Scenario of a financial fairy tale. How to hold a corporate event on Financier Day

A long time ago (or just recently) in this world there lived rich and intelligent banker kings, beautiful princesses - bank accountants and analysts, strict stargazers - auditors and consultants, scary (only at first glance) steppe nomads - inspectors from the Central Bank and cheerful troubadours - archers from the information technology department. // Konstantin Nikolaevich Markelov, Director of the Customer Service Department at OTR, Expert ARB. "Banks and Technologies" No. 4, 2003

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...
(all name matches are random)

A long time ago (or just recently) in this world there lived rich and intelligent banker kings, beautiful princesses - bank accountants and analysts, strict stargazers - auditors and consultants, scary (only at first glance) steppe nomads - inspectors from the Central Bank and cheerful troubadours - archers from the information technology department.

From time to time, terrible inspectors made inspection trips to the banking state, and only the princesses - mistresses and archers with troubadours accompanied them on the trip and fulfilled all their desires, thereby saving the wealth of the kingdom from fines, sanctions and plunder. Therefore, the banking people learned to adapt to scheduled inspections, and they no longer bothered the king. But in order to protect the borders of the kingdom from random attacks by nomadic inspectors, the king decided to invite world-famous foreign stargazers-auditors, who could check the bins and arsenals once or twice a year, carefully describing what they saw and counted, and give the king a special receipt - auditor's report. Even written on the most expensive paper in the kingdom, this audit report was valued much more than the paper on which it was written, sometimes more than gold. That is why overseas astrologers received countless riches for their work.

The spoiled stargazers, accustomed in their Inozem region to seeing all the data for their audit directly on the computers of the kingdom, wanted to receive the same in our Russian Bank - the state. Chroniclers of that time, and indeed the banking people themselves, often called networks of such computers with the words Automated Banking System (ABS), and in the most ancient times - with the words Bank Operations Day (ODB). But not every ABS could prepare the audit reports the stargazers needed, and here, as always, beautiful princesses - analysts and cheerful troubadours - programmers came to the aid of foreigners. But if the princesses sang sweet songs to the stargazers, the troubadours created and configured a reporting subsystem next to their native, “state” ABS. The king himself wrote about this in his early banking decree:

Visit us for the annual report
A new stargazer has arrived,
Foreign auditor
To gain honor for us.

And the accountant is a princess
The troubadour waits and waits,
To set up Em-S-F-O,
Ali do a recalculation...

Sometimes a wise foreign astrologer asked to change the ABS in the Bank so that it would be more convenient for him to work. And for the convenience of his future work, he promised to take a smaller bribe for his conclusions in the future. However, the troubadour and the princesses persuaded their king not to change the familiar, dear ABS, and promised through the troubadour’s lips to set up all reports using some spells (that is, scripts, selects and requests) of the Oracle and a special either “Crystal Ball” or “Crystal rap O mouth." And then the desperate troubadour - a programmer - got to work, and sat next to him two princesses: an accountant and an analyst, who helped him in this.

Be that as it may, but with the help of the spells of the Oracle, the Crystal Rep O mouth" and some converters there, the troubadour and the princesses set up all the required audit forms for the astrologer. And the overseas astrologer received his tight bag of gold coins, wrote a conclusion for the king in foreign and Russian languages, and left home with good things until next year. But neither the king, nor his princesses, nor even the troubadour had any idea that next year the wise astrologer-auditor would ask for other forms and reports to be submitted under his bright eyes...

And since the troubadours’ work and astrologer’s conclusion later helped more than once to recapture the kingdom from unscheduled raids of steppe nomads, the troubadour was presented with an order with a ribbon and a military rank of archer. True, then all the torments and hardships fell on him, which honest people had heard about from the famous fairy tale by Leonid Filatov “About Fedot the Archer...”

... For a long time, for a short time, but the king and his entourage began to notice that the budget in their kingdom was not always in perfect order: either one branch would use all the liquidity for risky loans, then another would run into such expenses that it required reinforcement of cash. . And deposits in various appanage principalities and provinces were not always coordinated with the royal treasury.

And the sovereign saw that the stargazer forms were not suitable for governing such a large country, and realized that it was time to study another foreign science called budgeting and planning of financial flows, and then control budgets. I tried to carry it out on paper with clerks, but I soon saw that this was a long, dreary, clumsy task, and while one clerk was putting together all the numbers from one petition to another, all the standards had already changed, and liquidity was creeping up, and it was already time collection of new petitions is coming.

Then the king remembered about magical information technologies, which had more than once saved the kingdom from inevitable decline and from everyday routine. He then ordered to call the archer - the troubadour, and gave him such an assignment in his new decree:

Get a carpet by morning -
Gold embroidered pattern!..
About return on capital
So that the program knows

So that it can be seen
Like on the map, the whole country,

To see all income,
The entire margin is as if for selection,
Branch budgets,
Deposits are fully collected.

State business -
Hurt yourself, but be kind!

After receiving such an assignment, our Sagittarius set out to study new sciences, and if it were not for the help of both royal princesses (the accountant, the analyst), he would never have completed that royal task. I got hold of demo versions of all sorts of foreign software packages, and our Russian ones also found suitable ones. The princesses looked, pondered, made their decision and came to the king with an estimate. The king waved, almost without looking, only furrowed his eyebrows and said: “Well, now look at me!” Since then, they have been managing their budgets in some kind of program: either “Cube-Contour” or “Hyperborea-Pilar”. It’s just that internal bills have to be entered twice by hand, fortunately the palace girls have written down this regulation on double entry of internal bills in their official instructions. But somehow we adapted, but now everything has improved with budgets and planning of internal expenses.

Only the kingdom did not live in peace for long... Trouble came from where they did not expect it... Troubles arose, both from the distant outskirts and from the capital's nobles, who worked day and night for the royal treasury, and sent their orders to the king every day. Moreover, the border boyars, who bring high income to the treasury, wanted to see their money coming from beyond the cordon at the same hour as they crossed the cordon. Moreover, the townspeople did not want to personally carry the subsistence rent to the state house: since one of the townspeople has money in the treasury, let the clerks write it off to pay quitrents, taxes and duties.

Both the chief okolnichy boyar and the envoy of the townspeople told the sovereign about that turmoil. They also showed the king two outlandish things: one - through which, through computer electricity, you can send mail, conduct conversations, and look at the riches of the world; and the second - so that you can talk on the phone completely without wires. True, those boyars and the townsman's envoy did not know then that the sovereign had a second wonder - a mobile phone - for a long time, only the king used it to communicate only with neighboring kingdoms or with astrologers, and even then rarely... But so that this curiosity could be used in money It was possible to manage the treasury, the king didn’t know before, he didn’t know... There was nothing to do, the king prepared a new banking decree for the troubadour - the archer:

Get ready, brother, let's go
Get software for the Bank -
So that the boyar from the Internet
I found out that there was no money.
To pay rent for an apartment
I could deposit via mobile phone.

