The best vitamins for children 12 years old. Liquid vitamins for children: features and application. How often can you give vitamins to children?

The importance of good vitamins for the intellectual, psycho-emotional and physical development of children is difficult to overestimate. These substances participate in metabolic processes, help regulate the functions of all systems and organs and, as a result, we see a healthy and active child who can handle all tasks.

Therefore, it is not surprising that parents are interested in the best vitamin and mineral complexes for children, which manufacturers position almost as a panacea. Let's try to figure out how true this is and what the most popular children's vitamins are.

But first of all, let’s remember the targeted action of vitamins, each of which is responsible for specific functions in the body:

  • best vitamins for appetite will be those that contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • if a child increased visual load, he needs vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamin A, zinc, copper;
  • during the period of active growth of the child the best vitamins will be those containing calcium, phosphorus, potassium and selenium;
  • stressful situations(starting school, changing place of residence and other situations) require the consumption of B vitamins.

the best vitamins for children aged 1 year and older


Multivitamin complex for children of different age groups. The cost of a package of tablets (30 pieces) is about 155 rubles, a bottle of syrup with a volume of 150 ml is 250 rubles.

The complex includes 9 vitamins necessary for the formation and development of children over 1 year of age.

Advantages. Vitamin deficiencies in children most often begin to develop in the second year of life. This is due to the body’s increased needs for nutrients and their lack in the diet - the child is not yet able to absorb many of them from food. Pikovit contains the most essential vitamins that a baby’s growing body requires: A, D, E, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, PP, C. The syrup is designed for children aged 1 to 14 years - everything that It is necessary to change the dosage of the drug as the child grows.

Flaws. The only significant disadvantage of Pikovit is the lack of minerals, which are extremely necessary for the proper formation of the skeleton, dentofacial apparatus, nervous system, and hematopoiesis.

Conclusions. The release form allows for the possibility of changing the dosage while maintaining “fidelity” to Pikovit, which makes these vitamins very convenient for families with several children of different ages. But given the need for additional intake of minerals, in the rating of the best vitamins for children, Pikovit is given 8 points out of 10.

Reviews. « The vitamins don’t have an immediate effect; somewhere in the third week of taking it, I noticed that the child finally had a healthy complexion. The syrup tastes very sweet, but the lozenge capsules suited us better, the taste is soft and unobtrusive. We have been taking it for 8 months now, during this time we have never had ARVI».

Vitrum Baby
the best children's vitamins from 2 to 5 years


Vitamin-mineral complex containing 13 vitamins and 11 microelements. The cost of a package of tablets (30 pieces) is about 420 rubles.

Vitrum Baby is designed to meet the needs of children aged 2 to 5 years and includes all the necessary substances for the physical and mental development of the child.

Advantages. 13 vitamins and 11 microelements is in itself a sufficient reason to include these vitamins for children on the list of the best. But what’s even more interesting is that the tablets are represented by animal figures, which greatly simplifies the process of strengthening the baby’s health: the mother does not have to persuade the child to take the “medicine”. The taste of the tablets resembles a cross between fruit and vanilla, and is liked by almost all children.

Flaws. The delight that children feel at the sight of the Vitrum Baby “delicacy” is at the same time a minus of this product. Containing the daily amount of vitamins A and D in one dose and the child’s desire to eat as many tasty and fun tablets as possible is a risk of overdose of these vitamins, the excess of which is poorly excreted from the body. Therefore, parents need to either carefully monitor the intake of Vitrum Baby and hide the packaging away from the baby, or give preference to drugs that are less attractive from the child’s point of view.

Conclusions. These are some of the best vitamins for children from 2 to 5 years old to prevent vitamin deficiencies, increase the child’s body’s defenses and speed up recovery from illnesses. Careful attention to the dosage (as, indeed, with any mineral complexes) is all that is required from parents. Vitrum Baby deservedly receives a rating of 10 on a ten-point scale.

Reviews. « My daughter happily eats the vitamin, because it’s in the shape of an animal, and every time she asks: what will I get next time?! Animals: tiger, monkey, hippopotamus».

Alphabet Kindergarten
the best vitamins for preschoolers from 3 to 7 years old


Vitamin-mineral complex of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. The cost of a package of tablets (30 pieces) is about 250 rubles.

The composition includes the most necessary substances that a child requires from 3 to 7 years. In addition to “ordinary” vitamins, the complex includes such valuable micro- and macroelements as copper, iron, iodine, etc. This allows you to take a serious approach to improving the baby’s health and take care of the prevention of vitamin deficiencies.

Advantages. A well-thought-out and selected balance of vitamins, micro and macroelements helps to demonstrate the effectiveness of this product in a short time. With proper and regular use of Alphabet Kindergarten, digestive processes are normalized (appetite improves), the child’s activity increases and his fatigue decreases. Children's academic performance also improves - memory and the ability to think analytically are activated.

