The most passionate and strong unions among all zodiac signs. Compatibility astrology: the happiest unions of the zodiac signs

People agree and do not agree in character. But with the help of astrology and its knowledge of people's compatibility, you can find out how well you and your loved one are suited to each other.


Aries always turn out to be ardent and passionate partners, which many will appreciate. Therefore, sexually they are compatible with many people, for example, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Aquarius. But you need to know a couple of secrets to seduce an Aries man. Marriage unions turn out to be the strongest if Aries choose Scorpio or Libra as their partner.


Representatives of this Zodiac Sign are among the most family-oriented people by nature. Moreover, they definitely know a lot about love relationships. Taurus goes well with Aries, Cancer, and Libra. But the strongest alliances are between two Taurus or paired with a representative of the Virgo sign.


Despite a certain frivolity in behavior, representatives of this Zodiac Sign are not only capable of love, but can also create strong alliances. Gemini can feel very good next to Libra and Aquarius. In order to stabilize relationships, Taurus is quite suitable.


Typically, the strongest alliances among representatives of the Cancer sign are with Taurus, Pisces and Libra. In relationships, Cancers usually go very well with Aries and Virgos, but you should be a little more careful here. Much depends on the ability to find a common language with each other.


You will find your happiness with representatives of the Virgo sign, but for this you need to learn to ignore some of your partner’s character traits, both of them. A quite beautiful union can turn out with Sagittarius and Capricorn. For more confidence, you can try conspiracies for a strong family and love.


The combination with Taurus turns out to be very successful, since these two signs have similar temperaments. Representatives of the Libra sign will bring romance and ease into relationships. A very cozy and pleasant union for both can happen with Pisces if neither of you hides anything from each other.


Representatives of this Zodiac Sign form good marriages with Aries and Taurus, and a little less often with Cancers and Scorpios. A positive factor is that Libras are not prone to conflict by nature and are quite diplomatic. But problems can arise due to periodic temper, which is quite possible to overcome.


One of the most attractive Zodiac Signs, which often attracts attention at first sight. The complex nature of Scorpio is best understood by Pisces, Libra and Taurus. If representatives of the Cancer sign learn to be open with you, and you curb your emotions, you will be able to create a strong family with them.


Sagittarians have good marriages with representatives of their Zodiac Sign. Long-term and serious relationships are possible with Aquarius and Leo; sexual compatibility with fiery Aries is good.


Representatives of this Zodiac Sign are well suited to Taurus, who are prone to stability. Unions that are quite favorable for both partners are obtained by combining Capricorn and Virgo. You can also pay attention to the representatives of your own Zodiac Sign.


On the one hand, an alliance with representatives of the Sign Taurus or Capricorn is quite beneficial for you, but it is difficult for Aquarius to constantly be within limits, and usually they are not too strongly attached to home. Sexual compatibility with Aries and Leo is very high, but not always strong. But Gemini and Libra will most likely create an excellent match for you.


Everything depends only on the affection of the representative of the Pisces Sign. It is sometimes very rare for them to trust and start a family. They go very well with Aries, Taurus and Cancer. Alliances with Gemini are difficult, although if desired, everything is possible.

Regardless of your partner's Zodiac Sign. remember that strong love and strong energy work wonders. And they will certainly keep their loved one close. Don't forget to check out what this week has in store for you. and of course press the buttons and

08.07.2016 06:10

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And strologer Vera Khubelashvili told us which zodiac signs form ideal pairs. Check, maybe you and your sweetheart are on this list?

Before considering which couples among the zodiac signs are the most ideal, it is worth understanding what we mean by this definition. It is no secret that each person has his own life experience and certain views. A love union is a collision of two worlds that have existed independently for a long time. Of course, the attempt to unite them rarely goes without difficulties. We argue, we get offended, we are indignant - in a word, we go through a period of adjustment.

It is quite difficult to imagine a completely flawless relationship that, once started, would not have any negative episodes throughout its course. Of course, this is also possible, but only as an exception. If you know examples of cloudless relationships, then write about such zodiac signs - it is possible that we will talk about them later in this article.

So what do we mean by a perfect couple? This is a combination of zodiac signs that have an astrological predisposition to be together. It is easier for them to see eye to eye, find common interests, overcome difficulties, and fall in love with each other. When we meet such people, we often admire them. It is often said that this match seems to be made in heaven, or that these people must have loved each other in a past life and met in this life to continue their happiness.

