Take an x-ray of the maxillary sinuses. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses (PSN): how and why they are done, pictures, example of a description (transcript). Where to take an x-ray of the sinuses

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses(PPN) is a necessary component of a comprehensive clinical examination of patients in otorhinolaryngological departments. In medical practice, x-rays of the nose are performed using radiography, fluoroscopy and linear tomography. The nasal cavity is located in the central part of the facial skull and is divided in half by the septum. Near it are paired paranasal or paranasal sinuses, which communicate with the nasal cavity using passages (channels). Under natural conditions, the sinuses are filled with air, and therefore the X-ray of the PPN clearly displays them as light, clearly limited formations.

As a rule, radiography of the paranasal sinuses is performed with the introduction of radiocontrast agents into their cavity or into the patient’s vein, and also in the standard version - without artificial contrast. The sinuses are filled with contrast agents during probing of their anastomosis, during puncture, or using sinus catheters. To get a picture of the paranasal sinuses, it is enough to inject 3-5 ml of radiopaque contrast agent into the cavity. After this, it becomes possible to determine the size of the cavity and the presence of filling defects caused by space-occupying formations using an x-ray image.

Since sinusitis is very common among ENT pathologies, otolaryngologists most often prescribe x-rays of the frontal sinuses and x-rays of the maxillary sinuses. Inflammatory processes in these sinuses (as well as in the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses) are the reason for hospitalization in 30-40% of all patients referred to the ENT hospital. High-quality radiography of the PPN is ensured by conducting research in special projections: nasofrontal, chin or nasomental. The nasomental is done in a vertical position of the patient (standing, sitting), the chin - sitting with the chin touching the cassette, and the nasofrontal - with the forehead and tip of the nose touching the cassette.

An x-ray of the nose is performed in an x-ray room. The essence of the upcoming manipulations is explained to the patient in advance. If radiography of the nose is performed with contrast, the patient is warned about possible sensations of distension in the nasal cavity. Before the study, it is necessary to determine the presence of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the pharmaceuticals used. If necessary, anesthesia of the nasal mucosa is performed using an aerosol or application method. X-rays of the sinuses are difficult to do for mobile, excitable individuals and small children. In such situations, measures are taken to keep the patient in the desired position or anesthesia is administered.

X-ray of the sinuses is prescribed mainly by an ENT doctor, surgeon, therapist or oncologist and serves to identify:

  • traumatic injuries and foreign bodies of the sinuses;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • odontogenic tumors and cysts;
  • osteoma, chondroma, angiofibroma;
  • cancer and sarcoma;
  • granulomatous inflammation (tuberculosis, Wegener's granulomatosis);
  • mucocele;
  • nasal polyps;
  • thickenings, deformations, perforations of bone walls and septa.

In clinical practice, x-rays of the sinuses are used both for diagnostic purposes and to monitor the effectiveness of therapeutic measures and postoperative rehabilitation.

You can take a picture of the sinuses in most medical centers. Using this online service, you can easily find a diagnostic department that meets the parameters you need (city area, distance from the metro station, type of study). On the pages of the site you will receive information not only about the location of the selected medical institution, but also about its work schedule and pricing policy. The website provides a free registration service for x-rays of the paranasal sinuses at a selected clinic. To get an appointment at a time convenient for you, you just need to fill out an online application or contact the site’s Call Center.

Fluoroscopy is an instrumental method for studying the human body, including the condition of the ENT organs. By examining sinusitis in the picture, you can determine what the pathology looks like, as well as its nature and location. The information received will definitely be taken into account when drawing up a treatment regimen.

An examination is prescribed as soon as the first signs of inflammation appear. Its goal is to assess how affected the nasal cavity is and to find out what caused the sinusitis. For adult patients, the basis for prescribing an examination is:

  1. The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity after an infectious disease.
  2. Headaches that get worse with every movement of the head.
  3. Chronic runny nose, bleeding.
  4. Deterioration of sense of smell.
  5. Increased body temperature, lacrimation, photophobia.