Flaws. The disadvantages include the not very convenient dosage: daily you need to take one tablet of each color - a total of three pieces. This can be a problem for parents who are always in a hurry and forget everything, but no one forbids using reminder tools - an organizer or a simple note.

Conclusions. Alphabet Kindergarten - some of the best vitamins for improving the health of children: balanced composition, narrow age “specialization”, taking into account the needs of children of this particular age and a high safety profile. The rating of 10 out of 10 in our rating is well deserved.

Reviews. « Like all the children I know, my Sonya, when she started going to kindergarten for adaptation, immediately became hung with snot and began to get sick. We decided to strengthen the immune system itself, but many vitamins are not intended for children. So the children watched it. I myself drank “Alphabet” a couple of years ago (for adults, of course) and I liked it. They are not very large in size and my daughter swallows them easily. The pain has stopped, we will repeat the course next year».

Supradin kids
the best vitamins for children aged 3 years and older


The vitamin and mineral complex for children Supradin Kids is presented as a gel, the cost of which is about 380 rubles per package of 175 ml, as well as chewable lozenges and tablets (the cost of a package of 30 pieces is approximately 360 rubles).

Advantages. Supradin Kids takes into account the needs of children not only for vitamins, but also for minerals and lecithin - the most important component, without which many chemical reactions in cells are impossible. The lecithin content is a significant advantage, which provides support for the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the body. In addition, this vitamin-mineral complex includes calcium - an indispensable building material for the musculoskeletal and dental systems. Chewable lozenges and tablets contain choline and Omega-3 - substances that are directly involved in the intellectual and psycho-emotional development of the child.

Flaws. There are no shortcomings as such: by adding the gel to the diet of a child over 3 years old, and chewable forms of the drug from 11 years old, you provide the child’s body with the most important vitamins and bioactive substances.

Reviews. « For three years now, regularly in the winter, I have been giving my children Supradin Kids (stars and fish), one a day (although it is prescribed twice a day). The obvious result: children do not get sick and are in good spirits. I don’t give it all the time, but twice every two weeks. If it is clear that the child needs to be supported, I extend the reception. I haven’t come across better vitamins for children (we tried different ones before).”

Complivit Oftalmo for children (from 3 to 14 years old)
best vitamins for eyes


Vitamin and mineral complex designed to improve the functions of the visual organs. The cost of packaging powder for preparing a suspension (44 g) is about 200 rubles.

The composition of Complivit Ofthalmo is selected in such a way as to have a targeted effect on strengthening the child’s vision and increasing the endurance of the body as a whole.

Advantages. This vitamin and mineral complex contains unique components such as lutein and zeaxanthin - plant carotenoids that are directly involved in regulating the functions of the visual organs. This means that with increased visual stress, the child’s need for these substances also increases, and with their deficiency, disorders such as “night blindness”, decreased visual acuity, etc. can develop. Among other things, Complivit Oftalmo contains 9 vitamins and 3 micro- and macroelements, which support the functioning of the optic nerve and reduce the negative impact on the child’s eyes of such factors as radiation from monitors and UV rays.

Flaws. The only disadvantage of Complivit Oftalmo is the insufficient amount of minerals. But on the other hand, this tool was developed precisely as best vitamins for eyes, and it fully corresponds to this status.

Conclusions. An excellent remedy for children over 3 years old, which, with an integrated approach to organizing a healthy lifestyle, will help avoid vision problems. Rating - 10 out of 10.

At the age of three, children begin to grow and develop rapidly, attend kindergarten and increase social activity. Their immunity is at risk, so additional sources of vitamins should be introduced into the diet. They are not synthesized by the body, but help it cope with diseases and increased stress.

Why do children over 3 years old need vitamins?

When a child begins to visit public places, he may catch a respiratory infection, a cold, or simply become overtired. Immunity vitamins for children over 3 years old will help cope with this. They prevent frequent serious illnesses, improve mood, and eliminate delays in physical and mental development. With their deficiency, the child becomes lethargic, quickly gets irritated, eats and sleeps poorly.

Parents try to introduce nuts, grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, and greens into their children's diet. It must be remembered that it is unlikely that the child will absorb the amount of food necessary to cover the lack of vitamins. In addition, not all children have a good appetite, so they may refuse healthy foods that they consider tasteless. This threatens to develop first into hidden, and then into obvious vitamin deficiency.

To eliminate it, you should take pharmaceutical medications prescribed by your doctor. Only a doctor, based on the child’s data, his individual characteristics, diseases and developmental nuances, will select the necessary medications, taking into account contraindications and side effects. This should be taken responsibly, because excess and overdose of self-selected drugs can end sadly.