Any ideal union is a great success and a godsend, but this does not mean at all that people who find a suitable soul mate will not have to work on themselves or deal with difficulties. In some ways it will, of course, be easier than for most other couples, but relationships are always a contribution, always initiative and attention to each other.

Now we will look at the most successful combinations of zodiac signs, but remember that if you don’t find your option there, it’s okay, because your union will be perfect even without it if you both try for the sake of common happiness.

We often hear that representatives of the Air element combine well in alliances with representatives of the Fire element. And it's true. The pair of Aries and Aquarius is one of the most harmonious and can rightfully be called ideal. Both striving for freedom, new experiences, discoveries and travel, the partners fit each other like pieces of a puzzle. This is more than love - it is also friendship, full of joy, smiles, passion and sincere, cheerful laughter. The ardor of such lovers will not fade over the years; they will never have to think about how to fill their leisure time or how to spend the weekend, since new ideas that are interesting to both of them always appear on the horizon.

This is not just an alliance, but a real raging fire element. Two different kinds of flame merge into one. This is a union overflowing with energy, the enthusiasm and strength of which is felt by all people around. To someone from the outside it may seem that Aries and Sagittarius are just an inseparable pair of friends who are passionate about common interests and, as adults, are childish with each other, but this is a somewhat superficial judgment. In reality, Aries and Sagittarius are simply always on the same wavelength, as they say, absorbed in each other and communicate easily, understanding everything perfectly. Someone may call their union too loud, too bright, almost crazy, but for Aries and Sagittarius it is sweet madness, which only they can share and understand - and no one else.

The relationship between Taurus and Cancer is built very subtly. This is a sensual union, imbued with psychological trends that are elusive to other people. It will be difficult for an outside observer to believe how well these partners feel for each other, how attentive they are to detail, thrifty in relationships and tender. All their friends can say: Cancer and Taurus are a very strong couple in which there are practically no disagreements. Yes, it looks that way, but no one really knows how these people support each other and how touching and romantic their union really is, since their private things are not intended for the eyes of strangers.

This is a very balanced union. If Taurus is a sign that can get along with many, since it can be different, then Virgo is a person of strict rules and unshakable views. This inflexibility of Virgo makes her a rather difficult partner, with whom it is very difficult to find a common language, and even more so to find happiness in marriage. However, Taurus is not only capable of this, but also senses Virgo so well that they are one of the most successfully compatible couples known to astrology. It is quite difficult to explain to an outsider why Virgo and Taurus are so good together. They may seem boring and lacking passion. But this is only because both of them are not used to demonstrating their feelings in public. In reality, their union is a carefully planned, literally measured down to the millimeter, ideal diamond, which sparkles with even facets of passion, love, respect and friendship. In terms of balance, Taurus and Virgo are a perfect match.

These two representatives of the Air element tend to hover high above the earth, so not everyone will be able to get close enough to understand why partners admire each other so much. From the outside it may seem that they have the quietest life, completely devoid of any bright events, expensive acquisitions, long journeys and everything that many people need so much in order to feel happy. By no means, Gemini and Libra do not deny such values ​​and do not renounce them, but they place the psychological aspects of communication and the intelligence of their partner much higher. They are both excellent scholars, they can have lively conversations, plunging deeper and deeper into the most complex topics, the dreams of their partner, as well as the most hidden corners of each other’s consciousness.

And again, representatives of the Air element found themselves on the list of the most ideal couples in the zodiac circle. But the situation here is somewhat different than in the previous case. Gemini and Aquarius find their common interests in the most unconventional aspects of life. They are interested in discovering something new about this world together. Variability and inconstancy can confuse representatives of various zodiac signs, but not these two! All changes for them are just a reason for new discovery, research and acquisition of knowledge. They are not afraid to experiment and strongly support each other in any endeavor. To some, this life will seem chaos, but for Gemini and Aquarius it is a hurricane of emotions, feelings and happiness.