All these symptoms may indicate the onset of inflammation. In addition to sinusitis, x-rays make it possible to determine ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, as well as to identify a curvature of the nasal septum, the appearance of tumor and cystic formations, and purulent-necrotic processes in bone tissue.

To get the most informative picture of sinusitis, two projections are chosen for shooting: direct and lateral. When laying in the first case, the chin and nose are placed at the same level. When shooting using the second method, they are placed at an angle. Sometimes it may be necessary to check the condition of the sinuses while lying down. The radiologist will be able to get the result and describe the sinusitis in the image within a few minutes.

No preliminary preparation is required before the procedure. The patient will be advised to remove all objects and jewelry from the area being examined.

The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, since radiation has a negative effect on the fetus. Research may only be permitted if absolutely necessary. In this case, the woman must be provided with additional protection. When breastfeeding, the test can be done at any time.

The procedure is prescribed with caution to children and patients with oncology. This type of research is not recommended if the patient has metal-containing dentures or other foreign objects in the area being examined. Due to their ability to reflect rays, test results may be distorted.

Sinusitis on an x-ray with a description

The interpretation of the radiograph is carried out only by a specialist radiologist or doctor monitoring the patient. If there are no deviations in the image, the following will be displayed:

  1. Nasal cavity. It looks like a light triangle with a partition in the middle.
  2. The nasal passages have the appearance of shadows located symmetrically on both sides of the nasal cavity.
  3. Maxillary sinuses. They are displayed in the form of triangular clearings with clear outlines located on the side of the nasal cavity.
  4. Frontal sinuses. They appear above the eye sockets as clear spots of different shapes and sizes.

Thanks to the features that each image has, it is possible to recognize the nature of the inflammation and determine its location:

  1. The appearance of dark spots above the nose indicates the development of inflammation in the frontal sinuses.
  2. Darkening in several zones will indicate an inflammatory process in several places.
  3. Round-shaped shadows with extending threads will indicate the presence of polyps.
  4. Allergies are manifested by additional darkening of varying intensity.
  5. Catarrhal inflammatory processes of a chronic nature are depicted as thickening of mucous tissues.

Signs of sinusitis on x-ray

The accumulation of purulent contents in the sinuses during sinusitis will look in the photo as a light spot against the background of a black sinus. If the content is large, you can see its horizontal border.

The image of healthy sinuses looks like dark semi-oval niches, which are located on both sides of the nose. Their colors and eye sockets match. This situation indicates the absence of any pathologies. The appearance of even small light areas will signal the onset of inflammatory phenomena. The stronger the inflammation, the brighter the white spots. In addition, the image of the sinuses will change. The sinuses with sinusitis will appear on an x-ray with uneven edges and thickened walls.

The development of pathology begins with inflammation of the lateral sinuses. Then the inflammatory process expands to the frontal areas. This will appear on the image as darkened areas above the nose. Often, inflammatory phenomena develop simultaneously in the frontal and lateral sinuses. Such signs indicate the development of several diseases - sinusitis and sinusitis.

During the diagnosis, the doctor examines and evaluates the condition of the ethmoid bone. Sinusitis can cause inflammation to spread into the maxillary maxillary sinuses. Liquids of a different nature can accumulate in them: catarrhal, mucous or purulent. On an x-ray photo, it will be visible as a light spot with clear outlines against the background of the dark nasal sinus.

If, when photographing the nose during sinusitis, the photo records the presence of clearly defined circles with smooth borders in the sinuses, then this indicates the presence of cystic or other neoplasms. If pathology develops, a repeat study will be required, which will record an increase in their size, change in shape and degree of growth.

Is it necessary to take an x-ray for sinusitis?

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an ENT doctor. The presence of pain in the nasal area is determined by palpation. During a visual examination, changes in the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the nasal passages are assessed.