What vitamins do children need?

Vitamins for the immunity of children aged 3 years are of primary importance, because they are aimed at strengthening and supporting the immune system. Rating of essential vitamins so necessary for the body:

  • E (tocopherol) – stimulates the immune system, protects against infections, regenerates tissue;
  • A (retinol) – prevents the development of skin diseases, facilitates their course, improves the functioning of mucous membranes, improves vision;
  • C (ascorbic acid) – improves immunity, takes part in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • useful minerals include magnesium, which is necessary for muscle function and bone formation, and iron, which is needed to support hemoglobin.


To make the immune system of 3-year-old children work to the maximum, you need to introduce the following foods into their diet:

  • kefir, yogurt - in addition to calcium, fermented milk products contain fermented milk bacteria that support intestinal microflora;
  • apples – contain ascorbic acid, magnesium, iron;
  • carrots – serves as a source of carotene;
  • honey - it contains a whole complex of minerals and organic substances, but it should be given only in the absence of allergies - it is better to prefer linden, buckwheat;
  • beets – rich in iron, relieves inflammation, stimulates nervous activity;
  • parsley – rich in vitamin K, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron;
  • sea ​​fish - serves as a source of omega-3, 6, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the child’s brain;
  • turkey - dietary meat, rich in protein, B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, serves as the prevention of anemia;
  • wheat porridge – rich in minerals, but prohibited if you are allergic to gluten;
  • onions, garlic are natural immunomodulators containing phytoncides.


Popular among vitamins for immunity for children over 3 years old are pharmaceutical preparations that combine a complex of all necessary substances. They have a balanced composition and contain the necessary dose of all vitamins. Rating of popular complexes:

  1. Multi-tabs - available with the marks Calcium and Vitrum. The former are needed for the formation of bones and teeth and can be taken up to 7 years of age, while the latter strengthen the immune system in general and can be taken up to 14 years of age.
  2. Jungle Baby - they focus on the content of ascorbic acid, vitamin D3 to prevent the development of rickets, and retinol. The drug effectively replenishes A, D deficiency, helps with influenza epidemics, and is approved for diabetics.
  3. Sana-Sol - available in the form of syrup, lozenges, stimulate the immune system.
  4. Vitrum Kids – contains a group of vitamins A and D.
  5. Pikovit - has varieties in form (lozenges, chewable tablets, syrup) and in additions (omega-3, prebiotic).
  6. Supradin - available in the form of gel, tablets, dissolving lozenges, gummy bears and with omega-3 supplements.
  7. Alphabet Kindergarten - prevents colds and flu.
  8. Complivit - chewable tablets with cherry and banana flavors.
  9. Vetoron - available in the form of drops or chewable tablets.

How to choose vitamin complexes to increase children's immunity

Some useful tips for choosing vitamins for children to boost their immunity:

You should start taking vitamins when mental and physical activity increases, if the child gets tired quickly and is often capricious. Before seasonal colds, you also cannot do without vitamin complexes for your health. In the summer you can forget about them, because during this season the child receives the necessary amount of vitamins from vegetables and fruits.

There is no point in arguing about the benefits of vitamins for a child’s body, but the question of where the child will get them from raises different opinions. Some parents believe that it is best to give children complex vitamins. Others believe that the child has enough vitamin substances from food and attention should be paid primarily to the children's diet.

Some people first go to the doctor and select a complex together with him, while others rely on reviews and advice from friends, buying multivitamins from a well-known brand. Whose tactics are correct, does a child need vitamin supplements, what are they, and how to choose the best complex? Let's figure it out.

What vitamins do children need?

For full development, the child must receive vitamins daily, which are divided into fat- and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins E, A, K and D. They are able to accumulate in the body, so their deficiency is less common. All others are water soluble. Since they do not accumulate, they must be supplied regularly either through food or as part of supplements.

Effect on the body

Vitamin name


Control of tissue growth, cell division and regeneration processes, in particular, the healing of skin damage.

Participation in photochemical processes of vision (important for twilight vision).

Strengthening the immune system (formation of antibodies).

Participation in the metabolism of calcium (increasing its absorption) and phosphorus.

Effect on the condition of bones and teeth.

Antioxidant effect (protection of cells from oxygen radicals).

Stabilization of cell membranes (prevents destruction of red blood cells).

Participation in tissue respiration, protein synthesis, metabolic processes in muscles and nervous tissue.

Prevention of inflammatory diseases.

Reduced blood clot formation.

Lowering cholesterol levels.

Effect on hormone production.

Supports liver and kidney health.

Participation in blood clotting processes (prevents bleeding and reduces vascular permeability).

Increased bile formation.

Participation in cellular respiration and protein metabolism.