This is a very emotional union. It is literally saturated with life and has its own rapidly beating heart. If you ask someone who knows Cancer and Scorpio whether these two are suitable for each other, he will answer without hesitation that they are not - and he will be mistaken. This is truly a very unusual union. These are two emotional, sensual, deep people, communication with whom is not given to every representative of the opposite sex. And it seems that two such complex personalities will simply torture each other in an alliance, but this never happens. Scorpio takes care of the fragile and vulnerable nature of Cancer, and he, in turn, respects the strong passion of Scorpio. They unite at the deepest levels, which allows them to create a strong and happy union. Sometimes Cancer and Scorpio don’t even need to talk to each other to understand what their partner needs. They just feel good from the very closeness - the feeling that a loved one is nearby.

This is a very remarkable couple. They are not just representatives of the same element of Water. It's something more. People perceive them as a single whole. The husband and wife in such unions become very similar to each other, hold the same opinions on various issues and generally live on the same wavelength. Often, someone you know may, while telling something about one, get confused and mention the other, and in principle it is quite difficult to perceive this pair separately. You will rarely hear about Cancer and Pisces quarreling over disagreement on any issue. The furnishings of their home usually do not contain elements that stand out from the overall harmony. “Soul to soul” is a phrase about Cancer and Pisces. Usually they meet each other at some thematic events and become closer based on common interests. Often the spouses Cancer and Pisces are work colleagues, and even more often they are people of art who are passionate about one thing. Families of artists and musicians are usually created by representatives of these particular zodiac signs.

It is not difficult to notice that many ideal couples consist of zodiac signs of the same element. This is understandable, because these people have a common nature, which means there are more points of contact that bring them closer together. The current version is no exception. Serious passions boil in the union of Leo and Sagittarius. Two types of fires intertwine to form a real fire. They are tightly woven into each other's lives, and it would be fair to compare each spouse to a real battery that feeds the strength and enthusiasm of the other. This pair are friends and accomplices, but not like-minded people. Each of them has their own interests, but both have deep respect for the life and hobbies of their partner. Thanks to this, Leo and Sagittarius will always come to each other’s rescue, help with practical advice, and if necessary, they themselves will make an effort in some important matter for their partner. Their intimate life could become a prototype for a spectacular erotic film, and everyday issues are not at all controversial. Of course, these two strong personalities also face conflicting interests, but this happens much less often than with many others.

This union can surprise. They do not strive to be understood by others, because the main thing is mutual understanding and clarity in relations with their partner. Their relationship may look extravagant, exotic, or even have some mystical connotation. The thing is that Libra and Aquarius are people who are able to get carried away by the most unusual issues, and joint research gives them incomparable pleasure. A family of astrologers, magicians, adventurers, circus performers, climbers - the list goes on, because Aquarius and Libra are unpredictable and will always find some unusual hobby together. But in addition to their interests, they have another connecting quality - both willingly give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in the relationship. They balance forces, smooth out conflicts, try to avoid excessive emotionality, and therefore their hearts beat easily and naturally in unison.

They say about such people that they have a karmic connection. It is difficult to say whether this is always true, but this is exactly the impression that the pair of Pisces and Scorpio gives. It’s as if they were born in order to find each other, and when this happened, they don’t even try to get to know each other better, because it seems that they have known each other all their lives - even more than one. Their relationship goes smoothly, the transition from dating to marriage is almost always natural. It may seem as if all the events in the life of Pisces and Scorpio together have been rehearsed long ago, and are now simply played out in front of the public. Their connection is so deep that often even words are not needed - only intuition is enough to understand what the partner wants. If some of the views of Pisces and Scorpio differ, then they try not to focus on this, preferring to switch to other topics.

We looked at an example of 12 unions that can be said to be made in heaven. The stars favor such couples, but, as mentioned above, you should not think that some other unions cannot be called ideal. The main thing is the desire to become better and find a common language with your partner. We are all capable of this, regardless of what zodiac sign we were born under.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been in a relationship for a long time or just met your soulmate an hour ago. In any case, astrology can be an excellent guide for you in matters of love. By studying the characteristics of the zodiac signs, you will better understand your partner, as well as yourself. And this is important. After all, everyone has their own ideas about love and priorities in relationships, which significantly influence compatibility in a couple. Today we will slightly lift the veil of secrets that the classic zodiac hides, and find out which combinations among its twelve signs are the best, and also what is the secret of their incredible attraction!

Relationships between partners with the same zodiac sign are some of the most successful!

Astrologers are confident that relationships that arise between people with the same zodiac sign are the strongest and most harmonious. They are connected not only by love and passion, but also by a commonality of character and outlook on life.