If there is a suspicion of the onset of inflammation, the doctor definitely recommends taking an X-ray for sinusitis. The radiologist deciphers, describes the image obtained in the picture and gives his conclusion. Based on this, the doctor draws up a treatment plan.

With the development of sinusitis, blockage of the paranasal sinuses often occurs. Swelling may appear in the soft tissues, and congestion and congestion may also develop. Deformed nasal canals make it difficult to remove mucus. Its increased concentration contributes to the further spread of infection.

Under these conditions, inflammation can cause various complications. The hearing aid is most often affected. Inflammation of the inner ear develops. This is explained by anatomical features. The maxillary sinuses and middle ear are located close to each other.

Due to complications caused by sinusitis, the following appear:

  1. Pain in the ear, often of a convulsive nature.
  2. Nasal congestion, soft tissue swelling.
  3. Headaches.
  4. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness.

In addition, hearing acuity is impaired, a large volume of thick exudate is formed, and sometimes pus appears in it. Diagnosis of pathology and determination of the extent of damage require a number of studies, including x-ray.

How often can an x-ray be taken for sinusitis?

X-rays of the sinuses for sinusitis must be taken at least twice. For the first time, filming is carried out at the initial stage of pathology. It is needed to confirm or refute the diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan. The second time - 10-12 days after the start of therapeutic measures. Based on how sinusitis looks on an x-ray photograph, a specialist will be able to assess the effectiveness of the therapy and, if necessary, change or supplement it.

In severe cases, when constant monitoring of the condition of the ENT organs is needed, fluoroscopy can be performed more often, since the harm from an unscheduled process may not be as great as from improper treatment.

If drug therapy does not give the desired result, surgery is prescribed. After this, an X-ray examination may be recommended to assess the patient's condition.

X-ray of the sinuses: what is not visible in the picture

The x-ray image shows the main signs of sinusitis - the presence of an inflammatory process and its location. However, it is impossible to get an idea of ​​what kind of fluid has accumulated in the sinuses - serous, purulent or catarrhal. In the image, the pathology at the initial stage and chronic sinusitis look the same.


If the nose is stuffy for a long time, green snot is released and the timbre of the voice has changed, doctors recommend performing an x-ray. With the help of this diagnosis, it is possible to detect sinusitis or other diseases of the ENT organs and their possible complications in a timely manner. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of a faster recovery.

Why do you need radiography for sinusitis?

Without an x-ray, a diagnosis can be made, but further treatment is not always effective. First, the doctor must examine the condition of the maxillary sinuses, and then select medications and prescribe physiological procedures to destroy germs and remove pus from the nasal passages.

X-ray of the maxillary sinuses accurately determines the area of ​​damage to the sinuses, the degree and stage of inflammation of the mucous membrane, and possible complications of maxillary sinusitis.

What can you learn from the photo?

The x-ray does not visualize soft tissues, but bone structures are visible. The paranasal sinuses are depicted as dark ovals. To determine sinusitis, you need to compare their shade with the eye sockets. If the colors match, the sinuses are not inflamed. When pus accumulates, large areas of darkening appear on the X-ray photo.

An image of the nose with sinusitis provides the following information:

  • Location of lesions. The picture shows dark spots.
  • Presence and severity of the inflammatory process. Accumulations of mucus appear as light spots.
  • Tumors, cysts, polyps. These neoplasms have a clear border in the image. Upon repeated examination, they increase in size and grow unevenly.
  • Physiological changes. With sinusitis, uneven thickening of the mucous membrane, the degree of filling of the paranasal sinuses with purulent masses, and deformation of bone structures are determined.

Indications for diagnostics

Using an x-ray, the doctor clarifies the diagnosis, the form of sinusitis, and determines an effective treatment plan. Indications for diagnostics are:

  • headaches that get worse when turning or tilting the head;
  • prolonged nasal congestion;
  • swelling, soreness of the forehead;
  • unpleasant odor, greenish color of snot when blowing your nose;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nasopharyngeal injuries;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • foreign body in the nose.