Participation in the metabolism of carbohydrates (important for the release of energy), proteins (inhibits their breakdown) and fats.

Impact on the functioning of the nervous system (restores peripheral nerves and helps conduct nerve impulses, regulates brain function).

Supports immunity, increasing the body's resistance to infections.

Improves digestion (stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves liver function, supports gastric motility).

Participation in cellular respiration and oxidative reactions.

Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the synthesis and absorption of proteins and fats.

Improved digestive function.

Regulation of the nervous system.

Improved visual acuity.

Reducing heart rate and blood pressure, preventing the development of anemia.

Strengthening the immune system.

Antihistamine action.

Participation in metabolic processes.


Hormone synthesis.

Improving stomach function, skin condition and muscle function.

Regulation of liver function.

Stimulation of red blood cell formation.

Participation in metabolic processes.

Biosynthesis of hormones.

Activation of growth processes.

Protection of mucous membranes from infection and normalization of skin condition.

Acceleration of hair growth.

Important for amino acid metabolism.

Participation in carbohydrate metabolism.

Effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Strengthening the immune system.

Help in the fight against diabetes, hypertension and depression.

Important for hematopoiesis and activation of folic acid.

Participation in the exchange of proteins and nucleic acids.

Participation in recovery reactions.

Antioxidant effect and inactivation of free radicals.

Participation in the formation of hemoglobin.

Improving the absorption of iron in the intestines.

Participation in the formation of corticosteroid hormones.

Strengthening the body's immune defense.

Influence on growth processes and energy metabolism.

Supports healthy skin, hair and nails.

Prevention of anemia development.

Increased appetite.

Positive effect on skin condition.

Can all the necessary vitamins be obtained from food?

If you pay close attention to the balance and variety of a child’s diet, it is quite possible to provide the child with all the necessary vitamins from food. To do this, it is important to know which foods contain vitamins:

Vitamin name


Cereals, bread, bran, legumes, vegetables, meat

Eggs, liver, cottage cheese, dairy products, cereals, yeast

Eggs, oatmeal, liver, nuts, meat, vegetables

Eggs, liver, cheese, beef, cabbage, nuts, oatmeal

Meat, liver, fish, cereals, potatoes, nuts

Soy, vegetables, liver, fish, eggs, cheese, cereals, berries

Meat, fish, liver, yolk, dairy products

Berries, fruits, vegetables, rose hips

By-products, soybeans, nuts, fish, rice, eggs, cabbage

Sea fish, yolks, butter, liver, herbs, vegetables, milk

Vegetable oils, whole grain bread, spinach, cabbage, seeds, nuts

Meat, fish, eggs, butter, sour cream

Cabbage, spinach, lettuce, carrots, peppers, tomatoes

Separately, we note vitamin D, which not only enters the body of children with food, but can also be synthesized in skin cells when exposed to sunlight. To prevent its deficiency, it is important to regularly walk with your child in sunny weather.

Signs of shortage

What vitamin is missing?

How does deficiency manifest itself?

Decreased appetite, fatigue, lethargy, pale skin, bleeding gums, fragility of capillaries, cyanosis of the nose and lips, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, weakness in the legs.

Deterioration of vision, skin problems, slower physical development, deterioration of hair condition, frequent inflammation of the respiratory system, stomatitis, and impaired digestive function.

Increased fatigue, sleep disturbance, irritability, drowsiness, memory loss, cold extremities, bluish skin, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, tachycardia, heart pain, paresthesia.

Decreased appetite, stunted growth, anemia, general weakness, anxiety, skin lesions, conjunctivitis, gastrointestinal upset, increased excitability.

Sweating, sleep disturbances, increased irritability, muscle hypotonia, delayed fontanel closure and teething, enlarged liver, weakness, frequent respiratory diseases, convulsions, brittle nails, bone deformation.

Development of anemia, muscle weakness, tendency to bleeding.

The appearance of bleeding and hemorrhage.

Peeling of the skin, dry lips, the appearance of seizures, glossitis and stomatitis, visual impairment, insomnia, disturbances in growth processes.

Weakness, dizziness, insomnia, roughness and flaking of the skin, pale and dry lips, swelling of the tongue, muscle pain, salivation, lethargy, skin rashes.

Muscle laxity, dermatitis, indigestion, tingling in the limbs, hair loss.

The appearance of anemia, diarrhea or constipation, growth disorders, mental retardation.

Dry and pale skin, peeling skin, hair loss, drowsiness, developmental delay, anxiety, apathy, loss of appetite.

Increased fatigue, decreased appetite, diarrhea, irritability, hair loss, anemia, low-grade fever, disorders of the nervous system.

You can find out what vitamin deficiency can lead to in children by watching the following video.

Does your child need supplements?