If your significant other is the same sign as you, you can safely call yourself lucky! After all, your partner is more likely to have the same quirks as you, and is able to understand and accept you faster than representatives of other zodiac signs.

Will people with opposite zodiac signs be happy?

Fate often favors couples with signs located opposite each other in the zodiac circle. The opposition in it is created by:

  • Aries and Libra;
  • Taurus and Scorpio;
  • Gemini and Sagittarius;
  • Cancers and Capricorns;
  • Leo and Aquarius;
  • Virgo and Pisces.

The compatibility of partners with this combination of signs is unlikely to be as harmonious as in the previous case. They are so different that sometimes they are ready to destroy each other! However, your chances for a wonderful romantic relationship are very impressive. After all, signs located on opposite sides of the zodiac circle are capable of not only hating each other, but also complementing each other, like Yin and Yang. In this case, your loved one, like a mirror, will reflect that side of your nature that you did not even suspect!

The combination of fifth zodiac signs from each other has enormous potential!

A successful union can be formed by people whose zodiac signs are fifth relative to each other. Such a pair, for example, can be created by Aries with Virgo or Scorpio, Cancer with Sagittarius or Aquarius, Libra with Pisces or Taurus, etc. The relationship between them is unlikely to be simple, since these signs are completely different in nature. Nevertheless, such people are drawn to each other like a magnet, and their meeting is often called fateful.

There is enormous potential hidden in their unions. The relationship between them becomes an excellent basis for the personal growth of lovers! Although the combination of these signs is quite complex, they can have an incredibly deep level of intimacy. If you decide on such a union, then remember: it has every chance of becoming truly magical if you have met your person!

A union of people of the same element is doomed to happiness!

Whether the relationship will be successful largely depends on what element both partners belong to. There are four of them in the classical zodiac:

  • water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces);
  • air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius);
  • earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn);
  • fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

The most harmonious and close relationships arise, as a rule, between representatives of the same element. Cancer, for example, is more likely to get along with Scorpio or Pisces than with Gemini or Capricorn, and Aries will get along better with Leo or Sagittarius than with other signs.

If you have met a person of your element, you can safely count on a wonderful future. You will never feel so comfortable with anyone else. After all, your partner has the same nature as you and understands you already on a subconscious level. However, no matter how cloudless the union may seem, you will need to make some efforts to maintain passion in it. You need to make sure that you have enough independence in your relationship with your significant other.

Will a combination of third zodiac signs be successful?

The combination of the third zodiac signs from each other will be interesting. These are unions of Pisces with Gemini and Sagittarius, Capricorn with Aries and Libra, Leo with Taurus and Scorpio, etc. Astrologers are convinced that a certain sexual dynamic tension arises between these signs.
Such people often fight and at the same time cannot resist each other. But if they find the strength to cope with the friction and conflicts that periodically arise between them, then they can count on a strong relationship.

How will your relationship develop with a partner with the second zodiac sign from yours?

A combination of zodiac signs second to each other has every chance of becoming successful, for example, Leo with Gemini and Libra, Virgo with Cancer and Scorpio, Sagittarius with Libra and Aquarius. The relationship between them will be light and fresh, somewhat similar to friendship, only seasoned with sexual chemistry.
This will be a heavenly union. However, you will have to work hard so that the spark that once arose does not disappear, and you do not turn into the most ordinary friends.

And who will have a hard time?

It won't be easy for lovers whose signs are next door. According to all the laws of astrology, Sagittarius and Capricorn or Aquarius and Pisces will be forced to make simply titanic efforts to find a common language. Neighboring signs quickly start relationships with each other, but also destroy them just as quickly. They have completely different characters, which becomes the cause of strong conflicts. However, their friction and disputes, according to astrologers, with a successful combination of circumstances could contribute to the creation of a harmonious union in which each partner would grow as an individual. After all, they, in fact, get a chance to learn a lot in this relationship, and at the same time force each other to leave the comfort zone, in which a person is usually kept only by the fear of the new and unknown.

Each specific combination of signs has many features. And their study is like solving a complex but extremely interesting problem. Having studied the zodiac sign of your loved one and your own, astrologers believe, you will better understand the deep processes occurring in your relationships, determine for yourself how to build them further so that they bring only joy into your life. And this puzzle, which you may not have been able to put together for a long time, will form one single and complete picture.