Come on, throw off the blues and laziness
And - on the road this very day!

But here the archer did not need to go far and wide, because... Russian left-handed craftsmen have long since forged a flea and made such software for the world's best browsers. All that remained was to choose the best and configure the converters. But our Sagittarius troubadour is no stranger to this. And he also coped with this matter, even without the help of the royal princesses.

True, these same “mobile payments” did not always immediately fall into the payment net position. Yes, this was not the biggest problem: on top of everything else, the bookkeeper dear and close to the princess’s heart (but hopelessly aging!!!) ABS required daily care, i.e. routine work on closing the operating day, automatic transfer of balances, revaluation of currency positions, and certainly did not want to work in a non-stop “24 x 7” mode.

Our archer, the troubadour, worked hard in his righteous labors and overtime, even for the annual all-cosmic (i.e., held in the Moscow Cosmos Hotel) Forum, he could not leave - together with both princesses he compiled the balance sheets of the branches with the 101st form Yes, he formed regulations for correcting the branch’s balance sheets. And they worked day and night and prepared a petition to the Tsar with a request and a draft decree to switch to centralized processing of all sovereign banking information, and for the branches to become either branches or additional offices. But in such a way that the administrative managers remain masters, and that the entire royal treasury is visible to the sovereign, and not the next day, but for today.

And while they were preparing the royal decree, the sovereign himself visited this smart cosmic Forum, listened to everything cunning and sophisticated: about centralization, and about some kind of data storage, and about the fact that he should have the most important royal strategy in his kingdom, and in full agreement with it - the IT strategy. And I learned many more new words... But the sovereign did not immediately understand from the words what kind of animals they were: royal strategy and especially IT strategy. I just realized that without wise advice, even with all his princesses and archers, he could not cope with this important matter... After the Forum, the sovereign went to his chambers and composed another decree for the archer, which the court clerk wrote down and passed on to us:

Find out how to get me some
That-FAQ-Cannot be!
Write down your names
So as not to forget in a hurry:

So that the data storage
For CRM customers,
Management accounting
Plus OLAP calculation.

So that you can immediately see online
where is the expense and where is the income;
So that all centralization
Brought solid income!

If you don’t complete it by morning -
I'll grind you to powder.
Don't talk and don't argue,
Go ahead and provide it.


Corporate party for employees of branch No. 4 of OJSC Bank Zenit,

dedicated to the anniversary of the opening


Before the start of a corporate party, a violin sounds in the hall.
The host introduces the guests, seating them at tables.
Violin melodies sound until the banquet participants take their places at the tables.


Let me welcome you to the hall
Employees of Zenit Bank!
You live up to the name -
Kuzbass is talking about you!

Zenith on the celestial sphere -
The highest point!
How do you feel in such an atmosphere?
Were you heard by the Almighty?

God does not accept "matter"
It's more about the spiritual.
You have been creating a “mystery” for a year
According to all Russian laws!

The "mystery" of the money supply
Your bank does such a great job,
That all the bankers of Kuzbass
We agree to take your example!

Clients - trade, miners
They trust you unquestioningly!
You are "money directors"
Your way of working is conventional.

Zenith is the guiding target,
Financial vector spheres.
Over to the manager now!

There is a congratulation and a toast from the bank manager I.N. Peters.

Any power comes from the authorities!
You know yourself with what constancy
Kudrin himself is helping Kuzbass in Moscow,
Working class banking!
Kudrin is cruel by nature!
With him even in the Kremlin complex structure
They count! - He is a famous person!
The personal factor comes first!

Zenit Bank is independent - that’s what makes us strong!
Time dictates - finances are important!
Words of congratulations from the Moscow authorities!
Zenit Bank welcomes honored guests!
Representative of the Moscow bank "Zenit" (full name)

There is a congratulation and toast from the Moscow guest.

HOST. In your honor - “Song about Moscow”


Only with Siberia is Russia powerful!
Yes, Lomonosov foresaw better!
This is necessary! — From afar
He saw the Zenit bank for centuries!
What kind of imagination do you need to have -
The banking system is connected to the network!

All financiers are busy with work!
Zenit - 26 bank employees.
Principled, honest, noble!
In fact, they are folk heroes!

Genius - Frenchman Alexandre Dumas
I have written volumes about people like this!
Filippov, Tovtes, Novoseletskaya -
“The Three Musketeers,” aptly noted!
We will add Siberian “charm” to the novel,
Among the musketeers, excuse me, are ladies!

And Oleg Gerasimov - D, Artagnan?!
Now we will quickly correct the “flaw”!
We ask everyone named to come out here!
An oath on swords for you, gentlemen!


  • Deputy Manager of Zenit Bank OLGA VIKTOROVNA NOVOSELETSKAYA!
  • Deputy Manager of Zenit Bank OLEG GENNADIEVICH GERASIMOV!
  • Head of the bank's credit department GALINA DMITRIEVNA TOVTES!
The presenter distributes swords to those named who came to the middle of the hall. She offers to connect their swords at one point and repeat the oath after her!

We ask all true financiers to rise for a solemn oath!

All guests stand at the request of the Host.

I, an employee of the Russian banking system, in front of my comrades, solemnly swear...
Warmly and heartily love your budget to the last figure.
Ensure savings, other than personal ones.
Live and work as bequeathed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
Financier! In the fight for the state budget, be prepared!

A toast from the "musketeers" follows “One for all and all for one!”


Dear sirs, now I invite you to plunge into the magical world of finance. And since real experts in this art have gathered in our hall, we will now hold a blitz tournament.

To conduct this blitz, as a referee, I will ask the chief accountant of the bank, OLGA IVANOVNA URZHUMOVA, to come here.

Olga Ivanovna, I am presenting you with a “blitz tournament” test sheet to test your knowledge of the history of the development of financial affairs in Russia.

Each table in our hall will be asked a question, which must be answered by choosing the correct option. For the correct answer, the teams at the tables receive chips. In case of an incorrect answer, other representatives of our party, that is, other tables, can give an answer and receive an additional chip. So let's begin.