X-rays are done to monitor the positive dynamics of the treatment and to clarify the diagnosis. If the doctor suspects polyps or an oncological tumor, he will also refer you for such an examination before the puncture.

X-ray examination technique

To avoid discrepancies during decoding, during the procedure you must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. The preparatory activities are as follows:

  • Before the examination, remove your outer clothing and change into a robe.
  • Remove all metal jewelry from your body and take out your dentures.
  • Tell the radiologist about the presence of metal plates in the skull.
  • Clear your nasal passages and blow away any snot.

A prerequisite is that the X-ray equipment is adjusted to the height of each patient. The stages of the examination are:

  1. The patient stands in the X-ray machine so that the nose and chin are placed in a special stand.
  2. At the doctor’s command, inhale deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  3. Exhales and exits the X-ray machine.

At the moment of holding your breath, the radiologist takes a picture, from which it becomes clear whether the patient has sinusitis or not. The X-ray photo is signed and should not be touched for 30 minutes to allow the image to dry. Afterwards, the doctor makes a transcript and makes an accurate diagnosis.

Projection images for suspected sinusitis

To clarify the diagnosis, take an x-ray of the sinuses in several projections: posterolateral, axial, nasomental, mental and lateral. This increases the chances of a speedy recovery. For sinusitis, x-rays of the sinuses are performed in the nasomental and chin projections. In this position, the sinuses are viewed with maximum accuracy.

The bone structures of the nose are studied in direct, lateral left and right projections.

If a ring shadow is visible on the x-ray photo, the doctor recommends taking an x-ray with contrast. In this case, a contrast agent is injected into the paranasal sinuses under local anesthesia. The picture is clear, it shows cysts and polyps and their location in the nasal cavities.

To be examined and get a transcript of the results from the photo, you need to contact a radiologist. Signs of the inflammatory process on an x-ray depend on the form of sinusitis:

  • Purulent. The photographs in 2 projections show the contrast of the black color of the paranasal sinuses with the white infiltrate.
  • Polypous. Such a neoplasm is visible on X-ray as a bulge on a stalk, which is located on the wall of the maxillary sinus.
  • Odontogenic. X-ray darkening is visible in the sinuses and sockets of the teeth, the bones of the upper jaw are thickened.

Sinusitis in the picture has the following features:

  • discrepancy between the sinuses and the eye sockets in color;
  • uneven edges, thickened walls of the maxillary sinuses;
  • infiltrate;
  • white areas with a clear line against the background of an oval darkening (this is what an accumulation of fluid looks like);
  • circles in the sinuses with clear boundaries and smooth edges (tumors, cysts).

Is it possible to do an X-ray of a child’s nose?

The minimum dose of ionizing radiation (0.1-1.2 mSv) during examination does not harm children's health.

X-rays for sinusitis are performed on patients over 14 years of age, when the maxillary sinuses are fully formed and are identical in structure and location to the sinuses of adults

At a younger age (up to 7 years), examination is not contraindicated, but is not relevant. Doctors explain this by the lack of formation and anatomical features of the paranasal sinuses. They are located closer to the meninges. In addition, it is difficult for the child to keep his head still. The X-ray photo is inaccurate. An alternative is ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the nose and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Where to take an x-ray of the sinuses

A radiologist or therapist will refer you for examination if the patient’s snot does not stop for a long time. X-rays of the sinuses for sinusitis are done in district clinics, hospitals, private clinics and diagnostic centers. The cost of an examination in 1 projection is 1300 rubles, in several - from 1800 rubles. List of diagnostic centers in Moscow where they do x-rays of the nose:

  • SM clinic;
  • Best Clinic;
  • Clinic Family Doctor;
  • AMS Medicine;
  • Medkvadrat.


