The most famous conspiracies. The craziest conspiracy theories (16 photos). Fake flight to the moon

The world is full of conspiracy theories, many of which contain elements of mystery. So this short but fascinating list of surprising conspiracy theories definitely won't be the last.

Ararat anomaly

Theories surrounding the Ararat Anomaly arose from a single black and white photograph taken in 1949 from a US Air Force aircraft. The photo shows the slope of Mount Ararat, only 800 meters from the top, covered with snow, with a strange object on the very edge of the steep slope.

Conspiracy theorists, many of them Bible scholars, claim that the strange object is Noah's Ark, which the Bible says "came to rest on the mountains of Ararat" after the Great Flood. Since the Bible says “mountains” in the plural, the question still remains: “in which part of the mountains?” Ararat is the highest peak of the Armenian Highlands, almost the entire territory of Eastern Turkey and Western Armenia is occupied by mountains, and Mount Ararat is actually two peaks, with the main peak occupying many kilometers.

The anomaly appears to be a very rounded extension balancing on the edge of a slope, buried under ice and snow. The artifact still arouses the curiosity of the US government. Military aircraft and satellites captured numerous photographs of the artifact, not all of which were made public, according to conspiracy theorists. Public opinion about this mysterious object can be found on the Internet, and the anomaly is indeed very similar to a large boat, about 1000 meters long and 150 meters wide, which roughly fits the Bible's description of the ark.

In close-up, the artifact looks like an artificial object. Why the US government does not disclose all the information about the Ararat Anomaly is still unclear, but one theory claims that in order to do this, the government will have to declassify top-secret spy satellites, which will create a lot of unwanted hype from the media and the public.

Planet Nibiru

This theory is closely related to the 2012 end of the world theories. She claims that there is a Jupiter-sized planet called Nibiru, or Planet X, which is currently located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, on a collision course with Earth in 2012. The theory is that the IRAS infrared satellite took photographs of the object in 1983, which were even leaked online in 2009. According to NASA, the image shows 9 galaxies and intergalactic space, without any objects.

The theory claims that the US government funded the construction of the most powerful telescope at the South Pole to photograph Nibiru and track its trajectory. This telescope, according to NASA, is a radio telescope that cannot take photographs, but proponents of the theory do not take this fact into account and continue to claim that Nibiru cannot currently be seen because it is behind the Sun.

It is impossible to disprove this theory, not because it may or may not be true, but because conspiracy theorists do not believe a single word of the government, especially the United States. Any criticism of the authenticity of Nibiru's existence is immediately declared a lie. Nibiru is on its way, and it will soon destroy the Earth.

Disclosure Project

Stephen Greer is the focus of this conspiracy theory. The theory includes every known extraterrestrial conspiracy theory and more. Greer claims to have contacted aliens who gave him good news. He founded the project in 1992 with the goal of uniting everyone who had contact with aliens into a convention.

Meetings of this project are held every year in various American cities, and it is no secret that some fairly authoritative members of the government participate in them. Participants in the convention are trying to force the US government to “reveal” the truth of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The cure for everything

Theorists seem to have based this theory on the plot of the novel, The Andromeda Strain, by the great Michael Crichton. In this book, one of the characters tells the others about a top-secret US government-funded medical project that seemed to have discovered a drug that could not only prevent bacteria from reproducing in the human body, but also actively kill every biological and viral pathogen known to science, without any serious consequences for the human body.

The fact that this is the plot of a science fiction novel does not bother conspiracy theorists, who argue that Crichton based the plot on a real fact and deliberately presented it as a science fiction novel out of concern for his own safety and fear of government persecution. In this novel, the drug is not named, but it is stated that it kills all bacteria, even good ones.

Proponents of the theory claim that the drug really exists, but was classified by the American Medical Association with the insidious purpose of forcing people to buy expensive and often useless drugs.


Some Rastafarians claim that a white supremacist patriarchy (“Babylon”) controls the world in order to oppress the African race. They believe that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia did not die in 1975, contrary to media reports, and Babylon is spreading rumors in order to destroy the Rastafari movement. Other Rastafarians, however, believe in peace and unity, and interpret Babylon as a metaphor for the created "system" that oppresses groups such as Africans and the world's poor.

Evil aliens

The theory states that humanity is actually under the control of shape-shifting aliens who consume human blood to maintain their human appearance. A proponent of this theory, English writer and speaker David Icke, has devoted himself since 1990 to researching “what and who really runs the world.” He is the author of 16 books that explain his views, the so-called New Age Conspiracy Theory.

And he also has followers all over the world. His books have been translated into 8 languages. His theory suggests that the Bush family and the British royal family are in fact evil aliens, and Diana, Princess of Wales knew this, and apparently her death is related to this fact.

Digital television

Some theorists argue that the accelerated transition to digital television broadcasting is a practical implementation of the “Big Brother” concept. They claim that set-top boxes have miniature cameras and microphones built into them, and new TVs can spy on people. Another statement describes the use of control technology that would be hidden in a digital signal and could be used to control people's brains and senses and for subliminal advertising. When purchasing digital television, be sure to check for hidden cameras!