1. What document proclaimed the creation of the Ministry of Finance of Russia?
(Correct answers are underlined.)

  1. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation,
  2. budget code of the Russian Federation,
  3. by decree of Peter the Great,
  4. manifesto of Emperor Alexander I.(correct answer)
2. What was the annual salary of the Russian Minister of Finance in 1915?
  1. 243 rubles 90 kopecks,
  2. 50 thousand gold,(correct answer)
  3. 25 thousand silver,
  4. 500 thousand rubles.
3. When was income tax introduced in Russia?
  1. After the October Revolution,
  2. after the Tatar-Mongolian name,
  3. after the rain on Thursday,
  4. after the abolition of serfdom.(correct answer)
4. The first Minister of Finance was appointed:
  1. Kudrin Alexei Leonidovich,
  2. Peter I,
  3. Vasiliev Alexey Ivanovich,(correct answer)
  4. Pashchenko Stanislav Sergeevich.
5. Minister of Finance Sergei Yulievich Witte achieved convertibility:
  1. ruble,(correct answer)
  2. dollar,
  3. yuan,
  4. pound sterling.
6. To cover the budget deficit in 1809 for the first time:
  1. domestic government loan was issued,(correct answer)
  2. expenses are sequestered,
  3. new taxes have been introduced
  4. Alaska sold.
7. Which of the following departments has not been included in financial management since 1821:
  1. Finance,
  2. Kunstkamera,(correct answer)
  3. treasury,
  4. audit board.
8. How many ministries were approved by the manifesto of Emperor Alexander the First of September 8, 1802?
  1. 25 ,(correct answer)
9. The first financial work created by Adam Smith is called:
  1. "About the wealth of factories"
  2. "The rich cry too"
  3. "On the Wealth of Nations",(correct answer)
  4. "Capital".
10. Finish the favorite phrase of Ivan Nikolaevich Peters, which is still relevant today: “Finance only flourishes where...”:
  1. industry is thriving,(correct answer)
  2. crime is rampant
  3. sing romances,
  4. Apple and pear trees are blooming.
11. Name the responsibilities that were not within the competence of the Minister of Finance of Russia in 1802:
  1. state revenue management,
  2. financing government expenses,
  3. maintenance of the imperial family,(correct answer)
  4. control over the direction of government spending.
12. What was the most pressing problem faced by the first finance ministers of Russia?
  1. Excess of revenues over state budget expenditures,
  2. state budget deficit,(correct answer)
  3. external debt,
  4. maintenance of the imperial family
It feels like experts in their field have gathered here and any question for you is like nuts for a squirrel. Especially well done...Olga Ivanovna, I ask you to mention the most outstanding experts in the history of your bank.

(The referee names those who quickly and correctly answered all the questions and awards them with prizes.)

Let's support each other with the applause we all deserve.

Olga Ivanovna, I will ask you to call here your deputy - IRINA GENNADIEVNA PATRUSHEVA.

Now the blitz tournament is for you personally, so that those present do not have a question: “Who are the judges?”

Let me hand you two piggy banks and I will ask you in three minutes collect “money to the account” from party guests.
Make those present fill up your piggy banks in no time! Let them shake your pockets and help you cope with the task!

A 3-minute musical tempo performed by a violinist plays. Participants in the gaming block “collect money for their bills.”

...3 minutes are up. Dear accountants, demonstrate the sound of money! Your piggy banks sound like Mexican maracas! Great!

Let's shout a well-deserved "Hurray!"
To your excellent accountants!
Perform with skill and dexterity
Zenit's budget with clever brains!

And now, two trays for the participants of the “blitz tournament”!

In three minutes "withdraw money from accounts"! And your comrades will count which of you coped with the task more successfully!
To count the “money in the accounts,” I will ask the employees of the ACS of Zenit Bank, YULIA ALEXANDROVNA LATYSHEVA and SERGEY ANATOLIEVICH VASICHENKO, to come here.

Accountants shake out money from piggy banks, and programmers calculate “revenue”.

Where there is a computer, where there are programmers,
Everywhere you come across a frantic idea!
They are not dummies, they clearly think!
Virtual worlds are open to everyone!

What a miracle, what happiness:
The computer will not let you get lost in bad weather!
ACS programmers are like “pages” at the “court”!
ACS is cool, even in our game!

Attention, the lady managed to collect more money - ( first name, patronymic) The piggy bank is rightfully yours, and the consolation prize for the lady is ( first name, patronymic)

Chocolates to ACS workers for their help!

Musical warm-up! Everybody dance!!!

Musical break. At this time, the Presenter hands out cards with the words of a financier, lawyer, doctor, prosecutor, etc.


The musical break is over. Please everyone to the hall!

The time has come to get acquainted with the manager’s profile, as they say, “to people with an open visor,” like a knight.” Ivan Nikolaevich, are you ready for such an experiment? Our party is corporate, everyone is here! So - and that's all about him!



(summarizing intermediate results on the path of life)

IVAN NIKOLAEVICH PETERS, - a man - a “mastodon”, of conscious age, great growth, within the normal limits of fatness, who is in the prime of his unfading strength; over the past years from 1973 to 2003, we summarize his social significance.

1 JOB.
Left for work in the morning - 7688 times, came to work in the morning - 6076 times.
Constantly counted money both in his pocket and in someone else’s - 4868 ra h.
I was late from lunch - 4216 times, was not late from lunch - 279 times.
Had lunch at work and fell asleep there - 365 days (1 year).
Listed on the cash register - 360 ra h.
The salary was given - 279 times, of which 71 times- not to him.
Received salary by his own order, in accordance with the law - 93 times.
I brought my salary home - almost all of it - 3 times.
On a bet, he remembers the names and phone numbers of all the bank's clients, he won the bet - 34 times!
The management knows and remembers by sight, and “playfully” compiles photo-robots. At the request of law enforcement agencies - 5 times.
I had a fight with my boss - 945 times. Among them: he was scolded by his superiors - 914 times, and Ivan Nikolaevich scolded his superiors - 27 times (this is about once a year) Moreover, once while fishing, Ivan Nikolaevich pulled out a large bream, which was twitching and would not be given into his hands, and asked a question to a superior officer: “Listen, how can I finish him off?”. The boss, whose bite was not going well, advised out of frustration: “And you drown him!”

Carefully selected expressions in defining the content of the media - 218 times, did not choose expressions, having familiarized himself with the contents of the “yellow press” - 348 times.

As a knowledgeable and “savvy” leader, and as an avid fisherman, he “cussed out” those “journalists” who trump with the expression - "on fish fur", without knowing the root of this issue.
Ivan Nikolaevich, the owner of a phenomenal memory, could give them a lecture about how Amur region for this expression the fishermen "they hit you in the face", because the material for shoes there is fish skin - “lenka”, “chum salmon”, “muksuna”. For work clothes - "soma", for festive - "carp". And as an inquisitive tourist, he got acquainted with North of Brazil with production - they produce there one hundred and fifty thousand pairs of shoes per year made of fish skin, which has no complaints.

The Russian people are lazy! "Living Silver" under your feet, file a patent and "row with a shovel"! More precisely, quit "donku" or seine!

Hammered a nail - 31 times.
Washed the dishes - 315 times.
Built a dacha - 1 time.
Did renovations in the apartment - 15 times.
He scolded everyone who could not help him with this - 17459 times.
I puzzled my wife with one riddle for the rest of my life: “I won’t throw a stick, I won’t kill a jackdaw, I won’t pluck feathers, I won’t eat meat.”1 time.