Some otolaryngological diseases require more in-depth diagnosis - in these cases, x-rays are used. Sometimes the position of the sinuses or congenital developmental anomalies do not allow an examination without diagnostic equipment, then the image obtained from an X-ray is a comprehensive diagnostic result.


X-rays of the ENT organs are prescribed in cases where other examination methods did not provide comprehensive information or were useless. Most often, radiographic examination is prescribed to determine.

There are few contraindications to this research method:

  • Carrying a child;
  • Serious condition;
  • Age up to 14 years.

The last contraindication is neglected in some cases. When there is no other option other than x-rays, and other methods turn out to be uninformative, x-rays of the ENT organs are prescribed.

Indications for use

Radiography of ENT structures is indicated for any diseases of the otolaryngological organs, if other methods have not provided sufficient information to draw up an adequate treatment regimen. The technique is used in the following conditions:

  • Head injuries and bruises;
  • The presence of foreign bodies in the oropharynx, ear and nasal passages;
  • Pain in the head that is not relieved by anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Constantly stuffy nose and difficulty breathing;
  • Discharge from the ears and nose with an unknown cause;
  • Pain in the frontal lobe and sinuses;
  • Increased body temperature of unknown etiology.

X-ray of the ENT organs is used not only as a diagnostic method, but also as a method for monitoring the development of the disease and the success of its treatment.

Using an X-ray, diseases such as sinusitis, otitis, adenoiditis, all kinds of neoplasms in the sinuses, deformations of cartilaginous septa, consequences of injuries and congenital anomalies of organ development in otolaryngology can be detected in the image.

Can x-rays detect all diseases?

The given list of organ diseases that can be detected using x-rays is not yet complete. Absolutely any changes in connective and cartilaginous tissues can be monitored using an image.

This means that inflammatory processes in the sinuses and even minor swelling, enlargement of organs, will be noticed by an experienced specialist in the image after an X-ray examination. In some cases, additional diagnostics may be needed. It is usually prescribed when foreign objects or neoplasms are detected. In this case, the patient is sent for an MRI or CT scan to clarify the density and volume of the formation.

Types of X-ray examination

X-rays of ENT organs can be classified according to the area of ​​interest and the purpose of diagnosis. There are two main types of x-rays:

  • Survey radiography;
  • Sight radiography.

The first type is usually prescribed for complaints of unclear pain and discomfort, the cause of which was not determined by examination in the ENT office. A specific part of the body is examined - this could be the frontal lobe, nasal sinuses and other parts. Survey radiography, therefore, only sets the boundaries of further research, although in some cases the information obtained through it is sufficient.

Sight radiography is often carried out after survey radiography. For example, they were examined for the first time and a lump or swelling was found in one of them. A targeted x-ray of the diseased sinus is prescribed to clarify the cause of swelling or compaction.

How to see changes in a photo

Examination of organs in otolaryngology is carried out in a lateral projection. An X-ray with a depth of twenty millimeters gives a picture with a frontal section of the larynx. This image clearly shows the aryepiglottic folds, the epiglottis itself, the vocal cords, and the plates of the thyroid cartilage.

The image allows you to see the results of the processes of calcification, calcium deposition, and with a deeper study, they reveal the width of the lumen of the hypopharynx and the pyriform sinus. This examination is often prescribed for girls under 16 years of age and men after 18 years of age. X-ray of formations in otolaryngology organs is ineffective, therefore it is supplemented by tomography and fibrolaryngoscopy. Then they resort to contrast research methods and computed tomography.

How is the procedure performed?

X-ray examination is carried out in a specially designated room using an X-ray machine. The rules of the study are the same as when obtaining an image of other parts of the body:

  • The patient takes a reclining or sitting position;
  • The specialist prepares the device to take the picture;
  • Before filming begins, a warning is given to ensure that the patient sits still;
  • An image is taken in lateral and frontal projection.