The marriage union should be alien to any publicity; this matter concerns only two people - no one else, Belinsky argued. Even taking into account the fact that times have changed and not every union is a marriage, the thought is still correct. What do the stars say about strong unions? InStyle has chosen combinations of zodiac signs that, when paired together, turn out to be the most reliable.

Pisces and Scorpio

Pisces and Scorpio may have many differences, a lot of their own, personal interests, but they are incredibly drawn towards each other. They may be aware that each of them is full of complexities in their character, but this does not become an obstacle to rapprochement and transformation into one whole. Yes, Scorpios and Pisces, having formed a couple, literally merge and look in the same direction. To a certain extent, this idyll is the merit of Pisces, who can - to a reasonable extent - submit to Scorpio, thus smoothing out all the corners.

Taurus and Cancer

Representatives of these signs, being together, almost never sort things out, but simply live for the joy of each other. Each of them knows how to listen, knows how to hear and is ready to help their partner in everything. Cancer and Taurus form a wonderful, lasting union, which can only be threatened by the excessive focus of one of them on the goal. Yes, in this couple it is better not to have too strong ambitions and bet on personal happiness rather than on a career. If you can’t, then be prepared for difficulties, for the fact that you yourself will worry due to insufficient attention to your soul mate.

Aries and Aquarius

Aries and Aquarius have in common a dislike for violent manifestations of feelings and publicity. They prefer the formula “happiness loves silence.” This is how they exist, rarely going anywhere, narrowing their circle of communication with outsiders to a minimum and choosing to work not in the office, but at home. You can see Aries and Aquarius walking silently in the park. They are capable of remaining silent for hours, but this is not scary. What's the use of words if everything is clear? They just feel good together, and let the rest of the world wait.

Gemini and Aquarius

But here is another option for Aquarius, just the opposite - Gemini. This is exactly the case when opposites, antagonists are attracted to each other. Restrained Aquarius puzzles over the behavior of Gemini, does not understand how one can not think about anything and just live. But then he realizes that he, a reserved and responsible Aquarius, likes this behavior. And I don’t just like it, I really like it—it delights and fascinates. No, they won’t become like that themselves, but when paired with a Gemini, they will discover that they are very good together. And all plans, affairs and deadlines are nonsense, Aquarius will take it upon himself.

Aquarius and Libra

They always maintain mutual interest, and even when the passion passes, a strong feeling of love will remain and remain. The basis of a happy and long relationship is the ability to put up and come to compromise solutions. The Libra in this couple requires more attention, as they cannot stand being alone. Aquarius is able to give his partner everything he has, and really values ​​Libra's reliability. In addition, they often end up having the same hobbies and generally enjoy doing things together without sitting in different corners of the room.

Cancer and Scorpio

They have a lot in common and no less - different. Cancer and Scorpio can differ in all respects, except for the main thing - mutual passion. They are rarely bored with each other, even if they talk about all sorts of nonsense. The problem is that their feelings manifest themselves in waves, and sometimes such a wave can cover them completely, and sometimes they can throw them onto dry land. If you know when to stop, you can get along just fine. It is only important to monitor what is said out loud: sometimes in the heat of passion you can seriously offend your partner.

Sagittarius and Leo

Sagittarius is always looking for something, but Leo inherently chooses stability. In addition, Leo likes to be subordinate, and Sagittarius does not like commands at all. But. Surprisingly, such unions are distinguished by reliability and durability. The recipe here is simple - mutual love and the ability to give in. Moreover, when paired with Sagittarius, the narcissistic Leo will suddenly at some point realize that he has also learned to make compromises. And he will like it, although Leo will not even show that he is ready to agree with anyone.

Sagittarius and Aries

Both want to test life to its limits for the sake of new achievements and victories, but they are only capable of this by relying on their partner. They generate all their resources thanks to each other. Sagittarius and Aries are dreamers, inventors, and they have the sin of turning what they want into reality. But this is not as scary as it might seem: they know how to turn dreams into reality with the help of incredible perseverance. How these people can combine idealism and down-to-earthness is a mystery. However, it can.

Pisces and Cancer

Trembling signs, they perfectly find a common language. And having found each other, they instantly turn into one, while maintaining their individuality. The world for them is something big, tiring and sometimes dangerous. So this couple prefers to live in their own world, where silence, mutual understanding, tenderness and devotion reign. Pisces and Cancers are very vulnerable, but if their other half is threatened by something, they become furious and are able to stand up for themselves and their other half.