She still hasn’t guessed what kind of “stick” her husband meant? Which of her Jackdaw friends is he going to kill? From what CUR Is he going to pluck feathers if all the chickens in the store are “naked”? And to the threat - “I won’t eat meat” began to feed him only porridge, without even bothering to find the answer to the riddle, which dealt with FISH.

At the turn of the century, on New Year’s Eve, I made 3 wishes to Santa Claus: “The first wish is a bucket of worms, the second wish is for a good bite!”

Santa Claus widened his eyes: “Why do you need this?!”. Ivan Nikolaevich responded: “But when I catch a hundred goldfish, then I’ll show off at such an “old fool” like you!”

Watching TV with a mug of tea – 2531 times.
Invasion of guests - 3658 times.
I cursed my beloved dog with stupidity - 100 times, master - 140 times.
Gave instructions to children - 1460 times, to which they did not react - 500 times.
I went to the bathhouse with friends - 1488 times, returned from there “tipsy” - 788 times.
“Rematerialized” the surrounding places during fishing and hunting – 9676 times, comparing your achievements on a global scale and comparing them with losses. But the principle “Either eat the fish, or run aground!” always faithful.

I built my relationship with the Almighty on the question: “Most Holy Mother of God, why can’t you catch fish?”464 times. I received an answer from heaven: “Either the net is bad, or she’s not here.” — 1 time.

Sent in hearts "27 Congresses of the CPSU" in a known direction along “erotic” track – 27 times, after which the entire CPSU party "covered myself in that place", which was indicated by Ivan Nikolaevich.

Without being shy about “strong expressions”, "wing" the high standard of living of Germans in Germany342 times, comparing this level with the Siberian one; after which The Berlin Wall collapsed and the Germans of the GDR are trying in vain to remember those "code words" which he pronounced "Herr Peters", since their standard of living immediately compared with that of Siberia.

They laid out the scientific basis that "obscene" Russian language indicates the exact direction and has a material basis. The Chancellor of Germany intends to invite Ivan Nikolaevich as an expert to a scientific and practical conference.

Voted in the elections - 15 times, chose his candidate - 1 time.
Changed job - 4 times.
Improved qualifications - 6 times, and improved his qualifications - 1 time.
Watched series on TV - 784 episodes, from them I learned two concepts - "hacienda" and "slave Isaura" in relation to his wife.

I worked until I worked up a sweat, and rested until I worked up - 9855 days (27 years)
Regularly followed an irregular lifestyle. – 9490 days (26 years)
Eating food that is absolutely contraindicated for him - 8743 times. (but in general he is an omnivore, he eats everything)
I went on vacation - 21 times, returned from there alone - 21 times.

Now he is going on vacation to the USA, where a famous beer company has released 40 reservoirs of the country 40 tagged fish for promotional purposes. It is promised to pay 1,000 “bucks” for catching a fish, and a whole million for one marked in a special way. But we would like to note that Ivan Nikolaevich is driven not by a sense of profit, but by purely sporting interest.
Raised independently acquired children - 9125 days.

Sometimes he denied himself alcohol, which was very harmful to his body! But basically I adhered to the main rule: “If you drink yourself, help a friend!”
I took hospitality as a basis - 1 time and forever under the motto: “We’ll drink the accordion, but we won’t disgrace the fleet!”

TOTAL: for the reporting period of joys - 50% , troubles - 50%.

We see from the report that life did not break this strong Man and was not in vain for him! “For a fisherman, no matter the rain, no matter the cold, he can still cope with it!” with this slogan he reached his threshold of maturity! And it looks! And it feels great! He is!
And for a long time he will eat, eat, eat... Many summers, summers, summers to him!... And winters!

A toast to the leader!


Yes, financiers know a lot, and who, if not financiers, has an idea about the budget? I think it’s time for us to find out what a budget is.
During the break, I gave you cards that indicate your role function in the new game “Budget”.

Main " FINANCEIST“It’s just a matter of duty to be - OLGA VLADIMIROVNA PECHERSKAYA - exercising financial control in the bank.

Hereby " PROFESSOR“We will have OKSANA GENNADIEVNA BARANOVA – head of the settlement and operations department.

Role function " DOCTOR“went to ELENA PETROVNA KHUKHLAEVA – leading economist of the accounting and operational department.

Role " ENGINEER» received - EVGENIYA BORISOVNA SHAHUROVA - leading economist of the bank. We kindly ask you to play along with us.

Role " ACTRESSES» given to OLGA VITALIEVNA VASYUTINA, chief economist of the lending department.

Role " PROSECUTOR» by right yours - VASILY ANDREEVICH GARCHENKO - head of the bank’s economic security department.

Role " LAWYER”respectively - to the lawyer of the economic security department - EVGENY VLADIMIROVICH BEREZOVIKOV.

Role " DEPUTY» — KONSTANTIN GENNADIEVICH SAMOILOV – leading economist of the lending department.

And in the role " HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION", why not? We ask IVAN NIKOLAEVICH PETERS to stay for a few seconds, no one else can take on such a role.

An unusual company had a budget dispute. Our audience was noisy. And then it rises FINANCIER" and says...

The one with the financier card stands up and reads the words out loud. Then representatives of other specialties read their words in the same way.

Financier. Budget is a disease that only a true financier can get.

HOST. Suddenly an indignant “DOCTOR” stands up and says...

Doctor. What kind of disease is this if it takes so much effort? This is work!

HOST. “ENGINEER” rises from another table and says menacingly...

Engineer. What kind of work is this if nothing is produced, but accumulated. It's a process!
HOST. And then the “PROSECUTOR” stands up and says...

Prosecutor. What kind of process is this, if some finance others, it’s a bribe!

HOST. Hearing this, “LAWYER” jumps up from the table and says...

Advocate. What kind of bribe is it if both parties are satisfied? This is art!

HOST. And then the graceful, well-known “ACTRESS” rises and says...

Actress. What kind of art is it if there are no spectators? It must be science!

HOST. Coughing and swaying, the “PROFESSOR” stands up and says...

Professor. What kind of science is this if any deputy can do what I cannot! This is a deal!

HOST. The “DEPUTY” stands up abruptly, waving his arms, shouting loudly...

Deputy. What kind of a deal is this if you ask for more and they give less? This is a robbery!

HOST. Quietly and confidently the “HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION” rises and declares...

Head of Administration. What kind of robbery is this? They would shout: "Guard 1", otherwise - "Come on, come on!"

HOST. And now to everyone who knows what a “BUDGET” is, our applause!

We are pleased to repeat to the people,
Making friends with banks is in vogue these days!
What fantastic monitoring!
Together with Zenit we are making history!

The capital of an enterprise is people!
It has always been so, so it is and so it will be!
Your people strive to be first!
They waste their energy, they waste their nerves!