Modern Nazis

Martin Bormann (17 June 1900 – 2 May 1945?) was a prominent Nazi official. He was the head of the Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and Adolf Hitler's personal secretary. He gained Hitler's trust and had enormous influence in the Third Reich, controlling access to the Fuhrer and regulating the Fuhrer's entourage. After the war, Bormann's body was not found, he was convicted in absentia in Nuremberg. According to unconfirmed reports, Bormann has been seen around the world for two decades, most often in Europe, Paraguay and other South American countries. Some rumors claim that Bormann had plastic surgery.

In a 1967 press conference, Simon Wiesenthal claimed that he could prove that Bormann was alive and well and living in South America. Radio talk show host David Emory argues that Nazi leader Martin Bormann never died but built a global empire involving, among many others, the Bush family, Hassan al Banna, Grover Norquist, Meyer Lansky, and Michael Chertoff.

Antichrist lives in Rome

This theory is limited almost exclusively to various fundamental Christian Protestant groups in the United States. The theory states that the head of state of the Vatican (the Pope) is the Antichrist, and that his only function in society is the destruction of humanity. Interestingly, even many Catholics believe that Rome will one day become the site of the coming of the Antichrist in preparation for the end of times and judgment day. Evidence is given of the appearance of the Virgin Mary to two children in La Salette, France in 1846. One of those who observed the phenomenon claims that the Virgin Mary said: “Rome will lose faith and become the place of domination of the Antichrist.” The Vatican has stated that the apparitions at La Salette are a fact (which partially supports this theory).

Version of anthropogenic origin of UFOs

The idea that unidentified flying objects were built by people was put forward at the dawn of ufology (late 1940s). Initially, they were considered by ufologists in the United States as reconnaissance aircraft of the Soviet Union. However, the scientific fraternity carefully ridicules any reports of man-made UFOs or the discovery of their crashed remains.

Arguments state that this is conspiracy theory (i.e. they assume that there is no conspiracy in governments) or doubts are raised about the flight qualities and engine systems of unusual aircraft.

Most of the tragic events are caused by a coincidence, but if you look closely you can see the hand of the leader in them. Sometimes it is difficult to understand and then prove where the incident was caused by a deliberate conspiracy of high-ranking persons, and where by natural causes. Naturally, the larger the tragedy, the more people are inclined to see a planned action behind it. So, the most famous conspiracy theories.

World Trade Center destruction

The terrible terrorist attack that occurred on September 11 in 2001, according to supporters of well-known conspiracy theories, was planned by American intelligence agencies. On this terrible day, planes hijacked by Islamist terrorists crashed at full speed into the world-famous Twin Towers, where the World Trade Center was located. It is believed that the terrorist attack was planned by the administration of President Bush to justify the attack on Iraq and aggression against Afghanistan, as well as to justify increasing spending on the country's military needs. In 2004, Michael Moore released the documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, which talked about the Bush family's connection with the bin Ladens. According to the film's authors, the two families had close friendly and business ties. In addition to the Bush family, the film raises suspicions of involvement in the tragedy of Donald Rumsfeld, who served as Secretary of Defense, and other associates of the former president.

Death of John Kennedy

The 35th US President was assassinated during his visit to Dallas on November 22, 1963. America's favorite John was driving his car with Jacqui when a rifle shot rang out and the bullet inflicted a mortal wound on the president. After an official investigation, Lee Harvey Oswald, who himself decided to kill Kennedy, was charged with the assassination of the president. However, it was not for nothing that this murder was categorized as a well-known conspiracy theory. It is believed that John was killed on behalf of J. Edgar Hoover, then director of the FBI. Richard Nixon, the mafia and even the KGB are also put forward as customers. Conspiracy theorists suggest that Kennedy was removed because they were too difficult for some officials and military personnel to carry out their machinations.

Global warming

If earlier scientists stated that this natural disaster was caused by human activity, now they are increasingly inclined to think that this is a natural process. Fluctuations in annual temperature are a natural process of life on our planet. However, fans of well-known conspiracy theories accuse many organizations of climate change. Global warming is primarily caused by the US secret weapon. There is an idea that this is the result of a conspiracy of scientists who in this way knock out funding for research.

The Murder of Lady Di

Princess Diana was a favorite of the British people even despite her pranks. She died in an accident with her lover Dodi al Faed while fleeing from the pursuit of paparazzi. But some believe it was a murder planned by the royal family. The head of the Anglican Church is traditionally the king, but Diana, according to rumors, was going to convert to Islam, and this created difficulties, so she was removed.

Fake flight to the moon

Many believe that the American flight to the moon was a fake fabricated by NASA. Much of this belief is based on video footage of an astronaut planting a US flag on our satellite. You can notice that the panel is swaying, as if from the wind. This is the main argument of supporters of well-known conspiracy theories.

Pearl Harbor error

Many conspiracy theorists believe that Roosevelt was informed of Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, but ignored the warning in order to force the Americans into World War II. Some put forward more daring ideas. Roosevelt forced the Japanese to attack a Hawaiian port. That is why the largest ships were withdrawn from Pearl Harbor.

