procedure that is in demand in Moscow by patients of all ages. To carry it out, special chemicals and technologies are used. In this case, unlike the use of whitening pastes and plates, not only the pigmented plaque is removed, but also the structure of the enamel is affected. Modern technologies make it possible to change the color of natural enamel prisms by 8–12 tones. And this is a very good result. You can only get a dazzling snow-white smile with the help of veneers.

Causes of discoloration of tooth enamel

  • Eating foods that contain natural pigments and artificial colors.
  • Bad habits. Smoking quickly spoils the color of the enamel. It becomes yellow and dull.
  • Insufficient or complete lack of oral care. Neglecting proper cleaning may result in dark and yellow areas.

The reason for a change in the color of tooth enamel for the worse can also be its hypoplasia, taking certain medications, or increasing the concentration of fluoride in water. To solve the problem, it is advisable to act from two sides. First, get your teeth whitened at your dentist's office. Secondly, eliminate the provoking factor, for example, quit smoking and provide quality oral care.

Professional teeth whitening: types and prices

In our clinic, you can sign up for a dental lightening procedure for the smile area using modern technologies. One of them is the effective, safe ZOOM 4 method. After this procedure, the shade of the enamel brightens by 10–12 tones, without disturbing its structure.

We also offer other types of professional whitening at lower prices. If necessary, the doctor helps you choose a technology, focusing on the condition of the patient’s teeth, his expectations from the procedure and financial capabilities.

Some people resort to do-it-yourself methods to lighten their teeth. The use of abrasive pastes or untested products can result in demineralization of hard dental tissue and its subsequent destruction. To avoid negative consequences, contact specialists.

Advantages of carrying out the procedure in dentistry ""

In our clinic:

  • Only proven, safe, effective methods of enamel lightening are used.
  • Specialists observe all safety measures when working with drugs and strictly follow the technology requirements.
  • The attitude of all doctors towards patients is extremely polite and friendly.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure will be determined by the dentist during a consultation, which can be scheduled by telephone. The cost of professional whitening depends on its type and features. Information on how much dental whitening costs in our clinic is on the website. To contact us, you can not only dial our phone number or leave a message, but also request a call back.