Not every child needs vitamin complexes, and it is best if the need to use such supplements is agreed upon with a doctor, because the main reason to give a child vitamins is to identify hypovitaminosis. When the doctor detects its signs, he will recommend a drug that contains the necessary vitamin and specify its dosage.

There are different opinions about the need to give children multivitamins. Some doctors are confident that prophylactic administration is not necessary and such drugs are not indicated in childhood. Other experts believe that in some cases it is justified.

For example, in the first year of life, to prevent the development of rickets, infants are prescribed vitamin D, especially during the cold season or when living in the northern region. There are other indications for taking vitamin supplements, so Their necessity in childhood cannot be unequivocally denied.

Thus, Dr. Komarovsky believes that in the case of a balanced diet and the absence of symptoms of vitamin deficiency, the child does not need vitamin complexes. And the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, on the contrary, advises on their use even for preventive purposes. See the next video for more details.


All vitamin supplements for children can be divided into:

  • One-component. Such preparations contain one vitamin, for example, ascorbic acid.

  • Multicomponent. Such supplements include several vitamins at once, and can also be supplemented with mineral salts, fruit extracts, healthy fats and other ingredients.


Vitamin preparations for children come in the following form:

  • Liquid. They are presented in solutions that are dosed in drops. They are often intended for children in the first years of life. Also, for an early age, multivitamins can be a sweet syrup.

  • In tablets. Complexes, which are chewable tablets, are most popular for children 3 years of age and older. Also, in childhood, effervescent tablets are used, which are dissolved in water to obtain a vitamin drink.

  • In the form of lozenges. Such complexes, which are marmalades with an interesting shape (bear, fish, star or other), are also very popular among children, as they resemble candies.

  • Gel. These vitamins are sold in tubes with a tasty gel inside.


Children can be prescribed vitamins for:

  • Insufficient or poor quality nutrition, for example, with vegetarianism or a therapeutic diet.
  • Reducing the content of vitamins in food, for example, in winter and spring.
  • Intensive growth, which is observed in preschool and adolescence.
  • Staying in extreme climatic conditions.
  • Increased need for vitamins associated with high physical activity.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract in which the absorption of vitamins is impaired.
  • Disturbances in the composition of the intestinal microflora, in which the synthesis of vitamins is disrupted (including the use of antibiotics).
  • The recovery period after surgery or an infectious disease.


Complex vitamins are not given if:

  • Intolerance to any of their components.
  • Hypervitaminosis.
  • Serious kidney disease.
  • Disturbances in the metabolism of minerals, such as calcium.

Side effects


For most water-soluble vitamins, the dose that can cause a toxic effect is very high, so cases of overdose are practically rare. However, you should be careful when taking fat-soluble vitamin compounds, in particular with the consumption of vitamins D and A. Exceeding their permissible dose by 10 times or more is dangerous for the child’s health, as is long-term slight excess of dosage, since they accumulate in the body.

Hypervitaminosis A manifests itself:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Vomiting.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Fever.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Peeling and pigmentation of the skin.
  • Bone pain.
  • Brittle hair and nails.
  • Weight loss.
  • Insomnia.

Hypervitaminosis D is dangerous due to intoxication, deterioration of the heart and nervous system. If the dosage of this vitamin is exceeded for a long time, the child’s sleep deteriorates, weakness and irritability appear, and the fontanel closes prematurely.

Another vitamin, an overdose of which negatively affects a child’s health, is ascorbic acid. Long-term use of it in a high dose can provoke the appearance of insomnia and headaches, restless behavior, and changes in blood clotting. In addition, high dosages of ascorbic acid promote the removal of B vitamins from the body.

Significantly exceeding the dosage of vitamins B5 and PP threatens the appearance of vomiting and erosive gastritis. An overdose of vitamin B12 causes tachycardia, increased nervous excitability and impaired blood clotting.

Additives to vitamin complexes

With calcium

This mineral is involved in the formation of bones and is important for strengthening teeth, skeletal growth and muscle contractions. Calcium supplements often include vitamin D and phosphorus, because they improve its absorption and maintain activity. Examples of such complexes are Multi-tabs Baby Calcium+, Vitamishki Calcium+ and Complivit Calcium D3.

With magnesium

This element is involved in many processes, including energy production, transmission of nerve impulses, regulation of blood vessels and protein synthesis. It is important for reducing nervous excitability and protecting the body from inflammation and infections. A child can receive magnesium from the supplements Vitrum, Alphabet, Jungle Kids, Complivit Active and others.

With echinacea

The extract of this plant has properties to strengthen the immune system and accelerate recovery from viral infections. It can be found in children's vitamins Gummy King (from 2 years), Natural Dynamix (from 4 years) and Vitamin Friends (from 2 years).