Artificially created virus

HIV is often called the plague of the twentieth century. For many years, scientists have been unable to create an effective treatment for the disease caused by this virus. A well-known conspiracy theory says that HIV was created in laboratories by American bacteriologists. Then the versions diverge. Some believe that the virus accidentally escaped from laboratories, others suggest that it was injected into homosexuals specifically under the guise of a hepatitis vaccine. Another version says that HIV was specially spread among the inhabitants of Africa for their complete destruction in order to calmly occupy the black continent.

Pharmacologists' conspiracy

One of the well-known conspiracy theories says that pharmaceutical companies hide the effective drugs they have developed, and in this way contribute to the growth of diseases. All this is being done so that corporations can continue to make excess profits from ineffective drugs. Some proponents of well-known conspiracy theories have taken their beliefs further. They claim that scientists are deliberately creating new diseases so that pharmacists can develop new medicines, the latter, in turn, sharing the profits. Moreover, this scheme affects not only scientists and pharmacists, but also the governments of many countries, which do not cover up this disgrace, since the production and sale of medicines provides tax revenue to the budget.

Planes spraying chemical weapons

Everything is simple here. Planes flying above us leave a white trail. It is believed that toxic substances are deliberately sprayed in this way. These emissions are called chemtrails, and they differ in appearance from the usual trails left by airplanes.

World government

According to the most famous conspiracy theory, there is a secret society that controls everything that happens in the world: industry, the media, large corporations, all decisions of politicians in all countries. They are the ones who stir up wars for their own enrichment. The group includes bank owners, government members and members of the so-called Bildeberg Group.

10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True

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Over conspiracy theorists, i.e. people who were able to find and declassify the conspiracy are often mocked, calling them a hat with tinned rings or simply crazy paranoids, although this is all that can be opposed to them. Sometimes the truth can turn out to be much worse than any speculation and theories built about it. Once again calling someone out of their minds, it is worth remembering that any, even the most terrible, conspiracy theory may ultimately turn out to be true.

1. Let's start with the conspiracy MKUltra project. According to the theory, sometime from 1950 to 1973, the CIA conducted secret experiments to control the minds of Americans. Unfortunately, this was true. In 1995, President Clinton actually apologized on behalf of the US government for the atrocities they had committed. The experiments performed as part of the MKUltra project were illegal and carried out against the will of the subjects themselves. Everything was used: drugs, electronics, hypnosis, sensory and physiological deprivation, verbal pressure and sexual abuse, even torture.

To further distance this project from the US government, the CIA organized a network of subcontracts, entrusting this dirty work to 80 different institutions, including universities, hospitals and prisons. 20,000 MKUltra documents were released to the public in 1977 under the Freedom of Information Act. People's most vile suspicions about the government were confirmed. However, CIA Director Richard Helms had many more MKUltra files lying around, which were urgently destroyed back in 1973. Therefore, many of the atrocities that occurred during the experiments are still unknown.

2. Great diamond plot. In the late 1870s, when huge diamond mines began to be developed in South Africa. People suspected that the supply of diamonds was actually much greater than the demand for them, and accordingly, prices were artificially high. Conspiracy theorists believed that diamonds, like ordinary pieces of glass, were essentially worthless. Well, they couldn't have been closer to the truth at the time. Until the 19th century, diamonds were found only in very small quantities in the riverbeds of India and the jungles of Brazil. In 1870, huge diamond mines were discovered in South Africa. Soon diamonds were transported from there by trucks.
Rivers of diamonds poured into the markets at once. British investors who financed diamond mines soon realized that the price of diamonds depended solely on the fact that they were rare. If there were too many diamonds on the market, their price would fall, diamonds would cease to be a precious stone, and their investment would be worthless. And what did they do? Investors realized they needed to limit the supply of diamonds to keep prices high. So in 1888, a handful of British diamond investors banded together to form a cartel called De Beers Consolidated Mines. In one fell swoop, they completely monopolized the diamond market throughout the world. The global selling price of diamonds is now completely under their control. De Beers achieved this by stockpiling huge quantities of diamonds in London warehouses and releasing only a tiny portion of them to the market to create the illusion of scarcity. But De Beers soon realized that only rich people bought their diamonds because prices were so high. So they needed a way to involve the working and middle classes in buying diamonds. So in 1938 they came up with one of the biggest scams of our time. They invented the diamond engagement ring. De Beers used a recent media ad to plant the idea in the minds of young people around the world that the only stone acceptable for an engagement ring is a diamond. They paid Hollywood studios to include scenes in their films of young people proposing a diamond engagement ring to their loved ones. They also launched a massive advertising campaign with the slogan "a diamond is forever." The campaign was a huge success.

Before their PR campaign, only 10% of engagement rings sold worldwide had diamonds, but after that, 80% had diamonds. For several years, De Beers artificially inflated the price of diamonds on the world market and brainwashed the entire world that these worthless pieces of carbon are the only way to propose to the woman you love. Until now, their massive manipulations of public consciousness remain firmly in people’s heads.