Sometimes additional suspended projections may be required if the frontal and lateral views are not sufficient to clarify the pathology of the organs.

The procedure for obtaining images of organs in otolaryngology takes a little time. Preparation lasts no more than half a minute, the photo is taken within five seconds. Printing and interpreting an x-ray image takes a few minutes.


New generation medical equipment significantly reduces any risks associated with x-rays, unlike older technology. Modern devices make it possible to obtain high-precision images of organs, while minimizing the impact of the X-ray beam on the patient.

Today, x-rays of organs are not dangerous to the health of patients if they are performed by a specialist using a modern device and represent one of the best research methods.

Where to get an x-ray

You can take x-rays of organs in otolaryngology at the following institutions:

  • Otolaryngology clinics;
  • Clinics;
  • Functional diagnostic clinics;
  • X-ray rooms;
  • X-ray laboratories;
  • Radiography departments.

Typically, in diagnostic centers and clinics, x-rays are available at low prices and are performed quickly. In complex cases, it may be necessary to contact radiology laboratories with more functional equipment to study atypical pathologies and congenital anomalies. To perform an image of organs, a referral is required indicating the expected diagnosis and wishes for the quality of the completed image.

Many people suffer from various sinus-related diseases. The fact is that a lot of processes associated with viral diseases occur in them; various neoplasms can also appear there and many disorders can occur. For this reason, x-ray of the sinuses is a very important diagnostic procedure that must be performed for many diseases, especially sinusitis. This examination method is primarily aimed at identifying deviations from the normal state of the sinuses, as well as identifying infectious diseases and pathological processes. An x-ray of the sinuses with sinusitis, a photo of which you can see below, is capable of determining the degree of damage and changes in the mucous membranes, as well as tumors and cysts.

An image of the sinuses has sufficient information to determine the disease.

It is worth noting that x-ray examinations of this kind are very different from computed tomography and MRI diagnostics, since x-rays are not a safe method. Its advantages are low prices (free in government agencies) and greater availability, because photographs of the nasal sinuses are taken even urgently, that is, immediately after injury. This procedure most often takes less than 20 minutes and can only be performed by radiologists. An x-ray of the nose for sinusitis is necessarily done in two projections (standing position and lying position). Both images should be examined by a doctor, and on their basis a decision on further treatment will be made.

Let us immediately mention that this method does not even require special training, and, as mentioned earlier, it can even be carried out urgently! Sometimes it is necessary to perform an x-ray procedure of the sinuses in the presence of sinusitis several times. The fact is that sometimes treatment is ineffective, as a result of which symptoms persist and some complications arise. In severe cases, everything can even go as far as inflammation of the membranes of the brain, as well as the eye sockets. Bone changes can be seen if you take a classic panoramic photo.

The doctor may prohibit taking x-rays if the patient has undergone this procedure many times before.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

It is important to familiarize yourself with the list of indications and contraindications for this procedure. The fact is that an X-ray can completely harm your health if you ignore the rules regarding admission to the procedure. But first, let's look at the indications for the procedure, here is a list of them:

  • various clinical manifestations reminiscent of sinusitis, for example, severe nasal congestion, facial pain, etc.;
  • tumors (both benign and malignant);
  • penetration of any foreign bodies into this area;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • injuries;
  • new headaches for unknown reasons;
  • cysts;
  • development of caries of the upper teeth, as well as the need for surgery associated with implantation;
  • polyposis diseases affecting the nasal concha.

Important! An x-ray of all the maxillary sinuses can reveal darkening characteristic of sinusitis. If you have a bacterial infection, then most likely the specialist will see purulent fluid in the photographs. If total or, for example, subtotal, darkening of all walls related to the maxillary sinuses is detected, the specialist concludes that you are experiencing proliferative changes caused by hyperplastic sinusitis.