With fish oil

This ingredient in children's vitamins is important for brain function, growth processes and cardiovascular health. It is found in complex supplements Pikovit Omega 3, Supradin Kids, Univit Kids and others.

With selenium

This microelement is important for the formation of enzymes and hormones in the children's body. It is involved in metabolic processes, improves skin condition, supports the cardiovascular system and protects the child from nervous strain. This element is present in the Multi-Tabs, VitaMishki Immuno+, Alphabet Kindergarten, Complivit Active, Vitrum Baby, Jungle Kids, Vitrum Kids and others complexes.

Selenium supplements will help strengthen the immune defense and have a general strengthening effect.

With choline

This substance, also called vitamin B4, is important for the health of the liver and the functioning of the nervous system. Its presence in vitamin supplements has a positive effect on the child’s attention and memory. Popular choline supplements include Univit Kids, Supradin Kids, VitaMishki Bio+ and Supradin Kids Junior.

Review and rating of the best

  • Vitamins Alphabet. A special feature of this manufacturer’s complexes is the combination of individual vitamins and mineral salts into 3 daily doses. In each dose, all substances promote the absorption of each other, and at the same time do not interfere with the absorption of the ingredients of other doses. This makes Alphabet vitamins less allergenic and more effective.

For children 1.5-3 years old, the manufacturer offers vitamins in powder form (in separate sachets), and for children over 3 years old - chewable tablets. These multivitamins contain no synthetic colors, preservatives or flavors.

  • Vitrum complexes. The main advantage of the supplements of this brand is their rich composition. Each Vitrum complex includes all vitamin compounds and valuable minerals important for the growth of children. Among them, the “growth trio” is distinguished, which includes magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. The Vitrum range of children's vitamins includes chewable tablets and lozenges for children of all ages, from 3 years old to teenagers.

  • Vitamins Pikovit. Supplements from this brand come in different forms: for children over 1 year of age, the manufacturer offers a syrup containing essential vitamins; for children over 3 years of age, chewable tablets are available; and for children over 7 years of age, coated tablets are available. The Pikovit assortment contains sugar-free supplements, which makes it possible to take them if you have diabetes, excess weight or caries.

  • Multi-tabs complexes. One of the advantages of this brand of children's multivitamins is the absence of chemical additives (dyes, flavors, preservatives) in them. In addition to the Baby complex in drops for children under one year old and multivitamin supplements in chewable tablets for 1-4, 4-11 years old and adolescents, the Multi-Tabs line includes a calcium-enriched complex (Baby Calcium+) and a probiotic supplement (Immuno Kids).

  • VitaBears. These multivitamins in lozenges are shaped like bear cubs, which children like. The advantages of Vitamins are also natural fruit and vegetable extracts, the absence of artificial colors and pleasant tastes. The range of such vitamins allows you to choose a supplement based on the child’s needs.

To supplement a child's diet with nutrients, the Multi+ complex is recommended, the Immuno+ supplement is used to strengthen the child's body's defenses, and Calcium+ lozenges are recommended to strengthen bones and teeth. If a child needs to improve digestion, he is given Bio+ cubs, and to support the eyes it is worth using the Focus+ complex.

It is best to select multivitamins for your child with a doctor, having discussed the indications for their use. When choosing a complex, you should definitely take into account its composition:

  • For hyperactive children and under stress you should select a complex that contains B vitamins, since they are important for the nervous system.
  • For problems with appetite pay attention to the presence of vitamins A, C and group B in the complex.
  • For athletic children The most important vitamins are D, B1, A, PP, B9, E and C.
  • Complexes with probiotics/prebiotics indicated for children who have problems with the digestive system.
  • For brain function, improving attention and memory For a child, complexes with ascorbic acid, B vitamins, iodine, copper, zinc, calcium, vitamins D, A and E are recommended.
  • For skin the selected complex should contain vitamins B6, H, A, PP and C.
  • Frequently ill children complexes containing vitamins E and C, zinc, selenium and iodine are recommended.

Selection based on age

The age of the child is one of the main selection criteria, since at each age the needs for vitamin compounds are different.

Up to a year

In most cases, children under one year of age do not require multivitamin complexes. Infants receive all the necessary substances from mother's milk, and artificial babies receive from a mixture that is enriched with minerals and vitamins necessary for the development of the baby. If a child under one year old needs vitamins, a doctor should prescribe them.

Most often, infants are prescribed vitamin D, especially in winter or in the northern region. Complexes for infants often contain only a few vitamins, for example, the Multi-Tabs Baby supplement contains only vitamins D, C and A, and the Complivit Calcium D3 complex for babies contains only calcium and cholecalciferol.