Sometimes they risk their health,
But they don’t change their life for another!
Bankers of today are a phenomenon!
Congratulations to you today!

Having checked everything against the budgetary basis,
You will “cut” by “measuring” seven times,
We trust you with everything here too!
“Cut” toast without measuring!!!


We are holding a blitz - a toast tournament! If anyone doesn’t have toast in their pocket, we’ve given you “spare” ones! Did you find any cheat sheets? Attention!

The referee of this blitz is OLGA NIKOLAEVNA BYDANTSEVA and TATIANA BORISOVNA GAVRISH - the currency department of the bank.

Your task is to listen to all the toasts that will be heard from each table, and having determined the best one, call on the guests to drink to this toast.

Toasters, stand up! Let's start!

There is a blitz - a tournament of toasts. (application)

Now, with a new approach to work,
You will not avoid the topic of finance.
Banks are powerful and strong!
All businesses are in love with you!
You will calculate, you will correct,
You will help, lend your shoulders.
Everyone has been associated with banks for many years!
Your work brings income!
We work together, we know for sure -
Kuzbass is thriving from shared love!


Get some rest! Dance - music break!


I call the reception secretary, VICTORIA VASILIEVNA KOPEYKINA, to our improvised stage area. Ivan Nikolaevich, you even select employees with “money names”!

Victoria Vasilievna, have you read Pushkin lately? At least within the scope of the school curriculum?
You will now read lines from Pushkin’s famous poem “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree,” and I will comment on each line in the dry language of a financial and economic report! Here's a sheet for you so you don't get confused. Let's start!

There is an episode - the game “Reading Pushkin” (application)

Victoria Vasilievna, great! This chocolate is rightfully yours!

It's time for the artists to look for a replacement!
We invite cashiers to the stage!
You are carrying a heavy burden of worries!
But the bank is without you and without your work
With the “money supply” he will get bogged down in business,
He will lose control and collapse will come!


The game for you is “HAPPY WELL”!

A glass is placed in a three-liter jar. The jar is filled with water to the top. Cashiers throw coins into the jar, trying to get into the glass. It all depends on skill. The one who misses the glass receives a consolation prize. The one who won gets all the money from the bank and an incentive prize.

Financiers love to sing
They love to sing and their finances.
Are you ditties or rap,
And they are their own romances.

Presenter. Since you can't live without money
You can write a song about them.
And instantly at everyone at the table
We sing loudly about the money supply.
Just don't repeat yourself,
Don't be afraid of foreign songs either.

I appoint ALEXEY IVANOVICH GORLOV as conductor
You are a very honest and sober driver,
At this holiday you are a sober spectator!
Peters' life often depends on you,
You are clean and independent!

There are a lot of decent people
But you are familiar with any road!
Happy travels to the banker and to you!
Share the road with him in half!
Take driver Dima to help!
You often need help!
Let him conduct and wave his arms!
And you can judge the singers yourself!

DIMA, Alexey Ivanovich invites you to the stage!

Yes, friends, you sang well,
We could barely sit still.
Simply wonderful! Just great!
Let's all go to the Caucasus to sing!!!

Toasts, congratulations, dance program continue

Appendix: "Reading Pushkin"

She. Lukomorye has a green oak...
He. Land plots and perennial plantings...
She. Golden chain on an oak tree...
He. Long-term investment in perennial plantings...
She. Day and night, the cat is a scientist...
He. Animals for fattening and maintenance...
She. Everything goes round and round in a chain...
He. Movement of working capital...
She. He goes to the right - the song starts...
He. Double entry bookkeeping...
She. To the left - he tells a fairy tale...
He. Providing financial statements to the tax office...
She. There are miracles...
He. Profit...
She. There's a devil wandering around there...
He. Tax inspector...
She. A mermaid sits on the branches...
He. Chief accountant...
She. There, on unknown paths...
He. Road maintenance tax...
She. Traces of unprecedented animals...
He. Police maintenance tax....
She. There's a hut there, on chicken legs...
He. Buildings and structures...
She. It stands without windows, without doors...
He. Unfinished construction...
She. There, Tsar Koschey is wasting away over gold...
He. Chairman of the Board of the Bank...
She. There's a Russian spirit there...
He. Losses...
She. It smells like Russia...
He. Past losses...
She. And yet we wish you more miracles in life...
He. Profits...
She. Fewer Russian perfumes...
He. Losses....
She. And so that the goblin wanders away from your hut...
He. You understand us...

Application: “TOAST” (blitz tournament)

Dear guests, priceless hero of the day! Now I will exercise my right to host the evening and take the initiative into my own hands.

For all guests, we are holding a blitz tournament for the most specific and short toast, based on the truth “Brevity is the sister of talent.” Sergey Alexandrovich, you will be our chief referee!

Talented people, go for it!

(Suggested toasts)

1. “There is wisdom in wine, strength in beer, and microbes in water!” - Sergey Alexandrovich, don’t drink the water!

2. “Goodbye, reason!” See you tomorrow! - Sergey Alexandrovich, let's drink to fun without control!

3. “There was a simple potato - it became golden, there were simple mushrooms - it became golden, there was a simple fish - it became golden...” - Sergey Alexandrovich, save the vodka!

4. “Everyone must believe in something - for example, I believe that I will have one more drink.” - Sergey Alexandrovich, support me!

5. “The son of man was created from dust, and to dust he will return.” Why, then, should we not drink in between? Regarding the Anniversary, for example... - Sergey Alexandrovich, you need to drink to the joy of being!

6. “Dark beer is better than a bright future!” - Sergey Alexandrovich, let's drink here and now to momentary joy!

7. “In what other country is alcohol stored in armored safes, and the “nuclear button” is stored in a plastic suitcase?” — Dear Hero of the Day, let's drink to Russia!

8. “You need to drink to the extent of your physical capabilities, not your financial ones.” — Sergei Alexandrovich, let’s drink to ensure that our financial capabilities coincide with our physical ones!

9. “A real man in his life must build a wife, grow a belly and plant a liver” - Sergey Alexandrovich, let's drink to real men!

10. “Let’s hit alcoholism with drunkenness!” For in Russia the cup of patience is measured in glasses! - Sergei Alexandrovich, let's drink to the patience of the Russian people!

11. Sergey Alexandrovich! Support my toast: “You have to live in such a way that you want more!” For life!

12. Dear ladies! Believe that we sincerely admire you! But today you have surpassed yourself - you are becoming more and more beautiful with every glass! - Let's drink to real men's insight!

13. Dear hero of the day! “Drinking to someone else’s health while losing your own is so selfless!” But let me offer you a toast: “To the health of everyone present!”

14. “A pessimist asks the question, “How many years do I have left to live?” - TO THE CUCKOO, and the optimist - TO THE WOODPECKER.” Our Anniversary is 35 years old! “Sergey Aleksandrovich, may the only thing you meet in every forest on your further path are woodpeckers!!”