Virgo and Taurus

But here is a couple where the leader and follower are perfectly aware of their roles and easily play them. Or rather, they don’t play, and live their lives sincerely, never once feeling deprived or disadvantaged in any way. Virgo and Taurus easily quarrel, easily reconcile, and not only the subordinate Virgo, but also the helmsman Taurus is able to give in. Both signs are big fans of order and averse to chaos; they like to live in comfort and not experience stress. Taurus and Virgo are real hard workers, and persistently build their happiness in every sense. As they say, nice to see.

Libra and Gemini

Two carefree signs who enjoy each other's company. They have unusual interests that occupy their lives completely. Libra and Gemini adore everything new, they like discoveries and surprises. Give them the opportunity to travel and they will spend all their time on the road. They also support each other very well, they don’t really care about order, preferring chaos, unpredictability and emotional and heartfelt impulses. Libra and Gemini are very devoted to each other, and all they need is love and bright impressions. Sitting still is not their story, definitely.

Capricorn and Taurus

These are true friends who, however, will not lose true love for each other over the years. The relationship between Capricorn and Taurus is outwardly very smooth and reserved - these signs are not inclined to show feelings in public. However, even in private, passions rarely flare up between them, and Shakespearean passions are certainly rare. Taurus and Capricorn really value the absence of noise and fuss, and the Italian family model - with breaking plates and melodramatic scenes - does not suit them. They are just happy together, that's all.

Find out whether your relationship will work out or not to avoid a bad ending!

1. Aries and Taurus.

Aries are extremely strong-willed and Taurus are stubborn, so when a problem arises it can be very difficult to solve. Taurus constantly wants to know what stage of the relationship they are at, and this greatly irritates Aries. When breaking up, Aries just wants to leave and forget, while Taurus always demands an explanation.

2. Taurus and Sagittarius.

Taurus prefers to spend time in a calm home environment, while Sagittarius is constantly in need of some kind of adventure. Taurus simply cannot withstand the enormous energy of Sagittarius. And the latter usually do not take everything seriously and have a wealth of relationship experience behind them.

3. Gemini and Capricorn.

This union is a real disaster. Geminis love fun and constant conversation, while Capricorns are extremely hardworking and love to plan every detail of their lives. Capricorns are not characterized by spontaneity, which is very annoying for Gemini.

4. Cancer and Aquarius.

Cancers are more homebodies, while Aquarians are freedom-loving. Cancers need to know and feel that they are loved, so they will be annoyed by Aquarius's tendency to directly point out mistakes and criticize.

5. Leo and Scorpio.

Scorpio will not give Leo the praise and compliments that he so badly needs. Leos consider themselves very beautiful, which does not suit Scorpios, who are usually jealous.

6. Virgo and Sagittarius.

None of them are inclined to serious relationships. Sagittarians are too carefree (according to Virgos) and do not think about how their actions can hurt the feelings of others. When they disappear for several weeks, this is not normal for Virgos.

7. Libra and Virgo.

Virgos tend to criticize Libras, which makes them doubt themselves. Virgos always have to be right, and this gets on their nerves.

8. Scorpio and Aries.

This is a very explosive and tense union, which is good if you are the heroes of a Shakespearean play, but not for real life. Both signs are strong, strong-willed, want to have absolute control and be on top.

9. Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Sagittarius will always reproach Capricorns for not giving them enough freedom to have fun. In addition, there is little sexual attraction between these signs.

10. Pisces and Virgo.

Pisces is the most dreamy and sensual sign of the Zodiac, while Virgo is very practical and down to earth. Yes, opposites attract, but in your case it's a conflict of interest. Pisces, don't completely get rid of the Virgos in your life because you could have great long-lasting friendships.

11. Aquarius and Taurus.

These signs cannot have normal communication. Taurus will be stubborn and stand his ground, which will only push Aquarius away. Aquarians are so bohemian and quirky, while Taurus are more materialistic and conservative.

12. Gemini and Cancer.

This union can work if both have a good sense of humor. Geminis love communication and relaxation, while Cancers love staying at home, but if you show a little more patience and forbearance, everything can work out. This is not the worst option, but it has its own nuances.
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