From one year to 3 years

At this age, the child’s body grows rapidly (especially its skeletal system) and all milk teeth erupt, so children 1-3 years old most of all need calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, D, A and E, iron, phosphorus, folic acid and zinc . A child can receive all these substances both from food (if the diet is balanced) and from additives such as Pikovit 1+ syrup, Our Baby Multi-Tabs sachet, Sana-Sol syrup, Kinder Biovital gel and others.

From 3 to 6 years

Active growth continues at this age, so a sufficient supply of vitamins for a child 3-6 years old is very important. In addition, at this age, a child often begins to attend preschool institutions, which necessitates the need to strengthen his immune defense. The most important vitamins for a 3-6 year old child are C, D, E and A.

It is also important to consume enough B vitamins, calcium, iodine and zinc. A preschooler can get these compounds from the complexes Pikovit 3+, Alphabet Kindergarten, VitaMishki, Multi-tabs Malysh and others.

At school age

High mental stress, changing teeth, attending sports clubs, communicating with peers - these and other factors make vitamins and minerals vital for schoolchildren. This is especially true for vitamins B and A, ascorbic acid, iodine, selenium, calcium and iron.

To supplement the diet in order to ensure sufficient intake for this age, the Alphabet Shkolnik, Vitrum Junior, Multi-tabs Junior and others complexes have been developed.

During adolescence

Changes in metabolic processes and hormonal levels in the body of 12-18 year old children require an increased intake of mineral compounds and vitamins. In particular, it is especially important for adolescents to receive vitamins A, D, E, C and group B, and zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium and iodine are considered key minerals in adolescence. Their sources for a child of this age can be the Pikovit Forte, Multi-Tabs Teenager, Alphabet Teenager and others complexes.

Rules of use

  • Vitamin supplements are prescribed in courses, the duration of which is best agreed with the pediatrician. Most often, multivitamins are taken for 1-2 months.
  • It is important to strictly follow the dosages recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions. Giving them to a child in a larger dose is unacceptable.
  • It is also important to take into account age restrictions for specific vitamins. For example, if the complex is indicated for children over 3 years of age, it cannot be given to a child at one or two years of age. It is also contraindicated to give a child complex vitamins that are intended for adults.
  • They are often given in the morning during breakfast or immediately after it.
  • When a child takes multivitamin complexes, he should be given more fluids to avoid stress on the kidneys.

A child needs a certain amount of nutrients, among which vitamins occupy the main place. Babies can get them from food, but this is not always possible. It is worth finding out which vitamins are best for children 5 years old , how you can take important elements from food. It is necessary to understand what is needed especially strongly at this age and how the complexes differ.

Age characteristics

The body must receive 13 vitamins. Most of them are vital. If there is a shortage of them, growth is noticeably impaired, development is delayed, and the baby is more often overcome by illness. At the age of five, the growth of the skeleton and muscles is especially active, and vision is formed. Therefore, it is important for a child that the vitamin complex combines calciferol, retinol and B vitamins.


Supplements are prescribed in the following cases:

  • If the child does not eat well , or the family cannot provide him with adequate nutrition.
  • In the case when a child has hypovitaminosis . This condition manifests itself in the form of lethargy, poor skin condition, decreased appetite, poor vision, and frequent colds.
  • Vitamins are needed for children 5 years old ifThe baby has increased physical and intellectual stress .
  • The baby is often sick or after a long period of therapy (for example, taking antibiotics).
  • Can you give your child complexes?due to seasonal reduction in vitamin content in food products .


You should stop taking the complexes in the following cases:

  • Intolerance to any component included in the composition .
  • Hypervitaminosis.
  • Severe pathologies of the excretory system .

Is it necessary to use it to strengthen the immune system?

The protective function of the body in a five-year-old child works intensively, because at this age active activities in the garden or special sections are already necessary. It is increasingly common to attend events with large numbers of people.

In order to prevent colds, children are prescribed a complex that will contain high dosages, and. But it must be selected by a doctor who will take into account all the existing symptoms.

Release forms

Vitamins for children's growth are also available in the form of syrups, gels, powders, chewable tablets or lozenges. The latter form is the most popular. They have a pleasant taste and original shape. There is no need to swallow them and wash them down with water, so there are no problems with taking them.


Parents often wonder: there are so many vitamins for 5-year-old children, but which ones are best? To answer, it is necessary to conduct a comparative description of the most popular ones.


Sold in syrup form. It gives good results for hypovitaminosis. The composition includes all the important elements. Due to its liquid form, there is no problem when taking it. Daily dosage - 10 ml (2 tsp).

These chewable tablets include 10 vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. Excellent help with poor appetite, as well as after antibiotic therapy, with an unbalanced diet. There is an option for children with diabetes or obesity. One tablet per day is enough.

Pikovit Plus 4+

Contains 12 vitamins, iodine, zinc, calcium, iron. Suitable for children with low body weight and poor appetite. This complex is recommended for the prevention of asthenic syndrome and hypovitaminosis.