Appendix: "Drinking company"

Test game for guests

Name what you drink
If you suddenly invite guests,
I'll tell you a secret
Who will you be at this time?

Guests name their favorite drink, quatrains are read to them, you can use quatrains as riddles, the answers are pronounced by all guests in chorus.

Always busy, love risks,
And in the company - an artist.
And besides, he’s a favorite of the ladies,
It's a pity that you drink alone " Agdam»!

You are a man anywhere,
Always surrounded by friends.
And you like to party beautifully:
Eat fish, drink " beer»!

By manners you are a gentleman,
You want changes in life.
Don't drink alone and on an empty stomach
Five star " cognac»!

It's like you're not a sailor,
In life, a genuine good-natured man,
There is a sense of proportion despite
If you savor it with a thimble" rum»!

You are brave and passionate,
The way of thinking is non-standard,
But you lead a bourgeois life
And you drink one champagne»!

You are Russian from head to toe,
And for your friends - a godsend!
Of course, you eat everything,
And of course you only drink “ vodka»!

Witty, a sea of ​​gloss,
They say that you belong on the board
And good from all sides,
Even if you love it clean" moonshine»!

You're so original
You like to solve everything in detail!
You're the only one
You drink a little, but only “ gin»!

You are cheerful, cute,
And always ready to flirt!
The body is very harmonious,
You just drink all the time" alcohol»!

You'll probably become famous
Do you want to be like Alain Delon?
Be brave and broad-shouldered,
But don't drink" cologne»!

Business, sports, important,
Interesting and impressive...
It's a pity that you and your "pussies"
You drink a lot " whiskey»!

You are stately, handsome and modest,
Everyone understands it without difficulty,
You're old-fashioned at times
And your drink" water»!

You are a romantic with an abyss of taste
No matter how far you are from Jesus,
But his soul is high,
You don’t love wine, but “ juice»!

You are good, sweet, smart,
You don’t like noisy evenings,
On holiday you always drink one thing
Only red " wine»!

The winners are honored and presented with medals
“The Greatest Gourmet”, “Taster of the 21st Century”, “Golden Measure”.


The time has come to introduce you, dear viewers, to those creative individuals who, through incredible efforts, realized their dream and presented a musical concert to your judgment.

The artist and director of the musical is NELLY ROQUA.

Choreographer - Laureate of international competitions - ANDREY ZELTYN.

Director - Member of the World Dance Council of UNESCO, Honored Artist of Russia - VIKTOR SELIVERSTOV.

Composer – Laureate of jazz festivals and leading role performer – MARINA TSAREGORODTSEVA.


TV channel "STS - KUZBASS"



Newspaper "KOMSOMOLSKAYA Pravda"


Newspaper "With YOU"

Newspaper "KEMEROVO"








Soloist of the Kuzbass Musical Theater - VYACHESLAV SHTYPS


Laureate of the All-Kuzbass festival "GENERATION 2003" - YULIA KONOVALOVA

Laureates of the All-Kuzbass festival "GENERATION 2000" - the group "56th size", popular TV presenters - VLADIMIR OSIPOV and NIKOLAI SIMONOVSKY

Laureate of international competitions, soloist of the Kuzbass Musical Theater - KONSTANTIN GOLUBYATNIKOV

Laureate of the regional competition “PEARL OF SIBERIA”, winner of the GRAND PRIX of the All-Kuzbass festival “GENERATION 2003” - KONSTANTIN KRUGLOV.

Honored Artist of Russia, leading artist of the Kemerovo Regional Drama Theater - VIKTOR MIROSHNICHENKO

Dance Theater of the Kuzbass State Philharmonic "SIBERIAN KALEIDOSCOPE" - artistic director, director - concert director - musical VIKTOR SELIVERSTOV, choreographer ANDREY ZELTYN

Assistant director of the concert - musical - VIKTOR MAKAROV.

Sound engineers of the concert - musical - IGOR CHETTERNYH and VALERY ZHIZHIN

Lighting designer: SERGEY BELIK

Arranger, studio recording of musical works - ARTEM TURKICHEV.

Head of production - OLGA LODIAGINA


Financial fairy tale




GRANDMOTHER-deputy Farmer for any questions

GRANDdaughter - financial genius, chief accountant

BUG - underground businessman

CAT – major

MOUSE-NORUSHKA – sponsor-buyer

Scene 1

On stage, Grandfather and Grandmother are sitting in their hut, drinking tea and watching TV

Grandfather: Grandma! We have a lot of land. I propose to open a state of emergency and call it “Grow a Big Turnip.”

Grandma: Where are you going to get the money, grandpa? Yes, and you need to draw up a business plan, define a strategy and establish international economic relations!

Grandfather: You're a fool, grandma! Don't jump over your head! Let's take a loan from a bank or ask our cool Bug.

Scene 2

Grandfather walks down the street and looks for a bank, but sees only Casinos, Restaurants, Expensive shops. Finally he finds what he needs.

GZK: Grandfather went to the bank, mortgaged the hut and took the money. I bought some seeds and a shovel. I came home and planted a turnip.

The turnip grew all summer and grew big, big, without pesticides and fertilizers!

Autumn has come - it's time to harvest. Since the grandfather had already spent his money on seeds, fertilizers, workers’ salaries and electricity, he realized that he couldn’t pull the turnip out on his own! He decided to ask his grandmother for help.

Scene 3

Grandfather turns to loved ones for help

Grandfather: Grandma-granny! I need your financial help to buy a tractor to pull out turnips.

GZK: Grandma took out the little one. Grandfather and Grandma figured it out, did the math, found out the prices of harvesting equipment on international markets - but there was still not enough money.

Grandma: Go grandfather to granddaughter. She is a smart person, she knows a lot. Ask her for help.

Granddaughter: Grandfather, I will give you everything that I have in all my accounts. I will help in any way I can!

GZK: After the merger of cash flows from Grandmother and Granddaughter, there was only enough money for the wheel.

Scene 4

Grandfather wants to attract creditors from outside and goes looking for

GZK: And so the grandfather decides to turn to Zhuchka.

Bug: You understand, Grandfather, my affairs are bad - the shares of my company have fallen on the stock exchange. You need a serious sponsor. I advise you to contact the richest sharper in this village - the Cat!

GZK: I found Grandfather Cat on the Internet and made an appointment.

He told her about his difficult lot and asked her to help him in this trouble. She agreed to help with her selfish goals - to take 50% of turnip sales.

The grandfather realized that he would not receive benefits, but he had no choice - he had to pay off the loan and interest.

He says to the cat:

Grandfather: I agree, but I don't have a buyer.

Cat: I'm not interested in this, look for a buyer day and night. And only after that I agree to give you money.