3. Gulf of Tonkin Incident was the largest provocation of 1964 that started the Vietnam War. However, conspiracy theorists say that this event never happened. The story goes that the American destroyer USS Maddox was escorted by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin near Vietnam as part of a US reconnaissance patrol. And then, out of the blue, the Maddox ship fired as many as 300 salvoes of shells. And it's true. However, in 2005, a study conducted by the National Security Agency found that there were, in fact, no Vietnamese naval vessels present at the time of the incident. The American destroyer was shooting into nowhere. In 1965, President Johnson actually said, "As far as I know, our Navy has shot whales." Often, pathetic ambitions, vile greed and political rottenness of the top officials of the state push people to war.

4. US Health Service Conspiracy. Between 1932 and 1972, the American Public Health Service deliberately did not treat patients with syphilis as part of a clinical study to see what would happen to these poor syphilitic patients if left untreated. Unfortunately, this theory turned out to be true. To do this, the US Department of Health selected 399 African-American men in rural areas who had become infected with syphilis. However, the health service did not inform these men that they had a sexually transmitted disease, and they never offered them any treatment. Medicines for syphilis were widely available at that time. Victims were simply told they had "bad blood" and their symptoms were inevitable. By the early 1970s, 128 of 399 men had died from syphilis, their 40 wives had contracted the disease, and 19 children were born with congenital syphilis. It doesn’t look like a scientific discovery, but I think that stupid officials and racist doctors were probably very surprised at such an ambiguous outcome of the many-year experiment they conducted.

5. Conspiracy by the American military or fake terrorist attacks in the USA. Somehow it happened that the command of the headquarters of the US armed forces decided to carry out a series of terrorist attacks against their own Americans and blame everything on the Cubans in order to convince the American public to support the war against Cuba. Whatever comes to mind when your hands itch! After all, everything was so, as evidenced by irrefutable facts. Official documents confirming this conspiracy can be found on the Internet.

The plan, which was developed by the American military, included the killing of innocent Americans on the streets and on airplanes. Innocent people were simply shot. Terrorist attacks died down in Washington, Miami and other places throughout the United States. As a result, the plan to attack Cuba was approved and everything was ready for action, but, fortunately, President Kennedy rejected it, for which he later paid.

6. Perhaps one of the most famous conspiracy theories is that your government is spying on you. At some point, many people have more than once had a paranoid feeling that someone somewhere is watching us. Maybe it was George Orwell's 1984 that started it all, or just a general distrust of authority. But regardless of what started this theory, it is indeed true, your government is watching you, and this is not just happening in America.

In recent years, there have also been alarming reports that other countries such as France, Germany, China, Russia, Syria, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom have been spying on their citizens. In America they breathed a sigh of relief, saying that we are not the only ones who have sinned before our voters. Of course, the most famous of these spy scandals was when former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked damning information about the National Security Agency's spying activities on American citizens as part of a surveillance program code-named PRISM.

Thanks to these revelations, we now know that the extent of NSA wiretapping is even greater than conspiracy theorists originally suspected. But of course all this espionage is necessary to protect us from such terrorists, isn't it? Not really! A Washington Post report found that 90% of sensitive data collected by NSA surveillance programs comes from Internet users with absolutely no connection to terrorist activity. It is illegal to spy on such people.

7. For a long time it was believed that the so-called in America wrestling is fake, where the results of matches are determined in advance. Until recently, this theory was very popular, until it was confirmed in reality. In 2013, a mysterious Reddit user named Dolphins1925, who claims to have a contact inside World Wrestling Entertainment, began posting results of online pay-per-view wrestling matches before they actually took place. He published the results of 38 matches, all of which were correct. This proved once and for all that emotional fights for the amusement of the public have nothing to do with sports, but are simply show business and it was initially stupid to bet money on the outcome of these commercial productions.

8. FBI again. From 1920 to 1933, alcohol was prohibited in the United States. For 13 years, alcoholic beverages in any form were prohibited. As might be expected, this proved very difficult to achieve. Many people secretly made their own alcohol in their homes. It has become increasingly difficult for the FBI to stop people from drinking. Then suddenly people started dying from drinking alcoholic beverages, many theories arose which stated that The FBI was intent on poisoning the liquor. to deter people from using it. It's scary to believe, but this theory turned out to be true. The FBI's idea was that by adding potentially lethal contaminants to alcohol, they would demonize alcohol in the eyes of the general public and discourage people from consuming alcohol in the worst possible way. If you don’t drink, you don’t commit a violation, and if you drink, that means you’re a criminal!

Of course, they did not tell the public about their vile deeds, but the consequences of the fatal poisonings still did their job and cast an indelible shadow on the American security officers. The FBI actually made truly hellish mixtures, adding kerosene, chloroform and acetone to bottles of liquor. People began to die mysteriously from what many thought was simply alcohol poisoning.

9. Club of influential conspirators. It has been proven by all conspiracy theorists that there is a group of rich people in powerful positions in the world who meet every year to discuss secret plans.