Kinder Biovital

This is a gel with a fruity taste and smell. Safe for use in children. Lecithin added. It is useful for a child because it stimulates appetite and growth, eliminates fatigue and strengthens the immune system. Give one teaspoon per day.

These are strawberry flavored chewable tablets that contain 10 minerals and 12 vitamins. What's good? First of all, by ensuring improved brain activity, strengthening bones and teeth, and stimulating the immune system. One tablet is enough.

VitaMishki Multi+

They are especially loved by children, as they are made in the shape of bear cubs. 1 lozenge per day is required. They have a pleasant taste. They have a positive effect on intellectual activity - improve attention and memory. Multi+ contains zinc, choline, iodine and inositol. No synthetic additives are added for taste and color - perhaps this is why many parents consider this the best option.

Alphabet Kindergarten

These are chewable tablets that are taken three times a day, one at a time. Each of them has a different taste and color, they differ in composition - one tablet contains substances that are most compatible with each other. Contains 9 minerals and all vitamins. Thanks to the intake of this complex, mental development is stimulated and stress resistance increases. do not contain synthetic dyes, flavors and preservatives.

One chewable tablet per day is enough. They come in fruit and raspberry-strawberry varieties. They have a beneficial effect on the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to increased stress. No preservatives or dyes.

A complex containing 5 minerals and 13 vitamins. It helps with anemia, calcium deficiency and asthenia. One tablet is enough. Mental development is stimulated and has a positive effect on the immune system and bones. No dyes or sugar.

Complivit Active bears

It comes in the form of chewable gummy bears, just like VitaMishki. Suitable for children and adolescents from 3 to 14 years old. The drug contains 10 vitamins, but no minerals.

Nature's Plus Source of Life Animal Parade Gold

These are chewable tablets that need to be taken in two pieces. Presented in the form of animals. It contains minerals, vitamins, enzymes, bacteria and other valuable compounds. They have a beneficial effect on bone health, digestion and immunity.

Nature's Way Alive!

Good vitamins, which include elements A, C, D, E in large dosages. There are minerals, extracts from vegetables and fruits. Strengthen teeth and bones, improve the condition of the eyes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Two tablets per day are enough.

Kavit Junior

Includes 11 vitamins essential for immunity and calcium. Presented in the form of lozenges with chocolate and apricot flavors. Good for preventing hypovitaminosis. One piece per day is enough.

Nutrition adjustments

Before you run for vitamin preparations, it is worth creating a menu that will meet all the needs of a child under 6 years old. The main element at this age is considered to be calciferol. most? They are rich in fatty fish, cod liver, eggs, and dairy products. . Well produced under the influence of sunlight. It is enough for a child to spend more time under the sun, even in winter.

Retinol is also important. - vegetable fats, carrots, pumpkin, green vegetables, eggs, fish, berries, dairy products.

Among the essential vitamins for children, ascorbic acid occupies an important place. ? Most of it is found in rose hips, bell peppers, and fruits. To get group B substances, you should eat meat, greens, and cereals. Vitamin E is present in vegetable oils.

When learning which vitamins are best to give, you should consider other important points:

  • Many people believe that “since we are parents, we choose the best on our own.” But this is wrong. It is necessary to consult with a pediatrician, since it is he who will take into account all the features and advise the best option.
  • When choosing a vitamin complex, you need to make sure that it is suitable for a five-year-old child . It is unacceptable to give medications that are intended for an older child. You also cannot increase the dosage on your own.
  • Products must be from a reputable manufacturer .
  • You should pay attention to the child’s tendency to allergies . Indeed, some complexes contain additives for taste and color. They can cause a negative reaction.
  • To choose good complexes to improve memory , you should pay attention to the amount of vitamin D, B, iodine, selenium, iron.
  • After the first dose of the drug, you should look at the baby’s reaction . If such unfavorable symptoms as skin itching, rash, redness, diarrhea, nausea appear, then the complex should be discontinued.
  • It is better to give the remedy in the morning , since any of them has a tonic effect.
  • Care should be taken to properly store medications . Sweet lozenges are perceived by children as treats, so you can skip the moment when the child uncontrollably eats more than the required dosage.

At the age of five, brain activity increases. The child can memorize poems and retell fairy tales. This year it is noted that the baby fantasizes and dreams a lot. With a balanced diet, he will receive the best vitamins from food. Thanks to this, memory will improve and the creative side of the child will emerge.

To summarize, we can say that choosing the best vitamin complex is not so easy. You should consult with a pediatrician, who will prescribe tests and, based on the results obtained, determine what exactly the child is missing. The diagnosis will allow you to choose a multivitamin complex that will bring benefit and no harm.