Scene 5

Grandfather walks down the street and cries

GZK: The grandfather wanders home in confusion and thinks about how to find a buyer. And then he remembers his eternally hungry childhood friend - the little mouse!

Whether it was a long walk or a short one, he came to the forest, found a familiar hole and knocked.

Mouse: What did you come with, Grandfather?

Grandfather: Mouse, have you bought yourself food for the winter? I can offer you a super-duper delicious turnip, the most elite variety, not rotten, the most mature + free delivery and storage in my hut.

GZK: The mouse presented. That again all winter she will have to eat black caviar and crabs, which she already simply hates, without thinking twice she agreed to buy the whole batch.

Grandfather immediately ran with delight to the Cat for money. I bought a tractor and pulled out a turnip. Then the time came to distribute the debts: to the bank, Grandma, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and, most importantly, transfer of goods to the Mouse.

After that, Grandfather counted the proceeds and realized that farming was not his calling.

Grandfather and Grandmother began to live and cherish the hut. Soon they opened a new enterprise, “Chicken Ryaba”, and began to engage in poultry farming, but that’s a completely different story!!!

There are many different holidays in the world. There are local and international holidays, traditional and unusual: Hug Day, Blonde Day, Egg Day, Dormouse Day, Chocolate Day, Spontaneous Kindness Day, Cucumber Day and even Toilet Day. So, there are a wide variety of holidays, but there is no Money Day! It's time to restore justice. Proposed script "Money Day" can be used for a home party or corporate event (for example, Accountant's Day or Financier's Day). Such a ringing and rustling holiday can be arranged on a birthday or on any calendar holiday by adding appropriate toasts and slightly changing the eyeliner. After all, this day is not tied to a date, and therefore you can celebrate it on any day, and as many times as you like. This can also be used to conduct fun seminars on the topic... “Happiness is not in money, but in quantity!” It was noticed that After such parties, there is always more in your pocket, and wallets become heavier.

Preparation: First, let's set the festive table, the menu of which will delight the heroes of the occasion. (Let me remind you that the heroes of our celebration are MONEY). Prepare a beautiful menu where you remind guests of the importance of this or that dish on the holiday table. Additional materials and musical inserts are included. Tips for organizers are in italics.

Required details:

- Small money (coins) in large quantities - some of them will serve as incentive tokens, others will be starting capital for teams;

- Socks (2 or 3 according to the number of teams), which will contain the “starting capital” of the teams;

- Printed "Money Menu". The menu can be read out; you will find the text in the first words of the Host.

- Souvenir money or candy wrappers, acting as banknotes;

- Plates with signs or names of currencies for the “Mad Money” competition;

- Unchangeable ruble - a banknote in denomination of one ruble, which was in circulation in the USSR (if you don’t have it, you can draw or print a copy of it from the Internet);

- Costumes “Money Bag”, for the finale “Distribution of Elephants and Gifts”

Money menu:

Pancakes with cabbage- so that the cabbage is thick
Mushrooms- to row everything to yourself
Fried fish with golden crust- to fulfill material desires
Pork in any form- symbol of prosperity and wealth
Various greens- to green dollars
Grape- symbol of abundance
Kiwi- green fruits, which are good for money, and they are also hairy, therefore, good for big money
Tea- for aspirations
Lemons- to millions
Halva- for freebies
Chocolate- so that everything is covered in chocolate
Well, and, of course, semolina to lure MANI
You can wash it all down LEMON-at-home- so that millions would fly to your home.

Don't forget about money scents: orange, bergamot, cinnamon, patchouli, rosemary and others.

(Those who are familiar with the OXYMORON technique will probably supplement the menu with their “own” dishes. If you use this scenario to conduct a fun seminar, then “sit” wallets (open) in the center of the festive table, let them inhale the aromas and eat - treat and fill up)

A frivolous scenario for the “Money Day” holiday.

Leading: Money, Money, Money - multi-colored pieces of paper and hard coins that have fantastic energy and powerful potential. And also - rejected, slandered, cursed... Remember, “money is evil”, “you can’t earn a lot of money with honest work”, “money spoils a person” and the like. But why then do we secretly lust after these very banknotes? And even in quantities that are inconvenient to even talk about in polite society? Education, my friends, education! I propose to restore justice and celebrate Money Day. I note that the menu for today's holiday corresponds to the stated theme. On our tables there is everything that is useful for increasing the money supply in our wallets.

The first competition "Currencies of different countries".

Leading: To begin with, we will arrange a warm-up based on the “Auction” principle: whoever says the last word on a given topic wins. And the theme of our Auction will be “Currencies of different countries”.

(Hint for the Leader: ruble, dollar, pound, euro, Afghani, dinar, peso, franc, lev, dong, lari, real, tenge, koruna, yuan, won, yen)

There's a song about money from the movie "Matchmaking of a Hussar" Oh, money, money, rubles

Leading: Have you ever noticed that some people, who are quite uncertain about their expenses, become more agile and confident when they have to count their income and free cash, or their own “ringing possibilities,” as Nikolai Gumilyov poetically called money? Perhaps our first dropouts from the previous competition were among them?

The second competition “They love money.”

(see the competition in the script for this)

Competition "Money loves counting - 2".

Leading: Two people are invited to the podium (one from each team), who were somewhat... “hesitant” in the last competition. Let's put it this way. Now you will have a unique opportunity to show your abilities in full brilliance and earn start-up capital for your team. A long time ago, money was kept in chests, basements, hiding places, now, as a rule, savings are trusted to banks, however, some people, in the old fashioned way, hide money under a pillow or in socks. These socks, filled with specie, will become the starting capital of your team, but for this, you have to count how many coins we hid in this rare cache.

Conditions of the competition: There should be a different number of coins in the socks - the difference is 3-4 coins. The presenter must know exactly how many are in which sock. The first one to count wins. After the end of the competition, the starting capital is equalized, and the winner receives an additional bonus. Let's say 5 coins.

Competitors consider "starting capital".

The fourth competition "Keep your money in a savings bank!"

Leading: Probably many people remember this Soviet slogan: “Keep your money in a savings bank.” And we, as modern people, store our savings, of course, not in socks, but in banks. But not everyone knows how to make deposits “correctly” and how to protect their savings.

A competition is being held"Keep your money in a savings bank"

Leading: I’ll ask you to go “on stage” 1-2 at a time (depending on the number of participants) men - these will be our BANKS. We will give each Bank one client, who within a certain amount of time (for example 1 minute), will have to make as many deposits as possible in their banks. Deposits are candy wrappers (clients must have equal amounts of “cash”), safe deposit boxes - pockets, sleeves, socks, finally! Let's begin. Time has passed!

Sounds timer

After counting the remaining funds on hand, the first winner is revealed.

Leading: And now I ask clients to change BANKS and try to withdraw the deposits of their rivals. Everything about the same 60 seconds. Time, gentlemen!