One such theory is that the world's elite meet once a year in the forest and worship a giant stuffed owl. It seems like nonsense, but it's far from true! Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground located in the woods of Monte Rio, California. Once a year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week event that brings together some of the most influential people in the world. In principle, they are nostalgic for pioneer camps and other scout activities, and they just get drunk, then dress up and stage strange plays in the forest, as far as their imagination allows. At the end of this whole bacchanalia, they burn a scarecrow in front of a giant statue of an owl, like some kind of pioneer bonfire at the end of the shift.

However, little is known about the event, and what exactly the rich and powerful are discussing is kept secret. Women are supposedly not allowed to attend (perhaps as an excuse for the wives). Notable members of the Bohemian Grove include: Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, John Major, David Rockefeller, former CIA Director William Casey, former IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson and many others. By the way, they are just drunken brawlers, compared to a number of other, no less influential and respectable closed clubs.

10. Conspiracy theorists believed that the CIA invented heart attack weapon, which can be used to kill people without a trace. It turns out this is true. The weapon exists and was developed in the late 1960s. The pistol was designed to be completely untraceable. It fires a tiny bullet, about 3 millimeters wide, that is made entirely of ice. This ice bullet has a deadly shellfish toxin frozen inside it. Upon impact, the bullet left only a tiny red dot on the skin, and the bullet itself quickly melted away, leaving no marks at all. Shellfish Toxin causes a heart attack regardless of the target's physical fitness. The toxin itself denatures quickly and leaves no traces when opened. Why not a perfect weapon in the style of James Bond? The existence of such a weapon was confirmed in 1975 when Senator Frank Church was forced to reveal the weapon before a subcommittee that was investigating illegal CIA activities. They suddenly remembered that killing a person who does not pose a serious threat to the state is illegal, even for the CIA. Despite the fact that the CIA has declassified it, there are suggestions that such bullets are still used by intelligence agencies. Proof of this is the death of media mogul Andrew Breitbart, who published derogatory stories about Barack Obama. He promised that he would soon release evidence that Barack Obama's presidency was illegitimate. But he was never able to do so, because shortly thereafter, on March 1, 2012, he died suspiciously of a heart attack while walking around the Los Angeles area, despite being in relatively good health. Another possible heart attack victim was Mark Pittman, a financial journalist who sued the US Federal Reserve for mishandling taxpayer money. However, before the case could come to a conclusion, Pittman died of a heart attack under similar circumstances to Andrew Breitbart.

“Hot” article from ©Andrey, the creator of the delicious website, where he publishes recipes for dishes that he and his wife Katya prepare and shares with us all the mysterious processes of preparing magical dishes. And this is the truth, which did not even have time to become conspiracy theories)

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The solar system is not a limited soap bubble, and many interesting and unexpected things lurk beyond its borders. But how much? There were many different hoaxes in the world, and any poorly explained event was invariably surrounded by speculation. Thus giving rise to assumptions that “the authorities are hiding the truth.” Do aliens exist? What is dark matter? Is there travel faster than the speed of light?

Answers to these questions have not yet been found. But many people believe that the authorities are hiding the real truth, and who is behind it - the Illuminati, the Masons, the Jews or the Lord himself - we will never know. This is where the conspiracy theory begins. Here are ten of the most disturbing conspiracy theories of all time.

Let's get started.

In the 60s of the 20th century, the Soviet Union and the United States staged a race to master outer space as quickly as possible. The leader will, of course, claim technological superiority over the other. The Soviet Union started first: in 1957, it launched Sputnik, the first man-made orbital satellite. In 1961, the Union dealt another blow: Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. However, the Judica-Cordiglia brothers from Italy believed that Gagarin was not the first.

The brothers set up a listening station in Italy to intercept data transmitted between ground bases and spacecraft, both American and Soviet missions. A few weeks before Gagarin's successful flight, the brothers claimed to have discovered and recorded radio signals from an astronaut slowly dying in Earth's orbit. The Soviet Union denied the brothers' claims. Proponents of this theory believe that the Soviet government deliberately hid the fact of the death of the cosmonaut in order to preserve the country's reputation as a leader in space exploration. The truth remains shrouded in mystery, but the recordings are available online if you're interested and look for it.

There is another conspiracy theory about outer space.

Some believe that the North and South Poles of the Earth were not always where they are now. Proponents of the theory believe that one day the earth's axis shifted. Others say that the Earth always rotates on a polar axis, but the Earth's crust moves in such a way that the landscape under each of the poles changes. Climate change, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are a direct result of the pole shift. Some argue that the Earth will soon undergo another tragic pole shift, as a result of which entire continents will be under water, while others will rise from the depths of the sea.

The pole shift hypothesis is among the list of worldwide conspiracy theories that many believe are being hidden from the public by the government and those in the know. This is done in order not to cause panic among the population. Skeptics just shrug their shoulders, claiming that there is no scientific basis for the pole shift.