As for contraindications that limit the possible situations of the procedure, x-rays are prohibited if you are pregnant. The fact is that scientists have long proven the negative impact of such ionizing X-ray radiation on the fetus. It is worth understanding that x-rays are prohibited not only in the initial stages, but also in later stages. You cannot take x-rays even in situations where you have already exceeded the permissible number of procedures per year!

Treating sinusitis with medications alone is ineffective.


Here are the main symptoms of various types of sinusitis; if they are present, you should immediately contact a specialist who will examine you and write a referral for an x-ray:

  • headaches that appear constantly and without obvious reasons;
  • pain that occurs in the bridge of the nose, as well as the temples, eyebrows or forehead;
  • constant dizziness;
  • problems associated with general well-being, decreased performance;
  • problems with smell;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • excessive sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tearfulness;
  • sleep-related disorders;
  • swelling that appears on the face (most often it is localized in the cheeks or eyelids).

Pay attention! If you notice these symptoms, contact a qualified healthcare professional immediately. This way you can diagnose the disease in the early stages, then the treatment will be as effective and efficient as possible. Otherwise, if you neglect the disease, there will be a risk of developing serious complications!

If there is no pathology in the sinuses, then the bone walls on the x-ray will have clear contours.

Carrying out the procedure

X-ray of the sinuses is an incredibly effective method for diagnosing sinusitis. As mentioned earlier, no special preparation is required for this procedure, but it is important to never forget that there are contraindications, the list of which was presented earlier. We also mention that children are not recommended to have x-rays, or the number of procedures should be kept to a minimum. The fact is that a child’s body is much more susceptible to harmful ionizing radiation, which can cause serious harm to health at an early age. Here are the main steps in the process of this procedure:

  1. First, the radiologist will explain to the patient in detail the essence of the entire diagnostic process; this is necessary to ensure that everything happens in accordance with the requirements, then the images will be clear and informative.
  2. The person will have to lean such parts of the face as the nose and chin into the stand of the device, which will be adjusted in advance to the patient’s height. After this, the doctor will leave the room and begin setting up the equipment.
  3. From the next room, a speakerphone specialist will tell you what to do next. Just follow his instructions, then no problems will arise. The essence of such instructions will be to hold your breath when you need to take a photo. The duration of holding your breath will be short, maximum 10 seconds. When the photo is taken, it will be recorded and signed, then it will need to be dried.
  4. It is important to understand that in some situations it is necessary to take pictures in several projections, namely two. The fact is that sometimes it is necessary to monitor the condition of the sinuses even in a lying position. Thus, we can accurately conclude that there is sinusitis. The description will be given to you, after which you will have to take it to your doctor.

Description of sinusitis in the picture

Let us immediately mention that under no circumstances should you decipher the X-ray image yourself! The fact is that only a qualified specialist can do this correctly.

In the photographs, soft tissues are practically impossible to see; only bones, which have a lighter shade, are visible on them. As for the sinuses, they have a characteristic elongated oval shape, and in the photographs they are expressed in a dark color. A conclusion about the presence of sinusitis and other problems with the sinuses can be made based on a simple comparison with the eye sockets. If the color is the same, then everything is normal, that is, there are no pathological processes.

If there are light shadows in the images, the specialist concludes that there is purulent content, and this phenomenon is called “darkening.” X-rays can show the extent to which the sinuses are filled with pathological fluid. If there is a large amount of it, the darkening is enormous.

It is worth mentioning that the symptoms of sinusitis are often called milk in a glass. The fact is that, as you might have guessed, according to the information described earlier, the maxillary sinuses have some properties with a vessel, and the liquid has some properties with milk. In the absence of sinusitis, the impression of an “empty vessel” is created, as is observed in the eye sockets.

Pay attention! Yes, radiography is an excellent way to detect a disease, but this is where its capabilities end, since the type of disease, as well as its form, cannot be detected. And this is important, because the contents in some cases may include blood, mucus or pus. For this reason, it is often important to use other diagnostic methods if necessary.