The winner is the participant who managed to withdraw more of her opponent’s deposits.

Mobile competition "Mad money".

Leading: And now we will briefly return to childhood. Remember how fun it was to shout: “Ali Baba!”, “What is the servant talking about?...” And then run, breaking through the chain of the opposing team with your chest? Keeping the rules of that children's game, we will catch money, or rather “money”, or more precisely money. Something like this:

- Yes, yes, yes!
- Dollar-Petya is here for us!

(To the organizers: You can prepare signs with the sign or name of any currency and hang them on each participant)

The "Mad Money" competition is being held. The team that catches the most “money” wins.

Team relay race “Store eggs in different baskets, or develop new markets”

Leading: They say that eggs should be stored in different baskets. I don’t know who came up with this thesis, but there was no such proverb in Russian folklore. Nevertheless, the phrase turned out to be tenacious, and therefore, we will now deal with just such packaging of eggs.

(The presenter picks up the egg, “accidentally drops it, thereby showing that the egg is raw. Agree in advance with the assistant so that he quickly removes the results of the “demonstration”).

Leading: As you can see, the eggs are fresh and fragile, so try to protect your goods.
The relay conditions are as follows: Participants line up at the starting line. There are spoons in the hands, eggs in the spoons. In front are chairs on which there are baskets (buckets, pots, basins, in short - containers). One team member stamps the eggs. (This could be a children's toy stamp (seal), or just a felt-tip pen on which a team sign is placed. Let's say, for one it will be "P" - from the ruble, and for the other "E" - from the euro. Or simpler: felt-tip pens of different colors ). On command, the participants move to their basket, leave an egg in it, return, pass the relay spoon to another participant, who carries the egg to another “basket”. Please note that teams can use absolutely all "baskets" (markets).

The relay race “Store eggs in different baskets” is held. The team that has “mastered” the most “markets” wins.

(Option2 competition "Store eggs in different baskets, or develop new markets."
In a close, friendly company, you can make the competition more extreme. In this case, men will act as “baskets,” or rather their pockets and hands, where “raw” eggs will be sent, but it will be more convenient to carry them in their hands).

Seventh competition "Money, how I love you, my money!"

Leading: It's time to rest. We are holding another auction. We name proverbs, sayings, popular expressions about money and money. We remember, we replenish the treasury. Every proverb is a coin. The team that "cuts down" the last one wins.

(Tips for the presenter: There is never too much money; Money doesn't smell; They love money; A penny saves the ruble; Money doesn't buy happiness; Think or not, a hundred rubles is not money; There was not a penny, but suddenly it was altyn; You won’t earn all the money; Money is like dirt; Money - the chickens don't peck; Your money will become ours; Money in the barrel!; Money to money; Our money was crying; Finance sings romances; An agreement is more valuable than money; Oh, ma, if only there was so much money!; A penny saves the ruble; etc.)

Eighth competition“Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity, or passion is a serious matter.”

Leading And now the teams will have the opportunity to significantly increase their team capital. For this, friends, you will need ingenuity, the ability to think logically, and simply Her Majesty - Luck. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, our great-great-grandmothers played a simple game called “Danetki”. Most likely, it was called differently then. Nowadays, having received a new modern name, the game is becoming popular again. This is what we will play. The conditions are simple: I ask a question, and the teams ask me additional questions that can help solve the problem. I will answer only “Yes” or “No”, but you must find the correct answer through logical conclusions. So let's begin. The first "Danetka" guessed will bring the team 10 (20) full coins.

The first "Danetka"

They did their job well, and Sveta began to speak better because of them. What's happening?

Answer: Sveta is learning a tongue twister: “Four little black little devils drew an extremely clean drawing with black ink.”

The first round of the game is underway.

Leading: Is the task clear? And now the conditions are changing a little. More precisely, only one team will answer the question. For example, command "N". If the answer is correct, she will receive her 20 gold, but!!! Team "M", if desired, can repurchase the right to answer. To do this, she must bet a larger amount - 25 - 30 coins. If the answer is correct, the team receives the amount they bet. Both teams can take part in the bidding.

Danets "for sale":

1. To test her theory, Lisa harmed the environment. What's happening?

Answer: Lisa used a chamomile to tell fortunes - “loves, doesn’t love.”

2. Baba Klava was walking from the market, climbed a tree along the way, climbed down from it and moved on. What happened?

Answer: She crossed the stream on a fallen tree.

3. In the store, Irina was attacked by an animal that wanted to get to her neck, but she managed to emerge victorious. What happened?

Answer: Oksana was “choked by a toad,” but the girl overcame her greed.

Ninth competition "Money doesn't lie under your feet."

Leading: All good things come to an end someday: youth, vacations, and money. And ours is gradually coming to an end. I ask for commands to take the stage. What do you think, my rich friends, is the proverb “Money doesn’t lie under your feet” true?

Answers follow.

Leading: Well, I suggest you check it out. Now a unique attraction will be presented to your attention: “Money Rain”. This is a very useful action. It is not for nothing that newlyweds are showered not only with rose petals, but also with wheat and small coins. We are far from getting married here, but experiencing the grace of the ringing and rustling rain is always useful and pleasant. But after the financial cloud flies away, you have to collect what attacks from it.

It's "raining money" from souvenir buffets. You can add a few hailstones (coins) to the “precipitation”. Teams collect money. The team that collects the most bills and coins wins.

Alik Farber's song "Money, how I love you, my money" is playing.

Final. "Distributing elephants and gifts."

Leading: While a life-affirming song is playing, the teams count their capital and calculate how much they earned this evening, not forgetting to take into account that the initial amount was NN.

The ABBA Ensemble's song "Mani-mani-mani" is playing

Leading: So, the money has been counted, and the results are impressive. During our short evening, team N earned nn banknotes in hard (wooden) currency and took an honorable second place. She is given an irredeemable ruble.

There is applause and a gift is given.

Leading: With a slight margin of mm characters, team M became the overall winner. In this connection, she is presented with a check in the amount of the capital earned today, and all team members receive the honorary title “Money Bag”.

(For organizers: You can prepare costumes for the winners: bags with cut holes for the head and arms, with appropriate inscriptions and decorations. One of them can be tried on and demonstrated.)

There is applause and gifts are given.

Advice from the author: In a small company, or at a fun seminar, you can have a tea party with meaning and benefit. To do this, place a small sheet of paper under each cup. Stir the tea with a simple pencil. (You can determine the number of stirrings in advance. For the Merry Wizards, for example, the number 27 is considered magical. But you can also use your own lucky number). After that, everyone writes on a piece of paper: TEA, THERE WILL BE MONEY! The piece of paper must be placed in your wallet. Let him work as bait for money. And don't forget about the heroes of the occasion. You can “feed” your wallets with semolina. And scatter the temptation at the door. Let the money know where to go)))

We wish all our users wealth and prosperity!