The Earth's true poles do not coincide with the magnetic poles, which, in turn, definitely shift. The magnetic north pole is moving slowly from the northwest towards Canada. This means that if you travel to the North Pole using a compass for ten years, you will arrive at a different place each time.

2012 and the end of the world

The Mayans are to blame for everything. They created a long calendar that held spiritual significance for an entire culture. The calendar was divided into several cycles, the last of which ended in December 2012. Some people believed that the Mayans knew that after 2012 the world was doomed to Ragnarok.

There are many theories about how this could be. Some believed that there would be a pole shift in 2012 (see above). Others - after 2012, the Earth will face a new era of terrible destruction, followed by a new age of peace and enlightenment. Third, in 2012 the secret government will achieve its goals and gain world domination. What really happened? We joyfully announced: disasters, destruction, apocalypse... today is 2013. Everything is fine.

The Illuminati and Majestic 12

Secret governments are the main core of conspiracy theories. According to "ufologist" William L. Moore, "Majestic-12" was the code name for the secret department of the US government led by President Harry Truman. The purpose of the department: fight against alien creatures. Skeptics say the documents Moore cites as evidence are forgeries and there is no secret department.

But the Illuminati is another secret organization that has access to the secrets of the universe. There are dozens of theories about the Illuminati and its activities, some of which say that it is an organization that dominates all secret organizations. Some theories say that the Illuminati are common descendants of humans and an extraterrestrial civilization of reptiles. According to this evidence, hybrid descendants are now at the top of power in all countries of the world. And they sharpen their teeth, that is, their claws.

The goals of the Illuminati are quite extensive: from simple world domination to preparing the Earth for the colonization of other planets. Skeptics point out that there is no evidence to support the existence of the Illuminati, but conspiracy theorists say the lack of evidence only confirms the group's existence. The Illuminati, they say, work so effectively that they erase almost all traces of their existence.

Speaking of aliens? What about Roswell and Area 51?

Roswell and Area 51

Discussion of conspiracy theories does not ignore the incident in Roswell. In July 1947, rancher Mac Brazel discovered several strange objects northwest of Roswell. Brazel was unable to identify the debris, and a nearby military base released conflicting information regarding the nature of the find. Several newspapers picked up the gossip. At that time, people simply considered the incident unusual, but several decades later, conspiracy theories about aliens added fuel to the fire. Then dozens of enthusiasts published books about the Roswell incident. The main version of the incident was the fall of a spaceship, and of course, with subsequent encryption by the US government. The military also confiscated space debris.

Authorities transported the debris to Roswell Air Force Base, according to evidence. Others say they were taken to Area 51, a secret military base in Nevada where the government was experimentally studying the fallen saucer. The press received stories from officials about autopsies of alien bodies. Some said that anyone who dared to investigate the case on their own was visited by "men in black" - the corresponding vigilant authorities. The official version of what happened is this: a balloon codenamed “Project Mogul,” which was part of secret military tests, crashed on the territory of Roswell. No aliens.

Planet X

Is there a giant, nameless planet in our solar system? According to the Planet X theory, yes. Not long ago we considered a hypothetical situation: what would happen if a black hole appeared in the Solar System? Now let's recall the main details of the conspiracy theory about an unknown planet.

So, there is a tenth planet in our solar system (if, of course, you count Pluto among the planets, otherwise there are nine). The planet is very unusual and is on a path that will soon bring it closer to Earth. Proponents of the theory cite a growing number of earthquakes and weather changes as evidence of the approach of this mystical planet. They also claim that the government is forcing observatories to stop monitoring it so as not to cause panic among the population. Astronomers say there is no evidence of "Planet X" and that if it existed, we would be able to see it without a telescope.

USA 193 spy satellite

On December 14, 2006, Vandenberg Air Force Base launched a rocket carrying a satellite called USA 193. It was part of the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) reconnaissance program. In short, a spy. The satellite had problems in orbit, and at the end of 2007, the US Air Force discovered that the “baby” would soon fall to Earth. In January 2008, the US government announced that it intended to shoot down the satellite with a missile.

Why shoot down a satellite? The states said that the satellite's fuel tank was full of hydrazine, which is poisonous. If the fuel tank survives its return to Earth, it could land on a populated area. On February 20, 2008, the United States shot down satellite USA 193 with a missile. But this explanation was not enough for some, which means that “the authorities are hiding it.” The explanations are different: some believe that the United States was afraid to “drop” a satellite onto the territory of another country, others believe that the United States wanted to show that it could shoot down a satellite with a missile. In 2007, China destroyed another meteorological satellite, calling it a “test.” But this “test” has put other satellites orbiting the Earth at risk, threatening to turn them into space junk. The USA 193 satellite was shot down in low orbit, which did not threaten other satellites. Could the US response be directed at China? Quite. According to some.

Is the Earth really round? Is there evidence of an ancient civilization on Mars? Did the US fake the moon landing? Read on.

In 1956, Samuel Shelton founded a society that adhered to the theory of a flat Earth. The theory was based on “Shelton’s common sense” and his own observations. He argued that scientific evidence for a dogmatic earthly “ball” does not have strong evidence. When people later showed him pictures of the Earth taken from orbit, Shelton said the photographs were fake. Together with members of the community, he found new supporters of the flat Earth theory and what “the authorities are hiding” until he died.

In 1971, leadership passed to Charles Johnson. He headed the society until his death in 2001. Without a leader it fell apart. Critics of the Flat Earth Society say that members of the society simply rejected any evidence that conflicted with their worldview, without offering viable alternative hypotheses.

Face on Mars

In the 1970s, NASA launched two spacecraft called Viking 1 and Viking 2 to Mars. Both photographed the surface of Mars and sent the images to NASA. In one photograph, a hill on the surface of the red planet looked like a face. Author and conspiracy theorist Richard Högland went further and claimed that it's not just a face on Mars, it's actually a face. Högland suggested that an alien civilization had colonized Mars, and the face only confirms the existence of an alien city in the Cydonia sector. When other satellites began photographing the surface of Mars, images of Qidonia revealed that the face was merely a manifestation of soil erosion. In response, Högland stated that the equipment used by NASA for subsequent images was not as accurate as what was used to film Vikings. The space agency also edited the images to make the face look less like a face.

Americans didn't land on the moon

The granddaddy of all conspiracy theories is the moon landing hoax. Those who are in favor of the United States not landing on the Moon believe that they lacked the technology to transport people to the Moon and back. Allegedly, NASA made a fake landing so that people would believe that President John Kennedy kept his promise to land a man on the moon before 1970.

What evidence is given? First, the video of the moon landing doesn't show any stars in the sky. NASA argues that the surface of the Moon and the astronauts' suits strongly reflected light, and the camera primarily caught them, and not the faintly shining stars. Secondly, when the American flag is planted in the lunar soil, a wave appears on the canvas. In the absence of air in the space, this is impossible. NASA claims that the astronauts turned the axis of the flag at the moment of action, so it curled up. The rotation of the axis made the flag move.

So, the whole discussion comes down to how scary it is to live and what idiots there are around.
At the same time, everyone ignores that even on this resource, smart people with a developed critical worldview constantly build logic on faith, and not on facts, and then they are the first to demand proofs from others, not having them for their categorical statements.
Well, a couple of “myths” that have been actively used here more than once:
1) Political freedoms and economic development are related, and the more of the first, the higher the second.


Who and when measured the real effect of the right to freedom of speech? From other Grundrechte? Can you give me these numbers? No, well then don’t expect an answer from me.
Easily. Construct two lists of countries: GDP per capita and level of civil liberties. And then calculate the correlation.
Unfortunately, the author of the last statement did not construct these two lists of countries, otherwise I would really like to see these correlations, not in the current section, but in dynamics over many years (why in dynamics - below). Well, for understanding, the list of countries in the economic tops: Singapore, China, Arab oil-producing countries Qatar, Kuwait, Brunei, UAE.

2) A subpart of the first myth, a “demonstrative” example with South and North Korea (in fact, not).
The myth is that they give an example of the success of democracy relative to totalitarianism.

What's wrong?

And the fact that the economic miracle of the South was forged under Park Chung-hee, a dictator who did not deny himself the pleasures of tormenting dissenters against the backdrop of an actively growing economy.
So, initially the difference was between a totalitarian country, with active economic and military support from the outside world in the form of loans from the same United States and reduced costs for troops, and a totalitarian country under active international sanctions with active defense spending.
And after this, positive democratic movements begin in one country, but not in another. But this does not change the essence (accessibility of foreign markets for some and sanctions for others), and therefore, unfortunately, cannot serve as proof of the advantage of democracy over totalitarianism.
But it could serve as an example that with economic development, it is necessary to tighten democracy for further economic development. But it's difficult. To make such interpretations is to think

3) Atomic bombings were necessary to defeat Japan.
It is especially gratifying that for people, the emotional memories of a military man from Japan or some individual cases of fanatical obstinacy of the Japanese military are more conclusive than US military intelligence data, data on control over the military situation from the US Army, data on diplomatic negotiations (from the USA and the USSR), data on state of affairs in Japan at that time (from Japan itself)

So, the real proof (I didn’t look for all the examples, some were already lost somewhere):

The dropping of these bombs led to the almost immediate surrender of Japan and saved the lives of tens (and perhaps hundreds) of thousands of Soviet soldiers transferred to the Pacific Front. For some reason, anti-Americanists do not mention this nuance when they lament about the victims of nuclear bombings.
Many years ago I read a book (that’s why I don’t remember the author or the title, I remember that the book was dedicated to the creation of a US nuclear bomb), which said that after the bombing of Hiroshima, a couple of days later, someone from the Japanese generals and some Japanese came to the site of the explosion physicist. From their conversation, the psychological background is clear why the bombing of Tokyo did not have an effect, unlike the bombing of Hiroshima.

Facts from the same book, completely ignored due to their insignificance

The intelligence services of the United States Army and Navy were by this time equally convinced that the collapse of Japan was now a matter of weeks. Alfred McCormack, chief of military intelligence in the Pacific theater of operations, recalls: “We had such complete air supremacy over Japan that we knew literally every ship, when and from what port it went to sea. The Japanese had already run out of food supplies, and their fuel reserves were almost exhausted. We began a secret operation to mine all their bays and harbors, which steadily increased their isolation from the rest of the world. If we had carried this operation to its logical conclusion, then the destruction of Japanese cities with incendiary and other bombs would have been completely unnecessary.”
Japan's surrender was easier to achieve through diplomacy than through strengthening the blockade, since by this time Japan was more than ripe for surrender. The idea of ​​surrender was widespread in the country. Fujimura, a Japanese naval attaché to the Third Reich who had moved to Bern after the German collapse, was introduced to three close associates of Allen Dulles by Dr. Friedrich Hack, an anti-Nazi German, in late April. The latter, being the head of the American intelligence organization OSS (OSS), had a residence in the Swiss capital. Fujimura told them that he was ready to put pressure on his government to persuade it to accept the American terms of surrender. Almost at the same time and for the same purpose, General Okamoto, the military attache, through the mediation of the international Settlements Bank in Basel, came into contact with the Dulles organization. But both of these attempts failed because Washington was unwilling to commit itself to exact terms and Tokyo did not support the efforts of the two Japanese in Switzerland.
Washington, however, had long known about all the Japanese maneuvers, since the Americans knew how to decipher the Japanese secret code. Already in mid-July they were reading the persistent instructions sent by radio to Ambassador Sato from the Prime Minister of Togo to Moscow, as well as the ambassador’s replies. Among other messages they read the following words: “Japan is defeated. We face this fact and must act accordingly."
But Truman, instead of using diplomatic means to exploit these significant signs of Japanese weakness, on July 26 made a declaration at the Potsdam Conference, thereby trying to make it difficult for the Japanese to capitulate without “losing face.” At this time, the President was already informed by General Groves that the success of the tests at Alamogordo exceeded all expectations. American historian Robert J.S. Batou, who was engaged in a comparative study of the events preceding the collapse of Japan using American and Japanese sources, is of the opinion that at that time the war could very quickly be ended through diplomatic means. One such means was to transmit the demands set out in the Potsdam Declaration secretly through political channels to Prince Konoye, who at that time had unlimited powers, instead of notifying the whole world about them.
There is no doubt that refusing to use the bomb at that time would have required considerable courage from those responsible politicians and strategists who were involved in this. They feared that the entire Manhattan Project, which had already consumed almost two billion dollars, would seem like a senseless waste of money after the war. In this case, praise and glory can turn into ridicule and condemnation.
President Truman writes in his memoirs that his “yes” settled the dispute over dropping the bomb. On this occasion, General Groves remarked to the author of the book: “Truman did not do much by saying yes.” In those days it would have taken great courage to say no.

Data from Japan itself about the state before the bombings, which also do not deserve attention against the backdrop of the emotions of one of the Japanese generals

Almost all of our most important cities - 98 in total - were burned. The official report says that 72 of them had almost no military structures, so the "Superfortresses" destroyed industrial potential and civilian populations. In the Tokyo-Yokohama area, 56% of buildings were destroyed; in the Nagoya area - 52%; in the Kobe - Osaka area 57%. Residential areas in different cities suffered to varying degrees. In Nishinomiya, only 9.1% were destroyed, but in Fukuyama - 96%, Kofu and Hamamatsu - 72%, and in Hitachi - 71%. Initial investigations showed that 1,430,000 buildings were destroyed. This figure later exceeded 2 million, affecting more than 9 million people.

At the end of the war, our lines of communication and transport communications were in a state of complete chaos. Ships that previously sailed between the islands of the metropolis, sailing to Korea and China, hid in ports to escape bombs and shells. We lost a colossal number of these ships; only a few survived by the day of surrender. But even if we had a sufficient number of coastal ships, we would not be able to use them with full efficiency, since all our ports, bays, and straits were literally sowed with enemy mines. We did not have enough people to organize port operations and land transportation. Almost all of this terrible destruction of the national economy was a direct consequence of the loss of air superiority over Japan.

There was a food shortage in the country. In July 1945, the government reluctantly ordered a 10% reduction in the basic food ration, which was 312 grams of food including substitutes. During the period between rice harvests, we feared famine, since Japan was practically cut off from external sources of food.

Actually, when discussing history on Habr/Giktayms, sometimes you read something that makes the cycle “Stalin and Fools” by Divov seem like a documentary work.
4) Example of “logic” on Giktayms:

Evgeniy Roizman:
“This is not an epidemic in Yekaterinburg. This is an epidemic in Russia. Moreover, in Yekaterinburg the situation is this way precisely because we have a very high detection rate. That is, we are doing this purposefully. We have strong doctors, we have very strong detection programs. In Yekaterinburg, 23% of the population was examined. Meanwhile, in Russia it does not rise above 15%. That is, we have one and a half times more people examined. And if they conduct investigations at this level in Novosibirsk, Saratov, Samara, and Tver, then believe me, the situation there will be different,” he said.